[–]▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174225>>7174328 >>7174393 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Q's Latest Posts
Wednesday 07.24.2019
>>7174147 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering.
>>7173930 ---———————————--——- Worth remembering Q#2042
>>7169454 ---———————————--——- The POWER of Anon research.
>>7168612 ---———————————--——– Cap of Crumb #3038
>>7168098 ---———————————--——– Force of Nature >>7168351 (cap)
>>7165757 ---———————————--——– Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake (Cap: >>7165818)
>>7163488 ---———————————--——– 2019 YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG.
Tuesday 07.23.2019
>>7152657 ---———————————--——– Bigger than most realize. (Cap. >>7152691)
>>7151215 ---———————————--——– Senator Cruz calls for Antifa RICO investigation (Cap: >>7151265)
>>7150840 ---———————————--——– Highest Level Security + MAX Protect (Cap: >>7150866)
>>7150048 ---———————————--——– [CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN] (Cap: >>7150148)
Monday 07.22.2019
>>7139451 rt >>7139437 ---———————— Flags Out!!
>>7139394 ---———————————--——– These people are stupid.Enjoy the show!
>>7136617 ---———————————--——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap & Vid: >>7136639, >>7137278)
>>7136147 ---———————————--——– Dark to LIGHT; Hunters become the Hunted (Cap: >>7136168)
>>7132595 ---———————————--——– Ezra Cohen-Watnik
>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ---———————— Mysterious operation around DC (Cap >>7137508)
>>7132079 ---———————————--——– Stealth Bomber over National Mall (Cap & Vid: >>7132128)
>>7131707 ---———————————--——– [Be Ready] (Cap: >>7131818)
Sunday 07.21.2019
>>7123230 ---———————————--——– Ask yourself a very simple Q - why? (Cap: >>7123254)
>>7123120 ---———————————--——– [Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL]. (Cap: >>7123146)
Thursday 07.18.2019
>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ---———————— If you look close enough you might see….
>>7088006 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering
>>7087942 ---———————————--——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)
>>7087719 ---———————————--——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)
>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ---———————— Note events happening today
>>7087382 ---———————————--——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)
>>7087356 ---———————————--——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)
>>7086659 ---———————————--——– Armor of God
>>7086225 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering
>>7086145 ---———————————--——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)
>>7085919 ---———————————--——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?
>>7083453 ---———————————--——– Symbolism will be their downfall
>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ---———————— Thank you for your continued service, BO
>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ---———————— Captcha Gone
>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ---———————— Thank you, BO
>>7076810 ---———————————--——– Please revert bread back to original form
Wednesday 07.17.2019
Compiled here: >>7137191
Tuesday 07.16.19
Compiled here: >>7086938
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174250>>7174471
Global Announcements
>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"
>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045
Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder
are not endorsements
>>7174081, >>7174138 PDJT/Q zero delta
>>7173866 Dank blank NS memes
>>7173706, >>7173673 There's no fooling you anons
>>7173575 Weissmann Report? Stealth Bomber
>>7173570 Victoria's Secret owner, L Brands, taps law firm to review company's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein
>>7173549 Mexico Sets Homicide Record As Country Descends Into Chaos
>>7174204 #9178
>>7172770 New DJT - TY @GOPLeader McCarthy
>>7172760, >>7172771 Syria Update
>>7172929, >>7173098 Gohmert Mueller exchange, stuttering (vid)
>>7173192 Scribd Gohmert on Mueller
>>7172945 New DJT - Thank you @DevinNunes
>>7172978 anon makes a precise triple connection
>>7173125 anon graphics 'Game Over'
>>7172960 CDAN Notable says anon
>>7173253 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder for hire plot, dead by suicide
>>7173293 John Solomon twat - Gaetz questiong w vid
>>7172775 Epstein and Clinton WH visits post, dailybeast
>>7173454 #9177
#9176 baker chg
#9176 Baker's Helper Noteables
>>7172006, >>7172157, >>7172049, >>7172087, >>7172177, >>7172202, >>7172259 President Trump Tweets and info
>>7172217 US MIL Tweets and info
>>7172094 Sidney Powell & other legal experts discuss Mueller's testimony
>>7172002 Another Win in Court for POTUS on Asylum
>>7172081, >>7172167 Joe Digenova just said on Dobbs that Durham has already interviewed Mifsud.
>>7172174 DNC Head Tom Perez, who said he wouldn't allow FOX News to host any democrat debates, ran to Martha to spin the Mueller Hearings
>>7172192 DOJ Says Bill Barr, Wilbur Ross Will Not be Prosecuted For Contempt of Congress
>>7172206 Feels good man
>>7172233 Russia Urges "Independence" From "Imposed World Order" Of US Financial System
>>7172241 Two Uber Board Members, Huffington and Cohler, call a cab
>>7172220, >>7172023 FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder-for-hire plot, dead by suicide ('Sal' Cincinelli)
>>7172047 Sara Carter Reacts to Robert Mueller's Testimony
>>7172052 FBI Director Wray: Russia i.e media intent on interfering with U.S. election -reuters
>>7172116 "The Great Meme War (revision) -Vid
>>7172161 Cooler full of male genitalia found during raid of Arizona body-donation center, according to new court documents" (bag 'o dicks?)
>>7172167 Misfud on Khashoggi's payroll according to papa d: anon speculates: Summers / Rubin / TARP / al Waleed bin Talal / Citi / Elizabeth Warren rabbit hole
>>7172202 POTUS has tweeted @ :33 three [3] times so far today, Every 2 hours thus far. What will the 6:33 pm PDT [during Hannity] tweet be
>>7172488 Call to dig on Weissman
>>7172680 #9176
Previously Collected Notables
>>7170367 #9173, >>7171099 #9174, >>7171928 #9175
>>7167200 #9169, >>7167941 #9170, >>7168756 #9171, >>7169588 #9172
>>7164113 #9165, >>7164898 #9166, >>7165652 #9167, >>7166442 #9168
>>7161031 #9161, >>7161845 #9162, >>7162524 #9163, >>7163377 #9164
>>7157951 #9157, >>7158717 #9158, >>7159531 #9159, >>7160307 #9160
Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174256
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174269
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49 >>7077975
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Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
How to Properly Nominate a Notable
>>7078280, >>7078284
Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220
▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174270>>7174332
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7174272>>7174320
Wishful thinking anons?
"Where's Barrak Obama today? He's on some ship in the Caribbean I suppose."
-- Mark Levi
▶ 6039f2 (2) No.7174273>>7174437
Back to Back 0 Deltas!! Math=Impossible
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174275
>>7173972 lb
There is and effective remedy for these anti-American 0bama judges who are intent on making law from the bench.
We're fast approaching the necessary use of that remedy.
▶ 5b7362 (2) No.7174278
▶ db3b6d (3) No.7174281>>7174296
>>7174154 (Q pb)
red circles….
maggie habberman is one?
anderson cooper?
who else mmmm
▶ e211a1 (4) No.7174282
Of course he did.
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174284>>7174319
Does this mean that he hasn't cut a deal or does it mean that they tried to kill him and need a cover story to mask the attempt?
▶ 5cebfa (3) No.7174285
"Q" -- The "Storm is upon us"…any where in particular where and when it will touch down and what category will it be??
▶ 27d445 (6) No.7174287
>>7174154 pb
Good thing we have it all.
▶ c041ef (3) No.7174288
>>7173930 (PB Q)
Is this to show that Mueller lied today when he said he was not a part of the chain of approval for the FISA warrants? Yo no comprendo!
▶ 9184b7 (1) No.7174292>>7174310 >>7174347 >>7174456 >>7174971
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174293
>>7174203 (lb)
Demanding backdoors in encryption is seriously questionable.
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174294>>7174312
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174295
I've been a nurse longer than Mueller was FBI and I ask where was he during the 21/2 years that he couldn't answer the questions-
He looked sallow and befuddled but showed more than that to me- some say (on the news) that "'He isn't the same Bob I once knew"'.
does he drink?
Was he at the bar or quietly drinking it up in his office for 2 years and $25 million tax dollars?
Time to cuff Andy W- wasting our tax dollars and torturing Trump inner circle for nothing.
▶ a147fc (2) No.7174296
A map to fill out for DECLAS.
▶ 520b6c (2) No.7174297
Omg.. Laura Ingraham reading Dem sad tweets.. kek
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174298>>7174350 >>7174375
so what? old fucking news
▶ 57de91 (3) No.7174300>>7174336
Image missing 7 l's and 2 i's
▶ 84cb55 (1) No.7174301>>7174321
▶ dec9c4 (1) No.7174302>>7174336
What's with all the missing "L"s?
▶ 8615f0 (11) No.7174304
like fe forced himself off a bridge or sumpin?
▶ 48bb4a (5) No.7174305
>>7174259 (lb)
Especially if the reason Q can post those call counts is because of FISA hops. Worth Remembering.
▶ 253349 (2) No.7174306
This is a big story so I want to see if in a bigger news source
▶ b481f5 (2) No.7174307
▶ d5de96 (10) No.7174308>>7174533
>>7174067 lb
you would have to put it over any windows too. Bathroom is probably windowless and in center of structure
▶ 2a0978 (2) No.7174309
if true, says he fears whatever is on the outside moar than inside.
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174310
Traitor sauce you say? Here you go….some traitors for you
▶ 2b8075 (3) No.7174311>>7174419
>>7174154 (Q, pb)
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174312>>7174398
Is Bob Mueller next after today's debacle?
Now watch the libpress pundits wail and beat their chests….victims of their own boomerang. tsk tsk
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174313
does 12, 1, 2, 4 mean anything? Or 13, 2, 3, 5? Those are the counts of the nodes in the networks, depending on whether you count the center. In the last case, the numbers are all prime.
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174314
>>7174147 lb
Repeat post, referencing nuthing …
Bot actions.
▶ fe1200 (1) No.7174317
>>7174147 (Q lb)
That's the first time I ever recall my iPhone Qdrops app alert "water droplet sound" and my twitter POTUS tweet notification sound go off precisely simultaneously. The sounds were in perfect unison/harmony/inside one another.
▶ 64f38b (7) No.7174318
according to
▶ a147fc (2) No.7174319>>7174327
I think he realized there are no deals.
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174320>>7174369 >>7174372
GROSSS They got all these upcoming events in Canada coming up supposedly!https://www.ticketmaster.com/Michelle-Obama-tickets/artist/2469129
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174321
I believe in God and country
no coincidences!
▶ f4846d (2) No.7174322>>7174344 >>7174351 >>7174356 >>7174538
Why does Q keep repeating himself tonight?
Am I smoking too much?
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174323
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>7174147 lb
When the Truth Hunts You Down
- Sam Tinnesz
The theme to Quantico. How fitting. Worth remembering. Lyrics related.
▶ 5d0cb5 (9) No.7174324
>>7174154 (pbq)
fbi executive 17
anons remember all
▶ 27d445 (6) No.7174326
Assisted suicide is more like it. How many people want him silenced right now?
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174327
▶ 912f06 (1) No.7174328
>>7174225 (OP)
>>7174154 (lb)
supervisory special agent? didn't we just have one arkancided the other day?
