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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, QRG main.jpg)

6d3648  No.7172689

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 07.24.2019

>>7169454 ————————————–——- The POWER of Anon research.

>>7168612 ————————————–——– Cap of Crumb #3038

>>7168098 ————————————–——– Force of Nature >>7168351 (cap)

>>7165757 ————————————–——– Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake (Cap: >>7165818)


>>7163488 ————————————–——– 2019 YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG.

Tuesday 07.23.2019

>>7152657 ————————————–——– Bigger than most realize. (Cap. >>7152691)

>>7151215 ————————————–——– Senator Cruz calls for Antifa RICO investigation (Cap: >>7151265)

>>7150840 ————————————–——– Highest Level Security + MAX Protect (Cap: >>7150866)

>>7150048 ————————————–——– [CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN] (Cap: >>7150148)

Monday 07.22.2019

>>7139451 rt >>7139437 ————————— Flags Out!!

>>7139394 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.Enjoy the show!

>>7136617 ————————————–——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap & Vid: >>7136639, >>7137278)

>>7136147 ————————————–——– Dark to LIGHT; Hunters become the Hunted (Cap: >>7136168)

>>7132595 ————————————–——– Ezra Cohen-Watnik

>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ————————— Mysterious operation around DC (Cap >>7137508)

>>7132079 ————————————–——– Stealth Bomber over National Mall (Cap & Vid: >>7132128)

>>7131707 ————————————–——– [Be Ready] (Cap: >>7131818)

Sunday 07.21.2019

>>7123230 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple Q - why? (Cap: >>7123254)

>>7123120 ————————————–——– [Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL]. (Cap: >>7123146)

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ————————— Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

Compiled here: >>7137191

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

6d3648  No.7172704

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder


are not endorsements

#9176 baker chg

#9176 Baker's Helper Noteables

>>7172006, >>7172157, >>7172049, >>7172087, >>7172177, >>7172202, >>7172259 President Trump Tweets and info

>>7172217 US MIL Tweets and info

>>7172094 Sidney Powell & other legal experts discuss Mueller's testimony

>>7172002 Another Win in Court for POTUS on Asylum

>>7172081, >>7172167 Joe Digenova just said on Dobbs that Durham has already interviewed Mifsud.

>>7172174 DNC Head Tom Perez, who said he wouldn't allow FOX News to host any democrat debates, ran to Martha to spin the Mueller Hearings

>>7172192 DOJ Says Bill Barr, Wilbur Ross Will Not be Prosecuted For Contempt of Congress

>>7172206 Feels good man

>>7172233 Russia Urges "Independence" From "Imposed World Order" Of US Financial System

>>7172241 Two Uber Board Members, Huffington and Cohler, call a cab

>>7172220, >>7172023 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder-for-hire plot, dead by suicide ('Sal' Cincinelli)

>>7172047 Sara Carter Reacts to Robert Mueller's Testimony

>>7172052 FBI Director Wray: Russia i.e media intent on interfering with U.S. election -reuters

>>7172116 "The Great Meme War (revision) -Vid

>>7172161 Cooler full of male genitalia found during raid of Arizona body-donation center, according to new court documents" (bag 'o dicks?)

>>7172167 Misfud on Khashoggi's payroll according to papa d: anon speculates: Summers / Rubin / TARP / al Waleed bin Talal / Citi / Elizabeth Warren rabbit hole

>>7172202 POTUS has tweeted @ :33 three [3] times so far today, Every 2 hours thus far. What will the 6:33 pm PDT [during Hannity] tweet be

>>7172488 Call to dig on Weissman

>>7172680 #9176

#9175 Baker assist Notables

>>7171567, >>7171653, >>7171803, >>7171947 Full POTUS smackdown of fake news scum ,get popcorn + POTUS news

>>7171596, >>7171631, >>7171824, >>7171850 US MIL TWEETS and Info

>>7171872 Financefag Reports

>>7171211 /pol/ is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias

>>7171239 It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz- Fox Business

>>7171245 African Bishop blasts Free-masonry, sorcery in new pastoral letter

>>7171270, >>7171335 "New" RBG interview-says she is alive-npr

>>7171272, >>7171306 Will Comey be the first to go down publicy for treason?

>>7171312 Rep. Kelly Armstrong on Mueller conflicts

>>7171347 Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS at q-clock.com

>>7171383 anon proof: Deltas For Q drop & POTUS' tweets

>>7171396 MS-13 gang slaying: Panorama HS students-LA Times

>>7171405 Collage anon with a big one today (open it in another window as it is 11mb) and dat id too

>>7171433 Mueller Testimony-Vid with anon submitted Qdrop #3458-text only

>>7171481, >>7171500, >>7171516 An adviser to Khamenei said that the meeting with Hamas was a strategic turning point in relations between Iran and the Palestinians- from july 23rd

>>7171544, >>7171689, >>7171779, >>7171859 Moar Mueller panic fest and clips from hearing

>>7171550, >>7171552, >>7171617, >>7171673, >>7171713, >>7171717, >>7171722, >>7171739, >>7171897, >>7171905 EGGstein and his people eaters

>>7171585, >>7171606 Statements of Expenditures for Special Counsel's Office (2017-2018)

>>7171888 Canadian manhunt for teen murder suspects spreads across country

>>7171928 #9175

Previously Collected Notables

>>7170367 #9173, >>7171099 #9174

>>7167200 #9169, >>7167941 #9170, >>7168756 #9171, >>7169588 #9172

>>7164113 #9165, >>7164898 #9166, >>7165652 #9167, >>7166442 #9168

>>7161031 #9161, >>7161845 #9162, >>7162524 #9163, >>7163377 #9164

>>7157951 #9157, >>7158717 #9158, >>7159531 #9159, >>7160307 #9160

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

958c84  No.7172712

Mueller testimony in a nutshell

Mueller says A.

MSM reports B.

Q says C.

No declas though for some reason. Guess Q still needs his carrot on a stick for 2020 elections.

The same old shitshow politics circlejerk will continue forever and ever and ever…

6d3648  No.7172713

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#85 >>>/comms/5510, >>7169935

Q Graphics all in EST


6d3648  No.7172722

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

6d3648  No.7172737

File: 63be5c165310eae⋯.png (301.74 KB, 477x640, 477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Dough Boy



c09aad  No.7172738


Thank you, baker.

I'll be here protecting the girls.

e93ee0  No.7172743

File: d4fcc1c4b67a7bb⋯.jpg (207.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, roy-cohn-donald-trump.jpg)





c09aad  No.7172745

File: 2b9b408094a8c98⋯.jpg (347.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 4eib7k.jpg)


Forgot pic

6160c2  No.7172758

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, BDF9E060-2EDC-4F2A-AA6F-A8….png)

44cc59  No.7172760

File: 07498e170d0f633⋯.png (2.44 MB, 991x923, 991:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae33b30df9cea8f⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1650x919, 1650:919, ClipboardImage.png)


1216 service projects executed in Aleppo and its countryside since its liberation from terrorism

The number of projects which have been implemented since the liberation of Aleppo city’s neighborhoods and it countryside from terrorism reached 1216 projects, including power, water and drainage networks, schools, health centers , bakeries, and irrigation projects as part of government measures to rehabilitate infrastructures and services in the province.


Turkey Says US Proposals on Syria Safe Zone ‘Not Satisfactory’

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday that new US proposals for a safe zone in northern Syria were “not satisfactory”, adding that Ankara was losing patience as Washington appears to be stalling in efforts to seal an agreement.

“The United States must come with proposals that are satisfactory to us or are close to our proposals,” Cavusoglu said, adding that Turkey’s patience “has run out.”


Military Situation In Syria On July 24, 2019 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

ISIS members reportedly ambushed a group of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers west of Deir Ezzor city;

Turkish forces shelled Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) positions near Ras Al-Ayn, according to pro-militant sources. Up to 5 SDF members were killed or injured;

Units of Russian Military Police arrived in al-Suwayda in order to hold talks with local leaders;

Israeli strikes targeted SAA positions at Tell al-Harrah and Tell al-Al-Ahmar;

Militants clamed that they had destroyed an SAA cannot at Qasabiyah frontline.


Syrian Air Force Pounds Militants’ Positions And Equipment In Idlib Zone

Warplanes of the Syrian Air Force carried out a fresh round of strikes on militants’ positions and equipments in the so-called Idlib de-escalation zone, according to videos released online.



Over 1,000 mortar shells left behind by terrorists found in Deir Ezzor

Competent authorities on Wednesday discovered a cache containing over 1,000 mortar shells left behind by Daesh(ISIS) terrorists in al-Mayadeen area in Deir Ezzor.


Turkish Military Strikes SDF Positions In Response To Recent Mortar Attack

The Turkish military has struck several positions of the US-backed Syrians Democratic Forces (SDF) in response to a recent mortar attack on the southern Turkish city of Sanlıurfa.

In a statement released on July 23, the Turkish Ministry of National Defence said that the strikes were a “legitimate response” to the mortar attack, which was reportedly carried out from the SDF-held town of Ras Al-Ayn.

“Seven positions on the Syrian side were destroyed, they had already been identified,” the Turkish statement reads.



1ac8e0  No.7172761

File: 3fc4b09ef9a9a18⋯.jpg (118.86 KB, 656x344, 82:43, ty-baker-qxxx3.jpg)

File: 1b44c06ba6e8294⋯.jpg (147.79 KB, 609x693, 29:33, TY-baker-xxxx5.jpg)

File: 2f3074c03e2fb10⋯.jpg (240.84 KB, 614x820, 307:410, ty-baker-xxxx3.jpg)

File: 99dd8276e73c419⋯.jpg (178.74 KB, 585x816, 195:272, ty-baker-qv.jpg)

Ty Baker

90adc2  No.7172768

File: 174dcbe689fe5aa⋯.jpeg (3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, CBCB1F8F-0F21-4B57-BB22-4….jpeg)

How long should it be my guys

0c627c  No.7172769


Andrew Weissmann is 5'8"!


2c24bb  No.7172770

File: 1fc947cd6a190ee⋯.png (502.67 KB, 594x509, 594:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef226d5a0e701ac⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 960x540, 16:9, POTUS Tweet - GOP Press Co….mp4)




44cc59  No.7172771

File: 1ff023e6a6caa2f⋯.png (683.81 KB, 597x390, 199:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dbe219b9a492b8⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1390x923, 1390:923, ClipboardImage.png)


HTS Claims Its Units Carried Out Successful Attack In Northern Hama. Syrian Military Sources Deny

“A special operation by the Red Bands [offical name of HTS’ special forces] on one of the criminal regime’s positions near Qasabiyeh in northern Hama,” the terrorist group’s news agency, Iba’a, said in a short press release.

A military source denied HTS’ claims and told SouthFront that northern Hama didn’t witness any infiltration attempt in the last 24 hours. This explains why the terrorist group’s claims didn’t include the results of the supposed attack.


Israel Used Advanced Ground-To-Ground Missiles In Recent Southern Syria Strikes

The Israeli military used advanced Spike NLOS ground-to-ground missiles in its recent attack on key military positions in the southern Syrian towns of Tell al-Harrah and Tell al-Ahmar, Syrian activists claimed on July 24.

The Spike NLOS [stands for Non Line Of Sight] is a significantly larger missile than other Spike variants, with an overall weight of around 70 kg. The missile, which has a range of up to 25 km, is guided by an EO-IR/CCD seeker with an on-board data-link. According to several sources, the Israeli missiles destroyed military equipment in Tell al-Harrah in western Daraa and in Tell al-Ahamar in al-Qunitra’s countryside. No one was reportedly injured or killed in the strikes.


Syria and Russia: Solution to crisis in Syria will be through eliminating terrorism and return of the displaced

Syrian, Russian Joint Coordination committees on the Return of Syrian displaced affirmed that the only solution to the crisis in Syria is to eliminate remnants of international terrorism and withdrawing the foreign troops which are present illegitimately in the country.

“Washington and its allies still put obstacles in front of the return of Syrian refugees, who left the country because of terrorism, to their home from neighboring countries of Syria,” the two committees said in a statement following a periodical meeting at Local Administration Ministry. The statement stressed that the illegitimate presence of US troops on Syrian territories is the main reason behind instability of attitude in the regions it occupies. It welcomed the efforts exerted to put a plan, in cooperation with the Syrian Arab red Crescent representatives, to evacuate the displaced at al-Rukban camp. The statement added that the number of displaced who return through the Syrian-Jordanian borders is continuously increasing, and the increasing number of those who return from Lebanon indicate effectiveness of procedures taken by the Syrian state to consolidate safe life in the country.


New Aleppo Rocket Attack Kills Or Injures Seven Children

At least two children were killed in the late hours of July 24 in an new rocket attack on Aleppo’s city center in northern Syria.



dc4ab3  No.7172772

File: 53b34e69c976025⋯.jpg (92.45 KB, 1171x436, 1171:436, MoO.jpg)

>[Be Ready], [Bob]


Bob wasn't ready, Q.

He dropped the soap.

2cc2ea  No.7172773

File: 08a7c71733af1cb⋯.png (544.38 KB, 556x800, 139:200, Mematic_meme_20190724_1943….png)

6f5221  No.7172774

>>7172386 ( prev )

We are going to vote anyway with or without Q. Try harder

43af6f  No.7172775

File: 800eb5eb3f431b2⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3000x1688, 375:211, 190723-epstein-clinton-tea….jpg)

File: 0a1708e8a66668c⋯.jpg (139.38 KB, 1598x1500, 799:750, 190723-epstein-embed1_mfpe….jpg)

File: bbcfd70da4c11be⋯.jpg (304.24 KB, 1677x1400, 1677:1400, 190723-epstein-embed2_ocys….jpg)

File: 9cf47a2bebf9ce8⋯.jpg (229.56 KB, 1232x1400, 22:25, 190723-epstein-embed4_ewa5….jpg)

Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times

Jeffrey Epstein’s name shows up again in the Clinton Library archives in a letter dated April 27, 1995, from Lynn Forester to “President William T. Clinton.” Forester—known as Lynn Forester de Rothschild after her marriage to Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild—served on Clinton’s National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee and on the president’s Secretary of Energy Advisory Board. She and her husband also spent the first night of their honeymoon in the Lincoln Bedroom by invitation of the Clintons.

In the 1995 letter, Forester de Rothschild writes, “Dear Mr. President: It was a pleasure to see you recently at Senator Kennedy’s house. There was too much to discuss and too little time. Using my fifteen seconds of access to discuss Jeffrey Epstein and currency stabilization, I neglected to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. Namely, affirmative action and the future.” She then goes on to note that she’s sending him a memo on the latter subject, which George Stephanopoulos had asked her to write, and signs off, “Sincerely, Lynn Forester.”


fbd97e  No.7172776

File: 7abc8f2900d59a1⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 255x186, 85:62, Pepe baker ready for take ….jpg)

567d36  No.7172777


He was scared, you can tell this is real.

He was real scared.

aeef39  No.7172778

File: 2b351fd35f98bfc⋯.jpeg (94.39 KB, 828x605, 828:605, 9CD968B3-E908-4778-BA24-3….jpeg)

File: b6e8357eeff836f⋯.jpeg (87.48 KB, 828x418, 414:209, DB54B7C8-5098-4429-B139-B….jpeg)

>>7172721 last b

Night shift is the best shift!!

Frens fighting for humanity!

2c66c4  No.7172779

File: 2d40bed0c450c03⋯.png (130.74 KB, 494x274, 247:137, bette pizza.PNG)

File: 019e1842f6d7caf⋯.png (760.76 KB, 878x545, 878:545, bette ghislane.PNG)

cbdd34  No.7172780


wai wat ldr wrote which one?

40aaa2  No.7172781

File: a61d163a7a6a4ce⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2048x1360, 128:85, D3518179-7ADF-4525-AB4B-0….jpeg)

in case anons missed it lb:

POTUS seems to be pointing to placeholders (see pic)

218f04  No.7172782

>>7172335 (lb)

i still love you

d00e1d  No.7172783

File: ddbb3aa36c3d37b⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 500x406, 250:203, 36cuoj_1_1.jpg)

Mueller was asleep during the first year of his investigation.

Mueller actually belongs in an assisted living facility.

ae5637  No.7172784

File: 07ad6c009951831⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

43af6f  No.7172785


2nd pic, Lynn Forester

8cca36  No.7172786


Doesn't seem expensive enough for anything nefarious. Please God let there be SOME things that Evil has not touched!

840ae5  No.7172787

>>7172754 (pb)

Tell that to the French, or the people of Nicaragua

6a1231  No.7172788

How much did Muller make in dollars in his own pocket ?

What money did these lawyers take from this hoax ?

Americans demand that there money is paid back by these crooked lawyers

Muller does not know GP Fusion ?

Knows not even his own report ?

efcdcc  No.7172789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


praise the lord

2c24bb  No.7172790

File: 82588840583882e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 864x730, 432:365, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't help thinking that this Oval Office refurb installed certain electronics or private communications channels for use against future administrations.

96c54c  No.7172791


Tom Fitton just said Omar is not her real nme!

41a293  No.7172792

>>7172777 Who Is His Handler? Who was pulling

Bobby-Baby's strings??

35224b  No.7172793


Right, you love being lied to. You need it.

f3102e  No.7172794

>>7172586 LB

It was a very good day for /ourteam/… 1432 :)


...29 for now, :|...but not for long


5c7e62  No.7172795

File: a0810b6e26ca038⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, marines.mp4)

Night Shift Activated

12dd42  No.7172796

115657  No.7172797

File: d0ed8ddebbde571⋯.png (46.11 KB, 678x621, 226:207, screenshot.png)

kek muh members

>dont ask me how i did that

5f9e9a  No.7172798

>>7171901 PB re FBI "suicide" in Austin last week

So now Anons figured out the guy is dead and something poofy going on, this is the "explanation" (((they))) want ppl to believe?

What a coincidence.

0db852  No.7172799

We're constantly winning against the DS… But we need a "KICK IN THE BALLS WIN"

MSM is hardly touching the Epstein story.

Need a shot to the MSM nut sack!

d966cd  No.7172800


The imagination runs wild with the possibilities

2d1ccf  No.7172801



fb5ddc  No.7172802

OK Anons. I've just been talking to one of my neighbours, an elderly Somali woman who is actually ok as neighbours go.

She has a very thick accent so its hard to understand what she's saying but you can get the general story.

She was telling me about how bad the war was in Somalia, horror stories of whole families being kidnapped and murdered, teachers etc

About half hour in, i said have you heard of the Somali politician in America? She immediately said Ihlan Omar.

I said do you know she married her brother? She was in shock, but then she said

The story i just told you is Ihlans family. They ruled Somalia.

ddc1e6  No.7172803

File: be6dbaf4ea22041⋯.png (3.92 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


MUELLER: Well I can’t get into it and it’s obvious I think that we can’t get into charging decisions.

28 CFR 600.8(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.


Great dig.

Next week should be fun.

f03e48  No.7172804

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Mediterranean Sunrise

- Al Di Meola

Inspired by last bread's SRV drop…No one can challenge SRV in blues guitar, so I found some Al D doing a flamenco-ish solo as a complementary piece.


0c627c  No.7172805

File: 5cc09683d8f53b2⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 255x246, 85:82, Qflags.jpg)

Anons, the Deep State is getting utterly and comprehensively EXPOSED

It's everywhere, all over Twitter

People you never heard of are all

"Mifsud… Downer… Weissmann etc etc etc"

Congratulations, Q.

This mission looks pretty dang complete.

It's been a humble honor and privilege of a lifetime.

