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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: aa70b5bab2b85aa⋯.jpg (305.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5a9fc18a8f371b171a24217b7a….jpg)

609484 No.54626











Q's Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts:

>>49343 rt >>49330

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>43766 rt >>43719


















Whatever Trump tweets about gains an enormous amount of attention.

Q has exemplified how calculated every word can be.

So lets follow the direction of our Masterful Tactician.

As Trump Trolls, We will Redpill.

Topic for topic, we will pry open the Overton window.

For all to see how sickening the world really is, but more importantly, how great it can be.







Patriots, let Loose the Memes of War.

The fate of your countrymen is at hand.

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 12/22. Each set as a remote explosive in the take down of the worlds largest syndicate of evil.

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office. Millions of children have been saved by stopping this now.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

>There are no coincidences.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To assure your family, loved ones and friends that we're all in very good hands. [YOU ARE THE KEYSTONE TO THIS PLAN].

[The Q / Trump coded communications are] perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do.

Board Rules




NEW /OPS/ General Thread


Enter The War Room and prepare for battle. First target: FAKE NEWS

Quick Access Tools

-Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations


-Q archives


-POTUS-tweet archive






-Raw Text Q Dump


Resources Library


>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>4369 Research threads

>>4794 Redpills

>>11382 Redpills UK

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>20262 About shills

>>16785 Prayer

609484 No.54638

Recent/Notable Posts

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395 ; >>20175 )

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>17119 _SIERRA_C_ Research (Sierra Club?)

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>17911 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>11036 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>19718 1/11/18 Events

>>18242 1/10/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread


>>32223 Qchess Game with julian

>>20359 Earthquake analysis and resources


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

>>2658 Stringer General

>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital

>>618 Find The Markers

>>5899 Follow the Wives

>>4822 Foundations

>>3280 CEO/President/Notable Resignations

>>5425 Deep State Surrender/Suicide thread

>>2956 Sealed Indictments

>>6406 Oprah images, memes, research

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436 >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603

609484 No.54654

File: a48f2a7cff4e350⋯.png (3.94 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, a48f2a7cff4e350670b592e0da….png)

File: 568261ebeaf5ac8⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, 568261ebeaf5ac8a167bde6c78….png)

File: 926f16e9751ca9a⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3750x5000, 3:4, 926f16e9751ca9ace669dc4821….png)

this task has been mostly completed make more

[Current Qtask]

>Side_by_Side (graphic form):

>BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_

>DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_

>[2] above represent PRIMARY indicators.

>SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time





dfa5fe No.54664

Wonderfully baked. I'm proud it's in your hands now. (Previous baker)

6c12be No.54688

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

765ccb No.54697



You both are to be commended, Patriots. My humble thanks to you both.

3f6946 No.54704






Seriously Awesome!

3d8f1b No.54705

File: f6411adbaf9c231⋯.png (1.15 MB, 919x621, 919:621, TFIY1.png)

File: 9e4794a45702389⋯.png (1.29 MB, 923x584, 923:584, TFIY2.png)

File: fc11b1e746ccc13⋯.png (730.96 KB, 730x499, 730:499, TFIY3.png)

File: 261810fbf86bf99⋯.png (1.04 MB, 916x651, 916:651, TFIY4.png)

File: b1cb97726173be7⋯.png (353.42 KB, 611x352, 611:352, TFIY5.png)

3a0638 No.54711


missing the "to say" part. I think that's important to what we're trying to get across. Otherwise, it's awesome, Memefag anon

3d8f1b No.54712

File: e7de73346b56a28⋯.png (634.09 KB, 658x372, 329:186, TFIY6.png)

File: fe50b2207b93915⋯.png (504.52 KB, 717x407, 717:407, TFIO1.png)

6be21e No.54713

File: 90678b900247952⋯.png (854.06 KB, 916x458, 2:1, socalledjudge.png)


lets doxx this "so called judge"

a7767b No.54714

File: 7954059e781b27d⋯.jpg (159.66 KB, 960x823, 960:823, dsd.jpg)

File: e1ec46f90d29ec0⋯.jpeg (52.61 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 091017-hillary-clinton-ka….jpeg)

File: e17234f1df0faa0⋯.jpg (171.37 KB, 1200x1190, 120:119, e17234f1df0faa0c8330177e02….jpg)

de8fa9 No.54716

Where will you be during the Great Meme War of 2018?

157bdf No.54718

File: b4a57fba0f79454⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 502x627, 502:627, jillgreenberg3.jpg)

not mine

acb7a5 No.54719


reminds me of the biltmore

the floor is not yours

c82bb2 No.54720

Holy Shitballs!

James Woods is like a man on fire!

Who let James Woods off the leash

He must be up in here with us.

Cause he pissed.

69735a No.54721


Needs Michelle Obummer on the matress and Obummer looking sad because he has to sleep on the floor like Michaels bitch kek

157bdf No.54722


On the battlefield.

6c12be No.54724

File: ec0b1be4048f353⋯.png (911.09 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DC0369EC-F938-4228-96DE-72….png)

3b6f84 No.54725

ty butcher Baker candlestick maker

love the floors

acb7a5 No.54726

bcf3d9 No.54727


I plan on being here!

c1f146 No.54728

File: 2c3daaad4fcfd34⋯.jpg (153.58 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 140929114015-sarah-aarthun….jpg)

File: 276e57e7c88147a⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 141222160716-michael-smerc….jpg)

File: 24fb32fa07c66d0⋯.jpg (205.57 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, antoine-sanfuentes-profile….jpg)

File: 0ca204e408dd7a4⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Chris Cuomo.jpg)

File: 904cdedeb46f669⋯.jpg (22.76 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Cyril-Vanier_mini.jpg)


















Have at it! Please use 'Impact' font

6de0f4 No.54729


You did a beautiful job.

a7767b No.54730


Woods was always in on the fun. Has to be a blast to have millions while shit posting all day long.

691fed No.54731

File: 434a766d93546e9⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1316x1324, 329:331, assangeqlink.png)


Great job baker, excellent dough.

e5c88a No.54732

File: eb23e17bf88a970⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 800x800, 1:1, cnn2.jpg)


send it. :o)

c6e035 No.54733

File: 15f66b83cfe37f4⋯.png (650 KB, 959x808, 959:808, Fake_News_Investigating_Fa….png)

7c328d No.54736


Bi-racial would be more accurate. Don't want to loose the entire black crowd over semantics.

Great idea though. Rock on. . .

765ccb No.54737


If you have them, please give us Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon as well. Thanks so much, anon! You're a Patriot!

f7a92e No.54738

Latest Q Map graphic >>53720 is missing the latest q posts on this board, namely 49343, 49281, 43627, 43766, and their rt's 49330, 42090, 43088, and 43719. Thanks

996619 No.54739

File: 4d0e334147dfefd⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1373x941, 1373:941, 2003.png)

File: cbbd7f61cc348d8⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1372x943, 1372:943, 2004.png)

File: 0642bb7e79a6e60⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1374x939, 458:313, 2005.png)

File: b308badc2868756⋯.jpg (156.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, henderson.jpg)



Underground massive data center?


(henderson, nv)

b8cf4d No.54740


What is the pic in the middle? It's sort of like the US Senate with the desks but it's not, the colors are different, the desk at front is much smaller, etc.

31132b No.54741


excellent work by Anons:




Thought, probably already spoken in threads before:



This is a gambit: Twitter is played and belongs to bad actors, although the strings have been cut, puppets with no strings play the same old script. Which means: @realDonaldTrump is tweaked on their side to show only replies from shills/bots against POTUS.

Part of the Gameplan should be that we need to reply with memes to EVERY shill reply against POTUS, because replies are visible and normalfags will see them.

I am most probably stating the obvious, not much of an autist myself, mostly lurk and spread what has been dug, but it should be taken into consideration.

c82bb2 No.54742


Yeah..he's here.

Look at his Memes

Some is shit I've seen made here pretty sure

157bdf No.54743

File: 2ce1d03ddc403d5⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 649x396, 59:36, 22pftx.jpg)

File: 7f823faff1724c9⋯.jpg (43.95 KB, 649x396, 59:36, 22pfv7.jpg)

acb7a5 No.54745


that was classic

get it out there

691fed No.54747


I take it back. This has got to fucking go to another thread linked in OP. Or be trimmed to like 5 lines.

Whatever Trump tweets about gains an enormous amount of attention.

Q has exemplified how calculated every word can be.

So lets follow the direction of our Masterful Tactician.

As Trump Trolls, We will Redpill.

Topic for topic, we will pry open the Overton window.

For all to see how sickening the world really is, but more importantly, how great it can be.







Patriots, let Loose the Memes of War.

The fate of your countrymen is at hand.

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 12/22. Each set as a remote explosive in the take down of the worlds largest syndicate of evil.

There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office. Millions of children have been saved by stopping this now.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

>There are no coincidences.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To assure your family, loved ones and friends that we're all in very good hands. [YOU ARE THE KEYSTONE TO THIS PLAN].

[The Q / Trump coded communications are] perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

You know what to do.

c82bb2 No.54748


What about it?

4806d3 No.54749



Saved and ready for distribution.


3b6f84 No.54750

have a ?

if we dl off here

save photo or graphic

not talking about screen grab

are we doxing self?

31132b No.54751




4e7234 No.54753

File: 4362d783f75d78e⋯.jpg (130.11 KB, 737x500, 737:500, HUGF.jpg)

9493ba No.54754

>>BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.

There is an eminent false flag this week.

>>KNOW your surroundings.

Watch out for your surroundings. Be careful where you are.


The MSM are looking for ways to change what’s in the headlines. False flag could be pertaining to this.


Isis is not capable of launching an attack here. Their capabilities have been successfully dismantled. (Sid/M is no longer funding the them)

>>Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops.

Tactic will be to take hostages (Blackmail) for rogue ops.

>>SILENCE [187] - no risk [no capture - dead on arrival].

187 = AGH = Attorney general holder? This could mean a risk to holder?


>>SILENCE [LV witnesses]?




Silence Las Vegas.

Silence Las Vegas witnesses.

Silence Las Vegas FBI informants .

But silence will not last forever.

Have faith. trust.

f63fa8 No.54755


Somebody just lit this fucker up

Holy crap. Busted Royston up too.

Looks like some normies to the rescue. Bwahahaha.

61d146 No.54756


Nice work anon. Need more of these.

b2e4d3 No.54757

File: d6b9b5cdbb93cbc⋯.png (178.92 KB, 588x589, 588:589, Screenshot-2018-1-15 DCPo….png)

Did you all see this?


1c0b5c No.54758


Maybe Q continually asking us "Why" is because he wants us to meme the fact that he was a traitor in his military career. It's not that we don't know the answer it's that he hasn't seen us put it in any meme's yet. Just a thought, because maybe some have memed that particularly issue.

I mean Hussein, BO et. al. are all traitors so it has to be the military part that makes him detested.

6931d4 No.54759

File: 0630cc7a6acb5a3⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 960x846, 160:141, 001.jpg)

7529f7 No.54760

File: dc507dcca95ab97⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cnn2.png)

7c328d No.54761


Excellent Work !! Just what Dr. Q ordered.

acb7a5 No.54763


a photo from you camera could include much including your location within feet. If you need to post a photo you took, screen print and post the screen print.

3a0638 No.54764


You are one awesome Memfag, anon!! Love it! And I see another anon does, too! Wear it out, anons!

a7767b No.54765

File: 928af74711b4649⋯.png (172.54 KB, 407x300, 407:300, kkk.png)

274402 No.54766


Yes, POTUS is under attack on Twitter. We need to fight back.

1ec74b No.54767

File: dbe7022c032c5ca⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 390x390, 1:1, when_you_know_about_Meltdo….jpg)

f8bfec No.54768

File: d901a668c25f124⋯.jpeg (182.46 KB, 935x935, 1:1, 2ABBE992-AC45-45BA-A45A-E….jpeg)

Sen. Jeff Flake is planning to slam President Donald Trump's attacks on the press on the Senate floor this week in a speech that will compare the president's use of the term "enemy of the people" to describe the media to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

691fed No.54769



Objectively worthless and unnecessary lines:


>Whatever Trump tweets about gains an enormous amount of attention.


>Q has exemplified how calculated every word can be.


>So lets follow the direction of our Masterful Tactician.


>As Trump Trolls, We will Redpill.


>Topic for topic, we will pry open the Overton window.


>For all to see how sickening the world really is, but more importantly, how great it can be.


















>Patriots, let Loose the Memes of War.


>The fate of your countrymen is at hand.




>There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 12/22. Each set as a remote explosive in the take down of the worlds largest syndicate of evil.


>There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office. Millions of children have been saved by stopping this now.


>As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.


>Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.


>>There are no coincidences.




>“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson


>We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.




>Our goal is simple:


>To assure your family, loved ones and friends that we're all in very good hands. [YOU ARE THE KEYSTONE TO THIS PLAN].


>[The Q / Trump coded communications are] perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.




>>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.


>Can you?




>Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.


>You know what to do.

f089ca No.54770


I'd imagine the false flag advisory is really only applicable to those in major cities?

d3cf86 No.54771

Dave Hodges states per his State Department, the United Nations is in Chicago but not in a visible way. They the UN intend to use armed force to "save the children". Suspicious and angry that Obama signed a EO giving the UN the right to be on USA soil with armed force. The UN is the shadow government of the world. Deep State.

3b6f84 No.54772


yea im not talking about upload, talking about dl from here to my device

4199a2 No.54773

File: 2f29713e10979e9⋯.png (181.92 KB, 1333x672, 1333:672, sop.png)

File: 848d9a7ecf409ae⋯.png (265.27 KB, 1354x681, 1354:681, sop2.png)

Planefag here,

USAF Special Ops plane is landing in Singapore as I type this.

dfa5fe No.54775


It's an amazing introduction to what's going on.

274402 No.54776


Wow, I think you're right on target here.

765ccb No.54777

File: 18e15e7b795d25f⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Anderson Cooper.jpg)

File: 1d39f9be12b6ced⋯.jpg (274.11 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Don Lemon.jpg)

Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon blanks for memetic warfare!

d3cf86 No.54778


*State department source

7ead75 No.54779

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

2 boat incidents in the last 24 hours. 1 in Thailand earlier and:

50 rescued after casino shuttle boat catches fire near Tampa

Posted: Jan 14, 2018 5:50 PM EST

Updated: Jan 14, 2018 7:14 PM EST

PORT RICHEY, Fla. (WFLA) — Pasco County Sheriff’s Office deputies are assisting Fire Rescue and the Coast Guard after a casino shuttle boat caught fire in the Port Richey canal on Sunday.

