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File: 3a13c953e6762a3⋯.jpg (196.53 KB,1863x1108,1863:1108,3a13c953e6762a3d0aa9a6acd1….jpg)

ca3477 No.21690549 [View All]

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922691 No.21691312

File: 2d4bce2e6fe288b⋯.png (670.04 KB,788x392,197:98,Night_Shift_USMC_Light_Sho….PNG)

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2d944c No.21691313

File: fd26ad68d0302b3⋯.png (57.99 KB,654x236,327:118,ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuelan Fossil Tar

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ea5ca2 No.21691314

File: e89acf18d0cbf87⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,752x499,752:499,night_shift_machine_gun.jpeg)

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ea5ca2 No.21691315

File: 00421bec1dcce28⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,800x800,1:1,Night_Crew_kitten.jpg)

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8e4536 No.21691316



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71a077 No.21691317

File: f9df45151be3114⋯.png (160.92 KB,464x363,464:363,crackheadbob.PNG)

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ea5ca2 No.21691318

File: cece21b89a4777f⋯.jpg (138.86 KB,838x646,419:323,Night_crew_night_vision.jpg)

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37dbbe No.21691319

File: 3e3eaf69794b01d⋯.png (464.68 KB,596x480,149:120,ft.PNG)


The Post Millennial


House Oversight investigates Biden-Harris admin’s FCC over fast-tracking Soros deal to buy hundreds of US radio stations

From thepostmillennial.com

9:55 AM · Oct 1, 2024




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1415f4 No.21691320

leave durh fayk gifts bi durh false promise

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ea5ca2 No.21691321

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB,900x450,2:1,NIGHT_SHI_T.gif)

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085cd7 No.21691322



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ea5ca2 No.21691323

File: 508af4083c2aa3f⋯.jpg (591.84 KB,1280x853,1280:853,night_shift.jpg)

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ea5ca2 No.21691324

File: d0e3b6061965d6c⋯.png (270.39 KB,577x584,577:584,night_shift.png)

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a95d21 No.21691325

File: 02673a869612f8d⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1343x1641,1343:1641,IMG_3625.jpeg)


Donald Trump is the right person to once again be President of the United States.  The security and prosperity of our children depend on it.

As CIA Director and Secretary of State, I served under President Trump to help him put America First—and he delivered amazing outcomes for the American people. He kept us safe and prosperous. PERIOD. The four years since have demonstrated how crucial his leadership was. President Biden’s weakness and radical agenda have and will imperil the future of the American people.

As America approaches this enormously consequential election in November, it is important that we remember where America was just four years ago because of President Donald Trump’s leadership:

· Countering Terror – No men and women had died fleeing Afghanistan. The Afghan government remained in power. Now more than a dozen families of servicemembers mourn their missing loved ones. Billions of dollars of United States taxpayer equipment had not been handed over to the Taliban and our NATO allies knew that we would not cut and run. We put America (and American lives) First.

· ISIS – which was cutting the heads of innocents when we took office – had been crushed and its caliphate destroyed. We put America First.

· Iran did not dare mobilize its proxy forces to attack American military bases over and over and over with nearly zero response – or use its proxies to impact shipping in the Red Sea – all while building its nuclear weapons program to the edge of completion, threatening the US and the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran was nearly broke and rationing funds to its terror network when we left office. We put America First.

· Hamas, supported by Iran, had not attacked Israel, brutally killing hundreds of innocents and holding Americans hostage. The Abraham Accords had built peace so American young men and women would be far less likely to have to fight and risk their lives in the Middle East. We put America First.

· Russia, under Putin, had not committed atrocities and conducted an offensive war of aggression in Ukraine, killing tens of thousands and risking American security. Putin took 20% of Ukraine under President Obama, 0% under President Trump, and then went on a killing spree again when President Biden weakly took office. We had deterred Putin and we put America First.

· Americans, not illegal immigrants, were protected. President Trump had built a sovereign border regime that didn’t allow millions of illegals – and dozens and dozens of terrorists – to cross our border each year only to be released and cause mayhem here. We put America First.

· China was being challenged. Xi Jinping wasn't blatantly flying spy balloons over the heads of the American people while the United States welcomed Chinese leaders to the United States to be feted as if they were allied partners. We supported American businesses by punishing Chinese Communist Party trade cheating and by controlling inflation – creating good jobs for American workers. We put America First.

· NATO had over $400 billion – billion – dollars more committed to its collective efforts by non-US members, and the United States had extended its deterrence to Eastern Europe in ways no recent President had done. We put America First.

President Trump deserves the support of all Americans who believe in the goodness and greatness of our nation, from machinists in Michigan, to farmers in Kansas, to people simply seeking to build a better life for their families. He has my full support, and I hope every American who cares about getting our country back on track will join me. This is not a close call."

