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File: cb439e9840e38b1⋯.jpeg (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, caa41f4bab31a2bd532a1bfaa….jpeg)

26ac5c  No.7044281

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 07.14.2019

>>7044207 ————————————–——– [Smollett] Federal charges coming?

>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

>>7040246 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).

>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— GOD WINS.

>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.

>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

>>7039475 ————————————–——– Follow the Family.

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED.

Friday 07.12.2019

>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )

>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)

>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA

>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back

>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.

>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]

>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons

Wednesday 07.10.2019

>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff

>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched

>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?

>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors

>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)

>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.

>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)

>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

Post last edited at

26ac5c  No.7044292

Notables Thread

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC


* MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

* MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

* SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

QPosts Archives

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://''postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Proofs

* Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

* QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

* Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

* Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

* Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

* Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


* Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

* All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

* Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>7012538

all older Qmaps archived at >>>/comms/283,

Q Graphics all in EST


26ac5c  No.7044297

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

'''* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 07.11.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

26ac5c  No.7044545

Post last edited at

ae6005  No.7045367

File: 9cee34e8b7eb4a7⋯.gif (513.39 KB, 276x208, 69:52, 1539832341133.gif)

Nice to see all the autists are here again. Feels like the old days of Q Research are finally back with how many notables we are getting

dc6e88  No.7045368

File: 13995506fea0a75⋯.png (559.87 KB, 612x900, 17:25, ClipboardImage.png)

The bread grows stronger

7cc685  No.7045372

File: 49213b0de225851⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1608x1106, 804:553, CozyPePe.png)

974663  No.7045389


by anons, for anons


>>7044695 A week to remember... Full moon this week. 4 Days of Full Moon, 2 100%, 4 98%+. anons say 4 Booms

>>7045018 Anons on KungFu baker Magaveli

>>7045099 anon on the trump tweet (FED) and Q drop (smollett) and 10 minute delta and poss comms

>>7045271, >>7045233 obama guy in a smollett obama photo

>>7045162, >>7045222 Asian markets retreat as China’s GDP growth fails to meet already low expectations (weakest in 27 years) and they fired up the printing press too!-200 billion yuan worth

>>7045221 POTUS continues to shine light on the corrupt and incompetent Federal Reserve

974663  No.7045394


by anons, for anons


>>7044695 A week to remember... Full moon this week. 4 Days of Full Moon, 2 100%, 4 98%+. anons say 4 Booms

>>7045018 Anons on KungFu baker Magaveli

>>7045099 anon on the trump tweet (FED) and Q drop (smollett) and 10 minute delta and poss comms

>>7045271, >>7045233 obama guy in a smollett obama photo

>>7045162, >>7045222 Asian markets retreat as China’s GDP growth fails to meet already low expectations (weakest in 27 years) and they fired up the printing press too!-200 billion yuan worth

>>7045221 POTUS continues to shine light on the corrupt and incompetent Federal Reserve


>>7043886, >>7043989 2 project TERRAMAR sites - One in the UK and one in NYC

>>7043915, >>7043947, >>7044165 Maxwell family digs

>>7043953 PA missionary arrested for allegedly abusing children at an orphanage in Kenya

>>7044113, >>7044141, >>7044071, >>7044096, >>7044158, >>7044162 anons dig on 33 Thomas St (windowless skyscraper, NSA)

>>7044268 Comms Rusty id not Drone Anon Rusty, the alias from King of The Hill (Rusty Shackleford)

>>7044251, >>7044291, >>7044331, >>7044460, >>7044611 Haim Saban digs

>>7044344 Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Joins ABC News as Contributor

>>7044422 New DJT Doing great economically despite FED, >>7044492 Unnecessary Capital E and O ?

>>7044379 Set of Ellen TV show features Epstein Island


>>7043091 Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL eyes on

>>7043121, >>7043177 hillbags tweet :/ and comments

>>7043122, >>7043233 anons on "drain the swamps" epstein island swamp areas

>>7043155 FlipitRed2020 is scamming patriots in Twitter and asking for $

>>7043124, >>7043202, >>7043259 Inslaw,Riconosciuto,PROMIS

>>7043183 2 arrested for the homicide of Tremain Calloway in Seaside back in May

>>7043194 Can anyone ID this chick with AW?

>>7043231, >>7043243 anon speculates on DECLAS w/proofs

>>7043244, >>7043250 moar on Wheels up dig


>>7043348 House manager at treatment facility arrested on sex charges

>>7043408 Indian Man #Arrested at Phuket 'Fuckit' Airport for O-A Retirement VISA Scam

>>7043424 Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning – the blackout is coming-foreshadows NYC blackout (same thing with west coast blk out a few years ago-one worker "caused" it

>>7043439 Engaged father is arrested for luring men on gay dating apps then robbing them at gunpoint

>>7043477 Suspect in Custody Following Large Disturbance and Shooting Outside of Seattle Center

>>7043479 All previous God Father III posts from Q

>>7043498, >>7043557 Caribbean Helicopter Tours (hussein, clintons, pilot)

>>7043517, >>7043638, >>7043671 possible umbrella collection ties (HOP 1 to 2) Ghiselaine maxwell to the NYSPCC

>>7043523, >>7043531, >>7043549, >>7043597, >>7043544, >>7043558, >>7043585, >>7043616 At the beginning of World War II a young Czech refugee, born Jan Ludvik Hoch, enlisted in the British Army as Private Robert Maxwell

>>7043577 Week to remember bundaroo

>>7043599 Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss

>>7043602 YLK Charitable Fund?-$46m moved to Wexner foundation in 2008

>>7043639 Tomorrow, POTUS will host the third "Made in America" showcase

>>7043643 Dominican Republic-Bound Flight From Newark Diverted to JFK Due to 'Unusual Odor,' Sick Travelers

>>7043658 Bitcoin Breaks Back Below $10k, Crypto-Crash Accelerates As Asia Opens

>>7043714 Epstein's bail request likely to get shot down: experts

Previously Collected Notables

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

0faea8  No.7045402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just saw a post with a dentist chair on Ei & i immediately remembered this…


f7cd1b  No.7045406



ae509d  No.7045407




Labyrinth (2003)

Charles Lushington, an English professor of Middle-Eastern affairs visits Beiruit and becomes involved with Leila, a young Lebanese woman. Her opinions force Lushington to review his own previously-held convictions.


Nabila Khashoggi … Leila

33521b  No.7045408

File: fc3345e25fbc2db⋯.png (46.44 KB, 388x694, 194:347, Screenshot 2019-07-14 at 9….png)

File: d45c76cd8b635f5⋯.png (17.45 KB, 385x312, 385:312, Screenshot 2019-07-14 at 9….png)

(re-post from last bread)


Please read the attached Q post RE the recent changes you have made to the board.

If you are here to assist the plan and The Great Awakening it is imperative that you read and understand the point Q was making in reposting this anons words.

Your takeover of the board goes against the majority of anons wishes and subverts a crucial aspect of The Plan.

Anons will continue to apply pressure until you allow the breads to return the way they have always been or until you step down.

Please Let go of your pride and let the bakers bake.

32526c  No.7045409

File: bca96afb15d81cb⋯.png (730.74 KB, 800x637, 800:637, LNVOODOO.png)

ty baker


94e958  No.7045411


>7045366>>7045387 >>7045388

Ghislaine Maxwell

father: Robert Maxwell

Yacht: the Ghislaine (formerly named: Lady Mona K)



Yacht formerly owned by Emad Kashoggi

Emad Kashoggi: cousin of Jamal Kashoggi and Dodi Fayed


Ednan Kashoggi was Emad’s Uncle, and a Saudi arms trader. He also named his Yacht after his daughter, namely Nabila. This yacht was later bought by Donald Trump, he renamed it the Trump Princess. In 1991 he sold it to dopey.



Nabila Kashoggi: Khashoggi studied acting with Joanne Baron in Los Angeles, who notably had such students as Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton, and shortly afterward immersed herself in the world of the theatre.

She’s married to James Cox Chambers, just another billionair heir to Cox Enterprises, one of the largest diversified media companies in the United States.

Son of Anne Cox Chambers, who was appointed ambassador to Belgium by U.S. president Jimmy Carter.











fbd401  No.7045412

File: ef292b47c2e0f2d⋯.jpg (226.49 KB, 500x745, 100:149, FuckThatNiggerFaggotBreadb….jpg)


b206c8  No.7045413

File: 18aa02e80740db3⋯.png (35.99 KB, 500x548, 125:137, pepe sniffing panty's.png)

5c1135  No.7045414

>>7045291 (LB)

Root balls of palms are small, Anon.

... their roots generally grow in the top 36 inches of topsoil where water and nutrients are plentiful. They do not have long, deep taproots like some trees (oak, for example). Instead, they grow dozens of very thin roots that grow outward horizontally from the tree base. They stabilize and anchor the palm and grow into soil for sources of nutrients and moisture. Palm roots grow outward for great distances, not just a few feet from the trunk. Tall palm species -- such as royal, Bismarck, Bailey and Canary Island date palms -- grow roots up to 50 feet away from the trunk.

taken from www.hunker.com/12568030/do-palm-tree-roots-grow-as-big-as-the-palm-tree

f090c8  No.7045415

File: c7f37e3be6c1520⋯.jpg (541.13 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-224554….jpg)

File: 6b03fe6f1ea2dc6⋯.jpg (504.22 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-224628….jpg)

File: baba14be280a552⋯.jpg (664.71 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-224643….jpg)

>>7045390 lb

Crap forgot sauce




02dfea  No.7045416

File: 12b6a1679941a31⋯.png (14.62 KB, 552x115, 24:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e07f5f207d09506⋯.png (336.19 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

When do 100,000 birds sing?


fcb078  No.7045417

File: 0e1ae070b2c886c⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ascasca.jpg)

e84149  No.7045418

File: 23a1cc2ddce7ae1⋯.png (246.93 KB, 616x569, 616:569, Smollett.png)

Lead Investigator on Smollett case Resigns

In case this was missed.


f7cd1b  No.7045419

To the droneanon: your new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK63JAcD8uQ has broken Google Drive link in the describtion — leads to 404. Video is also not working, just black screen.

2e61f8  No.7045420

File: 1d8231dd5d2053a⋯.png (264.35 KB, 379x750, 379:750, cashj4 (2).PNG)

yeah puto

639b84  No.7045421


More kike faggotry.

"We allowed you to tell everyone we're shill fucks but completely ignored the allegations and hope they go away so obviously we're not shills."

Who are you convincing?

7bc08f  No.7045422



What notables?

I didn't see any.

477a01  No.7045423

File: c17cdd7b719ac80⋯.jpg (160.1 KB, 478x268, 239:134, YjqissZ.jpg)

fbd401  No.7045424


NOTAB-… fuck it.

fcb078  No.7045425

fakers keep hacking me

8e6ed0  No.7045426

File: 60fb30765a56b58⋯.jpg (676.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PressFAmDie.jpg)

dc6e88  No.7045427

File: ea5e8bab4bb362c⋯.png (463.72 KB, 801x563, 801:563, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you're looking for Facebook ma'am

8be6fc  No.7045429

File: d42b3f794b51eb5⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 960x540, 16:9, flesh jack removal.mp4)

978303  No.7045430

File: 717ef3b428e68ed⋯.png (721.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Clown_BO_FJ_1.png)



fuck the not able bread, fuck you clown baker,


CHECK NOTABLES (also presumed based bakers seem to miss the most relevant bits), ARCHIVE OFFLINE and REPOST INFO.

b00a44  No.7045431


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

7e8b24  No.7045432


Reassigned, not resigned.

ccd590  No.7045433


>Repost of

>Anon speculates on removal of eye for pineal gland harvesting

>>>7042184 (pb)

Pineal gland is not the same as the pituitary gland. Pituitary is behind the eyes, but pineal is further back.

a755e2  No.7045434

File: 93d8695a2fef17f⋯.png (14.63 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 1563143684.png)


Don't throw your back out Baker from all the heavy lifting.

33521b  No.7045436


You Glow faggot

037d59  No.7045437

>>7044379 /pb

how the every loving fuck did this make it into a notables? Ellen's set has some palm trees and some retarded anon makes 2+2=5. fer fuck's sake . that's why they moved em, to shit em up

7ec1ae  No.7045438


Wonder what he was running from, or too?

978303  No.7045439

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(Shilling also happens in other forms…NEWFAGS, captcha is not case sensitive.)

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.

Also the end for comped BO has come.




c0681c  No.7045440

File: 0884b9bf9568238⋯.jpeg (43.35 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 1240724d0582a7c3a02ebbb46….jpeg)


6e68f8  No.7045441


The fact you brought your attempt to divide this bread, too, is fine.

477a01  No.7045442

File: f0518f840347db5⋯.gif (3.84 MB, 229x165, 229:165, 3nAaLrV.gif)



Get some real cheese…

ccd590  No.7045443

File: 7c5226105d232d0⋯.png (294.76 KB, 700x562, 350:281, pituitary-pineal.png)


>Repost of

>Anon speculates on removal of eye for pineal gland harvesting

>>>7042184 (pb)

Pineal gland is not the same as the pituitary gland. Pituitary is behind the eyes, but pineal is further back.

...forgot the image...

02dfea  No.7045444

File: 7a58966ff590872⋯.png (163.15 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


79bf04  No.7045445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some Kill box music

89f587  No.7045446

Resignations in the news this weekend

SR Batliboi resigns as auditor of IndusInd Bank


SCCC trustee resigns after taking job as schools chief


Indusind Bank Ltd. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Statutory Auditors


Carson City-Crystal High School principal resigns


Nerlens Noel has reportedly fired agent Rich Paul


Goa Deputy Speaker Michael Lobo resigns, likely to be sworn-in as minister


USW president retiring, new leadership taking over


Wood resigns as director of the Stonington Historical Society


Bridgeport Priest Resigns After Abuse Allegations


Recess monitor fired for violating boundary invasion policy


Concord teacher charged with child rape is fired


Acting head of Ukraine's fiscal service resigns after president's criticism


Retiring New Paltz High School principal Barbara Clinton looks back


Ross set to resign at month's end from Rockmart Council


Belington Mayor resigns


UA’s media relations manager to retire next month


Puerto Rico CFO and state secretary resign over profanity-laced chat


Craig Johnson retires after nearly 30 years on Missoula airwaves


Embattled Shamokin cop resigns before council meets to decide his discipline


Familiar face at YOUR Humane Society SPCA ready to retire


c8a19f  No.7045447

Next week BIG …………… again.

How many times has Q posted some itteration of a BIG week promise? Only to turn out to be a nuthingberder?

What a fucking joke Q is.

407f51  No.7045448

File: 501e40a47920bc8⋯.jpg (122.89 KB, 733x499, 733:499, Looney bird Toons.jpg)

File: 8cc206f13a45d54⋯.png (30.88 KB, 440x198, 20:9, npc alerted Y.png)

File: 32cf67be5bcf6fc⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 377x266, 377:266, 10k.jpg)

>>7045366 pb

boom, circle closed.

watch the MOS shills glow

0fe05b  No.7045449

File: 55a9c19f7d69da3⋯.png (80.03 KB, 724x518, 362:259, ClipboardImage.png)



bb8cd4  No.7045450

File: 96c990c16d9c71c⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 626x499, 626:499, memewarvetkek.jpg)

File: cbd3ba26ea3d5b9⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 363x521, 363:521, niteshiftsomewheresmokin.jpg)

File: f118d3af972d156⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 500x621, 500:621, pepeblonderose.jpg)

File: 5bc54f015262729⋯.jpg (170.81 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, proudtoservewithuanons.jpg)

anons fight!

276592  No.7045451


Try these.

part 1


part 2


7ec1ae  No.7045452

f0e133  No.7045453

File: 14593e07f589764⋯.png (189.89 KB, 642x571, 642:571, 14593e07f58976443c6c037c17….png)

File: 3a3a19325f29138⋯.png (35.52 KB, 500x360, 25:18, download (2).png)

File: 1e9e67e01d13ee7⋯.jpg (191.34 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u4.jpg)

File: 52ac95f20122bd5⋯.jpg (119.65 KB, 800x538, 400:269, louderyoushill.jpg)

6e68f8  No.7045454


Ditching evidence for Foxx n friends?

2fa537  No.7045455

File: ce0d8ded96f8d12⋯.jpeg (117.32 KB, 596x873, 596:873, 15CDA543-BC5D-4E2B-BB6C-F….jpeg)

File: b8069f2b1b1223d⋯.jpeg (25.33 KB, 300x226, 150:113, 32E27668-D0EC-4BEA-A8ED-9….jpeg)

b26c35  No.7045456

File: fcbb24d07fb56a8⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, donut_bleed.jpg)


Presentation is everything.

e84149  No.7045457


thx anon. dyslexia moments.

477a01  No.7045458


If I had a dollar for every week Q said was gonna be big, Id have about $104 dollars.

4b1fd3  No.7045459

File: 6d1cc9894da3f0a⋯.jpeg (604.3 KB, 2172x1522, 1086:761, EBA1FECE-4B01-4FD6-A82A-D….jpeg)


Fun times.

639b84  No.7045460



Kike shill bot can't write a coherent sentence. Still can't argue the information.


If you're human why are you here?

a755e2  No.7045461

File: 940b6f923abf661⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 1563077081.png)


Q, you can take it from here. Let the thots roam free.

2d89dc  No.7045462

The highly acclaimed (by msnbc whore ben collins and hellie) and desparately [sic] with high anxiety anticipated msnbc re-telling to the illiterate masses the story of mueller (the headless donkey)

I didn't read the report and was so disappointed to not have someone read it outloud on tv. thanks snowflakes…, jeesh

MSNBCsucks mikes balls and they like it

94e958  No.7045463

File: 2fa070b84ac329d⋯.png (689.26 KB, 759x427, 759:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e5a34d6edf08a5⋯.png (488.96 KB, 701x1000, 701:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ae2856de3e567⋯.png (1.54 MB, 750x933, 250:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 592ef4b5f2507f3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 937x527, 937:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 727e63b1e02d45c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 777x787, 777:787, ClipboardImage.png)

Can't make this shit up (fukin evil satanists!!!) TITLE: BIRDS OF PREY

A black, Black Canary too!!!! Jurnee Smollett in an upcoming Birds Of Prey DC movie.

Jurnee Smollett-Bell in Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)'''

After splitting with the Joker, Harley Quinn joins superheroes Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya to save a young girl from an '''evil crime lord"".


7b31d7  No.7045464

File: a89373e3de83087⋯.png (85.89 KB, 547x764, 547:764, Maxwell_Spy.png)


Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Master Spy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul. By Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon. New York, NY: Carroll and Graf Publishers, 2002. 448 pages.

Czech immigrant and British media tycoon Robert Maxwell drowned alone at night while yachting off the Canary Islands in November 1991. The autopsy listed heart failure as the cause of death. Maxwell’s monumental financial obligations suggested to others that skull-duggery had been involved. Authors Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon agree. Maxwell, they argue, was blackmailing his former employers—the Mossad—and they decided to eliminate the source of unwelcome pressures.

To show the plausibility of their position, the authors do their best to establish Maxwell’s links to the Mossad and several other foreign intelligence services. They quote author Victor Ostrovsky—a one-time Mossad officer—who wrote in his book, By Way of Deception, that Maxwell was a Mossad agent. [8] Author Seymour Hersh said even more in his book, The Sampson Option. [9] Rupert Allason (aka espionage author Nigel West), then a Member of Parliament in Britain, implicated Maxwell and a key member of his staff in the nefarious dealings mentioned by the others. Allason did not, as Thomas and Dillon claim, rely on his parliamentary privilege to avoid Maxwell’s lawsuits. When Maxwell sued Allason, outside of Parliament, Allason produced documentary evidence supporting his charges and won.

Maxwell’s American activities are covered, and, according to Thomas and Dillon, they include setting up the publishing house Pergamon-Brassey, Inc., in McLean, Virginia, as a Mossad front. Also in the mix is author David Kimche, a source for this book, who was at one time deputy head of Mossad and a close friend of Maxwell. Broadening the scope, British author and MI-6 turncoat Richard Tomlinson wrote that MI-6 had monitored Maxwell and his links to the KGB. Thomas and Dillon also document Maxwell’s frequent meetings with KGB chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov, as well as his connections with the Bulgarian security service.

Surely Maxwell was in a position to embarrass a number of people. But why assassinate him? There is much in this biography to stimulate the conspiracy theorists, and possible answers to this question feed them all. Thomas and Dillon conclude that Maxwell wanted the Mossad to pay the $600 million in interest due on his debts.

In reaching this judgment, they review his humble beginnings in Czechoslovakia, the anti-Semitism he endured, his move to Britain, and his service in the Army in World War II. The authors describe his ambitious, though embellished, battle for status in Britain, his sad family life, and his unsavory years in the world of international business and finance that led to his death.

The 18 pages of notes on sources are intended to convince the reader of the book’s veracity, despite not providing many specific sources for specific facts. What the authors do not say, not surprisingly, is that one of their sources, Ari Ben-Manashe, is a well-known liar. [10] Similarly, author Gordon Thomas in his earlier book, Gideon’s Spies, linked the Mossad to the death of Princess Diana and claimed to have a source inside the Clinton White House. [11]

That Robert Maxwell was a ruthless, corrupt, tax-dodging international businessman who served as an Israeli agent is highly probable. But Thomas and Dillon have not established the relationship with high confidence, nor the corollary that he was murdered.

bb8cd4  No.7045465


bullshit he doesnt have one

7cc685  No.7045466

File: 1da023ae8f3415a⋯.png (311.43 KB, 435x422, 435:422, ClipboardImage.png)

6a8c93  No.7045467

File: 286e91fd1980771⋯.gif (682.2 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 968328AA-C18E-4CDF-B152-6A….gif)

>>7045220 (pb)

Thanks for the link! Will continue to check throughout the night!

0fe05b  No.7045468



He wanted out of his position for some reason… hmmm.

28677a  No.7045469

Can confirm that the stupid fucking libtards in my deep blue area love Kamelface because she's such a "fighter" (Kav/Biden), however, they overlook the fact that everything that comes out of her cocksucking mouth is a blatant and obvious lie. Stupid fucking libtards.

5ad5c4  No.7045470

Ban gore posts.

477a01  No.7045471

File: 2133e8c9e6d69a4⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 320x180, 16:9, CVj9-y.gif)

30bda6  No.7045472

File: dd3e2f878f5f9e8⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2035x1199, 185:109, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

285a8b  No.7045473

File: 7d5f62e5a0f8200⋯.jpg (175.62 KB, 1200x662, 600:331, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….jpg)

Pretty quiet skies but


E6b Mercury plane near the swamp of DC

162784 AE040F

United States Navy OOZE79*

United States Military

Boeing E-6B Mercury E6

978303  No.7045475

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, whitaker_yup.jpg)

File: f04832def45a956⋯.png (376.27 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Clown_BO_FJ.png)


demand BO be gone here.

Codemonkey and 8chan owner will see.


also many anons agree to your post.

BO will not stand the pressure much longer and the many glowing shills only approve.

<BO is great, love the "improvement"

<please migrate and leave the board!

Anons on the clown BO. All pb.



