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File: 6aebc38f729d67f⋯.png (928.55 KB,820x559,820:559,6aebc38f729d67ff9122287fcf….png)

3bcfa5 No.21758916 [View All]

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a4b544 No.21759761

File: c20222a92566dc1⋯.webp (7.15 MB,5145x3638,5145:3638,Hardware_Software_vfinal.webp)

File: f390f1a3b7be3c1⋯.jpg (150.61 KB,1296x687,432:229,WOTW.jpg)

Ten Pharmaceutical Distributor Executives, Sales Representatives, and Brokers Charged in Connection with Unlawful Sales of Nearly 70M Opioid Pills

Charges against five pharmaceutical distributor executives and five pharmaceutical sales representatives and brokers have been unsealed in the Southern District of Texas, Southern District of Florida, Eastern District of Missouri, and Eastern District of North Carolina as part of a larger enforcement action related to the unlawful distribution of nearly 70 million opioid pills and over 30 million doses of other commonly abused prescription drugs to alleged Houston-area pill-mill pharmacies. Three Houston-area pharmacy operators were also charged in the Southern District of Texas for their role in the schemes. Nine individuals have pleaded guilty.

According to court documents, the opioids allegedly distributed — oxycodone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone — were available in numerous strengths and forms, but the distributors allegedly sold the drugs almost exclusively in their most abused, most powerful immediate-release pill forms — i.e., the ones that sold for the most money on the black market. The distributors also allegedly sold prescription drug potentiators — alprazolam, carisoprodol, and promethazine with codeine syrup — known for their reputation of enhancing the high from the opioids. The distributors allegedly charged their Houston customers far more for the drugs than what a legitimate pharmacy could or would pay.

“The defendants, including pharmaceutical drug distributors, allegedly exploited the opioid crisis for profit — selling dangerous and addictive drugs to pill-mill pharmacies at above-market prices, knowing that the drugs would end up on the black market,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The drugs had a staggering black-market value of over $1.3 billion. These charges represent the Justice Department’s largest criminal enforcement action targeting executives, brokers, and alleged pill-mill pharmacy owners for unlawfully distributing opioids and other commonly abused drugs. Our message is clear: we will not hesitate in our pursuit of those involved in dumping addictive pharmaceutical drugs onto the streets.”

… caused by the opioid crisis by knowingly supplying pill-mill pharmacies and coaching pharmacy operators on how to evade law enforcement detection. According to the charging documents, they knowingly sold bulk narcotics to drug traffickers and to pharmacies they knew were selling to drug traffickers,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “As alleged, these defendants — owners, CEOs, executives, brokers — put profits over the health and safety of the American public. No one is above the law. If you contribute to the opioid epidemic, if you profit from the devastation of communities, we will hold you accountable. I commend the collaboration between DEA’s Diversion Control Division, our field divisions in St. Louis, Miami, Atlanta, Phoenix, Louisville and Houston, and our other state and federal law enforcement partners whose dedication to this investigation led us here today.”

“The distributors that sourced pills into the Houston area may be located across the country in Arizona, Florida, Maryland, California, North Carolina, and elsewhere, but they targeted Houston, helping to make it a known ‘hot zone’ for drug diversion,” said U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani for the Southern District of Texas. “This office will always support the prosecution of individuals who try to thwart law enforcement and oversight by operating across state lines, posing as legitimate businesses, while in reality poisoning our district by targeting pill mills with precisely the drugs at the heart of our country’s addiction crisis. While there remain others who will be held accountable in the future, these cases build on this district’s history of systematically dismantling pill-mill clinics, pharmacies, and the often-violent drug-trafficking organizations, responsible for selling these pills in our community.”

“The use of protocols outside of common industry practice has contributed to the current opioid epidemic. To boost their profits, bad actors facilitate the distribution of opioids without medical necessity, threatening the lives and health of the public and the integrity of the Medicare program,” said Deputy Inspector General for Investigations Christian J. Schrank of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG). “Our agency, working with our law enforcement partners, will continue to thoroughly investigate such schemes.”


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28630c No.21759763

File: a849311226a2079⋯.gif (612.33 KB,159x159,1:1,20200911_200320.gif)

since when does dod

have a domestic military (conus)

policy to expand?

the us constitution has already been suspended.

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fd28e1 No.21759764



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5b8ca2 No.21759765

File: c21dc1bc2c3e2cf⋯.png (1.58 MB,833x1000,833:1000,c21dc1bc2c3e2cf96d263cabf8….png)

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d8ce2e No.21759767

File: b4b9569e8c6edff⋯.png (489.12 KB,478x530,239:265,Screenshot_2024_10_13_at_1….png)

File: 1a3dedacfb6cdd1⋯.png (2 MB,1940x1148,485:287,Screenshot_2024_10_13_at_1….png)

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132e78 No.21759768


Try this site. If it doesn't work for you then you need an exorcism. 😁


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e6d8a4 No.21759769

Deep state plans to assassinate Trump, blame it all on Iran (false flag) to then bring the US to world war in the Middle East, to which Russia and China get involved. Great Reset with BRICS+ = New planned Bretton Woods global economic change after WWIII (west loses)!

