c7af1b No.2358528
are not endorsements
>>2349367, >>2351700 BO floats no-nudity policy, now under review
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2251030 , >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening
>>2355675 BV on nudity posts
>>2358376 Former Virginia High School Science Teacher Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography
>>2358362 Australian Archbishop Philip Wilson resigns after sex abuse cover-up
>>2358189 Avenatti Twat "We are trying to identify this manoutside our offices Yesterday"
>>2358201 Making connections to Arizona Mafia and Mexican Drug Cartels
>>2358059 California Arson
>>2358030, >>2358041 It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it was the British.
>>2357953 Twitter Down Another 8% Today
>>2357942 Israeli Forces Kill Five Gazans, Including 12-Year-Old
>>2357930, >>2358023, >>2358052, >>2358121, >>2358273, >>2358365 PlaneFag Reports
>>2357908 Jefferey Peterson & Who is the Arizona Mafia Thread
>>2357851 Islamic State Drone Program Study Reveals NATO Ratlines
>>2357764 Pixelknot Update
>>2358514 #2971
>>2357014 ; >>2357216 POTUS: no preconditions for meeting with Iran
>>2357038 Senate resolution demanding declassification of 9/11 docs
>>2357049 ; >>2357081 ; >>2357136 ; >>2357175 ; >>2357232 Police and Medical helicopter activity over DC, midwest, etc.
>>2357054 New filing in M.M.M. v. Sessions: Filing Fee Received
>>2357066 ; >>2357080 ; >>2357469 Jeffrey Peterson on the ArizonaMafia, major digging avenues/connections
>>2357205 Italy: “We are no longer Europe’s doormats”
>>2357225 On BIS, US memberships, and the Federal Reserve
>>2357280 8ch.net traffic over the past 30 days
>>2357378 Hussein delays presidential library another year
>>2357479 @Jack hinting at latest censorship strategy/method for covering their asses
>>2357483 Waterstone Mortgage founder and CEO resigns
>>2357532 PA Dem candidate wants to tax couples for having more than two children
>>2357587 McConnell: wall funding would “probably” have to wait until after midterms
>>2357712 Dilanian called out as CIA pet reporter
>>2357699 #2970
>>2356266 Perspective on Giuliani and RICO (analysis/commentary)
>>2356376 Giuliani: Trump team preparing “counter-report” to Mueller probe
>>2356441 Video: POTUS and Italy PM Joint Press Conference
>>2356508 Pixelknot update
>>2356522 SPLC Co-founder accused of trying to molest stepdaughter with sex toy
>>2356647 ; >>2356659 ; >>2356675 ; >>2356689 ; >>2356724 Planefag Report
>>2356688 ; >>2356720 Italian PM mentions CA wildfires, Libya leadership in press conference opener
>>2356784 DJT gov’t shutdown question response
>>2356950 #2969
>>2355529 Wikileaks’ twitter chats
>>2355555 Avenatti on 3D printed firearms
>>2355607 Tweets and deltas collection
>>2355673 ; >>2355745 Giuliani: “They don’t have a goddamn thing”
>>2355793 Scam projects in Hawaii
>>2355869 DOJ PSC activity for July
>>2356044 Spreadsheet Update
>>2356129 Comparison of annual PSC activity btw. DJT Admin vs. Hussein
>>2356192 CA fires occurring largely in Republican areas
>>2356211 Nunes looking for “legal remedies” against twitter shadowbanning
>>2356156 #2968
>>2354737 Rand Paul in support of Kavanaugh
>>2354768 stegdetect results on /qresearch/ images
>>2354780 CBS suspends CEO Les Moonves
>>2354902 More Avenatti digging
>>2355177 Project Safe Childhood (PSC) (per Q >>2355103 )
>>2355193 Dozoretz dig compilation
>>2355358 Manafort trial first test for Mueller
>>2355388 #2967
Previously Collected Notables
>>2354623 #2966, >>2353837 #2965
>>2351465 #2962, >>2352273 #2963, >>2353097 #2694
>>2348957 #2959, >>2349907 #2960, >>2351434 #2961 ob
>>2346716 #2956, >>2347493 #2957, >>2348374 #2958
>>2343560 #2953, >>2345051 #2954, >>2345836 #2955
>>2346126 #2950, >>2346143 #2951, >>2342726 #2952
>>2339641 #2947, >>2340432 #2948, >>2341210 #2949
>>2337319 #2944, >>2338114 #2945, >>2338887 #2946
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
c7af1b No.2358531
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
Anon Research Tools
>>974637 How to archive a website offline
Threads & Research Section
>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity
>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)
>>1667382 --- META
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>870846 --- The Letter Q
>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread
>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game
>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.
>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2
>>618758 --- Merkel research thread
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A
>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials
>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")
>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312
>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project
>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488
Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490
Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950
Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103
Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303
Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2254903
Q Graphics all in EST
Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
c7af1b No.2358533
QPosts Archives in All Formats
* Q Clearance Archive:
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/384624849/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-6-0?secret_password=8mEuXmnRBOy4TdKbwBd7
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q8sfoo8hi8idhm8/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.6.0.pdf
* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439
* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)
* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807
* QAnonProofs.com
* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html
* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]
* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp
* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help
*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Tweet Tools
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
Other Tools
* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905
* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157
* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884
Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
==New Bakers Required== Read this ---> >>2172540
3480f7 No.2358552
Trump will win. God willing.
c7af1b No.2358555
4ba08c No.2358567
Graphic on the pic of the guy outside MA's Cali office
3add62 No.2358577
q drop about pixelknot
anons found pixel knot messages posted on /qresearch/ before Q drop
sha256 hashes
pages they were posted
html files of pages
original filenames of the images
original weird filenames
breaking the encryption
none of the images have been cracked yet
these methods are confirmed to work on test images
PixelKnot on Bluestacks
use the last 1/3 of the password to crack first layer of f5 encryption
>curl https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/f5-steganography/f5.jar –output f5.jar
>java -jar f5.jar x -p plan -e out.txt Q4example.jpg
>cat out.txt
look at the old posts, at the id of the post and replies
learn the tactics (Thank You Baker)
find and recognize patterns
>>2314068 Exodus Chapter 8
d92cbe No.2358596
Q, is the plan shutdown end of Sept. and arrests when shut down?
6ba6bd No.2358597
Why are SHILLS heavily attacking the board?
Is it because this movement now got strong enough to give the bad actors real PANIC?
Was the PLAN made long ago and has simply no other option than to bigly WIN?
Remember why we are here, Patriots.
>>2355980 by Q
FIGHT the censorship. (!!!!!)
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to play.
They want you devided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
let's do that! MAKE IT RAIN! Be HEARD!
Dig, Meme, Pray. >>2357288 >>2357234
And wake up the [WORLD]!
cf74fb No.2358599
>>2358578 (lb)
That's been "The Plan" all year, hasn't it? Sit back and trust. Let it all burn.
40c047 No.2358600
Previous Bread:
It's legit!
Wait a minute, though. Avenatti's image was edited!!! Reversed, and the rear-view warning light isn't there.
d3763a No.2358602
Q said "May have to push this" for getting someone to ask THE question. Is Q real?
So by MA posting a Q pick, involving PD.. maybe that will work
9ab47a No.2358603
>>2358520 (last)
Not the point! Q DID come here! If he came to your house for dinner, would you serve your cooking on dirty plates with dirty silverware?
No! You wouldn't!
HONOR The Mission! It's a DIGNIFIED Mission! Do what's BEST for The Mission!
Porn does NOTHING to enhance and reinforce The Mission!
3add62 No.2358604
1e9adb No.2358605
I posted earlier that Avenatti could be our guy in disguise. He's cozy with the enemy and he's VERY brash…perfect patsy to get stuff unredacted that ends up implicating cabal…
Would make for a good movie ending. If true. I'm not sold yet, but popped in my head last night.
The Sting
952387 No.2358608
>>2358189 PB
I think Avenatti and Stormy are both working for POTUS
How fucking stupid would he have to be otherwise. Michael Cohen, Daniels, Avenatti are all GREAT ACTORS.
7a1dd1 No.2358609
He could be a honeypot
114b89 No.2358613
c8e29a No.2358614
reposting from end of lb
Anons 3 things:
1. why did Italian PM mention wildfires during the press conference today?
notably, POTUS did NOT (because he knows they are not "wildfires"- they are arson as per Q's posts today)
what could this signify? italy may not want to be europe's doormat anymore but that was a very awkard moment - trending on twitter
2. re: POTUS meeting with iran - i think he's setting the stage for strings being cut. has to slow walk this for optics but we're seeing the very beginnings of >iran while eu is being cleaned up - saving israel for last of course
i suspect dealing with the israel/jq problem is heavily tied with hollywood/pedowood/media problems which brings me to
3. news today re: guardians of the galaxy and james gunn
hollywood whistleblowers have made it clear they are PUSHING to "exonerate" gunn in the court of public opinion bc they do NOT want to set a precedent for firing/removal/punishment of pedos especially when more are exposed
we must not let them get away with this
there's a lot for us to focus on right now and we are being divided here with the nudity/censorship issue but this last thing NEEDS to be a priority because it's the only thing WE as anons can do to affect change in terms of [[MSM]] narrative
they are doing the same thing with CBS CEO
we cannot let either of them get away with this
push back on social media and twitter.
thank you for reading and god bless you all.
40c047 No.2358615
Well, I've sworn up and down, now, for months, that Stormy works for Trump. This is a very plausible scenario. Might explain why he posted that photo!
Dropping clues?
7908ac No.2358617
Has anyone tried opening Avenatti's image (with the black dot) with PixelKnot? Pic related.
a4953a No.2358620
Here's the Avennatti Q Proof for the fresh bread.
11aad0 No.2358621
Pakistan parties ‘to oppose Khan’ after ‘rigged’ vote
Pakistan’s political parties say they will join hands against the “stolen mandate” of Imran Khan, whose party won the most votes in the July 25 election. Former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani of the Pakistan People’s Party said all parties reject the interference of state agencies in the election, calling it the “worst rigged” in history, AP said. It’s unclear whether the parties will be able to prevent Khan, a former cricket star believed to have the support of the military, from forming the next government. His Tehrik-e-Insaf Party won the most seats, with 115, but fell short of a majority in the 242-seat assembly. Khan’s party claims to have enough support to form a national and two provincial governments.
8418b1 No.2358622
i think so too.
i keep pointing at his proximity to that other building/Jon Kline.
that's no accident (even if i mistook JK for AJK - JK is still associated with addresses in DC, and shares a registration point with DJT)
33845c No.2358623
Please don't give in to the THOT patrol, BO.
Anons would be happy with "No crotch shots, plz.", while the THOT censoring shills won't be happy until every pretty girl is eliminated from the board.
781492 No.2358624
Aww RIP Haitian fren
aa287d No.2358627
Agreed…it's pretty obvious now.
Cohen will sink the Media with his recordings.
Avenatti will sink the DNC/HRC with probably insider knowledge/being involved in the FISA app.
Stormy was the laser pointer dot.
7a1dd1 No.2358628
677ee6 No.2358630
>married to Maureen with a daughter Ellie
>had an affair WITH A JUROR and got her pregnant (aborted)
>the married couple reconciled, but Dees kept seeing his mistress and giving her money
>Dees tried to get his wife to agree to a "contract" wherein he'd be able to remain married and schtoop the mistress
>the wife finally left him
>Dees traveled with the girlfriend and daughter Ellie, sharing a room in Vegas. Dees claimed the girlfriend spent the night in the lobby.
