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File: 6aebc38f729d67f⋯.png (928.55 KB,820x559,820:559,6aebc38f729d67ff9122287fcf….png)

48e894 No.21679739 [View All]

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629791 No.21680540

File: 230f089358e7ee8⋯.png (614.86 KB,590x790,59:79,w.PNG)


James Watkins


You are a calculating, terrifying man, Cody. @cm_19d

Probably Bobby @RBReich

doesn't know that today is The Feast of the Archangel Michael. Which is celebrated by many of the Christian faiths. I am celebrating the end of Saint Michael's Lent today. It makes sense that President Trump would post Saint Michael's prayer today.



Cody Melby 🇺🇸🇲🇨🏴‍☠️





Oh, no, homie.

That's me. x.com/RBReich/status…

11:17 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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c8f104 No.21680541

File: 2db9e8eb62e1d35⋯.png (540.47 KB,2036x2048,509:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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4655b5 No.21680542



>under the control of the National Park Service

That's it…

The same for Island off coast of anon home, where similar radar signals

are visible during storms/cyclones, as we call them.

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825018 No.21680543

File: 5af9e91c0dc3c23⋯.gif (644.57 KB,245x180,49:36,5af9e91c0dc3c23dd23494e7f4….gif)

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64f746 No.21680544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Death Becomes Her (1992)



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a4f778 No.21680545

File: 06bd8d964dfed26⋯.png (54.01 KB,383x512,383:512,ClipboardImage.png)





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b40dcc No.21680546


says the retarded faggot putting faith in a book. You should just kill yourself you fucking nigger.

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b1b491 No.21680547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24b751 No.21680548


lol that's funny and ages you! Fine, old man! You show me your wrinkled parts first! kek

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15809d No.21680549

File: dff3a945d098a08⋯.jpg (83.22 KB,547x538,547:538,Cat_4_Shit_Storm_Click_.jpg)

File: 9555b8309dbcf02⋯.jpg (61.64 KB,263x753,263:753,Lassie_Kamala.jpg)

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ca2a3f No.21680550



far left looneyville

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d16bc0 No.21680551


could be a faggot how do you no it's a negro

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15809d No.21680552

File: acfe874b2b0c534⋯.jpg (56.7 KB,425x685,85:137,Point_to_Iran_Kamala.jpg)

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0968b4 No.21680553

First Towns in US Suspend Water Fluoridation After Judge’s Ruling on Fluoride’s IQ Risk


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629791 No.21680554

File: 6cc7968f18cef7f⋯.png (451.56 KB,602x822,301:411,t.PNG)




Trigger warning.

Where is kamala? Where is biden? There's hundreds of people missing from North Carolina and Tennessee. Why isn't this on the news?

I'm upset that this is not the number 1 news source right now.

7:32 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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15809d No.21680555

File: fa6287e3f67f36e⋯.png (201.97 KB,273x364,3:4,Multi_Dimensional_Antenna.png)

File: 22b2694246ef415⋯.jpg (123.61 KB,719x270,719:270,Simplest_Multiband_Antenna….jpg)

File: 2b9d1b87224cd69⋯.jpg (334.94 KB,719x954,719:954,Harmonic_Operation_of_a_Lo….jpg)

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393603 No.21680556

notables FINAL

#26548 >>21679751


>>21680158 DJT: Kamala allowing 13,099 murderers to roam openly, and be free to kill, is The Crime of the Century

>>21680219 DJT: Don’t miss tonight’s Fox News Special, MELANIA—Hosted by Ainsley Earhardt at 10:00PM ET

>>21680490 Live: Rescue The Republic w/ RFK Jr

>>21680143 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Wants Everyone to Remember Three Rules

>>21680470 RFK Jr. running mate Nicole Shanahan tells Roseanne Barr 'tech broke politics'

>>21679825, >>21679857, >>21679885, >>21680123, >>21680417 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21680111, >>21680149, >>21680166 https://poweroutage.us/

