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Pro Aris et Focis

File: ce9b0157a1997fa⋯.jpg (285.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qresearch.jpg)

4c8074 No.29519



Our Golden Rule


Every White Hat and Good Heart that have put their lives on the line for our future will be respected.

That includes Q. There will be no doubt sowed against their word, there will be no delegitimizing of valiant efforts.

Divisionfags be damned.




Shilll, go piss in the sea of a thousand other boards.

Patriots, We have work to do.

This is /qresearch/ after-all.



>>20235 OpSec Rules



Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. It's not the end of the world to slip up sometimes, but please try your best.

Rule 1: Generally speaking, it's best to ignore what strikes you with FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Be it an overhyped new string of 'research' or something that's just way over most peoples heads. What we need are sincere patriots who do the voodoo they do best. Be humorous with your reports. Shills will post and that is a part of 8chan. If we are having a large attack by shills, they will be taken care of, otherwise, let their seeds of doubt sharpen your resolve. When does a beast lash out? When it's cornered. Be vigilant.

>"Distractions are necessary" -Q

Rule 2: Famefagging prohibited. You can do that absolutely anywhere else. Just keep it off this board. Lets not make Q jump ship again.

Rule 3: NSFW content is NOT allowed. Open a new tab ya' wankers.

Rule 4: Doxxing will result in a perma ban. We take threats of doxxing seriously. I don't even want to see you doxxing yourself!

On a side note, I recommend you do NOT fill out the name and email field in your post. It is highly discouraged here and may potentially put you at risk.







Q's Board where only Q can post


Recent Q Posts


>>4274 /qresearch/ Archives

Q and CM Confirm



Introduction to Q for Newbies

>>15963 Q FAQ (new anons start here)




Notable Posts

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395)

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>20175 Timeline of [15] to [1] POTUS/Q Confirmation (thanks spideranon)

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>17119 _SIERRA_C_ Research (Sierra Club?)

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>17911 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>11036 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Today's Events

>>19718 1/11/18

>>18242 1/10/18

News Threads

>>4142 Daily news thread

>>9019 Thread news 1.1.18 - 10.1.18

Q's Current Tripcode


Old Boards



Mod Edit: With all due respect, dearest Baker, we've made edits to the rules and we've updated them in accordance to your formatting. Please update the batter as you see fit.

Godspeed Patriots.

Post last edited at

4c8074 No.29520




Earthquake analysis and resources >>20359

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436 >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603


Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research) >>7253

The Lie The Vatican Told >>5125

Australia Connections >>4520

How to Read the Map >>4375

Stringer General >>2658

Focus on Loop Capital >>1261

Find The Markers >>618

DW+CG=SSP (alien disclosure research) >>469

Follow the Wives >>5899

Foundations >>4822

CEO/President/Notable Resignations >>3280

Deep State Surrender/Suicide thread >>5425

Sealed Indictments >>2956

Oprah images, memes, research >>6406 noprah' >>883







New QMap PDF freshly baked.

https:// anonfile.com/Aewdxdd6ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.1.0.pdf

Question and Answer Spreadsheet of ALL Q Anon Posts (in chrono. order): https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Paste which lists Q posts and Trump tweets by minute marker: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/vR2SukEC (updated DAILY)

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 519 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/884cb98b49b4e8da18087c3edc3df21f

Spreadsheet: >>>/thestorm/15121

.xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

Time Differences Between Q's Posts and Trump's Tweets: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

15 minute Goodwin marker clock: postimg.org/image/j870n7w55/

'Timestamps must be in the same timezone'




Resources Library

A running compilation of Q Maps, Graphics, Resources, Research Threads, and other Tools and Information.


Archives Library


Image Archive By Topic

>>417 (updated)

Tools & Information

Tools and Information >>4356

Free Research Resources >>4852

Planefag Tools >>4362

Research Threads >>4369




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #8: >>16771

Memes #7: >>387

Memes #6: >>>/thestorm/7090

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875


Thread dedicated to collection of [redpill_anon] posts >>4794

Redpill scripts >>3152

>>11382 UK Red Pills








Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https:// www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

More on OpSec here: >>20235

4c8074 No.29523




Please fill up this board with USEFUL CONSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION.


We're stronger when we work together and focus on the mission! GODSPEED EVERYONE.

If you need to get a Baker's attention, simply type Baker, that's it, and one will read your comment

All Feedback on General Breads Appreciated Here: >>3301




<Like it or not, we’re all playing 4D chess now. Each and every one of us.

<So how does one make sure the public is never again turned into sheeple?

<You teach them how to play 4D chess.

<You teach them how to play the Game of Thrones.


About Shills


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

>>20262 More About Shills




Prayer Requests: >>16785

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

c64d43 No.29536

File: 922c3304a2221ca⋯.png (97.73 KB, 750x864, 125:144, IMG_9811.PNG)


413023 No.29571


Terminal C1

c0203b No.29574

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

a1b320 No.29575

File: 9304ae9df1755b1⋯.png (237.89 KB, 743x439, 743:439, Missing children.PNG)


Not sure where you are getting your numbers. They are too low.

This is how many missing children just in 2016. Imagine how many world wide.

657716 No.29577


Tasty bread, Baker!

For those wondering about a deleted Q team post, this is the one:

Q !UW.yye1fxo Mon 08 Jan 2018 00:10:28 No.6 {DELETED}

/qresearch/ confirmed.


Notice that it's number 6. There is no number 6 over at /greatawakening/ now. I was here when it happened and scraped it for the raw text file.

I have kept it in the Raw Text Q Dump which may be found here:


7edd0d No.29579


Which airport? Throw me a clue.

0d087f No.29580

Thanks Baker.

43a5aa No.29581



22013c No.29582


It's always a "Transformer" fire, wtf?

20b5b2 No.29583

off topic but funny as hell. From Tucker last night

https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=mC7vIP_5p10

23f106 No.29584

File: 713ab9f400aff6c⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 310x310, 1:1, mr-bean-scratching-head.jpg)

Any anon help… Early November Q wrote that Podesta will be arrested 11.3 and shitstorm will follow ie. NG to keep riots down. Is it possible 11.3 could be 1.13? I'm stuck on this in my crumb-reading.

66048e No.29585

File: ed2b054b12e65f3⋯.png (74.23 KB, 1204x188, 301:47, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)


we can do better then that

413023 No.29586


Newark KEWK

81a28c No.29587

Part of a terminal at Newark Liberty International Airport was evacuated Friday morning after a transformer caught fire underneath the airport, officials said.


7edd0d No.29589


Thanks! On it.

43a5aa No.29590


I don't remember Q ever giving dates. Can you find that post?

e8a3cd No.29591

File: 6abd92817341de2⋯.jpg (353.21 KB, 1600x823, 1600:823, lion_by_lobaud-db4xvac.jpg)

Death to browns and blacks.

Stay in your shitholes or be removed with guns here. Advocates of garbage, shove your "what abouts" right back up your asses.

ab771e No.29592


good thing we know what airport that is

43a5aa No.29593



bb65b1 No.29594

Outside of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, where is adrenochrome mentioned? Do we have anything concrete indicating its use? I know the original email dumps contained mentions of pineal glands, but what about the adreno?

ab771e No.29595


Thanks, just saw

43a5aa No.29596


US ambassador to Panama resigns, saying he can no longer serve under Trump administration


80508a No.29597


because this will convince people to open their eyes….smh

1ff402 No.29598

I just did some serious redpilling sort of out of nowhere with 3 public facebook posts. Qtists know all this stuff, but posting here in case anybody wants to cut and paste for their own uses.


Trump's 2012 tweet on child abusers.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty."

6:13 AM - 8 Oct 2012

Expect Military Tribunals and death penalties or long (death-like) sentences for traitors declared to be enemy combatants. It's time to restore the Republic from these creepy crooks.


The primary cause behind the rabid dog Trump Derangement Syndrome we see in the media, entertainment and politics is that the Trump Admin is rolling up the pedophile networks everywhere and many of these crooked creeps are involved. CIA's Operation Mockingbird , which has controlled almost all media for decades, is also shut down, which is why the dumb news anchors dont have anything to say except stuff like Trump is crazy and Putin's puppet. Many of them are about to lose everything.

Stories are circulating that the Obamas, both Bushes, and Hillary are already in jail. That's why none of them have been seen anywhere for weeks. All of these people have been heavily in involved in human and drug trafficking, sexual crimes, money laundering, and murder.


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

It is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The Trump Admin has arrested about 9000 pedophiles since he took office a year ago, and there are over 9000 sealed indictments currently pending. Some of these indictments will name numerous people.

Expect to see news of widespread satanic ritual child abuse and murder among the worldwide leaders in all fields. This is why you are seeing hundreds of corporate, entertainment and political figures suddenly resign for no apparent reason. Many more are coming. Trump issued an Executive Order on the big satanic holiday of Winter Solstice, 12/21, which immediately seized all assets of anybody associated with international human trafficking in our county. It was a financial death blow to the satanic cabal, and similar actions are in effect in Saudi and China, and probably other countries.

80,000 children go missing in the USA every year. This is why.

41f7ab No.29599

File: a46274d1b7b7e99⋯.png (278.94 KB, 583x454, 583:454, trumptweet3.png)

Just appeared.

e8a3cd No.29600

I want these fuckers to think (if it's even possible) that if the leftist advocates in the government somehow allow them to gain entry, that they will be slaughtered by a well armed and angry citizenry.

Enter at your own risk, basically.

9b63e5 No.29601


46 US children is the number a anti trafficking website provided for missing- not abducted by family members. Jesus!

Provide some detailed, coherent statistics, not an emotional hissy fit. We are supposed to be on the same side RESEARCHING this for memes, not discrediting each other.

657716 No.29603



11.3 Q Team Drops

Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:47

Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:47 No.147434025

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.

Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:34:11

Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:34:11 No.147449010

Follow up to last post.

Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason).

This all has meaning - everything stated. Big picture stuff - few positions allow for this direct knowledge.

Proof to begin 11.3.

We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.

God bless.

Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:41:54 No.147449624

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:16 No.147567888

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

37c623 No.29604


I would believe they may be the easiest to cause remotely. Either a direct line surge or power distribution hack/onsite control of a substation up the grid.

20b5b2 No.29605


which isn't true, he resigned earlier in the day citing personal reasons

3b98ea No.29607


Yeah they had something on him. Word was he did not want to campaign for her and basically he was made to do it. Than he only drew like 700 people in Ohio.

Said it before but convincing normies one and one is easiest with sports and hollywood.

I have told people about the real things happening and they do not even care. Stuff they know or understand works because it shocks them out of the trance.

387489 No.29608

File: 908e922f0afc419⋯.png (467.76 KB, 589x500, 589:500, ShittyCrooks.png)

caca0f No.29609


202c28 No.29610



On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.


23f106 No.29611

File: 6852117670359d3⋯.png (700.3 KB, 875x403, 875:403, Capture.PNG)


Yes, here.

43a5aa No.29612


Weird they are reporting it now….

7edd0d No.29613

Montgomery Capital helo heading SSW from Newark (N926CF). Money related but just noting for now.

66048e No.29614


IT IS! I made this connection before!! I got you bro, check it. (this may be incorrect compared to where I landed last time - it was a while ago) I will continue to fine check and make sure this was what I had found prior

Nov 1 2017 02:41:54

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL


Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

Nov 3, 2017 07:11:33 AM …Based on that, the Military has hit ISIS "much harder" over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us! [Twitter for iPhone]

Nov 3, 2017 07:03:50 AM ISIS just claimed the Degenerate Animal who killed, and so badly wounded, the wonderful people on the West Side, was "their soldier." ….. [Twitter for iPhone]

look at the time stamps of trumps tweets..

98b233 No.29615

File: 9ff171be3ad1199⋯.jpg (148.66 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, White Wizard.jpg)

So basically what will happen is JA will become Ecuadorian diplomat, free to leave UK with immunity. craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/01/ecuador-and-assange/

Julian will now be free as a witness to testify that there was no Russian collusion and prove #SethRich to Mueller. Trump legal team has already defended that Julian has done nothing wrong, Trump will allow JA to come to US and be main event of FAKE NEWS awards politico.com/story/2017/10/25/trump-campaign-wikileaks-hacked-dnc-emails-244173

DNC will be BTFO and THE GREAT AWAKENING will commence. Did I get that right?

20b5b2 No.29616


someone got called out on twatter for saying that and she deleted her twat. they know it's not true but they're going to spew it anyway

9b63e5 No.29617


In the last bake, i was attached and told the missing figure is 800,000. Now we are down to 80,000. How about not family abductions, or moved to get away from ICE, etc.?

How many are being sent to sex traffickers? Who says so? Credibility is Critical, or we will be discredited about this all!


34af2f No.29619



Nov 3 2017 17:33:30


ID: GVUvg1M7


Where is John Podesta?

Where is Tony Podesta?

Did one or both escape the country and was let out?



What is the difference between commercial and private re: security clearance for departure?

Who is the TSA head?

Which party did he contribute to?

What is of particular interest when researching?

How does HS interact w/ TSA?

What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets?

What local airports are in close proximity to DC?

What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?

Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.

Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?

What airport did the departure take place at?

Why is this relevant?

How does it tie together?

Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).

Short delay.

This will be leaked.

Watch the news.

Have faith.

What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?

Why is this relevant?

What was stated in the past?

Where did the $18b from Soros go?


Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)?

Slush fund?

Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate?

Why did JK travel to SA recently?

What is SA known for?

Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?

Safe harbor?

Port of transfer?

Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

Why is the timing important?

Who released the article?

The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated.

Nice view up here.


37095b No.29620



1ff402 No.29621


Thank you.

a38d9f No.29622



Thanks for adding the updated graphic below:

>>28902 (You) [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395)

This is an update of the below line, which can now be removed from the batter:

>>20175 (You) Timeline of [15] to [1] POTUS/Q Confirmation (thanks spideranon)

41f7ab No.29623



413023 No.29625

File: 9bfc94d1ff87cbe⋯.jpg (83.53 KB, 603x698, 603:698, TrumpMLK.JPG)


1/15 MONDAY 1.2 million documents from OIG

Notice the clock

Ben Carson 3 fingers.

66048e No.29626


Sorry here is the fine tuning AS WELL WHICH MENTIONS PODESTA

Nov 3, 2017 06:11:33 AM ….People are angry. At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it! [Twitter for iPhone]

Nov 3, 2017 06:03:59 AM …New Donna B book says she paid for and stole the Dem Primary. What about the deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus, plus… [Twitter for iPhone]

Nov 3, 2017 05:57:47 AM Everybody is asking why the Justice Department (and FBI) isn't looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary & the Dems.. [Twitter for iPhone]

619175 No.29627


Kek - This was posted to the boards when they were sitting in an office - Mar a Lago, I think?

caca0f No.29628

GEOTUS is awesome letting the reporters sit in on a meeting to show he is mentally fit, then calling countries "shitholes" days later. Brilliant strategy.


Tired of winning?

98b233 No.29629


Oh ya forgot, nothing ever happens, till it does

487368 No.29630

Famefags on YT etc are tripping because Q is teaching how to (fish) find the truth without their help and Famefags will be out of a job if people can think for themselves hahaha

bb65b1 No.29633


Something just doesn't add up for me. These people have millions of dollars and resources available to them. If your arrest was imminent, why would you stick around? Likewise, why would the arrest be announced ahead of time, giving them time to move

202c28 No.29634

So, American ambassador to Panama John Feeley has resigned on principle saying he can longer serve the Trump administration. We should probably dig up some dirt on him.

