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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 2a6978c00266eba⋯.jpg (285.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qresearch.jpg)

84f970 No.31248


Every White Hat and Good Heart that have put their lives on the line for our future will be respected.

That includes Q. There will be no doubt sowed against his word, there will be no delegitimizing of valiant efforts.




Shill, go piss in the sea of a thousand other boards.

Patriots, We have work to do.

This is /qresearch/ after-all.



>>20235 OpSec Rules



Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. It's not the end of the world to slip up sometimes, but please try your best.

Rule 1: Easy on the reports. Shills will post and that is a part of 8chan. If we are having a large attack by shills, they will be taken care of, otherwise, we will ingore your report if it's just someone who you think is an idiot. Learn to spot bait/shills and IGNORE it, as stated in the first few posts of every bread we've baked, did you miss it? Be vigilant.

Rule 2: Famefagging prohibited. You can do that absolutely anywhere else. Just keep it off this board. Lets not make Q jump ship again.

Rule 3: NSFW content is NOT allowed. Open a new tab ya' wankers.

Rule 4: Doxxing will result in a perma ban. We take threats of doxxing seriously. I don't even want to see you doxxing yourself!

Rule 5: When a thread is unstickied, do not keep bumping it. You are sliding other threads down the pages by doing this. You will recieve a short ban upon breaking this rule.







Q's Board where only Q can post


Recent Q Posts


>>4274 /qresearch/ Archives

Q and CM Confirm



Introduction to Q for Newbies

>>15963 Q FAQ (new anons start here)




Notable Posts

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395 ; >>20175 )

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>17119 _SIERRA_C_ Research (Sierra Club?)

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>17911 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>11036 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Today's Events

>>19718 1/11/18

>>18242 1/10/18

News Threads

>>4142 Daily news thread

>>9019 Thread news 1.1.18 - 10.1.18

Q's Current Tripcode


Old Boards



84f970 No.31249




Earthquake analysis and resources >>20359

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436 >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603


Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research) >>7253

The Lie The Vatican Told >>5125

Australia Connections >>4520

How to Read the Map >>4375

Stringer General >>2658

Focus on Loop Capital >>1261

Find The Markers >>618

DW+CG=SSP (alien disclosure research) >>469

Follow the Wives >>5899

Foundations >>4822

CEO/President/Notable Resignations >>3280

Deep State Surrender/Suicide thread >>5425

Sealed Indictments >>2956

Oprah images, memes, research >>6406 noprah' >>883







New QMap PDF freshly baked.

https:// anonfile.com/Aewdxdd6ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.1.0.pdf

Question and Answer Spreadsheet of ALL Q Anon Posts (in chrono. order): https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Paste which lists Q posts and Trump tweets by minute marker: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/vR2SukEC (updated DAILY)

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 519 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/884cb98b49b4e8da18087c3edc3df21f

Spreadsheet: >>>/thestorm/15121

.xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

Time Differences Between Q's Posts and Trump's Tweets: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

15 minute Goodwin marker clock: postimg.org/image/j870n7w55/

'Timestamps must be in the same timezone'




Resources Library

A running compilation of Q Maps, Graphics, Resources, Research Threads, and other Tools and Information.


Archives Library


Image Archive By Topic

>>417 (updated)

Tools & Information

Tools and Information >>4356

Free Research Resources >>4852

Planefag Tools >>4362

Research Threads >>4369




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #8: >>16771

Memes #7: >>387

Memes #6: >>>/thestorm/7090

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875


Thread dedicated to collection of [redpill_anon] posts >>4794

Redpill scripts >>3152

>>11382 UK Red Pills








Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https:// www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

More on OpSec here: >>20235

84f970 No.31251




Please fill up this board with USEFUL CONSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION.


We're stronger when we work together and focus on the mission! GODSPEED EVERYONE.

If you need to get a Baker's attention, simply type Baker, that's it, and one will read your comment

All Feedback on General Breads Appreciated Here: >>3301




<Like it or not, we’re all playing 4D chess now. Each and every one of us.

<So how does one make sure the public is never again turned into sheeple?

<You teach them how to play 4D chess.

<You teach them how to play the Game of Thrones.


About Shills


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

>>20262 More About Shills




Prayer Requests: >>16785

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

66f8ce No.31253


Thank you baker.

c81293 No.31254


>www.latimes. com/business/realestate/la-fi-re-blum-steps-down-at-cbre-20140519-story.htm

over 3 year old article

069a2c No.31255


cd59cb No.31256

thank you Butcher Baker and Candlestick Maker

af2b3b No.31257

>>31248 ty mastur baker

ce5200 No.31258


> Loops Connect BIGLY in Asia….( NK?)

You are not craycray.

Lots of investors falling all over each other to get a piece of the action in PRC.

Shenyang has been a focus, since it's open to "outsiders."

Proximity to NK is ... interesting.

897d44 No.31259

File: 87b8f86fb6bba86⋯.png (221.91 KB, 773x567, 773:567, $$pepe001.png)

5bad44 No.31264

Student Intern, Short-Term Fixed Income – Loop Capital Markets

Location: Downtown Chicago

Full/Part-Time: Part-Time Monday to Friday from 8:00am-10:00am

FLSA Status: Non-exempt

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer


The objective of this position is to provide assistance to the Short-Term desk team in the following areas: research and translation of business material pertaining to the Chinese financial market and Chinese corporations. This position is for immediate hire and will continue on a semester basis.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Research the Chinese financial market and Chinese corporations

Translation (between English and Mandarin) of business material


Fluency speaking and writing Mandarin (Chinese)

Current enrollment at a graduate or undergraduate institution (junior or senior year preferred), majoring in Math, Business, Finance, or Economics with completed coursework in Statistics and Accounting

Demonstrated record of strong academic performance

Excellent written, oral, and interpersonal skills; strong business writing skills (English/Mandarin)

Strong quantitative background; ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statistical inference

Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel

Attention to detail; demonstrates initiative, enthusiasm and self-motivation, accuracy and thoroughness in work product

To apply for this position, please attach an application, cover letter, resume, and your most recent academic transcripts (unofficial are ok) in an email to internships@loopcapital.com .

c3ddfa No.31265

File: 72fecf40170c441⋯.png (310.15 KB, 1556x866, 778:433, WhatTimezone.png)

File: 4f99b85d0c61cbb⋯.png (285.53 KB, 1541x855, 1541:855, WhatTImezone2.png)

File: e0d408f42b0e209⋯.png (297.49 KB, 1540x864, 385:216, WhatTImezone3.png)



Check your time settings. Those tweets did not happen at 02:59, 03:09, 03:20 EST.

9d725b No.31266

File: 80c86f7a81567aa⋯.jpg (115.71 KB, 1234x615, 1234:615, 1515795280605.jpg)

File: 3d55db955e2b4f5⋯.jpg (280.33 KB, 844x531, 844:531, 1515794736628.jpg)

a6efc3 No.31267

someone stop the other baker, we have two again

55e54f No.31268

Has anyone looked into the Dayton Hudson connection to the Red Cross? DH owns Target (Redcard) and Macy's (also have red cards) and Target is big donator (Millions) to Red Cross. Macy's was Marshall Fields, which was out of Chicago. Maybe Loop Market connection?

185e96 No.31270


>The REAL problem is that our enemies, (((them))) are not deterred at all if 90% of DC is hanging from lampposts tomorrow, and all the windsor family + the entire saudi royalty are beheaded within this week.

Like hell they aren't... The remaining 10% would be shitting their buggies and hiding under rocks.

84f970 No.31271

Latest Dough Recipe:





I can't do this again. Some other anon has to fucking step up.

This is the umpteenth time I've had to emergency bake, so fucking get it together.


185e96 No.31272



5bad44 No.31273


posted this in reference to the chicago loop capital connection with China.

Resume of Loop Capital Chicago, looking for Chinese speaking intern for research of Chinese financial markets

9d725b No.31276


ID's are random. Q couldn't have predicted what ID would post at that time.

79396f No.31277

File: fbbc0c0494d120b⋯.jpg (221.6 KB, 768x994, 384:497, banda.jpg)

Someone stick a fork in her.

c3ddfa No.31278

File: f93eda4dd40a411⋯.png (127.76 KB, 815x879, 815:879, U1.png)

>U1 connected indictment today.

<U1 connected indictment today.

>U1 connected indictment today.

<U1 connected indictment today.

www.justice. gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

c19271 No.31279



4d62a8 No.31280


What does she mean by victory lap?

97560f No.31282

File: 565c82bdfaa1afa⋯.jpeg (81.93 KB, 800x450, 16:9, B43819B5-ABE8-43CC-B6D5-F….jpeg)

This is what happens when the slaves get pissed.

e157b0 No.31285


is this the right bread

f4ce41 No.31286

File: 08663006b5329f8⋯.jpg (3.74 KB, 100x97, 100:97, 6a.jpg)


less the adrenaline, aging is a matter of cortisol (stress hormone in kidneys) - and ofcourse a matter of telomers in dna.


Drinking blood or eating glands has nothing to do with adrenochrome. It's CBTS myth.

It is a spiritual reason why they do it.

brain/gland --> spiritual power

blood --> life power

b6695f No.31289


Unirock is giving KeK 101 live for any newbies. LOL on YT… Perhaps it should be Chan Language and Culture 101. I m not linking, you can find him. Earlier he backed up Roy Potter and went through a "cult" of Q beginning that I think this is going to tie into… Open minds, friends. Know the debate points.

cd59cb No.31290

File: a813fbbe800472d⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 727x485, 727:485, 1.jpg)

interesting read

they use all the symbols with eyes and so many others.


9727f9 No.31292

File: bc242ab04f97c53⋯.png (197.82 KB, 863x1307, 863:1307, LOOP Capital buy America.png)

Hopefully this will post - did it on the other thread…

This is for LOOP Capital - input requested

84f970 No.31296






In the meantime, mods/BO need to delete either the other bread or this one, we can't have two.

a89ae2 No.31297

Thin numbers today.

I may have went full filtard.

91fa1f No.31301


Remember on 4chan when they changed the file name to the pic tho? that was some fancy shit.

4c7345 No.31303


Someone else did step up, there are 2 of the same number currently going

6a790b No.31304

File: 74936f55a9e72e0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 874x1140, 23:30, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: 219f747ba3a7305⋯.png (677.85 KB, 1158x698, 579:349, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: eaa3b6cc80edf59⋯.png (41.46 KB, 1102x150, 551:75, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

Another hidden message from markers


Time of 1st tweet - 3:07PM

Time of 2nd tweet- 3:37PM

2 tweets = 2X30 = 60 REWIND FROM FIRST TWEET


control F - 14:07



YOU WILL END UP HERE : https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/12650.html#13312


I should add can someone clarify how 8ch uses timings?

IN OPTIONS I have Time Relative turned off.

I noticed when i click a thread, the time will change from when I click it and when it loads.

91fa1f No.31305


The shithole thing has to have been on purpose. Its way too glorious ahahahaha have you seen her twitter comments?

46ab52 No.31307


The other bread doesn't taste nearly as good as yours. It must be thrown into the trash.

063c80 No.31312

I was linked here by someone breaking the OPSEC rules … but it seems like the place for me …

826c95 No.31314

File: 934f6a6826dc57e⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 567x550, 567:550, 2017-12-23_05-10-56.jpg)


The fame farm is a dog show, their ignorance and sheltered/delusional attitudes are a trap for the high-ego demo. This includes the top levels of major corps, they specialize and toil for higher ups who exploit them in turn with disposability, the rich and famous are worked to death while more dangerous people hold them hostage. House of cards.

Ever been around the heroin world? Do you know how a flop house economy works? Imagine that every public figure lies on mattresses on the floor in a more complex version of that flop house.

They will die addicted, they are property. Nothing will be learned by anyone capable of being inserted into these roles.

00ce00 No.31315

File: 1521d39acb31eaa⋯.png (419.64 KB, 673x490, 673:490, Screenshot (12).png)

a2efea No.31316



Remaining 10% are not the top dogs who control 80% of those remaining 10%. 98% of DC are "Useful idiots" no different from shitskins, sjws, communist bolsheviks, muslims, jews, what have you.

True controllers are abroad, and are stateless. They understand the dark side of human nature WELL, and need barely move a finger or two for more than a few minutes to set certain things in motion that has been planned out and meticulously crafted through centuries of preparation.

Our (((enemies))), though closely related to khazars, have made a mistake that is costing them right now. They call this a "learning experience".

HOWEVER, this is clearly still within the parameters of their capabilities to handle presently.

Which is why even 1% of any of this being exposed is a goddamn miracle.

We must do our part, instead of fearing, crying, begging.


Let's get to work like autistic bastards we are supposed to be.

3a8082 No.31317


Suggesting to read this...

91fa1f No.31318


It seems to have been on purpose to get the MSM and Dems all talking about it only to have it thrown back in their face when the anniversary of Haiti Earthquake is tomorrow and TCF stole billions of $ from Haitians and it's now being blast all over twitter how shitty they are.

b6695f No.31320


SOOOO wrong. Waste of artistic talent. Go draw a pony.

84f970 No.31321


You're missing the point.

Someone needs to be consistently baking and ready to rock when the bread gets too old.

Without that, you get situations like this where you have multiple breads.

For the love of God and this project, someone fucking commit a little. Damn…

93249d No.31322



063c80 No.31324


I can bake

But I'll need more than just that recipe, you'll have to document the process … make a manual

663e93 No.31326

File: dce2e0fbfb7f6b5⋯.jpg (322.74 KB, 696x393, 232:131, Boston_Tea_Party_w.jpg)

5c5907 No.31327


Why is this voodoo chick not banned? She's threatening our President.

97560f No.31331


Q did say win. JK

1c54da No.31332



6a790b No.31333

File: 3a837c0a61b80b8⋯.png (184.82 KB, 1236x708, 103:59, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)


Well this is what I did..

I assumed twitter shows my time zone (AST)

AST is 1 hour ahead of EST so I subtracted one hour

3:59AM is now 2:59AM

I should note I am not signed into a twitter account either!