>Dees tried to get his wife to agree to remain married, but live separately in an open marriage allowing her other sexual partners as long as she was discreet
>The first time his wife exercised her sexual freedom, Dees and a PI, who were lying in wait in the wife's hotel bathroom, jumped out to take photographs as proof of infidelity AND BROKE HIS WIFE'S JAW
>Dees then handed his wife a separation agreement giving him custody of their daughter and a wholly unfair property settlement
>The parties began divorce proceedings in earnest
>The divorce uncovered evidence of Dees' massive ego and his belief of his sexual magnetism. He claimed he enjoyed turning gay men on and wanted a gay experience. Early in the marriage he encouraged his wife to make him a cuckold.
>Dees had multiple affairs, including with colleagues at SPLC.
>Dees invited a man to his house and tried to engage in three-way sex with his wife
>Step-daughter incident (previously described in notables)
>Dees and young adult future daughter in law went skinny-dipping together and he emerged with an erection
The foregoing is a summary of the facts in the record of Dees’ divorce proceeding in the 70s. Imagine what the full facts are of this vicious deviant before and after his marriages.
8418b1 No.2358632
of course she does. how many other porn actresses have just been blindly accepted and loved into circles like SNL?
she said "a storms a'comin for you" and looked right into the camera.
she wasn't talking to POTUS, kek.
d7a2ab No.2358633
Authorities launch first human trafficking unit on Long Island
effdb2 No.2358634
e434cf No.2358635
It was cropped from the qpost. Then a dot was added to remove it from image searches.
1b19b0 No.2358636
The quarrels you see are between.shills.
Do NOT engage shills.
4ba08c No.2358637
updated graphic
this pic was taken YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, and posted likely within the hour it was taken by Q
5f1e67 No.2358639
dbe3f2 No.2358640
q proof, gore is back….Q incoming?
2932fc No.2358641
Re Avenatti Twat >>2358189 lb.
the left is used to id the guy.. genius!!!
2b2209 No.2358642
Muh boobs to muh jews to muh gore
c29fbb No.2358643
952387 No.2358644
If you haven’t figured out who Avenatti is really working for yet you’re extremely slow.
The picture of the Jet on his twitter otherwise would literally be the DUMBEST FUCKING THING IN HUMAN HISTORY. Imagine him trying to explain it away if they had been successful. He’s an undercover white hat. Only explanation.
74fecd No.2358645
so that wasn't a smoke in dudes hand yesterday.
guy looks like (((italian mob))). Those mobster kikes are surely still around
65c9a2 No.2358647
Bots / shills being deployed on IG and Twitter to support the message from the Guardians cast.
I think we need an op against this asshole. They are even pulling in lower level actors to do damage control in the comments.
They are fighting mighty hard for this one. Why?
fd055b No.2358648
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Start this at 25:53
Alan Dershowitz
40c047 No.2358649
7a1dd1 No.2358650
5252d3 No.2358651
Are you saying that Google's streetview car drove by an hour before Q took his picture?
4ba08c No.2358652
hahahahahahah didn't even notice
copypasta this into your blank User JS:
var imageBlacklist = [] ;
function loadImageBlacklist() { JSON.parse(localStorage.imageBlacklist || "[]").forEach(addToImageBlaclist); }
function saveImageBlacklist() { localStorage.imageBlacklist = JSON.stringify(imageBlacklist); }
function addToImageBlaclist(md5) { if (md5 && -1 === imageBlacklist.indexOf(md5)) imageBlacklist.push(md5); }
function blacklistPostImages(post) { $(post).find('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { var md5 = el.getAttribute('data-md5'); addToImageBlaclist(md5); el.remove(); }); }
function removeBlacklistedImages() { var removed = 0; $('img.post-image').each(function (i, el) { if (-1 !== imageBlacklist.indexOf(el.getAttribute('data-md5'))) { el.remove(); removed += 1; } }); return removed; }
function onNopeClicked(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); loadImageBlacklist(); var post = $(event.target).closest('.post'); blacklistPostImages(post); removeBlacklistedImages(); saveImageBlacklist(); }
function addNopeButtons() { $('.post').each(function(i, post) { if ($(post).find('.nope').length === 0) { $(post).prepend("<input type='button' class='nope' onClick='onNopeClicked(event)' value='Nope'></input>"); } }) }
setInterval(function () { loadImageBlacklist(); removeBlacklistedImages(); addNopeButtons(); }, 500);
click save, then press NOPE
58618c No.2358653
File: 1886e53ea1acf47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 239.87 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, naked-girl-eating-breakfas….jpg)
Thank you, baker.
Welcome normies. We hope you find your stay here comfy af.
f5bf20 No.2358654
Repost of Avenatti Tweet
Link to keep tabs on the comments of you want
Some of the comments are typical TDS and some are funny
592e0b No.2358655
Wow the actors even autographed the James Gunn letter. Politicizing will not work. What does ROOKER know?
4c57a6 No.2358656
Q, is this real?
No free will, pedophilia, coupled with blackmail = complete control => many "innocent" complicit.
(I'm saying this because T seems to have a strangely absent look on his face, doesn't seem to be having "fun" doing it)
7a1dd1 No.2358657
Pls wait
Never interrupt events
c8e29a No.2358659
this the MA tweet in PST or EST? - double check - should be in EST
4ba08c No.2358661
wtf NO
/ourguys/ did!
from a parked car outside MA's office
dd31a2 No.2358664
8418b1 No.2358665
"who is supplying feed"
is odd, and could be doublespeak.
1 - who's providing the intel
2 - who's providing the money/resources/bodies (thinking time to FEED)
and message sent. did this guy drop a package?
6c597f No.2358667
>>2358560 (lb)
Clearly we know where he got the pic. Question is, will he cop to it?
aa287d No.2358669
The picture was posted around noon Pacific time. The shadows are long, and not noontime shadows.
Q said 5 minute delay…maybe taken 5 days ago?
4ba08c No.2358670
fuck its it PST
c35ea5 No.2358671
Yep it is flipped, Reversed, whatever term you want to use
b023ad No.2358672
All day with the tits argument. You will not win the argument. If you don't like to see tits, keep scrolling. Ignore it. Make your own censorship board. Q doesn't dwell on it. Want to know how I know? Because they keep posting on here.
You shit the board up worse than the titty shills.
Get a life and move on.
4ba08c No.2358673
read the MA twatt, it says taken YESTERDAY
113106 No.2358674
11aad0 No.2358675
Antifa Groups Call for ‘Direct Confrontation’ During Free Speech Rally Next Weekend, Members Discuss Bringing Guns
Over the past year and a half, Portland has become a hotbed of clashes between the pro-Trump group “Patriot Prayer” and Antifa. On August 4, Patriot Prayer will be holding another free speech rally and Antifa organizations are calling for “direct confrontation.”
ad80be No.2358676
Digging some interesting info regarding the Redacted IG report / Unredacted IG report and why we want it declassified.
Start at 2:24:50 Rep. Kennedy
“Classified Index”
Page 566 of public version
>Show how the MSM tried to make us look like liars, when it was THEM hiding information from the public.
Complicit in the coverup!
So we learn something new in here. Go to the CSPAN video time: 2:55:50 and watch what Rep. says. I would copy transcript but how about that, it’s mysteriously cut off on the cspan website. So let’s go elsewhere and see what he is talking about:
“According to the Post’s characterization of the alleged document, “Wasserman Schultz claimed Lynch had been in private communication with a senior Clinton campaign staffer named
>Amanda Renteria
during the campaign. The document indicated Lynch had told Renteria that she would not let the FBI investigation into Clinton go too far, according to people familiar with it.”
The senators are seeking answers about a Russian intelligence memo — which was obtained by the FBI — that suggested Lynch had assured a member of the Clinton campaign, Amanda Renteria, that the investigation into Clinton’s emails would not go too far.
The existence of the Russian intelligence memo was first disclosed in April by The New York Times, which said it played a role in Comey’s decision last year to bypass the normal chain of command and make a public announcement that the FBI was not recommending criminal charges against Clinton. He reportedly was worried that the Justice Department’s credibility could be called into question if the announcement came from Lynch, and Russia later leaked the document.
Linked to:
And here is the House Judiciary Committee Letter to Loretta Lynch asking her about this specifically:
Here is the one for Rentierra, I don’t know why that first page is scrambled the way it is on an actual govt website:
Why is this email, which the organizations want so hard to disbelieve, classified at the highest level?
>Who is Amanda Rentierra?
Here are some additional links just to add some flavor to the sauce:
>Notice how all those are from a year ago? I think this is more proof that this is done (re: investigations) and we are just watching the public slow-rollout show
2205c2 No.2358677
They get paid to try.
6454c3 No.2358679
Summary of my view on rogue missile launch 2 (launched at 3:56 AM PDT, June 10, 2018, from Washington state Puget Sound, not the earlier Hawaii-related launch):
Think hack. - Clowns pretending to be China spoof both the hacking origin and the nuclear launch code source/authentication.
Comms dark - Clowns fooled the Ohio-class sub crew into believing whatever scenario was necessary to provoke an immediate launch, comms are black-hat only, no comms with white hats.
Trident II D5 8-MIRV missile (not SM-6, Sea Dragon, Tomahawk, …) is not aimed directly at POTUS/AF-1 but, rather, the city (Singapore) where the Clowns expected him to arrive near the detonation times (under +30 minutes from launch).
POTUS lands 86 min after D5 launch and would certainly have delayed landing upon missile warning in real time, AF-1 air-refueled as necessary.
F-16s on station with advanced NCADE-type weapons over Eastern Pacific (air-refueled periodically) take out the rogue D5 in boost phase, Q's Vols picture confirms takedown near Unimak Island, AK in the Aleutians.
Recovery op for 8 MIRVs started by Navy. No detonation danger (warhead design - classified), but possible radiation-leakage danger if "physics package" broken at impact.
I don't how far MIRVs can be spread out along the trajectory (certainly classified), so maybe they also wanted to take out other cities near the missile path (Tokyo, Manila, Jakarta, Taipei), but probably they planned an 8-MIRV airburst spread around Singapore to guarantee that they got AF-1, regardless of its exact timing and landing approach heading.
e7e7a9 No.2358680
finally the boobie fight is settled down…did anons reach the conclusion that to censor shit we are attempting to stop will not stop the shit attempting to be censored? I hope yes…
I was at first quite skeptical of the necessity of censorship. I slept on the matter. Anons fighting against it are correct. While what we do here may in fact have a necessity of being shared WW possibly even on a live feed, it was anons all along who made that kind of shit tippy top on the list of shit to wipe out. BO/BV/Bakers, NO CENSORS.
Problems must be seen to be addressed, not heard of via relay message. Let the anons do their thing. Let (((them))) think posting shit like that discredits the board. The chans and anons here patriotic to the true causes do not need fame, nor do they need credibility. The truth is reliant upon source, it is anon's jobs to locate source. The peices of the puzzle being put together to locate and eliminate elements of immoralistic perversion unfortunately contain trace elements of said perversion on every peice of the puzzle. It is up to us anons to wade through that shit because it has been set up so as to only be navagible by those whom can handle the perversive shit without faltering or becomming inobjective. If Q wants censors, Q will say censors. Not BO/BV. The movement is bigger than any of us. To blind us intentially is kind of a dick move.
No censors….no filters……my vote after analysis.
4abc32 No.2358682
7a1dd1 No.2358684
Ideas even weird for some doesnt mean mossad, paranoidanon
effdb2 No.2358685
I think the answer is connected to Q's post "Time to FEED."
I understand that "FEED" is an acronym, but I don't understand more than that.
f5bf20 No.2358687
MA tweet is 12:55 pm PDT
aa287d No.2358688
Disinfo is necessary. Just saying it wasn't taken at noon yesterday.
3add62 No.2358689
this creeps me out
d43894 No.2358690
Q will be incoming very soon………………………………………………..
eaaa7c No.2358691
…"will hire outside counsel…"
Something bigger is going on behind the scenes.
4ba08c No.2358692
kek whatever anon
04d754 No.2358693
68e8aa No.2358695
Why did he post a potato quality version?
