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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

e9ecce No.21656372 [View All]

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4218f2 No.21657155


Harris was not a prosecutor in Santa Barbara, was she?

the allegation she was seems fake and the video seems to misrepresent the case.



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d268d7 No.21657156

File: d73b195dfb6c0c2⋯.jpg (573.54 KB,2700x1944,25:18,weareshill.jpg)

And now, the tedious, double droolers:


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4375f2 No.21657157


>🚨BREAKING: Trump campaign officially announces return to Butler and confirms the rally will take place at the site of the assassination attempt.


>"just kill me and you can have your much-wanted war with Iran"


>"oh and by the way I'm going back to Butler next week"


>what is this like


>"catch me if you can"

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dbcaeb No.21657158

Langley Kidnapping Lizard

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91a6f6 No.21657159

File: a4c7aadb1a1bd43⋯.png (331.36 KB,400x282,200:141,20220723_004217.png)

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dbcaeb No.21657160


Defiled and Demented DeepDiaper DeepDemon ShitSoup

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91a6f6 No.21657161

File: 6600947bcbf90a0⋯.png (521.29 KB,500x355,100:71,20220802_035628.png)

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e83083 No.21657162



aka, the CGI crowds at Kamala rallies and plane stops, the CGI Biden speeches, the CGI fake news puppets, was detected and not believed by enough people.

Hence, "whirlwind" (for them)

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da0c17 No.21657163

File: e85e4ced716f517⋯.png (59.78 KB,1920x948,160:79,ClipboardImage.png)


>OMG you just proved humanity should become extinct because some humans did something horrible and they represent everybody else!

Indeed….. But sure, make excuses for Jews who call for "White Genocide." Hypocrite much?

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d06503 No.21657164

File: 338a6bc897aa0aa⋯.webp (48.46 KB,1200x675,16:9,kukulkan_feathered_serpen….webp)


I suppose there's good and bad in all demographics. Not all reptilians.

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23bcb4 No.21657165



emerging from 10 days darkness

begins tomorrow

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15f0cc No.21657166

File: cb61158b01f65c3⋯.jpg (130.33 KB,900x596,225:149,trump_hulk_andre.jpg)

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dbcaeb No.21657167

Fragile and Fragmented Fibbie

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91a6f6 No.21657168

File: d3eff4cd023ea66⋯.png (304.06 KB,345x300,23:20,20220915_054056.png)

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91a6f6 No.21657169

File: 6bcbdd6cb490a50⋯.png (352.5 KB,400x300,4:3,20221225_193758.png)

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50668b No.21657170

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dbcaeb No.21657171

Psychotic and Sick Satanist

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ffb81e No.21657172


They are doing the same thing to Conservative Teachers.

They only want Libtard teachers at the Public Schools.

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ac387e No.21657173

File: 951481f97f1b5ed⋯.jpeg (381.91 KB,1284x1721,1284:1721,IMG_3677.jpeg)

File: 781f49be38dc749⋯.jpeg (293.4 KB,1284x1258,642:629,IMG_3678.jpeg)

The popular vote! Wow


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392fe4 No.21657174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4218f2 No.21657175


yes, I agree. The post which attached the video is misleading.

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8275b5 No.21657176


This proves they can make a cartoon vid.

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91a6f6 No.21657177

File: 8f160563a6180ae⋯.png (1.57 MB,1323x881,1323:881,1673490670848.png)

File: 58aa14fb3accd36⋯.png (194.81 KB,680x457,680:457,1673490621103.png)

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dbcaeb No.21657179

Villainous and Vacuous Vermin

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91a6f6 No.21657180

File: 187ebd767f7e813⋯.png (1.83 MB,664x960,83:120,Air_Battle2.png)

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4375f2 No.21657181

File: 67b6d3ac66aa601⋯.png (144.97 KB,776x286,388:143,another_israeli_sympathize….png)

File: 1a82e2357c1e217⋯.png (393.29 KB,710x742,355:371,another_israeli_sympathize….png)

File: c116d6d02116127⋯.png (37.75 KB,588x460,147:115,Israeli_politician_calling….png)

File: acaddb176b821b3⋯.png (280.61 KB,1025x723,1025:723,Israel_calling_for_extermi….png)

File: 00adb648322f23e⋯.png (699.55 KB,710x983,710:983,PARKING_LOT_GAZA_AND_DEPOR….png)


>you just proved humanity should become extinct

It always goes to total genocide with you.

