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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

6d900c  No.7132453

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 07.22.2019

>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ——— (Cap: >>7132128 with vid)

>>7132079 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>7132145)

>>7131707 ————————————–——– [Be Ready] (Cap: >>7131818)

Sunday 07.21.2019

>>7123230 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple Q - why? (Cap: >>7123254)

>>7123120 ————————————–——– [Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL]. (Cap: >>7123146)

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ——————–——– Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

>>7074775 ————————————–——– Sheep no more. (Cap/Vid: >>7074909)

>>7074370 rt >>7074324 ————————— How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>7074281 ————————————–——– Outside of the standard deviation? (Cap: >>7074291)

>>7073304 rt >>7073157 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>7073157)

Sunday 07.14.2019 Compiled here: >>7086925 Tuesday 07.16.19 Compiled here: >>7086938

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

6d900c  No.7132466

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers, Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons, watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder


are not endorsements


>>7132365 @DeptofDefense A @usairforce F-15E Strike Eagle takes off at @Spangdahlem_AB during operation #RapidForge. Rapid Forge aircraft are forward deploying to bases in the territory of @NATO allies

>>7132293 Barr activated, Sessions back! Game's on!

>>7132051 UK Minister resigns, tries to topple Johnson gov't before it's even official

>>7131999, >>7132005 Black Hawk copters working on ‘emerging classified’ mission

>>7131909 Fitch cuts outlook to 'negative' for Boeing on 737 MAX problems

>>7131870 Pres Trump signs America-First EO, drops hammer on Fed fat cats!

>>7131825 Children taken unconstitutionally via CPS and parents not getting information about their whereabouts

>>7131765 The Coming Economic Crash — And How to Stop It By Elizabeth Warren

>>7132425 #9125


>>7131625 Vatican delegation meets with Syrian President in Damascus.

>>7131600 How the MSM ran cover for Epstein's image.

>>7131599 Two underground entrances located on Epstein’s ‘Orgy Island’.

>>7131598 Violent pro-China ‘triad’ mob attacks Hong Kong protesters, no arrests made.

>>7131542 Ukrainian leader's party on track to win Parliament majority.

>>7131515 Setback to FB, as Indian government panel recommends ban on virtual currency.

>>7131484 Reminder of Warren's role in the CFPB.

>>7131412 China slaps anti-dumping duty on stainless steel from EU, Indonesia, Japan, and S Korea.

>>7131401 DJT Tweet: 'The “Squad” is a very Racist group of troublemakers who are young...'

>>7131049 FT's Martin Wolf: Who cares about the prices of useless metals and market rigging.

>>7131308 Parscale sold more than 140k straws.

>>7131300 Chelsea Clinton gives birth.

>>7131261 DJT Tweet: "Going with First Lady to pay our respects to Justice Stevens. Leaving now!"

>>7131255 MSNBC contributor falsely claimed FOX would not cover Mueller testimony. Retracts and deletes Tweet.

>>7131247 Frank Giustra on the board of the CF.

>>7131227 Long-time NYC Prosecutor dead age 99 after "short illness"

>>7131217 Al Franken ‘absolutely’ regrets resigning, his Senate colleagues regret demanding it.

>>7131109, >>7131137, >>7131234 Bunker Apple Yellow Sky. 17:45

>>7131132 Man found guilty of "making up" Westminster VIP pedophile ring.

>>7131131 SCOTUS Justices pay respects to former Justice John Paul Stevens. RBG present.

>>7131129 Widow of prominent NZ politician claims her husband was a prolific pedophile.

>>7131065 Weird Naomi Campbell story featuring surgical mask.

>>7131061, >>7131072 Marketfag: Morning Market Report.

>>7131024 POTUS & FLOTUS welcome AUS PM / Mrs. Morrison.

>>7131014, >>7131565 Planefag updates.

>>7130999 Garrison Tweet on Franken and Epstein's black book.

>>7130944 Mass. man pleads guilty to CP distribution.

>>7131642 #9124

Previously Collected Notables

>>7129238 #9121, >>7130126 #9122, >>7130903 #9123,

>>7126033 #9117, >>7126849 #9118, >>7127593 #9119, >>7128426 #9120

>>7122949 #9113, >>7123735 #9114, >>7124526 #9115, >>7125299 #9116

>>7119907 #9109, >>7120673 #9110, >>7121383 #9111, >>7122172 #9112

>>7116785 #9105, >>7117553 #9106, >>7118302 #9107, >>7119064 #9108

>>7113693 #9101, >>7114479 #9102, >>7115266 #9103, >>7116024 #9104

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

6d900c  No.7132472

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84 >>7130097

Q Graphics all in EST


6d900c  No.7132479

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

3a4e6c  No.7132482

File: dbf04445d6e84b7⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, SCOTUSStevensRepose _OP_2_….jpg)

Ruth looks realz

6efe0c  No.7132491








Anons emerge from NPCBOT.exe control~

6d900c  No.7132495

File: 29b56f393d5d96b⋯.png (32.77 KB, 198x222, 33:37, 29b56f393d5d96b9dc2404e6fa….png)

File: 29fdb53f66904bb⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 29fdb53f66904bb695966d26d3….jpg)

File: 450d2254bf6c599⋯.png (352.97 KB, 762x427, 762:427, 450d2254bf6c599fa285b6af20….png)



3c2c4a  No.7132503

File: 2920fcd777dc8de⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 1296x341, 1296:341, Untitled.jpg)

When will it be asked publicly?

How many people have asked in private?

6efe0c  No.7132514




FRESHAIR =,e \SINK boatgoreヾ(gᐖa◞y ) SNIPRADICKthrob funnyHAM FLUSH GAYcutPOOP C_AnimeIDS



(sᐖa◞me ) 🤔8 (SᐖPA◞DE) 🤷‍♂️bit (sᐖa◞me )


FRESH =,e \ FLUSH NPCshitヾ(hᐖa◞m ) SNIPRADICKthrob funnyHAM FLUSH WALRAUSspaded C_AnimeIDS


8956a5  No.7132519

File: decd02f24c7f909⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 1143x722, 1143:722, screenshot.jpg)

a0ddb7  No.7132520

File: 19b46094ed70771⋯.png (101.45 KB, 388x670, 194:335, 683725f9962762fb5cdb9a54ca….png)

File: 36c9688c590afd4⋯.png (527.94 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, fae42179acc243934665f6403c….png)

File: 11a746b5edc500b⋯.png (247.54 KB, 578x327, 578:327, 2281d4c2aeb504a9746e4354e0….png)

File: 9288d1caffde9b5⋯.png (506.59 KB, 968x640, 121:80, 9288d1caffde9b5be797c350b0….png)

File: e7b3cdfa708a957⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, e7b3cdfa708a95784f1c9a9f4e….png)

what does Q really want us to see?

The obvious answer is the reflection, and we assume that is POTUS reflection near Q, but we already know Q is close to POTUS based on previous proofs, so nothing new there.


509161  No.7132521

File: fbc0048df85025d⋯.png (487.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, drono-2 - Copy.png)

6efe0c  No.7132522

File: 6919307ee2c530a⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: be30a8d33f6134a⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot_post1.jpg)



Creepbot, CTA, 5 pictures silent poster, (((this guy))), "CANNOT THANK", and more…

Are engineering our imagination.

>Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.

>Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?

They turn our inside jokes into monstrous internal fears, by watching how we interact after a Q post / major event and associating those key words with other objects subliminally. The silent 5 picture spammer. Those objects are then made to fight each other, with the ultimate goal of inducing the feeling of rape inside you. Creepbots focus is to remind you of how stretched your asshole is from their induced rape, in a hundred ways.

Insideous are the psychopaths who post here~

They rape us daily.

This is the evil we fight.

C_A lie

C_A manipulate

C_A force (You) into submission

C_A deny the way you see the world

C_A overpower your voice

C_A convince you you're alone

C_A lock you into fear

C_A are afraid of (You)r power

C_A are far fewer in number

Patriots fight~


900b80  No.7132523

File: 28c08501a3e27b7⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 597x609, 199:203, Screenshot 2019-07-22_12-1….jpg)


49a54b  No.7132524

>>7132464 (lb)

Baker Notable

DJT tweet about BIG! connected to Justice Stevens and 2nd amendment

4e1add  No.7132526






675bd4  No.7132527

File: 1266e7dc4d62484⋯.png (30.65 KB, 783x199, 783:199, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)

What's a Q?

11:02 AM - 22 Jul 2019



ddb70c  No.7132529

File: 7b2eaa8a7a695ca⋯.mp4 (887.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Stealth.mp4)

I will loop this all day!

yippiekiyay, mf'ers!

6efe0c  No.7132530


Mueller has no choice but to eat a tactical nuke!


>If AG Barr has access to all classified material, how does [MUELLER] navigate?

>If [MUELLER] provides FALSE and/or MISLEADING testimony, will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?

>If [MUELLER] defers to the original report but D's / FAKE NEWS push a false narrative 'knowing majority of the public did not watch the actual hearing' will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?


>Carpet bombs are ok.

>Tactical nukes are better.

BB + Flynn = ]PAIN[

>If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

>if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.


Both independently confirmed to be Dirty AF

cb0426  No.7132531

File: 98cf3684026c702⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 390x540, 13:18, funny-skeleton-sitting-in-….jpg)


1585f2  No.7132532

File: 7043fc5242bbbe5⋯.png (263.52 KB, 1171x508, 1171:508, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7132357 (LB)

I think anons might have missed this.


6dd93b  No.7132533

>>7132429 lb

just tip of proverbial iceberg

mockingbird media has been covering and protecting epstein and all of the pedophiles and pedovores at least for a decade

but back to mueller-mockingbird media has also perpetrated this lie of lies, which qualifies as treason

b8903d  No.7132534

File: 141bb1c7d3123e3⋯.jpg (587.3 KB, 1745x1017, 1745:1017, tyb_forest.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

db6344  No.7132535

File: 8c2fe5f4d751f5e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1318x860, 659:430, ClipboardImage.png)

7ec369  No.7132536

>>7132492 lb

>Roll-ups to the very top take time & effort.

Yes but they take even longer when they Never start....You start rolling them up from the bottom.....NONE of them have been touched to date.....

A journey of 10,000 miles starts with the first step...time to take it

49a54b  No.7132539


11b7f0  No.7132542

File: ee04ed9cfdf1ef1⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 558x828, 31:46, 1920f79c0b354dd6169980d74e….jpg)

Thank You Baker

a91c97  No.7132543

File: 77a52d7894da959⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 476x640, 119:160, giggity.jpg)

Shills out in full force….

=Over the target!==

0d3241  No.7132545

>>7132474 (lb)

>Jesus = Creator

Worshipping someone as Creator is satanism. Please recognize the faults in the 2000 year old Cabal indoctrination book and be wise to rectify them for yourself.


You are (were) one of us. Why do this to yourself?

6d900c  No.7132546


plz repost this bread

dcfcab  No.7132547

File: 1d001a870930652⋯.jpg (147.65 KB, 750x753, 250:251, damburst.jpg)

>>7132079 pb

"John Henry" That's a great folk song too.

c6026d  No.7132549

Former StarCraft 2 Pro, Commentator Geoff 'iNcontroL' Robinson Dies At 33

Former StarCraft 2 pro Geoff Robinson, aka iNcontroL, died on Saturday “due to sudden illness.”

A statement released via Robinson’s official social media accounts announced his passing earlier today:

Geoff Robinson


With immense grief, we announce Geoff’s unexpected passing due to sudden illness Saturday. We ask privacy as his family works to understand what happened and make arrangements. To honor Geoff or offer comfort to his family, we suggest donations to @SoCalBulldog, which he loved.

Robinson was a former StarCraft 2 pro with clan Evil Geniuses before later moving into a broader esports career as a commentator, host, and streamer. He is being remembered as a prominent and beloved member of the game’s community.


8d507c  No.7132550


My guess is he has never had this kinda response to one of his tweets before… dude is probably confused as fuck as to whats happened to his feed.

8e62d4  No.7132551

Posted this during night shift but clearly you fags didn’t see nor have you read Art of War. Here’s where I’m at. Q saying “no deals” is misinfo, in fact his biggest misinfo. Never heard of a sting in which no deals were made. Use logic. If AG Barr has access to all classified material, how does [MUELLER] navigate?

If [MUELLER] provides FALSE and/or MISLEADING testimony, will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?

If [MUELLER] defers to the original report but D's / FAKE NEWS push a false narrative 'knowing majority of the public did not watch the actual hearing' will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?

[Be Ready], [MUELLER].

[Be Ready], [JC].

[Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL].

Thank you for playing.

FISA goes both ways.

Out of this whole drop, the thing that stands out most to me is [Mueller] in killboxes. Q is literally telling us that not only is Mueller fucked, but he is under our control. I think he set these fuckers up. “18 angry democrats” who are no longer useful to DS by law. Mueller is NOT A WHITE HAT, he is a turncoat. READ ART OR WAR, ANONS. It should be required before coming on this board and shitting the bread. JMO.

7e151f  No.7132553


don't bother checking what the watch looks like

also tell why wear a $12k watch on the beach/river

84561c  No.7132554


anyone have yt link of stealth bomber?

11058d  No.7132555

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

baedf5  No.7132557

File: e648c26edcefe9d⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 300x200, 3:2, Flag Great Garrison Flag.jpg)

The Great Garrison Flag

During the War of 1812, the people of Baltimore were certain that the British would attack the city. Not knowing for sure when an attack would occur, they spent months preparing for it. Everything was made ready at Fort McHenry to defend Baltimore. But, there was no suitable flag to fly over the earthen/brick ramparts of the Star Fort.

Major George Armistead, the commanding officer, desired "to have a flag so large that the British will have no difficulty in seeing it from a distance." Major Armistead got his wish when General John S. Stricker and Commodore Joshua Barney ordered two flags, especially made for the garrison, from Mary Pickersgill, a well-known flagmaker in Baltimore.

fed8e8  No.7132558

File: ddb53e151e6f07c⋯.jpg (560.59 KB, 1352x1208, 169:151, MEGA.jpg)

4e1add  No.7132560





8a8ca8  No.7132561

John 5:31

"If I bear witness of myself…"

Which was not allowed any man to do; nor indeed is it proper that a man should be a witness in his own cause: and, according to the Jewish canons, a man might not be a witness for his wife, because she was reckoned as himself.

``An husband is not to be believed in bearing witness for his wife, that had been carried captive, that she is not defiled, (wmuel dyem Mda Nyav) , "for no man witness of himself…"

"…but no man is to be believed for himself: says R. Zechariah ben Hakatzah, by this habitation (swearing by the temple) her hand was not removed from my hand, from the time the Gentiles entered Jerusalem, till they went out: they replied to him, "no man bears witness of himself".

Christ reasons here upon their own principles, and according to their sense of things, that should he bear witness of himself; then, says he, my witness is not true, (Nman al) , not to be believed, or admitted as an authentic testimony: and so the Ethiopic version renders it, "is not credible"; not valid in law, or in such a court of judicature in which Christ now was; for, as according to the Jewish law, no man was admitted a witness for himself, so neither was anything established by a single testimony, but by the mouth of two or three witnesses, ( Deuteronomy 19:15 ) .

Christ's meaning is, that his testimony alone, his single witness, how true soever it was, would stand for nothing in their court; and therefore he would not insist upon it, but drop it; for "true" here, is not opposed to that which is "false", but to that which is not valid in law.

