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File: 907033bb5249c2d⋯.png (65.26 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

8559f0 No.21803449 [View All]

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582 posts and 376 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d98e80 No.21804129

File: 25dc812065c2cbf⋯.png (268.35 KB,568x499,568:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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25549c No.21804130


Trump decided to take a job at McDonalds because "I'VE MCFUCKING HAD IT".

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d98e80 No.21804131

File: 949ad5296ebf7ea⋯.png (244.3 KB,568x558,284:279,ClipboardImage.png)

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676743 No.21804132

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d98e80 No.21804133

File: 19e0b4098bd6636⋯.png (533.5 KB,568x519,568:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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60dd27 No.21804134

One candidate is much more positive, fun, energetic, intelligent, is for freedom and opportunity for all, more focused on things that matter, has actual plans, looks toward the future, brighter vision of America, caring, down to earth, enjoys laughing, enjoys dancing, is for the people, and will be a President to all Americans. Choose to be joyful and vote for a new way forward today. Be a part of history and vote for our first female President. Choose to not go back to chaos and drama and fear mongering, lies, and division.

Vote for Kamala today! Let’s turn the page on Trump and begin a new story for America! Get your friends family and neighbors to the polls today!

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dde0a0 No.21804135

File: af404a169b258fe⋯.png (613.14 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


will catch up with them.

may bring them forward.

had to deal with some irl issues.

not seeing much from anons yet apart from anons own memes, do not want to be posting anons own memes which anon can make at a drop of a hat if needed.


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1d7f5d No.21804136


I'd bet the "inspector" was a Democrat and was being a prick.

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d98e80 No.21804137

File: d297023456583ac⋯.png (376.89 KB,568x501,568:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a7668 No.21804138

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)



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dde0a0 No.21804139

File: eb39dae852a154e⋯.png (612.99 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d98e80 No.21804140

File: 7f879c639651a94⋯.png (52.22 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d9600 No.21804141

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


I laughed, but I shouldn't have.

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d98e80 No.21804142

File: a77db86eebeb2ed⋯.png (343.04 KB,568x445,568:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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db5535 No.21804143

File: 32b356d8e1f01b6⋯.png (196.99 KB,491x276,491:276,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bf975 No.21804144

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98c081 No.21804145


You have to think you are free to get Gitmo.

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dde0a0 No.21804146

File: 699b68073e6c470⋯.png (646.2 KB,500x738,250:369,ClipboardImage.png)


oh its you, the boring one..

you boring fuckwit.

filtered faggot.

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1d7f5d No.21804147


Ever seen the kitchen of a Red Lobster come closing? A disaster!

Takes the rest of the night to scrub the floors down and wipe everything down. High-quality standards are kept when run correctly.

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d98e80 No.21804148

File: 8ecad319e6920d3⋯.png (122.02 KB,488x530,244:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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1baa3f No.21804149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Justin Trudeau Testifies That Russia Funded Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson in Support of Their Anti-Vax Covid Claims | Video

Stephanie Kaloi October 19, 2024

Conservative political analyst Tucker Carlson and Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson were among those who were funded by the Russian state-owned news outlet RT to boost anti-vax claims in 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed while under oath during testimony delivered Wednesday at the Foreign Interference Commission.

The claims were made during the so-called “Freedom Convoy” protests staged by truck drivers in Canada that year. The country began requiring all cross-border truck drivers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in January 2022. In response some truck drivers as well as citizens in their private vehicles held protests outside Parliament.

Though Freedom Convoy is finished, Trudeau said, “these messages are still being sent to nowadays.”

He continued, “Answer, yes, we have seen that anti-vax messages during the convoy and during the pandemic were amplified by Russian propaganda, especially in the media of the right, and it was continued by message from the people who were sharing anti-vax messages.”

