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File: ddb7c968d7c6f39⋯.png (99.97 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

8844cb No.21694461 [View All]

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000000 No.21695085

I will even RECOGNIZE your false god Q.

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000000 No.21695086

But you can NOT make me worship your false god Q.

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6ca61f No.21695087

Did anons know Tim Walz rode his bike until the street lights came on?

He has the stamina to be VP after all that riding

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f59ea5 No.21695088

File: 12c745a51af8277⋯.png (277.96 KB,456x265,456:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd02e4 No.21695089



I appreciate 'ritual'. I truly do. I was raised in a Disciples of Christ Christian Church, We were not Bible bangers. We were not Baptists. Our focus was on the second covenant…the new testament. We held communion every Sunday. That was our only ritual. We were taught to pray solitarialy…on our own and in private. When we were called to pray, we prayed individually in silence. We followed up with a group reading of The Lord's Prayer. If we had sinned, we took it up with Jesus directly. Easy peasey. Plain and simple. No fuss no muss. Just always baffled me that other religions would make you jump through a series of hoops to connect to God…who was alive in each and everyone of us.

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c3bc4d No.21695090


Around the World for 1000s of years, every culture of every peoples has believed in an afterlife. There must be something to it. Animals don't have any religions, knowledge of an afterlife, or knowledge of a Creator. Only people have religions.

The problem with some religions though, is that they aren't actually worshipping God, they are worshipping what God has created.

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d91c24 No.21695091


Jesus did it, its called transfiguration… where you are so in tune with Heaven that your whole being glows with the Holy Fire, kiinda like the burning bush.. mary ascended into the clouds, the angels took her.. she didnt die..

theres only two ways to go… like in the movie ghost…

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6396ab No.21695092

File: 5ae721ed7e0a924⋯.jpeg (22.5 KB,255x188,255:188,c760673c6d2bc8e74b5b729e9….jpeg)


dubs confirm

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a65d01 No.21695093



yea, never saw any of them, lol

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4c6e9c No.21695094

>>21693522 pb

That's what you call getting the job done!

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000000 No.21695095


>theres only two ways to go

the world is what you think.

glad I don't think like you.

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d91c24 No.21695096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c3bc4d No.21695098


> like in the movie ghost

the demons in that movie creeped me out

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c2722f No.21695099


>cartoonish video

do you have a link, please?

(sorry for missing this due workfagging)

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a65d01 No.21695100


the effect with too many acid trips and flashbacks, I reckon

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6396ab No.21695101

File: cd18a8b8039c0b7⋯.jpg (6.46 KB,250x188,125:94,download_16_.jpg)


How do you know this about animals?

Have you met one that communicates effectively enough to explain things thoroughly?

I am truly curious about how you know that animals have no belief systems. The evidence that they understand love and also anger, would point to a different conclusion.

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d91c24 No.21695102


the world is what all of us think.. thats why its so dark right now… we all making it into a hell,., when it could be a heaven if we just all followed the Golden Rule like Jesus taught

ascension is when you are taken up to Heaven forever, thats where i want to be, in the meantime i try my best to enjoy what im blessed with, im very grateful, very grateful for the people here who are all very smart even if they dont agree with me or insult me, usually. people in the world offline, they dont like to talk about anything deep

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6396ab No.21695103




you will see how everything works once you get there

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0b554b No.21695105


Cats protect the astral plane. Gondii be darned.

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c2722f No.21695106


ty, but i asked the other anon

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d91c24 No.21695107

all i can say about Q is that Don Jr knows Q

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90d0d2 No.21695108

File: 4ecc7f00919a171⋯.png (786.1 KB,800x553,800:553,A3847585_E896_4D60_AFA5_80….png)

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000000 No.21695109


Communicating with animals (a technique I learned is to use conscious to tell sub-conscious to talk to super conscious to contact an OLD animal that you used to have, and ask that animal tell your LOST pet how to get home)

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d91c24 No.21695110

the astral plane is a dangerous place, i am not trying to get there at all…

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d91c24 No.21695111

unfortunately the veil is thinning and the astral plane is coming here … the good and the bad and the ugly

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c3bc4d No.21695112


Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg

Aren't they Hollyweird Satanists?