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174329>>7174338 >>7174343 >>7174362 >>7174365 >>7174399 >>7174684
LEAD LINE ROOMS used for radiation treatment in hospitals
Epstein and Uranium??
▶ b77a4b (1) No.7174330
Archer is waking up too!!!!! Boy is he in for some surprises…
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174331
Epstein can't suicide until he gives up EVERYBODY.
▶ 0c2edb (1) No.7174333
>Hidden L
>Hidden Lizard
Reptilian Species confirmed at the top of the puppet strings.
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174335>>7174339
She's implying that she's scared shitless.
Quoting her Koran for self-comfort.
She's been outed nationally and it's starting to sink in.
▶ 8c95e8 (10) No.7174336>>7174404
Those schematics were from the IG report.
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174339
▶ 5c1106 (3) No.7174340>>7174346
gas chamber dues>>7174267
▶ 520b6c (2) No.7174343
▶ 8b7b51 (3) No.7174344
glitch in the matrix
▶ fa9ddd (3) No.7174345
Time to put him in the rubber room
▶ 5c1106 (3) No.7174346>>7174574
▶ 5c386c (3) No.7174347
You are really bad at this. Consider a new line of work, seriously
▶ b32cce (4) No.7174348
>>7173930 (lb)
>Worth remembering
NSA Stops Certain Section 702 "Upstream" Activities
Release No: PA-014-18 April 28, 2017
Since 2008, the National Security Agency (NSA) and other members of the U.S. Intelligence Community have relied on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to conduct surveillance on specific foreign targets located outside the United States to acquire critical intelligence on issues ranging from international terrorism to cybersecurity. After a comprehensive review of mission needs, current technological constraints, United States person privacy interests, and certain difficulties in implementation, NSA has decided to stop some of its activities conducted under Section 702.
While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) was considering the government's annual application to renew the Section 702 certifications, NSA reported several earlier, inadvertent compliance incidents related to queries involving U.S. person information in 702 "upstream" internet collection. Although the incidents were not willful, NSA was required to, and did, report them to both Congress and the FISC. The court issued two extensions of the government's renewal application in order to receive additional information from the government about this issue and the government's plan to resolve it. The previous year's certifications remained in effect during these extension periods.
During the extension period, NSA undertook a broad review of its Section 702 program. Under Section 702, NSA collects internet communications in two ways: "downstream" (previously referred to as PRISM) and "upstream." Under downstream collection, NSA acquires communications "to or from" a Section 702 selector (such as an email address). Under upstream collection, NSA acquires communications "to, from, or about" a Section 702 selector. An example of an "about" email communication is one that includes the targeted email address in the text or body of the email, even though the email is between two persons who are not themselves targets. The independent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board described these collection methods in an exhaustive report published in 2014.
After considerable evaluation of the program and available technology, NSA has decided that its Section 702 foreign intelligence surveillance activities will no longer include any upstream internet communications that are solely "about" a foreign intelligence target. Instead, this surveillance will now be limited to only those communications that are directly "to" or "from" a foreign intelligence target. These changes are designed to retain the upstream collection that provides the greatest value to national security while reducing the likelihood that NSA will acquire communications of U.S. persons or others who are not in direct contact with one of the Agency's foreign intelligence targets.
In addition, as part of this curtailment, NSA will delete the vast majority of previously acquired upstream internet communications as soon as practicable.
NSA previously reported that, because of the limits of its current technology, it is unable to completely eliminate "about" communications from its upstream 702 collection without also excluding some of the relevant communications directly "to or from" its foreign intelligence targets. That limitation remains even today. Nonetheless, NSA has determined that in light of the factors noted, this change is a responsible and careful approach at this time.
After reviewing amended Section 702 certifications and NSA procedures that implement these changes, the FISC recently issued an opinion and order, approving the renewal certifications and use of procedures, which authorize this narrowed form of Section 702 upstream internet collection. A declassification review of the FISC's opinion and order, and the related targeting and minimization procedures, is underway.
The National Security Agency works tirelessly around the world to help keep the nation safe. We have a solemn responsibility and commitment to do this work exactly right. When incidents occur, we immediately report them to oversight bodies and develop appropriate solutions. We never stop putting improvements in place while carrying out our critical mission.
▶ 05e67e (3) No.7174349>>7174380
▶ b481f5 (2) No.7174350
Anon… everything we've already been privlidged to know must also play out in the public channel.
Sometimes these repeat drops are to let us know what part of the "back channel" story is finally about to rise to public awareness.
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174351
Maybe the repeats are not for your eyes, eh? Seems to me like a great day to taunt some people…they're already panicking. Time to push some buttons
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174352
Oh holy shit. They're so totally fucked.
Anons- Recall Sessions press conference going after LEAKERS??
FISA goes both ways….
▶ f69a5d (4) No.7174353>>7174392
Mueller was placed in his SC position because the Left knew he had Alzheimers - It is pretty simple.
▶ f30842 (2) No.7174354
>>7174147 (pb Q post)
Mueller was clueless about the report because he was pulling legal shit on offence against Trump campaign.
▶ f0c490 (1) No.7174355>>7174418
… bring the truth to light…
It’s days like today that make me proud to be a part of the @freedomcaucus. Members like @Jim_Jordan, @RepDLesko, @RepKenBuck, @RepBenCline and @RepAndyBiggsAZ asked critical questions during the #Mueller testimony, and I applaud them for their work to bring the truth to light.
▶ 1fa869 (9) No.7174356>>7174422
Real anons know, normies need repeation
▶ b9a1e3 (3) No.7174357
>>7174154 (pb)
Any chance we could get a chronological timeline of the calls?
For instance - it would be interesting if the first call was made from the Reporter to Section Chief, which is then followed by bi-directional calls between reporters and FBI agents and underlings.
▶ ff1348 (2) No.7174359>>7174417
Mother fucker better stay alive for at least long enough to squeal
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174363
any guesses on who the reporters are?
I'm thinking Jake Tapper is one of them?
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174364
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174365>>7174475
Can't x-ray and see into the room is my guess.
▶ 5c1106 (3) No.7174366
queer ass fuck algorithmic algebraic gaylord joo hams, trapped on an image board
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174367
Epstein tried to commit suicide?
Move toi protective custody now?
▶ 5c545e (1) No.7174368>>7174421 >>7174472 >>7174601 >>7174604 >>7174977
God bless you Q and Patriots. Our 82 yr old father died today. Leaving mom, whom, spent a lifetime of 63 yrs with the love of her life.
Please pray for her and my husband, whom lost a very strong Wonderful Christian father and husband. Please pray for our 2 adult children. For he was the only grandfather they had and they are as heartbroken.
I pray for all of you in these endeavours to save our country and help lift each other up in love and by the power of Christ.
Have a God Blessed evening.
Keep your loved ones close and savour all the time you have with one another. Build a life full of a lifetime of love laughter and joy.
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7174369
August was the date I remember. Can't find it though so fake and gay sauce here.
All I want is to watch the trials of every politician and businessman. Is that too much to ask? kek.
Correlation? has-a relationships are trivially correlated.
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174371>>7174386
Are you guys going to wield all of this power in perpetuity? Or is there a plan to return to a real constitutional republic where citizens enjoy rights?
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174372
and! something in Montreal, Quebec, home of gaylord pedophile Justine Trudeau!
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174373
I'm willing to bet that within the next day or so, something's gonna come out that is gonna throw into question what we're being asked to remember, right now. Future will probably prove past, here.
▶ 1021e5 (2) No.7174374
It's going down! Time for America to go on the offensive!
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174375
news unlocks map
▶ c223cc (3) No.7174376
>>7174138 LAST BREAD
Zero Delta means happening now, doesn't it?
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174377
bring on the pain
USA is ready
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174378>>7174401
Epstein tried to commit suicide?
Move toi protective custody now?
▶ 72987e (1) No.7174379>>7174426 >>7174451
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174381
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Whisper on a Scream
Doesn't Change a Thing
Doesn't bring you back…..
Kenny Wayne
▶ d6d1c8 (4) No.7174382
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This was filmed a few days ago, but I just finished watching the interview part. Two things I thought were exceptionally good to be aware of: 1. With sources of victims to traffic the DS seems to be coming out in the open as reflected in people being followed (abducted?) in public. Florida was mentioned. Stay safe. 2. Bones were found in the Vatican. Why was digging allowed? Has the Vatican been brought to heel? Will more things be found? (Mark mentioned his belief that a historic archaeological find will reveal lost writings that will bring deliverance to the earth. Has scriptural truth been kept from us on purpose? I've wondered this myself.)
▶ c79446 (5) No.7174383
Fired = Good
Arrested = Better
Dead = Necessary
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174384
Check the time stamp
▶ 413416 (3) No.7174385>>7174534
James Wolfe
Reporter 1, 2, 3 and 4
▶ 9a9332 (3) No.7174386>>7174429
I'll be happy when we repeal the NFA… that's true freedom baby!
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174387>>7174466
fuck aulstrailla
they spied on US
▶ 3a53a0 (3) No.7174388>>7174420 >>7174444 >>7174478 >>7174493 >>7174603
Anons, Please Decode?
▶ 3315cf (5) No.7174389
Please just drop a big mother fucking hammer. Please. Anons deserve a taste of victory.
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174390
Hope he's got a dead man's switch active somewhere
▶ 6032cb (1) No.7174393
>>7174225 (OP)
Got to love these shills begging Q to be put out of their misery
▶ 2d846c (4) No.7174394
Have the media flowchart?
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174395
Thank God for our Patriots who had this in their sights…the world owes you a debt that cannot be repaid. These demons…
▶ aa9626 (1) No.7174396
The audience here understands this
Are we ready to move forward?
▶ d311a2 (2) No.7174397
>>7173767 PB
Question - when i look for 6958528 (wexner C-A post) in the archives, breads are missing between 8877 and 8963, so i cant find this post - would like the TEXT - i think it’s bread 8902 -
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174398
no, I think Bob sacrificed his reputation to save his skin
▶ 4cc5ed (2) No.7174399
Used as a SCIF maybe?
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174401>>7174509
He is in protective custody! He needs to be put into restraints! See how he fucking likes it!
▶ a101b0 (1) No.7174402
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
▶ 8e5652 (3) No.7174403
Durham has been looking into leaks to media since before Oct. 2018
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174404
Ya, the IG report from over a year ago. And what the fuck has happened that gives us a serious win in the column? This is getting tiresome as fuck. Andy McCabe was on TV today talking shit and he is implicated in this year old graphic. We need a big win and soon, no more weak ass wins that fail to put the FAKE NEWS and libtards on their asses. KNOCK someone the fuck out Q, we are waiting.
▶ b1cf61 (2) No.7174407
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174408
▶ e211a1 (4) No.7174409
those involved in exonerating hillary were the same ones trying to frame POTUS.
▶ 3a53a0 (3) No.7174410
Q, Your take on Epstein suicide attempt?
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174411
We concluded that Comey’s unilateral announcement was inconsistent with Department policy and violated long-standing Department practice and protocol by, among other things, criticizing Clinton’s uncharged conduct. We also found that Comey usurped the authority of the Attorney General, and inadequately and incompletely described the legal position of Department prosecutors.
