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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

e2ce15 No.21287027 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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702 posts and 498 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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afbe1e No.21287769


need one more kama


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3a15e7 No.21287770




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73b91f No.21287771

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6332b3 No.21287772

File: bed8233bd5afcab⋯.png (192.52 KB,1077x1411,1077:1411,ClipboardImage.png)

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73b91f No.21287773

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3a15e7 No.21287774


really frei.

you are a fool.

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ac0fde No.21287775

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eec597 No.21287776

File: fa503da35ac9929⋯.png (1.1 MB,611x743,611:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b36ca No.21287777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Doing cartwheels and flips since at least 2018

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6332b3 No.21287778

JUST IN - Obama is "very upset" and doesn't believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn't endorsed her.


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3a15e7 No.21287779


it has been an 8kun autofeature for years.


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dcd8fe No.21287780

File: 01cf96763d52206⋯.png (701.01 KB,666x500,333:250,01cf96763d522060b89484e6fc….png)


jus sayin

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73b91f No.21287781

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48d70d No.21287782


If god is the end then you are the means.

If you are the end then god is the means.

Awakening is for you. Not you for the Awakening.

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1599da No.21287783


Two weeeeeeeks

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8c1adf No.21287784

File: 7eb21aa07ab5d8a⋯.jpg (137.03 KB,582x460,291:230,SUPER_TRIGGERED.jpg)

File: c52f6abd2dbf164⋯.jpg (107.29 KB,676x449,676:449,DENILE_IS_BAD.jpg)




















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f37ad2 No.21287785

File: fa9b5554162fd00⋯.webm (350.49 KB,203x360,203:360,kek99.webm)

Fuck the salt, I'ma drill for butthurt oil.

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553cf4 No.21287786

File: 6bdea548de75e23⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,474x474,1:1,GKC.jpg)

File: 13d029fc2b7121c⋯.jpg (194.17 KB,600x758,300:379,love_for_all_religions.jpg)

File: 0c6d03239746c7b⋯.jpg (101.96 KB,711x711,1:1,gk010245.jpg)

File: 26982e7478afa3d⋯.jpg (58.78 KB,594x442,297:221,Chesterton.jpg)

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3d8766 No.21287787


Because Jim is manipulated by feds and Satan.

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eec597 No.21287788

File: b9e1144e5b391f2⋯.png (7.42 MB,2880x2880,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Commies always use the same playbook

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73b91f No.21287789

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c6b2d3 No.21287790



12 minutes ago

Trump is a good dude. Glad you guys did this and gave people a look at The Donald playing 4 hrs of golf. Really shows what kind of man he is.

Good to the people, complementary of others, competitive and clutch!

Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump?


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8556cd No.21287791


you should prove it somehow so we know you[re not OSS

you're not, right?

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3a15e7 No.21287792


this is true.

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b93559 No.21287793

anyone know what is going on with reddit? it is like a tranny polyamory NPC monkey pox haven. where is this coming from and how do we fix it?

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afbe1e No.21287794

File: cd301c24d7ce1a2⋯.jpg (818.09 KB,3500x2560,175:128,cd301c24d7ce1a2415a9164e10….jpg)



#26089 >>21287037

>>21287058 I'm sorry about the errors. We're getting busy. If you receive an error, please refresh your screen.

>>21287065 American Historian: Reveals Democrats' Long History Of Hijacking "Democracy" term

>>21287073 Scavino and Trump are emphasizing the imagery of Trump watching Biden on a tv monitor. 2D President

>>21287134, >>21287466, >>21287496, >>21287520, >>21287550 Full speech: Biden uses Oval Office address to explain his decision to quit 2024 race

>>21287192 Rep. Burchett Slams Gutless Republican Colleagues For Waiting To Defend Bannon From Prison

>>21287193 Divers find long lost carvings of Tutankhamun's grandfather and other Egyptian pharaohs at bottom of Nile River

>>21287222 @KamalaHarris says “we need to reimagine how we are achieving public safety” 2020

>>21287227 Julie Kelly Unpacks Chris Wray's Latest J6 Lies

>>21287236 Biden VP pick Harris promoted group that put up bail for alleged violent criminals

>>21287241, >>21287435, >>21287472, >>21287515 Canadian Jasper National Park confirms that flames have reached the Jasper townsite

>>21287242 National Association of Police Organizations Endorses President Donald J. Trump

>>21287254 The President is just an idea

>>21287255 ActBlue disabled their credit card verification process, the name and address don't need to match the actual card owner's.

>>21287259 Culinary Workers Union endorses President Trump's No Tax on Tips policy

>>21287290 Julie Kelly: Government Report On J6 Will Be Forced To Cover Fed Involvement

>>21287298 Harris Trump Debate on September SEVENTEENTH sounds good

>>21287313 Dems raised nearly a cool $350 million off of unemployed people. Neat trick in this economy.

