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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,trump_never_surrender_text.png)

eb9df4 No.21301844 [View All]

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89d051 No.21302610


So who do Hebrews worship god or moloch? who have they historically worshipped? What makes it god just because a book says so kek.

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88f716 No.21302611


That's what I said at first.

Then I read the twats on that acct.

It's about as 100% doxx as it can get.

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f0b694 No.21302612

File: 1ae3c5ae95eae50⋯.png (121.52 KB,586x614,293:307,1ae3c5ae95eae5054b324b7518….png)


Your post count makes you a slide!

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0ccba9 No.21302613



No anon


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aa1aff No.21302614

File: e3e566bc772b1e1⋯.png (469.98 KB,500x500,1:1,kek_kamala_cackle.png)

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d028ad No.21302615

File: c99657d06803c18⋯.png (18.3 KB,317x240,317:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c48a738c3a0276⋯.png (146.32 KB,444x543,148:181,ClipboardImage.png)


Donald J. Trump


“FBI CONFIRMS PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS HIT BY A BULLET IN NEW STATEMENT.” FoxNews. Thank you to Nicole Parker, former FBI Agent and Fox News Contributor, for your expert analysis. A job well done! DJT

Jul 27, 2024, 7:45 AM


Find the link.

Look around.

What does it signify?



What are they sitting on?

Perfectly lined up?



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63f800 No.21302616

File: 58bad1db7996497⋯.png (548.86 KB,442x549,442:549,usa.PNG)

File: 5ae1828c9eb9ffa⋯.png (373.49 KB,295x602,295:602,jack.PNG)



Team USA



📺: @nbcolympics

& @peacock

#ParisOlympics | #OpeningCeremony

9:36 AM · Jul 26, 2024




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def3dc No.21302617


Did you copy of that Phenom-anon post?

Another Miracle and confirmation of God's true Blessing.

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2b74f3 No.21302618

File: 964fbf4fb353143⋯.jpeg (1022.14 KB,640x1091,640:1091,135F6618_1FEB_4357_800B_6….jpeg)

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4ad789 No.21302619


if you can't tell by looking at him then you're not that jewpilled

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22d101 No.21302620

File: d2761f3b911cc19⋯.png (33.54 KB,640x452,160:113,332_3_.png)


good fuckin' morning.

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63f800 No.21302621

File: d443578609ed421⋯.png (484.71 KB,591x815,591:815,tom.PNG)


Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧


Are you ready London . Today the people of Britain will send a message to the world . We will remain silent no longer . WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK

Rate proposed Community Notes

Last edited

12:06 AM · Jul 27, 2024




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d028ad No.21302622

File: 71f5e705cefffee⋯.png (13.79 KB,317x183,317:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d9d4b96ca18374⋯.png (8.69 KB,444x138,74:23,ClipboardImage.png)




Jul 27, 2024, 7:50 AM


Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today.

Message received.

Response forthcoming.

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187156 No.21302623


Here anon. Have fun. Lot;s of research to be done. I have barely scratched the surface myself. All the best man.


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044335 No.21302624


Nice trips.

I'm battening down the hatches just for that.


Because since I've been part of this thing of ours (starting on October 28, 2017), I've noticed that trips, dubs, quads, and sometimes just the numbers assigned to certain posts here, etc., really do seem to matter.

So if "batten down the hatches" gets a000then I'm listening.


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0768c9 No.21302625


Anons who think Tommy is Mossad controlled need to present all the facts and evidence, he is the most targeted man in the UK, he was sent to prison for months and beaten by the Muslims who control almost all the prisons, he has done far more good than bad exposing all the grooming gangs and the Islamic takeover of UK cities

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f51007 No.21302626

File: 8a3fbee584373bd⋯.png (243.78 KB,1440x1209,480:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa1aff No.21302627

File: f6c8a4cab3f8094⋯.png (33.87 KB,596x394,298:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Leg-tingles intensify!

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89d051 No.21302628


lots of research and that is the problem we have barely scratched the surface of what is known but people what to sit around and claim truth because they read a reprint. Fucking retards all of them

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1f478e No.21302629


No deals - GITMO

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715cf9 No.21302630


So the van vin doesn't trace back the the Yearicks? They don't own an explosive business? Ok thx for the research.

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89d051 No.21302631


welcome to gnosticism.

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88f716 No.21302632


>no bad but

I've seen't you bring the keks better than this before, Schitt.

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22d101 No.21302633

File: 84b76eaa80310a0⋯.jpg (230.29 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_27_07_5….jpg)

File: 14b9c7a7f50c3d6⋯.jpeg (637.42 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GTfTBqeXUAAYm0X.jpeg)

File: 9689e3c5cc32e28⋯.png (563.37 KB,640x2068,160:517,1698.png)

File: a0a0bb3d5d1f7b5⋯.png (131.24 KB,640x1040,8:13,63_6_.png)

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517ccb No.21302634


>good fuckin' morning.