Because he doesn't really want the guy id'd
7908ac No.2358696
12 seconds after noon yesterday in Newport Beach.
1e9adb No.2358697
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2358627
Very propable at this point. Worked out a deal to pay off debts or cabal is onto him and did that shit to shut his game down. Spitballing.
New information has come to light.
9ab47a No.2358699
>>2358672 I got a life! But nevertheless I agree with you about shitting up the board! I'm done!
4ba08c No.2358700
be712d No.2358701
Probably by Avenatti and his mossad butt buddies. They've been trying to shill up the bread quite a bit ever since he twatted out that picture
aa287d No.2358702
Tell me where on this planet (and no FE BS) you can cast a shadow that long at noon when the sun is directly overhead?
a4953a No.2358703
It also means the person who took the Q pic WORKS for Avenatti, right?
0fcc3e No.2358705
Atheist is the one group that no secret society wants. Because there is a God. And we are all connected.
The Jew pushed that Atheism shit on to you. To seperate you from power. Also atheism rejects the divinity of man which then leads to genocide and abortion.
Sorry dude. The secret is your kind are just tools for some dark magicians to use as minions.
21d879 No.2358706
SHE NEEDS SOME BISCUITS AND GRAvY, TATORS, eggs, bacon, toast with jelly.
2c0a78 No.2358707
Check my half chan trips for your pic
https://boards. half chan.org/pol/thread/180600222
6de145 No.2358708
i see you there
cant even sip on good wine
cause all you assholes
7908ac No.2358709
Correction: With the 5 minute delay, the picture must have been taken around 11:55 am yesterday.
6c597f No.2358711
We assumed that Mr. Unknown Guido worked for MA, (presumably leaving office building).
MA frames it like he doesn't know who Mr. Unknown Guido is, and establishes premise that he's dangerous.
Is Walking While Assumed Italian a crime in CA?
c29fbb No.2358712
5 minute delay. Original q post at 4:00 est. Avenatti post at 3:55. Cohencidence??
eaaa7c No.2358713
He cut out the car window that the picture is taken from!
2b2209 No.2358714
Keep working anons, nobody has any idea when Q will come. Until then here is some motivation to dig.
f618ce No.2358715
some sauce on the Canadian fires in the past
4c4e61 No.2358716
MA is trying to create a Hoover Dam whack job scenario from the Q post.
56de3b No.2358717
Look into Stormy's political ventures int he past and most definitely she is working for POTUS.
Here campaign manager's car got firebombed
f0017d No.2358718
aa287d No.2358721
It's actually pretty brilliant. He's exactly the "type" of guy that the left goes nuts over. Douchy, decent looking, slimy, decently articulate, especially when they are desperate to have someone they think is on their side.
The perfect agent.
fd055b No.2358722
New filing in United States v. Manafort: Extension of Time to…
f5bf20 No.2358724
One of the comments was the incoming car is a Q5
3ccd01 No.2358725
Maybe the twatter Annon attack got his attention and scared him. Anon's hitting him hard yesterday with this picture….
c8e29a No.2358726
i agree but honestly i think it's bc he's the CEO.. not just show host like matt lauer - big fish and they can't allow precedent to be set, all the more reason for us to push back
the court of public opinion matters more in this case
we need to force him to step down
adf6e7 No.2358728
>>2358354 LB LB
lawfag here
after many years in practice i am convinced that the more laws a nation has the less justice it has
all that is needed are base line standards and community interpretation and enforcement - NO specific laws and regs - just common sense and accountability
for example
all widgets (insert product) shall be sold with good workmanship for their intended purpose- failure results in full refund plus costs or damages
then think judge judy - listens and decides
NOW if judge judy screws up - same rule - she pays or loses her job
and so on………….
thus tho work of legislators is to reflect broad community values in the law and to defend the constitution - that is ALL
NOT to make endless specific laws and regs and respond to every fucking problem with new laws
d43894 No.2358730
So is that MA's mystery man's WHITE CAR (to his left) that he is walking toward to get in?
He already has his key out (protection too) but, too bad we can't see the car license plate.
f0017d No.2358731
5252d3 No.2358732
Corinna is German, currently 36yo
She started modeling when she was 20yo.
Bio is here
4ba08c No.2358733
no, likely one of /ourguys/
still not sure on the guy in the pic
the fact Q got a pic from OUTSIDE MA's office yesterday, is amazing
791beb No.2358734
BO and Biden had lunch together.
e434cf No.2358735
This makes zero sense.
Damn it liberals are dumb as fuck.
6de145 No.2358736
it has to counter the tax code one way or the other
b023ad No.2358738
I'm not even saying I disagree with you. I'm saying scroll past. Consider the tit pics as commercials. Fast forward, or watch. Pretty simple.
6a9134 No.2358739
So if I understand this correctly, the burly dude is on our side?
Things just got interesting…
28ea44 No.2358741
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A lot of people in California do believe that the fires are set deliberately. I can tell you they are panicked about Trump cutting infrastructure money because those projects are very, very lucrative scams. And lots on the left are waking up to that Jerry's bullet train won't even be fast and has been a money pit.
a90d8f No.2358742
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Listen to this, he talks about us, those following Q. "Thousands, hundreds of thousands, lined up like an arrow speaking as one."
cbc656 No.2358743
1db5e3 No.2358744
Is this porn anon?
6ba1bd No.2358745
Oh? This guy is running for Congress.
114b89 No.2358746
fe00d8 No.2358747
The orange triangle is from a Mercedes Benz side view mirror (driver's side as this image had to be reversed if it was taken from a mirror).
d361fd No.2358748
>>2358536 lb
>Thank you for the video. Has this been covered already on here?
7a1dd1 No.2358749
Also precedents should be abolished. Law means law, not interpretation by precedent
d23aae No.2358750
> I understand that "FEED" is an acronym, but I don't understand more than that.
Neil Bush's daughter Lauren Bush runs a company called FEED. She is part of One Young World which seems to be run by Havas / Euro RSCG. A whole lot of suspect people are listed as "counsellors" for their program, which I think only means that they pay for PR work to stay famous.
04d754 No.2358751
Scopalamine was the drug of choice for women giving birth in the 50's/60's
They just forgot everything about giving birth
And forget breast feeding, that was strongly discouraged
Damn boomers
My idiot mother couldn't cook, clean, and was a shitty standoffish mother
Guess I know why dad married her (eewwww)
She's 85 and is like asbestos to death, it ain't ever gonna happen
6c597f No.2358753
Definitely. This will NOT go unnoticed by Q.
c37be6 No.2358754
The ambiguity between these two is funny…lol. White/black hat? Part of the plan?
Needs meme text…lol
effdb2 No.2358755
Everybody has NOPE buttons now. That how it's suppose to work?
4ba08c No.2358757
adding to the graphic
be712d No.2358758
Maybe you should lurk moar and reread the Q drops, shillanon
2fe2ef No.2358761
6a9134 No.2358763
Kim Clement was on the money my man!
So is Mark Taylor.
b71e22 No.2358764
No one is going to use that thing in any crime.
Can you imagine?
That criminal would be laughed out of the store with that Gay ass thing.
b647af No.2358765
Leave Beethoven ALONEEEE
9ab47a No.2358766
I assumed as much about you - I get it - good advice and received!
b15ab1 No.2358767
did Q hack MA's twat and troll MA? Now that would deserve the golden kek award!
ad80be No.2358769
This is the Lynchpin showing collusion between DOJ and HRC Campaign.
This is the EVIDENCE that the MYE was comped.
If that email is fake, why is it classified at the highest level?
Fucking declassify it and let’s get this shit started! You want the shot heard round the world? He is the unexplored ordinance waiting to blow up in their face!
11aad0 No.2358770
ISIS Loses Last Its Stronghold East Of Golan Heights, Syrian Army Continues Advance
US-backed Forces Seize 3,400km2 From ISIS Near Syrian-Iraqi Border
Syrian Army Advances Further East Of Golan Heights, Retakes Maarbah From ISIS (Map)
Lavrentiev: 10th round of Astana talks discussed return of displaced Syrians to their home
Daesh kidnaps 36 women, children after attacks in Syria’s Suwayda
b7204f No.2358771
(Bread #2971)
>why didn't Q go to Reddit, instead of 4chan?
Because the horrible stuff that's going to be revealed, hopefully incrementally, will make less waves here, and the Tribe data is all sorted out and available here, as well.
3add62 No.2358772
not pixelknot
has "JFIF" in head
c216eb No.2358773
he is playing a part in the movie
80dc46 No.2358774
AJ said on his show today that humanity is doomed and that he is folding Infowars.
Those you trust the most?
a71269 No.2358776
what did he mean by this?
fd055b No.2358777
FEMA personnel chief under investigation for widespread sexual harassment
The recently departed head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) human resources department is under investigation for enabling a sexual harassment within the agency over the course of several years.
FEMA Administrator Brock Long told The Washington Post that a seven-month investigation found Corey Coleman, who led the agency’s personnel department since 2011, hired dozens of friends and college fraternity brothers, as well as women he met at bars and through online dating sites.
Coleman promoted individuals without going through the proper channels, and in some cases promoted or transferred women throughout the agency so his friends could try to have sexual relationships with them, a FEMA official told The Washington Post.
ca3233 No.2358778
Ottawa animator sent to prison on child porn charges
An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing more than 60,000 images of child pornography and sharing them online.
Tom Wysom, 55, has worked on TV productions such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop, according to the Internet Movie Database.
Wysom was sentenced earlier this month after pleading guilty to the charges in December, two months after police executed a search warrant at his home in Old Ottawa South.
Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound.
In a pre-sentence report, presented to court, Wysom told a probation officer that he developed an addiction to adult pornography about a decade ago, but slowly became desensitized to it and “needed something more.” He turned to child pornography, Wysom said, which became a way to deal with his clinical depression and other medical issues.
A forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Jonathan Gray, conducted a sexual behaviours assessment of Wysom and concluded he had a “pedophilic disorder.” Wysom told Gray he turned to child porn in response to the untreated stress he was experiencing.
Justice David Berg took exception to Wysom’s attempt to blame outside forces for his behaviour.
“I think that you are still quite far from comprehending that the problem is you and only you,” the judge told Wysom in his decision. “I think that you are still trying to rationalize your behaviour to yourself and to others in the face of society’s reaction to what you have done.”
The judge told Wysom he could have erased the images on his computer and sought professional help, but chose instead to continue on his destructive path because “he didn’t think he would get caught.”
“The stressors in his life may have led him to throw caution to the wind, but the stressors did not create in Mr. Wysom an ability to take pleasure from those images. That ability pre-existed the stressors,” Berg said.
Court heard that Wysom was born and raised in Wales, where he worked as a postal clerk. He came to Canada in 1992, and hitch-hiked and camped his way across the country before becoming a permanent resident in 1996. He has studied fine art and commercial animation, and once had his work featured at Ottawa’s Cube Gallery.
Dr. Gray told the court that Wysom was a low risk to re-offend or have sexual contact with children.
The judge said he had to sentence Wysom to a prison term — a sentence of two years or more — in order to sufficiently denounce his conduct and deter others from the same path.
Earlier this year, the Court of Appeal for Ontario noted there were now so many reports of child porn-related crime in Ottawa that investigators had to triage their work by “how bad the child pornography is.” Offenders regularly access child porn through peer-to-peer and encrypted internet networks.
Wysom was arrested after a member of the Ottawa Police Service’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit conducted an investigation of a file sharing network with an IP address in Ottawa.
42eada No.2358781
>>2358189 (pb)
we can ruin his #Basta thing with
b1e662 No.2358782
Atheism is a belief all it's own, like a religion.
It is the agnostics who ignore the whole debate that they don't want.
40c047 No.2358783
Good point, actually.
