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File: 79b59e03bcb17f1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB,600x335,120:67,79b59e03bcb17f11f9e3194036….jpg)

121e24 No.21775315 [View All]

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631 posts and 443 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d9b0db No.21776236

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5bc33b No.21776237

File: d94450985557853⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,1440x3292,360:823,Screenshot_20241016_135112….jpg)

File: fc7263b0d5f3168⋯.jpg (327.55 KB,1440x1367,1440:1367,Screenshot_20241016_135128….jpg)


Understood, final post with name. Ill go out with a bang at least. *salute*


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123f44 No.21776238

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277c65 No.21776239


>BV is deleting spam

Who defines what is or isn't spam, Anon? One man's rubbish is another's treasure. BV has no business deleting things they do not like.

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b2e467 No.21776242


Anon repent's for ALL calamities and misdeeds

of ALL time, and past and present life.

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3c1814 No.21776244


getting thirsty. irritable. crap interwebs connection. lurking

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123f44 No.21776247


it's happening

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d55941 No.21776248

File: 73895bbf214d4bc⋯.gif (3.62 MB,460x258,230:129,ready28.gif)

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da667a No.21776250


Islamists terrorists

Divine Nine

Fake news leadershits and current administration cabinet

Forgot the Pope

And WHO, WEF, CFR, CofR, IMB, UN, NATO, multiple leadershits of our "allies, ect. ect. ect.

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097ae9 No.21776254

File: 6f5c5cab85b0f6a⋯.png (20.62 KB,1080x314,540:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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887569 No.21776256


anyone that still thinks their vote counts needs to have their head examined.

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3c1814 No.21776257


this board dislikes the Donald J Trump X feed very much. dunno why

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00f5b0 No.21776258


Yeh, load it with malware before.

Like that’s not happened.

Was even happening on cd days.

Leave a cd outside a house, curious fucker picks it up and it auto plays.

Direct connection into pc.

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04f555 No.21776260

File: fb953ad750062d3⋯.png (33.58 KB,105x121,105:121,hyeyytretye.PNG)


wears the same earrings all the time.

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643bfa No.21776261

File: 78520c6901a8010⋯.png (19.96 KB,230x268,115:134,keepcalmandignor.png)



Thank God for the new BO and for BV

when it started we weren't as notorious and didn't attract as much automated and payed for spam, that interferred with research

Yes there was Finkle an other, from the very beginning.

So glad the paid for provocateurs who repeat the same garbage over and over are DELETED

Though they still come back re post and repost and repost and repost

So they have stale and annoying voice even thought they claim it's taken from thme

They are the fucking liar.

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c69d9c No.21776263

File: 7612029f5a68e3c⋯.png (1.53 MB,1458x1170,81:65,Screenshot_2023_07_28_at_1….png)

File: 092222adeda664f⋯.png (242.17 KB,330x420,11:14,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_0….png)

File: 295a06adaf54a40⋯.png (1.19 MB,1180x788,295:197,Screenshot_2023_11_14_at_0….png)

File: 8189c73b62b5ce6⋯.png (2.6 MB,2028x1006,1014:503,Screenshot_2024_10_16_at_1….png)

File: b3f346422fc16a8⋯.png (2.27 MB,1288x1092,46:39,Screenshot_2024_10_15_at_1….png)




Whore's Face




Whore's Face

Pretty Little Devil

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d9b0db No.21776264

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b15c20 No.21776267


they didnt make different styles of communication devices for her anon.

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27ebbf No.21776268

File: 32006502394275a⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,500x500,1:1,32006502394275a887d3435d0c….jpg)

File: f8a6600d8635e4e⋯.png (577.58 KB,665x400,133:80,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3ef019a10cf42c⋯.png (4.1 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2971019c71d0da8⋯.png (3.93 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)



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09968a No.21776269


Long line for early voting today irl

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865d14 No.21776270

File: a92aaf5e3191b21⋯.png (3.22 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a5c5e No.21776273


-> Still poor for Money isn't worthy

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df2e1f No.21776275

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887569 No.21776276


Few years ago I was complimented on a shirt I wore. I then bought dozens of the same shirt and wear the same one daily. I have only received one compliment but that was enough for me to decide what I needed to wear for the rest of my life. Go easy on the lady. It's tough for us to find something that looks good on us.