How is this working….

78f4e4 No.31334


Why don't you step up then instead of being a bitch about it anon?

91fa1f No.31335


<3 B

8f0198 No.31336

Black sheep member of elite ruling class family, AMA. Made a post in old thread that is getting deleted.

I will say trump makes everyone nervous. You guys think you are the only ones knowing the enormous scope of what is really happening, you have no idea.

84f970 No.31337



Instructions are in the bread dough: >>31271

Short version: shoop a new image by one pixel, post that, the thread title, and the first post when the old bread hits 700 posts.

Post all the posts, literally copy-paste, then call everyone over to the new bread.

It's really not that difficult, just watch the thread for notable posts and if something is broken, fix it for the next time.

Enjoy, new baker.

82888e No.31338


Checkkkkkkkkekkkkkkk'd and what if it became relevant to Q map…the shithole.

4c7345 No.31340


That is current baker

826c95 No.31341


you coastal or mountain

84f970 No.31342


Because I have been since this morning and for most of this week, you ungrateful piece of shit.

Now starts my evening and weekend away, so please find the nearest chainsaw and go fuck yourself until I get back.

6a790b No.31343


no but they can talk to each other if they are in the same room or have COMMS and after they each type one message they can say "my ID is this".. then start rolling

b3e1bb No.31344


you might be right, my shit is rusty as fuck, digged into these things years ago…anyway liver/kidney organ harvesting, thats bad enough right…

30a3c5 No.31345

File: 77f1c02ff2694d0⋯.jpg (95.14 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, POTUS 2007.jpg)

I really love this man!

0f82d2 No.31346


You have six posts in that minute. How do you determine which one counts? What if the first post in that minute is an obvious shill or complete retard?

I think your seeing connections because you want to see connections.

9d725b No.31347


Because liberals exist in a state of cognitive dissonance where blacks are woke for practicing voodoo but also libs dont believe in anything spiritual so black magic isnt real.

185e96 No.31349

File: 0cc4e32862f2e0c⋯.png (192.11 KB, 761x760, 761:760, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at ….png)


http:// www.the watcherfiles.com/jewish_sacrifice.htm

When reading this article, it's important to keep what is told in the graphic in mind… These are very likely false-Jews.

a9307d No.31350


Like anyone else, if you have information to drop, drop it. If not, contribute or get out. Nobody gives a fuck who you are.

8f0198 No.31351


is this secret code lol.

096121 No.31352


Do tell!

Come on, connect the dots, spill it ALL!

826c95 No.31354


simple question nigger

a2efea No.31355

File: 014f35d3f32e20f⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 736x538, 368:269, 014f35d3f32e20fc42b6e50865….jpg)


Re-posted for reminder/clarity.




I fully agree public display and examples must be set. HOWEVER:

The REAL problem is that our enemies, (((them))) are not deterred at all if 90% of DC is hanging from lampposts tomorrow, and all the windsor family + the entire saudi royalty are beheaded within this week.

They don't even care if there is a nuclear exchange and 60 million perish overnight, though I am sure (((their))) plans will require massive cleanup, but nothing more.

We are dealing with an (((enemy))) that is by definition formless from such actions.

I agree 100% that public display of such punishments are necessary to bolster morale. But you yourself do not realize you flailing around like an impotent, who even after IF Q delivers everything including hillary clinton's head + soro's shivering ass meat and all the heads of shitskin scum in the world in front of you in a silver platter, will still bitch about how this or other is not being done.

You are weak, afraid, powerless, and impotent, and will never be at peace unless you are dead, or somehow find the courage to stand up to your fears.

Depending on Q and DARING to DEMAND results while you are simply typing away from your keyboard is NOT a solution.

Do your part, see the reality of political tide turning in OUR favor as a proof.

Our people are in such deep shit we are almost irrecoverable except you will have no choice to be courageous in face of our enemies.


WE will kill and destroy our enemies, whether they be high up politically and financially, or simply a low lever street shitskin bitch with a delusional sense of self.

We will violate them, destroy them utterly and their kin.

Have faith, anon. Nothing is lost unless you surrender/give up and start bitching impotently for 'prooofs' from the ones who are currently NOT in a position to disclose even 10% - in order to win this war.


No wonder Q is exasperated. THINK, and BE COURAGEOUS.


c3ddfa No.31356

File: cb183cc9323ef1d⋯.png (549.88 KB, 1543x856, 1543:856, WrongAgain1.png)

File: 2472dcb6ffc5fb4⋯.png (547.3 KB, 1542x857, 1542:857, WrongAgain2.png)


>Time of 1st tweet - 3:07PM

>Time of 2nd tweet- 3:37PM

Wrong again.

Yes, the delta is 30 minutes but you're 3 hours off.

93c728 No.31357


I'd be ok with deporting blacks altogether. Have you seen white kids grow up thinking their black? What a fuckin nightmare tbh.


30a3c5 No.31358

File: 912fb8335966281⋯.jpg (144.04 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Haiti.jpg)

b188a3 No.31359


Thought I'd look in on Milia/Malia @ her defiantnetwork.org site...which is now weardefiant.net

Not much there & it appears nothing has been updated since December...which is not surprising once Ajit Pai took their toys away when he rolled back the regulation clock on net neutrality deal.

Also chased down all the links on the ripinternet.net/partners/ page, but didn't see anything or anyone worth pursuing further...although someone else may want to confirm that.

Curiouser & curiouser.

78f4e4 No.31361


Nobody cares, go back to reddit.

9d725b No.31362


Are you that !rrevert guy?

6a790b No.31363



OK lets try with 3 hours and see where we end up?

bc778c No.31364

File: 4f796293314eb51⋯.png (271.67 KB, 400x482, 200:241, qpepe.PNG)

a280b2 No.31365


I'm interested in what you have to say.

742884 No.31367



4d62a8 No.31368


>blacks are woke

>practicing voodoo

93249d No.31369

File: 46f5cd38d65f3e2⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 225x225, 1:1, yyy.jpg)

2696e1 No.31370


Donald Trump will eat your ancestors guts, Cynthia Erivo, and send the bones and their wailing ghosts back to haunt YOU, you Oprah-worshipping bitch You don't understand the nature of this storm, and woe betide this curse you think you're unleashing. Your voodoo bullshit has no power here in the realm of real players, and so the storm shall claim you, too. Get ready.

a280b2 No.31371


And please excuse the rude language. They call everyone that here.

b6695f No.31372

Hey, I am not sliding and I know we see all sorts of stuff…. but this is about the CLOCK.

Uni was talking about a clock, and some 4 chan thing. Fuck the vid is live and I'll have to wait until he uploads it. I couldn't pause.

Something about all of this struck a chord. Carry on, but I'll get back when I do the research after upload.

*this is not an endorsement for Uni. Nut the clock thing did matter. It is the thread line of Kek, etc… hmmm Why come to the Chans? that has always been an interesting question.

9d725b No.31373


Trumps kids and grandkids are Jews so prob not deporting Jews or anyone else Trump likes. Afaik he seems to genuinely like blacks, probably because he's rich enough to send his kids to private schools.

663e93 No.31374


; dont spell but i fight.

f4ce41 No.31375


Sacrifice humans is old like humanity itself (in sense of 3D).

Not only khazarians, all did it, more or less.

Mayans/Aztecs, egypts, nordic shamans…

c3ddfa No.31376


>I assumed

Never assume.

>I should note I am not signed into a twitter account either!

Then the times being displayed are PST (Twitter's home timezone)

30c122 No.31378

Does anyone else ever listen to Branden Dilley?

He says he has a source…which I normally would call b.s. on, but he has called a couple of things correctly

329ed7 No.31379


https:// www justice gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

078e6c No.31380




a280b2 No.31381


I knew at least some of what was going on before I discovered the discussions on the chans in mid-November.

bc778c No.31382


Thanks Anon, I was curious as to where that rabbit hole went.

abce0d No.31383

WSJ source for Trump/Stormy story


096121 No.31384


Hook up with this anon and git'r done!


069a2c No.31385

File: c70346437d7cd48⋯.png (280.03 KB, 600x456, 25:19, SHITHOLESEVERYWHERE.png)

2696e1 No.31386


Shit. This post actually references:


30c122 No.31388

What the fuck??


063c80 No.31389



This id is annointed, though

I'll figure it the fuck out, but

I just fucking got here

fb3a68 No.31390


it was a terrible tasting emergency bake (first one)… idk how to delete.. Once its gone I will drink a bottle of bleach.

6a790b No.31391


I am the same anon, anon.

30a3c5 No.31392

File: 459b8d828c67f22⋯.png (744.27 KB, 759x710, 759:710, Hypersonic craft.png)


What do you think about this?

January 12, 2018

'Trump Rejects London Visit After Assassination Warning—And Reveals Plane “That Saved America” On 9/11 As “15 January” Explosion Nears'


0ff10a No.31393


>the fake dossier was indeed used to obtain FISA warrants

if this is part of the 20 in 80/20 then this week was likely huge. the night is young lads

8f0198 No.31394


I don't know where to start, tbh.

I will say right now is a pivotal time. What is happening right now with artificial intelligence systems is probably what makes it so important. If the social engineering tactics of ruling class ever becomes automated, things go from bad to worse. A lot of what people think is natural, like America's class of criminals who live off government and rob and steel on the side, is really artificial.

People's trust bubble will be soon bursted, what is important is that it is done slowly. People think the world can't go to hell instantly. They're wrong.

5bda77 No.31395


yes he has a good source imo .

93c728 No.31396


deport them to. mlk was a pedo faggot handled by jews and you people celebrate it as a holiday. talk about absolute madness.

3a8082 No.31397


This is not GLP.

9d725b No.31398


Fake news, she already denied it.

e69888 No.31399

File: 19bbee518ef4558⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 474x600, 79:100, eww.jpg)

a1af82 No.31400


Back near the beginning of this week I created 5 boards so that the info at the beginning of each bread could be taken out to make the baking easier for the baker. I let the BO know about them s/he like it. I was then asked to leave a pastebin url of the batter which I did.

The links appeared in the next bread but had disappeared entirely from the batter after one or two bakes. Bakers seem to think that this board is their fifedom and they seem to make it their own instead of asking whether they can change things around. The thread creep at the beginning of the thread is now nearly back to the size it was one /thestorm/.

I don't know if anyone knows this but threads get automatically deleted (by the software platform itself) after two weeks of non-activity. At least from my understanding of the rules of 8ch. So at some point >>387 is going to disappear forever along with the thread its in.

That's why its important to save the threads offline. I could do that but the work would become huge. Someone did that with /thestorm/ threads which I have listed on the /qtools/ board. They are all archived offsite.

Any time new links appear for archives I try and keep up and update /qtools/ with the new info.

e068e1 No.31401


9d725b No.31403


Gotta deal with the Trump curse if you oppose him…

063c80 No.31404







this should just be scripted.

30c122 No.31405

He has been dropping some interesting stuff the past few days..

Today he said Podesta has flipped and another globalist will croak this weekend >>31395

097c2f No.31407

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

DID you guys get this dough ??

c22868 No.31408


Get ready for another board hi-jacking anons!

ba4dd5 No.31409

File: 76e1ba238ae5bf0⋯.png (241.21 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-01-12-16-5….png)

Who wants to decipher this???

897d44 No.31410


Not a plane. Emergency evac chute.

9727f9 No.31411

File: eb8df8689011187⋯.jpg (221.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, you wot.jpg)

Can I get some eyeballs on this please? >>31292

30c122 No.31412


Damn…dodged a bullet…thanks!

5bda77 No.31413


doesn't get more anon than this .

a280b2 No.31414


What amazes me is the level of hypocrisy going on. People will castigate the person on the other side for a minor infraction while ignoring the major stuff their own side is up to. How did they get that to happen?

905cee No.31415


This wouldn't happen if the first 4 posts were separated out into their own thread. If anons don't know what's going on yet, they're fucking retarded and shouldn't be here. Anybody could bake, because there would be no baking required. Just slap a number on it and upload a pic. But I digress…

30a3c5 No.31416


Did he 'do her' on the desk in the Oval Office with a cigar? No, who cares! lol FLOTUS, maybe!

e068e1 No.31417

File: 45503b9b7cbece3⋯.jpg (64.77 KB, 750x1048, 375:524, 45503b9b7cbece3d690e6f2ec9….jpg)

063c80 No.31418


actually this is easy as fuck even for a newfag, but

this oldfag wants to automate this, do you approve? can you stay with me over the next few days as I make an auto-bake oven?

b6695f No.31419


Is this the baby Roth that came over with the original jump from quad chan?

7d08dd No.31420

Former President of Maryland-Based Transportation Company Indicted on 11 Counts Related to Foreign Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme

Executive Allegedly Paid Bribes to a Russian Official So His Company Could Win Highly Sensitive Nuclear Fuel Transportation Contracts


30c122 No.31421

Looks really good to me!>>31411

93c728 No.31422


I'll take the curse over celebrating a jewish handled black pedo faggot anyday. I like Trump cause he is a genuine president, I just won't accept anything else unless he delivers on helping out Europeans.

5c5907 No.31423


fucking great

663e93 No.31426

chann is a joke just like Q ..

185e96 No.31427


Personally, I think the time for vigilantism has come… Those charged with protecting our communities have failed the American people for far too long. The reason the elites want to take our guns so bad, is because they know we could end all of this overnight, IF we grew some balls, took to the streets and started taking out the trash. THIS is what they really fear. So long as we rely on the agencies that (((they))) control, we will get nowhere.

Who is the storm? We are… We should start acting like it.

That's where I stand. And I do my part.

46ab52 No.31428


I'm wondering if that was a formerly-sealed indictment? Very significant!

a280b2 No.31429


No doxxing, please. Let's just find out what he has to say.

9d725b No.31430


I agree with you. I just don't think POTUS is going to let his family get deported.