It was good fuckin' this morning.

Then I said, go make me some breakfast.

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a76f6d No.21302635


Didn’t “Lady” Gag-a perform at the Olympics?

What a coincidence

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48db13 No.21302636

File: 35a0d159916f39e⋯.png (1.09 MB,840x1118,420:559,ClipboardImage.png)


do not need to do anything for that arsehole.

the useful idiots who have gone to london have just walked into a cctv identification parade the second time for MI5 and Sadiq Khan.

fucking stupid youtubers think they are influencers. they are just click bait whores who have lead a large group of patriots into social credit hell.

Wait for the job losses. bank account closures and target on their back by the clowns in the u.k

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0768c9 No.21302637

File: bbf4a2ee7fa9356⋯.png (18.47 KB,606x162,101:27,Truth_Social.png)



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aa1aff No.21302638

File: 1a627b7a30a0298⋯.jpg (46.95 KB,750x484,375:242,soros_chess.jpg)


>What got her to the no cash bail of recent years?

Her handlers, who's handlers told them what to do with her.

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426014 No.21302639

Pretty obvious “Jim” & “James”

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4ad789 No.21302640

File: 6410b47a5c8f61b⋯.png (850.23 KB,796x801,796:801,ClipboardImage.png)

>In the 21st century, France has the largest Jewish population in Europe and the third-largest Jewish population in the world (after Israel and the United States). The Jewish community in France is estimated to number 480,000–550,000, depending in part on the definition being used. French Jewish communities are concentrated in the metropolitan areas of Paris, which has the largest Jewish population among all European cities (277,000),[11] Marseille, with a population of 70,000, Lyon, Nice, Strasbourg and Toulouse.[12]

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6db3e5 No.21302641


VAW 113

Godspeed Patriots, and we do not take the Lord's name in vain.

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aa1aff No.21302642

File: 131d5cb0586ffde⋯.png (282.78 KB,631x500,631:500,Kek_Elon.png)


Elon should buy TikTok for the keks. The left would lose their shit.

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f51007 No.21302643

File: 56cbf216ae37131⋯.png (73.52 KB,1440x387,160:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae934066ea5f3c⋯.png (228.05 KB,900x889,900:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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044335 No.21302644



I love that the TikTok threat (posed byCHINA) is always on our minds.

Because while we have been worried about the threat thatCHINAmight spy on us, using TikTok, it's caused many people to ignore the fact thatCHINAhas already been here, in positions theCHINESEacquired through the covert overthrow of government, and they are already performing their tactical and deadly operations on the unsuspecting American public.

We noticed.

We're coming.

Stay tuned.


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0768c9 No.21302645


wow anon, The same picture that has been posted here a hundred times already, there is another one of him wearing a Mossad top, He said in a recent interview that he wore it as a JOKE, because low IQ retards like you will fall for it, hence why he's laughing in the picture, now post some real factual evidence… I will wait all bread

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1f478e No.21302646


Adam has never had any tingles with a female whore - only black male kids.

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fedd88 No.21302647

test to see if can post

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63f800 No.21302648

File: 0dbb71338e0f559⋯.png (601.76 KB,875x674,875:674,gu.PNG)


Why U.S. homebuyers are giving up

Brianna Crane

Younger people feel especially pessimistic: 75% of those under 50 think home prices will continue to rise, compared to 60% of older adults.

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f305c0 No.21302649


He would probably rename it to TikToX

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91bb68 No.21302650


Oww, how I missed you fags.

Glad to be back.

Almost at the End.

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f305c0 No.21302651


You veel own nussing, aund be happy!

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88f716 No.21302652


>he wore it as a JOKE

Dumb if true.

He should know how it works by now.

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fedd88 No.21302653

what's the new bread?

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22d101 No.21302654


ooff uid

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187156 No.21302655


So true. The truth that we seek has also been eradicated by those with shit to hide. Alexandria was the preverbial gold mine. They would have stole the relevant books for themselves and burnt the rest. That leaves them enlightened, while we are in the dark.

Never forget Moses was Akhenaten also. He stole (I believe) the communication device to talk to Enlil (The Ark of the covenant). This is where their power truly lies…

He also didn't split the Red sea…He would know through reading in the ancient library's in Egypt, that when there is a big earthquake or a volcanic eruption, to wait on the water retreating, and then to run. They did. They made it. The Egyptians never knew what was about to hit them. Knowledge truly is power in light if this….

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48db13 No.21302656


critical thinking is not your forte is it.

read what anon wrote.

katie hopkins and tommy robinson are clown controlled and were banned until musk gave them a platform back.

musk is a clown controlled elties.

low i.q sun readers are morans and are lead around like inbreed mutt dogs

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fedd88 No.21302657



shame at end of bread!

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88f716 No.21302658


Sat AM is no Bakers around time lately.

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91bb68 No.21302659


>better sauce


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