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File: efb1562a6103c16⋯.png (68.79 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

a4f361 No.21677064 [View All]

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98f7e5 No.21678034


fellatio is pron yo


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de14f5 No.21678035

Board log

Username IP hash Time Board Action

Dart hidden 4 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted file from post #21678008

Dart hidden 5 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted file from post #21678003

Dart hidden 11 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

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Dart hidden 20 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted file from post #21677935

Dart hidden 22 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 30 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 37 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 38 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 38 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 39 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 47 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 52 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 54 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 54 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 55 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 56 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 56 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 57 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Dart hidden 57 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

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dfce53 No.21678036

>>21678034 so showing tranny balls is fine

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98f7e5 No.21678037


lotsa trash huh

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de14f5 No.21678038



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780e89 No.21678039


>One moar special covfefe before it's back to work

Thank you, I needed that, as I got married yesterday.

So I'm still a little bit foggy inside this morning.

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3df65e No.21678040


I guess the General responsible for Extortion 17 endorsing Kamala isn't notable…



I checked if it was Notable on the 26th, it wasn't

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a85ef8 No.21678041

Shills, $20 buck a post.

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dfce53 No.21678042


i will say again, if real military, the deleter would get us all killed due to his ghey baby feelz

or we would have to dump him in the ocean when no one looking




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b3298b No.21678043




<yellow brick

<baby oil

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98f7e5 No.21678044


repost nb with a cap

can't see twitter like posted


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8aa939 No.21678045

File: 37eb0516e014257⋯.jpg (160.16 KB,720x1190,72:119,Screenshot_20nk.jpg)


your sister disagrees

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98f7e5 No.21678046


#26545 >>21677075 shout out to bakers that leave notes

>>21677140 Reminder bun: Prairie du Chien speech

>>21677200 The Secret of Oz - Documentary by Bill Still

>>21677343, >>21677345, >>21677351 Paul Sperry: According to just-unsealed federal indictment, NYC Mayor Adams placed several Turkish agents in various positions inside his administration in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in bribes from the radical Muslim Brotherhood-tied Turkish government

>>21677347 Paul Sperry: While the Democrat-controlled DC Bar has "disbarred" Rudy Giuliani, stripping him of his law license despite never being convicted of a crime, it's merely placed convicted felon Hunter Biden on "temp suspension" even though he's now pleaded guilty to additional crimes

>>21677357 On This Day, Sept. 29: U.S. establishes first standing army of 700 troops

>>21677466 There goes the 107 bridge…

>>21677491, >>21677492 Rosie Duffield's PUBLIC LETTER after resignation

>>21677513 Ireland scrapping proposed “hate speech” law is a civil liberties victory but we must remain vigilant

>>21677516 Starmer critic Rosie Duffield interview

>>21677526, >>21677527, >>21677528, >>21677529, >>21677530, >>21677531, >>21677532, >>21677533, >>21677534, >>21677536, >>21677537, >>21677538, >>21677539, >>21677542 “Graphene Nanobots in Covid Shots? Shocking Evidence Shows They’re Infecting Even the Unvaccinated!” [not exactly news to anons?]

>>21677561, >>21677563 Dr. Paul Marik’s book ‘Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer’

>>21677593, >>21677594, >>21677595, >>21677596, >>21677598, >>21677600 Hidden Power Structures of the Deep State and Mass Surveillance

>>21677743 #Lyndon Johnson, #Election fraud

>>21677769, >>21677787 Quick look at Riverside Drive just North of Mt. Holly, NC earlier

>>21677780 REPLICON: Did you know that in 11 days the Govt of Japan is going to release a new covid spike protein deadly vax that will transmit from person to person like the flu virus?

>>21677800 ICYMI: The Judge handling X's lawsuit against Media Matters has ORDERED Media Matters to turn over four sets of materials

>>21677813 How did the 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗺 sweep from Europe to Russia to the entire globe?

>>21677819 Elon Musk: The scale of the deception is jawdropping

>>21677828 John Kerry calls for a Ministry of Truth: "The 1st Amendment stands as a major roadblock for us right now"

>>21677832, >>21677826 Here is the original 'Jewish space laser' post that triggered them so hard For the keks!

