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File: c7daecc1158e733⋯.png (62.29 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

49d75e No.21284597 [View All]

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881e46 No.21285359

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)

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a94ce7 No.21285360

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Imagine publicly applauding some asshole who bombs hospitals and schools, and then promising to send the asshole billions of other peoples money you have taken from them under threat of violence

Hits you where you live, doesn't it? All the faggots there are comped.

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18d372 No.21285361

File: cab26da31d6d9d8⋯.png (754.75 KB,858x774,143:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1ffd9 No.21285362

File: 40c6436c689aeac⋯.png (280.2 KB,1024x605,1024:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddb033 No.21285363



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3a536d No.21285364

Mil tweets and decodes:

>>21284753 @USMC: Predator's Run 24 is a littoral-focused training exercise led by the Australian Army's 1st Brigade

>>21284805 @AustralianArmy: Mount Bundey Training

>>21284941 @SurfaceWarriors: Multinational ships sail in formation during RIMPAC 2024

>>21284961 @PapiTrumpo: BOOOM!!! PLAY IT ON REPEAT!!!

>>21285332 @USNavy: Photos of the day

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c641a5 No.21285365



Newsweek says Trump voters flipping to Harris

(Misspell "off")

reeks of desperation

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835e3a No.21285366

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5fa943 No.21285367


TYB how many ovations didSATANget in congress?

Was he arrested for Genocide?

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266d31 No.21285368

File: 2a14f7297e67e18⋯.png (38.91 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a536d No.21285369

notables FINAL

#26086 >>21284605

>>21284723 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina - 7/24/24

>>21284638 Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year

>>21284655 Refresher: Trump calls out Saudi Arabia for funding terrorist orgs

>>21284656 The first GPT-4-class AI model anyone can download has arrived: Llama 405B

>>21284662 The BBC presenter, Huw Edwards, suspended over sexual abuse allegations has had a salary increase while he’s been off air

>>21284667 Refresher: DJT says he was disappointed in Netanyahu, to hold off on 'settlements'

>>21284669 Refresher: Trump mentions 9/11 attack was sus

>>21284687 US Vice President Kamala Harris has a staggering staff turnover rate of 91.5%

>>21284709 Anon bigbraining the meaning behind the D5 and C before D references

>>21284719 Orwellian: GovTrack joins Axios in rewriting history - went back and erased Kamala's ranking as the most liberal US Senator

>>21284725, >>21284756, >>21284808, >>21285067 Literal NPC army

>>21284743 Axios Accuses GOP of Fabricating Kamala Harris’s ‘Border Czar’ Title 3 Years After Reporting She Was Biden’s Border Czar

>>21284746 Trump calls for Wray to resign “unless he wants to lead the illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago”

>>21284758 Is KJP admitting Biden was forced out?

>>21284765, >>21284847 Trump shooter had a drone and multiple explosive devices, FBI director tells lawmakers

>>21284779 Jerry Nadler just blamed Trump for the assassination attempt on his life

>>21284786 Flynn with the Old Guard delta

>>21284830 Long story short, DEI Hire is the perfect Over Target insult to describe these people

>>21284857 Stephen Miller: They lied about Biden’s brain - you can never trust them again

>>21284887 CNN Poll: 73% of Democrats Want Someone Other Than Kamala Harris as Nominee

>>21284912 Major Labor backflip as ASIO chief Mike Burgess is reinstated as a permanent member of the National Security Committee

>>21284943 Australia in the midst of a baby recession, according to new KPMG analysis

>>21284973 Being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime," said Kamala Harris in 2019

>>21284975 Dukes of MAGA

>>21285025 The SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule Is a Dark Cloud Over Energy Abundance

>>21285101 Bongino: Troubling New Video Shows Why The Secret Service Is Hiding

>>21285120 Trump Campaign: We Have The Receipts: Kamala Harris Is The Border Czar

>>21285134 Kamala Harris Accused Of Putting A Child Into Sex Trafficking And Covering Up CPS Child Trafficking

>>21285165 Romania Scrambles Fighter Jets Amid Russian Attacks Near Its Border

>>21285217, >>21285273 The CEO of Gab just discovered an account that may have belonged to Trump's shooter Mathew Crooks

>>21285247 DJT: The Gag Order unConstitutionally placed on me is interfering with my Campaign against Lyin’ Kamala Harris

>>21285258 DNC instructs potential Harris challengers to declare their candidacy by Saturday

>>21285263 Puppet Qdelta ft. Elon

>>21285294 QClock July 24, 2024 - Systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD

>>21285364 Mil tweets and decodes

>>21284945, >>21284953, >>21285040, >>21285188, >>21285216, >>21285272, >>21285361 Memes


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6d71d1 No.21285370


>Taxachusetts is rotten to the core, especially the police.

The State Police are charged with keeping the roads safe. Meanwhile they were selling Class 1 licenses to any retard who had bribe money.

"This past January, prosecutors indicated they’d opened up a new front, with troopers allegedly available to be bought off at bargain prices: Four current and former troopers were hit with a 74-count indictment that alleged they conspired to pass some people who applied for commercial driver’s licenses (needed for driving tractor-trailers and school buses) in exchange for bribes, including bottled water, a new driveway, and a snow blower."


