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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

8b28ea No.21268970 [View All]

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a252a8 No.21269712

File: 0915a94c4ca16ed⋯.png (1.37 MB,1235x927,1235:927,Jackson_Lee_Part_of_the_cl….png)

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c066cf No.21269713

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 9c78195a9b353c7⋯.jpeg (232.87 KB,1227x662,1227:662,IMG_6908.jpeg)

File: e8e70f7c788b02b⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB,1251x479,1251:479,IMG_2255.jpeg)


It had to be this way!

How many times has the FlynnStone crew tried to get PDJT for Speaker?

Why was (Speaker - 55) Kevin McCarthy Vacted? Matt GAETZ ethics violations and he should be in jail!



SINCE OUR REPUBLICAN HOUSE KNOWS WHO HELPED MAKE ALL OF THE TRUMP-PENCE POLICIES it’s only logical for them to call upon our former Vice President!!

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ad2a6e No.21269714


Dif strikes for dif folks

we are all anons, nobody here knows yer name

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c45cca No.21269715


Old time hockey

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d63f63 No.21269716

File: 562752dc3ea8e5f⋯.png (575.97 KB,977x502,977:502,ClipboardImage.png)

Congressman Re-Enacted Trump Shooting, Landed 15 of 16 ‘Killshots.’

Republican Representative Pat Fallon of Texas slammed United States Secret Service (USSDS) director Kimberly Cheatle over her agency’s failures during the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump, saying he re-created the shooting and managed to hit 15 out of 16 kill shots.

Fallon said that he used his own AR-15, firing eight shots with a red dot and eight shots with a magnified scope.

“The one I missed would have hit the president’s ear. That’s a 94 percent success rate, and that shooter was a better shot than me. It is a miracle President Trump wasn’t killed,” Fallon said.

Fallon questioned Cheatle during a July 22 House Oversight Committee hearing,asking her how 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks outwitted and outsmarted her agency.

Cheatle admitted she knew of the heightened threat to Trump, which was later disclosed as Iranian in origin but did not increase Trump’s security.

“You just said you had the ability to beef up the security. You knew about the threat, and you didn’t. And that’s as telling as it is chilling,” Fallon said.


Cheatle confessed she had never visited the shooting location in the nine days since the shooting.

“The shooter had visited the site two times more than you have,” Fallon said, noting that Crooks had used a drone to scout out the best possible place to open fire from.

Previously, Cheatle had claimed no agents were on the building where Crooks took his shot due to the supposed sloped roof.

Fallon highlighted the fact that other USSS snipers were placed on buildings with even steeper sloped roofs, calling Cheatle’s statements “pathetic excuses.”

“I believe your horrifying ineptitude and lack of skilled leadership is a disgrace. Your obfuscating today is shameful, and you should be fired immediately and go back to guarding Doritos,” Fallon concluded.

Fallon was not the only member of the committee to slam Cheatle, as Rep. Nancy Mace (SC-R), told Cheatle she was “full of shit” during her questioning.


(How could she have worked for the SS for 36 years and work as head of security in a Doritos factory)

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cefaff No.21269717


I hope she is the only female politician that has resorted to this kind of actions for advancement.

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f4125a No.21269718

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c066cf No.21269719


Absolutely 💯

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aed332 No.21269720

File: e031466008964e8⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,598x332,299:166,As_you_know_the_shooter_be….mp4)

Krishnamoorthi: As you know, the shooter began shooting at 6:11 pm eastern, on July 13th. NBC reported that at 5:51 pm, 20 minutes before the shooting began, the State Police informed the Secret Service of their concern. Now the rally was not paused at that point, correct?

Cheatle: No.

Krishnamoorthi: And according to NBC, just two minutes later, at 5:53 pm, the Secret Service notified it's snipers about the gunman. The rally wasn't paused a that point either, correct?

Cheatle: No.

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4be0c6 No.21269721

final bun for #26067

Hold yer laties tight - it's clos'n time

czech em

#26067 >>21268980

>>21268995 Leader of $200 Million Ponzi Scheme Pleads Guilty to Mail and Wire Fraud Conspiracy and Faces 20 Years’ Imprisonment

>>21269017 Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin call for United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign.