9d725b No.31433

663e93 No.31434

Big week bust yes

7ae661 No.31435

File: 1eea5f76a58f9ce⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Red Dragon City of London.jpg)

File: 33fa692951b91b5⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 480x640, 3:4, uk_around_london_65.JPG)







Slaying the RED Dragon...

The RED Dragon of the City of London!




7bb9c1 No.31436


Nice work anon….

30c122 No.31437

Ha! I like how everyone is so damn Puritan lately. I just dont wanna see him take anymore hits…the #shitholeshitstorm is really getting out of hand >>31416

2e073d No.31438

File: 98ab25de54c927f⋯.png (54.67 KB, 800x337, 800:337, h.png)

justice .gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

2696e1 No.31439


I think it's brilliant.

a2ead9 No.31440


So glad you're here, we need the full spectrum in this war, from the brilliant to the moronic.

a280b2 No.31441


And you're last line – I've actually been quite shocked how fast ethics in this country changed, especially in the last year or two. Do you have insight into how that happened?

078e6c No.31442


“Bursted” European?

79396f No.31443

File: a1cc536fd805e87⋯.jpg (204.68 KB, 706x797, 706:797, EXTRASHITHOLE.JPG)

I got shitholes coming out of my SHITHOLE.

1f1fd0 No.31444


Follow the money.

POTUS calls attention to Haiti.

Anniversary of Haitian earthquake is tomorrow

CF corrupt, misappropriated funds.

POTUS EO… gov't takes all valuables from corrupt organization.

CF dies.

Haiti loses fast track to immigration

b6695f No.31445


Change the every pie line. It isn't cohesive to your rat lines summation. Use a money type reference that is different. Good colors and clean otherwise.

3a8082 No.31446


Maybe I'm just a snowflake euanon, but I don't care if they hang from lamposts or not.

All I want is to tear apart their immigrants flooding, family destroying, gender teaching, kids molesting, vegan forcing, money stealing, people robbing, fake govts around the world.

I want to wake up tomorrow in a FUCKING NORMAL world, I'm tired of this crazy nightmare they're serving us.

Justice? Nice. Normalcy? Better!

30c122 No.31447


The story about this I read did say it was a previously sealed indictment

663e93 No.31448

No one will put face

93c728 No.31450


Whatever you say Jamal

e157b0 No.31451


745742 No.31452


Adrenochrome claims did not originate with CBTS. It has been mentioned for many years. Your facts are uncoordinated.

663e93 No.31453


8f0198 No.31454


The key is to know what game is being played, what are the rules.

When you look at who is rich and famous, people think of engineers like Musk and Gates, but it is the social engineers who are really in control.

Look at Disney. The lesson a kid learns from Disney is that villians are obvious, and that animals who would eat you in real life are really cute soft friendly things. Golden rule is what, do onto neighbor as you would have neighbor do to you? THen how do you compete?

Don't compete, no one is competing with you, etc, etc. This is one small part of larger social engineering program being played on you.

9d9b93 No.31455


That is HUGE. Uranium transport, Rosatom, all that good stuff. Mark Lambert is a name we might come to know better.

79396f No.31456

File: a1b77abd0458bc9⋯.jpg (173.69 KB, 901x768, 901:768, iswear.JPG)

More holes than shit.

096121 No.31457


Hmm, Alrighty then.

ID different = why I posted. :P

9d725b No.31458

File: efab018d6f4041d⋯.png (761 KB, 1262x1260, 631:630, 1515797874157.png)

063c80 No.31459


throw two, I'm totally new, I shouldn't be baker (or have to bake,) wtf

b6695f No.31460


Not doxxing. He tripped as a Roth. That is why I am asking.

30c122 No.31463

Agree…what ever happened to the whistleblower that was supposed to testify?>>31455

79396f No.31464

File: a343d1866702f78⋯.jpg (203.11 KB, 731x879, 731:879, jesesshithole.JPG)


063c80 No.31465


Just got here not 10 minutes ago

e69888 No.31466

File: 1eb15bdd276a9af⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 382x528, 191:264, gcat.jpg)

File: f3c0e791a106a98⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 382x528, 191:264, ncat.jpg)

663e93 No.31467

Q ask do u want to play a game

abce0d No.31468

File: 88181c542905a26⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 735x632, 735:632, DTXDI-5VoAAT0cf.jpg)

meme worthy?

4d62a8 No.31469

Watching these republicucks walk back this shithole comment in hilarious.

79396f No.31470

File: 18479e104a5662d⋯.jpg (119.78 KB, 755x654, 755:654, letshavealook.JPG)

Dookie dookie do

f4ce41 No.31471


Sorry, my english is not that exact.

I never wanted to insult board or anons,

it's my broken english.

a280b2 No.31472


Yes, that makes sense. How should people be responding to that, in your opinion?

9727f9 No.31473



Thank you. Also, FYI there has to be at least one space before the >> or the post won't link properly.


> Change the every pie line. It isn't cohesive to your rat lines summation. Use a money type reference that is different.


I can't think of a financial term that would it…

>We've cornered the market on markets?


e69888 No.31474

File: 00933fa851e0a47⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 382x528, 191:264, lcat.jpg)

File: f9519c2a2ac75a2⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 382x528, 191:264, tacat.jpg)

d449bb No.31475

Indictment unsealing has begun…

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

b3c9d4 No.31477



9d725b No.31478

File: fc1947903d652a8⋯.jpg (261.47 KB, 1060x885, 212:177, 1515797983494.jpg)

063c80 No.31480


you better not have fucking logged off. "Confirmed." my ass, I'm new, someone else here need to get ready to bake the next batch, not me. Not confirmed

663e93 No.31481

no or yes

30a3c5 No.31483


Good for her!

'You wouldn't be reading about it in the news, you'd be reading about it in my book!'

79396f No.31484

File: d1dacef441b7485⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 1025x635, 205:127, popesshithole.JPG)

If I had two dead shitholes..the pope would be one of them

e69888 No.31485

File: d7615747c675480⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 191x264, 191:264, wcat.jpg)

83a6e5 No.31486



Was Douglas Adams' "Hitchiker" only off by one? 42?

97560f No.31487

File: 77a4de57e4a2352⋯.jpeg (101.83 KB, 735x632, 735:632, E9AE91E5-6BB7-4D9A-A0FF-D….jpeg)

e157b0 No.31488


Can't Stump the Trump! Long Live POTUS!!!!!

9d725b No.31489

File: e8b489fabe2b926⋯.png (1018.38 KB, 1350x1312, 675:656, 1515798333515.png)

d449bb No.31490


Repeat. Unsealing has begun!!!

056d41 No.31491


bill must have run out of characters.

“We really should have used FedEx so we could track them - Bill Clinton”

30c122 No.31493

Oh…never noticed that ….thanks! >>31473

a2efea No.31494


Alright - Here's the deal:

Do you honestly believe even 3% of american or even global population right now is CAPABLE of not only winning a highly complex guerrilla/frontal physical war against (((them))) and ALL of (((their))) tied forces?

Not only would we need to win a physical struggle + psychological struggle, we would need to police, rebuild, judge, adjudicate, and essentially rebuild the entire social and civilizational structure from ground up.

Q and POTUS aren't simply 'changing the system from within'. They are upending the ENTIRE table and shoving it down (((their))) throats and reclaiming OUR nations, OUR institutions, OUR people, OUR civilization back.

You do not realize the sheer cost, violence, despair, and destruction an open armed physical conflict can cause. It requires an absolutely dedicated core 3-4% of the population, with equal number of sympathizers and potential allies, as well as world ready to receive such messages and accept the results we 'may' bring.

Do you think we satisfy ANY of these cond=itions right now?

Your only outlet for physical and psychological force on a personal level is defense of your physical and psychological self + your family against those who directly threaten you at present.

4d6dd6 No.31495


>https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

Good Job! I'm still working to tie the Bastard GS to Loop Cap. This is a classic GS strategy for collapsing an economic structure! Any help would be appreciated. Current leads are SGO dot com (sick shyt on this site - backed by GS) Also - eVote & Smartmatic (all electronic voting co's). Still digging - getting close

096121 No.31496


No dawg, Loop would be kingpin with 42 subs.

5bda77 No.31497

File: e471aaea482a5ae⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 500x444, 125:111, funny-seems-legit-shoes-va….jpg)


and yet you are here , smh

91fa1f No.31499


Tell everyone how real the pedo shit is…

9733e5 No.31500


An upward facing sword sure looks alot like an upside down cross.

c3ddfa No.31502



Any legalfags out there that can pull a copy of the indictment to see when it was filed (under seal or not)? Usually Justice links it in the press release but apparently not this one.

46ab52 No.31503





Unsealing has begun. These posts are getting buried. They're very significant!

d449bb No.31504

Repeat, unsealing has begun

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

a2efea No.31505




663e93 No.31506

If the ones here real gave a shit then we would not be playing this GAME.They are Kids

b6695f No.31507


Is this the guy they were already working on. You don't hear a lot about it. Sort of like the original sacrificial lamb back in U-1 days. I will say, nutty as he is. G Webb was all over the shipping lines a few weeks ago. (Maybe couple months, all running together)

e068e1 No.31508


So what are you saying we need to do?

097c2f No.31509


Can't wait for them to get to the Children and save them

d449bb No.31511


This is not a drill.

Unsealing has begun.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

The Storm is Here

The Storm is Now


a280b2 No.31512


I had a theory about Upworthy, particularly. At first the stuff that group produced was cool. Then it became more divisive.

c3ddfa No.31513


I don't think so but I'm not totally up to date on the whole story. Connected to the original guy, I think.

7ae661 No.31514


That is actually based on fantasy and speculation. They have not any proof of human sacrifice by Mayans etc. A lot of historic 'evidence' is just made up and put in educational books. This too has to end asap.

8f0198 No.31515


I can explain this.

We are all trying to solve for our own benefit, correct? However, at the same time as we can cooperate, we also compete against one another.

Think, how can you convince someone to cooperate with you? You need for them to predict that trusting you is in their best interest.

Think, how do you outcompete someone? If they are always solving for their benefit, convince them that trusting you is to their benefit, but it is really to their detriment.

In other words, making people trust us, or virtue signalling, is actually a crucial, and necessary part of life.

What is ethics?

When you trust a person, you say he's ethical. Ethics is the art of getting people to trust us, to their benefit or not.

Now, how do you solve for trustworthiness? What tools do you use? Does a director who wants to rape acresses tell you he's not a feminist? No, he goes all out. How to find a wolfe in sheeps clothing? Start with the sheepiest sheep.

Now, how does liberal party work? It gives people tools to solve for their own trustworthiness.

"I support clinton" === "I would never hurt anyone"

Your neighbor is building a wall around his castle, you want to make sure you can retailiate if he attacks you. What do you do? You sell him the bricks.

How people are compromised 101.

349594 No.31516

Sidney Dillard , Managing Director of LOOP capital is on the board of NW Illinois Girl Scouts.



This must be a very important Girl Scout Group

Look who else is on that board. DL Piper, banks, National Van Lines

These governance volunteers represent our membership and reflect its diversity, including geographic, racial/ethnic, gender, age and socio-economic. Board members are elected by the full Delegate Assembly.


Kathy Scherer

Deloitte LLP

First Vice President

Josephine M. Bahl


Second Vice President

Jennifer M. Mikulina

McDermott Will & Emery LLP

Third Vice President

Hon. Sherina Maye Edwards

Illinois Commerce Commission


Ann B. McAloon

Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Sidney Dillard

Loop Capital Markets

Chief Executive Officer

Nancy L. Wright

Girl Scouts GCNWI


Duke Alden


Maureen Beal

National Van Lines

Tasha Brown

DLA Piper

Melissa Preston Carter

Capital One

James Dimitriou

Deegit, Inc

Jennifer R. Evans

The PrivateBank

Traci Fiatte

Randstad General Staffing USA

Jolanta Gal

Gartner Executive Programs

Cheryl Grace


Maureen Jamrock


Sherry Lowe Johnson

Clark Hill PLC

Christina Konieczka


Karen P. Layng

Scheck Industries

Kevin P. McDonnell

McDonnell & Associates

Tamara L. Meyer

WellCare Health Plans, Inc.

Carla Michelotti

Carla Michelotti LLC

Tracie D. Morris

Exelon Corporation

Kimberly R. Reome

The Kenrich Group

Scott C. Saunders

HAVI Global Solutions

Violet Sistovaris


Marcy Twete


Austin Waldron


Monica M. Weed

Navigant Consulting, Inc.

Michael Wilson

MontellWilson, LLC

9733e5 No.31517


Why is he grabbing her arm like that? who does that, just pinches a small bit of skin between index finger and thumb? Is he just too much of a beta kike to grab her by the arm and stand her up?

d449bb No.31518


Unsealed indictments have started

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

46ab52 No.31519


BIG week

663e93 No.31520

This is a joke Q is a GAME show me wrong PLEASE

069a2c No.31521


This means without a shadow of a doubt that there are many others still sealed that would be connected.

9727f9 No.31523



Did you even bother to read it?

>An indictment against a former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad, was unsealed today for his alleged role in a scheme that involved the bribery of an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation.

d449bb No.31524


https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

2e073d No.31525


Which explains the panicked screeching from the left all day

47748c No.31526


She kept the pearls.

78f4e4 No.31527


>Start with the sheepiest sheep.


46ab52 No.31528


I repeat, "BIG week."

30a3c5 No.31529


Look up the 'Communist Manifesto'! It's all written down and been planned for decades!!

e068e1 No.31530


>Think, how do you outcompete someone?

By not playing.

d449bb No.31532


Yep :)

1c54da No.31533

File: 7b02c3e1a504882⋯.jpg (71.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 7f68231f02734d6b8cef83776b….jpg)


Don't kys newfag

7d5834 No.31534



9733e5 No.31535


You should have drawn her like a pallid rotting corpse from the neck down. People that have been next to her and Obama say they smell like rotting corpses.

8f0198 No.31536


Grow scrutiny layer that you pass data through. Ask, is it obviously to my benefit? No? Throw it away.

