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File: ae196376d42d271⋯.png (67.33 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

d6dcfa No.21293701 [View All]

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34afd4 No.21294445

File: 710f2f0b06d2ef2⋯.png (490.69 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1522aa6a038048d⋯.png (309.84 KB,481x680,481:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge


NEW: Medical and government records recently shared with our investigative team offer more, compelling evidence the Army and DoD knew as early as 2001 that service members were exposed to "uranium contaminated" soil and air at the "K2" base in Uzbekistan.

At the debate, President Biden claimed, “we’ve done more for veterans than any president has in American history,” but @SecVetAffairs has taken no concrete action since an April meeting with K2 vets grassroots coalition.





>follow the pen

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821933 No.21294446


If votes counted this would be a very bad report. Just laugh at them because they think votes count.

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ddb628 No.21294447

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973a33 No.21294448


They just upped her credit limit. She ain't personally paying. "Expenses relating to campaigning"

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6cc6b2 No.21294449

File: cfebf743304567b⋯.png (1.54 MB,881x1550,881:1550,ClipboardImage.png)

Kari Lake: Runaway Ruben practically HURLED himself down a flight of stairs to avoid answering questions about Biden's competence & whether he supports Kamala's inactions as "Border Czar–."

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8c57a5 No.21294450

File: 12525ccfdf92045⋯.jpeg (251.74 KB,2048x1446,1024:723,IMG_8422.jpeg)

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6cc6b2 No.21294451


>Catherine Herridge




>NEW: Medical and government records recently shared with our investigative team offer more, compelling evidence the Army and DoD knew as early as 2001 that service members were exposed to "uranium contaminated" soil and air at the "K2" base in Uzbekistan.


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973a33 No.21294452


>So having to purchase them NOW says a lot

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ae4858 No.21294453


that's how to do it.

make you think you're winning, but you suffer the whole time they sweet talk you.

i'ma toss a coin right now….



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caeb20 No.21294454


You can define good and evil however you like.

I think myself neither

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3699bb No.21294455

File: 781fb8cd3c9844e⋯.png (404.05 KB,599x620,599:620,2nd_tower_chicken.PNG)

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113dfb No.21294456

File: 33477b39ae08065⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,576x1024,9:16,kamala_in_the_streets.mp4)


>Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets

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8a3317 No.21294457

File: f97c1eaca7b8a19⋯.jpg (138.17 KB,616x795,616:795,bd48e547ace04b9f.jpg)

File: 3677589140c3232⋯.jpg (71.48 KB,645x387,5:3,bf09e8fa81efa052.jpg)

File: c2a2369467aac27⋯.png (1.18 MB,1011x1028,1011:1028,c2a2369467aac27ce9080228de….png)

File: 6904c2e2da6ab2d⋯.png (530.66 KB,1053x608,1053:608,c034d7c0327bd716.png)

File: a14836be9459edd⋯.jpg (102.36 KB,960x763,960:763,c37b96ed54919a20.jpg)

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6461d7 No.21294458


she is for the streets

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549962 No.21294459

File: c7f533ca19288fa⋯.jpg (153.68 KB,972x868,243:217,c7f533ca19288fad8e40d86fcc….jpg)

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94b57c No.21294460


It was written.

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50c677 No.21294461

File: 5f685c6effbe7bf⋯.png (600.17 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e102bb No.21294462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what? No Ravi Shankar?

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fa6cf4 No.21294463


Nigs gonna nog for her still tho

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f893e9 No.21294464

more like 85% of sworn US Martial's are currently in DC

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d6dcfa No.21294465

notables FINAL

#26097 >>21293713

>>21293725, >>21293758, >>21293771 Mexican drug lord 'El Mayo' and El Chapo's son arrested in Texas

>>21293747, >>21294148, >>21294270 New OIG Report into 2020 DoJ Election Investigation Dropped Today

>>21293761, >>21293891 California: A significant fire broke out at a car recycling yard with thousands of vehicles on fire

