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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

76bc2f  No.6929758

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and don't need the use of force in our work.




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Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019

>>6593544 ————————————–——– YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST (Cap >>6889292)

>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (Cap >>6889269)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

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All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

76bc2f  No.6929770

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup

>>6925557 Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6929655 Planefag update

>>6929642 New Quake…5.1 Corcoran, CA. West of Searle

>>6929600 Prosecutors want 'El Chapo' to forfeit $12.7 billion to US government

>>6929453 New PDJT tweets!

>>6929441 China Lake Seismogram Helicorder

>>6929439 Salute to America pics

>>6929402, >>6929428, >>6929289, >>6929444, >>6929464, >>6929582 7.0 EQ, 4.8 EQ aftershock just hit.

>>6929176 PHOTOS: First Monument Dedicated to Melania Trump Unveiled in Slovenia

>>6929167 New PDJT tweet!

>>6929138 Moar FBI/HRC vault digs

>>6929134 POTUS Schedule for Saturday and Sunday - July 6 and 7, 2019

>>6929103 Turkey Appoints New Central Bank Governor - Report

>>6929751 #8864


>>6928548, >>6928569 Planefag update

>>6928607 Boatfag update

>>6928961 #BREAKING: The United Kingdom has intelligence that weapons are onboard the Iranian crude oil supertanker ‘Grace 1’ bound for Syria

>>6928690, >>6928710, >>6928757, >>6928776, >>6928808, >>6928884 Moar FBI/HRC dig convos

>>6928568 Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims

>>6928995 #8863


>>6928065 UN Security Council Calls for Ceasefire in Libya as Death Toll Rises

>>6927956 Tucker talking w/DJT, drones, UFO, Iran, bakeranon hookup >>6928075, >>6928117, >>6928146 D5 dig

>>6927677 Libya's oil company in Tripoli calls for rival to be disbanded.

>>6927668, >>6927672 Shootings and odd deaths across the United States.

>>6927636, >>6928101, >>6928013 New FIB Vault drop (#34) on HRC emails.

>>6927572 Elin Nordegren assoc w/Chris Cline

>>6927524 Ammend/Correct filing on Comey's memos.

>>6927503, >>6927540 Cline continued dig.

>>6928200 #8862

Previously Collected Notables

>>6926656 #8860, >>6927423 #8861,

>>6924765 #8857, >>6925167 #8858, >>6925900 #8859

>>6922101 #8854, >>6924707 #8855, >>6924745 #8856

>>6919812 #8851, >>6920542 #8852, >>6921348 #8853

>>6917505 #8848, >>6918285 #8849, >>6919024 #8850

>>6915272 #8845, >>6916073 #8846, >>6916787 #8847

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

76bc2f  No.6929774

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

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Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


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Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6860560

Q Graphics all in EST


76bc2f  No.6929778

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

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* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>xxx Side by Side Archive (Update needed)

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6895764, >>6895766

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

76bc2f  No.6929800

File: 5d755c664e4e697⋯.png (1006.29 KB, 680x660, 34:33, 5d755c664e4e697cc1ec2e6432….png)



Baker requests hand off

64abfb  No.6929803

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, NewAnons.png)

8342c1  No.6929805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f60d85  No.6929807

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, A2B29A98-6A43-4B9F-935D-CB….png)

c38d02  No.6929808

File: b5137452777faac⋯.png (419.58 KB, 617x627, 617:627, Screenshot_45.png)

>>6929433 lb


This person on Twitter is saying a similar thing.

EQ making people feel ill.

5623a9  No.6929809


more complex. Depends upon the makeup of stone and the angle of wave and speed of wave etc.

8342c1  No.6929810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ba124a  No.6929811

If the China Lake quakes are artificial, maybe it's about time Q+ announced something. The cat is pretty much poking its head out of the bag at this point.

c812a9  No.6929812

File: 1f18258b2983d8f⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1849x915, 1849:915, closeup volcanic area.png)

>>6929793 (LB)

a close up with a volcanic cone. I wonder if these quakes could set that off?

google maps closeup of the volcanic area. since Earthquakes usually proceed seismic activity

b3249e  No.6929814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He accurately predicted the last two California quakes. Claims that California is in for a worse one if the earthquake energy doesn't start moving east across the continent.

6c6af2  No.6929815

File: 3491a94ae4178bb⋯.png (367.17 KB, 593x751, 593:751, 2019-07-06_0-03-53.png)

File: 09a94bd6d74cdfc⋯.png (75.11 KB, 588x584, 147:146, 2019-07-06_0-05-39.png)

Dutchsinse is a guy from St. Louis, MO who has an amazing track record on forecasting earthquakes.

dutchsinse‏ Live Earthquakes 24/7 Seismic Stream:


dutchsinse‏ @dutchsinse

Got a question for all professionals in the geophysics world… how did you guys ALL miss the progression of earthquakes across the North American Craton every week for the past eternity? @DrLucyJones @IRIS_EPO @Caltech @USGS - Here's an example of 1 weeks events on the craton



dutchsinse‏ @dutchsinse

dutchsinse Retweeted dutchsinse

ALERT: Professionals at the IRIS seismic agency publicly told the Kern County Fire District YESTERDAY to take down their warning for a M5.0+ aftershock in California. Now today, a M5.4 aftershock occurred. wow, that's messed up. Proof here:

dutchsinse‏ @dutchsinse

Replying to @CalFireNews @IRIS_EPO and 2 others

It hit! M5.4 today July 5, 2019 … So here we have IRIS agency telling Kern County Fire District to NOT warn for it, after Dr. Lucy Jones said on TV it could happen? NOW THE QUAKE HITS!? HAHAHA @kerncountyfire welcome to the club of being hated on for warning accurately!


03c7a9  No.6929816

>>6929600 lb

Is that the amount that the rest of the wall still needs?

e34566  No.6929817


Muh Pool Water

8342c1  No.6929818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e69cbd  No.6929819

File: 89e0253157f6708⋯.jpg (221.63 KB, 1011x982, 1011:982, California Earthquake July….JPG)

Now from San Francisco to Palm Springs.

5623a9  No.6929820


EQ's are largely physics - what others where gibing be crap about just before this happened.

0c8cae  No.6929821


Why would he do that? Patriots are in control, remember? If it’s manmade, then Trump ordered it, or Q is a liar.

7a1e23  No.6929822

Caltech: Every earthquake makes another earthquake more likely.

a905e8  No.6929823

and another one…

c38d02  No.6929824

File: a067eb9724b776b⋯.png (366.31 KB, 597x696, 199:232, Screenshot_46.png)



58b3a3  No.6929825

File: 16d890d762a7683⋯.jpg (181.25 KB, 796x1080, 199:270, cross-of-christ-0101.jpg)


Pray for our brothers and sisters, Friends and Family in California. Amen

5623a9  No.6929826


initial maybe now normal eq's on fault

2a5a62  No.6929827

>>6929740 (pb)

so, they are making more caves? everyone describes the shakes as "rolling" which is the same effect one feels when dynamiting beds of rock. If to the party late, please admonish. Science is a joke anymore, like the guy in the middle...pic related...

d3eac6  No.6929828



63c8cd  No.6929829

When POTUS said “Do you know what this represents, maybe it’s the calm before the storm”, he made a gigantic Q with his hands.

I just watched it again, and can’t believe I never noticed it before. Pretty sure I’ve never seen that mentioned before either.

Can an anon with embed capability please upload the “Calm before the storm” clip again so we can analyze? I do believe we need to take another look at this. Thanks.

07c011  No.6929830

File: 48e1ffbebdd413e⋯.png (118.79 KB, 979x546, 979:546, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

Waitaminit! Stop the fuckin' presses.

remember the day before all this earthquake stuff started that the DOI website was down?

Look what fall under the DOI…

Bottom. THE USGS

8342c1  No.6929831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

270e26  No.6929832


My fingers are epically crossed. Right now in my mind I can imagine a perforated line being drawn across the state. What a time to be alive.

959dee  No.6929833

File: 426215c171c846b⋯.jpg (434.2 KB, 1116x633, 372:211, trona.jpg)

File: ac07c5c5281b282⋯.jpg (379.34 KB, 1116x633, 372:211, tronatanks.jpg)

>>6929763 lb


Pin on the 7.1

Tanks to the S/W

5cc82f  No.6929834

File: 04149ca2ef28eaf⋯.png (1.12 MB, 980x804, 245:201, watchdam.png)

Earthquakes moving north?

dd8dff  No.6929835


or the turd out of the anus, depending on the view

81beb8  No.6929836


https://publiuslex.com/ I wish you luck.

4fb366  No.6929837

Shallow EQ is a signature of HAARP type tech.

2a5a62  No.6929838

File: 1c7bdee9418330d⋯.jpeg (132.14 KB, 1162x929, 1162:929, science, the fake and gay….jpeg)


oops, how did that happen?

e69cbd  No.6929839

watching usgs now..and they are saying another 5.7 coming in right now

2ab067  No.6929840

For those feeling dizzy from the earthquake—a Stanford paper debating ELF and VLF electromaganetic waves released by seismic activity.


4c5430  No.6929841

File: 23c7e1bbf5ac7e4⋯.png (678.22 KB, 644x430, 322:215, ClipboardImage.png)

5623a9  No.6929842

off to bed but watch if the world shakes again on Heliplots.


0c5ddf  No.6929843

At this point this administration is laughable. Nothing has changed. The leftists continue to poison society and kick our asses. They are all united against us. Meanwhile we all sit on our asses doing absolutely nothing. Name one fucking accomplishment Q has had. Name one victory! There are none.

5cc82f  No.6929844

File: 6fc50c1d6a54576⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 469x379, 469:379, teslaq.jpg)

c38d02  No.6929845

File: 037d212b5a791d6⋯.png (395.97 KB, 625x846, 625:846, Screenshot_47.png)



8384cb  No.6929846

Shaking again in vegas

4c5430  No.6929847

File: 4df7ad84fba5865⋯.png (418 B, 71x26, 71:26, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6929824 00:20:40

74a49d  No.6929848

File: d9f2d2bae40678f⋯.png (647.58 KB, 1599x723, 533:241, ClipboardImage.png)

e69cbd  No.6929849

Fox has live data from USGS on the Earthquakes coming in before they actually hit and how big it is going to register as..soo neat!!!

Yes…all these Earthquakes are on a fault line

a3efdc  No.6929850





All pb....

Is this HRC email stuff new?

Haven't tracked every detail of that...

Seems pretty NOTABLE if new and legit...

e34566  No.6929851


At these great distances from the epicenter, most of us in population centers (L.A. here) will feel just rolling from a big quake. Heavy damage being reported in the immediate area tonight, which is sparse in terms of population.

c38d02  No.6929852

File: 06ed95baca0c0f4⋯.png (410.76 KB, 614x644, 307:322, Screenshot_48.png)



158f45  No.6929853

Something tells me Samson is running out of his option…but that's just me.

557ccc  No.6929854

C,mon Ocean front property!

let'r rip

63c8cd  No.6929855

File: b838d4169e85eed⋯.jpeg (313.01 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, 3D9DF45D-5D99-4832-895E-3….jpeg)

0bec20  No.6929856



Not on the east side.

65f35d  No.6929857

Wow…qresearch really is dead…

fa7919  No.6929858


map down again. Back to 3:46 latest update time. That is 45 mins ago.

dce29d  No.6929859

File: 426b2db89dc3bb6⋯.png (519.08 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 91463DB3-5905-4D52-856C-FE….png)

File: 57e7ad3bf4cbb20⋯.png (210.74 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 3D7F5B70-ECD5-4524-8FC2-29….png)

DOJ IG Steve Linick and ICIG I. Charles McCullough III inform HRC’s Lawyer David Kendall of Williams and Connolly LLP to preserve all electronic media correspondence on May 26, 2015. (Proof that she was warned not to destroy her server and blackberry devices).

See Pages 211-212 of HRC Drop 34


099802  No.6929860

phew, busy knight shift this evening

carry on anons, just glad to be here

c812a9  No.6929861


Sauce Please?

f60d85  No.6929862

File: 77762e700099cc4⋯.jpeg (303.22 KB, 750x842, 375:421, DE5DA1CE-84C9-4102-976A-E….jpeg)

e69cbd  No.6929863

5623a9  No.6929864


That might even be a little slow for some quakes.

e13ca4  No.6929865


ranked in biggest POS from left to right

e75e34  No.6929866


You're right. he definitely makes a Q

fcc2ad  No.6929867

File: 52c88ede2fd53c8⋯.png (32.55 KB, 368x396, 92:99, ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone has "embed" capabilities. Just paste your address where it says



yeah, that's the one

e69cbd  No.6929868


2a5a62  No.6929869


expect more shaking for days the radio guy says…sounds like "we need a bigger cave"

03c7a9  No.6929870


Taking out some dumbs?

9d5d92  No.6929871

>>6929859 Proof HRC was warned not to delete emails


not sure if you want a bun, there's a ton of good shit in this dig. Happy holiday friday anons.

90f578  No.6929872


EXACTLY what I said. Covert war has breached normie world. This is prob response to airports getting took over, doing anything we had to do.. kek

602d42  No.6929873

Veddy eenteresteenk —-

I'm watching the live show of the World Series of Poker on ESPN, and an earthquake is shaking the casino they are playing in!

0c5ddf  No.6929874


Israel is more powerful than ever right now. You can thank Trump for that. They get strong borders and a all jewish government. But we get open borders and forced diversity.

07c011  No.6929875

File: 48e1ffbebdd413e⋯.png (118.79 KB, 979x546, 979:546, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

It doesn't strike anyone as odd that at the same time that Pence had the "no emergency emergency" the US Department of the Interior and Facebook websites went down and the US Geological Survey (USGS) which falls under the DOI monitors Seismic events?


ac48d5  No.6929876


Saw that too…They counted down to aftershock

1fd84c  No.6929877

File: 1cb9954103b4f49⋯.png (566.89 KB, 3972x1116, 331:93, 7 6 2019 calieq.png)

File: 0fd7ea576730cca⋯.jpg (31.18 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Garlock_Fault.jpg)


"The Garlock Fault is a left-lateral strike-slip fault running northeast-southwest along the north margins of the Mojave Desert of Southern California, for much of its length along the southern base of the Tehachapi Mountains.

The Garlock Fault marks the northern boundary of the area known as the Mojave Block, as well as the southern ends of the Sierra Nevada and the valleys of the westernmost Basin and Range province. Stretching for 250 kilometers (160 mi), it is the second-longest fault in California and one of the most prominent geological features in the southern part of the state.

The Garlock Fault runs from a junction with the San Andreas Fault in the Antelope Valley, eastward to a junction with the Death Valley Fault Zone in the eastern Mojave Desert. It is named after the historic mining town of Garlock, founded in 1894 by Eugene Garlock and now a ghost town."

580579  No.6929878


This seems pretty basic in terms of predictions, so the question has to be WHY they chose to pretend it wasn't happening??

0718e0  No.6929879

File: a9b0b52d0cf94d9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1560x730, 156:73, OH-58A N497E 07052019-2121.PNG)

File: 2720b40fdfa9521⋯.jpg (527.09 KB, 1200x812, 300:203, N497E.jpg)

File: d2b9ee1fe6a55ba⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1561x776, 1561:776, UH-1H N407KC 07052019-2122.PNG)

File: 8c2422bc734a2c0⋯.jpg (177.68 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, N407KC.jpg)

Kern County SD and FD in route

4fb488  No.6929880

Q = Quake

79a197  No.6929881

I'm still in last bread, and some nigger wrote "…it was -0.9k deep, the earthquake was above ground!" hahaha…holy fuck

4d4de2  No.6929882


This post was unfortunately - and hilariously timed. What an utter moran who obviously cant read

a3efdc  No.6929883

4c5430  No.6929884

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6929862 "I´m Batman"

580579  No.6929885


Ya it was felt all the way to Vegas, my understanding.

fcc2ad  No.6929886


Muh Quiver

9d5d92  No.6929887


sorry meant to tag you anon.


76bc2f  No.6929888

Bun would be good

no dupes

dupes last bread


959dee  No.6929889

File: ff9bf70332e0882⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1366x654, 683:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99a19032189c5fb⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1366x654, 683:327, ClipboardImage.png)

This is a Volcano

Volcano Butte

The pin is on the 7.1

d4a0cc  No.6929890

File: 920252d10efbc21⋯.png (120.29 KB, 1483x291, 1483:291, GS.png)

File: 3bb596e5ca7ecce⋯.png (438.04 KB, 439x439, 1:1, MCD.png)

Found you, faggots.

158f45  No.6929891


Did you forget about their DEW getting shot down and landing in FL? Jackass??

ca9978  No.6929892


a5add6  No.6929893

Zero SuM GaME No More: confirmed.

New GaMe^X Begins.

New Rules.

No Limits.

All Players Win.


d0e361  No.6929894


Unfortunately I’m on the bad side of that line..Patriot in Enemy territory.

Side: The Cabals earthquake machine is lubed and ReadyOn.

c812a9  No.6929895

File: e9585c4d9229f31⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 351ftx[1].jpg)


Some have family in California…

9d5d92  No.6929896



can you handle it anon? I'm fading.

5cc82f  No.6929897

File: cc8133470a1eafc⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 670x388, 335:194, 10daysdark.jpg)

63c8cd  No.6929898


Great thanks. Don’t have to be a snarky little cunt rag about it, but thanks nonetheless, “patriot”.

099802  No.6929899



again, not a seismologist, but all that can be used to pinpoint a depth? Also, wouldn’t they need to know the composite makeup of essentially the entire earth to make accurate depth calculations if that is what it is based upon?

It seems to me to be rough estimates otherwise.

Also, based upon that information, would it be easier to determine if it was an explosive caused event or a natural event?

Sorry, answer one question and 20 more pop up in my head

4d4de2  No.6929900



Israel just lost their very important satellite. Do try to keep up please. It's a pain in the ass to have to keep BTFO you idiots

58b3a3  No.6929901

File: 976f6067d5d42fb⋯.jpg (271.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, I am Batman Q.jpg)

284ebe  No.6929902

File: bfe85bf069bb655⋯.jpeg (112.68 KB, 744x450, 124:75, 93F42D74-2433-46F1-8570-7….jpeg)


Damn! That sums everything going on in history around the world perfectly.

ecc6ff  No.6929903

File: 53d97374c8c9774⋯.png (72.48 KB, 258x209, 258:209, 2019-02-10_10-10-15 copy 2.png)


What is the most effective way to take out dumbs?




Just curious.

Asking for a fren.

944fb7  No.6929904

File: e91b908b7541624⋯.jpg (4.35 MB, 7576x4064, 947:508, yv819qm8049_05_0001.jpg)


Why stop at a perforation? Roll back the cali clock.

