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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

10e286 No.22066621 [View All]

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479 posts and 357 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ed7965 No.22067340

File: 930de8094a24370⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,two_bullets.mp4)

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7df4e9 No.22067341





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1022a6 No.22067342

File: a272f3361497a33⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,290x291,290:291,oie_sbbNdg9rtBjw.jpg)


'presidential immunity' = dictatorship

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d80871 No.22067343

File: 400ab69651d7441⋯.png (16.49 KB,529x185,529:185,Capture.PNG)

NEW: Putin orders his gigantic Satan II nukes to be made ready for combat duty as soon as possible as Kremlin warns 'insane' idea of arming Ukraine with nukes would push world to 'brink of catastrophe' — Daily Mail


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bbc554 No.22067344

File: fe0c3eb87e1e285⋯.png (389.71 KB,1045x263,1045:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 983e76914add101⋯.png (464.59 KB,766x627,766:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e402bcdb91bd2ac⋯.png (331.8 KB,1042x830,521:415,ClipboardImage.png)

Dem Mega-Donor Says Kamala Disqualified FOREVER, Points to $1.5 BILLION in Campaign Cash ‘Legally Stolen.’

Democrat mega-donor John Morgan thinks Vice President Kamala Harris and her top campaign staff should be blackballedfrom politics in the future. Morgan, speaking with Chris Cuomo, likened the Democratic presidential campaign burning through $1.5 billion during the 2024 race as akin to the chaos in a Mad Max movie, suggesting the donor money had been “legally stolen.”

In the interview, Cuomo asks, “Do you think somebody stole the money?” Morgan responds, “Well, maybe legally.”

“Look, to me, you remember the movie Mad Max with everybody just doing whatever they wanted at the end of the world,”Morgan—founder of the Morgan & Morgan law firm—goes on to explain before continuing:“That’s what happened here. All of a sudden, everybody’s got the keys to the candy store—ad buyers, talent, consultants, there’s a hundred days to do it. And the money just started pouring in.”

When pressed regarding Harris’s future in the Democratic Party, Morgan did not hesitate, expressing his belief that she has no future. “I think this disqualifies her forever, ” he told Cuomo, adding: “If you can’t run a campaign, you can’t run America.”

“The same thing is going to follow Harris for the rest of her career. She cannot be trusted with the money, and the donors are going to be, like, ‘Where is this money?'” the mega-donor and attorney concluded.

The anger in top Democratic donor circles isn’t just directed at Harris, however.Also drawing ire are David Plouffe, the Obama-world political consultant who served as a senior advisor on theHarris campaign; Jen O’Malley Dillon, Harris’s campaign manager; andAnita Dunn, the Democrat dark-artscommunications guruwho took over the Future Forward SuperPAC. (Guaranteed there will be a an official investigation into crimes committed, imo)


(Kamala is not only drunk, but extremely chemically and physically imbalanced, like she's taken drugs with lots of alcohol, it's very rare to have a person's eyes go in different directions and one eyes enlarged and the other seemingly balanced in the center but still yin. We know she is crazy, but she should go to the doctor or hospital soon, it doesn't look like a good sign.)

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a0a82c No.22067345

File: 07e17c16555a240⋯.png (265.43 KB,568x440,71:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec1b74 No.22067346

Donald J. Trump


I am very pleased to nominate General Keith Kellogg to serve as Assistant to the President and Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia. Keith has led a distinguished Military and Business career, including serving in highly sensitive National Security roles in my first Administration. He was with me right from the beginning! Together, we will secure PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and Make America, and the World, SAFE AGAIN!


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892cfc No.22067347


"Kamala Harris Official Admits Internal Polls Had Her Losing To Trump The Entire Time"


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bbc554 No.22067348


Did she blow out her pupil in the left eye?

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c4e6cf No.22067349

File: 3782ae759d40448⋯.png (350.39 KB,598x768,299:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10679399700f778⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB,720x720,1:1,AzNOxUTOeNiahBLR.mp4)


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f6f104 No.22067350

File: 0e247d07c579d03⋯.jpg (77.33 KB,736x1308,184:327,PinPumps.jpg)

File: 8d732c4cad6e7aa⋯.webp (22.55 KB,1080x675,8:5,ShIFt.webp)

File: 6bf6ef2639f4d6c⋯.png (3.25 KB,57x60,19:20,Opera_Party.png)

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bcb413 No.22067351

File: c42be960fa3100e⋯.png (130.57 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Story time, Anons.