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a6ac2a No.21285371


Moms whistle. Distinct. Hear it across the mall, grocery store, etc. Each mom had their own distinct whistle. We knew ours and we knew to get to her location asap!

Back then it was "eat what's in front of you, or go to bed hungry"

Anon misses those days sometimes.

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41eb5e No.21285372

File: 06c298358908fea⋯.webp (163.74 KB,418x512,209:256,unnamed_1.webp)


miga incoming

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49873a No.21285373


Ha Ha Ha funniest thing ever

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66a758 No.21285374


Wait, what?

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024331 No.21285375

File: c4ea3acf58d1a75⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x682,512:341,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)

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ddf277 No.21285376

File: a1dae2cc02dc87d⋯.png (38.14 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff6e02 No.21285377

File: 51e19fb480d1f4a⋯.png (451.95 KB,735x417,245:139,adato7.png)

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2a8ee0 No.21285378

File: f30a37776d68b6b⋯.png (965.36 KB,1054x627,1054:627,ClipboardImage.png)

Precipice soon?

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bc6445 No.21285380

File: b1ad3d276a002b2⋯.jpg (55.75 KB,749x468,749:468,a3fe9d63d0186d3e.jpg)

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ec4d9a No.21285381



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41eb5e No.21285382

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB,331x741,331:741,ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)

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fea919 No.21285383


not for long

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9b94a2 No.21285385



lookie lookie what I tookie



Make July 13th Black Lives Matter Day

As a way to honor the countless Black folks who have been injured, attacked, murdered, and impacted by police and vigilante violence, BLM Foundation is declaring July 13th Black Lives Matter Day. By claiming an official day, we demand a moment of collective silence, remembrance, reflection and commitment to the individuals we lost, their

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9d8cc3 No.21285387


Thunderous applause.

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3a536d No.21285389

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d84280 No.21285390

File: a725639ca11ddac⋯.png (123.46 KB,344x386,172:193,a725639ca11ddac9292c53e4ad….png)





>깜둥이 게이 엉덩이 주스


김 최고지도자는 게이 엉덩이 주스를 ​​우주로 발사했다화산 속의 게이 깜둥이


>>>>>게이 깜둥이** (You)

>>>>>21284170 (You)

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>>>>게이 깜둥이** (You)

>>>>21284170 (You)


>>>>leaks **화산 속의


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>>>게이 깜둥이** (You)

>>>21284170 (You)

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5fa943 No.21285391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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266d31 No.21285392

File: 600395c605c5e02⋯.png (691.01 KB,600x899,600:899,ClipboardImage.png)




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024331 No.21285393

File: 49bfd8ea4e51881⋯.png (1.35 MB,1350x760,135:76,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)

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fb9821 No.21285394

File: f7820d5506ca660⋯.png (1.85 MB,610x1200,61:120,ClipboardImage.png)

Muhjoo shills and Islamic terrorist sympathizers have something in common.

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831274 No.21285396

File: f95b1d1500b829e⋯.png (68.44 KB,250x191,250:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure they are

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ecedff No.21285397


do it Q

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ff6e02 No.21285398

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)

He's so miserable and he's consumed with trying to make someone as miserable as he is. It's never going to happen, ya fuckin' muppet.

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b1ffd9 No.21285399

File: 2ec84122275f0ed⋯.png (264.46 KB,1318x854,659:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb9821 No.21285400

File: 31b6b4288565035⋯.png (217.43 KB,433x310,433:310,ClipboardImage.png)

AP's labelling logic is off.

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a6ac2a No.21285403


o7 fren

Anon has to bounce. Getting cross-eyed lurking today. Gots things to do IRL.

Refuse to get old. We are part of the greatest generation during an amazing time.

GN anon!

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7cf589 No.21285405

File: 98ae1d96ed78982⋯.png (1.15 MB,597x823,597:823,98ae1d96ed789825fce6e81f7d….png)


Central casting

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5fa943 No.21285406


it's over for the Qbros this time for sure.

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b59f93 No.21285408


Atlantic maybe Pacific?

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72cba5 No.21285409


Baby Killers, Baby Rapists, Baby Sellers, Baby Eaters,

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5fa943 No.21285411


what is it with calling people who are brown, black?

Isn't it racist?

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66a758 No.21285413


You are you.

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ddb033 No.21285414


Wondering if the Iranians feel they been had, double crossed, bamboozled

They were supposed to get the bomb,

Nuke Palestine

Shoot Trump

And jihad merrily

But nope

Did rouhani keep tapes

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a3bdaf No.21285415


Who knew America loves Indian trannys?

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82a701 No.21285422

File: 93e0f66ae0b13b9⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,500x709,500:709,93e0f66ae0b13b9f22445cd0e0….jpg)

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5ed4b0 No.21285429


That was pure kino

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fea919 No.21285430


wife always wanted to paint the ceiling beige

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6ebe27 No.21285433

File: 3f26a3e5cb87103⋯.png (20.34 KB,161x177,161:177,shirt9line.png)


Every picture of Corey was of him in a "Nine Line" shirt. Messaging.

What else did say that shocked you? You did get the MOAB that Trump dropped at the RNC, right?

He pointed at Compertore's jacket & said "That's the guy."

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