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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

0f072d No.21749935 [View All]

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ea269b No.21750779


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632b57 No.21750780




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366150 No.21750781

File: de1cbbe37bf4e26⋯.png (322.81 KB,478x767,478:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 864ce15d6d701dd⋯.png (604.22 KB,423x769,423:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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6018fc No.21750782

File: 9356339507914fe⋯.png (1.41 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f0e86074deaba⋯.png (589.43 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad401d74fb7cf59⋯.png (590.61 KB,687x386,687:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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f65610 No.21750783


is it gonna be dozens or hundreds when the drip becomes a flood

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b19fc4 No.21750784


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of his idea.He admitted on Tucker he didn't know what humans would do or be when they are not needed. He didn't think that far before creating something that would make the planet sans Human.

Hopefully and Thankfully it might be the super rich elite that will use them.

I wonder and hope there is definitive plan to save humanity and we are still ordained by God to be the rulers over the earth. Its not like he's creating a toaster

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0d927c No.21750785


When was this recorded? Comey used the same type of post. I mention a deck too earlier regarding his post. I am glad you asked for air support today. The greater the defense, the longer that have to travel outside the range, the greater the time it takes to attack. I know I always sound paranoid, but when you consider the time and energy that goes into some of their attacks then you realize that it must take up almost all their time. Then you realize, the only way they can sustain this campaign is if they are sponsored from some very rich people who are playing a long game. Then you realize the access that those rich people have to all types of resources and knowledges to put these things into affect. Most attacks are simple but some require sophistication, planning, and monitoring. Better to be a little paranoid then under when dealing with murderers and genocidal maniacs.

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142023 No.21750786


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b19fc4 No.21750787


Of what?

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c65e20 No.21750788


<dozens or hundreds?

hard to know.

but think of the carolina floods - the power there. We think we're ready. when the shift comes, gonna need to be real grounded.

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b19fc4 No.21750789


Very good you forward them to normies. Excellent

Your second comment sounds angry

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51471a No.21750790


>missile defense shield

President Trump needs a battery of Patriot missiles to cover him at rallies and events, just in case. It is better to go into the jungle with an elephant gun, then you do not have to worry about anything smaller. ~Confuseshush

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b19fc4 No.21750791


If its true what you say, in your second response, congrats for working that long, I guess you found your purpose.

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6018fc No.21750792

File: 91a1a62221f1451⋯.png (356.78 KB,521x814,521:814,ClipboardImage.png)

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6018fc No.21750793

File: f5a1b70bc7a7777⋯.png (367.31 KB,526x813,526:813,ClipboardImage.png)

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6018fc No.21750794

File: 94f9d70f0009935⋯.png (389.09 KB,519x802,519:802,ClipboardImage.png)


I guess Walz wasn't lying.

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148a65 No.21750795


>Your second comment sounds angry

had a long day IRL

set a personal record for the most encounters with arrogant assholes and retarded dumbfucks in any 24 hr period

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80c625 No.21750796

File: 84e3ab3c220646a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't pay enough taxes? Don't worry. You will.

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c96068 No.21750797

File: d7729057cc4bff1⋯.png (7.15 KB,255x143,255:143,4b2ae330ac16ee8d65f53ae28d….png)

If you own a personal robot for l;ess than $20K, you can produce everything you need with it.

Program it to clean your house, order groceries and pick up, pay your bills, cook, do laundry, tend the garden, tend the chickens, feed the cows, build a house, build a barn, harvest the garden, can the goods, slaughter the meat…… think of all the spare time and money you would have to do GREAT things.

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c96068 No.21750798


Find something else to do.

Surround yourself with like minded people.

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80c625 No.21750799

File: 2115fcd3db79b18⋯.png (528.07 KB,600x449,600:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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b62d95 No.21750800

File: fbd7b3870262784⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,000_Kamala_you_ok.mp4)

"World leaders said to me, Kamala, I hope you guys are going to be OK."

Panic has set in.

