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File: ee3f9c2f3d421f8⋯.png (3.12 MB,3020x1698,1510:849,856c3ef7d968e437b219c85ad9….png)

0b162c No.21776284 [View All]

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a2c271 No.21777049


>is it sacrifice to tell the Truth despite how it is received?

>or is that self-righteous?

If you weren't told the truth then you have an excuse of the intellect. But more importantly, because you were told, you now have the knowledge to recognize Elijah when he comes, and he comes for everyone, more than once, and that is Justice. Elijah is the test of the Spirit of Self Sacrifice. Consider what Christ told you about Elijah.

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1758e2 No.21777050

File: 011f1f251f5a284⋯.png (108.58 KB,745x631,745:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3221fb63a3ccfd2⋯.png (114.51 KB,730x640,73:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b4ff2501f614e3⋯.png (103.78 KB,719x575,719:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2658a70fd78108⋯.png (93.71 KB,720x558,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Years After The Biden Laptop Coverup, Media Election Interference Is Worse Than Ever

As the life cycle of each media lie shrinks, the disinformation gets even more desperate.

Four years ago this week, the corporate press helped airlift Joe Biden to the White House by blacking out coverage of his international pay-for-play scandal, after the New York Post discovered evidence of the scandal on an abandoned Biden laptop. The press reaction ranged from refusing entirely to cover the story because it was a “waste of time” to only covering it insofar as outlets could cast doubt on its legitimacy. After the election, polling would show that 1 in 6 Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known about some of the stories suppressed by the media, including the Hunter Biden laptop story.

It was the most infamous, though not the only, instance of journalists interfering to swing the 2020 election for the Democrats by stifling inconvenient reporting and propagating nonsense about Donald Trump, Biden’s Republican opponent. (Biden got a very minor taste of the media’s wrath this summer, when the powers that be decided he was no longer an expedient means to Democrat victory, and he didn’t last a month.)

The Biden laptop story blackout followed four entire years in which the media, in tandem with the Clinton campaign and the intelligence apparatus, spread lies about Trump based on the Russia collusion hoax and every other dubiously-sourced rumor they could find.

The good news is, after seeing how cravenly the corporate press carried water for the Clinton campaign’s false narrative about Trump and Russia, America is recognizing and dismissing media hoaxes more quickly these days. And as the life cycle of each media lie shrinks, the dishonesty — dare I say, disinformation? — has been attempted even more rapidly and more desperately.

Just last week, CBS News used deceptive video splicing to replace one of Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ answers on “60 Minutes” with one that sounded less awful. A preview clip of the interview showed Harris responding to a question with nonsensical babble, but when the full interview aired, that answer was nowhere to be seen, having been replaced by a completely different response. The original answer was also missing from the transcript released by the network, and CBS continues to refuse to release an undoctored transcript.


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2bc32b No.21777051

File: 938148c69ef814b⋯.png (405.93 KB,600x452,150:113,donald_trump_christmas_san….png)

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51de64 No.21777052

Kamala violated her oath 6 times!

imagine that!

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547da1 No.21777053


member when that cabbage had her twat DMs open :D

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a9da83 No.21777055

777777's coming up next bread.

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2bc32b No.21777056

File: dcb5af2ee75d9c1⋯.png (297.85 KB,660x470,66:47,GannettTrumpWillPrison.png)

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2bc32b No.21777057

File: 38763a2902241b0⋯.png (209.12 KB,495x344,495:344,MAGA_no_more_pedo.png)

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547da1 No.21777058


not Biblical.. just religiosity babble

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2bc32b No.21777059

File: f55919143f15681⋯.jpg (133 KB,1068x691,1068:691,mt.jpg)

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887c64 No.21777060

File: 86b0ddb3e73a80c⋯.png (356.84 KB,599x803,599:803,right.PNG)


Bevelyn Williams


Biden/Harris administration has made my husband a single father today. I am on my way to turn myself into federal prison where I am scheduled to serve three years in federal prison for unlawful assembly. Share this and make mothers and fathers of this nation aware of what's going on!