>>21293768 Website to request refunds for those who gave money to the Biden campaign when Joe Biden was on the ticket

>>21293781 Two Men Plead Guilty to Acting as Illegal Agents of Chinese Government and Bribery

>>21293788 The WEF says 2024 will be the last year of elections

>>21293793, >>21293836, >>21293818 AR-15 Ejection Patterns

>>21293830 Ex-Secret Service agent says management has increased in agency over years while workers leave

>>21293847 In unanimous ruling, 5th Circuit rules FCC’s Universal Service Fund (on everyone’s phone bill) is an $8 billion/yr illegal tax

>>21293862 Trump Campaign Statement on General Election Debates (re: Kamala Harris)

>>21293863 @PacificMarines: Green Deck!

>>21293893 The Pentagon "accidentally" paid Dictator Zelensky an Extra $6.2 billion of your money

>>21293898, >>21294261, >>21294300 Kamala Cover Up: GovTrack Deletes Website Ranking Harris as 2019’s ‘Most Liberal Senator’

>>21293901 Melania Trump to Release Memoir in September - The book will include 'stories and images never before shared with the public'

>>21293907 Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup

>>21293940 Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI

>>21293967 @USArmy: A symphony of strategy and firepower!

>>21294010, >>21294015, >>21294021 2020 Refresher: Kamala Harris’s Close Ties With Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Socialists

>>21294051 Hillbilly Elegy Netflix Trailer

>>21294059 Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump?

>>21294068 Kamala Harris Accused of 'Egregious Violation' of Federal Law in Campaign Finance Complaint

>>21294096 Moar Tales from the Crypt Qproof

>>21294102 (Moscow) deputy chief of the secret military satellite communications unit, Andrei Torgashov, and his wife were blown up in car

>>21294110 New Trump Ad running on Instagram

>>21294129 Kamala is a Zoom viewer faker

>>21294196 Kamala tweet from 2020 calling for bail of dangerous criminals

>>21294207, >>21294266 Ryan Reynolds giving a hint here?

>>21294233 State of Things: Youtube

>>21294246 CNN poll: only 5% of Democratic Primary voters wanted Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee in 2020 election cycle

>>21294273, >>21294280, >>21294285 Fake News gaslighting the public falsely claiming Kamala was never a border czar or the most liberal senator

>>21294286 DJT: FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet

>>21294290 Biden’s doctor defends ‘excellent’ mental acuity, insists prez doesn’t have Parkinson’s-related ailment

>>21294306 @DoD_IG: 155mm High Explosive ammunition

>>21294309 As San Francisco DA, Kamala Harris let illegal immigrant drug offender clear their records in order to protect them from deportation

>>21294316 Harvey Weinstein in hospital with Covid and double pneumonia, his team says

>>21294399 Dershowitz: I Can't Support a Party with 'Anti-Democracy' Netanyahu Boycotters

>>21294445 Herridge: Army and DoD knew as early as 2001 that service members were exposed to "uranium contaminated" soil and air in Uzbekistan

>>21293751, >>21293787, >>21293809, >>21293811, >>21293820, >>21293849, >>21293919, >>21294032, >>21294114, >>21294299 Memes


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6cc6b2 No.21294466


>New Jersey Man Charged with Terrorism Offenses Relating to His Attempted Murder of Salman Rushdie.


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e546a4 No.21294467


Yes, he was the last one in that scenario.

With an *.

He took over the last yearish term of JFK's then won re-election.

So, he kinda was the incumbent in his 1st election.

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77789b No.21294468

File: a2171c2f9da1bf4⋯.png (87.19 KB,500x511,500:511,wray_sleeper_coats_also_oc….png)

File: 9cdc7ba47853f17⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,1078x498,539:249,Trust_Wray.jpg)

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a0509e No.21294469

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973a33 No.21294470


Doin coke and fentanyl like our hero, our mentor.

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e102bb No.21294471


we are all sinners.

it's good that you at least see half of that.

