69fbe4 No.6975719
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 07.09.2019
>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….
>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)
>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?
>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)
>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).
>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)
>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)
>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….
>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)
>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?
>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)
>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.
>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.
>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?
Monday 07.08.2019
>>6962232 ————————————–——– Tom Steyer is not sleeping well these days.
>>6961951 ————————————–——– Those who take are offered more powerful positions within the party (controlled). ( Cap: >>6961993)
>>6961181 ————————————–——– Sweet Dreams.
>>6960915 ————————————–——– Joe Biden: Follow the Family
>>6959993 rt >>6959981 ————————— Gloria Vanderbilt with children.
>>6959981 ————————————–——– Everything in the past is making news of late.
>>6959222 rt >>6959163 ————————— For HUMANITY! (cap: >>6963078 )
>>6959111 ————————————–——– WE ARE WITH YOU! Q+.
>>6959054 rt >>6958954 ————————— Placeholder population start Aug 2019.
>>6959028 rt >>6958950 ————————— Disguised under the 'leaker' target program.
>>6958937 rt >>6958904 ————————— Haven't you figured it out by now? (Cap: >>6963701 )
>>6958844 ————————————–——– SURV of SC/JS terminated.
>>6958686 ————————————–——– FLYNN news coming.
>>6958634 rt >>6958589 —————————Sometimes you need to 'take one for the team publicly'.
>>6958560 rt >>6958495 —————————10x speed now underway.
>>6957707 ————————————–——– Now Playing image.
>>6957153 ————————————–——– How deep is the rabbit hole?
>>6956798 ————————————–——– Les Wexner.
>>6956307 rt >>6956274 ————————— PAIN
>>6956248 rt >>6956101 ————————— Tarmac meetings_END
>>6956073 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS disinformation campaign FAILING. ( Cap: >>6956207 )
>>6955650 ————————————–——– Connect the dots. ( Cap: >>6955810 )
>>6955571 rt >>6955485 ————————— D5
>>6955485 ————————————–——– Worth remembering.
>>6955135 rt >>6955098 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>6961294)
>>6955090 ————————————–——– You didn't think all this research tasking was for nothing did you? ( Cap: >>6955120 )
>>6954961 ————————————–——– Phones were allowed in.
>>6954949 ————————————–——– Epstein Island / Bill Clinton, Chandler photos. ( Cap: >>6955153 )
>>6954704 rt >>6954455 ————————— The time has come to re_enter the public domain.
>>6954607 rt >>6954435 ————————— GOD WINS.
>>6954422 ————————————–——– What happens when 'BLACKMAIL' no longer works?
Thursday 06.27.2019
Consolidated here: >>6973411
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
69fbe4 No.6975729
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup
>>6925557 Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode
are not endorsements
>>6975488 2015 Victoria's real secret: A 77-year old billionaire CEO [Les Wexner]
>>6975456 @WhiteHouse "You, President Trump, have become a friend and the biggest ally to the counties in this country and I’m here to say thank you."
>>6975444 Hannity confirms Steele interviewed by IG in June for 16 hours AND confirms IG report is delayed due to STEELE INTERVIEW and LAST MINUTE COOPERATING RATS(witnesses)!
>>6975385 New PDJT vid
>>6975221 Found a searchable text of the Epstein flight logs.
>>6975209 New PDJT Home Depot co-founder coming under attack
>>6975121 moar pedo connections dig
>>6975113 After his pedophile conviction in Florida more than a decade ago, Jeffrey Epstein was shunned by most on Wall Street — with the notable exception of one of New York’s most affluent and powerful financiers.
>>6975085 New POTUS Tweet DOJ can't use new lawyers
>>6974988, >>6975003 New PDJT tweet! More and more the Radical Left is using Commerce to hurt their “Enemy
>>6975550 #8924
>>6974598 Agencies adopt final rule to exclude community banks from the Volcker Rule
>>6974340, >>6974401, >>6974812 Pedo map dig
>>6974321 Mukasey was AG when Epstein Deal made, appointed as AG by GWB
>>6974303 SaraCarterDC will give us details on her latest Deep State rep
>>6974907 #8923
>>6974151 Google Bias: Epstein-Trump "Connections" / Epstein-Clinton "Nothing"
>>6974146 Hannity CS was grilled by Horowitz for hours. Tune in.
>>6974068 More information on judge refusing change of counsel.
>>6974005 Acosta was told Epstein was intelligence and to back off the case.
>>6973845 Flynn update.
>>6973893, >>6973955 Reminder: Maher's sex club.
>>6973877 Cam Edwards puts Northam on blast.
>>6973858 DJT Tweet: "Democrats are coming after our great Kentucky Senator, Mitch McConnell..."
>>6973844 Qatar map. (dig)
>>6973832 US DoI Tweet.
>>6973749 First baby born in U.S. from dead donor’s womb.
>>6973677 Eminem's estranged father Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. dead at 67.
>>6973651, >>6974103 Marines Tweet.
>>6973629 Marketfag: China's crushing debt and missed payments skyrocket.
>>6973619 Lolita Express masseuse reveals lurid details from Epstein's private plane.
>>6973501 Yahoo article on Seth Rich.
>>6974170 #8922
>>6973365 Climate change doomsday report predicts end of human civilisation.
>>6973127 Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalaty. Qatar gave Hillary lots of money.
>>6973171 State sues Navy over expanded operations on Whidbey Island.
>>6973026 NYMag's QAnon article needs a little Twitter lovin'.
>>6972925 DHS: Border apprehensions decline 28 percent following US-Mexico partnership.
>>6972846, >>6972888 Previous Q crumbs. Context re: [CLAS 1-99]
>>6972875 Russia to explore the Artic for oil in response to US shale boom.
>>6972847, >>6972982 Planefag update.
>>6972720 FB takes out another black conservative voice Deneen Borelli.
>>6973391 #8921
Previously Collected Notables
>>6971861 #8919, >>6972614 #8920
>>6970162 #8916, >>6970316 #8917, >>6971044 #8918
>>6967264 #8913, >>6968073 #8914, >>6968867 #8915
>>6964976 #8910, >>6965757 #8911, >>6966526 #8912
>>6962756 #8907, >>6963392 #8908, >>6964081 #8909
>>6960338 #8904, >>6961487 #8905, >>6961818 #8906
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
69fbe4 No.6975734
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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69fbe4 No.6975745
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>>6895764, >>6895766
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Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033
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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
69fbe4 No.6975755
976809 No.6975756
Unblocked, no new posts, expect boom.
ea1a79 No.6975757
betereke cheshme hasud
[may jealous eyes explode!]
2cf988 No.6975758
Still on the fence about Jr.
If he is alive, I don't think we will ever know. That said, it doesn't make sense for it to be (((them))) pushing he is alive.
76784f No.6975760
>>6975736 (lb)
Goddamn, you're dumb as a fucking brick.
89ea49 No.6975763
welp Frens….. my super lib friends are salivating all over Epstien because "Trump going down…." kek. so I had to school them a little, with some humor and a few facts…
them (muh google) says Epstien Trump
(me)lol Eric Schmidt is tied to this #pizzagate is real
them: pizzagate is a fake ugly rumor
me: james Alephantis is a Rothschild
them: Trump raped a 13 year old
me: then she should press charges if true and she hasn't so she's a liar.
them: Billionaires going down
me: Billionaires going down
keks all around folks. tho I might add I had to keep my anger in a bit.
c7f424 No.6975764
Baker using
271c96 No.6975765
>>6975302 lb
Look into this.
c4b54f No.6975766
Other than Q posts, this is the most truthful statement I read today.
4e4d1a No.6975767
obviously you "forgot" to wait for the dough
3e6dd5 No.6975769
Hello Legacy Media
Welcome to Q research.
We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.
Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.
It's the end of an epoch.
Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.
Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.
Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.
We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.
Not one will escape justice.
Not 1.
c568e2 No.6975770
a25758 No.6975773
Who is in control?
Who writes the “4am talking points”?
78a85c No.6975774
TY, baker, nice dubs
058813 No.6975775
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Know More News: Jack Posobiec is a ZlONIST Agent
fe4786 No.6975776
No good!
Illuminati boobs. Covering one nipple. Sick freaks!
2e948e No.6975778
Keep it going.. good job! Smother them w facts. Soon there will be no denying and you can sit back n smile!
c7f424 No.6975779
As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.
Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.
Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".
Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.
Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).
Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).
Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.
Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').
Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).
Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.
One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.
Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)
Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.
Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.
(Shilling also happens in other forms…NEWFAGS, captcha is not case sensitive.)
The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.
4d7080 No.6975780
we do… about 3am.
e95817 No.6975781
True Dat! Anon's picked up on it so fast I think R himself had to squelch it just so the timing could be right
3e6dd5 No.6975782
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Legacy media shills
are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.
Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.
Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.
Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.
“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.
We the People are awake.
Justice is coming
1e6992 No.6975784
>>6975721 pb
>>6975616 pb
>>6975620 pb
>>6975630 pb
95d2b4 No.6975785
3b70b5 No.6975786
>>6975035 (lb)
If this is true. . .
First Female Chief Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
db04c7 No.6975787
so i see your whole "giving up" thing last night lasted a whole 24 hours barely, huh?
oh, heres a meme to trigger the fuck out of you, rainman
e7f1e0 No.6975788
I'm guessing this is a truck parked behind that building? I was hoping the lettering was on something attached to the building.
b9517a No.6975789
Even when we are right, they just can't easily say it.
>So Was QAnon … Right?
>On the Fourth of July, or maybe on the fifth — depending on which version of the theory you subscribe to — with the nation watching, John F. Kennedy Jr., who faked his own death 20 years ago this month, would reveal himself, and then, as QAnon interpreter Will Sommer puts it, “team up with Trump and ship a huge number of top Democrats off to Guantanamo Bay” for their participation in these global child-sex rings.
>Of course, this wild theory turned out to be bogus. They got the date wrong: July 4 and 5 both passed without incident. It wasn’t until July 6 that the feds handed out an indictment over a global underage sex-trafficking ring implicating U.S. presidents, heads of government, top lawyers, world-famous actors, and a member of the English royal family.
>and therefore raised a troubling question: Did QAnon turn out to be kind of, well, right?
b1e616 No.6975791
IE: "Shit the Bread"
3e6dd5 No.6975792
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.
What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.
Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.
Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.
What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.
It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.
By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.
80964c No.6975794
Sit back and get comfy, anon. Keep that twinkle in your eye, you know which one… the one that all anons have and can't hide from those with eyes to see. WWG1WGA.
1e6992 No.6975795
fucking captcha time out bullshit
db0a6d No.6975797
Repost [lb]
Bread 8923
New POTUS Tweets and Video
>New POTUS Tweet
2adcee No.6975798
They checking that list? Checking it twice? To find they’ve been recorded by vice? Justice Clause is coming to town!
028dbf No.6975799
It's not. It's fake. Stop trying so hard. It's obvious.
