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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

8e50a8 No.21749054 [View All]

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662 posts and 504 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a17d81 No.21749909


one shill does not equal night shift

get lost

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ef2ec0 No.21749910


Since this cycle id so wild, I predict this, (really it's my biggest wish)

I have a feeling some black person that worked in his admin, is ashamed and hates Obama for his betrayal of the poor and especially the black poor.

This person is going to come out with exactly who and what he intentionally did not do for blacks, and caused the entire racial decide in America.

This person lost his ideology early on and its eaten away his soul ever since he worked for him; that he did NOTHING for blacks but lied to them.

Lets look for the next big time democrat black that comes out and endorses Trump.

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8e50a8 No.21749911


do you mind, im busy

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610c0b No.21749912

File: cc8208a5159f809⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,320x486,160:243,walzdancing.mp4)

is this Walz?


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89a950 No.21749914


dubdubs chkd

don't waste your time checking this (you), it is a pointless message

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280b3b No.21749915


it is a singular mutation.

the area in which this is correct

is so far from your position

this meme is a lie

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ef2ec0 No.21749916

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bcc368 No.21749917

President Trump: You know, there are those people that say you'll never have another election if we don't win this one. That could be possible. Look at Venezuela, look at so many places. You know, it sounds far-fetched; it's not at all. Look at what's happened in just three and a half years. Look at what's happened to our country in three and a half years.

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c1347d No.21749918

Black women smell or somethin"? Why they don't love Trump?


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610c0b No.21749919



Why don't you repost the originals?

I have the middle one.

I can't see how it was censored.

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43403a No.21749921

Frompost to notable took 3 seconds is that a record? >>21749441>>21749470

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a17d81 No.21749923


>Black women smell or somethin"? Why they don't love Trump?

Trump didn't say that.

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c8d7eb No.21749924

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c1dfcd No.21749925


>“truth seeker” accounts on X that posted photos of condensation trails in the sky to baselessly allege that the government was “spraying Florida ahead of Hurricane Milton


>condensation trails

admited by fucking brennan

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90b33b No.21749926

File: 601e5cf64cdc83d⋯.png (417.03 KB,634x423,634:423,601e5cf64cdc83d631455c0104….png)

File: 7960d8cdf978f9b⋯.jpg (401.92 KB,1536x2048,3:4,7960d8cdf978f9bd36381b33e5….jpg)

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c1347d No.21749928


I didn't claim he did.

Anon asked the question.

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8a642e No.21749930

File: 4f40d8c58f2613b⋯.jpeg (71.53 KB,769x516,769:516,4f40d8c58f2613b2e3c833ec8….jpeg)

File: 2c99ff8207469f0⋯.png (780.28 KB,1079x1246,1079:1246,2c99ff8207469f04699b808103….png)

File: fdf1201c881af6a⋯.jpeg (26.55 KB,680x388,170:97,fdf1201c881af6a85949b19ba….jpeg)

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8e50a8 No.21749931



#26633-B >>21749065

>>21749292 Stephen Miller [President Trump]: This is the corrupt machine that suppresses your free speech, that crushes your liberty, that tries to violate your rights, that tries to indoctrinate your children, that believes that unelected bureaucrats in the deep state, at DOJ, and the Defense Department, know better than the actual citizens of this country. [sounds like Miller is suggesting some of those in the deep state, DOJ, DOD, are not citizens

>>21749451 Trump "You're head is going to spin. You're head is going to spin"

>>21749445 President Trump: Yesterday it was announced that inflation surged viciously again last month, coming in at a much higher number than anticipated. Your food prices went way up, higher than expected. Your rent and hosing costs went up, much more than expected. Your car prices went through the roof, yet Kamala Harris has no plan to fix it…Kamala has already cost the typical family, twenty-nine thousand dollars, with her horrible inflation, and the cost of inflation, yet she said, this week, when asked the question, that she can't think of one thing she could do differently.

>>21749511 President Trump: Under Kamala, it will be massive inflation, massive lay-offs, massive tax hikes, and massive misery and depression. Kamala Harris will kill the American Dream. That's what she's doing. And for your children, they don't have a dream with these people. Look, she's a Marxist. A lot of people don't know what a Marxist is, so let's put it simply. She's a communist. We're not going to have a communist leading our country.

>>21749562 President Trump: My pro-American trade policies are one of the major reasons why I've been overwhelmingly endorsed by the rank and file membership of the Teamsters, including sixty percent of the Teamster members in Nevada.

>>21749748 President Trump: I will round up the illegal alien gang members, and they will be put in jail or thrown out of our country, until not a single one if left, and we're going to call it 'Operation Aurora', if you don't mind, ok? Because they were the first; and this is happening all over country, by the way. If they come back, it's an automatic ten years in jail with no possibility of parole. And I'm hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer

>>21749809 President Trump: 60 Minutes should be taken off the air for what they've done [edit interview to help Harris]. They should be taken odd the air, and you know what else? They should lose their license…you know, they have licenses, these networks; they're worth billions of dollars, but the one thing is it says you have to be honest. That's election interference. They're interfering with the election. They should lose their license, and 60 Minutes should be taken off the air.