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174412>>7174441
Worth remembering!
▶ 6d0baf (5) No.7174413>>7174629
Important to remember - before it was grab your popcorn.
Now it's grab your pillow.
▶ f30842 (2) No.7174414
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174415
Such slippery and sneaky snakery.
▶ f69a5d (4) No.7174416>>7174431
The saddest thing is that the Democrats continued to abuse an old man loosing his memory and suffering a debilitating disease of the mind and subject him to nationwide ridicule is absolutely atrocious and despicable.
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174417>>7174443
Prolly already has.
He can leave now.
▶ c223cc (3) No.7174418
new stars discovered
▶ 15483b (2) No.7174419>>7174461
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174420
▶ 236ea1 (1) No.7174421
You are his legacy. Be proud and cherish the memories you had with him.
Blessings to you, your family and the many lives he touched.
▶ e9e6f0 (3) No.7174424
I take it there's nothing else you're waiting for?
▶ 57de91 (3) No.7174425
working across the chains, to feed the same information up?
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174426
Shell shocked
In mourning
in fetal position on floor
Speed Dialing their Therapists Emergency #
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174427
Democratically Elected POTUS?
Q don't let Epstein suicide!!
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174429
One of many things that need to go.
Meanwhile, Bill Barr is lecturing us about how all encryption implementations need to have built-in backdoors for the government (and whoever else can exploit).
▶ 4b116e (1) No.7174430>>7174459 >>7174507 >>7174512
Am I the only Anon that still think Mueller was hired by POTUS to lead the DNC on a 4D wild goose chase?
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174431
They will do whatever it takes.
▶ f7e330 (1) No.7174432
Why is he not going to GITMO??? He is a danger to himself…no shit, he's deviant pedo, not stupid. He knows that he will never go free…he needs the rubber rooms we have heard are ready for him, I would much rather put military guards on him in order to get every ounce of Intel.
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174433
YUGE week and mayhaps suicide weekend for some.
Gallows and life in prison with illegal alien/immigrants who beat the crap out of the pedo perps on the way to the toilet….
doesn't look like the posh yacht/golf clubs these hi -rankers are used to.
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174435
Publish some info we got spy ing on aulstrailia?
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7174436
Let's buuuurn Q! WWG1WGA!
▶ c68454 (1) No.7174437
I've done it at least twice, and I don't post that much
▶ dda924 (1) No.7174438
Gaetz - best suggestion yet that Mueller is white hat: start at 3.15 mark in his question time to see him READ his answers to Mueller’s evasion in a forceful predetermined way starting 3.40. He even turns a page during it. Wouldn’t he be less certain of the way the to and fro would go?
Not saying Mueller is one or the other, just noticed it.
Best anticipation ever or scripted?
Personally, I’m leaning towards a back hatted Mueller.
▶ 8b5cb5 (1) No.7174439
Yeah Q. … but when?
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174440>>7174710
Not before you sing mutherfucker
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7174441
At some point I'd like to not feel like a dog on a choker.
▶ ba4232 (2) No.7174442>>7174486
Q we must have made a gain logistically in order for you to direct us to old posts.
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174443
He'll be leaving in a body bag
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174444
Assassinate. De-potus.
▶ e3f77d (1) No.7174447
Ok… do it Q!
For my birthday today… drop FISA!
Best present ever!
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174449
[TASH] [KLINESMITH] sited in the Mueller testimony today as FBI 1 & 2
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174450>>7174676
No more reposts Q, knock one of these faggots out already. Give us something to rally round with a pocket full of shells.
▶ 48bb4a (5) No.7174452>>7174469 >>7174686
Don't forget… they blabbed where he was located…
▶ 1021e5 (2) No.7174453
Leaking info, conspiring with the media to take down Trump.
▶ f95402 (2) No.7174454
=="Future news proves past. -- Q""
▶ ca8a63 (3) No.7174455
Will this scandal bring down FAKE NEWS?
▶ bea8dc (2) No.7174456
Cleaning an I flushed toilet is different than cleaning a 1000 year demon infested swamp.
Chill out.
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174457
Same players.
Same game.
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174458
The missing "l"s and "i"s do not appear to be visual artefacts, and, as such, I would presume them to be intentional and meaningful.
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174459
▶ 2b8075 (3) No.7174461>>7174492
>8 missing L's
▶ 757b40 (2) No.7174462
All roads lead to Brennan, Valjar, and Barry S
▶ e211a1 (4) No.7174464
The different treatment of Hillary versus POTUS by the same people is clear evidence of bias.
▶ b07232 (4) No.7174465>>7174485 >>7174527 >>7174551 >>7174775 >>7174831 >>7174987 >>7174998 >>7175013 >>7175021 >>7175029
Q is repeating old drops because they directly correlate to the current events. S/he showed us earlier the anons already have the power to influence the MSM narrative and direction. These drops are a call to disperse the info we have already gathered. We are here for force the hand of the fake news into covering the truth. Fire up the meme cannons and lets get this ball rolling!!
Storm on Patriots!!!!
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174466>>7174506
[[The CROWN]] = 4 Eyes
▶ 6c7638 (5) No.7174467
Duly Elected
Treason for those who attempted to subvert the Will of the American People.
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174469
▶ 3bcbf4 (2) No.7174470
If this was a failed Arkancide, he should start singing like a bird now. He knows they are trying to silence him.
▶ 4b7c95 (1) No.7174471
>>7174250 lb
>>>7174081, >>7174138 PDJT/Q zero delta
>better than govt work HA HA HA
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174472
Sorry to hear about your Father anon.
God bless you and your family.
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174473
Is tomorrow Christmas, Q?
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174474
FFS Andy MCCabe was on MSNBC today talking shit, this sucks.
▶ f0f373 (1) No.7174475
Put your cellphone in a tinfoil wrapper and try to call it…
▶ 62d9ba (3) No.7174477
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174478
Nevermind the assassinate. (maybe?) Just to get rid of and de-presidentify Trump.
▶ bea8dc (2) No.7174479
The krazystein brothers got paid and now they’ve retired.
▶ e72547 (6) No.7174480
Aaaaaw… too bad so sad for him…
▶ 0105e2 (6) No.7174482>>7174495
a lot of fronts to keep straight in the duder's head…
▶ 7d5867 (3) No.7174483>>7174495 >>7174536
Q, We know about umbrella. You gave us All. Quit fucking with simple anons.
▶ 9a9332 (3) No.7174485
Ding ding ding ding!!! Winner!!
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174486
He is letting the lurking DS/mockingbird media enjoy the show, I do believe…remember the world doesnt necessarily revolve around anons ..
▶ f88ad8 (2) No.7174487
>>7168098 Q pb
Force of Nature
Q Team is a Force to be Reckoned with.
The Day of Reckoning has arrived.
▶ 45f0e7 (1) No.7174488
▶ af7144 (3) No.7174490
Today on cspan, And MSM thinks this… https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4809714/worst-pres-conf
▶ 07ec14 (1) No.7174491
Spam this bitch with evil passages from her book of war
▶ dbf6a9 (1) No.7174492>>7174563
did Obama hire 8 Lawyers?
▶ fd7e9f (2) No.7174493
Duly Elected - POTUS
▶ e72547 (6) No.7174494>>7174523
Yer such a tease, y'know that?
▶ 1bc1fa (1) No.7174496>>7174537
Anons.. Why would Q tell the Fed or the Central banks.. What would take them down.. I.e. drop (gold will destroy the fed)? Why would Q let them know this and give them time to stack Precious metals? Why would Q let foreign players (china russia india) have time to stack Precious Metals if it's about America First? In the digital economy why not use digital money which can be coded to have many of the same characteristics of gold without many of the cons. (Digital future requires digital solution) (inclusive system requires asset tokenization + speed). Is not misinformation necessary?
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174497
were all of those FBI/DOJ people under investigation ? YEAH…..For how long is the questin
▶ 771ba9 (4) No.7174498
Trust Mueller
Trust Mueller to make the biggest ass of himself and the whole Cabal inspired witch hunt while all the world watched.
Here you loud and clear Q
▶ 8615f0 (11) No.7174499
everyone thought FBI lawyer #2 was Lisa Page - but it's Kevin Klinesmith?
▶ af7144 (3) No.7174500>>7174557 >>7174609
IT guys know everything. They have access to everything. On the temple there were wireless directional antennas. Usually connected to the other end there are wiring closets and switches. Who setup the cameras and wireless… An IT guy is going to know where the rooms were…
▶ fba181 (3) No.7174501
Interesting. Feels like a cover story. Hard to believe “the news” these days.
▶ f609b7 (1) No.7174502
LB >>7173608
Reminded me of when Podesta came out, tail between legs, and spouted “every vote counts and we're going to count every vote”.
100% punishment.
▶ 381e12 (2) No.7174504
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174505
Hannity's show was a victory lap like the game is over. Does he know something we don't?
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174506
5 eyes…we have data POTUS can publish.
let us poke them, so they release what they have!
▶ 939665 (1) No.7174507
No, but his hiring was preceded by him being outed with his own connections to the filth. He was given a choice, and played ball.
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174509>>7174576
More likely he was attempted Arkan-cided by The Clintons during the NYC Blackout.
No coincidences.
He could flip on Bill and Hill.
He's worth more Dead to them
▶ fbd4ff (1) No.7174511>>7174642
Epstein tries to 'suicide' himself?
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174512
I'm right there with you anon.
The price of a criminal career, paid in full.
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174513>>7174701
Elon Musk's Right Hand Man And Tesla Co-Founder, JB Straubel, Unexpectedly Calls It Quits
The second most crucial employee at Tesla, aside from Elon Musk of course, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer J.B. Straubel, has finally had enough and has decided to transition out of his CTO role and shift to a far more informal, "advisory" - which is just C-suite talk for i will quit, but in a few months - position in the company.
Straubel had been by Musk's side for over a decade and was widely seen as the driving force behind much of the actual engineering and design work that took place at Tesla. This is what Straubel said:
"I am not disappearing. I just want to make sure people understand its not some lack of confidence in the company or the team or anything like that. I love the team and I love the company and I always will. Drew (Baglino) and I have worked closely together for many many years and I have total confidence in Drew. I am not going anywhere if there's anything I need to do that is helpful to drew or the whole team."
Of the dozens of employees who have moved on from Tesla over the last couple of years, Straubel's departure may sting investors and supporters of the company almost as much as if Musk himself had left.
The news was disclosed on the company's disastrous Q2 conference call on Wednesday as Elon Musk trembled and stuttered his way through nervous conversation and laughter with Straubel after announcing the move. This announcement came after the company's thirty-something CFO failed to convince investors that the company had put forth a "strong" quarter, by posting a GAAP net loss of over $400 million in a quarter in which the company sold the most cars on record (suggesting that something is either very broken with Tesla margins, or this company just can't scale).
But the cherry on top is that instead of officially announcing this material departure in the surprisingly brief, 2-page investor letter which still detailed an especially ugly quarter for Tesla, (we detailed Tesla's Q2 in this report), Musk waited until the very end of the non Q&A section of the conference call; it's almost as if key man departures - CFO, CTO, whatever - are an afterhought to Musk. That, or just so many employees have quit in the past 2 years that Musk no longer pays attention. Investors did, however, and promptly slammed the stock after first puking following the dismal quarter.
