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File: 4546d94acbd93bd⋯.png (696.38 KB,900x485,180:97,436Y639BT9BN6Y35YT9N48YXYT….png)

46aee3 No.21795481 [View All]

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e3dd9e No.21796128

File: d99bafeac0d3420⋯.jpg (130.03 KB,938x378,67:27,capture_1283_21082021_2102….jpg)

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e3dd9e No.21796129

File: 6b85a09a4cda6b3⋯.jpg (151.2 KB,943x412,943:412,capture_1284_21082021_2102….jpg)

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e3dd9e No.21796130

File: 16ee2c12cf0fb3c⋯.jpg (143.73 KB,936x391,936:391,capture_1285_21082021_2103….jpg)

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6b1990 No.21796131

File: 80ba41b97e5e601⋯.png (22.05 KB,474x750,79:125,ClipboardImage.png)



The Jewish Cabal owns our gov't.

On Twatter yesterday, someone took a video walking through the Halls of Congress.

Outside Every.Single. Door. of every "elected" Congress person they have a large Poster with the flag of Israel and I STAND WITH ISRAEL on it.

Some doors have an American Flag on one side, and a fucking Israel Flag on the other.

We are a captured nation. Everywhere We are silenced and censored, including here on QR

Show how the Jewish geneticists found that their own people have a 40% rate of Schizophrenia, and Bi Polar disorder due to generations of Inbreeding. which would explain their lack of empathy in killing women and children,

and the Jewish bakers Delete it.

Q and the White Hats have to take out the Kabal before the enslavement of Christian Patriots end.

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e3dd9e No.21796132

File: 2e4223ae5e34cf6⋯.jpg (119.46 KB,937x374,937:374,capture_1291_21082021_2104….jpg)

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80f4ff No.21796133


Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attention

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090dcb No.21796134

File: 235742c3990dc2f⋯.png (26.78 KB,638x429,58:39,ClipboardImage.png)

anon finally had a chance to watch the Detroit rally17minute mic / sound failure from yesterday

did a timer from start to finish

margin of error is +/- 2 seconds

they played Eye of the Tiger thru the speakers at about 16:45 in, but DJT didn't talk until 18:16 in

so either way you time it, it wasn't 17 mins, yet the MSM all parroted 17.


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f71c7a No.21796135

Can anyone imagine if the actual voting results were from people that actually paid taxes and instead of illegal aliens, illegal voting and government dependency?

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e3dd9e No.21796136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

such fun


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a3c3d9 No.21796137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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80f4ff No.21796138

“Because I am Prime Minister and privy to all these informations, I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and/or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged or at high risk of or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference.”

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64482b No.21796139


It is not a loan. check fema page too


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9ca79d No.21796140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


faking the faker…using their playbook excuses…their plays…their…aka…we cheat just like them to win…bexoming the devil to beat the devil…

only one part of strategy…saftey measures must be in play…power corrupts…as We Have Seen and Starting to Show


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169ac1 No.21796141


the voting age should be raised to 25 at a bare minimum

imagine having to be 21 to buy smokes but only 18 to vote in elections that determine people who change the laws

fucking retarded system

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698937 No.21796142

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Latrobe, PA - 10/19/24

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64482b No.21796143



Straight from FEMA page…

"Myth: FEMA grant money is a loan that I will need to pay back.

Fact: FEMA disaster assistance are grants which do not need to be repaid. "

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714eff No.21796144

File: 351a8305745359c⋯.jpeg (417.58 KB,828x951,276:317,351a8305745359cadbb0a328d….jpeg)

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d42063 No.21796145


tax free work until 25 sounds like a nice benefit to go with that

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c78023 No.21796146


Stevie Wonder Sesame Street episode full

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d05fa0 No.21796147

File: ecb28fcaa0ebb33⋯.png (263.77 KB,832x704,13:11,pepe_hot.png)


>either way you time it, it wasn't 17 mins, yet the MSM all parroted 17

I see your point.


