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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

8f73f6 No.21099259 [View All]

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704 posts and 354 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c80b47 No.21100126


it wasn't nonstop tho?

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008008 No.21100127

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)


CNN fuked up



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ea51b1 No.21100128

File: d73d9049913c834⋯.png (451.04 KB,526x681,526:681,Debate_Bingo.png)

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0b8cc8 No.21100129

File: 7fcbd12e83e21ad⋯.png (402.7 KB,533x500,533:500,Fried_Biden_3.PNG)

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55d5fa No.21100131

File: e43e3ca7b745083⋯.png (74.25 KB,197x259,197:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a165b No.21100132

cough = next line please

nose touch = repeat line

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10b478 No.21100133

File: 1fa2f5d2dd24f7c⋯.png (379.11 KB,710x672,355:336,1fa2f5d2dd24f7ce0ddc119731….png)

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599ce2 No.21100134



Does any anon have "Bullet Point Training" on their card.

Notice the replies are all #1 then #2…aka bullet point prepped

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57749f No.21100135


Like Nixon's Fever KEK. Joe will resign and say IM not a Crook- HE is the only felon up here KEK

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8f73f6 No.21100136



#25863 >>21099276

>>21099302 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21099348, >>21099412, >>21099483 @DanScavino ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

>>21099396, >>21099577 Come in Obama, Obama Come In Help help help

>>21099451 Communist News Network sucks

>>21099473 Bill Gates Is Investing "Billions" In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099762, >>21099741, >>21099760 SUPER PREDATORS Meme It

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099918 JUST IN - “President Biden has a cold." - NBC reports citing two sources

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript


>>21100095 @MTG Biden couldn’t get hired as a Walmart greeter and he has the nuclear codes.

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Post last edited at

8cac46 No.21100137

File: e2d65a41a474f09⋯.png (2.68 MB,1448x2048,181:256,typorama.png)

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dae6c6 No.21100138

File: 30ba8d74acaee87⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,720x720,1:1,babykitty.mp4)

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047356 No.21100140

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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1e35d2 No.21100141

File: 6242306e07c330c⋯.jpg (156.89 KB,2000x1125,16:9,6242306e07c330c32c2a0d3c89….jpg)

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83ed6b No.21100142

File: e8392eb337f593c⋯.png (1.42 MB,1490x832,745:416,Screen_Shot_2024_03_12_at_….png)

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1d42f4 No.21100143

File: 6ec2217d96aa2a6⋯.png (249.18 KB,500x500,1:1,8v8tp9.png)

File: 5d3d78ee06805e7⋯.png (240.8 KB,500x500,1:1,8v8ttl.png)

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55d5fa No.21100144

File: 746e221747db6e5⋯.png (89.39 KB,226x256,113:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f73f6 No.21100145




#25863 >>21099276

>>21099302 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21099348, >>21099412, >>21099483 @DanScavino ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

>>21099396, >>21099577 Come in Obama, Obama Come In Help help help

>>21099451 Communist News Network sucks

>>21099473 Bill Gates Is Investing "Billions" In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099762, >>21099741, >>21099760 SUPER PREDATORS Meme It

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099918 JUST IN - “President Biden has a cold." - NBC reports citing two sources

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript


>>21100095 @MTG Biden couldn’t get hired as a Walmart greeter and he has the nuclear codes.


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af9ac3 No.21100147

File: c0db76f21b69c9b⋯.jpg (483.06 KB,3200x4000,4:5,Declassified_image_of_Cona….jpg)

File: 3e446858ce24cfa⋯.jpg (93.21 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_20240414_125518.jpg)


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c80b47 No.21100148


anon noticed that too

do not have that tho

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ecf65c No.21100149


It's Newsolini. It always has been.

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4c87e1 No.21100150

File: a8f91c45addfee3⋯.jpg (391.06 KB,1432x1080,179:135,BorderControl.JPG)

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b5510c No.21100152

Release the tapes!

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473487 No.21100153

Who does Joe hear in his earpiece? White hats.

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0db312 No.21100154

File: ee20883a86ab317⋯.gif (7.75 MB,480x407,480:407,crackhunter.gif)

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d03dca No.21100155

"Fentanyl Machines"

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3497f8 No.21100157

File: 1193755075b815f⋯.png (3.35 MB,2478x1373,2478:1373,ClipboardImage.png)

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9886fb No.21100158


Ah…………..I forgot about those things. More likely than the ear piece me thinks.

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b78bb2 No.21100159

File: 39353276e2bd4fa⋯.png (5.66 MB,1134x1740,189:290,1981_10_21_page_0004.png)

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158fbe No.21100160


I have so many memes if I actually could compose memes!

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68b020 No.21100161

File: 013a0cff6f6d62a⋯.png (348.69 KB,500x500,1:1,weirder.png)

File: 613f2f79328c93d⋯.png (18.55 KB,806x450,403:225,wwg1wga.png)

File: 52c63f004d04862⋯.png (562.44 KB,795x797,795:797,WWG1WGAQ.png)



V Edition


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80dee1 No.21100163

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6bafd2 No.21100164

typical career politician answer

>we need more expensive machines!

>it's going to cost a lot of money!

use fucking drug dogs like has been done for decades

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a21766 No.21100165



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b78bb2 No.21100168

such fun

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3497f8 No.21100169

File: 4ffb8a024c0b2db⋯.jpg (149.93 KB,650x493,650:493,Let_s_go_brandon1.jpg)

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508e3c No.21100171


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129dd7 No.21100172

File: 8d7a078c11172e5⋯.jpeg (541.54 KB,809x776,809:776,13483D6A_795B_45A3_B4D5_E….jpeg)


Stated in fall of 2021 because they’ve always had no one

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2a050e No.21100173


Biden is hard to follow


goes off the rails

"We need those machines"


starts saying crazy shit

Then somebody damps it down?

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a78c6e No.21100174


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508e3c No.21100175



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b78bb2 No.21100176


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617a2b No.21100177


that is the original joe biden

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508e3c No.21100178


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aab10a No.21100179


ah, yup.

forgot 'bout that one.

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ea51b1 No.21100181


Gavin is my bet

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68b020 No.21100182

File: df9a0ad7c69ce4d⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,454x196,227:98,Jan11Qanon.JPG)

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6f640f No.21100183

File: 67b9300650badc5⋯.png (28.92 KB,322x482,161:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cd0429221717ce⋯.png (156 KB,714x944,357:472,2204CAP.png)



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129dd7 No.21100184

File: acb83e34c77b0c7⋯.jpeg (439.81 KB,828x817,828:817,A3463C17_CD98_4AE3_8F20_7….jpeg)

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a1fbc1 No.21100185

File: 1179e949200e427⋯.png (1.47 MB,1174x1202,587:601,1179e949200e427618d68535a9….png)

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