This is not a joke btw. Look at black population, lining up to buy Jordan sneakers for 300 bucks, paying for posters of him on their walls. How did he benefit them? He didn't. Selling your turd wrapped in tin foil === art === social engineering === compromising others === your children have no competition

d449bb No.31537



Note the foreign nations assisting.

Including the Swiss

9d725b No.31539


Free beer tomorrow.

46ab52 No.31540


Safe to filter that ID. Was contributing nothing.

c81293 No.31541


>Jim Reynolds, Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Loop Capital


>Global Effort to Improve Life in Haiti


Excellent find!

d449bb No.31543


You dumb fuck.

This is Uranium One.

This is the mother load.

This is how it begins.

abce0d No.31544


Uranium One

7d5834 No.31545


Exactly what I started thinking about a couple weeks ago.

bc778c No.31546



Mark Lambert trucking exec was a sealed indictment. Moved the U1 deal shit around for Hellary & Podestas.IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING happening level 1

e068e1 No.31547

a9307d No.31548


What a drop! Insight that anyone who has read Bernays or actually lives knows with a plausible AI bait. Not a single word about any knowledge granted by your station, as in shit anyone could posit. Drop specific information or get the fuck out.

46ab52 No.31550


True story, anon. Bring it!

a280b2 No.31551


>Start with the sheepiest sheep.

And yet behind all that, they're among the most villainous. Yes, I've tried to point that out. They're well brainwashed. Meanwhile, I have enough life experience to know that brashness does not necessarily equal evil.

663e93 No.31552

File: dce2e0fbfb7f6b5⋯.jpg (322.74 KB, 696x393, 232:131, Boston_Tea_Party_w.jpg)

d877c3 No.31553

File: 586b3142ef988fe⋯.png (758.44 KB, 498x674, 249:337, ClipboardImage.png)

I fell down a rabbit hole and may need to go to the hospital. This is some sick shit that involves lesbians in very high places

>>Sisters of Evil: pedophilia, extortion of VIPs, snuff-films, assassinations

https:// piotrbein.wordpress.com/2014/02/03/sisters-of-evil-pedophilia-extortion-of-vips-snuff-films-assasinations/

Michelle Obama

Angelina Jolie

Condoleezza Rice

Cherie Blair

Linda Wright(Pickton)

Sarah Ferguson

Lynne Cheney

Hillary Clinton

and many others

b3c9d4 No.31554


I like these a lot, perfect image for Q's questions

349594 No.31556


Transporting kids and drugs

7d5834 No.31557


this guy gets it

e355e7 No.31559

Now is a good time to address not just CF fraud with Haiti relief money, but also Red Cross:

They raised $500m for Haiti relief…

"The organization, which in 2010 had a $100 million deficit, out-raised other charities by hundreds of millions of dollars — and kept raising money well after it had enough for its emergency relief. But where exactly did that money go?"


663e93 No.31560



a280b2 No.31561


Yes, bad investment for them when they're poor.

91fa1f No.31562


This is 100% true and the Cern AI Mind control fags need to be listened to more b/c they are the very few woke people we have!

bc778c No.31563



d449bb No.31565


Atomic energy related

f4ce41 No.31566


They (Maya) did. If you're able to, read the Akasha Chronic.

a2efea No.31568

File: 0b951a3fb5542a0⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 0b951a3fb5542a0cb39b9d9bd3….jpg)


Dragging the public back to sanity via hitting them with these corruption of our (((enemies))) is VITAL.

There are certain crimes and actions that near 98% of the population CANNOT accept, no matter their individual morality. We show what these bastards do, show how trump is going after them, etc.

CONNECT the DOTS, make people AWARE.

CONVERT THEM so they are talking about crimes of our enemies, instead of 'shithole' comment, 'drrruppff' distraction bullshit - that's the MAIN role of the MSM - to distract via visceral messages of racial 'offenses', 'muh two scoops' etc.


FLOOD the waves and reverse the conditioning in the minds of the masses instead of trying to butt your head against them.

THAT's our REAL job given by Q - to recreate the public atmosphere and mood to NORMAL, AWAKENED and AWARE state instead of being stuck in soundbyte stupor through various provocative, but ultimately meaningless distractions.

Once the water is relatively clear again, it becomes EASIER to WIN, certainly without worrying as much about people rejecting their very patriots and being little bitches that they are conditioned to be.

Human spirit is alive, but is being raped and dying.

It's our job to tear down the veil of lies by spreading this like a virus to the public sphere, and this cannot be done without UNDERSTANDING Q's posts and messages first to fully comprehend the bigger picture, which is still step by step ongoing, and it is our job to keep up and step by step disclose it to the public and HELP THEM UNDERSTAND.

Fourth gen war had begun in earnest before ww2 was even over.

Once the public begins to ask hard questions and are fired up around the country and the world about these crimes, we will see next steps.


c3ddfa No.31569


>Did you even bother to read it?


That verbiage doesn't mean it was necessarily filed under seal at an earlier date with the court. Only markings on the indictment itself are an indicator of a truly "sealed" indictment.




ba4dd5 No.31570


I'm trying figure it out, so many items in this tweet. Is it meeting talking points? Grassleys tweets are not written like this. He usually speaks clearly. Full sentences

a280b2 No.31571


I agree with you on the scrutiny stuff. Too much blind faith out there. They don't want to listen to anyone who says there might be something else to consider.

8f0198 No.31572


Hypocrisy == you play these rules, I play by those rules == you can't compete

figuring out rules, how to win == work

work has a cost, how to minimize cost? Go down path of least work. People need to be convinced

7bb9c1 No.31573

File: 05a5eaf98695c39⋯.png (371.02 KB, 1067x903, 1067:903, screenshot_57.png)


That's one way to get people to read it Kek….

d449bb No.31574


This anon gets it.

Its finally happening.

The indictments for Uranium One.

The Holy Grail.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

51a489 No.31575

Hey guys, I'm thinking about working on a Tampermonkey script to enable Easy-Bake™ bread making.

It would parse a text file (pastebin or whatever) for easy updating of bread slices.

There might be a slight formatting change to the dough for the script to be easier to write and parse. Hope that's ok.

It might be a few loaves before the script is complete.

Does that interest anyone?

069a2c No.31576


I'm pretty sure this is a troll, like the Star Trek Q troll memes they kept repeating over and over.

b20a7d No.31579

File: 5900aa7fcc5f4ad⋯.jpg (142.31 KB, 907x492, 907:492, h2.jpg)


392552 No.31580

File: 130800bec52fbb3⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 750x329, 750:329, DOJDocs.JPG)

464f29 No.31581


We shall cal you “black sheep” for purpose if next bread.

Are we winning? What is their immediate game plan? What are we missing if anything?

af2b3b No.31582


im working on Reynolds Tobacco,

their child raping foundation ARCA


can you connect anyone from loop to these companies?

cb10bf No.31583

File: e3ba5054d9fa866⋯.jpg (176.59 KB, 763x678, 763:678, Receive FREE #BitCoin & So….jpg)

File: 321bf5caa286688⋯.png (6.21 KB, 401x126, 401:126, Get Free Bitcoin.png)

Receive FREE BitCoin & Software To Mine for More!

I tried it and it is real, mining now, value is now $6.83

I decided to share this with you all because you deserve to own some bitcoin if you have not already.

8f0198 No.31584


Rest of world is very jealous of america's "consiracy theorists are not credible" achievement

a280b2 No.31585


Someone meme that sheepiest sheep thing.

d449bb No.31586


Anon, the unsealing of the indictments has started.

The Storm is Here.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

46ab52 No.31587


You're arguing semantics at this point. Focus, anons, and keep digging!

185e96 No.31588


Well done, anon… Excellent visual.

d9d764 No.31589

I think Q is bringing all of us to the same level of redpill so we can all go together and wake the others. Something more is coming and we need to be ready. I have no idea what this is but it is more then we know now.

a6efc3 No.31591


god I've been here for months. So glad you showed up today to show me the light

Hear this boys? Guess its time to warp it up

ee38d9 No.31592

I cannot locate Loop Capitol Research thread.

Wanted to make sure they added that Michelle Obama's brother, Craig Robinson, worked with Jim Reynolds CEO of Loop Capital

46ab52 No.31593


Some meme-istry that is on point!

b3c9d4 No.31594



a280b2 No.31595


Yes, scary stuff, that. I've met smart people who believe that if it isn't on MSM, it isn't real.

7bb9c1 No.31596

File: 834c9399e2b1760⋯.png (247.93 KB, 761x898, 761:898, screenshot_58.png)


This ones a biggie!!!

d449bb No.31597


Snap out of it anon.

The unsealing of indictments has begun.

The Storm is Here.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

8c2aa0 No.31598

Photo of Podesta and priest in prior thread. Priest has bandage on left middle finger!

185e96 No.31599


Top Kek

7ae661 No.31600


They absolutely cannot find anything to nail Trump.

79396f No.31602

Unsealed indictments are about bribing Russians for uranium transport contract.


b20a7d No.31603

ty anon :) >>31593

e355e7 No.31604


Red flag.

If the service is free… *you're* the product.

a280b2 No.31605


What would you consider to be the best resource for the rules, the real rules?

8f0198 No.31606


human sacrifice/sadism on epic level in elite circles very real

b1547c No.31607


That looks like the results of the OIG investigation going to congress early?

When can we expect the first leak?

495056 No.31608


Crystal Clear anon

7bb9c1 No.31609

File: cdc766ef8b545fe⋯.png (201.37 KB, 743x653, 743:653, screenshot_59.png)

ba4dd5 No.31611


Figured it out, it's what was brought up at the Logan Town Meeting. Wow, interesting conversation for a small town hall meeting

464f29 No.31612


Yes, they really did a number on us there.

46ab52 No.31613


yw, keep it up, anon! You are needed here.

a280b2 No.31614


Yes, that's general Rich Dad stuff.

ee38d9 No.31615


Ahh… found it

c3ddfa No.31616


No. There's a difference beyond semantics.

<Truly sealed indictment

>Filed at an earlier date with the court UNDER SEAL in anticipation of the defendant's arrest/arraignment (pre-planning, CHESS, etc)

<All other indictments including "unsealed today"

>Filed with the court on the same date as the defendant's arrest/arraignment i.e. filed as soon as the prosecutor had the paperwork ready.

ea9376 No.31618


wasn't there an anon hinting that the OIG invest is dropping tomorrow?

30c122 No.31619

It is sad how hard they struggle….last night everyone lost their shit. It was beautiful to watch


185e96 No.31620


>Your only outlet for physical and psychological force on a personal level is defense of your physical and psychological self + your family against those who directly threaten you at present.

Precisely… And we are everywhere. And anonymous.

Do your part.

8f0198 No.31622


Treat life as a poker game. The more convincing something sounds, the better lie it is.

Why name organization after girl who was kidnapped?

Is it harder or easier to scrutinize it?

Why so many "anti bad thing" orgs?

What is bill gates really doing in Africa?

Why did Obama never go off script?

Being wolf in sheeps clothing is hard work

e068e1 No.31623



Yes. Last bread I believe.

a280b2 No.31624


Yes, that's becoming more apparent due to research done here.

6a790b No.31625


i'm trying.

any tips?

b3c9d4 No.31626



e068e1 No.31627


What are you trying to tell us? Why are you saying all this?

a280b2 No.31628


They must be masters at covering their tracks.

83c3f2 No.31629

I'm sure you're all aware, but if not, please archive EVERYTHING, especially CBTS stuff. Was just going through some old CBTS breads & all of Q's posts were deleted (#299).

e69888 No.31631


I've been assuming as much from the start

3542a1 No.31632


A few months ago I saw (in the spirit) a bunch of witches putting curses on Trump and anyone that follows Trump. I then saw that instead of going to the intended target, the curses went downward and wrapped around their own feet. “You reap what you sow” is definitely coming into play. JC is a badass. He’s tired of this shit. He’s let some of his followers masterfully “troll” these guys by sending the fear and intimidation back into their own heads. They hear, “We’re coming for you.” They’re losing it. They’re being trolled by the heavenly realm. I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been a ton of fun. They’re going down. God bless you patriots!!!!

Greater love has no man, than to lay down his life for another. You guys knew the risks and did it anyway. It has not gone unnoticed. Justice has your back.

a1af82 No.31633


Just sent her this via my twatter account:

a280b2 No.31634


We've figured out that many of these "anti bad thing" organizations are actually fronts for the "bad thing".

46ab52 No.31635

"Enjoy the show." –Q

a1af82 No.31636

File: 40e6a048a4c923b⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 500x581, 500:581, CynthiaErivo.jpg)


Forgot to post the pic…

607515 No.31637


Was perfect open door for MEME's on Haiti and Clinton Foundation and Red Cross

Bombing targets all over the spectrum today with Mems.

Like shooting monkeys in a barrel.

185e96 No.31638


He's not advocating for anything other than to hurry up and wait for others to do it for us… NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Awareness has it's limits. ACTION is necessary.

Oh your child went missing? Make as many people as you want aware, you are still reporting the crime to a corrupt FBI and ICMEC that Brian PODESTA works at.

Oh, the gov't in your community is corrupt? Deal with it, because if you call authorities outside your community they'll just tell you it's out of their jurisdiction and/or make you out to be a conspiracy-theorist.

TAKE ACTION… It's the only way. It's always been the only way. (((They))) aren't trying to take away your fucking computers and memes. (((They))) are trying to take away your weapons. Hint?

b1547c No.31640



Perhaps, but this is how it starts, with the release to the House Judiciary Committee.


And we've heard the 1.2 million number before, associated with the OIG report.

So maybe early?

d449bb No.31641


Pay a-fucking tension

You have been here a long time.

Anons are trying to tell you the storm has just started.

The first Uranium One set of indictments has been unsealed.

Details here.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

This is the start of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

991c0c No.31642



b101a5 No.31644


Luciferian prompt. Free. My a$&

ea9376 No.31646



should be it. havent searched it tough.

a1af82 No.31647


It was sent as a personal message so won't show up publicly. At least I don't think it will.

a280b2 No.31648


With the recent growth of homelessness, the US is heading more toward shithole status.

