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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,c6f171fb6064da0766d7779e57….jpg)

25a5c6 No.21070221 [View All]

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701 posts and 392 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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611682 No.21070979

File: db7fa343550be38⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,720x970,72:97,photo_2022_06_02_12_37_13.jpg)

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17d99a No.21070980

File: c4c5cab836a7c14⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,1088x780,272:195,c4c5cab836a7c148b3a8c2eb7….jpeg)


>There is no we in us

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796bcf No.21070981


>>21070845, >>21070846, >>21070850, >>21070849, >>21070840, >>21070837, >>21070834, >>21070470, >>21070850, >>21070853, >>21070886, >>21070952, Fuck the law, obey the King, because "God Said."

>>21070838, >>21070591 Penises & fertility

>>21070820, >>21070736, >>21070718, >>21070427, >>21070867, Sexual Perversion

>>21070768, Death penalty for perversion

>>21070628, >>21070625, >>21070621, >>21070618, >>21070613, >>21070611, Greta

>>21070909, >>21070902, >>21070907, >>21070912, >>21070938, >>21070945, >>21070965, >>21070970 GM Slide

>>21070782, >>21070710, >>21070843, >>21070670, Flop out your IQ score, anons are taking pics

"mOsT PoWerFul bOard oN teH iNtErNet"

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7a2c8b No.21070982

File: e996d75869c3b63⋯.jpg (178.33 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_23_08_5….jpg)

File: d5278c9be41b0c0⋯.jpeg (116.98 KB,2048x1408,16:11,GQt8wztXkAArOnG.jpeg)


numbers on receipt

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f2a942 No.21070983

File: a1223798b85d47f⋯.png (55.83 KB,574x292,287:146,Screenshot.png)


this kind (pic rel)


>I've seen some that ask vocabulary questions.

welp, maybe? but that isn't IQ so it would be weird, but maybe that's how you do things across the pond, i wouldn't know

blessed day to you as well

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8cce8e No.21070984


My pediatric psychiatrist dau and her sister, a veterinarian are both jabbed to the hilt! They seem incapable of thinking rationally anymore.

14 years of school for the shrink, and they got to both of them. I pray they come around before it's too late.

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6ad0fe No.21070985


AI could help spread false and misleading information on Holocaust, UNESCO report warns

The report was published in partnership with the World Jewish Congress.

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49e069 No.21070986

File: b752f0714b17512⋯.png (702.21 KB,600x698,300:349,food.PNG)



End Wokeness


Trump vs Biden ordering food in Philly:

11:27 AM · Jun 22, 2024




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7d3de6 No.21070987

File: 9b5ea7a4fc665f0⋯.png (456.47 KB,736x736,1:1,9b5ea7a4fc665f02868451e6e4….png)

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7a2c8b No.21070988

File: d5278c9be41b0c0⋯.jpeg (116.98 KB,2048x1408,16:11,GQt8wztXkAArOnG.jpeg)

File: f6e358fcdc74c4e⋯.png (104.4 KB,640x898,320:449,1350_1_.png)

File: fa371c3bd0d021e⋯.png (1.62 MB,640x6824,80:853,1450_2_.png)

File: c0ea76059e11d02⋯.png (114.95 KB,640x1322,320:661,3375.png)

File: 003210d13a515a3⋯.png (158.94 KB,640x1230,64:123,337_2_.png)

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145bc7 No.21070989

File: 7d6ce8b51b55c8f⋯.jpeg (80.27 KB,720x556,180:139,IMG_0126.jpeg)


Will there be death camps with big giant gas ovens for all the Alphabet agents, and unnecessary government workers? Can I run one? LMK, & TY.

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611682 No.21070990

File: eed4a9313251f9e⋯.png (2.04 MB,1861x1425,1861:1425,Fauci_China_orangeman.png)


>74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

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45cad0 No.21070991

Did everyone bring their toolbox to class today?

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3a4d04 No.21070992


>this kind

ok then I got 100% before I ttried the ones on the bottom row. which would be open triangle & tin hat?

I must be 'mental retard' ask scool kids called me

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7a2c8b No.21070993

File: b776799678e541d⋯.png (72.87 KB,640x754,320:377,231_3_.png)

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6ad0fe No.21070994

Favorite restaurants with the kids:

American City Dinner and Comet Ping Pong.


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1bfc76 No.21070995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


manufacturing jobs -> magic wand

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17d99a No.21070996


>My pediatric psychiatrist dau and her sister,


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097515 No.21070997


I hear Comet Ping Pong is very accommodating to kids

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6ad0fe No.21070998



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17d99a No.21070999


>Did everyone bring their toolbox to class today?