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6d5ebc No.21776277


Baking early

Bun Full Up


#26663 >>21775326

>>21775402 Trump Town Hall Live on Faux News

>>21775462 PRES. TRUMP: "We want as many people to come in as possible but they have to come in legally. We don't want murderers, we don't want drug dealers… So many people work to come into our country, they work for 10 years, and then millions of people pour through the southern border"



- - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21775330 OTD Maria Antoinette Guillotined

>>21775336 19 Days to WINNING

>>21775349 all of the former federal govt employees can obtain jobs working in the fields picking crops.

>>21775444 Harris' operation in all-important Pennsylvania is plagued by internal party complaints

>>21775446, >>21775466 Ex-KKK head David Duke endorses US Green Party candidate Jill Stein for president, saying she is the best candidate for white Europeans.

>>21775468, >>21775568, >>21775719, >>21775852, >>21775994, >>21776152, >>21776161, >>21776215 NASA/Space/Science

>>21775495 Ben Shapiro says Doug Emhoff is "as Jewish as a ham sandwich" For the keks!

>>21775520 Man accused of threatening FEMA workers in western North Carolina speaks out

>>21775533, >>21775900 Buckwheat up State Dept up

>>21775559 maybe a news source anons will want to check out and/or support? NY Sun

>>21775570, >>21775877, >>21775890 The final frog-tier? Scientists have found seven new tree frog species in Madagascar, and all of them are named after iconic Star Trek captains

>>21775576 ! Unity! Bringing Americans together to fight for our country to Make America great and healthy again. Let’s Go!

>>21775581 Grassley Last wk Biden-Harris admin claimed the Afghan natl arrested for terrorist plot had been vetted 3X Now they admit he was NEVER vetted

>>21775593 The owner of Time magazine Marc Benioff called out VP Kamala Harris for turning down multiple interview requests

>>21775596, >>21775614, >>21775636, >>21775787 Moar Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats

>>21775675 @iimefmarine SANDY ☀️

>>21775696 Zero Debris Charter goes intercontinental

>>21775697, >>21775980, >>21776072, >>21776110 Oregon doesn’t have @realDonaldTrump or @JDVance on the ticket for 2024!! ?? huh?

>>21775717 60th Inaugural Ceremonies

>>21775718 Nigeria rejects Shell's $1.3 billion oil asset sale

>>21775720, >>21775844, >>21775907 ICYMI: New Cancer Treatment Protocol Featuring ‘Horse Dewormer’ Ivermectin, ‘Dog Dewormer’ Fenbendazole, and Mebendazole

>>21775725 Aurora Property Mgmt Company Blasts Media Coverup: Venezuelan Gangs ‘DID Take Control of Our Apartment Complexes’

>>21775739 Goldman Sachs' Saudi Arabia CEO set to resign

>>21775754 Border Patrol agents say they’ll leave if Harris wins

>>21775756 Walz: It’s Raining Men….

>>21775766 Blue Origin donates New Shepard rocket and crew capsule to Smithsonian

>>21775800 @usabmc The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at @ArlingtonNatl

>>21775812 9 trucks, 1-1.5 million counterfeit 2020 mail ballots in each, U.S. Postal Service REFUSES to disclose who paid for them. Federal judge to rule this week

>>21775829 MSNBC says Trump is drunk on the campaign trail!

>>21775921 You never know how the playbook will hit the brain of your players [Great Awakened]

>>21775962 Who’s in charge of preventing and responding to cyberattacks?

>>21776061 RT- Iranian general claims ‘secret weapon’ more powerful than nuclear bombs

>>21776084, >>21776254 Crazy Days and Nights - Blind Items Revealed #1 & #5

>>21776133 Harris-Walz campaign’s degenerate deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania

>>21776163 Another $425,000,000 taxpayer funded security package for Ukraine.

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e8806e No.21776278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boston Tea Party? It Actually Started in Philadelphia!