61519d No.6975800
MOS = Intelligence agency of Israel
Israel = Jewish state
MOS = Jewish Intelligence agency
MOS = Joos
that's all you had to say to him anon
20bfc5 No.6975802
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure
163e6d No.6975803
QAnon is Attacking a Random Woman in a Disturbing and Dangerous Way
Random Woman is Rachel Chandler
Article written by: MIKE ROTHSCHILD [ Protecting Rachel Chandler from the mean Q ]
0ce744 No.6975804
Definition of keystone
: the wedge-shaped piece at the crown of an arch that locks the other pieces in place
: something on which associated things depend for support
or keystone species : a species of plant or animal that produces a major impact (as by predation) on its ecosystem and is considered essential to maintaining optimum ecosystem function or structure
Epstein is the Keystone (or maybe the first of several) of the cabal arch.
When he is taken down, everything above the arch will come down as well.
766795 No.6975805
I’m sick of this Nadler garbage and I can’t wait until he and his stooges are brought to heel. Frankly I want to hear them squeal like they’re auditioning for a reboot of Deliverance.
4031d3 No.6975806
>Who was running Turkey around that time, not Ottomans, was it?
They had "advisors."
3a62ab No.6975808
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6975726 LB
"Give me a Laser down the road I must travel.
"Give me a Laser through the darkness of the the night....."
d57a11 No.6975809
And hurrah for Night Shift!
9f0342 No.6975810
FRED45 inbound at Travis.
Fred was 45's Dad.
Sounds like Fred's kid is doing some landing of his own, tonight!
558ac7 No.6975811
…never seen that homo seafoodfest pic of him w/his bois? Freddy Mercury 'stache & everything
444d13 No.6975812
>>6975299 (lb)
aoc is an actor, yes
a vessel for bernie bros and illite tech left self-righteous san fran megalos to pour their misguided drive for power into
they saw the rise of sanders and saw an opportunity
they also saw the rise of trump and see it slipping away
a stodgy old curmudgeonly socialist lends some semblance of credibility to the cause but they need a young intersectionalist true believer figurehead to take what he started and add some social media engagement and try to run the handegg into the end zone
they may be creating a monster or she might just be the tommen to their cersei that they were hoping for all along
less dictator more central committee is what they're going for
08afac No.6975813
why are you guys so easily duped?
There is only Q. Sheesh. Just yesterday Q the fake news uses dumb wacky stuff to pigeonhole everything.
JFK jr alive = “hillary clinton operates sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop”
Both fake news means of making everything seem silly
467e97 No.6975814
>>6975728 lb
Work through the PAIN.
a25758 No.6975815
Then why does MSM push the “Q’ers think JFK jr is alive” narrative daily?
That is a beard puller…..
Well played.
Long road man, long road.
2aafbf No.6975816
No fan of ASAP Rocky but I can’t believe the Sweden fucktards won’t release him for defending women being harassed by filthy Muz migrants
845718 No.6975817
Fake tweet.
Though Roberts is comped, for sure.
f94986 No.6975818
>>6975609 (lb)
Piss off, bug fucker.
There's nothing even in your stupid graphic about Thomas Paine, and nobody is cashing in on a damned thing.
Paine/Moore is only one of the people who have been looking into Jen Moore's death and the raped boy for months before the events of this week, and you are way out of line to attack them for that work.
db0a6d No.6975819
Repost [lb]
Bread 8923
On behalf of all “DEPLORABLES”… Thank you, @JonVoight! #MAGA
c203f2 No.6975820
Optimism from Thomas Sowell? Well I do declare. Here's hoping with you Tom!
2e948e No.6975821
Dump truck co
824433 No.6975822
What's your deal with the branded cat spam?
e95817 No.6975823
yeah. Having to get used to it myself. I've been on break from 8ch since December. Had to quit being a 58y-old basement dweller, KEK!
d57a11 No.6975824
Bu baker here, lemme know if you're lookin' for handoff.
f02cb6 No.6975825
Early Q said the first wave would go quickly.
Ready for MOAR.
0def88 No.6975827
Was Moloch really Ba’al, the Ancient God Who Demanded Child Sacrifice?
Moloch, or Molech, is well known in the Bible for being the god to whom child sacrifices appear to have been made in a shrine outside the city of Jerusalem. Although Moloch is well known in the Bible, he is less well-known in the archaeological and historical records leading to disagreements over the identity of the god as well as the exact nature of the cult of Moloch.
The name “Molech” or “Moloch” most likely comes from the Hebrew word Melekh, meaning king. For a long time, it was believed that Moloch was another name for Milcom, the chief deity of the Ammonites, but this view has fallen out of favor because of more recent research.
The name of Molech was most likely a title or epithet for a deity rather than an actual name. It is common in Phoenician and Canaanite inscriptions for deities to be referred to as king of something. Malkandros, another name for El, the head of the Canaanite pantheon, for example, translates to “King of Man.”
One suggested identity for Molech is the Canaanite deity, Ba’al-Hadad or Hadad. Hadad was considered the king of the gods by the ancient Canaanites. Evidence that Moloch can be identified with him comes from the fact that the pagan alters in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where children were sacrificed are also described as altars to Ba’al by the prophet Jeremiah. Furthermore, Assyrian texts state that child sacrifices were made to Adad, the Assyrian equivalent of the Canaanite Hadad. This makes it reasonable to suggest that child sacrifices may have also been made to Hadad and that a cult of child sacrifice may have been related to him.
In the Biblical account, children are said to have been sacrificed or “passed through the fire” to Moloch at a shrine outside the city walls of Jerusalem called Topheth, in the valley of Ben-Hinnom. Although it is most likely that this practice was due to the introduction of a foreign deity, it has also been suggested that the Judahites believed that that they were making sacrifices to Yahweh, the national deity of the ancient Judahites and Israelites. Either way, the prophets harshly condemn this practice as being offensive to Yahweh whether it be a corruption of Yahweh worship or worship of a foreign deity such as Ba’al-Hadad.
The practice of child sacrifice is attested in other sources throughout the ancient Mediterranean world, particularly in Carthage. In the city, a sacred grove and a temple were dedicated to one such cult.
Carthage was founded by Phoenician colonists which gives them a connection to the Canaanites. It has been suggested that there is also a connection between the child sacrifices practiced in Carthage and similar practices in Canaan and Judah such as the cult of Moloch.
Some scholars dispute this suggestion saying that the Carthaginian practices differed from the cult of Moloch. It is commonly believed that child sacrifice at Carthage was usually only done during times of extreme crisis, in accordance with Classical sources, whereas child sacrifice is said to have been a regular part of the cult of Moloch.
The cult of Moloch may also have only involved sacrifice of children in times of crisis, or it may have occurred only on special occasions such as annual festivals or at the birth of a first-born child. These practices are attested in other parts of the ancient Mediterranean. As a result, there isn’t necessarily a reason to think that one cult involved regular sacrifices while the other one did not.
4031d3 No.6975828
>QAnon is Attacking a Random Woman in a Disturbing and Dangerous Way….
Time to fire up the creepy photos from RC's Instagrams.
c7f424 No.6975829
don´t even know what you refer to.
but i do know your nighshift memes well, the ones with mason symbolism that are posted over and over and over with no meaning at all.
why? bc masons shills want to check how many shills are on duty. bc shills want to make mason lurkers feel comfy and keep them from seeing that DS lost all control and kep them from leaving the cult.
the ones posting nightshift over and over are doing muh jew shilling, give disinfo, excessivly thank bakers who openly shill.
the ones using nightshift memes are shills.
3838b9 No.6975830
1:11 difference in video length from the last tweet.
955453 No.6975831
It would be interesting to hear the independent opinion by @foreignoffice Special Envoy on Media Freedom #AmalClooney on the situation around denying accreditation of Russian media #RT and #Sputnik to #DefendMediaFreedom Conference.
11:46 AM - 9 Jul 2019
558227 No.6975832
My life has been changed by Trump becoming POTUS.
I literally cried when he won…I knew that from then forward our country had a FIGHTING CHANCE.
Trump has to be a very strong man who truly believes in what he is fighting for to put up with the hate, vitriol & lies that he deals with DAILY.
I pray for Trump, our Military & you Anons every night.
By God, YOU have done what no other could do….AWAKEN THE WORLD.
f43a15 No.6975833
Ehud Barak is connected to Epstein?
f02cb6 No.6975834
Yeah. Basically we're shitposting our way to breaking Qs heart.
411f0f No.6975835
You used my meme for the dough…NOICE!!
60b38c No.6975836
Map Provides the Key
OG Map
76784f No.6975837
True. Meant to post screengrab on the (2)nd post down from OP.
Good to know, thanks.
e95817 No.6975838
Only time will tell
8149b3 No.6975839
and her friends……..
3838b9 No.6975840
mild dyslexic
db04c7 No.6975841
dont care
didnt read
youre a faggot
efb10e No.6975842
>That said, it doesn't make sense for it to be (((them))) pushing he is alive.
Yes it does, it makes anons look like complete unhinged retards.
This was already cleared up by Q.
099743 No.6975844
Signed, huh?
Sealed, eh?
God's Trust, you say?
b599c8 No.6975845
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. So the Epstein news comes out, and the populace is being seeded the Deep Fake video notion again. This all over FB today. Coincidence?
4d9c6a No.6975846
Felix Sater speaks to press during testimony.
“Simpson lied twice”,“Simpson working for Vesilniskya”, “As close to Russia as you’re going to get”. “
Russian mob ties this guy Felix has supposedly
No diggging yet just wanted to get the info out
55b7c4 No.6975847
b923cd No.6975848
REQUESTING SOME ANON HELL…Pretty sure it's been brought up, but cant find anything after lurking moar. Every1 on twat is freaking out about Epstein/Clinton together pics being scrubbed from net. Clandestine( Rosenstein) asking anons for help…does anyone know of.an archive that has some, I'm looking through my comp too….But insofar as now no luck, figured this will be the only ace to find em, don't have to post the link but if could post a cpl I will get em out…
d33b45 No.6975849
>>6972669 Q pb
>Re: BC/RC Epstein Plane Pic
Epstein's plane or Ron Burkle's plane?
>Did the FBI/DOJ interview RC?
Good question.
>When did 'public awareness' grow across social media?
When you posted the 1st RC drops in Apr 2018.
>[CLAS 1-99]
[2] - Occult / Worship of Evil (temple)
>What age is RC in picture?
>Under the age of 18?
According to Gawker, 19, if the pic was taken in 2006 as NYT confirms her age as 22 in 2009.
If she was 15, then pic was taken in 2002, not 2006. Or NYT was lying.
>Who posted 'internal security cam' pics (Temple)(IG)?
RC did in 2013.
>Untouchable mindset by all involved?
>Top-down protection?
All of the above?
>Plane + Temple + XYZ pics = witness?
>Witness+[CLAS 1-99]?
Most likely.
