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File: 3cb5b3d50dba963⋯.png (100.06 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

fb2714 No.21705036 [View All]

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7f33d8 No.21705719

File: 10ae1d77e0aa977⋯.png (480.01 KB,533x946,533:946,Donut_Finger.png)


Imagine the deals he's trying to make with the guards rn. kek

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12c1d9 No.21705720


What's going on Dan with recovery, call me, let's get it done.

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03cad7 No.21705722

File: bc687964581fcfe⋯.png (267.58 KB,568x703,568:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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46affd No.21705723

File: 327b5d8d3ca6d90⋯.png (377.08 KB,474x309,158:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fea82 No.21705724


The Rheotorical Survey

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000000 No.21705725


same as when Russia puts a flag on a ROOF in Ukraine.

except it's the degenerate zionists globalist topple flag..

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03cad7 No.21705727

File: 9fb90d5d88e1b36⋯.png (261.39 KB,320x316,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f33d8 No.21705728

File: 993a6d7fa0eb901⋯.jpg (86.83 KB,1024x584,128:73,kek_Kamala_3.jpg)

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000000 No.21705729

The LGBTQ is the ones that don't have tollerance

LGBTQ are the actual nazis,

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fab0cf No.21705730


BRICS nations sound more free than today's Amerika that's for sure sad as it is.

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12c1d9 No.21705731


Correct they can go after citizens for trying to help but can't find the tire slashers nor concentrate on them. That is treason, and we have to defend against all domestic terrorists interfering with the rescue operation.

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03cad7 No.21705732

File: 5c1a5b018f990a1⋯.png (431.28 KB,568x804,142:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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38c794 No.21705733


Sound cut out but here is what he said:

We fucking need to do what we need to do. The fucking DS jews are stealing our property and intend to never let us back again. They are going to seal it all off and bulldoze it. They intend to build a fucking 15 minute city or two and here is where they will put the 3 million homes that Commiela intends to build for illegals. The region will be changed forever. We can't let it happen.

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000000 No.21705734


as a heart attack survivor for 10+ years now, I suggest plant some fuckin trees and gardens from heirloom seeds and this is not a drill

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c6212c No.21705735

File: 9ee53546037016c⋯.png (944.79 KB,858x536,429:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21705737



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12c1d9 No.21705739


These are real patriots, wish I could be there with them. I am livid.

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03cad7 No.21705740

File: 213954307defdf8⋯.png (197.61 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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46affd No.21705741

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f38f12 No.21705742


>dat sum high grade hopium ya got there, sparky

agreed but this war is about control of the money. real money, whether youre a bitcoin or gold guy, kills fake money, but more that that, its about value of resources, the thing that gives money value. it used to be labor and agriculture/mining, but the industrial revolution + idiot politicians made it almost exclusively about oil before it then was abstracted into financialized derivatives of contracts and fucking exploded from there. but now it's about data. data as the most valuable thing is still nascent, but it will be the basis of the future, but not just data but actual information/knowledge based on that data. the key is the point between raw data and knowledge. what determines the future of freedom vs. slavery is the whether we can decentralized the internet or not. that it's all fucked, is because it is centralized at the moment. shitty money will fix itself when the incentives of the basis of the future economy rear their head. bitcoiners like to say, fix the money, fix the world. that's partially true, but it's missing a key piece and I'd argue a more fundamental piece: truth. bitcoin is merely the truth machine for accounting, whereas a decentralized internet would be a truth platform for everything.

I can draw 1 degree of freedom lines connecting the developers of this network between Musk, Tim berners-lee, trump, MBS, and a number of other people, places, and things.

Set your alarm timers to start on Oct 29, 9am CST. educated guess about the time but the date is a firm offer.

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000000 No.21705743

The people who told you to take a jab and cut off your dick now want to bulldoze NC/TN while they have your NG in the ME

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5fea82 No.21705744

File: a7d7f9a50ed0b9d⋯.png (371.03 KB,470x578,235:289,ClipboardImage.png)

Oct 04, 2024, 1:19 AM


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7f33d8 No.21705746

File: 7f88521f5f59c49⋯.png (308.82 KB,1077x819,359:273,KEK_Bill_Murray.png)


>plant some fuckin trees

I planted a fuckin mulberry tree 10 years ago.

It turned out to be fuckin fruitless.

