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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

f00da2 No.21792506 [View All]

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ee345b No.21793108

File: 9c0864234956428⋯.png (1.15 MB,762x952,381:476,ClipboardImage.png)



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25e05f No.21793109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 andSupernatural PhenomenonSRS #115

This entire interview was very goodbut when Tucker got to the Supernatural and our gov knows it exists, but downplays it because it's a CS it got astoundingly interesting. The fact is we are in spiritual warfare, that our gov knows but denies, confirms what we here have known forever.

About this time


Total video 3:15:53


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b510c1 No.21793110

Telescoping. Your tunnel has many subsections, astral travel, RV, and time travel. Your intelligence level allows pin point accuracy. You can see the past where the problems began and who/what events sparked the ongoing elevation of 'evil'. Which genetic bloodlines were predisposed and able to alter outcomes. Do we know? All things had a beginning somewhere. N’est-ce pas?

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36fe36 No.21793111

File: b52106273b3427d⋯.png (105.61 KB,255x241,255:241,IMG_1446.png)

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cc976c No.21793112

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,63aa853ae742cdda5285bf7868….jpg)

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000000 No.21793113

purity of one's intent always rises higher then other's weaponization of purity.

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b4807e No.21793114

File: c46b0e702fd0817⋯.gif (369.23 KB,400x225,16:9,34d552d0_c82d_4348_8630_50….gif)

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a86ab1 No.21793115

File: b2b354e13e4a880⋯.png (1.66 MB,920x920,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala's America.

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6eaad4 No.21793117


i had a friend that deleted his facebook cause of me

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96d71e No.21793119

File: 346b2c4e7fb98ff⋯.jpeg (156.68 KB,500x1090,50:109,IMG_3072.jpeg)

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d01d87 No.21793121


>Remember a couple of months ago when AOC said a bunch of Democrat insiders would never vote for Kamala?

Our Girl, Judas Goat AOC

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a86ab1 No.21793122

File: efdd827e161e00c⋯.png (661.19 KB,758x471,758:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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3850b3 No.21793123

File: 205771aba24f7d1⋯.jpeg (241.1 KB,1112x859,1112:859,IMG_1451.jpeg)

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d01d87 No.21793124


How about just "Expose Israel"

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b510c1 No.21793125


your discourse is for those with eyes to see. What if one has the ability to 'see'? So much to be done and capacity 'as a 'hu-man'' we humans, is stymied by 3-D. What say you about using our vibration? But I was taught that free will must always be followed

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144a3c No.21793126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just so you know a Democracy is a Goddam Failure.

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cc7b98 No.21793127

File: 494a09376099294⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,270x480,9:16,0000000000.mp4)

File: 9c8561a50c8c262⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x684,100:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the water.

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b4807e No.21793128

File: 20899bf84ad1b45⋯.png (283.88 KB,500x506,250:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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91ac8b No.21793129

File: c19fc470a613323⋯.jpg (47.52 KB,675x479,675:479,0e4f8f2ae14672af575a2dddc4….jpg)

File: db2128f6bf4c988⋯.jpg (36.93 KB,711x385,711:385,dddc4e4cd59205587ed2a1e2fb….jpg)

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5065aa No.21793130


>Your tunnel


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96d71e No.21793131

File: b28ad98bd4c173e⋯.jpeg (61.17 KB,550x377,550:377,IMG_3077.jpeg)

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96d71e No.21793132


she is pretty


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785127 No.21793133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s THAT CORRUPT and dirty.

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96d71e No.21793134

File: 70fe9f9fe3a9374⋯.jpeg (37.51 KB,474x389,474:389,IMG_3078.jpeg)

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b510c1 No.21793135


fight over everything that we do?

built for us. We can fly. But not allowed to leave this planet. The will for our bodies to remain 3-D is strong.

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cc7b98 No.21793136

File: 484f15cbed6f039⋯.mp4 (3 MB,270x480,9:16,Chemtrails_Your_Being_Pois….mp4)

Chemtrails: You're being poisoned.