>>21269025 Tesla to produce ‘humanoid’ robots next year – Musk


>>21269036 FLAGS OUT 5 yr Delta

>>21269044 MIL Posts Decodes

>>21269050 Biden in a coma? more than usual?

>>21269061, >>21269063 The Truth About Kamala Harris

>>21269070 Trump Campaign Statement on Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s Decline and Disarray

>>21269075, >>21269102 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21269154 Blinken says Iran is "probably one or two weeks away" from getting their hands on a nuclear weapon

>>21269155, >>21269279 Was $46mm this morn'n. now up to $81mm??? -Make it 105 million- Harris rakes in presidential donation record

>>21269271 SC Rep. Mace: ‘Biden is a national security risk,’ calls for cabinet to invoke 25th Amendment

>>21269328 They skeerd: Jamie Raskin said Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle had lost the confidence of Congress and should resign.

>>21269409, >>21269566 Capital Camera - Why is the flag at half mast? jackson lee ded

>>21269496, >>21269504 Interactive Polls: 'Presidential Election Winner' - Donald Trump: 64% :: Kamala Harris 29%

>>21269543 MTG: "Was there a stand-down order, Ms. Cheatle? Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?

>>21269569 Benjamin Netanyahu now purportedly requesting a meeting with Donald Trump after being snubbed by BOTH Joe and Kamala

>>21269588 BUCKS COUNTY major Philadelphia suburban county, which voted for Hillary & Biden, is now red.

>>21269594 Biden-Linked MeidasTouch Owner Refusing to Pay Staff, Editor Quits.

>>21269614, >>21269618, 21269625, >>21269632, >>21269668, >>21269674 Cheatle got her ass kicked

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c45cca No.21269722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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156473 No.21269723

File: f470f1df5207edd⋯.png (65.42 KB,568x174,284:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b78f4 No.21269724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[they] don't call it a "conspiracy". [they] call ops "live exercise".

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4be0c6 No.21269725

#26067 >>21268980

>>21268995 Leader of $200 Million Ponzi Scheme Pleads Guilty to Mail and Wire Fraud Conspiracy and Faces 20 Years’ Imprisonment

>>21269017 Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin call for United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign.

>>21269025 Tesla to produce ‘humanoid’ robots next year – Musk


>>21269036 FLAGS OUT 5 yr Delta

>>21269044 MIL Posts Decodes

>>21269050 Biden in a coma? more than usual?

>>21269061, >>21269063 The Truth About Kamala Harris

>>21269070 Trump Campaign Statement on Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s Decline and Disarray

>>21269075, >>21269102 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21269154 Blinken says Iran is "probably one or two weeks away" from getting their hands on a nuclear weapon

>>21269155, >>21269279 Was $46mm this morn'n. now up to $81mm??? -Make it 105 million- Harris rakes in presidential donation record

>>21269271 SC Rep. Mace: ‘Biden is a national security risk,’ calls for cabinet to invoke 25th Amendment

>>21269328 They skeerd: Jamie Raskin said Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle had lost the confidence of Congress and should resign.

>>21269409, >>21269566 Capital Camera - Why is the flag at half mast? jackson lee ded

>>21269496, >>21269504 Interactive Polls: 'Presidential Election Winner' - Donald Trump: 64% :: Kamala Harris 29%

>>21269543 MTG: "Was there a stand-down order, Ms. Cheatle? Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?

>>21269569 Benjamin Netanyahu now purportedly requesting a meeting with Donald Trump after being snubbed by BOTH Joe and Kamala

>>21269588 BUCKS COUNTY major Philadelphia suburban county, which voted for Hillary & Biden, is now red.

>>21269594 Biden-Linked MeidasTouch Owner Refusing to Pay Staff, Editor Quits.

>>21269614, >>21269618, >>21269625, >>21269632, >>21269668, >>21269674 Cheatle got her ass kicked

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a252a8 No.21269726



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8a04c7 No.21269727

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d08ebd No.21269728

File: 2bafc3dfaf67476⋯.webp (978.81 KB,3412x2275,3412:2275,QYH4SKL4HZDKXGILJDSRAMRTR….webp)

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bea26c No.21269729


blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

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ad2a6e No.21269730


did she answer even ONE question?