Global Warming, climate change and the Pandemic, are tools with a purpose.

As many of us know, the Earth has natural heating and cooling cycles, and so does the Sun.

TPTB also know this. So they came up with a plan. One that began with attaching a narrative to the natural warming cycle in order to exploit it for profit and power.

They needed everyone afraid, especially the generation not old enough to be born during the last cooling cycle in the 70's, and they expected those born in the last cooling cycle would only see everything getting hotter than they remembered.

They created new narratives to induce fear, destructive agendas, wasteful industries, and ineffective technologies (solar, wind), controlled by them, to facilitate a "solution" to their false narrative: Earth will continue to get hotter and unless we reduce carbon emissions and everyone adopts their new technology and agendas to save everyone.


They increased the heat further than the natural cycle would normally be, by spraying particulates designed to reflect Earth's reflected (escaping) heat back to Earth. These sprays also nucleates ice so that it doesn't properly form (essentially, spraying antifreeze).


The plan was to ride the natural heatwave to the top and then shut things down with a Pandemic when the natural temperature cycle (which we are in now) begins to cool.

They would point to the cooling and take credit for it, as being from the lockdown: "See! Reduced emissions (lack of spraying) will cool everything and save us!"


They would then have the "proof" and societal approval to completely silence all detractors of Climate Change (no longer Global Warming), 'it definitely cooled when we shut everything down, so we need to do that permanently'.

This would have allowed them to implement every destructive 'Green' agenda they could have imagined.



Thing is, they knew the cooling was coming and that their agendas and replacement technologies are ineffective and wholly destructive.

They know that most people have forgotten (or never learned) from science class what happens when the icebergs melt, and cold fresh water floods into the salty Atlantic. It shuts down the Atlantic conveyor (already beginning) and causes Earth to cool. Melting ice caps are not a doomsday as they preach. It is as God intended.

So, what happens when you have replaced plentiful energy production with ineffective energy production; and with your agendas destroyed high-calorie, healthy sources of food (beef, animal protein) and replaced them with crickets and nutrition-starved vegetables; and then you initiate an extended period of cooling and cold by melting some of the ice caps and shutting down the conveyor?

The solar panels don't produce as much, the wind turbines freeze up, and the farm output is reduced…

Death. Lots and lots of death. Intentionally.

But… the Pandemic came early, and was short lived. Trump was elected and interfered with the long term goals. Their plans were expedited as a tool to control the election, and Trump shortened the Pandemic with Warp Speed by providing the thing they said they needed - a vaccine. They tried to extend it as much as possible, but the people started waking up and rejecting the measures of control.

Now, things are cooling while 'carbon emissions' are back to pre-pandemic norms, WITHOUT the lockdown. Most areas have not had their energy production replaced with solar and wind, and for the next 4 years energy production will become more plentiful. The coming agenda will replenish soils and bring nutrition back to vegetables, while protecting cattle as an essential food source.

They cannot claim credit for the cooling now, and into 2028 as things continue to get colder and people wake up to the climate scam, they will realize how much they were lied to again and will begin to reject these lies same as they have begun to reject the Pandemic and Vaccine lies at increasing rates.

Unfortunately, in their absolute need to control, TPTB have pushed the heating too far, for too long, and the natural cooling is coming in. That collision of temperatures, extreme heat to accelerated cooling, this transition in such a short period of time ("short" on the scale of Earth and Sun cycles) is creating actually severe weather, and they do have the ability to direct these storms, and in their last clutches to power, directing them they are.

The Earth is wonderfully designed with failsafe's, that if left to function properly, protects us wonderfully.

But these people need to be stopped: "bring to ruin those ruining the Earth", and right now, we are quite literally in the calm before the storms.

Sincerely, Anon.