>>7023314, >>7023470, >>7023530





>>7031258 moar

c0681c  No.7045476

File: 0940ba4e2854b56⋯.png (810.29 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, a2b8816b28cbbee55295c38d9f….png)


>Let the thots roam free.


eae9dd  No.7045477


To be fair, he doesn't say which week.


Could also, as another anon already pointed out, (forgive me I don't have the link), it could mean they have a week to remember before they get the strong arm of the law on them.

But you are probably a shill, so facts don't matter to you.

edab9f  No.7045478


You're a very talented drawer to do that skeleton in paint. Color me impressed.

2fa537  No.7045479

File: b0229725e2c2937⋯.jpeg (77.81 KB, 552x550, 276:275, 606D3127-7F16-4104-A94E-4….jpeg)

94e958  No.7045480

File: dcb16d169f56a1e⋯.png (920.38 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


477a01  No.7045481


Shit… I read that.

6b28de  No.7045482


Low pay Sunday worker.

a2b392  No.7045483

File: 4548a5aa4f2f36a⋯.png (488.51 KB, 661x529, 661:529, bgroth.png)

File: cb57ddfd0fb4621⋯.png (121.5 KB, 596x656, 149:164, mg159.png)

File: 51d0f4d22f70941⋯.png (100.76 KB, 583x626, 583:626, mg160.png)

File: b5ad5acefa0a650⋯.png (66.68 KB, 566x413, 566:413, mg161.png)

Barrick gold






pages 159-161

Part of a much larger dig that I'm working to verify.

8be6fc  No.7045484

File: 7c78a471ff3b4a7⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 1242x1162, 621:581, 68cf2baf68f3df7a9e2d413c9a….jpg)


fuggna there so much

978303  No.7045485



those people are so stupid.

they will all go down.

7ec1ae  No.7045486

File: 88f19421b375165⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1274x681, 1274:681, more hoops.PNG)

More hoops on the back side. Definitely not croquete. Some kind of fastener. Or attached to concrete underneath. Maybe it's in blocks and can be removed easier (lifted) instead of breaking it up. Don't know why but maybe a construction anon would know.

6d207e  No.7045487


I cant read engrish, what it say?

6e68f8  No.7045489


Fake. Gay. Filter.

30bda6  No.7045490

File: 5ea136a358c2848⋯.png (436.12 KB, 618x412, 3:2, lebowski.png)


Why thank you, but it's Photoshoop

002c11  No.7045491


I've seen idiots on twitter defend her being a literal political whore. As if that's just fine.

2d89dc  No.7045492

oh the loss and cries of msnbc

no mueeeller report reading

say it ain't so – niggers

all week long it was supposed to be glorious

but jus like jussie you dissappoint

betha juanwilliams and joy reid are a part of the whole fuck up with kamala nd booker (bookher, hehhe)

msnbc loop capitolist gonna sue you for not reading the mueller report, cancelled my vacation for it!

fbd401  No.7045493



b206c8  No.7045494

File: 5e69173f5c48da2⋯.png (655.63 KB, 687x440, 687:440, planefag tag f111c always.PNG)

4b1fd3  No.7045495


Even Antifa hate her.

2bd846  No.7045496

File: e78ca76d1d38ea6⋯.png (204.47 KB, 651x438, 217:146, birdinhandisbetter.png)


If the captcha is difficult keep clicking on it until an easier one pops up for you.

<pic unrelated

407f51  No.7045497

File: 601c8ac0283fc20⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 500x570, 50:57, kim bell.jpg)

14912f  No.7045498


Anchors for a tarp?

522fa2  No.7045499

anyone have that pretty Q the storm graphic with POTUS hair swoop

30bda6  No.7045500



They had to have buried some large concrete chambers or somesheeyit

6e68f8  No.7045501


Paytriot subversive divider. Filter.

94e958  No.7045502

File: 407dd1e40b4aa69⋯.png (163.38 KB, 728x777, 104:111, ClipboardImage.png)

[Smollett] Federal charges coming?

As of this moment, there is no new coverage on Smollet in the news.


^^^^^^THE EVIL EMPIRE^^^^^^

6d207e  No.7045503



32526c  No.7045504


it's been a good change


edab9f  No.7045505


Still. If I could I'd send you a White Russian.

07900d  No.7045506


Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors!

Was thinking same thing.

978303  No.7045507


yes, makes most sense, also mild handling of the case says so.

ae509d  No.7045509

File: cea342a0d81b829⋯.png (4.78 MB, 3000x1687, 3000:1687, ClipboardImage.png)

According to a new report, Daniel Craig will pass the martini to ‘Captain Marvel’ actress Lashana Lynch, who will be introduced as the new 007 in the still-untitled 25th Bond film.

4b1fd3  No.7045510

File: 3ffa04bf51c4d38⋯.jpeg (113.28 KB, 923x996, 923:996, 8EB6A337-CCDB-4C07-BB5B-5….jpeg)

c0681c  No.7045511

File: 7e622513bf4e671⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 498x750, 83:125, 7e622513bf4e6710b5dbd80078….jpg)


>anyone have that pretty Q the storm graphic with POTUS hair swoop

I have a stiffy. Is that good enough?

c93e72  No.7045512


They chain the childrens to these

c4602d  No.7045513


why are you convinced that the only people who are taking issue with fapjack are paytriots?

or is this just what fapjack told you to post?

or did you fall for their distraction of talking about matrixx when all this was going down?

you should probably not fall for those things

978303  No.7045514

File: 76c699953d86953⋯.png (12.36 KB, 388x185, 388:185, Q528_SAFE.png)

File: 9dcb9471c3dbe22⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 500x313, 500:313, SAFE3.jpg)


fearmongering again, shill?

477a01  No.7045515


Who really cares about that gay nigger has been anyway?

5c1135  No.7045516




>Anchors for a tarp?

Didn't the island get badly damaged after a storm, lats year, if memory serves?

5af7c7  No.7045517

File: 032ad58549aac06⋯.png (343.83 KB, 825x392, 825:392, ClipboardImage.png)

Where did the image come from. There's an h next to the 14 that isn't in the original image

6bdcbf  No.7045518

File: 393ba40fef4f20f⋯.png (62.67 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


looks like the loop on top of jersey barriers.

41b173  No.7045519

File: f89b58a2deae1f8⋯.png (650.36 KB, 625x687, 625:687, 01a14c5539c0c114587a746590….png)

File: a282e71ccaf1bca⋯.jpg (247.44 KB, 2400x1600, 3:2, a282e71ccaf1bca8744bcb2e30….jpg)

File: 0b316fc4ee822c5⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 768x384, 2:1, 5d4.jpg)

File: 176163675c5044f⋯.jpeg (219.35 KB, 2011x901, 2011:901, 11c7a114855de0d4470513afb….jpeg)

File: 8b3bd25fb1215c1⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 564x752, 3:4, 8b3bd25fb1215c11d3c7158b78….jpg)

0a4a17  No.7045520

File: cad738040e90b7b⋯.png (582.46 KB, 800x635, 160:127, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7045020 lb

>>7045080 lb

>Both are metal.


wrapped metal just like the temple

you sure did talk alot of shit last bread

b206c8  No.7045521

File: 8e6f1f127dc6f88⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 378x189, 2:1, pepe sauce bad.jpg)

4b1fd3  No.7045522

The bunny is the piper.

08f076  No.7045523


We wuz kangz

6d207e  No.7045524

I have the exact same side by side and that is one fine as woman


125ef5  No.7045525

File: 90803d9c69b78b6⋯.jpg (453.8 KB, 1491x914, 1491:914, IMG_314.jpg)

patriots remember!

5347a5  No.7045526


Hurricane hooks

6e68f8  No.7045527


Paytriot clown shills same shit every bread. Attacks PATRIOTS she doesn’t like for supporting the BO of the very board she posts. Filter.

220c7f  No.7045528

File: 4e9486dd67f39f9⋯.png (605.53 KB, 531x543, 177:181, rfs.PNG)

125ef5  No.7045529

File: c36645c389cecd2⋯.jpg (937 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, IMG_313.jpg)

patriots remember!!

26b54b  No.7045530

File: 0e0393c50fe2c48⋯.jpg (128.67 KB, 650x650, 1:1, FB_IMG_1524612367908.jpg)

How about some salary cutting legislation or you don't get to keep your jerbs. Elections coming. Make this your pledge and follow through. Donate your salary like POTUS and do your damn jobs. Most of you have probably sent your interns here or are here yourselves.

30bda6  No.7045531

File: 340c62b6a93ca29⋯.jpg (65.37 KB, 500x459, 500:459, a0c463b2a5f1021cf522e7fe2f….jpg)


much obliged Patriot!

2fa537  No.7045532


Camilla Harris planned it to get her bill passed.

4ef70e  No.7045533

File: 0fb4764c89d2a27⋯.jpeg (97.75 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, 3A99791F-FB5F-49BC-8634-2….jpeg)

File: 6a72c66a37b8174⋯.jpeg (124.27 KB, 1566x880, 783:440, 36DB4789-05B7-428A-8024-9….jpeg)

File: 29bbcec481b9be9⋯.jpeg (38.83 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 88AD2F2C-6E8A-4B60-B264-F….jpeg)

File: e0c2b9c62ecaf9c⋯.jpeg (43.19 KB, 306x382, 153:191, B2AB9A72-01BF-4AD7-B71E-2….jpeg)

File: 4e3816d74920904⋯.jpeg (71.74 KB, 750x563, 750:563, EE47EB4E-1E83-4282-919D-C….jpeg)

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

eae9dd  No.7045534


Wrong > check here


fbd401  No.7045535


They fell for it.

Paytrixxx was just watching the boards when #ImpeachFastJack popped up originally.

And since then, the comped NotMyBO/BV team has been using it discredit calls for them to fuck off.

b26c35  No.7045536

File: 562301c82a98eba⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 499x422, 499:422, GreatPumpkinQ.jpg)

File: 256552acb4d505b⋯.jpg (388.33 KB, 1152x1200, 24:25, PumpkinPoker.jpg)

File: 0dcc8821023878d⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Qfire.jpg)


Just like the Great Pumpkin, Q is coming!

0c4b91  No.7045537

Notables are fine, but would like to see the link open in another tab.

My $.02 worth!

Adapt, Overcome or Wither

4b1fd3  No.7045538

File: 11743b8dfcce60b⋯.jpeg (54.44 KB, 444x318, 74:53, 66CA494F-E369-4449-B01A-D….jpeg)

5ec0f2  No.7045539

File: bb54f20d3aeb94c⋯.png (532.39 KB, 834x719, 834:719, 1 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)

Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss



eae9dd  No.7045540


PB my bad

6d207e  No.7045541



every time that pic comes up I say "NICE" shit there I go again…..

7ec1ae  No.7045542


ah ok. Probably shoring whatever is underneath there. Makes sense. If there's levels below there's got to be fortified structure above and not just earth.

125ef5  No.7045543

File: 476e7e33113c426⋯.jpg (485.26 KB, 1263x818, 1263:818, IMG_311.jpg)

patriots remember!!!

fcb078  No.7045544

File: 0eeb1a1bd1dd4ed⋯.png (815.72 KB, 510x722, 255:361, ClipboardImage.png)

dc6e88  No.7045545

File: 5a6beeda88d9062⋯.png (12.27 KB, 397x110, 397:110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c567d985c2129c1⋯.png (28.06 KB, 397x261, 397:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c1ee736421fb35⋯.png (210.15 KB, 511x583, 511:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b02d100fa6a277⋯.png (223.28 KB, 397x670, 397:670, ClipboardImage.png)

4 for 1 with the Smollett case?

Harris, Booker, Obamas, Maxine, Frederica Wilson, Rahm Emanuel (Chicago Mayor), & maybe more involved

94e958  No.7045546

File: 7a6b35fa6bbedf0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad950de0a1863e7⋯.png (496.63 KB, 453x401, 453:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b65a76c29fd8094⋯.png (434.15 KB, 474x658, 237:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bed7a1ff1c90b5⋯.png (799.05 KB, 680x576, 85:72, ClipboardImage.png)

2b7e47  No.7045547



dd91bc  No.7045548


You aren't trusting the plan enough.

edab9f  No.7045549


Too conspicuous, no? It's an island, where can they run? Though I would run into the water if I were running from pedovores.

32526c  No.7045550

why though?

shouldn't have to strap down a cinder block building? The roof maybe?


30bda6  No.7045551

File: fdcd027691db6a6⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Wastewater-Treatment-Preca….jpg)


Concrete hoops….yes

ae509d  No.7045552



077945  No.7045553


Good, but anon, I think you need to open another tab for this.

757c09  No.7045554

File: 94c55c86b88442d⋯.png (106.97 KB, 670x511, 670:511, gfIII-1.png)

File: e709a56ec81ff7b⋯.png (33.64 KB, 402x357, 134:119, gfIII-2.png)

File: 762ee1350668d14⋯.png (35.75 KB, 400x314, 200:157, gfIII-3.png)

>hivemind needed

e0aa30  No.7045555


What other reason would he have to keep those swamps there and not fill them in? He has moved tons of dirt around for all the other construction there and had the machinery on site. Why wouldn't he reclaim that land to be able to use it instead of for a being ground for mosquitos on an otherwise idyllic island paradise? Those swamps also kind of look like they might have been put there intentionally. You know one of the princes they worship is leviathan. What kind of water monster could they keep there? Would a crocodile eat leftover carcasses? Or would it be piranhas as another anon suggested?

2fa537  No.7045556

File: c759734745cba15⋯.jpeg (61.77 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 9FC49D8C-DE37-4446-A4F6-B….jpeg)

5963f9  No.7045557

File: 210e16d6463decc⋯.jpeg (77.32 KB, 600x402, 100:67, 210e16d6463decc1aac7edb80….jpeg)


Thanks for being easy prey

Ip and loc noted

Enjoy your freedom

It will be your only comfort in your cell

5ec0f2  No.7045558

File: da20e6bff40df1a⋯.png (292.49 KB, 628x998, 314:499, 2 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)

File: ea14b1dc395cddd⋯.png (177.26 KB, 631x924, 631:924, 3 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)

File: b86fbb1574a0705⋯.png (277.21 KB, 645x997, 645:997, 4 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)

File: ce81a5b9a97e3f4⋯.png (439.67 KB, 643x966, 643:966, 5 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)

File: 45c0d35b288a0ca⋯.png (83.56 KB, 638x467, 638:467, 6 KOMO re Epstein Network ….PNG)


>Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss


c8a19f  No.7045559


You can dream up any excuse to make you feel better about wasting 20 months on Q's false promises of BIG weeks.

But, deep down, you know that I'm right.

And no, I'm not a shill. Just a Trump supporter who can recognize bullshit from some anonymous asshole when I see it …. especially when I see the same hope porn and false promise bullshit for 20 fucking months.

Seriously, how many times does Q have to edge your blue balls with the same bullshit before you start to realize that Q is a fraud?

5af7c7  No.7045560


Thanks anon!

6d207e  No.7045561


could have been strap downs for the gold dome possibly that is now gone

6b28de  No.7045562

My balls itch.

4a79ab  No.7045563

File: b2cf58bfa59c83d⋯.jpg (375.57 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, PYkTnX9GQASu.jpg)

File: fc497d1ad2182f0⋯.jpg (375.57 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, PYkTnX9GQASu.jpg)

File: a4825ec2c34647f⋯.jpg (327.85 KB, 800x533, 800:533, BDR0rimi.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

4b1fd3  No.7045565

File: da131b2cf8b4a09⋯.jpeg (123.79 KB, 890x569, 890:569, 00C50E89-DFA2-419A-A08E-B….jpeg)


Do not eat babies.

14c326  No.7045566

File: 2501aa2678d4eef⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 236x374, 118:187, d26a437b9d620547e0c1ab72cc….jpg)


Does this story have a happy ending?

Page after Page

Awaiting the next chapter and hoping for more than fleeting Happiness.

bb8cd4  No.7045567


the newnew one hasn't finished uploading yet tho right? I am literally doing wat dis anon posted >>7045467


welp, kek has spoken.

prayers up

037d59  No.7045568


and yet you keep paying attention.

32526c  No.7045569


water tank I could see, I didn't see water collection/cistern set up anywhere

Maybe the building is a pump house

9df9ed  No.7045570

File: e2eb82527258f59⋯.png (1.72 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6BBE61BC-7549-4FD7-926A-4E….png)

8 Chan is stealing my information, not



6d207e  No.7045571

File: a44dc567a8456ed⋯.png (293.46 KB, 407x416, 407:416, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)


bag balm

1e648a  No.7045572


VALERIE JARRETT, America's 1st Woman black musllm president, yeah, you forgot one

cd1bbf  No.7045573

File: 12a65e4ae8be1f6⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 360x203, 360:203, GodBlessAmerica.webm)

You are the epitome of Regeneration, America.

God bless your fighting spirit.

Fear Of Missing Out:

An emotional hook used to divert crowds of people.


The notables are a great focus for us that was being abused, and this solution is throwing the baby out with the bath water.

It looks like the captchas are far more effective against the DS than we ever thought. Well done.

8bit is the original handler, and in fact, only comes out when there's pressure to put on someone~

I would know.

Just Deep Sweeties being unbelievably terrified of notables centered on moral and truth before the tactical nuke hits~

You see clowns expressing outrage to placate actual action.

The issue isn't notable or not notables, it's Quality.

The solution is their fear: to bake with a notable focus on truth and moral.

C_A lie

C_A manipulate

C_A force (You) into submission

C_A deny the way you see the world

C_A overpower your voice

C_A convince you you're alone

C_A lock you into fear

C_A are afraid of (You)r power

C_A are far fewer in number

Patriots fight~


eae9dd  No.7045574


Yet you are here…weird.

>And no, I'm not a shill.

<< I'm an anon just like you guys, promise.

6e68f8  No.7045575


Energy wasted. Talent non existent. Sole subversive loser located. Filter.

84060d  No.7045576


Lesbian affair for 007/Moneypenny incoming.

cd1bbf  No.7045577

File: 621af9f24970a04⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)


So all creepbot has done is conflate various recognized people/entities with socially encrypted words.

For example, walraus = 8bit

And strung them together with viscerally invocative adjectives.

For example, peanut butter = consumes your attention / love

(Put literal peanut butter in your mouth and find out how much of your senses are 'consumed' by the experience)

Our unconscious minds think in symbols, and creepbot has manipulated major aspects of our board experience this way.

In my example above, they wanted to force your love. Insideous is the social engineer, whom's too much a coward to fight with reason.

Though this deciphering we can, in fact, hack creepbot~













More importantly we can track the mindset of our C_rAnian Deep Sweeties.

Patriots fight~

b206c8  No.7045578

File: 0221b173edc2a75⋯.png (449.94 KB, 1434x831, 478:277, sun tzu balls itch.PNG)

978303  No.7045579


cables for lights?

brought above surface every few feet for lighting?

imo does not look like metal, the one in the middle does not even have a nice shape, rather skew.

fcb078  No.7045580

File: 5712cfbfbc8ac76⋯.png (2.13 MB, 834x968, 417:484, ClipboardImage.png)

6d207e  No.7045581

File: 26055e1fe814938⋯.png (256.17 KB, 461x344, 461:344, Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at ….png)

c8a19f  No.7045582


Manhole straps to remove manhole covers.

No idea what the manholes cover, but they are likely covered with dirt.

0c4b91  No.7045583

File: ef17316190ab63e⋯.png (88.87 KB, 574x735, 82:105, Mark Epstein PDF Page 1.png)

File: 70fcf11e3a6c7c9⋯.png (98.87 KB, 576x722, 288:361, Mark Epstein PDF Page 2.png)

File: 82fc4e943a854a2⋯.png (90.67 KB, 578x708, 289:354, Mark Epstein PDF Page 3.png)

File: d81b65e5eb7e640⋯.png (85.71 KB, 573x726, 191:242, Mark Epstein PDF Page 4.png)

File: ec289bd29ff9593⋯.png (85.64 KB, 573x736, 573:736, Mark Epstein PDF Page 5.png)

Re-posting Info on Mark Epstein PDF as I posted at the very end of a bread. Lots of Businesses WW if it is in deed Jeffery' brother never mentioned much. Looked some of the addresses and seemed strange

978303  No.7045585


oh, so now the shills go full symbolism mode.

will this convince the masons lurking that it´s all gonne be fine?

kek, so stupid.

23a90c  No.7045586

File: f1eb1934270df12⋯.jpeg (85.95 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9F966201-86CA-4751-B106-F….jpeg)

File: f3a39b1ea7f63a7⋯.jpeg (136.34 KB, 618x412, 3:2, B63B5E97-CC07-45D6-825C-5….jpeg)

File: 16f8bc9f0fa328b⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 540x356, 135:89, 5DBEFDD5-B040-4C68-81C5-E….jpeg)

File: 1006f7be851071d⋯.jpeg (66.71 KB, 680x510, 4:3, D9AC6CF6-1CE5-4D65-A731-7….jpeg)

2761e2  No.7045587


But how do the trees grow then???

67c1c5  No.7045588

File: e4d10cd475d6b51⋯.png (193.17 KB, 588x424, 147:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bef717c389e543⋯.png (85.04 KB, 252x200, 63:50, ClipboardImage.png)

ok anons, deductive reasoning time:

A: Latest R. Kelly Indictment Alleges Singer Made Sex Tape With 12-year-old, Exposed Minors To STD

B: Draize Test: a pharmacological test in which a substance is introduced into the eye or applied to the skin of a laboratory animal in order to ascertain the likely effect of that substance on the corresponding human tissue. Named after John H. Draize (1900–92), the American pharmacologist who helped to develop this type of test.

C:Indictment claims Jeffrey Epstein had extensive network to procure young victims

Epstein takes subject to island, subject is introduced to HIV+ Sexy Action Slave Girl/Boy, subject is infected, subject is given options.



22929e  No.7045589

File: 780b6a63e02b11e⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 255x226, 255:226, carole radziwill.jpg)

File: 0e3f1bfc721545f⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 636x382, 318:191, carole radziwill 2.jpg)

>>7039884 pb

Don't see if this has been caught yet, but it takes so freaking long to post here:

Second from the left mystery woman in the line-up with Jizzlame Maxwell and Anthony Balaz:

Oh, yoohoo, is that you, Carole Radziwill?

Husband Tony Radziwill died shortly before his cousin, JFK Jr.......Hmmm.

Carole has long since gone off the deep end: a Hillary toenail-kisser and reality-show addict.

Now we know why....the company she keeps.

Hey, John, you better get back here pretty quick. Your extended family needs you...as we all do.

Here: take your pick of Carole pics and verify for yourselves: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=carole+radziwill&t=ffnt&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fpeopledotcom.files.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F08%2Fcarole-radziwill-435-1.jpg%3Fw%3D435

b00a44  No.7045590



Book on Maxwell also claims Pricess Di was killed by Mossad.

e0bd96  No.7045591

File: 11f5c4f8e86ab9b⋯.jpeg (49.64 KB, 344x465, 344:465, 2A2F2587-BBD6-4411-89A5-E….jpeg)




dc8933  No.7045592


num nums

28677a  No.7045593

File: 9db29757ecaad9e⋯.png (62.92 KB, 212x212, 1:1, Screenshot_2019-07-14_2104….png)

Jussie? He tough, he ain't gonna rat out NObody!

