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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

1a7da5 No.21273901 [View All]

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701 posts and 397 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1ddc22 No.21274734

final bun for #26073

Hold yer laties tight - put'n earlies bred to bed

czech em

#26073 >>21273914

>>21273945 Trump Force 47 official army of volunteer neighborhood organizers working together to defeat Kamala Harris and far-left liberal democrats

>>21273983 President Kamala Harris is currently talking to Joe Biden as if he's a toddler while on the phone with him

>>21273985, >>21274046 Ransomware attack shuts down three dozen Los Angeles courts

>>21273987 Biden's surprise call to old campaign staff is labelled FAKE after viewers spot suspicious detail

>>21274017, >>21274046 Advancing American Freedom Leads Amicus Brief Restoring Constitutional Power of the Executive Branch

>>21274020, >>21274065 'pole' = 'poll' Missing 'L' DEC[L]AS - DECLAS follows Mission 9: Censorship

>>21274026, >>21274119 Party pushing Cornel West for president sues North Carolina elections board

>>21274035 U.S. Capitol is fenced off for Netanyahu's speech

>>21274044 Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly Visited Thomas Crooks’ Home and Work Also Visited a Building in Washington DC Near FBI Office

>>21274105 United Arab Emirates: would send forces postwar Gaza if conditions, incl. U.S. leadership in effort, reformed Palestinian Auth. are met

>>21274138 The fight over who writes the rules for elections in Wisconsin continues.

>>21274143 The 'crazy conspiracy theory' known as 'Replacement Migration', is the subject of a 177 page official UN planning document

>>21274193 Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt over the weekend at a rally in Pennsylvania; in April, nine House Democrats attempted to take away all Secret Service protection for him.

>>21274214 National study finds giving Americans $1,000 per month makes them work less

>>21274239 Senate to consider bills that aim to protect children and teenagers online

>>21274320 Top five moments from Secret Service director's hours-long grilling after Trump assassination attempt

>>21274328 Chinese billionaire and auto industry magnate Li Shufu is a senior CCP member

>>21274340 Op ed on Dems hiding Biden's decline

>>21274412 Bombshell poll shows US voters think Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden is 'undemocratic'

>>21274419 Trump says two words describe Kamala Harris:“vicious and dumb”

>>21274463 More on this: "BREAKING: According to multiple sources, the following message is circulating the internet."

>>21274374, >>21274510 Microsoft cloud hosting service suffered a major outage, followed the next morning by the Crowdstrike outage - is there a connection?

>>21274512 "Fences being put up around the Capitol before Israel PM Netanyahu's address to the US Congress"

>>21274514 Trump-Vance Interview- Jesse Watters FULL

>>21274583 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/23/2024

>>21274253 Call For Memes to show how Violent the left really is

>>21274644 Devin Nunes RT - Line of Succession… Understand what's happening right in front of your eyes. Understand the deals and what they mean.

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aabf63 No.21274735




Flint deleting any reference to Israel or Jews

probably also any derogatory reference to Kamala

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f470ad No.21274736

File: 272bfafb746d188⋯.png (2.38 MB,1500x1000,3:2,IMG_1767.png)

File: 65ee69a4debdaee⋯.jpeg (13.02 KB,307x271,307:271,image0.jpeg)

File: fafd2a09d7f3766⋯.png (319.07 KB,474x437,474:437,IMG_1615.png)

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7678e1 No.21274737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fa3c23 No.21274738

Gotta be one stupid peasant to still think the vote matters.

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ef18c4 No.21274739

File: 4edfc9e74476647⋯.jpg (490.9 KB,2048x1364,512:341,2022_kamala_philippines_fi….jpg)

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91296e No.21274740


well people are stupid enough to let biden be potus for almost 4 years so pretty stupid

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df208c No.21274741

File: e2dc10405cd8d4e⋯.png (258.77 KB,462x498,77:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fd5e2 No.21274742


wrap up smear

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1ddc22 No.21274743

File: ea7638136c67174⋯.jpg (113.97 KB,997x786,997:786,ea7638136c67174ad9f4fe3234….jpg)


nice try fag

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9f1cf4 No.21274744

File: b864bf8cb04c745⋯.png (591.61 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 797bc15aa6135c4⋯.png (443.52 KB,525x525,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38d682f3691c492⋯.png (649.6 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 845135906466a56⋯.png (495.02 KB,750x390,25:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b536cef954e8375⋯.png (181.04 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Patriots can play the same games

dangerous rhetoric is dangerous

Wanna Play?

Same can be done for CIA, FBI, MI6, MOS, Political figures, you name it…

Anons know how to dig and uncover anything including family information.

When the CIA graduate training at Camp Peary Their families stay at the


136 Francis Street East, Williamsburg, VA, United States

When the FBI graduate training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick Ga

Their families stay at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Brunswick.

500 Mall Blvd, Brunswick, GA 31525

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ef18c4 No.21274745

File: d4a575b2935544b⋯.jpg (495.13 KB,2048x1364,512:341,2022_kamala_philippines_fi….jpg)

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4d4de1 No.21274746


Puppets aren't puppet masters. Soros is a puppet.

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ec546f No.21274748

File: 13bc0d57d51545f⋯.jpg (1005.75 KB,1280x883,1280:883,Fauci_big_brother.jpg)


That's what I was thinking. They will break the news that a new deadlier variant of COVID took down Biden, and we need to lockdown and social distance immediately in order to 'protect ourselves'. This will lead to mail-in and their hope to institute online voting.

I'm guessing that they won't though, because they already know far fewer people will fall for it, and many won't put up with it.