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5f5100 No.22067352


Don’t even go there about the moon or sun(gods)

Reality can be twisted or bent

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a43fd2 No.22067353

File: 6a921e12259dc47⋯.jpg (44.29 KB,600x450,4:3,6a921e12259dc47fca9cadd30b….jpg)


>Satan II nukes


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e59268 No.22067354

File: 76e7913d2dfc437⋯.png (677.5 KB,712x549,712:549,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump team signs transition agreement with White House


President-elect Donald Trump’s team has signed an agreement with the Biden White House unlocking key transition briefings and activities after a lengthy delay that stemmed, in part, from the Trump team’s concerns over a mandatory ethics agreement.

Trump transition officials could soon have access to agencies across the federal government, allowing the president-elect’s team to meet with outgoing officials and receive briefings on department activities.

But the team has yet to sign an agreement with the Department of Justice to begin processing the security clearances needed for staffers to access classified information during the transition period, White House officials said.

The Trump transition team made clear on Tuesday it’s doing things its own way, vowing to operate as a “self-sufficient organization.” That includes using its existing ethics plan and not using taxpayer funding or government buildings or technology provided by the General Services Administration for transition purposes. The team declined to sign a memorandum with GSA, due September 1, which would provide access to office space and secure communications, among other provisions.

“The Transition already has existing security and information protections built in, which means we will not require additional government and bureaucratic oversight,” it said in its statement.

The Trump team blew past the initial deadlines to sign the White House agreement, which was due October 1, and the GSA plan in part because of concerns over the mandatory ethics pledge vowing to avoid conflicts of interest once sworn in to office.

As part of the agreement signed Tuesday, Trump’s transition team posted an ethics plan on the GSA website, as required by the Presidential Transition Act passed by Congress.

White House agreement unlocks access to key agencies

The White House agreement serves as the gatekeeper for access to agencies and information and could lay the groundwork for Trump’s team to receive security clearances necessary to begin receiving classified information, although it was not immediately clear how that information sharing with the Biden administration would proceed.

“This engagement allows our intended Cabinet nominees to begin critical preparations, including the deployment of landing teams to every department and agency, and complete the orderly transition of power,” incoming chief of staff Susie Wiles said in a statement.

White House spokesperson Saloni Sharma confirmed that Trump’s team signed the White House agreement, adding that the Biden administration and the GSA “repeatedly made the case” to Trump’s team to sign the pair of agreements starting in September.

President Joe Biden and his chief of staff, Jeff Zients, had pressed Trump and Wiles to sign the agreements during their November 13 Oval Office conversation, people familiar with that conversation said, and Trump and Wiles expressed openness to moving forward. Zients, a person familiar said, met once more with Wiles on November 19 to stress the importance of starting transition briefings for national security and other continuity purposes.

The lack of a memorandum of understanding may also have been taking a toll on prep for one of Trump’s biggest priorities — cracking down on immigration.


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a0a82c No.22067355

File: 2bf14650d0ed7bc⋯.png (513.1 KB,960x949,960:949,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f5100 No.22067356



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e59268 No.22067357


Over recent weeks, Immigration and Customs Enforcement — an agency that will be key to Trump’s mass deportation plan — was trying to assess what additional resources and funds it would need to execute the president-elect’s pledge to detain and deport migrants at large scale, according to two sources familiar.

But in the absence of formal transition talks, ICE officials were basing assessments on the information and statements that were publicly available as they tried to outline the year ahead, the sources said.

The agency has historically been underfunded and will likely need more money from Congress. How much, however, remained unclear without formal information sharing, leaving a critical federal agency and congressional appropriators in the dark.

The Trump team, meanwhile, was also drawing up plans without a clear sense of ICE’s resources. A source close to transition planning told CNN they didn’t have a clear sense of ICE’s budget, which is crucial to planning.

With the White House agreement in place, members of the Biden administration can now begin to prepare their incoming counterparts for a handoff on January 20.

The signed agreement “will allow for certain, authorized members of the Trump transition team to have access to agency and White House employees, facilities, and information,” according to Sharma. White House officials said that federal agencies will receive guidance on facilitating secure information sharing with Trump’s team.

“The fact is that on January 20 at 12 pm, President Trump and his team will be in seat. We have 2 options. Option one is no transition, potentially risking the security of the American people and our country. Option two is conduct a smooth transition with safeguards in the White House MOU to protect non-public information and prevent conflicts of interest,” Sharma said. “Option two is the responsible course and in the best interest of the American people.”