848d0f No.2358785
Sabbatean "Christians" is all they are. FUNDAMENTALLY comped.
Maroons for Jews. "Rapture" my god they actually buy this don't they?
599082 No.2358786
Incorrect and your argument is circular, plays on both sides.
Some anons would be happy with some limits.
But any suggestion for any limits is being met with squealing about “censorship”
My house rules dictate adults of both sexes must wear clothes when in public areas.
However, I would be happy with no crotch shots, if strictly enforced.
Problem is, nothing is ever enforced evenly.
Incidentally, you know that “thot” means same as “hoe”, right.
c8e29a No.2358788
89af4a No.2358789
1a8379 No.2358790
black/death porn started after this post
6ba1bd No.2358791
f151a4 No.2358792
Trump will be impeached before Q team ever makes a move.
What a dud presidency
28ea44 No.2358793
>>2358756 There are NO fires in deep blue areas.
2b2209 No.2358794
c8e29a No.2358795
b55802 No.2358796
Am ashamed of myself for laughing, but damn that's funny!
c03597 No.2358797
Damn anon trips 2 ….
You can't imagine how I feel…pic.!
Called myself dubsanon once..got mocked :(
KEK Love222all
43103a No.2358798
Trust only what you see happen. I give the Trump Admin full credit for all the good things they have done and are doing. The Trump DOJ gets a C- at best.
7b8570 No.2358800
>>2358010 (lb)
>it's just a blowjob in the Oral Office, the country needs to MoveOn.org
4acd9a No.2358801
Q pretty much confirmed that the fires are deliberately started.
Here: >>2355012
a1d72c No.2358803
Please be precise. It's not "shills attacking the board"; rather, the board is "infiltrated and internally disrupted"– do you see how that makes a difference?
Why aren't were seriously discussing the infiltration? Why isn't "BO" addressing it?
This isn't a game.
c8e29a No.2358804
fe00d8 No.2358805
Probably to DISTRACT.
Digging incoming…
5252d3 No.2358806
Sounds like a good idea to me
Maybe you need to get involved in blogging about the law
Writing articles about specific situations and explaining
How all the arguments can be shifted into courtrooms
As long as the people retain oversight over the judges,
And given that legal cases are public
That seems likely
You could even come up with a name for this new philosophy
Like …
The Light Hand of the Law
From HEAVY darkness to l i g h t …
5f1e67 No.2358807
>promoting pedowood kike wares
04d754 No.2358808
Is there gonna be a closeout sale on all those vitamins and stuff?
11aad0 No.2358809
Iran says impossible to engage with current US govt.
Iran says it is impossible to engage in talks with the US under the current administration which has adopted a fiercely hostile policy toward the Islamic Republic.
"With current America and these policies, there will definitely not be the possibility of dialogue and engagement, and the United States has shown that it is totally unreliable," Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Monday.
2ffccf No.2358810
What is his #Basta hashtag supposed to mean?
a71293 No.2358812
Um…..anons….holy shit.
7b4fac No.2358813
C_A…. CIA has lost their eyes… ??
c8e29a No.2358814
de1851 No.2358815
That would be a hell of a long key…he's holding it in a "T" fashion if you take a closer look, more likely a boot knife. Nobody uses keys anymore (well, most newer car's don't)
5a9919 No.2358816
Avenati - we got some anons want to come over and share Jesus with you.
What time will you be available?
7a1dd1 No.2358817
And you are the only and correct Q interpreter, right Corsi?
805c13 No.2358818
Those chucklefucks do realize that if one of them brings in a gun and goes full Cyrus on a single MAGApede, that's game over as they immediately get labeled domestic terrorists on the federal level. Give the POTUS and DHS an excuse, ANTIFAggots.
f16350 No.2358819
He cut the pieces off the pic where it is visibly taken from inside a car.
9dbbed No.2358821
DARPA is now interested in researching and developing “third wave” AI theory and applications that address the limitations of first and second wave technologies by making it possible for machines to contextually adapt to changing situations. The agency’s diverse portfolio of fundamental and applied AI research programs is aimed at shaping a future in which AI-enabled machines serve as trusted, collaborative partners in solving problems of importance to national security.
a4953a No.2358822
Jordanian National Arrested in New York to Face Charges for a Conspiracy to Bring Aliens Into the United States
e7e7a9 No.2358824
have anons concluded Avenatti good guy or bad guy? If not, perhaps they want to find him before we do. That would indicate Newport Beach PD has a bad guy problem….just spitballing
cacfb1 No.2358825
Can you post a decoded pixelknot pic?
c8e29a No.2358826
23ae4f No.2358827
e3ac5f No.2358828
>>2358189 lb
We truly do control the narrative. Wow.
new pic nr
6ba1bd No.2358829
98c0ab No.2358830
Scopolamine AKA Devil's Breath is very real.
Good vice documentary about it.
40c047 No.2358832
Holy shit! I'm almost flattered that you'd use the reverse shill name calling tactic. Almost…
Just tossing out ideas. Fact is usually much stranger than fiction.
f19016 No.2358834
Saw this on someone's twatter.
Makes me think some "controlled" intel puppets who thought they were being handled by assumed white hats before She lost……
now are stuck because they can't Doxx themselves as having been once a controlled C_A / MOS mouthpiece after at some point realizing they were misled by actual black hats………
aa287d No.2358835
There's one I made posted LB. Scroll for the Cannon picture.
cd1681 No.2358836
oh, thanks for the info. guess we'll be closing this board down now
599082 No.2358837
Just a whore on drugs.
8418b1 No.2358838
why the long shadows at noon?
that man is walking south ona road which runs north-south.
if it's noon, there should be no long shadows.
5f1e67 No.2358839
>t.pedowood guzzling kike faggot
c8e29a No.2358841
04d754 No.2358842
DARPA can fuck right off until it cures Alzheimer's, dementia, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.
Who gives a damn about AI, what a load of horse shit
a4953a No.2358843
MSM Bully Daily Caller
Mainstream media jump to attack Daily Caller reporter after being granted question by President Trump during press conference, just days after jumping to the defense of unprofessional CNN reporter disinvited from White House event
0fcc3e No.2358844
Their lives depend on controlling the narrative. 9/11 was done as an all or nothing game. They thought they had succeeded and had won all the world. Now they fear they will get nothing.
When 9/11 comes out Jewish run. Only the normie Jews will survive.
31de94 No.2358845
It means "enough" in Italian.
5a9919 No.2358847
That's why their Miss_le missed
But they've been getting Intel via New Zealand over to Cabal so they can still do hits on witnesses
7a1dd1 No.2358848
Just a thought
Eminem (never understood)
Who is the real slimshady? What is the meaning?
6de145 No.2358849
gore and blametards
means lucifer is here
lets se it fire and fury
or a bunch of gonad worship
dont be a faggot, homo
d28158 No.2358850
No more.
This board is anti-freedom plain and simple.
Some of you assholes would prefer to be a dictator and force YOUR personnel way of life down another's throat.
That is just 100% anti-freedom.
Your god damned fucking bible thumpers out there seem to think every thing is about how EVERYBODY is suppose to act, well fucking guess what, the CABAL DID THE SAME SHIT ONLY IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION!
You fucking bible thumping assholes are leading us into the same shit the cabal used to sucker in so many to do their bidding.
Last time I checked, as long as a person's private and personnel liberty, life, and property are not harmed there is no crime, how in the fuck does boob pics harm your private and personnel liberty, life, or property?
Grow up and learn how to fucking think without infringing another's rights. Until ALL you asswipes learn that, this country will ALWAYS be in peril!
d85361 No.2358851
Anons addressed the issue with
BO yesterday. Demanded answers.
Asked for comped BV resignations.
And here we are - infiltrated.
BIG DROP coming and they want to run us out.
82c1a5 No.2358852
56de3b No.2358853
11aad0 No.2358854
‘They Know Where the Skeletons Are’ Grassley Calls on Trump to Honor Whistleblowers in Order to ‘Drain the Swamp’
be712d No.2358855
And don't forget the pic on the tarmac was taken in a Mercedes Benz as well. Wave at all of the S classes out there and maybe you'll actually be waving at Q
fe00d8 No.2358856
If you recall the United Airlines / USSS Q Post was from a Mercedes Benz as well:
b023ad No.2358857
The board always been "infiltrated". Who the fuck do think Q is posting too half the time? You think all of these messages are for Tay Tay fapping, mommas basement dwelling anons? We fucking know the bad guys are on dipshit!
2adf20 No.2358858
It's ok Anon. We need a little dark humor to stay sane in these times. Don't be around nurses when someone dies. You'll pee your pants laughing.
42eada No.2358859
He's trying so hard to start this hashtag… Basta is Italian for "Enough"
It's his rallying cry in the effort of proving POTUS corruption
80cd79 No.2358860
Shit bricks Avenatti did. Kek.
4ea73b No.2358861
>we will not be intimidated
Avenatti likely knows exactly WHO that is, but is using this as an opportunity to communicate
>direct comms come in many forms
(paraphrase, sorry Q)
to /ourguys/ that the "message" was received
also, potentially to, as a reply, a "no" to any offer previously extended to him/his group
56de3b No.2358863
That all you got SHILL?
c216eb No.2358864
it's a movie
not a crime to walk down the street with cigarette and cell phone in hands
2ffccf No.2358865
Thanks. I was connecting it to Besta Pizza somehow. Makes sense.
f151a4 No.2358867
Like Rosenstein was scared?
They are laughing in our faces.
c07d2e No.2358868
Military Pin Ups – History
Military Grade Pinup Drop
Thx Bakers
She’s risqué but never explicit. She’s flirtatious but fiercely independent. She’s erotic but always safe for work, a welcome sight for your teenage cousin and prudish mother alike. She’s the pin-up girl, an all natural American sweetheart created to win the adoration of men across the country.
A pin-up girl is a man’s ideal of the “perfect woman.” Men want to look at them and women want to look-like them. Pin-Up girls have been around since the 1890s but became most popular in the 1940s. Many “pin ups” were photographs of celebrities who were considered sex symbols.
Pin-up girls represented everything an average woman aspired to and reflected a glamorous side of life that seemed to be missing in the forties and fifties. These Images could be found almost anywhere; magazines, calendars, posters, newspapers, postcards or even in chromolithographs. Later, posters of “pin-up girls” were mass-produced.
874727 No.2358869
I'm assuming this was posted the other day as well:
Police arrest man in connection to California wildfires
from 7/26: https://abcnews.go.com/US/police-arrest-man-connection-california-wildfires/story?id=56830037
4af815 No.2358870
>Jimmy Kimmel in blackface as Karl Malone represents black dominance
cd1681 No.2358873
really not sure what to make of this. notables from yesterday are full of damning info on MA - hard to think of his hat as white…
4ba08c No.2358874
has the IDEN of the area, the MA twatt, the Q crumb saying it was 5 min delay, the side mirror, and the times
everything except the IDEN of the guy (holding out on that part)
6ba1bd No.2358875
I do… hence TY USSS
8418b1 No.2358876
the timestamp is 1400 EST, which puts it at 11PST.
that means if anything, there should be short shadows running to the west.
these are long shadows being thrown to the east.
this picture was taken on Saturday or before. no way it's a sunday morning pic.
848d0f No.2358878
Needs moar resolution. Freckles are awesome.
1a8379 No.2358879
Among them ex-CIA agents, these are the people Qatar used to cheat its way to WC 2022
The lid is off the well-planned ‘black operations’ by Qatar to sabotage the rival bids from the US and Australia for the FIFA 2022 World Cup which Doha was awarded during the FIFA Executive Committee meeting in Zürich on December 2, 2010.
4ba08c No.2358881
a1d72c No.2358882
Comped from the start. It's probably safe to assume 8chan as a whole was created for exactly this sort of thing, as a controlled mirror to halfchan, so to speak.
