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File: bbb1be395d380ae⋯.png (100.02 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

351ee5 No.21779516 [View All]

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8a992f No.21780345

File: e9fa7429b236c2a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,498x247,498:247,kekface.gif)

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281d5b No.21780346


how can you be from palestine and not know it's the jews


Americans have no say in our govt

We are a vassal state

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bde9dc No.21780347

File: 64dc4dfed7b3c6a⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,720x405,16:9,1646376405617.jpg)


Wakka wakka, whats going on?

That's what I always say, it's my catchphrase everyone knows it.

Just comfy listening to some worship music and praising the Lord Jesus Christ our savior; while drinking up some vino.

Hope all is well with you, anon

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33aad6 No.21780348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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932091 No.21780349

"The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword

of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for

all the Lord's people." Q post #4207



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ca7f87 No.21780350

File: a4e7402c63cd203⋯.png (598.63 KB,883x747,883:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1a30f No.21780351

Ummm that is the plan


>We need to fix the corruption and that starts by bringing every American soldier back home and clean the house not go bomb the shit out of other

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281d5b No.21780352


the jews are behind the migration and the wars

the usury, the bribes, the Jeffrey Epsteins

maybe you are too cowardly to admit it to yourself

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557cab No.21780353

File: 2046267145cc81f⋯.png (27.5 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Goes Unnamed On China Online Maps

Wall Street Journal Oct. 30, 2023

Internet users in China are expressing bewilderment that the name Israel doesn’t appear on leading online digital maps from Baidu and Alibaba, an ambiguity that matches Beijing’s vague diplomacy in the region and contrasts with its attentiveness to maps generally.

Baidu’s Chinese language online maps demarcate the internationally recognized borders of Israel, as well as the Palestinian territories, plus key cities, but don’t clearly identify the country by name. The same is true with online maps produced by Alibaba’s Amap, where even small nations like Luxembourg are clearly marked.

Neither company responded to questions on Monday. It is unclear whether the development is new, though it has been discussed by Chinese internet users since war broke out.

Sauce: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-gaza-war-latest/card/israel-goes-unnamed-on-china-online-maps-aY5VjRWIlsnSMuASZNF2

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afa656 No.21780354

File: bf21ff2b1e64b12⋯.webm (1.72 MB,360x360,1:1,bf21ff2b1e64b125a68e03686….webm)


eh, ran outta scotch like an hour ago after the stores closed.

so now i'm just chillin.

wishing i could sleep.

got work in the morning.

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f66a5a No.21780355


How are you?

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ecdf54 No.21780356

File: 8bd80b2c757225b⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,1200x1775,48:71,1200x0_2936338040.jpg)

File: c371dc419a3eb16⋯.jpg (148.61 KB,1100x619,1100:619,170309071116_kamala_harris….jpg)

File: 60d896cebc7c2fb⋯.jpg (27.96 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3243022930.jpg)


Hope n change

Cnage is corning soon

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281d5b No.21780357


maybe the chinese design maps like they design buildings and escalators

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ca0803 No.21780358

File: eef54c5a522bd42⋯.png (66.36 KB,179x254,179:254,IMG_2123.png)

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c30777 No.21780359


maybe the feds have you under surveillance

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f21154 No.21780360

File: 14bd39d22c3b79f⋯.png (19.77 KB,251x255,251:255,_077.png)

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bde9dc No.21780361

File: 25f24a6262b7eaf⋯.png (1.29 MB,2560x1440,16:9,25f24a6262b7eaf6715b18eecf….png)


Aw, that's sad news..

But atleast you have work in the morning, something to look forward to.

Have you voted yet?


I'm super comfy, thanks for asking Anon.

How have you been?

Sorry I haven't been baking, just super busy in life maintaining relationships and all that.

Might have a girlfriend soon, who knows..

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557cab No.21780362


>It’s not the Jews it’s only the leaders

WHO do you think are in every lever of Power?

