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File: 45247817d3692d6⋯.png (67.23 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

8ec822 No.21278738 [View All]

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1210a9 No.21279548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert Gouveia Esq.

Cover-Up Committee FORMED; Cheatle RESIGNS; Local Cops FIGHT BACK!

Streamed live 3 hours ago 2:01:23


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8ec822 No.21279549

notables 700

#26079 >>21278750

>>21278787, >>21279125, >>21279172, >>21279146, >>21279299, >>21279305, >>21279323, >>21279378, >>21279414, >>21279503 J13 Bodycam vid / #whoisgreg

>>21278817, >>21279014, >>21279094 Grassley: My office has obtained docs from law enforcement on J13 assassination attempt of Trump

>>21278818, >>21279063 Harris campaign is already using the ActBlue money laundering scheme

>>21278878 Trump campaign files FEC complaint against Biden and Harris over transfer of campaign funds

>>21278949 Born to Be Woke? Harley Davidson Caught Pushing DEI, LGBT Agendas

>>21279011 CMZ starting up www.watkinsreport.com

>>21279022 Live: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson at the National Conservative Student Conference

>>21279029 Black Lives Matter Demands DNC Host Immediate Primary To Protest ‘Anointing’ Of Kamala Harris

>>21279061 Nevada's most powerful union has released a statement regarding President Biden's decision not to seek re-election

>>21279090 Developing: Justice Department ‘Discovers’ Hur Transcripts it Previously Claimed It Did Not Have of Joe Biden’s Conversation

>>21279097 @carolinewren: ActBlue is the largest money laundering operation in the country

>>21279099 A Florida Judge denied the Pulitzer’s attempt to dismiss Trump’s defamation lawsuit against them

>>21279135, >>21279162, >>21279175, >>21279200, >>21279438 Does this make sense to any one that understands statistics

>>21279140, >>21279217 @DanScavino: Will the MSM ask why he (Biden) didn’t take Marine One from Joint Base Andrews to the White House

>>21279191 Tom Fitton: What Would Our Founding Fathers Say about our Country Today?

>>21279196 Female Secret Service Applicants Are NotHeld to ‘Same Standards’ as Men

>>21279206 State of Things: Migrant Caravans

>>21279216 DJT: Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!

>>21279258 Rep. Andy Ogles introduced articles of impeachment against VP Kamala Harris, citing high crimes and misdemeanors

>>21279285 Did Thomas Crooks have an FBI email address?

>>21279289 Google can't find the Crooks D.C. pings now

>>21279317 'We Felt The Need To Call Her Out': Top Police Union Official Rips Ex-Secret Service Director

>>21279321 Democrats Revive Black Lives Matter One Day After Biden Endorses Kamala Harris for President

>>21279337 Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump? (video was recorded first week of July)

>>21279342 Q+ puts NXIVM back into the narrative

>>21279343 DJT: Melvindale Police Officer Mohamed Said, a true American hero, was gunned down by a suspect he was pursuing last Saturday

>>21279369 Bill Eigel releases Missouri campaign ad with a Spanish translator to inform illegal immigrants that he will deport them

>>21279379, >>21279393, >>21279544 President Trump never stops

>>21279420 'You Think You Are The Best Person In The Country To Head The Secret Service?': Foxx Grills Cheatle

>>21279425 House Democrats Target FEC Chairman For Raising Questions About Kamala Harris Getting Biden’s War Chest

>>21279488 US Rejects China's Gaza Mediation Efforts For Legitimizing Hamas

>>21278805, >>21278980, >>21279100, >>21279260, >>21279264, >>21279272, >>21279303, >>21279335 Memes


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913c13 No.21279550


Aztecs were cannibal invaders and WERE NOT MesoAmerican.

Most likely Mongels

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b379c9 No.21279551


Stooge, Greg is not on camera as Michelle points to other building. We never see him. Just a reference to the sniper who saw the kid on the ground acting sus.

