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File: 19524895e1adafd⋯.png (1.45 MB,1384x778,692:389,ClipboardImage.png)

b0b606 No.21283835 [View All]

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08468a No.21284593

notables FINAL

#26085 >>21283864

>>21284528 LIVE: FBI Director Testifies on Investigation Into Attempted Assassination of Trump

>>21283875, >>21284017, >>21284031 Overlord of United States, Netanyahu, Visits From Israel to Address His Minions in Congress

>>21284080 Dozens of US lawmakers wearing yellow ribbon pin calling for Israeli hostage release

>>21283893 White smoke seen over the White House


>>21283920 Desperate Media Seek to Erase Kamala Harris Failed ‘Border Czar’ Role

>>21283927 Elon Musk claims he is training “the world’s most powerful AI by every metric”

>>21283930 EU approves first €4.2bn payment to Kiev

>>21283934 Chris Wray refuses to answer if there was any evidence that suggests there were other cooperators on J13

>>21283945 Trump campaign files FEC complaint against Harris over use of Biden’s $91.5M war chest: ‘Fraudulent’

>>21283985 Plane Crashes Shortly After Take-off in Kathmandu, Nepal – 18 Dead, Only Pilot Believed To Have Survived

>>21283992 This morning a car bomb exploded in the center of Moscow

>>21283997, >>21284589 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21284005 Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot

>>21284035 DOJ Asks Supreme Court To Allow Some Blocked Title IX Rule Changes

>>21284048 Susan Rice: Calling VP Harris a DEI Hire Is "Extremely Effective Trolling" (paraphrased)

>>21284072 Patrick Howley Banned From Vimeo For Documentary Exposing Democrat Voter Fraud

>>21284103 @GOP: MAGA

>>21284105 Number of times Joe Biden has visited the Philadelphia region as president: 20

>>21284113 Fake HAMAS operative threatening to attack the Paris Olympics appears to have originated in Russia

>>21284122 Kamala Harris has never won a primary

>>21284142 Gov. Josh Shapiro's administration agreed to pay $295,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment complaint

>>21284150 Joe Biden Himself Called Kamala Harris a DEI Vice President Just Two Months Ago

>>21284156 Nearly all of Fulton County Housing Authority board has resigned following Channel 2 investigation

>>21283939, >>21284165, >>21284172 Socks don't match

>>21284192 AOC’s Deepfake AI Porn Bill Unanimously Passes the Senate

>>21284194 Nikki Haley Fires Off Cease-and-Desist Letter to Haley Voters PAC That Is Now Backing Kamala Harris

>>21284195 Israeli officials rap Harris for skipping PM Congress speech; House Speaker: Inexcusable

>>21284243 US Jews excited, and anxious, about potential representation on Democratic ticket

>>21284269 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Orders Review of Wounded Knee Medals

>>21284271 DNC to Coronate Harris Weeks Before Convention via Rule Change

>>21284285 This focus group of Wisconsin women was just brutal for Kamala Harris

>>21284315, >>21284342 Could Kamala Harris' inappropriate laughter and 'word salads' be symptoms of a little-known psychological condition?

>>21284350 Republican Rep. Thomas Massie Says He Won't Attend Netanyahu's "War Rally," Tells Off AIPAC

>>21284352 FBI Raids $3.5 Million Home of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Ex-Deputy Chief of Staff

>>21284361 @NavalInstitute: Multinational ships sail in formation off the coast of Hawaii during Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2024

>>21284380 Japan’s Top Biopsy Specialists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Deadly Heart Failure

>>21284392 Harris was tapped by Biden to lead border efforts on March 24, 2021

>>21284399 A Bill to legalise assisted suicide for the terminally ill will be introduced to the UK Parliament on Friday

>>21284401 Fox News invites Trump & Harris to debate on Sept. 17th, moderated by Martha MacCallum, Bret Baier

>>21284417 Kamala Harris was one of the leaders of the Defund the Police Movement

>>21284430 PF: Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Jacksonville…

>>21284446 DJT Truths pic of 2016 vs 2020 Kamala headlines

>>21284451 Axios is rewriting past articles for Kamala

>>21284455, >>21284509 Not a single routine childhood vaccine was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial - not one

>>21284569 Absolute chaos is unfolding as thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters have gathered at Union Station in Washington, DC

>>21284574 GovTrack erases Kamala's Record As 'Most Left-Leaning Senator'

>>21284398, >>21284224, >>21284441, >>21284457, >>21284487 Memes


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06c00e No.21284594


Then anon supposes its time to take down the pro-Palestinian protestors and replace them with Americans?