The captain of the shuttle noticed engine trouble. The captain saw flames from the engine room and turned the boat closer to shore so passengers could get to safety.

The casino shuttle caught on fire with 50 people on board. Everyone on board jumped off the boat and into the water.

All passengers and crew members have been accounted for.

Fifteen people were taken to a hospital as precaution. Officials are unaware of any serious injuries."


8e81b1 No.54780


texas church shooting is just one example of why i dont agree

c82bb2 No.54781


Picking up Jim Bo's cash?

c1f146 No.54782

File: 1344277235726cb⋯.jpg (123.27 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, TrueNews-Cooper.jpg)

File: 6b446e5e97a8156⋯.jpg (183.25 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, TrueNews-DonLemon.jpg)




















Have at it! Impact font please.

996619 No.54783


Sequence shows it being built between 03-05

b2e4d3 No.54784

File: dafc344eab438db⋯.png (119.85 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Q1.png)

File: 31860865501c940⋯.jpg (115.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, q2.jpg)

157bdf No.54785

File: 35ccd7effaee31e⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 300x437, 300:437, 22pg0y.jpg)

e42e73 No.54787


very nice

1ec74b No.54788


Like it

1578da No.54789

File: d15426c64c8cf0b⋯.jpg (704.66 KB, 3198x2169, 1066:723, denerofrecklepuncher.jpg)

b0eacc No.54790

File: 1ca28476af15257⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 700x375, 28:15, thefloorisyours.jpg)

File: cd2cd50d2b06032⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 592x311, 592:311, suddenly-fake-news.jpg)

1f00a4 No.54791

File: 05ca19a92d1acbb⋯.png (142.64 KB, 653x537, 653:537, Crumbs.PNG)

File: 6de1d8e179fb55a⋯.png (424.91 KB, 672x542, 336:271, Crumbs 2.PNG)

If this is not directed to us then i dont know what does….

acb7a5 No.54792

File: 29e3505e6bc6ff4⋯.jpeg (6.85 KB, 168x124, 42:31, fallingrocks.jpeg)

a balst from the past that is about to come true

c01e80 No.54793

This is important!!! Please Anons.. I hope I do this right.. sorry if not… apologies in advance for the pain-in-the-assness… I think I pieced something together but don't know how to make it 'come together'…but I need some help with graphic grabs/ or wtvr… kinda a long story but DEFINITELY RELATED! Hear me out(please) so..

AnonScan(who is one of JA's folks) posted this today.. (showing JA's 'Checkmate" board..)

AnonScan/status/952094066526900224 and THIS was the rest of the link after it …'d : (showing the beginning of a game with the caption)

If partial control of the other side,chess is not a game

Its deception

Your move

1:12 PM - 12 Nov 2017


AND LINKED ABOVE is another tweet regarding the movie "Spy Game" with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt (AWESOME MOVIE, BTW!) Annnywayyy… Caption is:

It's Not How You Play The Game… Fiction🆚Reality Working against agency politics… #SpyGame🕵️ first release 19. nov 2001 #CIA #BehindTheScenes #China #Vietnam #Freedom🗽 #Bait🍯 @POTUS

1:06 PM - 12 Nov 2017


7c328d No.54794


Ya, he seems like a guy you would have to try to NOT like. Only ever saw him on Family Guy before this, now that I know some of him, it's pretty office why Seth McFarland likes to pick on him. ha ha

3ef98a No.54795



BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_

>DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_

>[2] above represent PRIMARY indicators.

>SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time


(Primary Indicator) Blunt & Direct Time.

(Remainder Below)Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.

Leaker. Schiff gets up to take a piss (Leaker)

NAT SEC. part of the Gang of 8


Tick Tock.

Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.

Enjoy the show. (Fake News Awards Show)


The REMAINDER BELOW is going to be proved this week which is why we have been directed to blast these [2] specific examples. We are all focusing on the Blunt and Direct Time which is the first line of the drop which has already been proven but attached to the first line is the Remainder of the Q drop.

Get it?

bcf3d9 No.54797


LOL SA floor is yours! Top kek!

3a0638 No.54798


What mememaker?

55056b No.54799


only if she tweeted trump would it have been better

f8bfec No.54800

Need to hashtag #Enemyofthepeople and attach to every Dem or Rep photo who has criticized Potus. Get it trending on Twatter. Take the air out of their sails now!!! MAGA!

d3cf86 No.54801


Maybe they are going to seize the stolen gold by the Indonesian PM. That gold was originally stolen from the NY Federal reserve on 9/11 and shuttled from USA to Canada to Philippines to Indonesia to Singapore.

acb7a5 No.54802


dont see a prob

I am IT

b624fc No.54803


the left will eat it up.. they love Stalin and Communism .. matter of fact. Seattle erected a statue dedicated to Stalin in 1988

bcf3d9 No.54804


Holy shit!

2b92d3 No.54805

File: 5a988795c7fd1d8⋯.jpg (184.46 KB, 1182x1198, 591:599, asd65f4ads685fa8s7.jpg)

File: a86706cc64d3c00⋯.jpg (580.14 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, fs89g70sg8s7607.jpg)


Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

Til things are right.

When duty calls

We stand and fight.

One love for all

That is our might.

We won't back down-

The end's in sight.

Woe unto (((them)))

And their evil blight!

Feel free to pass it on and add more ;)

a7767b No.54806


> The UN is the shadow government of the world. Deep State.

Chicago definitely wants UN on US soil but it isn't going to happen. This may be a play to force the National Guard to set in and push the martial law narrative.

3b6f84 No.54807


ok ty

e2462c No.54809

File: 3637da1b9901be7⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FAKE NEWS AWARDS WEBM.webm)







HEY ANON! Sorry it took me so long! Im trying to figure out how to upload a video here! :) if you like it please spread! I didn't linked it to Q or any of our research so it cant be tagged as a conspiracy video

If you have any more ideas I'd more than glad to make more videos!

>Attached video clip: MSM Calling trump racist vs fact he isn't

>lol just had to learn how to convert from mp4 to webm

Hope it works for the FAKE NEWS AWARDS!

Willing to make many more if you give me content!

67812f No.54810


Yes, anons created several CNN blanks

and a bunch of Fake News Awards blanks (templates).

Find them in CNN folder and

Fake News Awards folder.


b2e4d3 No.54811



fb8cff No.54812


Already Added these to my stock pile. Will heavily favor them!

1c0b5c No.54813


I thought Q said Flake is white hat? Or am I mixing him up with someone else?

6a23b5 No.54814

File: d63f720b27f5c21⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 640x960, 2:3, trumpputin.jpg)

Giggles for the hard working anons.

6be21e No.54815

File: 2d4ac3569691c92⋯.png (47.08 KB, 863x498, 863:498, fuckyoujudge.png)



and this fucking judge

involved with Benghazi hearings

4e7234 No.54816

File: c440bed2fffe85c⋯.jpg (84.35 KB, 500x633, 500:633, larryf.jpg)

2d2818 No.54817


Flake is NOT a white hat. Major pedo.

6931d4 No.54818

File: 1a58caaffffc8d6⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 560x316, 140:79, 011.jpg)

2b92d3 No.54819



seconnd - hard LULZ

6b610f No.54821

File: c01c9fc8b293e0c⋯.png (308.74 KB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Capture _2018-01-08-11-07-….png)

File: aa338cf905ea9b0⋯.png (308.09 KB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Capture _2018-01-08-11-05-….png)

Someone asked for images of the two "Q" chapters in Fire and Fury. These are screenshots of the title pages.

3b6f84 No.54822

woods has memes from here, nice

a2ec1f No.54823

File: 584c46eb7222d0c⋯.png (200.29 KB, 363x452, 363:452, mockingbird statue.png)

File: d708dcf828bbd37⋯.png (440.65 KB, 653x797, 653:797, mockingbird-pin-golden.png)

Maybe an idea for FAKE NEWS AWARD statue


>a realistic statue

pshopfag could turn it metallic

>other is a metal pin

f8bfec No.54824


Far left Antifa types for sure. We need to attach the term to those asswhats in a huge way.

6931d4 No.54826

File: da680a04dd62793⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 396x205, 396:205, 80cae00fbc4d773ac17e274edf….jpg)

6836f3 No.54827

File: e85078c3b61ab0d⋯.png (25.75 KB, 229x238, 229:238, comfy.PNG)



Great analysis

When I was making the side-by-sides, I starting thinking along the same lines…

How many times did Q insist on keeping accurate GRAPHICS? Text was fine to use for analysis, but the GRAPHIC was key.

Now, he is asking us to make two side by side graphics, that include CERTAIN Q POSTS that were "marked" by the prediction.

Q has said what is a data set?

Q drops are like mini data sets, they can contain many objects, such as stringer commands, markers (of various types), Socratic questioning, and also direct statements (Adam Schiff is a traitor).

It is meme-worthy because there is an initial layer of confirmation in reality (BDT bomber, etc.). But what if news is about to drop that AS IS A TRAITOR?

Q "queries the database" by asking us for memes relating to a certain [marker], which we know of due to the prediction or DJT twitter confiirmation.

We return that query with memes, based on his keyword, but along with that comes the rest of the data in the drop (data set).

Nested in those memes will be another crumb, that shows another layer of their foreknowledge.

There is an intriguing layer that will red-pill some, but many normies wont 100% accept (Q knowledge and foiling of BDT)

There is also a mainstream red-pill, i.e. AS being revealed as a traitor weeks before it was public knowledge or any other media outlet broke it.

There may also be socratic questions that will hit the normie's right at their moment of cognitive dissonance as they are absorbing the first two pills.

c01e80 No.54828


I'm not sure how to post the graphics without 'exposing' myself … but if someone can go grab those pics and put them together that'd be AWESOME!! It'll make more sense once you see the particular graphics shown… I know that soounds all nonsense, but just them and tell me if I'm way off or not… I really think it's something.. and after having BURNED that movie into my brain lol it's an AWESOME FLICK!! I see what's going on… maybe.. anyone wanna help me out…? Pease..?

157bdf No.54830

f63fa8 No.54831

File: 63467da6f7061c6⋯.png (669.61 KB, 1223x680, 1223:680, Screenshot_20180115-003315….png)

a7767b No.54832


Hilarious part is if the dems didn't crucify ebil corps in the media, these bonuses probably dont happen.

53fefa No.54833


Flight 8239….

Same number in Q Stringer!!!

b8cf4d No.54834


FWIW I figured out the deadly threat.

If immediately Bd5 (or a4 or anything else) then black attacks the protective bishop on d2 with Be1; Na3 Re2 and white may have no good choices.

But after first Qf3 (pins the bishop) Qg1 (gets out of the pin) Bd5 Be1 Na3 black can no longer play Re2 which just loses the rook. So black cannot continue the attack.

2b92d3 No.54835

f8bfec No.54836


Flake is a traitor

c527e2 No.54837

File: e47953ffcd25a22⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 634x772, 317:386, 2661C6D700000578-2983112-i….jpg)

www.cfihaiti .net

Once you go on website and click "where is the money" the link doesn't work.

6dbcc7 No.54838

File: 1cd4f9e1c0d1491⋯.jpg (50.53 KB, 355x270, 71:54, 809d9f61c3b32ecdc9c02aeeab….jpg)

File: cbb452e570babb3⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: a6f34933ac21994⋯.jpg (113 KB, 1600x681, 1600:681, Tomorrow Never Dies (14).jpg)

File: aea6d531a527c9f⋯.jpg (192.81 KB, 1014x1500, 169:250, tomorrow_never_dies_eng1.jpg)

File: 2d0016a0f81fb56⋯.jpg (165.46 KB, 1024x617, 1024:617, wsj-papers-1024x617.jpg)

deep state media conspires to manufacture news items so they can be the first to report on it. quite literally printing the news before it happens.

steals stealth technology

fires missile at home country to spark a war to create news.

sound familiar?

765ccb No.54841

File: 79267a685f6eb16⋯.jpg (767.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Don Lemon Home Ownership.jpg)

First attempt. It's been done before. Thoughts?

bcf853 No.54842

File: cc653504609f74d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 822x548, 3:2, FNA_Dopey.PNG)

File: 69e747ab77e149e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 700x704, 175:176, FNA_Coop.PNG)

File: 0e5d357cef39e8f⋯.png (446.56 KB, 684x393, 228:131, FNA_NukularClowns.PNG)

File: a26c56cd6f6a50e⋯.png (732.18 KB, 828x513, 92:57, FNA_Liz.PNG)

67812f No.54843


>Back to meme-ing about Schiff?

NO! Please don't do any more about Schiff. There are 198 Schiff, more than anybody else except for Hillary and Trump.

Put attention on something that hasn't been memed much yet.

f33132 No.54844


has been on these boards since the beginning

Savage with his posts and his tweets

b624fc No.54845


imho… that tweet she pointed out..

is pretty vague and cryptic…

most normies can't comprehend..

hense, q's task.. side-by-side..

so they can understand it….

c01e80 No.54846



acb7a5 No.54848


oh those are all so good.

send em out


50d5f6 No.54849


is Elizabeth [& family] really a lizard? any confirm sauce aside from "someone who said something to someone once so many years ago" ?

4199a2 No.54850

File: 99d69740c835d51⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1351x682, 1351:682, sop3.png)



Landed at Paya Lebar Air Base

8e81b1 No.54851


i dont get what youre saying but im intrigued. come again?

e2462c No.54852


gold! saved for the 17th

1c0b5c No.54855


The Queen one is above 40,000 feet, this isn't advised until people have had some red pilling. It will only feed into the talking points that we are all nutty conspiracy theorists.

c82bb2 No.54856


They gonna need bigger plane

ea4baa No.54857

You have a situation with Potter brewing & quickly getting out of hand. Calling y’all fake, saying Q should get you under control. Telling Twitter people your threatening beans and the likes… FYI

a7767b No.54858

File: a4d723e12708520⋯.jpg (119.17 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DTjxsqvVwAAMouv.jpg)

From twatter

1ec74b No.54859


Got to admit it was funny though. Called my brother over to laugh at it. Whoever put that up has a great sense of humor.