>Why did RC start/form a modeling/talent agency?
To procure new "talent" to feed the beasts.
>Why was RC / Epstein & the [M]-Temple highlighted in the past?
To prep the public for what is about to be revealed.
>Dark to LIGHT.
>These people are sick.
01fc70 No.6975850
Having attended a college with liberal protestors and activists, I've seen them do wacky things that just didn't make sense. Especially if not making sense would annoy conservatives / normies.
6beb05 No.6975851
Say hit o Bush Sr down there Ross and we'll be sending Bill Clinton down there soon
69fbe4 No.6975852
could you take it now?
IRL for 30 mins or so
would return
stay till 2A
sound like a plan?
3e6dd5 No.6975853
Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."
Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that Randall Stephenson at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non-stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naive civilian population - especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.
Randall Stephenson hires a pedovore, Ann Sarnoff (transvestite? pic attached) with experience programming children.
>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.
POTUS had Randall Stephenson into the oval office two weeks back, even let him sit down, which was kind. It's safe to assume POTUS knows the damage being done by ongoing mockingbird social subversion ops, and that he wants that bullshit stopped now and turned around.
What does Randall I Stephenson do? He hires a vvitch instead of a white hat to run Warners studios. Why would Randall l Stephenson do that, destroy WBs future after talking with POTUS?
Possibly RS doesn't have a choice. Possibly Randall is a prime pedovore himself and is being blackmailed/extorted or controlled via upstream illuminated handler
> served as National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America from 2016 to 2018
AT&T needs a new CEO.
Warner Brothers need a new CEO.
& We the People need to stop tolerating endless lies from satanic cultists who have brainwashed our friends, families and fellow citizens.
Satanist puppets and shill do not own these big media companies. They’re public companies. In they end they belong to We the People. AT&T and WB are salvageable companies being destroyed by satanist shills bent on further poisoning our reality with evil psyops.
Warner Brothers can go with Disney to join the buffalo, but AT&T is a strategic asset, “critical communications infrastructure” and there is justification for USG seize thing like safeguard “critical infrastructure and preserve children's future cognitive function” and stop the relentless subversive IO targeting children.
Media company arrests will have to follow public awareness. Support Senator Charles Grassley's efforts to inform the public and to hold History channel accountable for social subversion psyops involving deliberate falsification of US history.
4ef32f No.6975855
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. reposting for my early night anons
v2 for yall
for god and country
08afac No.6975856
picture spam gogo
97659d No.6975857
awful in-depth and well worded explanation for a wikipedia entry.
Cockatrice: Origins
The cockatrice was first described in its current form in the late fourteenth century. The Oxford English Dictionary gives a derivation from Old French cocatris, from medieval Latin calcatrix, a translation of the Greek ichneumon, meaning tracker. The twelfth century legend was based on a reference in Pliny's Natural History that the ichneumon lay in wait for the crocodile to open its jaws for the trochilus bird to enter and pick its teeth clean. An extended description of the cocatriz by the 15th-century Spanish traveller in Egypt, Pedro Tafur, makes it clear that this refers to the Nile crocodile. According to Alexander Neckam's De naturis rerum (ca 1180), the cockatrice was the product of an egg laid by a cock (a male chicken) and incubated by a toad; a snake might be substituted in re-tellings. Cockatrice became seen as synonymous with basilisk when the basiliscus in Bartholomeus Anglicus' De proprietatibus rerum (ca 1260) was translated by John Trevisa as cockatrice (1397). A basilisk, however, is usually depicted without wings. It is thought that a cock egg would hatch out as a cockatrice, and this could be prevented by tossing the egg over the family house, landing on the other side of the house, without allowing the egg to hit the house.
Abilities: It has the reputed ability to kill people by either looking at them—"the death-darting eye of Cockatrice"—touching them, or sometimes breathing on them. It was repeated in the late-medieval bestiaries that the weasel is the only animal that is immune to the glance of a cockatrice. It was also thought that a cockatrice would die instantly upon hearing a rooster crow, and according to legend, having a cockatrice look at itself in a mirror is one of the few sure-fire ways to kill it.
Cultural references: The first use of the word in English was in John Wyclif's 1382 translation of the Bible to translate different Hebrew words. This usage was followed by the King James Version, the word being used several times. The Revised Version—following the tradition established by Jerome's Vulgate basiliscus—renders the word "basilisk", and the New International Version translates it as "viper". In Proverbs 23:32 the similar Hebrew tzeph'a is rendered "adder", both in the Authorized Version and the Revised Version.
In Shakespeare's play Richard III, the Duchess of York compares her son Richard to a cockatrice:
O ill-dispersing wind of misery!
O my accursed womb, the bed of death!
A cockatrice hast thou hatch'd to the world,
Whose unavoided eye is murderous.
Cockatrice is also mentioned in Romeo and Juliet Act 3, scene 2 line 47 by Juliet.
In heraldry
Heraldic cockatrice: Arthur Fox-Davies describes the cockatrice as "comparatively rare" in heraldry. It was the heraldic beast of the Langleys of Agecroft Hall in Lancashire, England as far back as the 14th century. It is also the symbol of 3 (Fighter) Squadron, a fighter squadron of the Royal Air Force.
e3f02c No.6975859
Guess Acosta gonna have to pull a Steslth Jeff n step down so he can be a witness kek.
“These people are stupid”
They literally fall for it every time.
c7f424 No.6975860
Please repost if baker 'misses'.
2e948e No.6975861
Cashew and teeth? What the everlasting fuck.
23574a No.6975862
Exit the Worry of Todays Tom Steyer
264ce7 No.6975864
>>6975663 #
they came from manchuria thru the golden horde.
0709db No.6975865
Smell something funny with this post. Stop using google. Pictures remain on duck duck go..
db0a6d No.6975866
New POTUS Tweet and Video
“The reality is that this was a plot from the very beginning to frame Trump….” @RudyGiuliani
69fbe4 No.6975868
you keep the bread and whole bake
won't leave you stranded if you want ot hand back nb
b9517a No.6975870
Not at all. Q warned us this was their game plan with the deep fakes.
c7f424 No.6975872
Anons are attacked by muh jew shills constantly.
There are two kinds of muh jew shills.
1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.
2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.
<DS wants the people divided
Don´t fall for it.
Look here: joooos, only joooos, every joooo
Do NOT look here: worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …
If it is that simple like
<muh jooos
why do we even have a research board?
f78fa2 No.6975873
Resignations in the news 7/4/2019
Anand Singh resigns, awaits govt's response on demands
AEDC board president resigns
Smash pro Ally retires after admitting to lying about dating 16-year-old
36 UP Congress Leaders Resign As Election Fallout Spreads
Play Gloria: The quiet visionary behind Lindbergh facilities retires
Australian industry veteran Phil Tripp resigns from SXSW
Third Order leader resigns citing his ‘lack of trust’
City of Shamokin code officer to resign July 19
Linden Public Schools principal retires after 48 years
La Joya Housing Authority executive director abruptly resigns
Isle School Board Chair resigns
Kristen Wesloh resigns as head of City of Asylum
Retiring fire chief honored at Pittsfield Fourth of July parade
Waititu loses 5 staff as county officials resign over ‘meddling’
Commodore Nick Cooke-Priest resigns from Navy after being removed from command of HMS Queen Elizabeth
Geneva CSD superintendent to retire at end of 2019-2020 school year
PwC resigns as Group Five's auditors
Somersworth fire chief to retire in early 2020
Fred Jackson resigns from Columbus council
Top boss of Guard says time to retire
Another member resigns from Gallatin County advisory group
Harish Rawat steps down as general secretary day after Rahul Gandhi’s resignation
Major resigns as Southside Ashpole’s principal
0def88 No.6975875
Do any lawfags know how a raid of Epstein Island could work legally?
United States Attorney for the District of the Virgin Islands
(Where Epstein's Little Saint James Island is)
"Gretchen Shappert has served this Department well for more than 25 years," said Attorney General Sessions. "For five of those years, she led federal prosecutions in Western North Carolina as United States Attorney. I am confident that, with this extensive experience, she will be an excellent leader as Interim U.S. Attorney for the Virgin Islands."
Gretchen C.F. Shappert has served as the Assistant Director for the Indian, Violent and Cyber Crime Staff in the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), since 2010. Prior to joining EOUSA, Ms. Shappert served as the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina from 2004-2009 and as an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) from 1990-2004. As the United States Attorney and as an AUSA, Ms. Shappert prosecuted a wide range of criminal defendants including outlaw motorcycle gangs and violent drug organizations. Ms. Shappert also served as an Assistant District Attorney, an Assistant Public Defender, and in private practice prior to her federal service. She received her B.A. from Duke University in 1977 and her J.D. from Washington & Lee University School of Law in 1980.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Appoints Gretchen Shappert as Interim United States Attorney
Just in case there is the need to RAID Epstein's Pedo Island, there's a Sessions appointee as US Attorney.
a98f5b No.6975876
The Boys Are Second Rate.
4ef32f No.6975877
Epstein Saturday
Steyer Today
Who tomorrow?
b923cd No.6975878
13ebdc No.6975879
After today's Federal Reserve stress Test Conference, Chairman Jerome Powell (Fed Head) will spend Wednesday & Thursday testifying before Congress.
3c6022 No.6975880
That's their top secret teams…not just antiterrorist, but also Cyber. It's an interesting team.
c203f2 No.6975881
>>6975799, >>6975811, >>6975817
Agree fake anons. But evidence suggests (to the point of it boing almost surely fact) that Scalia was assassinated by the Deep State.
Surely the other supreme court justices know this? I mean if 4 or 5 of them put out a joint statement randomly what is the Cabal going to do? Kill them all?
I don't get it.
72fa0a No.6975882
Thanks for your work planefag! I live in the area and enjoy seeing them come over.
3e6dd5 No.6975884
Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.
Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.
Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater social, economic and political reality.
We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running what are called psyops, Information Operations, stories which employ real world violence in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.
Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.
The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.
The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.
The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.
The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.
The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.
70% of Americans binge view.
With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.
Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.
Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lists as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.
By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.
Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.
Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.
It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .
Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.
55b7c4 No.6975885
Will add, hold on a minute!
89ea49 No.6975889
anons… this is some crazy shit. I hope that this is just some sort of teeth molds or something… have a student who made a veil out of a mold of her mandible and teeth (she had to have her jaw replaced) as an art project because she is working through the pain of it all, mentally and physically. but it is strange this one knowing what we know.
824433 No.6975890
>Only time will tell
He ded.
955453 No.6975891
Thousands of alien hunters to storm US top secret #Area51 to search for extraterrestrial proof
3:10 PM - 9 Jul 2019
d33b45 No.6975892
>>Who posted 'internal security cam' pics (Temple)(IG)?
>RC did in 2013.
309829 No.6975893
Judge Slams Government Argument That Michael Flynn Is ‘Co-conspirator’ In Former Partner’s Trial.