>>21677848 Wait a minute, Mickey Edwards, the founding Trustee of The Heritage Foundation endorsed Kamala Harris? As in Project 2025 Heritage Foundation?

>>21677881, >>21677876 That quote was taken from the secret covenant

>>21677907 Return of the Silent Majority

>>21677909 Over 200 people have connected to our Starlinks here in Asheville the past 2.5 hours

>>21677926 California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it

>>21677932 @MarkDavisGOP The potential for a very impactful hearing tomorrow (Monday) in Georgia is very possible given the nature of the election integrity crimes committed against us all (nationwide).

>>21677955 Poll: More Americans Identify as Republicans than Democrats for First Time in Decades

>>21677995 OGAnon with sum guud advice for rabbit hole diggers

>>21678023 Feds are going crazy in New York… the whole Trump-hating state is getting busted for corruption…


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a85ef8 No.21678047


Dollar store fuck sled

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e03247 No.21678048

Here ya goRETARD:



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578025 No.21678049


There was a time not long ago when I believed all could pass. There was a time not long ago, when I believed in peace for all, health for all, and abundance for all

You proved my view morronic.

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376e6b No.21678050

File: 4c1b0b48a7d1de3⋯.jpeg (212.4 KB,1249x467,1249:467,IMG_3567.jpeg)


“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”(Ephesians 6:13)

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b3298b No.21678051



<blur the genitals not the face

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dfce53 No.21678052





>>21678038 zactly

so when the images and vids come out we cannot paost them

but we can paost when live events of rioters getting ran over by UPS wheels was fine



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1b704f No.21678053

File: 1e3a3a548977e85⋯.webm (2.66 MB,460x458,230:229,a1mon36_460svvp9.webm)

End bread song

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56caf3 No.21678055


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7d75d2 No.21678057

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)








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dfce53 No.21678058

>>21678034 how about caption it "alledgedly"



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a85ef8 No.21678059

File: 44d5c6f96be8ded⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,666x709,666:709,Custom_Image_2709202417473….jpg)

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8e1db9 No.21678060

File: a99afe596150f51⋯.png (650.48 KB,588x794,294:397,tb.PNG)


Tracy Beanz


This is going to take a REALLY long time to heal from and fix. I haven’t heard a SINGLE WORD from the White House or candidates still IN THE WHITE HOUSE. DO SOMETHING.





Sep 28

🚨 REMINDER: 𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙍𝙊𝘼𝘿𝙎 in Western North Carolina should be considered 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿.

I-40 and I-26 are impassable in multiple locations.

⚠️ Travel in this area for non-emergency purposes is hindering needed emergency response.

#ncwx #Helene

Show more


5:12 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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dfce53 No.21678062

>>21678058 i think it is a flute

why delete

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578025 No.21678063


And for what?

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a17dbc No.21678065


Over thinkin' it anon. He doesn't like his hair moving in the wind (he had to walk a little distance to get through the stadium from car and into the suite. Heavily sprayed hair, maybe a little gel kinde turns blonde hair a little dark because of product in hair. POTUS' hair might have been done by a dif stylist who didi the hair over the ear or meebe POTUS said "Let's do muh hair over muh ear tonight". no worries really…

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dfce53 No.21678067

>>21678057 i beleive that would be YOU

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e03247 No.21678069


THIS for (you) :


(HATE IT when I call someone a RETARD, then do sumptin' TARDED !)


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98f7e5 No.21678070

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bf58f4 No.21678071

File: bb337f024f43ccf⋯.png (190.89 KB,392x442,196:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3dfa6d612c7309⋯.png (235.91 KB,472x480,59:60,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c06efcf493be0b⋯.png (184.11 KB,378x448,27:32,ClipboardImage.png)


Low res is interesting, for those inclined to look at the AI detail./

Sometimes the nonAI is visible.///

Sometimes actors wear MASKS./


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dfce53 No.21678072

>>21677100 it because he is a combover guy, it is just in wrong spot, habbens

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7d75d2 No.21678075

No Creative Cofeve, eh, Squeaky?