6242c2 No.54860

File: f52e0c5e13dbdc5⋯.png (29.9 KB, 1242x147, 414:49, Screenshot 2018-01-14 at 1….png)


It's good, but that is actually what she called the bonuses.


851831 No.54861

File: 9e0dc2feda8492e⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 614x500, 307:250, 22pgdv.jpg)

a7767b No.54862

File: bb646971ec13a11⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 564x471, 188:157, DTjw_F_X4AEFPAd.jpg)

b2e4d3 No.54863


Working on it, give me a few more minutes….

c1f146 No.54864

File: 3c6682f0b869299⋯.jpg (272.16 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, __TrueNews-DonLemon2.jpg)


Why are you doing it again then????

c01e80 No.54866



here: AnonScan/status/929817634857717760

is a clip (2:19) starting with POTUS at CIA at beginning of his term-ish… then it goes into the movie trailer…

2b92d3 No.54867

File: 339e1ebcd2d2c47⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 621x202, 621:202, Elite PedoGate Inbreeding ….jpg)

4159fb No.54868



a7767b No.54869

File: eb0c778514d739c⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 720x804, 60:67, DTjwzUiW0AAWm1Z.jpg)

c475cd No.54870

File: 980f34c803673ef⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 320x240, 4:3, hadescigar.gif)


He was also the voice of Hades in Disney's Hercules. Idolized him since my /co/ days. Man's a paragon in the cesspool of Hollyweird.

acb7a5 No.54871


imho she is a fucking snowflake and good luck reporting yourself to potus.

7ead75 No.54872

File: 68e190734d9d897⋯.png (110.44 KB, 1003x486, 1003:486, DJTnotracist.png)

691fed No.54873

File: 5c185f82188e5d0⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 300x397, 300:397, mb2_New.jpg)

File: f6529428367040a⋯.jpg (85.39 KB, 350x500, 7:10, mb1_New.jpg)

2b92d3 No.54874


These are quality!

acb7a5 No.54876

0de449 No.54877

I just noticed there hasn't been a Weekly Address from POTUS since 12/30/17.

a7767b No.54878

File: ea4090d0f2c4b0f⋯.jpg (155.13 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DTjvvr8VMAADGtH.jpg)

851831 No.54879


They're was an article floating around that said Putin saw her in lizard form and was scared of it. I think David Icke also said something similar. But now aint the time for that convo

3b6f84 No.54880


seems that way. far and few between

8e81b1 No.54881


what is this high school gossip hour? nobody cares.

765ccb No.54882

File: 9000ea755d7574f⋯.jpg (741.12 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Don Lemon Home Ownership.jpg)


Better version. Text edited.

d3cf86 No.54883


Q also stated follow the money….wealth…bank acct of Maxine Waters and who else have accounts at the Singapore Bank? Shiff? Seizing physical assets???

b8cf4d No.54884


>www.cfihaiti .net

lots of links on that site (like, all the ones at the bottom) don't work, it's the 2012 version.

www.cfihaiti .com is the newer 2015 version .

Still, pretty funny.

2d2818 No.54885


Someone in the last bread voiced concern over this particular strategy – but no Smith-Mundt = propaganda jubilee for everyone. If the media and the government can do it with no legal ramifications, so can the meme-ists.

6de0f4 No.54886

File: 3c644a50a13cbc9⋯.jpg (183.75 KB, 900x600, 3:2, IMG_1456.JPG)

55056b No.54887

->Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops.

I think he means they will make a hostage of a normal civilian's family member in order to make them do a mass shooting type event, like people speculated the texas church shooting was, since they are low on personal

c82bb2 No.54888


Can't escape the view of our Planefag crew!

2b92d3 No.54890

File: 25dade86f8f4083⋯.jpg (182.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, d6a7f5a87d9g09a908fdg.jpg)

File: 7b3749b23726f68⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 300x450, 2:3, a897sdf5fas987dfs60f98.jpg)

File: dfd8f79c8cad370⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 300x450, 2:3, fa789d6ad7809f.jpg)

File: c8297e3b1cafb7c⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 1240x696, 155:87, ad8975fad87f54ads87f.jpg)

3ef98a No.54891


Thank You!!! I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have a good feeling about this theory.

It's almost as if the REMAINDER will be proven in real time [0] by normie news

157bdf No.54892

File: 7f2d167a6423459⋯.jpg (61.86 KB, 640x428, 160:107, 22pgi8.jpg)

acb7a5 No.54895


that is meganon going over the edge

and she left the shoes behind

4806d3 No.54897



1c0b5c No.54899


Should "come" be "some".

c1f146 No.54900

File: 3c6682f0b869299⋯.jpg (272.16 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, __TrueNews-DonLemon2.jpg)


WTF?! Can you try to conceive of an original idea? I DID NOT give out the templates for this.

b624fc No.54901


the best part …

she did read it …

so, maybe the seed will grow…

2b92d3 No.54902




4199a2 No.54904


Aye, theres definitely related bank accounts there.

bcf3d9 No.54905


Potter cant handle it. He is whipping people up. TB was wrong and doesn't want to admit it. That's her problem. Doesn't effect what is going on in here.

4806d3 No.54908


shared this on social media … worked great!

50d5f6 No.54909


>Putin saw her

>David Icke also said something

>aside from "someone who said something to someone once so many years ago"

give me some sauce akin to wikileaks cable, or give me silence

1578da No.54910

File: bc47c5249be6ad8⋯.jpg (69.81 KB, 762x539, 762:539, jurnoburno.jpg)

741d1a No.54912

Biggest. Julian Assange reveals he's free and drops dime on everyone. Trump negotiates JA has to give something for freedom.

580842 No.54913

File: 5c2ae2d893b0620⋯.jpg (144.67 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 22pg0m.jpg)

First try at meme making

fe421f No.54914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CNN doing CNN things with a green screen.

6931d4 No.54915

File: a045bca45e471a1⋯.jpg (167.96 KB, 1702x958, 851:479, b7820b142581ce05110943ff48….jpg)

5b1ae9 No.54916


Still laughing as I type from reading the two wall meme

7ead75 No.54917


Who is that RAT?

210d8f No.54918



1578da No.54920



157bdf No.54921

3f0874 No.54922

File: c9298115a20198e⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CNNFakeNewsAwardGoldenAppl….jpg)

Here's an award for CNN on Wednesday.

Also suggest we try to use POTUS's words of "Dishonesty" and "Bad Reporting" as fake news awards categories

b2e4d3 No.54923

File: 170e0c20ef3305d⋯.png (45.36 KB, 640x522, 320:261, Screenshot-2018-1-15 Anony….png)

File: 0547c7831b1a0f1⋯.png (160.17 KB, 640x605, 128:121, Screenshot-2018-1-15 Anony….png)

File: 2cc865a8b0de730⋯.png (53.63 KB, 640x618, 320:309, Screenshot-2018-1-15 Anony….png)

bcf3d9 No.54925


It's great!

f63fa8 No.54926

File: f384b199a90150b⋯.png (754.34 KB, 1174x626, 587:313, Screenshot_20180115-004308….png)

Go viral

1ec74b No.54927


Very good. Adding to my collection

3a0638 No.54928


Not bad at all, anon!

765ccb No.54929

Dude, chill. I came up with this idea. I even fed you the exact line to put on the meme.

6be21e No.54930

File: eaa1faab879cd3a⋯.png (77.78 KB, 1117x504, 1117:504, benghaziTraitor.png)

6de0f4 No.54932


Very nice.

a7767b No.54933

Seeing Tulsi on CNN tossing DJT under the bus (basically) "He isn't going enough!" Disgusting.

8938ec No.54934


Sad to say, but Moby Potter seems like he may have been given a nice new black hat to wear to the Awakening party.

8e81b1 No.54935


what.the.fuck. this explains so much i can't believe ive never hear of it before. the image search for that is woah. now i see how these people could be confused with "aliens" omg. i remember reading about vampires actually drinking blood bc of a genetic disorder but i thought it was the same one that makes them allergic to the sun.

1c0b5c No.54937


No lying. That will backfire on us. The liars are the MSM.

acb7a5 No.54938


if i had a brick is priceless

691fed No.54940


The parts I highlighted? Not really. What I highlighted is largely superfluous emotional roleplaying bullshit that (a) clusterfucks the OP, diminishing usability of all the other valuable info contained therein, (b) would be better off being explained in another thread, and in some capacity already is in other existing threads.

c1f146 No.54942

b0eacc No.54943

File: 0afc499121df381⋯.jpg (43.39 KB, 487x344, 487:344, tonights-fake-news.jpg)

File: 07f2b495a84e890⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 795x425, 159:85, thefloorisyours-5a5c40.jpg)

b624fc No.54945


plus meganon / or whoever posted it..

broke rule[0]

"Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. It's not the end of the world to slip up sometimes, but please try your best."

8e81b1 No.54946


all that money u think she would have had some braces.

3ef98a No.54949


Listen to this wise anon. Soft normie redpilling at first. Don't scare them off.

c01e80 No.54950

e24ffa No.54951


Lurker anon here; really like these. Cog dissonance is what we sickcare people use to try to get people in precontemplation to start thinking about change. These ooze it.

Suggest using the one of Sarah to create a dissonant positive fact about Trump and women.


This one is great, too.

c82bb2 No.54952

I bet this board appeals to a lot of famous peeps

cause they can come here and let it all hang out

and be Anon.

Wonder how many famous peeps come through here

acb7a5 No.54953


got a chuckle

must be good

157bdf No.54954


What makes this hilarious is that it is fake news.

b8cf4d No.54955


I wouldn't be too hard on the Queen. She's the one who pushed Brexit through.

851831 No.54956


I gave what I've seen and said we will talk about it later. If youre interested enough you will pursue it like a big boy, if not, suck a fat one bro. Much love

536263 No.54957


I'm just noticing that first graphic all but confirms the Pope as Godfather III. Is that long understood? Last I saw it still seemed like we were bickering about it.

2b92d3 No.54960


It does make them sensitive to light ;) And there used to be tales children would hear about not going near the castle at night. Prince Charles is literally descended from Vlad the Impaler. And owns the Transylvanian castle in Romania. Dianna knew about the kids they were cannibalizing and they killed her.

3ef98a No.54962


Subtle yet effective

765ccb No.54965

File: 4b164ea711f62a6⋯.jpg (568.43 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Anderson Cooper Unemployme….jpg)

Anderson Cooper on unemployment.

609484 No.54966

File: 9d4427109dfef59⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 550x234, 275:117, big-trouble-in-little-chin….jpg)


didnt think about that ,maybe its that he is part of that arc.

bcf853 No.54967

File: 2ba0b18a6839b62⋯.png (728.88 KB, 821x463, 821:463, BiggerGuantanamo.PNG)

9def6e No.54968

File: 07c15d660b96ec9⋯.gif (432.35 KB, 502x329, 502:329, QNEWS-BEWARE-OF-FALSE-FLAG….gif)

#QNews . ANimated MEME !

<click to open gif>

1c0b5c No.54969


Did Don Lemon actually say that? If not, you are worse than a shill for trying to undermine us.

6242c2 No.54971


Haven't folks done some research on Potter?

I thought it was proven he isn't who he says he is.

bcf3d9 No.54972

File: 2513a5e26bda6b3⋯.jpg (230.09 KB, 1854x1240, 927:620, DTjGNx6VAAATzK_.jpg)

a7767b No.54973



Both from twatter. I will keep re-posting whatever I see there, here.

970104 No.54976


You should see (((baruchthescribe)))'s absolute meltdown on /cbts/. Jesus Christ.

2b92d3 No.54977

File: 0829248e37d036b⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 960x626, 480:313, daf24adf6a67f4675.jpg)

File: b70701b8d3b9c34⋯.jpg (195.28 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, s67g5sfd874gh8f86sd.jpg)

File: e0d2dc0389b52c4⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 992x414, 496:207, s67g54s7df657s89b.jpg)

File: ea3d69b8621d87f⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, das7f89s0dg7s.JPG)

File: 3e40b81be21cba3⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 609x343, 87:49, d7a8f06ad890fa7ds890s.jpg)

f33132 No.54978


>I wouldn't be too hard on the Queen.

That woman is pure evil wrapped in a facade of human skin.

bcf3d9 No.54979


Its a joke. Like, 'If media were honest…'.

1c0b5c No.54980


Who said this. I see two conflicting memes, one credits this quote to Anderson Cooper the other to Don Lemon.

b8cf4d No.54981


Me too. That one really works. But outsiders won't know that Q post.

d3cf86 No.54982


That's probably why she had an eating disorder, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Poor Diana.

e42e73 No.54983


agreed these memes are bad

bb9ff0 No.54984

File: 6a7f7b0ee1ce574⋯.jpg (183.06 KB, 580x320, 29:16, CNN-Marijuana-Live-TV-NYE-….jpg)

d524ea No.54985


Especially with all the Celebrities crying from Hawaii scare,, They are blaming Trump,, thats a definite lead in, to them pushing that narrative( probably a mix of his mental state, North Korea button, and because Trump is president,, it made people scared even more acared( because MSM is fake news, and helped propel fear),, and Trump is to Blame for Hawaii, even if Dem Gov, and people ( guy who pushed button, and was reassigned) are really to blame, and have said so.

Theses are some of the other narratives they will try to push( especially Trumps mental state) Which details/ results of his physical exam on friday, will be released Tuesday the 16th. Msms has already shown, after talking about exam past month,, that it means nothing to them, unless they can get one of there paid shrinks to say something they want to hear.

Exam results are important because Msm made a big deal because they hoped it would show dementia, alzheimers, something they can cling onto. Knowing initially that results are EXCELLENT, they are going to try to dismiss it,, and push things like Hawaii fear,, which they cause.

2b92d3 No.54986

0bb360 No.54989

File: f013773b1e4a970⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 480x320, 3:2, 22pgp6.jpg)

File: da821c883044ead⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 299x168, 299:168, 22pgr4.jpg)

b8cf4d No.54992


I don't think it could hurt us. And how bad can it be to show him reporting some real news, actually if he never did?

1c0b5c No.54993


Then you need to add the words, "If the media were honest…" Or you make US out to be the liars, it is the MSM who are liars.

f63fa8 No.54994

File: 370a8d378255c09⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 640x341, 640:341, ZomboMeme 15012018005559.jpg)

a7767b No.54995

File: adaafcd5ab22bfc⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 500x413, 500:413, DTj1L3CW0AAY8qX.jpg)

c6e035 No.54997

File: f29bebbff28a9c7⋯.png (617.94 KB, 924x519, 308:173, I_wuz_sitting_on_muh.png)

765ccb No.54998





Combatting fake news with fake news?!? EPIC!