675bd4  No.7132562

File: 48451ffab1fb399⋯.png (260.77 KB, 992x1211, 992:1211, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)



Monday, Jul 22nd 2019 9AM 82°F 12PM 83°F 5-Day Forecast

EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner moves back in with Huma Abedin as he's spotted in a tank top and shorts using a trolley to roll in designer garment bags, a hockey stick and suitcases into his family home after prison stint for sexting 15-year-old girl

Anthony Weiner was seen moving back in with Huma Abedin over the weekend in New York City, pictured in exclusive DailyMail.com photos

The 54-year-old had been living in a halfway house in the Bronx after his release from prison in February

Soon after he went to prison, Huma and their seven-year old son Jordan moved to this new apartment

The disgraced politician did his own moving, using a trolley to roll in boxes, garment bags, a hockey stick and suitcases

Abedin filed for divorce the day Weiner entered into a guilty plea for sexting a 15-year-old girl in May 2017, which DailyMail.com exposed in September 2016

However, Abedin withdrew her request in January, deciding to settle privately

It's not clear where Weiner had been staying since leaving a halfway house in May after spending 21 months in custody for the illicit contact with the minor

Moving back in with Abedin comes weeks after Weiner was seen lunching with a young brunette at a Wall Street brunch spot


fb43be  No.7132564

File: 1a953f49c793e21⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 600x593, 600:593, 1a953f49c793e21fa576fa4bdb….jpg)

>>7129515 (PB)

Anon, I'm the lone wolf in my family too. I trust in God, I trust in Potus, Q and all the great men and women behind the scenes that have planned and are risking it ALL to free us from these chains.

To answer our question, their evil deeds will be exposed for the world to see, only those who are blind or wish to ignore the truth will dismiss what will be right before their eyes. As Q posted, an estimated 4-6% will be lost forever, I Pray none of them will be in your or my family, only time will tell.

Best advice I can give you is don't force the issue, you'll only close their ears and push them farther away, they must learn for themselves. Pray for them anon, Pray multiple times each and every day. I Pray first for protection of the children, the innocent and defenseless. I Pray for those still asleep, I also Pray for the shills here, may they be awoke to the truth and come to know God's Love. I Pray for our country, Patriots, Potus, Q, all those who have and are serving and I Pray for the entire world, a world of Love and Peace Praising our Lord.

I don't ever want anyone in my family to say, "You were right", I don't care about being right, that would make it all about me and my ego. I Love them and I want it for them, so they are free from the chains.

Hold on anon, better days are coming. Stay strong, stay united with us, together we are strong. When you're having a bad day, come here, we will lift you up and renew you, anon's renew me every day, I couldn't walk this road alone. Most important anon, Pray!

God Bless. WWG1WGA

(Stolen pic from fellow anon, hope they don't mind, it's beautiful)

ec0c45  No.7132565

File: 7951dd4e6668100⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 500x505, 100:101, Last Day.jpg)

File: d067365f7f9f74f⋯.jpg (124.26 KB, 869x1200, 869:1200, Fight like the 3rd monkey.jpg)

>>7132480 (lb)

It keeps me sane...if not I'd be living my days as if it was my last..and I'm the 3rd monkey.

747bd0  No.7132566

File: c07244defcaddbf⋯.jpg (309.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, kv4SOrLfNXGY.jpg)

File: afe66acfa20d267⋯.jpg (309.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, kv4SOrLfNXGY.jpg)

File: 57991bc544d9b4f⋯.jpg (199.18 KB, 800x627, 800:627, MH6s3qEgxPSSW9IJ.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

a2bd65  No.7132567

File: f64197a46db952d⋯.png (187.16 KB, 486x353, 486:353, 1c26d3dfff8f511176100804f9….png)

File: 6ac085fd08339ee⋯.jpg (182.87 KB, 607x580, 607:580, 6ac085fd08339eeb7e86701c5f….jpg)

File: 5e987db2af08477⋯.jpeg (58.38 KB, 699x341, 699:341, 5e987db2af08477b95e5c416c….jpeg)

File: de3f0e94391efc9⋯.jpg (62.44 KB, 580x499, 580:499, 30sl0g.jpg)

File: 3223c4c7ffc82be⋯.png (1012.76 KB, 954x1009, 954:1009, 3223c4c7ffc82beae131f3a718….png)

7ec369  No.7132568

File: 8c2937421d1b583⋯.png (553.32 KB, 594x523, 594:523, ClipboardImage.png)

0d3241  No.7132569


Okay, maybe I was too harsh. The Bible is a good start, but not a good end in the quest for spiritual wisdom.

67503d  No.7132571

File: e096cd163ea0844⋯.png (1.3 MB, 610x873, 610:873, epstein_aerial.png)

>>7132392 (lb)

The platform beside the steps is no longer there in the most recent footage, but is clearly visible in older photos.

06c4a5  No.7132572

File: db49051ab532803⋯.png (152.58 KB, 670x1040, 67:104, Alex Wayne tweet.png)

Alex Wayne tweet right after Q linked his previous tweet



d43b2a  No.7132573

File: 6e18cd8877072ff⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 600x463, 600:463, liz.jpg)

>>7131765 lb

Rock solid, visionary-timed post by Team Liz

'Foxy Lady'

She's comin' to get ya'


566486  No.7132574

File: 670e2f68ac65a8a⋯.png (348.84 KB, 745x785, 149:157, Sodom aka America 02385098….png)


d736ac  No.7132575

How long does it take for Chelsea Clinton to have a shit?

9 months.

e2b0c0  No.7132576


Seth's watch strap was damaged in the hit.

23d799  No.7132577

File: 201ac20e7a03399⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 787x316, 787:316, Annotation 2019-07-22 1115….jpg)

'How to: Start a Civil War 101'


320513  No.7132578

File: b04fedfae810a41⋯.jpeg (69.85 KB, 1024x522, 512:261, billdead.jpeg)



Translation: Blood bank is now open.

f8e97b  No.7132579

File: bf140e216a79aa7⋯.png (9.33 MB, 4593x1909, 4593:1909, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7132209 PB

>>7132406 PB

Re Q3313

Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.



Here is a large infographic on the Saint Thomas address of an Epstein property in New Mexio and, then, on the facilities in that locale.

Will post smaller pieces, like jigsaw, and additional remarks.

Pt 3

82a8ef  No.7132580


Exactly. They ALL had a chance to stop the lies, and they failed by continuing it after Mueller spoke. Done, and done. Complicit in further acts of Treason. All of them.


165bda  No.7132581



Excellent post, anon. Thank you

cc7765  No.7132582

File: 7e9f1f7a911d173⋯.png (84.35 KB, 883x894, 883:894, githubstatus.PNG)

Github having issues


43c816  No.7132583

Firefag here. ILM airport emergency…Fire reported on aircraft on tarmac. No flames just light haze inside aircraft No injuries reported.

70d192  No.7132584

File: 2f821c4c8bebe52⋯.png (296.16 KB, 720x1240, 18:31, Img-1563811550216.png)

File: aebe47374385f07⋯.png (322.1 KB, 720x1263, 240:421, Img-1563811481117.png)

File: 9246d7e293a3074⋯.png (253.08 KB, 720x1014, 120:169, Img-1563811438311.png)

File: b05855dd35b5763⋯.png (99.27 KB, 720x402, 120:67, Img-1563811749870.png)

File: dba07dcc1a50de8⋯.png (377.9 KB, 720x1192, 90:149, Img-1563811605693.png)

Arcadia. People who lived before the moon.

Consider themselves wolves.

Cannibalism. Rape. Incest.

Sounds about right. Noah's ARCadia.

8d507c  No.7132585


JDIF triggered for sure...

7ec369  No.7132586

File: a5106204f73fdb4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1070x1194, 535:597, ClipboardImage.png)

f9c858  No.7132587

I was out alone one morning with the dogs and happened to look up and a stealth bomber was right above my head. It was so quiet and so close and gone so fast I could easily have missed it altogether, it was probably one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had.

6efe0c  No.7132588

675bd4  No.7132589

File: b1b0a11761138d1⋯.jpg (97.75 KB, 634x766, 317:383, 16351756-7272985-image-m-1….jpg)

File: b99213b157f76d3⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 306x434, 153:217, 16352428-7272985-image-a-2….jpg)

File: cda54ee04bfd928⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 306x457, 306:457, 16352338-7272985-image-m-2….jpg)

File: c76c6f57e562dd8⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 634x673, 634:673, 16352340-7272985-image-m-1….jpg)


Weiner moving back in with Huma

566486  No.7132590

File: a9248a3435e5703⋯.png (37.39 KB, 181x258, 181:258, Sodom aka America 23485082….png)

9e877b  No.7132591


who will ever honor gary webb??

sory not caps, but i am a bomb right now

why bush from skull bones came presidents??????????

why bush sang bla bla while yowers fall, and none secet service staff took him in boonker?????????????

why you loie POTUS about moon?????????????

why so many shit happening and no one tells the truth???????????????????

i consider you all part of the crimes, and my only hope are ETs, and I wanted yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!

365e06  No.7132592


Where is Mr. Justice Thomas?

e2fc71  No.7132593

File: 0e70d3a8672cf06⋯.jpg (352.61 KB, 880x641, 880:641, FlakOverTarget_zps283xqlh4.jpg)

stay on target…

ae3721  No.7132594

File: a201207b995bd7f⋯.png (658.83 KB, 4473x3078, 497:342, QPost-Cabal-Damage-Control….png)


Daily reminder.

f7bc90  No.7132595

File: a03a502597f9df2⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 563x247, 563:247, DmHGy2xVsAAMr8k.jpg)

64e35e  No.7132596


and biblefags.

900b80  No.7132598

File: 8ffd80d1d40a127⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 597x252, 199:84, Screenshot 2019-07-22_12-1….jpg)



3d701d  No.7132599

File: c4c0197f1e2f94c⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 1563x530, 1563:530, dc.JPG)

File: ff9a8e5b8eff94a⋯.jpg (152.31 KB, 1539x762, 513:254, pm.JPG)

Happening now


1b7bb3  No.7132600


Fuck off. Kennedy said the same thing.

962404  No.7132601

6efe0c  No.7132602


"If they don't believe you, backtrack!"

You're fucked~

0d3241  No.7132603


Oh yes. Redpill time!

11058d  No.7132604

File: 045815acd6bcc33⋯.jpg (541.04 KB, 2025x1350, 3:2, f81dcf3c2dc808ffa91953fe43….jpg)

7be593  No.7132606


Pence trip NH? what was up with that?

c6026d  No.7132607


Ezra is the stealth

a2bd65  No.7132608




8e62d4  No.7132609

File: 69a2f6de5d098e2⋯.jpeg (22.49 KB, 195x255, 13:17, 48510EE5-E928-47E8-B1FA-F….jpeg)


I do it for you, fren.

546ddb  No.7132611

File: 5ead4fc7aca1e82⋯.png (893.77 KB, 866x866, 1:1, MMexpscp.png)

4c2730  No.7132614


>time to take it

And you think they haven't because the Mockingbirds haven't told you so.

e2fc71  No.7132615

File: 8771b22bf6310c0⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 422x265, 422:265, youyou.jpg)

07a259  No.7132616

File: 8e68379c3e8f2d1⋯.png (734.12 KB, 703x1440, 703:1440, ClipboardImage.png)

ets posting "original" POTUS pics?


49a54b  No.7132617

File: 21bda9cd5ce549c⋯.png (2.1 MB, 978x1597, 978:1597, ClipboardImage.png)



Baker Notable

DJT tweet about BIG! connected to Justice Stevens and 2nd amendment

1446e9  No.7132618

File: 23d77a867e00daa⋯.jpg (297.65 KB, 583x502, 583:502, POTUS elvis.jpg)

e9eed9  No.7132620


What’s a Alex Wayne?

d84727  No.7132621

File: 829208cafd9678b⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 450x448, 225:224, Navicella mosaic fragment ….jpg)

ddb70c  No.7132622


don't see one yet

b210bf  No.7132623


Hey it's Jemima Goldsmith's ex-husband

She was Princess Diana's BFF for a long time


Read this if you think YOUR family is a mess:

"Jemima Marcelle Goldsmith is the eldest child of Lady Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart and financier Sir James Goldsmith (1933–1997). Her mother is from an aristocratic Anglo-Irish family, the daughter of the Marquess of Londonderry. Her father was the son of luxury hotel tycoon and former Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) Major Frank Goldsmith, who was a member of the prominent Goldsmith family, which is of German Jewish ancestry.[8] Her paternal grandmother was French. Her parents had a polyamorous relationship in which they were married to different partners but, in 1978, they married to legitimise their children.[9] Goldsmith has two younger brothers, Zac Goldsmith and Ben Goldsmith, and five paternal and three maternal half-siblings, including Robin Birley and India Jane Birley.[10]

Goldsmith grew up at Ormeley Lodge and attended the Old Vicarage preparatory school and Francis Holland School. From age 10 to 17, she was an accomplished equestrian in London.[9] Goldsmith enrolled at the University of Bristol in 1993 and studied English, but dropped out when she married in 1995. She eventually completed her bachelor's degree in March 2002 with upper second-class honours.[11][12] In 2003, she received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,[13] focusing on Modern Trends in Islam.[14]"

63789c  No.7132625

File: e3a347dbc3b5615⋯.jpg (421.95 KB, 1913x933, 1913:933, Untitled.jpg)

File: 586404c73f97c31⋯.jpg (364.36 KB, 1043x966, 149:138, Untitled2.jpg)

Not a planefag but I thought it was worth a mention that a US Army plane just flew over the Gaza Strip and is now headed south over the Gulf of Aqaba

404649  No.7132626


Ezra Cohen-Watnick

Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick is the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions and a former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the United States National Security Council

ccfe32  No.7132629

>>7132489 (end of pb)

Hungary Subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation Agrees to Pay $8.7 Million in Criminal Penalties to Resolve Foreign Bribery CaseMicrosoft Hungary executives and employees falsely represented to Microsoft that steep discounts were necessary to conclude deals with resellers who bid for the opportunity to sell Microsoft licenses to government customers. In actuality, the savings were not passed on to the government customers, but instead were used for corrupt purposes and were falsely recorded as “discounts” and stored in various tools and databases on Microsoft servers in the United States in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.


b933de  No.7132630

Hey Q. Today is not a good day for me. Can you release the kraken next week …

Thanks 😘

94aac3  No.7132631



fed8e8  No.7132633

File: 391d543f1d5acf3⋯.jpg (504.33 KB, 1499x1161, 1499:1161, LIGHTNING DONE RIGHT.jpg)

abc0e5  No.7132634

File: 8c5d5d1e85c48f4⋯.png (145.08 KB, 1164x500, 291:125, Iran sends a 17.png)

Iran cleaning out 17 Clowns. Are they ready?

4e1add  No.7132636



84561c  No.7132638


>Q saying “no deals” is misinfo, in fact his biggest misinfo. Never heard of a sting in which no deals were made. Use logic.

If he's not working with the DS, who's he working with?

9f4e46  No.7132639



If Patriots weren't in control, well this dude never would have seen court

Also that's a mighty nice shirt


3c5894  No.7132640


Flynn’s best spook!

ff9746  No.7132642


Good and logical thinking.

The trouble I have with this post is Q references “full disclosure” repeatedly.

I suspect that is misinformation. Redaction necessitated by ongoing investigations.

a6af41  No.7132643

File: 27d4f01a6a820c4⋯.jpeg (319.16 KB, 753x1200, 251:400, F42EDBD3-4AA1-416D-A27E-C….jpeg)

9f18de  No.7132644

File: 65dca336229fe9a⋯.png (146.91 KB, 1288x734, 644:367, ClipboardImage.png)


So this is an operation not training? Consider the significance of that anons.

