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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

a181e7 No.21269737 [View All]

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701 posts and 497 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a73162 No.21270474


Negative- puts me in the grave empty handed

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02d380 No.21270475

Okay guys check this out. Not sure if its legit or not but look at this on repeat.

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364421 No.21270476

File: 391d1bea44d570e⋯.png (22.63 KB,132x124,33:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e3ffdaef317631⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.54 KB,500x281,500:281,FBI_agent_capture.jpg)

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f7e9dc No.21270477

File: 28ad9f7a4d73cdf⋯.png (342.99 KB,539x463,539:463,again2.png)

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d46900 No.21270478

File: 480a02424a97ddd⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1520,27:38,Scf_1.png)


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ae8196 No.21270479

File: 60177a60c64149f⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,KAMALA_The_US_very_importa….mp4)


>Did Kamala spill the beans

generally does

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ac0d04 No.21270481

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2eb375 No.21270482

J.D. Vance [Radford rally]: [Harris] supported abolishing ICE, and wanted to defund the police. Even Joe Biden never went so far as to say he wanted to defund the police. Of course, he supported all these policies because him, or somebody else; we don't know who has been in charge of this country the last three and a half years, but Joe Biden supported it, every step of the way, or at least, the person who is actually running the show.

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835fa2 No.21270483


straight down the middle

get some

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714e5c No.21270484

File: 607ebc2ea208a13⋯.jpg (110.48 KB,743x835,743:835,Screenshot_20240701_193425….jpg)

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827a59 No.21270485

File: c0fa39b2774395c⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,JFKZapruder.mp4)



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fc527a No.21270486

File: 6c8591823c85f88⋯.png (462.81 KB,420x561,140:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7a1c No.21270487


THE clock.

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1ef5bd No.21270488







I'm sorry I had to drag the board through it, but it had to be this way. Every battle was necessary.


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978ad2 No.21270489

Notables - FINAL

#26068 >>21269750

>>21269770 Ghetto Democrats Cry SEXISM Over GOP DESTROYING WOKE Secret Service Chief During HEATED Hearing!

>>21269777 Israeli Officials Say Tomorrow’s Meeting Between PM Netanyahu and Missing US President Biden Has Been Cancelled

>>21269779, >>21269794, >>21269802, >>21269816, >>21269840, >>21269860, >>21269877, >>21269881, >>21269919, >>21269963, >>21269973, >>21269990, >>21270012, >>21270020, >>21269948, >>21270038, >>21270444 Cheatle Bun

>>21269835 Biden's X Banner Changes to "Harris For President"

>>21269837, >>21269855 Investigators have found that a person frequently visiting Trump ass*ssin's home and workplace also VISITED A BUILDING IN WASHINGTON, DC on June 26, 2023 very near to an FBI office.

>>21269863 FLASHBACK: Kamala Claimed ‘We Have a Secure Border’ Days After Laken Riley’s Alleged Killer Crossed It.

>>21269914 CRISPR Babies: Six years later

>>21269921 Democrats perpetrated massive fraud as they willfully hid Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline

>>21269922 Trump Will Be ‘Delighted’ to Face Kamala Harris in November: Farage.

>>21269959, >>21269984, >>21270003, >>21270021, >>21270035, >>21270114, >>21270148, >>21270168, >>21270185, >>21270208, >>21270226, >>21270274, >>21270294, >>21270320, >>21270343 Kamala Harris Bun

>>21269980, >>21270031, >>21270249, >>21270454 PF Reports

>>21269989 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Hold a Rally in Radford, Virginia

>>21270002 Senate GOP Memo: Kamala Harris Dooms Down-Ballot Democrats

>>21270056, >>21270085 The entire Trump assassination plot is about to blow up thanks to a mysterious ATF agent who just went dark

>>21270089 Last Bread Congress mp4 vids link (PB LINKS)

>>21270114 Kamala Harris, the least popular vice president in modern history, says she's ready to become commander-in-chief "if necessary"

>>21270151 WE THE PEOPLE

>>21270196 Kamala Harris’ team taps Eric Holder to vet potential running mates

>>21270270 Florida man charged over alleged written threats to kill Donald Trump and JD Vance

>>21270289 Questions Congress Side-Stepped About Trump Assassination Attempt at Hearing Today

>>21270308 It Appears Secret Service Had Eyes On Crooks Entire Time, And It Seems There Were Two Shooters

>>21270356 Donald J Trump and JD Vance on Jesse Watters Primetime - Monday 8pm ET

>>21270368, >>21270399, >>21270428 MUSK: I was tricked into giving puberty blockers to my son. These are sterilization drugs. - My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus

>>21270377 New Hampshire Governor signs bills that ban sex-change surgery for kids & biological men in girls' sports

>>21270384 Hezbollah launch another rocket barrage into the Upper Galilee region of Northern Israel.

>>21270392 Biden (allegedly) calls in to his former campaign HQ before Kamala speaks: "I know yesterday's news was surprising"

>>21270409 John Podesta's Center for American Progress arguing for "pathway to citizenship" for "undocumented immigrants" to "maintain electoral strength in the future"

>>21270414 @JudiciaryGOP just sent this letter to FBI Director Wray – highlighting that the committee has talked to whistleblowers about security failures at the rally

>>21270424, >>21270438 Did Kamala spill the beans? Was it a recording?