Tenth Amendment Center

33.9K subscribers






























































172 views Streamed live 82 minutes ago Path to Liberty

“The active business of the American Revolution began in Philadelphia.” That’s what Benjamin Rush and John Adams believed - because the spark that ignited the Boston Tea Party wasn’t in Boston. It was lit in Philadelphia on October 16, 1773. This forgotten piece of history involves fiery protests, bold resolutions, and even letters from the Committee on Tarring and Feathering.


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da667a No.21776279


Not just the talking heads.

The leadershits who direct behind the scenes.

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43564d No.21776280

File: 7dd06eec4d7969e⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,500x916,125:229,let_them_eat_kek.jpg)

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121e24 No.21776282

File: 47ccc9d7a23c231⋯.png (1.47 MB,1125x750,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a5c5e No.21776283


Night Shift is Suck

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5bc33b No.21776287


Anyone who is of legal age to exercise their right and doesn't, is ignoring their civil duties and telling those who died for this country and our constitution that they died for a loser like you.

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00f5b0 No.21776288


Don’t disagree with the bo / BV comment.

Glad the got the certificate issue sorted quite promptly. However, admins should of know the cert was due to expire.

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643bfa No.21776291

File: c4f5b39080d87d4⋯.mp4 (6.49 MB,480x600,4:5,kamaladancingbiden.mp4)


she doesn't even give events or show or answer questions, so there's that.

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e8806e No.21776292

Mike Lindell





What is The Disaster Recovery Plan Regarding Voting After Hurricane Milton? Want to watch more on North Carolina's voting plan? Click here: https://frankspeech.com/v/3ko5h

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4a5c5e No.21776295


My pillow guy


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887569 No.21776296


No. I am telling them they died in vain for the rulers behind the curtain.

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e8806e No.21776297

File: 3342aaad8a6b8ab⋯.png (113.75 KB,568x403,568:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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591c77 No.21776299

File: b7a663da429e74d⋯.png (43.81 KB,800x762,400:381,670fbc4c00077.png)

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a5a9f5 No.21776300

Gaslight me. Waiting.

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643bfa No.21776303


shut your trap.


go back to ukraine.

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828535 No.21776304

File: 931aa9cb85d796f⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Listen to me, the Spirit of God is within You. -God

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97da13 No.21776306

Needs to be compilations like Trump 2016 winning


the beauty of all this misfiring of Obama is he is ensuring big mike cant slip in as hoped.

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4a5c5e No.21776307



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80ae78 No.21776308

File: a6411b4a01c96a8⋯.jpg (94.12 KB,900x851,900:851,smoke.jpg)

Gaslighting wants you to believe that the government is paying for the service secretly, or that Jim works for the deep state. They want 8kun to die so they can work on a different project with a success under their belt. Considering how long 8kun was offline already, it is clear that Q will continue with or without us, and that if Jim was deep state we'd already have been arrested and ended up with the J6ers. Jim's businesses all have been slowly failing for the past few years as his income streams dried up; This is easy to see by going to one of his other businesses, thegoldwater.com, and seeing how completely dead the forum is. Or simply going to 8kun's front page and seeing how dead every other board is.

If enough people do not donate, the board will not be here when shit hits the fan and we will all have a harder time providing answers to the normies when they ask what is going on. There are enough people here still that if everyone gave $10 a month, it would be enough, but almost nobody does. People need to go out to social media and get more people to donate, but almost nobody helps. You should all consider that the board will likely not make it past november and we will forcibly disorganized because most of you can't buy give up a mcdonalds burger every month.

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e8806e No.21776309

Trump promotes GOP as ‘party of common sense’ during wild Bloomberg interview


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6d5ebc No.21776310








Bread to be LOCKED

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643bfa No.21776311


how brutally kind of you.

Satan much?

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277c65 No.21776313

File: 529c8f5d984af5d⋯.png (556.56 KB,498x288,83:48,ClipboardImage.png)


Work on your projection, Anon™. It's a pathetic argument. Dart doesn't define what is or isn't free speech, warts and all. Dart's a bitch about it too. Swings the delete hammer like Stevie Wonder at the playoffs.

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eb2dad No.21776314

The whole world watches the filth behind the curtain deleting everything that scares it. They will be so famous. More famous than they want to be.

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a26660 No.21776315


Look here not over there.

Always deceiving

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