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698937 No.21796148

File: 39a7e2981c7bf9d⋯.png (408.55 KB,631x667,631:667,ClipboardImage.png)


🚨President Trump Rally Latrobe ADVISORY🚨

The Daily Show is at today's rally filming content that they will likely use to cast supporters of President Trump in a less than favorable light.

Be aware that any film crew that asks you to sign a release is filming for entertainment.

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6b1990 No.21796149

File: 1db4f1b76b18b2e⋯.png (13.75 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

We Are Saving Israel FOR LAST.


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43e5a2 No.21796150


levin only cares about jews and israel. i'm 58 and have been listening to this shit about da jooz my entire life and i give no more fucks. they've been kicked out of every country in the world for 1500 years and as far as i've seen, it's been for good reasons. fuck 'em. round them up and put them on an island far away from civilization or corral them into a Nevada camp and vaporize them.

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bff1d6 No.21796151


What happened to me?

What was done?


Power corrupts? Yes?

Money root of all evil?

Peace please

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893cad No.21796152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Show how the Jewish geneticists found that their own people have a 40% rate of Schizophrenia, and Bi Polar disorder due to generations of Inbreeding. which would explain their lack of empathy in killing women and children,



https://www.haaretz.com/2013-11-26/ty-article/.premium/ashkenazi-gene-increases-schizophrenia/0000017f-e04b-d75c-a7ff-fccfa3e10000 (paywall)

That's why they will interbreed with non-Jews, to absorb DNA in an attempt to correct centuries of inbreeding and to hide their numbers.

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16a6b1 No.21796153

File: 0b6d0b29cfe0c7a⋯.png (332.58 KB,526x464,263:232,muhjoo3.png)

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9ca79d No.21796154


the more they use 17…the better

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80f4ff No.21796155

File: 56ada468ca27d69⋯.png (404.93 KB,768x511,768:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3c3d9 No.21796156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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51484d No.21796157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Latrobe, PA - 10/19/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.77M subscribers

Started streaming 4 hours ago

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 6:00PM EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12:00 p.m. ET.


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893cad No.21796158

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek. Indded. Fuck JewHaters™.

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89a5ef No.21796159


*Undertaker Theme Plays in the Background*

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8c490f No.21796160


Kamala was 17 minutes late to the interview with brett baier on fox.

Fucking weird.

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9ca79d No.21796161


whats really gonna bake your noodle was would it have been taken knowing it would break

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893cad No.21796162

File: 908396db421c911⋯.png (745.09 KB,1245x1580,249:316,ClipboardImage.png)


>the voting age should be raised to 25 at a bare minimum

Or we could just educate these stupid fucks with Civics, like we did before President Peanut took over.

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d05fa0 No.21796163


how many ukrainians have they installed at important positions?

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46aee3 No.21796164


dropping new bread for rally


#26687 >>21795495

#26687 >>21795495 (You)

>>21795628, >>21795672, >>21795767 LIVE: President Trump in Latrobe, PA

>>21795794 Gold Star Fams at Rally take stage

>>21795988 ANTONIO BROWN: “I love you guys! Let’s do what we gotta do to get Trump in office.”

>>21796092, >>21796103 - Trump Force ONE plane has landed

>>21796148 TRUMP RALLY ATTENDEES Any film crew that asks you to sign a release is filming for entertainment (mockery)

>>21795830 Trump DOMINATING Election Cookie Sales at Pittsburgh Bakery – Trump Leading with 21,000 Cookies – Kamala Harris in THIRD PLACE at Only 6,200

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21795506, >>21795541, >>21795574 Good vs Ebil War

>>21795519, >>21795666, >>21795736 Lizzo says if Kamala wins the whole country will be like Detroit

>>21795535 Court Rules That Lawsuit to Unmask 218,000 Arizona Voters With No Proof of Citizenship Will Proceed to Evidentiary Hearing

>>21795522 16 Days to WINNING

>>21795523 World Bank loses track of $41 billion handed out for 'climate' ideologies

>>21795564 Georgia: The Boyz Are Back! Machines switching Trump votes to Harris votes

>>21795596 RudyG On President Trump's Promising Polls: "He's Gonna Win"

>>21795616 @DanScavino We are wheels up to Latrobe, Pennsylvania momentarily—LFG!!!!!