I just kek at myself and eat popcorn, now.

True story. Hermosa tree, tho.

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000000 No.21705747

The DHS who left the border open for soldier invasion spent all FEMA money on the invasion of america.

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000000 No.21705748


I think you can SMOKE the leaves no?

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268549 No.21705750


Commie china Brazil not so sure about that

Looks good on papper

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000000 No.21705752

show the Mulberry Tree your LOVE


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7f33d8 No.21705753


>I think you can SMOKE the leaves no?

I'll dry it and try it.

If I don't reply, it didn't work.

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fab0cf No.21705754


Yep, we have our own greenhouse and garden at the homestead, couple of apple trees in our yard too. We used to have three but one died a year ago. We get about 100 to 120 apples every year alone. Our one pear tree doesn't produce much, but a little at least. I also like supporting the local farmer markets, buying from other locals who grow their own food to sell. We need to start becoming more self-sufficient and get prepared to weather the attacks we are under in this country.

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c6212c No.21705756


Jesus is speed-running Doom. Biblical.

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000000 No.21705757


Yeah I might have mis-spoke. sorry there's lot of HERBS and my books are fuckin scattered


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46affd No.21705758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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355751 No.21705759


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b77cd2 No.21705760


Toxoplasma gondii

Probably a derivative that occurs in pork that humans could've become infected. In particular…industrialized pork (you would think wild boar meat might have parasites, and in some ways perhaps that's true, but it's the TYPE of parasite in domesticated pork.

So, just like toxoplasma gondii shared between two organisms.

One is the "incubator" and the other is the "brood chamber".

The rats are the incubators and the feline is the brood chamber.

In domesticated or industrialized farming its the pigs that are the incubators and the farmers are the brood chambers.

But, for some odd reason Human Swine Variant (when not sufficiently culled in the gut) causes two such infected human brood chambers to spread the HSV eggs from fecal matter back into the human populace.

The HSV eggs are in fecal matter, so anyone that is sexually practicing sodomy is spreading those worm eggs all around their environment.

It really is the only viable explanation towards why would any man desire to have anything inserted into their ass? And also explains why the trannies are so fearless in their perversion, and not fearing getting their heads beaten in?

I bet the entire gay community is just flooded with HSV eggs!

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5fea82 No.21705761

File: 663058306fd7e40⋯.png (61.27 KB,936x410,468:205,ClipboardImage.png)


How To Tell If A Mulberry Tree Is Male Or Female

Read More: https://www.hunker.com/13429121/how-to-tell-if-a-mulberry-tree-is-male-or-female/

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385860 No.21705763


You do not need a permit, nor permission, there are good Samaritan law. Anons get on Social media and spread the word, call all new agencies too, and dig up some documentation if you want to help out. One anon that gets that point across could save hundreds of lives.

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9628a3 No.21705764

notables @ 675

#26579 >>21705047

>>21705121 3 months ago, Mayorkas said that FEMA is "tremendously prepared" for hurricane season

>>21705131, >>21705136 Users getting flagged on TikTok trying to talk about Western NC and Chimney Rock

>>21705155 Jesse Watters

>>21705156 Despite 1,000 troops being deployed to NC for assistance, FEMA and the Governor have not written a mission order

>>21705192, >>21705216 Hurricane victims: Where is our government?

>>21705445 Everyone in her area including herself applied for Kamala's $750 and were denied

>>21705634 Pilot flying Helene rescue missions in NC threatened with arrest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21705076 Gay Twitter absolutely lost their minds for Vance on debate night

>>21705094, >>21705118, >>21705122 Hung Cao says he recovered JFK Jr. & his plane during his time as a SEAL? 👀

>>21705126 Switzerland uses a mobile overpass bridge to carry out road work without stopping traffic

>>21705137 Ken Paxton sues TikTok for violating new Texas social media law

>>21705145, >>21705206 Election org 'Let's Go Washington' hit with four violations

>>21705150 Police share what they've learned from child sex offenders that could protect kids

>>21705164 Elon: If the Dems win, they will force this on the whole country

>>21705248, >>21705283 PF: Global X is growing its fleet fast

>>21705319 Offshore Leaks Database

>>21705346 JD Vance First Post-Debate Interview

>>21705415 UN 'Pact For The Future' Draws Concerns Over CCP Backing

>>21705421 Elon: I will be there to support! (re: DJT's revisit to Butler)

>>21705424 O'Keefe: Producer Admits MSNBC Is 'Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign

>>21705491 WATCH: Kari Lake’s First Debate With Her Democrat Opponent… But He Didn’t Show Up!