43a5aa No.29635


Its so fun to watch. I haven't stopped smiling for a good 24 hours.

20b5b2 No.29636


need to correct. I think he actually resigned on Dec 27th not yesterday.

81a28c No.29637


Verified account



13 minutes ago


Many international flights being diverted from JFK Airport due to heavy fog and rain. Check with your airlines.

1ff402 No.29638


Im hearing that the missing child numbers are much higher. But who can trust any past govt resource?

41f7ab No.29639


Being reported as in the Roosevelt room. Video appears to confirm.

e24687 No.29640



I thought you were going to say marker 11.3 was 1/13

0705b8 No.29643


Synthetic(?) adrenochrome can be purchased on Sigma Aldrich.

0215b7 No.29644


We assumed they were dates. They might have been markers, or the dates might be correct and we don't know it, or they might have been delayed.

0f91d9 No.29645


No coincidence

2f5ba8 No.29646

File: 139ffe1e0f126ab⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 22kotp.jpg)

74453d No.29647


But, of course, anyone depending on corp. pravda (inc. Faux, aside from Hannity) won't believe anything legit. Just tried telling someone the following and they went all-out ballistic on me, screaming how Trump said it about "those countries" & shouldn't have.

Fake Fapper on twatter:

Jake Tapper

‏Verifi@jaketapper 4h

4 hours ago

>I have some clarifying reporting..

The president did not refer to Haiti as a “shithole” country according to the source familiar with the meeting… though he DID say it about countries in Africa…

>First, when talking about “temporary protected status” countries as part of the immigration deal it was mentioned that Salvadorans, Hondurans and Haitians have that status. 3/

>“Haitians?” the president said. “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out” —- meaning take them out of the deal.

>Then in a separate part of the conversation when they were referencing the diversity visa lottery, President Trump referred to people coming from Africa as coming from “shithole countries.”

507287 No.29648


Notice the .

Markers. This will occur between 11 and 12 in the map. If it is a single 12 hour day, then it would be toward the end.

41f7ab No.29649


Nice. Is this a fact?

66048e No.29650

a5c128 No.29652

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript


37c623 No.29653


Well, the longer it can be kept in the covert portion, the better the end result. Once it goes live, it makes everything much harder and the fallout will have to be managed directly, which can be expected… lots of these people won't go down without a fight.

56e165 No.29654

I think Q is on a beach somewhere near the equator…..

2f5ba8 No.29655


Yeah, somebody pointed it out in the last thread

a1b320 No.29656


Are you saying 465,676 children were abducted by parents just in the US?

7e0784 No.29657

File: 4167b6ed2831ec1⋯.png (637.9 KB, 942x608, 471:304, ClipboardImage.png)

34af2f No.29659


whats the three fingers mean?

619175 No.29660

File: 89836a194a08a3c⋯.png (13.3 KB, 586x140, 293:70, CNN validates.png)

41f7ab No.29661


Proof. Obama appears to have called Libya a "shit show". Nice.

https:// www. independent. co.uk/news/uk/politics/barack-obama-says-david-cameron-allowed-libya-to-become-a-s-show-a6923976.html

caca0f No.29663

Why is nobody talking about all the massive arrests of high ranking officials?


2f5ba8 No.29664



Thanks for the sauce guys

619175 No.29665


TY anon!

bb65b1 No.29666


I'm talking as far as relating adrenochrome to any topics contained in the storm, has it been done? Seen lots of adrenochrome memes here so it must have some backing

413023 No.29667


Maybe nothing. Just pointing out oddities.

41f7ab No.29668


If you have hard evidence of them, please post. Many are searching for it. It is an important piece of validation for all of this.

ddf25f No.29670


Fusion trying to prove Congress can't be trusted to hold confidential info. They appealing recent loss in court to provide complete bank records to Congressional subcommittee.

That's how I think they playing it.

0f91d9 No.29671


maybe Mar11?

a5c128 No.29672

Leaky Schiff? Trump Accuses Democratic Lawmaker Of Leaking Details Of Russia Probe


37c623 No.29673

Should throw a wrench in the baddies faces… nice and hard.

166a45 No.29674

Sorry, late for the party I guess


So if a company does dirty business and makes $25million and gets caught and the SEC fines them $250,000, nothing changes. It's a cost of doing business and the shareholders are good with that. Trust me, that's what happens. Look up Doral Bank FDIC Cease and Desist Order and SEC investigations and fines. SSDD

816ef9 No.29675


Good work anon!!! Knew someone would turn that into a great meme!!

0215b7 No.29676


Probably because we don't have any news of massive arrests?



413023 No.29677

File: d04a3f5aa2bbedc⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 414x659, 414:659, Switch.JPG)


Could mean in 3 days too. 12+3=15

15/10/5 3 numbers Delta three point pyramid

a911cd No.29679

File: ae446dd76bc5875⋯.png (62.34 KB, 463x305, 463:305, screenshot_42.png)

File: 07de7be6cf5c995⋯.png (255.75 KB, 890x901, 890:901, screenshot_43.png)

File: 116eaf7e57e67f1⋯.png (459.17 KB, 1410x898, 705:449, screenshot_44.png)


Here's the sauce and some info on who the author is –– for posterity….

https:// www.craigmurray. org.uk/archives/2018/01/ecuador-and-assange/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

a1b320 No.29680


Activists for children’s rights, who say that under-registration — as well as underreporting — of missing children is a chronic problem, estimate that the real numbers are much higher. According to Bhuwan Ribhu, a lawyer with Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save the Childhood), an anti-trafficking organization, the figure may reach 500,000 a year.

81a28c No.29681

File: 667689cdbf5145b⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 741x533, 57:41, DTW_RG2U0AAaag8.jpg)

7e0784 No.29682


slated to occur [March 11] … (actionable [April 11])

Doesn't read right

610c41 No.29683


Can't remember who, someone talked about how you have to call each state and get their statistics individually because the federal gov doesn't track total numbers of missing children. Did trump change this in 2016?

1528a7 No.29685

File: 343b98cb6a1eae2⋯.jpg (111.19 KB, 539x620, 539:620, where_do_missing_kids_go.jpg)

caca0f No.29686




There are no massive arrests.

Meanwhile, we are comparing GEOTUS to Obama to make hime look better for saying something stupid.

Tired of winning?


1 day left.

4d3b72 No.29688

File: a78853e872eab83⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 350x268, 175:134, fleming_easterngate.jpg)


What is a Keystone?

What happens if it's removed?

Keystone Cornerstone Capstone.

The only stone that matters will enter through the hidden Eastern Gate,

hasn't happened yet, but headed there soon enough.

34a7a6 No.29689

starting to look like CIQADA 2018 kek

869e12 No.29690


“I know we said we would rebuild your homes, but this tent city survival bag is a good start”

d6e064 No.29691


Regarding fake aliens here is a quote you can meme:


The strategy that Werner Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are

going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the

identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that

they were coming to get us and control us - that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a

lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies."

We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy

against whom we would build space-based weapons.

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first

time he said it. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based


And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That

would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I

knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And

remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build

space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

Donna Hare (NASA employee) in 'Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History' by Steven Greer (2001).

Also consider this.. put MKULTRA on a flying laboratory, fly around at 3am and find a victim. Combine costumes, drugs, tech and hypnosis = aliens.

caca0f No.29693

ab771e No.29694


I've been laughing at all the media proving GEOTUS point by calling out all the shit hole countries. They always fall right in to his traps

22013c No.29695


Either you're a troll, new or you just dont know how to read the Spreadsheet. LURK MORE

fd2d72 No.29696


1 post by this ID.

Bye Shill.

26a971 No.29697

41f7ab No.29698

I noticed the below YouTube video link in the previous bread and took the time to watch it. My analysis is this is a clown attempt to derail credibility in Q. However, it is rather circus-like in that they simply have to leave out key facts about the situation and also have to focus on the Trump 'deification' in order to try to derail it because the actual Q info and research here is so demonizing to the corrupt.

To anyone not experienced very much with Q, they may well believe the message these guys are selling - that Q is an elaborate marketing scheme to gain control of the alt media.

One thing we can improve, IMO: I suggest that while it is good to back POTUS, we simply do not need to do this as much as has been done. It only adds to the divide+conquer arguments. Perhaps we should remember to be fair and rational arbiters of truth first and be careful not go too far off the rails on backing anyone (but justice) until we know exactly what is going on. (Much is hidden and understandably so.)

The truth will win. Our research is damning.

Here's the link for any other masochistic anons who want to see how clever these bastards are:


www. youtube.com/watch?v=3e_e5WI_mjg

413023 No.29699

File: fd5dcc19b86d853⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 456x206, 228:103, DLSH.JPG)

Don the shithole expert calls Trump racist.

Next day, Trump proclaims 1/15 MLK Federal Holiday…

8551e7 No.29700

what happened to the "big week"?

Why did Q say "be ready"?

didnt Q say loop capital would be big this week?

34af2f No.29701


It's all very weird. The USSS handles missing children reports.

507287 No.29702


What is the king?

If they lose control of what… They lose?

You and I tend to think in little people terms. We think that laws are over us. Our arrest is something to run from, because our lives and petty ambitions to eat a tastier meal are so small that our arrest would end them.

But… What about the land of dragons? We aren't defined by our lives so much as our legacy. Arrest? You would arrest me in my home? I think not. My children and servants will reverse the nonsense at once. You would try to threaten me so that I would flee my throne to scurry among the rocks like a common outcast?

You see what is going on? When they step away from the throne, we win. They will rely on their ability to master the Halls of their own legal system before scurrying abroad. As false gods, their power rests in idols and positions that can be denied them. A false god would rather die than to yield the power they are unfit to wield.

e24687 No.29703


Reverse it 3/11 to 1/13 & 4/11 to 1/14


52a33e No.29704


look at his tie, game board pattern>>29614

f6155c No.29705

anyone happen to watch

dr. oz or jeopardy?

over the last two weeks

dr. oz has been redpilling - sex trade

last night on jeopardy - "the great awakening" was in the clues.

i bet you $50 one of these two guys is who spilt the hollywood beans

34af2f No.29706


Yes, also known as the Golden Gate. Brought up yesterday. There is a pile of bones there. "bodies buried"

74453d No.29707


> CIA's Operation Mockingbird

Long before that, anon. CFR.

FF to 17:45. hooktube.com/watch?v=1gqYcQTpq_c

(although entire doc is enlightening & worthy of sharing).

66048e No.29709

7e0784 No.29710


Time will tell…. I don't think a lot of this is public yet. probably already happened

7fc294 No.29711

File: 5cc3dc802929f21⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 735x632, 735:632, TrudeauPodesta.jpg)

Just in case antone missed it when an anon posted earlier there's an incredible resource available from MIT's awesome Media Lab.

(Thanks MIT!)

There are clickable 3d models of the Clinton, Podesta and DNC electronic communication networks using data derived from Wikileaks emails.

Who did Podesta email most frequently? Over what period? Under what circumstances?

How many children?

You can see it here:

https:// clinton.media.mit.edu/

34af2f No.29712


multiple meanings anon.


a1b320 No.29713


With Trump's EO signed in Dec, if they have any business or property linked to US they get confiscated. Anyone connected to them in their criminal business gets their US business and property confiscated. etc etc etc. Follow the money….take their money.

fb0356 No.29716



Mark Dice: CNN Goes Over the Edge youtube.com/watch?v=fkkKzKAa7-w

34af2f No.29717

mirror >29703

e24687 No.29719



Wondering if one when it happened & one when we find out?

8551e7 No.29720

what happened to the "big week"?

Why did Q say "be ready"?

didnt Q say loop capital would be big this week?

4d3b72 No.29721


replying to earlier post re same info.

487368 No.29722


They are scared that people will think for themselves and not need them anymore

0d1980 No.29724

Q mentioned Queen of England - found this and thought it might be relevant…….

https: //mtrial.org/bringdownqe2


507287 No.29725


And God was in the silence.

Delta's between POTUS tweets and Q posts are important. Delta's between POTUS tweets are important.

Having Q remain silent is just as important as having Q post. The silence in one line ensures the fidelity of the other.

You can't look at Q's posts as if he is a human speaking for the feeble and small minded purposes of most people. Q is acting as the NPC of a puzzle quest, not a typical informant or Joe blow telling you where the good shit is at.

But I am pretty sure this is just thrills for shills.

41f7ab No.29727


My thoughts as well.

abd7fc No.29730

File: f36922c41df3719⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 700x500, 7:5, Trump they will do.jpg)

File: 7a5fe0591d8c2c7⋯.jpg (428.24 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, president-donald-trump4.jpg)

File: 11bb3fb5198a3de⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Trump adversity.jpg)

File: fa8efc788ba95f1⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Trum stand by.jpg)

0f91d9 No.29731

>https:// clinton.media.mit.edu/

nice sauce. digging….

4d3b72 No.29732


yep, that's right

muslims won't let you near the area either.

that is because they also know.

ab771e No.29733


Aww you poor thing. You just need to lurque moare because you're not paying attention at all buttercup

ddf25f No.29734


POTUS visits SA

SA curfluffels with Qatar

SA does some housecleaning, confiscating businesses, and looted capital.

POTUS signed def EO allowing the same here.

Not "THE" Map…. But possibly A Map of future happenings.

a1b320 No.29735


You could start here. She is good


0d1980 No.29737

File: a94e9fd84a3fdd4⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 498x313, 498:313, Qnice.jpg)

oh look :)

abd7fc No.29738

File: c4505a45be4499c⋯.jpg (96.43 KB, 1095x500, 219:100, Trump good man.jpg)

af9e0d No.29739


Ban this shill faggot

692d73 No.29740


Transformers wear out over time (insulating fluid degrades, bushings and bolted connections loosen due to constant 60hz vibration, etc.) and when they fail, they sometimes fail in spectacular fashion. The typical fault current available at the transformer terminations is enough to cause severe damage when the unit fails.

t. electrical contractor

8a7b20 No.29741

"The Revolution will not be televised." -Gil Scott-Heron

487368 No.29743


Loop Capital Haiti connection? is so that would be Big …No?

41f7ab No.29745


To extend your SA comments, any new analysis about the SA ground forces in Yemen yesterday taking over the prison? DId you guys see that? Looks like SA beating on cabal forces in Yemen to me…

58e11c No.29746


Even if it's only 2% that are actually abducted by strangers, that's roughly 16,000. Let's be generous and say there are 4 reports per child: 4,000. That is a LOT of children abducted.

816ef9 No.29748


I know he was signing some proclamation for MLK today, he made it a Federal Holiday? What kind was it before? Would this mean employers have to give a paid day off to employees?

caca0f No.29749

1528a7 No.29751


Correct. And there will be quite a few victims among those who "ran away or were thrown out."

34af2f No.29752

A Rare Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse That Hasn't Been Seen in 35 Years Is Coming Soon.

http:// time.com/5095721/blue-moon-total-lunar-eclipse-2018/

413023 No.29753

File: d45394e9c731535⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 642x489, 214:163, PodestaSauce.JPG)

6fd1f0 No.29754

File: abb44ecb0f48dc8⋯.png (469.95 KB, 770x789, 770:789, ClipboardImage.png)


read the map and answer your own inane questions, dipshit. or perhaps you could just fuck off back to reddit…

34af2f No.29755


Each of the significant actions of Israel in committing this ongoing war crimes and genocide have occurred during a Tetra Lunar eclipse or series of lunar eclipses. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. See:

“1917: There were 7 eclipses in 1917, when WW1 ended and the Balfour Declaration was signed allowing Jews to return to Palestine.

1948: Between 1948 and 1950: There 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days when Israel became a nation again.