U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga in the Eastern District of Virginia slammed the Department of Justice’s request to designate former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn a ‘coconspirator’ in the ongoing case it has against his former business partner after the government stated on numerous occasions that Flynn was a cooperating witness.
Trenga issued the 38-page scathing opinion in the late afternoon Tuesday that the “United States at this point has not presented or proffered evidence to sufficient to establish by a preponderance of the evidence a conspiracy for the purposes of admitting against the Defendant the hearsay statements of alleged co-conspirators.”
Trenga goes on to argue that “Notably absent from the government’s proffer is any evidence from Michael Flynn, who, as discussed above, has admitted that he made certain false statements in the FARA filing that was the object of one of the charged conspiracy and has entered into a cooperation agreement with the United States that extends to this prosecution.”
Earlier on Tuesday this news site first reported that Flynn’s current defense Attorney Sidney Powell, who recently replaced Flynn’s former defense attorney Robert Kelner, submitted a filing to the Eastern District of Virginia fighting the government’s proposal to ask the Court to deem Flynn a “co-conspirator” in the case against his former partner Bijan Rafiekian. The designation was solely for the purpose of obtaining the admission of one document the government itself claims is already admissible under a different rule, according to a brief filed by Powell.
Flynn specifically hired Kelner, as well as his firm, precisely because they were experts in the Foreign Agents Registration Act applications and worked with the firm to file the FARA.
Powell told this reporter on Tuesday that “General Flynn followed the law and hired the FARA expert.”
“The government is seeking to admit one document as ‘coconspirator hearsay’ even though it is otherwise admissible,” she said. “General Flynn is still cooperating with the government even if they don’t call him as a witness. his testimony has been truthful and consistent.”
Flynn, who has been cooperating with the government throughout its investigation, has given hundreds of hours of interviews and information at great personal expense in time, travel and attorneys fees. Still, the government prosecutor, Evan Turgeon, was not satisfied, according to the defense filing. So much so, that the prosecutors re-interviewed Flynn’s former attorney Kelner about the FARA filing.
“The prosecutors have been adamant that Mr. Flynn testify that he authorized the filing of the FARA form knowing and intending that it contained false statements,” the defense filing states. “Mr. Flynn cannot give that testimony because it is not true.”
Powell’s brief was unsealed early Tuesday afternoon.
The evidence collected by Flynn’s legal team sheds new light on the extraordinary tactics used to target and retaliate against Flynn, according to Powell’s briefing.
Further, Powell’s submission to the court also reveals that Flynn and his attorneys were under extreme pressure to file a Foreign Agents Registration Act in February, 2017 by David Laufman, the former head of the National Security Division.
7994d6 No.6975894
Another feathered serpent comes to mind
c7f424 No.6975895
Q is fighting the worldwide ruling class, the global illuminati/masonic Deep State - including governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, …
Q is fighting what was hidden a long time by the word "conspiracy" and by a lot of effort of MSM and 'stars.'
Shills want to slow down (they can´t possibly think they could stop anons.) the Q movement by "divide and rule" and by giving fake news media a reason to blame Q followers nazis.
This is what MSM is doing right now with POTUS and followers and begins to do it with Q now.
Don´t let shills divide you.
Good vs. evil.
We the people vs golbal DS Eilte.
69fbe4 No.6975897
imma nik that first one
like the strange
b6e1cc No.6975898
Does anyone have the post where Q forgot to put PB on his link and got BTFO by anon and subsequently apologized kek
3c6022 No.6975899
Nothing close to Delta, but still not jv team
f9fa31 No.6975900
YUP!!!! Stinks highly!
12714a No.6975901
>>6973368 (prev)
Anons see this? NOTABLE
Ehud Barak visiting Epstein
3d2a36 No.6975902
Gonna need a BIG piece of paper.
b5f07e No.6975903
>>6973661 (PB)
plus more spoopiness:
Current NSA director: PM Nakasone
Character in Pizza Man: PM Nakasone
(for emphasis? acronym of movie title = PM)
>In 1991 Maher starred in Pizza Man where Maher's character kills Donald Trump
Movie by Kid Love Productions
srsly weird. 99% in hospital?
8149b3 No.6975904
Chandler………….just check out her friends posts as well…..
264ce7 No.6975905
its a Fucking Phœnix.
this was all dug on the storm.
<fukn newfuknfags
b923cd No.6975908
Must be your upper lip haha I kid I kid, seriously though its wiped via Google DDG, dogpile, bingo, I cant find any
e7f632 No.6975910
I MUST CONSULT WITH THE ELDER GODS = I gotta see what the anons on /qresearch think/.
Nght Shift has /you/.
There is no escape.
Embrace the wave.
Enjoy the TITS.
c46b80 No.6975911
Who gets leukemia at 89 and dies from it?
b6d750 No.6975912
I'm sure that will turn into thousands of "alien hunters" shot dead outside area 51 5 minutes after they trespass.
9f0342 No.6975913
Keep grinning Anon, that annoying grin of being the one in the room who knows how the debate must eventually end. ;-)
26e496 No.6975914
>>6975138 (LB)
Yes. I remember Getz b/c of all the people we tried to match of that guy in Hong Kong in that pic Q posted, Getz seemed to me the most likely match. Hang on while I dig in my folders.
824433 No.6975915
>Pictures remain on duck duck go..
This anon has had no luck @ DDG.
Got sauce?
fe8e2a No.6975916
Have some ammo, fren.
eef1bd No.6975917
Jeffrey Epstein Shipped Himself a 53-Pound Shredder and a Carpet and Tile Extractor, Maritime Records Show
> On July 15 [2018], Epstein received a shipment at his Palm Beach home from the port in the U.S. Virgin Islands closest to his home there, according to maritime shipping records compiled by ImportGenius and provided to The Intercept. The shipment was a 53-pound shredder.
> On March 11, 2019, Epstein got a new shipment from the port in the U.S. Virgin Islands. This time, it was sent to his New York townhouse, and it’s listed in maritime records as a tile and carpet extractor that weighed 191 pounds.
Why ship them around? Is NYC safe a decoy? Do we have ImportGeniusfags here?
a98f5b No.6975918
Meh. One Trick Ponies.
8149b3 No.6975919
she supplied the new "Models"
fe4786 No.6975920
b5b25c No.6975921
Die in a fire, loser
371b55 No.6975922
Powell Testimony Preview: What The Fed Chair May Say Tomorrow and Economic data released
Chair Powell is slated to give his semi-annual testimony before the House Financial Services and Senate Banking Committees on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. His prepared remarks will be released at 8:30 am Eastern on Wednesday morning. As per the usual with these hearings, Powell will be testifying on behalf of the FOMC.
The G-20 meeting resulted in at least a near-term truce and a possible pathway towards the resumption of trade negotiations between the US and China. While this outcome avoided the worst-case scenario of a breakdown in talks and escalation that includes additional tariffs, it did little to alleviate the uncertainty that Fed officials believe is contributing to cooling momentum in global trade and domestic capex plans, as last week’s Monetary Policy Report made clear. As a result, Powell will likely stick with a cautious line on the impact of these developments on the US outlook, likely noting, as San Francisco Fed President Daly did recently, that failure to remove trade uncertainty will continue to act as a headwind to US growth.
The second important development since the last FOMC meeting was the June jobs report, which we have argued featured details that were considerably weaker than the robust headline payroll figures indicate, particularly related to growth in hours worked and aggregate incomes. The June 19 FOMC statement noted that “job gains have been solid, on average, in recent months, and the unemployment rate has remained low.” Powell is likely to reiterate this relatively upbeat assessment of the labor market following the latest jobs data. However, if questioned more closely about the underlying details, we would not be surprised if he were to sound a mild note of caution about the recent downshift in hours worked, particularly in the context of softer wage inflation. Powell also may provide an update on the progress of the Fed’s policy review, a common theme of which has been the benefits of running a tight labor market.
With respect to inflation, it is important to recall what Chair Powell stated in his post-meeting press conference last month: "Wages are rising…but not at a pace that would provide much upward impetus for inflation. Moreover, weaker global growth may continue to hold inflation down around the world…and we are well aware that inflation weakness that persists even in a healthy economy could precipitate a difficult to arrest downward drift in longer-run inflation expectations." This statement details the case for undertaking preemptive rate cuts. On this point, market-based measures of inflation expectations have remained soft and the latest University of Michigan survey showed long-term inflation expectations at all-time lows. With global growth indicators remaining weak, this assessment should remain unchanged, even with some modest upward revisions to core PCE inflation since the June FOMC meeting.
If, however, in a surprising turn Fed leadership has conviction that they will not cut at the July meeting, Powell will need to begin laying the groundwork for this hawkish message. With the blackout period commencing the following week, and given the FOMC’s penchant for not surprising in a hawkish direction, they should want to soon plant the hawkish seed if that is in fact the direction they are leaning.
A solid Employment resulted in a significant paring back in the implied probabilities of a 50bps rate cut at the Fed’s July meeting – to just 3.5% from around 27% before the data, though the market is still completely priced for a 25bps cut; money markets now price 61bps of easing through the end of the year, compared to 75bps at the close of business last Thursday (the day before the payrolls report). Some analysts say the real question is not whether the FOMC cuts rates by 25bps or 50bps at the July meeting, but what happens afterwards. Societe Generale notes that before the (weak) jobs data at the start of June, the market was pricing a 40% probability that rates would still be above 2% at the end of 2019, now however, the market is assigning a mere 11% chance, though that has been edging up slightly post-payrolls.
• At 7:00 AM ET, The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.
• At 10:00 AM, Testimony, Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress, Before the House Financial Services Committee, Washington, D.C
• At 2:00 PM, FOMC Minutes, Meeting of June 18-19, 2019
The FRB has been famous for saying the most words ever that mean nothing. Watch the questions being asked, they will say "you are the 'experts' and we rely on you"-with a few exceptions.
89ea49 No.6975923
interesting… a
many world leaders are going to be. CIA honeypot of all honeypots… and will lead to who controlled the world…
c7f424 No.6975924
d57a11 No.6975925
Yes, can take this bread, meet you at NB dough.
confirming handoff, assuming responsibility
76784f No.6975926
The two she tagged is still up….and they're jewish.
Oh look, Jay-Z.
e7f632 No.6975930
Ross Perot
Someone with ties to Epstein.
67a16e No.6975931
Epstein indictment: Is Hillary behind a Trump – Epstein collusion theory?
WASHINGTON. There’s something fishy about the impending prosecution of billionaire financier and registered sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. His unsealed indictment of Sunday last goes against a 2007 deal reached between his lawyers and then-US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alexander Acosta – President Trump’s current US Secretary of Labor.
….So, why the sudden reversal in the agreement by the Justice Department not to prosecute Epstein for his earlier crimes?
I believe it has to do with the upcoming 2020 presidential election.
….This is just a theory, but that sounds a lot like a casting call for an accuser – ala Christine Blasey Ford.