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fd28e1 No.21759771



works, muchas gracias

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26a9e7 No.21759774

File: a942abcab0053da⋯.jpg (23.47 KB,255x175,51:35,fc6de50f770a6b9927801f9461….jpg)

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a28d54 No.21759775


God has a better plan.

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186c69 No.21759776

File: c619248180f1335⋯.png (8.11 KB,172x294,86:147,ClipboardImage.png)




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ece4e9 No.21759777

When You Con't Resist

Reeeeeeeeehhhhh Panic panic Panic

Seethe faggots the noose is coming and NCSWIC

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5b8c0f No.21759778

File: ca7459a8fa9810b⋯.jpeg (157.31 KB,1080x676,270:169,IMG_4277.jpeg)

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b82dae No.21759780

Bedraggled and prolapsed Marxist dolt

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1ccc30 No.21759783


cern basic training

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5b8c0f No.21759784

File: dbd0ac75fcc49be⋯.gif (568.81 KB,498x280,249:140,IMG_4278.gif)

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068c02 No.21759787

File: 2c8a5a8cd42ff8c⋯.png (121.12 KB,700x1090,70:109,abAYR3O_700bwp.png)

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e6d8a4 No.21759788


My gut. I know these people. WATCH. This is my true gut feeling, I know these desperately evil people and how they operate. I've studied them and their evil, it's my honest GUT feeling, ….at the very least it WILL BE ATTEMPTED.

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b82dae No.21759789

Prohibitively rancid socialist trollop

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d04ddb No.21759791


Bake a bread, put it all in and link it from time to time.


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1ccc30 No.21759793


does not know

there is only

God's Plan

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581004 No.21759794

notables FINAL

#26643 >>21758924

>>21759140 Live: President Trump Holds a Rally in Prescott Valley, AZ - 10/13/24

>>21759749 Transcript: Trump Rally in Prescott Valley, AZ

>>21759152 Trump on stage @ 5:10EST

>>21759642 16,000 member Border Patrol Council endorse Trump

>>21759197 The Chart

>>21759558 New Q Baby

>>21759454 CNN SUCKS!!!😂😂😂

>>21759215, >>21759222, >>21759218, >>21759248, >>21759403, >>21759409, >>21759514 #s

>>21759570 Behind the scenes @ Prescott, Arizona — prior to President Trump taking the stage

>>21759255, >>21759356, >>21759267, >>21759364, >>21759371 Scavino: ARIZONA IS TRUMP COUNTRY☀️🏜🌄🌵

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21759597 Trump Coachella Rally 187 Attempt Press Conference

>>21758952 Trump targeted in THIRD 'assassination attempt' as gunman arrested outside Coachella rally

>>21758982, >>21759211, >>21758989, >>21759039, >>21759075, >>21759049, >>21759110, >>21759229, >>21759261, >>21759264, >>21759273, >>21759296, >>21759309, >>21759214, >>21759290, >>21759417, >>21759502, >>21759508, >>21759556, >>21759583, >>21759511 Vem Miller dig

>>21759494 Qmap: 1798, VIP pass, Assassination attempt

>>21759007, >>21759014 Eyes on Slave Gardens

>>21759664 Initial reports confirm the assassination of Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi

>>21758974, >>21758985, >>21759019, >>21759038 Scores of Israeli soldiers injured in drone swarm attack on IDF base

>>21759100 What a botfarm looks like - used to artificially and significantly boost popularity

>>21759234, >>21759236 Trump Campaign Memo: Is the Kamala Campaign Cracking?

>>21759242 Black men are supporting Trump in droves

>>21759298 11 people in the same family passed away in North Carolina because they were waiting for help

>>21759424 Elon's rocket coming back to the Earth re-land

>>21759443 Elon Musk is also developing a Hypersonic Jet prototype

>>21759719 Ohio Man Sentenced for Creating and Distributing Videos Depicting Monkey Torture and Mutilation

>>21759761 Ten Pharmaceutical Distributor Execs, Sales Representatives, and Brokers Charged with Unlawful Sales of Nearly 70M Opioid Pills

>>21758940, >>21758964, >>21759097, >>21759124, >>21759445 Memes


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5bde97 No.21759795

Or just continue to be niggers like always

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581004 No.21759797

notables FINAL

#26644 >>21758924

>>21759140 Live: President Trump Holds a Rally in Prescott Valley, AZ - 10/13/24

>>21759749 Transcript: Trump Rally in Prescott Valley, AZ

>>21759152 Trump on stage @ 5:10EST

>>21759642 16,000 member Border Patrol Council endorse Trump

>>21759197 The Chart

>>21759558 New Q Baby

>>21759454 CNN SUCKS!!!😂😂😂

>>21759215, >>21759222, >>21759218, >>21759248, >>21759403, >>21759409, >>21759514 #s