No one else says this.


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da0c17 No.21657182


Why on earth would you need a "definition" for Jewish Mob? It's pretty self explanatory.

>Anon is looking for a definition, because Anon is seeing that term being used to describe anons based on their posting patterns, not on who they are,

You belong on reddit. People come here to muddy the waters all the time. You're just here to pilpul.

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dbcaeb No.21657183

Compromised and Cowardly Concubine

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f81e44 No.21657184

File: f6f838c5522dde3⋯.png (322.05 KB,811x713,811:713,ClipboardImage.png)

>totally anon just like you

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91a6f6 No.21657185

File: 617f2a3afb2489c⋯.png (2.27 MB,763x1038,763:1038,capture_008_17052018_13171….png)

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fb8053 No.21657186

File: 23fb3775f49863a⋯.png (5.2 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6609.png)

Ya know there are no rich people in heaven

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dbcaeb No.21657187

Stupid and retarded shitbox hooker

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000000 No.21657188


A resurfaced interview from 2004 reveals that the Vice President, then a Deputy City Attorney in San Francisco, publicly commented on Michael's child molestation trial.

In 2003, the King of Pop was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent. While Michael denied the allegations and pleaded not guilty, Harris weighed in on the trial as a legal expert, despite having no direct involvement in the case.

According to TMZ, Harris remarked in the resurfaced video clip saying, "In general, the child will be able to recall and recollect some detail, the incident and that is persuasive to a jury, even if it is the only testimony that is available."


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c33f45 No.21657189

When the wheat is separated from the chaff there will be no fooling it.

No lying to trick it.

No begging to get through.

No fighting to stop it.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

People will be separated by their individual vibration.

Everything has a specific vibration / frequency.

If you vibrate in high frequencies, love, compassion, patience you go with the wheat.

If you vibrate in low, fear, anger, jealousy, controlling vibrations, you go with the chaff.

When the Ascension happens, nothing else will matter.

Raise your vibration.

Get everyone across the finish line.

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91a6f6 No.21657190

File: 3c26833dcbbda97⋯.png (582.26 KB,533x372,533:372,capture_126_26092022_02314….png)

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e83083 No.21657191

File: 70b6316a264a77d⋯.png (469.06 KB,500x756,125:189,ClipboardImage.png)



kek, not "indeed", but sure, go ahead and try to square a circle by committing the fallacy of composition over and over.

YOUR "TRIBE" is guilty by your own logic, for there are "members" of YOUR "TRIBE" who have committed great evil.

By your own logic, you're making excuses, you're covering for them by omission, your protecting them by omission, you're trying to have MORE of what you claim to be denouncing.

>Hypocrite much?



"Wat applies to everyone……does not apply to me."


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dbcaeb No.21657193

Help save the children or fight those who harm children and get ripped apart

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91a6f6 No.21657195

File: cc742237923cce3⋯.png (3.31 MB,1133x1018,1133:1018,capture_148_01062018_12591….png)

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91a6f6 No.21657197

File: 8f4eff1df45e105⋯.png (821.3 KB,666x420,111:70,capture_249_18102022_06401….png)

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50668b No.21657198

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ba0471 No.21657199


sometimes the chaff can score a lot of points for the winning team though

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91a6f6 No.21657200

File: 8a544e4fac4d317⋯.png (485.98 KB,446x371,446:371,capture_459_21082023_08563….png)

such fun

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91a6f6 No.21657201

File: 701a14a68e3371c⋯.png (120.91 KB,800x421,800:421,freedom_be_heard.png)

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e83083 No.21657202

File: 050819bad8762d3⋯.png (495.55 KB,680x486,340:243,050819bad8762d3ba7655730ab….png)


>It always goes to total genocide with you.

No, it always goes like that with the extinctionist cult that you seem to be having a personal vested interest in defending.

