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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

438bdf No.21793937 [View All]

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701 posts and 544 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d4dd70 No.21794711


Every time a sheep laughs a Q anon gets their wings.

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1a2e4c No.21794712


Is that kosher granite?

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2a0072 No.21794713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So yer saying the guys in black are the illuminati?

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7873a3 No.21794714

Do you think the pagers exploding story could have been just a psyop?

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decdc5 No.21794715

File: bc7aca9c7506937⋯.png (343.63 KB,405x720,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)


Trudeau has passed on his LGBTQ+Drag Queen genes to his lab grown son.

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7e5e47 No.21794716


Nah. It’s disclosure. Annunaki, Sumerian, Lizard people.

They have to disclose in drips because it’s so far fetched. Plus it’s a conspiracy theory so you know what that means. Plus there is video of them shapeshifting.

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b672d1 No.21794717


jealousy ıst.

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c417ca No.21794718

File: 0efd59ae3d36f38⋯.png (45.77 KB,540x720,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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676b62 No.21794719

File: 7c35d072fd8ae06⋯.jpg (91.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,ShortDickMen.jpg)

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74d89e No.21794721

File: 640844dd36e5096⋯.png (76.56 KB,1824x564,152:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55b25a7bb1f9510⋯.png (1.34 MB,896x1220,224:305,xitea.png)

The wayback machine is back online. Save page now is apparently still down. So it is view only mode for the time being.


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b672d1 No.21794722



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377871 No.21794723

File: a818a0d82fc67bf⋯.jpg (50.97 KB,387x599,387:599,josef_goebbels.jpg)

File: ee6bcc2f92bbd1d⋯.png (289.29 KB,1089x2052,121:228,votefraudzukerberg1.png)

File: 818925456dc4345⋯.jpg (179.92 KB,500x750,2:3,voter_fraud_jerryNadler.jpg)

File: 339219563379510⋯.png (382.65 KB,720x479,720:479,votecountdoesntaddup.png)

File: 3d3360520e26715⋯.jpg (169.12 KB,733x700,733:700,VoterIDPelosiMS_13.jpg)

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77e5d0 No.21794724


Fastest growing. Kek. Clearly it’s been going on since civilization began.

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189822 No.21794725

File: cc698513543ef2a⋯.jpg (304.36 KB,634x580,317:290,20220215_130159.jpg)

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acfebe No.21794726


>It concerns me how Lucas turned his back on the original franchise and tried to destroy it.

>People think the destruction began with Disney but it blatantly began with the prequels.

The prequels were Lucas' original storyline. He also knew it was boring, which is why he went with Ep 4-6 first. The problem is, Lucas was always a good story teller. He's a terrible director and writer. The last project he was working on was SW:Underworld, which would have been good, but Lucas, himself, didn't want to shell out the million or so per episode it would cost (he slated 100 episodes for the show, originally.) Lucas was also extremely naive. When Disney offered him 4 billion for the franchise, he went with it, 'cos he had them put in the contract that they wouldconsiderhis proposal for Eps 7-9. The key word here is "consider." Lucas was too stupid to realize that, yeah, they'd take his pitch, but his hubris prevented him from seeing that just 'cos they said they'd consider it, didn't mean they would actuallyuseit. The hubris of Lucas wouldn't allow him to see the forest for the trees, so when he pitched his story, they laughed at him and shelved it. Then, Disney went on to destroy the beloved franchise, as it was too masculine and heroic. They had to fag it all up, like all Jews do with anything that portrays non-Jewish heroic archetypes. That's why Lucas is pissed now. He sold his legacy for 4 billion and the people he sold it to, intentionally ruined it.

>Jim Cameron

Has always been a part of the club. That's why he did Titanic and made it a love story, so they could hide what it was really about.

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9fdc04 No.21794727




Maybe bi. He definitely fucked Margaret Trudeau and gathered Justin.

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16f016 No.21794728

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Kind of big to use on the table for a proxy, but I'll allow it.

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9fdc04 No.21794729

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456d1f No.21794730

File: 931ba4b1bcdfdc4⋯.jpg (68.27 KB,691x516,691:516,Screen_Shot_2024_10_19_at_….jpg)


>AT&T commercials

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2a0072 No.21794731


Fucking Jewish Nazis everywhere.

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2a0072 No.21794732

File: d459f2c3c633271⋯.png (106.38 KB,267x239,267:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d53a9 No.21794733

File: f3ab3131645d02a⋯.png (44.83 KB,700x722,350:361,aoy5ERw_700bwp.png)

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702524 No.21794734


She needs more cookies.

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000000 No.21794735

Q Anons = PSYOP'D dipshits


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676b62 No.21794736

File: 37279a24a810a66⋯.png (986.16 KB,957x500,957:500,SwordOfHB.png)

That's >>21794723 Another Fine Mess Y got me INTO!

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45813e No.21794737

File: b5861784c064bef⋯.gif (12.9 KB,220x226,110:113,whoa_spit_out_drink.gif)


Ahhhhhhhh my eyes!

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decdc5 No.21794738


Every time a sheep laughs - they have been seeded.

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1a2e4c No.21794739

File: 1ff06d54ccd28c6⋯.png (199.32 KB,850x400,17:8,ben_franklin_fools_and_tre….png)


Clever is just smart enough to get itself into a trap, but not smart enough to see the trap, or to see the way out of the trap once caught.

