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92234e No.21687088 [View All]

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752eec No.21687834


Yes but sharper and causes blood loss.

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d9f864 No.21687835

File: de745683aa35e9a⋯.png (301.17 KB,588x843,196:281,so.PNG)


Insurrection Barbie


NC resident has a message: the government is not coming to save you, it’s up to all of us to help save each other.

I find this to be devastating because the amount of money our government God knows where for God knows what reason is obscene. But when it comes down to helping their own citizens, crickets.

3:37 PM · Sep 30, 2024




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50292c No.21687836


snap crackle pop

is in order

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660893 No.21687837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Will collect any important issues bought up, this is about his treatment at the hands of the u.k parliament and his human rights.


LIVE: Julian Assange speaks at the Council of Europe | REUTERS



WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange speaks at the Council of Europe, his first public appearance since being freed from a British jail.


j.a: I am free today not because justice was serviced, i was incarcerated for years, i pled guilty to journalism. i see more secrecy, more censorship and more control.

If I could go back and have a lot more resources, we could have impacted even further than we have. - Julian Assange, when asked if he would do the same again.

J.A: My naivete was believing in the law

ja. trump in 2017, he appointed two wolfs maga hats in mike pompeo and william barr

ja; this is testimony from 31 c.i.a whistleblowers exposed in written dispositions.

sounds like the c.i.a are blaming trump for targeting assange.

this feels like a coming narrative shift to attack trump.

ja: the usa has set a precendent that only us citizens have free speech anywhere, europeons do not have free speech laws, so the usa can extrudate anyone for speaking out against the usa, this sets that precedent that other despot states can also do that.

ja: lets us do out part in ensuring that the voices of the many are not silenced by the few.

end of statement.

Q and A next.

anons opine on assange statement and Q and A

what anon is getting from julian assange is that every nation is vassal state now.

He still believes that the law applies.

he even stated his mistake was to believe that law still exists.

since his release anons have found out a much bigger picture of a nwo run by the b.i.s and the w.e.f and central banksters.

Anon wishes him well for his sacrifice and his belief for the right of free journalism.

they have sold out long ago along with every single institution from food, pharma and military complex.

He has earned the right to retire and live out his life in peace if that is possible.

julian assange explaining how artificial intelligence used for assassinations.

interesting take and suspected all along.

used to carry out mass collateral damage just to get a target.

very much in the realm of terminator.

ja: final statemetment KEEP UP THE FIGHT

Note this is just brief notes, it is worth watching in full.

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cfd994 No.21687838


>SOMETHING in their environment TURNS them bad

They are just choosing, what is so hard about that. It has nothing to do with the environment, whether a good or bad environment has nothing to do with their choices, they just simply choose to do evil.

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d40068 No.21687839


The war, and every battle in it, has already been won anon. We are fighting through space and time. God is for us, so none will prosper against us. Dig. Meme. Pray. Focus on the Mission. And protect your DNA like it's the very breath of your life.

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a4c003 No.21687840

File: 0680dddeda4955b⋯.jpg (21.18 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1351012190.jpg)

File: 78bc1ef8479a19a⋯.jpg (160.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,image_2587034221.jpg)


Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas go on strike; standoff risking new shortages

By Associated Press

Published Oct. 1, 2024, 1:03 a.m. ET


Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership was a proposed trade agreement between the European Union and the United States, with the aim of promoting trade and multilateral economic growth. Wikipedia

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › coronavirus-what-is-project-airbridge

What is Project Airbridge? - CBS News

The effort is called "Project Airbridge," and on Sunday, Mr. Trump announced that the first flight of

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bf428f No.21687841

File: 552f8556bbc72aa⋯.jpeg (120.42 KB,1091x1305,1091:1305,552f8556bbc72aa059b576e04….jpeg)


yes, you are right

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d9f864 No.21687842

File: 0015eb490e96219⋯.png (467.08 KB,589x856,589:856,z.PNG)




Carriers and terminal operators have offered the longshoreman union a 50% wage increase. It's not enough.

But keep pricing in those 200bps of rate cuts.






1 hour until port strike. ETA until toilet paper hoarding?


4:06 PM · Sep 30, 2024




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d40068 No.21687843


The only prerequisite is to have Evil.

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bf428f No.21687844


>God is for us

you have NO CLUE who or what God is, or is for

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2b2e1d No.21687845


How will we get masks and syringes for the monkey pox scamdemic?

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2409d8 No.21687846


>The war, and every battle in it, has already been won anon.

yet we get sabotaged almost daily. Won isn't won until we have no more concerns about evil. We have yet to fight.

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d40068 No.21687847


*Hate evil.

If you don't.. it's too dangerous and no one who does not hate evil should venture into active operational state outside of the standard protocols for foo tsoldiers.

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6b35f1 No.21687848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. Jack Kruse

This is a Loooooong podcast, but very interesting. The first 2 hours tie up loose ends and connect many conspiracys together. Second 2 hours (I'm still watching) do also, but he seems to be rambling on at this point.

At around the 3:40 min mark he talks about melanin and how it is basically a wide band semi-conductor. That made me think of a Q post about Haiti, but I can't remember what it said.

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74abca No.21687849


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6b35f1 No.21687850


All they do is fund the D party and convince people to vote for bad policies.

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a4c003 No.21687851

File: d17b23a6512b1e1⋯.jpg (23.02 KB,474x315,158:105,th_743521714.jpg)

File: 5343e5c80dd5981⋯.jpg (199.28 KB,1756x1170,878:585,wait_a_minute_andrew_2_794….jpg)

File: 82522a040aa1dad⋯.gif (787.77 KB,500x294,250:147,giphy_4011907821.gif)

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d40068 No.21687852

The division tactics are already dead in the water here.. Fake "insider" is the new division-faggotry. Q/ POTUS won't confirm fakes tho of course, so that is not going to be much of an issue.

