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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

d68388 No.21700935 [View All]

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701 posts and 557 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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949921 No.21701727

File: 86949d7fe17cc72⋯.png (141.71 KB,850x940,85:94,ClipboardImage.png)


>yes, that line makes it clear that there are Satanists HIDING in between your Jews, which in turn makes you either a retard or a liar. I go with both.

Kek. So you're admitting that Jews are muh Satanists™? Well, the Bible, is what, two thousand years old? What does that say about modern day Jews? Lemme guess. All the "evil Jews" were killed thousands of years ago, right? As for "liars," well, I wouldn't go throwing stones in glass houses, Moishe.

>I'm speaking truth.

>You take data at face value, without thinking at all.

Yes, Anon. I'm not thinking, when I read this. (picrel)

>Okay, I can shitpost a few more, will you then go "The Christians call for white genocide"?

Kek. Don't condemn the group for the actions on the individual. I gave you multiple examples of Jewish supremacy and racist behaviors. Enough to question whether or not Jews are, in fact, supremacist and racist, due to religious ideology™. You're a single individual who is defending Jewish racism and supremacy with your dying breath, while claiming to be a Christian™. I observe behavioral patters of the many, not just the one. Take the L. You look like an ID10-T.

>You support white genocide, don't you.

Kek. How Kosher of you. Projection at its finest.

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34083f No.21701728


Prices are still going up! How is it that these people have no clue?

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285bb8 No.21701729


You're not stealing just the meme though. You're trying to take everything other than the memes that come from the person that posts them. That's evil intent, little Gollum Wormtongue.

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000000 No.21701730

Real Raw News in notables again, really?

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d94263 No.21701731

File: 6da967572c762b5⋯.jpeg (632.58 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,850D68B2_B154_44B5_A29B_A….jpeg)


fucked that up. 902 skidsteer

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c1c9c2 No.21701732

File: 55d2a487cd2f95c⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17278329254….mp4)



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889964 No.21701733

File: eccb087b639ccae⋯.png (361.01 KB,710x599,710:599,eccb087b639ccae0c5245d96d8….png)

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48ce05 No.21701734


the state of the kitchen.

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6cd346 No.21701735


laundering money to her frens

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60e826 No.21701736

File: 271e4e3d613392d⋯.gif (27.53 KB,198x188,99:94,muppets.gif)

OK OK, it was all fun and games but it went a little too far.

Better get BV in here to start clearing some"SPAM"

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285bb8 No.21701737


Yeah, that's why I don't bother with notables anymoar. There's nothing in them that can't be found elsewhere because they're just copypasted MSM headlines. And now tabloidism and deliberate disinformation it seems, not truth and research.

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bfffef No.21701738


There are going to be some smelly containers.

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f22d64 No.21701739


And lots and lots of deception and lies. Don't forget that fact. It's sad how America went from the most free and prosperous country and used to be loved all around the world, to being one of the most resented, hated, insolvent and bankrupt. Truly sad. There was once a time the Middle East loved America and our great leaders. Everyone did. Those days are over it seems, unless we can get Trump back. I'm prepared for either outcome really, justice….or collapse.

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44e73a No.21701740


exactly and we finance all sides wtf

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ef6934 No.21701741


such ignorance…

as soon as one goes off they all go off.

(You) think you'll be safe in your basement but you'll be dead just like everyone else.

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8fd059 No.21701742

File: f51d5108c586b86⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,588x534,98:89,Kelloggs_commercial.jpg)

File: e1787fd683934e1⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kelloggs_commercial.mp4)

File: 13e45ad865ce5bd⋯.jpg (289.03 KB,1882x901,1882:901,Kelloggs_English.jpg)

File: b16c4e3771d2cbb⋯.jpg (369.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Kelloggs_Hispanic.jpg)


so you are a ESL?

>muh my Jews want to kill white people, no one else

Stop lying.