>>21270458 Trump gunman had Michigan school shooter's photo, foreign encrypted apps, FBI tells Congress


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6bde9a No.21270490

File: 0abfc0df522bdba⋯.jpg (25.92 KB,923x270,923:270,25.jpg)

>>21270281 after that it's showing 25%?

is the monthly fee in the millions?

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53de8d No.21270491

File: a606f7263a00d2e⋯.jpeg (585.77 KB,1249x1264,1249:1264,IMG_2791.jpeg)

@Mike_Pence reposted

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078e48 No.21270492

File: 16ae903253fca84⋯.png (380.94 KB,500x679,500:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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7db60e No.21270493

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See new posts


John Solomon


House subcommittee releases thousands of hours of new J6 footage

Barry Loudermilk, Washington, D.C., June 24, 2021 | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

From justthenews.com

4:45 PM · Jul 22, 2024





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ae8196 No.21270496

File: a0624fcf583ae0d⋯.mp4 (790.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,macron_gets_slapped_again.mp4)

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d8a294 No.21270497


Why would you submit your child to some new

“Frontal lobotomy”

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001e69 No.21270498


>THE clock.

What clock?

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c2f2c0 No.21270499

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364421 No.21270500

File: a55eda015fcdf68⋯.png (249.72 KB,614x562,307:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e94de No.21270501

>>21269614 lb

>>21269618 lb

>>21269625 lb

>>21269632 lb

>>21269668 lb

>>21269674 lb

"StoneWall Cheat-EL"?

Can the Secret Service be defunded and a new agencie created?

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71d268 No.21270502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No way that this is really Biden calling in.

This is fake AI

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f7e9dc No.21270503

File: cd41b785ed7db9c⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingcity2_pnpg.png)

You can't stop it. And they only amplified it.

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4d17dc No.21270504


SOUND: pathetic

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b0ac1c No.21270506

File: 67e75dd80f7a83b⋯.jpeg (375.19 KB,1266x1546,633:773,IMG_5490.jpeg)

File: 5a05026dfbba991⋯.jpeg (73.99 KB,784x390,392:195,IMG_5489.jpeg)

File: 3ee1588a46ba6b1⋯.jpeg (103.96 KB,720x704,45:44,IMG_5488.jpeg)

File: 9f6c8ec164ba40a⋯.jpeg (185.86 KB,1440x986,720:493,IMG_5486.jpeg)

File: 20364d1aa50ad01⋯.jpeg (174.52 KB,1911x1075,1911:1075,IMG_5485.jpeg)

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06b5c8 No.21270507



It went from shitpost to wtf for real in no time flat.

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e8f846 No.21270508

Who will be KH's VP for the remainder of Bidens term when she takes the WH within the next month.

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ac0d04 No.21270509


because they weren't even there.

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978ad2 No.21270510

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3138b9 No.21270511

File: fdabe63b5ca52a7⋯.png (425.87 KB,593x730,593:730,is.PNG)


Laura Loomer



Israel’s Prime Minister @netanyahu

and his wife Sara just arrived in Washington DC.

Neither Joe Biden or @KamalaHarris

were there to greet him. They didn’t even give Netanyahu & @Israel

a proper diplomatic welcome as an ally to the United States.


Rate proposed Community Notes

10:20 AM · Jul 22, 2024




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795484 No.21270512


Nice but not quite what I had in mind. it doesn't quite capture the sloped roof concept.

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c07dca No.21270513


The goal for America should be to keep you and your henchmen out of our government.

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9f556a No.21270514

File: 011a239474d67ca⋯.jpeg (464.75 KB,1101x1047,367:349,011a239474d67ca9c62dcadbe….jpeg)

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361c63 No.21270517

File: 4d4276fe88d4f0c⋯.jpg (14.27 KB,183x165,61:55,HardPass.jpg)


kek and a hard pass

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f7e9dc No.21270518

File: 79d2a4fe14431fc⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,le1DrF6iSzdu.jpeg)

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d46900 No.21270519

File: 79a4a3b8e98f7ee⋯.png (1.56 MB,1080x1520,27:38,Scf.png)


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ae8196 No.21270521

File: b0678f480d462d9⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,784x224,7:2,jfk_remaster_crop_to_greer….mp4)

>>21270485 >>21270471

What are you seeing, Greer the driver?

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978ad2 No.21270522

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2229d4 No.21270523

Bibi ain’t coming to the gas chamber of Congress

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fd4f2f No.21270526

File: 82c3c379aad6a26⋯.jpg (147 KB,492x369,4:3,elon.jpg)

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19ef63 No.21270527

File: 50d08477eb29ee7⋯.png (1020.36 KB,1257x967,1257:967,ClipboardImage.png)

The shit that passes for journalism these days.

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57e31f No.21270529

File: b48c46663d63e5b⋯.png (546.8 KB,540x591,180:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae8196 No.21270530


I don't know why people do it.

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8bafc2 No.21270531

File: b5e0939a887e7e2⋯.png (1.77 MB,2589x2119,2589:2119,Marker1Confirmed.png)

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8b7a1c No.21270533



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20845b No.21270534


Mossad always gets the scoop!

Now play the victim like the rest of your tribe

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