Jussie didnu do nuffin!

94e958  No.7045594

File: 49a63da5a02703b⋯.png (548.29 KB, 602x614, 301:307, ClipboardImage.png)


fcb078  No.7045595


why are you attacking me?

6b28de  No.7045596

Humans confirmed

0c4b91  No.7045597

File: a27d738cba731d7⋯.png (84.68 KB, 573x725, 573:725, Mark Epstein PDF Page 6.png)

File: 03519a535e50aba⋯.png (73.82 KB, 569x732, 569:732, Mark Epstein PDF Page 7.png)


Mark Epstein post cont.

7084f3  No.7045598

>>7044875 (pb)

It's a Qunicorn! kek

dd2d6f  No.7045599

File: 739068bfa8ec187⋯.png (483.43 KB, 360x606, 60:101, ClipboardImage.png)

This image is from "We Maps 04" phone app - this is an image that Twatter ppl were asking the source…it's NOT as clear on [GOOG] Earth program…

Also: Google Earth has a timeline feature where you can see changes to the topography over the months and years…GO LQQK at Epstein's fake tennis court tarp - you will see the building progression of the tunnels…when they're not intentionally obscured by clouds. When the main tunnels were "bored", it's no coincidence that you can't see months worth of satellite imagery…so "cloudy"…

70a469  No.7045600

>>7044609 ob

Life is a test to see who deeds are best. There is only one death, an eternal life awaits. Whether you spend that time in Paradise or the Lake of Fire depends on remembering that there is only ONE GOD who deserves your worship and gratitude. Study the Quran it will answer all your questions if you are sincere

32526c  No.7045601


that would make sense

see those more often in Fla with trailers though code has changed, trailers less allowed


6d207e  No.7045602

File: 1f2b01f12738ecd⋯.png (654.77 KB, 703x546, 703:546, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

8fa3e7  No.7045603


NSA Surveillance Hub

(Former AT&T Long Lines Switching Office)

33 Thomas St, NYC

Brutalist architecture.

No windows.


Highly secretive building.


3ce4c3  No.7045604


20 months? What timeline are you on?

12530a  No.7045605


Seems like all them rich are related.

Did we establish if the Khashoggis are actually Crypto Jews? Seems not right but.

978303  No.7045606


add "kike" to your posts and you used all shill scripts at the same time.

e786a3  No.7045607


Cable tie downs for the trees in stormy conditions.

89b1b4  No.7045608

File: 3852826cb139741⋯.png (618.67 KB, 1180x1518, 590:759, DrHammer.png)


1981 article

Traces the history of the Hammer family and their connection to the development of the Soviet Union, Occidental Petroleum, David Murdock, China, Libya, Communist Party…


e66182  No.7045609

>>7045193 lb

>GODFATHER III is back in Q's signature.

Snow White: 5:5

Godfather III: Coming Soon?

afc40f  No.7045610


>Study the Quran it will answer all your questions

Yeah I was just wondering how to rape a child, thanks

c4602d  No.7045611


i thought that thing was a jail

2761e2  No.7045612


No. They need 2-3 feet of soil for roots. The concrete containers have to have several feet of soil on top. The loops would be buried then.

8fa3e7  No.7045613

Forgot sauce


cd1bbf  No.7045614

File: a5cfd50a902d54f⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5f0c2d511d08ac8f2aa2fce8ec….mp4)

File: 17b33553441f5c6⋯.jpg (87.89 KB, 720x960, 3:4, e6b57b5ea87e0065c869f70fdb….jpg)

So, guesses at the four BOOMS?











Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow. 

Where once there was [D-1]ARK

Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT



b00a44  No.7045615


She's a lunatic. Also the one responsible for calling the Coast Guard when JFK jr crashed.

JFK Jr's plane supposedly went down at 4700 ft per minute. That doesn't sound like confusion over haze, sounds like engine failure. It literally dropped out of the sky.

c93e72  No.7045616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6e68f8  No.7045617



15bc89  No.7045618


I for the life of me will never be able to understand the evil or sick twisted urge, desire, proclivity or whatever it is religion, Satan Moloch…will never be able to wrap my mind around wanting, needing to eat a baby…I had two babies last one 17 years ago…and the maternal bond and protection is the complete opposite of ….what they do…I guess that is what …. "Mirror" means.

6d207e  No.7045619


it was a play on words but your absolutely right

94e958  No.7045620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ANONS Somethings brewing…

=Can you Smollett?

Why Jussie Smollett Wants a Change of Jurisdiction - Viva Frei Vlawg

285a8b  No.7045621

File: 2678a2486844b5a⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 642x428, 3:2, sweden-chip.jpg)

Swedish people are getting chip implants to replace cash, credit cards


By Lee Brown July 14, 2019 | 11:13pm

Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash.

More than 4,000 people have already had the sci-fi-like chips, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted into their hands — with the pioneers predicting millions will soon join them as they hope to take it global.

“It’s very Black Mirror,” Swedish scientist Ben Libberton told The Post of the similarity to the TV series highlighting futuristic scenarios.

Like glorified smartwatches, the chips help Swedes monitor their health and even replace keycards to allow them to enter offices and buildings.

They have particularly caught on, however, by enabling owners to pay in stores with a simple swipe of the hand, a big deal in a forward-looking country that is moving towards eliminating cash.

The microchips were pioneered by former body piercer Jowan Österlund, who calls the technology a “moonshot” — and who told Fortune magazine that he’s been hit up by hopeful investors “on every continent except Antarctica.”

“Tech will move into the body,” the Biohax International founder told the mag. “I am sure of that.”

Österlund insists the technology is safe — but that has not stopped alarm bells from ringing, with some fearing a link to a doubling in cybercrime in the country over the last decade.

Libberton, a British scientist based in Sweden, praised the “definitely exciting” potential health benefits of accurate health metrics taken from inside the body.

“Think if the Apple Watch could measure things like blood glucose,” he told The Post.

But he also fears the mass of highly personalized data and how it could be used.

“The problem is, who owns this data?” he asked. “Do I get a letter from my insurance company saying premiums are going up before I know I’m ill? If I use the chip to buy lunch, go to the gym and go to work, will someone have all of this info about me? Is this stored and is it safe?”

Libberton added, “It’s not just about the chip, but integration with other systems and data sharing.”

And he fears Swedes are not giving enough thought to the potential dangers.

“People have shown they’re happy to give up privacy for convenience,” he said. “The chip is very convenient, so could we accept our data being shared very widely before we know the risks?”

The trend coincides with Sweden’s march towards going cashless, with notes and coins making up just one percent of Sweden’s economy. At the same time, the country has seen a dramatic decrease in some crimes — with just two bank robberies last year compared to 110 in 2008.

efa8f0  No.7045622

File: 7d599754c166921⋯.png (160.93 KB, 529x248, 529:248, 1930vs2019.png)


What notables?

8fa3e7  No.7045623



Damn it! And forgot the link back

*backs away from keyboard*

d4a5fb  No.7045624

File: d1ba7c1c66b35cf⋯.jpeg (151.87 KB, 828x1062, 46:59, 5AB764A1-9A1D-48AD-97EC-6….jpeg)

File: 99a096d3d9f263b⋯.jpeg (253.05 KB, 828x1216, 207:304, E115D366-2BA6-4BCA-9AA6-3….jpeg)

File: 6bafbf4601e257d⋯.jpeg (75.89 KB, 828x783, 92:87, AC8375FC-CB6F-4DC9-B8A3-3….jpeg)

File: 6c9a19843752535⋯.jpeg (69.22 KB, 445x619, 445:619, 6F92236D-1F18-43E0-9D2A-B….jpeg)

File: c2f692c6c935f55⋯.jpeg (59.53 KB, 445x338, 445:338, 40D1487D-A7D5-417E-91A0-E….jpeg)

Asshole Masonlilith Pedostate and minions have hours before the tide turns against them and they will be surrounded by billions of people that want retribution and ALL of their money.

It is what is.

Here it comes kids.

037d59  No.7045625


do those hot arab bitches wear those ridiculous burkas in paradise or is islamic heaven homo only?

44e431  No.7045626

File: bc17802837e0e9d⋯.png (22.28 KB, 541x267, 541:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Slams Democrats ‘Who Speak So Badly’ of America and ‘Hate Israel’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday evening to slam the far-left Democrats who have come to the defense of those who “speak so badly of our country.”

In one of his shared tweets, Trump claimed far-left Democrats defend those who “hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion.”

“So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion,” Trump wrote. “Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, ‘RACIST.'”

“Their disgusting language and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged,” Trump continued.

Trump then insisted that he and his campaign “look even more forward” to facing off against Democrats at the ballot box in 2020 should the Democrat Party continue to “condone such disgraceful behavior.”

“If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020,” Trump added.

Trump drew immense criticism from the Democrat Party, including nearly every 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful, Sunday after he suggested left-wing members of Congress “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

After his tweets, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) claimed Trump is “stoking white nationalism.”

“You are stoking white nationalism because you are angry that people like us are serving in Congress and fighting against your hate-filled agenda,” Omar, who came to America as a refugee, wrote in a tweet.


1814a4  No.7045627


so theoretically the power outage could have disabled ventilation, etc. but such a DUMB would be ready for that n stuff.. dont connect this reasoning,..

3fc7b6  No.7045628

File: 6f6d6758dd403b8⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image (29).jpg)


Sheeeit Max say hold mines adrenochrome while I tries to Mpeaches FoFi


Sunday afternoon on CNN, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) slammed President Donald Trump for a tweet his critics are calling “racist.”

In that tweet, Trump suggested “progressive” members of Congress “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

Waters said the tweet should not come as a shock to anyone given he is an “illegitimate racist.”

“I am surprised that anyone would be shocked by the racism of this president,” she said. “The president is an illegitimate racist occupying the White House who has defined himself over and over again. Yes, he attacked these four women of color who are members of Congress who have been elected from their districts to come to the Congress of the United States and represent the people in their districts. They are certainly legitimate. He is not. This is a president who’s defined himself as a sexual predator, a liar, a con man. This is a man who has cheated young people who went to the fake university that he set up thinking they were going to become developers, etc. This is a man who lied about the president of the United States, Obama, on this birther movement.”

“But don’t forget, long before he was elected to office, he tried to get the Central Park 5 the death penalty,” she continued. “He wanted them killed even though they were found not to be guilty of the crimes that they were being accused of. So what is it about anybody that we’d be surprised about what he would say or what he does? If there’s anything we should be talking about, it is the lack of the responsibility of the Congress of the United States to impeach him. He needs to be impeached. He has defined himself thoroughly. He is dangerous. He is divisive. And this is someone who does not understand or appreciate the Constitution of the United States of America. He needs to go. We need to be talking about impeachment.”

b02292  No.7045629


Possibly anchor points to lift concrete larger than a Jersey barrier? Is this elevation natural, or was it built up? It's possible everything below was actually built on an original ground level, waterproofed, and then buried and built on top of. The visible temple could basically be the tip of a step pyramid.

fcb078  No.7045630

File: 1b7e01eec2004b1⋯.png (1.48 MB, 639x749, 639:749, ClipboardImage.png)

978303  No.7045631


i think you try to slide with wild speculation, consider there is an OCEAN right there e.g., so they would likely not hire staff to care for aligators to eat the remains from their sick rituals.

(but i do know animals are part of the torturing these sick bastards do - masons posting evil stuff on twatter confirm.)

edab9f  No.7045632


Oh no….

2e2767  No.7045633


Study the book of a death cult who follows the lead of a psychopathic pedophile??gtfoh muzzyfag

44749c  No.7045634

File: 93713d50836e7e2⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 674x500, 337:250, mad-max-inpeach45.jpg)

ef0d19  No.7045635


Exactly what I thought! Guy realized the implications of what was in front of him and made a way out! Bet the cops are trippin' and bet the guys knees are still knocking!

65a253  No.7045637



6cd985  No.7045638

PB covers Epstein island info from a sauce flavored 3Days3Nights or something.

Source talks about island and ritual sacrifices. Says cabal hates black people. Read a twat that said they found dental equipment on the island and tl;dr they use teeth to clone the kids in SE Asia. ==IF== true…

Are migrant invasion forces padded with these clones from overseas, programmed to create chaos in host cities?

Fuck, look at London. Paris. Philly and CA aren't looking too hot these days.

Can anyone weigh in? Is this explore worthy?

662208  No.7045639

sauce on Epstein’s fake charity ‘Gratitude America’, including the listed address and tax forms https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/660789697

b279b7  No.7045640

File: 7b27bea70e94108⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 500x456, 125:114, FB.jpg)



ad79d0  No.7045641


The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Treasurer

Mark S. Weiss, also Executive Vice Chairman of Cushman and Wakefield, Inc.

Clients Served:

Fox Rothschild

Catholic Charities, Children's Aid Society

The Blackstone Group



Blackstone Group in Podesta emails

3 Reasons To Be Worried About the Blackstone Group—and Their Friend, Hillary Clinton

Leaked emails show Clinton’s advisers sought to “develop a real relationship with” the controversial private equity firm. (Deborah Norville also linked to Hillary)


Karl Wellner (President NYSPCC) also linked to Blackstone…

In search of clients, Mr. Wellner attends a broad array of functions, including a surprise birthday lunch for Blackstone Group chief Stephen Schwarzman


Blackstone Charitable Foundation 2013 contributor to The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


NYSPCC VP - Elizabeth Mayhew, decorator/stylist

Editor in Chief at Draper James (Reese Witherspoon company), ”Today" show contributor.

Deborah Norville was also on Today show til c. 1990. Norville is also a council member & wife of Karl Wellner (NYSPCC president)

94e958  No.7045642

File: 75803eb7f39f1e9⋯.png (116.88 KB, 300x220, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 834ef931606e8bd⋯.png (239.22 KB, 287x435, 287:435, ClipboardImage.png)


"We'll Always Be Your Sugar!"

b3ddbd  No.7045643

File: 00a5b96756d0ef2⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1479293692-jessie-spano-ca….jpg)


shit you triggrd me

3fc7b6  No.7045644

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)

6e68f8  No.7045645


“Iz muh wig askew? Muh wig feelz askewd.”

1827d6  No.7045646


is that you "big mike" ?

28677a  No.7045647


Orangutans are not well-suited to being states attorneys.

16d40e  No.7045648

File: b05cb5140ec1557⋯.jpg (196.02 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, IMG_20190715_001522.jpg)

File: 0da7db4ef618ef3⋯.jpg (13.51 KB, 338x378, 169:189, IMG_20190715_001529.jpg)

The initials of Jeffrey Epstein.

bb8cd4  No.7045649


crystal clear waters anon, cmon

c963b8  No.7045650

File: 3a4b0b4d45cec52⋯.jpg (450.16 KB, 1920x1856, 30:29, Number One.jpg)

Patriot Anons

When i think of Number One i think of Q drop #1

When i think of Fed's i think of Law Enforcement like US Marshals

But it's seems to be more to it like a bigger picture

3fc7b6  No.7045651

File: 8f236ba7002c77b⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AOSea.jpg)


abcb97  No.7045653

the American Flag on Epsteins Island is a dead give-away

at some point war was declared on that Island

our military invade , took it over, took into custody/killed the cabal and rescued the victims

the Island is now ours

you don't think those evil fucks put that flag there now do you?

e0aa30  No.7045654


I'm sure they could just encase them in concrete and slide them off a boat over some deep water. But how do you explain the swamp's very existence?

44749c  No.7045655

File: 21dfc45da1284af⋯.jpg (917.53 KB, 1920x5152, 60:161, FireShot Capture 250 - Dou….jpg)

Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning – the blackout is coming


Posted some hours ago. I don't recall it being mentioned though.

"the blackout is coming…"

Q says the blackout is necessary

077945  No.7045656


I think reddit is calling you back.

bb8cd4  No.7045657


anon earlier speculated juvenile entrance

44e431  No.7045658

Iran Ready to Hold Talks With US if Sanctions Lifted - Rouhani

Iran is ready to hold negotiations with the United States if Washington lifts sanctions and gives up “bullying,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday.

Earlier in the day, Berlin, Paris and London called for a dialogue between all parties of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saying the deal risks falling apart due to the US sanctions against Iran and Tehran’s decision to partially discontinue its obligations and.

“We are always ready for negotiation. I tell you this hour and this moment to abandon bullying and lift the sanctions and return to logic and wisdom. We are ready,” Rouhani said, as quoted by the Mehr news agency.

Rouhani added that Iran shifted its approach from “strategic patience” to “reciprocal action” and would respond in kind to any of Washington’s steps related to the nuclear deal.

On May 8, 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew his country from the JCPOA and imposed several consecutive rounds of economic sanctions on Iran. A year later, Tehran announced its own decision to partially suspend obligations under the deal and giving the other signatories - France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, China and the European Union - 60 days to save the accord by facilitating oil exports and trade with Iran.

On July 7, as the deadline expired, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi announced that his country was ready to begin enriching uranium beyond the 3.67 percent level set in the JCPOA, adding that Tehran would go on gradually abandoning its nuclear commitments every 60 days.


f55880  No.7045659


List of Companies where Maxwell listed in the UK

fcb078  No.7045660


how about jeff epstein…

b279b7  No.7045662

File: 0a64501f6bce75f⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 521x463, 521:463, 35n2xf_1.jpg)

379f7e  No.7045663


Old lady Roth has earrings on like the giant symbols in the concrete at the main house on the island

2bd846  No.7045664

File: 9264b7584529939⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 1024x702, 512:351, 180212181.jpg)

cd1bbf  No.7045665

File: bbd0eecbb90dcc4⋯.png (96.07 KB, 516x713, 516:713, 87f7272ed76f8fc15108163545….png)


That's in the underground sub bay.

Narco-subs carried the children in..

6c9be5  No.7045666


Hurricane hooks for the dome and any addon protection used for the windows and the door. Steel wires make a hell of a difference in a hurricane.

94e958  No.7045667

File: 35b1c8ae6e83281⋯.png (476.28 KB, 448x448, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff54bf0f0e59a46⋯.png (432.93 KB, 480x401, 480:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 939df1ab4841475⋯.png (425.23 KB, 650x374, 325:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17a2a49b10fd4ae⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1351x888, 1351:888, ClipboardImage.png)

67c1c5  No.7045668


their hoops for hooks that sunk the shaft into the hole. a helicopter lowered whatever the interior structure is down and then they built the platform on top, then the cabana. that things a fucking missile silo

285a8b  No.7045669

File: 6aad197aa00383c⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 800x598, 400:299, right.jpg)

c8a19f  No.7045670


Go back and read all of Q's bullshit posts … start on halfchan Oct of 2017 … newfag.

6f0ea0  No.7045671

File: 6c562a9cd7f72f4⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1432x987, 1432:987, 89658901289346743.png)

e0aa30  No.7045672


Also, stop trying to slide by being a complete faggot and use a little logic.

5f1d18  No.7045673


I thought the same, all this has already been taken care of and as far as the new painted building in the 4K vids… gut says something is off about it entirely

6d207e  No.7045674

File: cce5406f59356d3⋯.png (324.69 KB, 461x469, 461:469, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

e8bd89  No.7045675

File: 6b1084338bfe39c⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 594x456, 99:76, Ghislaine Maxwell Guests U….jpg)

File: 94cb06e62871143⋯.png (187.17 KB, 335x499, 335:499, nick_rhodes_poster_duran_d….png)

File: fe28393403b8841⋯.png (98.3 KB, 690x364, 345:182, Duran Duran playing at Ken….png)

File: c2c4067464f8839⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 612x414, 34:23, gettyimages-51300573-612x6….jpg)

File: c6723b389b930a7⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 820x410, 2:1, duran2-820x410.jpg)

This picture that Q referenced earlier with Nat Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell, also has Nick Rhodes in it, he is in the band Duran Duran.

Duran Duran will be playing at the Kennedy space center in 2 days.



27d409  No.7045676

File: ca85fafce8f0f10⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, eric gun runner.jpg)

File: bcd6771ef2fb661⋯.jpg (145.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, History.jpg)

File: b59029445c350ca⋯.jpg (683.04 KB, 1016x1223, 1016:1223, jeffrey epstein.jpg)

File: 094baebd42e61de⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 800x592, 50:37, jim ruined it for us.jpg)

File: 39159450535577c⋯.jpg (155.85 KB, 900x664, 225:166, Trump holding hands.jpg)

978303  No.7045678


bc you blattantly obvious posted a meme full of masonic symbolism and you only did that to make the masons that are panicking and lurking here feel comfy so they do not break free from the sick cult in hundreds of thousands.

will this be enough to keep the 'enlightened sheeple' enslaved?



trying fearmongering too with same ID, shill?



DS lost all control.

Break free and save yourselves.

Q has got your back if you rightfully repent and in some cases accept a just sentencing.

Do not sacrifice yourselves for master that don´t give a shit about you.

I know you all have seen the many former bad actors that have become heros by just turning away from evil and helping the right site.

WWG1WGA count not be any more true.

ae509d  No.7045679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crack: Una illusione senza ritorno (1994)

Stars: Nabila Khashoggi

1e648a  No.7045680



27d409  No.7045681

File: 888cb9b196a8445⋯.jpg (155.58 KB, 599x880, 599:880, Obama Q Joe P.jpg)

File: 459dd7562845ab2⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 415x531, 415:531, Smile.jpg)

File: de0830594a0dedf⋯.jpg (322.5 KB, 812x1244, 203:311, state dept stealing phones.jpg)

File: 87ab1aeb7f4ada3⋯.jpg (100.71 KB, 1068x657, 356:219, villian of the day.jpg)

File: 73f6916d169262e⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, work together.jpg)

e8bd89  No.7045682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb8cd4  No.7045683

File: c10db7054af5a71⋯.jpg (22.52 KB, 291x309, 97:103, phillipsfakenativeamerican….jpg)

44e431  No.7045684

File: dbb1a5441780fe7⋯.png (42.6 KB, 653x649, 653:649, ClipboardImage.png)

Gantz says ‘in talks’ with Likud reps over unity government sans Netanyahu

Blue and White chief claims dissenting members of ruling party ‘getting ready for the day after’

Launching his party’s official election campaign ahead of September’s national ballot, Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz said Sunday night that he was “in talks with Likuds representatives” about the possibility of forming a national unity government without Netanyahu following the election.

“Everyone understands the need for a broad and stable government,” the former general told a crowd of the party’s youth activists in the coastal town of Shefayim.

“Lately, our people have been in talks with Likud representatives. We know that they are also getting ready for the day after Netanyahu,” he said, reiterating a claim that members of the ruling party are interested in dumping the prime minister due to his dubious legal predicament facing criminal investigations.

“Even within the Likud, some voices oppose Netanyahu’s actions. They too have internalized that Bibi only cares for Bibi,” Gantz told the crowd to applause.

A spokesperson for Blue and White declined to give details on who from each party had purportedly met, when or where, but said that the comments were “more straight forward than anything else said on the matter thus far.”

A spokesperson for the Likud party would not be drawn on Gantz’s comments.

Last month it was reported that Likud officials were seeking a deal to form a unity government with Blue and White that would see upcoming elections canceled. Gant’z centrist party, however, said that such a move would only be possible if Netanyahu stepped down.