41a293  No.7172806

File: d1920bf5b2da21b⋯.png (37.7 KB, 255x95, 51:19, ClipboardImage.png)


3cfeb1  No.7172807

File: c6c6c71a0b9dfd3⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 626x461, 626:461, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)


Trips of Truth!

f08551  No.7172808

File: bf68a885e7a5db3⋯.png (839.53 KB, 1014x638, 507:319, Mueller testimony.png)


Consider this, if you will:

When Q said "Mueller is working to save himself"

I always thought it was either:

A) He was playing a role for Q team to keep from facing Gitmo / prosecution over U1 fuggery,


B) Working to help force Trump out of office/impeach to prevent disclosure of said fuggery.

However, what if it refers to:

C) He's being blackmailed by the DS, being 'forced' to play this role.

Might explain the beaten-old-man presser + today's pathetic testimony.

77bf9b  No.7172809


Wont happen

3c43b1  No.7172810

clockPros, Question

which 'seconds' shows up the most

0d4944  No.7172811


been surfing around on Weissmann

listings for wife, kids, parents, anything personal.

41a293  No.7172812

>>7172808 Should have asked which Report!!

905bdb  No.7172813

File: 83c2cb72bd1c929⋯.png (231.89 KB, 519x555, 173:185, ClipboardImage.png)

#GenDunford arrived in Kabul, #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 today to meet with @ResoluteSupport and @USFOR_A Commander Gen. Austin Miller and @USAmbKabul John Bass. (1/2)

#41United #TrainAdviseAssist


8:07 AM - 24 Jul 2019

96ad58  No.7172814


Get more info anons. We need proof/data

0d4944  No.7172815


no listings for anything personal. He did go to Princeton, 1980 grad. Anyone have access to yerbooks?

35c08f  No.7172816

File: 747a65dfea41bb3⋯.jpg (271.23 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ABUSE1.jpg)

And they say Democrats care…

Mueller got what he deserves - after figureheading a bogus investigation and taking taxpayer money to do it.

d966cd  No.7172817

File: 8993f2434c6bc97⋯.png (22.66 KB, 182x74, 91:37, padma lakshmi eyes.png)

d6414c  No.7172818

File: a05d2857cb0ea0a⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 468x286, 18:11, bomb.jpg)


tsar bomba boom

And in a left-wing pub for kickers

ddc1e6  No.7172819


We really do have it all...

77bf9b  No.7172820



I'll take C for the win

Which means Patriots don't have full control

Sorry,no full control tit pics

Some meme fag will fill in

0c627c  No.7172821


Baker Notable?

Anecdote from anon's Somali neighbor about Ilhan's family being the cause of Somalian unrest

Starting to see more and more stories like this online.

It's definitely cause to investigate Ilhan's family even more.

Our military knows, I guarantee that.

7afa76  No.7172822

File: d61dac017252710⋯.jpg (132.82 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, final_2.jpg)

File: b546289de0cd925⋯.jpg (136.99 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, final_1.jpg)

File: c9cf0943fedfd5f⋯.jpg (147.94 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, final_3.jpg)

havent watched it all yet but just got done watching this exchange

right after Jordan tells him what Barr is doing

he dropped his head

in recognition/guilt

dems just repeating whats in the report after pretending to ask him questions

with his "muh purview" and "I cant answer that" song and dance answers

but the look in muellers eyes says it all imo

12dd42  No.7172823

File: 55e2184782c32c5⋯.png (27.66 KB, 590x224, 295:112, rothcunt.png)

David Rothschild speaks of Qanon.

0f2905  No.7172824

File: db48f01ac0d8200⋯.png (405 KB, 753x1081, 753:1081, 2019-07-24_20-49-59.png)

File: 87f4d2ded5738b8⋯.png (246.48 KB, 559x409, 559:409, 2019-07-24_20-51-29.png)

>>7172670 lb



Super elites.

How do you amass 500 Trillion Dollars?

0c627c  No.7172825

File: bb90bc59cb2a915⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 717x900, 239:300, IlhanSomalia.jpg)


Saw pic related on Twitter a couple of hours ago.

c5e979  No.7172826


If the answer is C), he failed them miserably today.

fb5ddc  No.7172827

File: b667a94ae7cd014⋯.jpg (359.99 KB, 1063x1244, 1063:1244, Screenshot_20190725-014835….jpg)

OK Anons. I've just been talking to one of my neighbours, an elderly Somali woman who is actually ok as neighbours go.

She has a very thick accent so its hard to understand what she's saying but you can get the general story.

She was telling me about how bad the war was in Somalia, horror stories of whole families being kidnapped and murdered, teachers etc

About half hour in, i said have you heard of the Somali politician in America? She immediately said Ihlan Omar.

I said do you know she married her brother? She was in shock, but then she said

The story i just told you is Ihlans family. They ruled Somalia.


Barre ruled from 1969 to 1991. Omar arrived in America in 1992 "Fleeing from war" even though the dictator was overthrown.

ddc1e6  No.7172828



Correction - Linked wrong post.

1c119c  No.7172829

File: 2bbd57cc553c5b2⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 350x193, 350:193, dentist.jpg)

If Mueller is a white hat he is an amazing actor….forget Sir Lawerence Olivier.

"Is it safe?"

bed29c  No.7172830


and little by little the good begin to reveal themselves while the loudest are the ones who scream the most

4229cb  No.7172831


I was watching as well. Crazy they don't know what her real name is. She also used a Christian minister to marry her brother.

1ac8e0  No.7172832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frenship with Apustaja - Going for a Soldier

6c0614  No.7172833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0bc86b  No.7172834

File: f15fd2f4fbcd99e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 806x617, 806:617, ClipboardImage.png)

BHO Birth Cert.

>>7172649 /lb

1436f5  No.7172835


there is an article about her family being very rich and elite

Grandfather head of ports

43af6f  No.7172836

File: 991713a85b20d2b⋯.png (58.95 KB, 601x368, 601:368, twitter_com_ZoeTillman_sta….png)


c72c57  No.7172837

File: 97fcb5d00f9995e⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 1024x705, 1024:705, MuellerTime.jpg)

File: e65a93f874c137e⋯.jpg (50.36 KB, 640x406, 320:203, MaddowMelts.jpg)

File: 9de99600405d827⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 608x484, 152:121, 3638p1.jpg)

Mueller’s serial senior moments today revealed he was a front-man for Trump-haters

by Thomas Lifson

The most important thing Robert Mueller revealed today in his testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees was that he didn’t really know that much about the work of the investigation that bears his name… He was a BINO, a Boss In Name Only, or, colloquially, a front-man.

Under the Mueller brand, dodgy prosecutor Andrew Weissmann could work with his Trump-hating cabal of Hillary supporters…

But now that the public can see with their own eyes that Mueller was at best “Mr. Outside,” and the story arc turns toward investigating the investigators. Now we know that we were misled.

The entire narrative that the media and other Democrats have peddled since shortly after Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 is busted on multiple levels. The last gasp for Nadler, Schiff and the unofficial House impeachment caucus was the hope that Mueller would use that persona that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, if it ever did, to sell the public on the notion that Donald Trump is a criminal. Unfortunately, he was clearly not up to the job.

All but the fanatics – a not insignificant portion of the – House Democratic Caucus –realize that the game is over.

sauce: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/07/muellers_serial_senior_moments_today_revealed_he_was_a_front_man_for_trumphaters.html

90adc2  No.7172838

File: fbf88fcc9acf29e⋯.jpeg (3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9039406C-A209-4A60-9BAB-8….jpeg)

Guys it’s uploading I’ll post the link hear when it’s done

84ff7d  No.7172839

File: 670f3e5011deea9⋯.jpg (818.83 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2b9b408094a8c98e13f4268656….jpg)


Fixed for you

5f9e9a  No.7172840


Hope they've finally decided to let the Taliban burn the clown poppy fields.

1c119c  No.7172841

77bf9b  No.7172842


Would be nice,but Twitter is the matrix

No one i know uses it or cares.

In other hews,Fakebook has it's days numbered

2f31bd  No.7172843

File: 3932c752096eeb5⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 360x269, 360:269, MFnotwrong.jpg)

567d36  No.7172844


He is a blood line expert not a political expert.

6c0614  No.7172845

File: 083ba5e23fbf8cd⋯.jpg (327.16 KB, 1799x993, 1799:993, Screenshot_2019-07-24 Home….jpg)


Damn, picture didn't post.

3c43b1  No.7172846


nice work Anon(s)

keep it up



fbd97e  No.7172847

File: e1960d587d30f20⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, united healthcare dump bod….jpg)

File: 284d41464f1d587⋯.png (628.13 KB, 552x540, 46:45, healthcare.PNG)

United Healthcare BOD member sold $3.06m in shares-July 23

UnitedHealth Group is one of the leading American suppliers of healthcare products and services. Income breaks down by activity as follows:

- health insurance (64.1%);

- prescription insurance plan management services (32.7%; OptumHealth and OptumRx): administrative management (reimbursement management, patient claim processing, etc.), drug distribution, decision-making information, sales of medical information management services, etc.;

- provision of computer services (3.2%; OptumInsight): consulting, development, and integration of solutions for transaction management, healthcare plan management, data processing, etc.



400e65  No.7172848

File: c61abe40fbe0c0b⋯.png (478.89 KB, 769x404, 769:404, 1564013180223.png)

2c24bb  No.7172849

File: 30a02d71558c25d⋯.png (484.86 KB, 600x508, 150:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac15e044fcc7e0a⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Jim Jordan.mp4)



aeef39  No.7172850

File: d8d23fbfecd12ca⋯.jpeg (228.84 KB, 828x1096, 207:274, 1E454E45-DC94-4203-AE62-2….jpeg)

File: 0e5381c9fd3f7d9⋯.jpeg (121.96 KB, 828x621, 4:3, 2C6A669D-8E7F-439E-8250-D….jpeg)

File: 7ffb77f5474a42b⋯.jpeg (156.48 KB, 828x938, 414:469, 8688EF35-5394-4371-A8C7-2….jpeg)

Let’s go

9c05af  No.7172851


Bitch is a war criminal

That’s why they are trying so hard to cover the story up

That imam of peace dude is also implying that she is an Qatari plant

327dce  No.7172852


Me too

d966cd  No.7172853


Cant wait for Lynn's hearing.

Lynn, if you're out there, make it a good one!

41a293  No.7172854

File: b378131220fd2a7⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, madunclesam.png)

>>7172824 Better Question, How do you KEEP 500 Trillion… now that we KNOW!!

c5e979  No.7172855


>Christian minister to marry her brother.

Makes it "legal" in the US but probably not in the muslim religion?

115657  No.7172856

File: 461ed28c7287c30⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 759x628, 759:628, fawk-you-2.jpg)

Whos Watching (You)

wiat just a damn minute, whos watching us?

i mean besided the big 3 letter words.

who else?




Media Outlets

The Fed Rsrv



>is the whole world watching us?

i feel so spacial o/

bd1ad3  No.7172857

File: 658ae6bc273ce6d⋯.gif (821.49 KB, 498x294, 83:49, reaper.gif)

c09aad  No.7172858


Blonde guy needs a pepe face

905bdb  No.7172859

File: 686275a25fcb8ab⋯.png (329.62 KB, 532x608, 7:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cc1b466cf20b2a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 995x650, 199:130, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you to all who attended my @USArmy farewell ceremony today at the Pentagon. I am proud of the work we accomplished to increase the Army’s readiness while taking care of Army families along the way. Acting Secretary Ryan McCarthy will do an excellent job leading the service!


3:55 PM - 24 Jul 2019

bed29c  No.7172860

File: c95462c1dd0f5ea⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DB5B1CE1-2392-4BD9-9F39-5A….png)

File: ea3a1565336e7be⋯.png (627.49 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B2AD3AB0-A9B2-44BD-AAD8-36….png)

File: a00ba792aac6d80⋯.png (628.57 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DD3E12CD-3203-402C-891E-55….png)

File: fc85229d4e41295⋯.jpeg (114.41 KB, 500x579, 500:579, D61601F5-8CB5-4504-9051-0….jpeg)

8b9e69  No.7172861


This is for an outing from a Disney Cruise ship. I'm sure Disney Cruise had to make some kind of deal with Epstein to have a permanent place to offer this package for purchase.

96c54c  No.7172862


I think they prolly do but the public does not….not yet.

6ceef7  No.7172863


Especially any pictures of him with blackface

32b175  No.7172864


Totally defeated demeanor…

No collusion, only confusion. Yw.

7f3a8b  No.7172865



We have heard this before. It is why POTUS is calling her out. The truth will be found.

302b73  No.7172866

File: 27fda75e0ef07c1⋯.jpeg (190.68 KB, 842x1125, 842:1125, B8BAF685-F6AB-4B96-864E-1….jpeg)


Anyone else notice a significant uptick in cold case bodies being identified? Any chase these are ‘the buried bodies’??

fbd97e  No.7172867

File: 038563758dbc674⋯.png (680.68 KB, 676x444, 169:111, night shift ospreys on dec….PNG)

File: 491140ecacbc370⋯.png (687.61 KB, 690x434, 345:217, nightshift rockin bolt fc.PNG)

File: e5f7a20ef9f4c36⋯.png (731.79 KB, 691x411, 691:411, nightshift apache.PNG)

3c43b1  No.7172868


>The story i just told you is Ihlans family. They ruled Somalia.


ca732c  No.7172869


I remember when Obama left, and the Trumps took up residency in the WH and the oval office was renovated.

Some sort of dangerous hidden device injurious to human health was found and removed.

I imagine Obama the magic negro Kenyan left all sorts of spying devices in the WH

12dd42  No.7172870

File: 95a3023bfeb2ec2⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 729x484, 729:484, DaveyRotMTV.jpg)


He's an expert in fuck all! Without his family's money he'd be totally unknown and probably homeless.

2a1e21  No.7172871

did anyone ask Mueller about Cloudstrike today?

4162f9  No.7172872

A 48-page indictment of Mueller by Congressman Louie Gohmert:


by Congressman Louie Gohmert

Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.

I do not make these statements lightly. Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his work ethic. Then as I went back to begin compiling all that information in order to recount personal interactions with Mueller, the more clearly the big picture began to come into focus. At one point I had to make the decision to stop adding to this or it would turn into a far too lengthy project. My goal was to share some first-hand information as other Republican Members of Congress had requested, adding,

“You seem to know so much about him.” This article is

prepared from my viewpoint to help better inform the reader about the Special Prosecutor leading the effort to railroad President Donald J. Trump through whatever manufactured charge he can allege. Judging by Mueller's history, it doesn't matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get someone to be willing to allege something — anything — about our current President, it certainly appears Mueller will do what it takes to bring down his target, ethically, or unethically, based on my findings.


9c05af  No.7172873


Agreed. He focused on her pretty specifically

fb5ddc  No.7172874


Yes Anon. She is a decent enough woman, you could see that it hurts her to talk about it. She actually said it makes me embarrassed how bad Somalia is. Worth a dig i think

0e0a59  No.7172875


C. He helped hide Epstein's Child Rape and blackmail operation for the DS. DS will expose him if he doesn't play along.

6c0614  No.7172876


According to Jordan IG report in a couple of months.

dba8e9  No.7172877

File: b4423b79c28bb3f⋯.png (556.95 KB, 696x869, 696:869, 11BWBW.PNG)

ae5637  No.7172878

File: 0176e3b6464b3c7⋯.png (417.56 KB, 981x1906, 981:1906, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes I heard that.


41a293  No.7172879

>>7172861 Free Samples!

5e1b56  No.7172880

>>7172652 (pb)

>>7172433 (pb)

I agree that this is NOTABLE. A direct confirmation of a Q drop as well as one of the most profound question and answers of today's interviews. Thank you Mr. Jordan

40aaa2  No.7172881


masonic hand gesture?

ac1d13  No.7172882

File: 818c6b05698665d⋯.jpg (311.58 KB, 800x1224, 100:153, PizzaSatanistHumanSacrific….jpg)

391bd3  No.7172883

File: 14bbcf1f050d732⋯.jpeg (63.18 KB, 440x640, 11:16, D72F18D0-7D63-42DE-A9D8-6….jpeg)

>>7172138 (lb)

Huge caaak or GTFO.

bed29c  No.7172884

File: 994ee9fc5ed1f53⋯.jpeg (120.49 KB, 500x579, 500:579, F7F5334A-E470-4B73-BA30-A….jpeg)

74f9d0  No.7172885

File: fb9ef0787882c82⋯.png (52.61 KB, 474x396, 79:66, mueller.png)

35c08f  No.7172886

File: d7760a8d53a1be7⋯.jpg (290.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mueller38.jpg)

efcdcc  No.7172887

File: d7e2dcf1fd9aa91⋯.jpeg (97.94 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8D15E96B-2EB2-48D1-8434-0….jpeg)

7b607d  No.7172888

With the amount of negativity being pushed world wide and here

I would have to conclude that at least in high places

Evil really is losing

It reeks of desperation

If they were still fully in control

They would slow walk it

Too many are waking up for that to happen anymore

I dont think Q is legit

Or that trump is a good person

But i think where it matters

God really is winninv

07b0b7  No.7172889

Sooo- This is where Freddy has been hanging out?



Cooler full of male genitalia found during raid of Arizona body-donation center, according to new court documents" (bag 'o dicks?)

6402eb  No.7172890

Lol.. I just figured the game out!

Mueller didn't run the operation. He let his rabid dogs run the show. The original plan was to conclude very early. Mueller was there to stretch it out as long as possible. Mueller knew Trump was going to attack him constantly. Mueller told his dogs that they need to wait to catch him with obstruction.

743478  No.7172891


If I change my IP and Wipe Cache…

Am I like a BRAND NEW PERSON here?

e7fe2e  No.7172892

Bob’s seemed a bit off today…

Low energy?

Missing treatments?

Many in DC now without their [health supplements]?

7afa76  No.7172893


Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

lets see what we can find…..

12dd42  No.7172894

File: ed9005b49519c92⋯.jpg (192.09 KB, 1024x645, 1024:645, fraudsquad5.jpg)


I told yas kek.

d6e6c5  No.7172895

Pro tip:

Dig into those murders up in northern Canada on the Alaska Highway. It is way bigger than anyone imagines.

1c119c  No.7172896

File: 7a4f29d06c6337f⋯.jpeg (11.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe contemplation.jpeg)


did you ever see that interview where just a couple of random fellas bumped into him waiting for a cab? Like how is that possible? This guy roaming around in the city? They asked him questions like "are you running the world?" (paraphrasing) and he just laughs ….is he invincible somehow? or just a vampire? kind of bold to be just working the masses like that. no sauce other than my memory banks…

d966cd  No.7172897

bed29c  No.7172898


remember that evil is everywhere, every country, every nationality, etc.

905bdb  No.7172899

File: 114f8e897e95e0a⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 615x1026, 205:342, nigel.jpg)

>>7172824 Loud and clear

48fa4b  No.7172900

File: 46ca75cacbeaf7e⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 720x405, 16:9, c.jpg)


yep , and i am saying they left a calling card as usual /

1961 /8/8 add em individual 33

c1727b  No.7172901

375d82  No.7172902

File: aa323e627fdce8f⋯.png (518.19 KB, 717x407, 717:407, IronSky.PNG)

File: 80af566726a36a6⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 313x499, 313:499, vril.jpg)

Iron Sky: The Coming Race

>sorry, no links. This board doesn't like Amazon links for some reason.

Just released on Amazon

<The truth behind the creation of mankind will be revealed when an old enemy leads our heroes on an adventure into the Hollow Earth. To save humanity they must fight an ancient shapeshifting reptilian race and their army of dinosaurs.