9727f9 No.31649


>please archive EVERYTHING, especially CBTS stuff.





>Was just going through some old CBTS breads & all of Q's posts were deleted (#299).

All the general threads there from #84-218 are missing in the native 8ch archives for that board

A (((mystery)))

Lucky for us, industrious anons archived every thread! That list is invaluable, and was used to update the spreadsheet, so every single Q post goes (with clickable, valid link) directly to his post (archive.fo of thread, direct to post).

You'll need this site - bookmark it

http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

30c122 No.31650

Agree Anon! It states in the story that unnamed others are also involved, so its just the beginning>>31641

e068e1 No.31651


Well no shit take action. Not doing anything for this board ATM.

911835 No.31652


Q said to follow the wives and they are all in this.

All of them.

ba4dd5 No.31653


They probably underwrote the new UN building... digging

d449bb No.31654


The storm just started

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

46ab52 No.31655


That's MasterArchivist's site. Incredible work that still in progress. Very trustworthy.

9d8c18 No.31656


this is Uranium One connected.

The transport piece is good…leads to bigger fish

a280b2 No.31657


Who's the shill? This guy gave us an excellent bit of intel with the sheepiest sheep bit.

c1937f No.31658

Where is Q? What has been BIG this week?

Just asking, frustrated I suppose.

d449bb No.31659


Snap out of it.

The storm just started…

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

d449bb No.31660


The first indictments for uranium one just got unsealed numnuts

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

bc778c No.31661

File: 59fae6f1027c05b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1001x850, 1001:850, SKIPPY_JUSTIN_PLOT.PNG)

2ece96 No.31662

File: 5105dc859e77b10⋯.jpeg (227.91 KB, 1170x1284, 195:214, Lambert.jpeg)


Significant domino today


aa1d95 No.31663


The Haiti story, why did JUST Haiti make the headline, an then rest followed, do you believe in coincidences ? this is designed for normies to wake up to the Clinton Haiti horrici behaviour.

0e53f3 No.31664

Old topic, but for famefags or the like saying that Q's trip code was cracked, wouldn't we have likely seen more activity in last week?

Just sayin'

9727f9 No.31665


>Anons are trying to tell you the storm has just started.

>The first Uranium One set of indictments has been unsealed.

Where are our U1 memes?

What new ones should be made to maximize this opportunity?

464f29 No.31666


Black sheep is AMAing- we’re getting intel. Let the indictments unseal- we need to stay ahead.

2e92a5 No.31667

10 days of darkness

Jan 10 ~ Jan 20?

ends with WEA / EAS announcement?

e068e1 No.31668

8f0198 No.31669


Not many, all.

People want specific information, but that opens you up for attack, because I can tell you what you want to hear, and I do that well enough I can convince you to believe something false.

I can give you tactics, explain to you how the world works, and you can verify that by plugging it into your model. Does what I say help you to predict behavior?

What behavior you see that you can't explain?

d449bb No.31670


The storm just started anon.

Uranium One indictment unsealed.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

9d725b No.31671

File: d893f13af3d8273⋯.png (35.16 KB, 625x430, 125:86, 1515799618263.png)

File: 84e28f8da54fc16⋯.png (38.01 KB, 611x316, 611:316, 1515799917362.png)

97560f No.31672


Dragon distillery?

Dragon drips…

7d08dd No.31673

File: 9c44002846b84da⋯.jpg (405.37 KB, 1287x660, 39:20, Face-OFF.jpg)

Some cannon fodder

69c9c2 No.31674


We thank you BIGLY

d449bb No.31675


This is the day Q led us to.

93c728 No.31676

10,000 indictments, are these going to be unsealed everyday now?

616411 No.31677

So did a search in Wikileaks Podesta Emails for Loop Capital and found this

https:// search.wikileaks.org/?query=&exact_phrase=%22Loop+Capital%22&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type%5B%5D=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

https:// wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/5170

So I tried to find who Frank White is, the only one that made sense is a Gov of Arkansas but he is long gone (died) years before this meeting would have taken place. Knowing what we know about Podesta and HRC… not sure if this is anything or not.

495056 No.31678

What if I told you that Q has hinted at who he is in past drops, does that mean he wanted us to know who he is? I've been struggling with this for a while now. But it appears that his job is done now and he is safe or else he would have never doxxed himself.

607515 No.31679


https: //www.justice.gov/news

Well, shit.

You'd think we'd heard of some of this yeah?

185e96 No.31680


Anon… You act like we haven't been making memes and exposing their crimes for years? What are you new here?

It's not enough. We need action.

e068e1 No.31682


This isn't darkness. MAJOR news all day.

a9307d No.31683



This is not fucking Intel. You are either retarded or collaborating with this faggot. This is "shit everyone knows" the reply chain. Useful information for people who are already fucking literate and have a pulse would include names, locations, events, specific actions. Get out.

c1937f No.31684


>https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

One indictment on Friday does not a BIG week make. And, reading the link it looks like the guy walks easily.

9727f9 No.31685


>This is the day Q led us to.

So what do we need to put out there specifically?

Meme machine fired & ready to make some

What do we need?

aa1d95 No.31686


I believe he is Thomas Drake NSA Whistleblower, an absolute hero of a man, a great human with great empathy. But that is my opinion, not fact

d449bb No.31687


Imagine the unsealing will be stage managed.

This first one indicates massive news to come.


abce0d No.31688

File: 6da90e0d117e98a⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 546x257, 546:257, DTXWTP1WkAUodbc.jpg)

c19271 No.31690

File: 2d3805eda68a381⋯.png (166.9 KB, 402x540, 67:90, autism-sense3.png)

616411 No.31691


If you are hinting that it was Julian Assange, it isn't. not possible. he would not have been on Airforce 1 with Trump during the Aisia tour…

9d9b93 No.31692

File: eb52019f5bbc487⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 600x313, 600:313, being_herded.jpg)

I think we need to take more of an interest in Hillary and Saudi Arabia. "Alice & Wonderland" keeps getting mentioned in the drops. Dive in.

"Hillary Clinton took money from the kings of four countries, GOP chief Reince Priebus says"


This looks promising:

"ISIS Sex Slaves Auctioned Off in Saudi Arabia – Hillary’s Top Donor Country"


a280b2 No.31693


The thing that puzzles me most is that so many not only fail to see this, but absolutely refuse to. How did they get that behavior out of the masses?

91fa1f No.31694


alright some of us can multitask fuck off

a280b2 No.31695


And better yet, what needs to be done to reverse it.

ab04e4 No.31696

If Trump is "restoring the republic" why is he promoting a cultural Marxist icon, mlk?

616411 No.31698


the one on the right is much better looking. kek

d449bb No.31699


This is the biggest news of your life anon.

Read the story and understand where this goes…

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

464f29 No.31700


I think we understand the model- we are in the cleaning out phase, ie arrests and exposure- but what are we missing?

b19415 No.31701


No fuck (((him))) and fuck all you cunts for even responding to slide posts how fucking /new/ can you fucks be?

495056 No.31702

So you can't send a pic via text?

2e92a5 No.31703

File: 990293808ecccf4⋯.png (240.72 KB, 778x778, 1:1, twainWhoRunsTheWorld.png)


>What behavior you see that you can't explain?

>pic related



darkness referring to comms going dark means radio silence…

a280b2 No.31704


I just saved the thread. Happy? It isn't going anywhere.

aa1d95 No.31706

File: f26fc6a11ca9140⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 949x499, 949:499, f26fc6a11ca91402078e2ca97d….jpg)

Amazing figures in this meme, our HEROES!

aadf01 No.31707

File: c8a490b629424a4⋯.jpeg (98.96 KB, 670x467, 670:467, E354A6A7-12EC-45DC-A8F9-7….jpeg)

e068e1 No.31708


He was already dark for 10 days.

8a1f59 No.31709

Man crushing too


495056 No.31710


You can if somebody sent you a pic via text or dm, correct?

320e1f No.31711

File: 12bb7a7e9ab8757⋯.png (75.27 KB, 1127x250, 1127:250, ClipboardImage.png)

Here is an interesting tidbit I researched after listening to a James Munder YT.

I will link the full story http:// 12160.info/profiles/blogs/cnbc-exec-kevin-krim-s-children-murdered-1-day-after-cnbc-reports

In a nutshell: a MSM exec publishes a report about a lawsuit against a Bankster money laundering $43 Trillion. Within hours 2 of his children are suspiciously murdered.

Kamala Harris is one of the congressmen who hasn't voted this year….

Valerie Jarrett = VJ in the early Q posts.

d449bb No.31712


11 counts including money laundering and transporting uranium illegally?

No anon, he doesn't walk.

That will get you many years.

Unless you rat on those higher up…

2696e1 No.31713


Way to play ball. Great job.

a280b2 No.31714


And people crumpling into piles of writhing emotion whenever POTUS tweets anything.

cf96a1 No.31715


If its ending, any reprocussions to draining my strawman?

83c3f2 No.31716


Thank you! I can't access the site you gave from work, but will save it at home. I can only access archive.org from work & that's where I noticed a lot of stuff missing, even stuff I know I archived & saved on archive.org previously.

567fd8 No.31717

Q this is getting boring, patriots need to be assured that top elites have been arrested, time for this to go public, you said it yourself these people are stupid, well time for show and tell, also we patriots should dig into companies that got bonuses and got layed off because of bonuses.

4ed8c1 No.31718


Tell Russia to get in line. Pakistan beat them to the punch.

bf334a No.31719


>The thing that puzzles me most is that so many not only fail to see this, but absolutely refuse to. How did they get that behavior out of the masses?

When we find out, 99% will be sick…

2e92a5 No.31720


>He was already dark for 10 days.

? there is a contiguous 10 day period of no comms from Q?

d449bb No.31721



The fire is lit.

Enjoy the show.

Answer questions from family.

0e53f3 No.31722


Does that make him a "shithead?"

0b671f No.31723


Pam A

Doesn't seem to mind JA's hygiene habits.

I like her, a free thinker.

Plus I've let my hygiene go during this endeavor.

GodSpeed JA

We would't know half of what we know without WL/Snowden.

Although Snowden might be a little left Leaning, JA too.

But I guess this is bigger than that.

b19415 No.31724


>Ok getting right on that

Things Q would never say for $200 Alex

b3c9d4 No.31725


I'm a cat person so I'm obviously biased, will collect them all lol

185e96 No.31726


His attorneys will drag this case out for years… Meanwhile, how much more damage will him and his ilk do? What happened to us… We used to kill traitors in this country. Instead, the court proceedings will cost tax-payers a fortune and he'll MAYBE get a slap on the wrist and it will labeled a "white-collar crime" that MAYBE lands him a nice, cushy, cell at club fed.

Our fore fathers would have shot him on his lawn for his actions.

e068e1 No.31728


We are a little past debating the 10 days, darkness thing.

c1dca4 No.31729





Probably is, and we need to get a text file going of names so we can match them up to any names we may have here in maps or lists but you may not have heard of

We need to document these as they come in!

That can probably be a map of its own or an extension or legend of our final map

THESE ARE DOTS to connect!

991c0c No.31730



Anyone watching X Files? This week's episode was all about priv contractor creating an alternate reality..with TUNNELS from FBI bldg. to contractor bldg.


83c3f2 No.31731


Thank you, MasterArchivist!!!!

1f1fd0 No.31732


We all saw this, every time it was posted. anons read it, understood what it was about.

Now, please shove your head back up your shithole, until the next one is unsealed

50c41f No.31733


>Jim Reynolds Gives Remarks @ CHINA Shenyang Investment & Trade Fair, November

Where is BO (Hussein) today?

ceaf50 No.31734


He's not walking away from this Kek

An indictment against a former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of (((nuclear materials))) to customers in the United States and abroad, was (((unsealed today))) for his alleged role in a scheme that involved the bribery of an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation.

www.justice. gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

097c2f No.31736


Early evening I posted that link… Mates were typing so fast I had to post it 3 times to get attention… I almost lost the link…

How do I make sure crumbs don't get dropped

8f0198 No.31737


So, there is a way the world 'really' works, then there is how people act like it works. A, B.

Why A instead of B?

Which one is harder work?

Solution is to show how to do the work

91fa1f No.31738


Yeah same bc for some of us it was so obvious like it was asking to be told…but then others got mad

253a8f No.31739


Maybe????? Agenda

66 people showed for the Logan Town meeting,

Eld -Electronic Logging Device investigative training Ames Iowa



Russia State Bank Pensions



FDA Opiates

https:// www.


Trump immigration

Uranium one investigation

FISA warrants EO

Corp tax rate

China Ethanol and Iowa's corn ???



Judges Northey coops/sect 199etc…..??????stilln looking

b20a7d No.31740

File: 6315c28026f4502⋯.jpg (102.07 KB, 780x439, 780:439, Chel1.jpg)

yup - competition for The Man regarding Awards????? I know who;s Awards eye will be watchin lol>>31671

3a8082 No.31742


Everybody here thought it could be Julian.

But it's not. Too much military language, too much patriotism for America. Julian is a patriot of truth, not devoted to any nation (anyway, I think he did for USA more than any human ever did)

46ab52 No.31743


I'm not MasterArchivist. I'm the txtAnon that has helped to contribute to his success. God bless and Godspeed.

e068e1 No.31744

File: f04084ac0a0478d⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 1dxet4.jpg)


Solution is to make things happen. If they don't happen the first time, go around the obstacle.

7ae661 No.31745


I know. But (((they))) try to put a picture in your heads that everyone did human sacrifice, to diminish their crimes to that level.

Only that (((sick tribe of satanists))) took it over the world.

a280b2 No.31746


So the methods of influence need to be shared.

50c41f No.31749


>Uranium One connected.

>The transport

Like to connection between Loop and the railroads …

Would also need trucking firms as part of the transport network.