33845c No.2358883
>Incorrect and your argument is circular, plays on both sides.
>Some anons would be happy with some limits.
>But any suggestion for any limits is being met with squealing about “censorship”
Hence, the "plz". Not a rule, just group expectation much like (lb) when linking off-bread.
BV has no business chasing THOTs off the board to promote her personal agenda.
61ae7e No.2358884
68e8aa No.2358886
I admit it DOES sort of look like the guy Trump was golfing with the other day.
The one WaPo and Newsweek were trying to identify.
56de3b No.2358887
SAME OLD SHIT. HA HA!!! That is all you have left!
2ffccf No.2358888
I love my Nope button! Half the gor is already hidden!
6a9134 No.2358891
Now that is a good find!
c8e29a No.2358892
fantastic, anon
f16350 No.2358893
I posted Q's post on his twat.
Let's see the reaction to that.
4ba08c No.2358894
that you amishBV?
you did censor my shit
fuck off
if not, fuck off
56de3b No.2358895
Your link is green. HA HA
aa287d No.2358897
Tell him it's Luca Brasi.
6feb89 No.2358899
enough with your obvious concern and division shilling
69aa20 No.2358900
After some 'episodes' lately, if they continue, I'll be dead before we free ourselves of this evil.
I certainly won't miss the porn.
I have contributed; but not as much as wanted, I'm always behind in the pages. I did my best.
Good luck everyone.
Mountain View - I probably won't go soon enough for you though. LOL
cd1681 No.2358901
6de145 No.2358902
i got thoth in a hyperbolic up the road too
89af4a No.2358904
Was this a chan dropped jpeg or random internet?
And also, are there other 'pixelknot' types of programs that hide other data like .png, ..mp3., mp4., etc.
c8e29a No.2358905
NY's looking a little less blue these days!! RED WAVE COMING
b55802 No.2358906
I know. It's all good.
4ba08c No.2358907
colors for the autists!
c29fbb No.2358909
Highlight the 3:55 and 4:00 timestamp with the 5 min delay. Otherwise all good.
56de3b No.2358910
Hey BO/BV why do the links not work?
599082 No.2358911
Though I think Q doesn’t need to answer a trivial question.
It is
Absolutely true.
Large doses of scopolamine used to remove inhibitions make victim highly suggestible.
they will do horrible or insane stuff, then forget.
Have gotten tourist to clean out bank accounts and give money to captor
Is how politicians get caught in creepvideo w.teens, children, murder. they don’t even remember.
43103a No.2358912
Q has another day to enlighten the public, or a massive amount of anons will be leaving.
40c047 No.2358913
I'm not a very smart man, Jennay, but I'm thinking:
1. Q's post here was directed AT MA (Avenatti)
There's a distinction from feed (info) and financing (who's paying Avenatti). I've been back and forth about Avenatti actually working for Trump. The idea also popped into my head that Stormy tricked that mother fucking into the spotlight because Avenatti leads to bigger fish/dirt on fuckups. Anyone associated with Rahm Emanuel at some point in their careers are obviously dirty.
2. Avenatti posted the edited version of the pic to keep searches from leading to Q posts, because that sumbitch lurks here. Probably the tit posters backer.
3. Dude in the pic is one of those highly trained mother fuckers helping POTUS. Probably delivering a message of some type.
Just another theory of theories being posted. So, long short:
1. Stormy = Good
2. Avenatti = Dumb and tainted (Stormy found some shit out working with him)
3. Dude in pic = Blackwater (good guy).
6de145 No.2358914
fag hag cia actors
meet bronies
c8e29a No.2358915
do we know the question he asked?? why so much pushback??
33845c No.2358916
Do more research, faggit.
a71293 No.2358917
To me the message is clear. Q was giving a message to MA to stay the course. MA responded with a 10-4.
Look, it's possible that the show has been so good that Q has tricked us into hating MA as well.
Something that hasn't been discussed:
Brennan posted his threat to Trump BEFORE the missile strike failed.
MA posted the MA photo to his Insta/Twitter AFTER the missile strike failed.
1db5e3 No.2358918
Wifeanons bf - so your nope is correct, but your assumption is waay off.
Overall, you have pretty much proven this image
2b2209 No.2358919
0d929b No.2358920
Q, will there be a war between EU/USA against Russia?
68e8aa No.2358921
>long shadows
What long shadows?
The cars have almost no shadow at all.
The guy's shadow is only 2 feet.
Those trees are just really tall.
This is midday… 10-11 am maybe.
4ba08c No.2358922
no you misunderstand that
MA's twatt if from TODAY
the 5min delay is from the time the pic was taken YESTERDAY, and when Q posted it YESTERDAY
04d754 No.2358923
Oh hey, metro Atlanta here, New Hampshire
We can send you 3 million blacks TODAY
They're EVERY damn where here
Every time I travel, I wonder what they did with all their blacks
WTF NYC, looking at you, ya'll are short on blacks
Chicago is hogging all of the blacks in the Midwest
Need to make big cities be more generous with they blacks
Entire state of Mississippi is black except for about 500 people in Oxford at Ole Miss
We need to share some blacks, this is just selfish
a71293 No.2358924
89ae9e No.2358925
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
Build The Wall!
6336d4 No.2358926
You’re right. And charge ur phone.
c35ea5 No.2358928
now autists need to figure out why AvaTurdi flipped pic
43103a No.2358929
ad80be No.2358930
FFS, I don’t even know if anyone is reading this.
Regardless: why was it the C_A that classified this email between Loretta Lynch and Amanda Rentierra.
Wtf is Debbie Wasserman Shultz involved at all?
What this tells me is that email came from the DNC server (DWS) and the communication between LL and AR was conducted on that server.
So again I ask, why the fuck is the C_A the ones that classified it?
AR - state department
DWS - Congress
All of them US Citizens. All of them belonging to other organizations.
Why the C_A?
c32002 No.2358931
I know alot of gud twat account have been suspended.. but I've seen some comfy ones popping up lately too
I feel change coming…
7d42ae No.2358932
Just wantef to add this:
Argos being a play on the word Argus meaning 'many eyed creature', from Greek mythology.
Often used by intel firms to signal they work in intel.
Sometimes they make a game of hiding in plain sight.
Also, remember the movie ARGO?
Why do you think, in this movie about a c-a op to rescue Americans in Iran, they chose the name Argo?>>2357713
8418b1 No.2358933
err wait, i got turned around again.
the man is walking south, there are long shadows being thrown to the WEST. if taken sunday, it was earlier in the morning by a few hours.
7ddc0f No.2358935
no they won't…true patriots trust the plan!! It is all happening and you are blind if you can't see
4af815 No.2358936
6ba6bd No.2358937
Thank you for clarifiying! You are right.
Had doubts about BO myself. That whole thing just doesn't look OK. Especially when Q told us it would happen, right before it happened.
I personally saw BV posted shill stuff.
Bakers say there were huge problems!
And we need to do screenshots and save stuff offline, in case breads are not good…missing yummy and truthfull ingredients.
276031 No.2358938
Great job, added to my personal archive.
f151a4 No.2358939
LOL my first thought. Sopranos running around.
56de3b No.2358940
Green Links
3ccd01 No.2358941
2b2209 No.2358942
No you shills will unfortunately stay to annoy us
848d0f No.2358943
watching you yesterday anon. glad the intersection is the right one now. just one thing, you need to tag it with a pepe somewhere in a corner for the historical record.
for the children.
40c047 No.2358944
Additionally, and I'm not sure if anyone has thought of this yet, but, this could be considered a Q PROOF if the dude in that photo ends up being a POTUS asset.
Oh, man. This is getting joocy!
be712d No.2358945
Did you read what Q posted? Did you read the notables on MA from yesterday? Yet all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a bunch of cucks come in here claiming MA is a white hat right after his tweet? You tell me what looks more suspicious here
2ffccf No.2358948
8579ad No.2358949
shouldnt be that tough to move out 6% of a very small population
eaaa7c No.2358950
:55 = 5:5
We hear you loud and clear!!
4ba08c No.2358951
c8e29a No.2358954
i think you meant to reply to someone else anon
42fa79 No.2358955
Daily Caller dude asked decent questions at least.
cd1681 No.2358956
most definitely not
nothing is black and white though - especially the hats in this game
56de3b No.2358957
Do you respond or just post?
c37be6 No.2358959
ZIP guns were made back in the Zoot suit riot days… this is nothing new, and you don’t need a printer, just bullets… funny how the Democrats still don’t want them to have guns…
8ca89c No.2358960
It's just gorefags posts being deleted.
a71293 No.2358961
As tough as it may be for some to accept, yes I believe he is.
04d754 No.2358963
The visible ribcage makes this one creepy, anon
Give this girl some food for a week then try again
7d82a3 No.2358964
Was last handoff confirmed by BO or just a BV? (Or no one.)
e7e7a9 No.2358965
confirms my passing the ball theory……Q Team put all this shit together long ago and is actively making sure the bad guys do good deeds from top to bottom. We are here to watch the show and piece it all together as that occurs.
a806a8 No.2358966
fellow autisans
everyone is individual but I hereby promise not to reply or get instigated by anything triggering a reply response
now more than ever i see
silence is GOLDEN
13fcc0 No.2358967
Really activates my almonds that this is something that's seen as needing to be (((fixed)))
6c597f No.2358969
5252d3 No.2358970
In front of a south facing building
Whose wall is mirrored windows
Which reflect the sun so strongly
That it casts shadows.
In any case
Geolocation can quickly determine
If that is a possibility
If not, this may be another case of
Where we have a photo of a mirror
Reflecting an image
That is a reflection of another image
One way to make a reflection of another image
Is to save a photo on a device
Then later display it on a screen
When you look at a photo on a screen
You are looking at a reflection of reality
You are NOT looking at reality itself.
So, is it possible that the Google streetview car
Was used to spy
And picked up a photo of this guy
And then Q sitting in his car, waiting
Had an assistant hold up a tablet
With that photo
So that it was reflected in Q's mirror?
7f9c29 No.2358971
5a9919 No.2358973
That's Big Puss isn't it?
11aad0 No.2358974
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces creation of ‘religious liberty task force’
dd31a2 No.2358975
Q plays anons like a fiddle.
Sometimes Q probably NEEDS us to believe something false for a while to maintain cover for deep embed agents.
143a6b No.2358976
or…"these people are stupid"
56de3b No.2358978
Why do the number of posts increase fro their ID. CodeMonkey might need to fix that
56f04d No.2358979
>Here's the Avennatti
If the douche MA is visiting, I hope you heed these posts concerning this issue. This guy knows a made man when he sees one.
Be Careful.
3add62 No.2358980
how to recognize pixelknot images
a1d72c No.2358981
They're all bots, so what's the difference?
Until humans organize against AI control, we will have none.
0fcc3e No.2358982
New Hampshire isnt trying to figure out how not to be white. The Jews are.
848d0f No.2358983
Pepler. Monatauk. Mk Ultra / Monarch. Sag Harbor. Beach Plum. etc etc
MS13 sure and more than that though.
6de145 No.2358984
us rottenoldbastard in 1029
florida north of titusville
bernice rock
43103a No.2358985
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
The current legal system is a complete failure and needs to be scrapped. The Constitutional Republic will need to be restored as Item 1.
40c047 No.2358986
Check this out. Just a theory:
89af4a No.2358988
778564 No.2358989
The guy in Q's picture (the one MA tweeted out) looks like Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch.
677ee6 No.2358991
Shutdown over the Wall // Leaving room for negotiation?
61fa0b No.2358992
33845c No.2358993
I chose it just to annoy the Redditors.
f16350 No.2358994
The fag is posting low res cut pics.
So I posted the original on his twat.
Now people can see it's taken from inside a car.