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438bdf No.21794740




#26685 >>21793943

>>21794066, >>21794687 WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Latrobe, PA - 10/19/24 6pm

- - - - - - - -

>>21794052, >>21794058, >>21794061 Bun of video links from Detroit TRUMP RALLY

>>21794081 U.S. Submarine in Guantánamo Bay - Submarine SSN 725 - USS Helena - WEIRD any relation to the Hurricane? (June 2024)

>>21794132 Boxing Hall of Famer Thomas 'Hitman' Hearns joins Trump on stage at Detroit rally

>>21794136, >>21794203, >>21794231 TODAY IN QPOST HISTORY - One Qdrop with a simple message. BUCKLE UP!! with a military tweet.

>>21794292, >>21794389, >>21794436, >>21794449, >>21794520, >>21794593, >>21794643 NASA Space Related

>>21794343, >>21794378, >>21794473, >>21794512 PlaneFaggin' Democrat voter recruitment flights

>>21794431, >>21794580, >>21794674 🔥 🇺🇸 Donald Trump shares TikTok video with WWE icons The Undertaker and Kane

>>21794442, >>21794459 Before the Mic failed,Trump had been building up to his opinion of 'the most beautiful word.'

>>21794451 Federal judge blocks Alabama's voter purge program ahead of election

>>21794460 Scott Presler speaks to the 2 "Jesus Is Lord" students kicked out of Kamala rally

>>21794470, >>21794600 Pentagon Failing on Efforts to Offer Nutritious Meals at Military Bases

>>21794486 Minnesota ‘County Courier Vehicle’ Open in parking lot with Boxes of Ballots Left Unattended

>>21794494 Officials in Argentina are calling for the immediate suspension of the mRNA jabs

>>21794505 @elonmusk The US Treasury – your tax dollars – are being wasted at a staggering rate!

>>21794523, >>21794538, >>21794540 🚨 VOTING ELECTION bun

>>21794701 @VentureCoMining - I bought the Red October model used in the movie. It’s arrived.

>>21794703 Inside America’s Fastest-Growing Criminal Enterprise: Sex Trafficking

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16f016 No.21794741

Well this is a new addition to the tinnitus. A constant "woosh woosh" sound that I assume is blood circulating through my ear.

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e03c30 No.21794742

File: fafab5364feaf93⋯.png (951.05 KB,846x577,846:577,j6643h5436543653.PNG)

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855fb9 No.21794745




Biden’s border policies have led to an explosion in the forced prostitution of migrants in the U.S.

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5011c5 No.21794746

File: a585ad02596122c⋯.png (308.14 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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bebbe2 No.21794747



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2a0072 No.21794748


Inside the Shabbat dinner at Davos

Roughly 175 people attend the invite-only gathering, held at the end of the week-long conference


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000000 No.21794750

TODAY'S BUN(S) * ALL OF THEM * IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT THIS LINK https://open.ink/collections/j6

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000000 No.21794751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bebbe2 No.21794752


archive.fo in theaddressbar

press enter

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438bdf No.21794753

File: ec7b9ba9e1a4a99⋯.png (1.38 MB,712x943,712:943,ec7b9ba9e1a4a99b89b8d2ea0f….png)

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000000 No.21794755


Open.Ink Expands J6 Archive with 1TB of Footage and Re-launches "J6: A True Timeline" with Exclusive New Content


"When we initially released 'J6: A True Timeline' on X (formerly Twitter) on January 1, 2024, we encouraged the public to scrutinize and contribute to our work," says Rink. "The feedback we received helped us refine the timeline, and the additional footage submissions allowed us to enhance the accuracy of our account. This updated version aims to stand as the definitive timeline of what occurred on January 6."


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ed3677 No.21794756

File: ba43a08fa91cdd8⋯.png (865.46 KB,837x659,837:659,t5w6hwethwetwe.PNG)

Buckle Up!

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87373d No.21794759

File: be481a0a2520731⋯.png (157.9 KB,400x706,200:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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438bdf No.21794760

File: 77863b055615968⋯.png (435.84 KB,626x499,626:499,77863b0556159686e560015985….png)

File: 78154f33fd370cd⋯.jpg (99.07 KB,695x631,695:631,78154f33fd370cdfe2c55e5ea1….jpg)

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bebbe2 No.21794761

freeadvertising on8kun

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b3298e No.21794765

File: a6ae63bd3b1ae77⋯.png (209.84 KB,600x375,8:5,Buckley_SFB_Midnight.png)

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456d1f No.21794766

File: 1c46ccf91b000f6⋯.mp4 (7.77 MB,640x460,32:23,1c46ccf91b000f603b9588ba7a….mp4)

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dbde28 No.21794767

File: e5cc2483c3bf0d1⋯.png (293.5 KB,572x407,52:37,tipofthespear.png)

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bebbe2 No.21794769


this gnü.


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36fb4b No.21794770

File: 0846a6b1fde78b0⋯.png (112.22 KB,281x375,281:375,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a0032bf48632a3⋯.png (432.17 KB,633x487,633:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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bebbe2 No.21794771


… haow can it be so new?

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