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b510c1 No.21793137


fight over everything that we do?

built for us. We can fly. But not allowed to leave this planet. The will for our bodies to remain 3-D is strong. >>21792966

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ee345b No.21793138

File: 38496e4e8e31c43⋯.png (1.94 MB,788x953,788:953,ClipboardImage.png)




Can you get your point across in one post?

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52bd52 No.21793139

notables @ 550 seeking handoff else baking in ~20min

#26683 >>21792519

>>21792529 A Desperate Kamala Harris Steals Another Trump Policy

>>21792557, >>21792564 Screeching banshees

>>21792569 Voter registration in Pennsylvania closes on Monday night

>>21792578 Remember a couple of months ago when AOC said a bunch of Democrat insiders would never vote for Kamala?

>>21792580 SpaceX Makes History Catching Rocket on Landing

>>21792586 The past 48 hours of Kamala Harris

>>21792617, >>21792622 Alexa says there is no election winner in 2024

>>21792636 'Yacht Killer' who tied up a couple to a boat anchor and threw them overboard, got Kamala's taxpayer-funded sex-change

>>21792648 Power goes out on entire island of Cuba, leaving 10 million people without electricity

>>21792659 Call to mow your lawns

>>21792688 17 Days Until 2024 Presidential Election

>>21792733 Trump's mic cut out for about 17 minutes during his rally tonight in Detroit, Michigan, as he discussed his penchant for tariffs

>>21792756 Reticular Activating System

>>21792812 Charlie Kirk is still a beast

>>21792839 North Carolina update

>>21792949 Jason Whitlock: I just voted for Trump

>>21792971 CNN Data Analyst Harry Enten: Donald Trump’s Favorability Rising While Kamala Harris Has ‘Stalled’

>>21792986 Why is Donald Trump targeting the Amish vote in Pennsylvania?

>>21793002 Elon Musk raises payment offer to $100 for voters who sign petition supporting 'free speech & right to bear arms'

>>21793003 President @realDonaldTrump arrives in New York after campaigning in Michigan

>>21793024 Illegals who are calling Trump 'El Diablo', are trying to break into the US for their own best interest, hope for a Kamala victory

>>21793039 Amazon’s first fully autonomous robot, Proteus

>>21793044 ‘We’re Desperate’: Socialists, Muslims Band Together To Deny Harris The White House

>>21793048 More than 100,000 Chinese Illegals have crossed U.S. border in last 4 years

>>21793055 Chinese Communist Party Espionage ‘Expanded Rapidly’ Under Biden-Harris, House GOP Finds

>>21793050 Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar throws stick at drone in desperate final moments

>>21793059 Kamala Close With Dem Who Tried To Make Child Porn Possession A Non-Felony

>>21793076 'The Enemy Within'

>>21792657, >>21792810, >>21793035, >>21793054, >>21793088, >>21793091, >>21793096, >>21793101, >>21793122 Memes


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e88873 No.21793140

File: fd3f240d5bffc07⋯.png (2.63 MB,1222x991,1222:991,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Hero Gets up and Cunningly Beats the bad guys at their own game

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785127 No.21793141


How do you cut days short? If a seed grows itself, where did it come from?

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09cee0 No.21793142

File: 304cab80c0da7e1⋯.png (2.02 MB,860x1275,172:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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e88873 No.21793143

File: 49a8f66aeaa31d8⋯.jpg (12.81 KB,255x255,1:1,our_girl.jpg)


>Our Girl, Judas Goat AOC

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05e4d3 No.21793144

File: 9515892abf16e17⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB,640x352,20:11,VID_20241019_073617_813.mp4)

File: dd60f185e9e4f73⋯.mp4 (173.23 KB,186x116,93:58,joe_biden.mp4)

🇺🇸🇩🇪 Dementia Daddy has a moment in Germany…

🔴 @DDGeopolitics


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05e4d3 No.21793145

File: 2c3f9c7d3040968⋯.jpg (128.81 KB,1080x1105,216:221,IMG_20241019_073827_412.jpg)

🇺🇸🇷🇺 The U.S. Department of Justice offered a $10 million dollar award for info on where the @Rybar team is located.