>>21795652 Mark Paoletta: "Jack Smith Is Breaking Every Rule To Get To President Trump"

>>21795664 Doing an AIPAC dig

>>21795672, >>21795803 Kamala rally today in Georgia!

>>21795719, >>21795731 VDH: Victor Davis Hanson: "We are in the middle of a cultural revolution."

>>21795776 While most eyes are on the swing states, the steal is focussed on Texas…

>>21795860, >>21796089 ELECTION INTEGRITY (or lack thereof)

>>21795870, >>21795908 Leaked US Intelligence Documents Related To Israel's Attack Preparations On Iran Appear Online

>>21795878 @CatTurd - Kamala doesn't need a cognitive test - she needs a breathalyzer

>>21795909, >>21795949 Netanyahu Assassination Attempt Thwarted

>>21795914 IT CONTINUES Texas DPS Encounter Over 130 Illegal Aliens, Including 32 Unaccompanied Children

>>21795919 Trump received a nice welcome by the Muslim community in Hamtramck, Michigan

>>21795967 NYPD descend on AOC's 'Red Light' neighborhood to clamp down on rampant prostitution, crime

>>21795979 @TonySeruga tracking those devices

>>21796052 So Greta Thunberg Is A Blood Relative of The Rothschild Clan?

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9ca79d No.21796165


implying more and more…orchestration…fake///fake news///fake wars

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f0e8d7 No.21796166

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

File: c853586136b0bb4⋯.png (438.3 KB,800x609,800:609,I_love_this_maaan.png)

File: faa70eb46a36c50⋯.jpg (91.9 KB,1024x598,512:299,patriotic_pepe.jpg)

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0e61a7 No.21796168

File: 54d822a48fc54a5⋯.png (2.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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34ea77 No.21796170




much appreciated anons. i saw the FEMA page, but i don't put it past them to outright lie. one look at that demon Mayorkas tells me that. am i now permanently fucked that my first instrinct is to assume the FEMA page will lie to me? this is so tedious…

o7 to all of you

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893cad No.21796171



(((ukrainians))) FIFY

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10edb4 No.21796172

17 days till election

How many times will POTUS say 17 tonight?

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8e2151 No.21796174


>the voting age should be raised to 25 at a bare minimum

How do you check the age when there is no ID required?

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6b1990 No.21796175

File: 63ae7a5b62a86d4⋯.png (263.48 KB,770x440,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Saw a video of a man who lost his house in NC, he said he "read the fine print" and it's a loan, and if you don't pay it back within a year, they take your property.

Loan or not is aDEFLECTION

Lose your house worth $150,000 - FEMA gives you $750 measly dollars.

Even if it's a gift, $750 LOUSY Dollars for your $200,000 house??

Did you a couple weeks ago, an Anon showed a receipt dropped by an illegal migrant who had a Food Stamp balance of $11,534.67

THAT's the outrage. not whether it's a "loan or not."

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9ca79d No.21796176

File: eeffd2701bcfe59⋯.png (1.08 MB,1263x720,421:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb0e0202ac38a62⋯.png (1.22 MB,1297x723,1297:723,ClipboardImage.png)

Golden Show Time

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46aee3 No.21796177

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45923c No.21796179

migrate locked

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89a5ef No.21796180



Tomorrow is 17

According to the Trump Timeline

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d42063 No.21796184

File: 2d7b60ab4bbe16e⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,709x1024,709:1024,2d7b60ab4bbe16eccac0c646c2….jpg)

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