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File: 88e251a0709f216⋯.png (151.98 KB,837x404,837:404,000fff.png)

f899b9 No.21077627 [View All]

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702 posts and 498 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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cbb14f No.21078571

File: 807083532af1839⋯.png (1.24 MB,1317x788,1317:788,ClipboardImage.png)

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29cd0f No.21078572

#25839 >>21077632

>>21077703, >>21077733, >>21077960, >>21078225 Planefag'd

>>21077634, >>21077638, >>21077659, >>21077678 Warroom Meme Stuff

>>21077700 Alvin Bragg Agrees To Partially Lift Gag Order, Allowing Trump To Insult Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen at Looming Debate Against Biden For The Keks!

>>21077710 @MCoEFortMoore At night, by torchlight, we honor legacy and join the future fight. 🔥

>>21077756 Very strong mag. 6.3 Earthquake - 51 km NNE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu

>>21077782 UBS Picks Beijing Over Citadel Securities for Credit Suisse Unit

>>21077790 With the eyes of the world watching before the big night, CNN cuts off the mic and interview for the Trump Campaign Press Secy

>>21077796 Ben Swann Presents Evidence that the US Participated in Israel’s Botched Hostage Rescue

>>21077799 Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

>>21077802 Democrats Shut Down Investigation into Maine’s Surging Excess Deaths

>>21077804 G. Edward Griffin Reveals the Dirty Secret Behind Agenda 21 in Two Minutes

>>21077805, >>21077881, >>21077924, >>21078077, >>21078235 NASA

>>21077812 @AirForce_DW Public access to the Air Force Memorial will be closed on July 4. This is an active construction site


>>21077844 @usairforce USAF ✈️ + @SpaceForceDoD 🚀 = Dream Team 📡 🌎 🛰️

>>21077848 Debate Bingo Card Get em while they hawt!

>>21077878 Ultra Safe Nuclear is developing Pylon — a 1-megawatt, 10-ton-class microreactor that can generate electrical and thermal power on earth and in space! 

>>21077892, >>21077873, >>21077883 20 Minutes with Neil Oliver Banned by Google

>>21077897 LIVE: Blinken delivers remarks on the 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

>>21077913 America, If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer

>>21077930 Nvidia's stock set to enter correction territory as chip-sector selloff sustains

>>21077936 @RepLuna We will hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress

>>21077978 Russian invaders’ space communications center was hit in Crimea

>>21078005, >>21078216 Almost Half of U.S. Electric Car Owners Regret Purchase

>>21078041 @surflant Blue-Green Team 🔵🟢💪🤝

>>21078056 Black Voters in Milwaukee Have ‘Serious and Lingering Doubts About Biden’

>>21078094 Jones underscores importance of US, Australian alliance at Australian Space Summit

>>21078142 Teamsters Union has agreed to speak at the RNC, a feat no other Republican nominee has accomplished

>>21078151 Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S

>>21078168 @KariLake will be in Prescott to rally in support of her friend @EliCrane_CEO

>>21078194 Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded…

>>21078200, >>21078145 2 Killed in Fire at U.S.-Sanctioned Moscow Electronics Research Building

>>21078256 Kansas Files Explosive Lawsuit Accusing Pfizer of Misleading the Public on Covid-Vaccine Risks

>>21078107 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21078310 Disney-themed café in the heart of Hollywood is forced to close after 78 years

>>21078344 Schumann Check

>>21078383 Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds

>>21077984, >>21078386 MP4 Trump Campaign Slams CNN for Cutting Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt’s Microphone Off Mid-Interview

>>21078392 Chuck Pushing the Abortion Sacrifice agenda


>>21078468 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used Jan. 6 & the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.

>>21078513 Former North Dakota state Sen. Ray Holmberg will plead guilty to traveling to the Czech Republic to have sex with children.