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09f7f7 No.21269731

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Oh God damn nigga you dint just drop the smokingpepe21.png, did you? I'm not sure if he has figured out yet that every copied filename was training to illicit a reaction until he becomes untriggerable. No Anon holds a monopoly on any meme. Q specifically stated, and my fav Q Post of all time… "ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless fameless and FEARLESS"

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f4125a No.21269732

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d08ebd No.21269733

File: 66e7c72fbfefd52⋯.jpg (27.76 KB,378x461,378:461,GGt0tTNWgAELo8t.jpg)

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c74a6e No.21269734

File: c3018a49e94ee09⋯.png (232.07 KB,612x459,4:3,Pepe_precipice.png)

These arevery interestingtimes we're living in indeed…

Crazy timeline is crazy. Grab your popcorn. Buckle up!

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9e9e99 No.21269735

File: 75a439b9df87ea3⋯.png (127.12 KB,869x686,869:686,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34d9d8855ac7210⋯.png (30.71 KB,869x374,79:34,ClipboardImage.png)



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e9db35 No.21269736

File: e03af9a0240fff0⋯.png (259.27 KB,455x627,455:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f02e48272a46cf6⋯.jpg (163.17 KB,1013x1013,1:1,cfde83c2ec0bff49.jpg)


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ad2a6e No.21269738


mebbe "what is your name?"

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d08ebd No.21269739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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281141 No.21269741

Harris is in charge of the Border

her only job is the Border

How's the Border Doing?

Do you want the Country Run like the Border has been?

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eb90f8 No.21269742

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe23.png)

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bea26c No.21269743



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ad2a6e No.21269746



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7b7e68 No.21269747


Wouldn't you at least temporarily detain someone you "thought" might be a problem and make sure?

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96d3e8 No.21269748

File: 61575fe59f06064⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)

I'm not complaining about it. You yourself you've said you want to tell newfags what to think. I'm letting them know what I think you're doing. It's not about me, it's all about you, just like what you want.

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c74a6e No.21269749

File: e3e566bc772b1e1⋯.png (469.98 KB,500x500,1:1,kek_kamala_cackle.png)


Funny that they picked an image of Kamala cackling…

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49cf88 No.21269751

serious point . conflicting delta do not resolve. No IDEN. confussed.

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09f7f7 No.21269753

File: 89224411ff0324f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingspace3.png)


Holy Bawls and holds muh fucking beer yo.

typing in "Mimic" in Qresear.ch yields 2272 results just for Q Research alone. My work has been cut out for me to say the least

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6a3f55 No.21269754


it's not just the slope that is slippery

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bea26c No.21269755


7 days here…5 days to go

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367091 No.21269756

File: 61ffaf79416d5cb⋯.png (182.7 KB,500x500,1:1,image_removebg_preview_10_.png)


> Grab your popcorn

And your donuts!

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a1abd5 No.21269757

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d63f63 No.21269758


Bidan has got to be dead

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4261a7 No.21269759

Joe Biden is dead.

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0abdc6 No.21269760

File: d602e5d92ed4abf⋯.png (907.33 KB,980x970,98:97,thesw.png)


she said don't come

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a23456 No.21269761

File: a384c4176801514⋯.jpg (93.71 KB,823x226,823:226,ITS_A_RULER.jpg)

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156473 No.21269762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scott Ritter: Hezbollah CRUSHES the IDF and Embarrasses Israel in Stunning Defeat!

Dialogue Works

159K subscribers
































































116,919 views 10 hours ago


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cfbc96 No.21269763


Harris is not the nominee. Mike Robinson will be.

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a3652c No.21269764

File: cd7913b1d46bc4a⋯.jpg (67.19 KB,416x416,1:1,Fourtoes.jpg)

File: 82e1c91a97472fe⋯.jpg (32.59 KB,460x296,115:74,everydoghasday1.jpg)

File: 9384d0639754538⋯.jpg (127.02 KB,750x1000,3:4,everydoghasday2.jpg)

File: 82b826fc717cafc⋯.jpg (120.93 KB,1080x1367,1080:1367,everydoghasday3.jpg)


Four toes.

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8a04c7 No.21269765


> temporarily detain

For what crime? Does our constitution mean nothing to you?

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ad2a6e No.21269766

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3af912 No.21269767

File: 0a9b0bc6226aef3⋯.jpeg (425.92 KB,1080x1076,270:269,IMG_1557.jpeg)

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