🤔 So we're just wondering how much will you pay if we tell you?

They're in Russia! 🫢

🔴 @DDGeopolitics


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b510c1 No.21793146


In a strange way there is no point. Just an inquiring discourse. Those were the original posters words not mine. You have engaged, what point would you like clarified?

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05e4d3 No.21793147

File: ccd26e3bfe1a5f2⋯.jpg (85.37 KB,1024x665,1024:665,IMG_20241019_074157_385.jpg)

🇷🇺 Putin at a meeting with the leaders of major media from BRICS member countries. Key statements:

➡️Russia is interested in ending the conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible.

➡️Russia will monitor if any Western country attempts to transfer nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

➡️Russia will not allow nuclear weapons to appear in Ukraine under any circumstances.

➡️Any step by Ukraine toward developing nuclear weapons will be met with an appropriate response.

➡️It is not difficult to create nuclear weapons in the modern world, but it is unclear whether Ukraine is capable.

➡️Russia is ready to engage in dialogue on peacefully resolving the conflict in Ukraine, but only based on the 2022 document.

➡️Putin stated that he could "practically disrupt" the work of the G20 if he attends the summit in Brazil.

➡️The president believes that his arrival in Brazil could disrupt the G20 due to the situation surrounding Russia.

➡️On the G20 summit: it is a good forum, beneficial if it is not politicized.

➡️ICC decisions can be easily bypassed by signing intergovernmental agreements between countries.

➡️The International Criminal Court does not have universal significance, and Russia does not recognize it.

➡️The Eurozone is balancing on the edge of a recession.

➡️The Northern Sea Route is a global route, attracting significant interest from many BRICS member countries.

➡️Russia is building an icebreaker fleet that no one else in the world possesses.

➡️The creation of a unified BRICS currency is not currently under consideration.

➡️BRICS countries aim to increase the use of national currencies in mutual settlements and are exploring ways to expand this.

➡️Increasing the number of BRICS members should not undermine the effectiveness of the organization.

➡️BRICS respects other associations and seeks to cooperate with them.

➡️The work of BRICS countries will positively impact the global situation.

➡️BRICS is not a bloc organization and is not aimed against anyone's interests.

➡️Today's global economic leaders, including the Eurozone, will ultimately benefit from BRICS.

➡️The situation on the Iran-Israel track is tense.

➡️A compromise in the Arab-Israeli conflict is possible, but it is a very delicate area.

Via: @Rian_ru

🔴 @DDGeopolitics


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a10994 No.21793148

File: 2ca08234f5ae865⋯.jpeg (36.79 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7754.jpeg)

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b510c1 No.21793149

File: 563f4dc56681cd0⋯.jpg (30.1 KB,439x330,439:330,blue_beings.jpg)


this is a better picture

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b97f05 No.21793150

Gaslight me. Waiting. R2

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05e4d3 No.21793151

File: 243aca63e74cdb4⋯.jpg (137.13 KB,1200x872,150:109,IMG_20241019_074508_431.jpg)

🇯🇵 Police in Tokyo have detained a man who threw a Molotov cocktail at the ruling party's building and attempted to ram the Prime Minister's office with a car.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics


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000000 No.21793152

Vice President Kamala Harris

@VP 4h

Ours is a fight to fulfill the promise of America —a promise of freedom, opportunity, and equality for all.

Oct 19, 2024 · 1:06 AM UTC



Badge of honor.

Tyrannic Dems can´t handle the truth.