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df208c No.21274750

File: 3f1e624365598be⋯.png (140.37 KB,568x268,142:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8307e No.21274752

File: 85c813e4d946d17⋯.png (992.3 KB,518x712,259:356,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 05e5da605c73eb8⋯.png (79.07 KB,556x460,139:115,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 96e93ab8a6c39a7⋯.png (1020.54 KB,1942x384,971:192,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: d2fa537dc3eef6d⋯.png (58.87 KB,842x454,421:227,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 6bef32152b4a29a⋯.png (857.89 KB,990x1006,495:503,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)



L pic - Erik Prince

R pic - Black Prince

think sub group


Mar 10, 2018 6:37:22 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fb1a66 No. 618754

N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.



Junio Valerio Scipione Ghezzo Marcantonio Maria Borghese (6 June 1906 – 26 August 1974), nicknamed The Black Prince, was an Italian Navy commander during the regime of Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party and a prominent hardline neo-fascist politician in post-war Italy. In 1970, he took part in the planning of a neo-fascist coup, dubbed the Golpe Borghese, that was called off after the press discovered it; he subsequently fled to Spain and spent the last years of his life there.

he family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into theRothschild family.[1]


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05b089 No.21274753


No, the initial pre-scripted set of Democrat talking points is to cast MAGA and Q+ as sexist and racist, JUST IN TIME FOR KAMALA.

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6b9b26 No.21274754


MicDrop you are on here 24/7 you have seen the comments just in here filled with racism and sexism, but you are too distracted by rewarding yourself with your own MicDrops looking silly af.

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437d31 No.21274756


vicious and dumb

V. D

Kamala and VD

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df208c No.21274757

File: 97591adbcbb72eb⋯.png (106.76 KB,568x363,568:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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3603ad No.21274758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Too weak, or too controlled, or both?

Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’


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ef18c4 No.21274759

File: a59ccc910d177db⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,640x360,16:9,2024_07_13_Trump_Shooting_….mp4)

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6876f8 No.21274760

File: dd8c10107c42a22⋯.png (680.11 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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afa0e7 No.21274762


also on Rumble

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aabf63 No.21274763


suck my dick, faggot

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05b089 No.21274764

File: c020c078f7ef9fe⋯.png (630.55 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d4de1 No.21274765

File: 5e22dec140a8628⋯.gif (662.22 KB,424x286,212:143,5e22dec140a8628f1c38302fd0….gif)

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4fd5e2 No.21274766

File: 1cb860cf534f58f⋯.png (711.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,1cb860cf534f58fc185b335f98….png)

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ef18c4 No.21274767

File: a0ac4317e918c9a⋯.jpg (48.25 KB,680x596,170:149,roomba_chicken.jpg)

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7678e1 No.21274768

File: b3043231ad7cc5b⋯.jpeg (403.83 KB,1270x1280,127:128,IMG_2106.jpeg)

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0210d1 No.21274769


….. proof mounts that it's the Iranians

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f8307e No.21274770

File: 00d92876997f7b5⋯.png (1.8 MB,2036x990,1018:495,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 03d342ee31feefb⋯.png (658.87 KB,546x774,91:129,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 74d6c477d1dae58⋯.png (516.42 KB,802x476,401:238,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)


poop butt is the Black Prince?



Erik or Eric?

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3603ad No.21274771

File: b64baa419049aa0⋯.png (307.31 KB,403x327,403:327,ZaslavWarnerBros.png)


>Flint deleting any reference to Israel or Jews

>probably also any derogatory reference to Kamala

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05b089 No.21274772


"iF yOu dOn'T BeLiEvE KaMaLa wOn, YoU'Re RaCiSt aNd SeXiSt!"

You can see them trying to form the narrative in real time.

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df208c No.21274774

File: b953029bda0dde2⋯.png (382.53 KB,525x452,525:452,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fd5e2 No.21274775



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1ddc22 No.21274776

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)


u the one on the right?

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437d31 No.21274777


Do women have p** or not?

The left needs to make up their minds

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ec546f No.21274779

File: 33253b74fc8b6ab⋯.png (583.73 KB,600x781,600:781,fauci_clown.png)

Did someone say we need another pandemic?

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437d31 No.21274780

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3603ad No.21274781

File: ccf01cfc2cafd41⋯.png (64.49 KB,804x500,201:125,Donnie.png)

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91296e No.21274782


people who allow themselves to be controlled over those words are equally the problem

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b4cf08 No.21274783

File: e37dd5e0cc147e1⋯.jpg (341.58 KB,1280x1006,640:503,Execution_Lincoln_assassin….jpg)

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aabf63 No.21274784


at least (you're) original, Hershel

oh, that's right, (you're) not

how's the weather in Tel Aviv

getting lots of shekels?

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7678e1 No.21274785


They have to be constantly reminded.

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f8307e No.21274786

File: fb9af46819ade11⋯.png (152.56 KB,262x290,131:145,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 7830b56979abafc⋯.png (324.93 KB,418x572,19:26,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: ffa7fa4cb27c3ab⋯.png (68.06 KB,566x668,283:334,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)


digital display?

inbred hybrid

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c0f6bc No.21274787

File: cc2db36a413ddea⋯.png (978.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA11.png)

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fa3c23 No.21274788

I always go so depressed around this time. Knowing that this bread will never happen again and will be forever put into the archives of history to be forgotten.

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05b089 No.21274789


>Allow themselves to be controlled

Partially, but a lot of it is to avoid physical, emotional and economic harassment and violence. That's real. Nobody wants the world to believe those words apply to their hearts and souls. Not even internet tough guys like you.

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1ddc22 No.21274791

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





>>21274784 you sissies get mad easily

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