4ba08c No.2358995
we discussed that, not sure about that one
but it does resemble him
7b4fac No.2358996
MA SPOOKED LOL… Hey where did he get the pic.. OH the Q board
LMAO Hey MA… Shitting your pants yet…
a71293 No.2358997
ca3233 No.2358998
I swear…don't be stupid. Russia is our friend.
1e9adb No.2358999
No you fucking idiot
cbc656 No.2359000
43103a No.2359001
Marmalade is delicious.
714e12 No.2359002
Always nice to see a meme I made an appearance ;)
Original art credit goes to: Aiming For the Gut
6d14d8 No.2359003
>>2358189 (lb)
That's fucking awesome. Let's hijack his hashtags.
cd1681 No.2359004
hmm… MA twitter would be a strange venue for a watershed moment
good reminder though
c8e29a No.2359005
anon, can you post what his questions were? might be something in there the msm specifically doesn't want us to focus on
8e3e31 No.2359007
dd8611 No.2359009
See the shills?
Respond to shills?
8ca89c No.2359010
Does it matter? I suspect most have him filtered.
I just never filter, so i see the tactics at play.
dd31a2 No.2359011
I'm leaning towards agreeing with you but remember these people are STUPID and their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
599082 No.2359012
Like I said, circular.
>allow naked twats
>no crotch shot because I typed plz
What the fuck does that mean?
Stick your dick in diseased gash, I don’t care.
I don’t happen to think drugged hoes and naked pussies of ”girls” are sexy.
But then, I gave up fap a few years back.
Vitality sink.
4ea73b No.2359013
>why so much pushback??
because they are realizing that their status as important gatekeepers is ending, they don't really have the power they thought they did
12f1bc No.2359014
Trips n dubs…. very nice… but what is it? I don't get it? ….
c07d2e No.2359015
1db5e3 No.2359016
in the spy game, one uses "assets"
any reason MA caouldn't be an asset, useful idiot type?
718942 No.2359017
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2358748
>Thank you for the video. Has this been covered already on here?
No it hasn't. Heard about it yrs ago, forgot all about it. One video is from 10 yrs ago. Also I would note CAFR, (Comprehensive Annual Tax Report) tax scam. 2 sets of books for each govt body, from civil to state to federal.
The corruption would make tyrants from yesteryear blush with embarrassment.
2b2209 No.2359018
He has a such a turd
56de3b No.2359019
Why doesn't gore shill
Get new material?
43103a No.2359021
QueerBarry emerged from hiding for a week.
4ba08c No.2359022
I know you meant *steal and no
aa287d No.2359023
Remember…MA has virtually a standing invitation to CNN, MSBNC, etc to appear whenever he wants.
Force the issue.
7a1dd1 No.2359024
Up is down, left is right
Anon, anything is possible at this point. Time will tell. Why would anons shill for MA even if he is a blackhat? What would be the endgame? To make him look better on this board? Think. We go back and force on stormy all the time, we still do not understand
349ea7 No.2359026
Mr. Falzone serves as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors for Brand Networks, serves on the Boards of several of Manifest’s portfolio companies and is on the Board of Directors for MPI Cognition – an innovative health care practice focused on reversing the effects of the Alzheimer’s disease. He graduated with Honors from Northwestern University.
40c047 No.2359027
> 3 million
You severely underestimate the inaccuracy of the census.
6de145 No.2359028
darkest bronie ever
cd1681 No.2359029
a35b17 No.2359031
Possible, but damn, it would take an EPIC level of stupid. I’m not talking average stupid, I’m talking levels of stupid most people could never hope to obtain.
cacfb1 No.2359032
Fair Weather Patriots… I mean Fare Well Patriots!
89af4a No.2359036
is he lurking OR ourguy?
The area in Florida he works at seems nice.
f5bf20 No.2359037
04d754 No.2359038
Aight, Atlanta nogs, pack you bags and move to New Hampshire!
New Hampshire awakes tomorrow to the sound of thumping stereos
Lots of people who act up in public and talk too loud
Staring at your little sister and your mother wherever they go
Making a shitshow out of your public schools
Enjoy those crime stats, New Hampshire
4ba08c No.2359039
we don't want that
then I have to NOPE moar
let that faggot post the same bullshit over and over
so I haven't seen any of the faggot's pics!
7d82a3 No.2359040
Whomever is managing the board right now and deleting, cut it out.
Unless it's CP, it stays.
11aad0 No.2359041
The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters.
599082 No.2359044
Is that you screechfaggot?
You are only up to 19 posts of screaming “shill” every time you see something you don’t like.
You are behind. Need more one line screens.
Try the caps lock.
c35ea5 No.2359045
Steak a Picture?? Steal
43103a No.2359046
We need to purge the voting rolls, monitor the vote, and pull federal funding everywhere possible, then watch Cal go red af.
de151b No.2359047
I'm workfagging so I can't right now but need some diggers on this guy. Candidate for US House from Oregon. Tweeted that FLOTUS works by the hour. POS. Find his demons anons.
12f1bc No.2359049
Yeah… Q's said that a lot. "Conspiracy no more"….
What about it? You got a lead on how that's supposed to happen or something?
eba3fe No.2359052
I must have a moment. I just got back from workfagging all day!
And what the fuck do I see?
Light the fire
What? As in, fucken commyfornia set the "wild fires"????
Please somebody, help me understand..
Is that it?
6 people have died already. So many homes and people's entire everything's are gone. Businesses gone. Family pictures and pets gone…
What in the actual fuck?????
56de3b No.2359053
Is it too much work for the person who coded it?
Someone needs to step up
8e3e31 No.2359054
So MA is warning his guy to get away
8418b1 No.2359055
to me, that looks longer than an 11 o'clock shadow.
but that's just my delayed reaction to hearing it was at noon.
i'd even go so far as to guess 9.
but there's NO WAY it's in the afternoon.
43103a No.2359056
6454c3 No.2359057
Way to go, POTUS! We need this for protection against whacked-out Libtards.
d00ff8 No.2359058
So today is World Day Against Trafficking & National Whistleblower Day?
22845a No.2359059
Not a concernfag here, but there better be a good twist to the Don Jr Trump tower meeting. Meeting a Russian to buy dirt is collusion
a35b17 No.2359060
I’d like to take this moment to thank Gorefag for desensitizing all of of us patriots to extreme violence.
Gonna make it so much easier when the beheadings start and patriots have to cut these fuckers heads off.
f5e0ce No.2359061
Could be like Cohen, and planted as opposition early on. That's how Cohen got all those journalists to talk while he secretly recorded.
4ba08c No.2359062
MA is a darling to the MSM
he'll need to vent
*MA: we're looking into this pic
*MSM: well, where did it come form
*MA: Q
6c597f No.2359064
You know, adding his dumbass #basta hashtag to #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA would be pretty fucking brilliant.
80dc46 No.2359065
MA shitting his silk panties he bought on credit…
f7360a No.2359066
4ba08c No.2359067
kek, the code does it
b15ab1 No.2359069
Q hacked MA's twat and trolled him.
0cf9de No.2359070
Collusion is not illegal.
6d14d8 No.2359071
or password FightClub
f0a6ac No.2359073
Graphics. Fight Fight Fight!
b55802 No.2359074
Kek. Watch to see him on CNN tonight
1e9adb No.2359075
so cute.
Cited on Twatter Avenatti post by some clown who thinks Q is a twatter poster
c8e29a No.2359078
yes anon. this is not a wildfire. it's arson. used to forced potus to send money
these people are sick
f7b62e No.2359081
Oh, they knew about it yesterday. Hundreds of Q army and MAGA fags on MA’s twitter yesterday on the tweet with the crosshairs. It was a thing of beauty.
7d2eae No.2359082
yes about bread 800 - 900.
Along with the link to Walter Burien.
Also in the money thread, off cat. last time I looked.
1b82bc No.2359083
Dude, brilliant idea actually.
I'd buy some for the Grandanons just because, well, pic related.
e7e7a9 No.2359084
MA would have retracted and said so. Try harder.
6773aa No.2359085
No fucking good enough.
22845a No.2359086
Wow. Avenatti is in over his head. He is playing checkers
dd8611 No.2359087
5 min after post?
3 pm EDT?
6c597f No.2359088
They can wake to the dulcet tones of Young Defendant feat. Li'l Kool-Aid.
8028cb No.2359089
Considering last weak, Jack and Mark should take those numbers as a win.
22845a No.2359090
Collusion not illegal no, but partnering with a foreign country in an election is illegal
fb5c30 No.2359091
9ab47a No.2359092
>>2358734 They both look stressed…Biden covering it better, but Hussein…not so much!
4ba08c No.2359093
eat shit
they didn't get anything MSMshill
and if they would've not a crime
plus that russian chikc met with Fusion GPS, it was a set up by HRC/Hussein
fuck off
33845c No.2359094
Perhaps you should start again to bring down those estrogen levels (or maybe eat some broccoli).
Your projection on pretty girls = need to fap says quite a bit about your mental state.
a71293 No.2359095
Remember, Q asked "who is supplying feed?" re: MA.
I think the feed he's receiving is from white hats.
Look, Q wouldn't prompt "who is the REAL Michael Avenatti?" unless it was a total WTF moment.
Pretty much everyone here (and on the right) thinks he's a total dirtbag. I think it's perfectly plausible he's acting.
Look at this Q post from way back on Jan 18. What was the big news that day? The Stormy/130K payment being rehashed out of nowhere.
5252d3 No.2359097
Appears to be Elena Belle age 33
Part Swedish, part Spanish Instagram model
Scroll down her Instagram looking for red, and you will soon find a different photo in that bikini with the distinctive bra
43103a No.2359098
0d929b No.2359099
Deep State = USA. Are you paying attention to Q drops, Syria, NK, SA? All Deep State. USA will be blamed by the world.
04d754 No.2359100
Avenatti's panic over this pic of some Guido hitman outside his office is hilarious
God the guy in that pic is a big thic walking stereotype, haaaaaaahahhaa
He's off to find some good manicotti, baaahaha
c7af1b No.2359101
Notables so Far
>>2358877 Giant Trump Banner at Yankee Stadium
>>2358874 Up-Dated MA Q Photo Graphic
>>2358854 ‘They Know Where the Skeletons Are’ Grassley Calls on Trump to Honor Whistleblowers in Order to ‘Drain the Swamp’
>>2358843 MSM Bully Daily Caller
>>2358777 FEMA personnel chief under investigation for widespread sexual harassment
>>2358770 SYRIA UPDATE Collection of Info
>>2358747 Orange Triange in MA Photo from Mercedes Benz Sideview Mirror
>>2358722 Manafort Trial Extension Docs
>>2358630 Morris Dees Digs
>>2358620 Avenatti Proof
Feel free to comment. I left out a couple of articles Nominated as they were not so relevant (I don't care who is getting prosecuted for child porn in Commie Canada)
17165d No.2359102
We are Watching a movie.
1f790a No.2359103
Good thought, anon. Might try the coordinates of the black pixel as the password. Probably wrong, but it just occurred to me that this would be something an autist would notice and try.
22845a No.2359104
Go fuck yourself with your 23 posts in one bread, shill
6c597f No.2359105
Any Wikifags want to set the record straight?
4ba08c No.2359108
>I don't care who is getting prosecuted for child porn in Commie Canada
kek baker
55f6a6 No.2359109
>Nicholas Rasmussen (IMPORTANT name to remember)
>Former Director of NCTC
Think FISA.
Think NO NAME.
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/HUSSEIN (dates?)
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/HUSSEIN (dates?)
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/COMEY/HUSSEIN (dates?)
Replaced by:
>Defense Intelligence Liaison to British Intelligence in London
Think UK.
Current Director of the C_A.
(UK bio removed)
>CIA's station chief London, UK
"Furthermore, Haspel is seen as a Russia expert and a close ally of Britain’s MI6, having being London station chief from 2014 to 2017."
The more you know.
