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File: 263e8aaf967485b⋯.png (68.88 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

e35b14 No.21760686 [View All]

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550 posts and 373 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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278e7f No.21761485

File: c42b9b7b442b0ef⋯.png (2.6 MB,882x4502,441:2251,Q4851.png)

Four year delta for the Hunter laptop story already…crazy.

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0b61e6 No.21761486

File: fae4fb3fbfbc4ba⋯.png (85.96 KB,590x823,590:823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91ffee58c55543a⋯.png (78.68 KB,805x558,805:558,ClipboardImage.png)



This is the 2nd timestamp tonight, that mentions FF and stay alert.

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969809 No.21761488

File: 21342096f5fcdbd⋯.png (3.24 MB,4378x1902,2189:951,Q_1950_1951_FAFO_NIGHT_SHI….png)

Without its immunity, can the Vatican survive?

A US supreme court decision could have serious implications for the Holy See, historically protected by its sovereignty

Chiara Albanese 1 Jul 2010 07.26

This week the US supreme court issued a decision against the Vatican the importance of which has been compared by one lawyer to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

That may sound like an exaggeration, but the court's decision that the Vatican does not have legal immunity in a claim of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest could have far-reaching ramifications for the church.

The case, John V Doe v Holy See, has been filed by a plaintiff (using a pseudonym) who claims to have been sexually abused on several occasions in the mid-1960s by a Roman Catholic priest called Andrew Ronan .

The claim was filed back in 2002, and thanks to the court's decision last week, it can finally proceed against the Vatican – allegedly liable because it acted as the priest's employer.

Jeffrey Lena, the US-based lawyer who is defending the Vatican, has argued that the Holy See should not be regarded as an employer of priests because it does not pay them any salary, or benefits, and does not exercise a day-to-day control on their activity.

But the real issue in the case has been immunity. The Vatican attempted to invoke the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) of 1976, under which foreign states cannot be sued. The supreme court refused to allow this.

The decision last week was, coincidentally, delivered on the same muggy summer's day in which Rome and the Vatican celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, patrons of Rome.

The religious holiday sees the city shut down and attracts a flood of tourists in St Peter's Basilica, one of the strongest symbols of the terrain power of the Vatican.

Many who visit the city learn of the time when, on 20 September 1870, the Pope has lost his temporal power as the Italian army breached the Aurelian Walls at Porta Pia to conquer Rome.

Despite its turbulent history, the political and economic influence of the Vatican has never ended.

Avvenire, the Italian bishops' newspaper, predictably describes the supreme court rejection of the immunity claim as "a non-decision". But in reality it is a decision, and a controversial one with the potential to shake the Vatican's foundations and have far-reaching financial and reputational consequences.

In the legal community, the debate on immunity rages on. Most Italian commentators tend to agree that the Vatican is a sovereign entity as it has a marked territory, with Latin as the official language, an independent legal system and its own police body, facts which tend towards giving it the same immunity as states. One of Italy's most famous lawyers, Franzo Grande Stevens, has published an open letter in the newspaper La Stampa saying that the Vatican clearly has an immunity.

But there are others who argue that it is not a member of the United Nations (it has a permanent observer status) and that religious leaders do not usually enjoy an immunity status.

The US supreme court decision paves the way for other suits to be filed against priests accused of paedophilia, which will in turn involve the Vatican. Jeff Anderson, the lawyer representing the claimant, is already understood to have more cases against the Holy See in the pipeline. The combination of potentially thousands of victims in numerous jurisdictions, and the economic incentive for lawyers seek-out cases (particularly in America where so-called "ambulance-chasing" is rife), could result in enough cases to have devastating implications for the church.

The Vatican's response so far has been to deny liability, and last week it said it would prove it can't be held responsible for the priest's actions. But how the law will deal with such strong political, religious and economic powers challenging what is in legal terms an uncertain and evolving area, remains to be seen.


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969809 No.21761489




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f5601a No.21761490


The 14 yr boy, now adult, has said that he will come forward public.

So just wait for it.

That's why it's "Breaking" news.

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9ef8b9 No.21761491


Anyone know what the police escorted tanker was?

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8512ba No.21761492

File: 239e3593f3c9ee3⋯.png (337.37 KB,773x806,773:806,2024_10_13_22_37_14.png)


Yesterday, a man in possession of multiple firearms was arrested outside the Coachella rally.

Pray for President Trump, his family, and the entire Trump Team. 🙏

This appears to be a thwarted third assassination attempt.


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f5601a No.21761493

File: b389f2e97f8cf92⋯.png (79.98 KB,682x680,341:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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3499b0 No.21761494


she's pretty

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5516c7 No.21761495


That's a she?