>>21705481 Biden says holding ‘discussions’ on possible Israeli strike on Iran’s oil facilities

>>21705559 Rasmussen: Any Polling Error Means Kamala is Cooked in Pennsylvania and LOSES

>>21705606 NIH gives $3.7M to Rutgers and Michigan State to explore effects of 'structural racism' on aging

>>21705607 Diddy Hires Death Penalty Attorney as Sex Trafficking Case Builds

>>21705080, >>21705478 Memes


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9628a3 No.21705765

notables FINAL

#26579 >>21705047

>>21705121 3 months ago, Mayorkas said that FEMA is "tremendously prepared" for hurricane season

>>21705131, >>21705136 Users getting flagged on TikTok trying to talk about Western NC and Chimney Rock

>>21705155 Jesse Watters

>>21705156 Despite 1,000 troops being deployed to NC for assistance, FEMA and the Governor have not written a mission order

>>21705192, >>21705216 Hurricane victims: Where is our government?

>>21705445 Everyone in her area including herself applied for Kamala's $750 and were denied

>>21705634 Pilot flying Helene rescue missions in NC threatened with arrest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21705076 Gay Twitter absolutely lost their minds for Vance on debate night

>>21705094, >>21705118, >>21705122 Hung Cao says he recovered JFK Jr. & his plane during his time as a SEAL? 👀

>>21705126 Switzerland uses a mobile overpass bridge to carry out road work without stopping traffic

>>21705137 Ken Paxton sues TikTok for violating new Texas social media law

>>21705145, >>21705206 Election org 'Let's Go Washington' hit with four violations

>>21705150 Police share what they've learned from child sex offenders that could protect kids

>>21705164 Elon: If the Dems win, they will force this on the whole country

>>21705248, >>21705283 PF: Global X is growing its fleet fast

>>21705319 Offshore Leaks Database

>>21705346 JD Vance First Post-Debate Interview

>>21705415 UN 'Pact For The Future' Draws Concerns Over CCP Backing

>>21705421 Elon: I will be there to support! (re: DJT's revisit to Butler)

>>21705424 O'Keefe: Producer Admits MSNBC Is 'Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign

>>21705491 WATCH: Kari Lake’s First Debate With Her Democrat Opponent… But He Didn’t Show Up!

>>21705481 Biden says holding ‘discussions’ on possible Israeli strike on Iran’s oil facilities

>>21705559 Rasmussen: Any Polling Error Means Kamala is Cooked in Pennsylvania and LOSES

>>21705606 NIH gives $3.7M to Rutgers and Michigan State to explore effects of 'structural racism' on aging

>>21705607 Diddy Hires Death Penalty Attorney as Sex Trafficking Case Builds

>>21705080, >>21705478 Memes


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000000 No.21705766


I lost a Pear tree in the 60's.

and I lost the most kick ass Meyer Lemon in the 70's

Apples are not trouble free.

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fab0cf No.21705767


Yah, probably shitty for citizens everywhere. America was the last hope I think, and if we blow it the world will probably go back to some form of serfdom. I bet most governments would not want it any other way sadly.

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03cad7 No.21705771

File: 5ac79e0a6c334ed⋯.png (702.86 KB,568x499,568:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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46affd No.21705773


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38c794 No.21705778


Well, we know the jews are born mangled satanic maniacal soulless husks of what sort of resembles a human but the others who go along fear that they don't measure up on their own so they must join in to a group to ensure success( material wealth, power). Really, that just means sell their souls.

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03cad7 No.21705779

File: b7661c9935aff09⋯.png (569.16 KB,465x659,465:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21705780


We already WON…

the question is how to get that fucking zionist jew crew out of State Dept, Executive, Judicial, house/senate

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edfd8d No.21705783

anyone see a video that showed a funky white larve with a tail, moves pretty quickly.

the flies will get bad but did the frogs all get washed away?


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9628a3 No.21705784

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3ef0ea No.21705785



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46affd No.21705786


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3ef0ea No.21705787

bread locked please migrate

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