As CIA Director and Secretary of State, I served under President Trump to help him put America First—and he delivered amazing outcomes for the American people. He kept us safe and prosperous. PERIOD. The four years since have demonstrated how crucial his leadership was. President Biden’s weakness and radical agenda have and will imperil the future of the American people.

As America approaches this enormously consequential election in November, it is important that we remember where America was just four years ago because of President Donald Trump’s leadership:

· Countering Terror – No men and women had died fleeing Afghanistan. The Afghan government remained in power. Now more than a dozen families of servicemembers mourn their missing loved ones. Billions of dollars of United States taxpayer equipment had not been handed over to the Taliban and our NATO allies knew that we would not cut and run. We put America (and American lives) First.

· ISIS – which was cutting the heads of innocents when we took office – had been crushed and its caliphate destroyed. We put America First.

· Iran did not dare mobilize its proxy forces to attack American military bases…


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a8a2a4 No.21691326


they're big in hollywood so she has to be

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922691 No.21691327

File: 1eec63a518dffe9⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,927x613,927:613,Night_Shift_6.jpg)

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a6da6e No.21691328

File: 2393b4303a60b6b⋯.jpg (76.06 KB,798x500,399:250,Kitten_Meme.jpg)

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257fec No.21691329

File: 7180c40628b2f79⋯.jpg (316.88 KB,1442x902,721:451,1000000673.jpg)

File: a608e1031f026ad⋯.jpg (763.37 KB,1600x1204,400:301,1000000435.jpg)

File: 7caca1f1d405a9c⋯.jpg (283.97 KB,988x827,988:827,1000000113.jpg)

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922691 No.21691330

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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ee5ca5 No.21691331


I don’t think anything will happen that’s unusual.

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922691 No.21691332

File: 813bf3bb305eb54⋯.jpg (85.71 KB,721x500,721:500,Night_Shift_Yet.jpg)

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a43e46 No.21691333



#26561 >>21690565


>>21690584, >>21690605 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21690638, >>21690637 WATCH: President Trump’s New Ad ‘Open Invitation’ included transcript mp4 0:30

>>21690640, >>21690642, >>21690652, >>21690690, >>21690729, >>21690843, >>21690796, >>21690914 Donald J. Trump and Fred Trump watch the water

>>21691225 President Trump: Amazingly, this is one of the biggest hurricanes anyone's ever seen. Late in the season; very unusual…very late in the season, you almost don't even think of it as hurricane season.

>>21691247 President Trump: 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs, the highest in more than thirty-eight years, and you now have to make one hundred and eleven thousand dollars a year to afford an average home. A forty-six percent increase since when I was president…and that's not even including the cost of interest, because interest went from two percent to eleven percent. And you can't get the money at eleven percent, so it's not eleven, it's much higher than that.

>>21691261 President Trump: 1/16 of an inch = 17

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21690966, >>21691011 Julian Assange says Two Wolves in MAGA hats under President Trump Tried to have him Assassinated and Targeted his 6 Month Olds DNA (Cap 3:20)

>>21691040 Mike Pompeo exercises free speech while trying to kill Julian Assange for doing the same thing

>>21691146, >>21691142, >>21691276 Longshore Union President Who Pledged to “CRIPPLE” the United States, Owns 76-Ft Yacht, Bentley, Is Paid Almost 1 MILLION Per Year, Body of His Co-Defendent In RICO Case Was Found Decomposing In Trunk

>>21690633, >>21690586 Transcripts Show President Trump's Directives to Pentagon Leadership to "Keep January 6 Safe" Were Deliberately Ignored

>>21690579, >>21690610, >>21690802 FAKE and GAY Iranian ballistic missile plopping straight down? Squishing man to death in Jericho

>>21690588 Starlink announces over 500 kits have been delivered for Hurricane Helene recovery efforts

>>21690598 Speaker Johnson Delivers Remarks at New York Stock Exchange

>>21690612, >>21690658, >>21690672, >>21690691 Diddy accused of abusing nine-year-old boy and spiking drinks with horse tranquilizer as120 victims come forward with shocking claims

>>21691072, >>21691260 Attorney Describes Horrendous Diddy Victim Stories - Including a Minor Forced to Give Fellatio on Diddy (Cap 3:48)

>>21690656, >>21690831 Antony Blinken pushes FAKE narrative America’s Strategy of Renewal for a New World

>>21690709, >>21690715 Israeli PM Netanyahu: Iran made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for it

>>21690947, >>21691024, >>21691054, >>21691094 Joe Biden told the people of North Carolina they had no more supplies for Franklin County: Interesting deets on the plane N478XP

>>21691059 Excess mortality numbers continue rising year on year since the death jabs

>>21691086 James O'Keefe: wives are telling their border patrol agent husbands to stand down from whistleblowing?

>>21691091, >>21691105 Multiple IRGC-affiliated Iranian outlets & Telegram channels report, "Iran has warned the US: if you target our refineries, we will set fire to the refineries and oil fields across the entire region, including those in Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, the UAE, and Bahrain."

