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File: 07df220b2a39f04⋯.png (67.31 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

335e5d No.21294483 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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701 posts and 548 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b482d2 No.21295260

File: 447850933d4794b⋯.png (177.07 KB,328x400,41:50,447850933d4794b408b1541279….png)

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a92d7d No.21295261

File: ff2136a73ead842⋯.png (657.6 KB,1309x935,7:5,65346h36354.PNG)

Kamala Harris debuts official TikTok account as presidential campaign picks up


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b482d2 No.21295262

File: c75169d734314b4⋯.jpeg (96.46 KB,567x500,567:500,c75169d734314b4116380fa66….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295264

File: f96f0209c98f46b⋯.png (287.59 KB,513x640,513:640,f96f0209c98f46b085b8282089….png)

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b482d2 No.21295265

File: 84aee1ddb47960c⋯.png (232.53 KB,565x575,113:115,84aee1ddb47960c495a5da8511….png)

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b482d2 No.21295266

File: 9ef1bf8e95f3a63⋯.jpeg (68.44 KB,763x875,109:125,9ef1bf8e95f3a632a99817395….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295267

File: f4d2377436a688e⋯.jpeg (63.8 KB,353x424,353:424,f4d2377436a688e838b44a09c….jpeg)

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7cf2b3 No.21295268

File: 3967844736a4e06⋯.jpg (27.66 KB,300x300,1:1,Free_for_all.jpg)


And so am I, it's in the air to-ni-yi-yight!

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365707 No.21295269

File: 12dfaa91d020718⋯.jpg (56.49 KB,800x640,5:4,12dfaa91d020718a1d771b1192….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295270

File: 3f9bec17949176a⋯.jpeg (55.66 KB,508x305,508:305,3f9bec17949176a3af381926b….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295271

File: eec3f80fbc8a079⋯.png (556.45 KB,536x735,536:735,eec3f80fbc8a0796408d41d265….png)

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b8da8c No.21295272

File: b78a7940492d8d6⋯.jpeg (107.1 KB,828x461,828:461,850E59A5_4A91_43CF_B197_7….jpeg)

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9fca5c No.21295274

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b482d2 No.21295275

File: 154acba159dab7a⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,880x479,880:479,4n533j.jpg)

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8871ec No.21295276

File: 38341f955e370eb⋯.png (794.3 KB,618x741,206:247,20240725_231540.png)

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b482d2 No.21295277

File: 1f360232c9db43e⋯.jpeg (108.71 KB,594x754,297:377,1f360232c9db43e71f20d545e….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295278

File: b612d721dfb2e3e⋯.jpeg (137.96 KB,670x690,67:69,b612d721dfb2e3ef95528deec….jpeg)

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b5114f No.21295280

File: e9c15317021ad10⋯.png (268.83 KB,600x385,120:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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b482d2 No.21295283

File: 231e87ff2e3e7ea⋯.png (179.04 KB,720x761,720:761,231e87ff2e3e7eaa6217e42282….png)

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ff91ab No.21295284

File: 323248434423b9d⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB,700x672,25:24,0FD30198_7516_48F5_A2BA_D….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295285

File: 8ee682a629529ef⋯.png (536.55 KB,721x888,721:888,8ee682a629529ef52eb0515c82….png)

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bd1d70 No.21295286

File: 56fd7cbf197033c⋯.png (259.69 KB,445x457,445:457,IMG_2310.png)

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a6243a No.21295287

File: f55702c14fba51d⋯.jpg (55.34 KB,1080x803,1080:803,f55702c14fba51d60521e87a61….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295288

File: 0be1fa4670796e2⋯.png (1.47 MB,1080x760,27:19,0be1fa4670796e2ecde77e2fdd….png)

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b482d2 No.21295289

File: a77f025337df14c⋯.jpeg (61.11 KB,734x379,734:379,a77f025337df14ce115413123….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295290

File: 06dfddc2a44eab5⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,474x484,237:242,th_121025330.jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295291

File: 4909b21451feaf9⋯.jpg (104.44 KB,900x900,1:1,full_1559484315.jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295292

File: 6531c2eda3639b6⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,640x426,320:213,bedbd01b1b9acc0d6c18de87e5….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295294

File: e34e22f6b5f4fb7⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,501x499,501:499,7d9icc.jpg)

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e26b29 No.21295295

File: 068cc1793c402bc⋯.jpg (17.23 KB,400x400,1:1,th_2867557376.jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295296

File: 7495c85cb904476⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,768x734,384:367,cats_with_down_768x734.jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295297

File: 05868dac47627ba⋯.jpg (60.47 KB,635x514,635:514,cat_down_syndrome_1.jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295298

File: b8a930543c273f8⋯.jpg (203.5 KB,1080x1039,1080:1039,feat1_3.jpg)

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8871ec No.21295299

File: 9ef9d5f93634ccc⋯.png (706.74 KB,733x872,733:872,20240725_232224.png)

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b482d2 No.21295300

File: 6909379d6186f86⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,400x374,200:187,6909379d6186f861abbb9d3005….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295301

File: 4bb48bda77a0d5f⋯.jpg (52.79 KB,500x500,1:1,4bb48bda77a0d5fd5887208e58….jpg)

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db7867 No.21295302


If you want to find out if you are working against your interests for despicable racist criminal fags, ask HR why DEI doesn't include you. If they lay you off that was a dead end job and your talent can be invested better.

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b482d2 No.21295303

File: 0ead08b221b5f9f⋯.png (437.35 KB,686x600,343:300,0ead08b221b5f9fb96b544139c….png)

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b482d2 No.21295304

File: c2a26cdb0faaa67⋯.jpeg (50.25 KB,474x672,79:112,c2a26cdb0faaa670123fb7b69….jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295305

File: ef35da17e8e4648⋯.png (552.83 KB,682x938,341:469,ef35da17e8e464839c3cfe17b2….png)

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b482d2 No.21295306

File: c4d75befb76324c⋯.jpg (97.03 KB,909x1085,909:1085,c4d75befb76324c82d4ed2a9a3….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295307

File: 7134ce602b6671f⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,488x408,61:51,7134ce602b6671f8d927dbf2c2….jpg)

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b482d2 No.21295308

File: 7134ce602b6671f⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,488x408,61:51,7134ce602b6671f8d927dbf2c2….jpg)

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8871ec No.21295309



the white man rages.

this time,

all continents burn.

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b482d2 No.21295311

File: fa6d4fa3dc7e096⋯.png (621.58 KB,975x1029,325:343,fa6d4fa3dc7e09679e453a9343….png)

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18dc80 No.21295312

File: 97d5377b1a50130⋯.jpg (25.39 KB,474x386,237:193,th_292244448.jpg)


Looks good B!

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b482d2 No.21295313

File: a53a5b5017fd5a4⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,512x384,4:3,a53a5b5017fd5a4b7e6873e4b6….jpg)

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45860b No.21295314

File: 0bb71c1b8285e2e⋯.jpeg (738.32 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_7772.jpeg)

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b482d2 No.21295316

File: af867a8b562f5e9⋯.png (358.78 KB,710x697,710:697,af867a8b562f5e909b535c168d….png)

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b0d212 No.21295317

File: 01c742e0b8a177d⋯.jpg (394.54 KB,1400x933,1400:933,01c742e0b8a177d0b663897550….jpg)

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