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File: 554e802d860675b⋯.jpg (267.34 KB,1200x803,1200:803,nightshift.jpg)

bdee66 No.21096722 [View All]

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54ed0e No.21097509


bored cabinetmakers worldwide

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e61820 No.21097510

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Debate – 9:00pm Livestream – Open Discussion Thread


June 27, 2024

First, some have speculated the timing of the first 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is so early in the election year, prior to any party convention, because Biden is anticipated to be replaced. This is considerable supposition, but the date of the debate is indeed very odd.

Secondly, without a doubt the headlines leading into the debate have been seeded with talking points friendly to the Biden position on economics, immigration, inflation and foreign policy (Ukraine). From economists publicizing letters to government agencies promoting lowered inflation, the talking points for Biden have been well scripted and practiced.

Third, CNN the exclusive media outlet for the debate, is notorious for structuring political attacks against President Trump. Biden has been in dress rehearsals and training for the optics and soundbites for several weeks. Knowing CNN gave prior debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance during the 2016 primary, we can anticipate CNN working hand in glove with the Biden campaign. They don’t even try to hide this stuff any longer.

That said, if you are watching the debate tonight, consider this an open discussion thread. I will embed the livestream links below that should work despite CNN being extremely aggressive with the proprietary broadcast controls.







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2f0e1c No.21097511

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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74844f No.21097512

File: a57d9ca6c812851⋯.png (160.88 KB,870x2316,145:386,101.png)

File: 98dac8a1bb45c78⋯.png (96.74 KB,870x720,29:24,61.png)

File: 00680d08b5e9cd2⋯.png (100.29 KB,870x720,29:24,62.png)

File: 93db6f4a1f18687⋯.png (49.63 KB,870x500,87:50,102.png)



when I go to the site, it is 1:02 (62s)

conspiracy theorist considers white h@ts take down qagg to expose TimeStamp fuckery everywhere

We all have seen it.

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9b841c No.21097513

File: 52756d1aee3c3a4⋯.jpg (10.17 KB,500x281,500:281,youdontsay.jpg)

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3d448b No.21097514



I´m goinfg to fuck your mother on your bed.

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2f0e1c No.21097515

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,11_11_2018_At_the_Bar.jpg)

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c380bf No.21097518

File: 2379e37aa920330⋯.png (85.01 KB,584x800,73:100,artbellpepe.png)

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d16e8a No.21097519

File: 278bfb16765427f⋯.jpeg (7.3 KB,110x66,5:3,IMG_1736.jpeg)



Weinstein Epstein Silverstein

Read the Bible.

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b64b7b No.21097520

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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a11673 No.21097521

File: 231f04864672c1d⋯.jpg (31.28 KB,583x505,583:505,231f04864672c1dba09c719b9f….jpg)


Ima sit beside this nigga.

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10f048 No.21097522



why did you use such a weird apostrophe?

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3d448b No.21097523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A sneak peek at CNN presidential debate rules


16.4M subscribers

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9b841c No.21097524


now that's cool


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b64b7b No.21097525

File: 26abf3a38fef2da⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,960x960,1:1,35237529_1763879816980627_….jpg)

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12ef0b No.21097526

If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

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5ab43d No.21097529


One of two scenarios will occur.

1. CNN sucks and nobody tunes in to watch and CNN has horrendous rating for a presidential debate…

2. Everyone tunes in to the debate and the whole world sees CNN rig a debate in favor of one candidate.

Neither scenario is good for CNN.

This is how horribly stupid CNN is.

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b64b7b No.21097530

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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05ef2c No.21097531

File: 5926d6e00315b8b⋯.jpg (300.46 KB,749x589,749:589,FOR_A_REASON.jpg)

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3d448b No.21097533

File: 8a1ef61e55ad4ef⋯.jpg (55.92 KB,770x462,5:3,julian.jpg)


I´m from Madagascar.

Things are weird here.

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1e43b2 No.21097534



That was Geritol Joe trying to show he's the brains behind the operations. He's not. He's just the flaccid low-life that shits his pants, and smells like the ape cage at the zoo.