….But Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached a fever pitch. And the woman who was humiliated for decades by her husband’s “bimbo eruptions” – which proved as reliable as Yosemite’s Old Faithful – is still smarting from her humiliating defeat at the hands of first-time politician Trump.
Could it be that Hillary Clinton has signed off on a plan by the Justice Department’s New York branch to bring down Jeffery Epstein as a means for getting Trump removed from office? It would also provide satisfying revenge on her unfaithful husband of 44 years.
e95817 No.6975932
The teeth were used for cloning since the highest concentration of DNA is in…..teeth.
3a62ab No.6975935
Hey Mister Mister give me a Laser.
96b158 No.6975936
Seems kind of stupid since deadly force is authorized.
4266bb No.6975937
Q and Q+ have made their appearances. I wonder why…prolly Epstein.
I do have possible great news outside that.
0a7fd0 No.6975938
Hey Bill Maher you fucking piece of shit, not so funny now is it ???
69fbe4 No.6975939
>>6975922 Market report, Fed Chair analysis
8149b3 No.6975940
ca9529 No.6975941
PHOENIX indicating the Child Sacrificing PHOENITIANS who often burned the bodies
I know it looks like a cockatoo but that's how they are often depicted
c978bc No.6975943
Don't forget to serve God's light, patriots.
78a85c No.6975944
Good response Tweet to NY Mag Epstein/QAnon piece
84ec54 No.6975945
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6975572 (lb)
>Where do the Khazars, aka fake jews come from tho
RIP Jack Otto.
(Heart attacks can be deadly)
e7f632 No.6975946
7994d6 No.6975947
Its the conspiracy theory version of the tide pod challenge
3c6022 No.6975948
How about these guys? You like em or toss em
76784f No.6975949
I'll have to keep that one marked.
Noice symbolism, kek.
Downfall imminent.
4c44ba No.6975950
How come so many can die to protect your desired power structure and long game (6 more years) but patriots that aren't military can not fight and have a say in what we transition into.
Our elders let our country be stolen, out from under our nose, how can we be sure we aren't being robbed of the opportunity by sitting by watching the movie?
the last time I watched a movie that I didn't like, their was no recourse or rewrite available to me, how is this different.
Just wanting to do something, not sure I can wait any longer, for promises from behind a curtain of blind trust.
b923cd No.6975951
Them together not photoshopped crap, and no there isn't at least I haven't found any, am I tripping ?
371b55 No.6975952
>Ross Perot ties to Epstein.
ced35f No.6975953
c7f424 No.6975954
weak shills are weak.
Per Q Hitler was a puppet and had a handler.
Also Hitler was mason/illuminat, he was financed by the elite and the whole WW2 was planned and orchastrated by the global DS.
12714a No.6975955
That was hilarious but my fave was when Q said “Fake” & Anon told Q, “Fake & Gay. Learn our comms.” KEK
683412 No.6975956
2adcee No.6975957
(((They))) can’t ALL ‘fall down stairs, while running with scissors, face planting into doorknobs.’
621e0a No.6975959
>>6968148 (pb)
Thank you e-bot clown nigger shill.
db04c7 No.6975960
8149b3 No.6975961
b4aa57 No.6975962
Canuck KEK….Well played
9f7e92 No.6975963
>>6975650 lb
And it will remain so until His work is finished.
America freed from unseen hand. Will of people restored.
Israel freed from unseen hand. Will of people restored.
Both nations must be made new and reclaimed.
Someday everybody will know why Cabal has been desperate to corrupt both Israel (all through the ages), and America as well. The destiny of both nations is glorious and results in the permanent imprisonment of Lucifer.
b5b25c No.6975964
We can hope. Why arent you threatening to kill anyone tonight? Like when you threatened to kill me, and then you threatened to kill Q…and Donald J Trump? Remember? Anons remember….NSA remembers….
c203f2 No.6975965
You can do something.
Clean your room. When your room is clean clean your house. When your house is clean clean your yard. When your yard is clean clean your neighbor's yard. When that's done do the neighborhood.
When that's done do your town. Then County. Then State. Then country.
If you can't clean your room, how are you going to clean up this mess?
55b7c4 No.6975966
028dbf No.6975968
He's Trump's foreign version of Cohen, the other FBI CI. Of
course he has "ties to the mob," that was his job as a honeypot.
69fbe4 No.6975971
nb then
ty bu baker
c46b80 No.6975972
Very uneducated anon here regarding Leukemia, but if the body is susceptible to Leukemia would it not get you at a younger age? Plus I thought the wealthy had the cure to cancer…
2adcee No.6975973
I’d have to search
But yes I have it
c43132 No.6975974
Welcome to Epstein Island.
Ask yourself, is this normal?
What does a 'Temple' typically symbolize?
What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?
Tunnels underneath?
How many channels captured on RC's pic?
Rooms indicate size.
Hallways shown?
[CLAS 1-99]
Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are EVIL.
92342d No.6975976
>he hasn't studied the great Adolf Hitler.
a98f5b No.6975977
They do the work. Still have a ways to go.
371b55 No.6975979
I'll add it in the morning as well, but some of these niggas not around then.
955453 No.6975980
An Israeli political party is running on the slogan ’Make Israel Normal Again’
7:33 PM - 9 Jul 2019
For the keks
e7f632 No.6975981
Yea…we were trying to see if we would be arrested.
d477f8 No.6975983
824433 No.6975984
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6975974
b5b25c No.6975985
Soon everyone will know- keep it coming, Q!!
a25758 No.6975986
How many doubles did Hitler have?
2aafbf No.6975988
Well I guess the cleats up the owl / Phoenix debate
955453 No.6975989
69b037 No.6975990
It's time to cross that red line.
c978bc No.6975991
Take him to the gallows!
d57a11 No.6975992
3a62ab No.6975993
inside feed was RC?
b6e1cc No.6975994
271c96 No.6975995
Cindy McCain, who chairs the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council…. Mccains involved in human trafficking? McCain never met a war he didn't like. Thoughts anons
b052db No.6975996
The was no serpent.
The Hebrew word for serpent is a "Nachash" and it can mean a "glistening one" or words to that effect. It is metaphorical for Satan.
Same is Leviathan in Job 41 or 42. Leviathan is also satan.
Adam and Eve set the stage to talk about sin. One of the entire bible's themes is TO NOT SIN against other humans - Jesus or no Jesus. Unfortunately religions have been gutted of sin teaching and what sin is.
8149b3 No.6975997
Thank you Q!
Please expose their EVIL soon.
db04c7 No.6976000
worship of moloch
0a7fd0 No.6976002
Bill Clinton Raped Child .
c44c49 No.6976003
Posting this one last time. Posted it earlier but everyone was hyped on Q drops to norice. Should be notes because this has potential implications to large scale medical malpractice.
Article basically goes into a study that finds that psyche evals on individuals are meaningless because no two people are the same and there is a lot of overlap between various psyche disorders.
Guess Big Pharma just can't prescribe a pill to treat all our ills, huh?
b4aa57 No.6976005
Hillary Duff of the left first pic?
b923cd No.6976009
https://twitter.com/RodSneaky/status/1148714771329495041?s=20 heres link to one tweet asking for same, sorry for the posts not trying to slide
c978bc No.6976011
Funny how his temple looks Israeli.
f78fa2 No.6976012
Looks fake. A drone that could be close enough to capture that much detail wouldn't show the curve of the Earth.
71d50f No.6976013
>What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?
With great respect Q sir, that doesn't look like an owl to me.
7a563b No.6976014
How fast are we to expect the Epstein case to progress?
2383d2 No.6976016
b5b25c No.6976017
….the moment you realize you're such a loser you cant even get arrested because even THEY know you're just that worthless. My sides…
912748 No.6976018
>Surely the other supreme court justices know this? I mean if 4 or 5 of them put out a joint statement randomly what is the Cabal going to do? Kill them all?
>I don't get it.
They are the cabal.
efb10e No.6976019
The owl symbolizes occult "wisdom"
c7f424 No.6976020
while i provided sauce, you just posted something in contradiction to Q posts w/o any sauce given.
that is called shilling.
have some more sauce:
hitler was part of the cult/system anons are fighting, so saying the "great hitler" bc muh jooo is really stupid.
781dbc No.6976022
Watching NatGeo special about Apollo lunar program. I'm certain I heard it stated that the Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage was solid propellant. Huh?
fe4786 No.6976023
55b7c4 No.6976025
08afac No.6976026
Well? We’re waiting!
95d2b4 No.6976027
What is normal with the wealthy and powerful?
65108a No.6976028
Temple…the "residence" of the worshipped entity
10e8ea No.6976030
e7f632 No.6976031
Pathetic, right?
53da11 No.6976032
What a horrific place.
Do It Q.
88dd24 No.6976033
On the Today show this morning, author of the book -
JFK the Reluctant Prince
detailed his close friendship with JFK Jr in an interview.
He mentioned that JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette had discussed that if they were to have a son, they would name him FLYNN
link to interview….
4031d3 No.6976034
>…the highest concentration of DNA is in…..teeth.
Also stem cells.
028dbf No.6976036
That's from the lens, not the earrth.
d33b45 No.6976039
>>6975113 lb
Leon Black's Apollo Global Management owns McGraw Hall, the 2nd largest college textbook publisher.
c95f8e No.6976040
Pearce > Chandler > Midland Models > child sex trafficking
f43a15 No.6976041
Hitler banned freemasonry.
Why dod you feel the need to speak badly of Hitler?
I thought there was no good in him?
Why the desire to say he was a puppet?
I thought there was no excuse for anything positive regarding him.
Sounds like nails being thrown out the getaway car.
f9fa31 No.6976043
Thank you sir! And please thank potusa from a grateful veteran!
fe8e2a No.6976044
Be really hard to dock a boat there.
Didn't realize the 'temple' is on a high elevation. Room for many levels below. I don't suppose they would tunnel below sea level.
a4ee37 No.6976045
The temple is to worship satan, there are 6 levels. The owl is Moloch representing the demon satan and they must sacrifice young blood to satisfy their ‘god’
e54c35 No.6976046
What is CLAS 1-99? Hints, come on..
976809 No.6976047
I'm gonna toss this out there. Some of these girls going into Epstein's place have some real sassy smirks on their faces. I get that they're technically underage, but there are plenty of 14, 15, 16 year old girls that look much older and have a help of a lot more experience and savvy than we're giving them credit. The law is the law, I suppose, but some of these girls know exactly what they got themselves in to. They were recruited! Sure financial pressure, mkultra'd or whatever, but it's going to be important to differentiate age from innocence in some of these cases. How is that going to happen. Some of these underage girls had already bit the apple and just kept on going. They can't just all call #metoo now. It takes 2 to tango…or in this case 3, the female pimp.
fdc580 No.6976049
Our elders. Who's your current elder?
lord Jacob rapechild?
