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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

36c098 No.21271312 [View All]

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703 posts and 520 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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558ec8 No.21272145

File: 740f125546d64f3⋯.gif (2.18 MB,400x300,4:3,Seinfeld_Lawyer_Jackie_Chi….gif)

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ab62c5 No.21272146

File: 9903383694c72f6⋯.png (3.57 MB,2876x1574,1438:787,Huma_Abedin_and_Alex_Soros.png)

File: b84d695281dd24f⋯.png (243.14 KB,1080x712,135:89,4739_You_are_the_Mighty_On….png)

File: 1a0317c80a5cacc⋯.png (9.07 KB,121x48,121:48,4739_Jesus.png)

"Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin." Q post #4402

“The LORD is with you, oh valiant warrior!” - Judges 6:4

"I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” - Psalm 119:11

"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739



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9076b2 No.21272147


Wish they would release the raw data… are we just supposed to take their word for it?

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5a7747 No.21272148

File: 610e3e44e922b01⋯.png (682.65 KB,1620x2160,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c214a No.21272149

File: fcdf297b9b07fe6⋯.png (417.61 KB,708x574,354:287,hm.png)

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558ec8 No.21272150




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9ed89f No.21272151

File: 4285520fda7821b⋯.jpeg (338.7 KB,828x698,414:349,01faggots3.jpeg)


think they need any moar pain at this time?

dial that shit in

call the ball!

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5e0e95 No.21272152

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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9ed89f No.21272153



any anon counting the fucking bodies?


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5a7747 No.21272154

File: b4ba8e679ae8a1e⋯.png (164.66 KB,557x501,557:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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05e5b1 No.21272155


>Q. Where is our Commander in Chief? Is he safe?

What happens when your own team believes you are an impostor wearing a mask?

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5a7747 No.21272156

File: 4c86c8629f0e8d9⋯.png (419.47 KB,568x643,568:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed89f No.21272157

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,000za.png)

i just kill [em]

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b3e2f3 No.21272158

Why resign first? Some special loophole created?

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c8719b No.21272159

File: 70e8605cb1b373b⋯.png (211.34 KB,904x952,113:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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558ec8 No.21272160

File: 9de37b9b0613ebd⋯.jpg (588.47 KB,1920x1442,960:721,Kamala_Harris_Facetime_Cal….jpg)


I'm out here in these streets, Tirage.

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5e0e95 No.21272161


I'm not that clown, but thanks for playing.

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9d4dfa No.21272162

File: 0c6f3b5786e1aa7⋯.png (249.62 KB,900x506,450:253,9c5909c054277883f423d871d2….png)


You are just a minor problem faggot

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bf9243 No.21272163


Oh the Irony

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9ed89f No.21272164

File: e621979d2da827b⋯.gif (2.62 MB,399x498,133:166,01j.gif)


nigga you be alright


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bd22c7 No.21272165

File: 7dd3efb1de8d88b⋯.png (508.27 KB,640x454,320:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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558ec8 No.21272166


something about money probably

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5e0e95 No.21272167

Oh for fuck's sake. Meant to reply to the other anon and, yeah. Fuck.

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b3e2f3 No.21272168

I thought joe would do what got him here in the first place and lock himself in the basement.

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36c098 No.21272169

File: bfb5946929ce96e⋯.png (516.28 KB,540x528,45:44,tc.png)

final bun


#26070 >>21271319

>>21271331 Cheatle: "There were sufficient resources that were given to the former President."

>>21271340 Cheatle admits USSS does not have radio comms recordings from July 13.

>>21271353 more on the white van in this clip FBI and bomb squad were there, it was 10 miles away

>>21271361 Crowdstrike CEO cashed out of $1.5 Million in shares… days before this meltdown occurred!

>>21271371 @thejimwatkins Those encrypted apps are not secure enough for the SS to use

>>21271402 It Appears Secret Service Had Eyes On Crooks Entire Time, And It Seems There Were Two Shooters

>>21271416 President Trump: Well they wanted to put me on a stretcher. They had a stretcher, and they wanted to put me on a stretcher


>>21271437 @EmeraldRobinson The Biden regime doesn't want any uncomfortable questions about their botched hit on Trump.

>>21271446 Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden

>>21271478 Rona Barrett’s 1980 interview of Donald Trump. Trump talks about ‘playing a game’

>>21271479, >>21271506 Triple E Comms


>>21271484 Pelosi key to Biden exit

>>21271493 Boebert says she will be DEMANDING access to Director Cheatle’s phone to see if she had any messaging apps

>>21271563 There was a SECOND SHOOTER!

>>21271602 Did anyone else’s ears perk up when she said “Continuity of Government”?

>>21271612 @DanScavino 7/14: Biden vs. 7/22: Biden

>>21271625 BOMBSHELL! The SS Counter-Snipers were on a Roof STEEPER than the Shooter.

>>21271663 @KeithOlbermann Minet died today. He overcame a stroke, bad kidneys, the death of his human, adjusting…

>>21271679 Memo from the Trump Campaign on State of Play Day 1

>>21271685, >>21271694 Pence meets Bibi At least someone Greeted Him!

>>21271687 Rep. Fallon Just Buried Cheatle “You should go back to guarding Dorito’s”

>>21271701 Dealing with toxic individuals can be draining on the spirit… stay focused

>>21271742 “Rachel” Levine and the Biden admin stepped up investigations in Texas following @GovAbbott’s ban on child mutiliation and sterilization.