900b80  No.7132646

10x speed

b18333  No.7132647

File: ed1dcc4102a18da⋯.png (70.3 KB, 1597x520, 1597:520, aaaaaa.PNG)

ba202a  No.7132648

File: d93e43bec10395a⋯.jpeg (233.38 KB, 828x821, 828:821, 299BE7D2-E19B-4302-8A03-B….jpeg)

File: 601cf7aa88631c4⋯.jpeg (238.26 KB, 828x832, 207:208, E6C17D63-C803-49EA-B88D-9….jpeg)

8e62d4  No.7132650


No, you’re retarded and think it’s just a coincidence Mueller ran that hoax and he’s close friends with AG Barr. Stay in retard land. You come here, fuck up the bread, and leave everyday. Fuck you. You’re fucked.

6ed7ce  No.7132651

File: 00046b4ffac0081⋯.jpeg (10.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe holding it in.jpeg)

>>7132373 (lb)

can't figure out which of the two is more fake... a guy conceived out of porn-making, who became a sock puppet president....or....oh, never mind anymore, the shit drives me nuts unnecessarily....like that soccer lesbian... they do it on purpose. find the most annoying fucking thing they can, whether Robert Reich with how his feet do not touch the ground in a chair....or that lady on NPR had a voice like she was constantly choking and dying (Diane something)...or just look at Maxine Waters. Just trying to irritate regular people into some kind of reaction so they can go "look, you're a bigot, etc" Like Nadler....look at that! Or The Squat. Some thing with the forehead featured....the ugly Palestinian...arghhhh

8d507c  No.7132652


Where did that young prodigy of intelligence disappear to anyway… wasn't he working for Sessions?

db6344  No.7132653

File: b48aa199f028cba⋯.png (540.54 KB, 1167x633, 389:211, ClipboardImage.png)

d8e167  No.7132655

File: 05681a68f339e76⋯.gif (987.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1438638311156 (1).gif)


thanks strange fam

sweet Q cakin

6efe0c  No.7132656



President Donald Trump personally ordered the Department of Justice to hire a former White House official who departed after he was caught up in a controversy over the release of intelligence material to a member of Congress, according to people familiar with the matter.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who was forced out of the National Security Council last year, will advise Attorney General Jeff Sessions on national security matters. He left the White House in August for a job at Oracle Corp.following reports that he had shown House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes classified documents.

11b7f0  No.7132657

File: 60cefe95192e84e⋯.jpeg (166.3 KB, 918x1371, 306:457, 1563812419.jpeg)

ddb70c  No.7132658

Does the B2 always fly with escorts? Purpose? Sorry, not an area of my knowledge. TY.

8e39da  No.7132659

File: a19b7f47a172e4a⋯.jpeg (312.77 KB, 750x969, 250:323, A5E54D66-0E0A-431E-BC5F-D….jpeg)

Interesting “trend” on twitter…

fb43be  No.7132660


I'll Pray for you now, God Bless.

b210bf  No.7132661



Another player enters the playing field

abadd9  No.7132662

File: 93af7dee5d62f5c⋯.jpg (115.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, explorefurther.jpg)

6efe0c  No.7132663

1b7bb3  No.7132664


Fake and gay traitor shills, prepare your anuses.

a2bd65  No.7132665


The Man McMaster Couldn't Fire

Thirty-one-year-old Ezra Cohen-Watnick holds the intelligence portfolio on the National Security Council—but almost everything about him is a mystery.

Just 24 days into his tenure as Donald Trump’s national-security adviser, Michael Flynn was forced to resign, having reportedly misled Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian officials. When Flynn departed, the men and women he’d appointed to the National Security Council grew nervous about their own jobs, and with good reason. The new national-security adviser, General H.R. McMaster, promptly began clearing out Flynn’s people, among them Dave Cattler, the deputy assistant to the president for regional affairs, Adam Lovinger, a strategic affairs analyst on loan from the Pentagon, and KT McFarland, Flynn’s deputy, who was eased out with the ambassadorship to Singapore. Even Steve Bannon, among the most powerful people in the White House, was removed from the meetings of the NSC Principal’s Committee, where he had been installed early on in the administration.

There was one person, however, who McMaster couldn’t get rid of: Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence programs. McMaster tried to remove him in March, but President Trump, at the urging of Bannon and Jared Kushner, told McMaster that Cohen-Watnick was staying, as first reported by Politico. According to a senior White House official, the two men had a sit-down meeting the following week in which McMaster acknowledged that he hadn’t been able to do what he wanted to do, and that they would keep things as they are and “see how they go for a while.” That was over four months ago. That Cohen-Watnick, 31 years old and largely unknown before entering the administration, has become unfireable reveals how important he has become to the Trump White House, where loyalty is prized.


165bda  No.7132666


It is appreciated - the voice of reason is always welcome here despite evidence to the contrary

a91c97  No.7132667

File: cc5fd9a07d1f756⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 371x241, 371:241, shills_are_alive.jpg)


If it tries to divide…It's a shill!

If it tries to cause doubt…It's a shill!

If it tries to sow discord…It's a shill!

If it tries to blame one particular religion…It's a shill!

1446e9  No.7132668

File: 619b75bdb7cd0e6⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 445x250, 89:50, weiner party.gif)

>>7132562, >>7132589 Anthony Weiner moves back in with Huma Abedin


8e39da  No.7132669

File: 1a0cb2f5d3bce0d⋯.jpeg (398.59 KB, 750x1084, 375:542, EC0BB85A-6C06-443D-B99E-2….jpeg)


Damn it, wrong pic. This one:

6ed767  No.7132670


Long Beach Port. Feinstein. Clinton. They have been doing this for decades.

fe4d70  No.7132671

File: a98d4b0217baa87⋯.jpeg (103.59 KB, 643x500, 643:500, A1B06763-1E52-4FDB-A0D1-1….jpeg)

6efe0c  No.7132673


It's a bluff~

8956a5  No.7132674

File: 0278ad9595a726a⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x200, 51:40, weak-shill.jpg)


3d701d  No.7132675


Grotto entrance?

>>7130797 PB

Epstein's former IT guy says there's a "grotto" on the Island.

f4d4d7  No.7132676


military escort?

7e151f  No.7132677

File: dd530fc074675e5⋯.png (639.67 KB, 1060x631, 1060:631, ClipboardImage.png)



11058d  No.7132678

File: 3adc2a01cd3d933⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 1080x1062, 60:59, 3adc2a01cd3d933b04afe36e12….jpg)

dab9a6  No.7132679

File: f2212f4719ce2e8⋯.jpeg (13.16 KB, 201x241, 201:241, AE0CEC26-58B1-40E6-B16A-5….jpeg)

File: d6e23f7ef8942ad⋯.jpeg (565.01 KB, 1576x2098, 788:1049, 13A43FDF-01EB-4DA4-A45E-6….jpeg)

File: 97959060a226fbd⋯.jpeg (900.06 KB, 2100x1574, 1050:787, 0EF894EB-59D2-41B9-A208-4….jpeg)


Stocked up on pop corn at Costco yesterday.

Night Shift in the house!

3cf1c0  No.7132680

File: 42c8e320b8db3f2⋯.jpg (121.76 KB, 1493x936, 1493:936, LooseTheSquares.JPG)

509161  No.7132681

64e35e  No.7132682


Absolutely Top KEK.

Try looking in the bathroom

7d5728  No.7132683


> 6 rando characters at the beginning of the pasta

You're leaving artifacts from the captcha beating script in your pasta.

You're proving that Q is correct in stating captcha was meaningless to begin with by doing that.

Because you're too stupid to disable the script now that you don't need it.

675bd4  No.7132684

File: c363ae0842f0466⋯.png (599.07 KB, 1088x1065, 1088:1065, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)


Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a 31-year-old former Defense Intelligence Agency officer who was brought in to the administration by former National-Security Adviser Michael Flynn, was let go from the council this week, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

"General McMaster appreciates the good work accomplished in the NSC's Intelligence directorate under Ezra Cohen's leadership. He has determined that, at this time, a different set of experiences is best-suited to carrying that work forward. General McMaster is confident that Ezra will make many further significant contributions to national security in another position in the administration."

McMaster already tried to fire Cohen-Watnick earlier this year, but was rebuffed by President Trump after White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner intervened to keep Cohen-Watnick in his job.

A source close to Kushner said “Jared is a big fan of Ezra’s and is grateful for his contributions to the administration as part of the NSC but obviously completely defers to General McMaster on all NSC personnel decisions. He looks forward to seeing what’s next for Ezra.”

Cohen-Watnick, seen as a Flynn loyalist, had a difficult relationship with McMaster and with people in the intelligence community to whom he was the White House’s liaison.


23d799  No.7132686


Your speaking….. to the choir…..

2160b3  No.7132687

File: 8fe989a5effb642⋯.png (829.9 KB, 1222x1318, 611:659, "salem" new hampshire trum….png)


Show he's not on the ticket. Trump kicked off campaign in NH exactly where he was headed. Salem. Not the Witch Hunt (WH) Salem, but maybe related too?

84561c  No.7132690



a2bd65  No.7132691



Stealth bomber?

8d507c  No.7132692



Hive mind… 10 sec delta

ec0c45  No.7132693


Would it have to do with the Pakistani Leader being over here today???

7be378  No.7132694


Stealth Bomber?

ae3721  No.7132696


There's that name again…

aed24d  No.7132697

File: 65aaa24965ba105⋯.png (366.6 KB, 1594x747, 1594:747, post 3450 Mark.png)

You are all SAINTS!

cb0426  No.7132698




>2 years no declass no arrests


>Most illegals ever


>Societal breakdown


>Culturr getting worse


>Trump supporters are the real cucks

More Hope and Change than even Obama shit out.

765e25  No.7132699

File: a39eb35c784b4a2⋯.png (28.19 KB, 555x229, 555:229, 2462.png)

8956a5  No.7132701


how did q ruin ur life?

1446e9  No.7132702

File: d35adc362963a68⋯.png (920.68 KB, 820x400, 41:20, Mattis laughs in chaos.PNG)

180e9d  No.7132703


they make daddy stop fucking you Junior?????????

c8d213  No.7132706

Ezra Cohen-Watnick


ECW wife, Rebecca Miller explained here:


4e1add  No.7132707



ff9746  No.7132708



“What are assets?”

6efe0c  No.7132709






5d3a88  No.7132710

Its times like this I wish we could block people like…."dumbass jew hater" cut the crap you make me have to scroll for real bread.

8e62d4  No.7132711


U1 would’ve taken place, regardless if Mueller was FBI Director or not. They would’ve found another puppet to execute. Keep using logic and we’ll be fine. Instead of being hung he’ll rot away in prison

149a92  No.7132712

File: 12ba01eb1b93147⋯.jpeg (236.02 KB, 750x597, 250:199, 4255A806-B7F5-4177-BD28-9….jpeg)

daacb7  No.7132713




82febc  No.7132714

File: d9eacdf5a6224f9⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 1440x238, 720:119, flightlog.jpg)

File: aa0e2f0001db981⋯.png (117.51 KB, 1183x492, 1183:492, holidays.png)

Mornin’ anons,

I was thinking about the Epstein flight logs and thinking that they are somewhat hard to follow due to the airport codes and not everyone being a planefag.

Putting one together something like this might be helpful:

Flight #49: January 17, 2001 Westchester, NY (HPN) to St. Thomas, USVI (TIST) JE, GM, SK, AP, Cindy Lopez, Joanne, 1 female

Flight#50: January 22, 2001 St. Thomas, USVI (TIST) to Palm Beach, Florida (PBI) JE, GM, SK, AP, Cindy Lopez, Joanne, Mats & Kathy Alexander, Stacey Igglucksengh

So, looking at this makes you wonder what happened to the 1 female, which gets even creepier considering that Jan. 17 is an occult holiday (see pic). Also, what is up with Mats, Kathy and Stacey on the return ride? I guess they could have traveled from elsewhere and met up, but I also wonder if people stayed on the island without Epstein being there? Does this format make better sense to anyone else?

aed24d  No.7132716


filter is your friend

b18333  No.7132717

File: 68062a19cf1ae77⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 5054164a7191535f15f8bdc93e….jpg)


t-minus 10 kek

63789c  No.7132718


correction: south over the Dead Sea

Got Israeli AF jumping out in front of it now

3e6b8f  No.7132719


Ezra Cohen Watnick => Gen Flynn……truth revealed.

23d799  No.7132720

678cfb  No.7132723

File: 960335c99487417⋯.png (83.93 KB, 251x210, 251:210, 2019-01-19_21-54-46 2.png)

8956a5  No.7132725


sure we would, explain how q ruined ur life.

ccfe32  No.7132726


APR. 11, 2018

Fired White House Official Hired by DOJ at Trump’s Insistence

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a controversial former national security aide to President Donald Trump who was pushed out of the White House by H.R. McMaster, is rejoining the Trump administration. In his new role he will serve as Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s national security adviser.


4b9e01  No.7132728


follow the wife?

that ketchum company she works for looks shady



Ketchum's major clients include MasterCard,[28] Chase, IBM,[29] IKEA,[30] Philips,[31] and Pfizer.[28]

In 1985, Ketchum launched the Acura line of cars for American Honda Motor Company.[32][33] Ketchum also worked on the rebranding of Orville Redenbacher's popcorn in the 1990s to appeal to a younger demographic,[34] developed Doritos' 2006 crowdsourced "Crash the Super Bowl" contest, which won a Golden World Award from the International Public Relations Association,[35] and created a campaign for Delta Air Lines during US Airways' 2008 bid to take over the airline after it had filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. US Airways later dropped the bid and the campaign won a Silver Anvil.[36][37] The agency has also worked with Kodak in 2010,[38] the Committee to Preserve Olympic Wrestling (CPOW)'s campaign to keep wrestling in the Olympic program,[39] and Wendy's on the launch of the Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger in 2013, for which they were nominated as a 2014 Shorty Award finalist.[40]

In 2011, Ketchum faced backlash for a promotion for ConAgra, in which the agency hosted a dinner for food bloggers that was billed as serving food prepared by George Duran, but diners were served ConAgra frozen foods instead. Ketchum filmed each dinner and hoped to use footage of diners' reactions for promotional purposes. However, many bloggers felt tricked by the switch. Ketchum apologized and ConAgra offered reimbursement for any incurred expense to the attendees.[41]

dc31c9  No.7132729



The floor is yours ;)

abadd9  No.7132730

File: 0354d92b7d1e2cb⋯.png (200.27 KB, 597x769, 597:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Tried to post to Q

got the message

Flood detected. Post discarded


9e34e2  No.7132731

File: 91eb9b588bafdcc⋯.jpg (175.57 KB, 766x513, 766:513, BILLYBARRfight.jpg)

11058d  No.7132732

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)

31431f  No.7132734


>So this is an operation not training?

Believe "training" is also classified as an "operation"

d84727  No.7132735

File: 3b8c675e9a3bd20⋯.jpg (677.66 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, claymore copy.jpg)

165bda  No.7132736



…and hope in vain for a chance at a pardon in future. Excellent punishment for him

a843e0  No.7132737

How do you navigate around a corrupt FBI/DOJ

Use a special counsel appointed as a stealth bomber.

Stealth bomber about to drop bombs on Wednesday.




8d507c  No.7132738


Comfy AF ain't it anon?