6c6af2  No.6929905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dutchsinse‏ Live Earthquakes 24/7 Seismic Stream:



dutchsinse‏ @dutchsinse

7/04/2019 – HOW TO FORECAST AN EARTHQUAKE – Fundamental principles



0762c5  No.6929906


Some own CA property. Some have many family members in CA. They are our friends and neighbors. Don't hate on them – wish them something better than an oppressive government and a massive illegal alien population.

3d0254  No.6929907

File: a9e69bca785eb56⋯.png (126.05 KB, 1361x977, 1361:977, Screenshot - 7_5_2019 , 10….png)

5623a9  No.6929908

Well that is one way for CA to succeed I guess

6a65eb  No.6929909


Dutchsinse knows his shit. Very based individual. Doing what he can to make every day citizens be more aware of their surroundings and less dependent on the PTB.

335187  No.6929910

File: 3297b2cebe29b4f⋯.jpg (293.02 KB, 1572x1496, 393:374, Temblor-map-4-July-2019-sh….jpg)

File: a54616241906b4a⋯.jpg (98.1 KB, 1024x866, 512:433, EASTERN-CA-SHEAR-ZONE-1024….jpg)

File: 88807c6b3e13624⋯.jpg (187.19 KB, 1024x982, 512:491, LND-stress-4-July-2019-Sea….jpg)

File: 0050f2620e47748⋯.jpg (181.27 KB, 842x1024, 421:512, 1872-stress-transfer-842x1….jpg)

Southern California M 6.4 earthquake stressed by two large historic ruptures


580579  No.6929911


God is pissed. Indict someone DOJ!!!


bb637c  No.6929912

File: 905251faed8907a⋯.png (10.12 KB, 908x209, 908:209, ooo.png)

04:18:55 UTC M 5.4 / 2.0km - Central California

f38a71  No.6929913


their family are pedovore faggots and get the ocean

1a55b0  No.6929914

The Best News Eva

Nolte: Media Face 12,000 Job Cuts, Most Since 2009 Economic Crash

The American media will be hit with nearly 12,000 job cuts in 2019, the highest number since the economic crisis of 2009.

John Nolte5 Jul 2019

“The consultancy Challenger Gray & Christmas reported this week media companies, which include movies, television, publishing, music, and broadcast and print news, announced plans to cut 15,474 jobs so far this year, of which 11,878 of which were from news organizations” reports AFP.

This is a huge increase over 2017’s 4,062 media job cuts and, according to the article at least, this is primarily happening due to paywalls and ad revenue.

A number of media outlets are installing paywalls in the hope their customers will start to pay for something they are used to getting for free. This is not working.

And ad revenue is plummeting because of the ad blockers people use in their web browsers and how effective Google and Facebook have been at stealing advertisers away.

Another obvious reason for these cuts — one the AFP article will never touch — is that in the era of Trump, too much of the media have exposed themselves as lying, fake-newsing hacks willing to spread any falsehood to overturn the 2016 presidential election.

Already this year, the fake news outlets at CNN and BuzzFeed have slashed over 100 and 200 jobs, respectively. Verizon slashed 800 jobs at Yahoo, AOL, and HuffPost.

What’s more, what could be more symbolic than the Washington DC-located Newseum being forced to close because no one wants to worship at the temple of a broken, un-American, corrupt, and endlessly venal institution.

Finally, there is the debunking this year of the media’s two-year Russia Collusion Hoax, which fell apart after the Mueller Report proved no one in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the presidential election and that there was no obstruction of justice.

Sadly, the Russia Collusion Hoax was only the most recent national story the establishment media have hoaxed the American public with. Over the past few years, this discredited institution has also spread these prominent hoaxes:


0762c5  No.6929915


Copypasta. Saw it earlier.

fcc2ad  No.6929916


Welcome to Fucking 8 Chan Numb Nuts! If you can't embed a damn video then you obviously haven't done any Lurking much around here. FOH

04b3ed  No.6929917

File: a87835501b94fc7⋯.png (67.11 KB, 1446x689, 1446:689, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Eart….png)


3bfb79  No.6929918

File: f78c1534521e685⋯.png (42.07 KB, 884x502, 442:251, IMG_4073.PNG)

549474  No.6929919

File: 7f092ee083fe251⋯.jpeg (357.73 KB, 1300x802, 650:401, C4D73990-45A8-47B8-B7CF-6….jpeg)


China Lake Secret Military Base In The Mojave Desert California USA.1…Offically The Testing Ground For The United States Navey & Edwards Airforce Base.Unofficially It Is A Base Where Aliens Work Alongside Humans,

dccfb5  No.6929920


No they're not, sheez. They just scared and conditioned. A peaceful people. You'd be surprised how they really think.

58b3a3  No.6929921

File: 647eaba9e10f4be⋯.jpg (572.67 KB, 1840x1840, 1:1, CIAMediaControl.jpg)


Israel ain't got fuk anymore. Save it for CNN News

270e26  No.6929922


I will say a prayer for you in earnest.

b18134  No.6929923

File: 2e293ba8610ebb8⋯.png (93.76 KB, 250x158, 125:79, really nigga sessions.PNG)

File: 3990853de384c76⋯.png (193.58 KB, 796x581, 796:581, Take it back NOW.png)

f60d85  No.6929924


Grasping at it.

What Information is out there that could like these three somewhat random events.

VIP Very interesting problem. Sounds like he was meeting because that’s something that’s an event but contained, not like a train crash or a sub.

Then earthquakes, that’s under watch from DOI?

To do with Facebook?

Seems random af right now but my IQ is low.

5623a9  No.6929925


no not really just crust and mantle shit for basic depths. Not even the type of rock just depth.

3d0254  No.6929926

File: a299fd80952b320⋯.png (4.25 MB, 1913x975, 1913:975, Screenshot - 7_5_2019 , 10….png)

03c7a9  No.6929927


Poison gas if you can get access, I'd imagine. Frens should ask their own questions! =)~

0c5ddf  No.6929928



Both of you can stfu. Keep sucking Israel dick while we get our asses kicked everyday. Faggots can rally millions for gay pride parade in NYC. Yet we can't even get a thousand to march on DC against the communist traitors. You make me sick. Both of you are perfect examples of why we can't stop the leftists.

83b233  No.6929929

Are we taking down the bad guys in Calif.?

Lots of BOOMS within China Lake Naval Air Station.

8342c1  No.6929930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c38d02  No.6929931

File: ed0cb62bb0b9031⋯.png (428.76 KB, 630x575, 126:115, Screenshot_49.png)



Dodgers playing in a 7.1 EQ.

63c8cd  No.6929932


I’m phone fagging, shit neck. Here. Now you get a shitty fucking blur of a Q and that is all.

Way to not be divided.

You have no idea who I am.

Or how long I have been here.

c03e48  No.6929933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


USGS not updating here for about 46 minutes..

Last listed:


12km SSW of Searles Valley, CA

2019-07-06 03:46:26 (UTC)

ba124a  No.6929934

Wild-assed and probably over-optimistic guess:

Earthquakes, if artificially induced, are part of research project designed to explore ways to alleviate the magma pressure build-up under the Yellowstone super volcano, in the magma chamber.

a6c1fe  No.6929935


think its _ff or cta

fcc2ad  No.6929936


It's the Aliens, tryin to escape China Lake. Muh False Flags.

8151ce  No.6929937

Waiting for: The quakes are GEOTUS’s fault…line…

ecc6ff  No.6929938

File: 98653755a52c04c⋯.png (173.26 KB, 315x305, 63:61, 2019-04-25_19-17-20.png)


>Frens should ask their own questions! =)~

099802  No.6929939


it’s a naval weapons testing site

scroll around, you’ll find an odd shaped puddle designed for testing weapons on boats. Since it’s a desert, they opted to have a round pond to easily put in, take out boats. There are exploded tanks to the southeast as well. Lots of dummy tanks.

All for the weapons testing ranges.

This is not abnormal for a weapons testing range.

f60d85  No.6929940


Space Force!


5cc82f  No.6929941

File: 4b453061fe3c4df⋯.jpg (279.35 KB, 990x591, 330:197, caearth.jpg)

270e26  No.6929942


telling an incompetent retard that he's an incompetent retard isn't sewing division, you faggot

0762c5  No.6929943

File: 854f75879379039⋯.png (215.77 KB, 1881x974, 1881:974, 2019-07-06-00:33:42-edt.png)



1 day, ALL magnitudes

fcc2ad  No.6929944


And you obviously don't understand Chan Culture. Get off my Nuts or go back to Reddit Fucko!

8342c1  No.6929945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7a1e23  No.6929946


Caltech/USGS saying their system is pretty overloaded.

580579  No.6929947


Reminds me of the SF bridge collapse.

07c011  No.6929948

File: ec4cb5f9f3d4707⋯.png (192.99 KB, 539x794, 539:794, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


The website sites were down at that time.

May be nothing but seems odd that we were getting reports of the DOI site being down for at least a half hour during the Pence "no emergency emergency", The all of the sudden a bunch of earthquakes and aftershocks…

284ebe  No.6929949

Spider Man II was great.

At one point Peter Parker asked MJ “everything in the news is true, right?” and the whole audience (in socialist Milwaukee) roared with laughter.

We are winning.

6a65eb  No.6929950

"I will fight to the death to ensure my survival."

dd03fb  No.6929951

File: 96d11bd9bfe28fa⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB, 614x360, 307:180, W_V5DAHO6LHE5ao6.mp4)



dccfb5  No.6929952

File: 4724fdf3d4b95f3⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 262x174, 131:87, Obama_Pitch_D_201004051130….jpg)

File: 1f50116619d627c⋯.jpg (78.5 KB, 437x315, 437:315, bushthrow1.jpg)

File: 6287f2831bff693⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 1991_1443768i.jpg)

File: 462f3638d56c880⋯.jpg (103.51 KB, 545x357, 545:357, ObamaCantThrow321.jpg)

f1b230  No.6929953


See you in AZ bay (learn to swim)

c812a9  No.6929954

File: c4bbf8aca688576⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 255x208, 255:208, c4bbf8aca6885763e4b754d8d8….jpg)


digits confirm!

d0e787  No.6929955

File: 416d866630e8d54⋯.jpeg (269.74 KB, 927x1541, 927:1541, B1318441-CF83-4451-BFB1-5….jpeg)

File: 401e0ff88a097d7⋯.png (264.98 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, E83EE084-6CF6-4474-88A1-24….png)

So, how coincidentall that the California Earthquakes are at a Naval base?

What is truly going on?

Why can’t WE THE PEOPLE EVER get the WHOLE TRUTH?!!!

It is so damn frustrating to try and sift through fkn crumbs & MSM lies to try and get the truth.

8151ce  No.6929956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b473b9  No.6929957

File: 40cbb09b5f318f6⋯.png (205.66 KB, 540x478, 270:239, TT 4JUL19.PNG)

File: 7afd39f21938bbd⋯.mp4 (332.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Flyover craft uploaded to ….mp4)

File: ddff706649517d9⋯.png (11.85 MB, 1669x7561, 1669:7561, 48 secs.png)

What is that flying-over POTUS at the 48-second mark in Twat Video?

Anons, please watch this 2 second clip taken at the 48 second mark from the 1:07 video POTUS tweeted yesterday. Anon posted near end of last bread and also yesterday. Is it a bird or something else? Why would they have chosen to include that footage - filmed at that angle?

>>6929676 (lb)

>i pointed this out last night… nobody paid attention

>watch the speed of this object


3f82c6  No.6929958

File: 55af7810cf24b99⋯.jpg (376.64 KB, 1063x1376, 1063:1376, Screenshot_20190705-233218….jpg)

Reminder: Ridgecrest has had over 1,000 quakes in the last 30 days.

It's also right next to China Lake, which is spoopy shit central. Could easily be DUMBs getting crunched, or some serious SHTF out there.

Sauce, USGS is being faggot:


0c5ddf  No.6929959

Trump continues to suck Israel dick. Meanwhile Texas is being overrun and while be turned blue forever. Not one traitor has been arrested. What a joke.

fa7919  No.6929960


thanks .. but 500 internal server error at your link.

8342c1  No.6929961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8bcea5  No.6929962

File: b76f031b7576640⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 411x512, 411:512, Cat Shit.jpg)


I already told them, you let too many illegal aliens in and the state is going to get too heavy and fall right off. You'd think they'd listen.

d2d21f  No.6929963

Just like yesterday's quake, this one shook buildings in Vegas.

It is the Deep State. Whatever waves they are using to shake the ground are also interfering with Schumann Resonance and making people feel like shit. If it were a DUMB it would have been gone already.

I think the Deep State is trying to trigger the Big One; we've already seen how aggressive their weather choices have been this year.

4d4de2  No.6929964


Yeah, someone dropped you on your head when you were little. Well, littlER. What an utter embarrassment you are. You need to check in with your bosses- your satellite is gone. POOF

Israel is done

944fb7  No.6929965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This vid's better. It's got an ayy flying overhead in the first 7 seconds.

c4d7e3  No.6929966


Electromagnetic changes?

0b4d52  No.6929967

File: 2c61c485088a06b⋯.png (825.87 KB, 1000x1151, 1000:1151, trump_batman.png)

c03e48  No.6929968



Not surprising, but will make a note NOT to count on USGS when shit REALLY gets shakin'.

1793e5  No.6929969

dutchsinse is freaking out about a disturbing ocean wave detected

Never watched this guy before but sounds like he knows what he's talking about


83b233  No.6929971

File: aad80a81961339f⋯.png (13.06 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1992b76a9483d0352e3b78a965….png)

Earthquakes in Kevin McCarthy (R) District.

e75e34  No.6929972


Same epicenter


‏ @KibBitzLaw

Another earthquake struck California. The magnitude was 7.1. The epicenter was Ridgecrest, CA (i.e. Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake).

The epicenter for yesterday’s 6.4 was also Ridgecrest, CA.

Two days. Two major quakes. Same epicenter.

These are not occurring naturally

12:09 AM - 6 Jul 2019

c38d02  No.6929973

File: d8139e3e6fc4b5b⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB, 614x360, 307:180, DodgersEQ.mp4)

0389a0  No.6929974


Plenty of Anons in Cali. Not everyone is a crazy liberal. Prayers are welcome.

993221  No.6929975

File: bb2dbf3be0dc4ba⋯.pdf (781.17 KB, Underground-DeeplyBuriedFa….pdf)


When considering the vulnerability and survivability of deeply buried underground facilities that are designed for military applications, an important factor is having an adequate depth of cover on all sides of the facility. Common sense dictates that the deepe r a facility is placed beneath the surface of the earth, the more survivable it will be against attack. Studies by the RAND Corporation and MITRE Corporation suggest that facilities located at depths of 2,000 feet beneath the surface are essentially invulnerable This does not mean merely 2,000 feet of 6

overhead cover, but a 2,000 foot minimum distance to any surface point (on all sides), including the sides of a mountain. The material located between the underground facility and the surface of the earth is commonly known as "overburden". Naturally, more overburden between the underground facility and the surface of the earth is preferable, and the depth of overburden should be a prime consideration when selecting the location for a deeply buried facility.


(same document attached here for archiving)

9da98e  No.6929976


Fuck was that?


17163c  No.6929977


These don't feel like earthquakes.

Whittier Narrows, Northridge, equally strong quakes. Those fucking shook.

dccfb5  No.6929978

File: cbf80886973ab05⋯.jpg (110.04 KB, 1272x720, 53:30, maxresdefault-56.jpg)

f60d85  No.6929979


And the location. If there is fuckery afoot thelocatuon is most important


But for what purpose would a site go down.

8342c1  No.6929980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b669ee  No.6929981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tool - Ænema


fcc2ad  No.6929982


a Microphone

Muh Aliens

2cd7a6  No.6929983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some say the end is near.

Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.

I certainly hope we will.

I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of


Here in this hopeless f**king hole we



The only way to fix it is to flush it



Any fking time. Any fking day.

Learn to swim, I'll see you down in



Fret for your figure and

Fret for your latte and

Fret for your lawsuit and

Fret for your hairpiece and

Fret for your Prozac and

Fret for your pilot and

Fret for your contract and

Fret for your car.

It's a

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of


Here in this hopeless f**king hole we



The only way to fix it is to flush it



Any fking Time. Any fking day.

Learn to swim, I'll see you down in



Some say a comet will fall from the


Followed by meteor showers and tidal


Followed by fault lines that cannot



Followed by millions of dumbfounded


And some say the end is near.

Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.

I certainly hope we will 'cause

I sure could use a vacation from this

STUPID shit, silly shit, stupid


One great big festering neon


I've a suggestion to keep you all


Learn to swim. [x3]

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.

Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the


it ought to


Learn to swim. [x9]

f**k L. Ron Hubbard and

f**k all his clones.

f**k all these gun-toting

Hip gangster wannabes.

Learn to swim. [x9]

f**k retro anything.

f**k your tattoos.

f**k all you junkies and

f**k your short memory.

Learn to swim. [x8]

f**k smiley glad-hands,

With hidden agendas.

f**k these dysfunctional,

Insecure actresses.

Learn to swim. [x8]

'Cause I'm praying for rain;

I'm praying for tidal waves

I wanna see the ground give way.

I wanna watch it all go down.

Mom, please, flush it all away.

I wanna see it go right in and down.

I wanna watch it go right in.

Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.

Don't just call me pessimist.

Try and read between the lines.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't

Welcome any change, my friend.

I wanna see it come down.

Bring it down.

Suck it down.

Flush it down.

0c5ddf  No.6929984


Israel's borders are expanding you fucking faggot. Syria is still being attacked on a daily basis. Nobody can deny this.

174c5b  No.6929985

File: 46f94b6533009ce⋯.png (1.7 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, Sealed Case Proceedings st….png)

File: 78511fcf38ef4e6⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1139x817, 1139:817, fc594e3d8fdbc9783ef3f6c7e1….jpg)

File: 43abae1b0bb17ce⋯.png (70.28 KB, 638x878, 319:439, Sealed Indictment stats.png)

Something that just popped in while listening to some of the coverage on fox of the California earthquake.

California has been hit by fires, they have rats running wild , plaque and other diseases on the streets in some of their cities,, and now earthquakes.

sounds almost biblical, KEK

Especially because it has some of maybe the most evilest cities in history like Hollywood( Pedowood)

Also look at the sealed case counts for that state.

d80653  No.6929986


He called in to FOX news a bit ago and said he was in Bakersfield and it was very strong.

03c7a9  No.6929987



8342c1  No.6929988

File: 6d995d57986a101⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 1071x1155, 51:55, IMG_0184.JPG)


add6ba  No.6929989

File: 45b2ca84ba8502f⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 1810x2048, 905:1024, D-q-vCoXsAAzIlA 23% opacit….jpg)

>>6925755 (pb)

this should put things to rest for tonight

74a49d  No.6929990


I got a nice MP4 copy with the Q motion hilited but captcha times out before it can load.

