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File: dafcdb70d20b4cb⋯.png (68.81 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

4e1c9d No.21676357 [View All]

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494 posts and 317 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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82858e No.21677016


Squirrels don't charge by the hour

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19b5ae No.21677017


Chicken Little

The Sky is Falling

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fb2809 No.21677018

File: dc2d6f0d01fb412⋯.png (823.56 KB,1025x1329,1025:1329,Screenshot_20240928_233058.png)

Woah Nelly!

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b58b56 No.21677019


Hank’s hand is crossed over leaning on a cane or other helpful device so he can be standing.

Don’t be ugly…

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1ac1ef No.21677020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03cf58 No.21677021


let him run his mouth

there's a shitload of muzzies in his neighborhood waiting for a good fatwa

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928e51 No.21677022


What about the Wiener tapes etc? Or Hunter's laptop?

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82858e No.21677023

File: 35505153a60ca13⋯.png (725.24 KB,954x844,477:422,cce.png)



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e658a7 No.21677024

File: db4896ad432d771⋯.png (456.73 KB,1080x565,216:113,Screenshot_20240620_112823….png)

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03cf58 No.21677026


neither do ambulance chasing "personal injury" law firms

all on contingency, fren

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c9b481 No.21677027


As my spouse-anon say's: "NOTHING ever Habbens."

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b58b56 No.21677028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d3251 No.21677029

File: 029b777ce80c2ed⋯.png (1.28 MB,1241x739,1241:739,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

Visually… this makes me think of Justice teaming up with pissed off with a country attitude.

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b58b56 No.21677031



Yes I would…

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7fa49e No.21677032

How many more rallies until shit happening

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220323 No.21677033


a country boy can survive

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af8f06 No.21677034

File: 21361c0110d686a⋯.jpeg (67.97 KB,561x564,187:188,IMG_4090.jpeg)


Even witches have demons.

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82858e No.21677035


Squirrels would still be better and likely make at least local news

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af8f06 No.21677036

File: 84a8f37919fae42⋯.jpeg (60.06 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_4071.jpeg)


It will happen when the weather cools.

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512503 No.21677037


Your breath stinks like sh,t

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b58b56 No.21677038


Actually…I called.

#digitalsoldiers™️ you worship Flynn Dog

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928e51 No.21677039


I have to agree. He looks like one of the goblins in Harry Potter Gringotts. He was certainly involved somehow with the towers scam, not because he is Jewish, but because he is a criminal scammer with other criminal friends like Bush baby.

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c327d0 No.21677042


Yes the women are truthful if you haven't noticed. They want the men to take action and prove that they have. Many women have publicly, such as Emerald Robinson, Owens, and many others. Every weekend I think, how long are we going to take it, when are we going to throw some punches, this has to be the weekend to call the ball because of x, y, z…

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b58b56 No.21677043



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5d3251 No.21677045

File: c83a17a9bc3cf9e⋯.gif (608.95 KB,455x498,455:498,tenor.gif)


Call me an optimist, but I think this November after Trump crushes Knee-Pads McHarris, we are going to witness a World-Wide enema that has been in dire need for millennia.

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22b0eb No.21677046



American Indians migrated from Siberia and THAT should always be the response.

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c327d0 No.21677047



>It will happen when the weather cools.

Guess what?

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787d66 No.21677048


Are the "operators" in the room with us now?

Disclaimer: real operators in the room, this is just a joke meant to demoralize this fake cunt who is fake. Thank you for your service. o7

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158e54 No.21677049

File: d239e5ce31c0826⋯.jpg (120.14 KB,1920x1080,16:9,50d02cc8dd479a290cf29a1c26….jpg)


I can't do it, going to sleep soon.

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928e51 No.21677051


Depends on how you want to interpret "wrote." God is the author, the holy spirit inspired men like Moses, Jesus, the apostles and the Holy spirit wrote the New testament part, but ultimately God is the author of both the old and the new testament.

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722bf5 No.21677052


Np. Baking soon then.