One watchdog group that had previously raised increasingly dire alarms about the threat to national security in the absence of the agreement expressed approval Tuesday.

“This agreement unlocks direct access to information from federal agencies, which is vital for the incoming administration to be ready to govern on Day One and critical to the transition’s success,” Max Stier, the president and CEO of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, said in a statement.

But Sen. Elizabeth Warren raised questions about the Trump team’s agreement.

“This announcement fails to answer key questions about national security threats and FBI vetting of nominees, and increases concerns about corruption,” the Massachusetts Democrat said in a statement.

“There appear to be serious gaps between the Trump transition’s ethics agreement and the letter of the law. The reliance on private donors to fund the transition is nothing more than a ploy for well-connected Trump insiders to line their pockets while pretending to save taxpayers money,” she added.

Trump team doesn’t sign GSA agreement

The Biden White House did “not agree” with the decision to forego the GSA agreement.

“While we do not agree with the Trump transition team’s decision to forgo signing the GSA MOU, we will follow the purpose of the Presidential Transition Act, which clearly states that ‘any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of the United States and its people,’” Sharma said.

There are certain safeguards in the signed White House memorandum, White House officials said, aimed at bolstering protections from conflicts of interest.

For instance, officials said, “The Trump transition team must provide the names and current employer of individuals who would have access to agencies, agency personnel, and government information,” and those who are receiving classified information must have “the security clearance necessary to have access to that information, the requisite need to know, and (have) signed the requisite non-disclosure agreements.”

As for the memorandum of understanding with the Department of Justice, White House officials said that “progress has been made towards an agreement.”

CNN has reached out to the Office of Management and Budget and the GSA for comment.

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b4452a No.22067358

File: b883169a362b80b⋯.jpg (429.46 KB,1680x1050,8:5,Anonymous_Expect_Us_anonym….jpg)

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46dd1a No.22067359

File: eb9582b0409c76c⋯.png (45.45 KB,593x421,593:421,RosieII.png)

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aef7c9 No.22067360

File: b4cde016ea61334⋯.jpg (110.99 KB,700x881,700:881,FuRRX_pXsAAjWTj.jpg)

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a1901b No.22067361


Bout time someone held the principals and superintendents responsible for their hiring and retention of undesirables. But Oregon?

Seems like the last place you would expect accountability in anything.

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a0a82c No.22067362

File: 3b933d4febf3157⋯.png (435.26 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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53080e No.22067363

File: 7ca1e355a21cc67⋯.jpg (1002.82 KB,2560x2560,1:1,KEK_Dude_Q.jpg)

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65498c No.22067364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ac2c2 No.22067365

File: 20cad59386fc36d⋯.png (565.38 KB,818x700,409:350,junk.PNG)


Harris Campaign Advisor David Plouffe

Accidently Exposes How Legacy Media Lied

to the American People With Junk Polls

Gateway Pundit, by Margaret Flavin

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2024 1:03:17 PM

There have been extensive postmortems on Kamala Harris’s failed campaign and the absolute drubbing she received from Donald Trump. Democrat strategist James Carville said the moment he knew the campaign was doomed was when ‘The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin asked Harris, “If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” Kamala answered, “There is not a thing that comes to mind.” But legacy media keep gaslighting voters with polls showing Harris neck and neck with Trump and even leading in some surprising places.

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32c295 No.22067366

File: 5659183b7487f2e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1360x765,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1901b No.22067367


there's something hilariously ironic about the Biden regime requiring a manditory ethics agreement before a transition.

The swamp may be retarded.

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7ac2c2 No.22067369

File: e8e796e40504b0c⋯.png (710.59 KB,664x722,332:361,tc.PNG)


Trump Cabinet Picks Targeted with Death

Threats Including ‘Bomb Threats,’ ‘Swatting’

Breitbart Crime, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2024 1:00:08 PM

Many of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks had their lives threatened Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Fox News first reported almost a dozen of Trump’s cabinet picks and appointees were threatened.“Last night and this morning, several of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees and Administration appointees were targeted in violent, unAmerican threats to their lives and those who live with them,” said incoming White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt in a press release from the Trump-Vance transition team.“These attacks ranged from bomb threats to ‘swatting.’ In response, law enforcement and other authorities acted quickly