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9eb531 No.21761496


Holly Corey Haim!

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278e7f No.21761497

File: be7d825e86982fd⋯.jpg (684.71 KB,982x1228,491:614,be7d825e86982fdc6cd7f14d64….jpg)


No surprise that demons would be on the prowl, especially from now until the end of the month.

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1e7429 No.21761498

File: 6cc24e301512357⋯.gif (1.26 MB,284x247,284:247,6cc24e3015123579afd3690e53….gif)

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3499b0 No.21761499


Tim….his horse is gonna be jealous

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bce2af No.21761500

notables @ 565

#26646 >>21760700

>>21760718, >>21760729, >>21760744, >>21761193 Bill Barr / Jeff Epstein

>>21760725, >>21760798, >>21760766, >>21761063, >>21760952, >>21761201 Tim Walz's gay pedo shitshow unraveling (cont'd)

>>21760733 This is the most important message for seniors this election

>>21760775, >>21760806, >>21761249, >>21761492 All assets deployed, sleeping rook type shit (Vem Miller / Venovkian)

>>21760780, >>21760785 Untold story of how Frank Sinatra ended up 'begging for his life' in a seedy Harlem basement

>>21760784 Bitches gunna say this is AI

>>21760854, >>21760863, >>21760882 Oct. 28th 2024 is the 7-yr delta from the first Q post

>>21760967 Computational biologist David Baker was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

>>21760978 PF: GlobalX Illegal Migrant Free Flying Uber To The USA Tracking

>>21761003 Al Pacino das boot?

>>21761030 Sri Lanka busts Chinese cybercrime racket

>>21761106, >>21761108 Dank MAGA ad just dropped

>>21761109 Chinese aircraft carrier detected near Taiwan waters

>>21761153 Israel Burns Palestinians Alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital

>>21761157 Rent-free as a matter of fact

>>21761162 The Great Awakening

>>21761179 US to deploy missile defense system, about 100 troops to Israel

>>21761241 The Engineer Who Said The Ark Of The Covenant Was A Giant Capacitor

>>21761276, >>21761283 Update on LaQueefa and Engmoron

>>21761309 Speaker Mike Johnson: FEMA has distributed 2% of the over $20 billion in disaster relief funding Congress provided

>>21761314 Trump interview with Maria Bartiromo

>>21761364 DJT: A FAKE and CLASSLESS Movie written about me, a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job

>>21761373 DJT: DoJ is suing Virginia to put ALL of the Illegal Voters back on the Voter Rolls

>>21761468 DJT: I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility

>>21761391 Common sense in a nutshell

>>21761395 Dennis Quaid had a 24 on his hat at the Coachella Rally

>>21761448 "What Is a Doctor" is a powerful exposé of the medical industrial complex's undue and coercive influence over our health

>>21760916, >>21760917, >>21760925, >>21760943, >>21760952, >>21761130, >>21761201, >>21761375, >>21761493 Memes


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8819f8 No.21761501

File: 9a1633212bd46f8⋯.jpg (89.7 KB,577x432,577:432,948ppg.jpg)


>No demographic is as the media portrays them to be

>There are good and bad in all and you know it's true

>Q team and night shift do not see race, religion etc etc as anything that needs to divide but many do

>many use their race, their sex, their religion etc etc to hide behind it and use it to divide as that is all they have ever known

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11be21 No.21761502

Wayback Machine is BACK

(has been down for days!)


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0b61e6 No.21761503

File: 862bb9bc45d5292⋯.png (17.15 KB,652x115,652:115,ClipboardImage.png)

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bce2af No.21761504


seeking offhand otherwise baking in 10

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3499b0 No.21761505

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f5601a No.21761506

File: 0ae8cd4ad14e66b⋯.png (91.59 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Shadow of Ezra


Tim Walz is now facing formal accusations of premeditated s*xual assault after taking a 14-year-old boy to a local concert.

The former student accusing Walz of grooming and m*lesting him has decided to come forward publicly.

Adding to the controversy, Kamala Harris's campaign was reportedly informed about Walz's behavior but did nothing.

Hillary Clinton’s recent warning to Harris about an "October surprise" now makes perfect sense.