730f0b No.55000



MapMakers Note…No ties to Trump in the maps of the Dens Of Thieves

0bb360 No.55001


Oh… not on a gay man. I gotta wash my eyes out

b73c8c No.55002



1578da No.55003

File: af31407302855a9⋯.jpg (666.83 KB, 2823x2395, 2823:2395, dodgeyDenero.jpg)


8e81b1 No.55004


yea and thats why they are called reptilians . not bc they are reptiles at all, duh, but bc they look like fucking lizard people and their skin peels ahhh…and ant people. but they look like ants and live in the dark underground. omg the image search. those poor people. wtf

b8cf4d No.55005


I disagree, let them protest they never said it. Then it's all over the news, and it's not slander because it's a good thing for reporters to report real news right?

3b6f84 No.55006

wtf does all these actors/athletes put targets on back getting into politics? they cant all be baby rapers? i dont get it

f63fa8 No.55007



Pretty sure I saw more than one say using fake quotes against them is good.

Remember. All war is based in deception.

Put your big boy pants on.

1c0b5c No.55008


Epicly STUPID!!! People read a few of these and we are written off as the liars.

e5c88a No.55009

File: 47b0a12402ba49c⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 800x800, 1:1, FAKE2.jpg)

File: 962ce93fa770296⋯.jpg (66.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, FAKE3.jpg)

d790ab No.55010

File: 9089b374d093092⋯.jpg (89.54 KB, 720x804, 60:67, chelsea ugly bitch.jpg)

Had to post this - not too many people have the balls to acknowledge the obvious. Holy crap. What bad luck with the gene pool!

866f08 No.55011


James and Roseanne.

6a23b5 No.55012

File: a7ceada55aefb3c⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 750x734, 375:367, kid.jpg)


2d2818 No.55013


One of Diana's insiders said Diana actually called the Royal Family non-human shapeshifting reptiles.

4e7234 No.55014

File: 2277197eab03083⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 602x252, 43:18, gandalff.jpg)

c1f146 No.55015


Think of it as under the heading of "If Media was honest."

https:// twitter.com/B75434425/status/952748115194298368

55056b No.55016


this, what are they going to do? argue they never told the truth? lol ok

af22e9 No.55017

File: 0b4e4793a7c7d5a⋯.jpeg (179.79 KB, 1536x885, 512:295, 7CF3A22C-1757-49C3-B37E-2….jpeg)

3b6f84 No.55018


money? compromised?

58e799 No.55019

File: d5de0d05bd482ed⋯.png (546.04 KB, 609x850, 609:850, WarGamesHawaii.png)

War Games Hawaii

b8cf4d No.55020


Their employers like it. NFL owners are a very leftist bunch, that's why they encouraged Kaepernick (until they saw the negative reaction wasn't going away) rather than cutting him immediately when he first starting sitting.

1c0b5c No.55021


Well, this is heading to disaster. Remember Q Has Trump ever lied? That is the model we follow.

6931d4 No.55022


KEK - sorry!

a7767b No.55023

File: d859423763a7063⋯.jpg (131.99 KB, 840x539, 120:77, DTj1umSU0AEuFb3.jpg)

576536 No.55024


top shelf internal meme

b3d854 No.55025

Guys? Can someone who's on Twatter please reach out to a guy and ask him to get the hell in here and tell us what he knows?

I was randomly searching Twatter for Q-related posts and found a guy called @RoyalMrBadNews. He claims to be getting information from people in U.S. Intelligence community and he's been squawking all day about a place called Desko Island. He claims elites are being detained at Desko Island before being carted to Gitmo. He claims HE BUSH has been detained.

Here is one of his twats (split link):

https:// twitter. com/ROYALMRBADNEWS/status/952772380627230720

I swear I'm not him. But can someone who's on Twatter please contact him and ask him to come here and spill the beans? If he really has been getting Intel Ihitnk he should tell us. It may help us fill in some blanks.


8938ec No.55026


He's going live right now, not denying Q is positive. But bitching about supposed threats to Ann Coulter, and now running a "Flypaper Op" to call out or dox people or some bullshit like that.

He thinks Qanon ought to be responsible for the actions of all anons on Earth, kek

2b92d3 No.55027


Yeah - nightmare. They LITERALLY are fucking vampires dude. And they are ALL - along with the Rothschilds, etc. in a Moloch/Baal/Babylon mystery religion cult out of NE Canaan. They fucking steal kids, rape, torture, ritually sacrifice, and EAT them. Sounds shocking - and it IS. But it's every bit 100% fact, The whole #PedoGate thing is FUBAR. The world isn't wuite red pilled enough but we are softening the blow bit by bit. That's what Q means that these ppl are SICK. EVIL.

50d5f6 No.55028


comes from her biological father

3b6f84 No.55030


yea i was a niner fan from way way back, i stopped watching altogether about 3 years ago

6dbcc7 No.55031


… and the ghost of Chesty Puller popped out and said: "This is Fantastic, Gentlemen… Now we can attack in ANY Direction."

d3cf86 No.55032

Continue to pray for Geotus. Our President must have a heavy heart with all of the Deep State threats, lies, personal attacks on him. President Trump is fighting a biblical battle for all of Humanity. Like Q said, know your surroundings this week. Prep and be prepare Anon's.

1c0b5c No.55033


People WON'T read it that way unless you WRITE it that way! You MUST include the words, "IF the media were honest…" Or you are shilling us.

b73c8c No.55034

File: d47279426fad899⋯.png (33.72 KB, 303x546, 101:182, Den.png)

This trending hashtag is just begging to get hijacked…

a7767b No.55035

The Next Revolution w/Steve Hilton is super cringe.

58e799 No.55036

File: 4cc063c2ac17f0d⋯.png (102.83 KB, 363x185, 363:185, screenshot_170.png)

c6e035 No.55037


in politics, there are few things more painful than waiting for a story on you to fully come out…. for most stories the fake news is aways a day or two behind real life, and the slow drip drip drip of knowing a story about you is coming out is torture

this is like waterboarding AC with Q drops….

no way I am going to keep up with the bread with this crumb tonight

570341 No.55038

File: 114bedebf601268⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1059x600, 353:200, Capture.PNG)

6836f3 No.55039


CF Haiti theft anyone

a7767b No.55040

File: bfd1a3d45e973fc⋯.jpg (111.58 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, DTj1L3EWAAATIvL.jpg)

bcf3d9 No.55041


!!! <3

e42e73 No.55042


there is something going on here with these don lemon and cooper memes

started in the last thread

0bb360 No.55043

File: 5eb198075c769b1⋯.png (560.14 KB, 1295x760, 259:152, ClipboardImage.png)


Besides the fact that she's a mouldy leaf… look at what THEY are doing… And there is our favorite fraud.

ce3d54 No.55044

File: 74c535b30a834f7⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 453x432, 151:144, atrumpb2.jpg)

f63fa8 No.55045


Trump didn't make that meme.

Trump didn't lie.

Some Anon made that.

And if it goes viral. Oh well. Don can spend twenty minutes talking about it.

2b92d3 No.55046

File: b71f2168a5f93d0⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 366x366, 1:1, a5d4f8ad59gf70a8sd67g.jpg)



dfa5fe No.55047


You don't understand morale 'mate.

7c328d No.55048

File: d4bd2849a15d82b⋯.jpg (133.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, mb sing.jpg)

765ccb No.55049

File: f320ba987a59de4⋯.jpg (722.51 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Don Lemon Home Ownership2.jpg)


Is this better?

bcf3d9 No.55051

c1f146 No.55053

b0eacc No.55054

File: e839239a3213b85⋯.jpg (81.23 KB, 800x577, 800:577, and-then-he-5a5c43.jpg)

1158e1 No.55055

File: 699533de7531986⋯.png (664.3 KB, 500x590, 50:59, Fake News All.png)



acb7a5 No.55056

157bdf No.55057

File: 390de01c269f5d7⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 22pgz8.jpg)

572c81 No.55058

File: ae12102bb05c1c6⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 768x468, 64:39, hb.jpg)

I know not the side by side memes Q referenced but hopefully useful.

If anyone had ideas for side by siders but can't create them i would love to help.

4e7234 No.55059



b8cf4d No.55061


Shills are very triggered by these. I say they're brilliant!

And I am very careful about slander. There have been several that I've said only to use if they're literally true. But this is nice and sly and very safe. That's why there's so much triggering for these.

7ead75 No.55062


I like it.

It made me look at what imgflip.com has to offer.

I see now.

It gave me an idea to cut out the white border rectangle around the CNN and connect the logo stripes to the hypnotizing red, black and white stripes if the CNN logo was outlined in white and black.

I might run with it with a different hypno graphic.

Keep on meme-ing!

d524ea No.55063

File: 4e5af286e1a319e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 229x0u.jpg)


This is one of the Mockingbird Trophys.

A Clown Fag Trophy.lol ,, Cia has some clowns,, so very fitting,lol Be nice if it glowed,lol

996619 No.55064


Heh nice, thanks for making this a reality.

7c328d No.55065


whose side are you on?

the message is backwards.

aea12f No.55066


You mean a satanic priestess and an imbecile.

Killary is no hotty, never was.

6dbcc7 No.55068


addition: Boys on the Tracks. Mena gun running/drug trafficking.

c1f146 No.55069



TY! Exactly!

b2e4d3 No.55070



"The enzyme (hematin) necessary to alleviate symptoms is not absorbed intact on oral ingestion, and drinking blood would have no beneficial effect on the sufferer"

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porphyria

a7767b No.55071


Ignore the shills.

c6e035 No.55072

File: 0e33749c25ec9d8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1470x980, 3:2, I was there anderson coope….png)

bcf3d9 No.55073


"If media were honest." That's the theme, they lie.

0bb360 No.55074

File: f37edd5228ccb60⋯.png (770.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


PS, their memes really do suck

1c0b5c No.55075


It's gonna hurt to see Q with his face in his palm.

He loads you with truthful information and you go off on a tangent and make up lies that undermine us.

765ccb No.55076

File: d09bda2def039eb⋯.jpg (574.83 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Anderson Cooper Unemployme….jpg)

Media honesty

c843ba No.55077


Hmm… what's the possibility of Las Vegas being a target for FF attempt this week, following the line "Silence" Las Vegas/witnesses/informants??

2b92d3 No.55078

866f08 No.55080


Maybe it is this John in the Skippy video?

"What's my name?"

d524ea No.55081

File: 3b493eed712ca00⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Bouraine_Art_Deco_clown_br….jpg)


here's a blank if anyone needs, there are others in Memes 9 .

a7767b No.55082

File: 7120d2cf288eb12⋯.jpg (350.61 KB, 1123x1200, 1123:1200, DTBQuAvUQAADDqG.jpg)

b8cf4d No.55084


This one I don't like so much, because it's not provably true. It ascribes an opinion to him that is probably not his actual opinion.

Nix this one imho but the others, showing him reporting real true news, are wonderful.

691fed No.55085


>seth rich posted twice


0bb360 No.55086


Perfect fixes! And actually drives it home.

acb7a5 No.55087


anon likes

no idea what they have planned

keeping plans private

enemy knows when fire is set

c6e035 No.55088


top kek anon

8e81b1 No.55089


this reminds me. for the meme war. you don't have to only use Q related hashtags. you can throw any meme up with the trending hashtag and it will still get views. they might not be targeted views but they will be seen by many. who know whose eye you might catch.

6931d4 No.55090

File: 0a623bbbff23f28⋯.jpg (112.91 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, bfd1a3d45e973fc82034323700….jpg)

6242c2 No.55091


Yeah…his TL is ridiculous.

If he is really ex Army officer and tied in with intel like he says, he's a hurting unit.

210d8f No.55092


Boom. Good work.

2b92d3 No.55093


LOLOLOL - go to the link in the picture and ditch that faggy wikipedia shit, shill nigger

740047 No.55094

3b6f84 No.55095


love it still gigglin

50d5f6 No.55096

>When does a bird sing?

in the morning?



i don't remember that fat, rat looking cunt's name now.

googled - webb hubble

c6e035 No.55097

File: fea91a734152225⋯.jpg (188.71 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Elon_Musk_Obama_SpaceX.jpg….jpg)

dfb7d0 No.55098



c1f146 No.55099



What is being said is NOT a lie, it is the Truth.

b8cf4d No.55100


Is this supposed to look like the Bene Gesserit sisters from Dune?

0bb360 No.55101


Limpen the nose… You know what I mean. Shudder.

6a23b5 No.55102


I am on there.

Here is the chatter from today in a short form.

Musk has a tunneling machine and found the stolen gold/cash. He apparently made a deal to do this, from the jist of the twat, to save himself.

Claims SOROS is at Camp David, headed to diego garcia (Gitmo Two, HVT)

GHWB was taken there and is in transit to gitmo.

This shit is moving so fast two minutes go by and it takes a hour to catch up.

Got more than I can handle right now. The address is in the original op

acb7a5 No.55103

d524ea No.55104

File: 95c9ef662fdfca9⋯.jpg (151.12 KB, 840x539, 120:77, 95c9ef662fdfca9d5ee3a19116….jpg)


I remember too, lol ME TOO

Still have nightmares,lol

c82bb2 No.55105


When does Roseanne new show start?

8a8b69 No.55106


What are they going to say? "I never told the truth!!!"

3b6f84 No.55107


can i have blank with nose stretched?

b624fc No.55108

File: 221b3f8e527885b⋯.jpg (154.98 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Chelsea-Rebecca Hubbell.jpg)


she looks like her sister…

Rebecca Hubbell…

7ead75 No.55110


Why does that leaf ho give a fuck about what happens here?


157bdf No.55111



Are we really gonna let POTUS, Q and the Patriots down after all they've done? I hope everyone here shows up for the battle Wed. This is not a game.

570341 No.55112

File: 185e66f4efba03a⋯.png (1020.81 KB, 1018x577, 1018:577, Capture.PNG)

3b6f84 No.55113



c82bb2 No.55114


said the time traveling Barron Von Trump! MAGA!