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72faa6 No.21279552

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185283 No.21279553

File: b9d2b573b2ae8c6⋯.png (373.25 KB,961x635,961:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed524 No.21279554


Trump was always a threat to do what he is now doing.

Nixon's wife wrote him a letter essentially telling him he'd make a great POTUS some day, I believe.

JFK > Nixon > Reagan > Trump

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cb9a4a No.21279555

File: b59128e10451d23⋯.png (151.93 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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92f6e9 No.21279556

File: 6a359c968228887⋯.png (1.94 MB,937x1096,937:1096,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ee262280d690f⋯.png (485.42 KB,574x586,287:293,ClipboardImage.png)


How bout the other side?

Mirrors & all, ya know.

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68e880 No.21279557


Does it matter what anon thinks of Musk? He's clearly being used to further the advance against the communist one world order. I say use him for all he's worth.

If you can't get unbanned you figure that shit out. VPN + new device at Walmart + new email

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4f4752 No.21279558


link or GTFO

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4e51ca No.21279559

File: 1b9b94bda2260ad⋯.png (415.54 KB,755x1200,151:240,ClipboardImage.png)

Fake News truly enemy of the people

The WSJ reported with zero corroborationthat Elon Musk was donating $45 million a month to Trump through America PAC—a claim that Musk immediately shot down as “fake gnus” (fake news).

Fast forward to his interview with Jordan Peterson where he explicitly denies the report and what does the media do? They treat the original report as accurate and double down by falsely claiming that Musk is “backing down” from the donations!


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0b368e No.21279560

File: 1da0bc1935f431b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1382x2575,1382:2575,chess_setup1.png)

File: 3c760069e1fc757⋯.jpg (202.87 KB,886x953,886:953,chesslogo.jpg)

File: b9c8ff9dd0ef82b⋯.jpg (24.62 KB,253x255,253:255,chessfags.jpg)




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c6256e No.21279561

File: aa8e84bdb4eb06d⋯.gif (1.7 MB,500x378,250:189,bread_basket.gif)

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acec5e No.21279562

File: d2d6d68e470781f⋯.jpg (90.79 KB,634x638,317:319,ggxgxgxg.jpg)

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b3a189 No.21279563

File: 6dad5368aa42ca5⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,640x368,40:23,Prepare_for_the_storm_maga.mp4)

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8ec822 No.21279564

notables FINAL

#26079 >>21278750

>>21278787, >>21279125, >>21279172, >>21279299, >>21279305, >>21279323, >>21279378, >>21279414, >>21279503 J13 Bodycam vid

>>21279146 ICYMI: Assassin crawling on rooftop vid

>>21278817, >>21279014, >>21279094 Grassley: My office has obtained docs from law enforcement on J13 assassination attempt of Trump

>>21278818, >>21279063 Harris campaign is already using the ActBlue money laundering scheme

>>21278878 Trump campaign files FEC complaint against Biden and Harris over transfer of campaign funds

>>21278949 Born to Be Woke? Harley Davidson Caught Pushing DEI, LGBT Agendas

>>21279011 CMZ starting up www.watkinsreport.com

>>21279022 Live: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson at the National Conservative Student Conference

>>21279029 Black Lives Matter Demands DNC Host Immediate Primary To Protest ‘Anointing’ Of Kamala Harris

>>21279061 Nevada's most powerful union has released a statement regarding President Biden's decision not to seek re-election

>>21279090 Developing: Justice Department ‘Discovers’ Hur Transcripts it Previously Claimed It Did Not Have of Joe Biden’s Conversation

>>21279097 @carolinewren: ActBlue is the largest money laundering operation in the country

>>21279099 A Florida Judge denied the Pulitzer’s attempt to dismiss Trump’s defamation lawsuit against them

>>21279135, >>21279162, >>21279175, >>21279200, >>21279438 Does this make sense to any one that understands statistics

>>21279140, >>21279217 @DanScavino: Will the MSM ask why he (Biden) didn’t take Marine One from Joint Base Andrews to the White House

>>21279191 Tom Fitton: What Would Our Founding Fathers Say about our Country Today?