>>21680363, >>21680453, >>21680466 Helene anomalies

>>21679858 Two states are underwater, Americans are stranded without food or supplies, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are completely AWOL

>>21680086 700 Tennessee National Guard sent to Kuwait instead of aiding their state from Helene floods

>>21680130 Tomorrow, President Donald J. Trump will visit Valdosta, Georgia, to receive a briefing on the devastation of Hurricane Helene


>>21680185 Florida sending massive amounts of recovery specialists to conduct rescue operations in the Blue Ridge Mountains

>>21679813, >>21679816, >>21679856, >>21679835, >>21680002, >>21680327, >>21680339, >>21680345 Chemical plant explosion in Georgia

>>21679834 "Americans need to be particularly vigilant from Oct. 2 to Oct. 12," warns 9/11 whistleblower and FAA security agent Brian Sullivan

>>21680457 Major TV stations across the country appear to be testing EBS

>>21679849, >>21680263, >>21680296 Qclock: Archangel Michael

>>21679869 Elon: Trump is the only way to save America

>>21679881, >>21680043 Dave Bautista goes full Libtard

>>21679898 After Exposing Feds’ Bible Buyer Investigation, Look Who Shows Up!

>>21679941, >>21679977 John Kerry: "The 1st Amendment blocks the censorship of disinformation"

>>21679957 Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

>>21679989 @DeptofDefense: Full throttle 🔥

>>21680075 Here are the (Kamala) facts

>>21680112 Mohamed Camara attacks and attempts to kidnap a 60-year-old lady in a bathroom in Columbus, Ohio suburb

>>21680507 Illegal immigrant accused of ‘disemboweling’ man in Wisconsin parking lot, asked cops to shoot him after police chase

>>21680117 (2020) Vincent Fusca Caused Accident on Route 22 crash in Salem that killed man Paul Peirce

>>21680201 Hilldog: "MSM needs to go to greater lengths in lying about Trump" (paraphrased)

>>21680330, >>21680354 Kamala's earrings confirmed

>>21680374 Exhibit A: Berkeley 'Professor' Robert Reich

>>21680389 Leaked Convo Between Arizona's Democrat Gov AG and Secretary of State Reveals Cover Up of 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch

>>21680473 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21680540 JimW: I am celebrating the end of Saint Michael's Lent today

>>21680553 First Towns in US Suspend Water Fluoridation After Judge’s Ruling on Fluoride’s IQ Risk

>>21679960, >>21679967, >>21680135 Memes


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ecacba No.21680557


alert: "female" shill on board, wants to flirt with anons as distraction

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d16bc0 No.21680558


100 years later the damage is done WTF

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15809d No.21680563

File: ac562ad40a3336d⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,720x405,16:9,WTF_Kamala.jpg)

File: 32fcbeec679bb21⋯.jpg (74.27 KB,421x693,421:693,Where_Is_Joe.jpg)

File: 0a7db71ec5afd6c⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,512x512,1:1,Kamala_The_Storm.jpg)

File: 9737197c3e942da⋯.jpg (57.15 KB,425x685,85:137,VP_WUTT_Kamala.jpg)


[They] Can't Be Bothered…


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629791 No.21680565

File: 52dc3ac1f557498⋯.png (279.57 KB,464x267,464:267,alex.PNG)

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860f9f No.21680566


Have to fill the old mines

Most underground mining in our state ended more than 100 years ago. There are literally hundreds of abandoned historic mines in North Carolina. We know where a lot of these abandoned historic mines are, but not all, and that can be a problem. The North Carolina Mining Act of 1971 requires mining operations (below and above ground) to acquire permits so there is now a record of where modern mining operations occur.