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bf428f No.21687853



spoken line a TRUE ASS

all you're concerned with is YOUR CONVENIENCE

unions are the ONLY power working people have against the organized banksters and their corporate lackeys

if it hadn't been for unions, coal miners still be dyin' by the THOUSAND

same for every other industry where ACTUAL WORK is performed

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9ce543 No.21687854


I have witnessed murders, that has been an environment. So therefor I become a murderer. Environment is a lame excuse as is genetics. God gave us free choice, do you not understand that or do you not have choice due to your genetics or environment. People who mock me always make themselves look stupid because I don't ape others, I have thought about these falsehood a long time ago and resolved them to their scalar values. Choice.

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50292c No.21687855



And tax the members

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74abca No.21687856


hey faggot kill yourself you stupid fuck dont tell me what I am you stupid cunt.

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d40068 No.21687857

Anybody can stop taking the sleeping pill.

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9ce543 No.21687858


Wrong, he is right and we have seen countless miracles, but even God's miracles are not enough for the sly tongue.

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539699 No.21687859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d40068 No.21687860

Anons, moving forward, Friendly Fire is disengaged.

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bf428f No.21687861


yes, you are right

you are the archetype for all humans

what was i thinking

you are so right


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50292c No.21687862


Unions = early form of dei before laws protected workers

unions no longer needed

just a corrupt political arm now

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74abca No.21687863


the only thing unions do is protect lazy faggot fucks like cops from getting fired. Because otherwise you have the brilliant idea of right to work states which the job can shit can you for nothing. It is all a joke and to defend any of it is just hilarious at this point.

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3dac8c No.21687864



May 13, 2018 1:42:28 AM EDT

Americans have back stabbed every fucking ally they've had,

Except the UK.

Cause the UK always elbeen America's daddy.

To the retarded anon.

I did moron,

Just like Jesus.

To save and forgive mankind.

First hand proof that shit don't work.

Now. Only one thing will work.

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d40068 No.21687865

"Fair & Balanced." Like the perfect Sword.

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45d01b No.21687866


Remember, your words not mine. Attack the messenger when you cannot attack the message. Weak.

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bf428f No.21687867


we talking about the same God?

the one that sends volcanoes, earthquakes, droughts, floods, comet and asteroid impacts, plagues, famine, to kill innocent children in their beds?


God doesn't give two shits about (you)

God is a farmer with a billion acres and you are one carrot

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6b5cee No.21687868



Don't forget the "teaching" unions.

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bf428f No.21687869


yes, you are right again

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660893 No.21687870

File: 99a9d2f7330a336⋯.png (1.14 MB,959x720,959:720,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a007ad43ad17a94⋯.png (479.91 KB,500x730,50:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd0e073cc6b671⋯.png (444.33 KB,710x355,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 077ed6274adbf96⋯.png (166.78 KB,570x409,570:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88b55fcf721dca9⋯.png (605.07 KB,710x704,355:352,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah but no but

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74abca No.21687871



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d37156 No.21687872

175 uid kek

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d40068 No.21687873


Who hurt your feelings so bad?

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571856 No.21687874


See, sly tongue. What you feed will surely live and what you starve is already dead. It is to hard for you to understand, my knowledge doesn't end in your beliefs.

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a4c003 No.21687875

File: 88de0a022c2026b⋯.jpg (121.83 KB,1520x2088,190:261,a522c2a0_b71e_0133_a21a_0e….jpg)

File: cd7aa0cf066dbf5⋯.jpg (642.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20241001_022106….jpg)

File: 2980bad0e717a4b⋯.jpg (149.21 KB,1080x1350,4:5,c7c8fccdb94f0293a43f6cf87d….jpg)

File: 33b72886be7de2d⋯.jpg (108.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,hochul_adams_abnywallstree….jpg)

File: d51e8972f642db7⋯.jpg (40.85 KB,931x524,931:524,image_1098660597.jpg)

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bf428f No.21687876


>unions no longer needed

yer an ASS

in the late 60s the avg american worker enjoyed the highest standard of living ever

at the same time the percent of people in labor unions was the highest ever

now, thx to ronnie raygun and the wave of union busting he started

the percent of people in unions is less than a fifth of the former peak

and the standard of living has gone down in direct proportion

back then, a single wage earner could support a family and actually build up savings while the wife could stay home and raise children

now, it take both parents working, sometimes two jobs each, just to make it paycheck to paycheck

yer a pretentious ASS and have NO CLUE what you running your mouth about

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a4c003 No.21687877

File: fc7e3dbb481c9a9⋯.jpg (252.47 KB,1448x1536,181:192,Untitled_design_2020_06_13….jpg)

File: 7388b63ade7a154⋯.png (744.27 KB,1200x675,16:9,Austin_Powers_cover_1_1857….png)

File: 33b72886be7de2d⋯.jpg (108.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,hochul_adams_abnywallstree….jpg)

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74abca No.21687878


bet your faggot ass is in a union you stupid loser. KILL YOURSELF YOU STUPID FUCK BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT

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bf428f No.21687879


yes, you are right

and YOUR BELIEFS will not end up in MY KNOWLEDGE

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d40068 No.21687880

File: 64527e2b140551b⋯.png (513.88 KB,393x508,393:508,PEPrah2.png)

Ashes, ashes. They all fall down. And they crumble in the process, right in front of us.

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50292c No.21687881


dur dur dur

ds for last 50+ yrs

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d40068 No.21687882


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74abca No.21687883


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