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caeb20 No.21294472


Belief is a choice and there are much better choices out there

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ea2ec9 No.21294473


"sauce: fox"

but no link

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c36160 No.21294474

File: df51386667deccb⋯.jpg (65.13 KB,529x472,529:472,dersh_muh_sides.jpg)


he chose long ago

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ae4858 No.21294475

I'm believing my reading comprehension over your BULLSHIT!

supreme court just said there is no individual. they are moving on guns and packing people into storage.

when can i start fucking you up? afaf


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d0abab No.21294476

File: c736caf2ac05054⋯.jpeg (220.34 KB,1289x1292,1289:1292,c736caf2ac050542e04dd045a….jpeg)



it's going to be awesome

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c36160 No.21294477



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a7d538 No.21294478

File: 72b57f5be49921d⋯.jpg (164.22 KB,608x639,608:639,THEY_MUST_COUNT.jpg)

File: 8a22dc8d8485b84⋯.jpg (127.12 KB,676x450,338:225,ALWAYS_VOTE.jpg)

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8a3317 No.21294479

File: c4c41e30f6504f2⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,667x960,667:960,c092e6d1a7b43795.jpg)

File: c99c6d27e7d297f⋯.png (1.18 MB,1036x996,259:249,c99c6d27e7d297fdfdc4c42b0c….png)

File: c170dca1673985e⋯.png (623.14 KB,976x850,488:425,c170dca1673985e271a08fc854….png)

File: c701fe24b8fa65f⋯.jpg (86.97 KB,705x500,141:100,c701fe24b8fa65f40ad3a6179f….jpg)

File: cade8312a8ffab3⋯.jpeg (72.93 KB,755x355,151:71,cade8312a8ffab3f80553f76e….jpeg)

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94b57c No.21294480

They’re losing control daily.

Only a narcissist would project this much.

Satan is such a loser. Anyone who worships him is an absolute fucktard.

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973a33 No.21294481


Sessions better not die of old age before he gets to see his plan fulfilled.

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113dfb No.21294482

File: 08fe0764a6add4c⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB,676x1080,169:270,helicopter_footage.mp4)


Caught it in previous bread, was notable new footage to me. Wheres the plane?

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ae4858 No.21294484



want me to get started, bullshitin fuck?

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d638e0 No.21294485

File: 48fa5f1ce56edcc⋯.png (235.07 KB,370x370,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e04f09 No.21294486


try the moon

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f893e9 No.21294487


didn't you hear

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34afd4 No.21294488

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



🚨#BREAKING: A Rare phenomenon is occurring as a fire tornado know as a fire whirl is taking place from the Park wildfire

📌#Chico | #California

A rare phenomenon is currently taking place in Chico, California as a fire tornado also known as a fire whirl is occurring. Time-lapse footage from the past hour shows this rare event, with heavy, thick smoke creating a rotating column visible on radar and camera. The massive Park Fire has grown to an astonishing 120,000 acres approximately four times the size of San Francisco in just over 24 hours. This fire has led to widespread devastation, destroying homes, wildlife habitats, and infrastructure. On Wednesday, a 42-year-old male suspect was arrested by law enforcement for arson, accused of purposely starting the Park Fire, California's largest wildfire this year. This disaster has forced thousands to evacuate



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66b3a1 No.21294490


yeah imagine worshiping a war mongering faggot of a god who tells people to kill women and children must be so embarrassing for those losers.

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549962 No.21294492

File: 86253d9a584fff2⋯.jpeg (49.42 KB,407x611,407:611,86253d9a584fff26a9b03143d….jpeg)

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8a3317 No.21294493

File: 8215a978b3d52a4⋯.png (707.3 KB,640x960,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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632574 No.21294494


>I just met 3 chicks

At my age they are hens.

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ae4858 No.21294495


We are at war.


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fa6cf4 No.21294496


True. Same

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66b6bd No.21295449


at its core islam is a military memeplex inciting conquest by kinetic force

the crusades and later missionary movements were imperial conquest in the name of christ

both involved coercion, harassment and violence

violently religious cf religiously violent

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