765ccb No.55115

File: 1fe5d682d23af71⋯.jpg (579.05 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Anderson Cooper Unemployme….jpg)


Forgot to close the quote. Thanks for the feedback, anon!

5dd836 No.55116


Q said he would guide on the memes. If you self-censor, you take away an opportunity for him to choose.

If anything, add a disclaimer about this quote attribution coming from anonymous sources.

55056b No.55117


they don't have any bite this way



b0eacc No.55118

File: c819b94cac69650⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 800x800, 1:1, smells-like-le.jpg)

d790ab No.55119


I puked in my mouth. Please stop showing this filth!

acb7a5 No.55120



740047 No.55121


Do you really think they won't send shills in here to run a counter op? They did the same thing with follow the white rabbit.

f63fa8 No.55122

Potter just said he and some of his Intel boys played flypaper and ID a bunch of you.


691fed No.55123


Wrong. It's possible to boost morale without consuming 30~ lines at the detriment of everything else in the OP.

c1f146 No.55124



570341 No.55125


Love it!

970104 No.55126


So he's a shill now?

210d8f No.55127


Smells like:

1) shills noticed these new memes.

2) had meeting, discussed,

3) came up with plan to try to stop them

4) are now here complaining about them.

007f9e No.55128


How about the fake media lie saying Benghazi was the fault of a "film maker". It's an oldy but a goody.

e42e73 No.55129













These need to stop. We are not the lairs.


157bdf No.55130


…thats the point. Fighting fake nwes with fake news.

d790ab No.55131

File: 17a2c50f28cbb34⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, anderson cooper tool.jpg)

I like this simple meme better. People cannot think beyond a word or two anymore.

956e6d No.55132

File: 397fdd50336a7d1⋯.png (399.71 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, globemaster.png)

three us air force globemaster cargo planes in the air now. lot of stuff being moved around?

pic related

691fed No.55133


Don't quit your dayjob newfriend.

851831 No.55134

File: 204be886a6d87a4⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 702x476, 351:238, 22ph3p.jpg)

8938ec No.55135


Who is Moby? (rhetorical)

7c328d No.55136


>"If media were honest." That's the theme, they lie.

That part is fine. The rest of it sounds like your against POTUS because the black housing crunch is his fault. ??

6dbcc7 No.55137


Zenith Kek

a7767b No.55138




157bdf No.55139


Royston Potter

0bb360 No.55140

File: cd2d3b401c3e9d1⋯.png (84.12 KB, 958x581, 958:581, ClipboardImage.png)

765ccb No.55141


Fixed, bro. Now leading in with, "If the media were honest:"

b8cf4d No.55142


I liked it better before. The cognitive dissonance really gets anyone thinking. "Wait, did he say that? Is it true?" They find out the answers are no, and yes, and why didn't he say it?

Whereas with the "if the media were honest" it's just Trump supporters echoing him that the media is doing fake news. No cognitive dissonance, no viewer involvement.

And the little white lie is totally harmless. They dare not call us out on it without throwing more mud on themselves. Besides we're not Trump. We're nameless, faceless anons.

1278cc No.55143

File: 90ba625c26777a6⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 474x384, 79:64, TwitterCensor.jpg)

2b92d3 No.55144

File: 110abd3ebf28685⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 728x506, 364:253, glowin_ass_clowns.jpg)

1158e1 No.55145

File: 6bba3aa693012df⋯.png (939.87 KB, 888x500, 222:125, Lemon juice.png)

8e81b1 No.55146


much better

157bdf No.55147



If he actually did that, it is likely he has always been a shill.

950ef8 No.55148


Some anon just posted this VERY sensible advice in the Memes

War Room, and it's so onto it - am just reposting it in here, so more sets of eyeballs see it:

HOW TO [kill_rogue] on Twitter

Found in General #57, the anon that considered this is w/o a doubt a Grand Autist


Thought, probably already spoken in threads before:



This is a gambit: Twitter is played and belongs to bad actors, although the strings have been cut, puppets with no strings play the same old script. Which means: @realDonaldTrump is tweaked on their side to show only replies from shills/bots against POTUS.

Part of the Gameplan should be that we need to reply with memes to EVERY shill reply against POTUS, because replies are visible and normalfags will see them.

I am most probably stating the obvious, not much of an autist myself, mostly lurk and spread what has been dug, but it should be taken into consideration.

1c0b5c No.55149


Yes, Yes, Yes

Maybe something to make it so that they do think he said it at first, and then upon further look they see that it says, "If the media were honest".

That would be powerful because it IS what Lemon should be saying, and this way it makes them wonder why he isn't saying that.

a7767b No.55150


>Royston Potter

Again who?

dc709b No.55151

Must watch and spread! Shithole! Lol


1158e1 No.55152


I just used another Anon's comment to make the meme!

765ccb No.55154


I agree. Any suggestions?

dfa5fe No.55157


>at the detriment of everything else

keking what? Get out.

aea12f No.55158


They power of semantics.



b0eacc No.55159

File: 1d34c0bd789ab58⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 500x456, 125:114, you-said-concocted.jpg)

1158e1 No.55162

b8cf4d No.55163


meh. Why insult him like that? We don't insult him, we insult his work, or use him to show a tendency of the media in general.

f63fa8 No.55164


He live on Twitter going to live on YouTube.

Said he got some Intel folks to id a bunch of us for threatening beanz and Ann Coulter.

.said we brought it on ourselves.

8e81b1 No.55165


if i find out they were sure it was him in that video and let him roam free all this time i will be so fucking pissed.

i already am pissed how there are no arrests yet.

691fed No.55166


Explain how all that gibberish doesn't affect readability or fuck off.

c01e80 No.55167





This is important!!! Please Anons.. I hope I do this right.. sorry if not… apologies in advance for the pain-in-the-assness… I think I pieced something together but don't know how to make it 'come together'…but I need some help with graphic grabs/ or wtvr… kinda a long story but DEFINITELY RELATED! Hear me out(please) so..

AnonScan(who is one of JA's folks) posted this today.. (showing JA's 'Checkmate" board..)

AnonScan/status/952094066526900224 and THIS was the rest of the link after it …'d : (showing the beginning of a game with the caption)

If partial control of the other side,chess is not a game

Its deception

Your move

1:12 PM - 12 Nov 2017


AND LINKED ABOVE is another tweet regarding the movie "Spy Game" with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt (AWESOME MOVIE, BTW!) Annnywayyy… Caption is:

It's Not How You Play The Game… Fiction🆚Reality Working against agency politics… #SpyGame🕵️ first release 19. nov 2001 #CIA #BehindTheScenes #China #Vietnam #Freedom🗽 #Bait🍯 @POTUS

1:06 PM - 12 Nov 2017


here: AnonScan/status/929817634857717760

is a clip (2:19) starting with POTUS at CIA at beginning of his term-ish… then it goes into the movie trailer…

here: AnonScan/status/929817634857717760

I'm not sure how to post the graphics without 'exposing' myself … but if someone can go grab those pics and put them together that'd be AWESOME!! It'll make more sense once you see the particular graphics shown… I know that soounds all nonsense, but just them and tell me if I'm way off or not… I really think it's something.. and after having BURNED that movie into my brain lol it's an AWESOME FLICK!! I see what's going on… maybe.. anyone wanna help me out…? Please..?

6931d4 No.55168

File: d423fcbbe18760b⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, bfd1a3d45e973fc82034323700….jpg)

157bdf No.55169


Former military officer who followed Q for a while. on yt. He got impatient after the "DEFCON 1" post last week and started bashing anons.


1158e1 No.55170


lmao If I had used Hussein I would have spelled it "con-cocked"!

8a8b69 No.55171


Tweeter [kill_rogue] may be the op that took @Jack out. If assets were seized from both him and Alwaleed, the US Govt is now the largest shareholder in Twitter.

5dd836 No.55172


Put the disclaimer after the quote. It reduces the impact if it is the lead.

ff13d1 No.55173


So good! *wipes tears*

2115a4 No.55174

Anyone find interesting that JA retweeted the same Pope Francis tweet twice, in two languages? As it so happens, both retweets have the same timestamp (or, 0 delta).

Pope's tweet:

"We should work to accommodate, to protect, to promote and to integrate whoever is forced to leave their own home and undergo moments of real difficulty."

8938ec No.55176


More of his flypaper chatter trying to lure in anons

157bdf No.55177


Yea. Ignore him. He might really be a clown.

bcf853 No.55178

File: bedc50df4cea213⋯.png (372.18 KB, 1111x578, 1111:578, veryfaqenews.png)

1c0b5c No.55179


oops I didn't see that you had changed the test to "lowest". No, that is NOT helpful.

a7767b No.55180


>He got impatient after the "DEFCON 1" post last week and started bashing anons.

Then you have your answer. Fuck him.

157bdf No.55181



6dbcc7 No.55182


Fuck him and feed him fish heads, i say.

7ead75 No.55184


I tried earlier on here but it didn't click.

691fed No.55185



Yeah. I don't know why people followed him in the first place - he never had anything interesting to say, just rambled on and on like the old fart he is.

157bdf No.55186


This is great. The facial expression nails it. Good job.

59946b No.55187

File: 4fd884360cf51d5⋯.jpg (644.72 KB, 2967x2995, 2967:2995, 1513602309885.jpg)

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT is the intro to the Wash St. fight song. Relevant because Gen. Mattis is from Pullman where the uni is located. Crimson Colors, TIDE victory lap?

0bb360 No.55188

File: 76b6fa8bac4543d⋯.png (87.43 KB, 839x365, 839:365, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, this guy puts a lot of stuff out and I basically say (to myself) I can't exactly dog on a guy that says he's been contacted my MI, lol considering I'ma bout to C&P to a board dedicated to an inside source, so…"

Here's the thing: Were the Clintons there? Is Huma still "her Girl?" Why was Huma even in Hawaii and how did we get that intel and not B&C? Could THAT be where they are hanging out so no one can find them? I wonder how fast they could jump out to oh, say NoKo from there if tshf?

a7767b No.55189

File: 7a124529aa9241e⋯.png (287.33 KB, 520x425, 104:85, paine.png)

d3cf86 No.55190


You Plane fags (Plane Masters) are darn damn amazing! Thank you!

FYI, Very early in the middle of the night, around 3:30 AM, three military helicopters flew over my house from Camp David, heading north west. Someone was moved from the retreat to have three helicopters like when the President is there.

55056b No.55191


well we certainly wouldn't want to be mean to cabalist child fucker

d790ab No.55192


Because he is a tool for participating in the racket.

f63fa8 No.55193


See. Someone gets it.

When people scream don lemon didn't say this it's easy to point out that Trump didn't say shithole.

The power of the media on full display.

115ddd No.55195

Trump mentions pizzagate in 2011 CNN interview


851831 No.55196


I hope he doesnt involve those that had nothing to do with this fucking beef.

a7767b No.55198


Famefags are all alike.

dfa5fe No.55199


>Whatever Trump tweets about gains an enormous amount of attention.

>Q has exemplified how calculated every word can be.

>So lets follow the direction of our Masterful Tactician.

>As Trump Trolls, We will Redpill.

>Topic for topic, we will pry open the Overton window.

>For all to see how sickening the world really is, but more importantly, how great it can be.


It's literally what Q wants us to do in The Great Awakening.

>There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 12/22. Each set as a remote explosive in the take down of the worlds largest syndicate of evil.

>There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office. Millions of children have been saved by stopping this now.

>As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

>Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

>There are no coincidences.


Those are hard irrefutable facts that are begging for a larger picture [That Q is painting] to encompass them.

>Our goal is simple:

>To assure your family, loved ones and friends that we're all in very good hands. [YOU ARE THE KEYSTONE TO THIS PLAN].

>[The Q / Trump coded communications are] perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation to us.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

>Can you?

>Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

>You know what to do.




23713d No.55200

File: 0088e771cbe89d5⋯.jpeg (203.86 KB, 1180x1179, 1180:1179, 103FD9CE-797B-49AA-8663-A….jpeg)

5dd836 No.55201



55056b No.55202

5b1ae9 No.55204

Roy Potter is on YouTube live saying how he is boxxing us.

4159fb No.55205


Alum here – it reminded me as well!

A prior anon thought the two Ws above along w/3 Fights meant WWIII

956e6d No.55206

File: d43c961ca95ca2c⋯.png (282.14 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, usarmy.png)

us army in israel

765ccb No.55207


How is this?

0bb360 No.55208


Reply to self, it was on Page6. No mention of B&C…

f63fa8 No.55209


It's called flip the script.

You guys are great at puzzles.

Politics not so much.

a7767b No.55210

File: f08c5d9603e53ce⋯.png (61.42 KB, 558x313, 558:313, podesta.png)

765ccb No.55212

File: f7f4525e9241b9e⋯.jpg (765.88 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Don Lemon Home Ownership3.jpg)


How is this, anon?

7ead75 No.55213


Threatening threats with threats?

691fed No.55214



>>Whatever Trump tweets about gains an enormous amount of attention.


>>Q has exemplified how calculated every word can be.


>>So lets follow the direction of our Masterful Tactician.


>>As Trump Trolls, We will Redpill.


>>Topic for topic, we will pry open the Overton window.


>>For all to see how sickening the world really is, but more importantly, how great it can be.




>It's literally what Q wants us to do in The Great Awakening.

To prove you're not completely full of shit, I want you to sum up to me in a single sentence just exactly what you think the above conveys.

For starters.

a7767b No.55215

File: 043cf7c08dc47bd⋯.jpeg (80.75 KB, 851x479, 851:479, DTj0fRVU0AA69zL.jpeg)

f63fa8 No.55216

File: 3ef2c1d7091496d⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 652x485, 652:485, ZomboMeme 15012018012245.jpg)

b1f9a0 No.55217


What is the website? Don't want to dox myself but need to look up activity

5dd836 No.55218


Much better. The punchline comes after the setup.

0bb360 No.55219

File: 3d667cdc129a4f2⋯.png (118.95 KB, 1181x574, 1181:574, ClipboardImage.png)

So much material with that one….