More predictive programming

This is nothing new overall but this movie obviously has taken cues from the book of the same name.

The book that allegedly inspired Hitler's Antarctica missions and the Vril Society.

Vril: The Power of the Coming Race

Just thought some anons might find this interesting.

743478  No.7172903

File: 08bf46abe58e2db⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 911x1085, 911:1085, Islam Inside the Gates Enc….jpg)

File: 476d0986fdb32cf⋯.jpg (99.73 KB, 951x960, 317:320, lincoln islam govt aoc wh.jpg)

File: 8710fe2505bdfc9⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Shariah No Longer At Our G….jpg)

File: d101fd5962dd9bb⋯.jpg (103.59 KB, 1076x654, 538:327, islam heads Capture.JPG)

File: 6a844f640ea0e3e⋯.jpg (141.55 KB, 1023x496, 33:16, Voltaire Islam.JPG)

92c11a  No.7172904


Purposeful grandpa act.

0c627c  No.7172905


I have a beef with Roy Moore, and it is this

Spouseanon was a sorority sister of Kayla and Gena from Gadsden Alabama who talked to WaPo

Has shopped at the department store where they worked.

She says they lied.

Both of them have known each other all their lives, and it'd be easy for them to make their stories match.

Roy Moore just ended up in the position he did because unfortunately, nobody else worth a damn stepped up to run against him.

He's too old, anyway.

Alabama, you need somebody younger and cleaner.

c3b69f  No.7172906


concerning blackmail….

if u were/are being blackmailed….and u were/are a patriot …wht would u do?

if u were/are being blackmailed … and u were/are NOT a patriot ….wht would u do?

d34b73  No.7172907

File: 5dadf2035bee692⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 6eef96af3d5907438f9d84440c….jpg)

ecd7b0  No.7172908


Not an expert but MAC address too.

eba638  No.7172909

lol @ maga coalition saying they're going to "sue QAnon".

905bdb  No.7172910

File: 0520d3be1f52c6b⋯.png (248.27 KB, 474x336, 79:56, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7172881 I don´t think so…

15d677  No.7172911

>>7171797 (LB)


Naysayers get fucked.

d34b73  No.7172912

File: a3e214c2d52c4a7⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 508x380, 127:95, bvcbcv.jpg)

74f9d0  No.7172913

File: bf629d4e4b65b30⋯.png (191.48 KB, 480x504, 20:21, omarsheep.png)

File: 1086d542dcf5e60⋯.png (188.84 KB, 480x504, 20:21, infiltrator.png)

92c11a  No.7172914


Full retards.

407426  No.7172915


it would help if you gave us a resource with which to start, time, date, a link to a news story.

e7fe2e  No.7172916


>I dont think Q is legit

>Or that trump is a good person

Thank you for establishing how stupid you are. Now the rest of your comments can simply be ignored

2c948e  No.7172917


this was discussed at some point

d966cd  No.7172918


Saw the original a few years back.

Nazis on the moon, and a whole bunch of other conspiracy satire, if you will. Seemed crazy then but seems plausible now

0c627c  No.7172919


A bit off

I'll say

I've seen people in hospice treatment look sharper

8cca36  No.7172920

File: 5b28016b9749d87⋯.png (695.9 KB, 865x1218, 865:1218, Screenshot_2019-07-24 Omar….png)


"He goes on to claim that Omar’s real name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. The family split up in 1995 when three of her siblings were granted asylum by the United Kingdom, including Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, whom Omar allegedly married in 2009 and divorced in 2017. As The Minnesota Sun has previously reported, this alleged marriage to her brother occurred at a time of massive immigration fraud."

"He concludes the article by declaring that law enforcement has enough information to “open an investigation.”


2fbd38  No.7172921

File: b3c869041faad08⋯.png (85.87 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 5DFD254E-98BB-4383-B8DA-15….png)

File: ad801d68ac8d279⋯.png (458.31 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 46906A1C-C160-4CEA-BE58-2D….png)

File: b69807d98a1c339⋯.png (164.71 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 8CF4C224-DEDE-4DB0-9FDE-D0….png)

IO update incoming > just informed talk

40aaa2  No.7172922


wrong gesture.

5f2f74  No.7172923


[[BC]] will be the first kick in the balls. Lefties/normies i see on social media, that i know, have already thrown him to the wolves in their mind. They even shared memes saying it. It would be an easy one

743478  No.7172924

File: 99198af48bfdfa6⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 480x418, 240:209, ban islam law 1952.jpg)

File: f858e743e26ed35⋯.png (87.53 KB, 407x440, 37:40, islam creeping jihad.png)

File: 51875351e045a99⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 676x960, 169:240, LIE ISLAM FACTS.jpg)

File: c95c743c924081f⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 660x471, 220:157, germany lib islam border e….jpg)

File: 033750cc30f887f⋯.jpg (56.03 KB, 777x438, 259:146, islam moderate behead.jpg)

2fbd38  No.7172925

File: c6997d22dcf5da0⋯.png (190.1 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 82C4A53C-63B4-46A8-A009-F9….png)

12dd42  No.7172926

File: 0c1717c571fd8fe⋯.jpg (150.28 KB, 735x852, 245:284, Address.jpg)

ecd7b0  No.7172927


"I don't want to get into that."

0d7bb3  No.7172928

Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early ’90s

A Daily Beast investigation has uncovered ties between Epstein and the Clinton administration that date back to the president’s earliest days in the White House.


90adc2  No.7172929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8eaa4c  No.7172930


1:17 to play on twatter

1ac8e0  No.7172931

File: fcf92a0882c76b7⋯.jpeg (300.24 KB, 881x1034, 881:1034, fcf92a0882c76b774aa1d39d2….jpeg)

391bd3  No.7172932

File: 05aa11cdbbb41b1⋯.jpeg (15.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 52F08040-9776-48C6-9B9D-7….jpeg)

File: 5c1a499c1309a52⋯.jpeg (38.31 KB, 527x536, 527:536, CF2C440F-07C5-4A25-A17D-4….jpeg)

File: 9a34fb992ea6fbe⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 170122B3-83C7-4891-8E7C-A….jpeg)

File: d7c2cbd311214fb⋯.jpeg (339.36 KB, 750x736, 375:368, 04D09722-3E92-4F24-871F-A….jpeg)

File: e120f36f8c1a227⋯.jpeg (44.04 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 7E9F3195-7492-473F-8107-9….jpeg)


Dis how dey do NightCrewFags now tho.

Hurt muh feelz an stuffs.

48fbff  No.7172933

File: bb2009766c080d3⋯.jpg (109.71 KB, 739x414, 739:414, nscrew.jpg)

Dough boy huh



Doc catchin up

on call

777608  No.7172934


He was a straw man, forced into the role. Look at Gohmerts piece on Mueller, it outlines a sordid past, to say the least…

So, he's got skeletons, and the crooks need a 'respected' figurehead to hide behind as they shape a false narrative to take down our beloved POTUS…

d6e6c5  No.7172935


It's all over the news in Canada right now. Google it.

74f9d0  No.7172936

File: f213ae3fc66d9c3⋯.jpg (273.89 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, st.jpg)

bed29c  No.7172937

File: c8ff08b8d541c17⋯.jpeg (104.09 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 6B480CD8-A237-4A65-8A4F-A….jpeg)

aeef39  No.7172938

File: c4742cfbc450bfe⋯.jpeg (143.08 KB, 828x790, 414:395, 7F9593CB-9ACD-4F54-A18F-B….jpeg)

4229cb  No.7172939


Agree, was thinking the same thing. This is just another train wreck in slow motion.

c09aad  No.7172940

File: cfb0951bfbee63d⋯.png (257.34 KB, 449x333, 449:333, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

>Moran Gang


Everything You're NOT Supposed to Know About Suppressors


9c05af  No.7172941

File: c06e0126638c3b8⋯.jpeg (306.08 KB, 1239x1306, 1239:1306, EA5BCFBD-297B-4F69-ADD9-9….jpeg)

File: e36446bed008de6⋯.jpeg (392.97 KB, 1241x1779, 1241:1779, 2F3CC2C4-0766-4409-8C3A-3….jpeg)

This guy is interesting

He claims Omar and Sarsour have tried to ruin his rep so he said he’s going to destroy them

He drops a clue every few hours

He’s saying they are funded by a wealthy manhattan businessman

I am a fucktard on ME issues…but seems to have something to do with driving Qatar out of Somalia so the saudis can come in

743478  No.7172942

File: 3c38db6e228d923⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, isis goat islam.jpg)

File: 6a45c7c4c8de1e4⋯.jpg (116.67 KB, 956x607, 956:607, Islam Moon God Evil.jpg)

File: 9e4de8dac273d76⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 498x469, 498:469, islam general-jack-black-p….jpg)

File: e01b42dc20017cb⋯.jpg (164.08 KB, 960x840, 8:7, Law Islam banned ban old.jpg)

File: 67bda98f6317fcf⋯.png (228.81 KB, 512x474, 256:237, Moslem-Child-brides-Islami….png)

fa36ea  No.7172943

File: 50184cac0b1f208⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 888x499, 888:499, rmemygcfsssw995wqnfxd6.jpg)

8f1d3f  No.7172944


She should not be deported. She has committed crimes here and needs to face the penalty for those crimes. Also sounds like she was involved in genocide, which is an international crime. So, no don't deport her, indict her.

2c24bb  No.7172945

File: eb5b966dbd45167⋯.png (506.26 KB, 594x512, 297:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64fc7a319cf3a05⋯.mp4 (5.65 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Nunes.mp4)


Moar DJT


1ac8e0  No.7172946

File: 36be6e4c34d880d⋯.jpg (347.97 KB, 1200x1710, 40:57, 36be6e4c34d880d40f2411c408….jpg)

7f3a8b  No.7172947

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpg)



In theory you are a new anon every bread with a new ID.

When you file your board captcha every 24 hours, you are a new anon. Trick is to wait through the bread and post fresh after the captcha.

Switching IPs will help. Used one of the better paid privacy setups for about a year. Was paranoid AF when it expired but opted not to renew.

Made no difference at all.

Think the "risk" is likely less than it used to be, but still, don't do stupid shit, at it should be fine.

c9fcb4  No.7172948

File: b170070c3e59027⋯.png (3.87 MB, 2099x879, 2099:879, ClipboardImage.png)


She is right you know..pic related

ccabf2  No.7172949

File: e98bd978851b295⋯.png (1.24 MB, 815x1165, 163:233, confused.png)

407426  No.7172950


if it's all over the news you can give us a link.

cbdd34  No.7172951

File: 5890937eab27afb⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 500x435, 100:87, ns cant sleep.jpg)

File: 26f7ab530360ef8⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nsanonsactivated.jpg)

f3102e  No.7172952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holding on for Life

Broken Bells

ac1d13  No.7172953

File: a533583184336e8⋯.jpg (129.7 KB, 762x1048, 381:524, QCrumbsBeVigilant.jpg)

90adc2  No.7172954


*clap clap clap*

0d8a89  No.7172955

File: 8685a6df6b1547f⋯.jpg (934.78 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, 1553362780.jpg)


It's time

74f9d0  No.7172956

File: 34d8f4ca9e14c2a⋯.jpg (376.59 KB, 2400x1901, 2400:1901, whereislam.jpg)

fb5ddc  No.7172957


The way she said it i believe they could be cousins of sorts.

She said that they are the same family, that they had Tribal rule and close family members got top jobs like chief of police etc. (Omars grandfather was Director of maritime)

Again this was trying to understand through her thick accent but she said that they went to Kenya and Nigeria.

I don't know if that helps

d966cd  No.7172958

File: a94a3ef364046c2⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 537x475, 537:475, louie gohmert hearing 2.jpg)

1c119c  No.7172959


is he scratching that scar on his head? ever see that? was he assembled? we know Zuck was. Maybe O was an early model. Didn't he got to Mats? ever read that one? "We're here."

d0d739  No.7172960

File: c9cadc29e4fd345⋯.png (19.6 KB, 730x324, 365:162, BIR2.PNG)


Carole Radizwill/JFK Jr. death/Ghislaine Maxwell

CDAN: With all the reporters clamoring to talk to this former Housewife about an anniversary, none of them have asked about her connections to the procurer/recruiter/madam.


4229cb  No.7172961


I need to grab more popcorn.

743478  No.7172962

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



ad91df  No.7172963

There were about 100 murders of children up and down the east coast back in 1969

All unsolved… all kids died in same manner, kneeling by a tree, with a looped rope loose around their neck. All were raped and sodomized.

I investigated one such case in Jax fl several years ago.

And strangely at all the graves , someone puts fresh flowers weekly (not the cemetery) and no one is able to find out who…


b33339  No.7172964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c119c  No.7172965


MARS…not Mats

4162f9  No.7172966




7bde6c  No.7172967

File: fa8862f1fa54705⋯.png (607.91 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Screenshot_2019-07-24 #Der….png)

f3102e  No.7172968


….that Hot SHOOTER teacher chick, Walberg's patna

9c05af  No.7172969


Oh really

Now they say the young men are the murderers but we haven’t been getting a lot of details

cc2d3d  No.7172970

File: d145dfc5150e6ac⋯.png (214.7 KB, 572x701, 572:701, d145dfc5150e6ac02d5dde50d4….png)

777608  No.7172971



If you note how 'respectfully' Nunez and Ratcliffe handled their questioning of Mueller, you could tell they KNEW he was forced into the position against his will…

391bd3  No.7172972

File: 38acfe18643008c⋯.jpeg (20.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 636DF814-C4D7-4CE9-9BD2-2….jpeg)

File: 2a2564bf668f797⋯.jpeg (62.14 KB, 350x350, 1:1, E7EEB5AE-A50A-4FD5-A83D-6….jpeg)

File: 6e2778988967ad7⋯.jpeg (32.73 KB, 300x431, 300:431, 98FF94F4-8E5E-4EED-A55D-6….jpeg)

File: 3a0dde3dc4fb95d⋯.jpeg (271.91 KB, 750x1253, 750:1253, B5354927-F691-4417-8DF7-E….jpeg)

bed29c  No.7172973

File: 9c8cb226d881b54⋯.jpeg (100.02 KB, 692x500, 173:125, F88D9F7F-386D-4027-9FB1-A….jpeg)

319695  No.7172974

File: 160c3f2c4b397cd⋯.png (274.61 KB, 950x536, 475:268, ClipboardImage.png)

743478  No.7172975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




cbd785  No.7172976

File: 05a92952fb87e27⋯.jpg (130.23 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 36g584.jpg)

d6e6c5  No.7172977


These were murders from a few days ago

f1780a  No.7172978

File: 5645bce123169ef⋯.jpg (609.09 KB, 2643x1983, 881:661, PicsArt_07-24-03.06.25.jpg)

>>7165757 Q pb

Timestamp 02:07:39


Q#3474 = Q#2789

Ilhan Omar, U.S. Rep=Traitor

Video 2:07-> "controlled by a small handful of global special interests"/George Soros

a16d80  No.7172979

File: 08a83c07c6892e2⋯.png (608.11 KB, 736x489, 736:489, SEALS_Qresearch_LetLoose.png)

File: 0c711cb6413d0fa⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1288x856, 161:107, Army_Q_3464_DarktoLight.png)

File: acb289646941669⋯.png (916.73 KB, 700x824, 175:206, eagle_Night_Shift_qresearc….png)

File: f3c1fd614fd1c3f⋯.png (748.84 KB, 900x599, 900:599, Child_in_Cemetery_Q_Rememb….png)


Evenin' Night Shifters !

319695  No.7172980

b869de  No.7172981

File: 283c5581cdf4b7c⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1128x952, 141:119, Masters_of_the_Quniverse_S….png)

>>7172613 (lb)

All are welcome!

07b0b7  No.7172982


Ol Roy is toxic and needs to get out of Alabama politics. The Heart of Dixie has no heart for him.

9c05af  No.7172983


It’s Elmi. Her last name

Her dad is a war criminal

d5dc2a  No.7172984


ad91df  No.7172985


Correction 68-69

48fa4b  No.7172986


yeah did see the scar , never heard mars before .

0f2905  No.7172987

File: f7b65d3481d8b50⋯.png (200.58 KB, 633x385, 633:385, 2019-07-24_21-05-49.png)



They would have indoctrinated the whole family so they kept silent?

Wonder if there are pics or vids of her doing atrocities?

f2a46f  No.7172988

RBG: I'm ok - just working from home.

ca732c  No.7172989

File: 0b677e4e92b1f17⋯.jpg (163.79 KB, 680x879, 680:879, 46336.jpg)


Shootout under Epsteins NYC sex slave mansion, gotta save the wyminns from Bubba Clintons rabid willy

7f3a8b  No.7172990


So if Mueller is a puppet who was protected from the public, who is the puppetmaster?

649f8e  No.7172991

File: 0ffd15ddde5ccb0⋯.jpg (423.73 KB, 720x1191, 240:397, FapJackTheTraitor.jpg)

48fbff  No.7172992

File: 804cc79b35983fc⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 500x748, 125:187, nslunarcat.jpg)


how goes it fren?

46a3ab  No.7172993

File: 454ec512d5d424e⋯.jpg (144.07 KB, 422x422, 1:1, worlds-smallest-violin.jpg)

Q the violins

905bdb  No.7172994

File: 789a6de0df6a0b0⋯.png (35.13 KB, 532x348, 133:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook Agrees to Pay $5 Billion and Implement Robust New Protections of User Information in Settlement of Data-Privacy Claims


6:31 AM - 24 Jul 2019

$5 Billion…

a9c511  No.7172995

File: fd770ede6ecbd06⋯.png (34.38 KB, 517x263, 517:263, MuellerSaveHimself.png)

Has anyone considered the "working to save himself" is because the deep state has the dirt on Mueller and he was forced into the witch hunt to save himself from being thrown under the bus by the deep state?

ad91df  No.7172996


Wiseman via killery

3c43b1  No.7172997


which 'seconds' shows up the most

a6cea1  No.7172998

File: b471ffa10bd9c6e⋯.png (692.46 KB, 1214x723, 1214:723, ClipboardImage(15).png)

File: 2307e7eef1c5938⋯.png (343.33 KB, 505x750, 101:150, ClipboardImage(25).png)

File: d570c85940664df⋯.png (1.74 MB, 720x1080, 2:3, ClipboardImage(26).png)

File: cbade877ad0fb26⋯.png (961.72 KB, 1339x970, 1339:970, ClipboardImage(11).png)

1c119c  No.7172999


(sumpin not working right wif muh puter, skuse teh long ting)


6c0614  No.7173000


I love Rep Nunes. No homo. But he really needs to relax. That guy is carrying around way to much weight.

4e4c3a  No.7173001

File: f792520a361c9be⋯.png (16.13 KB, 575x180, 115:36, ClipboardImage.png)

reading some comments on the twitter daily beast epstein clinton whitehouse story and it brought me back.

back to my first angry outburst at Q and POTUS to


Nov 2017. those were the heady days of ankle boots and trip codes.

You know, they never listened to me once.

0d8a89  No.7173002

d6e6c5  No.7173003


Why would they want the young men to be the bad guys? Were they smuggling something?

Why does the story of the killed couple involve Australia, China (her name was Chynna), Canada, her sibling's name was Britain, and it took place on a highway named after a state in America? Deep state signaling at its best…..