BO dont give a shit

0c5ddf  No.6929991


Nobody has been arrested and nobody will be arrested. Keep sitting on your ass trusting the plan.

8384cb  No.6929992


Loose loosh eatership

dd8dff  No.6929993


You don't understand what you are looking at.

The earthquake happens far away (the speed of telephones tells them) and then they show the projected time that the shock wave will reach where they are located in LA

It is cause and effect reporting. Not crystal ball reporting.

2fa741  No.6929994

>>6929795 LB

That is the strange part. S. NV by Yucca is on a trans-San Andreas fault line. Doesn't seem to have come from there, so wondering if they are collapsing tunnels? Did not realize that there is an old volcano there.

76bc2f  No.6929995

me too

EQ tracking


f98be8  No.6929996

File: acc966c94ecdb4d⋯.jpeg (801.63 KB, 2376x1836, 22:17, 64DE6718-28B6-4188-AFDB-0….jpeg)

According to White People, that earthquake is freaking shallow!

6a65eb  No.6929997


Girly arms throwing baseballs. Yep, that's important enough to save those images on my 'puter. Nope!

099802  No.6929998



Did we go to war with NK?

Did we go to war with Syria?

Do you think the former crown prince of SA had a comfy stay in the hotel when imprisoned?

Those are old examples. People post up proof all the time of different things that have came true. Yes there is a lot of disinformation as well. But it doesn’t matter to either of you assholes. We could give absolute definitive proof of everything Q has said coming true and you would IP hop and complain about it not happening fast enough.

No one replies to you anymore, because we’ve seen it’s useless to try and prove anything to you. I’m sure you’ll be back next bread, or maybe a few tomorrow. No one gives a fuck about your concern because it’s not real.

Don’t bother replying, i’m just going to filter you.

>In b4 filters are for pussies shills

I’d rather read about real shit happening and have a real discussion with someone instead of wasting time arguing with someone like you.

90f578  No.6929999


Going all Schneider in the lower levels and shit.. pew pews and reptilians..

335187  No.6930000

File: 66fc7e14d101b1e⋯.jpg (321.94 KB, 864x733, 864:733, tvmap.jpg)

File: a5a096b4f0a833c⋯.jpg (209.12 KB, 612x635, 612:635, intensity.jpg)



e13ca4  No.6930001


a bird

0762c5  No.6930002


In April 1997, then-Defense Secretary William Cohen was speaking at a terrorism conference at the University of Georgia. After some introductory remarks about the conference, Cohen takes questions from the media in attendance. A reporter asks a question based on the fake anthrax letters that had recently been sent to B'nai Brith.

Cohen gives a strange answer, using the occasion to mention the exotic weapons being developed by terrorists (as well as–one would assume - governments).

Here's the exchange, taken verbatim from the transcript posted on the Defense Department's Website:

Q: Let me ask you specifically about last week's scare here in Washington, and what we might have learned from how prepared we are to deal with that (inaudible), at B'nai Brith.

A: Well, it points out the nature of the threat. It turned out to be a false threat under the circumstances. But as we've learned in the intelligence community, we had something called – and we have James Woolsey here to perhaps even address this question about phantom moles.

The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a chemical weapon or a biological one. There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least.

Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops.


Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.


So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

The entire transcript can be accessed at the Defense Department's Website here. It is also available below…


17163c  No.6930003


you glow bud.

7a1e23  No.6930004

USGS guy just mentioned that there are unexploded ordinances out at China Lake. O_o

c812a9  No.6930005

File: 5df8e8106f6647d⋯.jpg (262.31 KB, 1306x705, 1306:705, D-vFKS2UYAAANQk[1].jpg)


Anon, can you grab that picture in Tweet #1? interesting looking and want to archive it.. Nvm.

58b3a3  No.6930006

File: a7c3bc4891acd8f⋯.png (54.17 KB, 932x167, 932:167, eqamounts.png)


look at the amount of EQ's today. Normal range is 100-200 day, This is insane

1ff2fd  No.6930008

A reporter asked the clown EQ lady about the EQ being above ground per USGS. She mocked the reporter began making some excuse then the feed cut off, this was on Fox.

9d5d92  No.6930009


sorry baker, meant for the other anon to show him what you said. I'm going to ghost now though. I can scour bread tomorrow if I don't see anything in notables.

o7 baker. have a good night. Prayers for operators. Prayers for anons. Prayers for bakers.


4c5430  No.6930010

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dd8dff  No.6930011

have they finished nuking all of the lizard people under China Lake yet?

63c8cd  No.6930012

File: df8dc07aaf654dd⋯.jpeg (159.23 KB, 972x798, 162:133, E7C5391D-8F34-455E-8007-4….jpeg)



Now you’re dead.

8342c1  No.6930013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



17163c  No.6930014


Yeah, LA county released an app that is supposed to give advanced warning.

That shit doesn't work

e34566  No.6930015


Fucking shook because they were right under the population centers. These today and yesterday are quite far away. Use logic.

07c011  No.6930016


Anything would obviously be speculating.


-Implementation of a new system to be "debuted"

Not buying that it is just a coinkydink though either.

b18134  No.6930017

File: b56566d05ece42c⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 255x144, 85:48, VP and MBS My nigga.jpg)


we didn't cause it, but we're gonna fix it

eb59c5  No.6930018


Woops we have to interrupt the recap of the interview to cover EQ

Did that just happen?

Is that what you call a cosmic slide?

d80653  No.6930019

File: 96cbdc90b312968⋯.png (12.16 KB, 588x110, 294:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a1205fc8ecc951⋯.png (126.65 KB, 822x593, 822:593, ClipboardImage.png)


Posted by USGS.gov but if you click on the link you get nothing on the linked page.


1fd84c  No.6930020


the oldest parts are only 120-150 million years old and no one thinks that is ODD? :D

58b3a3  No.6930021


saw that. They have a delay so wondering what she said they don't want us to know.

fcc2ad  No.6930022


That's not "glowing" that's just tired of the bullshit. Know the difference.

50c44b  No.6930023


I'm shaky, and I have been through a few earthquakes. Jitters is the word for it.

3d0254  No.6930024

File: ee4d1b05f95520c⋯.png (3.31 MB, 1468x959, 1468:959, Screenshot - 7_5_2019 , 10….png)


This map shows the epicenters for yesterdays 6.4 and the 7.1 just now, taken from co-ords from USGS site: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci38443183/executive

Fives miles from each other, as the crow flies, and both near China Lake.

3f82c6  No.6930025

File: d7438813aa2e6c4⋯.png (186.85 KB, 500x715, 100:143, a-heres-to-_heating-a-stea….png)


Could you give us a rundown of the difference between "normal" quake, and this quake?

Local perspective is worth a ton, anon, cheers in advance, mate!

270e26  No.6930026


official cover story for if/when it happens again

8342c1  No.6930027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f60d85  No.6930028

File: eca3b8276a98a2d⋯.jpeg (255.75 KB, 750x1013, 750:1013, 8FC18D21-462D-4495-9272-9….jpeg)


Was there a depth recorded for earthquakes, yesterday but specifically the 1.7 today.


17163c  No.6930029


I was as far from the Northridge quake as these latest quakes are from me now.

No comparison.

c38d02  No.6930030

I wonder if Earthquake Lady is up and at 'em this evening/morning?

We need her to quit being so damned right!!!!

79931d  No.6930031


Lots of us in hiding. I saw an SUV with a red white and blue "Q" on the back window. We ended up at the stop light together, rolled down my window and waved to get their attention. A woman rolled down the window and I said I Love your Q. They were stoked! They were East Indian. I was shocked and so happy at the same time. Q is EVERYWHERE! We are Q!!!!!

0c5ddf  No.6930032


Midterms were not safe. Arizona was stolen, Florida was nearly stolen, and Georgia was nearly stolen. There was no red wave. With all of the legal and illegal immigration combined with voter fraud and 18 year olds who've been brainwashed, it's all over. We aren't going to be able to win any more elections. Don't you understand? What few accomplishments Trump has don't mean shit to the leftists. They hate him and they hate us. When they win again, they will never be able to lose. We will be ruled over by communist social justice warriors forever. They will poison our youth, demoralize our women, attack our religion, open our borders, and abolish our constitution. It will be a living hell. Trump isn't doing jack shit to stop any of this. Every single traitor is still free. That means every single traitor will be right back in power soon.

e13ca4  No.6930033

"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.”





hunter biden?

dd8dff  No.6930034


they won't admit on TV that it no work good

they keep claiming that the technicians set the threshold wrong so that it is ignoring the obvious shaking of the fucking earth

0c5ddf  No.6930036


How is that glowing. Stfu already faggot. I stated a fact. There have been zero arrests. That cannot be argued.

0cc37a  No.6930037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who else is convinced that this USGS spokeswoman (Dr. Jones, I think) on LIVE when these things happen in an actor or sorts - maybe real-ish at her job, but thoroughly versed in comms and bullshit?

I'm KEKing out loud at times. She seems so obvious to me.

0762c5  No.6930038

File: d1604b60c005cb7⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 499x501, 499:501, checked1.jpg)


Quads of truth

702bff  No.6930039


my site says -0.9 km

dd8dff  No.6930040

d39720  No.6930041


Multiple meanings indicate yes.

17163c  No.6930042


Patriots everywhere in Cali. Deep behind enemy lines son

c38d02  No.6930043



Depth -0.9 KM

335187  No.6930044

File: d75baca3a952215⋯.png (973.55 KB, 1222x1134, 611:567, www_scsn_org.png)


a39240  No.6930045


I checked the original and it is not there, so please stop spamming breads.

c8f00c  No.6930046


That is what I wonder as well. Is the "sick" feeling after the EQ related to electromagnetic changes?

a0c5a7  No.6930047

File: 376a9b55f48f27a⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (4).jpg)

1ff2fd  No.6930048


It's obvious, she glows.

9da98e  No.6930049


My brother

Over target

58b3a3  No.6930050

File: d7577e16ebc9bb5⋯.jpg (155.69 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, BLACK-HOLE.jpg)


She was talking about EQ's reaching Utah? Why?

7a1e23  No.6930051


She is called "The Earthquake Lady"; comes off as kind of a flake.

3f7f33  No.6930052



I love Dutchsinse.

Is he a Geologist, or a meteorologist.

He seems to work with both sometimes.

e13ca4  No.6930053

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, 44d2d8d7d863f451547a50af3d….gif)

c38d02  No.6930054



I love this Earthquake Lady! She knew her fucking shit!

b18134  No.6930055

File: a93eb2b02eeb1ae⋯.png (272 KB, 293x293, 1:1, Federal Reserve 3.png)

Erdogan Removes Cetinkaya, Names Deputy as Central Bank Governor

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unexpectedly removed Murat Cetinkaya as central bank governor and replaced him with his deputy, Murat Uysal, according to the Official Gazette.

Cetinkaya, appointed governor in April 2016, was criticized for acting too slowly to tighten monetary policy during a currency rout in August. But he increased the benchmark interest rate by 625 points in September and has kept it at that level ever since.

Erdogan frequently chastised the central bank for keeping rates elevated. While the U.S. Federal Reserve is moving closer to lowering interest rates, “the policy rate in my country is 24%, this is unacceptable,” Erdogan said last month.

Uysal, deputy governor since June 9, 2016, said he would continue to implement monetary-policy tools independently, in line with his mandate and authority. Uysal will hold a press conference in the upcoming days, according to a statement on the central bank’s website.


c03e48  No.6930056


USGS is currently mostly down, during a moderate-medium event.

Nothing is working as it should, it seems…

0762c5  No.6930057

File: e4dfaf104af766c⋯.jpg (102.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, somethingbig.jpg)

dccfb5  No.6930058

File: 93a6bc15f2687e0⋯.png (21.91 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 360px-Tackles.png)

4c5430  No.6930059

File: 0a9cc6edf044b53⋯.png (535.24 KB, 645x430, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

717244  No.6930060


Three retarded fake faggots

335187  No.6930061

File: 4e3887c24af4822⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1366x635, 1366:635, earthquake_usgs_gov_earthq….png)


0762c5  No.6930062

File: 6ce1f32108bb331⋯.jpg (778.1 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, QNN:QCrumbsWakeUptruthSome….jpg)

8342c1  No.6930063

File: e624b592213d4a4⋯.jpg (214.24 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_5912.JPG)

File: 4a2a64b08efd6af⋯.jpg (194.44 KB, 800x1101, 800:1101, IMG_5916.JPG)

File: c6a239fadd8f539⋯.jpg (137.4 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_5920.JPG)

File: 8b85906c2c980c4⋯.jpg (193.9 KB, 800x967, 800:967, IMG_5927.JPG)

e13ca4  No.6930064

File: 0196c65db73fccc⋯.jpg (943.79 KB, 3923x2616, 3923:2616, 1562285412557.jpg)

04870b  No.6930065


Prayers Blessings Godspeed

a377b3  No.6930066

File: e7f2a8236e7b37e⋯.mp4 (691.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1.mp4)

c812a9  No.6930067



Following Following @StormIsUponUs


Deep State Portland Mayor Wheeler has been busted lying. He DID give a stand-down order to grant impunity to the paramilitary wing of the radical socialist Democrat Party as they violently attacked us on our own soil! ARRESTS! #AntifaDomesticTerrorists

9f608b  No.6930068

High Desert shook & yes it's making peeps "dizzy" like being in teh water all day and then walking on dry land.

63c8cd  No.6930069

File: db02b5415cf1184⋯.jpeg (37.03 KB, 688x363, 688:363, 5F53D3A0-3F85-443A-870F-3….jpeg)


Um, El chapo, Keith Raniere, and John of God all object to your buttfuckery, ass head.

Easiest throwaway shill: “muh arrests”

We really do deserve a better opponent than this. We do.

b6c3ed  No.6930070


Always wondered how the green man got around the box so fast.

eb59c5  No.6930071

Next Bake Should be called EQ's and ET's

8342c1  No.6930072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8151ce  No.6930073

File: 22ff9944c3042cb⋯.jpeg (719.8 KB, 1679x1242, 73:54, 778B3FA5-B99D-4043-BB22-F….jpeg)

File: 9804533fd1e7bd3⋯.jpeg (403.64 KB, 1850x1241, 1850:1241, 9CFA293A-C9BC-43E8-A330-2….jpeg)

File: 7607d5428da16ab⋯.jpeg (412.13 KB, 1793x1241, 1793:1241, 495751F7-FF3A-431D-9388-A….jpeg)

17163c  No.6930074

c03e48  No.6930075

ANYONE have Cali USS screenshot that has been updated in the past hour?

Last quake showing here:


19km ESE of Little Lake, CA

2019-07-06 03:50:59 (UTC)

8342c1  No.6930076

File: 3214de46b05cee4⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 189x266, 27:38, IMG_0062.JPG)

c812a9  No.6930077

File: 26e807f2913cd8c⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, xn7M9UBDGBKquwgV.mp4)


Then this video

76bc2f  No.6930078


>>6929879 Planefag update

>>6930055 Erdogan Removes Cetinkaya, Names Deputy as Central Bank Governor

>>6929819, >>6929943, >>6930044 Cali EQ continue


0c5ddf  No.6930079


Arrests lmao. Don't hold your breath. Nothing ever happens to these people. If Hussein is still having a blast vacationing with Bono and George Clooney, then this nobody mayor definitely has nothing to worry about.

d3eac6  No.6930080

File: 51abf431dbe4ad3⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 600x415, 120:83, 7f56e2d5fd27ae7d4a7e7897fe….jpg)


I am one of them.

Just had about 15-20 min ago another shaker…aftershock of 5.7.It was short and sweet, not like the previous 7.1 eye opener.

I am in Central Cali.

3bc56d  No.6930081


Remember how Q said they (FB, Twitter) we’re trying to find a way for AI to read memes to make them easier to ban? When the site features went down we saw header titles where the pictures were supposed to be. Many with the title of Meme and then a summary of what was on it.

I think they’re a step closer to the ultimate meme ban hammer.

6a65eb  No.6930082


Perhaps prescience should not be overlooked

Mark 13:8 - For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these [are] the beginnings of sorrows.

2 Timothy 3:1 - 3:5

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

c38d02  No.6930083




More related reports on people being on "edge".

1a55b0  No.6930084

File: d4a30ce7cbda4eb⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB, 880x485, 176:97, B72FDFD6-BD29-452F-823F-4….jpeg)

Report: New Horowitz Witness, Likely Kathleen Kavalec, Agrees to Talk to IG Investigators…

Posted by sundance

In a new report Fox News journalist Catherine Herridge outlines a “reluctant witness” who has recently agreed to cooperate with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his review of potential FISA abuse by the Obama DOJ and FBI.

Fox News – Key witnesses sought for questioning by Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz early in his investigation into alleged government surveillance abuse have come forward at the 11th hour, Fox News has learned.

Sources familiar with the matter said at least one witness outside the Justice Department and FBI started cooperating — a breakthrough that came after Attorney General William Barr ordered U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead a separate investigation into the origins of the bureau’s 2016 Russia case that laid the foundation for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

[…] Late-breaking information is known to delay such investigations. Horowitz’s office similarly encountered new evidence late in the process of the IG review into law enforcement decisions during the 2016 Hillary Clinton email investigation.

In this case, additional FISA information came to light late in the process – including October 2016 contact (first reported by The Hill and confirmed by Fox News) between a senior State Department official and a former British spy Christopher Steele, who authored the infamous and salacious anti-Trump dossier. (read more)

While the “reluctant witness” is not specifically identified by Herridge in her reporting, as you can see above there is enough background material to identify it is likely former State Department official Kathleen Kavalec.

Kathleen Kavalec was the Deputy Assistant Secretary – Department of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, serving under Victoria Nuland and covered Russia as part of her State Dept. duties. Kavalec was contacted by Christopher Steele prior to the FISA application on Carter Page being sought by the FBI and DOJ. Kavalic wrote a series of notes and emails to the FBI undercutting the dossier central claims made by Steele.


a3efdc  No.6930085


My Q powers are deplenished at the moment.

That HRC email stuff looks very interdasting.

Saved links, will return.

3f82c6  No.6930086

File: f061e6e901c5033⋯.png (51.61 KB, 180x175, 36:35, 180px-Hud2.png)


Tackle, to an Evefag.


b235ee  No.6930087


Orbital nukes? Rods of God? Tellin', OFF EARF mf's, NO MORE!!?