1158e1 No.55220

File: 0bf1430567600e5⋯.png (728.25 KB, 956x500, 239:125, High Five.png)

e42e73 No.55221


perfect fix

704c35 No.55222


fire from heaven should snap him in the ass

2d2818 No.55223


I'm not a meme maker, but I'd like to toss out an idea for the genius meme-ists here: The fake news industry was given free reign to lie legally with the overturning of the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act (which made domestic propaganda illegal) with Obama's Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The public, largely, doesn't understand that the fake news is happening to this absurd degree because the Obama administration legalized lying to the American public. It was done so false flags could be implemented internally by the government without legal ramifications (and notice the enormous escalation of false flags in the years since), and so the media could be used as a state propaganda arm way beyond anything before. THIS is why the media is so out of control.

Obama overturning Smith-Mundt the rotten core of why the fake news has so quickly become toxic and treasonous: it was legally sanctioned.



http:// foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/

http:// www.businessinsider.com/us-domestic-propaganda-officially-aired-2013-7

https:// www.rt.com/usa/smith-mundt-domestic-propaganda-121/

956e6d No.55224



in the menu you can filter for military and so on

157bdf No.55225


Yea but the worst thing he's done was compromise the intergrity of our mission.

b1f9a0 No.55226


Thank you

115ddd No.55227


Change "he" to "we"

fdcce6 No.55228


Game of Thrones Reference

956e6d No.55229


no prob

0bb360 No.55230


BFD. And sauce it or you are just making hate.

THE RP slide is a nightly thing … woopee

765ccb No.55231

File: 1288e2b389744f9⋯.jpg (615.69 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Anderson Cooper Unemployme….jpg)

Now, the Anderson Cooper version.

691fed No.55232




>It's literally what Q wants us to do in The Great Awakening.

Do you think no one here knows what to do? Do you really think we haven't figured that part out yet? Why are you determined to fill the dough with, for example, those 6 lines of basic-bitch level information we already know very well?

950ef8 No.55233


It does seem likely. Also wouldn't be surprised if the Veritas expose has been part of the timing. (The main thing in that anon's post I think we need to follow, is:

Since (being that Twatter is shadow-rigged against us)

>@realDonaldTrump is tweaked on their side to show only replies from shills/bots against POTUS.

> we need to reply with memes to EVERY shill reply against POTUS, because replies are visible and normalfags will see them.

7ead75 No.55234


Damnit. I'm distracted. WTG Potter!

I was just browsing news and trying to make memes.

ed541a No.55235

Is there a place where all the q posts are interpreted?

19b848 No.55236

I cant meme yet….wife is gonna teach me tomorrow. but I think someone should make a meme FLAKE NEWS……since the Flake is planning to go all Full retard against Trump.

2b92d3 No.55237

File: 35d55ba71d0cb82⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 1b5orx.jpg)

File: bf853ebd6c03a4d⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 460x470, 46:47, DPJe3loX0AI28WD.jpg)

File: 7da73a9427faa00⋯.gif (425.3 KB, 359x371, 359:371, ef1.gif)

ed541a No.55238


Im really frustrated by that guy.


15a878 No.55239

File: bfa62a70d97f72b⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 956x537, 956:537, CF Needs Fake News.JPG)




8938ec No.55240


Stalinist fake media propaganda from Flake, ofc

Projection is their game

274402 No.55241


Shows how important is to tell the story rather than just showing the postings.

2d2818 No.55242



d790ab No.55243

File: 07b451422df3661⋯.jpg (321.97 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, don lemon fake black guy C….jpg)

I hate fake news.

7c328d No.55244


Web Hubble should've got a discount and then got everybody a lip reduction for their birthday.

d524ea No.55245

File: 8db1de2b141acaa⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 22phmi.jpg)

File: ca231316b74816f⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 500x281, 500:281, trpepmur.jpg)

File: c7ce975e4d870b3⋯.jpg (169.95 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, CISAozR.jpg)

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, c99125090646afb8cd6a4569fc….jpg)

dfa5fe No.55246



Are you that fucking blind?

c0df17 No.55247

An agent is singing

https:// twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/952737170485338114

b06fb2 No.55248


They're really amazing when they contain facts like 3.9% GDP too. It doesn't take much for someone to realize their tactics of selective disclosure/non disclosure

62dcdc No.55249


total mindfuck, perfect!

1158e1 No.55250


try this… imgflip.com/memegenerator

easy peasy!

157bdf No.55251


Focus anon. When the shills get noisy it means we are on target.

a7767b No.55252


Ignore and move on.

5dd836 No.55253


Doesn't that seem more effective? The disclaimer is there to protect the integrity of the facts.

Maybe even use a smaller font for the disclaimer.

b8cf4d No.55254


>twitter.com/ AnonScan/status/929817634857717760

I don't get it. Some movie scenes, and Trump getting off the plane to a high-level reception in China. We don't know that either one is playing the other.

f33132 No.55255


move on and keep doing what you're doing, fine anon

he's a typical concern-shill

385f49 No.55256

File: f73dda29b433260⋯.png (450.29 KB, 800x600, 4:3, coinsidence.png)


Shit, he's got a personal army, i'm quaking in my boots. If those fuckers can't handle Chan culture, why on this shithole are they coming here to monetize the information being dropped.


Anyway, here's another BDT graphic I made.

157bdf No.55257


Anon, what are your plans for Wed? Will you be on the battlefield?

1c0b5c No.55258


I love it! Powerful

bcf853 No.55259

File: bec026e8c76247e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 827x618, 827:618, FNA_Sacrifice.PNG)

File: 74a45e30b4aa7ab⋯.png (862.23 KB, 717x476, 717:476, FNA_Scatholic.PNG)

File: eea123e7ee26177⋯.png (713.05 KB, 528x663, 176:221, FNA_FukingTony.PNG)

File: f6c0aea39d37075⋯.png (1.11 MB, 825x576, 275:192, FNA_FantasyLand.PNG)

File: d134041ba6cdbf8⋯.png (783.67 KB, 554x764, 277:382, FNA_EyesWideShut.PNG)

210d8f No.55260

Wow, Potter is triggered. A very pressured individual. It'll be interesting to learn his true motives over time. It'll come out.

6dbcc7 No.55261

okay lads…. can we get some critical thinking input for pre-planning purposes?

Say we start wed morning early with the memewar and everything goes to plan.

how will the MSM react? and what should we do to counter?

obviously they'll call us crazy conspiracy theorists, which we are already producing ammo to throw that back in their faces.

what next? where do they turn when that backfires? how do we limit their escape routes?

all suggestions being accepted.

a7767b No.55262


>learn his true motives over time

By attacking patriots he just told you.

5eeff5 No.55263



Easy way to hit the top! I would use this trick on reddit to promote my own posts.


No reason we can't bombard old, classic DJT tweets. Perhaps all his marker tweets or ones that are still news worthy.

Now I've said this before but this is IMPORTANT




The STORM approaches!

d5eb96 No.55264

File: b101d3ade0dda07⋯.png (356.43 KB, 805x736, 35:32, AllConnected.png)

bcf853 No.55265

File: 93c721e1aed6149⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 680x680, 1:1, PEP.jpg)

2b92d3 No.55266



2d2818 No.55267


It was a shit storm.

576536 No.55268

https:// truepundit.com/raw-images-surface-brutal-floor-collapse-jakarta-stock-exchange-many-injured/

FYI Anons

Jakarta Stock Exchange floor collapsed, several dead, had to evacuate the whole building.

Accident or does this serve a purpose?

1c0b5c No.55269


Remember Q's words…




When this goes down your name will be on the right side of history.

d524ea No.55270

File: 3ad1501cb32d21a⋯.png (906.29 KB, 1025x626, 1025:626, Q Pepe.png)

File: cbbef2d374c31ef⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 818x500, 409:250, 22phsg.jpg)

File: 5da1bd0b5547531⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 930x500, 93:50, 22phqy.jpg)

File: a2934d031be0e3b⋯.png (528.43 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, 1_JXj4fc59RlLXQAtbfg_BcQ.png)


I found this pepe ,, and reversed it, and it looks like a Q

210d8f No.55271


I didn't hear it, but others have said he said he was doxxing people here. Uncool if true.

f8bfec No.55272

File: aa339f72d424e1e⋯.jpeg (451.29 KB, 1536x1350, 256:225, 338FC7E8-11A7-4A12-8513-6….jpeg)

From Twatter. Interesting.

0bb360 No.55273


I stand corrected. He really is. He swears we threatened him? And there is someone on his twitter freaking out about linking.

He is disturbed. Being Anti Q board seems to be getting him some legs.

And yet is still walking with Q? WTF is with him? I thought he said we were all fake? He's back on Q's wagon but still … uh.

If you are trolling him and it's not those asshole over at CTBS and the haters, knock it off. We don't need this. The mission doesn't need this.

7ead75 No.55274




He is triggered.

His angle seems to be he's mad at anons, but yet he still likes Q, but then he stabs at Q?


Sorry we don't have patreon or donate buttons.

We are not a Cult!

d790ab No.55276


Posted here last bread or two

a7767b No.55277


>how will the MSM react? and what should we do to counter?

Keep blasting and put them on the defensive. They will counter with "vast right wing conspiracy". Evidence will continue to pour out (like wikileaks/haiti).

2b92d3 No.55278


TOO MUCH GRAY AREA - leave the shithole comment in the dust. It was "alleged" hearsay. - Do you HONESTLY think some libtard shillfaggot is going to accept that as an answer? NO. Don't fuck off the movement with this bs

210d8f No.55279


Yeah. He's obviously REALLY upset and pissed/afraid (not sure.) His message isn't coherent. Not saying this is the case, but this strikes me as the behavior of someone who could be very afraid.

1c0b5c No.55280


A patriot reversed one of the memes because he was a little annoyed. No real harm was meant.

fb0ca5 No.55281

https:// 8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html#q22

"SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239]"

I had a thought about 8239…. #8239; is the entity code for a "non-breaking space"

Could that be a code for "It didn't fail, it made it to space"?

157bdf No.55284


Anon, what are your plans for Wed? Will you be on the battlefield?

bf3f2c No.55285

File: 8282f8e66587719⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 724x478, 362:239, 38274981369026490187904.JPG)

We should make fake news bingo or something. Drinking games or something. Like how people had Oscars parties in the 80s

58e799 No.55286

File: b03495def529ac4⋯.png (508.2 KB, 609x850, 609:850, Pizza Games.png)

Pizza Games

7ead75 No.55287


"Wants to market in the chans"


2b92d3 No.55289


KEKEK I like em!

704c35 No.55290


something very wrong with that egg

eb2b9a No.55291

File: 59655254e45eb75⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 500x281, 500:281, hillarydeathbed.jpg)

Thanks for the original, Anon.

19b848 No.55292

I like the ABC behind him….FLAKE News……

What will Jeff say to keep his $66,600,000 Millions that he stole fair and square….

I dont know the exact amount he has accepted as bribes….but I thought it was over 60 million. I used the 666 to subconciesly reinforce the Luciferian evil of these MKultra life actors.

7efa85 No.55293

File: 8f8d8e40a8d83ff⋯.png (411.25 KB, 610x731, 610:731, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)

anyone see this?

d5eb96 No.55294

Do we have a greatawakening or wethepeople meme depository? I saw the fake news one, or should I just put the in memes9?

210d8f No.55295

Potter is bragging about all of the secret shit he did? Is this guy for real? WTF?

765ccb No.55296

File: fcc5baa9a7db827⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Zain Asher.jpg)

File: 11ea7919464b578⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Michaela Peirera.jpg)

File: b7e9118e2672479⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Jason Carroll.jpg)

File: bd487f3982d3cf0⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Alisyn Camerota.jpg)

File: c7baeccdf03705c⋯.jpg (128.17 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Ashley Fantz.jpg)

More Meme ammo, courtesy of CNN.

7c328d No.55297


You underestimate the power of "The Boot"

They ain't jumping no-where, no-how.

We know gps are very small , I hoped that if those boots had some type of 'charge' in them so if they get out of range the bitch blows their leg off. ha ha ha That would keep 'em honest.

0bb360 No.55298


He complains about cults… then builds a cult. Ok….

19b848 No.55299

Or ¨No your very Flake NEwS!" maybe get a Trump and Flake next to each other?

d5eb96 No.55301


Glad you posted it,didn't see it in last bread

8f2c94 No.55302

File: 81dc7ec356ad44d⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 500x413, 500:413, DTj3Db2W0AEN1id.jpg)


62dcdc No.55303


hahahah they're awesome

f8bfec No.55304


Got it. Thx

765ccb No.55305

File: 2f9546ca540011e⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Christi Paul.jpg)

File: 09b0288bc0193c1⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Christiane Amanpour.jpg)

File: 3d5fecc1275f089⋯.jpg (90.51 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Erin Burnett.jpg)

File: 551924fb4a190b7⋯.jpg (83.67 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Lynda Kincade.jpg)

File: c7ff1f3c15e01ba⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Maggie Lake.jpg)

Even more CNN Meme ammo.

d524ea No.55306


Very nice,, GREAT JOB!!!

6ed1d7 No.55307



f9cb61 No.55308


the pepe le pew one is excellent

ff501b No.55309


Yep. Shoddy workmanship is the likely cause but you never know.

576536 No.55310


Speculations, anybody?

385f49 No.55311


Over an hour ago, it's Indonesia, their buildings are probably held together by animal feces.

210d8f No.55312


I'll quietly watch. Form of research. Understanding the behavior of the chess pieces can be revealing.

765ccb No.55313

File: 381c90b709848e4⋯.jpg (94.49 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Wolf Blitzer.jpg)

File: bb82f3f64451226⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Rosemary Church.jpg)

File: c3ef872e77a5e96⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Pam Brown.jpg)

File: 15c18587bd1299b⋯.jpg (76.11 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Natalie Allen.jpg)

Last dump of CNN Meme ammo.

eb2b9a No.55314

File: bd3b0d05783b063⋯.jpg (254.63 KB, 650x682, 325:341, dafuqgoat.jpg)

File: 955bb927d494d60⋯.jpg (249.25 KB, 607x676, 607:676, dafuqowl.jpg)

File: 0d1089534b4184f⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 634x414, 317:207, homealonehillary.jpg)

File: 7972ae19975ea1c⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 660x650, 66:65, saudibankomg.jpg)

f33132 No.55315


I learned something in my militaryfag days - If they brag, they're lying.

dfb7d0 No.55316


side shelf but not forgotten

157bdf No.55317


To be positive, he might have been a former anon who was frustrated at the pace of the storm, howerver, once you distract from the /qresearch/, we have no choice but to dismiss him.

Don't respond to him.

Unsubscribe and keep digging.

We go to war Wed.