1967: Between 1967 and 1968: There were 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days. 1967 is the war Israel won and when Israel regained control of Jerusalem.

1973: There were 7 eclipses in 1973 which was the year of the Yom Kippur war victory.”


e8a3cd No.29757


Ban this advocate of human garbage.

b1d28c No.29758


Anyone else notice how the term "crystal clear" is coming up a lot now.

Maybe it always has and I'm just noticing since Q said it.

Just seems strange.

5dd6b7 No.29759


Move the point and you have…

1.13 and 1.14

2f5ba8 No.29760


Great video for some laughs. What a bunch of idiots

a2c88b No.29761


Maybe they had some complications, aren't we all use to things taking longer than projected

512057 No.29762


Stanley Kubrick mentioned it in "A Clockwork Orange":

https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korova_Milk_Bar

fb0356 No.29766

File: 0f001f946f3d91a⋯.png (10.91 KB, 462x165, 14:5, BIG NEXT WEEK.png)

File: d7de75dc6acb720⋯.png (12.67 KB, 920x167, 920:167, Big Events Coming.png)


>didnt Q say loop capital would be big this week?


Not necessarily about Loop Capital!


"BIG events coming"

Both posted 1/5/2018 but that doesn't mean it will be on our 'impatient' time frame!

34af2f No.29767


Project A119, also known as A Study of Lunar Research Flights, was a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon

787ca4 No.29768


Wow. You could study his films for the rest of your life and never uncover all the layers.

e8a3cd No.29769


We dont need niggers, from within or without. It's time to put a boot down and we now know that the president feels the same way despite the lip service he gives these groups. they're fucking filth and need to be disposed of and kept out of all processes. America is for whites.

ddf25f No.29770


Haven't seen. Will research.

With VJ and BHO dealing favorably with Iran and MB during past admin…..

POTUS seems to be working to aid other side of SA and in so doing Israel.

Two Admins….Two diff sides chosen in Grand ME sectarian conflict.

Interesting Times.

fb0356 No.29771


I lmao! haha These idiots repeatedly saying 'shithole'… Hilarious!

23f106 No.29773


Thanks for feedback. Language of post seems more public arrest than implications. Time will tell. I (like many anons) look forward. Go Q!

43a5aa No.29774

And there it is:

While Secretary of State, Hillary Helped a Jailed Clinton Foundation Donor Scam $10 Million from Haiti



413023 No.29775

File: 88e42ebb6866809⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 469x180, 469:180, Sizemore.JPG)

487368 No.29776


Be eye gee seems to be the important thing

34af2f No.29777


One report states “In a 2006 television documentary, ‘Apollo 11: The Untold Story’, U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin admitted for the first time publicly that astronauts saw UFO’s on the trip to the Moon but they were not allowed to discuss this information on the live audio feed to NASA. He stated that he felt that it would have caused a ‘panic’.”

787ca4 No.29779


Imagine if Trump had called the people of Haiti "deplorable."

34af2f No.29782


Discussed some in last thread.

41f7ab No.29785


I just tried to find the YT video I saw yesterday and I was unable. Probably a detail, but I saw what I saw. If Iran is clowning around and SA suddenly cleaned house, it makes sense that SA might be taking out clown forces in Yemen. One thing I noticed was that the guy claiming the attack/prison said it was Saudi ground forces while SA was allegedly (mainly) doing air support for that whole thing. For them to send in ground forces seems pretty weird given the history there.

Anyway. Don't let's get derailed on all details - only mentioned here in case there's someone much more experienced than I to elaborate.

f092de No.29786



0f91d9 No.29787


stealing this….

e8a3cd No.29788

There's no denying the IQ gap.

There's no denying the aesthetic gap (this is not subjective)

There's no denying the work ethic gap

There's no denying any more of these gaps.

It's time to do something about it.

If you're no gonna help with the problem, go the same way as the garbage.

mudnorities will never genuinely take our side or YOUR side if you're a civic nationalist cuck.

It's always going to be about "what's in it for me personally?" or "Why all dese whiteys keepin us down"

They will never take a side that isn't their own racial interests meanwhile you're told not to care about your own. That ends yesterday.

fcd329 No.29789

File: 4310b0105c79a2c⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 539x799, 539:799, DTVeH4PX4AAH2Ub.jpg large.jpg)

Not mine but worth sharing

4e9c76 No.29790


need a meme for THAT!

e8a3cd No.29794


Hey wait, shouldnt that get the FCC to shut down CNN for using "words you cant say on tv" so openly?

1dd0d4 No.29795


About pineal glands - this is not an offtopic, but an overview of why it's important.

Pineal gland, in the very center of our brains, is our "seat of the soul". Our spiritual abilities depend on it. Our spiritual energy depends on it. It is blocked for the vast majority of the people (through environmental poisons and mental programming - all done purposefully by the satanic cabal).

For the dark side, they gain their power by stealing it from children, because children are untainted by the filth of the modern world and have more positive spiritual energy. The darksiders know the power this can have, so they like to molest and harvest the young while preventing the population from accessing the source of their own power. Sick, perverted people, and very intelligent controllers.

If you are a normal human and wish to develop positive spirituality, to regain happiness you used to have as a kid and improve ALL your abilities now as adult, go see the great awakening - spiritual side of things thread.

487368 No.29796




619175 No.29799

6743b9 No.29800

JC, AM, both missing! Truly missing or Gitmo?

684854 No.29801

File: 1a486e49fd77028⋯.jpeg (47.61 KB, 767x431, 767:431, BC1FA429-6C60-434E-B970-1….jpeg)

74453d No.29802


Funny how only Rex T is mentioned in the comments of a Panama news source.

US Ambassdor cites personal reasons for retirement http:// archive.is/2A1r0

619175 No.29804

File: af732d0bf691374⋯.png (169.25 KB, 525x294, 25:14, da6f75ad87fdg5fg67s89.png)

34af2f No.29805


Long story short we are walking sacks of electricity and the pineal produces melatonin which is electrically charged and this whole storm is about electricity…spiderwebs are electric.

wew lads its crazy

2f5ba8 No.29806

File: a78142636d646d1⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 550x400, 11:8, 22krqn.jpg)

41f7ab No.29807



14e31d No.29809

>>29766 BIG WEEK next week…

Actual schedule was Jan 10 for 10 days. I don't know if all that EU cold and snow affected it

a47c9f No.29810

Holy crap been on Twitter all morning fighting the good fight trying to read people with memes man it is a freaking wore out there I have spent all morning blocking people and responding to idiots that think Rahm Emanuel is a Republican

These people are brain dead

6743b9 No.29811

22013c No.29812

More from FBI anon!

"Hitler: I do not know. I have a normal firearm. Correct theories:

Huge Jewish influence, Soros as a puppet master, red team planner. You

would have to ask specifically."

"red team planner" what does that mean?

fb0356 No.29813

File: d283e093b651653⋯.png (190.64 KB, 593x790, 593:790, Mel Gibson.png)


I don't know if you'll think it's "concrete" but I found it interesting …

'Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elites Kill Innocent Children and Drink Their Blood'


e8a3cd No.29814


meh, that's a liberal meme.

ab771e No.29815

Can I get a meme maker to make one for NK

If you need to race through a mile of check points and a barrage of gunfire just to leave you might live in a shit hole country

43a5aa No.29816


We need to find sauce!

619175 No.29817

File: 091cc7251bdad57⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 625x352, 625:352, ad54ad698f9a9df23.jpg)

487368 No.29818


Learn to read our COMS

413023 No.29820

File: 67de441522c1dea⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 653x476, 653:476, Deplorable.JPG)

619175 No.29821

File: a4a0cd87d818098⋯.png (267.64 KB, 450x582, 75:97, 666560.png)

4e9c76 No.29822


where did you hear the rumor?

43a5aa No.29823



a1b320 No.29824


Where does that come from?

f6d7b0 No.29825

SWP Single White Pastrami seeks Marble Rye for lunch break, extra cheese, hold the mustard.

This isn’t code, I just skipped breakfast, dinner… Digging Foundation schemes wrecked my appetite.

I pray anons are taking good care of themselves.

8a6653 No.29826

6efa11 No.29829


Obama "Libya Shit Show" comment is in >>29657

f1d54d No.29830


thanks for posting.I was just rereading this the other day and what happened with "proof to begin 11.3" ? I have not been able to find the proof of arrest of Mr.Podesta, or indictments on 11.3 Podesta or 11.6 Huma

qcodefag offers no answers

a1b320 No.29831


oopps. nm

0c3264 No.29832

File: d07b3e8650187aa⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 500x625, 4:5, MayHilMe.jpg)

52a33e No.29833




mind moving slow today

e8a3cd No.29834


Can't really deny that it was a shithole before the Clintons got to it. They just made it even worse. It's a slave colony that rebelled against it's masters and made a nation of mud, which is all blacks are capable of creating and ruling over, even the "educated" domestic blacks were they to ever have their BLM revolution without Jewish oversight.

0f91d9 No.29835

File: f190af695d6c2ce⋯.png (217.79 KB, 805x672, 115:96, deplorable.png)

e5f50a No.29837

Troubling analysis and recomendation.


787ca4 No.29838


Well done!

a1b320 No.29839


Looks like a fake site. If true it will hit the other known ones

0d087f No.29840


Don't know if this has been discussed here before. But the premiere of X-Files season 11 was on Jan 3rd. This was the intro for that first episode:

"My name is Carl Gerhard Busch.

But I've been known by many aliases during my long career with the U.S. government.

It's been a humbling job, though I'm hardly known as a humble man. I've been a witness to history, much of it violent, much of it an abomination of the values Americans hold dear. I've had a privileged seat at the centers of power, held the reins of that power, making sacrifices few are capable of, of which even fewer are willing. If people knew the truth, they'd riot in the streets. Too much is made of the will to power, as if our will is free, our choices our own. Our destinies are forged in our bones, made real by a raging impulse to self-destruct. I'm not a bad man, more a practical man. I've taken certain gifts I was given and made good men great.

It is my greatness. I'm a father to two men who have figured more in the future than they might ever know. Both would end up working for the FBI, both complex but dedicated men who sacrificed dearly, and in their dogged pursuits would end up paying a terrible price, searching for truths as I parceled them out, truths held only by the few who know the levers of power and the invisible hand controlling them.

Is there life out there? Good heavens.

To doubt it is a failure of more than the imagination. It is a failure to recognize the limits of our own stupidity, the nascency of our science, the rudiment of our tools.

We listen, we search. We hope for a sign, as if our eyes and ears are good enough, our brains large enough, our egos small enough.

I'm an old man now. I will leave my own mark upon history, more than presidents or tyrants. I don't ask for loyalty and trust, the fleeting bonds of men. I ask only for the years to show my sons and their sons I was right. What their father did had to be done.

(BEEPING, FILTERED BREATHING) NEIL ARMSTRONG: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

The intro remind me of things Q has posted before. Same as there are no coincidences and this happened to play on tv today randomly. Not trying to stray away for digging but redpills come in all shapes and sizes.

6743b9 No.29842


James C, Andrew M

d2b1c3 No.29843

Hey, faggits with a more reliable connection than my phone right now….

Change . Org has a Bridge Investment Group for the Tinian View Resort. Might be the big thing.

619175 No.29844


That passes muster!

41f7ab No.29845



>If true it will hit the other known ones


a911cd No.29846

File: cc404eb28374c5e⋯.png (79.02 KB, 727x345, 727:345, screenshot_46.png)

File: 4fc5b86b90ed27e⋯.png (42.55 KB, 746x260, 373:130, screenshot_47.png)


Makes sense Jeopardy does a lot of work with the USO (Masons) and Alex is an Independent rooting for the good guys….

www.washingtonian. com/2012/03/13/alex-trebek-talks-jeopardy-washington-war-and-politics/

c28e53 No.29847

52a33e No.29848


wow, I feel smart

1dd0d4 No.29850


Control level is high on many fronts. Many layers.

In other to heal a lower energy you have to use a higher energy. Be careful not to descend into arguments and hate because that will only entrench the opposing sleepers - who are just misled fellow humans. If awoken they would instantly become our allies.

Focus on the Truth and the Light above all. Light defeats darkness.

9c1f7b No.29851

File: 993d13fd858087f⋯.jpg (156.54 KB, 646x864, 323:432, wrhtbwrbhswtrhjnw.jpg)

d1dd30 No.29853

File: fcab2af2b54cdc0⋯.png (228.16 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180112-134248.png)

Fox alert. Not sure what it means.


fcd329 No.29854


They're promoting /thestorm/, you can assume they're deliberately shilling

464636 No.29855


That's my impression too. We changed sides thru an election, which is actually pretty amazing and unusual.

6743b9 No.29857


We are all smart collectively :)

7b42a6 No.29858


Recently POTUS tweeted out something about what happened to Podestas. I can’t find the tweet but it had [T] in brackets. I thought maybe it was a wink to Tony in custody, but haven’t seen further confirmation of it. Anyone?

c3ec84 No.29859

Who is this Jmeuller that worked on Hillary campaign??? Anyone know?


To: political@hillaryclinton.com

CC: mkeefe@hillaryclinton.com, arenteria@hillaryclinton.com

BCC: john.podesta@gmail.com

Date: 2016-03-16 19:58

Subject: Re: Call Today and MEMO: Hillary's Commanding Lead in the Primary

All — apologies for the technical issues with today's call. We are working

with our conference call vendor to determine the source of the problem.

Dennis Cheng will join another week's call to share his update. Thank you

again for joining us on the line today. We look forward to speaking again


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 2:59 PM, Political <political@hillaryclinton.com>


> Hi all,


> We look forward to speaking with you today at 5:00 pm ET for a campaign

> update with HFA Chair John Podesta. If you have not done so already,

> please RSVP for your boss (and yourself) using this link

> <http:// myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/2JI16O6Q7J4IG4O>

0c3264 No.29860

File: c5f5a649cdcd7fe⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Obummer.jpg)

f6d7b0 No.29861


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_KBmuMp8F0

e8a3cd No.29862


I just want people to realize that it's not just the outside muds that are a problem. The domestic muds are just as bad and just because we may not have seen the problem until "too late" (never too late when you're dealing with people, unlike actual diseases) we shouldnt let it overcome us like a cancer or continue to live with the symptoms. I want to take that shot now.

9020f1 No.29863

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>Removed post to keep it less public.


Mama mia.

Post last edited at

9796b8 No.29864

Check it-out folks, hot off the press!!

▶The Hillary - Obama - Mueller - Comey - McCabe global uranium theft ring


0f91d9 No.29865



5dd6b7 No.29866


Today is exactly one week from then.

6efa11 No.29867


Three fingers??? Two in the pink and one in the stink…..

619175 No.29868

File: 6317f5ff229c66a⋯.png (609.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1326353w_kek.png)

202c28 No.29869


It means negociations with Iran are ongoing.

41f7ab No.29870

ab771e No.29871


can't be very fake when they tell you true information. Have you not been paying attention or are you new here?

Do you even know anything about these satanic pedoViles?

fcef2f No.29873


Libya, not Lybia.

Otherwise, kek.

fb0356 No.29874

File: 63bea875c4fe915⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 423x321, 141:107, NK too.jpg)

c96c15 No.29875


Its the perfect checkmate

d7bb93 No.29876


He could have been arrested but it wasn't made public anon. This does happen.

ab771e No.29877


It's spelled Libya

5501c0 No.29878


Are you serious?