>No one else says

Truth always starts as something nobody else but the speakers of truth say, homeslice.


Awww is that supposed to be your stupid cringe clown psyop to coerce anon into concluding that something is false because muh undefined pop consensus of fake news brain fried normies you need to echo your projections?

Try again, demon.

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da0c17 No.21657203


>YOUR "TRIBE" is guilty by your own logic, for there are "members" of YOUR "TRIBE" who have committed great evil.

But I didn't say that, nor did the other Anon. They merely said "Jewish Mob." Then, I show you evidence of Jews not only calling for "genocide" but pretending to be White to spread anti-White rhetoric.

>"Wat applies to everyone……does not apply to me."

That would be you, not me. I never once mentioned "genocide." (You) did. Are you saying you don't condemn the actions of those Jews spreading hate towards Whites and calling for their genocide?

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97cf04 No.21657204

Mark Zuckerberg’s Political Evolution - The New York Times

Sept. 24, 2024Updated 12:35 p.m. ET

As recently as June at the Allen and Company conference — the “summer camp for billionaires” in Sun Valley, Idaho — Mr. Zuckerberg complained to multiple people about the blowback to Meta that came from the more politically touchy aspects of his philanthropic efforts. And he regretted hiring employees at his philanthropy who tried to push him further to the left on some causes.

In short — he was over it.

His preference, according to more than a dozen friends, advisers and executives familiar with his thinking, has been to wash his hands of it all.

In public, that means Mr. Zuckerberg is declining to engage with Washington except when necessary. In private, he has stopped supporting programs at his philanthropy that could be perceived as partisan, and he has tamped down employee activism at Meta, said these people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to do so or did not want to jeopardize their relationships with Mr. Zuckerberg.

He has also spoken to President Trump in one-on-one telephone calls twice over the summer, these people said, a move that some have characterized as an attempt to repair a long-strained relationship between the two men.

“The political environment, I think I didn’t have much sophistication around, and I think I just fundamentally misdiagnosed the problem,” Mr. Zuckerberg said during a recent interview at a live podcast event in San Francisco.

Last month, Mr. Zuckerberg publicly expressed regret around some of his political activity in a letter to Congress. He said that in 2021, the Biden administration “pressured” Meta into censoring more Covid-19 content than Mr. Zuckerberg felt comfortable with. And he said he would not repeat the contributions he made in 2020 to support electoral infrastructure because the gifts made him appear not “neutral.”

Mr. Zuckerberg’s evolution has drawn comparatively little attention compared to that of tech titans like Elon Musk, who have publicly attached themselves to conservatives and former President Donald J. Trump. But it is also reflective of a larger shift in Silicon Valley, where chief executives have grown frustrated with contentious social issues. Their response has largely been to back away from it.

“Mark and his peers are probably looking at the risks of political engagement and deciding neutrality is the safer choice until this election is over,” said Nu Wexler, a principal at the political consulting firm Four Corners Public Affairs and a former Facebook employee.

Privately, Mr. Zuckerberg now considers his personal politics to be more like libertarianism or “classical liberalism,” according to people who have spoken to him recently. That includes a hostility to regulation that restricts business, an embrace of free markets and globalism and an openness to social-justice reforms — but only if it stops short of what he considers far-left progressivism. And Mr. Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr. Priscilla Chan, have been privately aghast about what they see as a rise of antisemitism on college campuses, including at their alma mater, Harvard.

Mr. Zuckerberg’s and Dr. Chan’s representatives at Meta and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative declined to comment.

The asshole should be in jail he's played politics every day he's own FBFuck You liar


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9f4b4e No.21657208

File: b4ac616a4b23b88⋯.png (1.04 MB,569x1012,569:1012,7j4h747h4756.PNG)

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4e626b No.21657209

File: fb6b825a8abba15⋯.jpg (521.21 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240925_155139….jpg)


>Santa Maria

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91a6f6 No.21657210

File: fd9098e099c93b6⋯.png (876.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Fresh_Bread4.png)

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5fbe8e No.21657211


It’s Clinton Global Initiative you absolutely dumfucking dumfucks

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