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8e1db9 No.21678076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The road is too narrow for these two trucks!

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4d71b2 No.21678084



Word of the Day: Stand

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1b704f No.21678085

File: 080644aa110ef34⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,460x816,115:204,arygw9V_460sv.mp4)

New York may turn red

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dfce53 No.21678087


full article



Feds are going crazy in New York… the whole Trump-hating state is getting busted for corruption…

September 27, 2024 (a day ago)

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1b704f No.21678090

File: 3b4e86ff2d1572d⋯.png (68.33 KB,700x1414,50:101,aByx5vA_700bwp.png)

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0e1cc7 No.21678091

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953db7 No.21678092

File: 045d598d511df5e⋯.jpeg (366.56 KB,954x546,159:91,IMG_0954.jpeg)

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dfce53 No.21678097




it’s not just Eric Adams, though. A crooked retired judge was also on the chopping block, but instead of facing the music, he decided to kill himself when the feds showed up to arrest him.

A former prosecutor and retired judge in Orange County, New York, killed himself Tuesday as the FBI arrived at his home to arrest him.

Authorities arrived at Stewart Rosenwasser’s house in Campbell Hall, a senior retirement community, in connection to a corruption case, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Rosenwasser, 72, had been under investigation for allegedly taking $63,000 in bribes.

Sources say Rosenwasser pointed a gun at an agent who fired a shot. Rosenwasser then barricaded himself and it is believed he fatally shot himself.

A federal grand jury indicted Rosenwasser on bribery charges, accusing him of launching an investigation in 2022 when he was working in the District Attorney’s office to help a longtime associate. The man, known as Marty Soudani, accused his nephew of stealing nearly $2 million from him.

In a text, Rosenwasser allegedly said, “I’m putting maximum effort into this. We will utilize all available assets.”

Court documents show copies of money orders and checks made out to the lawyer, and in another exchange, Rosenwasser allegedly wrote, “I will always protect you. And help you.”

Rosenwasser abruptly resigned from the Orange County District Attorney’s office in June.

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06d46d No.21678099

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


>Low res …..detail

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8bcfc6 No.21678101

File: 02bcb534cc04fdc⋯.jpg (9.22 KB,263x191,263:191,download.jpg)

File: c164487a8e9af36⋯.jpg (10.46 KB,251x201,251:201,download.jpg)

File: fea71716c8e600c⋯.jpg (10.91 KB,308x164,77:41,download.jpg)

File: e286ceeaebb06c1⋯.jpg (11.5 KB,200x252,50:63,download.jpg)

(PB) >>21676678

>What's the real deal?

>…with these old huge buildings? These world's fairs? Also, what really happened in 1890 and before? Why did history change then?

The real deal is there are hundreds of construction photos showing these world fairs buildings and many more from the 1800's were built by 1800's American men. The "we didn't build that" crowd has gone completely off the rails.

What went wrong? Government control.

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578025 No.21678102


Word of the day: PAST.



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953db7 No.21678110

File: 9b2b57e67f9230c⋯.jpeg (168.16 KB,683x1366,1:2,1600EB17_C7B4_46F4_B904_0….jpeg)

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578025 No.21678114


Kill every priest, cardinal, pastor, nun, pastor's wife. Then I'll stand.

They all lied, profited, and also killed in name of religion, or vouch for it. Deliver what was dealt. Prove your circle 8 shit.

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dfce53 No.21678117

File: f4a9cd388258df1⋯.jpg (12.19 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

File: 67e5f3245a016d9⋯.png (9.53 KB,203x248,203:248,download.png)

File: 22e2200649b9210⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,290x174,5:3,download.jpg)




>Stewart Rosenwasser’

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dfce53 No.21678146


>you could quite yourself

censor myself that is retarded

no me me me me shit

just pointing faggots out

if you and all the rest on board were in a real room together and this shit habbens all of you would be tossed out for for being faggy retards

we get to say what we think

they identify me as a conflict monger that is what a nazi with boot on throat might say


silence the pest who points and notices

ok fhag

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eefaac No.21678402

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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