92c11a  No.7173004


And we can just trust them to do it correctly….

c90eb5  No.7173005

File: 7e5fde77d27cd06⋯.png (433.9 KB, 624x627, 208:209, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

U.S. warship sails through strategic Taiwan Strait

The U.S. military said on Wednesday it sent a Navy warship through the Taiwan Strait, which separates Taiwan from China, a move likely to anger China during a period of tense relations between Washington and Beijing.


North Korea fires suspected missiles into ocean, nuclear talks in doubt

A senior US administration official said: “We are aware of reports of a short-range projectile launched from North Korea. We have no further comment.”

Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, who has taken a hard line towards North Korea, made no mention of the launches in a tweet on Thursday morning after a visit to South Korea, referring only to “productive meetings” with South Korean officials on regional security and building a stronger alliance.


bed29c  No.7173006

File: 15a172a5e772c5b⋯.jpeg (100.42 KB, 692x500, 173:125, 9BBE4D57-7151-48AB-A5E2-3….jpeg)

File: f818a448ea19896⋯.jpeg (289.36 KB, 1536x914, 768:457, 1845FB38-4404-4536-BCD7-8….jpeg)

yes, my love is bittersweet/beautiful/bootyfull

9c05af  No.7173007


There’s a Powerline piece that breaks it all down

Her last name is Elmi, I think

Her family used the name of some refugees already here to get in

319695  No.7173008

1ac8e0  No.7173009

File: 26157b48f0ec588⋯.jpg (145.46 KB, 544x817, 544:817, PAIN-NOW-Q1.jpg)


Great VID Dutchfag

c05bbd  No.7173010

File: 30a71b62dc9ddee⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1176x1069, 1176:1069, trumpphit.png)

Haha never interrupt the socialist Democrats when they're committing political suicide

fbd97e  No.7173011

File: a1a0393acc4f55a⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1052x800, 263:200, pepe thug life.jpg)





I said the same thing back in december with the fuckin boots on toots fuckup, my fault for not knowing.

what did you put in?

90adc2  No.7173012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those who missed the link

7bde6c  No.7173013

File: 69c4d1e44ac8fba⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 219x255, 73:85, d2759278362e30cf6d31e52f82….jpg)


>Wiseman via killery

aeb001  No.7173014

File: a72d4cd1684e755⋯.png (20.22 KB, 526x212, 263:106, LG on Hannity 7-24-19.PNG)

Speaking with @seanhannity

on Fox News in just a few minutes about the #MuellerHearing and more.


Tune in!

-> http://ustv247.tv/foxnewslive/

7f3a8b  No.7173015


Saw it.

3e39d3  No.7173016

File: 8c863880806e724⋯.jpg (399.84 KB, 810x810, 1:1, 8c863880806e724112d51ff797….jpg)

9c05af  No.7173017


Seemed fishy but our news really isn’t going in to much detail

The kids are missing, too aren’t they?

a16d80  No.7173018


All is well. E tu ?

2fbd38  No.7173019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21a197  No.7173020

Arizona faggot here. Big power outage affecting Marana and Tucson resulting from a relatively minor thunder storm. Pray for my dinner, anons, the electric ranges shut off while I was frying potatoes, onions, and peppers to go with some sausages. :(

df8fa3  No.7173021


>Carole Radizwil

so what name do we use when researching her.

do you think any of her or her sisters family history is real or did they make that up or steal the omar's family history.

was her grandfather really head of the ports in somolia?

dba8e9  No.7173022

File: 7cdeefbb41c9022⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2246x1498, 1123:749, nswolves.jpg)


NS on the prowl

92ab8e  No.7173023

File: 894a25e27937759⋯.jpg (511.17 KB, 2100x1499, 2100:1499, 091121-M-0000A-100.jpg)

7848b3  No.7173024

File: 1177926043c9318⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 960x702, 160:117, IMG_20190724_200741.jpg)

How do I serve these papers? There's no address here!

Great googly moogly

1c119c  No.7173025


yep….see how you drew two sixes in post#?

0f2905  No.7173026

File: 81fef9ed61571df⋯.png (160.25 KB, 596x247, 596:247, 2019-07-24_21-09-31.png)


>So if Mueller is a puppet who was protected from the public, who is the puppetmaster?

Good place to start?

40aaa2  No.7173027



amazingly-precise triple-connection.

407426  No.7173028

whatever happened with the Japan base lockdown?

48fbff  No.7173029

tres bien merci


840ae5  No.7173030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca732c  No.7173031

File: c78b806c7d0d2f2⋯.jpg (143.08 KB, 591x765, 197:255, 453536.jpg)


escaping from Epsteins Pedo Island

82a4f8  No.7173032


M Brotherhood - Brennan

5c7e62  No.7173033

File: b1a8ef6b6009e22⋯.png (333.59 KB, 756x461, 756:461, comfy.png)

b58e4a  No.7173034

File: 5727b428ac155b3⋯.jpg (387.41 KB, 1006x1391, 1006:1391, Screenshot_20190724-211017….jpg)

File: ec1f19bcafb1756⋯.jpg (332.77 KB, 1021x1810, 1021:1810, Screenshot_20190724-210914….jpg)


'Discrete Time Linear Hybrid Systems'




2beca1  No.7173035


I'll have my share, thank you.

44cc59  No.7173036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell: It was Just Appalling from Every Perspective on Every Level. It was an Embarrassment for Mr. Mueller (VIDEO)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before Congress today on the Trump-Russia Collusion witch hunt.

He could not have looked more confused and out of his league if he tried.

It was a slow motion trainwreck.

Mueller looked like a confused, stuttering, mumbling, lost, doddering and nervous old man. He frequently paged through his notes.

It was so bad even Michael Moore admitted that Mueller was a complete disaster.

Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell spoke with Lou Dobbs tonight after the catastrophic hearings.

Sidney Powell: It was just appalling from every perspective on every level. It was an embarrassment for Mr. Mueller to allow his credibility and integrity to be put behind this investigation build on a fraud.

This was an excellent segment.

Please take the time to listen to this brilliant woman.


f3102e  No.7173037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


…bulls on parade……

aeef39  No.7173038

File: cc1408175182d1f⋯.jpeg (102.22 KB, 828x434, 414:217, 190758F5-B8E2-4C34-A650-4….jpeg)

a6cea1  No.7173039

File: a59a097ef93603d⋯.jpg (116.92 KB, 1024x996, 256:249, Dbw0OViU0AAXZS3.jpg)

bed29c  No.7173040


great image, saved!

ad91df  No.7173042

Still think the term czar needs to be totally removed as a govt title for anyone!

48fbff  No.7173043

File: 3b64ab3bac77a2d⋯.png (693.5 KB, 750x748, 375:374, NSOPS.png)

478d40  No.7173044


Dems today, BTW, BAD Parents as well.

Hope the kid is OK.

0bc86b  No.7173045

File: db2848cc68fee88⋯.png (344.25 KB, 579x613, 579:613, ClipboardImage.png)

905bdb  No.7173046

File: 0d21d45a368f507⋯.png (34.15 KB, 526x318, 263:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives Sentenced After Conviction for Fraud and Campaign Finance Violation


2:26 PM - 24 Jul 2019

34f792  No.7173047


C. Think presser of pelosi.

They all going down.

d6e6c5  No.7173048


Supposedly, but plan for a "shootout" with RCMP that will mean you never see them alive again

4162f9  No.7173049


Treb sixes would have sealed it…

35c08f  No.7173050

File: 4f7d5f5e18cec37⋯.jpg (241.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER2.jpg)

File: 8937e1df6c549c4⋯.jpg (231.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER13.jpg)

File: 78074cdca106f5f⋯.jpg (242.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER17.jpg)

File: ceb5710a77af69b⋯.jpg (262.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER22.jpg)

File: 99e07b9a443455f⋯.jpg (212.1 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER26.jpg)

35b282  No.7173051


wado wa wado wa wado

ca wit it nao

4bab02  No.7173052

File: 75985faf5bb4288⋯.png (369.56 KB, 963x373, 963:373, ClipboardImage.png)

His watch was Seth Rich's.

Anybody think maybe?

9c05af  No.7173053

File: ccee13266eaea40⋯.jpeg (437.29 KB, 1242x2093, 54:91, EF539DAC-3A85-4368-B80E-A….jpeg)

Here’s a brief recap of Steinberg’s blog about Omar

He’s been doing this for 3 years

She’s a liar and about to be busted


f08551  No.7173054


Had another thought on this.

Perhaps Mueller was being blackmailed, came clean in the Oval Office meeting (which was never about FBI position), and Trump + the patriots decided to use this and let it play out.

Might explain the massively partisan group of lawyers assembled (presumably by Weismann, who really ran the show)

What prosecutor, knowing how high the profile of this investigation would be, would make such a suspect judgement. He'd have to know it would be discovered and would cast a pall over the whole deal.

Who really did the selection / pulled the strings?

ca732c  No.7173055

File: 4ad6a7bbae06138⋯.jpg (296.25 KB, 1000x644, 250:161, 4647.jpg)


ayy ayy

2dae8c  No.7173056

File: 85c5f778b4cd9af⋯.jpg (731.53 KB, 1159x1580, 1159:1580, QCrumbsBillionairesIslands.jpg)

292174  No.7173057

lmfao, anyone seeing Zebley just trying to stay awake behind Mueller right now?

c05bbd  No.7173058

File: 85d724419c97b35⋯.jpg (109.75 KB, 759x475, 759:475, 85d724419c97b35a3482b37692….jpg)

46a3ab  No.7173059

File: 05b77377af9e60e⋯.jpg (416.79 KB, 1079x1151, 1079:1151, Screenshot_20190724-201115….jpg)


Screaming Eagles!

92c11a  No.7173061


I doubt if "Seth" could afford that.

48fbff  No.7173062

A wise dummie!


3aafff  No.7173063

File: e5bed6ede9f37c7⋯.jpg (122.72 KB, 800x533, 800:533, NIght Shift Ops.jpg)

Will be back after surgery.

Or not.

In any case, it's been an honor.

Have a great


9c05af  No.7173064


So what am I missing?

What do you think is going on? Bcs they vaguely mentioned a few other people missing or murdered

b869de  No.7173065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Q the violins

9542ed  No.7173066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Congrats deblasio you faggot.

bed29c  No.7173067

File: c1a5b5701fbfb6e⋯.jpeg (100.36 KB, 692x500, 173:125, FBF82AF7-BE09-44B3-ACAA-3….jpeg)

74f9d0  No.7173068

File: ad649f7c91ab2af⋯.png (957.88 KB, 804x724, 201:181, wherebud.png)

ddc1e6  No.7173069

File: 92036e009ee5b0d⋯.png (583.91 KB, 678x680, 339:340, ClipboardImage.png)

Like Father, Like Son.


7d8fcd  No.7173070

File: 0dc38545620ac7f⋯.jpg (108.36 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 36g5s2.jpg)

With all apologies to The Emperor of Mankind…

2beca1  No.7173071


They'll have to serve them in here… kek

7f3a8b  No.7173072



What is Weissman's tie to HRC?

f3102e  No.7173073


How did Zach know his root-canal novocaine wouldn't wear off for the recording set?

92ab8e  No.7173074

aeef39  No.7173075

File: 098fe4a477fa078⋯.jpeg (85.61 KB, 828x498, 138:83, FD926D0B-07D5-4E8E-9055-6….jpeg)


You will be back

4bab02  No.7173076


You'd be surprised what peopled will buy, paycheck to paycheck or not. Or maybe you wouldn't.

407426  No.7173077

i was feeling a lot of pain in my arm. I thought "i've tried to keep in shape. Why is there pain in my arm? Am I going to have a heart attack?" I thought 'well, no. but I said a prayer asking "please not now."

it bothered me.

then later in the evening, when I was finally laying down I realized what it was.

My arm was sore from holding it up so much to block the anime-porn that that had been spamming all evening!

it was good to figure out why my arm was acheing so badly. Tonight I'll just filter the guy.

He said midday he was going to do it again.

one bread last night was 250 or so posts of that.

if he starts up just filter.

e66ff7  No.7173078

File: 1609c54309d266d⋯.jpg (319.98 KB, 1874x1406, 937:703, _20190724_210510.JPG)

Jordan not only shreds Mueller to bits with Mueller's own reoprt, he outlines exactly what prosecutor Durham is investigating and will find oit.

>>Misfud >>PadaD >>Diplomat>>FBI>>Open investgation.

this is how the saga starts. PERFECT red pill.

398fb9  No.7173079


God Speed Anon.

90adc2  No.7173080


Praying for you anon

7d8fcd  No.7173081


At this point, pretty much umbilical.

d71fd3  No.7173082

File: cc8f029eb771835⋯.jpg (269.64 KB, 858x486, 143:81, NightshiftArrival.jpg)

48fa4b  No.7173083

File: a16ce7fe37386b8⋯.png (755.76 KB, 1594x857, 1594:857, knife44.PNG)

Knife 44 los alamitos to santa barbara

1c119c  No.7173084


i hit trip 9s right after that on a different subject. creepy enough….

92c11a  No.7173085


True. I buy ridiculously expensive pens.

48fbff  No.7173086

good luck

plenty of protein

take time to heal

spend your calories healing



831430  No.7173087

When is the Great Alarm Clock going to ring? It has to ring loudly for the Great Awakening to happen.

3e39d3  No.7173088

File: 9f7149dc80900a2⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 251x201, 251:201, nationalfriedchickenday.jpg)

240411  No.7173089


Pay backs are a bitch Muelly, trying to take down Judge Gohmert (Representative) did not go well for you did it? Mueller began the destruction of the FBI and Cardinal Comey completed it's destruction.

f083f1  No.7173090

File: 782de38f801b346⋯.png (880.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


That's a shitload of Military traffic for a Weds evening.

84ff7d  No.7173091

File: 3841042e118c42a⋯.jpg (825.2 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2b9b408094a8c98e13f4268656….jpg)

e0419c  No.7173092

That KC DC is stupid. Woman or man, who knows, but what ever it is, it is dump as a rock.

07f5b3  No.7173093

File: 156dba6ad8b6224⋯.png (728.65 KB, 627x409, 627:409, ClipboardImage.png)

I like Rush's theroy and it seems to be gaining momentum tonight with the media.

That Robert Mueller was a nothing! A no show job! He knows nothing about this case, how it started, or who is involved. That he was a figurehead to lend credibility.

That the entire thing was run by Weissman. He pick the team, ran the investigations, ruined people, wrote the report - all of it!!!! All of it run therefore by defacto - Hillary!

People had better HANG!!!!!

1ac8e0  No.7173094

File: 64384c63700996f⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, guitar-pepe-q1.jpg)

44cc59  No.7173095

File: 82572a45a96dfca⋯.png (69.35 KB, 744x888, 31:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives Sentenced After Conviction for Fraud and Campaign Finance Violation


43af6f  No.7173096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Carter Page appears on Fox News with Martha MacCallum to discuss the information within today’s testimony of Robert Mueller. Page notes the mention of Steven Schrage as the contact point from Cambridge University.



68198b  No.7173097

File: 63888cab5a00b0d⋯.png (112.34 KB, 533x381, 533:381, ClipboardImage.png)

90adc2  No.7173098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


b8f847  No.7173099

File: a6c0aa5218141cd⋯.jpg (646.99 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, dude where's my shill.jpg)


I've been thinking JFK Jr but the board's been so nice since the revert I didn't want to start any shit.

35b282  No.7173100



tom just played over it, as always

d41bd8  No.7173101


Tomorrow Mueller will amend his testimony.

567d36  No.7173102


God will take you only when your mission is complete.

fbd97e  No.7173103

File: 23541cdefb805fe⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 630x630, 1:1, mr death the salmon mousse.jpg)

e21433  No.7173104

Eyes on


205075  No.7173105

File: b2f9a8882548981⋯.jpeg (370.88 KB, 1493x1334, 1493:1334, 984FCC25-EA00-4575-8D2C-F….jpeg)

File: 23a446357017cf4⋯.jpeg (760.1 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 130C1973-13F9-494C-8586-F….jpeg)

File: 1714c24c4e349d1⋯.jpeg (180.07 KB, 750x476, 375:238, 5A93A9CE-F1B8-4B74-8644-2….jpeg)

File: e4acd57e7ca4d3f⋯.jpeg (59.18 KB, 750x381, 250:127, D9651E92-ABA8-46C1-9537-4….jpeg)

What makes this notable?

Why is OIG underlined in Qmap.LFRshillcom?

4162f9  No.7173106



f08551  No.7173107


Couldn't stomach watching them, anon.

Was hoping some fellow anons would take the bullet and subject themselves to it. Kek.

2dae8c  No.7173108

File: c54e37d581e4566⋯.jpg (756.75 KB, 1296x1728, 3:4, QCrumbsCaliforniaDebt.jpg)

40aaa2  No.7173109



a5a26d  No.7173110


>>>7172202 POTUS has tweeted @ :33 three [3] times so far today, Every 2 hours thus far. What will the 6:33 pm PDT [during Hannity] tweet be

Jul 24, 2019 06:43:10 AM So why didn’t the highly conflicted Robert Mueller investigate how and why Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted and acid washed 33,000 Emails immediately AFTER getting a SUBPOENA from the United States Congress? She must have GREAT lawyers!

391bd3  No.7173111

File: d3596a856c8dddd⋯.jpeg (192.18 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 093198E7-A998-4B24-9CF8-F….jpeg)

File: 4e7149f35c0bdd1⋯.jpeg (130.1 KB, 657x500, 657:500, 44BC1F11-867D-4913-B5C3-1….jpeg)

File: 41de276598a8d79⋯.gif (461.9 KB, 399x299, 399:299, AEE604DA-14A9-4A18-9926-25….gif)


I wuz talkin smack to errbody.

I haven’t been a berry guuud boy lately.

You could looks at the breddy if ya wants to.

Still 7 days for talkin shit?


f2a46f  No.7173112


start a fire outside to finish it off.

96c54c  No.7173113

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 13a2d34e45327e1e4aa6e4ecc2….jpg)

7f3a8b  No.7173114


Eww. Will strike that image.

How so? His Wiki bio didn't mention her.

a6cea1  No.7173115

File: e41f54de167c17d⋯.jpg (907.04 KB, 4092x1924, 1023:481, IMAG1108_1.jpg)

fbd97e  No.7173116

File: d0150c2f035e480⋯.png (257.75 KB, 748x442, 22:13, mac salute.PNG)


good luck patriot!

bed29c  No.7173117

File: a56437eb6ebea8e⋯.jpeg (112.09 KB, 692x500, 173:125, 5EA60AEA-B514-4910-A3E0-8….jpeg)

25d8f9  No.7173118


Take your dinner outside.

Probably hot enough outside to cook it.

c9ad4a  No.7173119



0f2905  No.7173120

File: 97ec263c10c93fc⋯.png (83.38 KB, 356x232, 89:58, 2019-03-16_01-18-09 2.png)


What if that really happened?

5c7e62  No.7173121

File: 5354a22844d6223⋯.png (428 KB, 766x639, 766:639, strongertogether.png)


US Navy sure likes Q.

f3102e  No.7173122


….excepting the Commie part, these fucks have it nailed down. Big fan, then big hater, now a fan again.

567d36  No.7173123


Nope nope nope

Mueller was scared shitless and this was his ONLY out.

As Q said if he lied, well he is screwed.

If he told the truth, his handlers would do who knows what.

This was his only way out.