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174514
▶ 764bb4 (2) No.7174515>>7174606 >>7174696 >>7174757 >>7174894
When is this shit gonna end?
We have members of Congress quoting a death cult book.
And she forged her citizenship via a fraudulent marriage.
Why is this allowed to go on?
But somehow we're winning.
She needs to go.
▶ 731868 (1) No.7174517
They were ready to take down most of the R candidates
▶ 381e12 (2) No.7174520
▶ 01f28c (1) No.7174521
>>7174017 pb
I feel you Anon. I really do.
It just gets a little out of hand.
▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174523
>>7174370 rt >>7174342 ---———————— FBI Chain of Command
>>7174342 ---———————————--——– Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?
>>7174400 Specia vs Special
>>7174271 Second Epstein Sui Sauce!
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174524
Have they flipped for a deal? I realize that there are no deals anymore, but were they before the deals expired?
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174525>>7174580
So he can cooperate with Horowitz.
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174526
jim baker was on CNN today…all day spouting nonsense
▶ 4cc5ed (2) No.7174527>>7174608 >>7174831 >>7174832
Why doesn't he just fucking say that then?
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174528
>Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
Because you guys are on an Indonesian basket weaving forum instead of dropping the hammer with declass?
▶ 0dac5e (3) No.7174529
On the move. Time to regain lost ground and reclaim sovereign territory.
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174530
1.) Cooperating
2.) Running undercover recon (or something similar)
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174531
Release what she was doing on HAM radio.
▶ bce4f1 (3) No.7174532
So all of their comms can be monitored per employment agreement, without needing a FISA?
▶ c041ef (3) No.7174533
Of course anon, thx.
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174534
Wolfe was let go with a slap on the wrist. Same as it ever was.
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174535>>7174719
Ohr's cooperating?
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174536>>7174610
Who let all the bellybutton-gazers in?
THIS ISNT FOR US, NIMROD, it is for others in the audience. Damn
▶ 0a3ba7 (2) No.7174537
they can't get enough if they try the price rises. they have no real value except 'we say we have value'.
what would they pay for the gold with?
who would take that bet?
gold destroys the fed because they have to admit that they don't really have any?
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174538
Bot actions.
▶ 771e6e (1) No.7174539
Jeffrey Epstein denied bail, will remain in jail while awaiting sex …
That top headline is a crack-up
▶ ff1348 (2) No.7174540
Same people go out of their way to let clinton off the hook then go out of their way to go after potus. Plain as day what they were up to.
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174543
STILL a cooperating witness.
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174545
▶ 413416 (3) No.7174546
Tash Gauhar
▶ 8615f0 (11) No.7174547
Republican House investigators are working to obtain records from Russia probe figure Nellie Ohr containing opposition research on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, his wife and children, two sources familiar with the matter told Fox News.
Ohr has long been of interest to those looking into the genesis of the FBI’s probe into Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. She worked for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which was behind the infamous, Democratic-funded dossier of salacious claims about Trump. She is also married to Bruce Ohr, a Justice Department official whose connection to Fusion GPS led to his eventual demotion.
During her December 2018 closed-door deposition on Capitol Hill, Nellie Ohr told investigators she did the opposition research on the Trump family for Fusion GPS. Sources said her project predated the hiring of former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the dossier.
“I was asked to research Trump’s family broadly in connection with any -- any Russian connections,” she said.
Nellie Ohr confirmed to investigators that she explored family members' foreign travel, among other issues. “I did some research on all of them, but not in much depth,” she said.
She also said the purpose was to “see whether they were involved in dealings and transactions with people who had suspicious pasts, or suspicious types of dealings.”
At the time of her testimony, Nellie Ohr said she was still in possession of the research but was unclear whether it was hers to share, or whether it was owned by her former employer, Fusion GPS.
“Do you still possess the research that you performed?” a Republican investigator asked her during the interview.
“Yes,” she responded.
“Would you be willing to share that with the committee?”
“I guess so,” Nellie Ohr said.
Fox News has reached out to Nellie Ohr's lawyer asking if she remains willing to provide the records, if turning over the documents requires a subpoena and what has accounted for the six-month delay.
It is not publicly known whether any of her research was reflected in the dossier, which also looked at the travel history of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, among others.
Bruce Ohr’s actions during that time have been of interest to investigators, as it is believed he was the back channel between Steele, the Trump dossier author, and the FBI.
▶ b32cce (4) No.7174548
>Important to remember.
>Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?
▶ f6f5c1 (2) No.7174549
Reminder re @maggieNYT: See pic.
Mueller is a Puppet.
His strings can be pulled by a Master.
Q said there are Puppet Masters, plural.
How do you repair a bridge without shutting it down?
How do you repair a puppet without shutting it down? Change the Puppet Master.
Think mirror.
Who was No.2 at FBI?
Who was the Puppet Master?
Who is No.2 at FBI? Who is No.1 at FBI?
Who is their Puppet Master?
Who'd benefit from Mueller as JC replacement?
Who failed to replace JC with Mueller?
Who'd benefit from a backup plan to start SC? That is, who was/is in peril of criminal prosecution?
SC served as a blockade against the puppets at FBI - holdovers - because the FBI "investigation" was taken over by a new Puppet Master.
Mueller was a puppet.
Old master benefited from U1.
Now in peril.
Old master benefited from cover-up for Epstein.
Now in peril.
Old master benefited - and would benefit greatly - if POTUS removed.
The old master is not the master today.
Plato would have you serve Reason, as master. But not as a puppet master, as a guide to right living. Philosophical point to highlight political point.
What scandal is comprised of treason? Is it scandalous because treasonous? Is it treasonous and so it is scandalous? When everything is a 4-alarm fire, the real fire gets lost in the noise.
Does maggie@NYT get out of the tunnel that she contextualized herself, and her readership, into? What she represents is the real collusion orchestrated by the old Puppet Master(s).
Witness the destruction of the old guard.
▶ ff27b0 (3) No.7174550>>7175010
Mueller was the "face" of the report that was actually written by his team. Mueller was the PUPPET.
▶ f88ad8 (2) No.7174551
>These drops are a call to disperse the info we have already gathered. We are here for force the hand of the fake news into covering the truth. Fire up the meme cannons and lets get this ball rolling!!
>Storm on Patriots!!!!
Time to show (((them))) what a White Squall looks like.
Force of Nature.
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174553
▶ 90712d (7) No.7174554
actual 2042
Nunes 'grappled' over inviting Chief Justice John Roberts to 'testify'
▶ c0321d (3) No.7174555>>7174713
We must make them pay for the damage they did to our Great Country.
▶ 3315cf (5) No.7174557>>7174565 >>7174571
Q maybe you guys do some shit? Habbenings, ya know?
We can get copy pasta from ebot.
▶ 9a9332 (3) No.7174558
The goal of the ABC's was to regain control over russia.. you've gotta infiltrate to destroy from within… the cold war was one of the best scare tactics to high Jack the world stage.
▶ 191cc8 (3) No.7174559
When will it be gallows time?
▶ 6c7638 (5) No.7174561>>7174641
Is POTUS literally declassifying right now? Were these known before? Been a long day on the road. Apologies is not remembering.
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174562>>7174700
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Just shut your mouth, what can I say?
I go about things the wrong way
▶ af7144 (3) No.7174563
Do they have only 1year after he was out of office to go after him?
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174564>>7174587
boomerang weekend, suicide weekend, get out of town weekend. YUGE weekend after the BOOMs this week.
▶ 3315cf (5) No.7174565
▶ 4f46a0 (3) No.7174566
#winning kek
Trust the plan
Good Day
▶ 858d5a (2) No.7174568>>7174920
Because they are cooperating.
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174569
Most of the people on Muellers team were angry Dems. They spent 30 million or so on the special counsel.
Was it in a way a slush fund for swamp creatures.
Lawyers getting paid $200 -500 an hour to partake in a witch hunt?
Did they make 250k, 500k a year for being on the SC team?
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7174571>>7174673
▶ ee233d (2) No.7174572>>7174612 >>7174614 >>7174619 >>7174626 >>7174634 >>7174793
Make the connections.
Autists present?
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174574
i think i got invited to
danielfaggots and walrus josh faggot goy
royal gayestshotgunwedding #ever>>7174346
▶ 6e6929 (3) No.7174576>>7174688
One thing is certain: if ((they)) did it, it sure as hell was not an 'attempt' at suicide.
he be ded
▶ 439b78 (1) No.7174577
I am guessing he is cooperating so the Ohrs don't become the modern day Rosenbergs.
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174580
Ding, Ding, Ding
▶ 6d0baf (5) No.7174583>>7174640
talk is cheap
memes are useless
posts equal nada
America is still fucked
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174584
Why did POTUS call her Molly?
▶ 5d0cb5 (9) No.7174585
i don't like flies
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174586
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7174587
Anyone remember what happened last week?
Week to remember was pushed back. Patriots in control? Not completely.
▶ 5c386c (3) No.7174588
Q Hillary dogwhistled in the October debate with Potus! Listen to the first question from Chris Wallace to HRC re: Supreme Court and her answers 'stand up' 'stand up' 'stand up'…. FISA approved days later after having been rejected several times.
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174589>>7174671
This is report number 2. This sauce is slightly better than before. There may be something to this.
▶ c79446 (5) No.7174590
This is a hostile takeover. This is sedition.
This is treason. Hillary and Obama, Schiff and Nadler, Schumer and any other democrat mentioning impeachment….are GUILTY. They are at WAR with you. There are casualties on our side--NONE on theirs beyond firing. Why is Flynn convicted but Comey and Mueller not charged? EXPLAIN THAT
▶ 039ffb (2) No.7174591
Q you told me first placeholders filled in August. Are we referring to JC? Thank you for saving the World. WWG1WGA!
▶ fdda52 (1) No.7174592
Interesting. Nothing has been mentioned on how bad FLOTUS' family was harassed/etc.
▶ b32cce (4) No.7174593
>Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
>Nellie Ohr _ C_A
>Fluent in Russian?
All this talk of justice gives me the feelz.
Please do it Q.
▶ 25f1d5 (6) No.7174594>>7174778
3rd Epstein attempted suicide sauce!
Holy fuck.
▶ 15483b (2) No.7174595
Leveraged individual
▶ d5de96 (10) No.7174596
Citi hires JPMorgan asset management executive for Asia equities business
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Citigroup (C.N) said on Thursday it has hired Curt Engler, a senior executive from JPMorgan’s (JPM.N) asset management business in New York, as its Asia Pacific head of equities execution services.
Based in Hong Kong, Engler will oversee all execution desks for Citi’s cash equities business in 12 markets across Asia Pacific and will also be responsible for client relationships, technology, and governance.
Engler joined JPMorgan Asset Management in 2010, and in his most recent role oversaw the trading operations of more than $250 billion in assets under management, Citi said in a statement.
