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File: a9be55deff8953b⋯.png (67.3 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

00be6d No.21292939 [View All]

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701 posts and 486 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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43c73f No.21293686

jew meetin the bibi 'morrow?

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e4ad1e No.21293687


>trying to get in NikkiFag's pants

I see what you did there, Romeo.

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48e825 No.21293688

notables @ 700

#26096 >>21292953

>>21292982 28% Of People Who Voted By Mail Admit To Committing One Form Of Fraud

>>21292997, >>21293196 The archdiocese of St. Louis is at the center of a massive new lawsuit

>>21293030 US Air Force’s new cutting-edge drone thinks, flies, acts on its own

>>21293038 Helicopter view on 9/11 shows no plane

>>21293043, >>21293065, >>21293125, >>21293198 Alberta looks like its getting DEW'd

>>21293075 ProtonMail built their own Bitcoin wallet, making sending Bitcoin as easy as sending an email

>>21293102 Is Kamala already the President now or something?

>>21293108 Differences in the TV Bidens

>>21293147 Jimmy Kimmel Removed: Nightshow Host Abruptly Steps Down

>>21293155 Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit

>>21293159, >>21293181, >>21293236 Moar Kim Cheatle dig

>>21293166, >>21293209 Harris tells reporters on Thursday that she’s “ready to debate Donald Trump”

>>21293172 Joe Rogan Experience #2180 - Jordan Peterson (Latest Episode)

>>21293190 Isn’t it interesting that the Whitehouse webpage has an entire page dedicated to COG and the shadow government? 😂

>>21293222 8kun honey is on the way

>>21293228, >>21293349 Qpost #1497 with Kim Cheatle? "Thank you USSS"

>>21293255, >>21293300 FBI Agent Jenna Howell referred for disciplinary review after TDS J13 Facebook posts

>>21293266 Grindr disables location services in Olympic Village to protect LGBTQ athletes

>>21293271 Carl Higbie Exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” Scandal – $200 Million in Irregular Donations, Disguised to Appear Like Small Donors

>>21293278 Bidenomics: A 134-Year-Old American Furniture Chain Closing Down All 553 Stores

>>21293286 Former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk dies at age 73

>>21293295 ‘Jeopardy!’ champ Winston Nguyen busted on child porn charges - was a delegate at the 2008 DNC

>>21293299 San Francisco DA Kamala Harris let illegal alien drug offender clear their records in order to protect them from deportation

>>21293305, >>21293354 Israel seized damaging documents from NSO to prevent subpoena for US court case

>>21293363 Pentagon Looks to Rescind 20 Medal of Honor Awards Given to Soldiers in the 1890s

>>21293315 Secret service denied request for drones from local law enforcement

>>21293337, >>21293410 Karine Jean-Pierre perpetuates the lie that Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar

>>21293339 Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source

>>21293376 Antony Blinken Begins ‘Farewell Trip’ to Asia

>>21293395 House should immediately investigate credible claims that Harris extorted Biden under threat of 25th amendment

>>21293402 NY Post Dubs Big Apple ‘Rape City,’ Cites Violence From Illegals, Bail Reform

>>21293497 Something's Not Right About the $50 Million Dumped Into Montana's Senate Race

>>21293514 Trump Assassin Social Media Found & Posts Are Very Bad For The Narrative

>>21293522 An Alaska judge has ruled against Democrats and rejected their lawsuit against the petition to ban Rank Choice Voting

>>21293534 O'Keefe reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney's G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program

>>21293571 James Rickards: The Economic Factors Slowing China Down - Debt To GDP, Kleptocracy, And More

>>21293629 President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wed, July 31, 2024

>>21293635 Kamala Harris's Scarlett Letter | Josh Hammer Exposes Why Democrats Can't Engage The DEI Criticism

>>21293663 JD Vance’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ Reaches #1 On Amazon’s Best Sellers List

>>21293669 Mexican drug kingpin Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, co-founder of the notorious Sinaloa Cartel, has been arrested in Texas

>>21293673 The Costs Of Illegal Immigration

>>21292972, >>21292973, >>21292993, >>21293057, >>21293127, >>21293217, >>21293225, >>21293478 Memes


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fc9e81 No.21293689


Secrets Act

Without the repeal of this act, there is no accountability. CIA, SES, FBI, FDA, CDC, IRS, FED must be dismantled.

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c7b086 No.21293690

File: 52df2172c5a28d3⋯.jpg (88.75 KB,960x960,1:1,52df2172c5a28d34e9b5878b41….jpg)

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f3cb26 No.21293691

File: d159a5acd3dbbd7⋯.png (5.15 MB,2868x1284,239:107,People_for_the_Ethical_Tre….png)


>Prime rib for dinner!


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77be5e No.21293692

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Mitchell Exposes Americans' True Feeling On Kamala's Policy Failures. I miss Bannon. Its still good but not Bannon good. He was funny.