0f91d9 No.29879


these digits confirm.

c28e53 No.29880


You misspelled Labia

114ff3 No.29882


saw this posted on twat

a1b320 No.29883


I have been here since the beginning. Have you noticed there is no main news sites reporting on that story? That says a lot. Hannity would have picked it up for sure if it was true.

ab771e No.29884


Thanks anon

f6d7b0 No.29885


Source please. Tanks in advance.

a47c9f No.29886

File: 8c4845ebaa1495f⋯.jpg (132.04 KB, 678x871, 678:871, ZomboMeme 12012018134911.jpg)

1dd0d4 No.29887



Friendly reminder that this happened.

Baker, I believe this should be under "notable posts".

43a5aa No.29889


I cant find it anywhere but its a rumor on Twitter. Maybe its still coming later today. I hope!

0c3264 No.29891

File: f0a8f7f4d005453⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Libya fixed.jpg)




22013c No.29893

File: 459313c1cc8e03d⋯.jpg (76.06 KB, 853x954, 853:954, Veritas.jpg)

Sorry if it's been posted already

ddf25f No.29894


Redpoll RX


a47c9f No.29896

File: 24c68089eeda9e6⋯.jpg (26.55 KB, 250x326, 125:163, ZomboMeme 11012018202138.jpg)


Listen here.

I have first-hand knowledge of what goes on in Hollywood first hand.

The article is real.

Read this Meme and then understand how the pizzagate narrative has been played in front of the entire world

1ff402 No.29897

File: 5722e037b780cbb⋯.png (654.62 KB, 888x499, 888:499, comey trump fag.png)

2014 FBI stats on missing children in the US. FBI under Comey, so ….

NCIC Missing Person File

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located, or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability – EMD),

are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered – EME),

are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim – EMV),

are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary

(Involuntary – EMI),

are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile – EMJ), or

are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other – EMO).

As of December 31, 2014, NCIC contained 84,924 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,677 (39.7 %) of the records and 43,289 (51.0 %) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.*

During 2014, 635,155 missing person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2% from the 627,911 records entered in 2013. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 634,367. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 635,155 records entered in 2014, the MPC field was utilized in 314,523 (49.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2014 entries, 301,851 (96.0 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,249 (.7 %) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 332 (.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 10,091 (3.2 %) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2013, the MPC field was utilized in 306,538 (48.8 %) of the 627,911 records.

7fc294 No.29898


Justin is a repulsive example of the result (((their))) occult practice: low order demonic possession. A quasi conscious manbot.

41f7ab No.29899


Expect word salad as a response.

80508a No.29900

File: 0a3e37c48a74134⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 735x632, 735:632, IMG_20180112_124819.jpg)

54f01d No.29901


Clowns still have power

701ab1 No.29902


It already is a Federal Holiday. Businesses do not have to give the day off to employees or pay unless it is Federal.

80508a No.29903

File: 07e15dd586ddb22⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 581x500, 581:500, 22ksnz.jpg)

1dd0d4 No.29904


Concise and sweet and full of Truth! Saved immediately, recommend spreading.

c40479 No.29906


Verified account


12m12 minutes ago


Google has removed from its Google Play Store more than 60 gaming apps, many seemingly targeted at kids, that contained malware that showed pornographic ads. http:// cnn.it/2qZob8t

7fc294 No.29907



d7bb93 No.29908


So you helped cover it up too?

a06c49 No.29909

Hmm, I am an avid Q-Trump believer. Seen too much for Q to be phony. BUT… Am I the only one that thinks the following post is too wordy for Q? Q posts in fragments, almost never full sentences.

How did the following quote become attributed to Q?

>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:16 No.147567888

>Q Clearance Patriot

>My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

e8a3cd No.29910


It means Trump doesnt want an unnecessary war.

It'd be nice to see Iran go back to the 1970s, but it's not worth going to war over. I don't mind this, and I only supported the protests to the extent that they were able to achieve, not intervention but that's a different story.

Glad to see all of this discipate and the fucking shill narrative of Trump being a warmonger go with it.

41f7ab No.29911


>Clowns still have power

Not for long if funding gets cut.

a911cd No.29912

Keep digging on Loop Capital….

fb0356 No.29913



If you expect Fake Stream media to 'report' ob one of the most famous actors alive saying 'Elites kill innocent children and drink their blood', enjoy the wait!

e8a3cd No.29914


>oy vey die for Israel, goyim

You are the clowns.

9a7f08 No.29915

File: 9b29b27358a343d⋯.png (543.93 KB, 823x445, 823:445, cant sleep.png)

File: 98f732eef8efcaf⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 1125x804, 375:268, haiti pres responds to POT….jpg)


fwiw, these two memes and the following comment have gotten incredible traction on gab:

"…..Interesting that the Haiti shithole leak was a day before the 8th anniversary of the earthquake so CNN has to show its audience what a shithole Haiti is despite billions in aid mostly controlled by the Clinton Foundation and the Red Cross. Funny how that happened….." -Anon

a47c9f No.29916

File: f69bb96fd07dee5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180112-135320.png)


Looks like it might be this guy

ab771e No.29918


Everything Hannity knows has a time release on it. If information is revealed too soon it could damage the process of this whole plan

Nobody ran with the story about Keanu Reeves calling out the Hollywood elites for drinking the blood of children. He was soft pilling people about Andrenochrome.

I'm kind of shocked you would doubt information because Hannity hasn't reported it yet.

b72e9e No.29919

File: de89877fb9aadcc⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ATLIE-BRONZE-Ancient-Greek….jpg)

File: 8081380d91a7958⋯.jpeg (14.01 KB, 200x252, 50:63, Eve.jpeg)

File: 5a6889310edbd20⋯.jpg (107.64 KB, 564x766, 282:383, a696fb48fd9ce8228da5a1c6e6….jpg)


youtube. com/watch?v=2Ia3baO8qHQ

0c3264 No.29920

File: c5cbf000203fd49⋯.jpg (71.32 KB, 500x529, 500:529, I have a dream.jpg)

Left out Hillary so normies will search about it themselves.

1ff402 No.29921

File: 92c890ee0635d63⋯.png (689.98 KB, 922x499, 922:499, comey beaver.png)


FBI under Comey, so….

NCIC Missing Person File

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located, or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability – EMD),

are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered – EME),

are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim – EMV),

are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary

(Involuntary – EMI),

are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile – EMJ), or

are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other – EMO).

As of December 31, 2014, NCIC contained 84,924 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,677 (39.7 %) of the records and 43,289 (51.0 %) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.*

During 2014, 635,155 missing person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2% from the 627,911 records entered in 2013. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 634,367. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 635,155 records entered in 2014, the MPC field was utilized in 314,523 (49.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2014 entries, 301,851 (96.0 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,249 (.7 %) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 332 (.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 10,091 (3.2 %) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2013, the MPC field was utilized in 306,538 (48.8 %) of the 627,911 records.

413023 No.29922

File: 7d330a21b888899⋯.jpg (66.68 KB, 661x291, 661:291, Aluminum Sulfate.JPG)

https:// www.justice. gov/opa/pr/former-executive-admits-guilt-antitrust-conspiracy-affecting-water-treatment-chemicals

caca0f No.29923


Free beer?

2f5ba8 No.29924

File: 8450526624a650c⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 593x500, 593:500, 22kt28.jpg)

e8a3cd No.29925


Good lord, take a gander at that lazy eyed genetic defect of a kike.

41f7ab No.29926


I don't expect anything. I also don't care how these criminals are taken down - just that they're taken down.

7fc294 No.29927


Isn't that bad Mike Rogers who used to be in congress etc?

Not good Mike Rogers who is NSA and a seafaring man and hence inherently more honrable than that creeping congressional Clown snitch, bad Mike Rogers.

619175 No.29928

File: 3e6f6a9b77ec347⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 500x473, 500:473, Yodakek.jpg)

eb58f7 No.29929

BO please post Trump's denial twat to the "news of the day". Dick Durban false witness is digging a pit for himself. All these people are showing signs of withdrawals from their additions whatever that maybe…

a1b320 No.29930


What did I say. If Hannity would have picked it up if true. Other alt media would have picked it up. They didn't. Fake news.

1ff402 No.29931


If the "new Q" is authentic, he would have known the 8tists would see it right away and deleted it to keep it on the dl?

619175 No.29932

File: 8b117fa292c36cc⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 1062x1437, 354:479, Anon_kek.jpg)

0f91d9 No.29934


ty. new to me.

2fdd06 No.29936

File: 18f1a4dfd841dbf⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 898x1088, 449:544, HATI..jpg)

Wheeew, what a stench!!!

114ff3 No.29937

File: 4821f308a5b7f10⋯.jpg (302.67 KB, 540x984, 45:82, 20180112_105603.jpg)

dis a quick search.. Transformers dont burn up often..

1ff402 No.29938

File: c69aa35c0deffe3⋯.png (515.94 KB, 749x500, 749:500, comey obama fag.png)


From Comey's FBI, so….

NCIC Missing Person File

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located, or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability – EMD),

are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered – EME),

are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim – EMV),

are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary

(Involuntary – EMI),

are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile – EMJ), or

are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other – EMO).

As of December 31, 2014, NCIC contained 84,924 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,677 (39.7 %) of the records and 43,289 (51.0 %) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.*

During 2014, 635,155 missing person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2% from the 627,911 records entered in 2013. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 634,367. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 635,155 records entered in 2014, the MPC field was utilized in 314,523 (49.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2014 entries, 301,851 (96.0 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,249 (.7 %) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 332 (.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 10,091 (3.2 %) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2013, the MPC field was utilized in 306,538 (48.8 %) of the 627,911 records.

e7dd7a No.29939



Jim Reynolds, Jr on 2011 list of bigwigs involved in "improving life in Haiti"


e57bc7 No.29941

Just got back…. I guess no new Q posts

0f91d9 No.29942

It's Friday and I am thirsty for FREE BEER!

fb0356 No.29943

File: aa6ff822354d8b5⋯.png (85.61 KB, 280x222, 140:111, GOAT Pizza.png)


Pelosi just happens to own a Pizza joint names 'Goat Hill Pizza'~!

caca0f No.29944


Word is Comey likes fucking little boys dressed like Howdy Doody.

Sauce: www.youtube.com/watch?v=X41XKtHz2uk

bb65b1 No.29945



Just watched it, no factual basis. Only thing she references that actually exists is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I'm looking for a factual tie or relation to topics involved in the storm

a1b320 No.29947


Always have more then one source. No other sites mention this.

202c28 No.29948


All the posts were like that in the beginning. Have you not read them already?!

c28e53 No.29949

Newsweek calls Haiti "Hell on Earth"


bb65b1 No.29951


Still fiction, need a factual connection

fcd329 No.29952


We've ran Loop Capital through the wringer, not much else to connect unless we get a huge bread crumb.

c5ae84 No.29953

Letterman and Obama reunite for the debut of the late …

So Obama says there are TWO different information universes! hmmm…

Letterman and Obama reunite for the debut of the late-night king's new Netflix show


Letterman and Obama reunite for the debut of the late-night … The chemistry between the two was instant and … We are operating in different information universes.



a1b320 No.29954


It is a start though. There is not much out there right now and hard to find.

1ff402 No.29955


We may be using a Mil base there for the demoncrat lock-ups. Ironically, it was re-opened there by SoS Killary, probably to traffic children

c5ae84 No.29956



5c8831 No.29957

lol podesta emails

We landed at dusk and by the time we made it out of the terminal the sun had set. As I looked around Bagram at night my initial thought was that I'd like to call this place a shithole but that would unfairly malign shit. There are giant mud pools all over the place where buildings used to stand that have been torn down as part of the drawdown. The air is horrible–smoke and dust choke you. The soldiers here run outside but I can't even imagine. Maybe after some months I will acclimate as they seem to have. This morning with a little sunlight the country doesn't seem as bad. Don't get me wrong–Bagram is worse with light. But the snowy mountains on the horizon are actually somewhat beautiful. I hope Phoenix will have the views without the military industrial waste.

https ://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/39490

fb0356 No.29958


Fake news that tells the truth, gotcha!

1ff402 No.29959

File: 04353fd9eba5b2e⋯.png (506.87 KB, 585x476, 585:476, comey bigger fag.png)


Comey's FBI, so ….

NCIC Missing Person File

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located, or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability – EMD),

are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered – EME),

are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim – EMV),

are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary

(Involuntary – EMI),

are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile – EMJ), or

are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other – EMO).

As of December 31, 2014, NCIC contained 84,924 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,677 (39.7 %) of the records and 43,289 (51.0 %) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.*

During 2014, 635,155 missing person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2% from the 627,911 records entered in 2013. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 634,367. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 635,155 records entered in 2014, the MPC field was utilized in 314,523 (49.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2014 entries, 301,851 (96.0 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,249 (.7 %) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 332 (.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 10,091 (3.2 %) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2013, the MPC field was utilized in 306,538 (48.8 %) of the 627,911 records.

ddf25f No.29960

Need MOAR Haiti/Clinton Foundation meme.

Drive the narrative!


a911cd No.29961


Ahhhh Nancy Pelosi's Goat Hill Pizzagate

fb78cc No.29962


>https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korova_Milk_Bar

Nicely spotted. I'm Kubrick fanatic and didn't realize that!. Thanks anon.

c28e53 No.29963


FINALLY, there it is. LOOP Capital with ties to Haiti scam. Thanks anon


413023 No.29964

File: 88a1061c4cffb7a⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 516x335, 516:335, Mason Goat Fuckers.JPG)

fb0356 No.29966

File: 2b5cf3a7bab81d4⋯.jpg (50.56 KB, 601x295, 601:295, 1-12-18 d.jpg)

74958f No.29967


Your anus too?


do it anon

124942 No.29968

File: 95f851e4172bd6e⋯.jpg (317.66 KB, 1078x1293, 1078:1293, Screenshot_20180112-125804.jpg)

I love this timeline, pic related


7fc294 No.29969


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Rogers_(Michigan_politician)

fb78cc No.29970


Wow Kek….these Politicians really love their Pizza and goats, owls and spiders.

41f7ab No.29971


If others want to dig on something Q said to focus on, they should. Discouraging any anon from digging is a shitty thing to do here.

f6155c No.29972

File: 03e2ac058a6eb0e⋯.png (36.75 KB, 855x191, 855:191, nancy.png)

File: fe2e164e3d86c50⋯.png (40.53 KB, 866x224, 433:112, kassa.png)

File: e7bb06a538c02f5⋯.png (56.09 KB, 854x299, 854:299, mikelux.png)

File: 7a6e89ec933b23c⋯.png (135.33 KB, 662x414, 331:207, realLoser.png)

File: 14ec97e651e4987⋯.png (13.04 KB, 940x406, 470:203, arca.png)

meet the wonderful members of Arca Foundation

Connect them at all???

Huma and Hillary celebrated Hillary's bday this year at

Elizabeth Bagley's house

Remember Diane Reynolds = Chelsea Clinton?

Arca charity is owned by Reynolds Tobacco

whose heir was Smith W. Bagley

we have children's foundations

we have soros

we have old money

we have an ancient tobacco company –Think slaves picking it

1ff402 No.29974

File: 0575d182164ab9b⋯.png (704.03 KB, 889x500, 889:500, comey whoop ass.png)


Comey's FBI stats, so….

NCIC Missing Person File

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located, or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability – EMD),

are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered – EME),

are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim – EMV),

are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary

(Involuntary – EMI),

are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile – EMJ), or

are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other – EMO).