Engler will report regionally to Citi’s head of investor sales and relationship management Julia Raiskin, and head of Asia Pacific equities Richard Heyes.
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174598
>Nellie Ohr
So pretty
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174600
▶ fa9ddd (3) No.7174601
Prayers sent anon.
I Pray God surrounds your family with Love and eases the pain of your loss.
God Bless
▶ e2c307 (1) No.7174603
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174605
geaux baby geaux baby geaux
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174606>>7174727
Gosh. But if we let her go before everyone sees who she is and what shes about then she might get away. Weird how that works, huh?
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174607
He is helping the good guys?
to save Nellie?
▶ b07232 (4) No.7174608
Because we are expected to not be so dense to realize that.
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174609
[[They]] were stupid enough to BRING THEIR PHONES IN.
▶ 7d5867 (3) No.7174610>>7174687
ok so we spent 3 years on this shit so the newbs can understand.
▶ 2d846c (4) No.7174611
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174612>>7174670
Faggots wear it upside down like that.
▶ 9d2cd8 (2) No.7174613>>7174690 >>7174978
Why is the letter “L” missing Every time?
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174614>>7174627 >>7174633
mueller has the danielfaggot watch
that willcock lost in his butthole
and the gayestshotgunwedding is so soon
▶ 3693e2 (1) No.7174615
Nellie Ohr = C_A
▶ 413416 (3) No.7174616
Clinesmith and Moyer
▶ 9896ae (7) No.7174617
q post 3414 made things clear
▶ 48bb4a (5) No.7174618
anthony ferrante
the "farm"
▶ b1cf61 (2) No.7174619
he wears his watch like that all the time. a lot of us that were in marines wear our watches this way.
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174621>>7174686
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174622
let us discuss 5 eyes
they spied on Americans knowing it was illegal for ones requesting data in country.
publish the data that we was asked to provide on their citizens in payment!!
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174624
Moles dig holes…
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174626>>7174670
Watch upside down.
▶ e7642a (1) No.7174627
▶ e72547 (6) No.7174628>>7174721 >>7174815
When/where did you screencaps come from???
On qmap.pub, it says this:
Panic: Lisa Page Testifying Against Lover Peter Strzok
11 Sep 2018 - 7:28:51 PM
Panic in DC.
Lisa Page testifying against Peter Strzok?
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174629>>7174736
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7174413
Important to remember - before it was grab your popcorn.
Now it's grab your pillow.
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174631
McAfee = RS, detention related to drone footage and/or death of FBI agent?
▶ 3d8d2f (2) No.7174632
Testimony ready.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174633
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174634
Military members tend to wear their watches that way. Reduces likelihood of the sun reflecting off the surface of the watch and alerting the enemy to your location.
▶ c5fdf9 (6) No.7174635>>7174653 >>7174725 >>7174745
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174636
▶ c5d675 (2) No.7174637>>7174934
Mueller was under Clinton, DS Democrats control first 13 months when POTUS took office, but after that his chains were broken. It was natural for Mueller to do what he did today, of the many times he's come before committee hearings, he always look like a bumbling mumbling idiot. It begs the question, why does he look so scared.
▶ 2109b0 (1) No.7174638
Fits re fisa suveillance. Put it all together.
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174640
Memes are magic!
You should know this, anon.
▶ 6c7638 (5) No.7174641
▶ 0db0de (1) No.7174642
How? Slamming himself to the ground head first?
▶ 039ffb (2) No.7174643
…or are we referring to AM #2? First Placeholders in August.
▶ 57de91 (3) No.7174645
▶ 82c7af (1) No.7174646
yeah Q, we remember all of it.
Problem is, you haven't done shit!!
▶ 46be44 (1) No.7174647
I = 9
9 x 2 = 18
L = 12
12 x 8 = 96
18 + 96 = 114
Keystone = 114
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174648>>7174680
Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla, primarily from the Mexican species, flat-leaved vanilla (V. planifolia). The word vanilla, derived from vainilla, the diminutive of the Spanish word vaina (vaina itself meaning a sheath or a pod), is translated simply as "little pod".[1] Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican people cultivated the vine of the vanilla orchid, called tlīlxochitl by the Aztecs. Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés is credited with introducing both vanilla and chocolate to Europe in the 1520s.[2]
Pollination is required to set the vanilla fruit from which the flavoring is derived. In 1837, Belgian botanist Charles François Antoine Morren discovered this fact and pioneered a method of artificially pollinating the plant.[3] The method proved financially unworkable and was not deployed commercially.[4] In 1841, Edmond Albius, a slave who lived on the French island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, discovered at the age of 12 that the plant could be hand-pollinated. Hand-pollination allowed global cultivation of the plant.[5]
▶ 771ba9 (4) No.7174649
Cause it's hard to find good help these days?
▶ ea2c49 (2) No.7174650>>7174682 >>7174683 >>7174708
Notice to Newfags
The Board is under direct attack to slide and funnel eyes away from important information and digs.
Stay strong and stand united!
Fear not, (((their))) weak minded tactics only prove that "These people are stupid!"
Imagine hiring shitposting board-sliders as your last line of defense.
Truly outrageous and top fucking kek.
Train your mind to discern fact from fiction.
Avoid the FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS, they are here to promote a culture of WRONG THINK.
Similar to the shutting down tactics we see from the left today, but instead in the form of SELF-CENSORSHIP.
Even allowing slides and gore spam to be projected on your screen can be used to strengthen your resolve.
And besides it's kind of hilarious that porn spam is (((their))) front line in the information warfare, kek!!
Don't X yourself out of the conversation.
Let your MIND be the tool for discernment.
Of course information you find here is unsettling.
But don't let gore spam and the like sway the culture into CENSORSHIP.
It is part of (((their))) - PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION technique
This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!
no homo
▶ 3a53a0 (3) No.7174651
this anon graphic seems interesting.
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174652
Isaac Kappy in witpro? Or dead?
▶ 29b037 (6) No.7174654
Moves and Countermoves
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174655
Bruce Ohr collaborating.
▶ bce4f1 (3) No.7174656
Longest filename in history?
Maybe code?
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174657
Sudanese Military Arrests Senior Officers After Failed Coup
The Sudanese army has arrested several senior officers and politicians after thwarting a coup attempt last month, state media reported Wednesday.
The plotters wanted to undo the April revolt, which toppled Sudan’s longtime ruler Omar Bashir, and bring his party back to power, the Suna news agency cited the army’s statement as saying.
The coup attempt reportedly involved chief of the joint staff Hashim Abdul-Muttalib, high-ranking national security and intelligence officers and leading figures of Bashir’s National Congress and its affiliate, the Islamic Movement.
The military took over after months of popular revolt ended Bashir’s almost 30-year rule, but uncertainty about the African nation’s transition to civil government kept protesters in the streets.
The standoff between the military and the opposition culminated in a deadly break-up of a sit-in outside the army office in Khartoum. The military agreed to a power-sharing deal with protesters under pressure from the African Union.
▶ 941786 (1) No.7174658>>7174697
worth remembering?
pacific hour stamp
Q came before by less than a minute
Jul 24, 2019 09:31:28 PM is DJT full stamp
▶ 426c7c (3) No.7174659
Has Bruce flipped Q
▶ 2b8075 (3) No.7174660
Who do we know who trained at The FARM?
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174661
Release 5 eyes data collected!!
▶ ea2c49 (2) No.7174662
Friendly Reminder
Stay hydrated and well fed!
This is a high stress environment and your body will be consuming more water and nutrients then normally.
Not to mention the new pathways in your brain from expanding your thinking will need ample resource to form those new connections!
Exercise and take care of your body
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so take care of yourself. Exercise during breaks from soaking in all of this startling data.
Make sure to refresh yourself and stay clean, no one ever drained a swamp while smelling like one! kek.
This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!
no homo
▶ 13e581 (2) No.7174664>>7174695
Q - usually your production value is much higher. Whats with the sloppy tonight?
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174665>>7174707 >>7174720 >>7174783 >>7174788 >>7174937 >>7174958 >>7174992
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt or Assault: Sources
One source says an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate accused of murder has been questioned
Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.
Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources told News 4. Investigators are trying to piece together what happened, and have spoken to an accused killer who one source says may have attacked Epstein.
Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.
However, the fourth source says an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate has been questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in Lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to a source. Tartaglione is a former Orange County police officer who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy, then burying their bodies in his yard in Otisville, according to court records.
▶ fba181 (3) No.7174666
What’s the deal in Antarctica? Roth’s have an island there. Buzz Aldrin says evil is there. Very little news about it. No one allowed deep in. Can you tell us anything about it?
▶ 176aae (3) No.7174667>>7174697
I'm enjoying their melt down so much! kek
Celebrities react to Robert Mueller testimony: 'Obstruction all day long'
▶ a2ab77 (2) No.7174668>>7174715 >>7174828
Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.
Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources told News 4. Investigators are trying to piece together what happened, and have spoken to an accused killer who one source says may have attacked Epstein.
Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.
However, the fourth source says an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate has been questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in Lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to sources. Tartaglione is a former Orange County police officer who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy, then burying their bodies in his yard in Otisville, according to court records.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174669
Three major species of vanilla currently are grown globally, all of which derive from a species originally found in Mesoamerica, including parts of modern-day Mexico.[6] They are V. planifolia (syn. V. fragrans), grown on Madagascar, Réunion, and other tropical areas along the Indian Ocean; V. tahitensis, grown in the South Pacific; and V. pompona, found in the West Indies, Central America, and South America.[7] The majority of the world's vanilla is the V. planifolia species, more commonly known as Bourbon vanilla (after the former name of Réunion, Île Bourbon) or Madagascar vanilla, which is produced in Madagascar and neighboring islands in the southwestern Indian Ocean, and in Indonesia. Combined, Madagascar and Indonesia produce two-thirds of the world's supply of vanilla.
Vanilla is the second-most expensive spice after saffron[8][9] because growing the vanilla seed pods is labor-intensive.[9] Despite the expense, vanilla is highly valued for its flavor.[10] As a result, vanilla is widely used in both commercial and domestic baking, perfume manufacture, and aromatherapy.
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174670
>>7174612 (me). I retract my comment due to "Seth Rich".
▶ 25f1d5 (6) No.7174671
Try the Internet, bud.
▶ c79446 (5) No.7174672
Govoryu nemnozhko po-Russkiy, no,
ya yesschyo lyublyu S SH A. Pochemu ya nye v C_A? Kogda Nellie rakes it in?
▶ 3315cf (5) No.7174673>>7174743
Think mirror.
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174674
Ohr is still there because the coup plotters are still running shit.
▶ 3bcbf4 (2) No.7174676>>7174699
Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times
▶ f95402 (2) No.7174677
You never once lied.
We had everything the entire time.
All we were missing was trust.
Future news truly proves past.
God bless you, Team Q.
▶ 4e722e (3) No.7174678
Are Bruce and Nellie good guys? Double agents?