Act like you are retarded.

ad91df  No.7173124

9209dd  No.7173125

File: a4cece3c64bbdbf⋯.png (217.32 KB, 1772x525, 1772:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e1629193426a9a⋯.png (461.35 KB, 904x745, 904:745, ClipboardImage.png)


b1001d  No.7173126

File: e2dac6087d948a8⋯.png (203.45 KB, 900x596, 225:149, pepe-dean-night-shift.png)

c90eb5  No.7173127


(A) Weissman


Weissmann started his career as a prosecutor in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York. There, he worked with a number of people who would go on to positions of extraordinary power: Valerie Caproni, who would become a federal judge in New York; Loretta Lynch, who would become attorney general; and Beryl Howell, who would also become a federal judge – the judge now overseeing Mueller’s grand jury.

(B) Valerie Caproni


Caproni has come under bipartisan criticism over the years for enabling widespread surveillance later found to be inappropriate or illegal. During her tenure as the FBI's general counsel, she clashed with Congress and even the Fisa surveillance court over the proper scope of the FBI's surveillance powers.

And Caproni faces renewed skepticism for describing surveillance conducted under the Patriot Act as more limited than it actually is, now that the Guardian has revealed and the Obama administration confirmed that the National Security Agency uses the act to collect and store the telephone records of hundreds of millions of Americans.

(C) Beryl Howell


Howell’s ruling came after a March 27 hearing, during which a lawyer for the government told the judge that the grand jury convened by Mueller was “continuing robustly.” The U.S. also conceded that local criminal rules permitted the public release of redacted briefs and transcripts.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, represented by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher partner Theodore Boutrous, had led the effort to unseal records. Boutrous argued at the March hearing that there was a “strong public interest” for the judge to exercise her discretion to unseal records in the case and identify the corporation.

The company at the center of the mystery, represented by Alston & Bird, has mounted a months-long subpoena challenge, arguing that it cannot be compelled to provide information to the grand jury.

The foreign government-owned corporation has incurred a $50,000 daily fine for contempt of court since January after refusing to comply with the grand jury’s subpoena. The company argued that it is protected by sovereign immunity and that complying with the grand jury subpoena would violate the laws of its home country.

831430  No.7173128

Breads moving slow tonight. DS in a crisis meeting or something?

c9f813  No.7173129

So the ultimate puppet master of all this evil is Satan. How is Q taking down satan? I imagine this is why Q also quotes scripture and asks for prayer.

c5aab1  No.7173130

File: 3c0b47e1b6041c6⋯.png (440.3 KB, 800x506, 400:253, HURST.png)

7f3a8b  No.7173131


Nah. This one skips logically. Mueller wanted the FBI post Comey got.

True, they were to do the same job.

Comey's a Rockefeller.

Mueller is a Hapsburg. Competing bloodlines.

Wonder what bloodline Weissman holds? Sinclair like HRC?

905bdb  No.7173132

File: 595cb5dcc94bbef⋯.png (646.75 KB, 663x598, 51:46, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada: police hunting murder suspects find charred car 3,000km from scene

Toyota Rav 4 suspects were traveling in found in Manitoba

Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod wanted over murders



92c11a  No.7173133

Jay Sekulow is a phenom.

d5a496  No.7173134

File: db6a0d5d1d5fbab⋯.jpeg (402.63 KB, 2079x957, 63:29, 2F71B7FC-C241-4416-86A9-D….jpeg)


Get well soon Anon. WWG1WGA

859dc7  No.7173135

File: b6dec368b36a606⋯.gif (938.26 KB, 480x256, 15:8, giphy.gif)


God Bless you anon, and we all hope you do well and have a fast and speedy recovery.


c09aad  No.7173136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great redpill on gun laws, and the use of false flags to keep stuff illegal.

f59fa0  No.7173137

File: 97e3a0bed990675⋯.png (217.78 KB, 484x960, 121:240, E62E0277-A5A8-49FE-96FA-78….png)


Spreadsheet is in the tools section.

One page has frequency counts.

iPad fagging can ant just check for you.

c90eb5  No.7173138



7914ca  No.7173139


Wishing you a speedy recovery/return.

Just lost a marine on 7/15, was having a hernia surgery and didn’t make it.


292174  No.7173140


holy fuck this is hard to watch

d6b018  No.7173141

File: fcaa3a450ad6aef⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, YOU.jpg)

7a27b8  No.7173142

I wrote my Congressman and simple stated one word. Pathetic!

2efa65  No.7173143

File: cb718a17d330a7c⋯.png (120.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190724-181750.png)

File: 5e67f7903c47b50⋯.png (450.59 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190724-181806.png)

File: 7270db8f68fb6db⋯.png (127.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190724-181817.png)

File: 935cd1fd8068359⋯.png (98.89 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190724-181822.png)


ad91df  No.7173144


Loretta Lynch… ovomit…killery…. there’s a connection

a6cea1  No.7173146

File: c76c9e288489546⋯.jpg (99.4 KB, 500x554, 250:277, 2wzkqu[1].jpg)

407426  No.7173147


partially cooked you can just put them on ice and cook them again when the power comes back on.

90adc2  No.7173148


I know I kinda feel bad kek

35b282  No.7173149


same, just pretend his lyrics are ironic and it works well enough

tom morello is too good to let politics get in the way

7d8fcd  No.7173150



"Recall as well that Weissmann has given thousands of dollars in contributions to Democrats, including President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Not to mention that he attended Hillary Clinton’s election night “victory” party in New York, the famous “victory” party that memorably turned into a televised disaster of shocked, sobbing Clinton supporters stunned that her sure-thing win had turned into a losing disaster in front of their eyes."

Less than 5 minutes on a search engine, fren.

651ae9  No.7173151

3755ae  No.7173152


The Bush, Buzz Krongard, Mayo Shattuck, Carter Beese, Romney cabal

bffbb9  No.7173153

File: f6b6d4adf6f05a5⋯.png (110.72 KB, 849x853, 849:853, Wh18.PNG)

44cc59  No.7173154

File: b95712d48e265a4⋯.png (163.55 KB, 998x884, 499:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 627305a876f10c6⋯.png (209.37 KB, 1006x889, 1006:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1daa013bb10b6dd⋯.png (129.88 KB, 1009x903, 1009:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b704e0684f3d625⋯.png (134.66 KB, 974x921, 974:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32099391398a64d⋯.png (120.81 KB, 1025x858, 1025:858, ClipboardImage.png)

France Completely Taken Over by the International Banking Cartel


Ed.’s note: There is far more going on in France than the following article discusses published at the World Socialist website describing France as a “fascist police state.” In France, there is staggering growth in social inequality as there is in all other what we would call “western countries.” Don’t expect the western media in the US to report any of this either. The western media is completely infiltrated by the CIA. There will be disagreements with this article especially on President Trump, since it seems Trump is the last holdout against full blown fascism in America – so it seems. To understand on a deeper level what is going on in France leading to the political circumstances described in the article published below, one would have to read the work of Dr. Heinrich Pudor, discussed in depth in the book Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Hyenas of High Finance. When observing France today with the “yellow vests” rioting, three aspects need to be immediately recognized. They are:

1. France is a Republic of Freemasonry;

2. France is a Republic of Rothschild;

3. France is edging closer and closer to the Soviet Union (from 1789 through Soviet-Judea).

When reading the following article understand international finance, communism and Freemasonry are all interconnected and operate as one “scourge” centered in France. Outside of the International Organization of the Francophonie world, this aspect of why France is what it is today is not often carefully examined except from a cursory view like in the World Socialist article published below. If you look on a map of the Francophonie world, it includes many African countries like Egypt, Senegal, Rwanda, DRC, Niger, Ivory Cost, Barundi, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad and several more countries in Africa. France is acting as the main vanguard force behind black immigration into Europe and particularly France through the previously mentioned Francophonie countries in Africa. Mali, Senegal, and the DRC are all Francophonie countries.

In 2015, according to this definition, 619,000 nationals of African States were legally resident in Francewith the largest group coming from Mali (76,500 individuals) followed by Senegal (67,000) and the DRC(64,000). According to various data sets from the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, some 3 million French nationals of sub-Saharan African origin live in France as naturalized citizens and/or second-generation immigrants. The OECD and AFD estimations are similar. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files/africa/the-african-diaspora-in-france/

France it can be argued no longer belongs to the community of white nations. There is almost what could be called an “African diaspora” taking place in France. This to many will probably sound like an over the top exaggeration, but look further at France’s military. France has now given French citizenship to blacks who fought in France’s wars over the past 50 years. There were hundreds of thousands of black soldiers who fought for France’s colonization of the African continent. It is asserted in Prof. Tudor’s book that France has become the “scourge of Europe” ever since the Freemasonry Revolution of 1789 because of France’s close ties to Russian-Judea having since gone on to fulfill this role. This is what the average French citizen of non-African descent described in the article below who are on the streets of France rioting as working class French who are in political opposition.

The Soviet-Judea Freemasonry Rothschild Republic of France came through one such organization known as the Alliance israélite universelle. The Alliance israélite universelle is based in Paris and is listed as an “international Jewish organization founded in 1860 by the French statesman Adolphe Crémieux to safeguard the human rights of Jews around the world.” On October 24, 1870, a decree brought into existence by Adolphe Crémieux, gave French citizenship to the 37,000 Jews of Algeria living in France. A close look at Adolphe Crémieux identifies him as being Jewish who was the Minister of Justice in the National Defense Government. Adolphe Crémieux was also a lawyer, a Freemason dignitary, and promoter of the Alliance Israélite Universelle and founder of what was at the time the Eastern Israel Normal School.


ca732c  No.7173155


good luck anon, see you back here soon

1afb20  No.7173156

File: 833ac4ab4a458e3⋯.jpg (18.34 KB, 750x676, 375:338, FB_IMG_1564016223012.jpg)

d41bd8  No.7173157

File: f0d4c83982097da⋯.jpeg (330.88 KB, 840x1208, 105:151, 2C133A6E-102A-430D-B0FA-A….jpeg)


Q gave us the answer.

391bd3  No.7173158

File: b076d2156260edd⋯.jpeg (25.37 KB, 255x205, 51:41, D55F8198-0853-4204-AF04-E….jpeg)

File: 99bd6a8ff153177⋯.jpeg (18.49 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 5B196F37-A567-46DC-99A5-1….jpeg)

File: 4a23736363a099a⋯.jpeg (222.72 KB, 716x422, 358:211, ACEB1238-01E8-493E-AC4E-D….jpeg)


I knew it.

94833f  No.7173159


You print money from nothing, and then loan it at interest to every government in the world except for about three (if that many have survived).

The 'Federal Reserve' is not Federal, and there are no reserves.

f87fa5  No.7173160

File: da1307335d0a1e7⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, pepesavingthegirls.png)




I like that. Here's my take.

34f792  No.7173161


Just went to my sons wedding at Dove mountain.

Crazy place you have there.

dba8e9  No.7173162

File: 08781f2721bcb9a⋯.jpg (585.83 KB, 1280x1596, 320:399, NSpegasus.jpg)


Best of luck. See you on the other side.

96c54c  No.7173163

File: ee36dba902e056d⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e1e81988a69a6a776acd178a60….jpg)


You're coming back anon..Gotta have you here to help..God bless & good luck..See you soon as you feel like working night shift

44cc59  No.7173164

File: 182ca711ffd2b3c⋯.png (382.1 KB, 495x491, 495:491, ClipboardImage.png)

ed2d98  No.7173165

Q, so this?


a5a26d  No.7173166

hi anon, i am a shill

i heard this board is comped

u should tell bo it is comped

then bo will confirm it is comped

once not confirmed by anons

any inteference will be deemed obstruction

do you understand?

1ac8e0  No.7173167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stay strong and try to Groyp in the meantime

92c11a  No.7173168


Prayers up and believed received.

5c7e62  No.7173169

File: 44640f6b013ae35⋯.png (265.98 KB, 758x614, 379:307, TrustthePlan.png)



Might as well just say it…


bed29c  No.7173170

File: 5c7fd9b219691be⋯.jpeg (107.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9DD78D84-5065-434C-93C5-E….jpeg)

f59fa0  No.7173171

File: 0e436a3cd3e5e40⋯.jpeg (98.67 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 3E1D4A22-B69D-4541-98C0-6….jpeg)


There is something not right about this story. Not sure what but something is fucky.

292174  No.7173172


I do at first but then I remember he is involved with trying to undermine the will of the American people and is directly involved with covering up crimes against humanity.

so, eh. it goes away.

a16d80  No.7173173

File: 1cab89accfda2f7⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ce2d3a5940d381a4b80898a206….jpg)

File: bcdd6e5cb861d70⋯.jpg (92.23 KB, 1242x715, 1242:715, ef6f768950d78144adf7ce6fbc….jpg)

File: 908ea989e2990bd⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB, 432x363, 144:121, F7C266AE-FFC7-439C-9A6B-1….jpeg)


God speed Anon. Prayers your way.

e2aad1  No.7173174

File: 151ad412b1a72cf⋯.jpeg (124.72 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1563966105.jpeg)

2d8f89  No.7173175


dafuq is a hurst. You mean a hearse?

d6e566  No.7173176




closet homo lovers


seo anchor texts for joo bots


[ ]ocaine

[ ]n

[ ]merica


toilet golfers of baal


daielfaggot soamming scat for tavistock lotion


old stalking pedo romance




real pedos caliming a queer authority for illegal wiretapping

a350dd  No.7173177

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 747x515, 747:515, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)


Prayers for you Anon and wisdom for the doctors. God Bless!!

90adc2  No.7173178


Yes never forget that

07f5b3  No.7173179


yeah dick head - guess who is talking about it right now?

Hannity, Gulliani, and Sekulow

080cc3  No.7173180

File: 37de36c2fc13830⋯.png (22.7 KB, 181x320, 181:320, ClipboardImage.png)

3f3fc3  No.7173181

File: 98ab2f937f7a59f⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 98ab2f937f7a59fb8c97efb638….jpg)

9d71c4  No.7173182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seems a good time to review this call where Schiff is soliciting opposition research from Russians.


a47998  No.7173183

Q. Was B2 waiting outside the Witness door after the first hearing and tell Mueller to correct his statement about the LOC opinion while standing there with a Capital Police officers and a warrant for his arrest if he didn't?

be9426  No.7173184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Future proves past.

You call it fair I call it treason.

3c440b  No.7173185


Has any autist applied the watch time (4.49) to the video time mark for a sign?

7bde6c  No.7173186

File: bdc497959ad8262⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 468x468, 1:1, cats.jpg)


See you when you get back.

a6a158  No.7173187


Nope. When you type with a dick in your mouth the words come out all muffled

292174  No.7173188


one couple who were well ventured, murdered with bullets.

another, I think a group of teens?

their van was found on fire.

same highway.

68198b  No.7173189

File: 4c93a741f997f76⋯.png (198.09 KB, 500x463, 500:463, 4c93a741f997f76ead7a970a22….png)


o7 o7 o7 o7

fbd97e  No.7173190

File: af6f73be4620992⋯.jpg (96.32 KB, 1125x808, 1125:808, ren.jpg)

File: b9669c754ce49b3⋯.png (121.17 KB, 255x200, 51:40, nightshift stimpy.PNG)


that's harsh for shit-talking I can't even think of what anyone could say..but hey crappy cartoon porn is ok right ? :/ I had the ban hammer permanently and had to change IP's.

fuck vpn's as that no workey anyway. Missed participating in the massacre just before christmas. Saw it all though.

c05bbd  No.7173191

File: ce5ec67d40b3c35⋯.jpeg (267.86 KB, 1350x1629, 150:181, movie.jpeg)

6349f7  No.7173192

File: 3cd0c8206e447bd⋯.pdf (1.39 MB, RepGohmert-Mueller-UNMASKE….pdf)

Scribd is a nasty site so instead of telling you guys to go get this PDF there I downloaded it and uploaded it here.

It is the report by Rep. Gohmert on Mueller. Over the 48 pages he rips into Mueller with attributable quotes - the works!

4229cb  No.7173193


I would ask if this is POTUS. Kek!

44cc59  No.7173194

File: b748b8a7d36fb80⋯.png (198.78 KB, 373x249, 373:249, ClipboardImage.png)


Catch you when you return!


9431a5  No.7173195

File: 07494183b9a503b⋯.png (109.53 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, trump can be impeached aft….png)

Todays testimony has changed nothing, they already have their new talking point. kek

c0a1aa  No.7173196

Someone really needs to be honest with Rudy about that dye job.

f87fa5  No.7173197


See you back here in a few days anon. o7 and get well.

ca732c  No.7173198


nah, anon meant pattie hearst, she's totally rad

0bc86b  No.7173199

File: 240cfa7cab0856d⋯.png (1.55 MB, 921x760, 921:760, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccd9dc0c4dffd78⋯.png (42.74 KB, 316x276, 79:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Matching earrings?

Finger nail polish?

Art Car Museum - Houston Texas



7ff930  No.7173200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>7171872 PB

>>7171894 >>7171928 >>7171951 >>7171966 >>7171968

>Silver Investors: Something Big Is Happening Here

.Mike Maloney


>Q who buying all this silver?

For those in Rio Linda.

Hey OP

Lurk Moar

c90eb5  No.7173201


Think spiderweb.

Go back to the map.. its all connected.

Dont forget about Loop Capital


Anthony Chukumba of Loop Capital says there's still a lot of room for Amazon to grow in North America and the rest of the world. He also discusses the possibility of the company disrupting another industry.

4e4c3a  No.7173202

File: d7385d540bb3465⋯.png (49.07 KB, 374x569, 374:569, ClipboardImage.png)


they all going to do it. its practice for their own trials

5f2f74  No.7173203


#1 Happy st.

d2ea3c  No.7173204

File: 0c69e4b2855b168⋯.gif (5.14 MB, 384x239, 384:239, go.gif)

a213b7  No.7173205


Camp the gravesite for a week… jeez did no one play EQ and have to do bitch epic quests before nerf?

Weekly Spawn point and no one knows >.>

080cc3  No.7173206

File: bef1655451daf38⋯.png (33.59 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

391b16  No.7173207

File: 142ba946dd64cb2⋯.png (582.2 KB, 978x768, 163:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378989d6d52657e⋯.png (548.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

414cd3  No.7173208


Go to jail with that.

f6bc1c  No.7173209

File: 095a1b6f18a24ee⋯.mp4 (15.63 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Michael Flynn Attorney Sid….mp4)

4-minute clip

Michael Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell on Mueller 'testimony'

It was Just Appalling from Every Perspective on Every Level.


92c11a  No.7173210

File: 284cebde21ce95e⋯.jpg (544.31 KB, 1117x544, 1117:544, SmartSelect_20190323-19473….jpg)

b2992e  No.7173211

File: b6b3cd6ad7c6976⋯.png (297.48 KB, 794x594, 397:297, robertmuellerdestroyed.png)

147886  No.7173212

I like the new twitter.