Reach my husband here: @MrRickeyVictory

6:32 AM · Oct 16, 2024




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4db8c7 No.21777061

File: 10fcb3fe4f06da6⋯.gif (34.17 KB,303x338,303:338,1568415568628.gif)

File: 477ccd537968f9f⋯.png (127.98 KB,300x230,30:23,BuddyChrist.png)


>Look at me, I'm in a death cult


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c33d06 No.21777062


Looks like joe is saying he wants Kamala to throw him a going away party with pizza and hotdogs.

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16df0d No.21777063

File: ffeba625b0dfd63⋯.webp (84.37 KB,1080x1020,18:17,gpq8qqcvtvxc1.webp)

Cackletron is lying through her teeth again.

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090776 No.21777064

File: 2a5818cfc935be9⋯.png (1.09 MB,900x655,180:131,ClipboardImage.png)


oh man you making like a little mini lore of the COMMS Language

Future Thinking I LIke

little kids will learn it to really like the characters in the RUGRATS cartoon

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f4576a No.21777065

Harris: The Constitution is not a relic from our past, but determines whether we are a country where the people can speak freely, and even criticize the president, without fear of being thrown in jail or targeted by the military.

[someone sounds worried about 'being thrown in jail' or 'targeted by the military', as a threat to national security]

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7157fe No.21777066

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450dd5 No.21777067

File: df16da76d7fb580⋯.jpg (27.63 KB,496x454,248:227,0bamakamala.JPG)

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2bc32b No.21777068

File: 242f2c12a5b7e3d⋯.png (820.93 KB,1200x801,400:267,Patriots_memes_of_producti….png)

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51de64 No.21777069


"he refused to engage…" in a peaceful transition

-dumb bitch aka Kamala

wtf does that even mean

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0b162c No.21777070



#26664 >>21776302

>>21776443 WATCH Campaign 2024: JD Vance MAGA Rally in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

>>21776858 President @realDonaldTrump holds a Townhall with @Univision 10pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21776335, >>21776653, >>21776895 President Obama seen scolding Joe Biden at Ethel Kennedy Memorial Service

>>21776379 Corney’s Color Code Kill Comms

>>21776403, >>21776683, >>21776932 Musk donates $75 million to Trump campaign

>>21776410 Harris And Walz Both Claim Trump Will "Deploy The Military On Americans Who Don't Support Him"

>>21776423, >>21776473, >>21776596 RT - ‘New Axis of influence’: Is an alliance between Russia and Iran possible?

>>21776446 Wisconsin Lawsuit - @actblue and @WellsFargo bank are criminally laundering money into political campaigns

>>21776462, >>21776475, >>21776498 Moar Crazy Days And Nights

>>21776471, >>21776772, >>21776774, >>21776834, >>21776878 On the Ground in western North Carolina

>>21776493 Amazon To Invest More Than $500 Million In Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (AI)

>>21776507 Virginia teaching assistant charged with sex crimes. 2nd employee this year @ same school

>>21776527, >>21776560 Kamala has never been middle class. She was marked out as privileged in her 20s and 30s

>>21776548, >>21776684 US judge blocks Georgia order to count votes by hand

>>21776551, >>21776876 Liz Cheney Under Fire For Allegedly Improper Contacts With Cassidy Hutchinson

>>21776570, >>21776611, >>21776636, >>21776737, >>21776756, >>21776795, >>21776956 ELECTION INTERFERENCE

>>21776583 Full Scale Totalitarianism Is Becoming Normalized

>>21776605 France to Deliver ‘Kamikaze’ Drones to Ukraine in ‘Coming Weeks’

>>21776634, >>21776661 Biden Administration Announces Additional $425 MILLION Security Assistance for Ukraine

>>21776751, >>21776571 Nancy Pelosi at Ethel Kennedy funeral: "Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President."

>>21776790, >>21777050 fake news can go lower - say Donald Trump drunk or taking microdoses of psychedelic drugs

>>21776803 Continue To FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and Never Ever Ever EVER Give Up

>>21776815 Feds begin fortifying DC with security barriers, fencing 3 months b4 election

>>21776823, >>21776851, >>21776886 Citizens stream live ballot dropbox surveillance video from their phones and cameras onto http://open.ink. FREE STREAMING

>>21776845, >>21776967 Oregonian here. The voter pamphlet (paper version) has DJT in it. Online, no.