▶ 6d0baf (5) No.7174679
Duhhhh why don't you tell us…
▶ f3e7a9 (6) No.7174680>>7174737 >>7174752
Vanilla is a bean
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174681
According to other popular belief, the Totonac Aztec-age people, who inhabit the east coast of Mexico in the present-day state of Veracruz, were among the first people to cultivate vanilla in the 15th century.[11] Aztecs invading from the central highlands of Mexico conquered the Totonacs, and developed a taste for the vanilla pods. They named the fruit tlilxochitl, or "black flower", after the matured fruit, which shrivels and turns black shortly after it is picked.
Until the mid-19th century, Mexico was the chief producer of vanilla.[12] In 1819, French entrepreneurs shipped vanilla fruits to the islands of Réunion and Mauritius in hopes of producing vanilla there. After Edmond Albius discovered how to pollinate the flowers quickly by hand, the pods began to thrive. Soon, the tropical orchids were sent from Réunion to the Comoros Islands, Seychelles, and Madagascar, along with instructions for pollinating them. By 1898, Madagascar, Réunion, and the Comoros Islands produced 200 metric tons of vanilla beans, about 80% of world production. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Indonesia is currently responsible for the vast majority of the world's Bourbon vanilla production[13] and 58% of the world total vanilla fruit production.
▶ 2d846c (4) No.7174682
stfu or try harder.
▶ 62d9ba (3) No.7174684
Holy shitballs, anon.
▶ ba4232 (2) No.7174685
White hats push testimony back a week but still keep up the week to remember with BabyQ etc. to let the DS burn more ammo. Meanwhile we just bump the plan a week and fry them worse.
▶ 48bb4a (5) No.7174686
how would anybody know where to assault epstein?
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174687>>7174777
Well, since what….95% of the COUNTRY are 'newbs'….yeah I'd say that's about right. Tough for you to be just so darn smart. I guess you would prefer the country break down under the weight of it all or something
▶ db3b6d (3) No.7174688
things we do for love
▶ 83f989 (1) No.7174689
Hope we got some people sealing the borders on the way out, i could definatly see people like Weissman making a run for the exits!
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174690
It appears to be deliberate. L is only worth 4 points in scrabble, and I don't know what can be spelled with 8 of them. Two lowercase Is are also removed.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174692
The market price of vanilla rose dramatically in the late 1970s after a tropical cyclone ravaged key croplands. Prices remained high through the early 1980s despite the introduction of Indonesian vanilla. In the mid-1980s, the cartel that had controlled vanilla prices and distribution since its creation in 1930 disbanded.[14] Prices dropped 70% over the next few years, to nearly US$20 per kilogram; prices rose sharply again after tropical cyclone Hudah struck Madagascar in April 2000. The cyclone, political instability, and poor weather in the third year drove vanilla prices to an astonishing US$500/kg in 2004, bringing new countries into the vanilla industry. A good crop, coupled with decreased demand caused by the production of imitation vanilla, pushed the market price down to the $40/kg range in the middle of 2005. By 2010, prices were down to $20/kg. Cyclone Enawo caused in similar spike to $500/kg in 2017.[15]
Madagascar (especially the fertile Sava region) accounts for much of the global production of vanilla. Mexico, once the leading producer of natural vanilla with an annual yield of 500 tons of cured beans, produced only 10 tons in 2006. An estimated 95% of "vanilla" products are artificially flavored with vanillin derived from lignin instead of vanilla fruits.[16]
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174693
Disinfo is necessary. She ugly.
▶ f6ce5a (1) No.7174694>>7174717
Is Rosenstein a white hat?
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174695>>7174754
Everybody with high standards has already left; just us girls with Stockholm Syndrome, now
▶ 0e39b1 (3) No.7174696
is "Quran 2:177" even a valid citation?
▶ 0071dd (4) No.7174699
what about chafing?
▶ 6e6929 (3) No.7174700
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7174562
it's about time
ty for that great buzz, anon
▶ d5de96 (10) No.7174701
Insider Trading History of Straubel J
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174702
Filter the crazies, anons
▶ 8e5652 (3) No.7174703
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174704>>7174805
How about putting some points on the board, Q?
Or, at least tell us what your cryptic bullshit means so we can use it.
Mueller puked today. The momentum is with Trump supporters. We have an opportunity to strike, instead of always playing defense.
But your cryptic shit is worthless ammo unless we know how and where to use it.
IOW, shit or get off the fucking pot already.
▶ 29b037 (6) No.7174705
One of these pieces is not like the other
God Speed Sir!
▶ d17a80 (2) No.7174706>>7174732
Nellie Ohr speaks Russian & has a HAM radio licence. She also possibly trained/worked on the CIA farm.
Served as the middleman for Steele with the Clintons & clowns
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174707>>7174740 >>7174783
>Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174709
McCarthy-ism / R Cohen were correct?
▶ 80e041 (2) No.7174710
Yep he is blowing something i bet
▶ b9a1e3 (3) No.7174711
Twitter 5:5 this week or nah?
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174712>>7174789
cheese and rice
only 75 years of gestapi necromancy eh
▶ 191cc8 (3) No.7174713>>7174811
Amen, fren. I realize we’ve known so much for so long, but today was such an affront to justice, competence, ethics, truth, and a whole lot more, that action must be seen. And soon. Our country cannot be subjected to any more of this bullshit.
Fuck, today was a shitshow of shitshows. What a fucking Banana Republic we became.
▶ 481704 (2) No.7174714
AG Barr is both Hercules and Atlas. He had to clean out DOJ and the World is literally on his shoulders. We need The Ruke of Law Restored our very Republic depends on it. Sidney Powell/Lou Dobbs tonight. Are we ready Q? #DoItQ
▶ 176aae (3) No.7174715
>Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.
"THEY" are going to Arkancide that fucker before he can tell "where the bodies are buried"!
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174717
I'm more convinced that he's turned now more than ever before.
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174719
No, Ohr is waiting for his next bonus for assisting the plot to remove POTUS from power.
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174720
▶ 7bcd1a (2) No.7174721
▶ 96d3be (1) No.7174722
>>7173930 Q lb
Umbrella surveillance.
▶ c5d675 (2) No.7174723
The Ohrs were going to make a run for it, but they were outed before they had the chance.
▶ 176aae (3) No.7174724
▶ 7bf119 (8) No.7174725>>7174753
Difficult times for all of us, I'm sure, but we've gotta rip off the bandage sometime. Can't keep festering like this.
▶ 764bb4 (2) No.7174727>>7174802
She'll fucking get away because she's a member of congress and above the law.
Also because she's Muslim. Muh racism.
▶ 5d0cb5 (9) No.7174728
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7174716
the moar u know
the moar u know
the moar u know
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174732
>Served as the middleman for
Uranium One
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174733
DECLAS NOW, please?
Horowitz report, please?
Durham report, please?
▶ e72547 (6) No.7174734
You mean like how they walked into the shit show today?
▶ 3f1b94 (1) No.7174735
Nellie is a man. We have been asleep too long.
▶ 4e722e (3) No.7174737
Which makes it technically a fruit…
▶ 9d2cd8 (2) No.7174738
▶ 223132 (1) No.7174739
Definitely learned a lot of new names over the past 3 years. Not to mention, learning to pronounce a bunch of Russian names. Challenging, to say the least.
▶ 47164a (11) No.7174740
What color was the scarf?
▶ 2e332d (2) No.7174741>>7175002
Looks like @Jack already removed this tweet but looks like Disney Cruise makes a stop at Epstein Island…
▶ 37053a (1) No.7174742
Q, tell POTUS to drop the hammer on these sick traitors.
Patriots are sick of the witch hunt, and the lack of justice being served.
I personally feel like a boxer in round 20 that has taken so many punches im about to fall over. Too much liberal bs being flung. When will it be our time? Dispense some red pills? C'mon.
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7174743>>7174870
Trust little faggot, your day is coming too. Every day more and more people are waking up, like literally I will be going about my daily life and I'll overhear people talking about Q or the deep state or the illuminati. The people will tear you limb from limb. Trust. Sleep tight…for now.
▶ 57757e (1) No.7174745
There's pain alright. The pain of being punched in the balls every week while the Democrats continue to attack us. It's painful to watch them destroy our country without any consequences.
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174747
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Long Live Scott
Sour Girl
Stone Temple Pilots
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174748
our flat hogg is suicidal homo btw
if it;s elon hole isn;t satiated
club it like a baby seal right away
to preserve the gaylord joo ham flavors
▶ 7bcd1a (2) No.7174749
▶ 494373 (2) No.7174750>>7174826 >>7174961
FARM=Foreign Asset Recruitment Mission?
▶ a36eef (2) No.7174751
Mueller had no answers! Mueller LIED! This meeting was a joke. Mueller flopped bug time and we all saw it.
▶ 4e722e (3) No.7174752
Vanilla is a fucking fruit bro/ma’am
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174753
aye…following wimpy politicians
▶ 4f46a0 (3) No.7174755
Corruptions are deep
I know you've got it all
Were just waiting
Tick tock
ThankQ POTUS& White Hats
▶ 9898c7 (1) No.7174756
We get it Q; a trip down memory lane for all the newfags
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174757>>7174829
This goatfucking cunt.
Quoting a verse on "truth" from a book that tells its sub-human followers to lie in the furtherance of izlum.
Send her back!
▶ 3d8d2f (2) No.7174758
The witch hunt is over.
Insurance no more.
Proceed to expose the TRAITOR.
▶ 72f80f (2) No.7174759
Please take Schiff out!
▶ 62d9ba (3) No.7174761
That would be double double. More good guys than bad guys in this story is my guess.
▶ 2665fd (1) No.7174765
Just following the wives.
Nobody who was anyone married anyone who was nobody.
▶ e12e8f (2) No.7174766>>7174806
Zero Minute Delta Between Q and POTUS
But Q said seconds count (:32)
Delta using POTUS 2nd tweet = 4:11
Interesting that Q drop 32 contains the mirror of 4:11
My Fellow Americans…
▶ 2d846c (4) No.7174768
Will Leaking investigations lead to [forced] resignations?
▶ 2a0978 (2) No.7174769
Better Question - why is the C_A still not scattered into 1,000 pieces?
▶ db3b6d (3) No.7174770
Knowingly did a lot of really bad things
▶ 080b41 (1) No.7174771
She is monitoring the russians on her HAM radio.
▶ 844902 (2) No.7174772
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174773
SCHITT for brains is the leaker discussed in the Mueller circus today.
▶ d6d1c8 (4) No.7174775
Absolutely right! I've been away a lot today, but I got to see Jim Jordan dive right on in on the Misfud connection. This was highlighted in a Q drop right before the Mueller testimony. Seems to me like a good Q confirmation and a good thing to keep our eyes on as Barr and Durham seem to be investigating (if I recall correctly) Pics related.
▶ 7d5867 (3) No.7174777>>7174882 >>7174901
Sorry Fren,
I am breathing again.
▶ 9896ae (7) No.7174778
anon posted this several times days ago
▶ f55f2f (1) No.7174779
didn't BO fall on the sword for Nellie?
▶ 6c7638 (5) No.7174780
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174781
Ivanka via Jared? Or Don Jr via overzealousness?
▶ b7c59c (10) No.7174783>>7174903
Keep him nice and safe and away from ropes.
Make damn sure patriots are watching him.
▶ b9a1e3 (3) No.7174784
Please Q, let this be soon.