You are my one and only tool fool and just build your own box.

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80ec6b No.21071000

File: e4d3921f691d65c⋯.jpeg (81.28 KB,1280x555,256:111,fhPoLzbGmCVS.jpeg)

Newsweek published a conspiracy theorist map

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a7bc90 No.21071001

File: 65af8114e584781⋯.png (579.88 KB,828x930,138:155,GM.png)

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1bd6f0 No.21071002


Blow it, Cathy.

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6ad0fe No.21071003


Stay comfy.

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7d3de6 No.21071004

File: d45acf4fef61275⋯.jpg (22.43 KB,400x398,200:199,d45acf4fef6127500f3da1fc0f….jpg)

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308b1a No.21071005

File: 432454201dd22ef⋯.png (469.9 KB,634x511,634:511,2ec825afcec5282118faa0a94d….png)

"Make it 'She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah. '

'Bah, bah, bah" was too on the nose.

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f2a942 No.21071006


? i'm probably misunderstanding you, but if i'm not:

bottom row is answers "which one of these 5 do you put where the question mark is?" it's examples to show (from before taking an online test) what to expect and how to answer it (with the marked ones being the correct ones)

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1a1f46 No.21071007

File: c641a8de913ff46⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1471,1080:1471,Screenvch.png)

American people are stupid people.

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65e450 No.21071008


247 Acknowledged

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59ee38 No.21071009


>My pediatric psychiatrist dau and her sister, a veterinarian are both jabbed to the hilt! They seem incapable of thinking rationally anymore.


>14 years of school for the shrink, and they got to both of them. I pray they come around before it's too late.

They're the toughest to crack imo.

My best guess is that they're thinking it's a choice between believing the people on tv, accredited academia and medicine, vs a few outliers in medicine and black sheep family member who posts cartoon frogs all day.

It's rough. I think of the story of Lot when I hear stories like this.

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17d99a No.21071010


>manufacturing jobs -> magic wand

Magic wand manufacturing nanny jobs.


>Blow it, Cathy.

That is not a magic wand you got there, that thing spells disaster.

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87d4db No.21071011


>I said I Q, not IQ.

you lie too


>My I Q is 147, which is the highest IQ anyone can attain, fact.


>difference between me and you

this anon already pointed out the difference


>There are different types of intelligence. And posting your IQ to an anonymous message board would indicate a defect in one of them.

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a7bc90 No.21071012

File: adfe51bc9476f12⋯.png (680.71 KB,960x602,480:301,2024_06_15_11_40_13.png)

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84f90b No.21071013


Sit down, Uganda.

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308b1a No.21071014

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB,852x1024,213:256,21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB,620x679,620:679,1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2810x4692,1405:2346,bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: ad8a6ce02cb2e77⋯.png (457.43 KB,625x612,625:612,ddd4e892a048752182e4f140f9….png)

File: e2b4beaf62ef733⋯.png (1.35 MB,792x1197,88:133,main_qimg_77ccbdf67b4e0e0b….png)

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225a26 No.21071015

File: bd943082c62a908⋯.png (1.47 MB,1080x1445,216:289,Screenshot_20240623_073604….png)

File: b22aa48b1aa7147⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1440,3:4,Screenshot_20240623_073412….png)

American people are retarded people.

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6ad0fe No.21071016

File: c93017dbde84af6⋯.png (262.81 KB,441x609,21:29,civilianforsure.png)


>The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF.

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1bfc76 No.21071017


Nanny jobs….more time for ladies to get a few ducats off onlyfans

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65e450 No.21071018


Read the drops. ThankQ.

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f3794d No.21071019

Finish it up.

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48b533 No.21071020

File: 6cc1e44f747fd59⋯.png (165.62 KB,811x603,811:603,control_the_delagates.PNG)

PHOENIX — Arizona delegates to the Republican National Convention gathered this month in a Phoenix suburb, showing up to get to know each other and learn about their duties.

Part of the presentation included a secret plan to throw the party’s nomination of Donald Trump for president into chaos.


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1bfc76 No.21071021


but my mother is chinese

does that count?

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28b037 No.21071022

Boom, Boom, Boom!

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308b1a No.21071023

File: 1e3860fc2953148⋯.png (443.62 KB,422x421,422:421,1e3860fc29531487128f725778….png)

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f9b196 No.21071024

Truth belongs with the people.

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fa0810 No.21071025



normally the IDF just shoots them and runs them over with their vehicles

tying them to the front while passing 2 ambulances, just complicates things

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50f028 No.21071026

File: 20e414c11c868f7⋯.png (491.83 KB,1280x944,80:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bfc76 No.21071027


Government begs to differ

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564f96 No.21071028


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