8342c1  No.6930088

File: d0d386454fd5b33⋯.jpg (381.25 KB, 1949x2048, 1949:2048, IMG_0471.JPG)

54705b  No.6930089


better than the man-woman they used to trot out

4d4de2  No.6930090




POOF! It fell to earth in little pieces. All done. Cey more about muh israel, idiot. No one is listening

76bc2f  No.6930091


QP's and QT's

2fef10  No.6930092


Are these current earthquakes natural or man-made?

dce29d  No.6930093

File: 3788b7963340229⋯.png (303.09 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9032BA58-E666-4F5C-944E-7C….png)


Seeing the same thing here Anon on Quake Feed

8342c1  No.6930094

File: 66b070a4aac10ce⋯.jpg (12.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_5628.JPG)

17163c  No.6930095


I see the same thing.

Funny thing, I was sitting next to my aunts wife just after the 6.9. She had usgs site pulled up on her phone and it showed at least 4 other quakes after the 4.7 in little lake that mine did not show.

1fb8f1  No.6930096

File: 6b7e4f3bb212d41⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 602x490, 43:35, tr.JPG)

Possible tsunami in Cali?

52dfd2  No.6930097


Yes. Many of us here. Please pray that we don't have any bigger ones.

19815a  No.6930099


think of it as the difference between having a large mattress on top of 2 smaller box springs.

to the left, the box spring is separate, so the shaking is damped, to the right, Nevada, the box spring (the underlying bedrock) is touching the area (contiguous) so it transmits the shock more efficiently.

same thing happens on the east coast, the northeast is mostly a giant hunk of granite underneath, so the shaking can be felt much further away than say the mississippi valley, which is mostly sedimentary rocks.

b18134  No.6930100

File: 9f5cd0eae0d5b8c⋯.png (1.25 MB, 724x622, 362:311, mr burns dd 1.PNG)

b473b9  No.6930101

File: 00f297df8083027⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Full clip goto 48.mp4)


>I checked the original and it is not there, so please stop spamming breads.

I see it in the original. Just converted it again here, just for you. Check the 48 second mark. Something is there.

158f45  No.6930102

Youtube is acting funny, got faster wifi, but the fucking site is taking its sweet ass time

8342c1  No.6930103

File: 11952a960cdcdb3⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_6861.JPG)


3f82c6  No.6930104



Dubs confirm: true, and asshole puckered.

d80653  No.6930105


On it.

270e26  No.6930106


anon you're really bad at your job. sorry not sorry

fc71fa  No.6930107

File: 01cff13b3ff1d41⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 590x423, 590:423, igetit.jpg)

ac48d5  No.6930108


Date or link on that?

335187  No.6930109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CaSeismograph Live Earthquake Stream

959dee  No.6930110

File: fe1521258758cb9⋯.png (61.74 KB, 429x299, 33:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c786989c0044e58⋯.png (74.49 KB, 205x354, 205:354, ClipboardImage.png)


It just straight up disappeared.


8342c1  No.6930111

File: 0f8bd1f6ef7195e⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 800x543, 800:543, IMG_1071.JPG)

File: f09aa42312474f8⋯.jpg (281.94 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1072.JPG)

File: 099ebaa0b7ecae0⋯.jpg (81.72 KB, 820x355, 164:71, IMG_1074.JPG)

File: 59f4578bef424fc⋯.jpg (82.26 KB, 350x452, 175:226, IMG_1075.JPG)

52dfd2  No.6930112


Thank you anon.

d3eac6  No.6930113


Hell enlarging itself.

Gettin ready for a mass customer 'Check In' but can't 'Check Out' scenario??

abf5ec  No.6930114

>>6929180 LB

Yellow brick road is a gold standard reference (in the original Wizard of Oz and probably by Q). Trump just appointed a gold lady to Fed.

Unrelated but forgot to post.

Define Huma.

A Persian mythical bird similar to a Phoenix.

If CIA Phoenix Program made assassins, is Huma the "Arab Assassin"?

I know Persians and Arabs aren't the same. I just like the alliteration.

178f86  No.6930115

File: 5ae66d3a0e12d12⋯.jpeg (50.37 KB, 508x507, 508:507, HillaryChablis.jpeg)




For the love of God, somebody arrest SOMEBODY.


Feds, just PROVE to us that you still even know how to DO it.

I bet you can't. I bet you all a round of drinks that you can't.

You guys couldn't remember the Miranda Rights if they were laminated on an index card and you'd had a whole damn pot of coffee.

Stop fooling around and get to work. We, Your Bosses, have had ENOUGH.

Ya'll all ought to be unloading tractor trailers on a loading dock somewhere.

Useless. Just useless. I bet all your parents are ashamed.

90f578  No.6930116




Sooo… wonder if anyone from area have a radiation meter out and going?

4d4de2  No.6930117



He does know. He has been doing this for years

8342c1  No.6930118

File: d17f920a7434979⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_0417.JPG)

File: 0fe5fc4f1f99697⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 900x389, 900:389, IMG_0418.JPG)

File: d26569bf48945b6⋯.jpg (136.03 KB, 1184x675, 1184:675, IMG_0419.JPG)

File: efeb8dbd91a5f1c⋯.jpg (173.4 KB, 894x894, 1:1, IMG_0424.JPG)

File: b3394062b658f12⋯.jpg (132.93 KB, 740x1080, 37:54, IMG_0431.JPG)

549474  No.6930119



c8f00c  No.6930120


I think you are wrong about this. You contribute to the very things you say you hate when you post like this, though we all feel bad about the apparent slow pace of change from time to time. There WAS a red wave. Don't you see? All the evidence that voter fraud is RAMPANT? Illegals voting and actual citizens in California on the streets and unable to vote? When the courts are cleaned up a bit more, more FOIA and action from patriots we could see things overturned/corrected. Citizens in California are taking responsibility to monitor the polls and Judicial Watch got something like 1 million people removed from the voter roles who should not have been there. "Trump isn't doing jack shit to stop any of this?!" Are you serious? He put his family at risk, trashed his personal fortune, gave away his salary, stays up most of the day and night, etc and you complain about him. Get off your "dang" lazy "butt" and to something yourself. I've been to federal prison (action at PP), trashed my employment prospects to tell the truth, shared vaccine information, worked at an election and I'm NOT DONE. Perhaps you could complain somewhere else?

17163c  No.6930121


Patriots are prepared for anything. Garage already open incase SHTF


c38d02  No.6930122

File: 1da5ea7f817d038⋯.png (418.93 KB, 631x792, 631:792, Screenshot_50.png)


8342c1  No.6930123

File: 2c82dd4703cfd80⋯.png (673.73 KB, 958x643, 958:643, IMG_6595.PNG)

c38d02  No.6930124


Getting reports of people not feeling "right".


1fb8f1  No.6930125


8 minutes ago.


fc6131  No.6930126

File: 597cc3862c0f7a1⋯.png (334.24 KB, 2400x2743, 2400:2743, California-Outline-and-Fla….png)

the bear will leave its cave forever


dd8dff  No.6930127


Rocks from God

8342c1  No.6930128

File: 224fa6ce2abdb2b⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 1235x647, 1235:647, IMG_2857.JPG)


a26a3f  No.6930129


404 earthquakes in the last 17 hours.

Looked for sauce but couldn't find it.

944fb7  No.6930130

File: 1a8a18ebaa75c0e⋯.png (150.8 KB, 361x511, 361:511, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Eart….png)

File: 772fb1c222c85e5⋯.png (142.72 KB, 342x519, 114:173, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Eart….png)


even moar curious is the diamond pattern that seems to hit the bigger object.

0389a0  No.6930131


Yes we are Q+. All over Cali. We are truly Anons- digital soldiers. We risk our jobs ever day. Takes courage to be a Trumpster in Cali.

8342c1  No.6930132

File: be81ecd9212cbb1⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 450x599, 450:599, IMG_6143.JPG)

a3efdc  No.6930133


Just talking about Jose Andres there… coincidence? Not sure….

Now a dude with a batman tshirt….

5908d8  No.6930134


She must've made her Twitter private. Will not come up for me

8f5d87  No.6930135


look at the media hounds begging to use

a rock on road photo ffs

desperation reeks

273576  No.6930136


I have an orange Q hanging from my rearview. My other half and i are the only ones I know of ( personally) that follow Q. And I'm in the south… If I ever saw an anon, a Q, I would lose my shit. Intant family status!!! We must be seen, we must get loud. There are hundrends of thousands of us…


Love you faggots

b18134  No.6930137

File: 14f3b12bf26600c⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1200x1750, 24:35, POTUS loves us.png)

File: 2289d1501146257⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 245x140, 7:4, Kilgore Napalm drop.gif)



not an earthquake…..it's VICTORY!

bb637c  No.6930138

"The quake hit at 2319ET less than 24 hours after the largest quake (6.4) in over 20 years struck the same region.

It was big enough to felt on the east coast…"


8342c1  No.6930139

File: e03343ea85b7adf⋯.png (193.59 KB, 500x774, 250:387, IMG_5242.PNG)

File: 8dd8fc4c3378940⋯.jpg (169.54 KB, 718x718, 1:1, IMG_5243.JPG)

File: a91b4672caa50f5⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 906x879, 302:293, IMG_5244.JPG)

File: d0d51608c44104d⋯.jpg (88.36 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_5245.JPG)

File: fbf2a5c34f660b4⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 360x504, 5:7, IMG_5246.JPG)


d3eac6  No.6930140


Happened about 15 min ago.

Small wave buoy set off detecting movement.

Dutchsinse will be reporting more in about 15-20 min. On break atm.


dd8dff  No.6930141


the CA Bear is getting tired of being anally raped by the Democrat Socialist CA State Government

64dd38  No.6930142

File: 8fed3b2a0871ceb⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 0D61BD2D-DD32-432B-9E00-B….jpeg)

File: 0a9aa4b027c5e18⋯.jpeg (2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, CF5164E4-C056-4AF6-872C-5….jpeg)

>>6929439 (You) Salute to America pics


From NOVA fuck the liberal pansies

6f30da  No.6930143


Little Witches never had a chance

11ad9f  No.6930144

File: 74b9d4761583e52⋯.jpg (398.03 KB, 1380x2071, 1380:2071, corey.jpg)

I am ready to ASSend

c812a9  No.6930145

File: 15e684ba88a7d3a⋯.png (607.41 KB, 878x787, 878:787, Annotation 2019-07-05 2159….png)



Background on Kaepernick: His girlfriend Vanessa is muslim and both are close friends with Linda Sarsour..a muslim terrorist.. everything becoming clearer now as far as hating America and our flag goes?

3f82c6  No.6930146


404 earthquakes not found.

500+ is, and its sauced, so enjoy.

dd03fb  No.6930147

File: 87077c60dfb495c⋯.png (94.18 KB, 919x808, 919:808, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Late….png)

3d0254  No.6930148


11 minutes ago. Link: https://twitter.com/TribunalReport/status/1147366917725982725

53a9c1  No.6930149


Here are some wins ...

NXIVM verdict.

WW3 averted multiple times.

Assets frozen / confiscated.

No Name put to death.

Millions of Americans coming into the light.

Economy roaring.

Jobs roaring.

“Cures” coming to light.

USA is energy independent.

China is no longer getting all of the American tax payer dollars.

8342c1  No.6930150

File: a6b2f1b79595f4c⋯.jpg (60.47 KB, 565x1100, 113:220, IMG_0601.JPG)

File: cf79de415176dd0⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_0603.JPG)

File: 4a082f69a2f99ec⋯.jpg (172.3 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, IMG_0604.JPG)

File: 09283aabe5ebc26⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 1137x640, 1137:640, IMG_0605.JPG)

c38d02  No.6930151

File: cc8674b24e42229⋯.png (267.54 KB, 604x791, 604:791, Screenshot_51.png)


e69cbd  No.6930152

File: 7813c3a76240f5e⋯.jpg (244.58 KB, 1069x996, 1069:996, California Earthquake July….JPG)

latest update

07c011  No.6930153

File: e13ff94c5f33786⋯.png (124.23 KB, 750x320, 75:32, ClipboardImage.png)

8384cb  No.6930154

File: b5877c581c5d127⋯.jpeg (128.73 KB, 828x525, 276:175, 6746F7F4-D0CA-4CDC-AB38-F….jpeg)

8342c1  No.6930155

File: f6470e8bd674a84⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 435x326, 435:326, IMG_6872.JPG)

File: 3edc30de8a3339c⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 680x938, 340:469, IMG_6874.JPG)

File: 4e20a683dd9df46⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_6875.PNG)

File: a8df10f03832e6c⋯.jpg (418.83 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, IMG_6876.JPG)

File: 22a72845baee826⋯.jpg (135.31 KB, 1020x724, 255:181, IMG_6877.JPG)

b97809  No.6930156


You want a fight, join the military..I sure they can help you stroke the itch. Stop antagonizing those who don't share your sentiment.

63c8cd  No.6930157

File: 2f396151341df69⋯.jpeg (179.57 KB, 678x1000, 339:500, 2982D793-3D94-4069-9672-9….jpeg)


In Hollywood, actor James Franco is throwing a party with a slew of celebrity pals. Among those in attendance are his buddies Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. Suddenly, an apocalypse of biblical proportions erupts, causing untold carnage among Tinseltown's elite and trapping Franco's party in his home. As the world they knew disintegrates outside, cabin fever and dwindling supplies threaten to tear the six friends apart.


ca343a  No.6930158



Guess we really did "take over the airports"

c1693b  No.6930159

File: 97527c17065410c⋯.jpeg (37.74 KB, 211x255, 211:255, D6C243C4-5954-4B2D-8BFC-5….jpeg)

For we are all Americans…

8f5d87  No.6930160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

check out what carol king sang lastnite

at the july 4th celebration lastnite



c03e48  No.6930161

File: 8ae7c2575d2fff0⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 482x464, 241:232, http-404-not-found.jpg)



>couldn't find it.


Found the old web nerd.

1ddfb1  No.6930162

File: 8a249dc174fe573⋯.jpeg (348.46 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, A2EF18F3-163C-4D8A-8949-B….jpeg)


Depends on where you are, type of ground you’re on (sand, granite) what your doing, and type of movement. Also probably other technical differences. I’ve been through all the quakes mentioned and they usually start with a large jolt. Then a few waves. This one started with a sense of dizziness and imperceptible movement. Spouse anon and I both said…wow feeling dizzy, having a stroke? then noticed hanging stuff swaying slightly gentle rolling. Strangest quake I’ve ever felt. Feels like one right now as well. It rocks a person deep down when the earth moves. The energy is tremendous for those in touch with energetic fields.

a0c5a7  No.6930163


Its the Gospel of the Kingdom.

5908d8  No.6930164


Or just earthquakes happening…? I get looking into things, but with literally no evidence why say something so useless?

8342c1  No.6930165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4d4de2  No.6930166


What, letting this asshat know that Istael's DEW satellite got blasted out of the sky a couple of days ago? Sorry, I'M not sorry either. Bet the folks who got burned out in Cali also arent sorry

a26a3f  No.6930167


Are these current earthquakes natural or man-made?

90f578  No.6930168


Spoopy. I think this was an answer to someone. You have to have your own instruments these days. Cant rely on anyone.

50c44b  No.6930169


Not felt, registered. MAJOR difference.

3bc56d  No.6930170


They’re on a fault line numb skull of course they’re natural. Come back down to earth.

The absolute state of /qresearch/

66f4ca  No.6930171

File: 1ab47068e127443⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 1562369509626.jpg)

File: 9cbf40c56567c87⋯.jpg (318.17 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, 1562369220194.jpg)

File: 7f216fa5b183ed8⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1562368982556.jpg)

File: 719a6f1a2b78ec4⋯.jpg (265.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1562368679907.jpg)

File: 94acb37f1d24084⋯.jpg (332.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1562367883415.jpg)

Big goings-on tonight.

144764  No.6930172


Whew, that was a ride tonight.

a377b3  No.6930173

File: 1ed8f2225e2109f⋯.jpg (320.37 KB, 564x928, 141:232, huntersharvest.jpg)

dccfb5  No.6930174

File: 67b86f847222769⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 736x981, 736:981, d583a317d8e66a40d16507d9a9….jpg)

File: d470b1ccdfadda8⋯.png (321.97 KB, 846x768, 141:128, 846px-Octopus_Balloon_Anim….png)

File: 476ceb2bf28eb4b⋯.jpg (106.87 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, Dolphin-1024x764.jpg)

File: a256140ef69099e⋯.jpg (271.57 KB, 736x985, 736:985, a21f4c15bd305a9ce834a7ae40….jpg)

File: b2790c244ea636c⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 500x333, 500:333, balloon-animal-flickr-cano….jpg)

add6ba  No.6930175



more like warlocks

8342c1  No.6930176

File: 6103722f031c848⋯.jpg (142.92 KB, 1196x667, 52:29, IMG_0436.JPG)


07c011  No.6930177



7e86ba  No.6930178

Pray for the people of Cali

f60d85  No.6930179

File: 6a33794528a59f1⋯.jpeg (327.51 KB, 750x793, 750:793, 516F5F33-0B65-4FEA-8537-A….jpeg)

File: c89d2949cb23d67⋯.jpeg (114.41 KB, 665x526, 665:526, 36B8DFA0-DCD6-4293-A446-9….jpeg)



Shallow <100km or <20 upper crust earthquakes (can be caused by nuclear explosions, mining etc. )


90f578  No.6930180

One thing for certain is this took over the board tonight and everyone US based at least is talking about it. Nice distraction for someone.

0bd3b3  No.6930181

File: a0c1a70deebc8ba⋯.jpeg (127.25 KB, 670x1004, 335:502, E566F7CF-4DC2-4EF2-94CD-F….jpeg)

I don’t care if it’s a 7.1.

Get your ass outside and go play!

58b3a3  No.6930182

File: 6122910227403ca⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1382x591, 1382:591, EQHeading North.png)

Anon was saying something about EQ's heading North. Over the target.

8342c1  No.6930183

File: cda045f64f98d3f⋯.jpg (107.41 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5852.JPG)

0c5ddf  No.6930184

Our only hope to stop the communist social justice warriors is for an Austrian painter to save us. We are pretty much out of options at this point.

a26a3f  No.6930185


hehe. Points for you

ac48d5  No.6930186


Def…This is Watch California?

6f30da  No.6930187


Holy fuck enough with the tranny shit already

9e6efe  No.6930188


you can actually see it in the very first frame of your capture… to the left

4a3486  No.6930189

File: cc939c10241a043⋯.png (68.52 KB, 582x380, 291:190, Scavino45 re Cali EQ 7-5-….PNG)

.@POTUS @realDonaldTrump has been briefed on the new (7.1) earthquake in Southern California. Teams will continue to monitor around the clock & provide updates to POTUS. Some helpful Twitter handles to follow: @LAFD, @LAPDHQ, @LACOFD, @kerncountyfire, @Cal_OES, and @femaregion9.