The Kan public broadcaster reported that senior officials from the Likud party have proposed to their Blue and White counterparts that the two parties form a unity government with Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz rotating in the role of prime minister.

Blue and White co-leader Yair Lapid said in response that the party would support calling off the September 17 elections and leading a unity government, but only if Netanyahu — who is facing indictments in three corruption cases — steps down as prime minister.

On Sunday, Lapid, appearing immediately after Gantz, insisted that Blue and White aimed to replace Netanyahu, not prop him up.


7ec1ae  No.7045685

File: a70788a55d6a38e⋯.png (302.97 KB, 577x392, 577:392, Titan.PNG)


This the one?

077945  No.7045686


I saw a map of the island buildings posted yesterday. The temple was listed as a guest house. That would make sense with the beds and even a doorknob an anon may have found looking in the window. That could be a bathroom.

That does not mean there is nothing under it, but just cover for whats under.

27d409  No.7045687

File: e0ab28030ee8b0b⋯.png (1018.34 KB, 605x907, 605:907, Night Shift NYC 07132019.png)

File: 19799a99d3f63a3⋯.png (931.19 KB, 539x700, 77:100, Salute Astro.png)

File: 1c93362e6d8c477⋯.png (51.88 KB, 785x647, 785:647, Q Latest Posts 07082019.png)

File: bc048949123ac30⋯.png (54.14 KB, 711x438, 237:146, Moves and Countermoves sto….png)

File: 80c25f62123a9a4⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1200x529, 1200:529, 2 or moar.png)

6c9be5  No.7045688


First Notre-Dame and now 007. At least we still have Misison Impossible.

ad47f1  No.7045689



If I remember correctly, there was a photo some time back of the Flag going up. Maybe someone more autistic can find it.

6b28de  No.7045690


Muh dick!

0fb541  No.7045691


Gloria V first married at 17

Died on 17 June

First husband Vanderbilt = 107 (reduction 17)

Disneyland = 107

Her second husband as Leopold Stokowski, a famous man that won accolades for conducting symphonies for Disney's FANTASIA - Fantasia = 71 (mirror of 17)

e5304f  No.7045692

File: 72fdce3c978c003⋯.jpg (250.44 KB, 1277x435, 1277:435, Screenshot_20190714-204710….jpg)

File: 4df667a0d4de8e9⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 2960x1440, 37:18, 20190714_203407.jpg)

I spotted 'blue waves' while looking over lil' st. James island. This got me looking for other hidden symbols on the island.

I think I found the 4 cardinal direction markers, shown on image in their respective colors.

North - earth - brown - shell things

East - air - yellow - helicopter landing area

South - fire - red - symbols around temple

West - water- blue - blue waves on white rectangle

Ironically (?) Red also represents sacrifice in some belief systems.

I haven't found anything to decipher the symbols by the temple, although I remember seeing something long ago hinting that the 's' shape things represent 'blood' or 'flowing blood'…

Any help with symbols would be appreciated- sauce gets you a big hug…

12530a  No.7045693



Jamal Khashoggi Mossad Agent, KGB Agent and Doenmeh Crypto-Jew

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The execution of Jamal Khashoggi has been making headlines around the world for a long time now, but the most important elements of the story have been left out of the mainstream press. Jamal Khashoggi is descended from the Doenmeh crypto-Jews of Turkey. His family gained prominence when his grandfather Muhammad Khashoggi became personal physician of the crypto-Jewish King Abdulaziz Al Saud.

It is no coincidence that Jamal was executed in Turkey. Like the crypto-Jewish Young Turks, Khashoggi sought to secularize and destroy Islam in its very capital.

Jamal is a nephew of the infamous Mossad agent and arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, known for his involvement in the Iran Contra affair, in which Israel played a key role. Jamal worked for the KGB in Afghanistan and was working to spread the Israeli-KGB-CIA Arab Spring revolutions to Saudi Arabia.

Nabila and Jamal are cousins

5963f9  No.7045694


== notable for bun ÷÷

Play on reoeat

94e958  No.7045695

File: 236bf4f66cc4092⋯.png (324.29 KB, 500x829, 500:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6fd3a3989d8182⋯.png (23.25 KB, 498x182, 249:91, ClipboardImage.png)

a3201d  No.7045696

File: 53b6eb860894733⋯.png (73.78 KB, 1277x800, 1277:800, Did Papadopoulos Tipster H….PNG)

File: 2e17ccff82b667a⋯.jpg (73.3 KB, 606x426, 101:71, STAR OF DAVID ON MIGRANT ….jpg)

File: 30d46d16571a34a⋯.png (668.3 KB, 989x989, 1:1, CHILDREN ARE THEIR DRUG.png)

File: 45d596638f9c4db⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 600x521, 600:521, CEMEX-600x521.jpg)

File: bc234d7809e90ee⋯.jpg (146.35 KB, 1200x556, 300:139, ADRENOCHROME FOR DUMMIES.jpg)

I am no longer accepting things I cannot change. It is now time to change the things I cannot accept.

>>>Star of David on Migrant Caravan

>>>Alessandro Ruspoli, 9th Prince of Cerveteri GODFATHER III played Vanni

Alessandro "Dado", Principe Ruspoli (9 Dec 1924 – 11 Jan 2005) was an occasional actor

and a playboy and eccentric aristocrat, the 9th Principe di Cerveteri, 9th Marchese di Riano,

14th Conte di Vignanello and Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.

Dado descends from a brother of Cardinal Bartolomeo Ruspoli.

Dado was born in Rome in 1924. His mother and father's first wife Claudia dei Conti Matarazzo,

who died when he was 9, was heiress to one of the largest fortunes in Brazil.

His father Francesco Ruspoli, 8th Prince of Cerveteri, later a poet, fought in both world wars.

Dado became known for his extravagant lifestyle in the 1950s and 60s.

He was friends with Brigitte Bardot, Salvador Dalí, Truman Capote, Roger Vadim, Roman Polanski, Emmanuelle Arsan and many others.

>>>CEMEX snip I made long ago to tweet. Sorry no sauce.

>>>ADRENOCHROME https://exposingpedovore.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/adrenochrome-associated-with/

27d409  No.7045697

File: 469bd4e0d9deab9⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 800x410, 80:41, death blossem final boss.jpg)

File: d8ace08b3cdf800⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Thundercats Hoooo.jpg)

File: 1b9d6acd0f40e8e⋯.jpg (147.88 KB, 800x734, 400:367, Sessions to Huber.jpg)

File: 95510a19f30c5c1⋯.jpg (148.48 KB, 633x716, 633:716, Sara A Carter twt 03102019.jpg)

File: 27a0a90dba907f9⋯.jpg (171.13 KB, 800x595, 160:119, bull horn.jpg)



ae509d  No.7045698



The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1993)

Nabila Khashoggi … Sapsea's Maid

662208  No.7045699



moar intredasting sauce on epstein’s fake charity https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2019/4/19/epstein-donation-hasty-pudding/

e8bd89  No.7045700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d4a5fb  No.7045701

File: 73a9be4a1899afe⋯.jpeg (134.88 KB, 807x588, 269:196, B7B0EA4D-0925-4AE0-8CE8-A….jpeg)

File: 7cd8937bf59c544⋯.jpeg (285.71 KB, 828x800, 207:200, AF783CA5-FAEF-4366-A162-2….jpeg)

File: 02be58fe71cef3f⋯.png (2.85 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 64EB9230-4B2B-46F2-A101-76….png)

File: a9b5a59a7cddeb6⋯.jpeg (92.49 KB, 787x596, 787:596, 353F5F71-A2A8-402F-B41A-B….jpeg)

File: 5cb48d6e84f5519⋯.jpeg (136.3 KB, 828x498, 138:83, 0AB49F31-C686-457C-9FC3-2….jpeg)

Monsters who made monsters out of God’s children and for this they must face judgement.

67c1c5  No.7045702

File: a2f6073f88f40f4⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 2913x3687, 971:1229, IMG_9177.jpg)


ding ding ding

d26970  No.7045703

File: d2b70325e539882⋯.jpg (95.82 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, d2b70325e5398823faee045bcd….jpg)

c0681c  No.7045704

File: 3e60553a3ab9e64⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1aXlluY.jpg)


>We don't need a refrigerator repaired.

Fix the air conditioner, NOW!

1e648a  No.7045705


…hey anon you leave Duran Duran fuckin' out of this, that is over the LINE

bb8cd4  No.7045706

File: 903a35fdc18adfc⋯.png (837.6 KB, 917x679, 131:97, suvio1.PNG)

File: 772059856527377⋯.png (778.87 KB, 1047x505, 1047:505, suvio2.PNG)

File: 44075779483eedd⋯.png (831.15 KB, 915x674, 915:674, suvio4.PNG)


wat a coinydink! kek

thx for pointing that out anon

herse his gf on instagram,

fashion pic interdastin cause last name Hogg

0c4b91  No.7045707


Or tie-downs for the Dome that isn't there anymore

5ec0f2  No.7045708

File: 737946109964fcb⋯.png (569.26 KB, 602x614, 301:307, Alex Soros and Foxx 3-6-19.PNG)

File: 3d8f864f3d13f7c⋯.png (591.42 KB, 716x913, 716:913, Archive Soros and Foxx 3-6….PNG)

File: 121254867bd2ebd⋯.png (870.6 KB, 628x636, 157:159, Alex Soros and Foxx 3-6-19….PNG)


That's why you archive before posting

Hint: I made the snip you posted

Regardless, the tweet is still up!



379f7e  No.7045709

File: 5609e90d0618934⋯.jpg (227.01 KB, 620x583, 620:583, 5609e90d061893467892ae419f….jpg)

Anybody discuss why there's a little boy in the pic standing in front of Barry?

b26c35  No.7045710

File: 562301c82a98eba⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 499x422, 499:422, GreatPumpkinLinusCharlie -….jpg)

e5304f  No.7045711

File: 13713edee538650⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-203550….jpg)

File: e1858413a9d7184⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-203519….jpg)

File: 9c0a0cb5690f440⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-203533….jpg)


Additional pics for reference

32526c  No.7045712

File: 9037ea5314bcabb⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1562x911, 1562:911, ClipboardImage.png)

Related: Is This The Last Bottleneck For Nord Stream 2?

With the East Med slowly becoming a major conflict zone, the Russian S-400s could not have come at a more difficult moment. With offshore gas operations off Egypt, Israel and Cyprus being threatened by an ever more hawkish Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan, a military conflict for energy access is already brewing. Even after strong warning signals by Brussels and Washington, Ankara’s maritime forces have set sail and are in contested waters. EC President Donald Tusk has warned that “its continued escalation (Turkey) and challenge to the sovereignty of our Member State Cyprus will inevitably lead the EU to respond in full solidarity”. Brussels already has decided to suspend negotiations on the Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement and agrees not to hold further meetings of the high-level dialogues for the time being. The EU has also reduced the pre-accession assistance to Turkey for 2020 and invites the European Investment Bank to review its lending activities in Turkey, notably with regard to sovereign-backed lending. Ankara is confronted by growing involvement of Washington, after the latter has agreed to the so-called East Med Act, which will allow the US to fully support the trilateral partnership of Israel, Greece and Cyprus. It opens also the door for a full US lifting of its long-standing arms embargo on Cyprus.


d4a5fb  No.7045713


3rd pic was fat fingered in.


To err is human.

c241bc  No.7045714


could be tethers for when they planted the trees…or tethers for something/someone else…

662208  No.7045715

File: a45030d849fcf16⋯.jpeg (520.36 KB, 2240x825, 448:165, 23022172-DA47-4D9F-9F8A-C….jpeg)

6d207e  No.7045716

File: ee91e2b08418c43⋯.png (185.87 KB, 311x303, 311:303, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

1827d6  No.7045717


he is a cop

he was driving 100 mph talking on his phone

that is what cops do–they are usually above the law

100 was to much though and he got stopped in his unmarked car

so when they found out he was a cop they gave him a ticket for 80

and reasigned him

nothing to see here, its just how the bigger people roll

fcb078  No.7045718

File: 4a519a95179b444⋯.png (658.1 KB, 639x379, 639:379, ClipboardImage.png)

6e68f8  No.7045719


Fingered what?

ede477  No.7045720

File: b075dbe1c43bf12⋯.jpeg (95.05 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4A09806C-A6DC-4392-9129-D….jpeg)

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, 76474938-5B0D-4061-9FF2-1….jpeg)

Can I also become a messiah of mankind by doing the super intelligent argue, bicker, call everyone who disagrees a shill, looking at porn, making up fan fiction, ignoring inconvenient facts, acting like Qtifa, following Q’s laser pointer, and gold star googling plan?

f090c8  No.7045721


Will keep digging, but have major storm here right now… a real one. Lighting just hit ground in front yard

e66182  No.7045722



94e958  No.7045723

File: 7c303b184010338⋯.png (470.89 KB, 926x1200, 463:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86a8a7a57073659⋯.png (399.97 KB, 525x545, 105:109, ClipboardImage.png)

[Wheels Up] decode:

Bill’s got problems. Plus…Smollett federal charges and “Watch CA”.

Busy week ahead. Stock up on your popcorn!

7bc08f  No.7045724

File: d27c2bf9f3f6407⋯.png (695.59 KB, 748x584, 187:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d75a69a4fbbb489⋯.png (1.22 MB, 762x621, 254:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9198ac4bd20a6bf⋯.png (493.52 KB, 798x631, 798:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4400cb109234e04⋯.png (739.75 KB, 673x517, 673:517, ClipboardImage.png)


These would appear to be American flags?

As early as 2006.

3fc7b6  No.7045725

File: adea0c1c2148af8⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_1.jpg)


Blackout inevitable in NYC?

What is the over/under that the neanderthals will start to riot and loot within 1 hour of a blackout?

285a8b  No.7045726

File: a9a6eb6067a8bb1⋯.jpg (652.6 KB, 800x3665, 160:733, snapshot.jpg)

More than 4500 lightning strikes hit New Zealand over 24 hours

14 Jul, 2019 8:00pm



You could be forgiven for thinking the country has been stuck in an AC/DC music video with all the lightning strikes which hit over the weekend.

In the 24 hours to 6am today, the country was hammered by more than 4500 lightning strikes as torrential rain and thunderstorms rumbled over the nation.


Areas of the western South Island bore the brunt of the stormy weather, with 200mm of rain falling over 24 hours.

A lightning strike in Levin was caught on camera as it hit a retirement village, with smoke rising from the roof straight aer the hit.

The strike came with a deafening thunder crack which rumbled for about 10 seconds after the bolt hit the roof.

An Air New Zealand spokeswoman said a flight from Wellington to Dunedin was diverted this morning due to a lightning strike.

The spokeswoman said aircraft were designed with this scenario in mind.

Wild and wet weather wreaked havoc this morning, flooding many parts of Wellington as gusts of up to 117km/h hammered the capital.

Elsewhere, temperatures have ranged between a 22C high in Masterton on Saturday to a low of -3C overnight in Timaru on Thursday.

Over the weekend, many experienced long periods of sunshine and clear skies, including Auckland yesterday before the rain arrived today.

Looking to the week ahead, MetService is predicting multiple weather systems to move over New Zealand.

Meteorologist Hannah Moes said westerly winds push one low-pressure system after another across the country, meaning more changeable weather is on the way.

The next front will move across the country from late Monday and during Tuesday, another is due Wednesday and another from late Thursday.

"It's not all bad, in between these passing weather systems we are likely to see some clear skies as well", Moes said.

"And ski fields will be appreciating cooler temperatures and bouts of precipitation adding to their snow bases."

Sunshine will be in the mix for some areas but it's looking like a week full of inside activities for Kiwi kids on school holidays.

6b28de  No.7045727


You have passed the first test IPfag.

94e958  No.7045728



978303  No.7045729



jail just looks similar and is also called concrete bunker.

titanpointe is a different level type of shit


The building is a telephone exchange or wire center building which contained three major 4ESS switches[1] used for interexchange (long distance) telephony, two owned by AT&T[2][3] and one formerly owned by Verizon (decommissioned in 2009).[4] It also contains a number of other switches used for competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) services,[5] but is not used for incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) services, and is not a central office.[1] The CLLI code for this facility is NYCMNYBW.[6] The building is reportedly home to a National Security Agency surveillance facility.[7]

It is often described as one of the most secure buildings in America, and was designed to be self-sufficient with its own gas and water supplies along with generation capabilities and protected from nuclear fallout for up to two weeks after a nuclear blast.


But, I don´t see a good connection yet.

imo Wheels Up company and Epstein jail being close is more interdasting.

also: TUNNELS!


>>7043882, >>7043890 Army Spending Half a Billion to Train Fight Underground

67c1c5  No.7045730

File: 72bf10c881bd979⋯.png (203.73 KB, 474x247, 474:247, ClipboardImage.png)


pynchon's Bleeding Edge is about this

e8bd89  No.7045731




Hey i'm not happy about it either, kek

they were one of my favorite bands in the 80's.

Sucks finding out many people we used to love and respect, are possibly sick and evil people.

0a4a17  No.7045732

File: 8dc201ec9a7a710⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, rs15.jpg)

File: 1f5eef9999d328b⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 678x381, 226:127, drone-epstein-island-678x3….jpg)

File: 58997d400aa6ea7⋯.jpg (23.23 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 41Op 94i2jL.jpg)




they are for tying down palm trees to grow straight and prevent loss during hurricanes

c8a19f  No.7045733

20+ months of false promises and unmet expectations.

Now another promise of a week to remember .. a BIG week.

And anons still suckle Q's tinkle like he's actually doing something.

20 fucking months …


fcb078  No.7045734


"symbolism will be their downfall".. is that you? you scared of a symbol? or you are just a shill..

32526c  No.7045735

File: 89eb43100fe917e⋯.png (401.16 KB, 800x868, 200:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Oil prices edge lower as China's GDP growth slows http://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil-idUSKCN1UA01R?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+

662208  No.7045736

File: 1aaba5eee2f0861⋯.jpeg (301.79 KB, 2279x728, 2279:728, 2CC66146-641D-492C-9FE1-7….jpeg)



here’s the entity that “contributed” the ten million to epstein’s fake charity in 2015, three years after the shell was founded

6e68f8  No.7045737


This move like a military op?

8e6ed0  No.7045738



Wow you guys really don't like memes huh

27efb5  No.7045739

File: 47ec5eca4525b60⋯.png (1.87 MB, 2400x989, 2400:989, ch14.png)

67c1c5  No.7045740


it's not the speed, anon, it's that they held him for an hour

27d409  No.7045741

File: 042907e88de0cf8⋯.jpg (252.31 KB, 800x887, 800:887, United we win.jpg)

File: f472a11a8df231d⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Papa Trump hoskins Muzusaw….jpg)

File: d83d65244b17a40⋯.jpg (142.73 KB, 665x875, 19:25, Vote after research.jpg)

File: 2f9b89cc93086f0⋯.jpg (130.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Page confirms.jpg)

File: 37088c0d886a39d⋯.jpg (133.18 KB, 800x446, 400:223, Barr statement fox nationa….jpg)






79bf04  No.7045742

File: eedd3af95ebac0b⋯.gif (102.83 KB, 265x175, 53:35, 1539739843887.gif)



b206c8  No.7045743

File: 27ceebe9f37f98a⋯.png (312.95 KB, 349x526, 349:526, winston wolfe.PNG)


notables for anons, by anons and they are not endorsements

>>7045415, >>7045608 Robert Maxwell, Armand Hammer, Edward Jay Epstein connections

>>7045418, >>7045449, >>7045502 Lead Investigator on Smollett case Reassigned-after 'allegedly leading cops on 100mph chase

>>7045444 pastors call on nike to sever relationship with colin kaepernick

>>7045446 Resignation anon

>>7045464, >>7045590 Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Master Spy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul-book snip

>>7045473 pf report-E6b near DC swamp

>>7045486, >>7045518, >>7045526, >>7045648, >>7045665, >>7045653 anons analyze temple on epstein island and other thangs

>>7045509, >>7045552 Daniel Craig will pass the martini to ‘Captain Marvel’ actress Lashana Lynch….

>>7045539, >>7045558 Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss

>>7045545, >>7045572 4 for 1 with the Smollett case? moar involved..anon adds another in second one

>>7045583, >>7045597 Info on Mark Epstein PDF-anon says"Lots of Businesses WW if it is in deed Jeffery' brother never mentioned much"

>>7045588 anon speculates on R.Kelly and Epstein connections and Draize test

>>7045594, >>7045708 alex soros deletes tweet re: Justice and public safety PAC fundraiser

>>7045603, >>7045685 moar on TITANPOINTE NSA Surveillance Hub (Former AT&T Long Lines Switching Office)

>>7045620 Why Jussie Smollett Wants a Change of Jurisdiction-Vid

>>7045621 Swedish people are getting chip implants to replace cash, credit cards

>>7045626 POTUS Slams Democrats ‘Who Speak So Badly’ of America and ‘Hate Israel’

>>7045628 Maxine Waters on Trump Tweet: ‘The President Is an Illegitimate Racist Occupying the White House’

>>7045641 moar on NYSPCC- Blackstone,Fox Rothschild,Catholic Charities, Children's Aid Society connections

>>7045658 Iran Ready to Hold Talks With US if Sanctions Lifted - Rouhani

>>7045684 Gantz says ‘in talks’ with Likud reps over unity government sans Netanyahu

>>7045712 Related: Is This The Last Bottleneck For Nord Stream 2?

>>7045723 [Wheels Up] decode: Bill’s got problems. Plus…Smollett federal charges and “Watch CA”.

>>7045726 More than 4500 lightning strikes hit New Zealand over 24 hours

chek'em anons, may make it to the last drop meeby not..long day doing this….

a7ac6e  No.7045744

File: 17d71c9658824b5⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 288x288, 1:1, ught-iron-house-letter-q-L….jpg)

File: f040fccf02d60ab⋯.jpg (98.75 KB, 799x873, 799:873, ISA_badge.jpg)

Can it be that simple?


c0681c  No.7045745

File: 1ca60c331c56e6a⋯.jpg (374.25 KB, 1078x1280, 539:640, 1ca60c331c56e6af16e9363e0b….jpg)


>What is the over/under that the neanderthals will start to riot and loot within 1 hour of a blackout?

About the same as a zipper sound 15 seconds after seeing this.

8b0a8b  No.7045746

File: 98a8f6cf68db8a3⋯.png (268.94 KB, 1494x1236, 249:206, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

>>7045090 (lb)

Saw that Anons found a UK Terramar and how the NY Terramar it claims to be 'an environmental non-profit organization involved in protecting the world's oceans.'

Was pondering on the etymology of 'terramar'. Sounds like earth sea to me. Earth sea reminds me of lingo Obama was using, can't remember when. Also recall seeing lots of sea, waters related non-profits in past digs. Weren't there instagram posts w/reference to a nickname of Obama including 'sea'?

EarthSea, beyond the reference to Ursula Le Guin's sci-fi series.. as a search did result in a few non-profits.

The most interesting one of note is Earthsea Institute our of a CA coastal address with activities listed as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc. and exempt for 'Environmental Quality, Protection and Beautification". Shows a tax period reporting for 2013. Data on it pretty sparse, looks like a shell entity at first look.