>>21271743, >>21271747, >>21271826 @DanScavino TRUTHS

>>21271763 Night Owl News Archives - 07/22/2024

>>21271798 @C__Herridge Very limited testimony from Director Cheatle underscores reporting shared on July 13

>>21271837 Just two days ago, Kamala Harris lied that behind closed doors Joe Biden is a competent leader.

>>21271856 There are 4 QPosts containing "STATE FUNERAL"

>>21271875 @TuckerCarlson Where is Joe Biden? Why haven’t we seen him? “Clearly something is going on here.”

>>21271887 Biden cancels nine trips, extends Delaware stay after dropping out of 2024 race

>>21271898 2 killed in small plane crash Long Island

>>21271899 Kamala Harris Still Raising Money for ‘Freedom Fund’ That Busts Murderers and Rapists Out of Jail

>>21271918, >>21271954 Sheila Jackson Lee was heavily involved in the oversight of the Secret Service.

>>21271935 "You know what Stuart Knight did after [Regan's assassination attempt]?" "He remained on duty." "He resigned. He resigned."

>>21271944 Kim Cheatle is a liar. She needs to resign and be criminally charged.

>>21271971 JUST IN - Nancy Pelosi endorses Kamala Harris.

>>21271973 Fanni Willis who frequently visited Thomas Crooks' home and work addresses also visited the FBI office several times (needs more sauce)

>>21271998, >>21272015 No Weapon Formed Against Him will Prosper

>>21272004 Kamala’s team leaked on Biden. Now Biden’s team is returning the favor

>>21272032 Tornado warning issued for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - NWS

>>21272103 Nancy Mace Forces Impeachment Vote on Secret Service DEI Director Kim Cheatle Within 48 Hours


refer to meme

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542533 No.21272170

What miscalculation occurred?

What opposite impact did this generate?

How did POTUS recognize and invert?

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700b26 No.21272171

Subtract clown media from the equation.

What would the actions of the Democrat Party look like?

It would look like a "political party" rejecting their own voters, launching a coup, NO VOTES WHATSOEVER, just references to 'securing delegates' who represent voters for Biden, and imposing a take it or leave it 'chosen' candidate for D nominee against a GOP they tried to assassinate.

Without fake news, what does it look like?

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8ae653 No.21272172

File: d8d8793c525fa56⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,659x465,659:465,cat_field_ns.jpg)

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5a7747 No.21272173

File: 4f69280bb480ddd⋯.png (151.51 KB,609x1051,609:1051,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed89f No.21272176

File: 03b274ea90bf9a2⋯.gif (835.33 KB,200x131,200:131,1A24.gif)






look at this dumb motherfucker!

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9dd481 No.21272177

File: 31cf3d86dfd606d⋯.png (516.93 KB,1233x799,1233:799,ClipboardImage.png)


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5a7747 No.21272178

File: dd7745f20cb5080⋯.png (431.49 KB,504x519,168:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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700b26 No.21272179


His name isnt dead.

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558ec8 No.21272182


it was a winning move last time. Most votes in history!

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03b665 No.21272183

maddcow embracing kumcackle memes and showing em all to get in front of the dumpster fire without realizing its adding moar fuel to the fuel to fuel our memes of fuel

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852cf7 No.21272184

File: 762eb1d815cc2f8⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1125x1887,375:629,IMG_1951.jpeg)

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5a7747 No.21272185

File: 244d2fc77892ac9⋯.png (227 KB,568x498,284:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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6de115 No.21272187

File: 35e8db2d431736e⋯.jpg (50.88 KB,619x805,619:805,35e8db2d431736e20dfb0e4abe….jpg)

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fbd3a9 No.21272188

File: b9717e29d485893⋯.jpeg (223.66 KB,1720x561,1720:561,ERNEfCkLX0AMVJ6A.jpeg)

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36c098 No.21272189

File: 671562d6da977bc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x2560,1:1,671562d6da977bcc2075549ee8….jpg)

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62154a No.21272190

File: 27382683b92a3da⋯.png (34.9 KB,680x673,680:673,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bf842 No.21272191

File: 648f8d7c1b2c641⋯.png (563.53 KB,726x600,121:100,Screenshot_2024_07_22_at_1….png)

her laugh is form and function, hoe



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b3e2f3 No.21272193

File: 50ed8cd34f37846⋯.png (269.87 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240722_171951.png)


Posted something and was told you are banned with no chance of getting back on. Never made that post..

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558ec8 No.21272194


Dude wants his blowie

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36c098 No.21272195

File: 3b07a0dbf35cec6⋯.jpg (259.88 KB,1300x866,650:433,63279043_ginger_cat_laying….jpg)

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5e0e95 No.21272197

File: ae38538c6a732d5⋯.webm (148.85 KB,427x240,427:240,best_choice.webm)

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53c87c No.21272198



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36c098 No.21272199

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c07f4f No.21272201

File: d43aab937d47287⋯.png (711.33 KB,568x906,284:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1e72113641991f⋯.png (472.9 KB,736x696,92:87,ClipboardImage.png)


This here is what hit the DS panic button.

Like an instant rebuttal to their game plan of killing Trump.

They be looking at the instant Karma, wondering, if they know Sheila got taken out,

then who else do whitehats know about?

And in unison, the uniparty are all spooping their pants, realizing, any one of them,

could easily be next.

Donald, duck, comes to mind as their personal boomerang.

Now they all gotta learn to duck, cause they can't trust their security detail.

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9dd481 No.21272202

File: b331248d12a72da⋯.png (326.29 KB,1087x822,1087:822,ClipboardImage.png)


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