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File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,2022_03_10_14_15_23.png)

9af45f No.21076118 [View All]

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701 posts and 522 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f2a811 No.21077609

File: add8d4c7367179e⋯.png (1.69 MB,750x1334,375:667,0A76AA6E_5E63_4D43_A3ED_8B….png)

File: 601c858ae8122dc⋯.png (101.4 KB,690x1434,115:239,F94C8363_811F_4CFC_BFD7_0F….png)

File: 40ecab9c3390055⋯.jpeg (296.25 KB,1600x900,16:9,BCA3DE84_F034_45CC_A851_F….jpeg)

File: ec3f636af7f2be4⋯.png (584.09 KB,690x2168,345:1084,E633A9E0_8A34_44F6_9495_8A….png)

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9ca30c No.21077610


>Water curtailment for eastern Idaho farmers has been lifted


a proposal has been submitted to the bureaucrats who have yet to approve it

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2e7a13 No.21077611

File: 8d211991d371316⋯.jpeg (657.38 KB,1045x618,1045:618,E6B612D2_B9BF_4EF8_9643_D….jpeg)

File: 1b9a6a2957fbfb1⋯.jpeg (340.01 KB,765x581,765:581,0FCB1827_7D48_4A6A_A327_7….jpeg)

File: e82ffce3eef1329⋯.jpeg (562.71 KB,3200x1808,200:113,CB7FE5B3_7DC2_4AA1_9C03_0….jpeg)



$250k is the new $100k

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ab0054 No.21077612

Debate should be fun this week.

We all know Trump will be battling the moderators.

As Biden drools all over the stage.

That's if the debate happens at all.

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c9553b No.21077613

Podesta reportedly told the Senate Intelligence Committee in October 2017 that he did not know who paid Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Days after Podesta’s interview, news outlets reported that Perkins Coie, the law firm for the Clinton campaign and DNC, was the Fusion GPS client. Marc Elias, the Perkins Coie partner who hired Fusion, represented Podesta in the Senate interview.

Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the co-founders of Fusion GPS, wrote in “Crime in Progress” that Podesta provided welcome support in early 2017 for an effort to raise money to fund The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), a nonprofit group former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer Daniel Jones created on Jan. 31, 2017.

Podesta agreed during a meeting with Simpson in early 2017 to contact potential donors to help arrange meetings with Fusion GPS and Jones. In mid-February [2017] and then again in early March, Jones — supported by Fritsch and Simpson — took prospecting trips in the West. They didn’t know the tech community well, so before heading out, they sought some door openers and validators from the world they knew best. One of the most helpful resources turned out to be Podesta. Podesta agreed to contact some friends out west on Jones’s behalf and told him to drop his name in talks with other potential supporters. It was a brave gesture: He could have easily chosen to stay out of it altogether, given the fact that he had served as Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager.

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083cd4 No.21077614

File: 37d0a3003ca4ede⋯.png (1.06 MB,1185x983,1185:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d2a5ab9dd9ca57⋯.png (590.17 KB,1185x642,395:214,ClipboardImage.png)

24 Jun, 2024 10:40

EU reveals timeline for tapping Russian assets

Plans are in place to expropriate €2.5 billion in interest earned by the frozen funds, the bloc’s top diplomat has said

(This is literally insane they are stealing Russia's money, and Russia has seized about $200 billion from the West. They are following in the footsteps of Bidan as a Mafia head, this will not end well for them or the West. There will be more seizures, and it will break down any confidence in the banking sector)


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40ad5e No.21077615




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936b76 No.21077616


The inalienable rights enshrined in the First Amendment are a threat to the power and authority of the Religious hypocrites. They re-frame simple words protected by the first amendment as "violent attacks" to invoke pity and hide their criminal conduct behind altered bible texts. When the heat comes, they hide behind the doctrine of qualified immunity granted by their black robed junior gods.

The Republican Relidionists portend that Freedom of Religion equals Freedom for Religious Slave Plantation owners (think Bible college graduates serving in government) to keep their slaves in chains.

It's the Religionists spamming the board

It's the Religionists invoking Proto to silence criticism of Religion

It's the Religionists threatening to murder people for words that "offend their Religious Sensibilities".