>>21078515 1 police officer killed, another seriously injured in a crash involving Hungarian PM Orban's motorcade in Stuttgart, Germany

>>21078544 Maine Independent Commission Withholds Important Drug Information on Mass Murderer Robert Card

>>21078549 Joe Biden could be criminally prosecuted for the m*rder of nursing student Laken Riley if the Supreme Court does not rule there is presidential immunity

>>21077632, >>21077653, >>21077704, >>21077705, >>21077717, >>21077735, >>21077774, >>21077819, >>21077848, >>21077893, >>21078008, >>21078028, >>21078051, >>21078082, >>21078120, >>21078140, >>21078167, >>21078174 , >>21078176, >>21078205, >>21078229, >>21078248, >>21078251, >>21078261, >>21078268, >>21078274, >>21078338, >>21078361, >>21078387, >>21078397, >>21078398, >>21078428, >>21078463, >>21078560 MEMES


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8f7791 No.21078573

File: f35cd6737fa93a9⋯.jpeg (926.21 KB,1317x1672,1317:1672,IMG_2383.jpeg)

File: 99ccaaa3d6625d7⋯.png (41.59 KB,898x454,449:227,4956_2.png)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

And I will restore the sovereign borders of the United States of America, So Help Me God.

(PDJT DID emphasize SO HELP ME GOD at Faith & Freedom Conference and Pennsylvanian Rally) I can’t screen cap video.

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4b11b0 No.21078574

File: ef74332c399bc23⋯.png (624.68 KB,495x500,99:100,1718966246.png)

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7dc5f9 No.21078575


chkt x 2

>DOME test bed


they have to tell us

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470adf No.21078577



An abomination.

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f59a48 No.21078578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Press Sec DEMANDS Apology As CNN CUTS Her Feed for EXPOSING Rigged Debate: 'Take Her Off Air!'

6.2K views · 36 minutes ago


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abebda No.21078579

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 576f8383db8261e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x994,540:497,SSI_Disability_1.png)

File: 388d0f7dcd0334a⋯.png (716.24 KB,990x835,198:167,Scrvvh_1_.png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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7863f9 No.21078580




just shout if tings git fukky

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48b066 No.21078581


Never interrupt your attackers. Goad them into making more mistakes.

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a44856 No.21078584

File: 48956cc7c9c864c⋯.png (125.05 KB,267x300,89:100,paste_taker.png)

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e6defd No.21078587

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB,695x500,139:100,hahahahahaha.png)

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cbb14f No.21078588

File: e3c698c1d335fc6⋯.png (1.16 MB,1292x876,323:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ef9a No.21078592


main cause - "jealousy" …Alex Jewns has said just that on many occasions. ….his employers

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48b066 No.21078594


Option #5: Back out of debate

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8a4c8d No.21078597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let your sticker peck out

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29cd0f No.21078599

#25839 >>21077632


Q Research General #25840: Joe Biden is NOT duly elected and lawfully serving President Edition




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4aee67 No.21078600

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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29cd0f No.21078601


lol, if it gets fukky, i wont be able to shout


or let anons phill

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cbb14f No.21078602

File: 86598d77ca51377⋯.png (1.22 MB,1773x821,1773:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aee67 No.21078603

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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f59a48 No.21078604


Susan Rice

Valerie Jarrett


Cause big mike is busy

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79f207 No.21078605


Replying in kind does not make you sound mad.

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4aee67 No.21078610

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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3d7526 No.21078612

Good afternoon!

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4aee67 No.21078614

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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8f7791 No.21078616

File: da16b2a0688b661⋯.jpeg (992.26 KB,1510x1380,151:138,IMG_2332.jpeg)

File: 18fcc3e08310682⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,2160x1433,2160:1433,IMG_2308.jpeg)

File: 3c2d1fac032bbe0⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2088,45:58,IMG_0488.jpeg)

File: 4198898404614cd⋯.jpeg (2.65 MB,1620x2068,405:517,IMG_0445.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)


Mike Pence Launched The WAR on Planned Parenthood

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cbb14f No.21078617

File: bc3040223ccb673⋯.png (470.11 KB,556x871,556:871,ClipboardImage.png)

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74fb00 No.21078618

File: 9c51a5ebcdd04f8⋯.png (273.23 KB,582x437,582:437,image_2024_06_24_144740744.png)

We're about due for this, right?