6e68f8  No.7045747


Bigly blackmail.

978303  No.7045748


fuck off namefagging shill!

3fc7b6  No.7045749

File: d9b751ea9c62672⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 309x333, 103:111, muhpretty.jpg)


e0aa30  No.7045750

Not sure if this has been posted, but the commander that oversaw the SMOLLETT case was stopped in Indiana speeding at 100+ mph with his blue lights on. Charges were reduced to a basic speeding ticket because he was "trying to get to work"


b279b7  No.7045751

File: 419244160b22f95⋯.png (505.21 KB, 1218x1357, 1218:1357, 419244160b22f952c539550dcb….png)



Seems that Mueller may have CRIMINALLY assigned Epstein as a FBI/CIA Israeli Operative to SETUP the Rich/Elite (DC, Hollywood, UK, worldwide CEOs, etc) USING CHILDREN AND HOLD BLACKMAIL OVER THEM as he VIDEO TAPED THEM ALL! This then gave ROBERT MUELLER FULL POWER OVER EVERYONE FOR HIS EVIL SATANIC RULE TO CONTROL THE WORLD!

So "whos" behind the OZ Curtian MUELLER is doing this for?

US Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta is under attack due to his handling of the 2007-2008 child sex trafficking prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein, states that the true facts of this case show it was, in fact, FBI Director Robert Mueller who ordered Epstein freed, not Acosta—most particularly because Epstein was an informant for Mueller—and as further confirmed by British-American investigative reporter Vicky Ward who, revealed that Acosta cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade—and Acosta exactly stating: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone”

Then issues surrounding child sex trafficker Epstein came exposed in early June-2016 after Shahriar Zolfaghari was targeted and assassinated by CIA assassins in Atlanta-GA—a “message killing” meant for his wife Camila Wright who, as Georgia’s statewide prosecutor for human trafficking, was preparing to file sex crime charges against both former President Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein—but who afterwards, left office to become the Executive Director of the Georgia Life Alliance and joined President Trump’s crusade to save the lives of unborn babies.

In 2016, it was confirmed that Jeffrey Epstein was an OPERATIVE of Israeli intelligence working with both the FBI and CIA in a covert operation designed to capture targeted elites (billionaires/Hollywood celebrities/heads of state/politicians/etc.) on video performing sex acts with minor children for blackmail purposes—the most prominent of whom was former President Bill Clinton whom Epstein filmed raping a 13-year-old girl child.

Say a silent thanks, prayer, or blessing for this. CTDB

94e958  No.7045752

File: ef112accb823755⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 720x720, 1:1, HUMANITY.mp4)

Just imagine if all these people chose to not raid Area 51, and instead all raided the beach and did a clean up.

Or collectively put this effort into stopping deforestation, etc..


27d409  No.7045753

File: 31721392f7c6596⋯.jpg (86.11 KB, 800x595, 160:119, fb surveillance tool.jpg)

File: bcb88a5b096453f⋯.jpg (150.48 KB, 800x629, 800:629, swamp problem.jpg)

File: 348e76d8021ca52⋯.jpg (257.11 KB, 924x633, 308:211, march 29 2019 brexit delay.jpg)

File: a91cadc4684aafe⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 713x800, 713:800, 03152019 Trump Signature B….jpg)

File: 48c3c06db676d40⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 800x764, 200:191, Select the presidents.jpg)

12530a  No.7045754



Adnan Khashoggi was once worth 40 billion US dollars, thanks to arms deals linked to the CIA and the military industrial complex.

Khashoggi is an agent of Mossad, "according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman."

32526c  No.7045755

File: 1fd6690470a8a1d⋯.png (897.18 KB, 800x867, 800:867, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. launches small-scale immigration raids as families hide http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-idUSKCN1U90MB?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_conte

6d207e  No.7045756

File: 2d1e008bc57a1b8⋯.png (342.23 KB, 402x582, 67:97, zdyke.png)

6e68f8  No.7045757




9010? punctual

79bf04  No.7045758

File: 4b2ca952bfe9b99⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 460x259, 460:259, 01Qp8r5.gif)


All that time I spent watching scrambled porn as a kid is finally gonna pay off

b3ddbd  No.7045759

File: 361354ed83b5053⋯.jpg (93.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 35oeuo.jpg)

bfc7d2  No.7045760

File: ca04a232d211f5b⋯.png (395.1 KB, 648x513, 24:19, 3430.png)

File: 20de7b49f1c908c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1500x1148, 375:287, 3431.png)

32526c  No.7045761

File: eb1cf8884010069⋯.png (635.68 KB, 800x914, 400:457, ClipboardImage.png)


Venezuelan opposition returning to Barbados to continue talks with government https://reut.rs/2jXoA8F

07900d  No.7045762


Is that a military insignia on the sleeve of the guy facing Obummer?

05b61d  No.7045763

File: 4b36a34cea761da⋯.png (722.5 KB, 1297x805, 1297:805, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4e87dafae29fec⋯.png (1009.05 KB, 1697x1609, 1697:1609, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7045398 PB



Anon's enchanced view of Channel 14 on RC's CCTV pic shows at least one squatting child.

Here is another example.

Minimal enhancement.

Three children, view over their shoulders, as they squat facing away from camera. Bare backs. Bare legs and feet. Very soft lighting.

When you see it you can not unsee it.

The choice is yours.

8c764c  No.7045764

>>7044144 (lb)

my thoughts exactly...

I've been woke on this stuff for ~10 years. When I first saw the clip of DJT saying (paraphrasing), "If she weren't my daughter, maybe I'd be dating her..." or something to that effect, I pretty quickly concluded that he was pretending to be a creep. Ditto re: calling the Eucharist a "cracker." I thank God that I had the discernment to see past the deception and realize that he was purposefully presenting himself in such a way as to catch the cabal off-guard.

Lots of people conceal their evilness and pretend to be moral...

There's only one person I can think of who pretended to be immoral and hid his righteousness. Donald J. Trump is that man.

0c4b91  No.7045765

File: 4ffbb5124740000⋯.png (93.93 KB, 503x561, 503:561, Handrail going down.png)


Looking through the window a handrail can be seen leading down

94e958  No.7045766




>Adnan Khashoggi was once worth 40 billion US dollars, thanks to arms deals linked to the CIA and the military industrial complex.


>Khashoggi is an agent of Mossad, "according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman."


974663  No.7045767

File: e1ed4916acd4851⋯.gif (91.62 KB, 640x571, 640:571, ghost.gif)




current note taker handoff request

going ghost

here is MY pastebin


6d207e  No.7045768

File: 3981ba1ebec813f⋯.png (315.38 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 3981ba1ebec813f4a75d5e7c23….png)

32526c  No.7045770

File: fdc5cd9ef44038d⋯.png (594.92 KB, 800x846, 400:423, ClipboardImage.png)


Hong Kong protesters appeal for U.S. help https://reut.rs/32sTw20 via @ReutersTV

fcb078  No.7045771

File: 8570edff515872d⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1632x474, 272:79, ClipboardImage.png)

02dfea  No.7045772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

spoopy Jack tardsplains objectives of C_A domestic opAntifa: What they want you to think

3fc7b6  No.7045773

File: fd8ea240a33708f⋯.jpg (465.14 KB, 1982x1328, 991:664, corsipretty.jpg)

c892ab  No.7045774

Couldn’t take a photo but there was a “Q” sign in Los Angeles around Burbank off of Barham. Any of you lovely anons put that up?

Also, one of the most liberal cities in the country. Glad to see this movement is bigger than just me in this place.

978303  No.7045775

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, [FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI].png)

File: fcfaa1e77a0cabc⋯.png (436.53 KB, 463x320, 463:320, KatyPerry_EYE.png)

File: d8cffb795c35ec4⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 600x389, 600:389, mason_police3.jpg)

File: 41cdf284b141f57⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Symbolism.jpg)


>"symbolism will be their downfall".. is that you?

that is Q, shill.

and appearantly it´s not the good guys who are scared, it´s not them sending shills here to make masons feel comfy by the most stupid shilling ever (posting masonic memes).

And symbolism IS your very problem. You sick pedos NEED it, but anons and millions of patriots KNOW it - there is no way of ever being 'blended in' again.

788c20  No.7045776


Keep up good work patriot


5cfaef  No.7045777


You mean the pass by the old Oakwoods? Where? I wanna check it out tomorrow on my way to work.

6c9be5  No.7045778


So, they are allowing themselves to be tagged like dogs or livestock? Now I understand why there was a time calling someone swede was an insult.

fcb078  No.7045779


it is my symbol now. (((they))) may have 'owned' it, but it has been co-opted. it is a fucking eyeball? get over it.

02dfea  No.7045780




c0681c  No.7045781

File: f7bca04e5e1dd80⋯.png (479.89 KB, 596x448, 149:112, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)


>All that time I spent watching scrambled porn as a kid is finally gonna pay off

Q was training us, anon.

23f7ff  No.7045782



link to MI Q has mentioned in the past? ISA?


89b1b4  No.7045783

File: 8c066e9e9497485⋯.png (659.13 KB, 550x532, 275:266, Comfy-Storm.png)


Stay safe anon.

c3ef48  No.7045785

File: d69149b8df8d710⋯.png (534.98 KB, 1000x1556, 250:389, download-1.png)

File: 9506f354a781bce⋯.png (675.03 KB, 1002x2016, 167:336, download-2.png)

File: 66ad78ba276d811⋯.png (137.08 KB, 570x320, 57:32, download-3.png)

>molesta emails results for "bourdain"


>The hardliners' autumn


>Letter from Cuba - Where Technology is More Than Bright Shiny Objects

323b56  No.7045786

1 of 2

Largest Global (A/I) Human Trafficking Network Financed by The Worlds Largest Invester into….A/I…[HUGE]

Below is a dig lost on the QRV , so I moved it here. The short of it is Jeffrey Epstein is the worlds largest investor into Artificial Intelligence. This includes Hanson Robotics, Ray Kurzwell, Peter Theile and that means Palantir, In-Q-Tel, Sophia and the Global Intelligence networks. All the kids missing and exploited children global network, aided by none other than Hillary and Cherie Blaire.

So its a dig, and its deep, not to be overlooked to be understood the severity of what we are dealing with…

"Here is a HUGE data dump from some digging I stubled onto. Initially its from Wilhelmina a modeling agency. Whilhelmina Cooper was basically a boy raised a girl into the modeling world via elite gender inversion. I noticed these people often have a male sibling that dies(fake) in the mix.

Anyway, this agency is a biggie and is tied into the big mess with a lot of capital being pumped into it. It has some big MK stars like Nikki Minaj and Demi Lovato amongst many. So I got into this Rachel Chandler as a photographer for this agency and it leads to her work all over the world.

Purple Diary or pd, has an archive, and as you roll the mouse over the pic you get mega data. Klaus Biesenbach turns out to be curator for museums in LA and NYC and heavily linked as well into the whole scene like Maria Abromovic and all.

Turns out Chandler is a friend of the Gettys. In particular Jacqui Getty. Getty Images, Petrolium, Getty Museum in CA. etc.

The curator is below , he does LA, NYC etc. Big stuff.

Its all part of the Elite Gender Inversion model from the Frankfort School of Social Collapse. So it goes from Germany and the Netherlands directly into Chicago and Mob ties. Then it branches out from there. NYC, LA, PARIS etc. All per Frankfort Protocol and Tavistok MK Nazi programming.

Here is where it gets insane , or more insane. This Wilhelmina or origionally Whilhelm, a dude, was a model, very successful, married a producer from the Tonight Show, formed their own Agency, Whilhelmina. So that explodes in the 70's into the 80's and develops all the huge tranny models into Sports Illustrated, Victoria's Secrets, Paris and NYC Fashion Runways. They merge into Atlantic Records and Film and just keep going.

Chandler is born into the Multi Media in the LA Times and gets involve din the art, photography and curation of models and young kids for the Pedo, art, music, film ring. I have not got to the crazy part yet….

Jeffery Epstein turns out to be the worlds largest investor into Artificial Intelligence. So, he winds up with Rachel and work recruiting kids for him. By this time the tech is already full on developed with a world wide Artificial Intelligence network, running the entire pedo operation through the CIA, In-Q-Tel, Palantir etc. etc. SO this whole thing with Epstein is way , way WAY larger than anybody is aware of. ITS THE WHOLE NETWORK, THE CURRENCY>HUMANS ARE CURRENCY OF THE ELITE> Take a look its VAST.









05b61d  No.7045787


Orange Man Gud, vury gud.

b279b7  No.7045788

File: 63ab5f3dd126378⋯.png (406.56 KB, 1009x614, 1009:614, Screenshot_20190708-082008….png)

I hope Q is legit.

2cbbe8  No.7045789

File: c16f72792d2fb17⋯.png (1.17 MB, 944x711, 944:711, ClipboardImage.png)

Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove?

Why zero discussion on Bohemian Grove at this time?

What is going on at Bohemian Grove 2019?

is that not like, now?

Resist the Grove FB page: https://www.facebook.com/resistthegrove

32526c  No.7045790

File: 0876868f0b21533⋯.png (934.91 KB, 1267x853, 1267:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68ff83c25e6e3b1⋯.png (316.6 KB, 800x880, 10:11, ClipboardImage.png)


AFP graphic on China's north-west Xinjiang region @AFPgraphics

522fa2  No.7045791


Q Great Awakening sign in Wisconsin off I-94E or 90E. Love seeing this when I drive by

323b56  No.7045792

2 of 2

Largest Global (A/I) Human Trafficking Network Financed by The Worlds Largest Invester into….A/I…[HUGE]

EDIT: Added content to address questions.

—”continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means” as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution — but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future — the School recommended (among other things): 1. The creation of racism offences. 1.Continual change to create confusion. 2.The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children. 3.The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority. 4.Huge immigration to destroy identity. 5.The promotion of excessive drinking. 6.Emptying of churches. 7.An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime. 8.Dependency on the state or state benefits. 9.Control and dumbing down of media. 10.Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “pansexualism”– the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls. • abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces. • declare women to be an “oppressed class” and men as “oppressors.”

Münzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”


b3ddbd  No.7045793

File: 19176b85d6d240d⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 325x271, 325:271, schumer_iris.jpg)

c AL i FORNI a dreamin'

788c20  No.7045794


I cannot take it right now but in an hour or so i could depending on time length of bread.

cae707  No.7045795

Erik Prince specifically called this out Bill and Hillary in 2016 with travel to Epstein’s island.


Ties that directly together with the email scandal.

Implicates Huma/Weiner cooperating (bird sings?)

Epstein is at this point very likely Mossad. This seems to tie to the CIA in some form.

If Mossad/CIA Control so much of press (Mockingbird), then this becomes a crazy foundation for unwinding the “American” media establishment. With so many leaders having a short throw to Epstein/CIA/Mossad, the question is not if, but simply “when” will this turn into a massive corporate crisis.

c892ab  No.7045796


I can’t remember precisely. Actually my wife just corrected me that it was on Olive. I took Barham to Olive at it was somewhere between there WB I think.

dcf141  No.7045797


Just imagine if all those people decided to march on the governor of Commiefornia's mansion all at once, while he was there.

f090c8  No.7045798


All clear, everything still standing, too dark to see what it hit. Will have to check it in morning light.

30bda6  No.7045799

File: e2734c961d4af17⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1464x936, 61:39, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 1df52fcbb2e1bd3⋯.png (145.13 KB, 873x1183, 873:1183, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)


mirrored dungeonCam

channel 6 kids looks thin

05b61d  No.7045800


Self-sufficiency and fairly high capacity.

Could host hundreds, even.

Watch the water.

32526c  No.7045801

File: 0adb7e290a1e30c⋯.png (45.56 KB, 800x733, 800:733, ClipboardImage.png)


What if you couldn’t program with loops? http://dlvr.it/R8QC87

974663  No.7045802

File: 318fd261f58e6f8⋯.png (626.96 KB, 518x734, 259:367, DSB2.png)


not me


this me

f7cd1b  No.7045803

File: 44cada762f17aa7⋯.jpg (435.11 KB, 1510x882, 755:441, _508 (2).JPG)


Seems to be the only explanation. This is near mansion with a swimming pool and an archer statue.

dc6e88  No.7045804

File: d4bb86606c76fb5⋯.png (912.87 KB, 1699x1920, 1699:1920, ClipboardImage.png)



Anyone can make notable buns…pass off stunt is retarded

978303  No.7045805


oh, sure, now you start the muh jew script.

brilliant idea. will you save masonry by that?

i strongly doubt it.

<Look here: joooos, only joooos, every joooo

<Do NOT look here: worldwide illuminati DS, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, …

08651c  No.7045807

File: a8960ed1faf4b08⋯.png (262.39 KB, 640x550, 64:55, ClipboardImage.png)

#Egypt opened two ancient pyramids to the public for the first time in 54 years!



9:00 PM - 14 Jul 2019

b206c8  No.7045808




no pastebin created for these, site does not do well with my sys

21dfc7  No.7045809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ae6005  No.7045810

File: 5dd1232f2909e12⋯.jpg (155.02 KB, 570x712, 285:356, lewis_and_clark_360x450.jpg)


good thing anyone can take it and shouldn't rely on "bakers"

2349cd  No.7045811


Exactly! This must be true.

a3201d  No.7045812

File: 97eedaa766e49a6⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 670x1024, 335:512, 13 EPSTEIN DOC.jpg)

File: ba08a44256f9309⋯.jpg (135.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mLChYUS.jpg)

File: 25ae0c69560fa2a⋯.jpg (124.25 KB, 1125x1011, 375:337, EPSTEIN AND MUELLERjpg.jpg)

File: 2e3faec7e745b27⋯.png (62.76 KB, 765x530, 153:106, PEDOGATE.png)

File: 9c30d60a258d35f⋯.png (520.21 KB, 801x515, 801:515, b06be8e9f41ba6c2d3ef4f0b40….png)


I hope your gets noticed. I posted this 2 times was just ignored.

You know why the MSM ignores it.


b279b7  No.7045813

File: 888bf9e01ad4eef⋯.jpg (28.23 KB, 413x372, 413:372, 35n26x_1.jpg)

41b173  No.7045814

File: c93566e4313c5d1⋯.png (469.61 KB, 480x648, 20:27, kdikdo.png)

File: d7858b1d12930bb⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 624x499, 624:499, pppp.jpg)

File: dc057c0e4896b63⋯.jpeg (98.38 KB, 881x960, 881:960, 5b2c4ee6495ad.jpeg)

File: 73dee94d28e41a1⋯.jpg (184.23 KB, 576x384, 3:2, go back and study the cons….JPG)

File: c0e25a363d9c7f0⋯.jpg (173.14 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, This is it.jpg)

1827d6  No.7045815


that is 3 minutes of seriously bad acting and poor special effects

978303  No.7045816

File: 11279098cf45d8e⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 2050bac6d48cab4300a46d81c6….jpg)

32526c  No.7045817

File: f1bb6bf2ba0681a⋯.png (520.84 KB, 800x888, 100:111, ClipboardImage.png)


#Japan weighs possible SDF dispatch to Strait of Hormuz as U.S. seeks coalition

323b56  No.7045818


part 2


b3ddbd  No.7045819


(((we))) will never give up our eyeball to a lil pedo wannabe like you

6e68f8  No.7045820


There for qrb, don’t cha know?!

f090c8  No.7045821

File: 9ab3f002d9a093d⋯.jpg (487.6 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-234304….jpg)


85d75c  No.7045822

File: a733c224b422071⋯.jpg (907.98 KB, 1408x2048, 11:16, gettyimages-1161443014-204….jpg)

Henry Street Settlement Event

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 16: Carol Mack, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell attend Henry Street Settlement Event on May 16, 1995 in New York City. (Photo by Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Are Carol Mack and Alison Mack related?

05b61d  No.7045823


Sitting on upturned buckets.

Sauna scenario?


Pale skinned children.

Have counted 21 individuals, not all children, in these camera views. Your count, fren?

30ea22  No.7045824


>>>7045415, >>7045608 Robert Maxwell, Armand Hammer, Edward Jay Epstein connections

wikipedia and nyt are notables now? Who is collecting these? wikipedia has always been shunned here as being comp'd. And another with sputniknews?

fcb078  No.7045825

File: 62f64fc71dcefb0⋯.png (1.49 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


quit projecting

2bd846  No.7045826

File: b84b599abb0e259⋯.png (791.47 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, epstein.png)


Oldfags remember. You can't make this shit up.

974663  No.7045827



the only real reason for pastebin is when the copy and paste makes the spaces in bewteen and then have to take time to edit

08651c  No.7045828

File: 4f50ab7b4025e4b⋯.png (341.48 KB, 640x626, 320:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76f07aa5771ef1f⋯.png (811.69 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

#Israel warns of ‘crushing retaliation’ after #Hezbollah says its rockets can reach #TelAviv



6:40 PM - 14 Jul 2019

b3ddbd  No.7045829


(((we))) own your mind. remember the deal?

5cfaef  No.7045830

File: 48550b10da19eac⋯.png (2.42 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, UniversalCitySABO.png)


Ok. I'll check it on the drive home. There was that awesome SABO street artist who put up the (pic related). Wonder if SABO strikes again…

bb8cd4  No.7045831


thx fren, just savd it while back


i dont understand the buckets, but sheit i didnt even realize the channel6 one had ppl…. couldn't tell the one in corner was a person until 2nd look..

e8bd89  No.7045832

File: edaa968139f1d75⋯.jpg (65.37 KB, 653x499, 653:499, 35off1.jpg)

fcb078  No.7045833


who are you>?

3fc7b6  No.7045834

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, pepe_pointing.png)

8ec79a  No.7045835

File: 508086181176aed⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 1500x1148, 375:287, epstein_egg_benis.jpg)



shills are still bitchin about notables


b21d67  No.7045836


I always kind of knew that "Hostel" was a documentary. This is pure nightmare fuel.

WTF are they sitting on? Stools? Buckets?

05b61d  No.7045837


All camera views seem to look down stairs rather than upstairs.

Difficult to escape running up these steep steps.

b206c8  No.7045838

File: d3536afb4443ace⋯.png (49.39 KB, 353x352, 353:352, pepe newfags fork.png)


if it has basic factual information they are fine. These have been used for that and only that.

How new are you?

b3ddbd  No.7045839


you should know. you created (((us)))

f55880  No.7045840

Why is TerraMar listed as defunct but TerraMar UK is still bringing in Money?