63c8cd  No.6930190

File: cf4caf32db43b01⋯.jpeg (291.55 KB, 1125x1055, 225:211, F7411ADF-9BFF-4A2B-83B8-B….jpeg)

Antifa “SuperSoldier”

fcc2ad  No.6930191



This page doesn't work anymore

c812a9  No.6930192


So its heading up the NB US395, which will hit Bishop then into Northern Nevada area at this rate. (looking at your graphic)

8342c1  No.6930193

File: 42f7656fb08d2aa⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 320x400, 4:5, IMG_7719.JPG)

File: ad34f3da1f41dd3⋯.jpg (75.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_7722.JPG)

File: 33380733e8a8020⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_7724.JPG)

File: 55e3acc6e29b678⋯.jpg (272.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_7727.JPG)

File: 9bc6ea8c174c5a0⋯.png (408.92 KB, 1024x1272, 128:159, IMG_7736.PNG)


f98be8  No.6930194


I don't remember that many earth quakes being normal, but I didn't live in that zone, so I don't know?

03c7a9  No.6930195


Only because the quake was shallow. Plausible question not entirely useless.

d3eac6  No.6930196


I have not seen anyone mention that the mirror for this latest EQ of 7.1…is "17".

Message sent?

bb637c  No.6930197

File: 82f547fb97549e0⋯.png (547.48 KB, 876x768, 73:64, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….png)


Was quoting ZH.

pic in case they edit it.

0c5ddf  No.6930198

Great. God is about to unleash his wrath on southern California and now millions of leftist refugees will be forced to relocate and they will destroy our states too. Unfucking believable.

90f578  No.6930199


Yep. Wonder if radiation seeps out in quakes too?


Could very well be. Thought about things tonight and everything is learn, think then wait to see what it ends up being.

17163c  No.6930200


Southern Cal here Fren.


9f608b  No.6930201


It's not normal

d39720  No.6930202


Anon mentioned it last bread before POTUS tweet.

c812a9  No.6930203


HAARP? Can HAARP create EQ's?

d4a0cc  No.6930204

File: bbdf16206acee34⋯.png (410.89 KB, 1669x1501, 1669:1501, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Ric ….png)

File: b89b0444dd3059f⋯.png (28.44 KB, 1425x315, 95:21, o.png)

File: 4154beddf881e94⋯.jpg (20.86 KB, 450x600, 3:4, IMG_6755.jpg)


Tell that to the ones who try to sell America out to places such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, etc.

83b233  No.6930205

File: d97fb712cebb9c9⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 255x194, 255:194, cc058297b2f46b472f7881e270….jpg)


I pointed that out to my spouse anon and they said I was crazy!

f065e3  No.6930206

Did anything useful come from the namefag CrumAnon last night or was it just a slide

04870b  No.6930207



8342c1  No.6930208

File: 6e33d4582a4e271⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_5751.JPG)

File: 1792d0d4a9411de⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 474x665, 474:665, IMG_5760.JPG)

File: 332ff5fda2afc11⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 431x405, 431:405, IMG_5765.JPG)

File: 2d815aae05728d5⋯.jpg (213.3 KB, 721x721, 1:1, IMG_5768.JPG)

File: 279da0608f7f31c⋯.jpg (108.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5772.JPG)

e69cbd  No.6930209

File: 7813c3a76240f5e⋯.jpg (244.58 KB, 1069x996, 1069:996, California Earthquake July….JPG)


heading north

2fef10  No.6930210


we can cause tsunamis, too.

it's really not that hard anymore.

Especially on a fault line.

6aad35  No.6930211


Not normal.

add6ba  No.6930212


lol, faggot id'd

136c6f  No.6930213

File: 8d0876e9fd183b9⋯.png (210.34 KB, 948x787, 948:787, 5d917cacee3be181786978db0d….png)

With everybody talking about Melania's dress and the resistor code, I thought it'd be worth reminding us of this one.

0a81d7  No.6930214

File: ba9b1dec4d18885⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 539x470, 539:470, bbb.jpg)

58b3a3  No.6930215


skirting the fault line but I betcha after shocks are splitting earth, possible fissures. I would love to see a lake effects report

db3b86  No.6930216

>>6929081 /PB


Didn't D Wilcock hijack her for his fame-fag reasons and she dropped off due to disagreements with him? Was he exposing her too much?

Can't remember- too far back now.

b18134  No.6930217

File: 6566936ca8bb94a⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe comfy couch time.jpg)

quakes that shallow are not natural, had a spate of them last year and early this in indio, borrego springs-lots of spoopy shit out there too. Shit be habbening. You nigga's need to chill out and realize PANIC

8342c1  No.6930218

File: 404dc2af9b9c504⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 814x637, 814:637, IMG_0348.JPG)



a377b3  No.6930219


Yeah it looks like it shot down from nowhere then it disappears for a short space - could be a bird, dunno. Lotta weird sky stuff going on though.

fcc2ad  No.6930220


Go to https://qmap.pub/

and query how many times

Q says "coincidence"


Wake Up!

270e26  No.6930221


>Wonder if radiation seeps out in quakes too?

the short answer to this question is no, the abbreviated answer is maybe - it depends.

Hope that helps

c38d02  No.6930222

I'd get out of town…these people aren't going to get any sleep living there. There will be LARGE LARGE aftershocks all night long!

I've already seen two 5.0+ on USGS. Everything else is high 4's and 3's!~

And they are saying they can expect a 6.0 aftershock at some point!

ed10e2  No.6930223


Chris Cline Could Be The Last Coal Tycoon Standing

Christopher Helman – Dec 19, 2017

"If you had any idea where I started," Cline says wistfully. Trim, powerfully built, 5-foot-11, he speaks in a quiet growl from the back of his throat, as if accustomed to keeping his thoughts to himself. Cline's father, Paul, was a contract miner in Beckley, West Virginia; he operated rich men's mines in exchange for a cut of what his team pulled up. When Cline was 6, his dad paid him a penny for each little bag he filled with dirt, which would be used to pack explosives into coal seams. When their front porch collapsed, it became clear young Chris had been excavating dirt from under the house. "It taught me the importance of engineering roof supports," he says. He first went to work underground at age 15; the miners would hide him when inspectors came. Growing up, did Cline consider himself poor? "How much more poor can you get?"

Cline's first, battered hard hat sits above the fireplace in his mansion in Beckley. He created a lake here by damming up the hollow; it's big enough for waterskiing and features a 400-foot waterslide. There's also a go-kart track and a pasture, where 150-pound Italian sheepdogs keep tabs on livestock including Fabio, a white stallion who stands at stud in a luxurious stable. Cline has four kids, now grown. His first wife died of cancer; he's divorced from his second. For four years he dated Tiger Woods' ex-wife, Elin Nordegren.

Cline's gun vault holds more than 50 firearms, including a Magnum .44 and a Gatling gun. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms comes out once a month to take inventory. A few years back, Cline was the subject of an extortion attempt that threatened his children. "Let 'em come," he says with a grin.

Today he's armed with a sheaf of papers. There are architectural renderings for his island in the Bahamas and photocopies of old pics. A black-and-white shot shows a young Cline outside the little house where for fun he'd flatten bottle caps under the rails of the coal trains that ran a stone's throw from the front door. "I'd hitch a ride on a train, hang on for a few miles, then grab one coming back."

Cline has since upgraded his transportation. He spends 400 hours a year in the air–most of it on his $50 million Embraer Lineage 1000–shuttling between his homes, making due-diligence tours of mines in Australia and Colombia, or hauling a Forbes camera crew to Nova Scotia, where he has been operating the Donkin mine since April. He applies the same philosophy to his planes as he does to his capital equipment: "We buy the best and run it hard."

“…He bought a Lamborghini and a 200-foot yacht called Mine Games, but most of the money went back into the Appalachian ground. He implemented worker-friendly innovations like air-conditioned cockpits for mining machines. And he began handing out daily bonuses in the form of dollar coins, based on how many feet of coal a team had mined that day. "A man can go home and give it to his wife. Or buy some beer," Cline says. At year's end he'd hand out checks to cover taxes due. "Those guys would run through a wall for him," says Andy Fox, an independent mining engineer who first met Cline when Cline pulled up to his office in a red Porsche 928 on the way to the beach and unloaded five bags of coal he needed Fox to analyze.

But the death of coal–if it comes at all–will be long and slow. Cline aims for his next project, in Alberta, to be a survivor. He acquired the Vista project via his takeover of the Toronto-listed company Coalspur in early 2015 for an estimated $75 million. The seam is 70 feet thick on the surface, so Cline will build Vista as a pit mine, then go underground to eventually tap 1.7 billion tons. By 2022 it could be doing 10 million tons per year. Cline is cold-blooded when it comes to pushing marginal operators out of business. His Illinois mines took business from Appalachia. His Canadian projects will take business away from Illinois. "I think [Vista] could be the last mine operating after they've shut down all the rest of the coal in the world," he says.

Cline plans to enjoy the rising sea levels in splendor. He recently acquired Big Grand Cay, a 280-acre archipelago in the Bahamas that used to be owned by Bob Abplanalp, inventor of the aerosol spray can. On his iPad, Cline scrolls through plans for a serene resort amid azure waters and nonjudgmental massage therapists. It's too expensive even for this billionaire to haul in enough diesel to keep the generators running, so he's installing solar panels and researching Tesla batteries, and has three wind turbines on order. "Where it makes sense," Cline says, "I'm absolutely for it."

8342c1  No.6930224




144764  No.6930225


What target?

Just got here after dealing with the eq.

a26a3f  No.6930226


Logic is weak.

Either the capability to build energy and release an EQ exists, or it doesn't.

If it does… the EQ will still happen on a fault line. OBVIOUS.

Just like a piece of paper will tear on a perforation, before it will tear elsewhere.

90f578  No.6930227



Damnit.. whiney cali peeps in real everything.. weather, work conditions.. they will be hell to


So it is a message, but to whom? C_A? My guess this was response. Were they the ones who hit Russian Sub the other night?

live w kek

a0c5a7  No.6930228


Could be it here:


found via this page:


6f30da  No.6930229


I'm a faggot because I don't believe your everyone is a tranny bullshit?

58b3a3  No.6930230

File: a7c3bc4891acd8f⋯.png (54.17 KB, 932x167, 932:167, eqamounts.png)

11ad9f  No.6930231

File: f98d356597fd123⋯.png (696.27 KB, 711x707, 711:707, sthr.png)

0c8cae  No.6930232

Trust the globalism/agenda 21 disguised as nationalism/patriotism psy op.

a053bb  No.6930233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8342c1  No.6930234

File: be2f3a2ac14ed5b⋯.jpg (36.61 KB, 500x363, 500:363, IMG_0797.JPG)

144764  No.6930235


There's a big Scientology Center there.

0bf3b8  No.6930236


Mentioned a bread or two ago. Honestly at this point "decodes" like that aren't enough IMO (Anons appreciate it though, me included). We're approaching critical mass publically though and soon BOOMS will be heard and seen around the world. We will be the bearers of Truth and that message needs to be simple clear and concise.

f98be8  No.6930237


Remember Project Gnome? Not computers, but underground nukes.

I want to say 5 to 6.5 ish Richter scale quakes for like a half mile down 3.1KTon blast at Jesus I forgot what depth. 1 mile or less?

a3efdc  No.6930238

File: 34c1d9a8c336e09⋯.png (59.09 KB, 837x340, 837:340, JustSomeRandomNumbers.png)

136c6f  No.6930239


Checked, but negative.

We wouldn't see a tsunami right now (big shadow at night), so I'll keep an ear out for the sirens and just be ready to bug uphill.

And besides, qesearch and half will probably know about any major HAPPENING first.

0c8cae  No.6930240


Yeah, go for it. But make sure you keep caps lock on when you search or the CIA will see you.

58b3a3  No.6930241

File: 105dfba5d98b492⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 584x612, 146:153, soup-clipart-8.jpg)

20a076  No.6930242


I didn't know how till couple of weeks ago, someone politely gave me easy to follow instructions, now I can. No reason for being un civil we get enough of that crap from leftist. Just sayin

8342c1  No.6930243



ed10e2  No.6930244



Identified as being on board the helicopter that crashed:

Kameron Cline and her father Chris Cline

Two sorority sisters: Jillian Clark, Brittney Searson

A friend from West Virginia, Delaney Wykle

Golfer and Pilot of the helicopter, David Jude

And finally, an unidentified helicopter mechanic from Florida

Cline’s older daughter, who was not on the helicopter, goes by the name Candice Cline Kenan. On Facebook, she says that she “studied Real estate at University of Georgia,” “lives in Charleston, South Carolina,” and is from Beckley, West Virginia. At the time of her wedding, she was described as the director of a private foundation (she’s listed here as running the Cline Family Foundation.)

dccfb5  No.6930245

File: ecb48c079f8a85a⋯.jpg (502.93 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, Autumn-Leaves1.jpg)

79 days

83b233  No.6930246

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, WONDER.jpg)


Maybe the fight is real, but we cannot "see" it?

0718e0  No.6930247

File: 78f06b30bf06acb⋯.png (71.54 KB, 626x633, 626:633, femaregion9 07052019-2113.PNG)

File: 336696ff72fc3be⋯.png (70.69 KB, 627x603, 209:201, femaregion9 07052019-2203.PNG)



FEMA 9 twats


bb637c  No.6930248

"Trust your President!"

"All seems to be very much under control!"

fcc2ad  No.6930249


Guess the Democratic Socialist of California Really, Really need a shot in the arm of Federal Funding Quick! Oh, and a few hundred or thousand dead ppl to offer up as a sacrifice to their Idiot god Muh Lock

Fucking up California

One dollar at a time

4c5430  No.6930250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e69cbd  No.6930251

File: 8de7712917c8fd5⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 918x575, 918:575, Tsunami warning a 7-6-19.jpg)

File: c51333d5049aca8⋯.jpg (11.41 KB, 429x486, 143:162, Tsunami warning b 7-6-19.jpg)

File: c51333d5049aca8⋯.jpg (11.41 KB, 429x486, 143:162, Tsunami warning c 7-6-19.jpg)

b05faf  No.6930252

It's Jon Stewarts constant ridicule of Trump way back when, is what makes me wonder how old this plan is and if the enemy saw this day coming for a long time.

Jon got an entire generation to call him Fuckface Von Clownstick and shat on him for eating pizza with utensils. Was this part of the enemies plan? The campaign to disgrace and discredit Trump has been a long and obvious one.

Was the Apprentice and appearances like on wrestling a part of our (THE) plan? in order to get the public familiar and fonder of our great POTUS to be?

ccbc7e  No.6930253

File: f73425071c87b27⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 540x262, 270:131, seanloooosh.jpg)

1fb8f1  No.6930254


At this point I think the shake went through the sea floor and made the buoy ping. No tsunami or it would have happened by now.

0bd3b3  No.6930255


>everyone is a tranny

Projection, anon.

b473b9  No.6930256

File: 4c28278da940314⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, high res Full clip goto 48.mp4)


>I checked the original and it is not there, so please stop spamming breads.


Res might be too low on that MP4.

I'll try here to upload higher res.

But, I've had several other anons look at the clip and they report seeing object flyover at the 48 second mark just by going to Trump's tweet.


f98be8  No.6930257

File: dcaaff9c987b8af⋯.png (513.72 KB, 752x692, 188:173, FD3CCDAB-6501-40F7-A13C-B6….png)

335187  No.6930258

File: 44162e718aebc97⋯.jpg (403.04 KB, 1777x999, 1777:999, Watch the Water.jpg)

dd8dff  No.6930259


here's hoping that a pretty good EQ happens in San Francisco.

Not one with too much damage, but one that causes the bay water to slosh enough to wash all the shit off the streets

2fd001  No.6930260

Watch the QuakeToads


4c5430  No.6930261

File: d0a09ebb1f38ecd⋯.png (867 KB, 679x430, 679:430, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6930209 Deep Underground Military Bases ( D.U.M.B. ) |

136c6f  No.6930262

File: d3aab712160b690⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1125x757, 1125:757, bf3a50123c24a2aa0248a743f1….png)

Again, reminder from April. Relevant with talk of the color code and the dress.

17163c  No.6930263


You and your trips…Im gassed and ready but sheltering in place ftm.

52dfd2  No.6930264


I've got a bug out bag ready. I hope I don't have to use it.

9f608b  No.6930265


I believe you misspelled METHAMPHETAMINE "anon"

3d0254  No.6930266

File: d531aaebf881f62⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1920x1044, 160:87, Screenshot - 7_5_2019 , 11….png)


Another view, on satellite.

0cc37a  No.6930267


Yeah…I'm watching it on a delay. Absolutely. Just now seeing that.The girl talking on a cellphone next to batman shirt keeep mentioning Dave & Buster. 2+2=4

I wonder what percentage of "normal" people interviewed on tv aren't actors.

3f7f33  No.6930268

>>6929975 Not sure if

Notable pdf on DUMBs from NSA archive

79931d  No.6930269

File: cb0cc6c779f7ec6⋯.jpg (5.2 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, DSC_0126.JPG)

1 of many views of Freedom

dd8dff  No.6930270


a whale bumped into it

7a1e23  No.6930271

Fire official: "There are so many calls for help, we have a backlog in the Ridgecrest area."

bb637c  No.6930272


>Enjoy the show.

>Bring the rain!

099802  No.6930273


can someone match that up to the dress? see if there is anything there?

db3b86  No.6930274

File: 242332661c44e11⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1146x897, 382:299, ATLAS SHRUGS.png)

>>6929755 /lb

Lots of distractions and things habbening to distract.

HRC FBI vault issue is huge and yet gone unnoticed much like

media did to POTUS magnificent 4th celebration- ignoring it.....

hoping it would all go away.

guess what-

Atlas Shrugs.... and the world trembles

now comes the pain eh?

50c44b  No.6930275


No, I know, but they'll be hard-pressed to find someone who FELT that. Haha.

c38d02  No.6930276

Does anyone else think that that cop sounds like he just smoked a joint before that press conference on the Earthquake?

58b3a3  No.6930277

4c5430  No.6930278

File: 0bcd9498932943e⋯.png (666.82 KB, 900x493, 900:493, ClipboardImage.png)

dd448f  No.6930279

File: cf8b6de50d3e2d2⋯.png (687.87 KB, 1172x808, 293:202, another.png)

add another to the list

a377b3  No.6930280

Bomb threat forces hangar evacuation at Trudeau airport

Several people called 911 around 7:30 p.m. to say a man claimed he had explosives on him, said police spokesperson Véronique Dubuc.

Once police arrived, the suspect was quickly taken into custody, and did not have any explosives, she said.

