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File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,c91e618b272bf5d2a1299413e0….png)

86b6a1 No.21303522 [View All]

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af6606 No.21304493


>"a little more than intended"

they knew exactly what they were doing.


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fd2bac No.21304494



Just checked. Tweet doesn’t exist on KH’s page.

Defaulted to Meme/satire

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e08d7f No.21304495

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yet Jews can spread anti-White rhetoric and call for White genocide and keep their accounts. But they don't "control" (tm) anything.

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92f9f5 No.21304496


they exposed their satanic fuckery on their own

they needed no help fr me or fr any other christians

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291b70 No.21304497


wrong again do you want to go three for thee of you being a fucking stupid nigger.

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007510 No.21304498

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b3eb95 No.21304499

File: 249395603052342⋯.png (1.06 MB,1656x893,1656:893,ClipboardImage.png)



Imagine what they cant tell you? Because Secret Weapons are meant be Secret…Like a Trump Card….in Spades…Hiding the Bitch

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8107e2 No.21304500

All fences went down yesterday remember j6 when military deputies were sworn in then they took off.

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38169f No.21304501

File: 115f784a8b33611⋯.png (518.51 KB,784x732,196:183,theys.png)

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521111 No.21304502

File: cf06a98cadc249d⋯.png (587.04 KB,843x468,281:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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47e62d No.21304503


even if I was right, (you'd) still lie

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fd2bac No.21304504

File: 50f3caf51cc921d⋯.jpeg (701.71 KB,1324x1211,1324:1211,IMG_5860.jpeg)

The French Olympic opening Ceremony has received so much negativity & criticism, that even the official page for the Olympics deleted their own video



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291b70 No.21304505


they did it on their own and it was tacky and stupid. But being offended by tacky and stupid is also stupid. Show images of it show how stupid it is but let them do it because then it is out in the open. Then mock the every loving shit out of it

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e08d7f No.21304506


>My oh my, awful early to try and start the religious "arguments"

Kek. Go read the comments on the Gatekeeper Pundit. Those people are fuckinggone. They're incapable of accepting that some people just don't believe what they do. It's ridiculous.

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5e77fe No.21304507

File: fe1c61cf74732bc⋯.png (274.17 KB,549x477,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)


> religious "arguments"

Not really arguments so much as certain people not understanding that freedom of [from] religion includes the right to not use their religion to connect with "God".

They also apparently don't like free speech.

They don't want people thinking for themselves

The Olympics thing is disgusting, regardless of religious belief

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92f9f5 No.21304508


you cannot control the reactions of others

some are very offended by it, some not as much

people have a right to their opinions

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97f587 No.21304509

File: 48f693a3b145ce0⋯.png (326.77 KB,666x476,333:238,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a measure of how propagandized EU EDU and MSM is. Pathetic.

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291b70 No.21304510


exactly you do not need religion to find that gross. It did it all on its own and if people hate the religious aspect of it and how their god is being mocked and then they try to silence horrible things that they find offensive that is just low tier fascism.

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e08d7f No.21304511


>Not really arguments so much as certain people not understanding that freedom of [from] religion includes the right to not use their religion to connect with "God".

Zing! Give the Anon a shekel. You're going to kneel "or else" (tm). All three of the Abrahamic religions are like that. Not all of the worshippers think that way, but a large majority of them refuse to accept that some people just don't want to believe what they do.

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a76874 No.21304512


>the pic of the sunken ship is NOT a pic of the titanic on the sea floor that vessel is in shallow water, lit by sunlight from above

RMS Olympic and RMS Brittanic both sank in relatively shallow waters in the Mediterranean and Aegean.

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1a4424 No.21304513

File: 249a7f27fcc868c⋯.gif (2.36 MB,294x393,98:131,249a7f27fcc868c55c717af9b2….gif)



#26109 >>21303564

>>21303633, >>21303648, >>21303677, >>21303686, >>21304105 The Paris Olympics Go To Hell

>>21303671 Thomas Jolly Is Masterminding The Most Complex Olympics Opening Ceremony Of All Time

>>21303694 MTG Olympic committee hard at work removing videos of their satanic trans occult opening ceremonies claiming 'copyright'

>>21303696 Ukrainian conscripts ‘don’t want to fight’ – Belgian state TV

>>21303710, >>21303890, >>21303989, >>21304033, >>21304065 Space News

>>21303711, >>21303718, >>21303724, >>21303742, >>21303759, >>21303767, >>21303777, >>21303792, >>21303811, >>21303841, >>21303853 Todays Deltas

>>21303730 ‘Gayest Olympics Ever’: Paris Olympics Opens with Suggested Bisexual Threesome

>>21303733, >>21303752, >>21303790, >>21303807 MIL Posts and DeCodes

>>21303753 Olympic Games opening ceremony accused of being Satanic ritual

>>21303766, >>21303871, >>21304115 il TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21303834 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks at Bitcoin Conference in Nashville - 7/27/24

>>21303889 PlaneFaggin'

>>21303900 the Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Iran’s operatives are already here and actively plotting

>>21303920, >>21304165, >>21304476 @DanScavino President Trump is wheels🛫up out of Palm Beach International, en route to the #Bitcoin2024 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee🇺🇸🦅