Sauce: https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1845644921799151698

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56eab7 No.21761507


interdasting if true

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0b61e6 No.21761508

File: a8daa515005fcf6⋯.png (3.42 KB,379x67,379:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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3499b0 No.21761509



but I bet they get ddos'd again

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1e7429 No.21761510

File: 05fcc325468e0cb⋯.gif (5.24 MB,405x720,9:16,05fcc325468e0cba427b76cd0d….gif)

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0b61e6 No.21761512

File: 1fe54d816d45771⋯.png (24.98 KB,843x150,281:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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bce2af No.21761513

notables @ 575

#26646 >>21760700

>>21760718, >>21760729, >>21760744, >>21761193 Bill Barr / Jeff Epstein

>>21761506 The former student accusing Walz of grooming and molesting him has decided to come forward publicly

>>21760725, >>21760798, >>21760766, >>21761063, >>21760952, >>21761201 Tim Walz's gay pedo shitshow unraveling (cont'd)

>>21760733 This is the most important message for seniors this election

>>21760775, >>21760806, >>21761249, >>21761492 All assets deployed, sleeping rook type shit (Vem Miller / Venovkian)

>>21760780, >>21760785 Untold story of how Frank Sinatra ended up 'begging for his life' in a seedy Harlem basement

>>21760784 Bitches gunna say this is AI

>>21760854, >>21760863, >>21760882 Oct. 28th 2024 is the 7-yr delta from the first Q post

>>21760967 Computational biologist David Baker was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

>>21760978 PF: GlobalX Illegal Migrant Free Flying Uber To The USA Tracking

>>21761003 Al Pacino das boot?

>>21761030 Sri Lanka busts Chinese cybercrime racket

>>21761106, >>21761108 Dank MAGA ad just dropped

>>21761109 Chinese aircraft carrier detected near Taiwan waters

>>21761153 Israel Burns Palestinians Alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital

>>21761157 Rent-free as a matter of fact

>>21761162 The Great Awakening

>>21761179 US to deploy missile defense system, about 100 troops to Israel

>>21761241 The Engineer Who Said The Ark Of The Covenant Was A Giant Capacitor

>>21761276, >>21761283 Update on LaQueefa and Engmoron

>>21761309 Speaker Mike Johnson: FEMA has distributed 2% of the over $20 billion in disaster relief funding Congress provided

>>21761314 Trump interview with Maria Bartiromo

>>21761364 DJT: A FAKE and CLASSLESS Movie written about me, a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job

>>21761373 DJT: DoJ is suing Virginia to put ALL of the Illegal Voters back on the Voter Rolls

>>21761468 DJT: I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility

>>21761391 Common sense in a nutshell

>>21761395 Dennis Quaid had a 24 on his hat at the Coachella Rally

>>21761448 "What Is a Doctor" is a powerful exposé of the medical industrial complex's undue and coercive influence over our health

>>21761502 Wayback Machine is back online after being down for a few days

>>21760916, >>21760917, >>21760925, >>21760943, >>21760952, >>21761130, >>21761201, >>21761375, >>21761493 Memes


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6a8e32 No.21761514


>Originally it was on DOD servers.

The way I remember it was a tracert would show hops through DOD servers. With the hosting happening on "apparently" civilian servers on the other side of those DOD hops. Always thought that was funny. And just ascribed it to more of the same by the usual suspects.

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278e7f No.21761515

File: dc4918dde8e652d⋯.mp4 (8.83 KB,112x112,1:1,40b6d0aafd.mp4)


What'd they purge out of it, is the question.

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d9396f No.21761516

Western Masshole checking in to day I'm hearing loud noises overhead. I'm used to hearing military aircraft but this is different. Is something happening tonight?

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a15bb6 No.21761517

File: 5199a55fc4ac096⋯.jpeg (690.77 KB,1170x1191,390:397,IMG_7177.jpeg)


where is Snowden currently?

I am usually not wrong.

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000000 No.21761518

RT @RT_com 1h

Afghan ‘linked’ to US terror plot arrested in France The suspect was allegedly planning an Islamic State-inspired attack on a sporting event or shopping mall


Oct 14, 2024 · 4:30 AM UTC



Like a clockwork

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0b61e6 No.21761519

File: 58f6d644da36647⋯.png (7.13 KB,453x96,151:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e7429 No.21761520

File: b2959ce07d95254⋯.gif (1.27 MB,620x620,1:1,b2959ce07d952543b07d7983c2….gif)


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34a78d No.21761521


[Very GMO

Not so organic]

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9ef8b9 No.21761522

File: 6a73e19e05400dc⋯.png (327.86 KB,878x1452,439:726,2096.png)


Fellow Patriots:

What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The SNOWBALL has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

Stay the course and trust the plan.

Protective measures are in place.

Remain BRAVE.

We knew this day would come.


United We Stand (WW).



Conspiracy no more.