Sauce: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/7dT3w4N8ixjuQp_p7kJUtLwRe1-YeU4OIkrfWVShH5g/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3JA3AS2GO%2F20190715%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20190715T044604Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=AgoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEKD%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJIMEYCIQDyeIlptCik%2B3Vkib5VRkbDgaqYwRQ90J3EJTnt%2FikupwIhAN70PeGltzoeQpuUoRJvBVb9gc2k08ZBHR5M%2B%2F5zNkBmKuMDCPj%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEQARoMNDQ5MjI5MDMyODIyIgzgKw1sH8Wn4GxW4oUqtwN3TdOTS3Bi0TBLtsGhxl5AZlzMX03ckKVc78l7yL%2F2vjcnuXuH7dELgkuOPhLYR3%2FIiETc4Xomqd8B9HFvttyfC%2F65vKfpSPiy6OMZJPJxhf9SyZ9otvh%2FtTtaLxZjF0cttpvco%2Bf9S209smWBHorCsKZRhfYjBAg6VQxUFz5lbD0XyIFGD02Mx8%2FnydQt1NRgtXCxJLWLwkq4j2TqzadXoUEHA%2FHv%2F522oC2fsY%2FCG68AJfpVlaisKCj27xN5gImmC%2FctewlLyTAqLqHwtbcgqbFQw%2BEfNIUXRvgmVkAzAKL8zPEoxQDVVeYBmVIrxCKr2pmuhN07DoCUmr5z7Wsb6lEF%2BX7bnGhSDLYRlj9kkzJ8FWZw%2FmTNTUMbaMTZ5bwRMEEzy5b4ZPTYJ5dmCunnb%2BBXHk9LS5TXAHqZyx6zzP6Cz%2FvuQbWSN5LId86fyYUm22XQBFH%2FZ2LmEjXyuxc1jnVYTPdMVI%2BXJQy%2FSccD6va49v6%2F8poB1Zvb3roDM6L9L7FIdYz7WhlpTzYYykwAH2g2%2FSolNY%2F8PyJg6tUtXXqwiknO91yyRntzMLfs1M0FeckOX4zuMPvxrukFOrMBhdMMPHZONUMzRcS8UYW5o%2BqqdUNE7uKnzdB7YavKKGSn%2BKv6ovUcS4Nv0lQhdCJ6JOe10ry6fPzzyO%2BEJZ0x86sJoRZCifYSaILDdnlKC%2B159YkiXN94d7rVfvjiAefoapidN27qjW50itfDupJLhsfLNKOY8LmT26R6BG7BC5hf7rE4LxzkZj2Xt90sPNllMjyp91eoO9zXqYCpVqApQfF8ZVqVXMjg2wQDaivJDLkCj5k%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=cdfcaabe35b1165008e5cef8a497ebe56530a66230d07aa56dd12fd004de9e17

d470c6  No.7045841

File: cc8b0dd75944737⋯.png (27.93 KB, 731x447, 731:447, pedo_island_DUMB.png)


My version is better, it even makes fun of flat-earthers~

Thank you sweety [sic]

bfc7d2  No.7045842

File: 2b46c03b45e13a2⋯.jpg (841.19 KB, 5202x3468, 3:2, 1561905984777.jpg)


Nice find. That's the earliest photo of them together I've seen.

30ea22  No.7045843


>current note taker handoff request

Why? Anyone can take notes and post to the note thread. There is no need for handoffs, is there?

7aabf2  No.7045844

Damn if I can find it now, but Im sure one of you fags out there have the picture of it. Remember when the Site Owner "Jim" came home to a Big Blue Q in his house? Maybe we need to bring that back out and remind them about that special moment and that Q liked how things were here with the Notables the way they were.

30bda6  No.7045845

File: 6442f21423f32f9⋯.png (320.88 KB, 2149x1057, 307:151, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)


Too blurry, and not a complete picture to count.

Bucket people mystery = the answer must be known….

67c1c5  No.7045846



hallelujah, finally

2dc080  No.7045847

anyone have the flight log spread sheet handy?

fcb078  No.7045848


how do you know that?

b206c8  No.7045849


i know, it's been a problem for many months, why I could never do the front ends. also not too keen on the control aspect of the BO's either.

0d813f  No.7045850


No wonder they have a capture-bonding phenomenon named after them.

6e68f8  No.7045851



b3ddbd  No.7045852


(((we))) know everything.

ef0d19  No.7045853


No sir!

05b61d  No.7045854

File: 6a365bba2099a16⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1337x1345, 1337:1345, ClipboardImage.png)


Straightened view to match features inside frame.

8fa3e7  No.7045855

File: 81263f180c66bc4⋯.jpeg (318.77 KB, 1242x755, 1242:755, C727BAFF-B311-43EF-80D8-4….jpeg)

File: 0846061d64c1803⋯.jpeg (746.83 KB, 1242x1424, 621:712, 92A74168-E6BF-4C34-8281-A….jpeg)


Yes, it’s built to be self sufficient

But it once famously failed a switch to internal redundant power during a power outage. Moar in sauce. https://theintercept.com/2016/11/16/the-nsas-spy-hub-in-new-york-hidden-in-plain-sight/

On closer inspection it seems TITANPOINTE was NOT in the blackout zone after all.

7e8b24  No.7045856


Not one bit of sauce in that twat thread, just conjecture.

Browsing through their other posts, it's not an unusual.

12530a  No.7045857


make what shit up?

there are 2 epsteins in the world?


There are probably a lot of Epsteins in the world.

And Freddy Boom Boom Washington is also in the picture.

George Washington was our first President. Mind is blown. Dig on this.

fcb078  No.7045858


apparently. what do you know about me?

e8bd89  No.7045859

File: 182b0b96f2f055d⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 500x614, 250:307, 26ltwd.jpg)



2cbbe8  No.7045860


I seriously hope some portion of them show and attempt it

- dehydration

- heat stroke

- snakes and other crawly things that stings

- breaking ankles, legs, arms and heads trying to cross the terrain

- getting arrested

- Bonus of getting shot

Lord please clean the gene pool so, Amen

bb8cd4  No.7045861


theyre naked right

be25b9  No.7045862


Why do the CCTV pics look like they're sitting on buckets?

4ba45e  No.7045863

File: 91ea4cadcb7f97f⋯.png (37.26 KB, 733x909, 733:909, flight log people.png)

File: 1958024cfb00f70⋯.jpg (132.77 KB, 559x1200, 559:1200, flight log graph 3 epstein.jpg)

File: 2c8eacea0f1a8a1⋯.jpg (130.71 KB, 554x1200, 277:600, flight log graph 2 epstein.jpg)

File: 732c09416cb2029⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 547x1200, 547:1200, flight log graph 1 epstein.jpg)


Here ya go

c892ab  No.7045865

re: POTUS’ “Number One” tweet…

Isn’t Hussein the real Indiviudal Number One?

1e648a  No.7045866

….so Welcome Back, Kotter was about JE?

b3ddbd  No.7045867

File: d8d241fa67893e6⋯.jpg (218.88 KB, 950x630, 95:63, 179166.jpg)

Who needs Spy-Gate, when you have this.

d470c6  No.7045868


In my experience, you can't stop deforestation, but you CAN plant new trees. One person can do thousands. An organized group of 3 dozen could get a lot of good work done. There are logging companies that pay, anywhere from 3 cents to 25 cents a tree, for people to come re-plant areas that have been logged. But if anons really want to save the Earth, they could get together and make a weekend of planting trees together for free. I'm willing to bet there are non-profits willing to pay for saplings and basic equipment, too.

5260ed  No.7045869

File: 70337d35a486471⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 640x437, 640:437, rare.jpg)

41b173  No.7045870

File: 2a1315d337b7d80⋯.jpg (115.88 KB, 408x528, 17:22, how to slap a shilltard th….JPG)

File: fd081ca93d01811⋯.jpg (114.05 KB, 408x528, 17:22, how to slpa a shill throug….JPG)

002c11  No.7045871


Previous speculation was that they have lost control of their bowels from severe abuse.

2bd846  No.7045872

File: ae74159d174d19b⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 591x351, 197:117, 180212224.jpg)


Forget your nap today, gramps?

b206c8  No.7045873

0d813f  No.7045874


Hostel and degenerate films like it are modern day Grimms' Fairytales. Truth hiding in plain sight.

eab95f  No.7045875

File: b72f968c0fe6df3⋯.png (477.76 KB, 1013x837, 1013:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d9716fc2c62f5c⋯.png (163.08 KB, 646x746, 323:373, ClipboardImage.png)



Smollett investigator reassigned

Article goes into moar detail and has the local CBS news clip on it. He said he was buying ammunition (seems weak), and then got an emergency call. Smells like lies to cover something else... I have a feeling this is the cracks forming in Smollett story that Q is telling us about

>>7044207 Q /pb


ISP Trooper’s attempted to pull Wodnicki over on I-94 westbound near mile marker 26 on June 12 just before 8 p.m.

However, the veteran commander allegedly refused to stop and kept driving. ISP Troopers chasing Wodnicki clocked him driving over 100 mph.

“I got a pace on of 114 mph in the left lane,” an officer said. “We are going to go ahead and probably spike strip him right here. He’s not stopping here.”

Eventually, Wodnicki came to a stop just before running his Ford Fusion police vehicle over the stop strips.

According to ISP records, Wodnicki identified himself as a Chicago Police Officer and told the responding troopers that he was heading to his office in Chicago.

“Can you have a supervisor come to the scene? This is a Chicago cop,” said the Indiana State Police Trooper over police radio.

Prior to receiving the police report from Indiana State Police, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department told CBS2 that Wodnicki claimed he was in Indiana buying ammunition and turned his sirens on after being called to a critical incident in Chicago.

Those claims will now be under investigation and part of the internal probe initiated by CPD Supt. Eddie Johnson.

“Based on information received from the Indiana State Police regarding Commander Wodnicki, Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson has ordered an internal investigation into the entirety of this traffic stop. The commander will be reassigned to CPD’s Bureau of Technical Services pending the outcome of this investigation,” said a Chicago police spokesman.



30ea22  No.7045876


>How new are you

Not new at all, thanks for asking. You're full of shit too. Is this your first week of shilling? Oh, and thanks for playing, you lost before Q's first post. If your boss didn't tell you that, well, you're the moran you are

037d59  No.7045877


Ignore notables! That horse broke his leg, shoot the poor thing and move on.

- What if BO wanted to get rid of notables?

-Uses his team to do shit job baking notables on purpose'

-whine about bitching from anons about shit baking of notables

-fix problem by moving notables and giving anybody ability to make notable

-notables are degraded, then useless

-problem solved

6e68f8  No.7045878



2cbbe8  No.7045879

File: 5b3d6c9efa1aa20⋯.png (505.96 KB, 462x617, 462:617, ClipboardImage.png)

4be044  No.7045880

File: 84499329d5b1d0f⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1096, 256:137, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7041919 (pb)

So the stairs lead down to the submersibles? (Pic from p/b related)

b3ddbd  No.7045881


First off, you are 100% Jewish. Second, you have lived your whole life hating Jews, but you don't realize that (((We))) are not Jews, (((We))) have much bigger eyeballs than Jews. And third, there is no third.

fef4ac  No.7045882


They should do a porn.

08651c  No.7045883

File: ab46c883b8ad5a4⋯.png (137.09 KB, 236x279, 236:279, ClipboardImage.png)

does anyone need a Boom?

5ad5c4  No.7045884


That meme might really mess with an anon who just went to the store and bought two cartons of eggs.

c0c9ab  No.7045885

File: 9771e67c5599adc⋯.jpg (173.04 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_3076.JPG)

File: e1b75230ae7cfbf⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 980x490, 2:1, IMG_3026.JPG)

522fa2  No.7045886


John McCain?

6e68f8  No.7045887


team qrb at work

queefing really badly

788c20  No.7045889



Is that a heater?

fcb078  No.7045890


what are (((we)))?

e8bd89  No.7045891

File: 78543f891f8ea7f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1832x1432, 229:179, Epstein door cracks.png)

b3ddbd  No.7045892


And disgrace his amazing political career?

b206c8  No.7045893

File: b8446382da97e41⋯.png (96.81 KB, 371x362, 371:362, pepe copper pothead.png)


>Not new at all

certainly do not sound or act like it.

fuck off faggot and you are welcome for the notables. Do this yourself or STFU.

Explained it to you very easily and CAREFULLY. Apparently that not good enough and it's YOUR issue not mine.

7c23d6  No.7045894

File: 804845151a3adfb⋯.jpg (397.81 KB, 1080x1362, 180:227, 20190714_235353.jpg)


Are these people?

One I hadn't noticed…

94e958  No.7045895

File: a9d829082cbc87f⋯.png (2.79 MB, 2133x1600, 2133:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

1e648a  No.7045896

File: 54c6274a230cdcf⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 430x242, 215:121, projectthor.jpg)


…I'm up…

7d5fe7  No.7045897


the other anon accurately described what the shill-squater bakers and fake-jack did.

notables are unusable. They overload with nonsense and repetitive shill-splaning.

788c20  No.7045898

1c0b40  No.7045899


haiku plz :)

adf938  No.7045900

File: 443e91bc0dd2fd6⋯.jpg (79.62 KB, 522x596, 261:298, epstein island - painted -….jpg)

>>7044698 (pb)

Door is painted on take but represents prison that locks FROM THE INSIDE !

bb8cd4  No.7045901



in this one, the kid is clothed. and adult or older one appears to be naked. cant really find any way to compare except that the very very thin one, is clothed. and the woman walking byherslf obviously clothed.

b7f301  No.7045902

File: 134c49038223022⋯.png (121.91 KB, 452x355, 452:355, Screenshot_2019-07-15 QRB ….png)

File: 08d2c5ef43c6972⋯.png (4.44 KB, 471x164, 471:164, Screenshot_2019-07-15 QRB ….png)

File: 8a409e08a3cdb06⋯.png (97.06 KB, 452x271, 452:271, Screenshot_2019-07-15 QRB ….png)

File: c396361a5b38b2d⋯.png (4.46 KB, 439x110, 439:110, Screenshot_2019-07-15 QRB ….png)

File: 6d8fe405de928dc⋯.png (47.38 KB, 452x193, 452:193, Screenshot_2019-07-15 QRB ….png)


3fc7b6  No.7045903

File: 872840e671681f7⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 220x211, 220:211, pepe_kek.jpg)

285a8b  No.7045904

File: a86dad038db817c⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 57AA8B5B-7750-4F10-8931-E4….jpg)


If you are sodomized repeatedly, you develop fecal incontinence. Anal leakage. Rectal prolapse, etc.

94e958  No.7045905

File: 296a8928092a4e1⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

05b61d  No.7045906

File: 8b2ea9eb31a5091⋯.png (1008.67 KB, 1797x1733, 1797:1733, ClipboardImage.png)


Possibly a decompression chamber?

Count four individuals.

2 small children standing near top left and facing the camera. Seem to be talking with larger person who is propped on her elbow.

4th individual lieing on back, neck length hair, arm seems to be lifting a lid of a chamber.

1827d6  No.7045907


in some states over 100 gets you some serious charges

can YOU get a ticket fixed to 10 miles over

in one hour?

they would still be beating us ha

fef4ac  No.7045908


Looks like the squatting kid is on top of something or someone.

84060d  No.7045909

Did anyone else notice that the muhjew copypasta spammer mysteriously stopped shitting the top of every bread about the same time BO moved the notables?

OOPS, guess I'll get banned now.

32526c  No.7045910



edab9f  No.7045911

6e68f8  No.7045912




Hate deception.

e8bd89  No.7045913

File: 032ef78194b0383⋯.jpg (132.62 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 30pjbu.jpg)

File: 3dd0308896a3892⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 573x435, 191:145, 35dizv.jpg)

File: 6d5835bcf3550b8⋯.jpg (519.04 KB, 1500x980, 75:49, 6d5835bcf3550b850a6fee89eb….jpg)

File: e0b0d80a1d1d845⋯.jpg (55.19 KB, 640x640, 1:1, e0b0d80a1d1d84599392603cfd….jpg)

f090c8  No.7045914

File: 1267a4258657bcf⋯.jpg (471.87 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-235619….jpg)

File: 305c57b30b5c58c⋯.jpg (386.09 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-235625….jpg)

File: ad90acff90e53aa⋯.jpg (567.22 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-235724….jpg)

File: 8bd46c8442ba169⋯.jpg (544.63 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-235739….jpg)


Is that a kid with a box on his/her head???


12530a  No.7045915



yeah I think it is notable too.

Find the Jew, find the Mossad, etc.

b3ddbd  No.7045916


(((We))) are echoes. (((We))) live in the space between what you can see and what you can not see.

0a4a17  No.7045917

File: a7e03dd06508abe⋯.png (594.29 KB, 769x650, 769:650, ClipboardImage.png)

d26970  No.7045918

File: cd1162445b9607a⋯.png (754.81 KB, 1052x1067, 1052:1067, adl1.png)

File: fc46fbf7ed24e04⋯.jpg (176.15 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, adl2.jpg)

File: 0c9f86ffd76c0dd⋯.png (85.12 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, 0c9f86ffd76c0dd7abcf480b16….png)

File: b30a3fb80bb56d3⋯.jpeg (44.97 KB, 960x702, 160:117, b30a3fb80bb56d3ec8451ccb5….jpeg)

edab9f  No.7045919


Can't make out what it is on the left, but it looks like the figures of two people on the right…

cd1bbf  No.7045920


You're most welcome~

05b61d  No.7045921






I see what you see, squatting over something or someone.

[excuse my french]

8fa3e7  No.7045922

File: 81263f180c66bc4⋯.jpeg (318.77 KB, 1242x755, 1242:755, 2D4B0BFB-E9D3-425F-813A-7….jpeg)

File: 3d34d4d9fc71080⋯.jpeg (733.39 KB, 1242x1424, 621:712, E990DEFE-5951-40D2-A699-D….jpeg)



You know what DEF WAS in the NYC blackout zone?

94e958  No.7045923

File: adaf9a19e50b7c3⋯.png (5.66 MB, 1325x2013, 1325:2013, ClipboardImage.png)

Just sayin…

6a8c93  No.7045924


Should be locks people inside. Or locks from the outside. If it locks from the inside that means those inside the structure control the lock.

30ea22  No.7045925


I've been ignoring notables for a long time. It's very simple really. I trust POTUS. The only real notables are from him, WH posts, Trump Team etc. I dig on my own based on what Q posts and POTUS says. Discernment is owned by me. I trust me. I trust my gut.

1c0b40  No.7045926


holy shit we are fams seperated at birth. I thiught it was just me. we should go on dr phil with our story kek

4c20c3  No.7045927

File: c500183dfa683d1⋯.png (18.05 KB, 920x469, 920:469, ClipboardImage.png)

- The Terra Project -

Run by Ghislaine Maxwell (JE madam)

Website now down

62580b  No.7045928

File: 80fc028850566fa⋯.png (371.6 KB, 1077x1057, 1077:1057, Untitled-1.png)

2ed747  No.7045929

File: ea1b2d0269c2720⋯.jpeg (513.82 KB, 538x1062, 269:531, AA6C0E0A-6571-4CC1-8A11-2….jpeg)



07900d  No.7045930


Weren't the Swedes the first ones to do transsexual surgeries?

Look what's mess that has caused!

fcb078  No.7045931


(((we))) manifest here.. how?

adf938  No.7045932

File: a7dcf101bc20f70⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 522x581, 522:581, epstein island - painted -….jpg)

Correction from the outside.

Corrected the meme.

2ed747  No.7045933

File: 9554509c6d047ab⋯.jpeg (138.39 KB, 605x907, 605:907, 28187746-4228-41DF-8DB6-4….jpeg)

6e68f8  No.7045934


They’re here. Narrative changed. Ad hominems, middle school locker room trash talk, kindergarten logic, toddler tantrums. They love discussing cum guzzling, slurping, etc. Definitely paytriots and faketriot clowns.

002c11  No.7045935


Yeah that can get you, not a ticket, but locked up and taken away in some places. Saw it on COPS or that Highway Patrol show once.

dc6e88  No.7045936

File: 45ed0b126cad84b⋯.png (331.68 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks Maxine

7d5fe7  No.7045937


why don't you say something real instead of being a toad that spits back jingo when you are challanged for being a shill?

what platatude will you use to explain away the inhumanity of the fake-jack and the shill bakers?

It's always been clear about how some say that 'we are all in this togehter' and then they take the best part. And when it's over they have nothign to share with you when you shared all of yours.

there is no 'we' or communion with Communists. And you know who that is.

they will always tell you that you are broken and must give more.

they won't tell you where they go, and they don't let you come with them.

c29921  No.7045938

File: 428a3f01a8488bb⋯.jpeg (697.61 KB, 1617x1113, 77:53, E70C5FF5-8736-410D-8A65-7….jpeg)

ITs happening!

7ec1ae  No.7045939


The one on the left looks like a man crouching or picking something up off the floor. The two on the right appear to be adult and child or small adult hugging.

0e97ff  No.7045940

File: 8de505bf87b3d56⋯.gif (11.87 MB, 540x270, 2:1, electrictourettesresistdro….gif)




#8999 - This was meant for this thread, sorry, bridgefag anomalies; better late than never.

Still dealing with individually intensified attacks customized for faggots like (You).

Here's a link to the full press conference video and the moment the power went back on, except the 'Pennsylvania' network. Hope this assists diggers/anons.


b206c8  No.7045941

File: 3b2ba1d6f764128⋯.png (113.3 KB, 373x204, 373:204, pepe time is up mark it.PNG)

Turkey's Erdogan Vows To "Significantly" Cut Rates As Trump Set To Roll Out Sanctions Over S-400 Purchase

Lately not a week passes without some dismal news involving Turkey hitting the tape, and yet the lira continues to levitate, blissfully ignorant of the storm clouds headed for Ankara, levitating on hopes the Fed will cut rates and sprinkle golden showers on emerging markets. However, in light of the two latest developments, the Mrs Watanabe sellers of USDTRY may finally pay attention.

On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - who last weekend fired the head of the central bank for not cutting rates fast enough, and who has now become the de facto head of the CBRT - promised "significantly lower interest rates by the end of the year", Bloomberg reported.

“We aim to reduce inflation to one digit by the end of this year,” Erdogan told journalists in Istanbul, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. “As we achieve this, we will achieve our year-end interest rate target as well." Of course, should interest rates drop to one digit, the USDTRY will promptly collapse to two, as the rate differential between the lira and the dollar collapses, removing the main incentive to go long the lira at a time when the Turkish economy remains in crisis.

Having founded the economic school of Erdoganomics, according to which inflation can be achieved only by lowering rates, the Turkish president and his US counterpart have quickly become kindered spirits when it comes to monetary policy. And just as Trump heaps pressure and insults on Fed Chair Powell, Erdogan has frequently accused the central bank of keeping borrowing costs too high. Last month, he complained that while the Fed was moving toward a rate cut, Turkey’s policy rate of 24% “is unacceptable.”

Then, the last trace of any pretense that Turkey under Erdogan will forever be a banana republic came on July 6, when Erdogan unexpectedly dismissed the former central bank head, Murat Cetinkaya and made it clear that he expects his replacement as central bank governor to follow the government’s line on monetary policy. Cetinkaya had held rates steady for more than nine months.

Meanwhile, even as Trump and Erdo may be BFFs when it comes to firing head of central banks, the US president and his advisors have reportedly settled on a sanctions package to punish Turkey for receiving parts of a Russian S-400 missile defense system and plans to announce it in the coming days, Bloomberg wrote in a separate report.

News of the imminent sanctions was somewhat unexpectedly considering that when Trump and Erdogan met at the G-20 summit in Japan in June, the U.S. president suggested possible leniency on sanctions. He sought to blame the Obama administration for Turkey’s decision to buy the Russian equipment, saying the impasse is “not really Erdogan’s fault.”

According to Bloomberg, the administration "chose one of three sets of actions devised to inflict varying degrees of pain under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, the people said, without identifying which set had been chosen. The plan needs Trump’s approval."