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48e825 No.21293693

notables FINAL

#26096 >>21292953

>>21292982 28% Of People Who Voted By Mail Admit To Committing One Form Of Fraud

>>21292997, >>21293196 The archdiocese of St. Louis is at the center of a massive new lawsuit

>>21293030 US Air Force’s new cutting-edge drone thinks, flies, acts on its own

>>21293038 Helicopter view on 9/11 shows no plane

>>21293043, >>21293065, >>21293125, >>21293198 Alberta looks like its getting DEW'd

>>21293075 ProtonMail built their own Bitcoin wallet, making sending Bitcoin as easy as sending an email

>>21293102 Is Kamala already the President now or something?

>>21293108 Differences in the TV Bidens

>>21293147 Jimmy Kimmel Removed: Nightshow Host Abruptly Steps Down

>>21293155 Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit

>>21293159, >>21293181, >>21293236 Moar Kim Cheatle dig

>>21293166, >>21293209 Harris tells reporters on Thursday that she’s “ready to debate Donald Trump”

>>21293172 Joe Rogan Experience #2180 - Jordan Peterson (Latest Episode)

>>21293190 Isn’t it interesting that the Whitehouse webpage has an entire page dedicated to COG and the shadow government? 😂

>>21293222 8kun honey is on the way

>>21293228, >>21293349 Qpost #1497 with Kim Cheatle? "Thank you USSS"

>>21293255, >>21293300 FBI Agent Jenna Howell referred for disciplinary review after TDS J13 Facebook posts

>>21293266 Grindr disables location services in Olympic Village to protect LGBTQ athletes

>>21293271 Carl Higbie Exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” Scandal – $200 Million in Irregular Donations, Disguised to Appear Like Small Donors

>>21293278 Bidenomics: A 134-Year-Old American Furniture Chain Closing Down All 553 Stores

>>21293286 Former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk dies at age 73

>>21293295 ‘Jeopardy!’ champ Winston Nguyen busted on child porn charges - was a delegate at the 2008 DNC

>>21293299 San Francisco DA Kamala Harris let illegal alien drug offender clear their records in order to protect them from deportation

>>21293305, >>21293354 Israel seized damaging documents from NSO to prevent subpoena for US court case

>>21293363 Pentagon Looks to Rescind 20 Medal of Honor Awards Given to Soldiers in the 1890s

>>21293315 Secret service denied request for drones from local law enforcement

>>21293337, >>21293410 Karine Jean-Pierre perpetuates the lie that Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar

>>21293339 Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source

>>21293376 Antony Blinken Begins ‘Farewell Trip’ to Asia

>>21293395 House should immediately investigate credible claims that Harris extorted Biden under threat of 25th amendment

>>21293402 NY Post Dubs Big Apple ‘Rape City,’ Cites Violence From Illegals, Bail Reform

>>21293497 Something's Not Right About the $50 Million Dumped Into Montana's Senate Race

>>21293514 Trump Assassin Social Media Found & Posts Are Very Bad For The Narrative

>>21293522 An Alaska judge has ruled against Democrats and rejected their lawsuit against the petition to ban Rank Choice Voting

>>21293534 O'Keefe reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney's G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program

>>21293571 James Rickards: The Economic Factors Slowing China Down - Debt To GDP, Kleptocracy, And More

>>21293629 President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wed, July 31, 2024

>>21293635 Kamala Harris's Scarlett Letter | Josh Hammer Exposes Why Democrats Can't Engage The DEI Criticism

>>21293663 JD Vance’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ Reaches #1 On Amazon’s Best Sellers List

>>21293669 Mexican drug kingpin Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, co-founder of the notorious Sinaloa Cartel, has been arrested in Texas

>>21293673 The Costs Of Illegal Immigration

>>21292972, >>21292973, >>21292993, >>21293057, >>21293127, >>21293217, >>21293225, >>21293478 Memes


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2b950c No.21293694

File: 81a5df74a42054c⋯.png (229.82 KB,483x261,161:87,ClipboardImage.png)


>Mexican drug kingpin Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, co-founder of the notorious Sinaloa Cartel, has been arrested in Texas.


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3400e8 No.21293695


Drug kingpin arrested at Santa Teresa airport

Mexican drug kingpin Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, the co-founder of the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel, is in U.S. custody, according to international news service Reuters.

Multiple sources have told KTSM that the arrest was made at the Santa Teresa International Jetport on Thursday afternoon, July 25.

A statement issued by the U.S. Justice Department also confirmed that the arrest was made in El Paso.

Zambada founded the Sinaloa Cartel along with now-jailed drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, and he faces a litany of indictments for crimes relating to drug trafficking and organized crime in the United States, according to Reuters.

U.S. federal prosecutors in February charged Zambada with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute fentanyl, which U.S. officials say is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45, Reuters said in its report on the arrest.

SAUCE: https://www.ktsm.com/news/drug-kingpin-reportedly-arrested-at-santa-teresa-airport/

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9a0dde No.21293696


You make that on the infrared grill?