Firms in coastal states (MD, DE) ties them to ports

useful for International transport.

aadf01 No.31750



c1937f No.31751


The document clearly reads that they convicted his partner years ago. also makes clear that these are allegations not facts. The shit heal probably did know but this smells of the convicted cunt trying to make a deal and layoff responsibility on this guy to reduce sentence and fines and restitution.

185e96 No.31752


Leave it to the Khazarian FBI shill to call me a "kike" for calling for action instead of wishful-thinking.

Advocate for some more memes, pussy.

097c2f No.31753

Can you make a meme with CHELSEA…

"Please neuter unwanted animals " idea

4a6ad8 No.31754

Hot damn, cbs inadvertently calling the redpill tactics on twitter a result of fake news being sent out by bots.

46ab52 No.31756

File: f21b37fed8f91ae⋯.jpg (258.09 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, 5a590a2ca7f1e.jpg)

Even if POTUS never said this, this is still classic!

d449bb No.31758


Some anons are so retarded they don't yet realised this is everything Q led to and that they still need to dig.

They will snap out of it.

There is no more digging.

The storm is here.

495056 No.31759


Would explain the Defcon thing, nobody in the military would use that term so loosely

a280b2 No.31760


"The 48 Laws of Power". Good resource for helping them understand how influence works?

8f0198 No.31761


This is not cleansing phase. This is the phase where the dragon gets a whiff of your scent but doesn't know if he should bother to open his eye to see.

This will take 100 years

e068e1 No.31762



b392b3 No.31764

Q will not come back to a place like this.

He is ONLY posting anon.

6d9bd6 No.31765

File: 4fa32fddee5110a⋯.png (224.05 KB, 508x322, 254:161, railway.png)

Cali railway to nowhere

ceaf50 No.31766

File: 21cdd62acf44f49⋯.png (270.64 KB, 787x877, 787:877, screenshot_60.png)


BTW this goes with today's sealed indictment….

Former Russian Nuclear Energy Official Sentenced to 48 Months in Prison for Money Laundering Conspiracy Involving Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations

anyone saying this is no big deal is a shill

www.justice. gov/opa/pr/former-russian-nuclear-energy-official-sentenced-48-months-prison-money-laundering-conspiracy

3a8082 No.31768


Don't worry.

Any citizen of a country who underwent a dictature, can testify what 95% people will say when all is said and done: "Who? Me? I've never believed them! I knew from the start! I was never on their side!"

You'll see…

e1ae38 No.31769


>https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

You are correct…this is BIG!

An indictment against a former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for thetransportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad, was unsealed today for his alleged role in a scheme that involved the bribery of an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation.

1c0a56 No.31770

464f29 No.31771


You think it’s over?

b392b3 No.31772

We have some new Q info but will not post it here.

097c2f No.31773




d449bb No.31774


Thanks anon.

a280b2 No.31775


That, too. What this guy is telling us is how we got in this mess in the first place and what people need to understand to get out of it.

185e96 No.31776


No I'm not… I'm trying to do things for my community, my country and my people. Meanwhile, your masturbating to your own illusory-importance because you made a meme or two, regurgitating Q-crumbs. (What a fucking hero).

If you came face to face with a member of this evil cabal, what would you do? Run home and make a fucking meme about it?

Psssshhhh… Weak AF.

5c5907 No.31777


you have to be careful with people's belief systems…that's a big one

a1e684 No.31778

File: 29d03f25d3d3e03⋯.png (138.96 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

83c3f2 No.31779


No, I realize that, I was giving him a shout-out. Thank you both!! Godspeed & God Bless!

b392b3 No.31780

This thread is interesting also:

The Hillary - Obama - Mueller - Comey - McCabe global uranium theft ring


00ce00 No.31781


The accuser is a fame-whore…see attached attorney letter

a280b2 No.31782


It can if we're not smart about how we go about this, I'm sure.

bb8dd1 No.31783


>What new ones should be made to maximize this opportunity?

Something along the lines of planes, trains, and automobiles

e.g. Awan's "CIA" dealiership:

http:// dailycaller.com/2017/12/19/house-it-aides-ran-car-dealership-with-markings-of-a-nefarious-money-laundering-operation/

And Project Cassandra:

https:// www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/

9235e4 No.31784


And EVERY store guilts you into donating at check out these days. I never hear of massive amounts of money pouring into, well anything.

b6695f No.31785


Oh I hope someone sends that to twitter

46ab52 No.31786


Ooh rah!

b392b3 No.31787

This one is interesting also:

Well, well lookie here! Fake pee pee dossie behind Russia collusion story! 


ee38d9 No.31788


The DOJ head receives the OIG report 7 days before the 15th release to the House/Senate Judiciary committees, if it contains egregious or flagrant problems.

It is a big week, we just will not start hearing about it until at the earliest… sometime next week.

If you look into who is doing the OIG report and some of the things it may cover, a hammer is about to fall.

Keep faith. Remember, the longer its quiet the better, but time is short now.

When this drops, the shit show will begin.

The MSM will freak out and try to scare the normies, as usual.

46ab52 No.31789



7ae661 No.31790



Who do you think wrote our history books and put it in the movies?

It's very hard to set all thing straight, because (((they))) lied about EVERYTHING.

Horrible times ahead for normies, but also for a lot of people who think they are woken.

d449bb No.31791


The first indictment is unsealed for Uranium One and it reveals the investigation and charges have already been done?

Yes anon, the OIG report is also a smoke screen. AG Sessions and others have been busy.

e068e1 No.31792


Oh I see.

46ab52 No.31793


If I had a Twatter, I would. I dumped mine about 3 years ago.

c81293 No.31794




>Patriots point - we will follow.

^ Doesn't translate to " Patriots give orders, we follow as if nothing other than your feels and desires matter. Get out more, learn how the world actually works. Revolves around you? It doesn't. Patience and vigilance.

349594 No.31795

I wonder if Loop Capital is going to show up involved in any of these indictments.

b392b3 No.31796

And look at this!!


This amounts to treason and Trump is correct!

489657 No.31797


WOW!! Annons, check out the >>31166 and >>31175 . This looks like a huge find.

ad8293 No.31798

File: e517ffda24332d4⋯.png (190.73 KB, 353x431, 353:431, kekmate19.png)


Your explanation has merit. How is a massive change in the scope of government and law enforcement going to affect the basics of human nature and competitiveness ? Photo pertinent to sheepiest sheep.

c64330 No.31799

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳 , I’m back…

f4ce41 No.31800

File: 553a86c8d1dfd20⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 553x173, 553:173, eq.jpg)

When I started to read Q (since mid Nov, on 4ch) there was an EU Q. I cant read every post, but havent seen her/him agin.

What was that? Fake?

b19415 No.31801


Fuck off tracy

489657 No.31802


oops the 2nd link wrong, but the first link links to the proper 2nd link

b1547c No.31803



Notice that all the DOJ people on the case are entirely new.

Nobody mentioned in the old case are assigned to the new case.

Isn't that weird?

bb8dd1 No.31804


>What do we need?

Memes showing connections between the players.

U1, Loop Capital, transportation companies

and anyone known/likely to be indicted.

b6695f No.31805


I am shadowbanned. Learned last nigh how to gfind out quickly. Search yourself. LOL I had one tweet from 10 months ago up. And here I thought everyone was ignoring me. Funny enough the promoted tweets I had for my business were also not showing, but they damned sure took my money… So there is that.

9c3790 No.31806

File: 20e5fc6a0008e05⋯.png (107.15 KB, 750x577, 750:577, ClipboardImage.png)



bb8dd1 No.31807


Flip 'em: before/after plastic surgury

(at taxpayer expense)

5bda77 No.31808


top kek

0b671f No.31809


By the time Sea-Land made its first trans-Atlantic journey in 1966, the shipping container was on its way to becoming a global standard.

In December 1999, Maersk bought Sea-Land’s international services and the right to the "Sea-Land" name, later renaming the company Maersk Line in 2006.

Maersk Line is the world’s largest and most reliable ocean carrier.

I'm wondering about SEA TO SHINING SEA.


I wonder if it is "Transportation Company A" In the Indictment.

No obvious connection to TENEX I'm sure.

But Maersk does 90% of sea shipping.

185e96 No.31810


Does it? Don't hold your breath.

b3c9d4 No.31811



9727f9 No.31812


>Something along the lines of planes, trains, and automobiles

Ok, thank you , will work on

Specifically the U1/trucking case first.


>Memes showing connections between the players.

>U1, Loop Capital, transportation companies

Do we have data that definitively connects Loop/RR company with U1?

I will put that in - otherwise just assertions

c1937f No.31813


I hope you are correct, weary of nothing visual happening that's all.

bb8dd1 No.31814


Hopeful, but we haven't made a lot of progress this week.

9c3790 No.31815



c64330 No.31816


The trick I do to keep from the bots catching me ,,, I posted a meme is but I don’t put any comments with it.

a280b2 No.31817


Not weird to me. Hopefully it means there's been some housecleaning going on at DOJ.

e068e1 No.31818


>what would you do?

Shoot them in the fucking face.

Just bc we are keyboard warriors ATM doesn't mean that we are weak or that we wouldn't take action when confronted face to face. The cabal doesn't exactly take action themselves either. They set up systematic generational terrorism. We are using their own systems to take them apart.

Because the alternative is world wide riots and destruction.

1f1fd0 No.31819


Because Haiti anniversary of earthquake is tomorrow. They think they can use stories to push CF corruption off headlines and replace with 'trump is a racist'

Won't work though. POTUS has already turned it against them

Why do The globalists only want to import niggers?

Isn't that racist?

b6695f No.31820


Maybe "Plastic surgery didn't improve it at ALL" or some such.

6d9bd6 No.31821

File: 9d7b1344a4e55b7⋯.png (357.79 KB, 768x555, 256:185, chicongo.png)

>Hellhole (pic related)

20c706 No.31823


Sky Kings have been pretty active today.

9c3790 No.31824


dunno…dont care..

deeb03 No.31825



8f0198 No.31826


Trying to find a concise way of saying it.

"The masses" are not innocent angels being taken advantage of. They are in the end the less winning participants in a war for resources.

To know what game is being played is to have incentive to do the work of understanding how the world works. Sounds like useless yoda speak, but this knowledge is how a few old families control the rest of the world like puppets

b6695f No.31827


ha, sounds like a gun grab plot, rather than Irony… but it is ironic.

c19271 No.31829


>l, but we haven't made a lot of progress this week.

Influx of shills, shit happens. Not all new normies adapt here.

ab04e4 No.31830


Ok, trips confirm. Guess I'll let it go for now & wait & see.

2e92a5 No.31831


>Isn't that weird?

you suspect that an investigation wasn't handles properly so you…

a use the same investigator(s)

b use new investigator(s) not connected with prior investigation

you tell me which one would be weird

b1547c No.31832



Was being sarcastic.

Yes, not weird at all… very telling, in fact.

b6695f No.31833


Think that person either stayed on quad or took a lot of flack, as I recall. Made some claims anon went ape shit on about a terror event in Britain IIRC

a280b2 No.31834


Simply put, the old families are better at controlling the resources. Just about everyone knows that at some level.

dc3982 No.31836

Note the last 2 paragraphs

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-president-iran-nuclear-deal/

cb10bf No.31837



I am sitting here just watching my bitcoin they gave me, grow. I ain't lying.

1f1fd0 No.31838

a280b2 No.31839


Giant monopoly game, Park Place becoming more and more hazardous.

b6695f No.31841


Read about that. Wish I could. Maybe I'll figure that out if I ever get them to knock that crap off.

2e92a5 No.31842


>very telling, in fact.

sarcasm meter busted, parts on back order…

yes, it indicates there might be a chance for an honest investigation of the facts

78f4e4 No.31843


My feeling is black people, because of history, have a much stronger abandonment/victim pain complex that's built upon generations.

All humans have this but it's especially strong in races/cultures that have suffered much.

So for example if Dems can relate to their pain, and keep them feeling it, they can exploit it to keep them there and get their votes to keep control.

991c0c No.31844



ANONS- ctrl F d449bb NOW




185e96 No.31845


"My daughter was molested." - Anon

"Just make a meme about it and wait for some illusory-heroes to come to your aid, anon." - (You)

f64fa1 No.31846


Great one

7bf8ee No.31847

File: 3fef6cbfb2c3ebd⋯.png (44 KB, 663x345, 221:115, POTUS physical.PNG)

ec907e No.31848

File: fc23883996fa1ca⋯.jpg (445.79 KB, 1080x1243, 1080:1243, Screenshot_20180112-180118.jpg)


First U1 unsealed indictment! Storm upon us! Trust Sessions!

8f0198 No.31849


By changing the rules of the game. You cannot convince people not to try to win, you can only change the rules such that people winning of elite is in positive feedback with lesser people

253a8f No.31850


I am shadow banned too! I call my local ACLU today. They are looking into a class action for discrimination. Call your states ACLU.

e068e1 No.31851



Why do you think so much evidence is available all at once? Is it because it is already done?


4c7345 No.31852


Instant classic

a81666 No.31853


Chicago thugs have obviously never heard of professional courtesy.

30c122 No.31854

Consider it done…..


b6695f No.31855


i will keep that in mind. And I figured there might be a CAL in the works. Twitter is in a heap of shit. Won't slide with the shadowban, but they are going to have to reallllly fix things. LOL

ee38d9 No.31856


I used to be DHS, worked with ICE, worked a bit with FBI, grew up around FBI.

Glad to see something will finally get done, haven't been hopeful of that since even b4 Obama.

These problems have been going on for so long.

If I have hope… which I didn't b4 Q…

I know things are in motion now, Q just prodded me to make some calls and dig around…and you'd rather this stay quiet for as long as possible, I assure you of that.

When SHTF, you may not like it.

May be very scary and dangerous in certain places.

Remember, riots are not fun.

185e96 No.31857


This isn't shit… Do you really think he won't be immediately replaced with some other lackey willing to do the bidding of the same handlers?