5fdacd  No.7132740

File: 170c044031306bf⋯.png (67.99 KB, 516x350, 258:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ea001671a33332⋯.png (132.3 KB, 691x904, 691:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc06ae5f7129f71⋯.png (22.16 KB, 737x134, 11:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b7613adee326b8⋯.png (16.89 KB, 788x94, 394:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53eb29710109b5e⋯.png (82.78 KB, 665x412, 665:412, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmmm. Thoughts?

Seems almost like mobster families in Little Rock, Arkansas. Baker, Bigelow, Critcher, Johnson and probably more families. Did they try and make Linda Collins-Smith a part of the Senate Brotherhood? She left rather quickly after having been hired by Jack Critcher. Seriously, this stinks of corruption. Vote for Critcher for president pro tempore and get paid for it. Maybe it's worth a dig.

Apparently Jack Critcher attempted and failed to sink a bill that would punish payday loan lenders. Can someone help me find that bill?

Also, found this interesting: arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2007/04/04/the-brotherhood


Rest of the screenshots are from notable in the twat.

593e4e  No.7132741

They didn’t actually think they could stand against ALL of US, did they?

b85e47  No.7132742


Is that you Q?

a91c97  No.7132743


How to you capture a wild animal?

d2a1f9  No.7132744


Good morning, Boss!

8956a5  No.7132745


im asking (You).

70d192  No.7132746

File: 14a70a45da6e75d⋯.png (104.63 KB, 720x166, 360:83, Img-1563768790975.png)

File: 67fb79c28fbf19a⋯.png (241.89 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, Img-1563770044732.png)

File: 0fda2fa01682734⋯.png (305.75 KB, 720x1077, 240:359, Img-1563770498640.png)

File: 29fecb7ed8e05b1⋯.png (240.15 KB, 720x1186, 360:593, Img-1563770474051.png)

File: b83cfa2868905eb⋯.png (267.08 KB, 720x1276, 180:319, Img-1563770419828.png)

Chi rho sacred cross. Home of the god Pan.

Pan is Baal. There's only 1 "elite" secret sun.

67e7d6  No.7132748


Hi Ezra!

If you bake it, he will crumb

c6026d  No.7132749

File: c0227fd30f6b365⋯.png (48.68 KB, 800x409, 800:409, Screenshot_2019-07-22-11-2….png)


Ezra means "help"

Ezra means "strong vision"


11b7f0  No.7132750

File: 58ee0576d1cd8f0⋯.jpeg (85.47 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 1563812330.jpeg)

2367e1  No.7132751

File: 5c9983480b8af9f⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, BA0BD281-D2E1-4011-B70F-EA….png)

File: 39a6950959b498b⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, DDD561F0-BEBE-4D10-BFF9-A9….png)

File: 1f343459b46b1f2⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 5814154A-60A5-4D07-A05F-FC….png)

File: 31fdde33d8986f5⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 192DD1C7-EE79-4021-A897-9B….png)

File: 9eb2c9cf8a031eb⋯.png (471.3 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 18FC7CC0-04F6-4529-A55C-3F….png)


THIS. I posted it this morning but Baker didn’t catch it. Iran spies thing is a Q productions part of the movie.

9f18de  No.7132753

File: f86821a2d1f394e⋯.png (156.78 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Oct 1 was the date of the Las Vegas shooting. The threads about Las Vegas shooting are where Q first started posting if I remember correctly.

260365  No.7132754


The keeper on the Q watch is in a fixed position close to the clasp. The one the great American Patriot is wearing has the keepers further away from the clasp. Therefore it can’t be the same watch. (I think Q is pointing to Q+ in the reflection)

ec0c45  No.7132755

Holy Shit this Movie is GOOD!!! Better then Avengers and GOT put together!!!

6edf40  No.7132756

File: 3a7390e6e9188f2⋯.jpg (412.7 KB, 800x920, 20:23, pepefreedom.jpg)

2fcdfb  No.7132757

File: b05680cbcedd668⋯.jpg (98.4 KB, 500x480, 25:24, MAGA 2.0.jpg)

File: 90e5abfed071ee1⋯.png (847.06 KB, 1015x767, 1015:767, Screenshot_20190604-161659….png)

Trump is changing the entire population demographic in America

Trump's border disaster is at epic proportions.

No wall

Didn't stop illegal immigration

Didn't tax remittances

Free ObamaPhone

E-Verify not enforced

Eligible for entitlements

Free Obamacare

Record amounts coming in the USA

DACA is still on the table

News flash: illegals are having more anchor babies every year in America than American citizens are.

America is actually being overrun on Trump's watch.

e1819a  No.7132758

File: efd29be619bab50⋯.jpg (473.54 KB, 1080x1019, 1080:1019, Screenshot_20190722-092758….jpg)

Q can you go throat punch Eye The Spy.

I don't trust that fag at all.

566486  No.7132759

File: 8aadcc379c23b50⋯.png (115.85 KB, 457x268, 457:268, Sodom aka America 23908509….png)


For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Ti 3:2–4).

f58621  No.7132760



>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ——— (Cap: >>7132128 with vid)


>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ————————— (Cap: >>7132128 with vid)

6dd93b  No.7132761

File: bd0b8980ca03030⋯.png (201.84 KB, 258x350, 129:175, coup plotter chuck todd.PNG)

File: ea3d4671dc77efb⋯.png (131.65 KB, 486x285, 162:95, media treason 1.PNG)

File: 19adf41089adf3f⋯.png (330.73 KB, 456x256, 57:32, media treason 2.PNG)

File: 5d1e461d61fbfbe⋯.png (377 KB, 475x353, 475:353, andrea mitchell snotty 1.PNG)

e7e761  No.7132762

File: 76040da637c2c1d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 703x1440, 703:1440, ClipboardImage.png)


7442ec  No.7132763

File: ca8c209399882e3⋯.png (723.49 KB, 1200x633, 400:211, e21639541b7f3f88902d71c1f1….png)

e2fc71  No.7132764

File: 6bec16cfa0a630d⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 7e53283330d9ed97884fc6bd68….jpg)

Shills attempt emotional responses. If they cannot make you be emotional, they will attempt to evoke an emotional response from the general public that comes here.

Programming requires a replacing of logic, programming requires the brain be shut down and a predetermined response be inserted.

Use logic.

Use reason.

Ask why you're mad. Ask why you are upset. Ask why you are disturbed.

Then ask why they want you to be in this state.

Now dig. Dig into them. They want you in mental servitude.

Be their gom jabbar.


8956a5  No.7132765


this anon is listening, what did they do to you?

4fbe2b  No.7132766

File: dc80f41462c4a1c⋯.jpeg (52.5 KB, 812x559, 812:559, 7A7C89E4-CB25-49A8-9B96-9….jpeg)

9e0477  No.7132767

File: f6443cd8e0c5b1a⋯.png (15.64 KB, 606x271, 606:271, ClipboardImage.png)


NEWS: The U.S. Army is engaged in a mysterious operation around Washington, D.C.


b18333  No.7132769

File: 83e546b1f8a7e2a⋯.jpg (93.32 KB, 728x724, 182:181, bbb.jpg)


very .

84561c  No.7132771

It is alleged that Cohen-Watnick inadvertently identified reports suggesting that members of Trump's campaign team had been subjected to incidental surveillance by the United States intelligence community, as part of an unrelated review of privacy procedures.[11][12] This information was passed on to Chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes.


dc918c  No.7132772


All out of bubblegum.

2367e1  No.7132773

File: 759cd4ba560e3b7⋯.png (502.95 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 6C5916F8-CA79-43BD-AB23-67….png)

File: e085be8d814bd2d⋯.png (544.67 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 87BAEFB0-D1A6-4180-9A13-58….png)

File: d3f6bf13c69db42⋯.png (617.13 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 390A0830-2630-46C2-8C04-C0….png)

File: 2e79a63d2bbf668⋯.png (477.84 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 7831C493-85E8-4D83-B62A-BD….png)

File: f0cbc0eeb613ef7⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 7DF833E3-D8A8-404A-98C4-89….png)


Cont’d. Please nominate kek.


4e1add  No.7132774




ddb70c  No.7132775


Yes, I get it, still curious tho

abadd9  No.7132776


Flood detected. Post discarded

WTF does that mean?

anyone else getting that when trying to post to Q?

3d701d  No.7132777

File: 0d911a278d8cbd3⋯.jpg (587.83 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, kibble.jpg)


365e06  No.7132778

File: 62723ae9b7e7549⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, 62723ae9b7e7549869daf16f67….gif)


Another smart Millennial steps into the fray!


a6af41  No.7132779


I’m the 4th. Watch out. Maybe we can talk to Noah.

4cec0f  No.7132780

File: faa98c89faebcf3⋯.png (197.27 KB, 383x886, 383:886, Screenshot_2019-07-22 QMAP….png)

Two days ahead of schedule.

675bd4  No.7132781

File: 7e7cc5b6c17b1d9⋯.png (467.29 KB, 811x764, 811:764, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)

moar on Ezra:

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the National Security Council’s former senior director for intelligence had previously commented that the White House intended to use American spies to “regime change” the Iranian government.

With that objective in mind, in June new CIA Director Mike Pompeo created a special Iran combined task force under Michael D’Andrea, nicknamed the Dark Prince or Mike Ayatollah, a controversial but highly regarded Middle East specialist who is himself a convert to Islam.

D’Andrea has reportedly been very active, but reconstituting a network takes time and is, of necessity, work done carefully and methodically.

Pompeo, in his desire to relearn old fashioned spying and covert action, has more recently announced that the Agency will be working to recover its “viciousness,” but it is presumably not there yet.


8d507c  No.7132782


That only happens to newfags.

496b14  No.7132783


How does that LARP have 72K followers?

Sheep no more!

7d5728  No.7132784


CTRL+F5 is your freind.

6edf40  No.7132785

File: bb121c4e974c980⋯.jpg (194.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, enjoy.jpg)


Is this the week to remember?

4c735d  No.7132786

File: 55be7b57c88e849⋯.jpg (66 KB, 567x378, 3:2, tweetsmatter.jpg)

7ec369  No.7132787

File: 344a51582980f47⋯.png (843.98 KB, 671x900, 671:900, ClipboardImage.png)

db6344  No.7132788

Allow Brain Scan [Yes/No]

Q Virus Detected

<Deleting Virus>

ca79b0  No.7132789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blackhawks are protecting Washington Post from Mike Pompeo's wrath?

WP can suck a bad of moldy dicks!

I don't ever want to piss that man off!

84561c  No.7132790


if you reply too many times (I think in a short window) you get slammed for trying to flood a post.

8a8ca8  No.7132791


Lots of Chinese hijinks at the port. Drugs, guns, people, pregnant women, the works. Trump drove them out.

ff9746  No.7132792


Posting more than once to same post will trigger that message.

c13400  No.7132794

File: ee529817a338348⋯.png (491.92 KB, 1000x1262, 500:631, wayne.png)


f58621  No.7132795

>>7132595 ————————————–——– Ezra Cohen-Watnick

a185c4  No.7132796


Thank you sir. Bring the pain.

7d5d42  No.7132797

File: 6bef8c6433504d4⋯.jpg (29.03 KB, 412x514, 206:257, 14793796_10154755091174756….jpg)

File: 6aafda11f5dbd1a⋯.jpg (69.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FB_IMG_1559885427336.jpg)


>"hurr he ruin my life"

<"I know, instead of fixing my problems and moving on, im gonna post the word "kike" on an anonymous Mongolian underwater basket-weaving forum." That will prove him right !"

Jfc look at yourself

f0d541  No.7132798

File: 28267d0bae05aec⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 272x320, 17:20, 20190722_063040.jpg)

67503d  No.7132799

File: db9bec5eadcfe43⋯.png (1.56 MB, 750x1144, 375:572, epstein_grotto.png)


That's what I thought, and I remember seeing a clearer picture of what looked like an archway leading into the rock beside that platform.

It was blocked with rocks but not completely.

This is a blurry version of it.

It's not there any more. It's as though the natural rock of the cliff has been replaced with fresh natural stone.

fc77dc  No.7132800


I have high hopes for this week! Godspeed Qteam

8a8ca8  No.7132801


Jesus = God, and is worthy of all worship.

9e0477  No.7132802

File: 31253f5ac2f6423⋯.png (999.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



‏ @tribunal_watch

54s55 seconds ago


Black Hawk copters working on ‘EMERGING CLASSIFIED’ mission:


This is NOT A GAME!!

Nothing can stop what is coming!!


#DECLAS coming this week!

[Mueller] countermove

It's time…

Are you prepared?

Are you ready?


8956a5  No.7132803


it will be ok shill. GOD WINS

no matter what the turn out, we will all be with god/allah in the end.

Jesus is the only way to GOD

not muhammed, not budda, not any other way.

566486  No.7132804

File: 5b0db02fc6a5c59⋯.png (92.83 KB, 290x286, 145:143, Sodom aka America 23485098….png)


84561c  No.7132805


because people are simple-minded and they need someone to tell them how to think.

d736ac  No.7132806


You do not remember correctly.

4e1add  No.7132807


It is very important that you reformat your hard drive. You have the newfag virus. Very dangerous.

149a92  No.7132808

File: c9df3a2f52b0945⋯.jpeg (29.38 KB, 384x480, 4:5, 8BB7C76E-F6B0-45F6-9B3D-1….jpeg)

8a8ca8  No.7132809


>You are (were) one of us. Why do this to yourself?

Get used to Team satan losing, a lot, and then forever.

f9c858  No.7132810


don't worry about CTA until he stops posting

6f8d80  No.7132811

File: 19a4d3e06bb6184⋯.png (111.14 KB, 2550x2886, 425:481, Qanon_1.png)

7442ec  No.7132812

File: f929ecc7ab5c98d⋯.jpg (8.27 KB, 231x218, 231:218, images.jpg)



The Pentagon has revealed a few details about a secret Army mission that has Black Hawk helicopters flying missions over the Washington, D.C., area backed by active-duty and reserve soldiers.

ec0c45  No.7132813


Why are you shilling me…go shill off somewhere else, if you are not helping then you are in the way…piss off …filtered.

a91c97  No.7132814

File: 65012b143f5be02⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 400x384, 25:24, bidens12.jpg)


Digits confirm!

Over the target!

11058d  No.7132815

File: 4e8dbb450a37e59⋯.png (120.89 KB, 604x516, 151:129, 1535447135143.png)

fb43be  No.7132816


Another Night Shift anon dropping it to lurk. Love the Night Shift, always a comfy time with my Night Shift frens! See you in about 10 hours fren.

62cbff  No.7132817

Anyone noticed how Praying Medic gets the first comment after a Q post on the link. That’s good. He breaks things down into bite sized chunks my mom can understand.

Back off haters. He’s good for the movement

765e25  No.7132818


Mr. Cohen-Watnick served briefly at the start of the Trump administration as the senior director for intelligence for the National Security Council, overseeing covert action and other intelligence programs. He was brought on by Michael Flynn


7ec369  No.7132819

File: 2be24c52fa6fe62⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1874x1808, 937:904, ClipboardImage.png)

4fbe2b  No.7132820


Where do the ayyylmaos come from?

8d507c  No.7132821


She requires the next size up anon… this one won't do.

b5aa70  No.7132822


If they divorce, they lose their protections as married people. Remember, they were getting divorced then did an abrupt about face…

They are stuck together, till death do they part, hahaha…

ca2f1f  No.7132823

Was William Bar piloting that B-2 bomber?