6d3f62 No.6976050
Why is this classified? Epstein really a 'blackmail' foreign asset?
The 'Playboy mansion' business model?
'Offer something younger'
Capture on film, etc
Own for life.
Rinse. Wash. Repeat?
399c48 No.6976051
Confirm [M] = Moloch?
b526d0 No.6976052
Followed by Fattie Freelander (loader) kek
b99389 No.6976053
I just went to CNN too and like the island everything was fucked up and I didn’t appreciate any of it.
099743 No.6976054
aaaaah the classics.
d33b45 No.6976055
69b037 No.6976056
371b55 No.6976057
they can't get shit straight at all, how could that fit?
8149b3 No.6976059
Olsen Twin
they groom them young.
309829 No.6976060
Dunford: US Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz.
The Trump administration wants to put together an international coalition to prevent tanker attacks from Iran.
The United States will provide surveillance and organizational support to a proposed coalition to bolster maritime security against Iranian threats in the Strait of Hormuz, but U.S. ships will not escort other nations’ ships through the passage, the nation’s top uniformed officer said on Tuesday.
“Escorting in the normal course of events would be done by countries who have the same flag, so a ship that is flagged from a particular country would be escorted by that country,” Joint Chiefs chairman Joseph Dunford told reporters at Fort Myer in Washington, D.C.“The United States is uniquely capable of providing is some of the command and control, some of the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; but the expectation is the actual [security] patrolling and escorts would be done by others.”
Questions have swirled for weeks around the Trump administration’s plan to rally other countries to help guard against potential attacks on oil tankers transiting through the strait. Since late June, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has sought to recruit allies to participate in a program called Sentinel that gives security cameras to ships transiting the strait — and was thought to include a military escort or patrol component — but details have remained sketchy.
Dunford said U.S. Central Command has only recently provided senior leaders with a plan in response to an order given “a couple weeks ago.”
On Tuesday morning, Dunford, Pompeo, and Acting Defense Secretary Mark Esper met to discuss the particulars. He said they are “engaging now with a number of countries to see if we can put together a coalition that would ensure freedom of navigation both in the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab-el Mandeb.”
“We have a pretty clear concept of what we want to do,” Dunford said. “[Central Command] come back to us with a pretty good concept of operations and so now we’re able to talk with some degree of specificity with our coalition partners.”
He noted that he expected the effort to be “scalable,” depending on how many partners sign up. But the U.S. portion of the effort is expected to be fusing information from various different surveillance streams, rather than participating in actual security patrolling or escorting ships.
Tensions with Iran have been on the rise since May, when the Trump administration began warning of what it described as an aggressive campaign by Iran designed to get the United States to back off its “maximum pressure” strategy. President Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, reimposing choking sanctions on Tehran.
In June, Trump ordered, then canceled strikes on Iran in response to Tehran’s downing of a U.S. drone. The administration also blamed a pair of attacks on two oil tankers — neither of which were operated by the United States — on Iran.
In recent weeks, Iran has taken steps to reinstate elements of its nuclear weapons program previously limited by the deal.
It’s not clear how many nations are expected to participate in the maritime security effort. European allies, distressed by the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear agreement have reacted with some skepticism to the Trump administration’s warnings of an increased threat from Iran. And while Gulf allies are concerned about Iranian aggression, experts question what kind of resources they will be able to devote to the effort.
“I think probably over the next couple weeks we’ll identify which nations have the political will to support that initiative and then we’ll work directly with their militaries to identify the specific capabilities that would support that,” Dunford said. “We’re getting ready to move out.”
76784f No.6976061
EVIL and degenerate filth.
This one in pic related should be looked at and not allowed near children.
d477f8 No.6976062
Sometimes an owl is just an owl. God made them…to me they are owls. But I'll be happy to use their perverted symbolism to help identify those who think owls are something besides owls.
a4ee37 No.6976063
26e496 No.6976064
>>6975138 (LB)
Joel Getz
Ex-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal
Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:24am EST 21
A former Clinton Foundation official who is now an independent director at a company which operates private schools in China has found himself embroiled in a bizarre child abuse scandal involving needles, pills, “brown syrup,” nudity, and sexual molestation, according to parents.:
The head of a Beijing kindergarten has been fired after China launched a nationwide investigation into a chain of private schools operated by RYB Education Inc. ($RYB) following claims of abuse at multiple locations. Parents report at least 8 toddlers with mysterious needle marks, while others said their children were forced to take white pills that were supposed to be “a little secret” between the children and teachers, along with some sort of “brown syrup” given to the students. Children were also allegedly stripped naked and forced to stand, or locked in a dark room, one parent said.
Link to the Clinton Foundation
Joel Getz via newyorksocialdiary.com
RYB Education operates 80 kindergartens and has another 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China, according to filings. All of its directors are all Chinese, with the odd exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel Getz, 52, who is listed as an Independent Director.
Mr. Joel A. Getz is Independent Director of the Company. Prior to that, Mr. Getz served as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.
The RYB Investor Relations page lists Getz as a member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee.
Bill Bishop of the Sinocism China Newsletter and Axios contributor points out that it’s a bit odd that an Associate Dean at Yale would be on the board of directors of a Chinese kindergarten chain, suggesting that perhaps Getz thought it would be “easy money.”
Why is Joel Getz, an associate dean at Yale, on the board of RYB Education?
— Bill Bishop (@niubi) November 24, 2017
Shares of RYB plummeted on Friday after the investigation was announced, falling over 42% in early trade only to recover slightly, ending the day down 38.41%.
SAUCE: http://ibankcoin.com/zeropointnow/2017/11/26/ex-clinton-foundation-official-tied-to-chinese-kindergarten-embroiled-in-bizarre-sexual-abuse-scandal/#sthash.HLpuY55P.ys4ddMfX.dpbs
20bfc5 No.6976065
The world NEEDS the truth about evil.
7512c4 No.6976067
This rabbit hole is getting pretty deep, hang em, set them on fire while they hang on live tv
c43132 No.6976069
8b75fb No.6976070
c7f424 No.6976071
hitler was a mason.
he did that for optics, like many things in WW2 were done for optics.
WW2 had a purpose and you shills shilling so hard with muh jew was one of the purposes.
c978bc No.6976072
Why is it all still CLAS?
Covering up evil is a continuation of evil.
9479f2 No.6976073
Is it the Mormans?
88dd24 No.6976075
It represents a religiosity perversion of blood and ritual, sex murder power control.
b6d750 No.6976076
Yes, moloch is the one they were sacrificing to in the wikileak emails and you have bohemian grove's giant owl statue dedicated to moloch. Should be common knowledge at this point.
fe8e2a No.6976077
Ever hear of a wide-angle fisheye lens?
2383d2 No.6976078
its their last waltz
89ea49 No.6976079
one of those is a duck, the white one. sorry anon… I am not burning books or art… but I know where you are going with it… so now what is all this going to lead to?
the Avalanche Cometh….
4d9c6a No.6976080
Thanks for the explanation
ca2118 No.6976081
Must've been watching the All-Star Game
8149b3 No.6976085
1a339a No.6976088
Loving the show!
35ceef No.6976089
Who runs and manages the Evil on that Island for him?
d33b45 No.6976092
>What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?
4031d3 No.6976093
>…I do have possible great news….
>Well? We’re waiting!
98a4ef No.6976094
Egyptian name for the owl is Mulak or Moloch represented by the letter symbolism of M (m) because its name began with M, and the eyes or horns of this secret deity looks just like the letter m.
a4533c No.6976097
Somewhere tapes of those security cam feeds exist.
68aac9 No.6976098
I wonder if this is the 'source'. They 'let' Epstein go and for the last 10 years he's been collecting evidence.(Acosta was in on it so of course he was rehired.) Epstein shipped the shredder and tile and carpet extractor in March and July respectively. In June, Q posts.
You have the site, but we have the source. (Remember that work continued on the island).
Also posted was…July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
The truth was discovered because they had it all by then.
b5b25c No.6976099
Hoe many times before it becomes mathematically impossible?
2adcee No.6976100
“Is this a test?” “Did I pass?” -Jason Bourne
099743 No.6976101
We ARE the news now, huh?
What's next on the 4:44 am schedule?
Obviously not a daily thing…
But it could be……………..
399c48 No.6976102
Archive Offline
Moloch Temple is shown.
f9fa31 No.6976103
47e46f No.6976104
The normies are ready, Q. Two years ago people didn't know what "Deep State" even meant. Thanks to you and POTUS (The Plan)–we know WHO THE DEEP STATE IS!
(tip of the iceberg…)
4b3701 No.6976105
Just like out of Bohemian Grove, Evil only describes the start of it all.
88dd24 No.6976106
NO coincidences.
fe4786 No.6976108
b6d750 No.6976109
It's an owl, not a phoenix.
976809 No.6976110
Hi Q. I keep missing your live posts.
Welcome to Epstein Island? No thanks.
Can we buy it on the cheap and turn it into something beautiful?
17cda0 No.6976111
Why does Potus….. troll us with the #
'18' ….. Didn't you two bring this on yourselves ???
9866fe No.6976113
I love the fact that this shitbag is in the hot seat now. Get 'em, Q!
ce863d No.6976114
Can you give us a better resolution photo of the birds on the temple?
95d2b4 No.6976115
No Coincedences!
4d9c6a No.6976116
Hey Q, thanks for showing us the way.
a98f5b No.6976118
First Losers. Best not to mess with the wrong people.
b99389 No.6976120
Once protected, flaunting imagery will make them easy targets.
271c96 No.6976121
Temple is a place of worship. They definitely practiced black magic there. What god does the deep state worship. Black cube?
78191d No.6976122
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. "The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska"
f7ef92 No.6976123
Hey Q!
Why is Soros still a ‘player’ why hasn’t he been taken out. Seems to me he would be high value and immediate need to neutralize
Love what you’ve done with the Whitehouse,
e95817 No.6976126
stop using names, dumbass
976809 No.6976128
>What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?
89f9bd No.6976129
dbec71 No.6976131
How sick does a person have to be to believe eating another person is right. Being evil is an understatement. They define EVIL.
1dabfa No.6976132
i have now seen …. 10 plus dif anons post
Q comfirmed today that jfk jr is alive…
1. you cant fucking read
2. you are msm shill
3. your mentally retarded and will believe it no matter what we do even if a dead body lay in front of you
we are done enough is enough Q never answers questions with outright answers only with questions socratic method.
but this one question you were all told NO he isnt alive
NOT 1 time but 2 ffs. your crazy mental gymnastics to make anything you believe true is just insane fuckery . and insane to the point of you may as well also believe that your fucking dads an alien and your from the planet monkey balls where they eat bannana penis.
your fucking crazy period gtfo forever please
cb52e5 No.6976133
An owl symbolizes wisdom and authority in the dark, or in an unexposed setting. Can be of good or bad intent.
92342d No.6976134
you dont get it anon.