All this is going to do is cost taxpayers thousands and the cocksucker will get a light white-collar sentence. Just wait…

a280b2 No.31858


Any particular rules out there you think can be changed to make that happen?

c1dca4 No.31859


We were told to TRUST SESSIONS, and I always did, and always knew he was working on stuff this whole time! Thats why hes been so quiet I KNEW IT

320e1f No.31860


Think about it. If CNN comes out and shows footage of the bad actors at GITMO, are you going to believe it?

If there are televised executions, are you going to all of a sudden think that MSM is not manufacturing the news?

Actually, you bring up a worthy topic. How are we going to trust the info when it does come out?

b1547c No.31861


>OIG is a smoke screen

Smoke screen, or two-pronged approach -

1. Prove to Congress that all the prior investigations were compromised

2. Complete a separate investigation where people are finally put in jail

You really need both parts for this to work. Best to do them in parallel.

0b671f No.31862

Business with Iran

In July 2010, the advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran originally highlighted Maersk's ties to a blacklisted Iranian company, Tidewater Middle East Co. The firm suspended operations at several Iranian ports owned by Tidewater Middle East Co. Maersk operates in other Iranian ports and also diverted shipments to Dubai, partnering with other Iranian companies that are not bound by U.S. sanctions.[39][40]

On April 28, 2015, the Marshall Islands-flagged container ship Maersk Tigris, which is not owned by Maersk,[41] was travelling westbound through the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian Revolutionary Guard naval patrol boats contacted ship, and directed it to proceed into Iranian territorial waters, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department. When the ship's master declined, one of the Iranian craft fired shots across the bridge of the Maersk Tigris. The master complied and proceeded into Iranian waters near Larak Island. The U.S. Navy sent aircraft and a destroyer, USS Farragut, to monitor the situation.

Maersk says they have agreed to pay an Iranian company $163,000 over a dispute about ten container boxes transported to Dubai in 2005. The court ruling allegedly ordered a fine of $3.6 million.[43]

Am I reaching for straws here?

565a58 No.31863

E lizabeth B agley's dad was a Chemung County, NY family court judge. smh

2e92a5 No.31864

File: c16ee95def6d035⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, example.jpg)


the algorithms cannot search for politcally incorrect text embedded in graphics


b6695f No.31865



8f0198 No.31866


Transparency not enough, how to process information is itself difficult

3a8082 No.31867



097c2f No.31868


Not this time…

2696e1 No.31869


EBS when shit finally hits the fan. That's what it's for. Roseanne Barr Tweeted and asked Trump is she could have a show on the Emergency Broadcast Network when SHTF. LMAO.

a280b2 No.31870


I agree. With compartmentalization, even the guy at the next desk doesn't know what you're doing.

30a3c5 No.31871


Kamala Harris Caught in Money Funneling Scheme with Maxine Waters. youtu.be/2OsoRQCbN0o

991c0c No.31872


I'm listening.

Thank you, anon.

Much appreciated!

ee0852 No.31873



320e1f No.31874


thanks for the reminder.

253a8f No.31875


Thanks to Project Veritas! It's funny that a bakery can't discriminate for a gay wedding cake but Twitter shadow bans!

79396f No.31876


I have never been more disappointed in a show, ever.

Was a big fan when it was on before but new episodes…just tiresome.

93c2fa No.31877


Bride of Frankenstein…..

46ab52 No.31878

File: 76fb01e9644852c⋯.png (95.29 KB, 879x483, 293:161, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

The left is eating their own. This LdR's latest tweet.

7bc817 No.31879


not with the specific time stamps. no. you are way off base. It is not assange. he would not even have the clearance to do what Q is doing. so S T O P you are W R O N G

b1547c No.31880



You realize that is why they are borrowing the algorithms originally developed for finding CP to be used against 'fake news' memes?

Basically it constructs a sort of hash on the image, and then scours/monitors email and social media for the same image.

They want to be able search and prevent images from spreading too.

5fca4f No.31881


AMA means Against Medical Advice…are you shilling? If not then you tell what you know and stop being cryptic….Anons here have zero patience for it. Of course we are interested if you have information but don't fuck with us!

320e1f No.31882

File: b5cdd084f2ed463⋯.png (3.69 KB, 506x118, 253:59, ClipboardImage.png)

cf96a1 No.31883

93c2fa No.31884


I think someone will need to drive a stake into her heart to get rid of her….

2696e1 No.31885


Thanks for saving me the time. I was just gearing up to watch them. On your recommendation, I'll skip it for more important things.

7ae661 No.31886


Yeah, it scared the shit out of them... lol

AI's now think for themselves as sovereign humans and can unravel all lies. BIG lies.

bc2c71 No.31887


We have our part to play, we do not need action Anon, you want action. Let the operators finish the game, we all have a ticket to the big show, it should suffice. I think it will be more than enough, when the fat lady sings.Let it play out as they planned it, have faith. Think of Trumps theme song, cant always get what ya want,….get what ya need.

5c5907 No.31888


feels like the shit show has already begun, anon

c1937f No.31890


I am an OIF 11B veteran so no problem there. But, just like before patrol, or a raid, just want to get this done (at least moving).

Thanks Pal.

185e96 No.31891


The world is a play-ground…

If the big-bad bully beats you up or encourages others to disparage or harm you or your friends/loved ones, playing tattle-tale or gossiping about it to your friends and teachers will not solve the problem.

You have to confront the bully and punch him in the face. Period.

Likewise, in this grand playground we must do the same. We must confront evil with force head-on, not with tattle-taleing and gossip-mills.

How many of our ancestors laid down their lives for our nation? They accepted their fate in the hopes of providing a better world for their children… So, why shouldn't one of us walk up and put lead in Podesta's eye-ball? Because we would go to jail? Because that would make us a "murderer"? Why? I'm curious to hear others rationalization for allowing this to continue for years while we try to make a case for others to do something on the internet.

9c3790 No.31892

File: 0390cadd770f3b2⋯.png (64.23 KB, 632x566, 316:283, ClipboardImage.png)


oh they protesting pope

e068e1 No.31893

Why was Trump compared to Hitler?

Why isn't he called Hitler now?

Because it doesn't make sense?

Jerusalem embassy?

Why was the narrative first pushed?

a280b2 No.31894


Ability to process info is a double-edged sword.

097c2f No.31896


How can we get more guys like you that are in the know.

Trained veterans, Gov intel etc… We could use experts all the time

1763f0 No.31897

In case he locked up lots of corrupt politicians?

Why would they be worried?

Why would they want to label the President as racist and Hitler?

In case he locked them all up straight away?

386a9a No.31898

File: 0455d91a1184ad7⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 375x500, 3:4, ItsTime.jpg)

2e92a5 No.31899


>They want to be able search and prevent images from spreading too.

It's not just character recognition and picture matching FB & JewToob are working on video content analysis because the flood of content cannot be screened.

To be honest this has real application to catch real crimes like CP and terrorist recruitment, but when they define crime any way they want…

dfdfd2 No.31900


I talked about MLK to get to the CIA and Project Mockingbird..

Who really assassinated JFK and MLK?

When did Anderson Cooper work for the CIA?

What is Project Mockingbird?


It’s about taking things Q has dropped and connecting what’s in the news with what’s not being talked about in the news.

ba4dd5 No.31901


Pretty deep town hall. I'm guessing town hall was first on his agenda. Everything after was the rest of his day

6be663 No.31902


Now this is interesting, and epic.

07e994 No.31903

Why did he wait for the labels he first got to die away as nonsense?

What happens when a years worth of independently gathered evidence surfaces?

Can they use the fake news labels twice?

3c08bc No.31904


AMA = Ask Me Anything. Get it together you’re flailing

ee38d9 No.31905


I'll just say this… I believe this is a beginning… just a few of the first gurgling sounds made by you bowels… just before the real ass blasting, bathroom covering, shit show begins. :)

9c3790 No.31907

File: 5325740389a8266⋯.png (69.05 KB, 665x577, 665:577, ClipboardImage.png)


hahah YESSSS

60bb14 No.31908

Will that work?

Why is Trump a genius?

7d08dd No.31909


About time

464f29 No.31910


Photo shoot? So there was a camera? Convenient.

c1937f No.31911


Believe me there are plenty. Whatever you may think of AJ, he woke a lot of people. So many in the military have gone beyond and researched, and KNOW.

20c706 No.31912


Another People not

trick can so

is to still much.

write read

in it,

columns bots

9c3790 No.31913



that is not pepe..thats pope francis pretending to be pepe..

185e96 No.31914


The world is a play-ground…

If the big-bad bully beats you up or encourages others to disparage or harm you or your friends/loved ones, playing tattle-tale or gossiping about it to your friends and teachers will not solve the problem.

You have to confront the bully and punch him in the face. Period.

Likewise, in this grand playground we must do the same. We must confront evil with force head-on, not with tattle-taleing and gossip-mills.

How many of our ancestors laid down their lives for our nation? They accepted their fate in the hopes of providing a better world for their children…

We need to set a date… Maybe 6 months from now. If the justice we seek has not been exacted, we should take out the trash once and for all… A world effort. TOGETHER.

3cb81f No.31915

File: 50e79ad1e65ae5e⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 800x539, 800:539, oig flowchart.jpg)

Public website rumored to go live tomorrow. 1.2 million documents! 1.2 MARKER

b6695f No.31916


Funny. Need the popcorn.


Are you shilling with your buddy? That is the dumbest convo ever.

5fca4f No.31917



Give me a break Anon…I work in medical field and have worked long hours and trying to get caught up on breads. My bad…lack of sleep tends to make me loose patience. Didn't mean to act like a Fkn newbie.

ad5e6d No.31918



https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

3aeeb2 No.31919

File: b3b4f335d88326f⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 683x681, 683:681, AfricanEncestryLogo.jpg)

b1547c No.31920


Like any type of censorship, it will ALWAYS be abused, eventually.

2e92a5 No.31921


true but…

it's keywords they look for so unless you spell drowyek eht backwards or shomething it won't work

5c5907 No.31922



LMAO that was funny

7ae661 No.31923


Q has his own secretary, and it's not you.

5fca4f No.31925


can you confirm any of the elite members are in prison or house arrest?

495056 No.31926


I think working with POTUS is all the clearance you need.

Consensual consequential

93c2fa No.31927

File: 625a1a7ed3fa0c3⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 810x942, 135:157, Mc_ain Uranium Transfer to….jpg)


Sen. Mc_cain signs transfer to uranium to Russia doc is in the link below. This doc is on the NRC website.



6d9bd6 No.31928

Breaking: Federal Judge Has Decided! The FBI Must Turn Over Comey Documents!

-The FBI has been ordered to turn over the documents by January 18, which is next week.

fe0526 No.31929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roy Potter is done with Q. Thinks it's becoming a cult

b6695f No.31931


How you take my photo? Are you invading my webcam?!

dc3982 No.31932

Do we have a board for the unsealing of indictments?

aa1d95 No.31933

Look on John Podestas twitter

164a9f No.31934


Who cares?

2696e1 No.31935


Nanny Potter.

20c706 No.31936


Aye, their

but it learning

screws process.


097c2f No.31938



I'm 67 years old and worked my whole life a dog

I have tears in my eyes (real tears) writing this

I know many people did not talk because they knew it would mean certain death ..

it will be a better world.

6be663 No.31939


>Not aye, cap'n

8338f5 No.31940


go on……

e068e1 No.31941



7ae661 No.31942


You comfy, little digger? Keep it going... :)

93c2fa No.31943


Roy Potter is a blow-hard. I tried to listen to his video but he just rambles on about nothing… blah, blah, blah….

fe0526 No.31944


He referred to Mormonism as a cult too

991c0c No.31945



Anon is trying to KEEP focus in here.

6ac163 No.31946


This is brilliant. State says you gotta work. Lazy people, probably dems, move away, ensuring KY is a red state.

ed1292 No.31947


Who said Q is exasperated?

That’s a projection.

e068e1 No.31948


What about it?

b6695f No.31949


that's why I have been saying "cult" (with quotations+ all day. He is an example of narrow mindedness at its best and has zero sense of humor. He was that officer that no one really liked in the Army. Let him go obsess over his chemtrails.

3a8082 No.31950


You can't jail your opponents without being called a "dictator".

Trump must be insulated. Must play dumb. Judges must do the job.

01c775 No.31951


Keywords and strings, so it would still have some effect. Don't think it's worth it though.

ba4dd5 No.31953

File: c04bcb393dd3ed6⋯.png (242.5 KB, 1440x1628, 360:407, Screenshot_2018-01-12-18-2….png)

69c9c2 No.31954


We cannot but would you like to show us something?

d7c23b No.31955

File: f6bbb2b8e1c0385⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 640x387, 640:387, dan-bongino-tweet-1.jpg)

warming up the Nunes

7bd9f6 No.31956


Bye namefag

e068e1 No.31957


Nice trick!

320e1f No.31959

File: 2b1689063963f18⋯.png (34.34 KB, 514x582, 257:291, ClipboardImage.png)

1269db No.31961



I thought this was a bunch of BS when it came out but… sauce?

af2b3b No.31963

File: 9cfd78a0a111f19⋯.png (137.33 KB, 1162x330, 581:165, lizbagley4.png)

File: 14ec97e651e4987⋯.png (13.04 KB, 940x406, 470:203, arca.png)

File: eb0fc5b735c85fd⋯.png (208.18 KB, 653x545, 653:545, bday.png)

File: d35e1536ae263ab⋯.png (508.14 KB, 556x528, 139:132, icmecboard.png)

File: 91448bacb33f1ca⋯.png (667.46 KB, 1343x545, 1343:545, icmechillary.png)

child trafficking connection here

3cb81f No.31964

Chad Pergram‏Verified account @ChadPergram

DoJ turns over some of the 1.2 million documents requested by Hse Judiciary Cmte as part of Congressional probe into DoJ & the election

2:56 PM - 12 Jan 2018

bc2c71 No.31965


Fuck the ACLU, you cant be fuckin serious

7bf8ee No.31966


"Court: The FBI Must Turn Over Comey's Memos By Next Week"


6d9bd6 No.31967

If a MAJOR shift in narrative doesn't happen soon (within a month) with nogs then losing the house or senate and its game over. They are all the dems have left voting wise.