>>21759570 Behind the scenes @ Prescott, Arizona — prior to President Trump taking the stage

>>21759255, >>21759356, >>21759267, >>21759364, >>21759371 Scavino: ARIZONA IS TRUMP COUNTRY☀️🏜🌄🌵

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21759597 Trump Coachella Rally 187 Attempt Press Conference

>>21758952 Trump targeted in THIRD 'assassination attempt' as gunman arrested outside Coachella rally

>>21758982, >>21759211, >>21758989, >>21759039, >>21759075, >>21759049, >>21759110, >>21759229, >>21759261, >>21759264, >>21759273, >>21759296, >>21759309, >>21759214, >>21759290, >>21759417, >>21759502, >>21759508, >>21759556, >>21759583, >>21759511 Vem Miller dig

>>21759494 Qmap: 1798, VIP pass, Assassination attempt

>>21759007, >>21759014 Eyes on Slave Gardens

>>21759664 Initial reports confirm the assassination of Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi

>>21758974, >>21758985, >>21759019, >>21759038 Scores of Israeli soldiers injured in drone swarm attack on IDF base

>>21759100 What a botfarm looks like - used to artificially and significantly boost popularity

>>21759234, >>21759236 Trump Campaign Memo: Is the Kamala Campaign Cracking?

>>21759242 Black men are supporting Trump in droves

>>21759298 11 people in the same family passed away in North Carolina because they were waiting for help

>>21759424 Elon's rocket coming back to the Earth re-land

>>21759443 Elon Musk is also developing a Hypersonic Jet prototype

>>21759719 Ohio Man Sentenced for Creating and Distributing Videos Depicting Monkey Torture and Mutilation

>>21759761 Ten Pharmaceutical Distributor Execs, Sales Representatives, and Brokers Charged with Unlawful Sales of Nearly 70M Opioid Pills

>>21758940, >>21758964, >>21759097, >>21759124, >>21759445 Memes

>>21759794 #26644

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fd28e1 No.21759800

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1ccc30 No.21759803

this niggah has a two hundred word vocabulary

it is already repeating

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f5a0d6 No.21759808

File: c55c1e9e4f0d391⋯.png (19.39 KB,299x356,299:356,ClipboardImage.png)


Cause a problem, offer the solution. Bounce the people back and forth like a game of pong to direct them where you want to go.

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d04ddb No.21759810


Yeah, I know you like my idea hahaha It's brilliant, right!!!!!!!!!!!

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dcb37e No.21759811

File: 4cc4aa148e103f5⋯.png (9.45 KB,262x192,131:96,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8ce2e No.21759813


Bull & Ball

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581004 No.21759814

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c25c29 No.21759816

Shills are faggot.

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b82dae No.21759817

Morally disfigured, ner'de well crap snacking commie

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e6d8a4 No.21759818

File: f1b7784516d7381⋯.png (340.5 KB,565x555,113:111,WAR_IS_A_RACKET.png)

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fd28e1 No.21759822



anons are faggot

shills are gay

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d04ddb No.21759824


I knew it!

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7e1997 No.21759825

(you) need to find the paperwork for the suspension of the constitution.

it has to be public


to be legal.

<muh autists

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d73f4e No.21759826

File: fa4b695d3c0dfd1⋯.png (6.37 KB,137x255,137:255,fist.png)


Thank God. No weapon formed…

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a28d54 No.21759831

File: 4532ef6681ea390⋯.png (66.38 KB,373x371,373:371,pepe_guerilla_fighter_badg….png)

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d77504 No.21759832

File: ba7014164752ee0⋯.gif (7.72 MB,640x360,16:9,sh48ae7eab3fe97332b0c133f3….gif)

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a28d54 No.21759834

File: 70ae66266edebbf⋯.jpg (12.62 KB,225x225,1:1,night_image.jpg)

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a28d54 No.21759839

File: 4263e21c1444c80⋯.png (126.85 KB,798x417,266:139,hats_off.png)

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fd28e1 No.21759840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d04ddb No.21759844

File: c8375f18a2be295⋯.png (84.99 KB,472x309,472:309,ClipboardImage.png)


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a28d54 No.21759845

File: 7751f1275373221⋯.png (301.31 KB,369x545,369:545,night_shift_open_24.png)

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62de43 No.21759846

File: a9d78f35970952c⋯.png (358.58 KB,962x968,481:484,00nsmr3.png)




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5b8ca2 No.21759847

File: 1ab66a27dd94e46⋯.jpg (177.25 KB,1080x1141,1080:1141,boomerang.jpg)

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fd28e1 No.21759849

File: db2c9d0d60275c1⋯.jpeg (810.78 KB,1920x1080,16:9,QResearchAllNightDiner.jpeg)

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62de43 No.21759850

File: 5c0bc812bde8bab⋯.gif (308.34 KB,220x166,110:83,02.gif)




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a28d54 No.21759852

bread locked plz migrate




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