>>21690670, >>21690618, >>21690867, >>21690956 Illicit Iranian Oil Sales Hit $90 Billion Under Biden, Fueling Tehran’s Terror Proxies

>>21691283 The 82nd should just take off from Bragg right now and go save the people of Asheville

>>21691293 Collin Rugg: Kentucky sheriff Shawn Stines k*lling Judge Kevin Mullins is shown

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71a077 No.21691334

File: 2b79742a6dc94ff⋯.png (370.24 KB,1110x606,185:101,141a.PNG)

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60ae9e No.21691335

p diddy sounds like he did a lot of raping, why did i never hear? must have been threatening people i suppose. remembering hearing cosby was a rapist at least a little

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922691 No.21691336

File: 0f636cc03a83801⋯.png (525.57 KB,1297x1091,1297:1091,nightbread.png)

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922691 No.21691337

File: 4a624a5502cb301⋯.png (1.35 MB,1078x810,539:405,NightForce.png)

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922691 No.21691338

File: d94ce682265bd36⋯.jpg (122.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,nightfrensdoggo.jpg)

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922691 No.21691339

File: 2571a7cde997797⋯.jpg (18.28 KB,767x453,767:453,night_shift.jpg)

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8e3063 No.21691340

File: 2002c5eb66b28cc⋯.png (44.56 KB,780x582,130:97,ClipboardImage.png)

I love the way Trump refers to himself in the third person…especially since I know it drives the left insane!!

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922691 No.21691341

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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2c04f7 No.21691342

File: 387fdab68991df4⋯.png (1.08 MB,750x1334,375:667,29823C2A_89CF_4713_AC29_20….png)

File: f4837e8f8f14c5d⋯.png (31.48 KB,690x410,69:41,F7219A4E_6A98_44A8_B249_3C….png)

File: 1f778405096f66e⋯.jpeg (318.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,490CFA1D_278A_436B_BEAD_D….jpeg)

File: 94ba88ad1ec2777⋯.png (32.75 KB,690x366,115:61,C7DF3D56_4240_40EE_9E90_29….png)

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922691 No.21691343

File: 9f005ce62f9d58b⋯.jpg (723.89 KB,1600x1363,1600:1363,night_shift_2.jpg)

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2baf03 No.21691345


Those running the US federal government WANT America destroyed, cannot be more obvious. All those doomsday preppers were right all along. Almost too late for the folks just figuring it out by now.

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922691 No.21691346

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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922691 No.21691347

File: 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB,521x567,521:567,nightshift9.PNG)

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922691 No.21691348

File: 991318dcfe389f5⋯.png (43.59 KB,275x183,275:183,night_shift_eiffel_tower.png)

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ebb7d3 No.21691349


How come somebody cant hunt these people down that do this stuff.

Get them fired.

Government Employee = Tyranny Operator

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16108f No.21691350


It's already at half-intensity in a matter of minutes, so the CME threat is less likely than before. You might only be getting the extra light energy from the pulse and that, while significant is already passed us, so soak it up.

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922691 No.21691352

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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8e5c57 No.21691354

President Trump: Perhaps worse of all, Kamala's mass-migrant invasion will destroy our economy, importing tens of millions of; think of it, more illegal aliens than we've ever even thought about taking in…she allowed twenty-one plus people to come in…Kamala grants them all amnesty, and she's promised that they're going into Medicare and Social Security. If they go into Medicare and Social Security, then she's gonna kill Medicare and Social Security, and we're not gonna let her do that…I didn't let anything happen to either of them during my four years. We didn't raise the age for Social Security, they're gonna end up raising it by six or seven years if they get in.

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a8a2a4 No.21691355

File: 902bc0d218646e3⋯.png (57.67 KB,978x227,978:227,ClipboardImage.png)



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922691 No.21691356

File: 4997b3d850868e3⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,754x503,754:503,NightShiftUSA.jpg)

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922691 No.21691359

File: d21cb55d4df4427⋯.jpg (875.94 KB,2464x1632,77:51,night_train2.jpg)

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14acf9 No.21691360

File: 4dbe75b58ee1f62⋯.png (533.16 KB,901x707,901:707,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange dropping the sauce on Pompeo and Barr.


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2d944c No.21691361

File: c600ab4ac9ca707⋯.png (11.82 KB,444x137,444:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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922691 No.21691362

File: d106d0dde8a5244⋯.png (305.67 KB,976x656,61:41,nitegolf.png)

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922691 No.21691363

File: 368b58b0ca9ff3d⋯.jpeg (353.64 KB,1800x1800,1:1,niteq.jpeg)

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fd832d No.21691364


Anon was there.

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922691 No.21691365

File: 19bacddedbe17b5⋯.jpg (76.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,ns.jpg)

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83c014 No.21691366


wonder if any will be subjected to impressment with chance to earn citizenship overseas

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