I hope that @jack rights the ship and Zuck and FB get destroyed.

c9f813  No.7173213


I don’t think declas would even wake these people up. Christ would need to appear in the sky to change these sort of minds.

c9fcb4  No.7173214



391bd3  No.7173215

File: de4ca53623ad777⋯.jpeg (92.81 KB, 1387x702, 1387:702, 81546888-D347-43A0-852D-D….jpeg)

f59fa0  No.7173216

File: 652e9f3a6e69225⋯.jpeg (127.34 KB, 500x505, 100:101, BB927F54-9979-49A6-A722-D….jpeg)


Awesome time stamp. KEK.


bed29c  No.7173217

File: 47ecfcbd7366e3d⋯.jpeg (132.15 KB, 868x500, 217:125, 2B449CBC-3DC5-44EF-A4E0-E….jpeg)

292174  No.7173218

File: 8ed90a392faaec4⋯.jpeg (972.78 KB, 1242x1709, 1242:1709, 8E90B601-4B04-48D2-9EA1-9….jpeg)

Herman Cain tweets out Epstein drone videos

7afa76  No.7173219

reading an article from dcclothesline.com

dates 7-7-19

(headline) Bombshell Report: Ilhan Omar’s Father & Other Somalian War Criminals Illegally Living In The US

but now her father has come into the picture. And it isn’t pretty. According to a recent report, Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed), was not only tied to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre, but now he and his accomplices are now living in the US in violation of federal law.

mar’s father Mohamed, is living in the US. He and other Somalians like Yusuf Abdi Ali, who killed thousands for Barre, escaped to the West and were not vetted properly before entering the country. Barre was a dictator and was connected to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Ali is a convicted war criminal who did the killing himself. Ali has been located in the US working as security at DullesInternational Airport and driving for Uber in 2019. He reportedly lived at one time in Alexandria, Virginia. Ali was a Colonel in the Somalian Army’s 5th Mechanized Brigade in 1987 and was a graduate of the Pentagon’s Program for Foreign Officers in 1986. He’s also a war criminal in response to his actions in Somalia.

Nur, Representative Omar’s father, appears to have been a party propagandist under the dictator and was responsible for ‘ideological’ aspects of the Red-Green revolution. (He worked for the Marxist/Stalinist regime under dictator Baare as a teacher of teachers.) This could have included providing the ideological/political justification for the massacres of the late eighties.

It is not a secret that Ilhan Omar’s father illegally entered the United States.

The Nur family was well connected in the country led by the Marxist regime. Young Omar went to kindergarten at age four, their family lived in a secure compound in Mogadishu. When the regime was overtaken, the family caught a plane to escape the country. The average GDP per capita in Somalia was only $187 dollars in 2010 twenty years after they fled the country when the regime fell. Obviously, Nur’s family was a privileged family.

its looking like your neighbor wasnt lying


407426  No.7173220


the original rules allowed for 'capitalization of assets'

but the rules were bogus because the cretins travelled the world buying up all the debt from various third world projects. And they would then issue money based upon the value of the asset of having 'debt'.

The monetization of the debt allowed them to issue as much money as the debt represented, is my understanding (the real way is veiled in secrecy).

they could only print money from nothing if the debt wasn't actually worth anything but . . . what it did was it allowed them to double the money by purchasing the debt.

they weren't supposed to be able to make money out of nothing. they were supposed to cover it at the 'set' price of gold which was set by the cabal, rosevelt, the crypto-cabal.

until Nixon said 'no more'.

that's really when it all turned back into a pumpkin.

the IPO process, as well, has been mostly fraudulent for over 30 years.

that is another way to make money from nothing.

ca732c  No.7173221


>Matching earrings?

those are bluetooth communicators, anon

to liaise with the cabal

red nails on the guy means he is a gay tranny liberal

d6414c  No.7173222

File: d8a0ea4e58abd4f⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 474x316, 3:2, gayslide.jpg)






Homosexual slide alert. This is not a test.

92c11a  No.7173223

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

d966cd  No.7173224

File: 6ebec0c91d97906⋯.jpg (58.97 KB, 488x428, 122:107, christine zuckerblasey for….jpg)

71f257  No.7173225

File: 10830d777ee084b⋯.png (14.8 KB, 1179x543, 393:181, DDA1658B-A648-4E12-A5EE-CB….png)

‘starter’ new social-networking platform

Q, are you asking anons to build on this platform? Should we develop a simple set of rules to control the boards main issue of shills, porn, etc.

Seems logical to me that for the board to take the next step into the mainstream, we need to take some small steps to create a more friendly site for all eyes.

Patriots point - we will follow

44cc59  No.7173226

File: ce70d195cf54910⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1023x903, 341:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 181882405548866⋯.png (53.58 KB, 1014x373, 1014:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e80da1ef4fb526⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1031x908, 1031:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3c23c772eb5098⋯.png (11.69 KB, 973x133, 139:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Steals Even More Land from Palestinians After Knocking Down Their Homes

Israel has begun demolishing a cluster of Palestinian homes it says were built illegally too close to the separation barrier in the occupied West Bank.

Security forces moved in to Sur Baher, on the edge of East Jerusalem, to tear down buildings said to house 17 people.

Residents said they had been given permits to build by the Palestinian Authority, and accused Israel of an attempt to grab West Bank land.

But Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that they had violated a construction ban.

Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Middle East war and later effectively annexed East Jerusalem. Under international law, both areas are considered to be occupied territory, though Israel disputes this.

Some 700 Israeli police officers and 200 soldiers were involved in Monday’s operation in the village of Wadi Hummus, on the edge of Sur Baher.

They moved in at about 04:00 (01:00 GMT) along with excavators, which began tearing down the 10 buildings the UN says were earmarked for demolition.

Nine of the Palestinians who have been displaced are refugees, including five children, according to the UN. Another 350 people who owned homes in buildings that were unoccupied or under construction are also affected.

One of the residents, Ismail Abadiyeh, told AFP news agency his family would be left “on the street”.

Another man who owned an unfinished house said he was “losing everything”.

“I had a permit to build from the Palestinian Authority. I thought I was doing the right thing,” Fadi al-Wahash told Reuters news agency.

PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said the Palestinians would complain to the International Criminal Court (ICC) about the “grave aggression”.

“This is a continuation of the forced displacement of the people of Jerusalem from their homes and lands – a war crime and a crime against humanity,” he added.

But Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said Israel’s Supreme Court had ruled that “the illegal construction constitutes a severe security threat”.

“The court also ruled unequivocally that those who built houses in the area of the security fence, knew that building in that area was prohibited, and took the law into their own hands,” he added.


40aaa2  No.7173227


wasn't that HRC's campaign slogan?

7afa76  No.7173228



9c05af  No.7173229


Shit….you’re right. .just looked up and saw that travesty

aa2b9e  No.7173230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love the smell of Deepstate burning in the morning

2a1e21  No.7173231

File: 9380f1e323cad12⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 249x202, 249:202, 1511128772708.jpg)

why the Hell now that they understand Mueller was a counter intel operation why they are not looking at the beginning the Crowdstrike exam of the DNC server and denying the FBI access to the server?

fbd97e  No.7173232

File: febd55e3b20e225⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 496x739, 496:739, Golden Shifter.jpg)

baa282  No.7173233

Hey Rudy! Muller is a CORRUPT PROSECUTOR!!! NOT a "fair" prosecutor. WTF are you going on about?!

240411  No.7173234


The Clintons Bank robbing crew!

777608  No.7173235


So basically, Mueller was as clueless as he appeared to be, today. He literally had nothing to do with any part of the witch hunt…

Beyond that, AG Barr did him a solid by reiterating (via written memo) that Mueller keep his testimony within the 'purview' of his report.

So, Mueller comes off looking like a stooge today. But, when the shit hits the fan and the BARR/Durham train builds steam & lays open the illegal origins of the hoax, poor ol' Bob Mueller will be able to take some bit of refuge behind the notion that he was just a willful idiot…just as he's always been

d0d739  No.7173236

File: 477e09939e05dd1⋯.png (29.42 KB, 733x354, 733:354, Blind 13.PNG)

Patrick Pizzella = More corruption?

Most comments: Patrick Pizzella replacing Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor

CDAN: I'm not so sure the guy acting in the job is any better than the guy who recently quit. The one who is acting in the job used to get money to defend the rights of bar owners to traffic underage girls from the Philippines to US territories. The bar owners would change the age on the passport to make it look as if the girls were legal. They weren't. They were forced to dance naked for men, have sex with men, and in many cases be subjected to violence by the men. The bar owners said they needed to make sure the supply of women didn't stop so they spent a ton of money lobbying. The acting guy was one of those lobbyists.


cbdd34  No.7173237




ad91df  No.7173238


They sure are liking his vids though, several have taken screen shots off them for their narriative junk pieces

fa36ea  No.7173239

File: 71840cf73e198cb⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, my-man.jpg)

48fa4b  No.7173240

File: 6bb62589a0a237b⋯.png (21.72 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 3bd0ca3f2053a61652f6454498….png)

ecd7b0  No.7173241


"That is not my purview and I can't get into that."

ccc1b2  No.7173242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Michael Turner did a fantastic job today…

for your entertainment:

WATCH: Rep. Michael Turner’s full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony

c9fcb4  No.7173243


Thanks Anon, loath Scribd

292174  No.7173244


yeah, it's fucking awful lolz

bed29c  No.7173245


all you need is the part at the way beginning where mueller rolls his eyes at the mention of him getting a Purple Heart to know how he really feels about individuals who would put their lives on the line for freedom

407426  No.7173246


gay murders are very very old news.

there was someone who would travel the interstates and the whole operation to catch the person was undercover and they had to rewrite laws in order to prosecute the creep and I have no sauce, jsut what I heard.

you stil lhave no link. I'm not seraching the web for those phrases.

90adc2  No.7173247


Np anything for the anons

ac28e2  No.7173248


CDAN Notable

a350dd  No.7173249


Optics muh fren….. optics are very important right now.

ad85db  No.7173250

Not a peep out of

Hillary's Twitter account

since the hearing, but

CNN is playing pigeon's chess like they're in the Olympics.

f3102e  No.7173251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


….they LOST today.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing our cries…..

0f2905  No.7173252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Probably not, but that thing with Howdy Doody makes the movie more interesting.

Buffalo Bob Mueller?

c90eb5  No.7173253

File: ed882a1774a479a⋯.png (461.86 KB, 656x1321, 656:1321, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 6abdacd68a9681c⋯.png (541.95 KB, 664x1091, 664:1091, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)


90adc2  No.7173254


Will make a longer version at a later date

b483f7  No.7173255

File: 05c63d7f5a3247c⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1473953694227.jpg)

I just noticed that the celebrity Harry whatever/Demi Lovato stalker shill has shifted focus or exhausted itself in a fit of impotence

bed29c  No.7173256


filtered, commie scum!

43af6f  No.7173257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PBS spins Mueller's testimony in 12 mins

c6cac3  No.7173258

File: fe029fa8d4db562⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 45FF33FE00000578-5050095-i….jpg)

File: 26f202805b24e00⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 474x355, 474:355, swiss.jpg)

File: 18f0bc05f0b8fd1⋯.jpg (28.47 KB, 474x266, 237:133, wonka.jpg)

File: adca3b5ea336c26⋯.png (204.77 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Child-catcher.png)

File: a0d12edd7628519⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 45FF330500000578-0-image-a….jpg)

Normies ready to learn that 'chocolate' and other favorites include "human-derived" ingredients? Truth, a force of nature. Soon.

4162f9  No.7173259

File: 1d95b493ac5dbd0⋯.gif (4.87 MB, 294x320, 147:160, trump-exercising.gif)



d5a496  No.7173260

File: 4c57428fb56b5f2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1086x965, 1086:965, 057E0C68-15CD-4826-A06B-A2….png)

c9f813  No.7173261


Richard D. Kek.

e2aad1  No.7173262

File: c4123ad0a298d49⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, 1552421242.jpeg)

c26549  No.7173263

File: fc08e759da6cc97⋯.png (729.4 KB, 924x542, 462:271, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF? Why is Rudy a flaming red head?

c90eb5  No.7173264


bed29c  No.7173265


hi reptilian,

you get filtered

414cd3  No.7173266


What drives these witnesses to suicide?

baa282  No.7173267


Call the FBI and report it. I mean, FFS they were taking the Steele bullshit seriously so they might as well dig into the lobbiest.

90adc2  No.7173268


I bet you there gonna try

8cca36  No.7173269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@10:26 in all fairness to Robert Mueller, he had nothing to work with….Potus said

1ac8e0  No.7173270

File: 5f96b106d302da9⋯.png (462.22 KB, 636x539, 636:539, corsi-shut-down.png)

aeef39  No.7173271

File: eda540fb01ce848⋯.jpeg (87.8 KB, 828x503, 828:503, BF0781F3-E01B-4B99-8670-6….jpeg)

Are Masonlilith Cabal filth avoiding windows?

c90eb5  No.7173272

Hannity 9:27 marker

971a88  No.7173273


A lush, a faggot, a dummie, and a fatass walk up to a podium

407426  No.7173274


he's a free speach guy. I doubt he'd say shut it down. Ditto with Alex.

8cca36  No.7173275


The perpetrator of the crime that they witnessed?

d04dea  No.7173276

File: 4305fd726f45695⋯.jpg (154.21 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20190724-212826….jpg)


Already down

af3c99  No.7173277

File: e3990a895867863⋯.png (683.07 KB, 751x684, 751:684, 1553696739012.png)


Probably Taco Bell, tho.

2dae8c  No.7173278

File: ba3e28090fac6d9⋯.jpg (318.2 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, QCrumbsChatterExplodingPub….jpg)

9d8a8a  No.7173279

File: 0730cead241b6a2⋯.png (210.66 KB, 472x659, 472:659, baking1.png)

File: 140dd67c00ccc58⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1317x3317, 1317:3317, baking2.png)

File: fc32666c874754b⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1317x3295, 1317:3295, baking3.png)

File: f6a19dbc4179244⋯.png (6.9 MB, 1731x12050, 1731:12050, baking4.png)

File: 7bf261845515b66⋯.png (128.3 KB, 1308x1003, 1308:1003, baking5.png)

Learn To Bake

= How to Learn =

These graphics give easy instructions on how to bake and some tips. Once you've read them you can go and make a few test bakes over at /comms/ at the link below.

= New Bakers Required =

As the board continues to grow we need more /ourguys/ to increase our baking pool.

Day bakers, night bakers, weekend bakers, backup bakers and especially 3 - 9am ET (8am - 1pm EU) bakers are all required.

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= Links You'll Need =

Practice Baking Area ————————————— https://8ch.net/comms/catalog.html

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9209dd  No.7173280

File: 33175c2b3a5086b⋯.png (472.69 KB, 704x730, 352:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6fbe7a0a94f830⋯.png (35.08 KB, 694x242, 347:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Many posts by Q at the :33 mark today. This one in particular paired with the link Q sent us (before it was changed). Props to Matrixx for finding this connection. Could we get the Twitter Storm Tweet in 4 minutes?? Wouldn't that be Christmas morning X1000000

c9f813  No.7173281


Second verse

Same as the first

Just a little more rowdy

And a whole lot worse

d966cd  No.7173282

File: 1f40d668f66a4bf⋯.png (775.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5645a19c28b1013⋯.png (257.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

bed29c  No.7173283

File: 5e3bce167a6de27⋯.jpeg (108.33 KB, 868x500, 217:125, 51AFA118-7636-440C-97EE-A….jpeg)

f083f1  No.7173284

File: 99810f47dff2fc9⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 255x220, 51:44, GrammarNazi.jpg)




They're ←- You wanted this one

b483f7  No.7173285

File: 6a4007541341917⋯.png (106.34 KB, 222x205, 222:205, 1472005454492.png)


Well, thank you for OUTING yourself, dumbfuck

3d7239  No.7173286

File: 916b3eb9789067a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 384x272, 24:17, tenor.gif)


When the popes/priests do the "air cross", they are actually signaling the 4 cardinal direction's and the "princes of Hell".

fbd97e  No.7173287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like a Hurricane-Roxy Music 1982-Live

here's one for ya music anon and thank you for the SRV before. Ferry sounds like a scalded cat sometimes but like this one better than the original

fb5ddc  No.7173288


Makes sense Anon. She mentioned Cuba helped (the dictator family) and 2 other Muslim countries were mentioned. You are on the right track as to who she was talking about

9209dd  No.7173289


Storm arriving in 6 hours from Pres Tweet?

90adc2  No.7173290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you sure

35b282  No.7173291



34f792  No.7173292



43af6f  No.7173293

File: b7afa443e6903f8⋯.png (49.78 KB, 594x296, 297:148, twitter_com_jsolomonReport….png)

File: e0881e1fcbe570d⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB, 426x240, 71:40, WATCH- Rep. Gaetz tells Mu….mp4)

6d3648  No.7173294



>>7172770 New DJT - TY @GOPLeader McCarthy

>>7172760, >>7172771 Syria Update

>>7172929, >>7173098 Gohmert Mueller exchange, stuttering (vid)

>>7173192 Scribd Gohmert on Mueller

>>7172945 New DJT - Thank you @DevinNunes

>>7165757 anon makes a precise triple connection

>>7173125 anon graphics 'Game Over'

yay or nay

>>7172802, >>7172827 speculation. anon on Ilhan and Somalia (no suace)

a213b7  No.7173295


Gab.ai is doing some different things in the social networking arena, but idk how legit that place. It does seem to sell the idea of free uncensored speech.

Not an endorsement or recommendation, just acknowledging there are alternate platforms being built by non-google/fb peeps

a47998  No.7173296


Wild guess here… Somalia was a C_A op and they were the ones that brought them to U.S. for doing C_A work there. Which possibly means that Ilhan Omar is actually C_A!

fa36ea  No.7173297

File: 483268aaa6e013f⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 500x348, 125:87, dakr5teyd5wezt9gp.jpg)

240411  No.7173298


Should put a board of trustees (non-affiliated body) over them too!

b483f7  No.7173299

File: 485dfb1c269fba5⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 485dfb1c269fba504b63969689….jpg)

90adc2  No.7173300


Always bad with my there’s kek

d966cd  No.7173301


Aphex Kek

905bdb  No.7173302

File: 5767447bc78b31b⋯.jpg (117.98 KB, 480x359, 480:359, dog1.jpg)

bed29c  No.7173303

File: 0660e6da52ed564⋯.jpeg (101.23 KB, 692x500, 173:125, 15D3F8FF-1B09-4DEF-9F74-7….jpeg)

90adc2  No.7173304


Thank you

1ac8e0  No.7173305

File: e08c66f8f59f1cf⋯.png (161.2 KB, 435x480, 29:32, corsi-reversed-psych.png)


Dude. You missed the part where Corsi obiviously tried to subvert.

859dc7  No.7173306

File: 3f0f0560991fd5d⋯.png (596.53 KB, 837x876, 279:292, Epstein still building, de….png)

File: ef7ab99cb970871⋯.jpg (240.93 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 16458372-7282441-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 6da610062a34c4a⋯.jpg (248.77 KB, 962x590, 481:295, 16458376-7282441-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 891c47858387cbf⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 962x622, 481:311, 16461056-7282441-image-a-2….jpg)

File: 876ea9060879632⋯.jpg (246.19 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 16458364-7282441-image-a-2….jpg)



I was phonefagging while out an hour ago, and i posted link to daily mail story about Epstein still building. I said cover story looked like our drone anons footage.

Just got home and sure as shit,



REVEALED: Jeffrey Epstein splashed out $18M for a SECOND Caribbean island in 2016 where work continues on compound despite cease and desist orders, $2.1M in fines and pedophile's incarceration

Jeffrey Epstein owns two neighboring properties in the US Virgin Islands, having purchased Little St. James in 1998 and Great St. James in 2016

He paid $18 million to purchase all 162 acres on the island from two separate parties in January 2016, and soon after began building roads, a home and a pool despite only being approved to erect a flag pole

In 2016, he was fined $70,000 and then approximately $150,000 for violating building orders on the island, with the first violation 'in regards to unpermitted land clearing'

Epstein has erected 'No Trespassing' signs all around the island as many tourists spent time off the coast in Christmas Cove

Work was ordered to stop on December 21 but has not according to local reports, which means that Epstein could be facing up to $2.15 million in fines and penalties

A spokesperson with the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources declined to comment on the island, illegal building or Epstein's plans


Great St. James

Rusty Shackleford

Published on Jul 22, 2019


d6e566  No.7173307

this is just a short list of KYS suferers on /qresearch/















0c627c  No.7173308

File: 5149ce565b470e8⋯.png (87.31 KB, 1024x414, 512:207, WeissmannDonations.png)

Anon theory:

Mueller was the old man who was propped up as window dressing.