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7ac2c2 No.22067370

File: 4abbe4a2e10f991⋯.png (38.69 KB,1289x348,1289:348,cab.PNG)


Trump Cabinet nominees, appointees targeted

with ‘violent, unAmerican threats’

Fox News, by Brooke Singman

Posted By: Harlowe, 11/27/2024 12:47:23 PM

EXCLUSIVE: Nearly a dozen of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees and other appointees tapped for the incoming administration were targeted Tuesday night with "violent, unAmerican threats to their lives and those who live with them," prompting a "swift" law enforcement response, Fox News Digital has learned. The "attacks ranged from bomb threats to ‘swatting," according to Trump-Vance transition spokeswoman and incoming White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt. Sources told Fox News Digital that John Racliffe, the nominee to be CIA director, Pete Hegseth, the nominee for secretary of defense, and Rep. Elise Stefanik, the nominee for UN ambassador, were among those targeted.

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b4452a No.22067371

Did someone say majority of catholics are not real jews..

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7ac2c2 No.22067372

File: 11071a060f9d911⋯.png (18.17 KB,593x213,593:213,day.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


1 day after Trump threatened tariffs







5:16 AM · Nov 27, 2024




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7ac2c2 No.22067374

File: 3ad2d694ff2b62e⋯.png (66.64 KB,601x559,601:559,wh.PNG)


Will Hild


JUST IN: 11 State Attorneys General, led by Texas AG @KenPaxtonTX

, have just filed an antitrust lawsuit against @BlackRock

, @Vanguard_Group

and @StateStreet

, alleging the big 3 asset managers are using their combined market power to drive energy prices higher nationwide.



3:23 AM · Nov 27, 2024




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5f5100 No.22067375

File: 39400c008d6dfd5⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1640x877,1640:877,IMG_2644.jpeg)

So this is to anon, that brought some satoshis today ie part btc.

Well done.

The 2021 spike is now representing the now spike.

There’s a big spike to come, Michael styler allways buys near the top and he’s quids in.


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a43fd2 No.22067376

Baking Early

Bun Is Full

nice work anons

hold notes til next bread



#27017 >>22066637

>>22066670 Democrats hold primal screeeeeeam event at Lake Michigan.

>>22066672 British Troops Deployed to US Air Bases in England To Protect Them From Drone Attacks

>>22066701 The greatest unhinged lefty scream of all time. Trumps all others.

>>22066703 U.S. Government Hired Fors Marsh Group PR Firm To Push COVID Shots For Kids

>>22066715, >>22067344 Obamaworld forced Harris and Walz to apologize to every Democrat

>>22066729, >>22066802, >>22066883, >>22067018, >>22067048, >>22067116, >>22066978 NASA & Space Related

>>22066769 @elonmusk Vindman is on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs and has committed treason… he will pay the appropriate penalty

>>22066794, >>22067354, >>22067357 Trump’s Transition is Privately Funded will NOT be using cell phones, computers, offices or “any technology” provided by the GSA

>>22066827, >>22067313 @C_Herridge - The Untold Story Of The Hunter Biden Reporting At CBS

>>22066862 NASA scientists discovered an underground “city” buried 100 feet beneath the ice of Greenland

>>22066868 @elonmusk “Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis of all morality.” - Dune

>>22066878 FBI is investigating threats against Trump Cabinet nominees, administration appointees

>>22066882, >>22067221, >>22067254 Ken Paxton w/11 State Attorneys General Filed Lawsuit Over Coal Market Manipulation

>>22066894 Happy Birthday Steve Bannon


>>22066977 How 28,000 farmers were put out of business in one state

>>22066979 MOVIE Michelle Obama 2024 - Michelle Obama is not who she pretends to be.

>>22066986 Trump appoints General Keith Kellogg as special envoy for Ukraine and Russia

>>22067024 Europol - 11 arrested in new sting against wholesale cocaine traffickers

>>22067030 Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo joins Israel defense team for ICC case

>>22067071, >>22067273 Bron! Bron! We know you was at them Diddy parties… we know you was there!

>>22067073 Jon Rappoport- Several MILLION injections a year across the US military.