Ignore the fucking retards who can't escape their self-made prisons. BLM, Jews, Catholics, Baptists…they all play the same un-American bullshit games.

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2d9ead No.21077617

File: f5f1a7180ef8d1c⋯.png (206.78 KB,461x837,461:837,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)


Clowns labelling anons who call them out as glowing.

Everything they accuse others of doing, they're doing it themselves.


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9ca30c No.21077618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c9553b No.21077619

File: 120237e13a2710e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,heyrealquicklastquestionfo….mp4)

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40ad5e No.21077620

File: ba47bd2a81a6dba⋯.gif (9.94 MB,400x300,4:3,2d.gif)


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4e1063 No.21077621

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,13d05856c189bc7650f29f24c9….jpg)

File: 54ee04a7b606745⋯.png (12.65 KB,255x213,85:71,37574cf8f784fa9ed42163594a….png)


Lot of addicts rehab it in the 'bu

Luxe and super luxe Rehabs are the light industrial base of pedovore/Satanist communities. They say.

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c9553b No.21077622

File: da28e747f4d786b⋯.png (640.9 KB,1012x824,253:206,reddit.png)


>texts. When

>government) to

you talk like a fag

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2e7a13 No.21077623

File: 57c64b875197707⋯.jpeg (415.95 KB,899x595,899:595,DD47F6A8_79DF_4D58_B315_2….jpeg)

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40ad5e No.21077624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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487600 No.21077625


#25838 >>21076136

>>21077379, >>21077432 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med-EU FM Meeting, FM BAERbock to Tel Aviv, Rzeszow stop and drops

>>21076154 Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal announced his unwavering support for 'Jewish nation': Report

>>21076163 Analyst: YouTube TV Sees First-Ever Subscriber Loss as Churn Hits Pricey Live TV Streaming

>>21076164 North Sioux City Train Bridge has Collapsed due to flooding

>>21076165 Trump Visits Famous Philly Cheesesteak Restaurant Before Philadelphia Campaign Rally

>>21076168 TOM LEONARD: Was one man's twisted obsession with a blonde student waitress the REAL REASON her three housemates were slaughtered in the dead of night?

>>21076302 Over 20 counties in northwest Iowa face record flooding levels


>>21076401 TRUMP or BIDEN? (Bronx Interviews)

>>21076448 Biden is giving China 'absolutely everything' it wants: Peter Schweizer

>>21076489 @EricTrump: Whether it's on China, the Middle East, the economy, or ANYTHING ELSE — the American people KNOW Crooked Joe Biden's eye is not on the ball

>>21076507 Paul Sperry: On stage, Trump ought to ask Biden directly about his role in the secret Jan. 5, 2017 supposedly "by the book" meeting about Trump and the bogus Hillary dossier

>>21076524 Mil reports

>>21076612, >>21076629 Memorable memes

>>21076613 @MarioNawfal on Apple & FB partnership possibility

>>21076620 Falcon 9 delivers 20 @Starlink satellites to orbit from California

Ghost grab

>>21076732, >>21076739, >>21076783 Is CANCER parasites?

>>21076740 The latest “point-in-time” study finds that the number of homeless Chicagoans jumped by 200% over a yearlong period beginning in early 2023.

>>21077087 Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg has surprised the public by announcing that he will hand over the throne to his son after 24 years on the throne.

>>21077332 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/24/2024

>>21077346 Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve

>>21077392 Terrorist attacks in southern Russia: What we know so far

>>21077424 @I_Corps Better than Fiji 😉💧

>>21077445 Nearly $109 million in deposits held for fintech Yotta’s customers vanished in Synapse collapse, bank says

>>21077469 According to estimates from Quiver, Pelosi has made over $17 million this year off of her reported portfolio

>>21077471 NASA

>>21077478 Supreme Court agrees to hear a case challenging a Tennessee law that could determine whether states can restrict gender-affirming care for minors

>>21077481 At least 16 dead in a fire at a lithium battery factory in South Korea

>>21077525 Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21077561 Von der Leyen must go – EU state leader