>>21304010 Russia has no illusions about Trump – Kremlin

>>21304030, >>21304086 Sen. Hawley introduces bill to declassify information about the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21304071 French bishops condemn ‘mockery of Christianity’ at Olympics

>>21304087, >>21304230, >>21304334, >>21304504 Olympics remove their disgusting ‘Opening Ceremony’ from YouTube/X due to OUTRAGE expressed by people worldwide = WINNING


>>21304142, >>21304151, >>21304216 WANTED: Memes & News - https://watkinsreport.com/

>>21304153 The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals, especially the French Revolution of 1789

>>21304202, >>21304217 Schaumburg shooting suspect claimed to receive messages from outer space, prosecutors say

>>21304221, >>21304265 Anon needs to put this out there. God will not be mocked!

>>21304297, >>21304300 GigEagle - AI-powered agile talent identification systems support joint force

>>21304345, >>21304356 DAF senior leaders reinforce importance of allies, partners

>>21304359 IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BREAK. When session is open, no lawmakers can be arrested.

>>21304386 Remains of airman from World War II bombing mission identified

>>21303818, >>21303822, >>21304040, >>21304042, >>21304050, >>21304149, >>21304299, >>21304338, >>21304352 memes

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e55e41 No.21304514

File: 7a0190f3906d259⋯.webp (31.8 KB,500x646,250:323,avynq9Z_700bwp.webp)

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38169f No.21304517


dont' worry scro plenty of tran living kick ass lives on tv

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6a764b No.21304518

they'll simply delete it anyway

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97f587 No.21304519


Ask any professional dancers in Paris what they think of this "performance"…

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92946a No.21304520

File: fbad3afcd44e36f⋯.jpg (25.98 KB,520x273,40:21,John_Podesta_14_fish_pedop….jpg)

File: d2f5f006a3b7122⋯.jpg (198.53 KB,905x1390,181:278,demons_moloch_moloch_the_g….jpg)

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a4a32c No.21304522


>When you realize that before Karens there were Bible Thumpers that are exactly the same

Its Those BibleFags that are the Going to Scream the Loudest in the End Here…THEY DONT STAND A CHANCE….it its inevitable..I have them in my Family…Trum has them around him to…Less Bad Language…But I Try Pastor…Thats How We Have To Treat It

there are some Really High and Mightys….I just Ignore…But the Arrogance tho sometimes.

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1a4424 No.21304524

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,9a9706408592f0ded24f218406….jpg)

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38169f No.21304525


i heard calling for ceasefire is anti semitic

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92f9f5 No.21304526


hillary and huma will re-enact frazzledrip at the l a opening ceremonies in 2028

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de18a0 No.21304528

File: 477ccd537968f9f⋯.png (127.98 KB,300x230,30:23,BuddyChrist.png)

Some times you faggots give me hope.

Then some retard declares it to be "Praying hour" to the celebration of most anons and all my will to live instantly dissipates again.

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1a4424 No.21304529

File: 16cf907e18c7c85⋯.png (150.46 KB,411x431,411:431,16cf907e18c7c85d96b8240653….png)

File: 8d3f1bf33dad918⋯.png (313.17 KB,568x378,284:189,8d3f1bf33dad91857d8883679f….png)

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e55e41 No.21304530

File: 48c99a9d97a9d11⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,700x806,350:403,a1kqRLLe_700w_0.jpg)

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97f587 No.21304531

File: eed18bea7da9d7d⋯.png (134.31 KB,334x261,334:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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479d7b No.21304532



Waiting in the shit

Gun and bullett casings probably in the shit pile

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cc766b No.21304533


ur a retard

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a5aa88 No.21304534


More division.

Divide divide divide.

All yas slide is religion on here.

You spend your whole life focused on who? And what?

What did you do on the 4th of July? MDW?

Absolute clown show.

Your worship your own shit.

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6a764b No.21304537


boomers gotta boom

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a5aa88 No.21304539

Idc if you believe in God or not…

But Hillary smells like cabbage and urine.

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1a4424 No.21304540

File: 2b39c0cfa690016⋯.jpg (220.99 KB,540x810,2:3,fzreee.jpg)

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1a4424 No.21304546

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB,351x504,39:56,6b484d9f6cabcee811456eac66….jpg)

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1a4424 No.21304547

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1a4424 No.21304557

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1a4424 No.21304558

File: 0b7a9af127e7bb2⋯.gif (6.56 MB,360x480,3:4,0b7a9af127e7bb28c61e0fcfc1….gif)

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1a4424 No.21304561

File: 4e01bfb53b31a4a⋯.png (137.8 KB,772x777,772:777,4e01bfb53b31a4ab00d7739c41….png)

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1a4424 No.21304565

File: 1a5ad694eee8ff3⋯.png (283.33 KB,799x500,799:500,1a5ad694eee8ff30f7f2aa3f82….png)

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1a4424 No.21304566


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1a4424 No.21304568


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1a4424 No.21304571

patented phil

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1a4424 No.21304574

File: af18edca3324787⋯.png (270.36 KB,764x432,191:108,mike_lindell.png)

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