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d44cdc No.21097535


I can't hear you please turn your radio off

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d16e8a No.21097536


Would love to watch but can’t afford the fucking cable bill at this point about to stop paying the POWER bill ie Electric

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00c1d0 No.21097537

File: 671562d6da977bc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x2560,1:1,671562d6da977bcc2075549ee8….jpg)

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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c7e919 No.21097538

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a0b2e2 No.21097539

File: 2bc9841d1534fad⋯.png (67.73 KB,519x763,519:763,ClipboardImage.png)


2 days ahead of the delta

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b64b7b No.21097540

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB,919x931,919:931,ALurk.png)

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810c6d No.21097541

File: 5f2edc825318a09⋯.png (2.03 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ge.png)

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f71013 No.21097542

File: 24aedc38b9e5fe9⋯.png (315.97 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bd86e No.21097544

File: 1f360232c9db43e⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.71 KB,594x754,297:377,1f360232c9db43e71f20d545e….jpeg)


>I´m from Madagascar.

>Things are weird here.

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b64b7b No.21097545

File: ab0222b136b6eb0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,600x1000,3:5,Dig_Meme_Pray.jpg)

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00c1d0 No.21097547

File: 370c1b537ae4db0⋯.jpg (82.18 KB,720x720,1:1,370c1b537ae4db097ac1c0f003….jpg)

File: df2c208d95f2d1b⋯.jpg (24.51 KB,333x403,333:403,df2c208d95f2d1b137ed3b1efe….jpg)

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b64b7b No.21097548

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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bc77da No.21097549

File: a0b4612113ea95a⋯.png (443.48 KB,735x888,245:296,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8560c No.21097550

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)

File: 656edf8df1fdd43⋯.png (477.22 KB,1495x715,23:11,ClipboardImage.png)


do not expect the enemy to provide a fair playing field.

relax and enjoy the show.

There is a bigger problem tonight

Trump has had to go into enemy territory tonight

Atlanta, Georgia.

it will be a mess there with a big football game also taking place there.

hope his security detai are on high alert .

the city will be a mess of protesters and football fans, gridlock and chaos everywhere.

keep your eyes peeled anons..

This is not just a debate in enemy back yard.


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a11673 No.21097551

File: 0cd0bdee38c6ea6⋯.jpeg (155.87 KB,2000x1932,500:483,received_391756840256520.jpeg)

Fill it my Niggas


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9b841c No.21097552


i love crust

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641510 No.21097553

File: 5f83d78041f7d56⋯.png (392.79 KB,1400x1050,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey, I gots more.

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b64b7b No.21097554

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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44be35 No.21097555

File: 2459b8e2134625b⋯.jpg (140.56 KB,1500x844,375:211,mwhuiasgads67a.jpg)

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810c6d No.21097556

File: b3788b8b8c56399⋯.png (1.29 MB,1014x998,507:499,ge.png)

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c84dbe No.21097558

File: 6703753575467b7⋯.png (14.53 MB,950x580,95:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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d646a2 No.21097560

File: 127b1a40c4e6e0f⋯.png (286.64 KB,490x350,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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b64b7b No.21097561

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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3d448b No.21097562

File: 286132af6e6cbf9⋯.png (173.35 KB,432x396,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b4aff No.21097563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



meet the grahams

Kendrick Lamar

1 month ago

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c9ab98 No.21097564


six and a half years in full lotus

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b64b7b No.21097565

File: 9cd79a1f56fe1d1⋯.jpg (106.64 KB,850x731,50:43,iu_18_.jpg)

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74844f No.21097566

File: e7c93a046855275⋯.png (77.86 KB,870x764,435:382,1225.png)

File: 90fb687e0ebc8fb⋯.png (101.83 KB,870x764,435:382,25.png)


12:25pmE if I convert correctly checkit

anon has seen both of these at least once today eleswhere

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b64b7b No.21097567

File: 105807c4fc457b7⋯.png (12.2 KB,600x700,6:7,keep_calm_it_s_only_a_nigh….png)

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