(vids realated but ONLY for a moment of brevity.)

Vids likely represent our lives if HRC won.

Still, powerful and entertaining. Incorporate ideas into memes.

War Wed.

65c953 No.55318

Can we have all anti-trump opponents quoting "pro-trump" stuff?

f63fa8 No.55319



He isn't.

A reservist.

No real officer would lose their shit like he does.

He is talking up a game to drive hits to his site.

He is the one that posted that bull shit threat about doxxing people.

The one in italics earlier. Grabbing IDs and tracing them.

If that was the case a million fucking people would have been busted already for many other things.

Guy is a blowhard

Idiot doesn't understand what is going on and is seeking to enrich himself

Totally stupid.

No military mind whatsoever.


7ead75 No.55320

I turned that Potter shit off.

He's White Knighting for Beanz and some other fem, but probably doing more harm than good.


I'll be READY!

8938ec No.55321



Heads up anons, the vibe I'm getting is that Royston is itching to go full Hal Turner.

Now we see he wanted more than hugs from B

https:// encyclopediadramatica.rs/Hal_Turner

1578da No.55323

File: be37f2fc523ee0a⋯.jpg (102.23 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, loon.jpg)

115ddd No.55324

I wrote an autoreply Twitter bot.

210d8f No.55325


Same. Trying to figure out what kind of pawn he is or if he's just a fag trying to monetize ads on YT. Watched him at Bundy. Seems he works for some alphabet agency. Can't place which one.

65c953 No.55326


And I don't mean false stuff. I mean that they either admit something pro-trump or they said pro-trump stuff before Trump became president.

dfb7d0 No.55327

build the wall all dem pics

6dbcc7 No.55328


kinda like how you could almost put money on anyone who ever said they were a navy seal was lying, but you've probably met one and never known it.

f63fa8 No.55329




f8bfec No.55330

851831 No.55331

File: dcb527d707e28a5⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 589x500, 589:500, 22pi3l.jpg)

157bdf No.55334





To be positive, he might have been a former anon who was frustrated at the pace of the storm, howerver, once you distract from the /qresearch/, we have no choice but to dismiss him.

Don't respond to him.

Unsubscribe and keep digging.

We go to war Wed.

(vids realated but ONLY for a moment of brevity.)

Vids likely represent our lives if HRC won.

Still, powerful and entertaining. Incorporate ideas into memes.

War Wed.

ff501b No.55336


>If they brag, they're lying.

This. Rule of thumb that applies in all situations.

bcf853 No.55337

File: 2239143aeea028b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_AskYourself.png)

File: 0b5758a3d57fb58⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, Q_pepeCrumbs_TRUST.png)

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_During.png)

File: 410af0404604d96⋯.png (703.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DEATH.png)

385f49 No.55338


Esoteric won't help in the coming war, we have to red pill normies. This is going to be hard enough to do with side by side graphics, they have the attention span of a pigeon.

d524ea No.55339

File: 317c782a521663b⋯.jpg (117.88 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 225qte.jpg)

File: aee869065076977⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22kaon.jpg)

File: 5bfa79f9223d432⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 648x806, 324:403, gotthard_tunnel_satanic_ri….jpg)

File: 2410dc1001c1ddf⋯.jpg (188.72 KB, 1274x499, 1274:499, 225u85.jpg)

7c328d No.55340


Jamaican Pepe !! KEK-tatstic

4159fb No.55341


That's mean to pigeons.

c1f146 No.55342


NO. Gawd - keep you dick in your pants. What a waste of bread.

ff501b No.55343

Potter Shills will move to the front of the line!

19b848 No.55344

Flake is going to try to give a speech about Trump attacking the MSM.

So something like FLAKE NEWS defends FAKE NEWS. We shouldnt even call him Jeff Flake but give him a Trump like nickname…

FLAKE NEWS should be his nick name.

1c0b5c No.55345


Well, I'm going to go to bed thinking that they have so many prisoners to get to Gitmo that they need cargo plains. I'm going to have sweet dreams.

c660fe No.55346


Just to clarify, "War Wednesday" refers to a meme campaign to coincide with Trump's scheduled media event "Fake News Awards" right?

024ade No.55349

11/2 post from Q:

Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?

What happens if exposed?

What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs?

536263 No.55350

File: 0b40ca826d0d848⋯.png (72.28 KB, 899x201, 899:201, Goodbye Jack.png)

From James O'Keefe's Reddit AMA.

Goodbye, @Jack.

7ead75 No.55351


Good advice, never subscribed to that narcissist's horseshit. (good to know the RAT looms)

Appreciate the focal slap and inspirational videos.

5d6b98 No.55352


Stop posting that e-celeb fame whore promo stuff here. There is working being done and your contribution is noted.

1c0b5c No.55353


I agree.

157bdf No.55354






62dcdc No.55355

ff501b No.55357


Yes. All of the attention and memes will spark new threads across the board. New threads = meme drop spots for red pilling.

Think killary post about haiti.

8938ec No.55359



These people are sick

851831 No.55361


Just having fun with a little humor for a split second

754b6c No.55362

File: 8000abc9aa8c245⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 450x473, 450:473, fakenews2.jpg)

Been working on this… it seems a little busy to me. Suggestions?

1c0b5c No.55363


Hey, the patriot was annoyed so he reversed the meme. No harm was meant. It's been righted. Well, not that one because we can't delete posts.

609484 No.55366

File: 4cb710c661a1d68⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 211x238, 211:238, images.jpg)

you need more bread soon? I'm on it

730f0b No.55367


>https:// twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/952737170485338114

No Trump messed up in that!

8a8b69 No.55368

File: 3cf15e7cf40f8ec⋯.jpg (380.14 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, black_home_ownership.jpg)

1c0b5c No.55369


Make it into two separate memes?

6242c2 No.55370


I might have missed it…

What does 'SC' stand for?

eece86 No.55371

Delta Flight 2164 being evacuated at JFK due to smoke - FoxNews live

6be21e No.55372

File: c5dd0801205e18d⋯.png (619.26 KB, 1339x619, 1339:619, TrannyOrNot.png)

0bb360 No.55373



If the Army gave that guy a skiffy, no wonder sailors tease them. How in the holy hell did he pass the background check? then again, the AF couldn't report a nutbag and he bought a gun and shot up a church… Don't worry, the navy has their battle scars.

Not doxxing self, and not bragging, because you are correct, and this makes me so sad)>>55315 but Shipyard kid that the VA abandoned or fucked up in his noggin… Now THERE is an MK if I ever saw one, because he was a good kid in the reserves, just scattered. And if any of us had known it would lead to that, we would have supervised him much differently. That one won't ever leave me. Ever.

ff501b No.55374

File: 32953af5e08ba29⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 740x491, 740:491, DTkBOrUUQAMnCtX.jpg)

210d8f No.55375


This is good. Suggest at bottom left: "Don't know about Gannett? You will…"

f63fa8 No.55376


I'm not worried.

He is all talk.

851831 No.55377


Did we see this already?

Haiti Official Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation ‘Charity’ Crimes Is Found Dead

e7bdd8 No.55378

File: 79c82da73f67ea0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 900x700, 9:7, SocialismSH.png)

6de0f4 No.55379


He's saying it's Bush Sr at Desko Mts.

62dcdc No.55381


lolz at the little flags this is great

765ccb No.55382


Very trusted breadmaker.

115ddd No.55383



Who is Potter?

6de0f4 No.55384



bb9ff0 No.55385

Jakarta stock exchange Indonesia, many casulties. Just breaking some youtube channels have live.

0f6490 No.55387

File: 529da554423d281⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1190x830, 119:83, Our man Flint Not a Pleasu….png)


Reminds me of the brainwashing scene in Our Man Flint

c660fe No.55388


Seems to be from June. He died in June. Article is weirdly vague on that. Article is new though I think.

ff501b No.55389

File: 6fb0e0ddf5e3bc6⋯.jpg (167.54 KB, 1199x900, 1199:900, DTjWfxzWsAAiGt-.jpg)

572c81 No.55391

File: fa6ff4a5519acec⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ac.jpg)

3b97a3 No.55392

The true power in weaponized autism is the ability of the chans to assess cultural waves and manipulate then with targeted meming. Q has handcuffed that power by not giving specific Intel on what we need to get people to believe and instead giving directives on how to accomplish a mission. We are not the military, Q. We don't need to be told how to do our job. Just tell us what people need to think, and when.

210d8f No.55393


Royston Potter. He was one of the most visible guys at the Bundy Ranch debacle. He's on YT live right now being not very convincing. Looks like he's trying to drive traffic (and being generally douchy with Q stuff). I'm really only curious to analyze his behavior. Lots of pawns in this online game. I want to understand them.

Don't bother, honestly.

3b6f84 No.55394

good night anon.

god speed

prayers for all

210d8f No.55395


This is awesome! :-)

157bdf No.55397


▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 23:10:46 No.19

MSM Fake News Awards.

Are you prepared?


Organized and coordinated?

POTUS may reTWEET one or more.









When are the Fake News Awards, anon?

bcf853 No.55398

File: b25289122e9890f⋯.png (627.25 KB, 1111x1077, 1111:1077, sleepepe_Q.png)


0bb360 No.55399


We are bitching in here, but let it go. I'll even let it go, because guys like him are a dime a dozen and we have to deal with them all. Take his power and stop talking about him. That's my plan… just going to shake my head from now on.

1278cc No.55400

File: 08d08f57dfeac75⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 1012x520, 253:130, cnn.jpg)

210d8f No.55403


>We don't need to be told how to do our job. Just tell us what people need to think, and when.

This is perverted. Q leads anons to the truth and we make memes based on communicating that truth. The last thing we need is to be told what to make the population believe. That's exactly what is wrong with the media in the world today.

40f585 No.55404


Please help me understand why we are not putting the fake news ones out before they start reporting what we know is coming?

Thought is that if we put these out first, then we derail their agenda because how could it be that we report what they are going to report before they report it?

d5eb96 No.55405



385f49 No.55406

File: 68238c78bbc0761⋯.mp4 (966 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hil.mp4)


Put yourself in a Normies shoes, you're browsing your Twatter at work, making sure you're liked on your Fuckface, and then all of a sudden you see a random image in your feed. The image you see blows your mind at a glance, your little Normie brain can't handle it, you have to search for something.

REE-posting this mp4 from earlier, convert it to a webm peeps and use it as ammo!

1c0b5c No.55407


Absolutely, that's the best stuff. Include the source, so they can't lie and deny it. (in small print).

d5eb96 No.55408

File: 605c5d60fa29542⋯.png (37.57 KB, 785x714, 785:714, ww3.png)

d524ea No.55409


Can you make color crisper, it seems too foggy/faded to me.

157bdf No.55410


Good stuff. See you on the battlefield, warrior.

8a8b69 No.55411

File: de256789e230105⋯.jpg (358.74 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, child_traffic.jpg)

3d14a6 No.55412


yes, that has always been my plan.

If you ignore it….

it will go away.

eece86 No.55413


This cannot be correct. D2164 left JFK at 9:46 pm (3 hours late) and just landed in San Antonio at 12:58 CST (a few minutes ago). Weird!

3b97a3 No.55414


That's precisely what memes accomplish.

Don't kid yourself. It's a war of thoughts.

bcf853 No.55415




https:// www.vice.com/en_us/article/jpyvp7/young-obama-said-the-american-dream-is-to-be-donald-trump

0bb360 No.55416


Found this after I decided the same and acknowledging. But if any of these other hateful types out there screwing with stuff, I ask what the actual point of that is and how it benefits anything. Think it over. All I got.

ff501b No.55417

File: c95d5a00ca4dba8⋯.jpg (233 KB, 1199x900, 1199:900, DThXwZcUQAAZRBA.jpg)


Improved version.

c660fe No.55419


What program are you using?

2957c5 No.55420


Does anyone have the application

link to make the side by sides…what program are you using?

2b92d3 No.55421


Brings a tear to my eye, Anon! Excellent work!


210d8f No.55422


Sounds like a replacement plane.

3d14a6 No.55423


that's a good'n.


bcf853 No.55424

File: 822dfa89b545eb2⋯.png (816.07 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_TRUTH belongs with the P….png)

385f49 No.55425


Made me laugh and I haven't even smoked a blunt yet.

8a8b69 No.55426


ba da boom. Kek.

6be21e No.55427

File: 8a1d78bdcee7ce0⋯.png (449.77 KB, 1097x534, 1097:534, TrannyOrNot.png)



normies do not think like we do

gotta wake them up

>their way

210d8f No.55428



ff501b No.55429


A shame a hottie like her is a libtard.

1578da No.55430

File: 66b68a936b80182⋯.jpg (90.41 KB, 846x1062, 47:59, flakehill.jpg)

210d8f No.55431



f39517 No.55432


Feel like sharing

mu guys out

1158e1 No.55433

File: 4910f97cef7a68f⋯.png (114.21 KB, 300x168, 25:14, cooper damn.png)

File: 318c518b43280c4⋯.png (533.52 KB, 952x500, 238:125, Cooper 25k.png)

2d2818 No.55434



https:// www.counterpunch.org/2000/03/26/cnn-and-psyops/

https:// fair.org/take-action/action-alerts/why-were-government-propaganda-experts-working-on-news-at-cnn/

1c0b5c No.55435

6be21e No.55437


high Q-uality

0da6f1 No.55438

File: 33efb0718f99123⋯.jpeg (270.36 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 9CEBFD52-3D6D-4772-A3A4-5….jpeg)

How about this.

157bdf No.55440

Hopefully all you anons know that this will never be over, right?

Not in our lifetime.

Not ever.

Look in the mirror.

Your eyes have a new "Truth" filter over them, do they not?

Stay vigilant.

Hopefully others can carry on after were gone.

Life will NEVER be the same again.

That is a good thing.

Stay vigilant, fellow anons.

62dcdc No.55441


I love the originals, but if people are really THAT concerned maybe write the text with quotation marks but without the dates and names, just leave the text by their side so it LOOKS like it's their statements. "if the media were honest" gives away where these are coming from, in my opinion.

157bdf No.55442


if we had /here/ decades ago, It might not have gotten this bad. It might not be too late!

War Wed.

b06fb2 No.55443



ff501b No.55444

File: 55de72f06882627⋯.jpg (278.85 KB, 1199x900, 1199:900, jack.jpg)




Upgraded to top shelf again. For Q team.

f7a92e No.55445

julian assange just retweeted Papa Francisco

7ead75 No.55446

I think we need to beam our focus on the Washington Post. This "shithole" shit derived from their allegations.