“It doesn’t mean that there weren’t people who were legitimately anti Vax, but that was hugely amplified by Russian propaganda,” Trudeau added. “And once Russia, Ukraine was invaded, we saw a lot of those channels become a pro-Putin propaganda channels. And as I said, we’ve recently seen that RT is currently funding bloggers and other tube personalities at the right, such as Jordan Peterson, other names that are well known. Tucker, Carson, as well, to, in order to amplify messages that are destabilizing democracies.”

Trudeau, who did not offer evidence to back up his claims, was testifying as part of an independent commission’s look into foreign interference in Canada’s elections. In April, the commission heard evidence from the country’s domestic spy agency that China had interfered with the last two elections held in Canada.

Tucker Carlson has not directly addressed the claims by Trudeau.Peterson took to X, where he wrote, “Hey Russians! Where the hell is my money?!@justintrudeau strikes again Whiffing at a foul ball.”==


Canadians, even if you hate Trudeau, it's never enough


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d98e80 No.21804150

File: ed2d1ad83e03f18⋯.png (240.09 KB,507x974,507:974,ClipboardImage.png)

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e807cf No.21804151


Chapter VII


This should rank higher than treason, to many times is the word, 'discussion' used, ergo, they don't want it concrete in crime value, because they ones causing it, are the perps.


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db5535 No.21804152

File: 430d6381cb989dd⋯.png (511.95 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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187915 No.21804153

What if negative extraterrestrials set up earth as their energy farm?

What if they feed on our negative emotions?

What if we are the animals to them?

Would explain why everything sucks. It was designed to be hard, to keep you angry, in fear, struggling.

Energy Vampires

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a0d0b5 No.21804154


way too early to be hitting the pots anon

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1d7f5d No.21804155

File: c1aa64c46f61fba⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Cotton_Eyed_Joe.mp4)

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7dd127 No.21804156



It’s an incredible time to be alive.

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c936e0 No.21804157


If you do go on will you be continually ip hopping?

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eea901 No.21804158

File: 50c2466f72d156f⋯.png (237.66 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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916219 No.21804159

File: 99b8feaa79bd85c⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,triggered_1.jpg)


All that's missing is "Neener Neener"

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5dc467 No.21804161

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,laughs.png)


Never get old


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4c10f2 No.21804162


Started in the garden of Eden.

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6d9600 No.21804163

File: 365863e66c9fd1f⋯.jpeg (489.94 KB,2160x2700,4:5,365863e66c9fd1f24c655fff8….jpeg)


Smells like Corp is an Absolute Retard. The same MuhJoo clown that namefagged as Dirk, that liked to write "fuckwit" all the time while he posted his MuhJoo crap. Taking into account Corp's arguments with BO before, trying to tell BO what to do and now trying to tell another baker what to do. Thanks for playing, faggot. Someone's cover is blown.

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f39931 No.21804164


its not an actionable crime when the democrats do it

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1d7f5d No.21804165


3rd density is Lucifer's domain. A cosmic school for our souls to instill what it takes to progress to the next level of 1,000 years of love and compassion. To find our way back to the 8th level and one with God.

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7594c2 No.21804166


Tis truth. Every system that humans have available has a certain amount of 'required stress' that they need to feed off if in order to stay alive.

If everyone quit their jobs, walked everywhere, meditated and smoked pots, they would shrivel up and die.

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db5535 No.21804167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Meme Magic Forecasts Kamala Will Lose?"

- at around 2:33 Mark explains that Matt Drudge will owns and operates The Drudge Report from a gay bath house in Thailand

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eea901 No.21804168


“The Operations Of The Greys Ceased To Exist In The Skies Around The Earth. When The Light Forces Made It Clear That There Would Be No More Visits And No Crafts Would Come Near The Earth, The Zetas Cowered In Fear. Although They Never Had The Intention Of Destruction, Their Own Knowledge And Power Was Their Downfall.

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187915 No.21804169

File: 1beb2956eacfa8d⋯.png (114.25 KB,592x1340,148:335,749.png)

Not according to Q post 749

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5dc467 No.21804171

File: 5fcdd6827c0ef2d⋯.png (1.54 MB,828x1024,207:256,happy_monday.png)

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a58bd8 No.21804172

File: 2e450ff7303fd78⋯.png (161.64 KB,478x672,239:336,ClipboardImage.png)

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e807cf No.21804174


anything good per the bible, was then created as bad, via the deep state.