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0b61e6 No.21761523

File: 79eb73770c1a877⋯.png (12.49 KB,874x83,874:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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36f095 No.21761524


geoengineering/nexrad/green energy scam was the suggested target by many

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278e7f No.21761525

File: 2812d1ea3642a50⋯.jpg (96.88 KB,1199x527,1199:527,EJH2QQfUwAAIUm0.jpg)


Something like that kek.

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bce2af No.21761526

notables FINAL

#26646 >>21760700

>>21760718, >>21760729, >>21760744, >>21761193 Bill Barr / Jeff Epstein

>>21761506 The former student accusing Walz of grooming and molesting him will apparently come forward publicly

>>21760725, >>21760798, >>21760766, >>21761063, >>21760952, >>21761201 Tim Walz's gay pedo shitshow unraveling (cont'd)

>>21760733 This is the most important message for seniors this election

>>21760775, >>21760806, >>21761249, >>21761492 All assets deployed, sleeping rook type shit (Vem Miller / Venovkian)

>>21760780, >>21760785 Untold story of how Frank Sinatra ended up 'begging for his life' in a seedy Harlem basement

>>21760784 Bitches gunna say this is AI

>>21760854, >>21760863, >>21760882 Oct. 28th 2024 is the 7-yr delta from the first Q post

>>21760967 Computational biologist David Baker was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

>>21760978 PF: GlobalX Illegal Migrant Free Flying Uber To The USA Tracking

>>21761003 Al Pacino das boot?

>>21761030 Sri Lanka busts Chinese cybercrime racket

>>21761106, >>21761108 Dank MAGA ad just dropped

>>21761109 Chinese aircraft carrier detected near Taiwan waters

>>21761153 Israel Burns Palestinians Alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital

>>21761157 Rent-free as a matter of fact

>>21761162 The Great Awakening

>>21761179 US to deploy missile defense system, about 100 troops to Israel

>>21761241 The Engineer Who Said The Ark Of The Covenant Was A Giant Capacitor

>>21761276, >>21761283 Update on LaQueefa and Engmoron

>>21761309 Speaker Mike Johnson: FEMA has distributed 2% of the over $20 billion in disaster relief funding Congress provided

>>21761314 Trump interview with Maria Bartiromo

>>21761364 DJT: A FAKE and CLASSLESS Movie written about me, a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job

>>21761373 DJT: DoJ is suing Virginia to put ALL of the Illegal Voters back on the Voter Rolls

>>21761468 DJT: I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility

>>21761391 Common sense in a nutshell

>>21761395 Dennis Quaid had a 24 on his hat at the Coachella Rally

>>21761448 "What Is a Doctor" is a powerful exposé of the medical industrial complex's undue and coercive influence over our health

>>21761502, >>21761515 Wayback Machine is back online after being down for a few days

>>21760916, >>21760917, >>21760925, >>21760943, >>21760952, >>21761130, >>21761201, >>21761375, >>21761493 Memes


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dbc4b2 No.21761527

File: 75ab0fed5a7e7ae⋯.png (220.63 KB,1770x764,885:382,walz_sandusky.png)

File: 5a937e32c61284c⋯.png (133.47 KB,607x632,607:632,walz_special_olympics.png)

Tim Walz and Sandusky

remember this?


Gwen Walz, Tim Walz's wife is connected to a charity that Sandusky helped found

She is almost a board member for the Special Olympics USA Games committee

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230b71 No.21761528

I heard there was video of Gen Flynn sucking Patrick Byrnes dick while Alex Jones watched. Anyone else hear that?

I think it was put out by Trideum Corps?!?!?

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1e7429 No.21761529

File: 8419984a2cee34b⋯.gif (5.28 MB,608x1080,76:135,8419984a2cee34b9be2057ec2d….gif)

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8819f8 No.21761533


>not perfect. a conception from Exodus 25


following instructions written in a dead language that used a dead alphabet

transliterated and translated dozens of time into other dead languages

deliberately edited and redacted repeatedly for the political climate du jour

before reaching the medieval english version we all accept and blindly trust as "The Word Of God"™


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bce2af No.21761538

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6122e0 No.21761539

I've been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel

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1e7429 No.21761540

File: 9c133741ba7abea⋯.gif (773.41 KB,500x319,500:319,9c133741ba7abeafe137f17722….gif)

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8512ba No.21761541



bread lock coming

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5d6a2e No.21761542

File: 9744cdc7fabc737⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchArrow.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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8512ba No.21761544

File: a8a7f0c9c41e0d1⋯.png (132.68 KB,250x355,50:71,lock_3.png)

bread done, plz migrate

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