6a9134 No.2359110
Fricken brilliant anons!!
Q is forcing his existence against their will!"
The narrative is shifting as we speak!
Guys…I'm not going to lie…I'm a little giddy right now!
56de3b No.2359111
What does 5 minutes look like on the clock?
09fd75 No.2359112
November 1, 2017 • Alternative, Christian deBlanc, Writers • 0 Comments
Christian deBlanc
bio and articles
Many thanks to A Plain Truth on YouTube for bringing this video to our attention. The video is titled “Visible Proof Lasers Used in 911 Cal Fires.” [see photo of youtube video below] Indeed, “the smoking gun” in this case is “the blue laser light.” The more substantial proof might very well be the lack of substance to what once had been homes, cars and living people. Fires must have burned over 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit in order to melt steel, glass and rubber tires, not to mention reinforced concrete, which reminds many of us of 9/11.
I confess that I didn’t know what LIPC weapons were until I took apart the acronym. Laser-Induced Plasma Channel weapons, according to this article [see article below AND link] from Popular Science turn everything to “toast.”
“The Laser-Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC) can be used to destroy anything that conducts electricity better than the air or ground surrounding it (unexploded ordnance seems a good candidate here). It works off of some pretty basic principles of physics, using a laser to carve an electromagnetic path through the air that accommodates a high-voltage beam. Create that path, crank up the voltage, and your target is toast.”
Directed-Energy Weapons work by using an ionizing plasma sheath through which the laser sword can pass through. The nano-particulate mass of aluminum and other chemtrail material can be ionized by use of ionospheric heaters (whether from satellites, HAARP, plane or some other nefarious source).
Here is one more paragraph from the Popular Science article, just so you don’t have to take it from me:
“It works like this: a high intensity, super-short duration (maybe two-trillionths of a second) laser pulse will actually use air like lens–surrounding air focuses the beam, keeping the laser pulse nice and tight rather than scattering it. If the pulse is strong enough, it actually creates an electromagnetic field around itself that’s so powerful it strips electrons from air molecules, essentially creating a channel of plasma through the air. Since air is composed of neutral particles (that act as insulators) and the plasma channel is a good conductor (relative to the un-ionized air around it) the path of the laser beam becomes a kind of filament.”
Air Crap has done a good job of highlighting the connection between “disaster capitalism” and “Agenda 21.” This article with embedded video [video didn’t work for me] helped wake me up to this awful reality.
Like Rahm Emanuel says, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
718942 No.2359113
good to know
thank you
6454c3 No.2359114
That explains the shills several breads ago claiming that gov't planes with DEWs set the fires. Projection - accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.
43103a No.2359115
Trump's DOJ gets a C- at best.
6ba1bd No.2359116
Mikey fucked over a lot of people.
43ca52 No.2359117
a82a33 No.2359119
a35b17 No.2359121
4ba08c No.2359122
kek look at my posts faggot,
you don't even know the basics of muh russia
8418b1 No.2359123
yeah, and it's shot in cali, so PDT. that puts it at 11a.
not afternoon.
11aad0 No.2359124
Here’s How Israeli Zionists Control American Foreign Policy In The Middle East
US Aid: $10,600,000 per Day to Israel
Lawsuits, FOIAs and Administrative Filings
What is the Center for Policy and Law? IRmep research has revealed important laws are routinely broken by Israeli and Israel-linked U.S. organizations. IRmep’s Center for Policy and Law works to reveal, document, formulate pro-forma evidence and file lawsuits to expose, challenge and obtain damages for harmful and illegal policies.
What does Middle East policy have to do with law enforcement? In the 1940s, the Jewish Agency set up a massive arms smuggling network in the United States. Although hundreds of members were identified stealing and smuggling arms in violation the Neutrality and Arms Export Control Act, only a few lower level operatives were ever prosecuted. By the 1960s, Israel-linked groups were stealing nuclear material and technology. In the 1980s Israel’s LAKAM technology and military secrets network was preying on U.S. businesses and national defense infrastructure. In 2005 Israel’s American lobby AIPAC was caught trying to use stolen classified information to touch off military conflict with Iran. Today, operatives conduct interventions into US media and politics, but remain outside registration under the the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
Important US statutes, rarely enforced, could contribute much more to Middle East peace—but only if Americans understand how law is related to policy, and lawsuits are filed to call attention to and challenge wrongdoing.
Cont. from images:
AIPAC Foreign Agents Registration
06/04/2015 Refile 2009 AIPAC FARA complaint with Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
07/19/2012 FARA complaint addendum that AIPAC’s promotion of Knesset-derived legislation in the Congress is additional proof of foreign agency. Letter (53 KB)
12/29/2011 FARA Registration Unit Chief Heather H. Hunt denies IRmep request for AIPAC registration briefing with AG Holder. Full Filing (33 KB)
11/4/2009 IRmep meets with US Department of Justice and files a demand that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee be re-regulated under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act Full filing (43 MB)
US Trade Representative
5/24/2011 IRmep seeks $6.64 billion in damages for US industries and groups victimized by Israeli government/AIPAC use of their classified confidential business information. Full Filing (4 MB)
05/13/2009 IRmep meets with the US Trade Representative Section 301 Committee to file a complaint to suspend the US-Israel Free Trade Area over trade secret theft and intellectual property violations. Full Filing (6 MB)
Unlawful activities to produce Incitement
09/13/2012 IRmep notifies the Los Angeles Probation Information Center that Nakoula Bassely Nakoula has violated the terms of his release from prison. Full Filing Addendum
004cbf No.2359126
ISIS has been supported by many, including US, Russia, S. Arabia. No one is shining on this one. Thankfully it is being squashed after O left and T took over
143a6b No.2359127
Consider that he has a long history with the cabal…if he's on our side, then he was flipped.
02a684 No.2359129
Daily Caller doesn't push the [MSM] narrative.
cd1681 No.2359130
0a8637 No.2359131
Q has white hats protecting Avenatti from guidos
d3d283 No.2359132
b85757 No.2359133
This shits gaining traction. /politics, Highly libiral sub on reddit falling for it.
30c0ec No.2359134
All links are from past breads.
If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):
Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.
Israel is the HQ of the cabal.
>>2172714 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.
>>2172724 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England
>>2172730 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)
>>2172735 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today
>>2172744 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion
>>2172755 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US
>>2172762 – The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists
>>2172773 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology
>>2172781 – Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party
>>2172787 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany
>>2172798 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites
>>2172807 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood
>>2172850 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US
>>2172863 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship
>>2172867 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision
>>2172874 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)
>>2172895 – The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians
>>2172898 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact
>>2352479 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia
>>2172902 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact
>>2172907 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm
>>2172916 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)
>>2172925 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )
>>2172938 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2172951 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2172964 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews
>>2172968 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism
>>2172976 – Israel supports ISIS
>>2172982 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew
>>2172994 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators
>>2173007 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now
>>2173016 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today
>>2173026 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2173036 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2173039 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2173046 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper
>>2173053 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)
>>2173065 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2173075 – More proof that Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2173086 – Meme regarding Israel supporting ISIS, normie friendly
>>2172775 – Christians get threatened with stoning for preaching Christ in Israel
>>2173146 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not
>>2173382 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2
>>2173386 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 3
>>2173481 – JDIF and the Hasbara jewish shills
>>2173492 – Charlie Hebdo censors those that speak about jews
>>2175209 – Digs on Israel illegal nukes and the Samson Option (reminder that once Iran get de-nuked, then Israel won’t have any excuse to keep their illegal nukes)
To all the kike shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”
>And remember to cry more at all times :)
And listen to this anon advice:
cacfb1 No.2359135
Ya got any Meatbwalls?
ae628d No.2359136
My take on the "message sent" comment is that Q is telling Avenatti that he is being spied on. Just my opinion….
98c0ab No.2359137
It means enough. Do you believe in coincidences?
80dc46 No.2359138
surely the building security cameras will have some full frontal shots of ice pick man (who is a stranger to the filthy cretin Avenatti of course… NOT)
sorry MA, you must be on the left side of the bell curve as well as the political spectrum you putrid parasite
64a7ac No.2359139
Oh Hi Q. We were just watching MA melt down over your pic.
a1d72c No.2359140
Yup. That's my feel in all this.
After all, this is evil evil shit. It's only natural many white hats are fighting.
The brilliance of the victorious game is a delightful bonus.
599082 No.2359141
>Pretty girls
>drugged, Fake titty whores with shaved pussies
Not the same thing
43ca52 No.2359143
Gina can tell some stories
7b8570 No.2359145
>it's okay when we do it, goy
11aad0 No.2359146
Russia never supported ISIS stop glowing!
677ee6 No.2359147
Haspel knows
Was she always white hat or flipped?
22845a No.2359150
Something of potential interest: Q posted the pic reversed (stop sign is backwards). Avenatti posted the same pic, but unreversed
31ea43 No.2359151
Despite all your cucking…
This jew will still call you a white supreemacister
be712d No.2359152
Nice job trolling MA, Q.
e1095e No.2359153
Getting over the top crazy.
Can’t we just kill them at some point?
I can’t imagine the stress you guys are going through…
Prayers sent your way!!!!!
8e3e31 No.2359154
that is why Hillary and brennan will hhang
30c0ec No.2359155
Reminder that like islam, judaism is going to be banned from the West soon enough due to it being a supremacist ideological threat to the Western Christian culture
Hear it from a candid jew in video related 1.
Jewish ideological supremacism has ALWAYS been the psychological motivation for their group misbehavior as a people, which in turn has made them systematic targets (of well deserved (virtually every single time it happened)) of persecution has a people since the times of Abraham. See pics related 1 and 2.
Jews have always had a double standard on how they treat the goyim (word for non-jew AND cattle) compared to other fellow jews since the beginning of their history as a (ideologically supremacist) people. See the example on pic related 2. This phenomena is still pretty much alive today as we can verify when we look into the subject of jewish nepotism (nepotism which desingenious jews try to hide from the more gullible goyim/cattle with the verifiable and easily debunked myth of "jews have higher IQ than gentiles that's why they are so successful"). Pics related 3 and 4.
>Important notes:
First of all, what is a jew?
A person who is of the jewish race (although many racial jews reject judaism); or
A person who embraces judaism (although many religious jews are not racially jews).
>Invididuals, groups and ideologies:
Does the information above make every every muslim or religious jew a bad person? No.
Does the fact that there exist good people who are muslims or religious jews makes judaism or islam less of an ideological threat to Western civilization (Christian Western culture)? No.
There will come a time in the near future where every muslim and religious jew (be it a racial jew or non-jew) living in the West will have to choose between keep supporting an ideology which promotes supremacism and genital mutilation, or living in the West.
If they prefer being a religious jew or muslim better than supporting a sustainably safe and stable West, then great for them, GTFO of the West then.
>For those that might be thinking: “Hey, Q said this is not about religion”:
Q also said this is not about race, but is it not true that Trump put in place several travel bans from certain countries whose population is too low IQ and its culture incompatible with the Western civilization in order to protect the US?
In the same spirit, the banning of islam and judaism due to them both being supremacist ideologies which threaten the West is not about banning these “religions” just because, its about protecting Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats (in this case, two supremacist ideologies that are incompatible with Western Christian values), just like having border controls and putting in place certain travel bans is not about banning people from entry just because, but it is about protecting the Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats.
43ca52 No.2359156
probably doing her job as directed.
2b2209 No.2359157
Avenatti connection to Al Waleed and Saudis reminds me of the same Waleed/SA connection to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. They use many sports as recruiting grounds and ways to hide in plain sight.
a586e2 No.2359159
Q, are bewbs the keystone?
f19016 No.2359161
the way i've been seeing too, anon….
regardless how AF-1 got to Singapore,
DJT & Summit had to be stopped,
& they needed this FF for Cabal's next great war. Talk about full control……… They never thought she would lose!