Angels on earth, would do good, but be created as bad, demonic, etc, by the ds.

That's your aliens right there, angels, that the ds hate.

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ff9f06 No.21804175


Got to bury them deep

So dog don't dig them up wanting to play

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187915 No.21804176



Meant for this

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6d9600 No.21804177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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381242 No.21804178

File: 42732a28e51ab85⋯.png (802.08 KB,748x817,748:817,Screenshot_2024_10_21_at_0….png)

File: 3e2a20c38c394ba⋯.jpg (138.43 KB,900x603,100:67,GaaqagtWkAAOcmk.jpg)

File: b485d3975404ff8⋯.png (192.54 KB,473x875,473:875,qaggdropimage916.png)

File: dc57f4c5c99d9a6⋯.png (63.25 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage23.png)

File: a15e36545deae3b⋯.png (71.42 KB,473x749,473:749,qaggdropimage1805.png)

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1805, the Royal Navy defeated a combined French and Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. Fighting for Nelson were many foreign born sailors including over 360 Americans, 23 of whom served on HMS Victory. Many had volunteered but some had been pressed into service.

9:16 AM · Oct 21, 2024


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1d7f5d No.21804179


Henceforth it shall be called a McClassic!

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6bf975 No.21804180





Migrate, locked

Need a scraper for this bread, repost nb

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6bf975 No.21804457


#26698 >>21803457

>>21803477, >>21803478, >>21803556, >>21803908, >>21803926, >>21804041 DJT truths mini-bun

>>21803499 Dan Scavino Jr w/CAP: 10/20/24 | PITTSBURGH, PA…

>>21803525 SpeakerJohnson w/CAP: "I've been in over 230 cities and 40 states – I'm absolutely convinced that there's an energy out there right now…"

>>21803531 Kamala’s Body Language With Brett Baier Exposed Her MELTDOWN

>>21803550, >>21803555, >>21803603, >>21803941 ITS TIME - TWO MOAR WEEKS

>>21803584 New China-Backed Megaport Set to Transform South American Trade

>>21803597, >>21803598 Elon Musk calls for one-day voting on paper ballots with no machines “of any kind”

>>21803612, >>21803613, >>21803649 Two completely different reactions to someone in the crowd claiming Jesus is King and Lord.

>>21803653, >>21803656 Catherine Herridge w/CAP: Where is accountability when Homeland Security’s internal watchdog refuses to investigate?

>>21803713 Diddy accused of raping seven more victims, including 13-year-old girl who was drugged, in new lawsuits after 120 people came forward

>>21803772, >>21803795 Derek Johnson gives explanation of unusual floods in recent years:Roswell, Asheville, NYC

>>21803833 Crowd outside of McDonald’s to see President

>>21803844 Senate candidate says move by vunerable Dems is telling for Kamala Harris. Slotkin releasing ad tying herself with President Trump

>>21803850 Kamala's campaign lawyer Marc Elias, who helped Hillary cook up the Russiagate hoax against Trump, admits he is threatening battleground states to remove Cornel West from their ballots…

>>21803855 'WATERSHED MOMENT': Poll shows Catholic voters prefer Trump

>>21803959 AnonNews Overnight Feed

>>21804020 The 780th is Electioneering this morning.

>>21804054 The McBump

>>21804082 Swampennings for 10/21/2024

>>21804105 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 10/21/2024

>>21804106 Moldova voted in favor of joining the European Union by a narrow margin, in a referendum that came down to just a few thousand votes.

>>21803588, >>21803466, >>21803536, >>21803547, >>21803635, >>21803665, >>21803741, >>21803753, >>21803883, >>21803984, >>21804001, memes

>>21803550, >>21803555, >>21803603, >>21803615, >>21803631, >>21803941, >>21804139, two moar weeks memes


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