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File: 19524895e1adafd⋯.png (1.45 MB,1384x778,692:389,ClipboardImage.png)

2666d2 No.21283038 [View All]

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c2b939 No.21283820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Governor Scott Walker LIVE at the National Conservative Student Conference

Young America's Foundation



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73aaef No.21283821

File: 28bb55416c9f7b0⋯.png (367.41 KB,594x436,297:218,freddy63.PNG)



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c2b939 No.21283822

2:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: DNC Rules Committee Debates Presidential Nomination Rules

The DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee holds a virtual meeting ahead of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.


3:00 PM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session, Part 2

The Senate will consider several of President Biden’s executive and judicial nominations.


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a44bc3 No.21283823



Someone shoved that ring down her throat.

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6800fa No.21283824



Kek. All I read was "FUCK YOU BLOODY!"

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c9cec8 No.21283825

File: 34590ba1e989b99⋯.png (1.13 MB,780x493,780:493,ClipboardImage.png)

Woman who stole almost $109 million from Army to buy mansions, jewelry and cars sentenced to prison

By Emily Mae Czachor Updated on: July 24, 2024 / 11:30 AM EDT / CBS

A woman has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for stealing more than $100 million from a grant program meant to support military children and families, authorities said.

Janet Yamanaka Mello, 57, was convicted on five counts of mail fraud in addition to five counts of filing a false tax return for the convoluted scheme, which she carried out over the course of six years while employed by the United States Army, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas.

Mello worked as a financial manager for the Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, specifically focusing on child and youth services, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a news release.

She formed a business in December 2016 called Child Health and Youth Lifelong Development that was essentially used as a front for the scam.

Collecting funding through a military grant initiative was the businesses' sole purpose, and Mello was able to fraudulently collect millions through it because of her position in the Army.

Instead of using the grant money givento her business to provide theyouth and family services that Child Health and Youth Lifelong Developmentclaimed to offer, Mello would deposit grant checks into her own personal bank account and spend the money on various luxuries, including clothing, vehicles and real estate, prosecutors said.

Mello allegedly used grant money to buy lavish properties and 82 vehicles — including a Maserati, a Mercedes, a 1954 Corvette and a Ferrari Fratelli motorcycle — and in one instance used the funds to purchase $923,000 of jewelry in a single day in 2022, the Associated Press reported.

In 49 individual instances of fraud over the six-year period where her business was in operation, authorities said that Mello requested $117 million in grant payments during that period and received close to $109 million. To cover up the scam, she also falsely reported her income for the tax years 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

"Janet Mello betrayed the trust of the government agency she served and repeatedly lied in an effort to enrich herself," said U.S. Attorney Jaime Esparza in a statement. "Rather than $109 million in federal funds going to the care of military children throughout the world, she selfishly stole that money to buy extravagant houses, more than 80 vehicles and over 1,500 pieces of jewelry."

Esparza said his office "will continue to work tirelessly to prosecute those who illegally seek personal gain at the expense of their fellow citizens."

Defense attorney Albert Flores told the Associated Press that Mello was deeply remorseful. (BOO HOO, she got caught)

"She realizes she committed a crime, she did wrong and is very ashamed," Flores said. He also told AP that Mello saved many of the items she bought with the stolen funds and hopes they are resold to reimburse the government. Flores said the defense does not intend to appeal the court's decision, according to AP.


(Anons there seems to be a lot of theft when it has to do with children affiliated charities, it’s such a emotional matter, that people give them including government and companies.PS: McDonald's try to get people to donate to Ronald McDonald house when getting a sandwich that sucks anyway)

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5d6d00 No.21283826

File: 52ca02eecedcee8⋯.png (330.58 KB,795x480,53:32,d8561ec87f93ff8a0b17dc38fc….png)

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5500f1 No.21283827


Looks like an they're inciting an erection

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d2be70 No.21283828


It's some attention mongering whore. REDTEXT CAPSLOCK is generally an automatic filter.

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a44bc3 No.21283829

File: 688ac5fce6e8043⋯.png (444.72 KB,531x587,531:587,Capture.PNG)

Talk about ✨productivity✨

The world's oldest known loon, known as Fe, is at least 38 years old. This breeding season she added two more chicks to her impressive tally - she's the proud mother of at least 42 offspring!

📷 courtesy of Dani Fegan


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e9acd5 No.21283830

File: aa7e5f2d37a93b3⋯.png (800.3 KB,610x944,305:472,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_1….png)

File: eaaeb4eace80c10⋯.png (936.07 KB,1468x970,734:485,Screenshot_2024_01_17_at_1….png)

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File: e64cb9adaf1c024⋯.png (2.15 MB,2044x1018,1022:509,Screenshot_2023_11_26_at_1….png)


Was Grace Kelly's Rover P6 Really Sabotaged? - Motorious

May 8, 2019 … Princess Grace was returning from her Roc Agel holiday home, her car … Rainier III was also a member of the notorious P2 Masonic …

Visit in Anonymous View


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c0126e No.21283831

Bush = war

Clinton = war

Bush = war

Obama = war

Trump = NO WAR

Biden = war

NO wars.