>>21776868 Curious about who's really cashing in on conflict #WarProfits #MysteryMachine #FollowTheMoney

>>21776885 Over 250,000 women gather to pray for the Nation on National Mall

>>21776887 CMZ - Ukranian actor and dictator Vlodko Zelensky looking for a final handout before Trump back

>>21776895, >>21776926 LIP READER anon please decode biden and obama convo

>>21776901 Food is refusing to enter Gaza, says CNN. Unbelievable that food acts this way.

>>21776906, >>21776921 Sound can create HURRICANES or alter their path

>>21776922, >>21776923 G-MEN: Governments Employ Record Number of People

>>21776929 Trump Vows to 'End All Sanctuary Cities Immediately'

>>21776931, >>21776961 FEMA’s mission is helping/hunting people before, during, and after disasters

>>21776988, >>21777037 'VP Kamala Harris Speech in Pennsylvania | LIVE

>>21777000, >>21777010 dive deep into the Navy SEAL Tragedy: What REALLY Happened?

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16df0d No.21777071

Has no policies of her own. All she can do is try to paint a picture of a bogeyman in the minds of the gullible.

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2bc32b No.21777072

File: 6972174deccaad6⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,736x922,368:461,Patriots_pray_for_Trump.jpg)

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547da1 No.21777073


Are you talking about elon

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0e3dce No.21777074


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2bc32b No.21777075

File: 6bc5ed3982e8b7f⋯.jpg (93.12 KB,600x595,120:119,PatriotTrump.jpg)

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2bc32b No.21777077

File: 7be20de51c8cd6b⋯.jpg (68.83 KB,864x872,108:109,PatriotTrumpBeTrue.jpg)

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2bc32b No.21777079

File: c30ce872e30315f⋯.jpg (79.65 KB,864x864,1:1,PatriotTrumpIntegrity.jpg)

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63ba17 No.21777080

dark winter on horizon

this is dark speech she is reading

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0e3dce No.21777081



it Do Be.

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2bc32b No.21777082

File: 0df8c0d2a3c3dfd⋯.jpg (80.69 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpPower.jpg)

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450dd5 No.21777083

File: d3b5d5bf2b0e44d⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,1480x720,37:18,0bamahotdog_celebrateameri….mp4)

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63b91d No.21777084

File: 1be4054a3001641⋯.jpg (165.66 KB,1080x1338,180:223,Screenshot_20241016_130227….jpg)

Britney Spears IG

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2bc32b No.21777085

File: ebcdc8c53065293⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpPraise.jpg)

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a71277 No.21777086


The 2024 update introduces a dramatic shift, particularly regarding domestic operations. Section 3.3.a.(2)(c) now explicitly permits lethal force in cases of imminent threats or national security emergencies, provided the action complies with legal oversight, specifically DoDD 5210.56, which governs the use of deadly force by DoD personnel.

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51de64 No.21777087

fake maga, fuck you and your invocation of mass at the rally! go fuck off with the vatican

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2bc32b No.21777088

File: cfa0778a738d4fe⋯.jpg (86.32 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpSelfDeterminat….jpg)

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f4576a No.21777089

Harris: It is clear, Donald Trump is increasingly unstable and unhinged, and he is seeking unchecked power.


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2bc32b No.21777090

File: beeb8d21926d5b9⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpToday.jpg)

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0b162c No.21777092

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51de64 No.21777093


i will never join you in prayer until you repent

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2bc32b No.21777094

File: 7e2c31175fe9360⋯.png (431.87 KB,562x380,281:190,Pepe_Trump.png)

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0e3dce No.21777095




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010aad No.21777096


>encrypted app Signal

Standard DC operating procedures to subvert the United States of America.

They all use them.

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0b162c No.21777097

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,63aa853ae742cdda5285bf7868….jpg)

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0e3dce No.21777098



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f4576a No.21777099

Harris yelling at crowd like Biden does. kek

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2bc32b No.21777100

File: 4e2c92b6c01f20c⋯.png (692.26 KB,720x537,240:179,POTUS_CBTS1.png)

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766dba No.21777101

File: 0858abb49aa0fbd⋯.png (23.25 KB,478x464,239:232,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato gave a good speech.

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547da1 No.21777102

File: b4d6b179089e76d⋯.webp (80.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b4d6b179089e76d52d400081e….webp)

God Wins.

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