Anon feels strongly

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0ad126 No.21284595


pretty sure that's the uk, anon

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86c935 No.21284596

Reporter: Were there any names that came forward, that surprised you, of democratic officials, in the last week, who stabbed [Biden] in the back?

Jean-Pierre: I don't have anything else to say.

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587507 No.21284598

File: fd8ba31cad359b6⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1592x2034,796:1017,IMG_0106.jpeg)


Cleaned up sauce.



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11020d No.21284601


>It’s a mostly peaceful walk around D.C.

Besides the aggression of some Israeli trained 'policemen', it is indeed.

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c3abe2 No.21284602


Jewish voice for peace are the ones organizing the protests

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d9570e No.21284603

File: 4cd91b20d44c0b6⋯.png (288.25 KB,477x429,159:143,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)


oui oui oui

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158bc7 No.21284604

File: 60aa9ba2ef28ec5⋯.png (301.57 KB,648x354,108:59,Screen_Shot_2024_07_24_at_….png)

'Peaceful' gathering of young Democrats at the capitol.

Yeah, right.

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c03aa9 No.21284606

File: 0e847fbc8d7b7ca⋯.png (2.36 MB,1170x1227,390:409,ClipboardImage.png)



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08468a No.21284607

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67c944 No.21284608

File: 4f7f0f2b352adea⋯.png (645.86 KB,996x615,332:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 146766bb37900ba⋯.png (1.16 MB,1115x545,223:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a154dd0317c848c⋯.png (1019.39 KB,1020x519,340:173,ClipboardImage.png)


Russia loves their videos, they are impressive

24 Jul, 2024 15:17

WATCH Russian missile blow up Ukrainian military HQ

An Iskander rocket destroyed a command-and-control center in Krasny Lyman, also taking out numerous drones, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said

Russia has conducted a powerful missile strike on a Ukrainian military headquarters in Donbass, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said, releasing footage of the attack.

In a statement on Wednesday, the ministry said Moscow’s forces had destroyed the command-and-control center of the Ukrainian 63rd Separate Mechanized Brigade in Krasny Lyman. The town lies around 30km northeast of the strategic regional city Slavyansk, an important logistics hub which is now in the rear of the front line.

The strike was conducted with an Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile and destroyed the personnel inside the HQ, as well as two drone command-and control vehicles, ten UAVs, more than 300 FPV drones, an antenna mast device, and three all-terrain vehicles, according to Russian officials.

The video released by the ministry shows aerial footage of several houses in the settlement, one of which is seen being struck by a rocket, sending a shockwave in all directions and a plume of smoke into the air.

The roof of one of the buildings – which the ministry said was the drone control station – was set ablaze and several Ukrainian military vehicles can be seen pulling up beside it.

Source: The Russian Ministry of Defense

Russia routinely uses hypersonic Iskander missiles – which can carry a 700kg payload up to 500km – to pound Ukrainian targets, including those far from the front line. Earlier this week, the Defense Ministry released a video purporting to show a successful missile strike on a facility in Kharkov Region, which it said housed Western “instructors and mercenaries,” around 50 of whom were killed in the attack.

Russia has repeatedly warned that it considers foreign military personnel and equipment used by Ukraine to be “legitimate targets.” At the same time, Moscow maintains that it only targets military facilities and not civilians.


(Do you ever notice they hardly talk about ground troops anymore, and rarely does Ukraine fight back, except for dropping bombs on civilians. What a strange war.)

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bddd17 No.21284609


>White smoke seen over the White House.

The Knee Pads are burning up

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2be2ad No.21284610


>Global Boiling according to the UN’s president!