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789483 No.21701743

File: 75720372550d7f3⋯.png (139.21 KB,1022x850,511:425,1735.png)


>Real Raw News in notables again, really?

faggots reeeeing about it again, really?

or glowniggers desperate to keep eyes off?

what did you THINK Q#1735 meant?

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000000 No.21701744


it didn't mean RRN was real, that's for sure

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e52045 No.21701745

File: 2bac77f092fc6a2⋯.jpg (56 KB,622x452,311:226,Fdxh.jpg)


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44e73a No.21701746

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a4feb8 No.21701747

Good morning Q. How did Trump miss the opportunity to send the storm tweet out? Is Q operation even a thing anymoar?

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f22d64 No.21701748


Probably so, but how much better off are we if this disaster shitshow continues another 4 …or 8…. or 12 years from now? America won't be much better off by then anyway, probably unrecognizable.

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285bb8 No.21701749

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB,488x556,122:139,fake_and_gaylord.png)


>faggots reeeeing about it again, really?

Yeah, really, one post.

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ec40e0 No.21701750

Any malicious and malevolent Deep Stale Alphabet Brass reading these words had better fight for this country or prepare to die.

Flip, Die or Commit Suicide.

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5250e5 No.21701751

File: a4a74b13e01e7cc⋯.jpeg (153.52 KB,1088x803,1088:803,a4a74b13e01e7cc9a19c815e5….jpeg)


Not seeing it. Where?

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bfffef No.21701752

jews world wide stealing everything they can in broad daylight

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60e826 No.21701753

File: cfbc549c1e748b8⋯.png (15.84 KB,156x207,52:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7245979a5db8e92⋯.png (584 B,80x36,20:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 845abebec5bc44c⋯.png (7.03 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21701754


(pb, obviously) here:

>>21700239 Yes, Tim Walz HAS Befriended School Shooters

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611a05 No.21701755



#26574 >>21700942

>>21701142, >>21701706 3:00 PM EDT President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Saginaw, Michigan

>>21700988, >>21700998 @realDonaldTrump Kamala and Sleepy Joe are universally being given POOR GRADES for the way that they are handling the Hurricane…

>>21701002 North Carolina law requires voters to present photo ID, but this requirement can be waived for those affected by a “natural disaster”

>>21701026 @MELANIATRUMP Individual freedom vid


>>21701123, >>21701126, >>21701129, >>21701132, >>21701133, >>21701135 Kamala Harris Counter Talking Point

>>21701124 Balls to the Walz: Razör Recaps The VP Debate For The Keks!

>>21701144, >>21701158, >>21701434, >>21701473, >>21701484, >>21701488 Treason, Trending, Make Them Riot

>>21701148 Liz Cheney and Kamala campaign at birthplace of GOP

>>21701157 U.S. Port Congestion Builds as Historic Dockworker Strike Enters Third Day

>>21701161 32 Days To WINNING

>>21701164 Supply Chain Hell: 91% of Prescription Drug Imports Impacted by Port Strike

>>21701217 The Taft-Hartley Act authorizes the president to temporarily prevent strikes so bargaining parties can try to settle. Biden has said he won’t intervene.

>>21701221 The next time Iran attacks Israel, under the nose cone of an incoming ballistic missile might be a nuclear weapon. That risk is unacceptable.

>>21701230, >>21701235 First hand accounts of Hurricane survivors

>>21701234, >>21701447, >>21701512, >>21701564 TWO DAYS before Helene hit, Charlotte-based lithium giant reveals it has applied for several permits to reopen

>>21701252 Melania Trump: The media is afraid of my husband's strength

>>21701262 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 10/03/2024

>>21701284, >>21701567 for keks - Has anyone seen our missing shills? Need milkcartons for Vati

>>21701304 War Room Morning Edition - Real America's Voice

>>21701305 National Guard Holds Hurricane Helene Response Briefing 10am EDT

>>21701322, >>21701354, >>21701625 Boatfaggin Shipfaggin Planefaggin

>>21701351 Ben Meiselas has had one of the most remarkable careers of any 33-year-old lawyer working today

>>21701359, >>21701364 Apparently, the left is preparing for yet another Jan 6 in 2025

>>21701377, >>21701386 Found 1 school shooting in Minnesota on the Red Lake Indian Reservation.