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d49bba No.21780363





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fa4114 No.21780364


The DC Diddlers

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281d5b No.21780365


Israel created isis you absolute retard

lurk moar

browse the archives

search the archives



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e8c6a1 No.21780366

notables FINAL

#26668 >>21779527

>>21779535 WHO DID THIS???🤣🤣🤣

>>21779548, >>21779619, >>21779658, >>21779720, >>21779746 Kamala education dig

>>21779679 Netanyahu says IDF found ‘state-of-the-art’ Russian arms in Hezbollah bases

>>21779695 Laura Ingraham with Eric Trump says America deserves so much better than this

>>21779768 Anon kekulates the Trumps / min²

>>21779850 Statement from Wayback Machine Team

>>21779869 Trump Campaign's newest ad just dropped: The Kamala interview with Bret Baier

>>21779888, >>21779915 Man yells to Trump: “Your father paid for my tuition!”, Trump then takes the time to meet him

>>21779900 Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are "Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics

>>21779918 U.S. Central Command Conducts Multiple Strikes on Underground Iran-Backed Houthi Weapons Facilities

>>21779963, >>21779976 Latakia, in the Russian colony of Syria, has just been bombed by Israel

>>21780005 Trump nukes the Wall Street Journal and this Interviewer

>>21780050 DJT: Great job by Bret Baier in his Interview with Lyin’ Kamala Harris

>>21780136, >>21780154 Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light type shit

>>21780150 US and British Air Forces Attack Yemen's Capital

>>21780214 Ex-FBI agent about Obama's call name Renegade

>>21780274 Latest polymarket election odds

>>21780287, >>21780290 Check out the student crowd at University of Arizona

>>21780299 Evil supergang Tren de Aragua seizes four apartment complexes in major Texas city

>>21780309 Cruz destroys Allred in debate re: 'threat to democracy'

>>21779550, >>21779576, >>21779675, >>21779863, >>21779872, >>21779876, >>21780072, >>21780142, >>21780292 Memes


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000000 No.21780367


My favorite day

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9f8777 No.21780375


ThankQ for the suggestion. Beware, when fuckery like this happens, at least for me, we get targeted somehow with some type of sabotage, almost always. I think there is also a script that alters my mouse position to cause these problems. The problem is that today most of my page loads after 7 minutes results in just a white or black page with no content. When I disconnect from the internet connection then the page loads. We really have been left to the devices of the enemy at all points with no way to defend ourself in every aspect. The number one crime was blacklisting after 911 and financial isolation. No way to defend in real life without income and that is the price for standing by the truth; gang stalking.

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f21154 No.21780376


Bear rips head off and shits down throat…

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e8c6a1 No.21780378

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1642cd No.21780379

File: ad838a47a16025f⋯.png (428.29 KB,1125x800,45:32,ClipboardImage.png)

US$880 million


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de4e21 No.21780380


OK. I got your attention. Just giving you a taste of what the average, ill-informed American thinks. The normies have no clue that American clandestine services and black-ops military have been waging secret wars around the world for decades. They do not know that the 'towel-head camel-jockeys' that have been made into our enemies have just been fighting to break away from the (((globalist))) banking cartels. American media is, and has always been, an arm of the most devious parts of our government. but rest assured, fren…we citizens are on a warpath to the death to end this shit…ALL of it.

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f21154 No.21780382


Everyone knows Drudge is a Bone Smuggler.

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afa656 No.21780383

File: ad6909292a175a5⋯.jpg (179.12 KB,1024x1023,1024:1023,ad6909292a175a56c7b35bd6f4….jpg)


nah, haven't. took first two weeks off in nov so i'll walk in when they open.

have you?

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8f7c88 No.21780384


Based chinks

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bde9dc No.21780386

File: 85d129500f85901⋯.gif (356.18 KB,900x900,1:1,85d129500f8590118ec8e8d7c1….gif)

Looks like this is goodbye, the bread is coming to a close.

I pray that all you have a wonderful week and a beautiful night.

Thank you for participating in this interesting experience we call Q stuff.

Godspeed Patriots, your value is unbelievable.

Never Give Up


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1642cd No.21780387

File: 8066c2611b78d12⋯.png (98.1 KB,791x414,791:414,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9012 No.21780389

File: 004a1d7e6c3239f⋯.png (130.67 KB,334x248,167:124,2024_10_14_16_43_26.png)

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bde9dc No.21780391

File: b871b8ce8f297ac⋯.png (571.29 KB,1366x768,683:384,bfa643768eddc4656ed756f5ed….png)


I voted TRUMP.

GO out and get it!!!