95d2b4 No.6976135
05ee56 No.6976136
>age from innocence
Not a legal requirement. You sound links someone who’d say “she deserved it because of the way she was dressed”. Fuck off, leftist.
f43a15 No.6976138
Q lies.
America is a lie.
Articles of Confederation was truth.
The Constitution was a lie that didn't even grant you freedome of speech.
Thats why they are "amendments"
CONstitutionalists didn't even want you to have free speech.
cccd43 No.6976139
Thank you for posting and putting up with the captchas.
I went back and looked at the pictures previously posted. I do have the impression that the building in the South-East corner of the island does not stand anymore? If I am not mistaken it should be visible in this shot?
Anyways, if you don't have close up footage of this part of the island or can't post due to bad connection or captcha-madness, it's probably not really important, just wondering what happened to the structure. Thank you again.
88dd24 No.6976140
a0f986 No.6976142
The perverts cannot be punished harshly enough for my liking
9d7d96 No.6976143
Go git 'em Q 07 God Bless!
lots of pics
The Island -
Discernment Discernment @_Discernment_ April 4, 2018 https://twitter.com/i/moments/981476710452547584
e03cdd No.6976144
16 Channels [4x4]
3d2a36 No.6976145
That's a pretty Hi-Res video.
Made me think of Q drop #670
"Not sure if civilian tech can capture @ that distance."
Published July 9, 2019 - but note the dome is still intact, so must have been filmed earlier.
55c8b1 No.6976148
probably nothing, but Mike Trout was wearing no. 45 in honor of Tyler Skaggs today.
fdc580 No.6976150
It's the crossbar just like in Mecca.
8149b3 No.6976151
Did Epstein have 99 class rooms?
[CLAS 1-99]
fe8e2a No.6976152
Baker Notable
>>6976060 Gen. Dunford: US Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz
25aae5 No.6976153
Thank you, Q! From all the children of the world!
I was one of the exploited - a long time ago - by the Freemasons.
b2129f No.6976154
here you go kikeboi,
I Fixed That For (((You)))
96b158 No.6976156
They were actually babies when the show started. It's reallly unimaginable.
700a42 No.6976158
screw that
i am not cleaning the whole house -or the town-or the state
mom says if i just clean my room i can come upstairs for some sandwiches
4e6830 No.6976159
Pg 28 of the flight log….peter marino.
b99389 No.6976160
How could Kanye be so clean, and so cool, while up at the top with all this?
c281a9 No.6976162
060457 No.6976163
It was the Masons all along.
271c96 No.6976164
26e496 No.6976165
Yea, saw that yesterday. But didn't we already know that?
099743 No.6976167
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anyone need a reason to smash your face into your desk?
Edge of Wonder x Destroying the Illusion
399c48 No.6976168
>Secret Talks
>Just because the 'public' isn't aware of something
Iran Next.
69fbe4 No.6976169
>>6975810 Planefag update
>>6975922 Market report, Fed Chair analysis
>>6975873 Resignations update
>>6975770 @ChadPergram Dem Sens Murray/Kaine want update on Acosta deal with Epstein
db0a6d No.6976170
>If this is true. . .
Didn't see that tweet but saw these
Ben Garrison, who drew this cartoon, will be a guest at the White House on Thursday for the social media summit. It’s important to note the name in the upper right hand corner. The Rothschilds have been the subject of Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories for centuries.
Please tell me what the Rothschilds have to do with HR McMaster and if it’s because he was on the Council on Foreign Relations or attended Bilderberg I’m going to laugh in your face.
5384c3 No.6976171
Already posted this afternoon anon.
20bfc5 No.6976172
16 rooms not big enough for just the upper/visible part. There must be an underground system.
4031d3 No.6976173
>Somewhere tapes of those security cam feeds exist.
Somewhere a-a-a-l-l-l the shit is documented.
8e0ec0 No.6976174
how many MSM journalist/activists will be indicted for violating FARA?
dbec71 No.6976175
I see at least 3 staircases,
5aaa33 No.6976176
3a62ab No.6976178
What I got out of the Q post was that the super odd out of focus inside picture feeds somehow involved RC
c43132 No.6976179
Note "2013" on the bottom.
4c44ba No.6976180
if potus/q were to drop the hammer now
it would be to fix the USA, fix it later, the world
doesn't it scare you, your hero plays a political game?
if it is politics….
peace & security….
Agenda 21
Fake Armageddon
If we can accept the corruption ongoing, we are part of the corrupt
the time is short to act, or our free and sovereign country will be lost
16 year plan, right in front of you
like evil, you have to invite it in and give it power
isn't that what we have done here
movies and popcorn and such
think for yourselves
55c8b1 No.6976181
satanic ritual manuals often emphasize that it's easier to get Goetic demons to manifest physically or quasi-physically in an isolated and elevated area. So a satanist would naturally consider a hill on a small island ideal for this purpose.
87668f No.6976182
Horrifying!!! They're all so annoying
976809 No.6976183
No religion can grow that fast, buy up aquifers around the world, and cover all their shit with gold because muh religion is da best.
53be37 No.6976184
Symbolising 2 things:
1. A place of worship.
2. An initiation temple
All mystery religions had the principle of initiation (psychological influence over the newly initiated - perfect for creating a loyal initiate.
Symbolizing isis, the wisdom, athena, minerva, any other name of the same diety, the feminine force, the moon, the "church". The complemebtary of osiris (lucifer, prometheus, the genrlerative force, the intellect.)
7994d6 No.6976185
02d65b No.6976186
Sow it with salt.
ca71a2 No.6976188
dbec71 No.6976189
099743 No.6976191
When were the cameras installed?
955453 No.6976192
Falconry Owl
97659d No.6976193
long live the texas pirates!
f9e13a No.6976194
A Temple is a place where one make's sacrifice's to their God or god.
a0f986 No.6976195
It's happening, and fast
411f0f No.6976196
Get all these evil doers Q!! WRWY May the Light be with you!
c978bc No.6976197
On Barry's watch.
05ee56 No.6976199
4d9c6a No.6976200
How soon will you be able to search that island?
Seems like a good place to digg..
47e46f No.6976201
b052db No.6976203
Really? You ever heard of the End times?
The truth is - I just hope POTUS gives us 20 - 30 years of peace until the S really HTF as the bible tells us. This is only a calming for a while unfortunately.
76784f No.6976204
SEALs would kick their ass any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
87668f No.6976206
Of course it goes much much much later than 2005.
2013. [HRC] Secretary of State
f02e8d No.6976207
The white circle in the center is pic related - the sun God Apollo
12ff5a No.6976208
Chan8 is a deep dark staircase you should enter with caution. How much do you want to know?
0a7fd0 No.6976210
Reporting for duty Q, Semper Fi .
e95817 No.6976211
SoS, and potus during that time? Obvious question, but….
c43132 No.6976212
Degree of incline?
Indicate depth?
f9ade7 No.6976213
Looks like 7/2013 anons
f43a15 No.6976214
Q was against Rothchild for optics
Flooding America with the third world has a purpose
One of the purposes of Trumps slavish devotion to jews is to make nazis happy or something something bullshit bullshit whatever you say kike
06e9ff No.6976215
while you were researching pedophiles niggers delcared war on america in an attempt to become the most degenerate country on the planet niggers execute their plans of niggerdom in full force to transform this nation into new jack city and thats really shitty.
when you have a entire race of people behaving this way then you have serious problems that will take decades to improve niggers into acceptable creatures to have as neighbors just look at how they shake their stinking asses at every chance they find and they find way too many. no one should be subject to this type of behavior there lies no freedom in such actions we must return to crime and punishment also bring back shame while were at the damn thing and declare zero tolerance towards willful ignorance and force mandatory basic education and mathmatics on all citizens young and old. no shortcuts no affirmative preference
to any specific race or color all must learn because the niggers will continue to nig until they get checked upside the fucking nigger noggin make it so public flogging
you can beat the ignorance out of niggers it has been done before
9866fe No.6976216
Well, it's the perpetual "That Q thing wasn't really on to something, here's the real scoops" type of lie. They basically bash Trump, and make Q anon out to be the wacky "It's a SATAN cult!!!eleventy1" and then proceed to explain the entire blackmail portion of the Epstein scheme in its entirety.
So, they lie their asses off about "Q", and proceed to drop major truths about the other part of it all. Reminds me of:
My twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth.
a98f5b No.6976217
You. Damn. Skippy.
And they ride in style.
2f2eca No.6976218
Goes back to Babylon, Mother of all Harlots or Idolatry and further back yet to the garden of Eden.
1495. εἰδωλολατρεία ĕidōlŏlatrĕia, i-do-lol-at-ri´-ah; from 1497 and 2999; image-worship (lit. or fig.):—idolatry.
construct of Eido
1492. εἴδω ĕidō, i´-do; a prim. verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equiv. 3700 and 3708; prop. to see (lit. or fig.); by impl. (in the perf. only) to know:—be aware, behold, × can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know (-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. comp. 3700.
3000. λατρεύω latrĕuō, lat-ryoo´-o; from λάτρις latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render religious homage:—serve, do the service, worship (-per).
so Idolatry means to SERVE what you SEE.
3a62ab No.6976219
So well after the no prosecution and new prosecution felonies
91722d No.6976220
Ben G is a hardcore motherfucker.
369659 No.6976221
2d5412 No.6976222
How bout something new?
95d2b4 No.6976223
018769 No.6976225
Hi Q, Will Weisman and Mueller get prosecuted for being corrupt, Weisman is a shitbag dirty fukken dog and Mueller left innocent men in prison in Bulger case. WTF…Dirty Cops Suck
5a108c No.6976226
we have it all, damn….
f9fa31 No.6976227
So we cross ref with flight logs for that date
3f4a7b No.6976228
>What's your deal with the branded cat spam?
He is posting an Iranian old wives' tale; it is witchcraft, essentially, meaning "may the jealous eyes explode". Old ladies would say this while roasting sesame seeds in a cauldron, as the seeds "popped". It is a curse on one's enemies or detractors. I don't know why he posts it 3-5 times every bread but chances are poor that it's a good thing at all.
I have asked him about it dozens of times and he has never answered me. Likely a true bot.
4266bb No.6976230
I need to confirm it several times over. Also make sure the enemy(es) cannot try to squeeze in anything here to their advantage.
a69fb6 No.6976231
These pics were posted by RC back in 2013. These were used as blackmail tools.
6f3abe No.6976232
FRED is the unofficial name of the C-5 Galaxy, anon.
c43132 No.6976233
7512c4 No.6976234
Their soul will burn for eternity
74e451 No.6976235
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. These people aren't stupid. They are imbeciles and idiots.
Look it up.
They are in the wrong institutions and they won't be running anything there, either.
9b9c98 No.6976236
b4aa57 No.6976237
Hive mind or what>>>>???