Andrew Weissman was running the Special Counsel investigation.

Weissman was being run by Obama himself.

68198b  No.7173309

File: 74b0f60e43627a6⋯.jpg (440.86 KB, 1800x1680, 15:14, MuellerFace.jpg)


>Perhaps Mueller was being blackmailed, came clean in the Oval Office meeting

Agree, he became a leveraged (by POTUS) grey hat at that point…always possible he'd flip back to black, but I guess he didn't. He played POTUS' game.

baa282  No.7173310


And as usual, they won't credit TP who broke the story days ago.

3c440b  No.7173311


Not possible…

VERY likely.

859dc7  No.7173312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d04dea  No.7173313


Maybe my phone is goofing up? But definitely not working for me. Just double checked.

e2aad1  No.7173314


Makes me kek everytime

5c7e62  No.7173315


True. Q also quoted HRC's campaign slogan (Drop 638).

And Q often says they wanted us divided, but together we're stronger.

8cca36  No.7173316

File: 0533d84f644ab51⋯.jpg (6.74 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Trumphugs.jpg)


You're awesome

cbdd34  No.7173317

File: 4d50b5cfcf3bb69⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 800x771, 800:771, MADMANitsalive.jpg)



tippy top keks

414cd3  No.7173318

File: 82d098b0134c8a7⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 446x280, 223:140, grammerwall.jpg)


Good job.

bed29c  No.7173319


greys are the good guys, reptilians are the losers

b2992e  No.7173320

File: 1b01e3cd2fa2a24⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1228x899, 1228:899, demscolludewithfakenews.png)

0f2905  No.7173321

File: 6d0fce86f94630f⋯.png (173.36 KB, 350x287, 50:41, 2019-04-22_07-21-18.png)



Relegated to shit posting.


90adc2  No.7173322


Oh that’s werid yeah maybe something wrong on your side idk

6575ae  No.7173323


Nay. Zero sauce.

0020fa  No.7173324

File: dde445323149268⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 254x255, 254:255, getwellsoon.jpg)


Prayers and good wishes to you Fren!

d18cb5  No.7173325

File: b64c68184b6de54⋯.png (611.27 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f76573f42f0d4d0⋯.png (953.72 KB, 951x1200, 317:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 403cc70405caeff⋯.png (342.31 KB, 480x489, 160:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d78a61d8383ca2c⋯.png (402.52 KB, 728x555, 728:555, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9702c549aabe444⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 630x421, 630:421, 9702c549aabe4447fc41366477….jpg)

2dbdef  No.7173326

File: 2df3db4e6cae007⋯.png (336.2 KB, 720x389, 720:389, 6c93685455cc01c2bba65c3288….png)

43ffe1  No.7173327


only industry that takes as an input the same thing it produces as an output. all others take components as input and produce whole new value as output.

money into production=> money out produced. garbage in….

ca732c  No.7173328


great video clip, worth watching

Mueller is a lying slimy cunt

905bdb  No.7173329

File: e593bca84faa96d⋯.png (34.3 KB, 532x317, 532:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives Sentenced After Conviction for Fraud and Campaign Finance Violation


2:26 PM - 24 Jul 2019

4e4c3a  No.7173330

File: 72a3b5753002816⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1055x886, 1055:886, ClipboardImage.png)

31be72  No.7173331

>>7173030 I watched Willie Mayes hit one out of Cheney Stadium.

be9426  No.7173332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait WTF…

you think Q wants us to get off his shortbus?

5e1b56  No.7173333

Question for anons. It seems to me that children have become a commodity (and all people, too, actually) for the cabal. We (sadly) see things like "Drag Queen Story Hour" and explicit sex education programs in schools, not to mention indoctrination into "alternate lifestyles" and non-Christian religions that tolerate polygamy and child brides.

Do any other anons find it preposterous that our children can be subject to sexually exploitive teaching in schools but are completely denied rights in other ways? If a young person is literate and knows enough math to keep their finances in order, why can't they work full time (if they choose)? If the "age of consent" is lower, why can't a young person also marry, or buy a gun or smoke or drink?

How could a 12 year old be allowed to consent to an HPV vaccine (that can maim or kill them) or get an abortion without parental consent, yet they cannot make other adult decisions?

I think it is time to call out the massive hypocrisy of exposing even very young children to behaviors that would have been called perversion until very recently, while steadily eroding rights in other areas.

d04dea  No.7173334


I'm deep in enemy lines. I'm not in freedom country.

407426  No.7173335


Let go and let God!

141ade  No.7173336

File: 4f364929222484b⋯.png (181.8 KB, 468x384, 39:32, Popcohen Merchant.png)


Good, Good.

Let's all go to the lobby, and grab some delicious cohencessions. Popcohen anyone?

df8fa3  No.7173337

File: 988c1ff37cd616f⋯.png (826.63 KB, 989x665, 989:665, alaska murder.PNG)



Bryer Schmegelsky's father, Alan Schmegelsky, told Canadian media his son had a troubled upbringing and he expected him to die in a confrontation with police.

"He's on a suicide mission," Mr Schmegelsky said.

"He wants his hurt to end.

"They're going out in a blaze of glory — trust me on this."

"[They] liked to go into the woods and play war," he said.

"If there's any hope that Bryer and Kam are alive, it's because they … would have gone into the woods and they know how to hide, because they've been doing this for the last two-and-a-half years."

2a1e21  No.7173338

File: 0bb5e011053eb0b⋯.png (281.87 KB, 500x548, 125:137, ee109cee3e87d362648da47aa0….png)

It began when DNC found out their emails were out in public and were going to be published. They bring in Cloudstrike to blame the Russians - Russian Hack and denied the FBI access to the servers. Then Wikileaks. Then pull in the intel agencies to follow the story and stir up Russia furor then turn it on Trump and set up Counter-Intel Operation that moved through FBI and Comey and then Mueller.

f08551  No.7173339


Hive mind, anon, hive mind!


5edd7c  No.7173340

File: 55d141f7595b4f7⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 4d83925e8bd4385d852f78da95….jpg)

File: 3ab2f9e03fc19db⋯.png (30.28 KB, 1252x259, 1252:259, Screenshot_2018-12-31 Q Re….png)

88e7de  No.7173341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

must watch Tuck

90adc2  No.7173342


Oh prayers for ya

f3102e  No.7173343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

…know me… broken by my master….

44cc59  No.7173344

File: 8c1d43608f696f0⋯.png (769.03 KB, 761x919, 761:919, ClipboardImage.png)

What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows

es, Tulsi Gabbard’s name was not found in the list of those members of Congress which voted “no” to the resolution condemning the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. This is the full list as reported by The Forward: Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon), Andre Carson (D-Indiana), Debbie Dingell (D-Michigan), Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Illinois), Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona), Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington), Barbara Lee (D-California), Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota), Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin), Bobby Rush (D-Illinois), Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-New Jersey).

Truth be told, the Israel Lobby did a superb job focusing what is left of the mind of those who expose themselves to the corporate Ziomedia’s propaganda on nonsensical pretend-issues such as who is in the so-called “squad” (Reps. Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Rashida Tlaib), on Ilhan Omar alledged anti-Semitism (what else is new?) and on Trump’s brilliant idea to send her “home” (only to disawow it later – in typical Trump style). As a result, a major chunk of the First Amendement has now been chipped away.

I also note with interest that these 17 Democracts prove that the most pro-Zionist party is the GOP, not the Democrats. I salute the courage of Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky)!

There were plenty of other signs that showed that for all her ver real qualities and her likely sincerity, Tulsi Gabbard does not really dare to speak truth to power. Here is a very good example of that:


ea8421  No.7173345

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)




651ae9  No.7173346

Anything else tonight, getting to be time for bed

1afb20  No.7173347


I wish you well.

e2aad1  No.7173348

File: dc3be582ef96391⋯.jpeg (93.68 KB, 921x720, 307:240, 1546918114.jpeg)

ca732c  No.7173349


aww, that's cute

7914ca  No.7173350


Mmmhmmmm, aight den

84ff7d  No.7173351


Masonnanite Cabal filth, Yes. Phoneticians, Cannanites, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Carthaginians, Venetians ect.

35b282  No.7173352

File: bc9a06752512675⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 239x320, 239:320, popcorn.gif)


yeah sure!

lemme just…

waaaaait a minute

65e0bb  No.7173353

File: 9cbaec6f13286c2⋯.jpeg (23.79 KB, 255x143, 255:143, A152D3DC-6271-4F2B-98DF-6….jpeg)


Godspeed & Peace Anon…

74f9d0  No.7173354


bed29c  No.7173355

File: ac6490a746fa2cf⋯.jpeg (103.53 KB, 692x500, 173:125, 2320B47F-9E41-4D82-B7A6-6….jpeg)

159b2d  No.7173356



b483f7  No.7173357


Research on any of the people listed are prohibited and only advocated by "KYS surferers" here

Repeat, do no, under any circumstances, research anyone on this list.

Thank you for your continued commitment to goodthink!

6d3648  No.7173358



>>7172770 New DJT - TY @GOPLeader McCarthy

>>7172760, >>7172771 Syria Update

>>7172929, >>7173098 Gohmert Mueller exchange, stuttering (vid)

>>7173192 Scribd Gohmert on Mueller

>>7172945 New DJT - Thank you @DevinNunes

>>7165757 anon makes a precise triple connection

>>7173125 anon graphics 'Game Over'

>>7172960 CDAN Notable says anon

>>7173253 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder for hire plot, dead by suicide

yay or nay now?

>>7172802, >>7172827 speculation. anon on Ilhan and Somalia, >>7173219 some Somalia sauce, (dcclothesline)

d966cd  No.7173359


Gotta give em some points for creativity

48fbff  No.7173360

Harold Russell Taub, 30, of Cranston, Rhode Island, was sentenced to serve 36 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release by U.S. District Judge William E. Smith for the District of Rhode Island. Taub was also ordered to pay $1,102,439 in restitution to the victims of his crimes.

According to Taub’s guilty plea, in late 2016, Taub began soliciting donations to an organization he called Keeping America in Republican Control (KAIRC), which he represented to be a legitimate political committee organized in accordance with federal law to support Republican candidates at the state and federal level. In March 2018, Taub began soliciting donations to another purported political action committee, Keeping Ohio in Republican Control (KOIRC), with the stated purpose of supporting Republican candidates in Ohio. Taub collected a total of approximately $1,630,439 in contributions to KAIRC and KOIRC, but never registered either entity with the FEC or made required reports to the FEC, as required by FECA.

from source


e2aad1  No.7173361

File: 6dea1525f312605⋯.png (8.94 KB, 255x225, 17:15, fa4cf7c5c097aa73be2c02b3c1….png)

a213b7  No.7173362



Just for keks, are you suggesting Q = Alice = HRC = Godfather [3]?

Wouldn’t that put us all in the hospital

905bdb  No.7173363

File: de50356914d98fb⋯.png (304.05 KB, 478x478, 1:1, de50356914d98fb8261dedf33c….png)

>>7173294 What are you doing?

f8a69b  No.7173364


Sir, your purpose is not complete and there are many more years of need.

Pray favor and blessings for you, support for your family and guidance with precision for your caregivers.

YOU are needed here. See you soon.


7afa76  No.7173365



they definitely had help

also i read an article where she endorsed Somalia's new leader

now if her fam was a part of the corrupt regime that got taken down/out

it makes me wonder if the same people just have a new puppet in there

im leaning toward the new regime being corrupt

dont see her praising it, if it wasnt a part of the corruption/evil

c9fcb4  No.7173366


My '78 Z28 had a 4 Speed Hurst

c5e979  No.7173367


It's what you need if it is too late for an amboo-lance.

d04dea  No.7173368


Thanks. In the works to make some money to escape my slave state. Back to lurking. Love you guys and prayers right back at ya!

84d62a  No.7173369


Any Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Podesta tweets or are they busy packing their bug out bags?

859dc7  No.7173370

File: bff6df49509ea69⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1691x970, 1691:970, Rusty drone anon in daily ….png)

c90eb5  No.7173371


1 - In the border patrol sector that covers 300 miles of border with New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, agents have apprehended 324 people who crossed illegally from Canada so far this fiscal year, compared with 165 in all of 2017. Last month, agents apprehended 85 people across the three states, compared with 17 in June 2017 and 19 in June 2016, statistics show.

2 - People crossing the border between Vermont and Quebec have paid smugglers up to $4,000, usually payable when the immigrants reach their US destination, according to officials and court documents.

While the number of arrests is tiny compared with the southern border, the human smuggling is just as sophisticated.

“They are very well organized. They have scouted the area. They have scouted us,” said US border patrol agent Richard Ross. “Basically, we are not dealing with the JV team; this is the varsity.”

Driving the increase here, officials say, is the ease of entry into Canada, where visas are no longer required for Mexicans, and a border that receives less scrutiny and resources than the southern border, where thousands fleeing violence in Central America are being detained.

391bd3  No.7173372

File: b25fec308247fd4⋯.jpeg (48.96 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 9A1CF739-CF2A-45F2-AAB6-1….jpeg)

File: cd7d54807b4731a⋯.jpeg (512 KB, 750x877, 750:877, 0AD656C2-7A8A-43EC-83C1-D….jpeg)

File: bd2d63828a9478a⋯.jpeg (155.06 KB, 750x575, 30:23, DE3F75FA-0C50-465A-A792-3….jpeg)



Well I hear ya.

I don’t and habs never used VPN.

It’s time for a break anyways.

I gots 2 IP’s moar still buuuut.


I’m not likings Q or POTUS anymoar truth be told.

So you know, if I’m not halping then I should prolly GTFO.

5c54ef  No.7173373

>>7171872 a notable from lb

/biz/'s silverchads are buying all the silver

kek sorry this is sort of over most here's heads.

no, but, seriously, watch this:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMCu9GWpgzg

fbd97e  No.7173374

File: d04de82a87c4642⋯.jpg (269.97 KB, 1234x770, 617:385, POTUS bakery.jpg)


There is enough there to add imo. dey not endorsements either way

d6e566  No.7173375

comment /Trump/ X

comment /Mueller/ X

comment /Clinton/ X

comment /Hillary/ X

comment /POTUS/ X

comment /JEW/ X

comment /Jew/ X

comment /jew/ X

comment /Epstein/ X

comment /Corsi/ X

comment /twitter/ X

comment /Rothschild/ X

340d8b  No.7173376

File: c846f06dbb118ab⋯.png (246.01 KB, 519x500, 519:500, mhju8.png)

44cc59  No.7173377

File: 5008e19b5ebd789⋯.png (979.1 KB, 841x634, 841:634, ClipboardImage.png)

a6a158  No.7173378


Dude. anons , some of us at least, have been calling that out for literally decades. Where the fiuck have you been?

3deca1  No.7173379

File: 7e80c1f3c2eef3e⋯.png (3.47 MB, 2000x2054, 1000:1027, end-the-fed.png)


my own oc

b141bb  No.7173380


Methinks his stylist voted for the other side and is lashing out…

d6414c  No.7173381

File: 7fcd25ba4c6fc48⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 474x355, 474:355, tsarbomba.jpg)

>>7172775 NOTABLE

Emily Shugerman

Suzi Parker

There may be a journalist or two left

Just say 'no' to gay north of the border slide shills.

Anything to avert eyes from the Daily Beast bombshell of an article.



baa282  No.7173382


Top kek

0d8a89  No.7173383


How many times has Hanity stated this?

Tired of this sensational bullshit.

cbdd34  No.7173384

File: 07f43bf3b8e41cf⋯.jpg (83.75 KB, 577x420, 577:420, eventhotheywntedto.jpg)


we are news now! wee

74f9d0  No.7173385

File: 101cf38369fa75a⋯.jpg (395.09 KB, 624x912, 13:19, aiw.jpg)

File: 6366172edc74e2d⋯.jpg (350.71 KB, 1280x833, 1280:833, chessalice.jpg)

Consider there are 2 different Alices- one for the Adventures of Wonderland and one for Through the Looking Glass

22ea84  No.7173386

Damn how tall is Jim Jordan? Is he even 5 feet tall?

e2aad1  No.7173387

File: e0ee83636318f8d⋯.jpg (703.85 KB, 1045x1502, 1045:1502, 20190724_114246.jpg)

6d3648  No.7173388


who the fuck are you

are you kvetching about your own drops?

bed29c  No.7173389

I can tell you're looking at me I know what you see

Any closer and you’ll feel the heat (GG)

You don't have to pretend that you didn't notice me

Every look will make it hard to breathe (T.R.X.)

Bring the boys out

(Yeah, you know)

B-Bring the boys out

(We bring the boys out! We bring the boys out!)


B-Bring the boys out

Soon as I step on the scene

I know that they’ll be watching me

Watching me (get up)

I'ma be the hottest in this spot

There ain't no stopping me (that's funny)

Stopping me

I know life is a mystery

I'm gonna make history

I'm taking it from the start

Total emergency

I'm watching the phone ring

I'm feeling this in my heart (my heart)

0f2905  No.7173390

File: 450e2ed89b09d52⋯.png (104.61 KB, 1226x393, 1226:393, 2019-07-24_21-35-43.png)


Obama pocketed for doing that?


34f792  No.7173391


Droneanon, are you Mac?

1c1b85  No.7173392


948e40  No.7173393

File: c04bf226d698443⋯.jpg (184.59 KB, 1485x1251, 165:139, 2019-07-24_20-34-31.jpg)

I don't know how to embed twatter vids.. But this is AWESOME!!!!


96c54c  No.7173394

File: b8446382da97e41⋯.png (96.81 KB, 371x362, 371:362, cd6df475898283afaee9629a8d….png)


Who told him " Yeah, you'll look guud with red hair!.. Trust me"

Is he being punished for sum ting?

01f425  No.7173395


Mueller is not big enough to be controlled by + ++ or +++. who was is again that he requested be by his side durringring testimony? Who is their puppet master…

ad60e8  No.7173396

File: c8b11c3d3fb43e2⋯.jpg (83.01 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, fl-1548196160-wnagfgu625-s….jpg)

bitch is going down

986346  No.7173397

File: b14b2fb82fefdfc⋯.png (96.06 KB, 384x223, 384:223, Screenshot_2019-07-24_1626….png)


74f9d0  No.7173398

File: e2dc34b13c5cf1d⋯.jpg (472.53 KB, 640x960, 2:3, godfather.jpg)

d6e566  No.7173399







205075  No.7173400

File: b31d1e8d6659708⋯.jpeg (362.34 KB, 1480x1334, 740:667, 47BA9FF4-C762-443E-855D-3….jpeg)


Where in that Shillmap.com post did Q give the answer?

Q asked the question ‘Which is Mueller?’

The bullshit header means nothing.

ca732c  No.7173401


nice dubs

can we give each dem a red scarf and a doorknob ?

f7faf3  No.7173402

Rep Jim Jordan gave a shirt presser today after the Mueller hearings. DJT tweeted it out.


In the presser, Jim said the real investigation is the IG Horowitz report “…that will be coming out in a few months.” That got me thinking… Aug-Sep-Oct

Was RED OCTOBER really meant for 2019???

43af6f  No.7173403

File: 077d49a63f922c1⋯.mp4 (611.91 KB, 482x270, 241:135, WqrSEAUqM9-HYMAT.mp4)

Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men."