4c2730  No.7132824

File: 5d9b0c0299b7939⋯.jpg (31.68 KB, 380x514, 190:257, Q576.JPG)


>Cohen-Watnick inadvertently

8a8ca8  No.7132825


Pretty good negotiation stance. "No Deals" before people even think they need a deal. Then they have to bring more to the table, and accept less, because "No Deals" was the starting point.

cb0426  No.7132826

File: 6066fd94c4046f9⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 284x470, 142:235, human-skeleton-sitting-in-….jpg)




64e35e  No.7132827


See Q post 2614, 1/5/19 :


46fd41  No.7132828

File: ae47fbc15875566⋯.png (669.23 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e697eb267385084⋯.png (9.58 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bed555f4704177⋯.png (13.23 KB, 110x110, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The Watch Time is: 4:49

Searched: 4:49

One search result: (DAEMON Tools Lite 4.49.1)

(DAEMON Tools Lite) - (Daemon - variation of = Demon)

→ Purported to Defeat Copyright Encryptions.


DAEMON Tools is a virtual drive and optical disc authoring program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. DAEMON tools was originally a successor of Generic SafeDisc emulator and incorporated all of its features. The program claims to be able to defeat most copy protection schemes such as SafeDisc and SecuROM.

Subsidiary of: (Disc Soft Ltd.) ← Who is (Behind) Disc Soft Ltd.?

→ Could Not find ANY background details of any substance on this company.

* Origin? → Need Moar detail than just:

The team of expert developers

working on various software, network and mobile solutions

Our history started in early 2000s from the product for virtual drive emulation known all over the world. Now we provide about 10 exceptional applications to work with drives, disks, encrypted and compressed files as well as with mobile backups and network storage.

* Founders?

* Current Owners?


Found Nothing.

Bueller, Bueller?



Anons moar tech-savvy than myself → any sauce?

Was Q possibly pointing to some shenanigans with:

(DAEMON Tools Lite 4.49.1)?

As In → Trojan Horse Software?





165bda  No.7132829


Lllllllllloser! Always on the wrong side of every issue. Low IQ post. Every. Single. Time.

7d5728  No.7132830


>Jesus is the only way to GOD


>not muhammed

Mohammed actually States that all of the Christ's teachings are valid.

But that part is never brought up by the extremists.

8a8ca8  No.7132831

File: 88b90d519b1165c⋯.png (823.65 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

4e1add  No.7132832


Great way to get women voters to the GOP

31431f  No.7132833

File: e2bd684b2e1eea8⋯.png (677.89 KB, 887x509, 887:509, ClipboardImage.png)



Likely most activity does right now.

63789c  No.7132834

File: 6332e9a4fdb3bc5⋯.jpg (217.64 KB, 1920x929, 1920:929, Untitled.jpg)

Looks like the British Royal Air Force has a few toys out for a joy ride today

faeab5  No.7132835

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

Ban me for exposing your psyop

If i stay banned children will die

a7d452  No.7132836


He can eat Acostas creampie

6f8d80  No.7132837

File: fc24bae6969e88a⋯.png (1.51 MB, 800x1051, 800:1051, qhash-cutouts.png)

File: b6c51a21c53330b⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q-hashdrop2_LETTER_PRINT.png)


Print 'em Out, Leave 'em Around Town!

edf26b  No.7132838

Aaaaaaand my hope boner is gone.

Q's hope porn just doesn't keep me as hard for as long as it used to.


509161  No.7132839

aa8e54  No.7132840


SR's watch has the kind of buckle that his a small metal price (I don't know the proper name for it) that pokes through the strap. You can see it in the 5th pic. The one in the Q pic uses (I think) friction from a clamping force generated when the clasp is closed.

b210bf  No.7132841


Man, my late father spent a big chunk of his career (as I found out much later, when things were declassified) on the Nighthawk, and I have yet to see one in the air.

Pancreatic cancer got him.

He loved what he did, honored his oath from 1956+, and was a true patriot.

So were our ancestors, service in every war.

Jamestown, Huguenots in Charleston, Coffin family in Nantucket, RevWar veterans with land grants all over the South.

Wish I could do more for this republic.


f8e97b  No.7132842

File: 8a57878f6103fa0⋯.png (57.22 KB, 1027x297, 1027:297, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93ebe61896cb53d⋯.png (38.49 KB, 1035x207, 5:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1adea39d9df1a5f⋯.png (60.29 KB, 481x569, 481:569, ClipboardImage.png)


Re Q 3131 [Correction on previous posts where referred to Q post 3313 by mistake.]

Anons have dug up the address of an Epstein property. It is listed with a St Thomas address.

Ownership: Cypress Inc.

Address: Port of Sale, 9100 Havensight, Ste 15/16, St Thomas, VI 0082

This is in direct proximity with a large harbor which is in Long Bay. Possibly this is the LB in LBP of 'Q 3313?

In that harbor is a mega yacht marina that would readily accommodate a super yacht the size of The Lady Ghislaine.

Yacht Haven Grande


Yacht Haven Grande - St. Thomas

Max Length: 656' (200m), Max Beam: No Restrictions, Max Draft: 25' (7.6m), 46 Megayacht Berths.

That marina is part of a large network of such facilities around the world. See next link.

IGY Marinas


There are other marinas nearby but none so convenient to the Havensight postal address.

Other marinas near Charlotte Amalie - Long Bay


Pt 4

152e6e  No.7132843


2nd mention of Ezra Cohen-Watnik

>>437 11-9-18


relevant portion of post:



>What is the advantage of having a ‘temp’ (‘acting’) in a leadership position?


“The appointment itself, on 21 July, triggered a shake-up at the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his hiring.” —Mission Successful

>Laser designator(s) locked on target(s)

>Who was assigned directly to SESSIONS by POTUS?

>Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]?

>NAT SEC ADVISOR TO SESSIONS [counterintelligence and counterterrorism]?

>Who briefed NUNES on classified intel re: HUSSEIN spy campaign v. POTUS?


>Who briefed Goodlatte & Gowdy on classified intel re: DOJ & FBI?

a2bd65  No.7132844

File: 117665f34f4997f⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 5ace79be146e711d008b45f5-7….jpg)


Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick is the national security adviser to United States Attorney General and a former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the United States National Security Council

Cohen-Watnick gained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 2008 and then reportedly worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence after graduation.[2][3] Before joining the White House, Cohen-Watnick worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), beginning in 2010, where he served in Miami, Haiti, Virginia and Afghanistan.[4] Cohen-Watnick was accepted into the training program for the Defense Clandestine Service.

Cohen-Watnick underwent training at Camp Peary (commonly known as "The Farm"), where he was trained by the Central Intelligence Agency.He was assigned to Afghanistan, with a GS-13 rank. He was temporarily assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency Headquarters in 2014. Cohen-Watnick left the DIA for the NSC on 20 January 2017

In April 2018, he rejoined the Trump administration in the Department of Justice, advising Attorney General Sessions on counterterrorism and counterintelligence


a7d452  No.7132845

File: 0425ef949f5042b⋯.png (309.02 KB, 633x352, 633:352, bill barr weaving spiders ….png)

ce6512  No.7132846

File: 4345fdc0985cb52⋯.png (22.34 KB, 1152x320, 18:5, www_crazydaysandnights_net.png)

f33b31  No.7132847

File: 3542ec2e768e2d0⋯.png (613 B, 300x158, 150:79, US_Sons_OfLiberty_9Stripes….png)

2795b7  No.7132848

File: 4e3114b2f0cf43a⋯.png (607.15 KB, 1582x972, 791:486, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)

Bill Clinton

Ghislane Maxwell

same flight ???

bb9078  No.7132849

File: ca8c209399882e3⋯.png (723.49 KB, 1200x633, 400:211, e21639541b7f3f88902d71c1f1….png)

ec0c45  No.7132850

File: 7603e2f654130a0⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, President drain it.jpg)

File: 87d18facebcdc8c⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 233x255, 233:255, gold Q.jpg)

File: bb724dd5e9535ea⋯.jpg (191.53 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Q.jpg)

0d3241  No.7132851


That is why every good ET contact is done after cleaning, preparation, meditation and having a sincere wish.

You can screw everything up if you are not a stable spiritual individual, as you sadly keep proving to us through your posts.

6470f8  No.7132852

File: 39710f5a71e4a66⋯.png (240.18 KB, 901x531, 901:531, cohen.PNG)


>Ezra Cohen-Watnick

050b74  No.7132853

File: bc60e7a89316f12⋯.jpg (171.97 KB, 666x500, 333:250, lion stars 1.jpg)

The SUN enters LEO today.

8d507c  No.7132854


Until DS faggot McMasters pushed him out…. or, was that all part of the plan? Fuck this movie is complex as fuck.

4cec0f  No.7132855

File: 188c6c036f095bd⋯.png (14.65 KB, 639x172, 639:172, Screenshot_2019-07-22 Dona….png)

File: ceefc40de7f6ee4⋯.png (32.55 KB, 379x643, 379:643, Screenshot_2019-07-22 QMAP….png)

Two days ahead of schedule. Coincidence?

faeab5  No.7132856

Youve taken everything from me Q

Except one thing

My power to make my problems other peoples

Either let me post or i will kill multiple innocent


8a8ca8  No.7132857


Without the fear of the LORD, there is no beginning of wisdom, only occult nonsense designed to enslave, entrap, and damn you.

dcfcab  No.7132858

File: 3551c2dd3124abb⋯.jpg (141.67 KB, 1024x979, 1024:979, muellercomey2.jpg)

File: 965c297acbb2443⋯.jpg (347.58 KB, 1068x800, 267:200, mueller-cartoon-ben-garris….jpg)

>>7132551 pb

>>7132581 pb

>>7132602 pb

>>7132638 pb

>>7132642 pb

Shill squad still at it.

Still trying to claim through sophisticated BS argument that Mueller works for POTUS

Now what would be the motive for that?

Mueller and bloodthirsty Comey are lovers.

They aren't in cahoots with POTUS

Creeps push so hard on that.

And those shills never show up to reflect on anything else.

Never respond to the obvious "q team" posts which call out their disinfo.

Fake Astroturf

So tiring.

a12981  No.7132859

File: 5abf5e7b44f625b⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1030x1208, 515:604, Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at ….png)

And when nothing happens this week, like nothing has happened in the previous 100 weeks, you fags will make up even more excuses to defend your delusion. Things are happening, but Q has nothing to do with it. You are being played. It's a sign of low IQ. Kind of like calling everyone that disagrees with you a shill or antisemite. Stay stupid fags.

faeab5  No.7132860

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

a0b950  No.7132861



why am I inclined to think those tanks and apc's from the July 4th parade are still in DC?

slick move by POTUS

faeab5  No.7132862

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate firsth

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

396a65  No.7132863


highly notable

5def57  No.7132864


who runs first


dc swampssees


Knowwhere = No Where to run; to hide - NOTHING

622428  No.7132865



c83da7  No.7132866

File: 49bf0c8051aabbe⋯.png (308.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6E9FE7B4-AF76-4D48-8A22-E7….png)


POTUS calls it fake.

Fake news desperately digging to prove it’s true.

faeab5  No.7132867


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

0d3241  No.7132868


You don't need fear to experience Love, dear.

59ba44  No.7132869

File: 07c0d056ebf4987⋯.png (83.4 KB, 933x713, 933:713, ClipboardImage.png)


4.4M near Twentynine Palms CA


ea76af  No.7132870

File: ca760d8bd518e75⋯.png (51.13 KB, 230x255, 46:51, Messages Image(808313427).png)

8e62d4  No.7132871


Anon you’re making me hard. I’ve been trying to tell people this for a while now and I get shit on. Like I said, U1 would’ve happened regardless if Mueller was FBI Director or not. I’m sure it’s a coincidence he’s close friends with Barr. Yea I do not trust Mueller at all, but he is most def under control. How long did POTUS meet with him again before assigning him to the Russia Investigation?

db6344  No.7132872

File: 62ea68fa5741151⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1018x1212, 509:606, ClipboardImage.png)

277e8c  No.7132873

File: 7161564aba2d35d⋯.jpg (115.72 KB, 510x663, 10:13, trump_boom_bitches_2.jpg)


Hi, Q. Guess it's no coincidence that I was "dismissed" from a job on Saturday to be here TODAY. WWG1WGA!

6edf40  No.7132874

File: f8a56b1d58395a6⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 716x388, 179:97, fakenews.jpg)

faeab5  No.7132875

You monsters have ruined me forever

If i cant post here i will hurt people

There is no heaven and they would hate me anyways

6f8d80  No.7132876

File: 05bbfcafc5ca74b⋯.jpg (921.21 KB, 800x799, 800:799, DIG.jpg)



What was WJC's whereabouts on friday?


2fcdfb  No.7132877

File: 32f2c7bd6adf6e5⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 180x320, 9:16, 32f2c7bd6adf6e5615f468bc97….mp4)



WWG1WGA is CIA control tactic to keep keyboard warriors thinking they are part of the team.

Dummy here's your WWG1WGA in America.

America is a tribal country.

In the future white's will have to lock and load.

3cf1c0  No.7132878


File name DmHGy2xVsAAMr8k.jpg comes from:


97f351  No.7132879

File: 07a048ad0ee6a21⋯.jpeg (153.04 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, B0B9C963-AA6F-4C47-8BB8-9….jpeg)

faeab5  No.7132880

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishj

c32f67  No.7132881

The VALUE of this board!!! I check in for a peek throughout the day…just wanted to let you guys know how grateful I am for qrb …Thank You!

149a92  No.7132882

File: 02be764357c034d⋯.jpeg (20.64 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 09AD348B-36FC-485D-819E-0….jpeg)

bf2f84  No.7132883

Dilapidated truck is still Dilapidated.

Criminal Local Leadership still Criminal.

Taxes and Utilities Going up.

This Movie needs some Comic Relief.

Here's some Criminals:


Here's us paying for them:


5e2de3  No.7132884

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)


Weenshtine boy plays hockey? A goalie, eh?

I don't see goalie gear so it must be a Lundqvist signed goalie stick.

135f21  No.7132885

File: 74e903c9f9a314b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 951x903, 317:301, 7675123407393234986.png)



15b54d  No.7132886

Does the Hammam Yalbugha plan show the layout of Little St James underground?


faeab5  No.7132887

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishkk

37c16c  No.7132888

I was looking for similar missions in D.C. nothing there… And the Media isn´t covering it, like "Trump the dictator has done… blah blah blah"

What the hell is going on?

84561c  No.7132889


>Now what would be the motive for that?

So he doesn't get sentenced to death by gassing?

566486  No.7132890

File: 9ec384101f0f7fd⋯.png (880.46 KB, 1035x1206, 115:134, Sodom aka America 34285820….png)

faeab5  No.7132891

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishhg

f33b31  No.7132892

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

165bda  No.7132893


Just retarded. Retards dont get banned

faeab5  No.7132894


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

8ec02c  No.7132895

File: 48fe5102b4cca39⋯.png (99.37 KB, 685x578, 685:578, ff1.PNG)


Flash Flood ( FF ) Warning in DC effective 3:00 p.m.