22845a No.2359162
I did, you're just acting like a stupid dipshit, attacking anons and not contributing anything more intelligent than my ball hairs
b6ce94 No.2359163
Makes me wonder if the reason they do not want to release the interrogation tapes has to do with there was no interrogation at all since they were "our guys"
e7e7a9 No.2359164
the quoted word "Untouchables" stands out. The figure in the Q pic's posture strongly suggests mafia in this anons mind…just a visual spitball
95b286 No.2359165
>The more you know.
…The better it gets.
Godspeed Q.
6c597f No.2359167
MA is about to lose his mind. Nicely done.
6773aa No.2359168
Can we get paid for the work we do? Some of us are homeless, hungry and alone. We need relief, Q. PLEASE!
68e8aa No.2359170
Check that out.
2fda8c No.2359171
No Name DOES NOT get to die BEFORE seeing JUSTICE!
dd31a2 No.2359174
New Q post after algorithms determine consensus has been reached regarding MA drop?
Moving on to next topic of the day!
e537ff No.2359175
Q knows who it is…
30c0ec No.2359176
Let us now learn a little about jewish culture and history so you can understand why judaism IS a supremacist ideology
From the book “When Victims Rule” (link to book: https://archive.is/1IEWq ):
“ In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance: "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection … God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:
"God … said to Abraham … You shall circumcise the flesh of
the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me
and you." GENESIS: 17:9-13
With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew … it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?
"Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that – if they obeyed the laws and demands of God – they would someday be as "numerous as the stars.""
>Problems with the above facts:
Circumcision is scientifically proven to cause permanent brain damage in children (pic related 1);
Its a form of non-consentual religious branding;
Its a barbaric form of child abuse via male genital mutilation; and
The first reason it is done in the first place is to remind the jewish children that they are "God's chosen", which incites the jews to adopt a supremacist mindset toward the goyim/catle, who according to judaism are implicitly inferior due to not being jews, and thus, not part of the ones who were "chosen by God".
Important note
For those that say that ”most science today is fraud”, in order to implicitly downplay the relevance of the studies about circumcision causing permanent brain damage in children I say this:
Go grab the test I am referring to and disprove it using the scientific method then if you want to solidify what you're trying to imply.
Extreme pain in children scars alters their brain structure (aka: brain damage), circumcision does that to children.
For those that say that “As a very acomplished person, I see no problem with the process of circumcision because I am a very acomplished person”, I say this:
Doesn't mean the damage isn't there.
Doens't make the process of circumcision any less barbaric.
Doesn't make judaism any less of an idological threat to the West.
You could just be lying. Try to not use anecdotes next time, try to use verifiable facts :)
94701f No.2359177
Then what's meeting a Brit to buy dirt? Steele was a legitimate former spy paid by a political party to basically help start an investigation with a hope to impact the election then derail a presidency.
Veselnitskaya coordinated with the same middleman between Steele and the DNC/Hillary camp before and after the meeting with Glenn Simpson (FusionGPS).
aa287d No.2359178
I know how everyone feels about Reddit, but the politics tab is the perfect place to see the enemy camp at work and what is having what effect. This is hilarious.
cd1681 No.2359180
this will get slid by the new Q post but is is indeed worth noting
c8e29a No.2359182
neither do i baker but these people are all connected and might be a crumb in there we can follow - just my two cents as fellow baker - not only for this but other similar articles..
04d754 No.2359183
God, their music is such garbage.
Atlanta is infested with giant tasteless "mansions" rappers have built.
They spend millions, but it always looks horrendous.
Money will never, ever, EVER buy taste or class
Buckhead used to be wonderful
They fucking RUINED it, starting when Ray Lewis and his "posse" were partying in a neighborhood where they didn't belong. Started a fight in a parking lot. Two nogs were stabbed to death. Ray Lewis got off scot-free; was supposed to testify against the other two bros, but never did.
Snitches get stitches, you see. They're all trashy thugs.
I hate the Atlanta Falcoons, too.
3add62 No.2359184
recognize pixelknot encryption
43103a No.2359185
22845a No.2359187
Cross your fingers they dont take the cyanide first
6c597f No.2359188
Q's literally got MA in "Think Mirror" mode.
61fa0b No.2359189
Godbless Q and team.
5f03d2 No.2359190
I'm looking forward to your 1776 Q post
4ba08c No.2359191
>not contributing anything
9c5594 No.2359193
Declass The FISA POTUS
^ in light of this, did HI trigger the volcano?
02a684 No.2359194
Is this the guy from the photo? Similar build, facial hair, glasses.
c63639 No.2359195
f19016 No.2359197
but anons,
why does this missile surface not appear smooth as an ICBM / SLBM should???
22845a No.2359198
lol yep. the pic could even be a wipe from MA's phone
a806a8 No.2359199
cali raking in the dough
wonder it go
0fcc3e No.2359200
Now that should read "controlled" as in past tense.
I think this is Trumps America now. No tears only Trump now.
c32002 No.2359202
the redpill accounts have been built.
We just need the ammo to stuff em with!
Have you seen Qproofs.com lately? It's been improved.
22845a No.2359203
>>not contributing anything
^ great example right there Mr 27
e1095e No.2359204
So, you’re online under an overpass?
db055f No.2359205
Q said the world would know in July, implying the public reveal either by arrest, indictment, or the dropping of incriminating information like photos or evidence of horrible crimes.
If Q were telling the truth about that, it would be a wonderful thing because such a drop would instantly change the narrative about the upcoming mid-term elections.
If/when the world should see not only that Donald Trump is a good president, but that he is a great and moral man with a mission of historic importance, well, then the mid-terms would nearly be an afterthought.
Of course, Americans would wish for him to have the people in the government needed to fulfill his mission.
Such a drop would also, obviously, be a massive boost to morale here.
Unfortunately, Q is by no means beholden to us, and is under pressures that apparently make the information reveal - much less arrests or indictments - almost impossible.
The mid-terms are not the highest priority, but rather something to do with national security is, which as Q has indicated is an obstacle to the Big Information Drop. I don't think there is a huge chance that the world will indeed know anything at all by the end of the day tomorrow.
dd8611 No.2359206
anons how do we find that visitors log?
24d0a5 No.2359208
Meltdown how and where?
11aad0 No.2359209
Trump wants to talk to Rouhani I suspect he's another Kim and this spokesman is a cabal asshole!
30c0ec No.2359211
Equating the exposure of jewish subversion with shilling is shilling.
Cry more :)
29c050 No.2359213
>Prying open my third eye… and there you were…
Thank you for the connections.
aa287d No.2359215
Q - need something to push. Is the Wall Bonds idea feasible (can't repost meme in this bread).
00f561 No.2359216
What does #basta mean?
I did a search and came up with this https://basta.org/.
Looks like a legal defense organization for illegal immigrants.
f0a6ac No.2359217
I downloaded a buteforce program to test, will try on some of the images you have found once my scan finishes.
NCBI Article
1a8379 No.2359219
Q is real ….not a conspiracy
Truth revealed
Dark to Light
68e8aa No.2359220
Seems reasonable for a 2ft shadow on a 6" tall man at 11:55am. The solar noon is not until 1pm.
09fd75 No.2359221
Army Demonstrates a Weapon That Shoots Laser-Guided Lightning Bolts
By Clay Dillow June 28, 2012
Car Meets Lightning Weapon
U.S. Army via Picatinny Arsenal
Over at Picatinny Arsenal, the research and development facility and proving ground for the U.S. Army's weaponry, engineers are developing a device that shoots lighting bolts along a laser beam to annihilate its target. That's right: lighting bolts shot down laser beams. This story could easily end right here and still be the coolest thing we've written today, but for the scientifically curious we'll continue.
The Laser-Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC) can be used to destroy anything that conducts electricity better than the air or ground surrounding it (unexploded ordnance seems a good candidate here). It works off of some pretty basic principles of physics, using a laser to carve an electromagnetic path through the air that accommodates a high-voltage beam. Create that path, crank up the voltage, and your target is toast.
It works like this: a high intensity, super-short duration (maybe two-trillionths of a second) laser pulse will actually use air like lens–surrounding air focuses the beam, keeping the laser pulse nice and tight rather than scattering it. If the pulse is strong enough, it actually creates an electromagnetic field around itself that's so powerful it strips electrons from air molecules, essentially creating a channel of plasma through the air. Since air is composed of neutral particles (that act as insulators) and the plasma channel is a good conductor (relative to the un-ionized air around it) the path of the laser beam becomes a kind of filament.
In other words, just as lightning arcs from cloud to ground via the path of least resistance, a high-voltage current will find its way down this filament rather than arcing unpredictably through the air. In other words, the laser just creates the path of least resistance between the power source and the target. Laser, lightning, destruction of target–in that order.
Of course, the LIPC requires a lot of hardware, like a laser capable of really short pulses and a power source to provide both laser and lightning. In other words, it's not very practical (as with most laser weapons, it suffers comparatively from the fact that bullets fly straight, have a long shelf life, are easy to carry, and are really cheap). But a laser-guided lightning weapon? It doesn't have to be practical to be amazing.
c32002 No.2359222
the new redpill cannon
b85757 No.2359223
its on reddit aswell. Gaining traction.
Q, is this forcing it?!
80dc46 No.2359224
He is fucking stupid! Why the fuck would he use Q's jpg? this is classic, seriously this reeks of panic/desparation
we're coming Michael
291adc No.2359225
Who is it????
Who is he?
43103a No.2359226
be712d No.2359227
How convenient (pic related)
2b2209 No.2359228
I know you are but what am I?
28ea44 No.2359231
>>2359046 It's kind of a Wizard of Oz situation. Nobody dares say what they think. Wrong think is outed and you are severely punished. Like the flying monkies.
09fd75 No.2359234
Space based orbital kinetic energy weapon system - KEW or DEW Directed Energy Weapon
A space based orbital kinetic energy weapon system and method of using same is provided. The space based orbital kinetic energy weapon system includes a satellite having a control system configured to maintain an orbit in outer space around the earth and to deorbit the satellite on a desired trajectory corresponding to an earth based target upon a command, and a projectile object operably connected to the satellite. The projectile object includes a dense mass and a heat shield operably surrounding the mass such that at least a portion of the mass survives reentry into the earth's atmosphere and strikes the earth based target delivering its kinetic energy.
B64G1/242 Orbits and trajectories
View 4 more classifications
45639c No.2359235
no blind spot / turning signal on this one either.
b55802 No.2359237
He will see ultimate justice on the other side, anon. No worries.
7908ac No.2359238
Did Avenatti take the picture at 11:55, and Q posted the surveilled image 5 minutes later?
22845a No.2359239
Nice to know now why POTUS chose Haspel for CIA Dir. I am assuming always a white hat, even while in UK
9e78f0 No.2359240
Gives normies a glimpse of a Q post. Little by little, from dark to light.
b7204f No.2359241
>AJ said on his show today that humanity is doomed and that he is folding Infowars.
>Those you trust the most?
I sure the shit don't trust him.
Okay, we got FAANG throwing hints. All that 80% true backstory over at Jim Stone is now unavailable. He said his server was comped. That's what he said, but I don't believe it. Now the fat man. A couple more hints and I'm calling it system going down.
e962c9 No.2359242
>Replaced by:
>Defense Intelligence Liaison to British Intelligence in London
Russell "Russ" Travers
0eb997 No.2359243
harlan frolic
brandywine hills
f86caa No.2359244
729d01 No.2359245
>Nicholas Rasmussen (IMPORTANT name to remember)
>Former Director of NCTC
d7a2ab No.2359246
bd9666 No.2359247
Hey Q
Look who twatted -
0d929b No.2359248
Do the Deep State fear you?
7ddc0f No.2359249
Just had that thought myself…..what if…