3d7239  No.7173404

File: 85b40e99e848c83⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 525x1080, 35:72, 0707db76ba929f167e3ddc8103….jpg)


Prayers, anon!

e0419c  No.7173405


No he isn't. You're looking at it relatively in the public eye. Jay is same as all us anons simply doing one thing, and one thing alone, standing for TRUTH. Ain't nothing special about that.


5d5947  No.7173406


Was looking up this article and got Page not found (404)


Looked it up on Wayback Machine, got it, (((THEN WAYBACK MACHINE WENT DOWN RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES)))


c72c57  No.7173407


Nice, anon… pretty thorough

Probably the whole Mueller 'team' deserves a second look too; find out who was 'really' in charge and laying out the edicts/instructions.

Probably need to look for who was involved in all of the aspects of the Mueller frame-up; who was directing the activity of all the underlings.

Who did the worker bees answer to?

0399d4  No.7173408

File: 20a2ec1f76d1abe⋯.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, A7193061-30E7-46D9-B301-EC….png)

File: 0a9724f5d5700fd⋯.jpeg (72.73 KB, 750x567, 250:189, 409A8DAD-AD0E-48FE-A3A9-E….jpeg)

9:33 time stamp


6575ae  No.7173409


Jay S said this chapter is closed or similar. My first thought was act. Plausible deniability.

f7faf3  No.7173410



Damn auto-typo

6d3648  No.7173411



>>7172770 New DJT - TY @GOPLeader McCarthy

>>7172760, >>7172771 Syria Update

>>7172929, >>7173098 Gohmert Mueller exchange, stuttering (vid)

>>7173192 Scribd Gohmert on Mueller

>>7172945 New DJT - Thank you @DevinNunes

>>7165757 anon makes a precise triple connection

>>7173125 anon graphics 'Game Over'

>>7172960 CDAN Notable says anon

>>7173253 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder for hire plot, dead by suicide

>>7173293 John Solomon twat - Gaetz questiong w vid

>>7172775 Epstein and Clinton WH visits post analysis by anon

1 ya and 1 nay

>>7172802, >>7172827 speculation. anon on Ilhan and Somalia, >>7173219 some Somalia sauce, (dcclothesline)

seen you doc

prob can handoff next bread

the above notes are mostly either nominated by anons or enough replies to garner interest in carryover to next bread

b6aa25  No.7173412


This is likely Rudy's natural hair color.

But Rudy is synonymous with the prototypical NY Italian so he always died it black.

fbd97e  No.7173413


gotta do what ya gotta do. Respect the honesty as most lie off ass. You know how it is in here.

Take a break clear your mind and make a decision afterwards. im in it no matter, don't always agree with everything POTUS says but that's how it should work.

Peace brutha

7c3198  No.7173414

File: 7e694d23d87499d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 956x1154, 478:577, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)


Seriously, he looks like a fucking glowfag

c0a1aa  No.7173415


And Rudy’s hair is the marker! Kek

ed752b  No.7173416


Hey Glork!

b31dbf  No.7173417

File: 78c8272278f0c8b⋯.png (503.18 KB, 497x497, 1:1, out of ammo.png)

File: edbe5eb8cffae80⋯.png (748.14 KB, 1161x630, 129:70, Mueller.png)

Ammunition is hard to come by.

8cca36  No.7173418


Needs further digging for anons as I'm sure POTUS and Q et al already know.

f03e48  No.7173419


Very nice…live is almost always best…especially in these days of mixing individual tracks to ProTools and computer tempo. You can feel these guys getting zoned into the piece and it's awesome. Just watch them..they love what they're doing and it comes out in the music.

Also, it was another Anon who posted the SRV track…I haven't put any of his up in weeks. I'm slacking there, bc it was superb.

Thanks for this. I was just about to post some Roberta Flack for some reason, but now might hunt down some sax forward jamz. Peace to you, Anon.

d6414c  No.7173420


>>7172775 Mega Notable Daily Beast article

c90eb5  No.7173421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ok im listening..

905bdb  No.7173422

>>7173388 muh feelings? clean your shit

>>7173294 notables

>7165757 This is a Q post on a previous bread

1ac8e0  No.7173423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

/r9k/ Writes a rap - classic

f38676  No.7173424


I don't see any clickety clackety on the interwebz about one of the early comments in Mueller's testimony. There was a question about interviewing for job with Trump. He denied interviewing. The follow up was a question "You didn't tell the Vice President that the one job you would come back for would be Director" and Mueller said no. Pence obviously told someone Meuller DID say that. Mueller or Pence is lying.

2dae8c  No.7173425

File: 20a8d9412b9c688⋯.jpg (219.81 KB, 900x675, 4:3, QCrumbsCIASpiedOnUSGovBran….jpg)

7afa76  No.7173426


so someone is keeping it going for him now

im guessing there is a trail from those contractors

bed29c  No.7173427

File: 8d14b8401b8bfd8⋯.jpeg (839.44 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, AAA53332-412D-4D50-A1E9-A….jpeg)

File: 9fbe1716690326f⋯.jpeg (3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4B70A808-E33F-4447-9496-6….jpeg)

File: 72cfdb186c956ff⋯.jpeg (139.28 KB, 699x699, 1:1, A3E749BD-E4C8-4044-91C8-9….jpeg)

File: f1f2aa688b6c4d2⋯.jpeg (290.48 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7FDA58C5-0FF8-4D15-B059-C….jpeg)

File: 6d18e6a09820acc⋯.jpeg (46.74 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 9ACCB653-7607-4A1A-8181-0….jpeg)

Hey Sam,

I noticed that you don’t own a pet

I don’t own one either

Do you want to make Henry our dog?

0f2905  No.7173428

File: 0336492a8bbff24⋯.png (669.47 KB, 514x497, 514:497, 2019-07-24_21-39-35.png)


'Guiliani the Red' sound more intimidating?

b6aa25  No.7173429

File: e5b8df73aa8b2f8⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 612x612, 1:1, freecat.jpg)

d966cd  No.7173430


You still glorking BO's mom?

d3f74e  No.7173431

File: 56d42e68f38a904⋯.png (614.72 KB, 966x488, 483:244, GOD BLESS YOU NIGHTSHIFT [….png)

File: dab1ad382e00a65⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 703x512, 703:512, the end just kiddin.JPG)

File: 14bffb9b9131574⋯.png (571.57 KB, 876x580, 219:145, enjoy the show_MUELLER TES….png)

File: c6bcdfd03db9b65⋯.png (1.03 MB, 811x727, 811:727, enjoy the show_2020VISION.png)

File: 4391b93e7e4fb37⋯.jpg (120.92 KB, 1210x788, 605:394, wheels up at the movies 20….JPG)







5edd7c  No.7173432

File: 76b591e3a065371⋯.png (250.91 KB, 1025x616, 1025:616, Screenshot_2018-12-27 Q Re….png)

File: f36eb3c91302c01⋯.jpg (39.17 KB, 650x435, 130:87, quinghai81.jpg)



wasn't he involved with that Gabriel guy…Waldorf schools…? memory.

26ac2c  No.7173433

File: 80422246b2114c9⋯.jpeg (2.42 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, SDH2349878adSSDF5677832.jpeg)

File: 0a18464392580cb⋯.png (2.24 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, SDH2349878adSSDF567783.png)

Here's a choice little tidbit, anons.

Group protests ICE raids

By Hector Gonzalez


"It's not just a vigil–…we're also doing voter registration here tonight."

Too bad we didn't have a heads-up to notify ICE, but I suppose they knew, but you can still email the author who evidently thinks posting his email is a good idea. All those illegals in one place. Almost too good an opportunity to miss for LEO.

340d8b  No.7173434


think back to Jan 2017, when the White House was "renovated" just after Trump took office..

renovated: swept for bugging devices

d6e566  No.7173435



made racist bots

that wanna suck yo dick

and sell you prime bilbos on jootube

while ya shit with yer iphone

amaze balls

0c627c  No.7173436



They need to go after Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler next.

The Stanford University commie mafia need to go.

68198b  No.7173437

File: 97e0ecdb60311e2⋯.png (195.57 KB, 502x335, 502:335, df7982acd6a940eab72d471758….png)


>This one skips logically.

Maybe, but I see two glowing faces right here kek.

>Comey's a Rockefeller.

Agree there, fren.

>Mueller is a Hapsburg.

He does have the chin thing going on a lil bit.

>Wonder what bloodline Weissman holds?

Not a lot of background info there, it seems.

85c646  No.7173438


He wrestled 134lbs. in college at Wisconsin. Most likely 5'3" - 5'6".

b483f7  No.7173439

File: dab4270f8fe0cd2⋯.jpg (71.84 KB, 597x393, 199:131, 1474220996262.jpg)


Checked and all true

This has been a focus of many anons for many years.

There are more of us then (((them))) and we protect our children as much as we can, as well as the children of others. This is what responsible, healthy adults do. This is why they have set themselves against us. This is why we fight so hard..

547705  No.7173440

File: ef31808db2404f9⋯.png (973.27 KB, 921x1090, 921:1090, 87437876761274329854.png)

294cbd  No.7173441


Smokin' muh brand!

6d3648  No.7173442



0bc86b  No.7173443

File: cb8fb1adb0233fb⋯.png (49.81 KB, 673x515, 673:515, ClipboardImage.png)

C) Blackmail


11d730  No.7173444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump's white house lawn address to the media KICKED ASS.

Reposting from noteables

3d7b93  No.7173445

Today was the part of the movie that exposed the fact that Mueller had zero control of the Special Counsel investigation.

He was only the face (PUPPET) but the DS (Puppet Masters) were the ones who truly were involved in trying to gather evidence to frame Trump for collusion/obstruction….THEY thought they were in control.

In walks….Whittaker.

In walks….Barr.

In walks…Durham

Was Mueller the DS puppet or Ours?

Why would a man of such “integrity” over his career look so incompetent today…which has made many on all social media platforms wonder if he was the one in control.

He truly made the DS look pitiful because he seemed like a frail old man who couldn’t hear or understood questions or remember key items in “his” report.


48fbff  No.7173446

your call baker

gotta you on the notables

gonna ihop waffle real quick


bed29c  No.7173447

File: a055b0b7a6ca52b⋯.jpeg (102.73 KB, 692x500, 173:125, 2A53B2F8-E414-406F-8186-A….jpeg)

44cc59  No.7173448

File: 71ac59e88a0ab33⋯.png (21.63 KB, 522x314, 261:157, ClipboardImage.png)

5edd7c  No.7173449

File: 2cdc4e6da61cab5⋯.jpg (871.85 KB, 1236x1447, 1236:1447, Screenshot_2018-12-30 Q Re….jpg)



97ff2e  No.7173450

File: ffd22cf761aa1ec⋯.jpeg (914.22 KB, 1125x2065, 225:413, 3D193F8D-78CD-4B94-A593-1….jpeg)


0020fa  No.7173451



Please include TIME STAMP and DATE.

e2aad1  No.7173452

File: 1baa340e0b55212⋯.png (6.43 KB, 224x255, 224:255, ea843d820b4689f04e2f718727….png)



I may be the only person alive who actually enjoyed Glork

b6aa25  No.7173453

File: 07250be41f5f575⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 800x533, 800:533, younggun.jpg)

6d3648  No.7173454



>>7172770 New DJT - TY @GOPLeader McCarthy

>>7172760, >>7172771 Syria Update

>>7172929, >>7173098 Gohmert Mueller exchange, stuttering (vid)

>>7173192 Scribd Gohmert on Mueller

>>7172945 New DJT - Thank you @DevinNunes

>>7172978 anon makes a precise triple connection

>>7173125 anon graphics 'Game Over'

>>7172960 CDAN Notable says anon

>>7173253 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder for hire plot, dead by suicide

>>7173293 John Solomon twat - Gaetz questiong w vid

>>7172775 Epstein and Clinton WH visits post, dailybeast

74f9d0  No.7173455

File: 1d31ed1b2be3522⋯.jpg (253.78 KB, 807x1024, 807:1024, pyramide.jpg)

6ceef7  No.7173456

I didn't realize that Devin Nunez is so tall; or that Jim Jordan is so short, until I saw them standing side by side on Hannity

d966cd  No.7173457

File: c3a084e3c66d4c5⋯.jpg (729.49 KB, 2090x1090, 209:109, nancy pelosis luggage guan….jpg)

8cca36  No.7173458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dems make Press wait an hour before coming to the stage. POTUS said something about them having to go and regroup after the Mueller show to figure out what to do next. Then they come out with a Primer!

ba4a83  No.7173459

Anons, Is this the child trafficking van? Are these the OWL people? The company has a Phoenix, AZ phone number. The video of the van was so painful to watch.


92c11a  No.7173460


He does amazing work for the President and for the ACLJ. I am just very impressed by him.

d5a496  No.7173461

Hate Hulu. They always throttle while Hannity is on.

6d3648  No.7173462



bread sped up

repost the misses next bread

a91a84  No.7173463


I'm back


22ea84  No.7173464


He’s 10 feet tall in those hearings, though.

3d7239  No.7173465



Anons know EXACTLY why.

35b282  No.7173466

d966cd  No.7173467


You're not the only one

1c119c  No.7173468

File: d43436c9c1ec556⋯.jpeg (11.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pinhead.jpeg)


Mark Levin said that way, way before The Lizard King…but who really cares who gets the credit? just so it is out there.

340d8b  No.7173469

File: 2bb4e1d1e609973⋯.png (477.21 KB, 846x667, 846:667, Screenshot_2019-07-24 REPO….png)



a213b7  No.7173470


Not being a fag but for last year it’s been “did Q mean X year???”

I just saw into future a glimpse:

Did Q mean 2025 ?!?!

8eaa4c  No.7173471



wondder if you could do the same for this on Epstein the pedo

8accc5  No.7173473

File: 869bb885cd7b8cf⋯.jpg (485.26 KB, 1263x818, 1263:818, IMG_311.jpg)

patriots shake!

8cca36  No.7173474

File: 302d6cbb2106859⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1874x942, 937:471, Screenshot_2019-07-24 Top ….png)


forgot the screenshot

5edd7c  No.7173475

File: 14dd232d53e751e⋯.png (51.5 KB, 198x206, 99:103, Screenshot_2019-04-19 happ….png)

2d9ff8  No.7173476

File: b230a042bef7d04⋯.png (6.59 KB, 182x227, 182:227, ca8e5aa82f4b89126afea85d3c….png)


i had my moments

d6e566  No.7173477


trump jews getting tuff on deep water horizon pollution with tom cruise

winners every loaf

call illuminati now at trevorproject.org to win now


08c08e  No.7173478

File: a1340419ec9e7fc⋯.png (32.25 KB, 819x489, 273:163, wjay.png)

Ghislaine maxwell nephew works for google….

3c440b  No.7173479

File: 5cd598272126a47⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 840x545, 168:109, Machine gun PedoKiller.jpg)


The younger the better…

8accc5  No.7173480

File: 1b17d8131f22cc3⋯.jpg (471.65 KB, 1080x1076, 270:269, IMG_531.jpg)

patriots shake!!

e2aad1  No.7173481

File: 6c0d5625403080c⋯.gif (873.1 KB, 300x198, 50:33, tenor_10.gif)

baa282  No.7173482

Wtf is going on Lindsey and Hannity?! Mueller committed MANY MANY OTHER CRIMES!! Stop the fuckin hero nonsense from Vietnam!

bed29c  No.7173484

File: 9a02f112789379d⋯.jpeg (100.06 KB, 692x500, 173:125, B9C62214-EB6E-4560-ACB6-9….jpeg)

ed752b  No.7173485


I enjoyed him too!

905bdb  No.7173486

File: 112a0c57d19fb58⋯.png (252.41 KB, 532x569, 532:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a369b959067478⋯.png (814 KB, 638x618, 319:309, ClipboardImage.png)

Border Patrol agents in NM arrested a group of 88 illegal aliens Friday, including a father with an outstanding warrant for rape of a child under the age of 14 and aggravated kidnapping. The man arrived with his minor child. Details via @CBPWestTexas ➡️


5:16 PM - 24 Jul 2019

12dd42  No.7173488


GOD bless you anon. Cya soon.

74f9d0  No.7173489

File: d436941c3ffa445⋯.jpg (236.21 KB, 1178x898, 589:449, religion.jpg)

File: 2d5c2a053bbd92c⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1967x2904, 1967:2904, lincoln.png)

85c646  No.7173490


mongoloid boy is one step closer to prison

b6aa25  No.7173491


Nancy looks like someone just killed her scotch.

080cc3  No.7173492

File: 682651099ac3801⋯.png (262.47 KB, 543x662, 543:662, ClipboardImage.png)


8accc5  No.7173493

File: 027e5e0bd8b3d36⋯.jpg (745.54 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, IMG_752.jpg)

patriots shake!!!

ccabf2  No.7173494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

14b043  No.7173496

Anons, WE are a Force of Nature because WE are beyond outside control. WE are Q…WWG1WGA!!!

391b16  No.7173497

File: 985b5593119acde⋯.png (300.3 KB, 620x372, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Glork was awesome.

2dae8c  No.7173498

File: a30d5755d2be8b8⋯.jpg (511.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, QCrumbsComeySleeperCells.jpg)

5f2f74  No.7173499


Optics, Anon. Optics. Dont get frustrated.

d966cd  No.7173500

File: 8c2931c119a6358⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 650x400, 13:8, putin mbs handshake my nig….jpg)

5edd7c  No.7173501


nice work there rabbi

8accc5  No.7173502

File: f5edbf46844cc64⋯.jpg (377.58 KB, 1247x832, 1247:832, IMG_751.jpg)

patriots shake!!!!

74f9d0  No.7173503

File: 88a6c04404e5394⋯.jpg (224.93 KB, 900x750, 6:5, pattonplay.jpg)

File: 032d5b6a3016478⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 316x316, 1:1, patton.jpg)

File: 7ff33dffeec5f16⋯.jpg (579.26 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, pattonkid.jpg)

6c0614  No.7173504


He would crush you.

b61243  No.7173505


>The bullshit header means nothing.


I really do appreciate the anon that does whatever it is that needs doing there.

However, my opinion, the header/headline shouldn't be there, as they can be seen as part of the info Q posted.

Again, my opinion, the drops should stand on their own. Adding of anything beyond that should be done separately, or with clear mention that is not part of Q's post.

New eyes may not see the distinction.

All my opinion, the owner of that site can certainly do with as they like. I'm not asking for it to be changed.

e2aad1  No.7173506

0c627c  No.7173508


It's amazing that practically NOBODY knows that Carole Radziwill is JFK Jr's first cousin!

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, sister of

Caroline Lee Bouvier Canfield Radziwill Ross


Lee Radziwill was Carole Radziwill's mother.

Genealogy 101, anons

fbd97e  No.7173509


the sax player there Andy McKay (sp?) is one of the best. Shows not what they used to be that's for sure. Now it's an 'experience'. Still have a ticket stub from a stones show in '81..it was $14.

Was young and not supposed to have gone, did anyway

8accc5  No.7173510

File: df44de77b3a0756⋯.jpg (195.93 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

patriots shake!!!!!

b6aa25  No.7173511


>Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men."

I wish she was right.

d6e566  No.7173512

maybe the racist pedo homo romance seo campaign bots secetly want to finger your hole through iphone apps

6d3648  No.7173513

aeef39  No.7173514


Inbred cannibal pedophiles and their soft minded minions.

Who gives a shit who they are just get rid of them and take ALL of their holdings. The

8eaa4c  No.7173515


need a meme of Barr asking Bob

"So who was running this Bob?"

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