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fe9012 No.21780392

File: 673c69f868fc3f6⋯.png (381.6 KB,407x487,407:487,2024_09_29_19_22_22.png)

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c68ef7 No.21780393

File: 2958d79955635a5⋯.mp4 (11.27 MB,640x624,40:39,_7592019643332924169.mp4)



It’s sad though

Anon looks at the ages on both sides and there so young

So much anger and hate and for what for a fake war that was planned by criminals!!

I’ll share two videos here that are going viral in the Middle East

One recently from Gaza she is a journalist

The other one was done by beautiful souls he is a soldier and he is speaking his truth

Anon is grateful for anon dad that passed his wisdom to us that killing is a big no and revenge is even worst. And that forgiveness is the biggest gift you can grant your soul.

Everyone is exhausted

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180299 No.21780394

File: 59df426da897e26⋯.png (3.17 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3796.png)

File: f0e2c76dbedc35a⋯.png (1.54 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3797.png)

File: b8f059440f47b61⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,1366x1716,683:858,IMG_0239.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,IMG_5337.jpeg)

File: 8524baadac0d932⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_1581.jpeg)

“Radioactive” equals NUCLEAR ☢️




Conservative war of words erupts over Project 2025, with Trump transition team vowing not to tap ‘radioactive’ recruits

By Published Oct. 2, 2024, 4:22 p.m. ET

NEW YORK — The head of Donald Trump’s transition team has insisted a prospective Republican administration won’t even consider recruits from the “radioactive” Project 2025 database — prompting an insider to push back by saying the Heritage Foundation-led initiative has 18,000 Republicans involved and is “too big to fail” as a result.

“Heritage, because of Project 2025, is radioactive,” Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick told The Post Tuesday night in the spin room ahead of the CBS News vice presidential debate.

“As in, none, zero, radioactive. So that’s a clear position.”

The Trump team has claimed publicly for months it will not tap personnel vetted and trained under Project 2025 to fill executive branch positions, in part due to Democrats and the media accusing the policy book of being too radical on issues like abortion.

But one former member of the Trump presidential personnel office (PPO) told The Post that Lutnick’s blanket rejection was “bizarre,” claiming that “it would be impossible to do a transition without including Project 2025 people.”

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ea9cd6 No.21780396

File: 171a81141f7d14e⋯.png (562.32 KB,948x866,474:433,Screenshot_2024_09_09_01.png)

File: 5373966342b7d16⋯.png (88.96 KB,1346x758,673:379,Screenshot_2024_09_20_01.png)

File: fbbdd568a774350⋯.png (311.58 KB,2830x1638,1415:819,Screenshot_2024_09_18_03.png)

File: 3e06cec4d265829⋯.png (843.52 KB,880x592,55:37,Screenshot_2024_09_25_01.png)

File: 6816f5ede5b3740⋯.png (346.58 KB,1930x1514,965:757,Screenshot_2024_10_02_02.png)


Hey Chris…

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bde9dc No.21780397

File: f2e4bf82f615cc3⋯.png (1.17 MB,900x1500,3:5,1677683357122724.png)






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fe9012 No.21780398

File: fe0bf4a8a3ea112⋯.png (301.69 KB,819x853,819:853,2024_08_07_19_11_21.png)

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567471 No.21780399

File: dcbfdae04603a09⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB,720x1280,9:16,4417143469902917620.mp4)

A journalist in Gaza shares her experience and begs the world to do something

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fe9012 No.21780400

File: 4f751893bc6ab18⋯.jpg (37.49 KB,795x442,795:442,2024_08_04_22_14_10.jpg)

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bde9dc No.21780401

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


Just chilling big comfy, fren.

Hope you are too.

May all anxiety be lifted..


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9f73cf No.21780403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe9012 No.21780404

File: f223d9b830aa148⋯.png (140.98 KB,249x335,249:335,2024_08_22_15_10_54.png)

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fe9012 No.21780405


tx for filling anni


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9f73cf No.21780406

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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afa656 No.21780407

File: 6c61b6ca273f29e⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,6c61b6ca273f29e193a8650438….mp4)


i'll vote on election day

it'll be crowded with seniors.

but its what i've always done.

already made my pics on sample ballot.

got it all written down on paper.

judges are the worst to vote for.

thankfully a pro life group around here checks their rulings over the years.

i hate digging through litigation.

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bde9dc No.21780409

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,480x480,1:1,1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


It's just a thing we do..

Bread has been called, and it's time to start anew again.

Godspeed fren, sorry I haven't been able to help.

But thank you for helping this Nation and the World.


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