>>21077582 PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21077614 EU reveals timeline for tapping Russian assets


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f2a811 No.21077626

File: fe54247be93314b⋯.png (572.15 KB,750x1334,375:667,3A4B67F4_0696_4706_B706_3E….png)

File: 28731ac2a7f326e⋯.png (139.18 KB,690x1472,15:32,6A0E148A_B248_4C14_BE00_C7….png)

File: 6b994aca4100b87⋯.png (581.01 KB,690x5080,69:508,5CB6ECB9_C9C1_41EA_8A84_BA….png)

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40ace0 No.21077629

The Epoch Times




BREAKING: Prosecutor Agrees With Trump Attorneys

‘The People agree that this provision no longer needs to be enforced,’ the prosecution’s brief reads.


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f2a811 No.21077630

File: 4ae517b4926ea69⋯.png (60.98 KB,690x630,23:21,E0DDD3F4_3F85_49EF_8185_53….png)

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2cbce5 No.21077631

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was posobiec a bad guy who went good, or a bad guy who is continuing to be bad? Does he love God and Country? What is he fighting for/towards? I can't tell.


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487600 No.21077633

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9af45f No.21077635

File: ca4364f32a429dc⋯.png (994.43 KB,1248x905,1248:905,2.png)

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9ca30c No.21077637


that Poso glo

>What is he fighting for/towards?

Freemasonic NWO

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2e7a13 No.21077639

File: 91acb70d1480c13⋯.jpeg (324.32 KB,743x785,743:785,965F3BE6_B468_49AF_93B2_E….jpeg)


Get rid of the evidence stat!

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9af45f No.21077640

File: 9d47bcc2a26acff⋯.png (135.22 KB,377x261,13:9,comfy_pepe_2.png)

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9af45f No.21077642

File: b51320a9ff1046b⋯.png (309.12 KB,506x391,22:17,avending_angel_300x100.png)

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9af45f No.21077644

File: 0266c2e46e8a329⋯.png (352.48 KB,548x354,274:177,2024_04_02_16_51_34.png)

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9af45f No.21077648

File: 10f46237a471001⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,383x382,383:382,2023_08_18_18_56_10.jpg)

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487600 No.21077650

File: 9ef9a4bed01510a⋯.png (1.31 MB,720x960,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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9af45f No.21077652

File: fad7dd4889fdc5e⋯.png (154.72 KB,304x294,152:147,meme_farmer_new.png)

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936b76 No.21077655


Legal orders come from the Law, not "The Babble".

"…all enemies, foreign and domestic…"

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9af45f No.21077656

File: b5bd2ddb8995a50⋯.png (55.05 KB,306x201,102:67,WWG1WGA_trump_on_plane.png)

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47fe63 No.21077657

File: bd5dc946c25ec96⋯.jpg (150.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1651391072223.jpg)

File: 2080a12167585b3⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,213x270,71:90,1624947714521.jpg)

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9af45f No.21077660

File: afc8c4ccc042cab⋯.png (110.21 KB,330x338,165:169,potus_trump_i_dont_always_….png)

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487600 No.21077661

File: 4f5f5c93e3718e8⋯.png (16.66 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b95c88 No.21077663

Does anyone have a screen shot of the MSM headlines from Trumps “very fine people” comments from back in 2017? I used to be able to compare and contrast a date specific search range between Google and Duck Duck Go to show the hypocrisy between the two but it appears that method has been subverted by the DS now too. I’m trying to show the MSM drastic about face via headline bias as compared to the new talking points for the current fact checkers and why now? Any ideas. I was going to make a meme to show the difference in 7 years. Way back machine maybe? Thanks for helping an Anon out.