Another problem is that when you look at the surface of the ground, it is almost impossible to tell exactly in what direction and how deep mine workings go. Tunnels and shafts can extend hundreds of feet underground. Even if we know where an old mine starts, we do not always know where it goes underground. Old maps may be inaccurate and old mines may be inaccessible or too dangerous to enter. Modern technology, such as ground-penetrating radar, may be able to detect the extent of the mine workings. If these workings collapse underground, the land surface could sink, cracking building foundations, or the land could fall into the caved-in area forming a “sinkhole” or collapse hole.

Abandoned mine collapses are relatively rare, but with urban development spreading quickly across our state, it is important to know the locations of old mines. Building above an abandoned mine can be dangerous if the mine is weak or near the ground surface. On Feb. 18, 2000, a collapse hole developed in the front yard of a house in Cabarrus County.

The hole was above the old Phoenix Gold Mine, which closed in 1906. In the 1980s a suburban golf course community was built over the mine. Fortunately, the house was not built directly over the part of the mine that collapsed. The hole was only about 12 feet deep but the mine, according to historic records, went down much further


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825018 No.21680568

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d16bc0 No.21680569


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25c343 No.21680571

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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393603 No.21680572

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ecacba No.21680574


what is trump wanting us to know about kamala with his comments that she was demented or disordered since birth, no one knows who "harris" is….?

i am playing with theory that she's not fully human

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24b751 No.21680575


There are times, such as these, anon, when anons just need to have fun! Get your head out of your ass…

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d03a6c No.21680576

File: 38ee20e3bfcb18e⋯.jpg (106.29 KB,780x800,39:40,the_russians.jpg)




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a4f778 No.21680577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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ecacba No.21680580


board is full of males who like bewbs

you sound like attention-seeking female

go to facebook for your fun

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d16bc0 No.21680581

File: 8c4bb0ccbe5ee39⋯.mp4 (495.81 KB,640x800,4:5,8c4bb0ccbe5ee391f360f823b5….mp4)


Russia did it

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b1a699 No.21680582

File: b6c93e37e77c151⋯.png (403.19 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff3631 No.21680587


and refuses to show tits

filter and move on

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64f746 No.21680588


Criminally charge the Biden administration for this one, too

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15809d No.21680589

File: 0e063eb4e33b5e0⋯.png (1.02 MB,842x1386,421:693,1727648856871.png)


Like Obama, NOT A U.S. CITIZEN.


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64f746 No.21680594



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5f732f No.21680604

File: 4c746ba5996e1aa⋯.png (58.11 KB,1656x590,828:295,124.png)

Who is +++?

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d7c861 No.21680606


same peeps not giving a shit to interview kumfuckface are the same peeps who won't press SS or the fibs on assassination and the same peeps who were on site during the 12 hours prior to 2nd assassination attempt and never bothered to say or do anything

conspiracy in action

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4d4d3f No.21680607

File: 93c55bc5101bf9a⋯.png (188.07 KB,530x591,530:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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64f746 No.21680611

File: 542f1f83f587bbf⋯.png (448.44 KB,500x500,1:1,542f1f83f587bbf40de15bb373….png)


It's hurricane season. Same as every year. This first one scooped up all the heat energy in the east gulf.

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29bbed No.21680612

File: 820437b16c74bf9⋯.png (1.69 MB,1287x962,99:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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29bbed No.21680616

File: 8767931991ef71e⋯.png (430.93 KB,500x500,1:1,Kamala_joy_02.png)

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860f9f No.21680619


That's nice

Kinda irrelevant, but still nice

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64f746 No.21680626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Morticia, of course. Except when she's smoking crack with Hunter, then its Jussie, or Maxine.

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64f746 No.21680631


DNC_A is paying Vatican 2 bank to invade the USA.

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64f746 No.21680694

File: 097a77715ffb34a⋯.png (1.44 MB,1125x750,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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860f9f No.21680696


What evidence do you have?

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64f746 No.21680698


All the receipts. DYOH slug

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860f9f No.21680706


So in other words you have nothing but opinion

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