2aafbf No.6976238
d477f8 No.6976239
July 19, 2013
20 people are killed by a suicide bombing in Diyala, Iraq
Selena Gomez releases her debut solo studio album "Stars Dance"
028dbf No.6976240
845e46 No.6976241
the year Hoffenberg was released from jail…
fa98d0 No.6976243
Seen much of this info, so hope there's new bread
Much love, kek
4031d3 No.6976244
>16 rooms not big enough for just the upper/visible part. There must be an underground system.
I think some 'splosions made that a was.
4853ef No.6976245
I think it was hear that I read about the tunnels being filled-in or something like that? Has that been confirmed or was it like a for sure thing? Do you think search warrants for JE's place included being able to get stuff from the temple?
e95817 No.6976246
more than 100 feet
47e46f No.6976247
Last Fall I started a project. I needed a distraction, as the Great Awakening was in its infancy and (using “logic” as the Boss says) I figured it would take a while to get all the investigations completed, sealed indictments issued, judges replaced, GITMO expanded, Court TV back on line and POTUS to finally say those words we have all been waiting for “…The Storm is upon us…”.
So, I built a wall. Almost every day through the Winter, I worked, with my hands, sweating, lifting, setting 100 lb + stones, mortaring as I went. Through the rain, sleet, even some snow, I worked, prayed, thought about what it all means. The Great Awakening. God’s JUSTICE on the EVIL and corrupt souls who have enslaved the masses, stealing, killing, destroying.
I worked harder than I ever have in my life (recently retiring from executive life), getting back to my blue-collar upbringing. I was reminded about things the evil in this world will never know, or understand; the sheer deep satisfaction of a hard-day’s work. Honest toil. The feeling you get when you birth a vision. When you CREATE. All the time being conscious of the brave Patriots who were (are) in the heat of the battle—those risking, giving their very lives for our true freedom. Praying.
I finished up a few weeks back. The wall is complete. The flag poles are placed. Even the landscaping is finished. We played patriotic songs like “Proud to be an American” at our family flag-raising ceremony. We all teared-up.
All through the project, I never lost sight of my WHY. My wall and flags have been my catharsis; my effort to “process-and-pray” through my own Great Awakening. My daily reminder to pray for our fellow Patriots, who risked and even sacrificed their lives—in this epic battle against pure evil. And—to pray continually for our POTUS, Q and all my fellow Anons on the Chan (around the world)!
I am honored and humbled to have been a small part of this GREAT AWAKENING. As we now turn the page and begin the next chapter of Justice manifesting and normies awaking—I renew my pledge to dig, meme and pray.
May God Bless Humanity and WWG1WGA!
e17a6a No.6976248
Nice tunnels you have there
97073d No.6976249
7e7926 No.6976250
Tiger Woods nose and lips.
Same clone family?
28da32 No.6976251
Can we just put this to rest already? If there are crimes that are so evil, why do they continue to roam free? This is starting to feel like a stall.
53da11 No.6976253
I like these guys.
a69fb6 No.6976254
8b75fb No.6976255
>So we cross ref with flight logs for that date
b90598 No.6976256
Flight log will show who was there at the time of surveillance. BOOM
099743 No.6976257
Like an underground club, eh?
Now THAT'S what I call autism!
f9fa31 No.6976259
e54c35 No.6976260
Interdasting thoughts, anon
65108a No.6976261
Darkest days…
This evil must be destroyed!
56bdf6 No.6976263
HRC was still SOS.
a4ee37 No.6976264
da2be3 No.6976265
Something came up on 4chan that I thought came from you guys but going through the notables and this thread it doesnt appear that it did. I'll link the thread in question but I'm just going to copy paste the relevant parts now.
Epstein-Barr is the virus that causes mononucleosis. You might know this disease better by its nickname, "mono." It's also called the "kissing disease"
>Teens often have more obvious symptoms of mono.
"The virus is also associated with the childhood disorders of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome"
Weird, right. Anyway, heres the thread. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/218969264#p218969264
048a98 No.6976267
2013/07 it looks like, July 2013.
3a62ab No.6976268
damn they needed some strong sump pumps
5a108c No.6976269
god bless you guys
i want to work for your team
6beb05 No.6976270
Was that Disneyland brawl a hoax? None of the "punches" seemed to land in any meaningful way. Were we being played by Disney and the cabal?
8149b3 No.6976271
In the Middle East, China, and Japan, the Owl is considered as both a bad omen and an evil spirit. For Christians the Owl traditionally signifies the Devil, powers of evil, bad news, and destruction. Similarly, in the Old Testament the Owl is an unclean creature that stands alone as a figure of desolation. In an Australian Aboriginal myth the Owl is the messenger of bad news. Yama, the Verdic God of death, sometimes sent out the Owl as his emissary.
Indigenous peoples of the Americas consider the Owl to be the Night Eagle because it is silent and deadly in flight, and is a solitary bird with all-seeing eyes. The Owl is generally regarded as a bird of sorcerers because of its association with–and abilities in–the dark. It symbolizes deception and silent observation because it flies noiselessly. The Owl is feared by peoples who believe that the death warning is in its hoot.
95d2b4 No.6976272
97659d No.6976273
yaknow, those things normal people do:
Jeffrey Epstein Shipped Himself a 53-Pound Shredder and a Carpet and Tile Extractor, Maritime Records Show
Jeffrey Epstein shipped a shredder from the U.S. Virgin Islands to his Palm Beach home in July 2008, shortly after reaching a non-prosecution agreement with then-U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, maritime records show. Then, in March of this year, shortly after a Florida federal judge invalidated that agreement, Epstein shipped a tile and carpet extractor from the Virgin Islands to his Manhattan townhouse, the records show.
f9fa31 No.6976274
4c44ba No.6976275
u all forgot
meme but don't do anything else
oh and about that internet shut down, you know how well memes work in your town, when the net is down
maybe you can meme some pics for those lost loved ones, while we sat by waiting for someone else to fight
wait don't fight, we might lose some
oh well
a69fb6 No.6976277
Suicide weekend coming soon?
52af9e No.6976278
Seeing there is nearly nothing on the surface of pedo island, the 16 channel of rooms that can fit a dozen people or more…
means that there is an underground complex
0709db No.6976279
17cda0 No.6976280
there's better drone pics of epstein island on twitter…closeups
e95817 No.6976281
824433 No.6976282
That's what I thought…
3e6dd5 No.6976283
Hollywood news and entertainment is the psychic equivalent of slow poison. Subversive psycho-social programming is designed to be a sweet dream. The sweetness, like sugar's, conceal a destructive toxin: cumulative, progressive and ultimately fatal.
The damage done by legacy media Information Operations (IO) or psyops is incremental. Vocabulary is slowly reduced, falsified history substituted to support the satanist cultists new story of America.
Primary sources, first hand accounts and photographs are stolen from local libraries and archives. Inconvenient facts and eyewitness accounts are removed from history and new evidence injected where necessary. A nation without history has no purpose, it ceases to exist.
Emotion replaces analytic logic, fear replaces faith. Individual and collective cognitive capacity gradually declines over decades. Eventually we become so stupid we can no longer understand what is happening to us.
Information Poisoning
We have been poisoned with bad information. We have been denied real information, and most of us have no idea what, or how much information about reality has been denied us.
1 Information Operations "IO" or psyops cause cumulative progressive damage
2 "Entertainment" programming has been used by enemies of the United States to run sophisticated pysops on the civilian population for the purpose of manipulation and control.
3 Remediating the damage done by such programming is high priority and uses the same tactics technology.
The most effective way to convey large amounts of objectively true complex information about reality to the greatest possible number of people is by incorporating it into the relationship between characters in dramatic entertainment.
Stories can undo damage done us by Information Poisoning, relieve psychological distress, reassure the frightened and deliver the objectively true information about our environment we need, as citizens, to make informed decisions about our future.
We can explain and break cultist conditioning and remove implanted lies, eliminating demons and gradually restoring reality to brainwashed fellow citizens.
Our fellow citizens, the NPCs, have been betrayed and exploited by those they trusted most. The "stars" the "experts" and fake leaders and sports personalities.
TL:dr The same tactics used to poison and control mind and spirit can be used to heal.
Stories are the best mass redpill for sleepers in media-induced trance states. Dramatic storytelling has tremendous explanatory power. This is how we learn about unlearning and relearning, and experience for ourselves the evolution of our understanding when we gain access to important, new objectively true information.
"Legacy media" is running 24 hr a day psyops on the US civilian population. They are doing all they can to destroy us and the country. They are traitors.
They will be stopped.
When they are we need to use all media, all platforms, all channels to remediate psyop damage and replace subversive ideology, demoralizing historical falsehoods, sexual perversion and embedded occult symbolic programming with entertainment that will make us laugh, show us the glorious future ahead and make us smarter, happier and prepared to face a future very unlike our past.
250 million Americans want the truth. Entertainment is not just entertainment. It determines who we are, and who we will be. Stories will facilitate our psychological adaptation to an new expanded psychological and material reality, assisting our transition and incrementally undo the terrible damage done by decades of satanists mind control programming.
87668f No.6976285
Camera 10 looks like spirit cooking with actual body on table being eaten…
9479f2 No.6976286
Star <> Rats
Rats <> Star
b9517a No.6976288
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Wonder if Nickelodeon's Dan Schneider will face the music.
c6e7b6 No.6976289
3d3727 No.6976290
13ebdc No.6976292
General Flynn was publicly targeted by the deepstate soon after he tweeted that the Hillary Emails included "sex crimes with children". Similar to what was said on FOX
71d50f No.6976293
Those benches seem very close to the edge of that massive cliff/drop.
Is that where they sacrifice people… by throwing them over the edge to be dashed on the rocks below?
ced35f No.6976294
photo came from the plane. Plane has several floors?
0a7fd0 No.6976295
How many were Sacrificed ???
We know there’s a Tunnel system but none of us have been there only you have it all .
20bfc5 No.6976296
Some digs can't be done online I suppose.
4266bb No.6976297
>Ask yourself, is this normal?
>What does a 'Temple' typically symbolize?
>What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?
>Tunnels underneath?
>How many channels captured on RC's pic?
>Rooms indicate size.
>Hallways shown?
>[CLAS 1-99]
>Symbolism will be their downfall.
>These people are EVIL.
Evil sick fucks that should be sent to hell, that's what I know and pray for.
If you guys get a legit chance, double tap em. That'll send em straight to Judgement town and from there to hell to meet their true master.
2081c3 No.6976298
wonder what will BOOM on July 19, 2019
d477f8 No.6976299
stairs, too. incline, angle.
a4533c No.6976300
Clinton(s) there? Coincides with year of BC pic with RC on Epstein plane.
8fef9a No.6976301
>Note "2013" on the bottom.
Is this HRC?
db04c7 No.6976302
the flight logs i have only go to 2005
a4ee37 No.6976303
They are cannibals- that’s why so Sharkey now!
70d1bf No.6976304
>Michael Chelbin