>>21701401, >>21701489, >>21701508, >>21701548, >>21701580, >>21701655, >>21701656 NASA

>>21701402, >>21701695 Lebanese FM: Hassan Nasrallah Agreed to a Ceasefire Right Before Israel Assassinated Him

>>21701417 Buttigieg = private drones are RESTRICTED from locating victims in need or showing footage of the disaster

>>21701435, >>21701446 Nebraska Board of Education member Jacquelyn Morrison submitted letter of resignation

>>21701551 UK to return Chagos Islands to Mauritius in historic deal | BBC News

>>21701630 The Charlie Kirk Show - Real America's Voice 12noon EDT

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d94263 No.21701757

File: 20daaf9ee1c87c9⋯.png (1.15 MB,750x1334,375:667,6C61E124_C9C0_4553_8013_80….png)

File: dda96435f6dbfaa⋯.png (26.32 KB,690x410,69:41,6BF954B7_9189_4E1A_BC0B_15….png)

File: bf14ceb82090408⋯.jpeg (36.71 KB,680x473,680:473,E06FA053_4552_49B4_9366_7….jpeg)

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a4feb8 No.21701759


If nukes were real we would already be dead. Clinton's and Bush's had the authority.

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8e4481 No.21701760

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)


GM Michael

I mean Aka me

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ec40e0 No.21701761

File: 9a0d2d4778193f0⋯.jpg (147.67 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001694.jpg)

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789483 No.21701763


>exactly and we finance all sides

who is this "WE" that you speak of?

i'm not a jew, are you?

only thing "we" contribute is blood and guts

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611a05 No.21701764

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,dd7e24e5b777ae8b0900839f5a….png)

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ffa9a8 No.21701765


Better get started on the good things happening in 2024, so far it’s been pretty shitty.

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ec40e0 No.21701766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e4481 No.21701767

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


Some excellent shitposts were deleted but I still love and accept them

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c1c9c2 No.21701768



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285bb8 No.21701769

File: 9fbb8a18fc8db54⋯.jpeg (213.4 KB,828x909,92:101,ed88a9f12c9d476a1b58ad1d9….jpeg)

KEK. "Let's just take everything he posts and try associating is with us. It's foolproof! It's unstoppable, just like our racial division narrative. It'll for sure destroy him and he'll leave the board a shattered mess."

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c2e472 No.21701770

File: 12a0ea4f525c896⋯.png (253.87 KB,1196x638,598:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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949921 No.21701771

File: 5dc260776c8d7f6⋯.png (67.85 KB,1058x940,529:470,ClipboardImage.png)


>Stop lying.

Stop projecting. Ironic that Rampy deleted the majority of my poasts. Went from 22 to 4. Tells me that I'm onto something. Toodles.

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000000 No.21701772

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611a05 No.21701773

File: 43b75e023637fe8⋯.png (83.01 KB,522x375,174:125,43b75e023637fe87ea01c18118….png)

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8fd059 No.21701774

File: 52c1c8a7909f360⋯.jpg (137.89 KB,500x750,2:3,deleted_all.jpg)


>oh noe, all my work

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611a05 No.21701775

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,103f61058cfb6346898379cb6e….mp4)

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949921 No.21701777


>Better get BV in here to start clearing some"SPAM"

Kek. Rampy already made the rounds. See: >>21701771

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563bcc No.21701778

>>21701726 no license plates at all viewable to validate that they are where they say…how convenient

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c1c9c2 No.21701781


>Real Raw News in notables again, really?









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611a05 No.21701783

File: a8035d1696dc89b⋯.png (54.31 KB,311x162,311:162,a8035d1696dc89b00ab8bed798….png)

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