The man, 49, was found in a hangar of an aviation company on Côte-Vertu Blvd., near Percival-Reid St. He said he also had explosives in his vehicle, forcing police to evacuate the area, including the main hangar and adjacent ones, as a precaution.


add6ba  No.6930281

File: 98c3b349049a20a⋯.jpg (246.67 KB, 1482x1992, 247:332, gotmilkwms.jpg)

File: 11b9df995073fa4⋯.png (451.05 KB, 654x641, 654:641, ClipboardImage(39) __qrese….png)


>everyone is a tranny

didn't say "everyone"

f98be8  No.6930282


Have they all been shallow?

a26a3f  No.6930283

Now I feel sad, horny and guilty at the same time.

0c8cae  No.6930284

I wonder what the Satanists mean by “earthquake nights.”

8384cb  No.6930285

File: a24e27f1b478f2f⋯.jpeg (266.5 KB, 828x1623, 276:541, 27FAC325-B4A4-4FA7-A5F4-6….jpeg)

File: 100381d9581418b⋯.jpeg (267.04 KB, 828x1622, 414:811, DCE349FB-145D-4D7B-952B-2….jpeg)

File: 2f0a669a3071458⋯.jpeg (260.63 KB, 828x1604, 207:401, B7CFE700-1FC2-45FF-B9C8-2….jpeg)

File: 655cd182c5359ea⋯.jpeg (263.06 KB, 828x1632, 69:136, 59798489-A247-49E8-8F60-0….jpeg)

File: c4e5f6168628b68⋯.jpeg (252.82 KB, 791x1609, 791:1609, 24CCEA38-025F-4B80-ABC0-3….jpeg)

Guilty chuckle.


Yeah I laughed but Im fuckin asshole Yankee, we laugh at scary shit

144764  No.6930286


Good grief, not everything is ds.

EQs happen. This isn't even the big one we have been expecting.

This imo cannot be manufactured.

But, you know, believe it if it makes you feel better.

4fb366  No.6930287


Just a reminder of another shallow quake. And many 5 plus aftershocks.

Was Haiti caused by HAARP?


1) Haiti is near a HAARP array in Puerto Rico just a few hundred miles away.

2) Haiti is a low tech, unguarded, unwanted country, a good place to experiment without getting caught.

3) A street cam running at time of quake clearly showed ground moving up and down only! as if roiling, percolating or boiling. Very little sway in the telephone poles. This salient fact indicates super heated ground water not crust smashing or crustal slippage which always goes sideways. This is the most telling evidence I have uncovered so far. My friend said the lightpole supporting the camera was swaying forward and backward from horizontal motion, but you decide. The other poles don’t seem to be doing this. The ground actually looks like the surface of a crusty, boiling pot of old stew.

4) A tourist vid, taken simultaneously from above the city showed dust and what appears to be steam coming up all across the quake zone. There also appear to be some HAARP clouds, but this may be just the sunset catching the bottoms of clouds as the quake occurred at 5:00 PM

[link to www.youtube.com]

5) Earthquake was actually not on a big fault line, but quite far south of the North American plate and Caribbean plate. They don’t usually have quakes there, much less big ones like this. HAARP can create quakes anywhere there is water or trapped moisture, and our planet is honeycombed with water and pockets of gas.

6) The quake occurred at sunset which may have been an attempt to camouflage any HAARP clouds with the sunset. It could have been planned to occur after sunset in the city of P o Prince, but they missed a bit.

7) There were an excessive number of 5.0 aftershocks. This is highly unusual and may indicate the superheated ground could not cool off quickly. Scalar waves which are generated off of EM waves can accomplish this.

[link to www.angelfire.com]

9) The evening news floated lies about this quake within a day of it’s happening, saying “there was no tsunami because there was no vertical motion”, only horizontal motion. This seems to be a complete lie given the street cam.

10) The evening news did not have a reputable scientist give this report, they had a handsome young reader who seemed to be looking to advance his career more than provide any real science.

11) The news also lied about the quake being on the North American and Caribbean fault line. If they are lying like this, the question is why is the evening news floating disinformation about this quake? When they float stupid lies, I conclude they are covering up something.

12) Another news idea that doesn’t make much sense is how such a deep earthquake can only effect a small target area and not its neighbor The Dominican Republic. I guess they are next….

12) The Russians have been warning us about these kinds for uses from HAARP, which is why they have their own system now. HAARP wars, anyone?

13) Haiti is prime real estate once you get all the locals off it. The US military is now in control, without firing a shot. I gotta hand it to the Illuminati, they are very smart. They can take over a country and murder thousands and then be thanked from the bottom of the victims hearts. Very smooth. The Illuminati have a pact with the devil, not the Haitians.


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The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection | Weather modification, power beaming, Star Wars

d3eac6  No.6930288

Dutchsinse on live now

Says California situation…very serious.

Houses on fire…people injured. [has the vids]

c38d02  No.6930289


Maybe sleep in the car in an open area?

fc71fa  No.6930290

File: 774814e3adc764c⋯.jpg (251.96 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, schumann.jpg)

I must me in the front row!!! Interdasting Night Shift


83b233  No.6930291

File: 53b6305d96c2bd1⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1832x1374, 4:3, 53b6305d96c2bd13837d759b8f….png)

Live scanner.

Kern County.


17163c  No.6930292


Deep behind enemy lines

90f578  No.6930294


Kek it expands the thought at least 😁


There has been talk of a certain type of night vision and you can see “battles” in the sky u cannot w normal site.

9f608b  No.6930295


as far as USGS site says.

fc71fa  No.6930296

d3eac6  No.6930297


forgot link….:P


fcc2ad  No.6930298



Notable about 5ish hours ago

158f45  No.6930299



They won't think you're crazy when shit gets crazy. Stay comfy


a26a3f  No.6930301

File: acb21651b73815a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1114x1484, 557:742, ClipboardImage.png)

f98be8  No.6930302


That or, there is a lot of pent up Earth mass eneregy reallignments And the Cabal is fucking taking advantage of shit again.

0c8cae  No.6930303


Q likes it when people make shit up.

f8f1bb  No.6930304

File: 56e38c776ed35ec⋯.png (503.89 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2CBF6E2B-6A6B-4A6D-BA4B-4B….png)

File: 869dcf1a8f5b06e⋯.png (483.03 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1B34C77C-0C02-424E-9C35-2D….png)

File: d7f8082efdd837e⋯.png (492.84 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9C9E1608-D6F6-4571-AD4D-9F….png)

File: 1f3e7365f4ebca8⋯.png (443.77 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9440EA89-0285-430E-A50E-A7….png)

File: fcc1e28c3d86ba4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C1431458-7976-4C5A-AF2A-81….png)


Silicon Valley execs built UNDERGROUND homes, heavily guarded, NZ, Bush help. Article w:pics.


6f30da  No.6930305


You're right. Just 2 little girls that we watched grow up in front of our eyes

bd566d  No.6930307


Allegedly fshuocit can create a massive low pressure region over the target that pushes the earth up in that spot.

270e26  No.6930308


if it helps you at all, anon, when looking at that picture i don't feel sad or guilty.

17163c  No.6930309


Wifey ,burbs, and Kiteh no comply. Only otm when situation dictates egress

3bfb79  No.6930310

File: fac93409936e2d6⋯.png (32.88 KB, 498x289, 498:289, IMG_4159.PNG)

Do you guys remember Q saying watch California last fall around the election. Not sure if connected

e69cbd  No.6930311

Nothing to worry about..it is just the Earth farting

d39720  No.6930312

File: c4a47b8747637b0⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 492x321, 164:107, Virgo.jpg)


Weird, that looks a lot like the constellation Virgo.

144764  No.6930313


Yea, kek.

f98be8  No.6930314


That has my Spoopy Alarm up now that I thinking about it.

Wouldn't some of them be deep if it was actually from the Earth?

5cc82f  No.6930315

File: c3d4bbc090782c3⋯.png (333.85 KB, 916x732, 229:183, watchca1.png)

83b233  No.6930316

File: 054d0d311457edb⋯.png (19.55 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 9ec105b2547b4a85745a7c3347….png)


stocked up on Wed.

watching the show.

1793e5  No.6930317


what is the mining operation just to the east of the epicenter?

0c5ddf  No.6930318


I can see the fight clearly. Every traitor is completely free and there hasn't been a single arrest. And don't forget the midterms were not safe and Doug Ducey won the governor race in Arizona by over 300,000 votes but the open borders marxist Kyrsten Sinema won her senate seat by over 30,000 votes. That's over 330,000 swing votes. Open voter fraud. And nobody was arrested. Not a god damn thing happened. Hussein's entire administration committed treason and sedition. No arrests. Not even one. Hundreds of sanctuary city mayors and city council members violating federal law. Zero arrests. Not even one. Absolutely nothing has happened. Antifa beats the shit out of conservatives in the street at the command of the marxist mayor in Portland. Not a word from Trump and not a single arrest. This is called losing.

bd566d  No.6930319


Allegedly *it*

Damn captcha got me

a0c5a7  No.6930320


I have and will.

But they knew the place was Gomorrah West.

b6c3ed  No.6930321


Wasn't the one back in the 90's an 8.4?

76bc2f  No.6930323


>>6929879 Planefag update

>>6930238 Bad call on EQ by seismologists

>>6930223 2017 Chris Cline Forbes article dig

>>6930189 Scavino twit @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has been briefed on the new (7.1) earthquake in Southern California. Teams will continue to monitor around the clock & provide updates to POTUS.

>>6930055 Erdogan Removes Cetinkaya, Names Deputy as Central Bank Governor

>>6929819, >>6929943, >>6930044, >>6930122, >>6930138, >>6930152, >>6930266 Cali EQ continue


3f7f33  No.6930324


Where is that dam located that needs repair therabouts? South or north of the epicenters? I think it was called Orrville or Orville?

a26a3f  No.6930325


Thanks for helping a patriot out mate. kek

4c5430  No.6930326

File: 52e1b5ca47a1b35⋯.png (22.51 KB, 547x214, 547:214, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6930312 "Undiscovered stars learned."

136c6f  No.6930328

File: 8d99463819609d6⋯.png (372.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1538188360699.png)



We're at war right now. Can you feel it?

I think it's a comfy feeling. The skies are ours. Patriots are in control. Big fireworks. Probably tons of pieces moving we can't see, considering how much HAPPENING is too obvious to even hide. And I sleep soundly with the faith that the good guys will keep us safe through the night.

58b3a3  No.6930329


no jpeg asshole. Learn. jpg or png

17163c  No.6930330


That entire area is littered with old/existing mine sites. Hard to say

158f45  No.6930331


Gonna stock in the near future. That raise @ work gave me hope.

0c8cae  No.6930332


You just failed as bad as Q. The difference is that he was lying when promising safe midterms. You’re sincere and utterly out of context.

I can’t decide which is worse. I’ll get back to you.

2ab067  No.6930333


I am spoiled. Nowhere in the world would I get a bunch of extremely intelligent people giving me the NEWS about these earthquakes, better than ANY news agency! You guys are fantastic!

Just responded to this Anon, but you guys with the graphics are all amazing! I am so spoiled.

You are the news!

099802  No.6930334


it didn’t go unnoticed

Proof that the DS (Diplomatic Security) asked HRC and her reps to preserve emails via subpoenas was ignored and she couldn’t recall what steps were taken to either preserve or delete the emails.

Showed exactly how it was done.

What this means? Well, this is evidence of a criminal conspiracy and that James Comey swept it under a rug despite overwhelming evidence she and her reps committed blatant crimes.

If the evidence becomes public, doesn’t that mean any investigation into it is complete? Could it be coming out now that the Horowitz report is being generated and this is giving evidence in the public domain?

8f5d87  No.6930335


>I'd get out of town…these people aren't going to get any sleep living there. There will be LARGE LARGE aftershocks all night long!

>I've already seen two 5.0+ on USGS. Everything else is high 4's and 3's!~

>And they are saying they can expect a 6.0 aftershock at some point!

stop fear faggin

calm your panties spergin faggot

36fc3c  No.6930336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God knows,

e69cbd  No.6930337


If i'm not mistaken..Kern has a lot of gas and oil fracking sites..that could be one of their sites..there is a lot of gas and oil sites there..not all belonging to Kern.

someone mentioned that fracking has nothing to do with this!!

add6ba  No.6930338

File: 6188f1090795ef8⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x165, 17:11, what_do_you_do_here.jpg)


>safe midterms

idk he nailed 53-47, or does that not count?

144764  No.6930339


No. Northridge was a 6.7, I think. We were rockin' n rollin'.

17163c  No.6930340


comfy here fren

602b7b  No.6930341


Way north. The Oroville Dam is north of Sacramento (if you're not familiar with California, this is north the latitude of San Francisco but inland.) Nowhere near the big earthquakes

(Although dutchsinse says there is a risk of large related quakes in the northern part of the state, too.)

c8f00c  No.6930342

File: 6549c0747671b05⋯.png (418.74 KB, 1135x653, 1135:653, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


Yellowstone geyser acting spoopy.

a26a3f  No.6930343

File: 36f71e96903aac5⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1620x1134, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb34b6ba4124803⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1994x1114, 997:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 614c82480795589⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1986x1132, 993:566, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, here's a little update for you.


Then haunted.

Then dried out husks.

92509c  No.6930344

File: d56e902547e9823⋯.png (419.07 KB, 1164x868, 291:217, secretsnow.png)

File: 3d83339086df285⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 612x408, 3:2, secretsnow1.jpg)

File: 8fb25f8630a823b⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, secretsnow2.jpg)

File: e3dc12882d0d540⋯.png (731.16 KB, 1029x777, 49:37, secretsnow4.PNG)

Secret Snow…

For my fellow anons who were digging Rachel Chanlder…I recall a picture of hers with a little girl with blonde hair she called "Secret Snow". Well, this little girl belongs to a Dash Snow who was a freaky drug addition in NY and his girlfriend Jade Berreau. Dash was Uma Thurman's nephew.

He was very close to Rachel and hung out at all their parties and you can see pics of him before he died in 2005 or so of drug overdose in her "Purple diary"

Anyhow…We really need to dig on this creepy dude Oliver Zahm who is in all of the Purple Diary photos and from what read has sex with all the girls because, as Rachel puts it, he "Just really loves women" <<<gag me>>>

A lot of the pics are of really young girls including the black and white one here. Can you guys help dig on him? Seems Jade Berreau has fairly intimate shots with him and there are pics of that little girl being at the parties with all these freaks too.

bbfb46  No.6930345

File: 55b5e7d82e0f7e9⋯.jpeg (220.54 KB, 1600x954, 800:477, ec map.jpeg)

330619  No.6930346


Who has the Senate again? What body can block impeachment and a host of other nonsense?

270e26  No.6930347


oh i'm aware, anon. i like that sort of thing. a lot.

*tips fedora*

e69cbd  No.6930349


free website for quakes and a lot of other shit.

1ddfb1  No.6930350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can check out any time you like, but can never leave…

b18134  No.6930351



4c5430  No.6930352


May 3 : 4 July

add6ba  No.6930353

File: dc2473ea0606d3e⋯.png (3.28 MB, 3492x3405, 1164:1135, orion's belt in Columbus, ….png)


> Virgo

that is interesting

0c8cae  No.6930354


Different thing completely.

And if he’s that in control, then any reasonable person would be questioning the hell out of who POTUS really is, because if he’s that much in control, he’s doing straight evil shit.

76bc2f  No.6930355

>>6929439 lb Salute to America pics

serviceman left these lb, pic'd them up

can someone go get them and convert to png


afd50b  No.6930356

File: 3660f8de54316dd⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1439x1573, 1439:1573, Searles.png)

File: 0ba3e9b7e471ea0⋯.png (697.42 KB, 1439x2296, 1439:2296, Searles1.png)


Searles Valley Minerals

0389a0  No.6930357


463 miles N from epicenter. Oroville dam is N of Sacramento.

eb59c5  No.6930358

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

You were warned

90f578  No.6930359


Seriously.. 1700.. kek

f8f1bb  No.6930360

The tunnels under China Lake naval base are a mile deep. The quake was 1/2 a mile underground. This is DEFINITELY not an organic quake. Faultline is extending northwest. Towards Vegas.

3f7f33  No.6930361


Hillary email drops today. Maybe distraction. But all points taken, it looks more like an underground battle because the EQ is following the underground DUMB tram tracks in two of three directions on the map.

372004  No.6930362

In case you didn’t know :

We’re on offense

Re: southern cal

b3249e  No.6930363


Try asking later when the earthquake stuff quiets down.

fcc2ad  No.6930364

File: 80495bf1a1ea9b2⋯.png (83.23 KB, 778x672, 389:336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e465218a2f2cd91⋯.png (84.24 KB, 602x677, 602:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ccec1a7fd9b15d⋯.png (74.57 KB, 676x605, 676:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36f1db314a46505⋯.png (85.75 KB, 658x724, 329:362, ClipboardImage.png)


Earthquakes and Eclipses

just dropping it off

f8f1bb  No.6930365


Not cal anon near oroville here. Nothing felt.

add6ba  No.6930366

File: 08479c1b61257ad⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 251x201, 251:201, images(2).jpg)


>Different thing completely.

oh ok faggot

79931d  No.6930367

Kern County Fire scanner


fc71fa  No.6930368


Spitball …. ya dumbfuck

0cc37a  No.6930369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anchor: "those are possible to be happening for quite some time…this is going to continue not for just a day, but for <something something> weeks"

90f578  No.6930370


Damn! Knowing Juuuuuust enough.. Damnit..

7a1e23  No.6930371


Caltech : Probability of a magnitude 6 in the next week is 50%, magnitude 7 is 11%.

b669ee  No.6930372


weird but yes Comfy AF anon

9da98e  No.6930373


Even us in Nor Cal?

136c6f  No.6930374


Watch this shit go all the way up to Tonopah.

I think for sure they're hitting DUMBs or tunnels.

db3b86  No.6930375

File: 5b4f13a0fead795⋯.png (211.01 KB, 396x339, 132:113, LAUGHING OWL.png)



time to buy a boat.

0c8cae  No.6930376


On with the idiots forgetting the value of the House again. You’re truly stupid.

None of this immigration nonsense would be happening for 1 out of 1,000 examples.

POTUS refuses to campaign for the House, and then he endorsed Pelosi.

I understand supporting the President, but you losers who ignore glaring details and refuse to demand better are not Patriots.

You’re cucks.

fc71fa  No.6930377


Spitball …. ya dumbfuck

ed10e2  No.6930378



Helicopter crash victim was W.Va. native, golfer, and pilot


(WV MetroNews/WSAZ) – We are learning more about the victims of a helicopter crash near the Bahamas. Seven people died, including a couple of people originally from West Virginia.

David Jude was a good golfer, but a better person. That's what West Virginia Golf Association Executive Director Brad Ullman told WV MetroNews about Jude Friday, less than a day after hearing about the Kermit native's death in the helicopter crash that also claimed the life Jude's friend, coal magnate Chris Cline.