>>21279196 Female Secret Service Applicants Are NotHeld to ‘Same Standards’ as Men

>>21279206 State of Things: Migrant Caravans

>>21279216 DJT: Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!

>>21279258 Rep. Andy Ogles introduced articles of impeachment against VP Kamala Harris, citing high crimes and misdemeanors

>>21279285 Did Thomas Crooks have an FBI email address?

>>21279289 Google can't find the Crooks D.C. pings now

>>21279317 'We Felt The Need To Call Her Out': Top Police Union Official Rips Ex-Secret Service Director

>>21279321 Democrats Revive Black Lives Matter One Day After Biden Endorses Kamala Harris for President

>>21279337 Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump? (video was recorded first week of July)

>>21279342 Q+ puts NXIVM back into the narrative

>>21279343 DJT: Melvindale Police Officer Mohamed Said, a true American hero, was gunned down by a suspect he was pursuing last Saturday

>>21279369 Bill Eigel releases Missouri campaign ad with a Spanish translator to inform illegal immigrants that he will deport them

>>21279379, >>21279393, >>21279544 President Trump never stops

>>21279420, >>21279542 'You Think You Are The Best Person In The Country To Head The Secret Service?': Foxx Grills Cheatle

>>21279425 House Democrats Target FEC Chairman For Raising Questions About Kamala Harris Getting Biden’s War Chest

>>21279488 US Rejects China's Gaza Mediation Efforts For Legitimizing Hamas

>>21278805, >>21278980, >>21279100, >>21279260, >>21279264, >>21279272, >>21279303, >>21279335 Memes


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174b98 No.21279565



yeah right

shit goes down in NYC

hey where's our Goon Squad

down in DC

well shit

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72faa6 No.21279566

File: 6b9d4bb71a95d47⋯.png (279.71 KB,752x295,752:295,nightshift_stonetrek.png)

Godspeed, Nightshift.

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9181d6 No.21279567


any sauce? I find this very interdasting

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185283 No.21279569

File: accef98fdf485b2⋯.png (545.57 KB,794x806,397:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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72faa6 No.21279571

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92f6e9 No.21279572

File: a1534741be09ea2⋯.jpg (123.91 KB,654x978,109:163,FAFO_kick.jpg)

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a154f3 No.21279573

File: b5f250537b93fc3⋯.png (30.08 KB,132x129,44:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fe106 No.21279574

File: 6072fe775f4f252⋯.png (411.64 KB,649x547,649:547,yetykejethqtew.PNG)

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7eeba1 No.21279577

File: 5c290cc2f0fe09f⋯.jpeg (592.77 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GTMIRKuWIAATMA9.jpeg)

File: 6f436c9290a1b30⋯.jpg (232.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_23_18_1….jpg)

File: ccd9acfff531b8d⋯.jpg (234.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_23_18_1….jpg)

File: 75a9123fe5075ee⋯.jpg (177.14 KB,508x381,4:3,75a9123fe5075ee2144c5ef78c….jpg)


2 weeks on the pipe is one hell of a drug >>21279555

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c51cb0 No.21279578

File: c52bee66fedc885⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,235x164,235:164,Storm_Ahead.jpg)

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8ec822 No.21279579

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185283 No.21279580

File: dc843e97717641b⋯.png (586.05 KB,776x825,776:825,ClipboardImage.png)

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303a83 No.21279581


The Club of Rome is the Roman fasces.

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c51cb0 No.21279582

File: b437f3ecd4e6fad⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,700x445,140:89,Paine_protect_country_from….jpg)

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0ddaa3 No.21279583

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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cbbbee No.21279584


The media is faggot.