▶ 27d445 (6) No.7174785>>7174888
[Schiff] Time. Can't wait!
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7174787
Q you get me all hot and bothered when you start talking about the revolution!
▶ 29b037 (6) No.7174788
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174789
March 6, 1836
and then
▶ 1fbac8 (2) No.7174790
When are you going to reveal you’re ET?
▶ d53a1c (1) No.7174791
Treason is as Treason does.
▶ 426c7c (3) No.7174792
Will they try another Impeach vote after that pathetic show Q
▶ ee233d (2) No.7174793
I know it's typical for military to wear watches that way.
I was referring to it's imagery and whether or not it's relevant.
What time was Gaetz' 5 mins today? maybe there's a correlation..
Follow the watch, right?
Gotta tie up loose ends.
▶ 1bd5ed (1) No.7174794
Worth remembering? For sure. Here's something else Q has said is worth remembering as well: put on the full Armor of God.
Oh yeah, forgot 'Be Ready'.
▶ 0a3ba7 (2) No.7174795
there is also all that stuff about The Standard Hotel.
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174796
And Flynns partner at FIG was convicted with out any evidence yesterday, whats your point. This repost is almost a year old and still, nothing.
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174797
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174798
Use American rope for Mr. Schiff. A father's love demands it..
▶ 8c95e8 (10) No.7174800
Pencil neck is no long-ball hitter.
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174801
Are you guys trying to drag this out to make it appear as politically motivated as possible (i.e., the "Trump is lashing out at opponents" frame we all know they will use)?
Or will first salvo of OIG report on press collusion disarm the lugenpresse?
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174802
Wrong. Try muh Somali genocide war criminal. But keep gazing at that bellybutton and whining on the chans instead of learning something. Bet you're great at your profession
▶ c79446 (5) No.7174803
Threatened vashikh Rabyonek…(grammar probably off there)….
You are on the defensive?
Will support your children any way possible!!!!
▶ 22b31a (2) No.7174805
>instead of always playing defense
Yes, thank you.
▶ 1fa869 (9) No.7174806
Zero maker = new phase
▶ 91b935 (3) No.7174807
She was setting up the Russians
▶ 12541c (11) No.7174808
How does Schiff's LARP end?
▶ ff27b0 (3) No.7174809>>7175028
None of this happened without Hussein's knowledge and approval.
▶ fd7e9f (2) No.7174810>>7174849
Can you give us a little bit more on what you mean by “a father’s love for his children knows no bounds”?
▶ c0321d (3) No.7174811
So true, our Great Nation corrupted. The very people we trust have screwed us over and now they must pay!
▶ 33d0cf (1) No.7174813
I bet Bruce folded like paper when questioned by REAL feds.
▶ 426c7c (3) No.7174814
AS he needs Major Pain
▶ bf46cd (3) No.7174815>>7174871 >>7174904 >>7174917 >>7174952
original post 2158 said Strzok and Page
not Bruce n Nelllie
▶ 15ffbe (1) No.7174816
fixing everything tomorrow
▶ c31cdb (2) No.7174818
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>7174716
Do it Q, and may God have mercy on their souls.
▶ 858d5a (2) No.7174819
Drop the hammer Q!! Declass that shiznit!
▶ 2ed9c9 (2) No.7174820
Hammer is about to drop!
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174822
He's a pedophile in jail.
Lowest of the low.
I hope he gets his own shit stuffed down his throat as his last meal.
▶ 6d0baf (5) No.7174823
Yet, hear we are.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174824
▶ 771ba9 (4) No.7174825
Anyone got sauce on the ongoing DC blackouts and the spoopy missions around DC?
▶ d6d1c8 (4) No.7174826
FARM is C_A, I believe.
▶ 29b037 (6) No.7174827
What purpose does it serve to still have him there? Must be some secondary at play
Do it Q!
▶ 5c386c (3) No.7174828
Try'n'a pull a Dr Lechter no doubt
▶ 4038bd (1) No.7174829
Guess she needs a diaper on the head to catch all the shit.
▶ f4efa8 (1) No.7174830
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt or Assault: Sources
▶ b07232 (4) No.7174831
Can you add some context to the reposts?
Some anons, save autists, don’t seem to be able to reason why you are doing this. -__-
▶ fa9ddd (3) No.7174832
You need someone to tie your shoes too?
▶ 9875af (1) No.7174834>>7174842
▶ e757d5 (1) No.7174835>>7174933
▶ d5de96 (10) No.7174838
Japan, S. Korea trade barbs over export curbs at WTO
GENEVA (Kyodo) -- Japan and South Korea took to the World Trade Organization on Wednesday to make their case in a dispute over Tokyo's export restrictions on chemicals to make high-tech products, as relations between the neighboring countries sink to the lowest point in years.
South Korea says the restrictions on materials used to manufacture semiconductors and display panels go against the spirit of free trade and should be immediately removed. Japan defends the measures as necessary to address national security concerns.
Both countries sent senior officials to attend the two-day meeting of the WTO General Council, the Geneva-based organization's highest decision-making body.
Japan on July 4 placed new restrictions on exports of three materials -- fluorinated polyimide, hydrogen fluoride and photoresist – used to make semiconductors and display panels for smartphones and TVs.
Companies must now obtain individual licenses for such exports. The process, which can take around 90 days, had previously been waived for South Korea, a status it shared with the United States and many European countries.
Japan also plans to remove South Korea in August from a "white list" of countries that can buy products such as electronic devices that can be diverted for military use.
Japan, represented by Shingo Yamagami, head of the Foreign Ministry's Economic Affairs Bureau, and Junichi Ihara, ambassador for the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva, said at the WTO meeting that the measures are not an outright ban on such exports and that licenses will be granted if there is no security risk.
South Korea was represented by Kim Seung Ho, a deputy minister at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
The issue was added to the meeting's agenda at the request of South Korea, which is concerned that the export restrictions could hurt manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics Co. and SK Hynix Inc.
The restrictions were announced amid a standoff in a dispute over South Korean court decisions ordering Japanese companies to compensate people who claimed they were victims of forced labor during Japan's 1910 to 1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula.
The companies, including Nippon Steel Corp. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., have refused to comply in line with Japan's stance that the issue of compensation was resolved under a 1965 treaty that established diplomatic ties between the countries.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs have threatened to liquidate the companies' assets that have been seized.
Japan has asked South Korea to establish an arbitration panel involving a third country to resolve the dispute, while South Korea has proposed pooling funds from Japanese and South Korean firms to compensate the victims, but so far neither side has budged.
▶ ef49f6 (2) No.7174840
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7174842
▶ 0e39b1 (3) No.7174843>>7174863
are we sure "the farm" = Clown school?
could it mean Epstein Island (breeding underground)?
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174844
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174845
▶ c5069b (4) No.7174846>>7174869
You're out of your element, Donnie!!!
▶ 4af204 (1) No.7174847
Who is preventing her from talking?
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174848
Obama a Russian plant right..i.e. his parents Russian agents…KGB
▶ 57fbc4 (1) No.7174852
The Dems clearly knew that Trump could win so they spied on him, hence the collusion with the media to aid their FISA abuses. Once they saw he was ahead they colluded further with the media to skew the polls. Confident people don’t do such things.
They committed the usual election fraud to try and overcome the people, but if that didn’t work they would try to frame him…both to cast doubt on the duly elected POTUS or to cover their evil deeds.
They knew they were likely to lose. Since the Bush’s are part of the same cabal I wonder how far back the FISA abuses go.
▶ bf46cd (3) No.7174853
dude. this is one helluva movie
▶ f4846d (2) No.7174854>>7174907 >>7174914
I thought RR was /ourguy/????
▶ 8615f0 (11) No.7174855
Handy DECLAS guide!
Thanks Q!
▶ f8d740 (1) No.7174856
I like how you used a cutesy font
▶ e8eb25 (3) No.7174857
For such a time as this, anons. For such a time as this.
▶ fba181 (3) No.7174858
Anons getting antsy and restless. Hope something happens soon. God wins no matter what.
▶ 0e712e (6) No.7174860
Time to deliver drop the carrot and stick pls.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174861
▶ 64f38b (7) No.7174862
Boston Celtics center Enes Kanter has been forced to cancel a free basketball camp in Long Island due to increasing pressure from the Turkish government, Kanter announced on Wednesday.
In an email obtained by the New York Daily News, Kanter said his decision came after the Turkish consulate in New York City allegedly threatened the Islamic Center of Long Island and "sent out their goons and encouraged people in Turkey to call the mosque and leave threatening messages."
▶ c5fa0a (4) No.7174863
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174867
important to remember?
important to fucking lead!
▶ 0071dd (4) No.7174869
the chinaman is not the issue here dude
im talking about drawing a line in the sand dude
▶ 3315cf (5) No.7174870>>7175006
So the people will tear apart a decorated SF veteran because im impatient?
What have you actually done for the country you pillow bitting faggot? I have dropped bodies for my country. How bout you?
▶ 48bb4a (5) No.7174871>>7174952
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174872
▶ 90712d (7) No.7174874
Schiff's kid 's in danger? Schiff is a puppet/hostage, and not a bad actor
▶ 77121b (8) No.7174877
NONAME truth coming?
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174878
▶ 91b935 (3) No.7174879
Is Schiff part of group who wanted to hurt Trumps grandson?
▶ 0dac5e (3) No.7174880
The blockage of Shiff is about to be plunged.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174881
▶ 79530e (8) No.7174882
There we go. Enjoy the show. I know the plot twists make it hard to remember this, but we have already won. This is the movie you're watching. Everything is already zipped up
▶ c5fa0a (4) No.7174883
Mueller is done. The stage is set
▶ c3da0f (1) No.7174884
My brain bad. Top autists. We gotta figure out the other 7.
▶ f48e43 (1) No.7174885
My fellow Americans…
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7174886
today's hearing will open the door to the FISA abuse that leads all the way up to the Obama WH.
▶ c0321d (3) No.7174887
Now playing?
▶ 9f9fed (1) No.7174889
In early February of 2017, QVSV was awarded an GSA 23V MAS contract and in Q3 of 2017 the company was awarded a 5-year BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the Department of Justice. QVSV is in the prototype stage of this project and will be producing 15-20 vehicles per year for the agency over the term of the contract.
▶ 497f0d (10) No.7174890
▶ 844902 (2) No.7174891
Democrats in suicide watch after mueller
Gateway pundit
▶ c31cdb (2) No.7174892
It's coming.
I can feelz.
Do it Q!
God Bless you Q+!
You saved mankind, and we can't thank you enough.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174893
▶ 5cebfa (3) No.7174894
send her back with a pellet in her ass…that way when she is back home in Somalia and tries to sit down…it will be a reminder that she is a failure.
▶ d311a2 (2) No.7174895
To keep them protected/watched?
So they can’t “suicide” themselves?
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174896>>7174926
So when is Barr going to kick in Schiff's door at 3 am, and empty his house into an evidence trailer, HMMM?
▶ 7f59ac (2) No.7174898
That will be a sign for the anons….