050b74  No.7132896

File: a0287db37ac430e⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 720x697, 720:697, trump majority.jpg)

File: be97f0451fb3b5a⋯.jpg (133.57 KB, 1242x942, 207:157, trump lion flag.jpg)

WWG1WGA !!!!

e729ed  No.7132897

File: c41a1a0cc59252c⋯.jpg (676.05 KB, 1318x912, 659:456, the-evolutionary-tree-of-r….jpg)

a91c97  No.7132898

File: 3cfeaa8b2573e86⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 500x518, 250:259, this-again.jpg)

aed24d  No.7132899

File: 8193497ea45431b⋯.png (1.51 KB, 311x29, 311:29, ClipboardImage.png)



faeab5  No.7132900


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

5d3a88  No.7132901

President Donald Trump personally ordered the Department of Justice to hire a former White House official who departed after he was caught up in a controversy over the release of intelligence material to a member of Congress, according to people familiar with the matter.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who was forced out of the National Security Council last year, will advise Attorney General Jeff Sessions on national security matters. He left the White House in August for a job at Oracle Corp. following reports that he had shown House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes classified documents. Bloomberg 4/11/18

8d507c  No.7132902


Flagged for being a dumbshit

0d4cb6  No.7132903

File: a6369babbabe056⋯.jpeg (7.48 KB, 711x711, 1:1, B7C295DF-8545-4C29-97AE-1….jpeg)

9e877b  No.7132904


And all on your watch.

cbb9e6  No.7132905


Who is this?

Well, that is a famefag named Dataman.

Who instead of dropping the Bloomberg article for anons, made it a point to drop his Twitter and say “Who is this” — and look he got Qed!!

Nothing but a famefag — or is he? The moar you know!! Someone wants followers on Twitter? Who does this sound like, Kate? Be careful who you follow!

ea76af  No.7132906


didn't say it was 'Fake' per se, he said they weren't 'Captured'

Zero Truth"The report of Iran capturing CIA spies is totally false. Zero truth," Trump said. "Just more lies and propaganda (like their shot down drone) put out by a religious regime that is badly failing and has no idea what to do. Their economy is dead, and will get much worse. Iran is a total mess."


faeab5  No.7132907

Wow god must love me so much

Thats why he made my entire life a nightmare and then as icing on the shit cake he lets the demons behind this ruin it even more

8a8ca8  No.7132908


Hey Ezra!

050b74  No.7132909

File: 9538a43b9a0a693⋯.jpg (190.43 KB, 1646x692, 823:346, trump_lion.jpg)

File: 8d58e04c1fc144c⋯.jpg (29.43 KB, 389x521, 389:521, trump-lion5.jpg)

8956a5  No.7132910



ahh alien abductee it seems, well welcome to the world. we all have been screwed one way or another. its life. but the choice to spam this board is yours. we have chosen another path. you should join us. we are family. <3

aa8e54  No.7132911


He has been my top theory for who you are.

Someone should ask ECW, "Are you Q?"

3d701d  No.7132912

File: 81811023877b9e5⋯.jpg (349.98 KB, 800x798, 400:399, playing.jpg)

faeab5  No.7132913

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery firsth

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

67e7d6  No.7132914

File: 455f313c4029784⋯.png (168.55 KB, 827x476, 827:476, Comey report coming.png)


Comey report coming?


If you bake it, he will crumb

0d3454  No.7132915

"Pizza" thought, speculative…

Cutting flesh into triangles with the subQtaneous tissue still attached and then cooked and consumed, does resemble "pizza."

Any thoughts as to the veracity of my theory fellow anons?

faeab5  No.7132916


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

6c3269  No.7132917

File: df09737d091c20a⋯.jpeg (195.61 KB, 1110x1276, 555:638, IMG_3313.jpeg)

File: cd4ca82e45bd5df⋯.jpeg (205.83 KB, 1125x1441, 1125:1441, IMG_3314.jpeg)

File: 530c75832df2a0f⋯.jpeg (293.98 KB, 1125x1728, 125:192, IMG_3316.jpeg)


P=C? Palmero = Capaccio ?

Could the P=C be the seats, of chairs of Mafia and Cabal Power?

Is another Op in progress in Italy?

+++Look at DC - Don't look at Capaccio?+++

ea76af  No.7132918


welcome back, targetedanon, get checked for weaponized lyme disease yet?

faeab5  No.7132919


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

11058d  No.7132920

File: eedecda1bb5b16e⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 1180x1200, 59:60, 1534470944011.jpg)

ca79b0  No.7132921

File: 24749d982df01d8⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 900x1033, 900:1033, beginner-kite-kit-5-kite-t….jpg)


You can't even spell Kite!

64fbcc  No.7132922

File: 7e7985b49ca055b⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB, 750x1044, 125:174, 466CAEE1-622A-4145-B9C5-4….jpeg)

File: 6bfd98c3e853dc0⋯.jpeg (33.06 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3B5C7DAC-32FE-4EDA-AF45-1….jpeg)

File: e62fe684fbcdd64⋯.jpeg (94.23 KB, 945x475, 189:95, 7AFE1228-88B4-4BBD-AA61-D….jpeg)

File: e1b22d74ea291c2⋯.jpeg (114.22 KB, 562x842, 281:421, EB233BE4-E2F9-4B35-9A40-9….jpeg)

8a8ca8  No.7132923


Cabal worships satan. If you're surprised "biblefags" stand against that, you don't think rationally.

165bda  No.7132924


You should learn to read. It might help you

6d900c  No.7132925


>>7132834 Planefag update

>>7132626, >>7132699, >>7132766 Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick is the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions

>>7132625, >>7132718 Planefag?

>>7132562, >>7132589 Anthony Weiner moves back in with Huma Abedin (shtf time?)

>>7132557 The Great Garrison Flag

>>7132549 Former StarCraft 2 Pro, Commentator Geoff 'iNcontroL' Robinson Dies At 33

>>7132529 Q vid!


63683f  No.7132926


DOITQ! WWG1WGA UKPatriots are with you.

67e7d6  No.7132927



Ezra probably spied on Comey's spy.

fac275  No.7132928


a0ddb7  No.7132929

File: e31b4db49dbfbca⋯.png (1.43 MB, 888x902, 444:451, ClipboardImage.png)

6efe0c  No.7132930


Bot accounts.

All of it.

faeab5  No.7132931

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate firstkkk

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishj

1446e9  No.7132932

File: 41d37542a09339e⋯.png (495.27 KB, 833x633, 833:633, pepe trading for anons.PNG)

File: ae91710c964161f⋯.jpg (229.08 KB, 2724x1816, 3:2, bunge.jpg)

File: 1c1c84b2983990a⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 560x355, 112:71, fishy_smell_04.jpg)

Bunge and BP team up for Brazil sugar and ethanol venture

U.S. commodities trader Bunge Ltd (BG.N) and British energy company BP Plc (BP.L) said on Monday they will merge their Brazilian sugar and ethanol operations to create the world’s third-largest sugarcane processor.

The joint venture is the largest deal in Brazil’s bioenergy sector since Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) joined forces with Cosan (CSAN3.SA) to form industry leader Raízen in 2011.

Together, Bunge and BP will manage 11 cane processing plants in Brazil, with capacity to crush 32 million tonnes of cane per year, putting them behind just Raízen and Biosev, controlled by commodities trader Louis Dreyfus.

The deal gives BP a key role in Brazil’s booming ethanol market ahead of a new federal policy next year aimed at boosting use of biofuels, which are used interchangeably with gasoline in Brazilian passenger cars.

“Brazil is the Saudi Arabia of biofuel,” BP’s head of Alternative Energy, Dev Sanyal, told Reuters. He added that the new venture was cash-flow positive.

Bunge said it will receive cash proceeds of $775 million as part of the agreement, which it expects to use to cut debt.

Bunge shares opened up more than 3% in New York before reducing gains to 1.8%. BP rose 0.7% in London.

The U.S.-based company has tried to sell its sugar operation in Brazil in the past with no success. It then tried listing shares of the unit in Sao Paulo last year, but canceled the plan, citing adverse market conditions.

Bunge sold its sugar trading business to Wilmar International Ltd in August. Its bioenergy unit posted losses in five of the past six quarters and the company forecast results for the unit would be roughly break-even in 2019.

“This partnership with BP represents a major portfolio optimization milestone for Bunge which allows us to reduce our current exposure to sugar milling,” Bunge CEO Gregory Heckman said in a statement.

Market conditions have improved for ethanol in Brazil, with strong demand and better prices, but the global sugar market remains challenging. SBc1

“I think the companies together will be able to have large synergies, there will be great optimization of resources and cost reductions,” said Arnaldo Corrêa, a sugar and ethanol consultant in Brazil.

“It is great news for the sector, because the deal creates a much stronger player. All those worries about the future of Bunge’s assets disappeared,” he added.

The joint venture, named BP Bunge Bioenergia, will operate on a standalone basis, headquartered in Sao Paulo. Besides sugar and ethanol, the company has capacity to produce electricity fueled by waste biomass from sugarcane.

“The new company will certainly focus on fuel and electricity, which will have a growing importance as Brazil’s economy recovers,” said Plinio Nastari, chief analyst at Brazilian consultancy Datagro.

The deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2019.


Bunge is certainly not one to trust as they have been responsible for MUCH fukery for decades:

Bunge Had Doubts About Allied in'62


Strike halts production at Bunge's French oilseed factory


US food giant Bunge accused over biofuel 'tainted with Indian blood'..


Bunge Denies Links to Hungary Fraud, U.S. Travel Bans


8956a5  No.7132933

faeab5  No.7132934


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishj

8d507c  No.7132935


Guess that whole can't testify against your spouse thing is gonna get tested in court soon.

0e63f1  No.7132936

File: ed9825a8f044aa5⋯.jpg (9.66 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, epstein steps.jpg)

c9a1eb  No.7132937

File: c4511c773d6a95a⋯.jpg (130.24 KB, 456x600, 19:25, Dog of War.jpg)


Set them free…

6edf40  No.7132938

File: 5ac58ec6c736c30⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 592x432, 37:27, iu.jpg)

e0e2de  No.7132939

File: f642dbe917c95bd⋯.jpg (4.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_20190722_123228.jpg)


A couple of patches in my collection.

Possibly sideways. Sorry. Phonefaggin

3d52f1  No.7132940

File: 96de9bcd01d063b⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 1274x886, 637:443, 3b30b4836292469c27ac1db1b8….jpg)

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

>Why do we need a SCIF at Ft Belvoir??

9e0477  No.7132941


‏ @tribunal_watch

3m3 minutes ago

Get used to this name…

Ezra Cohen-Watnick

(born May 18, 1986)

National security adviser to United States Attorney General.

Former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the United States National Security Council (NSC).

We are the news now!

1d4c8d  No.7132942

File: 52284f38233fa06⋯.jpeg (27.51 KB, 600x200, 3:1, AD06480D-13B7-44E1-BF55-6….jpeg)

File: 00004e6630b5759⋯.jpeg (60.24 KB, 640x592, 40:37, D9D58904-9EFA-48A0-AD39-4….jpeg)

File: f21fc6443ba3b97⋯.png (655.67 KB, 709x864, 709:864, 4AB0119C-CF44-453D-B550-78….png)


Prepare to help the wounded.

Many will be abruptly awakened to reality.

We who are awake must help them.


We ARE love.

We ARE America.



As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy

“Uh… we've made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input."

"The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little… old fashioned?"

"With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned.” -


We need to return to the old fashioned beliefs that Truth, Liberty, and Justice will prevail!

Have faith and #TrustThePlan

The overwhelming crimes against humanity perpetuated through their sick cult of power, deception, death, and destruction has decidedly changed their endgame from a one world government to a world for #WeThePeople.

For the first time in our history, the evil sins of the cabal will not only take their material wealth, but expose their plans, wake up humanity, and change forever the path from darkness to light for our world and our children.


Thank you and WE LOVE YOU President Trump, the Military, the White Hats and all of our World Patriots!

God bless America



8a8ca8  No.7132943


Original? Seems old, and kind of familiar, despite tineye

faeab5  No.7132944


You should be thankful that i spam,the board instead of hurting people

faeab5  No.7132945

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishkkk

63789c  No.7132946

File: f7d38def467a8a6⋯.jpg (280.84 KB, 1920x928, 60:29, Untitled.jpg)


Israeli Air Force is now tailing it too.

Looks like a full-on escort

faeab5  No.7132948

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishkfjdj

fb43be  No.7132949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fren, please check out IPOT videos on youtube, nice addition I think your Mom would love.

This is a l ink to his home page on YT, embedded video is latest from today, do your self and your mom a favor, check them out, they are fun too!


8e62d4  No.7132950


Q says Mueller isn’t a white hat, you faggot. And he’s not. He’s a turncoat. Instead of being hung he’ll rot in prison. Just a coincidence he’s good friends with Barr I guess right?

8de576  No.7132951

File: 5c49b0b13b41764⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9E99CB37-ADDE-47E3-8211-D….jpeg)

File: 34c979aca79d233⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 95D97CA3-2AB9-4A68-8D00-F….jpeg)

ILM update: smoke onboard. Everyone off, no fire at this time. Possibly electrical short

6ed767  No.7132952


They don’t need her testimony.

9e0477  No.7132953


OOPS Forgot the Sauce!


faeab5  No.7132954


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

c00ff3  No.7132955

File: 6bacf9e615f17ee⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 759x247, 759:247, a03a502597f9df23bf51942610….jpg)

File: c61a9d91c426595⋯.png (123.8 KB, 262x301, 262:301, 7afcb840-74e3-45ea-9583-3d….png)


Mueller hearing on 24th

what are the odds, guise?

765e25  No.7132956


McMaster, who replaced Flynn, finally managed to oust Cohen-Watnick, who went on to work for the national security company Oracle. But Cohen-Watnick has resurfaced and will be a national security adviser to Sessions. The president ordered the move. It's noteworthy that someone with very limited experience is appointed to such a senior and critical position.


ec0c45  No.7132957


Spies like us..isn't that another Movie!!!

2fcdfb  No.7132958

File: 04755d6e51f34b0⋯.png (849.16 KB, 1014x765, 338:255, Screenshot_20190721-153457….png)

File: 4ca9d608203f232⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 500x538, 250:269, 364nrg_1.jpg)

Illegals are all hard working family oriented people with a work ethic the American worker can not match.

36% to 42% of illegals in this country right now are on welfare. If that’s a strong work ethic then I have to slow down and rest. Yes there are lots of hard working illegals but that is not the rule.

Illegals don’t bring crime and violence across the border with them

33% of the prison population in this country right now are Illegal Aliens. That sounds like crime to me.

Mexico is so poor that they have to come to flee poverty.

Mexico is the 5th richest country in the world.

Illegal Mexicans do the jobs Americans won’t do.

Wrong! They do the jobs Americans use to do at a fraction of the pay. They are doing the jobs Americans aren’t willing to do for FIVE dollars a day!

Trump 2020 MAGA

84561c  No.7132959


Hey faggot:

How would Mueller being a white hat work if stupid fucking idiots like you knew about it?

Buh byes

1af36a  No.7132960


Why doesn't POTUS give EZRA the DNI position and finally remove the rat Coates from there!?!

And also replace the other RAT WRAY with an actual patriot for once

152e6e  No.7132961

180e9d  No.7132962


it is a Watch you fucking DOLT

317e2b  No.7132963


It's strange that you know that, but it sounds plausible.

8a8ca8  No.7132964


No, but they tend to send 2.

8956a5  No.7132965


yes i am thankful u are here, and not hurting others or urself. <3 is the key not hate x.x

god so loved the world he sacrificed his own son for you.

faeab5  No.7132966

Hey guys its me,donald here

I take so many slings and arrows

For you

(In reality im living the high life with my family while the rest of you are suicidal)

bd6a44  No.7132967

File: 0d037410ce2c39b⋯.png (42.88 KB, 609x284, 609:284, cav-apples.png)

File: 0abcea943517860⋯.png (451.92 KB, 588x775, 588:775, cav-apples-yellow.png)

File: fd5cb98ae72e057⋯.png (13.22 KB, 405x246, 135:82, 2975.png)

File: f4652001a05b9a8⋯.png (25.91 KB, 408x466, 204:233, apples-a.png)

Annihilator Company

‏ @A_38CAV

Do you like apples? Well, I got the wedge bolts. How do you like them apples!? #jealousregard #380

4:55 AM - 22 Jul 2019


Drops: 1310, 1309, 777, 431, 155, 175

Wikileaks: Mentions apples.