>>21287315 Julie Kelly: Government Assets Were Likely In Touch With Thomas Crooks

>>21287332, >>21287343, >>21287347 This is what happens when you’ve been elevated to a position that is above your ability to function. NK vs SK

>>21287333, >>21287341, >>21287447 Hussein, Not a Doctor Jill and pResident Joe XPosts thanking the gullible believers for believing

>>21287354 Julie Kelly: War On Terror Became War On MAGA

>>21287379 Whitmer signs law banning gay and transgender 'panic' legal defense in Michigan

>>21287381 @nypost Marine veteran David Dutch, who was shot at Trump rally, released from hospital

>>21287388 Lindell: our Real President is coming to Minnesota this weekend, and Mike will be speaking this Saturday

>>21287468 Don't forget to stop by the Watkins Report - https://watkinsreport.com

>>21287475, >>21287487, >>21287493, >>21287503, >>21287510, >>21287523, >>21287533, >>21287559, >>21287563, >>21287578, >>21287582, >>21287591,

>>21287597, >>21287599, >>21287604, >>21287623, >>21287641, >>21287652, >>21287657, >>21287664, >>21287667, >>21287676, >>21287685, >>21287694 TRUMP SPEAKING AT CHARLOTTE RALLY HighLight Clips

>>21287482 Mumbling Biden, 81, insists he could have served four more years

>>21287521 Anon NoteTakers you do the job of Patriots recording and documenting History to Awaken our Country and the World

>>21287601 Jake & Logan Paul On Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21287633 Jon Voight: ‘I Only Have a Few Years Left, I Want to Spend Them Trying to Save Our American Way of Life’

>>21287677 Congress to start summer vacation tomorrow and won’t be back until September 9th.


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73b91f No.21287795

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3d8766 No.21287796

Less than 10.

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f2c53b No.21287797

File: 06eec8164903d6a⋯.png (9.84 KB,615x103,615:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcedad No.21287798


sorry fren, beat you to it and with the correct amounts of Kamas


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3a61ab No.21287800

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3a15e7 No.21287802


Very well said.

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eec597 No.21287803

File: 5b12b5261eef7eb⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden 9.0

He's dead

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f39605 No.21287804

File: b84d695281dd24f⋯.png (243.14 KB,1080x712,135:89,4739_You_are_the_Mighty_On….png)

File: 1a0317c80a5cacc⋯.png (9.07 KB,121x48,121:48,4739_Jesus.png)

"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739


>Thank you Jesus above everything You have made!

>Thank you Anons worldwide for your dedication, patience and resilience!


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7f01f5 No.21287805

File: 2be55bb0848cada⋯.gif (1.11 MB,400x224,25:14,2be55bb0848cada479efd3c024….gif)

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f37ad2 No.21287806

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)

Holy shit, you sure pissed 'em off tonight, Pig. Cheers. o7

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be784b No.21287807


3 1/2 years now…

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e5dd6b No.21287808


Top kek.

PANIC moar.

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b17e02 No.21287810


Kinda looks like Pence

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3a15e7 No.21287811


"the young get paid to donate."

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3b36ca No.21287812

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)



Mar 29, 2019 5:23:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5966972

Mar 29, 2019 5:04:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c53abd No. 5966583

Mar 29, 2019 4:58:21 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 76aef5 No. 5966470


When you see something that’s outrageous: before latching onto it you must first understand this is open to anyone. Posts are made to try and attribute the most outlandish and unrelated things to our work … intended to support the narrative that we are loons and discourage others from joining us. Use this tool to help spot this deception:

http://qresear.ch and type the exact text of a given subject and you will see it posted thousands of times. We aren’t idiots and don’t repeat a topic 24x7.

They don’t contribute to any active discussion, regardless of the gravity of the news. They also have much higher post counts, usually over 15. This is viewed as disrespectful to other anons, as there are limits on each thread to the number of replies.

Thus these ruses are easy to spot.

The most common are hateful towards a given group or what we call “slides” where it’s intended to distract from major news. These are entirely planted, and users are paid to do so. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they get paid to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can prevent something like this, when anyone can post anonymously, is a huge leap. We are busy with current events and research and filter them or ignore it. This isn’t one of your safe spaces, so if you can’t discern the difference, you shouldn’t be here.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again





yes, agree.

See the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS made.

This makes shills visible.

(shills attacking this post are butthurt much, very effective post, anon!)


Attacks increasing?

Context of drops mislabeled and used?

Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole, screenshooting, then writing articles on drops they themselves wrote?

Highlight of corrupt PAC = deflect by PAC = point to former members as method to shield?

We are being bombarded for a reason.

Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out).





Mar 29, 2019 5:25:10 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5967016

Mar 29, 2019 5:23:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5966972

Mar 29, 2019 5:04:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c53abd No. 5966583


yes, agree.

See the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS made.

This makes shills visible.

(shills attacking this post are butthurt much, very effective post, anon!)


Attacks increasing?

Context of drops mislabeled and used?

Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole, screenshooting, then writing articles on drops they themselves wrote?

Highlight of corrupt PAC = deflect by PAC = point to former members as method to shield?

We are being bombarded for a reason.

Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out).





When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


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3a61ab No.21287813

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617145 No.21287815

File: 318c2d30a7c7a5d⋯.jpg (96.23 KB,500x1030,50:103,1721874312704082.jpg)

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798d34 No.21287816


generous application of makeup.

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c6b2d3 No.21287817

>>21287741 doesn't look at all like that >>21287683


not even close

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afbe1e No.21287818

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3d8766 No.21287819

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3b36ca No.21287820

File: 0508cdb4ea6a4d1⋯.png (597.39 KB,886x482,443:241,00a.png)


>Context of drops mislabeled and used?

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6332b3 No.21287821

File: bcfb02fc52f4b4c⋯.png (399.15 KB,554x680,277:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bd918 No.21287822

File: 0d4720df3e12d99⋯.png (2.04 MB,1920x1217,1920:1217,ClipboardImage.png)

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