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174899>>7175004
YUGE weekend coming folks.
congress out of session soon and arrests possible then.
ok Lots of Russians in Florida (with no embassy BTW) - Epstein there , lots of EB5 stuff and Nellie fits right in. Florida is a hot bed.>>7174575
▶ 7fdf10 (1) No.7174900
Proves that AS is/was actively trying to overthrow the rule of law/government. He can be investigated by the DOJ and if prosecute/convicted can also face the gallows.
These people are stupid.
▶ f69a5d (4) No.7174902
Everyone is going to forget about this Mueller debacle by the time IG report out
▶ 64f38b (7) No.7174903
▶ e9e6f0 (3) No.7174904>>7174935 >>7174952
So something got deleted since Q made that screencap, however long ago.
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174905
OK, Boss…we need to work on the clarity of this 'guide' for the public…kek
▶ 90a23e (6) No.7174907
Did anyone tell Ohr that?
▶ c5fa0a (4) No.7174908
So obviously the DS must've threatened to hurt POTUS's kid or kids if he DECLASses
▶ ff27b0 (3) No.7174909>>7174955
Was Mueller putting on a pity performance knowing his goose is cooked?
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174910
▶ 2c91e7 (3) No.7174911
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174913
▶ 4f46a0 (3) No.7174915
[Inditements] DO IT Q
▶ b8b4c9 (1) No.7174916
▶ 2c7073 (6) No.7174917>>7174952
Ohr disinfo is necessary.
▶ 0071dd (4) No.7174918
i approve this meme
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174919
▶ c5fa0a (4) No.7174921>>7174949 >>7174966
I still 100% believe Mueller is white hat
▶ e72547 (6) No.7174923
IF only the public could effect anything.
Sure would be nice to see that.
▶ 6d0baf (5) No.7174924
No new material? Just rinse, repeat?
▶ 494373 (2) No.7174925
Foreign Asset Recruitment and Management
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7174926
Remember to call CNN!
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174927
Obviously he has knowingly participated, been obvious since early 2017 before you started posting. And yet, he is a chairman of one of the most important committees in congress running his suck. How much more rope are you all gonna allow these fool? ENOUGH, hanging time is here.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174928
▶ 1fbac8 (2) No.7174929
Thank you for going back in time and changing history…praise god HITLERy lost
▶ 0e712d (2) No.7174930>>7174946
Will we be seeing some news about MI5 coming up soon? I guess things to watch for….
▶ c79446 (5) No.7174932>>7175032
Greatest President since Kennedy elected.
Democrats threaten his children with investigations and legal harassment.
We call that BLACKMAIL.
If you're a patriot in the FBI or DOJ or NSA…how deep a hole should those blackmailers be in? For how long?
This is WAR. As great as the President has been….
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174934
He wouldn't even say who wrote the speech he gave when he said that's all he was going to say about the report back in May (?)
▶ bf46cd (3) No.7174935
I dont know but we should check the others and see if there's anything else changed
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174936
▶ 01d289 (8) No.7174937
>>7174400 Specia vs Special
>>7174271, >>7174570, >>7174665 Second Epstein Sui Sauce! third!
▶ 7009a5 (1) No.7174938
Do it, Q!
Liddle Schitt needs to be taken down ASAP.
▶ 4ad0d3 (22) No.7174944
▶ 7b94ae (6) No.7174949
I think so too. He smirked a few to many times today when he should have been ashamed and embarrassed.
▶ c5069b (4) No.7174951
Grand Juries are awesome, arent they?
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7174952
>>7174815, >>7174871, >>7174904, >>7174917
calm your tits bitches. It's post 2159. There's an off by one error.
Figure that out, because this is the second time it happened.
▶ 233af5 (1) No.7174953
Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.
Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources told News 4. Investigators are trying to piece together what happened.
Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.
A fourth source said an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate was questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in Lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to a source. Tartaglione is a former Orange County police officer who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy, then burying their bodies in his yard in Otisville, according to court records.
▶ 99a88c (1) No.7174954>>7175020
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt or Assault
Investigators are trying to piece together what happened, and have spoken to an accused killer who one source says may have attacked Epstein.
▶ f69a5d (4) No.7174955>>7174985
Not to me I have seen Alzheimer Disease
▶ 2be500 (6) No.7174956
Make examples of them all..aka McCarthyism .he was right
▶ c041ef (3) No.7174958
They need to Lecter his ass somewhere safer.
▶ de383b (3) No.7174959
Bruce Ohr is DIA/CIA
▶ 6e5252 (8) No.7174961
>FARM=Foreign Asset Recruitment Mission?
▶ 44d43f (9) No.7174962
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Make up your mind
Decide to walk with me
Beside the Boathouset
Around the Lake Tonight
▶ d9ff05 (1) No.7174963
17 lines of future proves past detail
mathematically impossible to be right on all of them
best. movie. ever.
▶ 4d8a98 (7) No.7174964
Tell us what this shit means, so we can use it.
Or, are you just here to distract us?
After Mueller's spinout and crash today, we have an opening to strike, and you post old cryptic bullshit with still no explanation.
You're not acting like a Trump ally. You're acting like a distraction for Trump supporters.
▶ 5cebfa (3) No.7174965
All this old shit…what about some new shit!!!
▶ 4260cd (7) No.7174966
▶ e8476b (1) No.7174967>>7174986
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt or Assault: Sources
Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.
Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources told News 4. Investigators are trying to piece together what happened, and have spoken to an accused killer who one source says may have attacked Epstein.
Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.
However, the fourth source says an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate has been questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in Lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to a source. Tartaglione is a former Orange County police officer who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy, then burying their bodies in his yard in Otisville, according to court records….
[More Here:]
▶ b07232 (4) No.7174968
Dems & MSM
The Storm is only beginning.
▶ 740f28 (7) No.7174969
Q States the Sequence: 1) Mueller Report to DOJ (Barr); 2) Release of OIG Report(s)
20 Feb 2019 - 4:15:39 PM
Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.
You will understand why in the coming weeks.
▶ 757b40 (2) No.7174973
Brennan supposedly briefed each Gang of Eight member individually. And over a period of time…
Why bother, if he could have briefed the media all, in one formality meeting???
Things that make ya go hmmmm…
▶ 7f59ac (2) No.7174975
▶ 191cc8 (3) No.7174977
May God Who is good and loves mankind remember your father in His Kingdom.
Memory eternal. ☦️
▶ e0ce70 (1) No.7174978
Or it’s 50. Is it math?
▶ a36eef (2) No.7174979
This explains it all…https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=63&v=oMKn3lgv6Bc
▶ 0dac5e (3) No.7174980
It appears that someone Shiftted the gear on this ride and things are moving at a higher velocity.
Waiting for the Comey / HRC / Brennan twatter exchange.
▶ 3f2cc8 (9) No.7174981
Still waiting for declas, maybe tomorrow we can read it while drinking free beer.
▶ 2c91e7 (3) No.7174984>>7175011
▶ 72f80f (2) No.7174985
Agreed. He was playing a role today.
▶ 370f88 (3) No.7174986
If you or somebody you know has any information call this number
▶ 6d968c (1) No.7174987
What they said, Double it.
▶ c5069b (4) No.7174991
Cant wait to see all the blanks fill in according to plan.
▶ 69c9fb (6) No.7174992
>Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position
Read somewhere that is the position tortured trafficked kids assume when they have given up on their lives
Indicates to the abuser the kid is "ready"
▶ dedc8e (6) No.7174993
If ever there was inmate that needs to be in protective custody..
▶ d6d1c8 (4) No.7174995>>7175023
Q, I'm not 100% sure I understand the statement about a father's love for his children, but if some people's children were threatened in order to keep them from doing things against the DS, then we really are all in this together. Vaccines caused harm to my family and Schiff doesn't want people to talk about it. This threatens ALL children.
▶ be769f (1) No.7174996
Don’t know if posted forgive me if it Has
▶ 9a98fc (6) No.7174997
-Where is good ol' Barry O these days?
Is he 'clowning' about the globe wreaking havoc while he still can?
▶ 75cc57 (2) No.7174998
▶ 2ed9c9 (2) No.7174999
Future proves past.
With what we now know, we can decode what was dropped in the past.
Don’t read the crumb like a code, read the [names] we have it all
▶ 456191 (1) No.7175000
>Time to return publicly
>Time to reveal our insurance plan
FISA works both ways
▶ 2e332d (2) No.7175001
▶ c223cc (3) No.7175002
It's an EXCURSION, not a stop at the Island.
You are on the ship, it stops at "x" port, where you get off the ship and have the optionof taking an excusion to do "Z" (snorkeling, zip lining, city tour, etc.). You have to pay extra to do excursions.
▶ 593ef2 (8) No.7175003
Brennan and Comey Twat accounts
CRICKETS tonight
▶ e9e6f0 (3) No.7175004
>arrests possible then
No congresscritter get arrested before the reason for them being arrested is common knowledge. Anything else would look like tyranny and could result in civil war.
▶ 80cd83 (6) No.7175006
If you were really a SF vet, you would know the importance of patience and engaging the enemy on your terms. The only thing you've dropped is your trousers for your kike bosses JIDF bitch. Now STFU.
▶ 3bb1e7 (1) No.7175007
▶ b1d4a0 (1) No.7175008
So, all these guys had FISA warrants on them, and Mueller talked to all of them. Rosenstein renewed the FISA warrants after Trump was in office. Q just said "FISA works both ways." By Mueller interacting with these people with current FISA warrants, he got "caught" in the surveillance stream. The ALL CAPS part of post 2042 was Mueller's orders. Between his meeting with Trump before SC, and active FISA warrants renewed by Rosenstein, Mueller became the hot mic for full-on, in-house surveillance of all the dirty Deep State.
▶ f6f5c1 (2) No.7175010
Q 1511
Face important.
▶ 29b037 (6) No.7175013
▶ 481704 (2) No.7175016
If the DOJ and FBI still have swamp we aren’t ready. Dems are about to sue Barr to release Grand Jury info which is a felony. Still too many rats in the House. Keep the faith Anons…it will happen when the time is right there will be no escape then. It’s our last chance.
▶ fdbb38 (1) No.7175017
▶ 6039f2 (2) No.7175018
I'll take Declass & Arrests for 17 dollars, Alex
▶ 8615f0 (11) No.7175019
POTUS kicked FakeNews ass at the copter presser!
Q tell POTUS we believe in him, he is the patriot that will lead us home!
▶ 13e581 (2) No.7175020
If he was only injured it was a pathetic attempt at sympathy.
If he was dead we know it was Arkancide.
▶ 9bf90d (6) No.7175021
We're fighting for this? Fucking hell civil war when.
▶ 6c7638 (5) No.7175023
You need to read all the drops. If you had, you’d realize your commentary is misguided.
▶ 75cc57 (2) No.7175024
Nah, let the kids he abused have at him
▶ eb16cf (7) No.7175026
▶ 22b31a (2) No.7175028
Death to King Nig!!!
▶ 46ac9b (8) No.7175029
Notable! It's ON!
▶ 91b935 (3) No.7175031
Confused. This is public knowledge now.
▶ 9896ae (7) No.7175032
greatest president ever anon
by a long long way looooong
there are no problems, believe me.