Trump Trolled By Democrat Over Immigration Rules That Let His Grandfather Move To The U.S.


"According to The Washington Post, alleging the president said: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” while discussing Haiti, El Salvador and several African countries."

ba88ae No.55447


Yuck and or Gross

1c0b5c No.55448


Is this a repeat? Much earlier today I heard a plane was evacuated for smoke. A second plane?

351bb9 No.55449


Nice work….

704c35 No.55450


he is the mut

62dcdc No.55451



506b07 No.55452


Who exactly is @jack?

385f49 No.55453


We've been in an information war since the 1940's, it's not a new thing, just new for most. This is something that Edward Snowden only confirmed, we've known about FVEY since the 1970's in the Britfagland.

0bb360 No.55454

So I am going to throw this out there and move on. When you get on twitter and threaten someone, it doesn't just make you look stupid (which it does) … it makes ou look like everything we hate in antifa and division that has come from over there. And it erases any good that we might have done with everyone who sees it. We are trying to step back off that cliff.

Being anon, anyone can go give someone like Potter a hard time and it smears all of us. that is like an enemy tactic. I'd like to think it's a bad guy, but someone freaking out because he linked to the board was irresponsible. You asked, he ignored yo like a douche nozzle and that should have been that. You reinforced his cult mantra. Well done.

This is not a cult. If you are a follower like that, this isn't really the place for you, and you do not get the point of anon at all. This is about questioning, thinking and debating. Sometimes with foul language. And shit posting. Lots of shit posting. But no threats.

bf3f2c No.55455

File: 470d204453df2ee⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 85209345793275290.jpg)

5479f8 No.55456


Duly note…that "no" Islamic countries were mentioned.

157bdf No.55457

Anons, are there any laws in place that would make production of fake news memes illegal?

536263 No.55458


Founder/CEO of Twitter.

506b07 No.55460


Ahh thanks!

ecf8cf No.55461

File: c499e426e4f5f38⋯.jpg (104.13 KB, 1024x632, 128:79, x9PAzhYl.jpg)


1c0b5c No.55462


Disagree. We need to put something to indicate that we aren't saying they actually said this. But I agree it shouldn't be the first thing they read.

8a8b69 No.55463

File: 11900f79564a6e6⋯.jpg (351.1 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, best_day.jpg)

f1b92c No.55464


Personally, I would tweet them either way, with disclaimer or not. The argument for being precisely truthful of the facts is valid, the argument for cognitive dissonance is valid. Split the difference - make the disclaimer really tiny at the bottom.

0bb360 No.55465


No. Think like a closed minded lefty. Or someone that has been taught to think like that. It's the author's choice, but the old two wrongs does not make a right comes to mind. I would be mad and resist any further discussion if words were put in someone's mouth.

533f10 No.55466

Interesting theory. Not sure if it was in another thread or not.

Q Anon Implies The Hawaiian Missile Warning Was Necessary To Steal NSA Databases?

Posted on January 14, 2018 by Anonymous Conservative

Interesting part of Q’s post:

>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]





Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?





:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.

:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.

Think BDT.

What could this mean?

First he says NSA. One thing we know about NSA is that Edward Snowden was in Hawaii overseeing a massive transfer of secret NSA surveillance databases to a new secure facility in Hawaii that would keep the databases out of CONUS. I thought at the time that somebody was preparing to lose large parts of the US mainland, perhaps in a revolution, and they wished to maintain control of their data on a secure island redoubt that rebels from CONUS would have great difficulty reaching.

I thought at the time this was a bad move, as if I were China and war were about to break out the first thing I would do is push to take Hawaii so I could get physical control of the servers. Then I’d transfer them back to China and begin trying to crack them with Quantum computers if they were encrypted, and I couldn’t get in another way. Instantly I would have an intelligence bonanza, and one which might just turn the American people against their own government in the middle of a war, if it revealed the government spying on citizens too deeply.

As I think about it, I will bet NSA was prepared for that possibility with an attack protocol, which would immediately, at first sign of an attack begin a database transfer, or Bulk Data Transfer, a BDT, as google points out is the term, of all databases back to CONUS.

That would be pretty crazy, if the only way the President could grab the NSA databases was by triggering an attack alarm that set into motion a bulk data transfer that gave him access to the databases at their destination in CONUS.

It does seem strange that the attack alarm was set off and it took 30 minutes for the people in charge (who should get all such intel routed to them immediately as part of their constant overwatch of all channels of potential intel), to realize it had been released and straighten out the issue.

It is tough to tell with Q, though he does appear to be connected to Trump. Whatever the story, as we come up on Jan 20 and Mueller seems to be turning on the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium scandal, Q implies the swamp is about to be drained suddenly of foreign agents at the highest levels, there are false ballistic missile warnings to gain access to the NSA, the dems are shutting down the military to try and protect the swamp, and Trump continues with his tweet storm, I am quite certain there has never been a more entertaining Presidency in the past, nor will there ever be another in our lifetimes, and maybe ever.

And this all may just happen to restore American freedom and our Constitutional government in the process.

Be sure you drink in every day of this Presidency, because as Americans, we are truly lucky to be alive in this time, to take in this spectacle.

ff501b No.55467

File: ec9ca03cb3093b3⋯.jpg (86.63 KB, 620x412, 155:103, DTkEpkoV4AEBv5B.jpg)

File: e5527b0b6f6774b⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 480x606, 80:101, DTkBOP5WsAAWGOL.jpg)

File: 6a4f5d17b6743b4⋯.jpg (130.65 KB, 750x750, 1:1, DTkB5_6XUAEq4iQ.jpg)

File: c8a32c6b83dd0f6⋯.jpg (260.47 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DTkCHZSW4AA2FJP.jpg)

0bb360 No.55468


bottom line Bye @jack

704c35 No.55469


shit storm just means we are over the target, don't loose focus, dig!

1c0b5c No.55470



740047 No.55471


Expect shills to spread disinfo.

5479f8 No.55473


At one time in this country, "any news" that was fake was a federal crime. Called "propaganda". That law has since been long changed (as we all can see).

ba88ae No.55474


Why do you worry anons worry about people that have ZERO relevance?

Why do you focus on Twitter people that have nothing to do with what we do here?

Why do you let the shills get under your skin?

You are giving them power. These people have their own agendas and Q has ruined these people credibility so they don't matter

So stop worrying about the non relevant distractions and focus on OUR tasks

740047 No.55476

Verify the memes for accuracy. If you see something which is a lie, it will only give them ammunition against us.

1c0b5c No.55477


I LOVE the Democrat control!!!

385f49 No.55478


I second this.

ff501b No.55479

File: 4637c2ead7a1146⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 640x430, 64:43, DTkEOemUMAEgNYI.jpg)

157bdf No.55480


Dude who stepped down for admitting twatter saves private messages. Lurk more, anon. Read the history from chapter 1.

Not trying to be mean, but youre asking questions already answered if you followed instructions of the board. Bakers use dough for a reason.

Anyway, here ya go:


You might want to get caught up before posting again. Rules of the board are your friend.

War Wed

0bb360 No.55481


Lawls, the Laurel Lodge.

1c0b5c No.55483


Yes, the MSM are the liars NOT the patriots, Q or POTUS!!!

4199a2 No.55484

United 7128

UAL7128 / UA7128

En route and on time

Arriving in 5 hours 57 minutes

Operating as Copa Airlines 303

LAX Los Angeles, CA

PTY Panama City, Panama

left Gate 151

157bdf No.55485



bcf853 No.55486

File: fada239845b9bce⋯.png (569.45 KB, 713x388, 713:388, HRC_BOOM.PNG)

File: 112e743e78f26ea⋯.png (552.72 KB, 714x388, 357:194, HRC_BOOM_BYE.PNG)

f63fa8 No.55487

File: fc7be7295af3209⋯.jpg (243.83 KB, 1427x1417, 1427:1417, ZomboMeme 15012018020905.jpg)

740047 No.55488


Attacking liberals directly will not fly. We're here to wake them up, not to trigger their cognitive dissonance.

0bb360 No.55489


Said this man never

157bdf No.55490


Knowledge is power/ so they will stop asking.

5479f8 No.55491


To speak a lie against another is a crime…"slander". If you are not sure about the info you can always pose it 'in question form'.

6de0f4 No.55492


Made me laugh.

58e799 No.55493


Dawn Lemon

ff501b No.55494


Put Q posts alongside pic WITH answers

cd06e8 No.55495

File: 96e11e05fe8ae6f⋯.jpg (117.71 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 22piw1-1.jpg)

bb9ff0 No.55496


Very interesting theory anon!

157bdf No.55497



Back to work.

War Wed.

bffbfe No.55498


This! Perfect, Definitely What Q wants.

7ead75 No.55499

File: a5ce337f4ae2b24⋯.png (383.21 KB, 1020x1052, 255:263, wapostnotracist.png)


I see.

Posted 5 hours ago:


5b168d No.55500

File: 89e5572d73e46a0⋯.png (333.25 KB, 1360x1228, 340:307, ISthisTrue.png)

File: 550b6c247f62fcf⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 594x710, 297:355, isTHIStrue.jpg)


When you see these douches on TWAT, post the following

6de0f4 No.55501


That should be made into a song.

62dcdc No.55502


hahaha perfect choice, look at his happy face

31664c No.55503


This is the point if you ask me.

Anons don't 'believe' anything.

Look how fast anons reacted when /cbts and /thestorm went tits up.

Look how fast anons react when a new source of information adds a twist to a story that changes the perception of what happened 180deg. Anons dump the old vector and pick up the new one without blinking an eye.

YT and website guys have bought into 'their' theory and their first reaction to any new information that discredits 'their' theory is to debunk the new information and scream that anons are off on another wild goose chase.

That's been painfully obvious the last week or so.

When the MSM also goes titties up there will be an information vacuum. That can't be filled with any other source promoting 'their' theory. Thus it has be done with precise timing. This is right in the anons wheelhouse.

Anons have to show, with memes, that they had been the receivers of correct information the entire time, and whatever is going to happen next will go through the chans first.

It isn't who knows what will happen, no one does. The key is who is privy to correct information first.

It's always been the chans. Everything starts in the chans. The only purpose of other mediums is too massage chan's message to make it suitable for the masses.

Anons have to take over the 'massage' role during the transition.

8a8b69 No.55504


It's called satire.

1c0b5c No.55505


I wouldn't have a problem with that. As long as by very tiny at the bottom you don't mean deceptively tiny.

157bdf No.55506


Thanks anon. Has there ever been legislation in to restrict Project Mockingbird?

What happened?

609484 No.55508

File: 342bb0d6fc9d894⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 812x347, 812:347, 2011-10-29-jackburton.jpg)


still slimming down anons


3d14a6 No.55509


I wanna hit him over the head with my lady hamper. He's going full 5150. what an idiot

bcf853 No.55510

File: 5ecf136905d8482⋯.png (791.03 KB, 828x508, 207:127, BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE_why.PNG)


and BOOM goes the dynamite

g night

1c0b5c No.55511


No, putting a false quote in a man's mouth is called lying.

0bb360 No.55512


So was my comment. LOL to be added… sorry I should have /s

1158e1 No.55513

File: c0023b1dcea66ad⋯.png (126.9 KB, 286x181, 286:181, psycho joe & morning ho.png)

bcf853 No.55514

File: 5cc3dc802929f21⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 735x632, 735:632, TrudeauPodesta.jpg)



851831 No.55515

File: 9cfb0de8c935b7c⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 550x484, 25:22, 22pizc.jpg)

533f10 No.55516


Found it here

https:// www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/q-anon-implies-the-hawaiian-missile-warning-was-necessary-to-steal-nsa-databases/

7ead75 No.55517


lol lady hamper. that would make a good meme. but he is a small nothing fish.

871e6f No.55518


Obama did the opposite of restricting it via the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, 2012.

f1b92c No.55519


No, not deceptive - just smaller. Visible, but it doesn't jump out at you. Let the first part of the message jump out at you, then you see the second part.

2d2818 No.55520

cc4471 No.55521

Some should meme that the NDAA legalized government propaganda under Obama.

Not a graphics guy, or I would.

0bb360 No.55523


Or tiny line that says, "Now you know how we feel", when everyone looks at them and says, THAT's a DAMN LIE, ha ha ha

6aa247 No.55524

File: 364b2b98f9aa916⋯.jpg (371.35 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, cmo1--storm2.jpg)

File: 984c4ef195fa19a⋯.jpg (367.01 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, cmo1--storm.jpg)

754b6c No.55525

File: 280ade7591ee557⋯.jpg (20.53 KB, 483x270, 161:90, cooper.jpg)

I gave Cooper a tattoo… on his forehead.

157bdf No.55526



7529f7 No.55527

File: 600d1f459bd022c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cnn3.png)

351bb9 No.55528


Hillary must take a lot of booze and sedatives to get to sleep at night.

157bdf No.55529


Why would he do that?

3b97a3 No.55530

Those of you talking about propaganda must not know the history of it.

1c0b5c No.55531


yes, I agree. We're trying to win them. Can I just have a copy for my wall?

0bb360 No.55532


Garbage theory. The missing link to how hat data is stored and what would trigger any transfers is in military confirmation of which there was none. Makes us look stupid.

f63fa8 No.55533

File: 9d1808d6b4daeeb⋯.jpg (133.88 KB, 702x581, 702:581, ZomboMeme 15012018022054.jpg)

7ead75 No.55535

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I'll never forget Lindsey's rant on the NDAA.

That's when I absolutely knew we were in trouble.

8a8b69 No.55536


au contraire. The Smith Mundt Modernization Act not only made it legal, but arranged for the US taxpayer to foot the bill. Look it up!

62dcdc No.55537


maybe we could create a watermark like those shutterstock images kek

1158e1 No.55539

File: bfa532b1c6f6a17⋯.png (250.35 KB, 286x365, 286:365, psycho Joe with his mornin….png)

81fbc8 No.55540

http:// charlesortel.com/concentrating-on-clinton-foundation-facts

8a8b69 No.55541


bah, I misread. I don't know about memes. For CNN to produce fake news is completely legal

871e6f No.55542


I wonder. Would it be in order to further control the narrative; legally?

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