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487600 No.21077665

File: 4ea150f62758ae5⋯.jpeg (37.52 KB,255x251,255:251,4ea150f62758ae52c8765f5a9….jpeg)

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9af45f No.21077669

File: cc952a314a306aa⋯.jpg (156.08 KB,1136x645,1136:645,2023_11_23_14_27_46.jpg)

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327da9 No.21077672

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,255x254,255:254,HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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487600 No.21077680

File: 9dca46cfb5f9c06⋯.gif (276.1 KB,892x799,892:799,9dca46cfb5f9c0627dade11471….gif)

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083cd4 No.21077681

File: c7a4664e3014514⋯.png (840.89 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Jun, 2024 13:51

Civilians killed on Sevastopol beach were ‘occupiers’ – top Zelensky aide

There cannot be any “peaceful life” in Crimea, Mikhail Podoliak has warned

The deaths of four Russian civilians in a Ukrainian attack on Crimea were justified as the peninsula’s inhabitants are “occupiers,” Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s top aide, Mikhail Podoliak, declared on Monday.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian military fired five US-supplied ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol on Sunday.

Russian air defense systems destroyed four of the projectiles in mid-air, but the fifth was damaged, veered off course, and detonated its cluster warhead over a packed beach, killing four civilians and injuring more than 150. Two of those killed were children.

The Kremlin described the attack as an act of “terrorism,” and argued that the US bears equal responsibility for the deaths. “Cluster munitions in ATACMS missiles cannot be launched without the participation of American specialists and support from US intelligence,” Russia’s envoy to the US, Anatoly Antonov, stated.“It is no coincidence that enemy drones are circling over the Black Sea almost every day.”

In a post to his Telegram channel, Podoliak defended the Ukrainian attack.

“There are not and cannot be any ‘beaches’, ‘tourist zones’ and other fictitious signs of ‘peaceful life’ in Crimea,” he wrote. “Crimea is definitely a foreign territory occupied by Russia, where hostilities are taking place, a full-scale war is ongoing.”

“Crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse, with hundreds of direct military targets, which the Russians cynically try to mask and cover with their own civilians,” he continued, adding that these civilians are considered “occupiers” by Kiev.

Crimea has been considered Russian land since imperial times, and was an autonomous republic within the Soviet Union when it was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR by Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev in 1954 for logistical reasons. The peninsula remained in Ukrainian hands after the fall of the USSR, until its people voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation in 2014. Prior to the 2014 referendum, the Kiev government rejected a number of similar plebiscites during the 1990s.

The US and NATO view Crimea as “illegally annexed” Ukrainian territory, and have demanded that Moscow return the region to Kiev’s control.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US ambassador Lynne Tracy on Monday morning to answer for Washington’s role in the attack. According to a statement released by the ministry,Russian officials told Tracy that Sunday’s “bloody atrocity” will “not go unpunished.”

The US Embassy in Moscow has yet to comment. When asked for its take on the deadly Ukrainian strike, the Pentagon replied that “we have seen the reports and have nothing to say.

(Where is the UN and other Organizations saying that “killing innocent civilians is a violation of International War”? Where is the outrage in EU and US telling Ukraine they cannot target civilians, they are doing this intentionally.)


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9af45f No.21077683

File: da7c263fb37c88d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1008x876,84:73,19th_century_pepe.png)

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9af45f No.21077686

File: 9580b266b73c443⋯.png (405.83 KB,534x547,534:547,pepe_badge.png)

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9af45f No.21077688

File: 581f063fa7f36d6⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,222x227,222:227,aint_we_got_fun.jpg)

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9af45f No.21077692

courtesy fresh





this bread is done, plz report

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9af45f No.21077695

File: 24d7ce6807e5c8e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1188x694,594:347,helicopter.png)

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80dcd7 No.21077698

File: f5547c645c41455⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB,828x633,276:211,CC2C9587_ABA1_4960_A4AD_C….jpeg)

File: 84f9705a3877fd6⋯.jpeg (122.83 KB,828x496,207:124,74AB41A8_3661_4D55_A457_2….jpeg)

File: 034b0caa00cf4e3⋯.jpeg (80.82 KB,828x398,414:199,EBCC2F42_1622_4C6B_9513_4….jpeg)

File: c62640d451a52e2⋯.jpeg (124.38 KB,828x429,276:143,3E2BAB37_1033_4227_8097_7….jpeg)

TheY are in a furtive panic.

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487600 No.21077702

File: 56e858489f26fce⋯.png (324.22 KB,640x732,160:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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9af45f No.21077706


they do seem a bit upset don't they?

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