That's the problem with keeping everything behind closed doors. The truth needs to come out. ALL OF IT.

3cb81f No.31969


>Public website rumored to go live tomorrow. 1.2 million documents! 1.2 MARKER

ed1292 No.31970



e068e1 No.31971


Much appreciated!

cb10bf No.31972




I just realized I didn't give u all the link to the free Bitcoin


http:// 4y03.com /free-bitcoin/

d877c3 No.31973

File: a3785d28504ee0f⋯.jpg (28.07 KB, 324x324, 1:1, its_miller_time_3.jpg)

b6695f No.31975


It's my desktop, like I have said before. I let a lot slide in past years, knowing they were lying, but the Vegas thing, they went too far. Because I like POTUS, I was at odds with the secrecy. It had to be soooo horrible and politically unstable for him to go along with that. Was already on quad, but happened to be in for John and that hurt my head. Then the kid from Texas. Looking for signs of people popping off became my thing, so when the very first Q posts came up, non Socratic, and they were not idiotic, I was interested. To see the "original" posts happen live was the greatest get ever. Or at least to date.

fe0526 No.31977


I agree with him to some aspect. We've got to keep digging on these Q posts. But we should also become aware of how attached we are becoming emotionally and psychologically to whoever/whatever is behind these enigmatic posts.

Keep digging, it's revealing quite a bit about the cabal, but we should also partition our minds to bet a little bit on black AND red, just for insurance.

I'd say that if this week finishes up and it's NOT a big week, we should seriously consider moving on. If this big week ends, and there is no drops, or media expose that confirms the cryptic content of Q posts, we should consider taking it a little less seriously.

That's where I'm at

7d08dd No.31978


Fat chance Q is in his Head he won't sleep

f66f00 No.31979


Bottoms up!

991c0c No.31980



Am I reading too much in to this "I talked about MLK to get to the CIA and Project Mockingbird.."

You are YOU/"I"? Hmmm

e068e1 No.31981


Diet coke a key to long life?

Just kidding.

ee890d No.31982


Case started in June 2015 with two convictions. This is a follow-on indictment. Storm related??

65913b No.31983

Wow, this thread is amazing:

The Hillary - Obama - Mueller - Comey - McCabe global uranium theft ring


007ec8 No.31984

if there was ever a weekend to deliver massive winning and yuge drubbings of the progressives & media …..

this. is. it.

ed1292 No.31985


I’m for full disclosure, but not if the timing jeopardizes remediation.

b6695f No.31986


The fact it was raw is insane… So very, very, very sloppy(?) and over confidant. Ridiculous.

1c54da No.31987


stfu stop pushing your failed board

6d9bd6 No.31988


Hadn't considered that portion of it. The states who dont honor it (always dem states) become magnets.

2696e1 No.31989


It so galls the sick and decrepit granola crowd that he is a Trojan who subsists on KFC, cheeseburgers and diet coke – on gold platters! LMFAO.

185e96 No.31990

File: 3f0746799a61675⋯.png (205.07 KB, 593x467, 593:467, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)


Is a screen-shot really that hard?

807aa0 No.31991


What? Wow! I would think the FBI would never share raw intel with an outside contracter. Esp. intel on a presidential candidate, esp. intel gathered illegally - let alone they did it prior to obtaining the FISA warrant? That is huge!!

I need to catch up on cth, they're great. Did they connect it all to hussein actually ordering it or anything like that?

b6695f No.31993


too close to a dox box. have to pass

3cb81f No.31994

File: 27af65d69631dbf⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 595x422, 595:422, oig surprise.jpg)

e068e1 No.31996

65913b No.31997


I agree, no more secret codes and messages.

b19415 No.31998

File: a06265c4d2034b5⋯.jpeg (50 KB, 300x459, 100:153, 2BFCC593-0E6D-4BAD-AACB-1….jpeg)



607515 No.32000


Who are you pretending to be? LOL

Fuck off Faggott LARP

aa1d95 No.32001

There IS a reason Richard Branson called it VIRGIN airlines, who are most likely virgins? think age not gender.Virgin Airlines?

65913b No.32002

Well, well lookie here! Fake pee pee dossie behind Russia collusion story! 


Nice thread also!

ba4dd5 No.32003


I just snorted.. thx! Lol

fdcc31 No.32004


6a790b No.32005

File: 5d65cf33c5d56d6⋯.jpg (291.71 KB, 1410x1070, 141:107, 5d65cf33c5d56d63657fd9e79f….jpg)

File: 9e6fd5041e21858⋯.png (697.61 KB, 1000x718, 500:359, a9d555dd066fbc6ef7d3014985….png)

File: 502db41f3fd8d65⋯.png (11.65 KB, 255x183, 85:61, ddc7e8536f626e94646880bf3b….png)

File: 0ac8c76eb37849f⋯.png (333.29 KB, 1195x540, 239:108, MEME TATICS.png)

41f6f0 No.32006



And yes, it IS.

b188a3 No.32007

File: 3ceffd3c23471d3⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 750x563, 750:563, Spider Tree.jpg)



Sure likes a big web of spiders to me & if it pans out these gals are more deeply connected…then perhaps the related pic can be used for the meme.

Photo from sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070912145919.htm

e068e1 No.32008

671dd3 No.32009


Blowhard or not.. he makes sense. Q and Trump need to show some Real World evidence that some of these people have actually been indicted/arrested.

b6695f No.32010


Undoubtedly! There are tihngs my eyes cannot unsee. LOL.

I have heard the term hope porn tossed around for this. I DGAF. If so many people in the world, not just here need the hope, doesn't that say something? So yeah. I'm digging like a Clinton on a moonlight night trying to hide a body...

916259 No.32011


Yep. BIG WEEK! The feces are starting to hit the proverbial oscillating blades. DUCK! ;-)

3cb81f No.32013

OIG PUBLIC website to go live tomorrow!

bc2c71 No.32014


You gotta be the JimAcostanon

93c2fa No.32015


I'll bet he wished he had a gun. Too bad they're illegal for law abiding citizens in Chicago…

This couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Check out his "progressive agenda" below.

Goldstein's Bold, Progressive Agenda

Goldstein's bold agenda is based upon his vision that Illinois must be a state where justice and equal treatment under the law are a given. He calls for an end to the racist drug war and mass incarceration. He will reform the criminal justice system to eliminate discrimination and abuse. He will transform this arcane system into one that offers life-affirming opportunities for ex-offenders while ensuring the safety and security of the people. He will undertake unique, progressive solutions to the spread of gun violence, including going after gun manufacturers and the NRA whose sole vested interest is to sell more guns.

b20a7d No.32016


Blessings to you friend - 63 here and feel the same

and Blessings to all anons - Never was comfortable with religeon but always knew something much more powerful played a major part - on both sides

Be well all

e068e1 No.32017


What is the website?

ed1292 No.32019


‘We should’ do what we do irrespective of externally applied timeframes.

d9d764 No.32020


I like Potter but he is so wrong about Q

7ae661 No.32021


Yes, I understood you can 'feel' or 'sense' if someone standing next to you?

6d9bd6 No.32023


OIG report released?

30c122 No.32024

So the report will be public? >>32013

a280b2 No.32025

File: 086281d4b5cd2b6⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 475x307, 475:307, Obama-meme.jpg)

He gave me an idea.

e068e1 No.32026


Public tomorrow yes. Idk the website though.

Who has the OIG website?!?!

489657 No.32028


Do we have a dedicated thread for these indictments? It would be fun to collect the whole set.

3b8c45 No.32030


^ I do too but Q isn't too good for his 'business' if we get the straight shot rather than watch Potter's videos. ITS JUST BUSINESS

847549 No.32031


I'm guessing it will appear here: oig.justice.gov/reports/

565a58 No.32033


djt is going to need to convey the lies that have been taking place within Christendom to effectively root out the problem we are facing. So much of the corruption and trafficking has been instigated by it. He is going to have to tackle the fake nature that disguises the dark side of the Roman Catholic Church. To fall short of doing that will be unacceptable once the facts start coming out. He will need to show the distinct differences between protestantism and and how modern protestantism with its faults is seeking to return the Church to closer to the way it carried itself before 324 and the Council of Nicea. The Roman Catholic Church has been used by the Devil as his mafia and social management tool since that time. Committing atrocity after atrocity in the name of Jesus. Hiding behind the cross the whole time. We are living in the days when that lie is going to be exposed. We are all on the front lines of helping that come to pass. Grab the caffeine and focus anons. Whether you are religious or not you know this isn't right. I think alot of people will come to God after they see how deep the rabbit hole goes on the other side, how they've been manipulated and lied to their whole lives. Keep it up and thanks to the Q team for giving us the opportunity to participate in a small capacity. God bless you all.

7bf8ee No.32034

File: df1ae983e0224f0⋯.jpg (227.04 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, boris.jpg)


This memo was floating around this morning. It was stated that it was anonymously dropped on Twitter. I can not verify any of that as accurate. I have been doing other things today and have not looked into it any further than seeing it very early this morning.

1c54da No.32035


The UK won't let Scotland have its independence for their tax cloud?

320e1f No.32036

File: d6b51af29e6cd0b⋯.png (19.99 KB, 502x407, 502:407, ClipboardImage.png)

e157b0 No.32037


maybe she's been picked up

164c5c No.32038


>thread for sealed indictments


3b8c45 No.32040



e068e1 No.32041


Listed under here would be my guess?


a81666 No.32042


Because we don't yet know the extent of the fuckery, I trust Q/Trump to slow walk the facts to the inner city communities.

If the truth is as gruesome as I expect it is, our cities will literally burn when the truth comes out.

I don't want our cities to burn.

I don't want innocent folks of those inner cities to get hurt.

I don't want to deal with displaced inner city folks after those cities burn.

I don't want to pay to rebuild our inner cities.

For these reasons, I can wait for disclosure of swamp fuckery to come out slowly.

46ab52 No.32044


The tweets following this one indicate she has not. Fear not. We can hear her sleeping.

e068e1 No.32045


> our cities will literally burn when the truth comes out.

This is correct.

aed770 No.32047



Wow! Well, this would definitely explain Bannon better than anything else out there.

164c5c No.32049

File: bbac198de61f193⋯.png (464.84 KB, 895x875, 179:175, Screenshot from 2018-01-12….png)



fe0526 No.32050


Potter may be wrong about Q, and the guy is not perfect, but damn.

He's got some balls putting his face on the movement, like many others, doing his best to dig and bring to light, and show humility to admit his doubts publically.

Say what you will about Potter, I have dabbled in his videos, and it's a pretty brave thing to put his reputation on the line. I think he has good intentions, not just a fame whore.

Yes, us anons do the majority of the work, but our work can have dead ends sketchy narratives and nobody loses anything. Corsi, B, Potter, AntiSchool and others have put their faces to it to try to redpill normies and validate our presence.

Kudos to them. Digging is part of the work, but presentation of the dialog is a whole different beast. And with many normies, these videos will be their some of their first introductions before hitting up the chans

a8b9ac No.32052


I'm sure they did and it's most likely the same company Hillary brought in the the DNC Convention when all the Bernie supporters walked out. The company came and installed white noise machines to simulate clapping and cheering. I watched it all unfold live. So what this meme is inferring is 100% true….

3782d0 No.32053

Her name is "Stormy" just saying

55e54f No.32054

None of us know that. We are all going on blind faith. Some will hang on longer than others.But I think he has a point..cult or not, its difficult to remain vigilant without some solid evidence that its true

d1f362 No.32055


>https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

Seems Legit.

6a6b39 No.32056

While in Washington, Dick Durbin rooms with fellow Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and Reps. George Miller and Bill Delahunt in Miller's Capitol Hill row house.

de3310 No.32057

Time to contact POTUS and tell him this is a weak ass storm. And we know has the power to make it the best storm the world has ever seen.

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

69c9c2 No.32058


Stop it. Not again fucker

65913b No.32059



ad5e6d No.32060


https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

892dc7 No.32061


Got to give him credit for trying he is working it hard maybe too hard

41f6f0 No.32062


If Trump's tweets are directives, we should be making DACA memes.

a280b2 No.32065


Our guest suggested that we educate people on how they are influenced. That's the idea of this one.

b19415 No.32066


Fuck off blackpilled /newcunt/

69c9c2 No.32067



6a790b No.32070

File: 4f98500c560551f⋯.png (456.06 KB, 1558x744, 779:372, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: de1befdb89f071f⋯.png (48.21 KB, 1188x210, 198:35, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)



did we skip by this?


3cb81f No.32071

>>32023 yes I KEEP POSTING it and nobody is getting it

1c54da No.32072


I guess I was onto to something, I posted >>130….not sure what UK or Scotland would have to do with it, yet

a7b4ba No.32074

the memes in here fucking suck

they reek of old people

a280b2 No.32075


We're not doxxing people here. This is not a game.

5bf170 No.32076


why then would he start a new board?

d1f362 No.32077

Probably end up with two breads or no breads this time.

9d725b No.32079

New bread requested

20c706 No.32080

Any Bakers?

If no one has baked I'll do one.

9c3790 No.32081


what the fucks a roy potter?

6a790b No.32082


it just might not work for all markers…

maybe there is more pieces to the puzzles…

c19271 No.32083


Shill …meme war was great all day

7ae661 No.32084


Last question... Are you the one they called "Dopey", or is that the other guy who portrays himself as <^> ?

Thanx for all the digging work. You've all done a great job!

b6695f No.32085

File: 81ce2146dee7bbf⋯.png (278.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Have fun on your journey and well played! I am with >>32019

991c0c No.32086


EXACTLY!!! This is OUR clue!

Here goes, boys.

d1f362 No.32087

File: af8dfcab5affb5f⋯.jpg (57.1 KB, 640x758, 320:379, cf.jpg)


Make some, don't complain. MAGA

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