>>21749824 President Trump: Because of the Medicare cuts Kamala passed with her tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Creation Act…five hundred and sixty thousand seniors are set to lose their Medicare Advantage Plans…it's gonna happen in the next few weeks…In other words, Kamala is shafting fixed-income seniors on Medicare, to fund seven thousand, five hundred dollar tax credits, to buy luxury electric cars.

>>21749917 President Trump: You know, there are those people that say you'll never have another election if we don't win this one. That could be possible. Look at Venezuela, look at so many places. You know, it sounds far-fetched; it's not at all. Look at what's happened in just three and a half years. Look at what's happened to our country in three and a half years.

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c8d7eb No.21749933



fronthole channels moarlike

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05b538 No.21749934


Create your own board.

Problem solved.

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57bd6e No.21749937


We made Stephen Miller a sex object!

The ladies love him because we the Q/

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0a07fa No.21749940

File: bd12e9ea556c943⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,460x816,115:204,JAG.mp4)

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eac7c6 No.21749943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef2ec0 No.21749948


Give the source and I'll notable

Put the twitter link: hit the button embed, copy it and post with everything you get. Or go to the top if twitter thread, copy that and put that with the clip

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f50049 No.21749949

POTUS: ' Btw. go buy her book… (Melania).. i was a lil bit worried when i read it if she was going to hit me hard.. but she didnt or i wouldnt recommend it '

i bought one!

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8e9eb2 No.21749952

File: c550c8896ce5407⋯.png (640.71 KB,976x706,488:353,spr.png)


they literally say they got the kidney cells from an aborted baby

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8e50a8 No.21749953

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26634: I MAKE THIS VOW TO YOU Nov 5th Will Be Liberation Day TRUMP WINS Edition

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8a642e No.21749954

File: 5f25ecc81fd500d⋯.png (312.19 KB,652x434,326:217,5f25ecc81fd500ddf54dfc64b8….png)

wait until Chuck Grassley gets involved who just wants to be left alone and grow corn

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f50049 No.21749956

POTUS: ' Charging countries that come in and plunder and steal.. and we will have a machine for a country… '

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8e50a8 No.21749957


omg that is fuckin gross

fuck no

fcuk off

you dont belong here

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f92ce5 No.21749958

File: 2f90413e584deb3⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,640x480,4:3,Globalist_Sellout_They_Liv….mp4)

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f50049 No.21749959

POTUS: ' They woulda made 1.7 billion dollars… 999 and 99 cents, its got to have a 3 in front, this had a 5, 5.7 '

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03bd6a No.21749960



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8e50a8 No.21749961

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26634: I MAKE THIS VOW TO YOU Nov 5th Will Be Liberation Day TRUMP WINS Edition

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50cd3f No.21749963

Listen very carefully (again).

Note past (2) years.

Note next (6) years.

You were told what was going to happen.

You were told what battles we face.



Patriots in control.


Next 6 years = 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

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f50049 No.21749964

POTUS: ' It wasnt baby blue, it was blue '

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000000 No.21749966

C´mon man.

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8e50a8 No.21749967

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26634: I MAKE THIS VOW TO YOU Nov 5th Will Be Liberation Day TRUMP WINS Edition

baker is on new bread.


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c98730 No.21749968


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90b33b No.21749969

File: 60944e6ad35be27⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,995x747,995:747,winx.jpg)


He sure did.

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a17d81 No.21749974

File: b9ce4ecc78d9119⋯.jpg (14.95 KB,430x283,430:283,mountain_nature_light.jpg)

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f50049 No.21749975

POTUS: ' If i didnt come along, you woulda made 1.7 Billion? The answer was they woulda made 1.7B, and Elon is right, they shouldnt make that kinda money '

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f50049 No.21749981

POTUS: ' We are going to give our police their respect back '

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89a950 No.21749982

normies will be liberated of their sleepy ways soon when they see happen what anons saw in 2020

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a17d81 No.21749987

File: 29856929b550a3a⋯.png (264.28 KB,656x675,656:675,patriot_3.png)

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000000 No.21749988


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a17d81 No.21749990

File: d43e2cf0b4aa32d⋯.jpg (14.57 KB,193x261,193:261,liberty_bell.jpg)

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9f6511 No.21750021


I'd inquire as to where fiat was exchanged into more tangible like precious metals or real estate and then in the hands of whom

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04b9f3 No.21750023

migrate, locked

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89a950 No.21750028

File: f35e6453846c91c⋯.jpg (89.32 KB,399x500,399:500,0q9firmd0ft6.jpg)

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