As of December 31, 2014, NCIC contained 84,924 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,677 (39.7 %) of the records and 43,289 (51.0 %) records when juveniles are defined as under 21 years of age.*

During 2014, 635,155 missing person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2% from the 627,911 records entered in 2013. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 634,367. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 635,155 records entered in 2014, the MPC field was utilized in 314,523 (49.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2014 entries, 301,851 (96.0 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,249 (.7 %) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 332 (.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 10,091 (3.2 %) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2013, the MPC field was utilized in 306,538 (48.8 %) of the 627,911 records.

e8a3cd No.29975


>Jewish Bankers

>While they rob America and import people who make your neighborhoods unsafe.

9a7f08 No.29977



Soup for you today!

caca0f No.29978


Why the fuck is Barry still running around free?

748a78 No.29979

File: b7664ec279ceb7e⋯.jpg (734.64 KB, 1000x4000, 1:4, ClockGraphic1-2and3Mins.jpg)

Creating a set of new graphics for side-by-side QPosts and TrumpTweets, the first I'm releasing here now.


5 minutes.

Missing 10 marker from past.

Missing 15 marker from past.

Timestamps have meaning.



Graphics should be in same time zone. Delta relevant. [5]Today [10]Past [15]Past


Side-by-side graphic? Locate and create.[:22] SEARCH crumbs : [#2] Who is #2? No deals. Q

Please take a look and feedback guize. Unsure whether the clocks are needed, just putting it out there for you all to see what you think and if you've any ideas about what the groups mean. I'll be doing more later, so your ideas will help. Thanks for your time in clocking these.


7edd0d No.29980

Showerthought: is Loop Capital the Capital Q and Q is giving us a hint as to how to use the clock? One turn, one ring outwards, 'Focus on Loop Capital' might mean use the bloody Q shape to use the clock.

6fd1f0 No.29982


i'll assume you've already googled it and found the thousands of results, including a wikipedia page and this: https:// pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Adrenochrome

so what else are you looking for?

b72e9e No.29983


oig.dhs. gov/sites/default/files/assets/2018-01/OIG-18-36-Jan18.pdf

justice. gov/opa/pr/michigan-clinic-office-manager-pleads-guilty-131-million-health-care-fraud-scheme-involving

07148d No.29984

File: 92fd1612cf7798c⋯.png (929.3 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

7fc294 No.29985

Connect Loop- capital to bad Mike "cabalista" Rogers ?

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Rogers_(Michigan_politician)

abd7fc No.29986


Wow, this is amazing. Great work, Anon!

c5ae84 No.29987


I believe this was taped months ago.

That is why I think it is interesting that Q talks about Military Intelligence (TRump) vs. Deep State intelligence.

Two different keepers of information.

41f7ab No.29988


Where's your sauce that Barry is free?

202c28 No.29989


Shows were pre-recorded.

a1b320 No.29990


I just tried the adrenochrome.com/ she mentioned. It said access denied. Does this mean you have to belong to a private site to buy? She dropped crumbs. Maybe a link from this company to Loop Capital? no idea but it's a start.

7fc294 No.29991

>>29980 <<<<<<<<<

fb0356 No.29992


Fox just read comments from Sen. Perdue & Sen. Cotton saying they 'don't remember POTUS using those words'! Dick Durban claims he said them repeatedly! Dimms starting a 'shit storm' over nothing AGAIN, they must know something is coming! haha

f1d54d No.29993


thanks, i recall something like too but cant find it

1ff402 No.29994

File: 01461c4940b1eda⋯.png (578.63 KB, 889x500, 889:500, trump haiti.png)

e8a3cd No.29995


Aww, Trump should just own it, it's what his voter base would want him to say anyway. We do not want a fucking DACA deal. Any kind of deal with these "people".

0c3264 No.29996


He interviewed with whats his face, letterman

a06c49 No.29997


Oh… Uh, no, I haven't, I came in sometime late November on 4chan (embarrassed). Been following since then.

e8a3cd No.29998


I've never heard of "sourdough" pizza.

Must be code for body parts.

0c3264 No.29999

File: 9a5e608ececb680⋯.jpg (197.57 KB, 1280x904, 160:113, Harbinger POTUS.jpg)

52b03c No.30000


Since the future proves the past, a though is that once we see the indictments unsealed, you will be able to verify validity of q statements by referencing 11.3 and 11.6 indictments.

41f7ab No.30001


>interviewed with whats his face, letterman

Prerecorded months ago, IIRC.

1ff402 No.30002


I was saying back in Jan 2017 that they should all flee to the Maldives, but I knew they are far too arrogant and stupid and will hang themselves. Too late to run now.

0d087f No.30003

File: 2f63f845e0b1c78⋯.jpg (100.16 KB, 972x500, 243:125, 22ku3m.jpg)

bb65b1 No.30004


I'm skimming through it now, I guess we don't know *when* it was recorded

c5ae84 No.30005


The IG report is coming.

0c3264 No.30006


you might be right, I believe that is what anon was referring to tho, it was on TV this morning (or last night)

a1b320 No.30007


I just tried the adrenochrome.com/ she mentioned. It said access denied. Does this mean you have to belong to a private site to buy? She dropped crumbs. Maybe a link from this company to Loop Capital? no idea but it's a start.

7fc294 No.30008

https:// wikileaks.org/ clinton-emails/?q=Loop+Capital&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult

b30724 No.30009


>https:// clinton.media.mit.edu/

This is insane, can't believe how they put it together, easy to reference and check.Thanx

1ff402 No.30010


Why did SoS Killary re-open the Naval base in Panama? Child trafficking point? Now being used to lock 'em up?

3f29a8 No.30011

Bridge Investment Group.

They have a resort going up in Haiti, I think. The things I do to herd cats from my phone with no signal….

http:// www. bridgewhatmatters.com/

e8a3cd No.30012



Where's the lie?

Trump would do better if he just doubled down.

caca0f No.30013




Maybe. Where is the sauce that hes NOT free?

37c793 No.30016

File: de78a343401f3a8⋯.png (217.97 KB, 815x511, 815:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Serco is closing it's doors!!!

This article on Gateway pundit.

But I think this is just that one facility in Wentzville, Missouri. They were processing the o'care paper applications.

http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/billion-dollar-st-charles-obamacare-contractor-will-shut-doors-june-video/

1ff402 No.30017

File: 01461c4940b1eda⋯.png (578.63 KB, 889x500, 889:500, trump haiti.png)

0f91d9 No.30018


great work. Now wind the clock backwards. Do we see Trump answering Q's questions maybe?

787ca4 No.30019

File: 11e2ad341e2c9bb⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 200x222, 100:111, 22ku6q.jpg)

c5ae84 No.30020


If he was free I think he would have commented on Trump's supposed shithole comment.

b60c13 No.30021



ok so who is buriedthere?

41f7ab No.30022



f1d54d No.30023


refer to this Q post :

Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:16 No.147567888

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

it says arrest announcement

caca0f No.30024


Talk is cheap.

54f01d No.30025

File: 66ceb26ef0f54bd⋯.jpg (150.24 KB, 868x624, 217:156, infosharing-4-5-eyes.jpg)


Agreed but at the same time we have other threads for off topic digs.

Speaking of that..


Please visit our alt board for meme dump:

http:// 8ch.net/hforce/res/5.html

Also anyone who knows about social media shit please join us to help with strategy.

< Pic for your attention only >

1ff402 No.30026


Free Beer Tomorrow

34af2f No.30027

File: 4d9f4444663ce99⋯.jpg (4.75 KB, 200x200, 1:1, simple-egg-timer.jpg)


explain more plz.

e8a3cd No.30028


>a big setback for DACA

DACA is a setback to what the founders intended.


What's good about Nork inadvertently defending niggers?

caca0f No.30029


Absence of evidence or evidence of absence?

b72e9e No.30030

File: fe646ba5c324bb8⋯.png (97.53 KB, 606x754, 303:377, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

spaceref. com/news/viewsr.html?pid=50991

youtube. com/watch?v=eaMbKZPBruU

0ab17a No.30031

File: b43b0cb9ccb53cd⋯.png (311.2 KB, 583x1223, 583:1223, skyking11218.png)

LOTS of skyking messages today!

dd8112 No.30032


I don't think so. Fuck off, Schlomo.

0f91d9 No.30033



41f7ab No.30034


>NOT free?

I make no assertions about his freedom. You did.

caca0f No.30035


Hell yea! I hear there will be cake too. BIG WEEK!

1ff402 No.30036


Trump is doing a lot and well, however, Q has been shit since 1/5/18.

fb78cc No.30037


Aged like a fine cheese.

fb0356 No.30038


That comment wasn't about POTUS' statement. Plus…. — >>29992

a911cd No.30039

File: 681642716c10a49⋯.png (308.58 KB, 1072x898, 536:449, screenshot_50.png)


Screen shot of the press release

www.thefreelibrary. com/%2FC+O+R+R+E+C+T+I+O+N+–+Forum+das+Americas+%2F.-a0267639837

41f7ab No.30041


That flew by yesterday - it only claims a certain office is being shut down having to do with Obamacare. Be careful not to overstate this. Yes, it is good…but…not all of Serco.

caca0f No.30042


Youre right. No telling what he is doing.

f86ba7 No.30043


Hold on tight.

Get Comfy.

Pop that popcorn.

c5ae84 No.30044


Yes, Haiti is a shithole.

Don't you think it's time we find out what happened with the hundreds of billions of dollars sent there

0f91d9 No.30045


you guys are killing it today! Bravo

37c793 No.30046

File: 4c6c0264f1a359a⋯.png (59.88 KB, 823x574, 823:574, ClipboardImage.png)

Sneaky Feinstein!!!

caca0f No.30047


Q has been with us giving us good, clear information that we dont have to argue over or decipher. Q is always forthcoming and transparent.

We understand Q 100%

850412 No.30048

CNN is a shithole country.

619175 No.30049


Autist like a motherfucker! GREAT catch! Supreme KEK

3ef62c No.30050

File: af992f592a0e687⋯.png (991.57 KB, 1111x624, 1111:624, DIANA.png)

File: 68397516180abd5⋯.jpg (444.58 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, WARROOOM.jpg)

File: 2b3fb62b4d9fcf7⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 715x476, 715:476, DRxDbPNU8AA2htX.jpg large.jpg)

File: c5e6ddd4ca86f3c⋯.jpg (71.06 KB, 498x625, 498:625, DRxY33BWAAA5Okt.jpg large.jpg)

File: e14e51f4ce77713⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 500x626, 250:313, DRxXIMYX4AU50nF.jpg large.jpg)


fuckyes! made that first one, glad to hear…

i know it's not a usual angle for memes, but i like all the different ways people find to re-crumb the crumbs: the formulas, the punches, the mysteries, the SWAGness of Q is just too damn powerful.

It definitely worked to get us in, and still does because we're still here regardless of the clowns/shills/doubters, so for sure their power can get into normies' minds as well.

As i suggested at some point earlier, and you've now confirmed, it is a promising angle to NORMEMES to RECRUMB THE CRUMBS in order to get SMALL BITE-SIZE CRUMBS… not everyone one will jump in the buffet like we did, and have to see everything Q ever dropped… but a punchy phrase/paragraph can get them started/interested

4b4107 No.30051


Is there any connection between LC and Dayton Hudson?

43b503 No.30052

https:// www.one.org/us/about/financials/

USAID Administrator, Gayle White, is Principal Officer listed on the 990's 501c3 tax forms of Organization of ONE which is a division of RED. Emphasis on Global Aids and Poverty, especially in 3rd world nations. .

21948e No.30054

File: d1e00fb2da247ce⋯.png (536.33 KB, 728x624, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

6f56ec No.30055

File: 982bcb797096a31⋯.png (8.89 MB, 2434x2434, 1:1, BDA544C2-83C6-4CB7-82FE-45….png)

3ef62c No.30056

File: 38147392b13b792⋯.jpg (167.71 KB, 846x1199, 846:1199, DRxONY1VAAExvEQ.jpg)

File: 1e22758c23b89ad⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 499x625, 499:625, DRxU1HtUQAAshYD.jpg large.jpg)

23f106 No.30057



Check this.

7dbb66 No.30058

d85557 No.30059

can you post the video adress?

want to comment on her video

202c28 No.30060


That's when I came in too but the first thing I did was read all the posts on the spreadsheet.

I'm not trying to embarass you but it only makes sense and saves everyone a lot of time if we have all read all the Q posts before we post on this board.

Saying this to all anons.

Used to actually be in the board rules.

Bakers, maybe it should be there again?

a911cd No.30061


She's toast, and her Loop Cqpital connected CBRE CEO husband….

caca0f No.30062

BIG news about Loop Capital in the MSM this week. Im glad Q warned us beforehand and told us it ws necessary. Now we can start redpilling the masses. BIGLY WEEKLY!

1d44ac No.30064


He knows the Chi Rho

5c8831 No.30065



fb78cc No.30066

File: 06cd5c16e32c3c9⋯.jpg (252.81 KB, 512x1003, 512:1003, clinton calling card.jpg)

File: e5e80f03d087cc5⋯.jpg (252.03 KB, 512x1003, 512:1003, Clinton shitholes.jpg)

What do you think…maybe need a different combo of cities (wanted to throw in Detroit).

Something with multiple Shitholes might have more impact. Concept to build on.

f86ba7 No.30067


Absolutely wonderful work.

7edd0d No.30068


For Q to keep saying LOOP CAPITAL so many times as we are missing somethign and Loop capital investigations have beat the horse so much that it's a red puddle on the floor, I tried 'expanding my thinking'.

What if the movement around the clock web is determined by the shape of the letter Q? Meaning one turn of the dial, one movement in or out of the concentric rings.

I need the quantum theory autists that came up with the webs idea to rip my idea apart.

b33178 No.30069

I think we are supposed to look into Loop Capital and their connections to the Chicago Public Schools during the time of the recession until now

The Chicago Public school still owes loop captial millions of taxpayer dollars for pretty much .. nothing


d85557 No.30070


can you post the video adress?

want to comment on her video

66a22f No.30071

File: 8f11abac0093c16⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

caca0f No.30072


Loop Capital is all over the MSM just like Q warned us! Havent you seen it? This is a BIG WEEK.

66a22f No.30073

File: a457c4c12c58652⋯.png (756.23 KB, 806x620, 13:10, ClipboardImage.png)

0d087f No.30075



a06c49 No.30076


I've been searching since your response. Can't find a link to the collection. Still looking. But otherwise, I've read everything since late November.

b72e9e No.30077



abeldanger. org/is-justin-trudeau-being-blackmailed-through-starnet-communications-networks-or-serco-demon-pedophile-ring/

d19e8d No.30078

File: 67fdcd87f73b24f⋯.png (19.55 KB, 150x150, 1:1, Q-Logo-KLEIN-150x150.png)

http:// www .prosea.info/?page_id=97

787ca4 No.30079

File: 6a2e0d7bca04887⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 22kuw8.jpg)

6227b6 No.30080


I was there when it happened too. Q was one of the first few to post to the /qresearch/ board, they deleted it and put a confirmation further down in the posts for their own reasons not long after their delete. Wanted it to blend in more.

5c8831 No.30081


no show me where

caca0f No.30082


Nowhere. I was being sarcastic.


1 day left.

f86ba7 No.30083


First one looks great.

a06c49 No.30085


NM, found it!

ab254e No.30086


we'll see if BIG WEEK means "radio silence" soon

41f7ab No.30087


>Trump is doing a lot and well, however, Q has been shit since 1/5

Neither of us know what Q has been doing. Don't claim Q has been shit. If anything, Q hasn't posted in days. That's not necessarily 'shit'.