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785127 No.21793153

File: 1e8ddff3f0c2fa1⋯.png (67.86 KB,225x225,1:1,1e8ddff3f0c2fa18e76fbde4c6….png)


>a man who threw a Molotov cocktail at the ruling party's building and attempted to ram the Prime Minister's office with a car

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ff2e1f No.21793154

File: e5a700af81106ab⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,858x480,143:80,kamalabaphometseewhatcanbe….mp4)


…unburdened by what has been

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ee345b No.21793155

File: 94379bfeb4fdea8⋯.png (311.12 KB,482x270,241:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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52bd52 No.21793156

notables FINAL

#26683 >>21792519

>>21792529 A Desperate Kamala Harris Steals Another Trump Policy

>>21792557, >>21792564 Screeching banshees

>>21792569 Voter registration in Pennsylvania closes on Monday night

>>21792578 Remember a couple of months ago when AOC said a bunch of Democrat insiders would never vote for Kamala?

>>21792580 SpaceX Makes History Catching Rocket on Landing

>>21792586 The past 48 hours of Kamala Harris

>>21792617, >>21792622 Alexa says there is no election winner in 2024

>>21792636 'Yacht Killer' who tied up a couple to a boat anchor and threw them overboard, got Kamala's taxpayer-funded sex-change

>>21792648 Power goes out on entire island of Cuba, leaving 10 million people without electricity

>>21792659 Call to mow your lawns

>>21792688 17 Days Until 2024 Presidential Election

>>21792733 Trump's mic cut out for about 17 minutes during his rally tonight in Detroit, Michigan, as he discussed his penchant for tariffs

>>21792756 Reticular Activating System

>>21792812 Charlie Kirk is still a beast

>>21793076 'The Enemy Within'

>>21792839 North Carolina update

>>21792949 Jason Whitlock: I just voted for Trump

>>21792971 CNN Data Analyst Harry Enten: Donald Trump’s Favorability Rising While Kamala Harris Has ‘Stalled’

>>21792986 Why is Donald Trump targeting the Amish vote in Pennsylvania?

>>21793002 Elon Musk raises payment offer to $100 for voters who sign petition supporting 'free speech & right to bear arms'

>>21793003 President @realDonaldTrump arrives in New York after campaigning in Michigan

>>21793024 Illegals who are calling Trump 'El Diablo', breaking into the US for their own best interest hoping for a Kamala victory

>>21793039 Amazon’s first fully autonomous robot, Proteus

>>21793044 ‘We’re Desperate’: Socialists, Muslims Band Together To Deny Harris The White House

>>21793048 More than 100,000 Chinese Illegals have crossed U.S. border in last 4 years

>>21793055 Chinese Communist Party Espionage ‘Expanded Rapidly’ Under Biden-Harris, House GOP Finds

>>21793050 Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar throws stick at drone in desperate final moments

>>21793059 Kamala Close With Dem Who Tried To Make Child Porn Possession A Non-Felony

>>21793144 Clear signs Joe Biden has dementia

>>21793145 The U.S. Department of Justice offered a $10 million dollar award for info on where the @Rybar team is located

>>21792657, >>21792810, >>21793035, >>21793054, >>21793088, >>21793091, >>21793096, >>21793101, >>21793122 Memes


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52bd52 No.21793164

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ff2e1f No.21793165

File: feb0452f55575e1⋯.png (139.62 KB,529x621,23:27,pepeapubilbo4chn8kn.png)

File: 12c03f10da9527d⋯.png (155.68 KB,587x656,587:656,PepeApuCanadian.png)

File: 5d50b9314b57c90⋯.webm (301.21 KB,320x240,4:3,PepeDidjidoo.webm)

File: bc29e00dedce6a8⋯.png (320.99 KB,774x1072,387:536,PepetimusPrime2.png)

File: e9b85c679bdd8f4⋯.png (645 KB,715x851,715:851,PepeMoscowDragonSlayer.png)

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000000 No.21793167

World News Express 🚨

@WorldNewsExprex 47m

Cuba blackout emergency continues as entire grid knocked offline

One of the island’s major power plants failed late Thursday resulting in1.64 gigawatts going offline, with reports indicating full power has still not been restored after 36 hours of total darkness.



Oct 19, 2024 · 5:05 AM UTC


Back to the future vibes…

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165610 No.21793168

bread locked, plz migrate

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