Jude was Cline's good friend and pilot. When he was not in the air, he was usually on the golf course. Ullman said Jude was a great friend of the WVGA for many years.

“This is just terrible news. When we received the news late last night it really hurt,” Ullman said.

Ullman said he recently witnessed Jude help a younger golfer, an example of the kind of character he possessed.

7a1e23  No.6930379


Oops- meant to say to you that Caltech also said it was possible that quakes in other areas could be triggered.

144764  No.6930380


Why do you say that? Just because there are tunnels with weapons doesn't mean shit.

fcc2ad  No.6930381

File: 38ef3fbeeb9f8d5⋯.png (85.02 KB, 686x660, 343:330, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f2c438206c193b⋯.png (76.88 KB, 683x547, 683:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddb79f25cb8f95f⋯.png (84.81 KB, 741x695, 741:695, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed6e99640c6c1d8⋯.png (79.24 KB, 703x639, 703:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51ecd7e35aa8622⋯.png (49.7 KB, 718x519, 718:519, ClipboardImage.png)


Part 2

https: //docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avj6d6nLwrEbdEY4SU1Gb2hpUmNBTXphLVU1cDNQYUE

3bfb79  No.6930382


You were saying…



Ty anons

fccd7b  No.6930383


they probably have insurance. but the insurance company will go bankrupt. taxpayers will have to pull together to buy the DS a new tunnel system.

9f608b  No.6930384


Figured dat out earlier


but it's still nice to know was right

2ab067  No.6930385


They say they think they may have tracked the source of the overload. Something called “8 channel” or something.

F’in’ anons! Proud of you all. Gettin’ the news!

a5add6  No.6930386


Moar = Better

Patriots Together

4c5430  No.6930387

File: ae5b3227c553620⋯.png (384.35 KB, 399x561, 133:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d09c81dede0edef⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ad3d5ef37d89c1⋯.png (235.85 KB, 241x348, 241:348, ClipboardImage.png)


Our new Intent-Defined Adaptive Software (IDAS) program will focus on creating software development approaches that capture engineering intentions in order to enable rapid software adaptation.



8:01 AM - 5 Jul 2019




556296  No.6930388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anons reported differing numbers, USGS settles on 7.1?

Carole King in DC yesterday: "I feel the Earth Move"?

DUMB explosions? Tesla tech come to fruition? SKY EVENTS observed?

b18134  No.6930389

File: 82681b47d731d54⋯.png (306.21 KB, 703x475, 37:25, softbank ceo.PNG)

U.S. clears SoftBank's $2.25 billion investment in GM-backed Cruise

Cruise, a U.S. self-driving vehicle company majority-owned by General Motors Co, told Reuters on Friday that a U.S. national security panel approved a $2.25 billion investment in the firm by Japan’s SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank has come under increasing U.S. scrutiny over its ties to Chinese firms in the face of an escalating trade and technology war between Washington and Beijing. It is in the process of raising its second $100 billion investment vehicle, dubbed Vision Fund, after deploying its first one of equal size.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews deals for potential national security concerns, approved the investment based on fresh assurances that Cruise’s technology would be completely off limits to SoftBank, a source familiar with the matter said.

A SoftBank spokesman declined to comment. The Treasury Department, which leads CFIUS, did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

The approval unlocks a seat for SoftBank on Cruise’s board, formalizing its oversight, and cements key financing for Cruise, which has raised $7.25 billion in capital since last year, the company said.

“Today’s news is another important step toward achieving our goal to develop and deploy self-driving vehicles at massive scale,” Cruise CEO Dan Ammann said in a statement to Reuters.

However, approval for the deal did not always appear certain as CFIUS scrutinized it closely, according to two people close to the deal.

The $2.25 billion investment was unveiled by SoftBank in May 2018 amid a wave of investments by the Japanese technology and telecommunications conglomerate in artificial intelligence, data analytics, financial services and self-driving cars.


The investment raised red flags with CFIUS because SoftBank invests in numerous mobility units, some based in China, and encourages companies it invests in to share information.

CFIUS was especially concerned about SoftBank’s co-investments with Tencent Holdings Ltd, a Chinese social media and gaming giant, and its investment in China ride-hailing firm Didi, which it fears could take technology from Cruise, sources said.

The committee, emboldened by a law last year aimed at strengthening the inter-agency panel, has flexed its muscles increasingly against Chinese companies as Beijing and Washington remain locked in a heated trade and technology row.

Reuters reported that Chinese gaming company Beijing Kunlun Tech Co Ltd has been seeking to sell Grindr LLC, the popular gay dating app, after CFIUS said its ownership posed a national security risk. CFIUS halted a plan last year by Ant Financial, owned by the chairman of China’s internet conglomerate Alibaba, to acquire MoneyGram International Inc.

The Cruise deal was structured to allow $900 million of the investment to be disbursed initially, with the remainder provided once Cruise AVs are ready for commercial deployment and contingent on regulatory approval. The two tranches would combine to give SoftBank a nearly 20 percent stake in Cruise.

However, the Japanese firm separately announced a joint investment with GM, T. Rowe Price, and Honda of $1.15 billion earlier this year, further boosting its stake.

Softbank’s investment, followed by Honda’s announcement in October that it will pour $2.75 billion into Cruise, is still one of the biggest and most high-profile investments in self-driving technology to date.

Its Vision Fund, the world’s largest technology fund, unveiled a $1.5 billion investment in China’s top used car platform, Chehauduo Group, in February. Reuters reported in December that the same fund was hiring an investment team based in China to boost its presence in one of the world’s most vibrant tech markets.

It is not the first time SoftBank has gone through a protracted CFIUS review. It has had to accept U.S. restrictions on how it runs some of its companies, including wireless carrier Sprint Corp and investment firm Fortress Investment Group.

SoftBank lost its claim to two seats on the board of Uber Inc when the ride-hailing giant floated in the stock market in May. SoftBank never received permission for the board seats from CFIUS following an agreement in 2017 to invest $9 billion in Uber.

The autonomous vehicle industry could revolutionize transportation but faces engineering, safety and regulatory challenges, as well as skepticism among potential users.

GM Cruise and Alphabet Inc’s Waymo are often described as leading the pack of technology and auto companies competing to create self-driving cars and integrate them into ride services fleets.


2cd7a6  No.6930390


If Nosferatu and Jane Fonda had twins

a0c5a7  No.6930391

Ridgecrest Fire might have an online scanner channel somewhere.

0c8cae  No.6930392


We were, but “these people are stupid,” and can’t recognize that they’re “watching a movie,” even though they were told.

3bfb79  No.6930393


My thoughts exactly anon

9e6efe  No.6930394


god kirk hammett is fucking terrible at guitar

db3b86  No.6930395


I once saw on google maps a deep tunnel entrance under the ocean floor bed off the coast of LA that crafts enter?

Where do they go- to the Edw AFB deep tunnels?

Maybe they are gearing up to have a mass sighting. Their own 'show' so to speak. Start your engines!

53a9c1  No.6930396



And his kids were always behaving as if their future depended on it.

Do you think the apprentice was just a tv show? Look at the cast.

Dennis Rodman was over in NK probably passing intel along, circumventing the deep state, while the whole world thought he was a huge buffoon.

This is seriously better than any movie you’ve ever seen.

1793e5  No.6930397


wow. they deteriorate quickly when evil. is that why they all need the blood majick shit and human gland secretions - otherwise they would actually look like horror-movie vampire corpse monsters by age 40?

c03e48  No.6930398

File: c35572a1af01d83⋯.jpeg (16.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, aaaahhyeah.jpeg)


I'm so moving to Lemuria.

9e6efe  No.6930399

File: 5429db3036117a4⋯.png (634.71 KB, 1116x818, 558:409, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

File: 0a4ac954db2cf32⋯.png (6.66 MB, 1669x7561, 1669:7561, trump4thufosighting.png)


it's definitely there

83b233  No.6930400


Kern County is covering it.


f8f1bb  No.6930401


Collapsing escape routes.

158f45  No.6930402



P-A-thetic. Glow harder, faggot.

a26a3f  No.6930403



Never stick your dick in crazy.

Applies even more to satanic witch sisters who go down on each other.

Just walk away anons.

2a434c  No.6930404


Near Cher’s place?

a053bb  No.6930405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fire in the hole!

b3249e  No.6930406

File: 78e8b774116da5c⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 631x463, 631:463, Tunnel Map.jpg)

Tunnel map, if anyone cares.

6c6af2  No.6930407

File: 327bfa7d2d00ac1⋯.png (609.57 KB, 1081x335, 1081:335, 2019-07-06_1-25-49.png)

File: f54b3cecc4da5ee⋯.png (296.9 KB, 828x414, 2:1, 2019-07-06_1-29-11.png)

File: d7bde418ecfa1cc⋯.png (270.01 KB, 822x307, 822:307, 2019-07-06_1-29-26.png)

File: 6ddfcf5973fde1c⋯.png (365.18 KB, 846x279, 94:31, 2019-07-06_1-29-41.png)

File: bb6763029bfb7d8⋯.png (312.61 KB, 823x377, 823:377, 2019-07-06_1-29-55.png)


Schumann resonance screencaps taken between 0125 and 0130 EDT this morning:





Schumann resonances

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.[1]


This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),[4] 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.[5]

In the normal mode descriptions of Schumann resonances, the fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth–ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth. This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 4.11 Hz, but this frequency can vary slightly from a variety of factors, such as solar-induced perturbations to the ionosphere, which compresses the upper wall of the closed cavity.[citation needed] The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5 Hz intervals,[citation needed] a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry. The peaks exhibit a spectral width of approximately 20% on account of the damping of the respective modes in the dissipative cavity. The 8th partial lies at approximately 60 Hz.[citation needed]

Observations of Schumann resonances have been used to track global lightning activity. Owing to the connection between lightning activity and the Earth's climate it has been suggested that they may also be used to monitor global temperature variations and variations of water vapor in the upper troposphere. It has been speculated that extraterrestrial lightning (on other planets) may also be detected and studied by means of their Schumann resonance signatures. Schumann resonances have been used to study the lower ionosphere on Earth and it has been suggested as one way to explore the lower ionosphere on celestial bodies. Effects on Schumann resonances have been reported following geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances. More recently, discrete Schumann resonance excitations have been linked to transient luminous events – sprites, ELVES, jets, and other upper-atmospheric lightning.[citation needed] A new field of interest using Schumann resonances is related to short-term earthquake prediction.[citation needed] Interest in Schumann resonances was renewed in 1993 when E. R. Williams showed a correlation between the resonance frequency and tropical air temperatures, suggesting the resonance could be used to monitor global warming.[6][7] In applied geophysics, the resonances of Schumann are used in the prospection of offshore hydrocarbon deposits.[8]

[Moar at website]

58b3a3  No.6930408


it's like a wave ripple. I get that part. I just thought it odd she didn't mention Nevada which is in between. Nothing ever happens in Utard

b473b9  No.6930409

File: 00d2cf6b6ddf603⋯.png (758.71 KB, 1387x780, 1387:780, at 48 off of hi res red.png)


>What is that flying-over POTUS at the 48-second mark in Twat Video?


It is in the hi res. See red arrow in the screen grab off the MP4 as posted here.


>upload higher res.

40b62e  No.6930410


>I'd get out of town…these people aren't going to get any sleep living there. There will be LARGE LARGE aftershocks all night long!

CA native here. Most of us don't even look up from our monitors for 5.5 and below. There were some today bigger than that, but the aftershocks ain't shit.

f8f1bb  No.6930411

File: f93d782452eaab0⋯.png (231.04 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 57F935A4-2DB0-45FC-A31F-7D….png)

Read. I posted the link earlier. Silicon Valley has tunnels and places everywhere.

c812a9  No.6930412

File: 9547a70fb718217⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 480x270, 16:9, relaxing-chilling.gif)


Always comfy. Plenty of popcorn at the ready

4c5430  No.6930413

File: 0de5d6023cfccfa⋯.png (608.76 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

2a434c  No.6930414


Any masons on board?

53a9c1  No.6930415


A bird. I was there.

76bc2f  No.6930416

QP or QT?


a5add6  No.6930417


>Maybe the fight is real, but we cannot "see" it?

330619  No.6930418


That clown show in the House is doing half of POTUS's job for him exposing the depth of the damn swamp. Pelosi is better than perfect.

Comfy AF.

4fb366  No.6930419

File: 188eabe77004917⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 688x411, 688:411, malibuanom.jpg)


Malibu google earth anomaly. Near where ocean entrance would be for Getty museum.

58b3a3  No.6930420


I call it waterbed syndrome. You get so used to it you no longer feel it. Like living on a sailboat which I have

b3249e  No.6930421

File: bd10be632bb2c6f⋯.jpeg (102.06 KB, 623x814, 623:814, Joan Rivers.jpeg)


RIP Joan Rivers (Apprentice contestant).

Also, I swear Future Biff in "Back to the Future 2" was very early anti-Trump propaganda.

40b62e  No.6930422

File: 38fc7a4eea64ae0⋯.png (127.84 KB, 1727x880, 157:80, booms_are_everywhere.PNG)

File: bfe39f3e3b98b57⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 517x383, 517:383, q_offense.jpg)


Booms are everywhere

Just not necessarily the specific ones anons really really want.

bd566d  No.6930423

Dammit I didn't get to hear POTUS on ufo's and drones.

California always sucks the air out of the room…

562e1a  No.6930424

Did JFK Jr. show up yesterday? I must have missed it. I searched and can't find it anywhere.

ca7b79  No.6930425


Hard to stop a sky event that’s going to wipe out the vast majority of the population…so, you create a script to keep the masses entertained and distracted until it happens. Are you not entertained?

0389a0  No.6930426



I hope those tanks are still in DC.

158f45  No.6930427



e554cb  No.6930428


Need EQ epicenters overlayed

270e26  No.6930429


>Just not necessarily the specific ones anons really really want.

this. there are only 2 marks on my measuring stick: Hillary, and Obama

0338ca  No.6930430

File: 0bc37adfa0c35b8⋯.jpeg (10.24 KB, 255x61, 255:61, image.jpeg)

8f5d87  No.6930432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c03e48  No.6930433

File: 116819123da5a03⋯.png (155.27 KB, 240x321, 80:107, warlocked.png)


Fuckin' kek!

65ae16  No.6930434

File: 8b908d12ba2f3b0⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, transition portal 2.jpg)


The new silicon valley outside of Reno also deserves a future dig.

40b62e  No.6930435


>Like living on a sailboat which I have

Man, after spending 3-4 days bass fishing on the backside of Catalina, laying down in my bed on dry land was a fucking experience. The bed would keep heaving as if I was still on the ship, for more than 8 hours. Hell of a thing.

Down in SoCal we were so used to the smaller earthquakes it became hard to tell them apart from a truck going by.

6c6af2  No.6930437

File: b6abc359dd7067d⋯.jpg (226.48 KB, 1200x648, 50:27, D-vFKS2UYAAANQk.jpg)


Here ya go, Anon!

a5add6  No.6930438


>QP or QT?

>>6929305 lb

>Q = ?

>Snow White.

>Jason Bourne.

a8856c  No.6930439

File: 355a25a09d4e7e0⋯.png (287.64 KB, 640x412, 160:103, Screenshot_2019-07-02 Susp….png)




I was just noting the other day about how solar activity like this is often associated with increased risk of earthquakes. I don't study this type of thing for a living, but I've been trying to learn moar about it in my spare time.

This type of thing seems unusual to the common folk. And most geologists don't know shit enough to correlate sun-spot activity into their modeling of earthquakes and volcanoes. But the next generation of researchers are paying real close attention to this type of thing because the connection is very real.

fc71fa  No.6930440

File: 701c33e12d9a8c4⋯.jpg (5.22 KB, 250x202, 125:101, RAM.jpg)


ok Ramtha

562e1a  No.6930441



65ae16  No.6930442


You're too late, they already scrubbed it

a26a3f  No.6930443


Look at the progression of the eyes.

Middle pic: twisted and enjoying the guilty pleasures they have been introduced to (early phase)

Right pic: sober eyes. shit got real. trapped

Left pic: ripened in iniquity. one is still a little haunted. the other has bloomed into rationalization. sees the world as 'us' (elite) vs 'them' (peasants)

4c5430  No.6930444

File: 619a2b480e75902⋯.png (177.75 KB, 399x394, 399:394, ClipboardImage.png)

Mesopotamia is truly the pillar of humanity's memory and the cradle of civilization in recorded history,"


3:25 PM - 5 Jul 2019


40b62e  No.6930445


>there are only 2 marks on my measuring stick: Hillary, and Obama

Mine is colored in solid from all the marks on it. I'll take any progress we can get. A lot of people think Jeff Sessions did nothing at all but as a child sexual abuse victim, every pedophile arrest was a giant fucking win for me.

144764  No.6930446


Kek. I'll look up just to see if it will get more intense.

136c6f  No.6930447

File: e8a14dad46cf846⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Odin_Space_Station_CODG.png)





562e1a  No.6930448


So, what happened?

959dee  No.6930449

File: 8cc14c63d8059fe⋯.png (70.96 KB, 1349x654, 1349:654, ClipboardImage.png)

76bc2f  No.6930450

kew pi doll or cutie?

was playing with red text


bc3034  No.6930451


The latest series of quakes are under a 25MW geothermal plant that services China Lake.

90f578  No.6930452

File: 2e6634487fcba3e⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, C3CB5890-B78D-4C11-90BE-EF….png)


When you have hit the end porn searches.. kkkkeeeekkkk

5ca084  No.6930453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Sharia - Hamas In America - UTT's Chris Gaubatz addresses Senate" On C-Span, Chris Gaubatz addresses a Senate Judiciary panel led by Sen. Ted Cruz, Tx, regarding the internal threats we face from Hamas entities firmly embedded in our own government. Gaubatz infiltrated one of the major Mosques in America posing as a Muslim convert.

dccfb5  No.6930454

File: 14b794fc5f9d880⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 610x540, 61:54, 1562359087_668_Two-Viking-….jpg)

File: 6478715ef2950e3⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 634x365, 634:365, article-2050619-0E6E5CAA00….jpg)

335187  No.6930455

Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers

The National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter and several Customs and Border Protection personnel told the Washington Examiner aides to Rep. Veronica Escobar, who took over 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s district, and the local Catholic diocese have interviewed thousands of migrants in Juarez over the past few weeks to find cases where Department of Homeland Security officials may have wrongly returned people.

Under the bilateral Migration Protection Protocols, or “Remain in Mexico” policy, anyone returned must be fluent in Spanish because they may have to reside in Mexico up to five years until a U.S. federal judge decides their asylum claim. A Democratic politician's aides reescorting people back to the port are telling officers the Central American individual with them cannot speak Spanish despite their having communicated in it days earlier, CBP officials said.