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c51cb0 No.21279587

File: b437f3ecd4e6fad⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,700x445,140:89,Paine_protect_country_from….jpg)

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a6b6a7 No.21279588

File: 68c79c6fd1d8823⋯.jpg (111.94 KB,573x461,573:461,USED_CAR_SALESMEN.jpg)

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c51cb0 No.21279590

File: 8e819182f1e39cb⋯.jpg (34.54 KB,798x782,399:391,dank_Jeff_Bozos_memes.jpg)

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cc3df7 No.21279592

File: ab2571b3d5ae28a⋯.png (1.22 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah it was a fun night when it really took off… Fun watching the main guy think the memes were for his cause.

>How you would be doing it if you were doing the same

see this kind of thing is gay.. I'm not, haven't, won't, and wouldn't.. you asked about what [implied shills] think of YOUR actions in the post I responded to… but they weren't all shills taking the other guy's side either.. some people thought he was being a faggot, some thought you were, some thought both were.. and you keep bringing it up instead of ignoring it.. I get why you wouldn't stop using your meme so just because someone bitches about it.. more power to you there.. but own your own actions and either understand the impression you leave or don't..

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c51cb0 No.21279594

File: e8048b9ca1e1b51⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,500x337,500:337,Bill_Gates_vaccines_what.jpg)

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c6256e No.21279595

File: ee12d2eaa010c20⋯.png (123.08 KB,368x406,184:203,ee12d2eaa010c2094a27623157….png)

(Y) What does it mean to be COVERED IN GOLD?

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a154f3 No.21279597

File: 51688103bd14477⋯.png (30.35 KB,751x190,751:190,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dfb6b No.21279600

File: b5f6034de24bda4⋯.png (1.23 MB,940x1252,235:313,b5f6034de24bda47010c8516a3….png)

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico

By John Dillin

July 6, 2006



George W. Bush isn't the first Republican president to face a full-blown immigration crisis on the US-Mexican border.

Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America's southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond.

President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.

Although there is little to no record of this operation in Ike's official papers, one piece of historic evidence indicates how he felt. In 1951, Ike wrote a letter to Sen. William Fulbright (D) of Arkansas. The senator had just proposed that a special commission be created by Congress to examine unethical conduct by government officials who accepted gifts and favors in exchange for special treatment of private individuals.

General Eisenhower, who was gearing up for his run for the presidency, said "Amen" to Senator Fulbright's proposal. He then quoted a report in The New York Times, highlighting one paragraph that said: "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."

Years later, the late Herbert Brownell Jr., Eisenhower's first attorney general, said in an interview with this writer that the president had a sense of urgency about illegal immigration when he took office.

America "was faced with a breakdown in law enforcement on a very large scale," Mr. Brownell said. "When I say large scale, I mean hundreds of thousands were coming in from Mexico [every year] without restraint."

Although an on-and-off guest-worker program for Mexicans was operating at the time, farmers and ranchers in the Southwest had become dependent on an additional low-cost, docile, illegal labor force of up to 3 million, mostly Mexican, laborers.


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4ab09f No.21279602

They will expend all their ammo.

Be ready.

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b1d31d No.21279603




Is that an exit wound to the right knee and a separate to the outside of the right calf or ?

That the "rifle" is to the left of the "patsy"….?

DIdn't video show him lined up shooting right handed?

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c51cb0 No.21279604

File: 32121780108d537⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,540x311,540:311,Serpent_Never_Speaks_Truth.jpg)

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133487 No.21279607

File: 36a81613a7fd53f⋯.jpg (29.96 KB,746x747,746:747,morethan.JPG)

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c51cb0 No.21279608

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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c51cb0 No.21279610

File: 6af30a23115b3b5⋯.png (62.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Calm_Before_the_Storm_.png)

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98304c No.21279611


>President @realDonaldTrump never stops 💪🏼🇺🇸

The image is a guillotine.

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133487 No.21279614






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c51cb0 No.21279616

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,750x500,3:2,KAVANAUGH_1.jpg)

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