3c7888  No.7132968


Meet Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the NSC aide who reportedly leaked intel to back Trump tapping claims


Trump made the wiretapping claim, without citing evidence, on Twitter earlier last month. Intelligence and law enforcement officials, along with Democratic and Republican lawmakers, responded by saying there was no evidence to show that Obama had wiretapped Trump.

According to the Times, Cohen-Watnick started to review highly classified information after Trump posted his tweet in a bid to substantiate it. He and a colleague, Michael Ellis – formerly a staffer on the House Intelligence Committee – then contacted Nunes, who was on Trump’s transition team.

His service at the Defense Intelligence Agency was less-than-stellar, according to classmates.

Cohen-Watnick didn’t earn high praises from those DIA training program classmates who spoke to Newsweek. One source said his reputation“was poor. He was allegedly not a team player and would also ‘leak’ denigrating information about his fellow trainees” to their instructors. “While we expect each student to do their own work,” the source adds, “we also demand they develop positive and healthy partnering skills.” After a training program in Virginia, Cohen-Watnick was assigned to serve in Afghanistan. Cohen-Watnick did apparently manage to impress one important person: Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser who resigned in February after acknowledging that he had misled other administration officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, about a phone call he had with the Russian ambassador before Trump assumed office.

>> Cohen-Watnick did apparently manage to impress one important person: Gen. Michael Flynn

and then there is this…holy fuck

Cohen-Watnick and Flynn were also connected through Frank Gaffney, the founder and president of a think tank that promulgates the theory that the Muslim Brotherhood has established a “Sharia-supremacist infrastructure” in the United States in the form of mosques, cultural centers and Muslim organizations. His daughter and Cohen-Watnick were close in high school, according to Newsweek. Gaffney reportedly offered Cohen-Watnick an internship at his think tank, the Center for Security Policy, although he told Newsweek that he had not spoken to Cohen-Watnick since he was in high school. Flynn, a friend of Gaffney, later brought Cohen-Watnick to the NSC.

>>Frank Gaffney, the founder and president of a think tank that promulgates the theory that the Muslim Brotherhood has established a “Sharia-supremacist infrastructure” in the United States in the form of mosques, cultural centers and Muslim organizations.

faeab5  No.7132969

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate firsthhh

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

8a8ca8  No.7132970


These are clearly extractions.

a7d452  No.7132971

File: 6048d74693eb438⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 640x366, 320:183, trump fuck the sun.jpg)

c6026d  No.7132972


nah…Q said we would laugh when we found out who weve been talking to. Who knew Ezra before Q appeared? He may be part of Qteam though

1cf300  No.7132973


Donald the GIANT !! KEK

3e8bc9  No.7132974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the water.

5fdacd  No.7132975

File: 783c8660e70cbd6⋯.png (105.33 KB, 649x671, 59:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Too many people I know follow this guy. Says vague shit all the time and makes it appear like he knew something was going on before anyone else. Or muh Active Denial System on Merkel.

7e151f  No.7132976


The lord is dead, so…

f4bb4a  No.7132977

File: 6cfcb86feb8f315⋯.jpg (160.92 KB, 648x764, 162:191, Screen Shot 07-22-19 at 05….JPG)

File: 7c149985c05b7f5⋯.jpg (482.75 KB, 1560x800, 39:20, Screen Shot 07-22-19 at 05….JPG)


What is Q?

c10e4d  No.7132978



dcfcab  No.7132979

File: 7a323793d771f16⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 480x513, 160:171, mueller.jpg)


POTUS is without a motive to hire MUELLER or CO-OP MUELLER FOR ANYTHING

DJT has no need for that!




Folks who believe this crazy talk have been watching too much TV

Langley script

It's like people who claim "Obama" owed money to the Iranians. Like: there was a real motive.

The Iranians had us "over a barrell"

Like they claime Mueller has POTUS "over a barrell" and it's necessary for POTUS to negotiate with him.


People believe anything. It's so pathetic.

Interesting timing.

They started up this crap the week Mueller is set to answer question in Congress


6edf40  No.7132980

File: 9a596f6766dba74⋯.jpg (211.29 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, it'shap.jpg)

0e97bc  No.7132981

File: bf0b640d45efbe6⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, eagle.jpg)


Time for a nice cup of DECLAS?


Run. Hide. Disappear. It's nearly too late for you.

faeab5  No.7132982



I dont believe in god

My life is a nightmare

When i get tired of Q torturing me im,going to take at least 30 people with me


I could be left alone and i wont hurt anyone

11058d  No.7132983

File: b983ba8b7d4f272⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 640x625, 128:125, tumblr_00a96f64f72908635ea….jpg)

File: 9c7190d76596b78⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 834x626, 417:313, 2bfd2eb24b6969072f057b0af8….jpg)

bd6a44  No.7132984


It's starting to catch on!

HK? France?

8956a5  No.7132985


the lord is neither alive, nor dead. he is everlasting

a7d452  No.7132986

File: de383ad14d5ed14⋯.png (1 MB, 700x784, 25:28, trump how do you capture a….png)

509161  No.7132987



3d701d  No.7132988

File: bb56e3aaf28f3ab⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 236x289, 236:289, a54f9bbb4cc27057b77c9d2d0e….jpg)


nice info bun

f8e97b  No.7132989

File: 56e1069b843c048⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1937x573, 1937:573, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92a6f369b9db45e⋯.png (120.51 KB, 405x297, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5605e8f2e4c38b⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1909x1281, 1909:1281, ClipboardImage.png)


Yacht Haven Grande


PIC related.

See pic of the Lady Ghislaine and compare with similar vessels in photos of Yacht Haven Grande Marina.

Also of interest is the local airport, the Cyril E King, which is a few miles from the St Thomas postal address, also.

The office of a House of US Representative shares the same building as that postal address. See pic.

Rep Stacey E. Plaskett (D) is in Ste 22.

pt 5

faeab5  No.7132990


Hes not dead he just doesnt care

The only people god likes are lemmings and the overlords

Anyone else is useless to god

e2b0c0  No.7132991

File: b4f2e65c78c990d⋯.png (350.76 KB, 638x737, 58:67, ClipboardImage.png)

faeab5  No.7132993

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewisho

4da612  No.7132994

Leftists in Trump State Dept. Sabotage Guatemala Asylum Deal, U.S. Ambassador Called Back to D.C.


ec0c45  No.7132995

File: 4f434cebe06b87e⋯.jpg (150.63 KB, 882x967, 882:967, Q What country big.JPG)

File: ffd4f154818b4df⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 487x886, 487:886, Q what country.JPG)

The World is Watching!!

0d3241  No.7132996


>I could be left alone and i wont hurt anyone

Unplug the internet then maybe?

566486  No.7132997

File: 8158939077fd3b2⋯.png (40.41 KB, 320x281, 320:281, No Hoes WH 203850923098509….png)

149a92  No.7132998


You let it die of old age?

84ef51  No.7132999

File: cd1eb8e2431734c⋯.png (9.22 KB, 408x250, 204:125, Q-Drop 528.png)

for those who weren't here or don't remember

0d3454  No.7133000


Am Medical Professional… slight case of Autizzies too.

faeab5  No.7133001


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

a0ddb7  No.7133002


i think you are correct on this analogy baker

faeab5  No.7133003

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishjhh

8956a5  No.7133004


u are invited hre to stay and voice ur opinion, we do not judge. u have been hurt as we all have. but its all about to cchange.


0d4cb6  No.7133005



1446e9  No.7133006

File: 93ca74188e92e56⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2051x1740, 2051:1740, Pepe dancin groobs baby.jpg)


>They are stuck together, till death do they part, hahaha…


686a8a  No.7133007

File: 3eef3c87bc60e2e⋯.png (153.1 KB, 597x769, 597:769, CF391282-09CA-459F-A86B-34….png)

I can confirm, i dont know anything about the mission but the helicopter traffic has been constant coming from there for over a year. I have had them directly overhead on many occasions flying low.

ea76af  No.7133008

File: 0993d7eae28abd3⋯.png (174.79 KB, 598x486, 299:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Powerful Beam Cannon

e61b01  No.7133009


Focus on the sauce in the replies that Q has copied…




766480  No.7133010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f4bb4a  No.7133012

File: 6cfcb86feb8f315⋯.jpg (160.92 KB, 648x764, 162:191, Screen Shot 07-22-19 at 05….JPG)

File: f5ab21fc7bfc30b⋯.jpg (432.86 KB, 1560x800, 39:20, Screen Shot 07-22-19 at 05….JPG)

6504eb  No.7133013

File: 0c210670a34e519⋯.png (779.23 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

4e1add  No.7133014



a72c09  No.7133015


Noahide law$ in place

Q you support those who put this law on the book$

67503d  No.7133016



That's the one.

faeab5  No.7133017


Youve been saying that for 2 years

Not once in my 24 years of life has it ever gotten better unless i drowned myself in drugs and hobbies

God doesnt care about us

The different ones

2160b3  No.7133018


Flat Earth EVERYWHERE this morning.

faeab5  No.7133019

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishvf

1446e9  No.7133020

File: c25104e7ce3b47b⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 620x350, 62:35, Flying Joo.jpg)

ff5353  No.7133021

File: be369db50da4767⋯.png (548.69 KB, 998x789, 998:789, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf30de301e020e9⋯.png (296.81 KB, 676x415, 676:415, ClipboardImage.png)

Ezra Cohen-Watnick


faeab5  No.7133022

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishhfuf

0f3e1b  No.7133023


i witnessed some heavy (at least heavy to me) military traffic (Eurofighters) above Cologne today.

Is that related?:

>>7132094 (Q) (lb)

3d701d  No.7133024

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)

4da612  No.7133025

do it q

a8ec47  No.7133026

File: 91b309d6c783269⋯.png (543.83 KB, 1225x670, 245:134, ClipboardImage.png)



97f902  No.7133027


Congress can not be arrested while in session so….it’s all about the break like Q has said.

faeab5  No.7133028


Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewish

Youd think Q would say something to me after 2 years of demons torturing,me

ea76af  No.7133029

File: ceb5377b60b35a9⋯.png (207.4 KB, 500x503, 500:503, Messages Image(2181730195).png)

8a8ca8  No.7133030


Yeah, she made it to his so-called kid's wedding too.

f0d541  No.7133031

File: 0cca3af597c8a05⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 552x514, 276:257, 20190722_061856.jpg)

b210bf  No.7133032


The legal address for the Zorro Ranch property is also that St Thomas address, 9100 Havensight

It's on the 2019 property tax bill from the Santa Fe County NM tax assessor.

Same address is shared with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett.

If you can find ANYTHING about "Cypress, Inc.", which is probably a fucking dirty CIA shell company, I'll buy you lunch.

Copy/pasted previously done dig from overnight:






(Gratitude America digs from PB)

There are several big new facts gained from all this, even ignoring the dollar amounts:

1. The tax return identifies the entity as a type I haven't seen before. Need more expert eyes on this to analyze.

990 PF

Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation

Given this crumb alone, we need to repost tomorrow during dayshift to request review from a lawanon or taxanon.

2. It has yet ANOTHER address listed, rather than the St. Thomas address.

3. Its corporate status is stated as "LTD", a limited liability corporation, rather than a full status corporation. Completely different.

Gratitude America, LTD

Royal Palm Professional Building

9053 Estate Thomas, Suite 101

St Thomas VI 00802

4. We have an Employer ID number for this, necessary for searches on some other sites.

EIN# 66-0789697

5. The largest donation recipient, "International Peace Institute", received $375k which is almost twice as much as the next-highest donation. The name sounds too generic to be true. I believe it warrants a dig.

6edf40  No.7133033

File: 36b986fd379b12a⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 604x356, 151:89, ticktockc.jpg)

8e62d4  No.7133034


I remember your post from night shift. Before the news article too. Good eye anon

8d507c  No.7133035


ECW was the one who set Devin Nunes in motion as well…. remember Nunes's midnight ride to the WH to alert POTUS?

a0b950  No.7133036


looks like the norway spiral thingy

c49bc1  No.7133037

Declass declass declass

3c7888  No.7133038


The first article written about Cohen-Watnick that I could find.

Looks like he just appears in the news around March-August 2017. Nothing before.

Trump steps in to keep 30-year-old NSC aide

Bannon and Kushner prevail on the president to override his national security adviser and keep a Flynn protégé.


fed8e8  No.7133039

File: cf9f51d174b68b8⋯.jpg (202.77 KB, 1484x775, 1484:775, Barr knows you're fucked.jpg)


>(In reality im living the high life with my family while the rest of you are suicidal

A nice snap shot into your mind…. Hmmm… suicidal huh…go on…do it.

You know the end doesn't look good for you…Do yourself a favor …You know it's the cowards way out and you're a coward.

Do it do it do it….lol

But you won't….lol… Bok Bok Bok Begeeerk…lol

9882e0  No.7133040

President Trump,

Will you walk uprightly before the Lord your God? Will you do all that is right in His sight?

Will you leave the high places (the social and political sacred cows) in place to which future generation - yes even your own children - will return? Or will you utterly remove the things that are detestable in the sights of the One True God.

Do you have a heart like David?

Will you be loyal friend to God?

Will you compromise on any point?

Hold fast and keep nothing back.

9c65f9  No.7133041



"Newsweek reported that Cohen-Watnick entered the Defense Clandestine Service in 2012 and was sent to “The Farm,” the CIA training facility in Virginia, in 2013. Al-Monitor’s Laura Rozen reported on Twitter that Cohen-Watnick had done work on Haiti while based out of the Department of Defense’s Miami office. Records show he registered to vote in 2012 with a Miami address, as a Republican and as a Hispanic male (his mother is Colombian)."

Haiti connection??

265845  No.7133042

File: b98b335acacc426⋯.png (6.62 KB, 74x58, 37:29, b98b335acacc426c4ff0b72a62….png)

84561c  No.7133043


no, but trafficking haitian children and looting haitian earthquake relief does!!

What happens to the black vote when the truth gets out?

b2c149  No.7133044

File: b3a12d3e35c2612⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 815x777, 815:777, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: aaa84ffaf073065⋯.jpg (192.08 KB, 800x781, 800:781, 1a.JPG)

File: 9b8d7e8af8809d3⋯.jpg (169.83 KB, 811x783, 811:783, 3.JPG)

File: 983c9c5c3e9b587⋯.jpg (133.11 KB, 832x665, 832:665, 4.JPG)

File: a1ad80c72598689⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 785x446, 785:446, 5.JPG)



Dead Drop: August 4


faeab5  No.7133045

If q is really saving the world i hope they fail

Why ?

Because i dont give a shit about the rest of you and Q ruined my life

df2ef3  No.7133046


Was thinking that. Surely there are multiple SCIFs in Washington? DOJ/FBI etc.

8a8ca8  No.7133047


You have never met Love, only self-love and lust.

082de9  No.7133048

File: 839197de6c1fc3c⋯.png (935.54 KB, 1196x860, 299:215, Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at ….png)



3c7888  No.7133049

File: a3b2ec60a89d426⋯.png (687.61 KB, 1090x480, 109:48, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, I remember..

faeab5  No.7133050

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishgg

ea76af  No.7133051

File: dfe5576216c05a4⋯.png (630.31 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Messages Image(1838989068).png)

23d799  No.7133052

File: 979b48c9fd02af9⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 1140x600, 19:10, bigstock-American-Flag-Wit….jpg)


The Hens are in the Roost…..