“What we’re hearing from management is that they’re attempting to return people, and the story was changed in Mexico, where a person who understood Spanish before now doesn’t understand — where a person who didn’t have any health issues before now has health issues," the union representative said.


959dee  No.6930456

File: 905283b7076d07c⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x382, 600:191, ClipboardImage.png)

4c5430  No.6930457

File: 6276763688fdaf6⋯.png (164.62 KB, 399x374, 399:374, ClipboardImage.png)

The influence of Babylon exists until our own time.


5:25 PM - 5 Jul 2019


fcc2ad  No.6930458

File: 65722b89ce3eff5⋯.png (614.21 KB, 772x621, 772:621, ClipboardImage.png)


Muh Big One

58b3a3  No.6930459


I lived through Hurricane Andrew. The stories I could tell. My sailboat made cause I moared it in the middle of the river. The pontoons, boats, piers destruction was mind numbing but we went into survival mode and everyone, I mean EVERYONE helped each other. Some of the hardest yet most fulfilling days of my life.

40b62e  No.6930460






562e1a  No.6930461

I thought JFK Jr. was supposed to show up yesterday. What happened?

531df5  No.6930462



b473b9  No.6930463


>This vid's better. It's got an ayy flying overhead in the first 7 seconds.

Clearly birds - can see the wings flap.



But, No flapping in POTUS's clip. So, maybe not a bird.

c03e48  No.6930464

File: 9705911496f5c9c⋯.png (605.61 KB, 868x584, 217:146, Selection_0147.png)

File: 76b10d750774410⋯.png (624.89 KB, 810x665, 162:133, Selection_0146.png)

EQ near Corcoran, CA not showing on USGS, but visible on globalincidentmap.

0cc37a  No.6930465

File: c727d420feab185⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1209x1299, 403:433, earthquake lady.png)


7.1 magnitude

1,700 aftershocks.

Struck at R P@in (18:23)

USGS Earthquake Lady (Dr. Lucy Jones) deserves as Oscar

Her comms on KTTV (1122V) are fabulous.

"The way they die off w/time on the 6th…& we seem to be getting into more of the die off on the 7th"

40b62e  No.6930466


>I thought JFK Jr. was supposed to show up yesterday. What happened?

You were a boomer. You still are, but you were, too. JFK Jr. is dead. Q said so. "Muh disinfo is necessary"

Sorry, the Clintons are too good at killing people that get in their way. JFK Jr. was never coming back. Think harder next time.

b18134  No.6930467

File: f5dea083c2a67b8⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 503x496, 503:496, sanford option 1.jpg)


mebby we can get bibi in on this now. Damn these newfags….

c6463e  No.6930468


Everything. You missed it, anon.

e554cb  No.6930469


He missed his plane. Are ya done now?

136c6f  No.6930470

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

270e26  No.6930471


nah, that's not the end, anon. pterodactyls & tentacles in the same scene. that's the end.

58b3a3  No.6930472

File: 78292358f7b8c90⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2100x2428, 525:607, Thinking Pepe Q Alpha.png)


you drank the derp koolaid

88988e  No.6930473


Too many innocents to think that way anon.

63c8cd  No.6930474

So uhhhh whatever happened to Isaac kappy and the Return of the King on the 4th?

f8f1bb  No.6930475

Military DUMBS & tunnels. 2 large quakes, many smaller ones. No deaths. Controlled.

562e1a  No.6930476


Ah, damn!! He missed his plane? Wow you would think that something so important like JFK Jr. comming back from the dead on the 4th of July would have been more on the ball. Those darn flights. Oh well, hopefully he makes his flight next year.

270e26  No.6930477


new here? board full of autists, remember? i wouldn't shed a single tear.

40b62e  No.6930478


>I lived through Hurricane Andrew. The stories I could tell. My sailboat made cause I moared it in the middle of the river. The pontoons, boats, piers destruction was mind numbing but we went into survival mode and everyone, I mean EVERYONE helped each other. Some of the hardest yet most fulfilling days of my life.

If California does get shaken to its foundations I suspect we're all gonna have to head out west and help pick up the pieces. AZ anon currently. But family are back in CA, still think of it as home despite how much liberals have fucked it up. Don't think I can sit on my ass knowing people are trapped in rubble with only a few days to live at most.

c812a9  No.6930479

File: f8b859308d58c86⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 1920x8119, 1920:8119, FireShot Capture 140 - The….jpg)


The Mother of Harlots.

90f578  No.6930480

File: 6410a46299540ac⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2670x1715, 534:343, 2BE7A920-8712-4315-AEB0-8….jpeg)



I put the tunnels over the us faults. The epicenters are all thats needed now pic related. Tunnels over faults

4c5430  No.6930481

File: bb8475423bb9651⋯.png (641.19 KB, 787x541, 787:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1a0f6a7df880a0⋯.png (1.36 MB, 736x747, 736:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 173100ce2dca600⋯.png (587.46 KB, 518x731, 518:731, ClipboardImage.png)






a26a3f  No.6930482


No way. That's not what happened bro.

HRC put a bomb in it so he had to go back into hiding until 2040. We missed our window!

(anon cries)

562e1a  No.6930483


Oh yeah, what happened with that. Forgot all about that one. I wonder if someone missed their flight as well.

8384cb  No.6930484

File: eaa7a7007eb4d53⋯.jpeg (72.02 KB, 828x620, 207:155, 456A8B68-06C2-4F32-8D1D-A….jpeg)


Listen prick I don’t know what your talkin bout, this fuckin phone cost more than my first car, that’s the pics it takes. So you nerds do what ever nerd shit you gotta do, it is NOT my problem.

7a1e23  No.6930485

Last big quake [7.1] was in 1999 at the Twentynine Palms Marine Base, a couple hundred miles from Ridgecrest.


a4b61c  No.6930486


CheKK those depts. Yesterdays quakes were very shallow, like less than a fucking mile.

Seems as if someone is blowing up stockpiles of mini nukes or sumthing.

can anons do overlay of quakes and those fucking Tunnels?

Phonefagging here.

04870b  No.6930487

No laws exist addressing this activity? We need new Congress.


76bc2f  No.6930488

noice map anon


580579  No.6930489



5cc82f  No.6930490

File: 8d2b4c5837c3984⋯.png (531.74 KB, 834x603, 278:201, light.png)

File: 5eb6a13d867e248⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1004x669, 1004:669, trumpmellin.png)

335187  No.6930491

File: 0e692f435a8ef19⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1222x1134, 611:567, scsn.png)

1ddfb1  No.6930492

File: ab25c0dff3d2d7d⋯.jpeg (734.71 KB, 1623x1077, 541:359, 84913EB7-6B94-4663-9FA5-3….jpeg)

40b62e  No.6930493


Sideways vagina feels pretty nice.

t. have been with 3 asian women, couldn't last 5 minutes. Usually have the opposite problem.

136c6f  No.6930494


Outstanding wok, Anon.

dccfb5  No.6930495

File: 0ab87bdcc7fa492⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 450x253, 450:253, fisa-abuse-stamp-file-on-d….jpg)

File: f54744a11adc984⋯.jpg (283.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, GettyImages-664865004.jpg)

File: bad412e11a5f4d6⋯.jpg (207.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-52.jpg)

f17af9  No.6930496

File: 37a234e89b65d18⋯.png (495.85 KB, 1080x658, 540:329, Screenshot_20190705-225413….png)

Nigga's this the best place to be sleeping during a earthquake.

144764  No.6930497


Yea. He dead.

0338ca  No.6930499


If this is true, and these DUMBs are being collapsed -

What was with POTUS being so chummy with the Queen when he last visited England?


562e1a  No.6930500

So the JFK Jr. thing was just disinfo, right?

158f45  No.6930501



You guys are fucking beautiful, I knew I made the right choice coming here.


a626ac  No.6930502


Same here, brother. Had less than 10 hours to prepare. Had just returned from vacationing in the West coast and had not watched any tv. Passes public two blocks from home and thought "hell of a sale." For home, unpacked, turned on tv and bout shit myself. Stayed in walking closet with widening and 3 month babyanon. Eye was 10 miles south of us. Sounded like a gang was trying to break in.

90f578  No.6930503

File: 78332dbffbfc3da⋯.gif (825.72 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 39307644-1D65-4FDE-9081-06….gif)


Kek! You know what i mean. I liken it to “that area on Jootube” where you are watch biggest zits pop and foul weird crazy shit. Usually first comment is always something to the effect of “how did i get here” or “ at that spot in Youtube again I see..”

144764  No.6930504

a26a3f  No.6930505


Truth right here mate


40b62e  No.6930506


Read Q drops and stop falling for boomer slides.



JFK Jr. is Not Alive


Is JFK Jr alive?




580579  No.6930508


But they're also running directly on fault line and actually predictable based on what Dutchinese says. So I'm not sure it makes sense to be un-organic at this point.

6c6af2  No.6930509

File: ec57b3d326bd6ca⋯.png (411.71 KB, 1072x1001, 1072:1001, 2019-07-06_1-52-53.png)

File: 3f88b123dab1eca⋯.png (674.85 KB, 1071x1128, 357:376, 2019-07-06_1-53-27.png)

File: 177b2b4e446dce9⋯.png (220.48 KB, 1061x849, 1061:849, 2019-07-06_1-54-55.png)


Radiation maps

Welcome to RadiationNetwork.com, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time.



"Pancake" means a certain style of Geiger-Mueller tube radiation detector.

a053bb  No.6930510

File: 0c682e369f52d65⋯.png (211.32 KB, 552x839, 552:839, ClipboardImage.png)

f8f1bb  No.6930511


Control was given up.

1) POTUS reviewed the guards with Charles behind him. Only the Queen does this.

2) proof as they took control of an Iranian oil ship on its way to Syria.

04870b  No.6930512


spanking the plumpy

270e26  No.6930513


i understand and can empathize. the weird side of youtube (or pornhub) is, well, fucking weird.

6a65eb  No.6930514


Sometimes it's just nature or God's intervention, depending on your beliefs.

Watch Dutchsinse live videos on youtube. Gather some intellegant information about earthquakes and volcanoes. Watch and learn how and why Dutchsinse predicted this Cal. earthquake 2 days ago.

a626ac  No.6930517


Publix not public

Wife anon not widening

90f578  No.6930518

File: a863ed3e194d84c⋯.png (56.24 KB, 401x372, 401:372, AD22A571-8132-4B95-8961-15….png)

add6ba  No.6930519

File: a524d97ff231041⋯.jpg (336.67 KB, 617x565, 617:565, Battle_of_Los_Angeles_LATi….jpg)

ea5b15  No.6930521


No shit, Sherlock.

What did you EXPECT him to say?!

642d0f  No.6930522


Totally missing the big picture. If the Government is replaced (Trump promise pre-election speech), the 2018 mid-terms do not matter. Endorsing Pelosi was so the normies would see the reasons why.

9f608b  No.6930523


old volcano feilds would have readymade tunnels everywhere wouldn't they?

natural place for underground everything.

9d5d92  No.6930524

File: e8d1f288716b329⋯.png (198.94 KB, 859x656, 859:656, dnc attack 4th july.PNG)

UPDATE: Abusive Thug Who Harassed Trump Supporters at DC Restaurant IS A DNC OPERATIVE linked to Hillary Clinton Campaign


dccfb5  No.6930526


Particularly if there has been a name change

158f45  No.6930528


Had some spidey senses on that the last year. Must be one of my "gifts" passed down from a part of my family. Really spooky shiznit there,but that'll have to wait for now…

a4b61c  No.6930529


We need that overlay.

We need to be sure.

EQsbare usually deep.

This is… Interdasting.

fcc2ad  No.6930530

File: 8489b61f76272ee⋯.png (593.78 KB, 816x625, 816:625, ClipboardImage.png)

f8f1bb  No.6930531


Fire chief concerns over the DAM!

Watch the water!

4a3486  No.6930532


>So the JFK Jr. thing was just disinfo, right?

Check with 'Rolling Stone'

They think they know

a8856c  No.6930533



This is precisely why the ancients spent so much time tracking the heavens and/or worshiping the planets. Eclipses were seen as bad omens. Not because the people were stupid, but rather they were very aware of these correlations that we have been tricked into becoming ignorant about. . .

a26a3f  No.6930534


No, that's your "Peter tingle"

Keep up anon

90f578  No.6930535


Kek but would you?


Its a weird phenomena.. kekekek but yes absolutely

40b62e  No.6930537



We an only imagine the abuses they were put through as children. A shame to see kids end up corrupted in this way. But if they have become the new generation of abusers, they're beyond saving, I really can't cry for them anymore.

0718e0  No.6930538

File: d4dcc2116b975a8⋯.png (56.12 KB, 623x421, 623:421, USACEHQ 07052019-2253.PNG)


Again with the dams!

5cc82f  No.6930539

File: 0e456c3964be575⋯.jpg (470.21 KB, 1408x788, 352:197, watchwater.jpg)

40b62e  No.6930540


>No shit, Sherlock.

>What did you EXPECT him to say?!


2ab067  No.6930541


Sonic booms.

580579  No.6930542



Who the fuck knows what he and Liz Crokin smoke. JFK Jr is dead. Sad but true for the last 20 damn years.

No one ever takes into account they'd have had to hide Caroline's sister too. So stupid.

a26a3f  No.6930544


Exactly. The spirit has ceased to strive with them by the last pic. They have become the abusers.

4a3486  No.6930545


Why did POTUS tweet the BB video and NOT use Fakeway Pundits clickbait re the flag burning yesterday?

Things that make you go hmmm!

Fake MAGAs // Fake 'News'

04870b  No.6930546


I’d Lionel Ritchie it

All Night Long

add6ba  No.6930547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


40b62e  No.6930548


>Particularly if there has been a name change

Hey, I'll admit–it could be. But I'm definitely not holding my breath and I'm DAMN sure not showing up at POTUS rallies with JFK Jr. T-shirts and telling the MSM correspondents he's alive and going to appear at a time and place of my specification!

4c5430  No.6930549

File: 359a136346a5972⋯.png (570.8 KB, 575x430, 115:86, ClipboardImage.png)

580579  No.6930551


Im just going by what the Dutch dude says bc he's the expert who warned officials. I know nothing about EQ's. I'm all for a great conspiracy about DUMBs just for fun though.

144764  No.6930552


Not necessarily, anon. Each one is different.

6c3783  No.6930554


Oh Anon you are truly one with little faith…open your eyes, it is us who have been watching this whole traitorous timeline of events happening, many of us were busy, but astounded by the very demoralization and indoctrination of our children and our families. It was us who prayed and cried silently as we watched the tide turn and how our very own countrymen on the liberal side turned against us some family and friends in almost an overnight instant. It was a manifestation of a greater consciousness that voted Donald J. Trump into office even though (THEY) fixed it to the point that Hillary could not lose (but she did) and (THEY) never thought she would lose. It is the SJW crowd now looking to buy guns from cartels, beating up members of the American Press, doxing conservatives who have a large following which to them means power and a means to spread truth.

There have been so many FF that have been caught just in time or at least minimized under this administration, the truth comes out more and more, Biden is a fraud and his son is drug addicted narcissistic Daddy's boy, running from one big expensive toy to another (I mean who really leaves ones wife and kids and marries his dead brothers wife, how disgusting is that) and still the MSM thinks they have credibility. All polls are fixed, corrupt, The election of 2016 proved that…do yourself a favor, stop complaining and start seeing the truth for what it is. Will this come to violence or civil war, I don't know that only God knows and most here will be ready if it comes to that…but there is much more good in this world than bad….I pray everyday and I will keep praying and having faith…..

174c5b  No.6930556

File: dd1135ec54b18fb⋯.jpg (123.41 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 32kaqc.jpg)

File: 36b2baebe41e83a⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 32juu0.jpg)

File: 2db97e9a99bf763⋯.jpg (104.08 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 32jvl5.jpg)

File: 422b8dc6bb3f6b5⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 32jvgx.jpg)

File: b29802a45d426f8⋯.jpeg (75.17 KB, 470x471, 470:471, b29802a45d426f850bfb99782….jpeg)

9d5d92  No.6930557


Can you tell me what happened then? Did he not get arrested? Is he not associated with the HRC campaign? What does your source say anon?

Seems to me a leftists got pinched. And the leftists who get pinched all get paid. Curious

a377b3  No.6930558

File: 03d23b9fe152e20⋯.png (88.98 KB, 294x376, 147:188, eq tunnels.png)

40b62e  No.6930560


>Nigga's this the best place to be sleeping during a earthquake.

You haven't lived until you've experienced a fuckquake!

144764  No.6930561


You should see the cluster map of the aftershocks they are showing right now. Incredible.

724ad8  No.6930562

San Fransisco and Silicon Valley should be using the weekend to get their earthquake supplies updated and prepare homes and business for shaking.

Another one >7.1 mag potential

Be Ready.

8f5d87  No.6930563


no clue about queen but

remember the 1200 guns found at Bel-Air home

of ex wife of getty

1bd6d8  No.6930564

270e26  No.6930565


in the new thread there's a snippet showing that an island off the coast has fallen in >>6930555

1fc52f  No.6930566


KEK!!! nice find!

b3249e  No.6930567

LOL, I knew they were saving the Kawhi Leonard news for when they needed a distraction. Now everyone in California is going to be talking about the NBA instead of the earthquakes.

174c5b  No.6930568

File: b6cdc6ba070e5c1⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 570x417, 190:139, 0c05cf37e5b1bf5882afcc24e7….jpg)

ecc6ff  No.6930569

File: 2d64ec3724d9c28⋯.png (156.73 KB, 535x410, 107:82, 2019-05-03_08-43-36.png)


He's in Caleefornia enjoying the holiday?

4fb366  No.6930570


HAARP tech causes booms too.

c03e48  No.6930571


Yeah, but that island did not exist 6 years ago.

Nature happens.

Someone tell Al Gore.

88f013  No.6930573

File: 361c7b3e875a7ab⋯.png (241.48 KB, 489x352, 489:352, VineggaSmollet.png)

fcc2ad  No.6930574



174c5b  No.6930575

File: 160f7bac9d88fae⋯.jpeg (5.01 KB, 255x79, 255:79, 4f572a0b7e9ddf0bec6067ecf….jpeg)

40b62e  No.6930576

File: 1762480952d69a8⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 500x667, 500:667, slideways.jpg)

This is now a slideways vagina bread.

b18134  No.6930577

File: 655b4c4b4363c82⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 416x509, 416:509, pepe newfag space force.jpg)

fuggen newfags are embarrassing

f8f1bb  No.6930578

Newsome conference at OES in 15 min.

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