>>22067093 CAIR Defamation Case Backfires, Will Now Be Forced to Reveal Funding Sources

>>22067134 Assisted Suicide Adverts Appearing On London Underground

>>22067191, >>22067194 Musk Is Right: A Brief History of How Britain Became a ‘Tyrannical Police State’

>>22067198 Traffickers have been drugging babies to smuggle them into the United States. [silent war]

>>22067245 GOP Senator Blocking Promotion of General Who Led Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal

>>22067268, >>22067280, >>22067335, >>22067369 Trump's Cabinet Nominees were just targeted with bomb threats, swatting and death threats.

>>22067276 Trump lawyer sought lucrative contracts from candidates, Cabinet seeker while advising president-elect

>>22067294 @elonmusk Gonna happen 😂 = The IRS getting audited by the @DOGE

>>22067298 Vivek- It’s now or never to structurally reform the federal government. Elon- It’s this time or never

>>22067302 Peanut the Squirrel's owners to sue the state of New York for executing Peanut and Fred Racoon

>>22067307 Trans police officer who s*xually assaulted 2 cops is now the women’s representative on the police force.

>>22067315 The Real Danger to Democracy — Trump Cabinet Nominees Face Death Threats, Bomb Scares, Swatting

>>22067338 Scott County’s had 21 missing ballots in the MN House District - race was decided by 14 votes


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7ac2c2 No.22067379

File: ea95519f5da4a6e⋯.png (364.54 KB,595x590,119:118,lz.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Real America's Voice (RAV)



1:31 / 59:59

Real America's Voice (RAV)



8:15 AM · Nov 27, 2024




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5f5100 No.22067380

If u haven’t got a little bit of btc, this anon wonder why.

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32c295 No.22067381

File: 8a47ada081504d1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1359x762,453:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ac2c2 No.22067382

File: ebf5e993eefab47⋯.png (507.92 KB,583x757,583:757,az.PNG)


Elon Musk


Amazing. Legacy media lies.


Dr. Simon Goddek




What is missing on this list?


Rate proposed Community Notes

5:10 AM · Nov 27, 2024




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1d1ba4 No.22067383

File: 76599795b981b99⋯.png (7.93 MB,2360x1936,295:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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520b97 No.22067385

File: 0abf0ab78d0e0da⋯.png (28.54 KB,710x408,355:204,646_1.png)

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29a708 No.22067386

File: eef3b6710eae2f6⋯.png (1.98 MB,1078x1364,49:62,Screenshot_2024_11_27_at_1….png)

File: 96e1f26bccbd53b⋯.png (2.81 MB,1422x1512,79:84,Screenshot_2024_11_27_at_1….png)

File: aa7e5f2d37a93b3⋯.png (800.3 KB,610x944,305:472,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_1….png)

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7ac2c2 No.22067387

File: c7e0739fa8f6c85⋯.png (146.4 KB,595x834,595:834,ns.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Yet ANOTHER Republican US House seat in California is on the verge of flipping Democrat due to a “LATE SURGE” in votes

This is INSANE!

Up until the latest ballot drops, incumbent Republican John Duarte was leading Democrat Adam Gray by THOUSANDS of votes, but now, Gray is leading by ~173

And California is STILL COUNTING.

You’re telling me these districts flipped blue while the rest of the country flipped red? I call bullsht.


8:28 AM · Nov 27, 2024




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b4452a No.22067388


There is no way america can get back to morals with these morans. We are watching the destruction of the cabal in real time. These companies must be destroyed.Elon and Trump are going to take a wrecking ball to them.

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a43fd2 No.22067389

File: 5f14b108eca8bea⋯.jpg (69.89 KB,570x708,95:118,proxy_image.jpg)

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a34666 No.22067390

File: 1585530232fc746⋯.png (674.44 KB,637x707,91:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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a43fd2 No.22067391

File: 7677ef73179a6f8⋯.jpg (166.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7677ef73179a6f8add78d31d46….jpg)

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3427b2 No.22067392

File: 2575b3545e0f9c7⋯.png (40.82 KB,543x637,543:637,ClipboardImage.png)

Smart Tweet on behalf of Papua New Guinea


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2d4916 No.22067393

bread locked, pl migrate

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a43fd2 No.22067396



lock er up BV


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