It's time

Let The Eagles Fly…..

db6344  No.7133053

File: 9f99ef805412e64⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1018x1000, 509:500, ClipboardImage.png)

6dd93b  No.7133054

File: 035c41f61e90365⋯.png (485.13 KB, 705x351, 235:117, potus enemy of the people ….PNG)

File: e1cf1a931f2d929⋯.png (327.04 KB, 474x354, 79:59, fake news.PNG)

File: 6dd36a0512670f7⋯.png (107.53 KB, 290x278, 145:139, fake media outlets.PNG)

File: bcf1f7e43ed4b0a⋯.png (266.69 KB, 343x348, 343:348, caution media not reflecti….PNG)

7e151f  No.7133055


same on GOOG

"funny" it found the photo on an RT but not the original twat

dfc0a0  No.7133056

File: 8064f00bd57b138⋯.jpg (235.86 KB, 1080x945, 8:7, Screenshot_20190722-123959….jpg)



faeab5  No.7133057


Some of us arnt as lucky to be born loved like you

0e63f1  No.7133058

File: 9a4de82427c239d⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1808x1420, 452:355, grotto1.jpg)


some close ups

faeab5  No.7133059

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishf

659e85  No.7133060

File: 57f4b1676b33bb0⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 474x275, 474:275, fearnot.jpg)

8956a5  No.7133061


ahh but there in lies ur problem

onthe 7th day god rested from ALL work

it is now in the hands of men.

what is life, but what u make of it now. god has left you to free will and choice.

and no man can take away your free will or choice. EVER!

6d900c  No.7133062


>>7132834, >>7132946 Planefag update

>>7132936 Epstein drone pics

>>7132932 Bunge and BP team up for Brazil sugar and ethanol venture

>>7132914 Sperry twit: IG has evidence Comey was "spying" on Trump

>>7132626, >>7132699, >>7132766, >>7132968 Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick is the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions

>>7132625, >>7132718 Planefag?

>>7132562, >>7132589 Anthony Weiner moves back in with Huma Abedin (shtf time?)

>>7132557 The Great Garrison Flag

>>7132549 Former StarCraft 2 Pro, Commentator Geoff 'iNcontroL' Robinson Dies At 33

>>7132529 Q vid!



faeab5  No.7133063

Israel first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishIsrael first

Most illegals ever

Corporate first

Slavery first

Least illegals deported


2 years of fisa larping

Throwing supporters under the bus

Throwing stone and corsi under the bus

Wow so much winning

Oh wait im not jewishuyy

db6344  No.7133064

gayestshotgunweddingever today

ec0c45  No.7133065

File: eb90d21611270e2⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 613x432, 613:432, mueller history red.jpg)


Maybe he was already being investigated up close and personal like??

521c47  No.7133066

File: bc78345867d04b4⋯.jpg (595.85 KB, 1600x2200, 8:11, sanfran-bridge-god-wins.jpg)

8a8ca8  No.7133067


Q for Mueller: How much did you and Trump talk about the reasons why he fired Comey at the meeting in his office, the day before you were appointed special counsel?

Doesn't that make you a witness?

Why did you fly the bin Ladens out of the USA right after 9/11?

Doesn't that make you a co-conspirator?

23551d  No.7133068

File: a3de0bab186c65a⋯.png (455.56 KB, 918x3294, 17:61, amazon watch and shop (chi….png)

File: 9c6647c3e8af2a4⋯.png (8.09 MB, 4504x4464, 563:558, amazon travel deals 07 22 ….png)

Hi Q.

Looks like amazon wants to help traffic Chinese children. Watch & Shop.

149a92  No.7133069

File: f4806707118c6bd⋯.jpeg (107.7 KB, 859x784, 859:784, 2574B342-6194-40CD-BB8D-5….jpeg)


Are you fuckin kidding me.

Muh congress is getting arrested during the break.


You mean going to a rave in Puerto Rico again?

6efe0c  No.7133070


That was only for RGB's failing health that Q told us about a year in advance.

8ec02c  No.7133071

suck a fart out of my ass .


0d3241  No.7133072


I respectfully disagree on that one. I have co-created wonderful moments and met people you would not believe, all using the basic healthy rational LOVE that is intuitively known to every one of us by the grace of being a spark of Creation itself.

4e1add  No.7133073




dc9ff4  No.7133074

File: ca934a65734a923⋯.png (583.13 KB, 2052x1536, 171:128, jrstop.png)

Show them how it is done son!


no problem


you fucking stupid dumbass crazy shill who hates Q and kittens, jesus and america! die!


via the amount of flak one receives anyone with half a brain would want to think that this theory at least has some credibility or "power" over certain peoples minds either way…

Now… why would that bother so many or at least appear to?

Not one person who I have spoken to about Q and that is a lot of people… have mentioned JFK JR to me before I mentioned the subject to them and I assure you that it is not on the top of my THIS IS WHY Q IS REAL list…

So… I believe that our friend is simply not ready to reveal and that these bot like people sheeple shill creatures are defenders of the truth and that is cool with me yet I TRUST that their "handlers" understand and totally appreciate why we fight so fiercely concerning our RIGHT to think for ourselves.

I am no more or less resolute to see that justice is served to one and all… whether Jr. is still with us… or not.

70d192  No.7133075

File: c31d852959471b1⋯.png (43.54 KB, 300x186, 50:31, Img-1563813250734.png)

File: f6c828138c00b34⋯.png (167.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Img-1563813262109.png)

File: 809ba0c694f69ab⋯.png (25.76 KB, 294x168, 7:4, Img-1563813229788.png)

File: 544af376ae5d8a6⋯.png (151.07 KB, 720x1180, 36:59, Img-1563813613936.png)

File: 907f6a83361d8a8⋯.png (200.02 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Img-1563774243480.png)

Wasn't the house of the rising sun in New Orleans?

They must really love the moon to put it on their police cars.

I wonder why the moon…

faeab5  No.7133076


Thats bullshit

They effectively took it away

The only free will i have left is killing myself

They torture me 24 7

I wasnt even happy before and wanted to die

265845  No.7133077

File: 278a9e31cb391cb⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1187x1546, 1187:1546, 278a9e31cb391cbe3c3c8eefaa….png)

>>7132595 Hi sir

7e151f  No.7133078

File: a0789496269fd63⋯.png (9.55 KB, 455x106, 455:106, ClipboardImage.png)


the post was at 12

screenshot guy not EST

b210bf  No.7133079

File: f9c7d251927d94d⋯.jpg (136.84 KB, 900x655, 180:131, BannonNavy.jpg)


Have been all-in for Bannon since day one.

94aac3  No.7133080


Pre GITMO transport location

8a8ca8  No.7133081


Knowledge is power, and Q has this place running like a cold fusion plant.

b23fa0  No.7133082

File: 21ee716ae223bb9⋯.jpeg (127.64 KB, 474x749, 474:749, 6B648E81-E3BF-42FA-B780-8….jpeg)

For The Love & Glory of the United States…..

6efe0c  No.7133083


>FLUSHgayestFAKEshotgunCUTweddingFAKEever today

db6344  No.7133084

File: 43b28b0309f3a34⋯.png (932.48 KB, 1018x658, 509:329, ClipboardImage.png)

f33b31  No.7133085

File: 2025b1ad3a732dd⋯.jpg (184.17 KB, 614x824, 307:412, 2025b1ad3a732dd367299bff1b….jpg)

bfafeb  No.7133086


Butt hurt trolls. Fuck them.

cf3d46  No.7133087


I always thought that u 2 were 1 & the same

3d0459  No.7133088

Not sure if this was posted or not. Found this while looking for Rusty's drops. Title is Little James Island… seems notable.


11b7f0  No.7133089

File: 4991526bc7db0b2⋯.jpeg (145.81 KB, 1440x929, 1440:929, 1541028062.jpeg)

faeab5  No.7133090

A full year of torture and Q says nothing to me

You know who i am Q

You let them do,this to me

Tell me why i shouldnt go take my anger out on the children of the lemmigns

They arnt people to me anyways

7a0327  No.7133091


First article I ever read about ECW was this one in The Atlantic in July 2017.


c25123  No.7133092

Filename of Q3463 leads to here:


28f3eb  No.7133093


hmmm and isn't cypress and EVERGREEN?

db6344  No.7133094

File: 006d7dbc703c62b⋯.png (467.07 KB, 1018x658, 509:329, ClipboardImage.png)

a72c09  No.7133095


These fuckers just recycle - they're all the same

f33b31  No.7133096

File: 93adde0c29ef336⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 220x215, 44:43, 220px-Agent_355.jpg)

84561c  No.7133097



Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz reportedly has evidence that indicates former FBI Director James Comey misled President Donald Trump about him being the target of an investigation.

According to RealClearInvestigations, Horowitz will soon file a report that contains evidence that Comey repeatedly assured the president that he wasn’t the target of an investigation even as Comey was working on a “counterintelligence assessment” of Trump during that time, according to two unidentified U.S. officials who were briefed on the report. They also said that Comey had been essentially “running a covert operation against” Trump that began with a one-on-one “defense briefing” that he gave Trump a few weeks before his inauguration.

The officials said that Horowitz has found evidence for this after reviewing FBI communications, including text messages. Other unnamed officials told RealClearInvestigations that Comey received information about Trump and his aides from an agent inside the White House.

Horowitz is reportedly focusing on one briefing that Comey gave Trump on Jan. 6, 2017, about some of the material found in the dossier compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

The Inspector General’s report is set for release in early September, and will contain Horowitz’ findings after reviewing more than 1 million records and conducting over 100 interviews, including with Comey himself and other current and former FBI and Justice Department officials.

Read Newsmax: Report: DoJ Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Misled Trump | Newsmax.com



f56a2d  No.7133098

File: 2b04ac775bebf90⋯.png (482.31 KB, 617x893, 617:893, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c943e832d61342a⋯.png (61.75 KB, 620x341, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cac97b631a27588⋯.png (124.38 KB, 319x429, 29:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e472ae60ee3a9fb⋯.png (655.33 KB, 991x795, 991:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c96f0f17d56f435⋯.png (936.93 KB, 721x900, 721:900, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7127988 (pb)

RBG clone makes an alleged visual appearance on Saturday, featured in an Instagram and a Twitter account, implicating an MSM entertainer who publicly hates sexual intercourse, fondles and advertises her daughter like a lesbian lover, and there are a dozen posts backing this up.

>>7128075 (pb)

>Its old and there is no sauce. so Sure, get the sauce and it will second it.

It isn't old and you didn't second it, stupid faggot anon.

>>7128078 (pb)

>It would be notable if it was really RBG, look alike is about 30 yrs younger






What kind of clown shit is going on here? This is a big fucking deal. Do you not realize the implications of this?

ca2f1f  No.7133099

Ezra is 33 years old.

365e06  No.7133100

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Right you know.jpg)


Mohammad's point was that we had fallen away from proper deference to God, hence his new prophesy from God through Archangel Gabriel.

8956a5  No.7133101

File: 6e345f3d88b29f7⋯.jpg (26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, v1.bjsyMDQyMjQ7ajsxODEzNzs….jpg)


if u kill urself that is your freee will and choice.

i on the other hand will fight till my last breath. NEVER SURRENDER!


63683f  No.7133102



6ed767  No.7133103

File: 118e0549b851b5e⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 67F7A1EC-17B5-4D6D-8AB2-9….jpeg)

File: 067d7af474f2179⋯.jpeg (619.31 KB, 3520x1980, 16:9, 465FB06D-DE0D-4864-85AB-6….jpeg)

File: 220929ae2e7f1c4⋯.jpeg (634.78 KB, 3520x1980, 16:9, A41B2404-69DC-4CD5-9ED0-6….jpeg)

Klamath Falls…NG shares an airport and they’re active today! MIL took these.

83e0ec  No.7133104

File: f6b8b5994b94bd9⋯.png (373.42 KB, 617x592, 617:592, tf epstein.PNG)

epstein paid fl sheriff

8a8ca8  No.7133105


Even horror movies require actors.

b210bf  No.7133106


Ah hell, everybody knows Arkansas is a shithole of corruption.

Like it's even fixable at this point? Please.

a5d906  No.7133107

ezra cohen watnick = MOSSAD/iSRAELI SPY, a TROJAN HORSE.

Why has Trump surrounded himslef with all these damned jews in his government!!!!! They are not out to make america great, only Israel!!

bf2f84  No.7133108



e2c316  No.7133109


"Obamma administration's..""incidental surveillance""…of Trump"

dba3be  No.7133110


Well, at least this is an original kind of shilling. haha

f48394  No.7133111

File: 92de68f04a83480⋯.png (187.9 KB, 949x1371, 949:1371, demand on the annointing.png)


should we drop a [MUELLER TESTIMONY] on wednesday?

…it can go BOTH ways.

these people still have A LOT of questions, and I can't think of a better time to answer them…

it's up to you boss.

8e62d4  No.7133112


EXACTLY. Dude now doesn’t that make way more sense😂 people really thinking Trump can take down the whole cabal without making a single deal. They met for FOUR hours for fucks sake. Sheesh. And I’m not trying to say Mueller is a white hat either I’m just saying he knows what’s good for him. [Weissman]

e6c95d  No.7133113

1d4c8d  No.7133114

File: 1a3159ef142f471⋯.jpeg (91.67 KB, 714x716, 357:358, 66330DC0-5CDB-4EFE-81F8-8….jpeg)

File: ecb075a5f90925f⋯.jpeg (267.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 18BBC36E-980D-4A36-8A8C-2….jpeg)

File: 92578040b457eef⋯.jpeg (23.7 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 06CCB998-4C07-4F1D-8665-6….jpeg)

















Things are going to change. Not all People get it yet. The control system of this planet has changed. So many people are operating under a failed, antiquated enslavement system. The satanic middle mangers still want all the money and power and actually it’s done. [Their] time ended. All the treaties ended.

[Those] people will suffer beyond any physical means. They committed atrocities that are beyond this earth. [They] will pay. My only sadness that comes from this, is that they did not realize the fault of their ways before it was too late. Unfortunately it was way past repentance.

Power is returning to the people and we need to assume our responsibility.



Learn the truth and take back your power

It’s time

God bless all WorldPatriots working to help teach everyone the truth about our enslavement system.





God bless President Trump, our military, our white hats and our WorldPatriots like you for fighting to expose corruption and the evil that engulfed our world.

Peace & Love

8d507c  No.7133115


NO is known as the Crecent City dip shit…. it's the shape the Mississippi River makes through it

a91c97  No.7133116


Adam Schiff is already trying to get ahead of this by calling his report "tainted".

7e151f  No.7133117


not that LORD

6376b7  No.7133118

wasn't he part of Oracle

hopefully am not the only one that remembers

c13400  No.7133119

File: efdb63c7eb662a1⋯.png (529.57 KB, 1160x1126, 580:563, comey.png)



67503d  No.7133120


I think that qualifies as notable.

That triangle above the arch looks like a deliberate symbol. Maybe a pyramid? Or a golden gnomon?

db6344  No.7133121

File: 3bb0fd6b6ae40be⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 787x506, 787:506, butt1.jpg)

File: 3229b2142aa56c0⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 568x557, 568:557, butt2.jpg)

File: 27494f61330833f⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 454x274, 227:137, butt3.jpg)

File: 43d8334eebd7a7f⋯.jpg (16.94 KB, 454x274, 227:137, butt4.jpg)

File: 87668aa706f9121⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 1