Now they are agreeing with Doug


2046 is it then

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67abae No.21284611


This wouldn’t be allowed in a REAL COUNTRY

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c65763 No.21284612

File: 4d1bf9f550d545b⋯.png (2.25 MB,1788x906,298:151,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)

what country is this?

Looks like L.A.





Veterans Affairs Police Officer Indicted on Federal Civil Rights and …

Sep 29, 2023 … Juan Anthony Carrillo, 45, was named in a two-count indictment returned Thursday by a federal grand jury. Carrillo will receive a summons …

Visit in Anonymous View


Veterans Affairs police officer struck man with baton 45 times: DOJ

Oct 4, 2023 … 16, 2022 incident where Carrillo allegedly beat a man about 45 times in 41 seconds at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center, the Justice …

Visit in Anonymous View


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2cc445 No.21284613

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1145,216:229,571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB,852x1024,213:256,21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB,620x679,620:679,1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2810x4692,1405:2346,bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: ad8a6ce02cb2e77⋯.png (457.43 KB,625x612,625:612,ddd4e892a048752182e4f140f9….png)

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61a4b6 No.21284614

File: e59b0477c78e322⋯.jpeg (479.79 KB,2048x1278,1024:639,GTMSXc_XEAE1Qbb.jpeg)



cauldron Qtards

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c89cc4 No.21284615


How do these deviants continue to think they can get away with this!?

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c8f6c5 No.21284616

File: c170dca1673985e⋯.png (623.14 KB,976x850,488:425,c170dca1673985e271a08fc854….png)

What an absolutely beautiful day to be alive. God bless you all.

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11020d No.21284621


Only jews like Karli Bonné and Zuckerberg are afraid of AI.

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f65e6c No.21284622


kinda early

today I tried to watch Wray, KJP and Genocidenyahu

I can't remember ever being this disguted

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10de27 No.21284623


>Jew for VP so the Jew will vote for her too

Jews always vote for the Democrat

it's about 75% for the Democrats. Democrats do better with Black Women.

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54fd93 No.21284624

>>21284611 Isreal is doing this, not Palastine >>21284569

you are fallinbg for a psyop to get you to side with Israel


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bf75d3 No.21284626

File: b4fb5ed3ec537e5⋯.png (177.43 KB,310x310,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a troll

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0f129a No.21284627

If I ever meet him in person he won't like it.

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fefb33 No.21284628


a cartel gathering..

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61a4b6 No.21284629

File: e59b0477c78e322⋯.jpeg (479.79 KB,2048x1278,1024:639,GTMSXc_XEAE1Qbb.jpeg)


S 2

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67c944 No.21284630

File: c1c01d7ddb17c2f⋯.png (607.39 KB,1016x723,1016:723,ClipboardImage.png)

24 Jul, 2024 15:17

Russia could use manure for crypto mining – research

Recycling organic waste to generate electricity is a way to power the energy-intensive process, scientists say

Recycling manure from farm animals could help generate an electric power surplus for mining cryptocurrency in Russia, the press service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) told Gazeta.ru on Tuesday, citing a study published by its research laboratory.

The process of recycling organic waste involves the installation of anaerobic digestion systems on farms and capturing methane gas emitted from manure decomposition, according to RANEPA scientists.

This captured methane could then be used to generate electricity, part of which could be of use for the needs of the farm, while the rest could power the energy-intensive process of Bitcoin mining.

The author of the study, Sodnom Budatarov, believes that cryptocurrency mining will not only recoup the costs of purchasing and operating recycling equipment, but will also facilitate investing in digital assets.

In addition, cryptocurrencies could be used in foreign trade transactions, particularly in light of Western sanctions pressure and the inability to sell or buy the necessary equipment, services, and goods.

“The creation of green mining infrastructure should begin with pig and poultry factories, where a fairly homogeneous mass of waste or by-products is continuously generated in large quantities,” Budatarov told Gazeta.ru.

“The economic feasibility of green mining is that the cost of producing one kW / hour is lower than from a regular electrical ‘socket’, or at least equal to it. However, this electricity is an in-house product, part of which can be used for production needs, and the excess – for mining cryptocurrency as a product with high added value,” Budatarov elaborated, adding that “The estimated payback period for green mining will be from 1.5 to 3 years.”