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b198b5 No.21293697


missed it

thank you

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0bbd51 No.21293698


Why would I be mad if I call out a mimic? You're the one with the spotlight on them, imitating someone. An anon on the line wouldn't do that to another anon.

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a2b13a No.21293699

File: dacff885acb63b3⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1080x1152,15:16,Shitposting_Like_Minded.jpg)

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c2c09d No.21293700


kid isnt believable

< seems mad his dad outed him

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e7ef3a No.21293702

welcome to my home town


late 19th century: from French anhédonie, from Greek an- ‘without’ + hēdonē ‘pleasure’.

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43c73f No.21293704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c98005 No.21293705


How long until he tunnels out?

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17226b No.21293707

File: c9de6a81ec5502f⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,846x1080,47:60,Then_they_eat_the_poo_poo.mp4)

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a2b13a No.21293708

File: d6abd619c7ca7ab⋯.png (818.36 KB,924x693,4:3,Pulp_Fiction_Big_Mike_Obam….png)

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9a0dde No.21293709

File: 89224411ff0324f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingspace3.png)

Shitposting all bread then pulling out a couple smoking Pepes at the end

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e7ef3a No.21293710


no housing shortage here. no houses required.

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54f398 No.21293711

Hey nightshift.

How's it going.

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039e2e No.21293712

File: 86d55e07c673478⋯.png (638.74 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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48e825 No.21293714

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e4ad1e No.21293715


That's like a decade from now using the old timeline.





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77be5e No.21293716


His poll prove all the newsweek and msm polls saying Kamala is more popular than Trump is totally fake. She is not leading the polls, trump is up to 5-10% all years.

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8620d3 No.21293717

Do you think anything that will come out will shock anons?

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4851c8 No.21293718

File: 3b8fc8a04b0a0ab⋯.mp4 (114.92 KB,320x240,4:3,They_eat_de_poo_poo2.mp4)

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50c53e No.21293719

File: 0c0010c771cf308⋯.jpg (45.58 KB,790x718,395:359,3191010_food_Goatse_inanim….jpg)

File: 85822e140d60e80⋯.png (331.46 KB,819x460,819:460,85822e140d60e801d3d498a6f9….png)

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43c73f No.21293720

File: d66f00d36603566⋯.jpeg (579.14 KB,828x667,36:29,10018B3B_EF2D_4AE5_9066_3….jpeg)

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0bbd51 No.21293721


I don't care if you use the meme, but when you start copying my mannerisms down to even my filename, don't expect me not to say anything. Hope I didn't shatter any attempts to fool others.

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9a0dde No.21293722

File: c73c9dd81c432e8⋯.png (495.94 KB,497x633,497:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a7177 No.21293727

File: 08dcb3a9317ce74⋯.png (492.06 KB,1190x992,595:496,osw.png)

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9a0dde No.21293728

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,SmokingPepe_DudeWeed.png)

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a2b13a No.21293729

File: 54a352e0968c183⋯.png (11.17 KB,347x59,347:59,ClipboardImage.png)


best not to squabble in public.

the nutter will likely top himself just to make a point.

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e4ad1e No.21293730


I respect big hangers.

It's big silicone I can't stand.

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17226b No.21293731


they don't love. They're psychopaths mimicking n the children grew up in it n think it's normal. lucifer wants nothing to do wih love.

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009dc4 No.21293732


Selection Code

The Truth Matters with Tina Peters

258 Subscribers

Viewing of Selection Code.

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3af316 No.21293733


Lettuce? Dude, they need dough, not lettuce!


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d6ebac No.21293734

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a2b13a No.21293735


Hawk Tuah?

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f8b595 No.21293736

File: 4b401029b729383⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB,460x416,115:104,IMG_0444.jpeg)


bakes - u tryn to get me all emotional?

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43c73f No.21293738

File: a37f2e194cd1664⋯.jpeg (65.14 KB,828x508,207:127,FEF52E60_1F9B_4D2D_8569_9….jpeg)

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9a0dde No.21293739

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)


havin' fun

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17226b No.21293740

File: 698045f60ae49b2⋯.jpg (81.06 KB,941x723,941:723,huma_pizza.jpg)

File: c8453fefbdc808c⋯.png (29.24 KB,174x87,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f0ae147932dd2f⋯.jpg (470.33 KB,2000x1000,2:1,old_lady_wtf.jpg)

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c52ec4 No.21293742

File: 1de79e068020e9e⋯.png (615.63 KB,662x889,662:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bbd51 No.21293744

Because if you're imitating SmokingPepe down to even the filenames he uses, there's something wrong with you and you're not being honest with your intent here.

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9a0dde No.21293746

File: 008bdba9eaf75e9⋯.gif (159.29 KB,480x480,1:1,008bdba9eaf75e93b0f1cc66aa….gif)

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009dc4 No.21293749

File: ee251515cfaed58⋯.png (709.2 KB,900x900,1:1,stiff_arm_07252024.png)

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