Trump is said to unveil the sanctions late next week, and - in an unexpected act of courtesy to Ankara - intends to wait until after Monday’s anniversary of a 2016 coup attempt against Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to avoid fueling further speculation that the U.S. was responsible for the uprising. And while we don't know the details of the prepared sanctions, we know the following:

The plan was developed after days of discussions between officials at the State and Defense departments and the National Security Council. It awaits a sign-off by Trump and his top advisers, the people said, requesting anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. A State Department spokeswoman declined to comment.

While not nearly as bad as that with other non-Saudi middle-eastern nations, the relationship between the U.S. and Turkey has deteriorated over the course of the civil war in Syria, where U.S. backing for Kurdish militants frustrated Turkey, which considers the group an extension of the separatists it’s fighting at home. Erdogan has also criticized the US for not extraditing Gulen, whom he accuses of masterminding the fake attempted "coup" the served as the launchpad for Erdogan's transformation to an "executive president" last year, read quasi dictator.

Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Friday that Washington’s position that Turkey can’t have both the F-35 and the Russian missile system “has not changed.” Esper spoke with Defense Minister Hulusi Akar in the afternoon, and the Turkish government said in a statement that a U.S. delegation would visit next week to keep discussing the issue.


edab9f  No.7045942



Those look like buckets or maybe some kind of ottoman… but my guess is buckets. Most of these rooms probably need to be hosed down after…

859bf4  No.7045943


Abused children are sometimes sat on buckets due to involuntary bowel movement. Truly evil.

1827d6  No.7045944


checked-in illinois 26 miles over the speed limit is

class a misdemeanor

up to a year in jail

$2500 fine

he walked in less than an hour with a ticket for 10 miles over the limit

0c4b91  No.7045945


Top Dig

41b173  No.7045946

File: fd57e044bf353ce⋯.jpg (368.2 KB, 816x528, 17:11, shill fucking stupidity is….JPG)

File: 68e381d3b6d5d3a⋯.jpg (106.19 KB, 408x528, 17:22, only a shill would utter.JPG)

File: a7579da967a0176⋯.jpg (241.59 KB, 816x528, 17:11, shill tard natural selecti….JPG)

30bda6  No.7045947

File: 2fcc4e0a3f38511⋯.png (140.18 KB, 749x1173, 749:1173, Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at ….png)

File: ff967d415f609db⋯.png (153.25 KB, 770x1183, 110:169, Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at ….png)



Also - little Haitian child on bucket?

b3ddbd  No.7045948


You don't know? Where-ever there is a host, (((we))) have a home. You are one of our favorites.

8c764c  No.7045949

File: 9fbdc39f653bae2⋯.jpeg (913.9 KB, 1875x2063, 1875:2063, 0ABFB913-005F-41C8-A126-B….jpeg)


whoa! So Epstein was literally an associate of Nabokov (the author of "Lolita").

6e68f8  No.7045950


Satanic evil

23a90c  No.7045951


Did he change how he spells his last name?

788c20  No.7045952



This that girls face supposedly H and HA took off?

077945  No.7045953


There you go anon. It is what I do as well. No need to lean on a list of notables that few ever really agreed were good anyway, until they were moved. It only became a device for those who are looking to tear anons apart.

f67f8f  No.7045954


Yep, that is exactly what is happening and now the anons that are calling out fapjack are now being called shills by the new Qresearch NPCs.

The board was just took over by one person but tards be like:

"Q is still posting here. move along, nothing to see here."

e8bd89  No.7045955

File: 298601e0c3aa147⋯.jpg (119.97 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 35ogde.jpg)

fcb078  No.7045956


i don't know your origin. could you be more specific.

89f587  No.7045957

File: 81f323be6f8ea9f⋯.jpg (159.12 KB, 596x866, 298:433, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

Spy novel written by Kim Philby’s granddaughter to be published this week


Kim Philby was first CIA director Allen Dulles' good fren

7d5fe7  No.7045958


I know Nabokov had a tenure at Wellesley College, an elite snob school for ugly girls of the cabal to either 'marry rich' or go lesbian.

Not sure if it was during time that Hillary was there.

30ea22  No.7045959


And the notables being posted ARE NOT from BO or BVs. They are from the old bakers that are still trying to control things. Perhaps if you were not so blind, you'd see what is being attempted

c0c9ab  No.7045960



Not screenshot.

7c23d6  No.7045961



The one on the left, I believe, is sitting on a church Pew-type bench looking at his phone.

f090c8  No.7045962


Looks like most are naked. Looks like a big MAP on the wall.. dark blotch looks like little st james


Yes… that's what I was pointing out!!!!

b3ddbd  No.7045963


(((We))) are here. Goodbye.

62580b  No.7045964

File: b858c7c09a1f847⋯.png (64.12 KB, 163x255, 163:255, Untitled-1.png)

788c20  No.7045965


Were we on same board? I didnt remember the board quite like that at all especially night shift. 4 days ago this place turned upside down.

05b61d  No.7045966

File: f1ccc2de87c84f6⋯.png (531.79 KB, 1617x1605, 539:535, ClipboardImage.png)


In that view looks like soft backless chairs on carpet.


Channel 16 has three individuals in frame.

b206c8  No.7045967

File: ff5a5ee1a5a22cf⋯.png (740.75 KB, 673x741, 673:741, night shift power out nyc ….PNG)

2ed747  No.7045968


That’s my way of seeing it but nobody else has so far seen it the same way.

1e648a  No.7045969


Always wondered how Chris Cornell 's fam tree goes

e5304f  No.7045970

File: 26657f62a5239d2⋯.jpeg (82.68 KB, 828x1062, 46:59, d1ba7c1c66b35cfc05370b2d0….jpeg)

File: 8e9103f489ed9f4⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1438x1610, 719:805, 20190715_000543.jpg)

1bcb90  No.7045971


Q post relevant to this

Deleted Stringer



12 Jun 2018 - 1:20:02 PM



CZTA68-KDHG-[ t]



6e68f8  No.7045973


Checked. Saying this. Nobody seems interested.

2cbbe8  No.7045974

File: 3a918edccaa902e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1082x638, 541:319, ClipboardImage.png)

35db1d  No.7045975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b9c4cc  No.7045976


He wasnt stopped in IL. He was stopped in In. He was detained an hour to verify who he was and why he tried to evade.

32526c  No.7045977


Kim Philby

Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby was a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to the Soviet Union in 1963. He served as both an NKVD and KGB operative.Wikipedia

d470c6  No.7045978


>Correction from the outside.

Good observation. I hadn't thought about that. Doors usually bar from the inside. If they bar from the outside, they are gates meant to keep something IN.

Does that something refer to the pedo-slaves, or to an ancient demon or cryptid that the Cabal worship underground?

In either case, the door is fake, so it's only symbolic (that building has regular glass windows on two sides of it so it's not like it would keep anything in), but these people are HUGE on symbolism.

b206c8  No.7045979


it's capped from the one that has sauce

e8bd89  No.7045980


Also Kubrick made the film eyes wide shut with the teen lolita girl whose father owned the costume shop.

d470c6  No.7045981


>He wasnt stopped in IL. He was stopped in In. He was detained an hour to verify who he was and why he tried to evade.

I'm just pleased they made him super fucking late to whatever he was speeding toward.

a3201d  No.7045982


Killary was in the graduation class of 1969.

05b61d  No.7045983


This view of persons on upturned buckets looks like they are on a tiled floor. One empty bucket. Seems less crowded.

Noted absence of adults (or taler individuals) in most of these views.

285a8b  No.7045984



TerraMar Project ceases operations.

788c20  No.7045985



Absolutely, it is our board. Things havent changed and fuck parrot faggot for being such a cunt bitch, BO as well

002c11  No.7045986


Why would Q keep posting here if the board has been 'took over'?

94e958  No.7045987

File: fb68c124d009c77⋯.png (668.07 KB, 789x453, 263:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e379146d0caa544⋯.png (446.75 KB, 565x355, 113:71, ClipboardImage.png)


c142ae  No.7045988

Olbermann appears to be posting threats in the form of dog rescue posts. Looks like coded language, one post is about Don, who faces euthanasia. others seem to be referring to FLOTUS and family. Numbers plugged into a gematria calcualtor return surprising results. I am having trouble posting elsewhere. Please help.

d470c6  No.7045989


>Abused children are sometimes sat on buckets due to involuntary bowel movement. Truly evil.

Does the bucket have a seat built into the open end? You can't really effectively sit on a bucket, it will tip over every time.

9b9576  No.7045990

File: e53367c19342832⋯.png (28.53 KB, 340x107, 340:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Anointing Ted Cruz: The "End Times" Transfer of Wealth to the Righteous from March 2016

Holy Smokes! TED CRUZ Anointed prophecy? was getting into some of that biblical anointing inspiration on youtube and this GEM with radical left clown shill narration shows up and its pretty Sauced and relevant to today's events of what we know now then spoken by his old man in 2013.


1fe2cb  No.7045991


Because Q can still post here

077945  No.7045992


Day or night, there were often anons or shills calling them out as comped, baker comped, whatever the flavor. Fact is, moving them on their own and opening them making ones own buns can be a great tool.

Say you see a trend of research from anons, so you create a list of these in a bun. Take that and post if to the new place and you have a great resource for others.

2b7c6f  No.7045993

2dc080  No.7045994


Thx. Was hoping to track down 2013 but no luck.

d470c6  No.7045995


>Please help

Post more of your information, screencaps, whatever you got.

c0c9ab  No.7045996

e7db0d  No.7045997


Reminds me-last night had a dream. Just a headline in big bold type that said RBG DEAD AT 92.

Looked up her birth year. 1933. So that would be 2025. Hoping it meant something else.

30ea22  No.7045998


Apologies for the blind comment. You see it too. Wasn't exactly sure by your first comment.

e1dad1  No.7045999

Fire visible from satellite near nuclear facility in Hanford, WA


037d59  No.7046000


The only people I see with control issues are the BO and BV. The notables are not great in the notables thread.

I see fine.

edab9f  No.7046001


Nabokov was obsessed with butterflies. He was into lepidopterology.

Also, the character of Clare Quilty in Lolita is a really weird shadow figure, considered to be a double of Humbert. Both pedos. I read Lolita once years ago and it has the creepiest underground conspiracy vibe.

cd1bbf  No.7046002

File: 041950228c3adcb⋯.png (341.67 KB, 486x551, 486:551, KubricThrillOfDiscovery.png)


Kubrick knew

07900d  No.7046003


Welcome Back Kotter is exactly what I thought of when I saw that pick!


John Travolta's catch phrase:

"Up your nose with a rubber hose."

Before Saturday Night Fever

182a6c  No.7046004

File: aed052abf072346⋯.jpg (218.24 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, airforce1.jpg)

>>7045126 ( pb)

hope it links back - hasn't been

the un blue is information

blue = information

af1 is both information (top)

secrets (bottom)

w/ gold (band) = reward

fb is information

f is shaped like a faucet

flowing information

e1dad1  No.7046005

File: a165611581f1ab1⋯.png (686.69 KB, 800x639, 800:639, B9B750C6-442C-4DF8-8828-B2….png)


Sorry, forgot pic related

4c20c3  No.7046006


This is HUGE - Anyone else has more info? FaceBook is still active….

8d36b7  No.7046007


d470c6  No.7046008


>You're most welcome~

Are you keeping busy tonight? Bread seems slow and I'm too tired to put on the Freddy mask today.

c142ae  No.7046009

File: 00f1d61aedf00ab⋯.png (247.48 KB, 926x549, 926:549, Opera Snapshot_2019-07-14_….png)

12530a  No.7046010


masonry was infiltrated by Jews, that's when it went to shit.

for 4 centuries, Masons built buildings, then they were infiltrated by Jews.

e5304f  No.7046011

Nice map!


f090c8  No.7046013


That makes me sick and want to cry… fuck these people! Hang them ALL!

e8bd89  No.7046014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30ea22  No.7046015


>took over

Muh engrish. Muh notables. Muh catalog. Fuk off.

cd1bbf  No.7046016


Cute but AIDS~


f67f8f  No.7046017


Because anons and Q do not retreat, we take back our territory which was rightfully ours, not some shilly BO.

f4a003  No.7046018

File: f5820ba05b8e3b5⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 2yvbhb.jpg)

b206c8  No.7046019

File: 6d3b529335c5998⋯.jpg (125.17 KB, 472x518, 236:259, pepe its comfy.jpg)


notables for anons, by anons and they are not endorsements

>>7045415, >>7045608, >>7045949, >>7045980 Robert Maxwell, Armand Hammer, Edward Jay Epstein connections

>>7045418, >>7045449, >>7045502, >>7045750, >>7045875 Lead Investigator on Smollett case Reassigned-after 'allegedly leading cops on 100mph chase

>>7045444 pastors call on nike to sever relationship with colin kaepernick

>>7045446 Resignation anon

>>7045464, >>7045590 Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Master Spy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul-book snip

>>7045473 pf report-E6b near DC swamp

>>7045509, >>7045552 Daniel Craig will pass the martini to ‘Captain Marvel’ actress Lashana Lynch….

>>7045539, >>7045558 Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss

>>7045545, >>7045572 4 for 1 with the Smollett case? moar involved..anon adds another in second one

>>7045583, >>7045597 Info on Mark Epstein PDF-anon says"Lots of Businesses WW if it is in deed Jeffery' brother never mentioned much"

>>7045588 anon speculates on R.Kelly and Epstein connections and Draize test

>>7045594, >>7045708 alex soros deletes tweet re: Justice and public safety PAC fundraiser

>>7045603, >>7045685 moar on TITANPOINTE NSA Surveillance Hub (Former AT&T Long Lines Switching Office)

>>7045620 Why Jussie Smollett Wants a Change of Jurisdiction-Vid

>>7045621 Swedish people are getting chip implants to replace cash, credit cards

>>7045626 POTUS Slams Democrats ‘Who Speak So Badly’ of America and ‘Hate Israel’

>>7045628 Maxine Waters on Trump Tweet: ‘The President Is an Illegitimate Racist Occupying the White House’

>>7045641 moar on NYSPCC- Blackstone,Fox Rothschild,Catholic Charities, Children's Aid Society connections

>>7045658 Iran Ready to Hold Talks With US if Sanctions Lifted - Rouhani

>>7045684 Gantz says ‘in talks’ with Likud reps over unity government sans Netanyahu

>>7045712 Related: Is This The Last Bottleneck For Nord Stream 2?

>>7045723 [Wheels Up] decode: Bill’s got problems. Plus…Smollett federal charges and “Watch CA”.

>>7045726 More than 4500 lightning strikes hit New Zealand over 24 hours

>>7045761 Venezuelan opposition returning to Barbados to continue talks with government

>>7045766 Adnan Khashoggi was once worth 40 billion US dollars, thanks to arms deals linked to the CIA and the military industrial complex.

>>7045770 Hong Kong protesters appeal for U.S. help

>>7045786, >>7045818 Largest Global (A/I) Human Trafficking Network Financed by The Worlds Largest Invester into….A/I

>>7045817 #Japan weighs possible SDF dispatch to Strait of Hormuz as U.S. seeks coalition

>>7045828 #Israel warns of ‘crushing retaliation’ after #Hezbollah says its rockets can reach #TelAviv

>>7045873 anons analyze temple on epstein island and other thangs-bundaroo

>>7045927 The Terra Project - Run by Ghislaine Maxwell (JE madam) Website now down (screen cap)

>>7045941 Turkey's Erdogan Vows To "Significantly" Cut Rates As Trump Set To Roll Out Sanctions Over S-400 Purchase

for those who keep asking about another option for platform…this is it. If this goes away then I would be worried about what 'provisions' you currently have-be comfy, this will get sorted out. give it about 2 weeks like the last BO that hung themselves.

Dropping early and will correct or add, then nighty, night.

077945  No.7046020


Its good anon. I replied to your other comment as well with more detail on my thinking.

44749c  No.7046021

File: 7262f14ced1300f⋯.jpg (58.29 KB, 547x456, 547:456, 35ogu2[1].jpg)

c0681c  No.7046022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thought it was this at first.

788c20  No.7046023


Shills fagging out anon.

adf938  No.7046024

File: a7dcf101bc20f70⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 522x581, 522:581, epstein island - painted -….jpg)


Corrected… my bad.

30bda6  No.7046025

File: 0fea5cc4411014e⋯.png (555.65 KB, 1403x1149, 1403:1149, Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at ….png)

125ef5  No.7046026

File: 4a43c6a97cf7178⋯.jpg (410.92 KB, 1122x1000, 561:500, IMG_025.jpg)

patriots remember!!

2ed747  No.7046027

How would a powerful media type threaten a man? I heard someone say good luck to you and you’re family to another ma’am who got a nervous look after hearing those words.

How would that be phrased in order to be a clear threat or was that’s it right there.

f67f8f  No.7046028


Go back to sleep sheep.

bfc7d2  No.7046029

File: ee3bf597ef6e265⋯.png (44.07 KB, 400x224, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

3a6591  No.7046030



>- The Terra Project -

>Run by Ghislaine Maxwell (JE madam)

>Website now down


5b1ee1  No.7046031

File: 7d43115b5bd0c08⋯.png (218.91 KB, 866x558, 433:279, The-15-Most-Powerful-Membe….png)




Oh……. you mean Skull and Bones

Stephen A Schwarzman https://www.businessinsider.com/skull-and-bones-alumni-2011-2#george-w-bush-class-of-1968-13

6e68f8  No.7046032


>anons that are calling out fapjack are now being called shills by the new Qresearch NPCs.

Projection with you is high. BO owns board, let’s you post, and you slander without evidence. You’re pathetic, not patriot. New QResearch what does that mean. Entitled narcissistic shill. Q knows. We know. You chose poorly. You’re fucked.

b3ddbd  No.7046033

e8bd89  No.7046034

File: 9d3f36b4195d6a0⋯.jpg (174.05 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, 04-jimmie-walker-coulter.w….jpg)

File: 97ee3db55c8c0e9⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 478x594, 239:297, Jimmie Walker 5th Annual T….jpg)

File: 609123bc30ef5ae⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 183x275, 183:275, download (1).jpg)


Coulter is banging JJ, kek

2cbbe8  No.7046036


Most likely wanting to get thrown off the case as a witness that could take the stand

easier not go get suicided that way

6e68f8  No.7046037


Whose board owner? Not you ungrateful Vick.

35db1d  No.7046038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d5fe7  No.7046039


does it bother you to be a shill on the wrong side of it?

the other anon is too 'on point' for you?

all you have is F off?


yes 'took over'

that is the correct way to say it.

and the board is good for Q to post, but all the rest of it is dead.

It's just a place for lame psy-op bullshit, pictures of cats and porn of diseased sex-slave women with no hair.

and sick headed degenerate operational conditioning of un known purpose.

all the eyes and finger points and curse images.

yes, and the we know that these peopel are comped because of how they talk to us, and how they abuse anon constantly, and that they act like dictators.

most of us have dealt with that type our whole lives. the constant deflection and know-it-all-bully behavior is a sign of a connected cabal operator, a bully, who will quickly turn to memes of rape and sexual dominance.

does this accurate description bother you?

is it day light in Europe yet?

037d59  No.7046040


BO lets me post?


dda2a9  No.7046041

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB, 200x232, 25:29, 4a48a92c5402cbc9f44a9beb9b….gif)





1afdb1  No.7046042

File: d390cf4754958ea⋯.jpg (102.4 KB, 884x552, 221:138, learn to be a machiavellia….jpg)



Many can see exactly what's going on here on this board.

comp'd af….

d48a9f  No.7046043

File: 8f46a2afdbd9e4a⋯.png (251.99 KB, 400x426, 200:213, ClipboardImage.png)

966874  No.7046044

File: f05fcb509938f18⋯.jpg (279.55 KB, 580x867, 580:867, bourdain.jpg)

522fa2  No.7046046

File: 7a75b31c7e064e8⋯.png (49.48 KB, 942x406, 471:203, trustyourself.png)


from Q_3409

trust yourself (always)

2cbbe8  No.7046047


put him on suicide watch?

d470c6  No.7046048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did some digs on the info in the tweet. Don #68091 returns a youtube video of this dog playing (embedded)

68091 returns pictures of the Arentine Ballester-Molina .45 pistol, a replacement for the 1911-.45 with a few interchangeable parts.

The dog appears to be real, here's his listing:


Posted just a few days ago. Found this phrase in the listing which is scary:

"Now Don is on a kill list and needs to find a hero who will take a chance on him and believe in him."

Harbor Freight sells assorted jigsaw blades, SKU 68091:


68091 Vineyard Road in St. Clairsville, OH is for sale:


eab95f  No.7046049

File: 514f21caacc84a6⋯.png (1 MB, 1012x1044, 253:261, ClipboardImage.png)

I hadn't seen this exchange from that incident with the press in the WH rose garden, but now that I have, WTF?

Brian Karem of Playboy magazine let it be known what’s up with him.

Brian Karem: "No, I’m just standing around— This is a group of people who are eager for demonic possession.”

Wait: What did you just say, Brian?

Brian Karem: "This is a group of people who are eager for demonic possession.”

Vid embedded here:


0c4b91  No.7046050


Who says it is for escape?

d26970  No.7046051

File: 0d4e34f20575146⋯.png (535.65 KB, 538x1062, 269:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8e58cc9971de45⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 236x170, 118:85, hmmm.jpg)



Huma Hillary making out. I see the skinny back of Huma and Hilldawg wearing face.

b3ddbd  No.7046052

File: 29ac67e00903127⋯.png (134.51 KB, 750x415, 150:83, Letter-from-Captain-Sulliv….png)

At Donald Trump's Inauguration, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, the only Democrat speaking at the event read a passage from a letter from Civil War Captain Sullivan Ballou to his wife Sarah. Here is the full transcript of the letter from Captain Sullivan Ballou to His Wife Sarah.

Letter from Captain Sullivan Ballou to His Wife Sarah

July the 14th, 1861 Washington D.C.

My very dear Sarah:

The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days – perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.

Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure – and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine O God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing – perfectly willing – to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt.

But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows – when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children – is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country?

I cannot describe to you my feelings on this calm summer night, when two thousand men are sleeping around me, many of them enjoying the last, perhaps, before that of death – and I, suspicious that Death is creeping behind me with his fatal dart, am communing with God, my country, and thee.

I have sought most closely and diligently, and often in my breast, for a wrong motive in thus hazarding the happiness of those I loved and I could not find one. A pure love of my country and of the principles I have often advocated before the people and "the name of honor that I love more than I fear death" have called upon me, and I have obeyed.

Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.

The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when God willing, we might still have lived and loved together, and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me – perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar – that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name.

Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have oftentimes been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot. I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.

But, O Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night – amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours – always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by.

Sarah, do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again.

As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a father's love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers his and hers I call God's blessing upon them.

O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.


1827d6  No.7046053


yes , i read it wrong he was 45 miles from ill

what i was pointing out to the people who saw this as a way to

"get out of the jussie case"

was that it was just an" important" person ignoring the laws

not some tinfoil hat consp

ps–in indiana we would get 180 days in jail

$1000 fine

plus the beating after we led them on a over 100 mph chase

he never mussed up his suit coat

a44a3a  No.7046054

The 33 Thomas Street building was also used in the 3rd season of Mr Robot as the repository for Evil Corps paper records.