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2e0ff6 No.21750801



#26634-A >>21749951

>>21749949 POTUS: ' Btw. go buy her book… (Melania).. i was a lil bit worried when i read it if she was going to hit me hard.. but she didnt or i wouldnt recommend it '

>>21749956 POTUS: ' Charging countries that come in and plunder and steal.. and we will have a machine for a country… '

>>21749959 POTUS: ' They woulda made 1.7 billion dollars… 999 and 99 cents, its got to have a 3 in front, this had a 5, 5.7 '

>>21749964 POTUS: ' It wasnt baby blue, it was blue '

>>21749975 POTUS: ' If i didnt come along, you woulda made 1.7 Billion? The answer was they woulda made 1.7B, and Elon is right, they shouldnt make that kinda money '

>>21749981 POTUS: ' We are going to give our police their respect back '

>>21749998 POTUS: ' We will build a missile defense shield.. and we will not have a woke military… watch this.. watch this.. WATCH this… ' let me see your warface video plays

>>21750002 POTUS: ' We won two beautiful big ugly wars - Trump

>>21750010 POTUS: ' It may not be politically correct, but we won two world wars.. we won two ugly world wars.. we had great generals, not the ones you see on tv '

>>21750011 POTUS: ' We have to take care of our military '

>>21750015 POTUS: ' I will defend the Second Amendment, protect religious liberty, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections.

>>21750017 POTUS: ' We will lead the war in space and reach Mars before the end of my administration.. '

>>21750026 POTUS: ' It's going to end unpleasantly for them - Trump

>>21750034 POTUS: ' President Trump: We will reclaim our sovereignty, and I will give you back your freedom, your life, and your country. Everyone will prosper, every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope, We're gonna bring back the American Dream.

>>21750040 POTUS: ' After everything weve been through… we been through a lot.. these are ugly viscous people.. i call it the enemy within '

>>21750056 POTUS: ' Nov 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country… together we will make America powerful again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America healthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, we will make Americagreat again! Thank you very much… GOD BLESS YOU… GOD BLESS YOU ALL '

>>21750076 POTUS: ' we are listening to you here, and we love you


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2e0ff6 No.21750802



#26634-B >>21749951

>>21749973 10/11/24 | RENO, NEVADA…

>>21749984 L​IVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Reno, Nevada - 10/11/24

>>21750019 Live update: Nicaragua breaks off ties with Israel

>>21750059 "It was like out of a movie" - Kumbala Harris

>>21750068 @chuckschumer - G'mar Chatimah Tovah to everyone in the Jewish community observing Yom Kippur. May you have an easy and meaningful fast.

>>21750093 Alex Soros retweeted @KamalaHQ - NEW AD: Yesterday Donald Trump attacked Detroit while in Detroit.

>>21750102, >>21750109, >>21750112, >>21750116, >>21750374 @rawsalerts - 🚨#BREAKING: Dozens of people are actively looting and breaking into a cargo train

>>21750118 Keep Sharing These Videos because Kamala Harris’ FEMA left these people alone and with nothing

>>21750128 Donald Trump – What a racist (satire)

>>21750172 REPORT: Growing Number of Minnesota Voters Who Supported Tim Walz in the Past Now Flipping to Trump

>>21750195 There is still SAR going on in the mountains, a child died of hypothermia last night.

>>21750203, >>21750210, >>21750283, >>21750357, >>21750448, >>21750518 ARCHIVE.ORG was Shutdown. (no, it's just down)

>>21750212 Deep in Chicongo hood voting for Trump.

>>21750239 JUST IN - China to issue 2.3 trillion Yuan in special bonds to boost stalling economy — AFP

>>21750252 TOO BIG TO RIG!!!

>>21750260, >>21750299, >>21750410 @realDonaldTrump - From the very beginning of this journey, I have been on a mission to rescue our nation from a failed and corrupt political establishment.

>>21750265, >>21750470, >>21750407, >>21750490, >>21750521, >>21750611 (take it with a grain of salt) @DocNetyoutube - Ok Tim, I guess now would be a good time to drop my October surprise.

>>21750281, >>21750289, >>21750287, >>21750292, >>21750728, >>21750735, >>21750742 @realDonaldTrump - Happy Birthday to my wonderful father, FRED C. TRUMP, now in Heaven. What a guy

>>21750300 Black conservative: “This message is for President Obama, I ain’t gonna vote for Kamala Harris!”

>>21750302 They sent Obama to come get us and put us on the democratic plantation, telling us to vote for Kamala? ha ha ha

>>21750338 Planefaggin'

>>21750344 QClock October 11, 2024 - Attacks Anticipated & Intensifying

>>21750384 Scott Stevens Worked As A Meteorologist/ Weather Forecaster For 20 Years. After getting deep into researching Geoengineering Weather Modification, he left his job to warn the world about what’s happening

>>21750387 Mil-twats

>>21750498 @CitizenFreePres - Brand new Mark Halperin posted 15 minutes ago – 'Kamala has trouble all over the map. The polling is accurate. Trump is winning.'