Trump brought real, true diplomacy.


Deep State loves war.

The Deep State is now pushing to DRAFT your sons and daughters into war.

They don't want to be hanged for Treason.

If you voted Blue, you are retarded. 100%.

You fucking moron.

Deep State has huge debts now. Deep State wars bring big profits for them. Deep State loves the money, the death, the suffering, the organ harvesting, the children they take from war-torn zones (decades of that - look it up). Snowflakes are about to get drafted and die for their Deep State pedo-president. They asked for it. This will be fun!!!! Can't fix the stupid people. They're comfortably dumb.

Responsibility. Adulting. Consequences.

Your children are about to get drafted into the next Deep State war.


I've been warning you because I truly care about you, your children, and your future.

Nobody can dare try to claim that there was no way they could've known this or that the "news media" was responsible for making sure they knew. The "news media" is not there to inform you. The "news media" is complicit.

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6057d1 No.21283832

File: 162704b9a468547⋯.png (441.04 KB,921x868,921:868,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell

Kamala is a radical far Left Democrat. WOW.




1:39 PM · Jul 24, 2024·3,240 Views


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270f07 No.21283833

File: 0f7fcb148ede3fe⋯.jpg (214.92 KB,949x640,949:640,CT_Popcorn.jpg)

Are we enjoying the show?

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929dc1 No.21283834

Pay Us! Pay us NOW!

No sign Microsoft plans to limit Crowdstrike access to Windows after outage, source says


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029b32 No.21283836


Killery would be POTUS in no time.

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abe6e2 No.21283838

File: 605b4c01ac26f7a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1043x1433,1043:1433,Screenshot_20240724_110842….png)

File: 30f24c0ff325caf⋯.png (446.44 KB,867x523,867:523,Screenshot_20240724_110621….png)



Shadow of Ezra

White smoke seen over the White House.



Jul 23 at 10:34

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7c8bb4 No.21283839

File: 469e37d5f67366f⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,460x260,23:13,awyV1YR_460sv.mp4)

The battery of an electric bicycle explodes in an elevator In China

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46104d No.21283840

File: ab3f6e6c76a61f7⋯.png (344.62 KB,700x740,35:37,ab3f6e6c76a61f72c8a21e9655….png)


"The Great Citadel of Democracy"

OUR democracy, no?

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12585f No.21283841


it's just the crematorium

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2666d2 No.21283842


#26084 >>21283057

>>21283062, >>21283083, >>21283085, >>21283100, >>21283110, >>21283148, >>21283184, >>21283228, >>21283270, >>21283325, >>21283409, >>21283479, >>21283617 LIVE: FBI Director Testifies on Investigation Into Attempted Assassination of Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21283096 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina

>>21283121 Analysis of Joe Biden’s Withdrawal from Presidential Race as a Coup

>>21283140 Ivermectin Found to Protect Against Many Various Diseases, Cancer, Vax Damage & EMF

>>21283151 Sword-Wielding Trans ‘Woman’ Allegedly Stabbed Shelter Employee, Is Held in Men’s Jail

>>21283157, >>21283164 No Member legislating the removal of President Trump's Secret Service protection should serve on the Task Force

>>21283161 Florida Furniture Store Must Pay $110k to Manager Fired For Refusing COVID Jab

>>21283170, >>21283246, >>21283822 Swamp Talk

>>21283201, >>21283211 America First Legal: CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind the global tech outage appears to be engaged in alleged anti-white, anti-male discrimination

>>21283216 SpaceX makes Starlink Roam available throughout the US

>>21283240, >>21283820 1:00 PM EDT A Detransitioner's Story | Chloe Cole LIVE at the National Conservative Student Conference

>>21283279 @11thmeu Double Tap

>>21283305 1:30 PM EDT Israeli Prime Minister Delivers Speech to Joint Meeting of Congress

>>21283307 Buckehat up

>>21283334, >>21283335 UVA Engineers May Have Solved a Vexing Problem of Hypersonic Flight

>>21283387 Next up on the menu is almost certainly a new pandemic

>>21283449 F-117A Nighthawk Arrives At Stafford Air & Space Museum

>>21283456 Kamala Harris is considering Pete Buttigieg to be her vice presidential running mate

>>21283524 @DeptofDefense 5G technology could soon be integrated across the @USNavy fleet

>>21283553 New enlisted leader takes responsibility at Space Forces Indo-Pacific

>>21283649 Biggs: Bureau Of Prisons Is Not In Compliance With President Trump's First Step Act, with Peter Navarro

>>21283708, >>21283687, >>21283687 another arrest?

>>21283714 GOP insider reveals the ONE candidate that Team Trump dreaded most - and why crowning Kamala Harris was a mistake Dems will regret

>>21283719 What is Space Force fit?