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03cf58 No.21677054


>The Boss

bimbos crawling on wealth

like flies on shit

all posing for the camera

not one looking at DJT

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b58b56 No.21677056


James 1 explains it clearly…

Bible believers shouldn’t be deceived or tossed about…

13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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722bf5 No.21677057

notables 530 last check

#26544 >>21676382

>>21676498 Trump Receives Loud Welcome at Alabama-Georgia Football Game

>>21676950 Alabama fends off Georgia in thriller thanks to star 17-year-old receiver


>>21676470 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21676618 President Trump handing out tendies at Bryant-Denny Stadium

>>21676401 Tuscaloosa

>>21676433, >>21676444 DJT on the Jumbotron

>>21676464, >>21676475 Everyone in the country is hungry for Trump's return, including Gen-Z voters

>>21676493 President Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676422 Trumop w/ MTG

>>21676481, >>21676486, >>21676709 Trump (You)

>>21676601 John Kerry @ WEF butthurt over 1A

>>21676654 Hilldog @ Clinton Global Initiative butthurt over 1A

>>21676411 Mark Levin: What the hell is happening to our country?

>>21676678 Omaha, Nebraska circa 1898

>>21676689 IDF beginning ground operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon

>>21676863 Reclaim America Tour with Robert F Kennedy Jr. Tulsi Gabbard + Zachary Levi in Dearborn, MI

>>21676886 FBI Seize 'Incriminating' Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy's Mansion

>>21676709, >>21676712, >>21676738, >>21676791, >>21676891, >>21676906, >>21676909, >>21676988 Memes


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62ad03 No.21677058

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5dba7c No.21677060


>perfect gift is from above

What is to to be MOST HIGH?



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722bf5 No.21677061

notables FINAL

#26544 >>21676382

>>21676498 Trump Receives Loud Welcome at Alabama-Georgia Football Game

>>21676950 Alabama fends off Georgia in thriller thanks to star 17-year-old receiver


>>21676470 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21676618 President Trump handing out tendies at Bryant-Denny Stadium

>>21676401 Tuscaloosa

>>21676433, >>21676444 DJT on the Jumbotron

>>21676464, >>21676475 Everyone in the country is hungry for Trump's return, including Gen-Z voters

>>21676493 President Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676422 Trump w/ MTG

>>21676481, >>21676486, >>21676709 Trump (You)

>>21676601 John Kerry @ WEF butthurt over 1A

>>21676654 Hilldog @ Clinton Global Initiative butthurt over 1A

>>21676411 Mark Levin: What the hell is happening to our country?

>>21676678 Omaha, Nebraska circa 1898

>>21676689 IDF beginning ground operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon

>>21676863 Reclaim America Tour with Robert F Kennedy Jr. Tulsi Gabbard + Zachary Levi in Dearborn, MI

>>21676886 FBI Seize 'Incriminating' Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy's Mansion

>>21676709, >>21676712, >>21676738, >>21676791, >>21676891, >>21676906, >>21676909, >>21676988 Memes


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928e51 No.21677062


That second guy looks like Ellen Degenerate with more hair.

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5d3251 No.21677063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>we are going to witness a World-Wide enema that has been in dire need for millennia.

(Guillotine Sounds Go Here)

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62ad03 No.21677065

So fucking unreal.

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903e71 No.21677069


Grab your politicians by the hair.

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03cf58 No.21677071


> it's a composition.


all books are compositions

by any chance, dija mean composite?

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1ac1ef No.21677072

File: d8d5defe8d059d8⋯.jpg (62.4 KB,895x602,895:602,a7f921bec9b411847ecd2ea7e2….jpg)


That's the happiest meme anon has seen in a very long time.

Imagine an end to the nanny state

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9e84a1 No.21677074

File: 1b2b4d9783860fd⋯.png (1.88 MB,1600x1142,800:571,IMG_2580.png)

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62ad03 No.21677076

Hell is coming for you. Enjoy the show.

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722bf5 No.21677077

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5d3251 No.21677078


>Grab your politicians by the hair.

Dry hump them and wipe it off in their hair?

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5dba7c No.21677079


>real operators

Some operators are beyond this world.//


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62ad03 No.21677080

Nothing uglier than a soldier in name only. >>21677077

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d7e71f No.21677082

bread locked pls migrate




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