1ff402 No.30088


Free Beer Tomorrow BEERCON [1]

58ad64 No.30089

File: d518ff39938446e⋯.png (71.96 KB, 728x480, 91:60, 50.PNG)

File: 51a7f50260e033f⋯.png (224.44 KB, 1023x637, 1023:637, 3763-03.PNG)

File: 82b9e508050e4e0⋯.png (228.38 KB, 1091x638, 1091:638, 3763-04.PNG)

File: a2f77561d585457⋯.png (176.24 KB, 1101x637, 1101:637, 3763-05.PNG)

Have seen anons in the past ask why we didn't have word clouds. Well now we do. Used all 3,763 words in Q's posts from Oct 28, 2017 to Jan 6, 2018

0aa178 No.30090

Hi Anons, is MasterArchivist around by any chance ?

4c46ee No.30091


happening WW daily

292db4 No.30092

f1d54d No.30093


i hope so, i do want Q to be real

nice quads

37c793 No.30094


Right! That's why I said I think it's only that facility that's closing. Makes sense since o'care won't exist anymore.

Also, SERCO is HUGE!!! One facility is nothing. But hopefully it's a start. I'm hoping they do not get awarded anymore govt. contracts.

fdcd51 No.30095

File: a651f7a0faa844a⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, clintonhaiti.jpg)

21948e No.30096

File: 5b22f42d655b7b7⋯.png (282.65 KB, 919x621, 919:621, ClipboardImage.png)

41f7ab No.30097


Wow….at the pressure of the GPS lawyers. That's some nasty self-dealing right there…

3ef62c No.30098



caca0f No.30099


That would be awesome. Things are always good when Q is silent. We are focued and organized and understand what to expect.

Tired of winning yet?

1ff402 No.30101

File: c3f41b8d53d951d⋯.png (221.34 KB, 460x259, 460:259, comey meme curts.png)

2f5ba8 No.30102

File: 642667e7fb22cb3⋯.jpg (70.13 KB, 548x436, 137:109, goat hill pizza3.jpg)

413023 No.30103


Second one is gooooood.

Snagging for twat.

7dbb66 No.30104


>The IG report is coming.

Hopefully Q will let us know what is forthcoming.

f0a3c1 No.30105


>Q even if you don't have crumbs to drop today it would be nice to know you are still alive. Give us a signal..even a simple edit on your board.

That would be nice, but I imagine Q is busy managing the details of the most complex and dangerous covert operation in history, and might not have time to coddle our little feelings right now!

I further assume the only reason Q posts crumbs for us AT ALL, is because it's a part of the overall strategy for carefully bringing truth to the severely brainwashed public without causing too much civil disorder. Q decided to bring us autists on board so we can be of some minor help with getting the truth out, instead of causing major confusion by spreading wild conspiracy theories when the lid blows off and the covert operation goes overt. The situation will be unstable as it is, and a stupid viral conspiracy theory at the wrong time could have catastrophic results.

Q posts crumbs to save lives later on when things get chaotic, not to entertain us. It's a brilliant plan, and only shows how clever /our guys/ are. But that's only to be expected, Trump is after all a very stable genius! :-)

22013c No.30107


Not here ^^

but, its probably normal? i have no idea i just think its odd

dd8112 No.30108


Nice job, gal.

202c28 No.30109


There are several Q maps and they are all linked at the top of each thread. My favorite is this searchable online database.

https:// qcodefag .github.io/

b33178 No.30110





GOOGLE IT! I’m almost positive THIS is what we should be looking for!


1ff402 No.30111



0f91d9 No.30112


thanks for this, Makes the important stuff jump out

1ff402 No.30113


I'd like to see the Trump Admin numbers in a year.

58ad64 No.30114

File: ddef237549dd7e9⋯.png (119.34 KB, 1057x630, 151:90, T50.PNG)

File: 281d5b7b20c0665⋯.png (470.41 KB, 1046x632, 523:316, T2827.PNG)

File: 89d3374defad264⋯.png (175.59 KB, 1115x637, 1115:637, T2827-1.PNG)


Same approach, but with Tweets over same time period with 2,827 words.

a911cd No.30115

File: c17a843b76c1b41⋯.png (672.34 KB, 946x892, 473:446, screenshot_51.png)

File: 0bab7bb1477f0c7⋯.png (450.72 KB, 1404x858, 18:11, screenshot_52.png)


Dick Blum (((Diane Feinstein's husband))) steps down as chairman of brokerage CBRE Group Inc.

www.latimes. com/business/realestate/la-fi-re-blum-steps-down-at-cbre-20140519-story.htm

Loop Capital is connected to CBRE

www.cbre. com/people-and-offices/mark-landverl

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Richard_C._Blum

fb0356 No.30116


Good one!

Those sick, evil bastards!

67e91c No.30117


lets think back to the "fake obama pictures from his vacation that were used in news stations"

any connections or similarities? I am not telling you nor am I asking you anything but, instead lets try and think about that..

lets try and think about CGI and FAKE ISIS videos…

lets try and think of all the possibilities here….

3ef62c No.30118

File: 08b94f65fdbaf4a⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Hillary-Haiti.png)

37c793 No.30119


Well, they'd definitely have a lot to blackmail him on!

f6155c No.30120

File: 90502d1d1d251f7⋯.png (260.61 KB, 1023x503, 1023:503, lizbagley1.png)

File: c0987bf1324078c⋯.png (29.74 KB, 646x263, 646:263, lizbagley2.png)

File: 5eb6e11a277e6c4⋯.png (59.62 KB, 1141x401, 1141:401, lizbagley3.png)


Reynolds tobacco is more than interesting

fb78cc No.30121


41f7ab No.30122


Agree - it is a good find. I only responded because I didn't want to derail others with an overstatement. Precision - it is difficult. Good work, anon.

1ff402 No.30125


Another b.s. post by Q after 1/5. You MAKE something crystal clear, you dont just say it is. That hole DEFCON thing was a complete fuck up.

0f91d9 No.30126

>>30115 must be getting too close for their comfort……

2e97c2 No.30127


I think I'm losing my mind.

Using that link and can't find it.

Didn't Q say during one of his posts that 'we have everything we need'?

Implying he might not post again?

Seems like it was around Christmas time…but I can't find it.

f1d54d No.30128


cant click green text

can u post a direct link thanks

1ff402 No.30129

File: 01461c4940b1eda⋯.png (578.63 KB, 889x500, 889:500, trump haiti.png)

caca0f No.30131


In a war do you give your troops clear instructions or leave them puzzles to decipher?

37c793 No.30132


Awesome!!! POTUS cleaning of swamp creatures continues!!

dd096a No.30133


The MSM is failing in it's duties to report these items as the earth shattering revelations that they are and because of it even we on chan are failing to see what a "BIG WEEK" this is.

Is it possible that our skilled meme makers could give us ammo to use on our social media to get out the message of just how earth shattering these latest revelations are?

3a57f8 No.30134


Saw this (your?) graph last bread with this. Should be added to another catalog item (Foundations?) and perhaps to attention of Spreadsheet Anon if around.

Did I see tied to Loop last bread?

41f7ab No.30135


Good stuff. Screen grab that sauce!

67e91c No.30136










caca0f No.30137





fb0356 No.30138


Go back to hooktube Roy Potter!

413023 No.30141


LIBOR Connected London Interbank Rothschild controlled.

9c1f7b No.30142

File: 3a1697ce6da1132⋯.jpg (128.73 KB, 643x875, 643:875, norskfullidiot.jpg)

adc724 No.30143


The week isn’t over…still time for the Friday dump for weekend narrative

a911cd No.30145


unfortunately dick stepped down in 2014 but but the article shows he was there during the Obama years….

850412 No.30146


Not yet.

37c793 No.30147


Oh perfect!!!! What Happened Hildabeast?

2e97c2 No.30148


Article was 2014 shill

1ff402 No.30149


Keanu Reeves said something like this too.

850412 No.30150


Holy shit!!!!!!! Amazing graphic.

f85c38 No.30151



0aa178 No.30152

Can anyone please point me to a screenshot (in EST) of this one of Q's posts:


(which is now gone) ?

It would be 12/23/17 (Sat) 16:52:31 EST, and the one at qarchives.ml appears to be in GMT.

a911cd No.30153


erase one of those buts in my last post I sound like a shill Kek

850412 No.30154


That guy from Lord of Rings too

41f7ab No.30155


>In a war do you give your troops clear instructions or leave them puzzles to decipher?


202c28 No.30156


The link is broken as per board rules. You have to copy and paste it into a new tab and remove the space.

Q did indeed say we have it all but I didn't take that to mean they won't be posting anymore as things develop. I took it to mean we should spend less time digging and more time red-pilling normies.

edb0bd No.30157

Has anyone tied Bruce Ohr to Stryzok on the PP-Gate dossier???

6efa11 No.30158



Yes, that's Jared Mueller. See the link below for his role in Hillary's campaign.


5dd6b7 No.30159


Bill and Hillary comment on shitholes yet?



f6155c No.30160

File: 9cfd78a0a111f19⋯.png (137.33 KB, 1162x330, 581:165, lizbagley4.png)


chicken dinner

850412 No.30161


Hmmm….maybe not just Haiti.

El Salvador and African countries too? Digging.

1ff402 No.30162


Turns out the Trump Admin DID want to talk to Crooked Bob. And indict him for U1.

fdcd51 No.30163


Great, I would just shrink it down to 600 px wide

dbec7f No.30165

File: d4f864ad116971e⋯.jpg (506.96 KB, 1080x1445, 216:289, Screenshot_20180112-132752.jpg)

Hey Q do you guys have control over NK Twitter?

9a7f08 No.30166

Because Chicago is a shithole…? Did y'all cover this already?

www. foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/12/illinois-ag-candidate-robbed-at-gunpoint-in-chicago-during-campaign-photoshoot.html

58ad64 No.30167

File: d67e558c0a3fa06⋯.png (176.03 KB, 1221x632, 1221:632, Q T1.PNG)

File: 2f23a7ddb2ee9b4⋯.png (113.94 KB, 1047x616, 1047:616, Q T2.PNG)


Combined Q's plus POTUS tweets

41f7ab No.30168


>LIBOR Connected London Interbank Rothschild controlled.

Hard core!

67e91c No.30169

55168a No.30170

File: 8fa162a1d92789a⋯.png (553.08 KB, 1599x703, 1599:703, jacksonville gitmo.PNG)

737 from jacksonville to gitmo about an hour ago

43a5aa No.30171


LOL that would be great!

387489 No.30172


really good!!!

f728ec No.30173


Q7- log this Cv1.

You are getting close anon

fb78cc No.30174

File: afd37b2348849f8⋯.png (372.84 KB, 600x410, 60:41, clinton haiti bush scam.png)

File: 6b07d447efadebb⋯.png (377.11 KB, 500x375, 4:3, clinton haiti scam.png)

File: b14d28bc44b19e6⋯.png (473.44 KB, 600x428, 150:107, clinton scam.png)

File: 12060f1e718ab4a⋯.jpg (133.88 KB, 870x430, 87:43, haiti martelly.jpg)

Who's Martelly?

e8a3cd No.30175



2e97c2 No.30176


I've been using the link for weeks.

I'm saying I can't find the post…was wondering if that was one of the posts without trip..

I'm not questioning Q's legitimacy…I'm looking for a post.

22013c No.30177

svvordfish .blogspot.se/2018/01/explosive-new-evidence-links-tony.html


Interesting, im gonna read this

1ff402 No.30178


Back to Africa II includes free passage and a $25K per person payout in exchange for citizenship.

67e91c No.30179

6efa11 No.30180


Yes, when the enemy is monitoring your communications you have to speak in code. A good instance of this is the Navajo talkers in WWII.

37c793 No.30182


Potter expositor needs a suppositor!

b77035 No.30183


Q post says "indicted," not arrested. There is a difference. Probably sealed.

464636 No.30184


Kim's government talking about "oversize"?

55168a No.30185

b33178 No.30186

File: 2dfbcd478b91bf0⋯.png (167.76 KB, 551x491, 551:491, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ebe37b55369ed1⋯.png (194.74 KB, 722x576, 361:288, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe1518e2db69590⋯.png (43.2 KB, 544x518, 272:259, ClipboardImage.png)






1ff402 No.30187

File: 04353fd9eba5b2e⋯.png (506.87 KB, 585x476, 585:476, comey bigger fag.png)

21948e No.30189


My god he will have to wear the big boy pants, he will be totally embarrassed

f85c38 No.30191


POTUS tweet last night… Think Merit

3cd0bb No.30192


WOW FANTASTIC, you finally got them made.

Thank you so much. :)

52b03c No.30193


Keep your chin up, anon. Think of it this way: Q has stated that we have everything. While it is exciting to receive new crumbs and confirmation on theories, remember we are just one compartment of the complete operation. We have been given the info we need to execute our portion of this operation. Have faith, be patient, and and dig > meme > rinse > repeat.

881f90 No.30194



Indictments, then arrest and trial.

Q post used former, not latter.

Many indictments still sealed.

Also why those with GPS trackers are still wandering around.

34af2f No.30195

Nov 4 2017 20:28:58


ID: AZhJ37bn


Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


Nov 5 2017 00:44:18


ID: v3eCc2tY


We need to get organized.

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Snow White.

Wizards & Warlocks.


Nov 5 2017 00:51:20


ID: v3eCc2tY



Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia.


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.


Dec 22 2017 11:44:18



ID: 42a0eb


‘Yellow Brick Road'.

F-I speech - history.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Alice & Wonderland.



Q-Quantum Computer AI

Wonderland-Mind Control Matrix

caca0f No.30196


Awesome! The strategy is working brilliantly.

2f5ba8 No.30197


Trump’s new guidelines: Get a job or volunteer if you want Medicaid

55168a No.30198


damn nice ass on the right .

67e91c No.30199


Bill Clinton - Georgetown (Former US President)

John Podesta - Georgetown (Former Chief of Staff)

John F. Kelly - Georgetown (Current Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Homeland Security)

King Abduallah II of Jordan - Georgetown

King Felipe IV of Spain - Georgetown

Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece - Georgetown

Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg - Georgetown

Joe Biden - Honorary degrees from University of Scranton and Saint Joseph's University (Former US Vice President)

John Kerry - Boston College (Former Secretary of State)

John Boehner - Xavier University (Former Speaker of the House)

Denis McDonough - Georgetown (Former Chief of Staff)

Andrew Cuomo - Fordham (Governor of New York)

Dannel Malloy - Boston College (Governor of Connecticut)

Alexander Haig - Georgetown ( Former Secretary of State and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces)

William J. Casey - Fordham (Former Director of Central Intelligence)

Robert Gates - Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence)

George Tenet - Georgetown (Former Director of Central Intelligence)

Leon Panetta - Santa Clara (Former Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director)

James Clapper - Professor at Georgetown (Former CIA Director)

Robert B. Murrett - Georgetown (Former Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Robert Cardillo - Georgetown (Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Donald Rumsfeld - Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense)

John Brennan - Fordham (Former Director of CIA)

Michael Morell -Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)

Avril Haines - Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)

Janet Napolitano - Santa Clara (Secretary of Homeland Security)

Joseph Dunford - Georgetown (Marine Corp General and Current Chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff)

David Petraeus - Georgetown School of Foreign Service (Former Commander of US Central Command and former Director of CIA)

James L. Jones - Georgetown (Former Marine Corp General and former National Security Adviser)

John R. Allen - Georgetown (Former US Marine Corp General and former Commander of International Security Assistance Force)

Sean O'Keefe - Loyola of New Orleans (Former Secretary of Navy and former Administrator of NASA)

Michael D. Griffin - Loyola of Maryland (Former Administrator of NASA)

John Roberts - Professor at Georgetown (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)

Clarence Thomas - Holy Cross (Supreme Court Justice)

Antonin Scalia - Georgetown (Former Supreme Court Justice)

John Farmer Jr. - Georgetown (Former Attorney General of New Jersey and Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission)

John Lehman - Saint Joseph's (Banker and member of the 9/11 Commission)

Michael Copps - Professor at Loyola New Orleans (Former Commissioner of the FCC)

Peter Oppenheimer - Santa Clara (Former Chief financial officer of Apple and Director for Goldman Sachs)

Philip Bilden - Georgetown (Investor and Naval and Cyber Security philanthropist)

Ernest Moniz - Boston College (Former Secretary of Energy)

William Joseph McDonough - Holy Cross/Georgetown (Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and banker)

Edward Gerald Corrigan - Fairfield/Fordham (Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and banker)

Jack Lew - Georgetown (Former US Secretary of the Treasury)

William M. Daley - Loyola Chicago (Former Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Commerce)

Edwin Feulner - Regis (President of the Heritage Foundation)

Andrew von Eschenbach - Georgetown/St Joseph's (Former Commissioner of the FDA)

a1b320 No.30200


This is a great lady. Don't do this to her

413023 No.30201

File: 546ba98d677c246⋯.jpg (97.77 KB, 1054x521, 1054:521, LIBORSWAPS.JPG)


LIBOR is key to map $trillions

Trump snubbed them today.


a03d7a No.30202


Nice meme…

f85c38 No.30203

Dammit that's the second time my post was chopped in half

Think Merit Merit=Timer.. countdown 15, 10, 5, 0

edb0bd No.30204


Perhaps the Yellow Brick Load leads to


2f5ba8 No.30205


Real or fake? That ass tho

497f04 No.30206


any other sauce?

always liked mel, think hes a white hat and they tried blackballing him over his movie about Jesus Christ.