On Wednesday, the Russian State Duma passed a bill in its first reading to legalize cryptocurrency mining in the country. The legislation outlines that the government, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Russia, will establish regulations for individuals and legal entities engaged in digital currency mining. The Ministry of Digital Development will oversee compliance with these requirements. Additionally, the government retains the authority to prohibit mining activities in specific regions or territories.

In this regard, RANEPA scientists have proposed to supplement the law on mining with provisions legalizing the activities of enterprises mining cryptocurrency based on electricity obtained from the processing of organic waste.


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f65e6c No.21284631


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027d88 No.21284633


>Then anon supposes its time to take down the pro-Palestinian protestors and replace them with Americans?


>Jewish voice for peace are the ones organizing the protests

Anon, the "Pro-Palestinian" group and even Antifa are patsy brownshirts. They have no idea they're being used, 'cos they were brian-washed. Even the Left's protests are funded by Kosher money, but that money has dried up which is why they're trying to grab Biden's war chest. On the right, the Kosher money is now for political campaigns. That's why the RNC was a kosher sausage fest. They play both sides and always have. Problem is, it's finally backfired. They lost control of the Golems on the left. The first Anon who responded to you was blunt and concise.

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c65763 No.21284634

File: 49bed550b157e07⋯.png (1.51 MB,1416x1122,236:187,Screenshot_2024_07_13_at_1….png)

File: c6a62a02c25b7a0⋯.png (1.9 MB,1848x1000,231:125,Screenshot_2024_07_13_at_1….png)

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0f129a No.21284635

File: 70da4cd1300e40e⋯.jpeg (102.49 KB,1024x878,512:439,76a0EdFr0CXG.jpeg)

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8d0377 No.21284636

File: 13cfd280805940a⋯.png (432.19 KB,589x393,589:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d50bc16c8e3f7⋯.png (217.71 KB,295x393,295:393,ClipboardImage.png)

Tougher standards…

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a30282 No.21284637

File: aff2efaf9b0fa8c⋯.jpg (725.02 KB,1410x1261,1410:1261,Screenshot_2024_07_24_12_4….jpg)

Black socks

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79f7cf No.21284640


even if true….here you are kek

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11020d No.21284643

Satanyahu is homo.

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ec524d No.21284644

Kamala is AOC with darker skin.

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0ad126 No.21284645

doocey was a bitch today, zero traction against chia head

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7094bc No.21284647

File: 43745c1cf3014f9⋯.png (31.86 KB,583x255,583:255,Screenshot_from_2024_07_23….png)

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11020d No.21284648


Married to mr piggy

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61a4b6 No.21284649

File: 3eca869881f86d0⋯.jpg (184.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_23_18_2….jpg)

File: 1a5f331d4d03f3c⋯.jpeg (492.83 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GTIzzBCWoAAb2qX.jpeg)

File: af6a1a96e66a1e2⋯.jpeg (288.22 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GTIzyiBXkAArvfC.jpeg)

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11020d No.21284651


cochin jews

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634168 No.21284652


Gonna be tough sledding now that everybody is sterile from the covid jabs.

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f9c003 No.21284653

File: 8de87aff57f47b4⋯.jpg (86.54 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_we_jews_have_put_iss….jpg)

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c65763 No.21284654

File: e0b0d308b75ae98⋯.png (21.07 KB,106x92,53:46,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)

File: 77a3bb1003a9dcc⋯.png (32.42 KB,114x128,57:64,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)



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2944b4 No.21284657

Blue Eyes Matter

Green Eyes Matter

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d30746 No.21284658


Don't make a fuck. Her leftist, radical shit is all over the internet. POTUS is going to hang her shit and the shit this administration has done over the last 4 years around her neck like a used, soiled condom. Can't wait to see him take her apart in a debate. Actually, I don't think she will debate him. He's a convicted felon.

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027d88 No.21284659

File: aa670c9ff0aa51d⋯.png (619.34 KB,300x224,75:56,ClipboardImage.png)

Kek. Any word on Greg?

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11020d No.21284660


Jews need more babies to kill

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