>>21750509, >>21750542, >>21750537, >>21750506, >>21750545 Herschel Walker to Barack Obama: 'Telling Us to Vote Based on Color Is a Step Backward'

>>21750552 @ElectionWiz - NY POST: University of Kansas instructor out of job after saying men should be ‘lined up and shot’ for not backing female candidates

>>21750560, >>21750575, >>21750609, >>21750639, >>21750660 The BATTLE of WASHINGTON

>>21750586 Appeals Court rules state must return $225K seized from California man during Brandon traffic stop

>>21750651 Fact check: True

>>21750743 JD Vance flips the script on NY Times reporter.

>>21750767 Viral Australian Senator Malcom Roberts Issues Emergency Message To The World: Humanity Is Coming For the Globalists!

>>21750764, >>21750549, >>21750497, >>21750473, >>21750325, >>21750284, >>21750229, >>21750188, >>21750132, >>21750115, >>21750106, >>21750042, >>21749995, >>21749985 Memes


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80c625 No.21750803

File: 38538accfb21de7⋯.png (198.95 KB,310x420,31:42,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750804

File: d8a64c76d84380c⋯.png (242.14 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750805

File: 36dcccf574d8144⋯.png (1.2 MB,983x767,983:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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6018fc No.21750808

File: 78dfc417ea0aab2⋯.png (998.36 KB,700x1246,50:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 510ba323233c658⋯.png (221.69 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62c3908c677fbca⋯.png (2.96 KB,220x147,220:147,ClipboardImage.png)

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fec71e No.21750809

File: ab7508016ea0cca⋯.png (740.16 KB,1368x420,114:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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366150 No.21750810

File: 4b7ee9d496ffced⋯.png (527.69 KB,923x631,923:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750811

File: 173eadec791d238⋯.png (522.42 KB,474x606,79:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750813

File: dfa3e0299b1dec3⋯.png (303.65 KB,474x527,474:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e0ff6 No.21750814

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)




















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6018fc No.21750815


Whack your enemies?

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80c625 No.21750816

File: a63f5b9e7740d37⋯.png (852.39 KB,782x782,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a261f No.21750817


I am sorry, but I am getting a feeling of dread. There should be zero military drills during a rally or event that PDJT has, and just known operators in the theatre. Lord, watch over please, as our prayers never cease.

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80c625 No.21750818

File: 802f791ca68cc7c⋯.png (552.61 KB,620x512,155:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750819

File: a0a9f7b20760ffe⋯.png (317.69 KB,503x500,503:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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c96068 No.21750820

Here me out:

Trump announces he will give amnesty to all illegals that were here before 2020.

All those amnesty illegals, that are poised to vote Kamala illegally, will flip and vote Trump.

Trump wins.

Amnesty for the illegals is found to be unconstitutional and never habbens.

Trump deports them all.

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80c625 No.21750821

File: b33f007780d2f97⋯.png (553.3 KB,637x607,637:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750822

File: ab0f89bf984feed⋯.png (920.48 KB,940x978,470:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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80c625 No.21750823

File: 38ac65de51b6498⋯.png (291.25 KB,520x338,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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c96068 No.21750824


Protect your family

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a1ef86 No.21750826



Silence is Golden


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80c625 No.21750827

File: d1cbbbe05756e3d⋯.png (384.84 KB,522x500,261:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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3201d3 No.21750828

File: 3de159fc4d060f0⋯.jpg (185.31 KB,474x605,474:605,clipboardimage.jpg)

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b19fc4 No.21750829

File: 113c1c457d9ee19⋯.jpeg (425.87 KB,1283x1804,1283:1804,IMG_4530.jpeg)

File: 08e870faf4bad56⋯.jpeg (370.23 KB,1283x1583,1283:1583,IMG_4531.jpeg)

File: 667208f6e870e63⋯.jpeg (233.61 KB,1283x1568,1283:1568,IMG_4532.jpeg)


Rumble is Tricky

Copying link for video to post

"Share" Don't click on share==, the link doesn't work for posting a woking video. perhaps it works for emailing. Don't know

Scroll over to the right and copy "Embed" link and that will post the video

You can even click the internet link and use that, but I use Embed, its always works

Looking below where it says "show post options and limits", click that open and insert the link, it will play from there.

Hope that helps

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6f4162 No.21750832

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b19fc4 No.21750836


I can understand that, too many people around work that are completely unaware of the danger and chaos our country is in. I sure to heck hope there is s lot more than 60% because that is pathetic. And how can we win the war with somnambulant zombies?

No worries anon, we are all good. We all work hard, WWG1WGA

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5a1d27 No.21750840


He may not be here, but he is with you.

A Good Father never leaves His Children.

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