1ff402 No.30207


Q is a team of 4-5 with differing writing styles.

9c1f7b No.30208


Truth is truth, even if you dont like it.

caca0f No.30209



f1d54d No.30210


thank you anon

so where r those brothers?

john has not tweeted since12/17, and used to be pretty active.Maybe he did escape for while but has been caught

2f5ba8 No.30211


If we take that HRC childrens book, it would be Bill Gates as the wizard

68d61c No.30212

fb78cc No.30213


Don't feel the AI tards

2fdd06 No.30214

File: 12e79e63242da9e⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 585x270, 13:6, clinton-foundation.jpg)

a911cd No.30215


Betty White's had more sailors board her than the USS Carl Vinson

a47c9f No.30216


Is this a list of Jesuits or what

66a22f No.30217

File: 2d00f8b7856ecb2⋯.png (134.07 KB, 550x472, 275:236, ClipboardImage.png)

caca0f No.30218

Loop Capital takedowns are happening left and right. It is all over my twitter feed and MSM. This is Incredible!


1ff402 No.30219



464636 No.30220


For that matter, DJT spent 2 years at Fordham then transferred to Wharton for last 2 years of bachelor's degree.

43a5aa No.30221


Sauce us.

4b4107 No.30222


410.20 means an audit

497f04 No.30223


please post screen shots

caca0f No.30224


LOL! Nice one anon.

66a22f No.30225

File: 318aa9dd6cc4462⋯.png (162.74 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

6fd1f0 No.30226


that account is awesome. i'll just pretend it's real.

b33178 No.30227

File: 518ee21047e79bb⋯.png (57.78 KB, 336x505, 336:505, ClipboardImage.png)


1ff402 No.30228


Free Beer Tomorrow

37c793 No.30229

File: 1197d964878ddf2⋯.png (29.22 KB, 608x523, 608:523, ClipboardImage.png)


He's the Haitian President that Hildabeast helped get elected…..

caca0f No.30230


Just Google it. You cant miss it.

413023 No.30231


Anthony Scaramuqqi follows 278,000 twitter accounts.

b72e9e No.30232

File: dea7468a4c500c2⋯.png (198.1 KB, 1124x705, 1124:705, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

"The TRUMP project involved three partners and one subcontractor. Serco Usability Services co-ordinated the project and provided the usability expertise to the user partners, IR and IAI. Lloyd's Register provided independent assessment of the usability maturity before and after the application at IR."

54f01d No.30234


No trip *coughs* but yes there are several different Q styles. Some thought FBIANON was/is on Q team. I really enjoyed the statistical analysis made in last bread…would be cool to see someone do more of that for other "coincidences" with Q.

881f90 No.30235


>why would you stick around?

A few reasons:

1. you have a GPS tracker on your ankle, that only the Feds can remove

2. your passport has been suspended

3. the US Marines can be dispatched to your hidey-hole to retrieve you

(or, if your resist, to kill you right then & there)

"You can run, but you'll just die tired."

1ff402 No.30236


"Fast trials, death penalty."

c0203b No.30237


Wouldn’t put much stock in the numbers being correct look who put them out, an agency known for losing kids, and abusing them…

fb78cc No.30238

File: 51dc1e42cc3ff08⋯.jpg (482.16 KB, 600x340, 30:17, moses.jpg)

File: 1040dc6ed15f80d⋯.jpg (244.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, manofyear.jpg)

File: 8ad75cf37af79a6⋯.png (298.96 KB, 600x550, 12:11, maga.png)


All the dirty/big news gets buried on Friday rush hour when nobody's watching CNN sitting in Traffic and ready to get drunk.

Have patience and stop whining

caca0f No.30239


It is all over the web. Just Google it or look on jewtube. Massive arrests and sealed indictments unleashed. We are in the eye of the storm. FINALLY!


c96c15 No.30240

File: 90bdcbb713b5294⋯.mp4 (9.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NiggerRant.mp4)

To all the anons in here who could use a laugh, watch this random guy call Don Lemon a nigger TWICE along with countless other favs while keeping a straight face.

This is now CNN.

23f106 No.30241

File: 22aeca4df0e196f⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 480x384, 5:4, I-dunno.jpg)


Maybe hiding out in George Webb's basement.

1ff402 No.30242


Two Eejits

8a6653 No.30243


ahahahaha yes indeed!! Good one

202c28 No.30244


Sauce or STFU

841c57 No.30245



caca0f No.30246


There is no sauce. There aint nothin. At all. I am being sarcastic.



4b4107 No.30247

File: 71f73e49d005406⋯.jpeg (198.55 KB, 876x1062, 146:177, image1.jpeg)

Follow the money…IRS audits are how POTUS is going to take these corrupt foundations down

e24687 No.30248

What ever happened with that Panama research?

Came across this from Nov.


34af2f No.30249


ok post your nudes then

881f90 No.30250


Bless your heart, anon. Thank you for all your help.

3cd0bb No.30251

File: 63670fbc9f2780e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1033x700, 1033:700, Happy New Year Autists.png)

File: d457469af6623f8⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 634x427, 634:427, 22hqic.jpg)


Great use of colors,, I LOVE IT. When you did the shill, kek,planefag one( words from cbts) And we discussed having all the information, research, that is floating around in everyones head, just like your first one. I'm impressed with your work,, Have to say again,, MOST OUTSTANDING WORK.

I'm quite proud to be a member of the Q Team, with talented anons, such as yourself.

619175 No.30252



497f04 No.30253


was a news story out a couple years ago that showed how all the charity groups that solicit funds on tv commercials paid $1.50 for every dollar that was collected for the charity. the ones for the starving kids in African countries and the ones for the dying animals. probably ran by the cf. i will look for article.

eb7241 No.30254


One is too many, but let's use the 16,000 figure?

Thanks! I'm putting this on a government website to spread the word. As close as I can get to telling normies about Q.

202c28 No.30255


You shouldn't be here. Go play in traffic.


1ff402 No.30256


"We may be guilty of treason, sedition, child rape and murder, but Trump said Shithole. He's a bad, bad person. Very bad."

413023 No.30257

File: 27e37d2fbf07a2b⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 530x245, 106:49, LoopBadSign.JPG)


d1dd30 No.30258

File: b1b521a0ae67548⋯.jpeg (85.27 KB, 750x500, 3:2, DTTHlY-XcAA2z-F.jpeg)

dff2e9 No.30259

US Ambassador resigns


b33178 No.30260


..next day trump tower was on fire

just a qinkeedink..

fuck off faggot..just because you cant figure it out doesnt mean we cant

f85c38 No.30261

File: 9b2b3c2dc785c1a⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 2018-01-12 13.42.50.jpg)


POTUS tweet last night "think Merit"

Merit anagram of TIMER

Count backwards 15 10 5 0

850412 No.30262

File: 8cb1853f2011f0a⋯.png (42.95 KB, 610x405, 122:81, tick.png)

File: cc2aa872add12b1⋯.png (62.28 KB, 594x396, 3:2, tock.png)


Clintons with former President Michel Martelly

caca0f No.30263



1ff402 No.30264


No, that exists in SF. It's a unique bread requiring the SF area climate to be made properly. Best bread, because no gmos or wheat.

41f7ab No.30265



Hmm….forced resignation or just a political asshat? Hard to tell…

a1b320 No.30266


So putting heads of great women on bodies of naked women real? lol

619175 No.30267

File: 1008175b25953c7⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 317x300, 317:300, 1472434388853.jpg)

fb0356 No.30268

File: 2374c8fb67e4113⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1177x500, 1177:500, Haiti 8.png)

File: 374ca79d827dab8⋯.png (622.91 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Haiti 10.png)

413023 No.30269

Loop Capital Bonds Swaps LIBOR


881f90 No.30270


Bless your heart, anon. Thank you for all your help.

f85c38 No.30271

Loop Capital targeting nation wide pension funds

https:// www.google.com/url?q=http:// loopcapital.com/sites/default/files/Loop%2520Capital%2520Final%2520Pension%2520Slides.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwie8c_CkNPYAhVo8IMKHQ6nCjQ4FBAWCAswAA&usg=AOvVaw0ZVXUwQ3KxTEFvnIqWfprU

fb78cc No.30272

File: e630fb5fc798264⋯.png (370.37 KB, 594x396, 3:2, clinton haiti kids.png)


The look on that womans face

dd096a No.30273


I think it might be safe to say that most of us haven't posed for nude photographers.

464636 No.30274


Loop Capital analyst Anthony Chukumba thinks CEO's resign because they're "fed up" with an activist investor?

Not much of an analyst.

850412 No.30275


She knows lol

fb78cc No.30276


First one is very good kek

34af2f No.30277


well…if you want loop capital to mean a capital letter shaped like a loop, that would be an O

Obama and Oprah would fit that theory and Oprah was heavily in the news after that mention…

c0203b No.30278


Sounds like they are getting the money to run

1ff402 No.30279


Yeah, Q is "crystal clear." If incompetent bullshit is see through.

d7fb7c No.30280


Yeah, it seems. Some of us have been waiting a lot longer than late October. Megaanon has been talking about actual justice since before then and some other insiders since the mid summer. Secret agenda being carried out. Mueller is /ourguy.

But there is no reason our frustration should have any bearing on what is really occurring in DC. That is the important fact in all this. It is not a show for our amusement.

Probably the slowdown here is because of the lack of activity in the news, however. I think the YT celebs are going to see a dying off of audience. People get tired of pure hype after a while.

283548 No.30281


Wow. Litertally. A WoW meme. Based on the cap we still talking racism and shit holes then? Been gone an hour and just got back. Sorry.

850412 No.30282

eb1a15 No.30283

e8a3cd No.30284


oh it's one of those.

What's good about it other than absurd chuckles? The guy/guys running it probably don't even like the president. fuck them.

881f90 No.30285


Bless your heart, anon. Thank you for all your help.

12a2d8 No.30286


I don't think you should play in traffic as another anon has posted, but this isn't the place to debate if Q is a larp or not. reddit is a pretty good place for that you'll find lots of like minded people.

1ff402 No.30287


Oh, so theyre the ones who gave her a cold.

54f01d No.30288


What did you mean by this?


52a33e No.30289

File: ae2e67e3bbae61e⋯.png (402.65 KB, 1195x540, 239:108, POTUSDELTA.png)

File: cf51231f951daf6⋯.png (342.19 KB, 919x378, 919:378, b34ecc.png)

READ Graphic First

pics related



>>27441 tip of the hat to "peanut" marker theory, only post in thread

caca0f No.30290

f6155c No.30291

File: d35e1536ae263ab⋯.png (508.14 KB, 556x528, 139:132, icmecboard.png)


a former 18 year US Senator

Elizabeth Bagley

and Richard Branson

Human Traffickers!!!!

1ff402 No.30292


Pray tell us what DEFCON [1] means if not all-out war NOW.

12a2d8 No.30293


Wow. What's happening?

3a57f8 No.30294


And maybe hitting the bond market on the way out the door

e8a3cd No.30295


oh it's you again…

c7dad0 No.30296

File: bfab2e3350e2f2a⋯.jpg (199.49 KB, 1200x1102, 600:551, LoopCap.jpg)

37c793 No.30297


Almost spit out my coffee!!!

de9780 No.30298


Defense contractor?


67e91c No.30299


mm yes that was on the list as well

last time I posted anything to do with DJT

five families or going to certain schools people get upset. but they don't understand.

It is difficult to explain in terms that are easily understood.

If one wished to teach the ways of the wolf to their offspring, the infant would be placed in a wolf's den

881f90 No.30300


>Q is acting as the NPC of a puzzle quest

Just an ARG, then? Serious question.

>But I am pretty sure this is just thrills for shills.

Why for shills, if the anons are all distracted going down rabbit shitholes?

2a071f No.30301


prolly for the best

41f7ab No.30302

File: 7a5ba666d658a88⋯.png (64.24 KB, 440x195, 88:39, branson.png)


"Branson" - not "Branon".

b72e9e No.30303

File: 4f99c8ac9d263d0⋯.png (466.04 KB, 1086x700, 543:350, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)




greenland ?

1ff402 No.30304


She'll announce her retirement soon.

37c793 No.30305


It means what Q already told us what it means. Pay Attention or get the f out!!!!!

3cd0bb No.30306


These could be an effective red pill in one shot. Could you make ones with just the connections/crumbs ,, loop capital, peoples names, rothschilds, Soros, Obama,. I can help you , ill make a list,( you don't have to use everything) It will be in the next thread, this one is getting full quick.

34af2f No.30307


the logical assumption is that the small fish will be taken down without fan fair before the big fish. and the small fish will squeal all the way to the top. so then you get more dirt on more big fish.

39c629 No.30308

File: 08ce35bc429a93b⋯.png (867.56 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, UK eyes only.png)

Goys anyone got the sauce on this

pic related

I got someone telling me this was made by Kushner and Putin durring a secret meeting at the kremlin….HAHAHA

41f7ab No.30309


Have these three people been linked to trafficking? Might want to include a link to sauce in the image.

619175 No.30310


Could it BE??? Hehe - sometimes the simplest answer is the right one…

f85c38 No.30311


I think they started with the bonds and moved to include pensions based on the acquisitions all over the internet. Most are pdf. Tedious reading for non-actuary brain

67e91c No.30312


yea roman jesuits

archived shit ton of info on them/zionists/vatican albeit unsure on its authenticity of info

anything you are interested in

54f01d No.30314


Ulitimate trolling by Q. Means big shit is habbening behind the scenes.

How many times has the US been at Defcon 1???

0212c6 No.30315

File: 90f82001bccbfef⋯.jpg (807.84 KB, 900x1134, 50:63, table document.jpg)


Not sure that it does say Goal 11. This is my best effort at sharpening up and unskewing the text and it loos to end with a double T.