>>21283740 Mitchell from Rasmussen: Polling Has Always Showed America Doesn't Like Kamala Harris More Than Joe Biden

>>21283756, >>21283817 Large number of protesters march to the Capitol ahead of Netanyahu address to Congress

>>21283759 Roll Tape: Radical Leftist Kamala Harris, in Her Own Words

>>21283772 Kamala Harris once said a "70% to 80% tax rate" and saying "every car should be eliminated in the next 11 years" are "bold ideas that should be discussed"

>>21283825 Woman who stole almost $109 million from Army to buy mansions, jewelry and cars sentenced to prison

>>21283829 @USFWS Talk about ✨productivity✨

>>21283832 Richard Grenell Kamala is a radical far Left Democrat


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6800fa No.21283843


Kek. Programmed by Jewish progressives to "fight for the downtrodden, the repressed, the minority" and demanding a "Free Palestine." It's hilarious watching them lose control of their Golem.

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7e6e7c No.21283844

There it is again….WE WILL WIN!

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999b49 No.21283846



==(YOU) F(arth/earth), AR(donut 1 paradise/eden), & EDDY (hell/underworld)

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d2be70 No.21283847


Kek, very true.

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a44bc3 No.21283848

File: 315293b1b1c6de9⋯.png (584.39 KB,529x744,529:744,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Major arrests are taking place in Houston, Texas, in a joint operation conducted by U.S. Marshals, the FBI, Houston police, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, and the Texas Department of Public Safety.

No further details are available at this moment.


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929dc1 No.21283849


"Tribal Council has spoken."

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3b88a4 No.21283850

File: 68cfc5c5a26347e⋯.png (976.05 KB,1159x609,1159:609,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ebeb9 No.21283851

File: 9d76ac7cd2e4aa7⋯.png (5.76 MB,2962x2084,1481:1042,Screen_Shot_2024_07_24_at_….png)


>ThereareJewish "White Hats" (tm).

i am well aware of the orthodox jews who condemn zionism and israel, such as neturei karta. no ovens for them. as you mention, they are a minority, and the jews that run the world make sure no one ever hears about them.

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c85b12 No.21283852

Democracy is a country governed by Kikes. A Constutional Republic is a country governed by God.

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029b32 No.21283853


The cops care so much about our safety, they want to make sure we are wearing a seat belt.

If you aren't wearing your seat belt, they may shoot you in the face.

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5ef2d7 No.21283854

File: f02109303569ed7⋯.png (209.97 KB,1538x906,769:453,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)

We Will Win

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73aaef No.21283855

File: 5a0aaca26bc253e⋯.jpg (26.52 KB,470x508,235:254,pepe932.JPG)


get your own filter den.

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2d97c8 No.21283856

File: 66c0217be46bf05⋯.jpg (950.13 KB,1152x1200,24:25,Perseus_vs_Medusa.jpg)

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6800fa No.21283857


Kek. You know that dude got fired.

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46104d No.21283858

File: 91521b9f46b4ca5⋯.jpg (34.03 KB,362x362,1:1,91521b9f46b4ca550e957e6c26….jpg)


He's got the Zelensky syndrom

that baghdad bob guy had it too

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21af4c No.21283859

File: f62f1ef25b6ec77⋯.png (284.05 KB,598x565,598:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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929dc1 No.21283860


Banned from inside charging in UK.

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83d67e No.21283861

File: fe2c10c7f422e6b⋯.png (2.52 KB,168x36,14:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5500f1 No.21283862


A new President has been selected?

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e9acd5 No.21283863

File: 981b8f00e70b54d⋯.png (375.52 KB,508x516,127:129,Screenshot_2023_12_18_at_0….png)

File: a4f3a430e1bf42f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1434x1034,717:517,Screenshot_2023_12_18_at_0….png)

File: 933b609da070917⋯.png (365.7 KB,514x752,257:376,Screenshot_2023_12_18_at_0….png)

File: 5c65bd72faefdd6⋯.png (1.3 MB,1716x478,858:239,Screenshot_2023_12_18_at_0….png)

File: a9cdf81843ded59⋯.png (2.67 MB,1342x1028,671:514,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_1….png)




Spanish Diminutives/Suffixes: Scaffolded Notes & 20 Practice Questions + KEY


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410ece No.21283865

the number of standing ovations for netanyahu is sickening

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2666d2 No.21283866

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5d6d00 No.21283867

File: 4b5734d60fc259a⋯.jpeg (786.09 KB,750x1049,750:1049,4b5734d60fc259a072b5d6711….jpeg)


We have another president?

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12585f No.21283868

File: 3426e0207f2dff4⋯.jpeg (94.32 KB,780x436,195:109,gavincr.jpeg)

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64e3e8 No.21283869

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,611f6e3d89ae687c18a8fea054….jpg)


That's great news! kekikkity kek

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3b88a4 No.21283870

File: 35a59c4b03fb7c4⋯.png (692.36 KB,918x481,918:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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2666d2 No.21283872

migrate, lockin it up

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398f51 No.21283873


That's a lot of Expensive Signs

Where do they get them?

Are they Handed out?

Who's handing them out?

Who's paying for the signs?

Who's paying for the Tee-shirts?

Who's paying for the Scarfe's?

Don't these people have Jobs?

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dd2202 No.21283919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live link

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