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6396ab No.21695113

File: 50af7c8a305c359⋯.png (9.15 KB,522x110,261:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd57f4760393be1⋯.png (8.96 KB,467x115,467:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05cbce4908f9b36⋯.png (136.88 KB,548x238,274:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c74f44ebf35317c⋯.png (108.21 KB,708x234,118:39,ClipboardImage.png)


How are you sure I am not the same anon?

Is this your first day?

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095455 No.21695114

Lewis Hamilton should be on the list. He is already making defence statements like been depressed and lonely, etc, etc

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000000 No.21695115


be aware you can put up too much psychic protection to even receive a message at all.

if you put a big fckin wall of protection energy up, how is anything supposed to get in

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000000 No.21695116


That's not to say, don't use protection when you need it. But DO YOU REALLY NEED IT?

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c2722f No.21695117



you have a link to the vid, or not?

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a65d01 No.21695118


the body acts as an anchor for the soul, and when in the body, there are blinders to the souls past.

Once you leave the body, there is nothing evil out there, or I'd have had major fights on my way to heaven, that said, once you return to the body, the blinders return, as such info of the past, is not needed during being a human. Some bleed through, but they are timely when needed info, that aids in whatever is going on currently within that body.

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d91c24 No.21695119


i wouldnt know, i only see the surface of people… but i like the story it rings true, like you dont get away with anything here like the satanist try to convince us… that there is a day of reckoning for us all…

im also not too sure we arent in the deep sleep where we are going to be awakened for the day of judgement where we either ascend or experience the second death, but thats a religious belief, but feels like a dream here, a simulation of reality

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6396ab No.21695120

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,dfcd7c2d2ba51813e1b42bcb05….mp4)


I am the guy who understands things, you must be the other guy.

This video is more important than the one your are seeking. I pass it on with respect and a genuine love for fuckery.

Good fortunes on your journey.

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000000 No.21695121

lern to merkaba and fly thru space as far as you can imagine

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66480c No.21695123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c2722f No.21695124


ty for wasting my time

now fuck off!

found it myself in the notables >>21690579 pb

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d91c24 No.21695125


i have left my body, but not on purpose, but i feel the body is important, its the Creators greatest design … and not to be treated with disdain… and even our blood is magical hence the cannibals..

so yes the body is important., we are spirit in matter…

we are one everything even ai is made of same source, vibrations, frequencies, giving form and light then appears after sound

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6396ab No.21695126

File: 871d05e7e41b039⋯.png (12.37 KB,252x255,84:85,90288305820e43443a92638917….png)


Yes I have the link. I actually have it downloaded on my phone after searched and I found it on the internet, I downloaded it.

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90d0d2 No.21695127

File: 3871813e32f4eed⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x1501,1200:1501,CA97BCFC_CACB_45F6_999C_E0….png)

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90d0d2 No.21695128

File: 76dc3a096f74217⋯.png (1.14 MB,800x553,800:553,542F98F0_2E3A_4D47_991C_15….png)

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d91c24 No.21695129

tesla said light exists in the aether and you cant see until theres a form there to reflect it..

it doesnt emanate, but like the sun makes a disturbance in the aether

oh and einstein was wrong, quantum was wrong according to tesla

tesla was right about everything

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6396ab No.21695130

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c2722f No.21695131


see you next bread, faggot

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d91c24 No.21695132

optics is very important all the great polymaths studied optics as well

we see everything in the brain

the optic chiasma to me is greater than the pineal gland

ithink the optic chiasma is the third eye and is the way to Christ

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c3bc4d No.21695133


Freewill is a myth pushed by Hollyweird.

God chooses whom he chooses.

Don't question God, He is the Creator of the Universe. He gets to make the rules, we don't.

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6396ab No.21695134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You have made 125 fucking posts you bread gobbling voodoo faggot watch this

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a6ae88 No.21695135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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98d9b0 No.21695136

File: fd49d72265b53ca⋯.png (1.48 MB,1179x1438,1179:1438,ClipboardImage.png)

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90d0d2 No.21695137

File: d696e106c6039fc⋯.mp4 (273.27 KB,364x640,91:160,SZzR_9hU9lyD3jq_.mp4)

File: 32a34f2be85f592⋯.mp4 (509.64 KB,478x850,239:425,iSAuaXGgUiN_h4m8.mp4)

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