43a5aa No.30316

Is there no presser today?

dff2e9 No.30317


3 month notice made Dec 27th, before the shithole comment. Could be tied to DACA decisions. DACA is not a presidential issue. it's a Congress issue.

guys citing "personal reasons" Not sure there's any way to dig details from this event. Just a coincidental resignation from government. Ambassadorships are coveted though…..

e8a3cd No.30318


pretty sure the highest we've ever been is Defcon 3 but dont quote me on that.

01bbd3 No.30319

WV Senator resigns Another one bites the dust. www.wvnstv.com/local-news/raleigh-county/sen-jeff-mullins-resigns-from-wv-senate/911789334

54f01d No.30320


Bs from last year. Fake

f6549f No.30321

File: c8e4e406969164b⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 1477675837146.jpg)

0ab17a No.30322






1ff402 No.30323


I've been analyzing complex info since long before you were born and I know incompetent fuckery when I see it.

39c629 No.30324



But this goy actually believes this

fb78cc No.30325


Thanks for reposting my wonderful memes :-)

Not sure how they are related…

34af2f No.30326


c5ae84 No.30327

Has anybody checked into Sidney Dillard, Managing Director of Loop Capital Markets, LLC, and Managing Director, Leadership Greater Chicago

1ff402 No.30328


You havent even figured out how to get to college yet. Get real.

4c46ee No.30329


. You're absolutely right. It IS odd! NOT normal. well…. it's so common now that it's not "news", but for the first 2/3 of my life it wasn't normall, it was in fact RARE.

check local level media. blackouts, blown transformers (modern grids can handle a few going down without affecting power but they still grab attention when they go) , emergency landings due to "smoke"… as if the sun was flaring up daily. Only, the sun isn't doing anything.

41f7ab No.30330


Hm….didn't someone report that this ambassador resigned over the "shithole" comment? That was why I commented.

55168a No.30331


top kek

1ff402 No.30332



619175 No.30333


No, somebody got it right - they were some kind of phoenetic symbols. Greek, hell I don't remember. That was awhile back for me already… It was def child trafficking related.

9020f1 No.30334


Dude's head looks like a chocolate almond.

e8a3cd No.30335


if politicians are gonna resign over that, fuck them, odds are good they did more harm than good anyway.

881f90 No.30336


> been on Twitter all morning fighting

Maybe don't fight – just post memes.

I've seen some TWTR accounts that are just meme posts.

They end up with many followers, when the memes are good.

54f01d No.30337


Very relevant to explain this to PotterFags

< US has never been at Defcon 1

283548 No.30338

File: 3d62fc8e4a1861d⋯.png (214.3 KB, 911x877, 911:877, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of Loop Capital, and who or what would give Dick Durbin (a white guy) the balls to come out so hard on the president. Why is he slobbering at the bit so hard? What is his demographic constituency in Illinois, and how much Chi town money did he take or get wrapped up in? Maybe he is just a fucktard, but I'll start digging. he stuck his head out of the gopher hole.

f83710 No.30339

Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him.

11:14 AM - 12 Jan 2018

1ff402 No.30340


Potter will be proven correct. Future proves the past, not Qtards.

43a5aa No.30341


Yes, she was also on Obama's presidential library committee. She is also connected to other Chicago groups.

fb78cc No.30342

File: a51fad3383a06c0⋯.png (403.02 KB, 600x347, 600:347, hillary haiti rip.png)

File: c3867a0da1630c4⋯.png (430.24 KB, 600x428, 150:107, hillary smile.png)

413023 No.30343


Alien language? Dude holding little girl?

Good work.

9796b8 No.30344

File: 8b0ed47ef2d8888⋯.jpg (257.68 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Uranium Twisting the Drago….jpg)

For those that somehow missed it,

Check it-out folks, hot off the press!!

The Hillary - Obama - Mueller - Comey - McCabe global uranium theft ring



https:// media.8ch.net/file_store/31d7d13a9ca2ca9a47d373019181de3bd30e45e2f5f7f7b7b8c84d0f163f3cf4.jpg

44c817 No.30345


>enemy is monitoring comms

>having to speak in code

Best part is, they have to come HERE to try and glom what Anons have come up with re:decode.


you rub their faces in it…

fb0356 No.30346


>WV Senator resigns

effective today, "resigned due to obligations to his business and family." hmmmm

6efa11 No.30347


>wikileaks.org/ clinton-emails/?q=Loop+Capital&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult

Looks as though Hillary and Podesta were meeting with Jim Reynolds from Loop Capital.

No problem. He's got a full schedule so it there will be people around to keep him occupied if you're running late. How late was your train?

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:40 AM, John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote:

Train is late but I should be there for Balz I think.

On Thursday, May 28, 2015, Milia Fisher <mfisher@hillaryclinton.com> wrote:

OK sounds good. I'll let them know that you're not opposed if that's their preference.

Thank you!

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:36 AM, John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote:

If dinner works better for them, I can do. I was trying to have dinner with Mae that night, but that's iffy and I can always catch up with her later.

On Monday, May 25, 2015, Milia Fisher <mfisher@hillaryclinton.com> wrote:

Fantastic, I will let finance know right away. Thank you!

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 1:47 PM, John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes please. Very good group and happy to do as a meeting or dinner whichever works best for Frank and whichever can get scheduled sooner rather than later.

On May 25, 2015 1:03 PM, "Milia Fisher" <mfisher@hillaryclinton.com> wrote:

Hi John-

Finance asked us to send over the attendee list for the proposed meeting with Frank White in NY. Frank agreed that this doesn't have to be a dinner, just a roundtable meeting.

Please let us know if you're OK with us pursuing a date for this meeting. Eryn will also have this list in hard copy for you tomorrow.

Thank you!


1. Brian Mathis, Partner - Pinestreet Asset Management

2. Kneeland Youngblood, Pharos Capital

3. Tracy Maitland, Founder of Advent Capital

4. Jack Brewer, Founder of The Brewer Group

5. Ray McGuire, Global Head of Banking, Citigroup

6. Frank Cooper, Head of Marketing/Consumer Engagement, Pepsi

7. Tony West, General Counsel, Pepsi

8. Kevin Liles, Founder KWL Enterprises, Former Senior Exec at Warner Music

9. John Rogers, Founder of Ariel Capital

10. Chris Williams, Founder Williams Capital

11. Jim Reynolds, Founder Loop Capital

12. Harold Ford, Morgan Stanley

13. John Rhea, former head of NYCHA and former Sr. MD at Barclays and JP Morgan

14. Robert Greene (NAIC)

15. Tom Soto/Pilar Avilar (NAA)

16. Derek Jones (Grosvenor)

17. Chris Chan (AAAIM)

Milia Fisher

Special Assistant to the Chair

Hillary for America


o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741

Milia Fisher

Special Assistant to the Chair

Hillary for America


o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741

Milia Fisher

Special Assistant to the Chair

Hillary for America


o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741

Milia Fisher

Special Assistant to the Chair

Hillary for America


o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741

eb7241 No.30348



One guy said it was a prediction. I think they let the cat out of the bag, then tried to hide it because of the intense reaction. "Sky Fortress engaged" Does not sound like "definitely confirmed" was really intended.

c7dad0 No.30349


>if politicians are gonna resign over that, fuck them, odds are good they did more harm than good anyway.

Its an excuse that gives them a way out. God only knows how corrupt the ambassador to panama is.

fb78cc No.30350

File: fe3dfa6a3947ec0⋯.png (101.9 KB, 375x360, 25:24, pepe finger.png)

File: 71d59aa50f2f816⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 512x379, 512:379, pink.jpg)


Move on then. Why are you here shill?

62c596 No.30351

File: 4fd5244fac0d352⋯.jpg (33.55 KB, 553x445, 553:445, radar1.JPG)

File: f24daea2945779b⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 831x554, 3:2, spider-map-columns1.JPG)


I like the spider map. Here's an improvement.

Instead of the radiating dimensions being numbers, what if they should be the Estates (or as President Trump called them at that meeting (with the white hat CIA?) "Columns."

So instead of Area, GDP, etc, it could be:

1. Religion

2. Nobility / Money / Banking,

3. Government

4. Military

5. Media / Entertainment

So that covers the 5 columns that diagram a pentagon. But we have 6 in our diagram. What's new since the "golden" age of popery?

6. Science/Technology

34af2f No.30352



Plus Ultra

Pillars of Hercules


shhhh secrets….

e8a3cd No.30353


Wow, okay during the CMC we were at Defcon 2.

de9780 No.30354


I have no sauce could totally be a bad memory but wasn't there evidence somewhere that (((they))) cause Haiti? Dropped a nuke in the ocean or some shit

Prob old misintel

dff2e9 No.30355

US hitting Hezbollah drug trade showing signs of success. You won't read this story from MSM


cut of money trail. kill the beast.

a06c49 No.30356


Thanks, yes, I see that now. I'm caught up.

850412 No.30357

Trump signed Jan. 15th to be MLK federal holiday.

Another MLK act after park.


41f7ab No.30358


Russian word associated with pedo networks. This was discussed WAY too long - may save everyone time to go back and search the threads for it. It was a shitstorm of sliding/shilling - don't want that to happen again.

fb0356 No.30359


Damn, that evil bitch has some nerve!

1ff402 No.30360


I believe Trump will do a federal takeover of Chicago. Our NG troops and FBI could clean up that shit in a week.

41f7ab No.30361



dbec7f No.30362


I know I haven't done enough research to see if it's real, don't care, does NK even have Twitter?

2f5ba8 No.30363

File: de2133ec41d6f9c⋯.jpg (104.73 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 22kydk.jpg)

9796b8 No.30364

File: b78e29aef32d743⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 300x279, 100:93, capital_loop_gifts_logo_sm….jpg)

Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. This is the Q message decoded.

https:// 8ch.net/thestorm/res/18431.html

a2dbac No.30365

might be of interest. I follow this account on twatter….kinda looks like a Q team member…..check out this twat.

https:// twitter. com/55true4u/status/951580840022044672

1ff402 No.30366


Con Air?

41f7ab No.30367


Whoopi anon? couldn't resist

23f106 No.30368

c5ae84 No.30371

34af2f No.30373

File: 6827097d57b7d19⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 300x275, 12:11, storyblocks-power-button-w….jpg)

8f2f57 No.30374


laughing to the point of tears - good job anon

881f90 No.30375


>They're promoting /thestorm/, you can assume they're deliberately shilling

… or successfully distracted from the work here.

4c46ee No.30376


got that too lol

fb78cc No.30377

File: aec43c6fc80cc97⋯.jpg (30.02 KB, 480x270, 16:9, pepemaga.jpg)


Jesus christ. You take everything literal like Potter?

It's called metaphor

1ff402 No.30378


If Qtists can figure this out, do you really think deep state agents with CIA/FBI/NSA background cannot? THAT would be ridiculous.

a2dbac No.30379


he linked to this old account. Q mentioned an old twatter account didn't he? but check it out. very strange. haven't had the chance to dig

tps://mobile .twitter.com/Cath_agnew

3a57f8 No.30380


Yeah that’s when the shtf over the weekend

6f56ec No.30381


I concur Anon

a1b320 No.30382



Time to find that post and post some of our Haiti post where she stole their money

b77035 No.30383


Q isn't talking about the capstone of the Eastern Gate.

(And the Messiah has already entered it, the Sunday before his crucifixion, when he was greeted with palm branches and praise.

Apparently will again upon return.)

74958f No.30384




That guy reading a book with kid on his lap, ring any bells?

9796b8 No.30385

File: 32811679703e476⋯.jpg (195.34 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ss-171002-las-vegas-shooti….jpg)


https:// 8ch.net/thestorm/res/32883.html

3a57f8 No.30386


Report and corrected both this am

b33178 No.30387


hhaahha HE BAITED HER!!!!!!

41f7ab No.30388


> of money trail. kill the beast.

Good find. Validates this shit.

22013c No.30389


>tps://mobile .twitter.com/Cath_agnew

that's creepy, sounds like a sick person tbh

d72df8 No.30390


Of course they can figure it out and are figuring it out - which is why Q never dropped anything that could jeopardize missions. This is not the purpose of all of this. The purpose is for us autists to find truth for ourselves with prodding from those in the know so we can spread the truth to normalfags through memes.

b33178 No.30391


ahhaha THAT would put us on the payroll lmao

dd096a No.30392


or it was a msg to NK or someone else, not to even think of trying anything while SpaceX is launching.

7edd0d No.30393


I wonder where you got that idea from? heh

3ef62c No.30394


>These people are stupid!

>They are scared.

>80% dark ops necessary.

>20% public for justice.

>The stage must be set.

>Have faith.

9796b8 No.30395

File: b3affb70b621d14⋯.jpg (125.35 KB, 1027x761, 1027:761, CampDavidMeeting.jpg)

Well, well, lookie who was at Camp David!!!

https:// 8ch.net/thestorm/res/20966.html

34af2f No.30396


just image search hillary haiti. the memes are already made

4c8074 No.30397

Fresh Bread: >>30369

Fresh Bread: >>30369

Fresh Bread: >>30369

Fresh Bread: >>30369

Fresh Bread: >>30369

Fresh Bread: >>30369

6c3786 No.30398


Perhaps, the Berlin Clock should be considered.

Background: In front of the C_I Langley building is a sculpture called Kryptos. It has 4 blocks of codes that people have been trying to solve. Codes 1, 2, and 3 have been solved. The first code has a misspelled word, and it was widely believed to have been done to confuse ai code crackers. Here is the first solved code:


Notice the "Q"! The fourth code is unsolved. The code creator has dropped a hint regarding the "Berlin Clock". It is a very unusual clock that is different than a traditional circular clock face.

43a5aa No.30399


Right into the trap! hahahahahaha

1ff402 No.30400


G 'town actually covered up Christian symbols for a Soetero speech at his request. My Catholic h.s. gf went there and 10 years later she was a Dr doing abortions. Ugh.

41f7ab No.30401

File: d9413d46e7dbddf⋯.png (408.49 KB, 863x482, 863:482, hillary.png)

Just flew by on FOX. Anyone wanna take a bet on whether or not this is really Hillary posting about Haiti right about now?

Strange, but perhaps funny as hell. Or tragic. fug

1ff402 No.30402


10/10 would

b0ee23 No.30403


Decepticon fags

a911cd No.30404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

881f90 No.30405


> the following post is too wordy for Q

Agreed. Consensus seems to be it was part of "disinformation" (if it was Q).

>How did the following quote become attributed to Q?

Because of the Q Clearance Patriot part.

850412 No.30406


Flood her with Clinton-Haiti memes.

Twitterfags, GO!

7edd0d No.30407

1ff402 No.30408


Im pretty sure I know who the Q team is. It doesnt matter really, as long as the content comes from the WH.

f85c38 No.30409


Last night i pointed out merit/timer. Anon posted the egg timer.. this collective conscious is it not?

9796b8 No.30410

File: 123d9b6e8bffa3b⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Mueller, Trump, Mnuchin collusion with the banking cartel exposed here.

https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/253212.html

497f04 No.30411


i hope thats what he did and he brings it all out damn it

c7dad0 No.30412


>Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

A patriot has to be in control of that account. She had to have known the memetic excellence flowing from that bread would pill millions.

41f7ab No.30413


> posting about Haiti rig

Almost like someone is serving this shit up on a plate. Bombs away.

881f90 No.30414


>Keep digging on

Or any other topic mentioned in >>>/thestorm/13082

b33178 No.30415

File: 187c5737e872e47⋯.png (52.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepetrump.png)


thanks anon

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