32526c  No.7046055

rebels without a cause can be twisted mofo's, I swear

qrb awaits with no capcha and bakers that scrape notables from the best board, what more could you want?


73675d  No.7046056

>>7045018 (noted lb)



for even more magaveli digs

>>7045141, >>7045319 (all lb)

gybaker is a useless sack of shit who even lies to himself.

gybaker and "wake and baker" (one of magaveli's sock puppets) are "keeping the traditional pastebin going" because they are the shill bakers who lost everything with the change.

i doubt they are working with BO II. They are a main part of the problem BO II has solved with removing the baker gatekeeping. If anything they are in cahoots with the qmap.pub guy, which is to say, Old BO, "qrb" and all that.

What's confusing is that they are allowed to bake if they leave out notables, which gives the appearance of helping...

6e68f8  No.7046058


Repeat while facing mirror. Yeah. You are divisive and subversive.

002c11  No.7046059


It wouldn't be retreating for Q to post on his own board that the board owner here has somehow taken over and that the problem will be addressed.

a3201d  No.7046060

Some links to share with anons.

>>>North Korea May Have Two-Thirds of World’s Rare Earths Minerals


>>>Saudia Arabia The Bloody Wonderland


>>>JAN 2009: Pope John Paul II →Wolf In Sheep's Clothing →Another Black Magick Satanic Symbol


>>>(AFOSI) Air Force Office of Special Investigations


>>>Trial Judiciary Court Dockets


>>>Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton > Commands > Tenant Commands > Western Judicial Circuit https://www.pendleton.marines.mil/Commands/Tenant-Commands/Western-Judicial-Circuit/

d470c6  No.7046062

File: fc33cec65e6d80b⋯.jpeg (55.56 KB, 626x626, 1:1, pepe_getting_sick.jpeg)

File: 2711dac5671e82f⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 401x387, 401:387, pepe_sick.jpg)

File: 6e5877907c9332e⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 500x481, 500:481, pepe_sick_very.jpg)

File: d76f432b936fd50⋯.jpg (194.55 KB, 642x536, 321:268, pepe_sick2.jpg)

File: c47b9fd33d6ae26⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 320x449, 320:449, wash_hands.jpg)

05b61d  No.7046064

File: ff56e8c4b62a7ae⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2237x1825, 2237:1825, ClipboardImage.png)


Box or paper bag over head?

This "inventory" is becoming hard to continue.

0a4a17  No.7046065

File: c05af92cc61b8ed⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1000x663, 1000:663, ClipboardImage.png)

0c4b91  No.7046067


Maybe that is what "Watch CA" is about?

f67f8f  No.7046069


You glow shill.

>and you slander without evidence

The format of the bread has completely changed and bakers cannot even collect notables anymore. Now anything can become notable which then makes nothing notable retard. How is that not evidence?

285a8b  No.7046070

File: c9642cab0ab143d⋯.png (146.07 KB, 1000x521, 1000:521, archive.png)




Their "Daily Catch" blog redirects to a WordPress login page now

Gargle Cache:


6e68f8  No.7046071


They are using pastebin, still to transfer to qrb. Began month ago. Watched it happen. Inthematrixx in on it. Paytriots faketriots

d470c6  No.7046072

File: 8ba4167c8973bc6⋯.png (1.17 MB, 789x596, 789:596, laserWallaby.png)


Sure thing, ellipses shill.

>BO owns board

>let's you post

Pathetic cuck, rofl. Imagine being this much of a faggot.

037d59  No.7046073


it's the truth, fuck all your noise

7c23d6  No.7046074


Can't for the life of me figure out what he meant by that!

4c20c3  No.7046075


No way to see when last active? This cannot be a coincidence..

6e68f8  No.7046076


BO slander without evidence. Don’t act like you don’t comprehend simple sentences.

d470c6  No.7046077


Dude quit trying to convince the guy that makes 30+ posts every night bread calling everyone masons and shills that you have a point. He's not here to have genuine discussions with ANYONE. He's here to waste everyone's time.

5af7c7  No.7046078

File: 7db76e217802c6b⋯.png (114.52 KB, 898x510, 449:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6e081ffe36dfdd⋯.png (146.3 KB, 890x500, 89:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca10e2721b3c000⋯.png (294.54 KB, 854x520, 427:260, ClipboardImage.png)

Could the Wheel Q refers to be coded for the cab al meaning Wheel of time? Are we entering the new age?

Ophiucus is in the sky.

adba88  No.7046079


That is Jay Epstein, an author.

12530a  No.7046080


because shitty is the new normal?

23f7ff  No.7046082


Are we not going to add to ==NOTABLE== ? Most direct MI connection to Q in a literal sense I've ever come across. This ever been checked before?

05b61d  No.7046083


Or to a tunnel cum-canal under the lower level of the rooms [dungeon]. Perhaps a docking area. some of the islands have natural caverns and caves – near the outer bounds of the cliffs and such. Haven't seen enough of this island or its history to know if it has such features. Man-made, possibly, natural would be easier to adapt at sea level.

Your thots, Anon?

c0681c  No.7046084


>plus the beating after we led them on a over 100 mph chase

>Be me

>Doing 80 in a 75

>See bubblegum in mirror

>Cop says, "Did you know I had to do over 100 mph to catch up to you?"

c0c9ab  No.7046085


I vote for bag.

Outstanding work, anon.

Seeing with fresh eyes now.

d470c6  No.7046086


>Hang them ALL!

To hell with hanging.

Firing squads.

6e68f8  No.7046087


Yes it is true. You’re deluded. BO slander without evidence and Q hasn’t weighed in on future.

b206c8  No.7046088

File: 888464e06eae00f⋯.gif (338.24 KB, 480x270, 16:9, respect my authoritay.gif)


you…still with this shit?

go fuck yourself, you should remember this from earlier

fbd401  No.7046089


Either Q's lighting a fire under asses, or it's too late in the game for any of this to ultimately matter.

62580b  No.7046090


"Under the Rainbow"

f7cd1b  No.7046091



Proceed to >>6426901 for more.

d470c6  No.7046092

File: 5f1b37983fe28e8⋯.png (418.87 KB, 350x700, 1:2, discovery.png)


>Cute but AIDS~


Rude! Don't AIDS me just because I lewd you!~


974663  No.7046093



true that

there only seems to be one person though every bread and if not one person then none

havent seen more than 2 ever yet

will see

fbd401  No.7046094



But either way, it's Q's m.o. to give these (((clowns))) all the rope and red scarves they desire.

35db1d  No.7046095

File: 053a5f4e682cd27⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 745x419, 745:419, tim-ryan-anthony-bourdain-….jpg)




Institute of


The Culinary Institute of America is an American private college and culinary school specializing in culinary, baking, and pastry arts education. The school's primary campus is located in Hyde Park, New York, with branch campuses in St. Helena and Napa, California, San Antonio, Texas, and the Republic of Singapore. The college, which was the first to teach culinary arts in the United States, offers associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees, and has the largest staff of American Culinary Federation Certified Master Chefs. The CIA also offers continuing education for professionals in the hospitality industry as well as conferences and consulting services. In addition to professional education, the college also offers recreational classes for non-professionals. The college operates student-run restaurants on their four U.S. campuses.

edab9f  No.7046096


He favors DeNiro in the face. Same facial…. droop? Don't know how to describe it, but the outer corner of his eyes kind of slant down like DeNiro's.. they both have a subtle sleepy look about the eyes.

30bda6  No.7046098

File: 66f29f6dfe9b6f4⋯.jpg (17.64 KB, 481x626, 481:626, f16f6c345ac97f62dc1042dee6….jpg)


Nailed it!

85a16f  No.7046099

TTP Trade Deal

The TerraMar Project


Modern Trafficking Route with New Tech and a litany of "false flags" to prevent poor people using technology to pull themselves out of poverty.

It seems that the main advantage of the Executive is to have the Joint Chiefs of Staff coordinate Foreign Military assets to solidify Trafficking Routes. NAFTA = MS_13; MOS; Cartel; Antifa, etc.

So, recap:

1) Cabal develops foreign communities under Global Law decided by UN. UN uses USA, in violation of the Constitution, to curry the most developed and advanced assets.

2) These assets are integrated domestically in the USA with a MSM that builds narratives that assets can exploit without immediate blowback. Blowback being, essentially, straightforward identification – Oklahoma City Bombing = White Nationalist/Constitutionalist sympathetic profile. 9/11 = Islamophobia Inc. Benghazi = Stealing Ghaddafi's Gold so Sarkozy and Germany can get Gold and EU Sovereignty under an umbrella in Iran.

3) Q's "Follow the EO's"/"Follow the Pen" is, I believe, the most immediate TIMELINE/MAP of both the FORMATION of this Cabal and its CURRENT DESTRUCTION.

This is because the EXECUTIVE IS NECESSARY.

Now, ask yourself:

When did this "Military-Industrial" Complex BEGIN?

The Federal Reserve?

The FBI?

Civil war?

No, try the 1917 Espionage Act.

What's the 1917 Espionage Act?

It's when the Cabal created "National Security" as a means of removing the Bill of Rights ENTIRELY and SICKING their private armies on those that held "anti-war" sentiment.

Under the Espionage Act of 1917, Anti-War Sentiment was OUTLAWED.

This is why Georgia O'Keeffe's 1918 painting, THE FLAG, wasn't publicly displayed until 1968.

With the TerraMar Project closed, it is time for Anons to identify the Cabal by the "Quantum" Group Project long gestating amidst a billion bodies destroyed by this Group in the 20th century.

Obama, Google, Soros, Mika & Inner Circle are the Weather Underground. Their DOMINION has been DEFEATED BY AMERICAN LIBERTY.



e17519  No.7046100


Dirty cops covering up each other's crimes. More Chicago Machine corruption. Stinks! Equal protection under the laws means fleeing, resisting arrest, high-speed chase, etc should result in jail and revocation of driving license just like it would for anyone else who was in a hurry to get to work and committed the exact same acts.

e0f76e  No.7046101

File: 9820554d1cc2366⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)

ae6005  No.7046102

File: ff975d39e245064⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 475x553, 475:553, retardbaker is being retar….JPG)


you are literally just creating that illusion by trying to signal to anons that the "position" is being filled so they don't have to worry about it because benevolent baker has it handled

edab9f  No.7046103


Hearing about this for the first time. My takeaway is that Thomas Wictor is implying that Brian is demonically-possessed. It's projection.

30ea22  No.7046104


BO and BV's should control their board. Anarchy is not the same as free speech. Democracy is not the same as a Republic.

85d75c  No.7046105

File: fcb14044bd11df3⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1440x1986, 240:331, Screenshot_20190714-222601….jpg)

It's crazy how long anons have known.

d470c6  No.7046106


>it's too late in the game for any of this to ultimately matter.

That's my take on this. Justice moves slowly, and by the time even a peep of information is made public, 9001% more work has done behind the scenes than the public is aware of.

That we've already seen Epstein's arrest, combined with the 100000+ sealed proceedings on dockets across the USA, combined with the little bits and peeps of info that DO get out, tells me the ceiling has already caved in on the global Pedo bunker. The fragments just haven't landed on them yet.

6e68f8  No.7046107


Q accepts shitty activity? Yours and your ilk. That isn’t hidden. You’re foolish and reckless. End for you isn’t going to be nice.

ded307  No.7046108


God help us

Epstein Island's swamps

>Now we know too

7d5fe7  No.7046109

File: 2fad901f2650d80⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 714x330, 119:55, board_owners_frenz_001.jpg)

File: d311d162b77ce2d⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 667x200, 667:200, board_owners_frenz_002.jpg)

File: acd54cb244ed0e5⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 840x320, 21:8, board_owners_frenz_003.jpg)

File: cb52c0060ba4a24⋯.jpg (177.95 KB, 1611x623, 1611:623, board_owners_frenz_004.jpg)


some of us lurk and we've watched for a few months. BO is full of shit.

0fb541  No.7046110


Potus = 91

Mirror = 91

Satoshi = 91

Future = 91`

Liberty = 91

Who is Q = 91

Sol Pais = 91

Who's God = 91

85a16f  No.7046111

File: 6fea215fb8f2212⋯.jpg (205.38 KB, 720x971, 720:971, georgia-okeeffe-the-flag-1….jpg)



4c20c3  No.7046112

In the YouTube link of the Drone - Why are the statues down? No Gargoyles?

05b61d  No.7046113


Tippy Top, Anon.

What might be that balcony-like feature in the inset image "Belial (Earth)"? Seems too flat to be an actual series of balconies.

Now to overlay the road and pathway map on the bones of this work.

TY Anon.

d26970  No.7046114

File: cef4d4a70b9ea3f⋯.png (155.79 KB, 533x454, 533:454, mafcTT.png)


dunno if top person is crouching forward or what… plausible

d48a9f  No.7046115

File: 93dab8758573a18⋯.png (826.41 KB, 1493x1048, 1493:1048, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aefe0c3e0076c6⋯.png (157.73 KB, 983x768, 983:768, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12fa7d28503f1ed⋯.png (84.66 KB, 967x483, 967:483, ClipboardImage.png)



More story at the link…

Bohemian Grove is going on RIGHT NOW

ded307  No.7046116



quit your kayfabe glowing bickering. BO isn't who we follow and it isn't stopping the work, so we don't care either way tbh

077945  No.7046117


The hurricane is said to have torn them away. God won.

50d470  No.7046118

hagee on levin


2ed747  No.7046119


I think the eyes are there and the nose is gone. smile that you have to ignore so it doesn’t look silly.

b206c8  No.7046120

File: 07942bd69ef7fad⋯.png (224.97 KB, 544x317, 544:317, Nightshift POTUS exits mar….PNG)

someone grab the notables list and post in nb-it is already in the archive, goodnight patriots


34fa71  No.7046121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1d1a37  No.7046122

File: aa4af784422efcc⋯.png (12.88 KB, 401x375, 401:375, 9F14D01B-4B15-4486-BE1D-5C….png)


Academy award for sure.

Fuck that shit

05b61d  No.7046123


No cutouts for eyes.

The strangeness is epic.

Might a child do that to herself - overstimulated?

6e68f8  No.7046124


You’ve no authority. You’re still concerned and shilling. Did I address you? No.

0fbed3  No.7046125

File: f063428a91cd065⋯.png (66.47 KB, 735x699, 245:233, shitter.png)


Paint bucket. Cut hole in top or remove lid. Sorry for the truth.

BTW used em in the past for back country shitters. You can put a pad on top by cutting a flotation noodle. Doubt these scum scumbags would care about that though.

d470c6  No.7046126

File: d70def2128a51e9⋯.jpg (133.15 KB, 725x1024, 725:1024, sorry_chum.jpg)


>BO isn't who we follow and it isn't stopping the work

I'm just thinking how instantly forgotten BO's shenanigans will be next time a major BOOM happens. When (((someone))) big gets arrested again and there are Q posts, everyone will be back in here going


0dc2f6  No.7046127


Churches jump into action with threat of immigration sweeps


Churches Across the U.S. Show Support for Immigrant Communities as ICE Raids Begin


ICE issuing fines to immigrants who have taken sanctuary in churches


How churches can protect undocumented immigrants

"When the U.S. government has a zero tolerance party on undocumented people, how can the church welcome the stranger?"


Houston congresswoman said undocumented immigrants could seek shelter in churches during announced ICE raids


Can churches provide legal sanctuary to undocumented immigrants?

Funny as this does not seem to bother most "anons"…

almost like most "anons" have blinders on called muh religion or maybe they are not anons?

I find this quite odd…

All of these "SMART ANONS" think its Molech worship and Satanism etc etc when in fact it is simply Gnosticism… you have simply never did your due diligence… you have never truly dug…

same goes with masons, muh joos and even your own good book…

Do you even book, anon?

seriously… do you even fucking book?

Like Zombies to a mall… I came here to drop this little collection this night… just something I recall doing once upon a time when for some reason it seemed to matter…

859bf4  No.7046128


They allow women at the grove. Just the ones to be sacrificed to Moloch. One way ticket.

50d470  No.7046129


gonna kill the franchise faster than timothy dalton.

07900d  No.7046130


We knew

But nothing could be done about it bc of corrupt State's Attorneys and judges

44a3ec  No.7046131

File: a05e481721e8e17⋯.jpg (181.45 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, temple1.jpg)

d470c6  No.7046132


Harboring illegals is a felony, no?

Are Churches exempt from prosecution for felonies? Asking for a Pope.

0c4b91  No.7046133


Hope he dosen't go to H.R. where he can delete evidence. Didn't Strzok get reassigned to H.R. after getting booted from SC team?

62580b  No.7046134

File: 18c035369da01cc⋯.png (139.83 KB, 538x452, 269:226, Untitled-1.png)

0fbed3  No.7046135

285a8b  No.7046136

File: 32f45674891a3a6⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 354x266, 177:133, Best FLOTUS.gif)

73675d  No.7046137


they climbed the learning curve to bake, never very well and always obviously shills. so we used them. now discarded but too attached to the control and the money and the status, probably GODZ at their antifa meeting.

will antifa eat them for their failure?

how will they escape?

b206c8  No.7046140

File: a1bdddf7bf58b35⋯.png (36.86 KB, 480x480, 1:1, bag o dicks 1.png)


don't care if you 'addressed' me or not.

It's a public board…what part of that do you not understand?

the same amount of posts too.. do you "pace" yourself.

methinks not.

7c23d6  No.7046142

File: 6ac0dba82078ce0⋯.jpg (459.83 KB, 1080x1046, 540:523, 20190715_003247.jpg)


Maybe I'm crazy, but this really looks like someone in a suit and tie. Square shoulder pads and knot and collier on the neck.

50d470  No.7046143


i admit… years later can a fan recognize those movies as good

fbd401  No.7046144


I wonder if the outter concrete area opens up like those underground garages entrances…

825ac4  No.7046145

File: 2ace87a7ee92d95⋯.png (1.03 MB, 976x552, 122:69, 1.png)

File: 60a6cdb95ea3339⋯.png (598.33 KB, 971x556, 971:556, 2.png)

a545e7  No.7046146


Good summary. We have won- just need to alert the masses. The rat lines are being cut off massively. When the coast guard is hopping on submarines…times have changed. Sad that normies have no clue and can’t enjoy this movie.

077945  No.7046147


Churches can claim sanctuary. It is an antiquated thing now, but still is used for this Illegal bs.

037d59  No.7046148


That's possibly a real child who died a horrible death in that picture…. kinda drains all the funny out of your cute pic.

edab9f  No.7046149


If so, can we get drones to film it?

e17519  No.7046150


Watch their faces when you mirror their "fighter" worship by pointing out DJT "is such a fighter."

0fb541  No.7046152

File: 44d646d1c0463f5⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 731x600, 731:600, EBV.JPG)


6e68f8  No.7046153


>rebels without a cause

Or clue..Q would be proud…?

They know.

c0c9ab  No.7046154


Here ya go.

Own some property about an hour and a half past Monte Rio.


d470c6  No.7046155


>Sorry for the truth.

No need to apologize for the truth, it was a legitimate question. And you appear to have given a legitimate answer. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if they forced kids to sit on the painful edge of the bucket, either. That's the kind of filth we're dealing with.

30ea22  No.7046156

>>7046028 Wide awake, bitch

>>7046039 I'm on the right side it, I assure you. You on the other hand are not.

>is it day light in Europe yet?

Project just a touch moar. My ass is comfortably sitting in fly over Country USA. Whereas you, are not. Happy Monday morning to you. Have a cup of tea for me. I'm very glad my ancestors knew enough to get out of Europe and come here in the 1600's. The end isn't for everyone, good luck, you'll need it.

2ed747  No.7046157


I was seeing a suit jacket earlier and I still see that.

8c764c  No.7046158

>>7045330 (lb)

they are there to secure the trees from being blown over by high winds. You can see other trees on the island with 4 white straps attached to hold them in place.

7d5fe7  No.7046159


we all know BO is comped and so that means that your bogus 'you chose poorly' and other threats are uncalled for.

you deal with it when the bakers and BO piss on good people and fuck with breads.

they drop breads with 200 posts and say 'oh, I didn't like the image' when they could have just switched it.

the bake five breads at once expecting to go out for a while and just let the ebake do it's thing.

and they abuse people.

that's the part that sucks and specifically the divisive and hateful porn of sexual dominance and rape that gushes from them.

so, I've said it, ya, Q can post.

but we are being constantly piddled upon.

and you dare to say to us 'quit bitchen' and threatening us as if we are disloyal?

seriously screwed up.

if you don't care, fine. But at least admit there is a problem.

you know that theyere is, you admit by saying you don't care.

Look, the new way of notables is basically saying 'this site will no longer be a new aggrigator' and that was it's best feature except for Q and POTUS.

you don't care?

we have nothing else.

you don't care?

0dc2f6  No.7046161

File: 271d2d72cd0b9c7⋯.png (248.82 KB, 1680x1324, 420:331, ZVDI4.png)

File: fb7f283b969071b⋯.png (337.35 KB, 1602x1758, 267:293, Zsnopope1.png)



in the US priests have immunity yet not sure what it covers exactly.


7b8b38  No.7046162


Sarah Tonen Channel video

About a lady found in the trunk of a car and she made a connection

Hurricane Michael last Year

Hurricane Barry recently


0fbed3  No.7046163


ATS is bullshit. The golden dome was on in 2106. ATS is CIA bullshit

12530a  No.7046164




edab9f  No.7046165


My favorite research board speculation is that she's part of Q Team. Love her.

285a8b  No.7046167

File: 8c115f95dc0fd86⋯.jpg (217.71 KB, 1024x1008, 64:63, coin.jpg)

4ba45e  No.7046168


Welcome Time Traveler!!

30bda6  No.7046169

File: c69d3d611b3630f⋯.png (239.16 KB, 1527x1082, 1527:1082, Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at ….png)

6e68f8  No.7046170


You’re purpose is understood. You can read numbers too. Free speech board.

974663  No.7046171


logical thinking

when the changes occured anons cried for notables but never posted them

if no one posts them, who wins?

eventually no notables is your desired result?

im game

ill stop for 3 days

we will use this tag for qresear.ch

>you are literally just creating that illusion by trying to signal to anons that the "position" is being filled so they don't have to worry about it because benevolent baker has it handled

illusion of position

b031df  No.7046173


Ted Cruz's dad is the founder and leader of 7 Mountain

Dominionism. They believe that there are 7 Kings who will rule the earth. Ted was to be King Josiah. It's a cult. Twisted scripture cult.

e0aa30  No.7046175



05b61d  No.7046176


4th person, behind two seated together, or would that be another bucket/ ottoman?

During the search process on this in this bread, the count of individuals has definitely gone up. And this is one view of a portion of the CCTV cameras on that particular time.

Will have to recount, but off the cuff seems now about 25 individuals in frame. Possibly 3 adults-sized persons.

Anons have done well on this.

The count may be useful when comparing against flight logs of 727 and helicopter. Some arrived via other means, presumably. Some may have been "kept" there for some time prior to this moment caught on camera. Only limited interaction amongst the individuals in frame. Strangers to each other?

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