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4aee67 No.21078619

File: f655e36cf6800ba⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,745x500,149:100,2l2mlc.jpg)

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4aee67 No.21078621

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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31448a No.21078622


>tell her to to stop re-sending that every week

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4aee67 No.21078623

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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d04fdc No.21078624


Israel is moving their IOF troops out of Gaza because after 9 months of bombing Palestinian apartment buildings and hospitals they can't defeat Hamas.

Israel has been fleecing the US for hundreds of

$$$Billions of Dollars since 1948.

Hamas has old AKs and shoulder fired RPG. They have NO Air Force, NO Tanks, NO Armoured Vehicles, NO Electricity, NO Satellite Surveillance, NO Trucks - yet Hamas is kicking the IDF Soldiers' asses.

Israel, with US supplied 2,000 bombs have bombed nearly stationary building in Gaza.

Israel is good at shooting toddlers and Moms.

Now, Netanyahoo/Mileikowsky is starting a big assault on Lebanon - knowing that Hezbollah has 10x the firepower of the Hamas fighters - the purpose is to make Hezbollah respond bigly - so as to get the US to send American soldiers to fight Lebanon to benefit Israel.

American soldiers to get their limbs blown off or to DIE For ISRAEL.

American Gentiles to DIE for Jews.

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4aee67 No.21078628

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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cbb14f No.21078629

File: 0b1a603ff99e93d⋯.png (920.59 KB,1314x497,1314:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aee67 No.21078630

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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4aee67 No.21078632

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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8f7791 No.21078633

File: f2e7eab29061584⋯.png (98.12 KB,898x938,449:469,4958_2.png)

File: 1b7b26946867259⋯.png (171.3 KB,1376x1694,688:847,4957.png)


Thank You PDJT and VPPence

Good guys #SaveBabies

Happy 2 Year Anniversary of Dobbs!


Jun 25, 2022 10:55:06 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 16521604

Jun 25, 2022 9:56:54 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 000000 No. 16520866

Who was "Jane Roe"?

How do you control generations of a populace?

50 years of conditioning.

50 years of propaganda.

50 years of lies.

Peaceful protests?


"Summer of Love" redux?

What happens when you corner an animal?


[D] power implosion.


Jun 25, 2022 10:17:04 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 000000 No. 16521137

Establishing comms.






1y, 11m, 4w, 15h, 57m ago

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470adf No.21078634


The problem comes when those who need to wake up think they're the ones that are awake.

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4aee67 No.21078636

File: f592a616d8bf0dc⋯.png (239.12 KB,468x666,26:37,2018_09_07_14_29_45_copy.png)

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2742da No.21078638


Hillary Debates Trump

US Marshals Arrest Hillary At Debate Live TV

Trump Runs Unopposed

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d04fdc No.21078639

File: 8548b7f82200ac3⋯.png (12.56 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


What foreign country are you in because it's not even 3 pm on the East Coast of the US.

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7863f9 No.21078640

File: 44e2f66f2f572ab⋯.png (523.28 KB,564x752,3:4,44e2f66f2f572ab71324958e56….png)

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cbb14f No.21078642

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB,634x634,1:1,brainwashed.jpg)

File: 9383665965bef26⋯.png (1.48 MB,1116x595,1116:595,Capture1.PNG)

File: bff0b54915f80b3⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,564x561,188:187,cheers.jpg)

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4aee67 No.21078644

File: dc7d13c45ae4a98⋯.jpg (506.77 KB,832x832,1:1,aliencrop.jpg)

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4aee67 No.21078646

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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4aee67 No.21078648

File: c5c2db4166d0a34⋯.jpg (117.92 KB,894x521,894:521,aliens.jpg)

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4f93e1 No.21078649

File: 4ec1b89c31506f6⋯.jpg (420.99 KB,800x590,80:59,4ec1b89c31506f6d3714adc36d….jpg)


which one?

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7863f9 No.21078650

File: e14d23b77f3279e⋯.jpeg (13.66 KB,252x255,84:85,b6c6b0db73bf0897067462e37….jpeg)

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